Painkiller Already - PKN #277

Episode Date: December 20, 2019

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 pkn 277 what's up gentlemen how's it going how's it going guys good i think i deserve a little gold star for not being the first one of us banned off twitch everybody said it was gonna happen to me first and it's not happened to me yet hanging there i started a month before you so you have to go the next three weeks just reported you i just reported you taylor i i've put in a ticket taylor you have to go the next three weeks i just reported you i just reported you taylor i i've put in a ticket taylor you have to go three weeks without getting banned before you beat my duration well i'm taking a lot of care now about those names that people will donate with oh thanks to stevie williker 96 and then like another, like someone gave me like 20 bucks.
Starting point is 00:00:45 And I was like, thank you. Knee. Grow. For the $20. I'm like, how much time can I do? I should put between that to make sure it's all okay.
Starting point is 00:00:58 Thank you, Mr. Grow. I feel like they should be more accepting because I don't, I didn't see the clip. My understanding of what happened to you, Woody, is you got duped into saying something through a chat. I don't even recall. Bob Saget. I don't remember it.
Starting point is 00:01:15 I read in the Discord that you said I was reading a Dono message. I don't know if I got duped into saying something or if I just read a Dona's message or whatever. I don't a's message or whatever I I don't like being banned but it's not like the end of my world or anything I could either stream on YouTube or not stream or well I'm pretty much set for life so I could tell everyone I am making upwards of dozens of dollars per stream. Sorry, Hope. Next semester's a little iffy.
Starting point is 00:01:50 Right. I said faggot. I'm sorry, I wasn't able to come through with that donation to your school. So, yeah, I'm being like, I'm trying to be real careful with the people's chat because, yeah, they go over the top. school so uh i'm being like i'm trying to be real careful with the people's chat because yeah they they they go over the top like i retard seems to be okay would have been banned immediately if just
Starting point is 00:02:14 like i've said this before but you know black people can say the n word you can say it's the exact same thing yeah yeah it's the exact truly i ask anyone argue that point uh but i like already of course donations slowing down because the novelty of the first couple streams wearing off but still it's like by the end of them i'm like fuck this is a not insignificant amount of money to sit here and joke around with people playing magic or south park i don't know your numbers but my suspicion is i started where you are now and i've moved on to an insignificant amount of money yeah see i'm thinking that's what it's going to be like eventually but i'll like i have to it won't grow that much until i can put more time into it i don't think so i think you
Starting point is 00:02:56 know you provide uh quality content and entertainment people and they and they tip you for it that's that's that's kind of how twitch works it's not not supposed to be like, hey, the light bills. That's eBay. But what Twitch is supposed to be and the way you're doing it is like, hey, guitar case is open. I'm playing. Do what you want. And you're playing some good songs and people are tossing some money in the guitar case. That's how it's supposed to work.
Starting point is 00:03:24 And everybody says you do a good job on there i i've watched i've watched a little bit uh you know i'm a busy man busy man fingers in a lot of time so you know i i tune in as much as i can but um how are you liking magic are they are they doing what you thought they would do in critiquing you or or or your audience more, currently anyway, a Taylor audience rather than a Magic the Gathering audience? I mean, it's funny because at one point I think I was the number three person on Twitch streaming Magic. And so, of course, people filter in. And, of course, the vast majority of people are pka people who like me enough to watch and so the chat is just making fun of me and being making memes and jokes and making fun
Starting point is 00:04:14 of each other and shut up retard fat-headed idiot you know like all that kind of stuff and then every once in a while i'd notice like a couple comments like what in the world is going on in this magic chat it's like this guy's not even talking about the game like you didn't use your regrowth and that is some pretty irresponsible language they saved me a couple times where i was like i was trying to pay more attention to the chat than the game because that's more fun i feel like and like it's it's k Kyle you know from playing magic where if you're not paying full attention there might be a situation where I can win the game and I make a wrong move and then I give him an extra couple turns with my which might end up costing me the
Starting point is 00:04:55 game really and if I ever was about to make one of those mistakes uh the whole chat or at least the people who knew anything about magic would be like you've got lethal you've got lethal don't fucking go don't fucking go you've got lethal i'm like oh hell yeah man you guys are making me better even with the delay it's not a problem well it's a turn-based game so like i'm taking plenty of time between between the turns and the moves and stuff and i was thinking i was gonna get absolutely trashed because i started with a brand new account and so i had just had the stock decks but was winning. And you win there with your mere decade of magic background. You're going to win.
Starting point is 00:05:28 You're going to win a lot. Just because you're streaming on Twitch doesn't it, and I'm sure you know this, but it's not like you're playing with just Twitch streamers. Yeah. You're playing with everyone at large. And so the average, I won most of my games playing that game you know what i mean like like you build a nice deck depending which game are you playing but you
Starting point is 00:05:50 build a nice deck and you you win i was winning probably 65 75 of the time or something like that i had a good time i like that game every once in a while though someone plays like a couple cards in a row that are very rare i'm like oh shit this bitch spent money and then i just get absolutely rolled over by just a superior deck but yeah anyway sorry what i stepped on no i was gonna i was gonna agree with you i have the same thing where like almost all my viewers are from pka and then there's a few that are like man this guy really needs mods why hasn't he banned the word boomer yet can you imagine the feedback i'd get on that like it's like no it's okay it's okay this is just how we talk to each other around here
Starting point is 00:06:30 speaking of twitch streamers um i i saw um the latest from wings first of all wings got that scratch buffed out on this car nice very nice i i will say the car looks nice you know he's good at keeping taking care of vehicles it looks like it's been like i don't know washed and buffed and waxed and all that stuff it's shiny as fuck 10 year old cars look two years old it looks very nice this car looks very nice right now and uh but we finally got to the bottom of why gangster grandma moved out why wings of redemption lives all all by his lonesome these days why she wanted to smoke in other rooms of the house she wanted to smoke indoors and he was not having that and so she moved out rather than smoke outside i wonder so the official reason was different the official reason was that she wanted
Starting point is 00:07:21 wings to stop like she didn't want to be bet wing's best friend anymore she wanted him to stop. Like she didn't want to be bet wings, best friend anymore. She wanted him to go out, meet a girl, start a family, make real life friends. She wanted a better life for him. So she removed herself from it. So that would happen. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:34 Was I dumb for ever thinking that was it? Or is it one of those things where her a lot of credit, you're giving her a thing to think about it. You know how, like, let's say Kyle, that you're doing anything, and you have four reasons,
Starting point is 00:07:48 and those four reasons are all your real reasons, right? Those are the things, and they're genuinely your things. But I, as a hater, pick number three, because that's the one that I feel is the least, whatever, honorable, favorable, popular. Yeah, for sure. Do you think that's what we're doing? No, he admitted it it he explained it himself like it's it's straight from the i won't make a joke the
Starting point is 00:08:10 horse's mouth uh you know he said uh he said yeah she wanted to smoke in the house and i wasn't having that and so she moved out but i think she'll come back and he also said that he's got kind of a quasi girlfriend right now and i don't follow as much as i used to like like not nearly as closely i don't watch every minute of every video watch him last night i think what he said was that his quasi girlfriend i guess they asked why she hasn't moved in he's like oh it takes a while to move a man out there like it should take a while to move a man man like like days could go by before wings gets a girlfriend hours takes a while to move him in, man. Days could go by before Wings gets a girlfriend. Hours! Hours!
Starting point is 00:08:47 It takes a while to move him in. I mean, sometimes they have lamps and pillows. Maybe he was talking about gangster grandma. I probably shouldn't even say anything if I don't have my shit straight. But someone in his life was getting an exploratory surgery like this week. It was either gangster grandma or his girlfriend. Like I said, I was just watching exploratory surgery like this week. It was either Gangster Grandma or his girlfriend. Like I said, I was just watching bits and pieces of his video.
Starting point is 00:09:09 I've been playing a lot of Tarkov and cooking a lot and hanging out with my family and stuff. I've been following nearly as closely as I usually do. I did catch that part where he was talking about someone getting exploratory surgery. I really should have my ducks in the row before I even bring that up.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Geisha Ramah, she's at an age where like surgery becomes dangerous, right? At her health level. So I hope that, and if they're having exploratory surgery on someone at her health level, they're only doing that because they're worried they're going to find something tragic right you know you might do an exploratory surgery on a 19 year old to see what that going on inside that knee you know but they don't do that on it on her in gangster room anyway i hope she's okay yeah yeah you know you know she seemed like a nice enough lady um she she was the nicest of the clan uh down in South Carolina. So, yeah, wish the best for her. I had a little thing today.
Starting point is 00:10:07 Oh, yeah? Exploratory surgery. I had my PRP treatment on my elbow today. It says for platelet-rich plasma. This is what it is. And people are going to haze me for it. I hope it works. Anyway, they take your blood out.
Starting point is 00:10:21 They put it in a centrifuge. And then what they put back in is the platelet-rich plasma. That is the stuff that heals the area. So it's like a concentrated little self-healing thing, and it's my elbow. I looked up the research on it, and some people said it didn't work. It never does any harm.
Starting point is 00:10:40 It's just putting your own blood back in. Some people said that it's inconclusive. But then there are other people that seem to love it um i got pointed that direction from joe lozon he and his peers use prp all the time and uh it helps them heal their bad joints i looked it up just today and they're like it's especially useful for elbow injuries and whatever my doctor my doctor's physician assistant who's awesome he's younger so he went to school more recently and it was like one of his areas of study on his master's or something that uh in prp so i'm trying it we'll see when are you supposed to see results
Starting point is 00:11:17 like six weeks is like three weeks i'm supposed to have no activity which is really tough on me i actually got them to approve pushups on my knuckles. Like I'm negotiating with him. But he's like, if you can do that on your knuckles, you're not bent wrist, no pain. Little did you know it wouldn't be a problem for the first four weeks. That I could still do that.
Starting point is 00:11:41 But three weeks in, and I get to do like lame therapy kind of activity like bending bars and holding a hammer and doing the twisty thing. And then by the three weeks after that, I should ease back into more normal activity. But that's a long time for me. That's where we are.
Starting point is 00:11:59 So six weeks, you can't really work out. We're going to do a cutting phase, a little cardio, a little running. That's where we are. I've been doing that mile a day ideal world yeah i've been doing a mile a day every day running for 30 days today is day 10 and uh that's going well i don't know why i thought it wouldn't i thought like i thought that i would just slowly get worse every day, but kind of like the fitness channel. Well, yeah, but I'm old. I keep the, like, someday this will change. And when you're older and you exercise,
Starting point is 00:12:33 it's like, all right, yesterday was terrible. Today's worse. And we're going to pile on top of that and pile on top of that and pile on top of that without rest days and you get screwed. But it's not like that like my leg muscles are still kind of sore but um my wind is fine i've even added some distance i'm running more than a mile a day and uh yeah it and i and i just like i kind of i start and stop by touching
Starting point is 00:13:00 my mailbox that's like my i don't know it's a thing i do and uh i've just been gliding uphill back to the mailbox like huh you know that was nothing like day one so that's that's going okay that's kind of cool yeah yeah that i just remember even in school like when i was in high school i would be playing so much hockey and people can be like oh it's not that hard to play goalie it's like it's a lot of burst cardio especially when you're taking a lot of shots and you're playing all the fucking time and i would handle that just fine because i was mostly enjoying myself i wouldn't be thinking about it i remember one team i was on we lost this side track one team i was on we played a team that was like out literally out of our league and like an exhibition thing because the coach our coach was like it'll be really good practice for you guys
Starting point is 00:13:49 these guys are some of the best in the country and we just got stomped absolutely walloped i think i had like 60 shots on me and i let in five which not bad bad. Pretty good. Yeah, pretty good. It was like 60 shots, like five goals. Maybe I think it was above 90, 90% say percentage. And then the next practice, like the coach was like, I don't believe you guys gave it your all. Yeah, they were better. I won't lie to you. I don't think you guys gave it your all. And he tried to get everybody to skate.
Starting point is 00:14:20 And I started to go off. He's like, you're part of this team too line up and then the assistant coach goes taylor get get off the ice and the assistant coach was like the previous were you in goalie gear for this yeah yeah and so first of all it would have been like dude fuck you do you know how much harder it is for me to skate i do flat skates and my heavy ass equipment and that would have sucked anyway like like i i always felt like my cardio was pretty good with skating and all that but then even in the midst of hockey season and gym they'd be like all right we're running the mile and halfway through i'd be like
Starting point is 00:14:59 this this is horrible there's a weird taste in my mouth and i hate this and i'm bored oh i'm so bored like i think the worst thing to do you're stronger than me but i think our builds are in the same rough class and uh not for running you don't see a lot of guys out there doing marathons gliding with with our like shoulders and rib cages and yeah my my dad told me I went straight from running like a gay guy in kindergarten and then transitioned to skating and didn't run at all. And then when I was bigger and started running again for different things,
Starting point is 00:15:39 he's like, yeah, you just never really picked up that runner's gait of on your toes or whatever you just kind of like barrel around it's like just falling forward smashing through bales of hay comically leaving tailor-shaped holes in walls and it also didn't work that like my nose I still can't breathe through my nose. Right. And so like every 10 steps, I feel like I'd have to like, like trying to spit out phlegm and stuff. So I should really get a nose exam.
Starting point is 00:16:12 I'm the same. Yeah. Yeah. God knows what's going on in there. I've always had a deviated septum. My family like genetically does. If you look at pictures of my great grandparents, their noses start under one eye and end under the other.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Like they're crooked as hell. Mine doesn't look that that crooked but if you were to see the inside you'd be like ah there it is you got that Woodworth nose in you and yeah so I've never breathed well but then it got broken somebody hit me as a teenager and it got broken in two places and it got even worse after that so i'm kind of mouth breather ish yeah yeah i bet they could go in there and like like uh like like when i got my nose broken i went in for like it was like a two-hour surgery or something they put me under i woke up and it was fucking fixed i bet you've probably got a similar like fix for whatever you've got going on it's not a big deal joe rogan had his fixed i think and every so often he like nose brags he's
Starting point is 00:17:06 like just like like demonstrating the kind of inhale he does and meanwhile i have like what i could i could inhale through a straw better than i could through my nose oh see that's a real problem like when i pluck my nose hair and like it all out, it's a noticeable difference. It's more airflow. It's like I put a high-performance intake on my car. It's like, oh, I got at least a quarter more horses now. I can almost hear the throughput in that nose, and it's a little stuffed. But you still exceed mine.
Starting point is 00:17:40 Right now, I need to blow it. Yeah, yeah, definitely so. I watched the latest Rogan, or at least the latest one I saw. He had this guy. Let me, I've got it pulled up, so I'm going to look at the guy's name. It's Glenn Villanueva. That's the best way I know how to pronounce it. It's 1395 was the number.
Starting point is 00:17:57 This guy who lives in the wilderness in Alaska and kills his own food and eats it. He lives off caribou and stuff very good episode very very cool like he's talking about eating every part of the caribou like he eats the antlers when they're in felt he eats the colon he eats like that like while he's butchering the caribou he's cutting chunks of fat off and just eating the fat raw like like real interesting guy like like and he doesn't come off like a madman you know sometimes people who do that they come off like okay yeah i mean you probably roadkill dude you're clearly like in the head this guy like really down to earth he dropped out of school in ninth grade or something like that he's like
Starting point is 00:18:41 but but he sounds very well educated he's he's He's just sort of like self-taught. All my maths, all my arithmetics, all my reading put it all into learning the body of an elk. I think that's what he focused on. But he spent like the last 20 years almost living up in the wilderness area of Alaska all by himself. They have to fly in to bring him toilet paper.
Starting point is 00:19:04 I like to think he was baffled by all the electronic like electricity I'm looking to say in Joe's studio like what is this thing microphone? Well he had that stuff but like current events like Joe had to explain the the Jesse the Jussie small Smollett. Yeah the juicy sommelier scenario and and that was really interesting to hear a guy who's you know he lives in no man's land eating caribou that he kills himself and sometimes he goes through starvation periods because he the caribou aren't around and you know he's he's had wolves try to kill him and bears try to kill him and all this crazy stuff and he's describing all that and then then joe's like so let me tell you about
Starting point is 00:19:45 juicy simolee it was just he was just like it was this weird like uh it was very very bizarre to hear him like getting a nitty-gritty on that yeah it was a good it was a really good rogan um speaking of rogan i guess man next week is the biggest card of the year right yes week is the biggest card of the year right yes it is a pay-per-view kind of night and i am gonna slap that 65 bucks down or whatever it's my nature to push back and be like probably not the big it might be the biggest i don't know a bigger one yeah there are three title fights including one that i in particular have wanted to see for over a year now. Usman Covington, is that the same one? Yeah. That's the one. Covington hadn't fought in so long, it seems like.
Starting point is 00:20:30 No, he did. He just broke the record for number of punches landed in a fight. Did he? Was I away? You know, you might have been, actually. Shit. Cody, I can't remember. Help me.'t help me coming Colby Colby. Oh, that's why it's not a feeling. Yeah, colby. Yeah, I I'm very into that fight. But you know, I gotta say like, like, anytime Max
Starting point is 00:20:58 Holloway is in is in the cage. I want to see that and anytime Amanda Nunez is in the cage. I want to see that. And anytime Amanda Nunez is in the cage, I want to see that too. So great night of fights. August 3rd, you were away, right? I think so. That's when he broke the record against Robbie Lawler for number of punches landed, I think. Yeah, I don't remember watching that one. So it's a good bet that maybe I was away. But yeah, very, very into this fight card uh looking really looking forward to it can't wait um it's the it's the first good one in a little bit here you know um last week obviously
Starting point is 00:21:34 i mean just a few days ago i guess we got to see uh ovareem have one of the hardest to watch losses ever did you watch it no but i saw the the ending overeem had won every round like they showed the judges scorecards and he had some 10 8s i think maybe even but he was definitely 10 9 all the way through on all the judges there was a little variance here and there but he had the fight in the back and he kept pushing the action like he totally could have done that thing where they sort of like jog and do a circle around the ring and he had 20 seconds left or something like that and that dude popped him and knocked him the out and i don't know if that was the i'm a little fuzzy now but i know his lip is split so badly reddit says that's what they did at the very end
Starting point is 00:22:24 oh my god that's one of the i've seen one of those obviously robbie lawler had that that classic one where he's just ah i think it was worse than rob so robbie lawler's was very bad robbie lawler got hit for you guys just visualizing this and it gave him three lips kind of like a dog right a bottom lip and then the top was split. Overeem's was like that. Excuse me. Except that it was a little more gnarled. It wasn't a nice straight line to stitch back up. It was just burger meat on the side.
Starting point is 00:22:57 It's real nasty. That's the worst division to fight in, I think, is heavyweight. I think it has to be. In some ways. In damage, I agree. In damage, it's the worst way worst on the other hand i feel like you can be a top 10 fighter much more easily i mean i'm a top 20 fighter right are there even 20 heavyweights like i just need to gain 20 30 pounds and i'm the top 25 heavyweight you put together three wins and you might be in line for a title shot maybe three i think three ones would do it i think three wins and you might be in line for a title shot?
Starting point is 00:23:25 Maybe? I think three wins would do it. I think three wins would do it. I think if you beat one guy who's fucking 17th and then you beat the 11th ranked guy and then the 7th ranked guy, you get a title shot. I think that's basically it. Especially if you do it in short order. If you do all that in a year, you're probably getting a fucking title shot. And then do 155, right?
Starting point is 00:23:47 What did Khabib have to go? like 26 and 0 for his title shot had to do ferguson's won like 11 or 12 in a row it's 12 and you're right yeah uh that's a really he's a great example um you do that heavyweight you're the greatest of all time you literally yeah well fedora had 30 or something, but that's a little different. He's in Canada. He's in Japan fighting against Cairns. Yeah, I don't know. I don't have those gentlemen's credentials in front of me.
Starting point is 00:24:15 God knows who he was destroying. He looked good all those times. I don't know. I didn't watch a lot of Strike Force or whatever the fuck. Pride, that's what it was, of course. I don't know if you've been keeping up with Mandalorian. This is sort of tangentially watch a lot of strike force or or whatever the pride that's what it was of course um uh i don't know if you've been catching keeping up with the mandalorian this is this is sort of tangentially related but uh gina carano uh is in the most recent episode that i've watched i'm a little bit behind i didn't recognize her she's hot as right i don't know who that is gina carano was the the top lady before ronda rousey before ronda rousey she was not only the baddest
Starting point is 00:24:47 of the bad cyborg excluded uh but she was beautiful and the ronda also you know ticked those two boxes and uh um i don't know super cool but i think she i don't know she just peaked a little early she thought cyborg was the problem there's that There's that famous image of Cyborg holding her face like this. Really? And fucking slamming her. Yeah, she fought Cyborg. And she held her own as well as anybody can hold their own against Cyborg. But she took a beating.
Starting point is 00:25:18 Better than most, right? I want to say outside of Nunez. Top three opponents against Cyborg, I would say. Sure. Yeah, for sure yeah and one of the baddest women out there she's fought um like uh 145 I believe and uh and yeah she's in the Mandalorian she plays like a shock trooper who's like in hiding slash retired or whatever and she's she has the physique you know like the guy who plays the mandalorian it's pedro pascal as the voice
Starting point is 00:25:51 but in the suit is a slimmer fitter man i would i would think i was better at stunts i i don't know that 100 but that's my that's what it looks like to me because he looks like he's about 5 foot 10 170 pounds maybe like a real athletic like guy who's in the suit but pedro pascal looks to me like he's about six foot 200 pounds you think there's maybe a significant amount of stuntman in suit but pedro does too am i i just have a my guess would be he's not in the suit at all okay because you know why would he be when he could just sit somewhere and just go I don't know about that I don't act like I make movies but even the videos I have made are a little bit eye-opening to like what's there you know like you before I made YouTube
Starting point is 00:26:43 videos I would watch something and just think, well, this is my view. This is my view. I'm watching. Now I think of a cameraman and some guy behind the cameraman holding a boom mic and some guys dressed in cargo pants in charge of electricity on set. All that shit is there. So it takes me out of the Mandalorian a little bit, knowing that it's all voiceover, right? His mouth is behind a mask like that, so you can't get good audio, done. Anyone who's listening to Mandalorian,
Starting point is 00:27:13 just know 100% of it was said in a cozy studio with a muff on the mic, talking into it like you see them doing for Toy Story. That's where all the voices right His mouth right in the mouth Now we're back to chatter bait so That takes me out of it a little bit knowing that it's all voiceover Yeah, that and the fact that you know there aren't any real aliens or lightsabers or blasters or anything all that I could buy
Starting point is 00:27:42 There aren't any real aliens or lightsabers or blasters or anything like that. All that I could buy. You know, I was in for the lightsabers, the aliens, the blasters, the space travel, and the other universe they're in, but when I realized that he was in a sound booth...
Starting point is 00:27:58 I'm out. I'm out. I've only seen two episodes of that show. That's it? The third one gets quite good okay like i haven't it's just i haven't been thinking to do it i've been so busy recently but um like i was watching and when it was like oh baby yoda is 50 years old or however old he is i was like wait what he's like 900 years old in the star wars actually yoda oh when they say yoda they mean
Starting point is 00:28:29 the species oh well i didn't know that yoda was not just his name but also the species name i don't think they call him yoda in the show it's not we don't know what yoda's name is or excuse me we don't know what yoda species is i don't i don't think so they're just but wait i don't think they have they ever said the word yoda on mandalorian no yeah i mean if he let's say he lives to be you know 900 900 as a baby he's still like google googling and gaga at 50 years old i would think part of the reason that the yodas are so wise is that by the time they're 20 or whatever they've gone through just as much development as like a human and now they're like off like to
Starting point is 00:29:10 the learning path they just have centuries to do it more and to perfect their force forcery and stuff but now it's like wait so you're telling me these things won't be able to wipe its ass until it's like 400. let's not try to apply logic to that i had a related but different thing if he lives to 900 and i think it's actually 950, but let's say 900. If 900 is 90, then five should be... Then 50 should be five, I mean to say. I like it.
Starting point is 00:29:34 So he should be five years old, which is a lot more than a fucking doll that you carry around. Oh, and that leads me to my Mandalorian criticism. Mandalorian is good. I will seven out of ten mandalorian right seven and a half like i like it strong okay i like it but i felt like it was pitched to me not by you so much but by like all these facebook excitement that i saw um as a great show and it my expectations were Breaking Bad, Prime Game of Thrones, even like Good Walking Dead.
Starting point is 00:30:09 This is actually a semi-lame Western, space Western. They carry around this doll that looks fake, right? There's a scene in the third one, there's a battle scene, without spoiling too much, where clearly they're swinging in on wires like it youtubers have better production than some of this shit right and Lauren show up yeah and
Starting point is 00:30:35 they're swinging it on cables and I'm just like what who saw that and said, that's a good take. No need to do this again. It's like. You know, I'll agree with you a little bit. I'm about 50% on board with you. I'm more in it for the story than anything else. So I can forgive a little bit. I actually think that the special effects and stuff are quite good for what it is. Like, I don't know. I don't know what kind of budget they're working with.
Starting point is 00:31:04 I know it's not a Game of Thrones budget. So we're coming from a very different place for what it is. I don't know. I don't know what kind of budget they're working with. I know it's not a Game of Thrones budget. So we're coming from a very different place for what it is, right? To me, this is the Disney Plus... Tentpole. Tentpole, thank you. Yeah, tentpole. This is the Disney Plus. This is our statement on why...
Starting point is 00:31:17 It's why I bought Disney Plus. It's the one. It's why I got it too. And I'm like, shit, I subscribed to Disneyney plus for shitty walking dead i i wouldn't agree with that like walking dead like is is very low budget um i think the makeup is maybe comparable that's cheap as but they cheap as okay i thought it was more expensive than it and um i like the guy who did my makeup is the walking
Starting point is 00:31:46 guy makeup guy like when i did that fucking hitman yeah like it's it's the same guy it it was cheap okay um and he drove to my house well your costume also was a little less in depth than like a zombie definitely so yeah for people don't have more suit right a suit is something that you can buy uh yeah the walking dead zombie outfit is something you have to make i guess modify um but they also have the mandalorian looks sick though right yeah yeah it does it does but if i were to throw stones I'd be like I've seen Iron Man cosplay pictures on reddit as good as the Mandalorian's armor yeah but they stand there for a still or whatever like he's he's having to move around and stuff and
Starting point is 00:32:36 and you know you're seeing it from 360 degrees I thought the CGI on the mudhorn looked good enough to me you know, that big rhinoceros furry thing that- Yeah. Now that you mentioned that, I didn't think about it at all, which is one of the higher compliment. I just assumed it was a real Mudhorn. That's how you know it's good CGI.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Like good CGI, you don't even consider it. Great CGI, you're like, all right, what am I looking at? Yeah. Like great CGI to me, like the greatest CGI I've ever seen is a planet of the apes. Um, the new planet of the apes,
Starting point is 00:33:10 like, like watch that. And then when you get done, like, like when it's not in front of you anymore, have someone ask you, so, um,
Starting point is 00:33:19 were those apes men in ape suits or was there nothing there at all? And you're like well well there was definitely some apes I think I just a mix of both milk no no it's Andy fucking circus wearing some bubbles all over him dancing around on a creek and talking to you none of that was real and you're like but I could see his eyelashes yeah they did that it's it's it's so he's gonna be he's gotta have the funniest gig in hollywood he's got the best where it's like people are like this guy you know look how he brought gollum to life and then he's like the
Starting point is 00:33:55 behind the scenes and it's just a normal guy who's like pretty flexible crawling around and then like peter jackson's like and grimace and he's it's like it's like that's your whole job and they're like it's just funny to me that that's dude like the acting chops of him is like basically scrambling around like a like a my favorite for on-scene shots is Mark Ruffalo do I have the name right he doesn't credible Hulk dude you see Captain America they're all buffed out costume making him double buffed out you see Thor they're all buffed out costume augmenting what is already a top 1% human being and then you see Mark Ruffalo there first of all not buff I believe my odds for beating him in an
Starting point is 00:34:51 arm wrestling contest are pretty good second I'd say a hundred percent I can beat up Mark Ruffalo he's wearing this like latex outfit with ping's going down with ping pong balls aren't it that take his four out of ten physique and make it look worse every fat roll is popping out the side love handles show it yeah it's not flattering at all but to stand next to those other two oh good god it's poor guy and it just it feels like he didn't earn his way there right you know like even spider-man who's not like buffers or anything but he's still he's ripped he's ripped he's fit he's told he's me course he is like 19 yeah actually I think he's like 28 but I'm not sure he's playing 19 I know he can drink but like true and he plays it well uh but like all the male actors on there even like don cheater or whatever they're they know that they are the product and
Starting point is 00:35:50 they keep themselves buffed and shined and show worthy because they are the product except mark ruffalo who somehow gets to be not actor shape i just imagine him and sam jackson eating cheese burgers watching fucking chris chris evans Evans and Chris Pine over there pumping iron. Not Chris Pine, but the fucking... Who's... Helmsworth? Yeah, Chris Helmsworth. Both of them are there pumping iron and doing that thing
Starting point is 00:36:15 where you have the big heavy ropes and you have to do this nonsense. Battle ropes, yeah. The most Joe Rogan of exercises. All right, guys, you guys are going to love this. So what you do is you go into your basement, which I assume is just like mine, decked out in Rogue Fitness, 100 yards long, and you take your battle ropes and whip it all over the place.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Then you go get in your isolation tank, take some DMT, and then talk to a fighter for four hours about how DMT is cool. Battle ropes are a really great exercise. You get some good cardio. Most people last 12, sometimes even 14 seconds. Have you seen the battle maces yes those iranians long steel tube with a handle and then a big ball on the end that's just steel and you just are supposed to like go around your head dude you want to see somebody operate that thing like it's a fucking
Starting point is 00:37:11 Ballerinas, what do they call those things that like a baton? Yeah fucking the iron chic the old WWF wrestler Hmm, dude, he gets that thing like not now because he's got a kind of back problems and everything He's an old-school wrestler, but back that he would have that thing twirling it like the things heavy as fuck I don't know what it weighs 75 twirling it like the thing's heavy as i don't know what it weighs 75 95 pounds like it's real awkward and he's twirling that like it's nothing just moving it around and all these weird circles around his head doing all this 1986 yeah yeah rowdy roddy piper versus the iron chic oh rowdy roddy piper's the man he was he starred in uh they live you ever seen that that's the one where he's like, I have come here to kick ass and chew bubble gum,
Starting point is 00:37:49 and I'm all out of bubble gum. I thought he acted well. He acted so well. I rewatched it as an adult, expecting to have a newer, more critical eye. He was good. He was good. He did just fucking fine.
Starting point is 00:38:02 His first acting performance ever, as far as I know, fucking John Carpenter movie, who was a big director yeah and uh it's not a bad fucking movie i think it's free on youtube it's called they live it's good it it's it's it's basically what duke mccomb is based off of it is good yeah the iron sheik has lost his mind like he's got a twitter account that he tweets pretty often oh no he says go fuck yourself if you follow the leader 17 minutes go fuck yourself this is the season to be jolly fa fa fa fa fa go fuck yourself today was when's when does when is fuck today is hardest to spell today only
Starting point is 00:38:49 don't be the jabroni I can't imagine his mind is in a good place it's not dude he used to be a regular guest on the stern show and he was one of those people they'd bring on and stern would like pretend like he's taking him seriously but like if you paid attention stern's winding him up and the guy is just out of his gourd and he he if you think woody uses the f word a lot in public
Starting point is 00:39:19 so many tweets over the months just saying go yourself yourself go fuck by the way go fuck yourself i don't know why go fuck yourself on a day like today go fuck yourself this is not a test to go fuck yourself those are all different tweets from all different days yeah that's his his thing i guess yeah but it was something whatever that thing's fucking called that that heavy fucking mace that iranian ace yeah He was like a legitimate, um, competitive wrestler for Iran. I want to say like, like before he transitioned to,
Starting point is 00:39:51 um, WWF and it was like right around the time of the, uh, Iranian, um, uh, you know, the thing where they,
Starting point is 00:40:00 uh, they took over the embassy and took those Americans hostage and all that shit during Jimmy Carter's presidency. So it was ripe for taking advantage of that. The geopolitical scene was. And so they were like,
Starting point is 00:40:15 who better to go against someone like fucking Hulk Hogan, the American hero than the Iron Sheep. Hulk Hogan comes out, living in America. He's doing the fucking flexing point. He's fucking waving an American flag
Starting point is 00:40:31 and the Iron Sheik will come out and knock the American flag out of his hand and start talking about the great leader. It was great. The crowd would be insane. You go to fucking Dothan, Alabama, knock an American flag out of Hulk Hogan's hand and start talking about how the Sheik is going to bomb America.
Starting point is 00:40:54 They want your blood. So then you just get Hogan out there to beat the shit out of him and everybody walks away like, that's the best $18 I've ever spent. That's really funny. Kyle, are you done with Call of Duty? No, no, definitely not. There's going to be a Battle Royale
Starting point is 00:41:13 coming out soon enough. Guess or knowledge? The details were leaked. A lot of the nitty gritty stuff, like how the armor will work and how there will be pickups in the game and stuff like that and everybody already assumed that that was going to be the case because some of the they have like i don't i don't know what what the the game mode is
Starting point is 00:41:35 called but it's like gargantuan maps like 32 versus 32 or something like that and everybody was like these maps look like they connect these maps look way too big for 32 versus 32 and and so yeah there's going to be a battle royale on this gargantuan map 200 player battle royale um like multiple tons and tons of squads cross play i assume cross play um so when that comes out that's what'll suck me back into Call of Duty. But for the time being, Escape from Tarkov is very addicting. I've been progressing and progressing and progressing. And I've really been enjoying it a lot. Like when you die, it sucks. And when you win, it's amazingly wonderful. You know, it's a lot of fun. I've i've been playing cod which is not a bad game if you want to learn to aim it's great because you get a lot of engagements so uh of course i started with stuff where you barely aim like minecraft i thought i could move well and then you go to zombie games
Starting point is 00:42:35 where you aim but or borderlands but the consequences of being slow to get on target are really low you can take all the time you want i go to cod and i'm getting my shit pushed in i'm at a point now where when i play by myself like it's okay but i stream with uh with people who watch call of duty streams and they're good and they raise the skill-based matchmaking to a level where i'm getting wrecked last night i host shitty host dude i can tell i'm not as good as the people who kill me like um i feel like i'm zapping on target pretty well more than half of the time but the people i'm fighting against are drop shiding they're sliding and shooting at the same like my idea is to walk around the corner maybe even pre-fire and win a gunfight that way. That always worked. These guys are sliding so they're on the ground and they're accurate at the same time.
Starting point is 00:43:30 I thought my movement was pretty good, but now I'm realizing that my movement, like there's levels to this. Being able to jump through a window is not what good is. That's basic. Tarkov takes it back another level. Like it's this, the movement and aiming and gunfights are so different than COD. Because it's more like real life.
Starting point is 00:43:50 There's no running and sliding. Your guy gets fucking tuckered out after running for 30 seconds. I can go for eight minutes. There you go. Well, he's wearing full gear. He weighs 50 kilos. We're back to 30 seconds yeah he's got 50 kilos of gear on his back so he he spreads for 36 and he's just like there's this like rpg aspect where like the more you run carrying heavier the buffer your
Starting point is 00:44:21 guy gets but it takes forever to get him like to like buff nasty mode so just count on him being a weak little bitch forever reset every death working out in this no no it doesn't reset every death because you die a lot uh it it it might reset every wipe and wipes are like every six months to every 12 months or something like that they're not frequent um i don't know it's it's been a lot of fun to play the whole economy that's that they have with the flea market and everything and um there are keys that spawn randomly on the map um or in specific areas but very rarely but you can buy those keys on the and they open doors that have good loot in them sometimes and uh but you can buy those on the flea market that's within
Starting point is 00:45:05 the game and so i grind and grind and grind until i have a few million dollars and then i buy all the keys and now like like one of my favorite things is to do these runs where i just jump in the map sprint to the really valuable doors turn those keys and try to get the expensive expensive loot and i've done very very well doing that it's it's very exciting it's a lot of fun nice it sounds like fun if you know how to play that's the so i don't know how many gunfights you get into but i kind of feel like if deaths hurt that much and you don't get into a lot of fights it's not my game yet so i i watch shroud play a. And one of the complaints he gets is like that he's playing as bots. But I think those people need to go and try to play against these bots. Because it's it's like Call of Duty on the hardest difficulty, but much harder. Because
Starting point is 00:45:57 like not only do they snap on you instantly kill you instantly, but like they have tactics and like they'll reposition, you know, like, they'll be in a window shooting at you from a building and you'll be like, Ah, there he is. And you'll shoot for return fire, maybe hit him in the arm. He'll go prone, like you would in that scenario, crawl a little stand up, run across the building, go up a staircase, get on the roof and start shooting you from there. And you're like, and all the while he'll call a buddy, but hey, the humans are here. Get on the third floor,
Starting point is 00:46:31 I'm gonna get on the roof, like to watch the the AI in this game do its thing. It's I'd love to know more about how they programmed it, how that works, because it's fascinating. Like I feel like like they need that tech and some sort of hunter-killer drones. They're machine learning off Shroud's gameplay. They're so fucking good, dude. It's so scary when the base level scavs, if I'm kidding for real, if I've got my good shit on, I'm like, ah, I hear a scav. He's going down.
Starting point is 00:47:03 But if you hear, and you can kind of tell the difference between the voices, there's different voice actors. If you hear the big guy, you're like, oh shit. Guys. Well, I have no chance. Glue car is here. Could you guys come help maybe? I'm hiding in a bathroom.
Starting point is 00:47:20 I'm just gonna drink this Coca-Cola. Yeah, yeah. There's, it's an interesting game. Do they say yes or are they like, glue car?-Cola. Yeah, yeah. It's an interesting game. Do they say yes, or are they like, Glucar, sorry, my friend. Okay. See, it's risk and reward. You can run away from Glucar and just get the fuck out,
Starting point is 00:47:35 but if you kill him and all of his minions, some of the best loot in the game that they drop, that they have on them. It's not one of those games where like, well, wait a minute. When I was fighting him, he seemed to have a light machine gun, but now that I loot his body, he they have on them. It's not one of those games where like, well, wait a minute, when I was fighting him, he seemed to have a light machine gun, but now that I loot his body, he's got a pistol.
Starting point is 00:47:49 Like whatever he was shooting at you with, that is like an end-all, be-all, very expensive weapon. What's your win percentage against Glue Car specifically? I don't know, probably 50-50, like me personally. It's a weird game as far as stats go. I think my Katie's probably like a six or a 7, but that's deceptive. It's not like Call of Duty because you're playing so tactically and you're playing so slowly that that's to be expected.
Starting point is 00:48:14 Like my friends, some of the better guys, like Larry I think has like a 12 KD or something like that. Shroud's stats aren't to be compared to because he's playing for an audience. So mine are probably similar to his, but he's putting on a show, whereas I'm doing the best I can do with what I got. The skill-based matchmaking in COD,
Starting point is 00:48:37 it's almost sad because if you're a good player, it's not fun to play with you like i used to play with onslaught almost every night and t-mart t-mart onslaught and i would play all the time and uh they were probably both better than me onslaught was definitely better than me it wouldn't be fun to play with onslaught anymore if onslaught's on your team you won't do well because the other team will be filled with onslaughts and it's just he was really good i forgot about that yeah he was really good and he was a great teammate too one never mad at you if you're not good two call outs and stuff that
Starting point is 00:49:15 make you better like so he was just great but to play i played with a guy in my stream his name was marvin as good as onslaught maybe better you he's really good. And he called out all game long. But I got wrecked all game long. Because, like, they seem to use your best player or two for the skill-based matchmaking. They certainly don't use me, who, you know, everyone joined on. And after streams. I would be a very coveted teammate if they used the worst player on your team. That would be fun. Yes, yes. We got Taylor on our team. Yeah. coveted what shoot I'm hitting space it it stinks like and and there's people on
Starting point is 00:49:58 the modern warfare subreddit who were like I'm losing friends over this my friends all have more fun when they don't play with me and and you know he's he's the opposite of a coveted teammate and I've just been okay with I'm doing a push-up for every negative I go so let's say let's say I get 30 kills and 11 deaths that's 19 push-ups I think yeah so I'm doing something different on my channel. For every creature of mine in magic that dies, I have to smoke a cigarette. And enough. I got to tell you, I wasn't doing good for a couple of those games last night. And I'm starting to get a taste for it.
Starting point is 00:50:37 You're pretty good. Imagine getting addicted to cigarettes because of a Twitch reward. There's people who drink. But dude, last night. I don't do that. I't know if you're allowed to do that. I'm sure I did 150 push-ups. Like, I don't know if I did. Yeah, well, it's a lot of push-ups, Taylor.
Starting point is 00:50:53 Oh, I know. You probably feel it today. If you did like 130 and then you get like four more, you're like, all right, I can bust out a set of four. That's no trouble. But at that point, the 20s and 22s become hard to get through I had a 28 that's really negative but that's if I got that low and like I was promising push-ups and be like guys I'm gonna hide in the corner and just go just go the people there the guys in my game who they're
Starting point is 00:51:19 all really nice there I haven't played with anyone who's not enjoyable to play with we're like what do you could take one off and it's like no i don't want to be a bitch i didn't yeah all right yeah skill-based matchmaking sucks it sucks that the most fun people to play with become unfun to play with i think i'm gonna after i eat dinner stream a little bit tonight i don't have a ton of time play a few few little games of magic. That might be fun. I'm split on... Because sometimes I'll look at the chat and people will be like,
Starting point is 00:51:51 can you please explain what you're doing? Explain the rules, what's happening here. And so I'll start explaining it and I'll feel like I'm doing a pretty good job explaining. People will be like, oh, okay. All right. And then suddenly tons of people being like, make a joke, fat retard. Like, nobody cares about this game.
Starting point is 00:52:12 Just be funny. Like that kind of shit. So it's a nice, you know, the duality of man, as they say. So I'm not sure who to please more. Maybe just do both. I don't know. It's interesting being like a dancing monkey for a chat
Starting point is 00:52:28 because that's effectively what it is. It's pretty fun. It is. Everybody seems to be in a good mood, having a good time. It's a complicated game to teach someone while you're playing. You almost need a link. You almost need one of those bots that
Starting point is 00:52:45 whenever someone asks it auto like uh send like posts like the rules and like go to and you know whatever yeah i mean you know you taught me and uh you know we were all stoned as but we picked it up we picked it up and you know within an hour yeah that was a really good time yeah for sure yeah and that was i i like mtg a lot i i think the thing that turns me off about it is is after a while i realized that it was kind of pay to play unless you're doing like one of those um draft tournaments that's why i like this one is i'm if i do pay anything for it for streaming i'm just gonna buy the coins or whatever and then use those to buy into draft tournaments like i don't
Starting point is 00:53:31 want to specifically go in and buy cards i guess that's not as rewarding and i know myself i'll get it if i allow myself to start buying cards i'll go down a rabbit hole i'll be like oh well i need another uh you know uh mammoth i need one well you know what i actually need three more why have two when i could have four dude i got like a 375 red deck on that other uh mtg site i i probably spent like eight or nine hundred dollars on on mpg cards uh not on the one you're playing but on the one the one that's gathering online yeah i've got i've got so many i got a crazy green deck that i spent a waste of a ton of money on my red deck i literally went online and found what red deck had won like recent modern tournaments
Starting point is 00:54:12 and bought that motherfucker built that one i was like i'll take that one click purchase all like i remember at the time you and chis were really into it you're like come on taylor come play with us on magic the gathering online i'm like guys i can't i i'll lose my apartment i can't do that i'll get way too into it and then six months from now when you guys are onto something else i'll still be on there feverishly purchasing cards yeah like like i that's why i'm not letting myself buy any individual cards. Those red devil cards that are like a 4-1 or something like that. I think they were like $25 a piece. Yeah. Well, I'm going to need four of them, bitches.
Starting point is 00:54:55 It would be fun, Taylor, if every time you lost a creature, is that what you said? In Magic the Gathering, you smoked a cigarette. See which addiction gives you more trouble. Honestly, smoking would be cheaper. Yeah. But it would be way worse for my health because I was being hyperbolic.
Starting point is 00:55:13 You lose creatures all the time in that game. You'd be one cigarette in, and you'd be like, all right, well, third of the way through the game, and I've got half a pack I've got to get through because I've lost 10 guys. Well, I've got a carton. gotta get through because I've lost 10 guys do pushups with me
Starting point is 00:55:27 no I do my exercising is a different part of the day I do it either in the morning actually today I kind of had a truncated workout but it was still a good one sometimes I
Starting point is 00:55:43 literally stream because I haven't done any i've stopped doing legs entirely all i do is run every day so uh it'd be like i haven't really done any upper body i should stream no i i've been doing it just to try and get better at streaming and every time i'll hop back on to stream and i'll be like, yeah, I fit. I fixed the BT TV emotes or whatever. And they'll be like, these suck. These are the worst ones. Go in and fix this. They're like, oh, what tonight?
Starting point is 00:56:14 Like I've, I just got the affiliate last time I streamed and I've had pretty much zero minutes at all to put into like finding the right size of the images and stuff for subscribers and like the metals and the emotes and everything. And so like, I'm going to just do the basic bitch one this time and then like hopefully put some time in this weekend. It's just like, I'm,
Starting point is 00:56:34 I am so fucking strapped for time that like I, I got home from my obligations today. Uh, actually I did have a little bit of time. I banged out a workout with my girlfriend and then came right up here did this uh she's in there making dinner i'm gonna eat dinner right after this and then try and immediately hop onto twitch and stream for like until like 10 o'clock tonight and then go to bed like you'll stream from nine to ten oh wait wait your time for me it's different yeah yeah i'll get at least two hours that's a little short i i know but i i
Starting point is 00:57:04 feel like i'm like tucker was saying like always stream at least three hours in. I was like, that's a little short. I know. I feel like I'm, Tucker was saying like, always stream at least three, you wanna hit about three hours every stream. And I was like, at first I'm like, yeah, that makes sense. And I was like, oh no, wait, like, that's his fucking job. I'm a guy trying to figure this out. I can get by with two hours. Sorry, Kyle, looks like you linked something here.
Starting point is 00:57:23 It's worse when you have that inevitable kid. Slip that in. Inevitably. But then I'll have to be on here more to try and make ends meet. Make a little more money. That's true. Bring that little fucker onto the... Hey, guys. This is head.
Starting point is 00:57:41 Dress like Baby Yoda. I hold my baby and Teddy both by the back of the neck in front of the camera. You know? By his collar. But, like, so if you... Chad loves the dogs. Kid goes to bed at, like, 8 p.m. and then... Throw a timeout.
Starting point is 00:57:59 What time do you think you get home from work-ish? Typical. Like, 6-ish, maybe a little before. Like probably like 5.30 actually, yeah. All right, 5.30, six. So that's like two, two and a half hours a day you actually get to see your kid. And when you're late-ish at work, it's like, damn it.
Starting point is 00:58:16 Like two hours turned into 45 minutes today, that's it. That's my day, 45 minutes of seeing the kid and then putting it down. That's true. Yeah, that would suck. I mean of seeing the kid and then putting it down that's true yeah that that would suck i mean i schedule meetings and and obligations like pretty more a little more loosely on thursdays obviously because well this week it'll be wednesday for the show but uh yeah i didn't really think about that 45 minutes wouldn't be wouldn't be nice you know i'm sure you'd want
Starting point is 00:58:41 to spend more unless the kids are real rabble rouser like I was, then let her handle it. There are people like, you maybe have them at work too. At Cisco, I'd be like, dude, that guy sits here not being very productive until 7.30 p.m. every day. He either thinks that impresses us or he prefers this over home. I would imagine prefers it over home it i wouldn't bet against that yeah i'd be living in the restroom i've had bosses in the past where like for jobs when i was younger where like let's say like a
Starting point is 00:59:21 full shift was like you know 7 a.m to 7 p.m or something okay and your boss would stay there the whole time and like you'd make it apparent you'd be like dude it's fine like this is a hockey camp like i know what i'm doing we all know what we're doing you can leave like you don't even have your goalie pads on he's like no no no i'll stay and like by the end of it like we're leaving at like 8 o'clock 8 30 after picking stuff up at night and he's still dilly-dallying around and i didn't think about it until you said it now but it's like oh that guy just like hated his wife like did not want to spend time with his wife so that's that's pretty sad reality or maybe he just loved those kids in an appropriate way yeah I only saw
Starting point is 01:00:08 appropriate things from him so whoo all in a wrap I know Taylor's got a fight schedule yeah yeah sounds good all right PKN 277

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