Painkiller Already - PKN #290

Episode Date: March 21, 2020

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Starting point is 00:00:00 now we let's see if woody went live no pkn 290 i might not be able to live stream because of the strike thing i got from i don't know oh it was we advertised a um like sports betting fantasy football thing like three years ago condoms yeah that's what it was no and uh apparently that's a an advertiser that gets you a strike on your channel and that's why i had i thought condoms that destroyed dna evidence were an amazing idea i never thought they'd be misused are we going now yeah we've been starting oh okay i didn't i talked over it my bad well hi everyone uh i hope everyone's having a good time all this primary shit's going on and i gotta tell you i don't give a this coronavirus thing we were all wrong and i think it's about time we
Starting point is 00:00:52 come around to admit it the flu a little different flu doesn't cause one of the largest first world economies of all time or of the current era in italy to shut down everything. Like, Italy is done. And if you look at, I have a chart right here. I was going to go to Italy, by the way. And now that's ruined. Were they conquered last night or something? They quarantined their whole country. You didn't know this?
Starting point is 00:01:17 Was it the Moors again? No, they're never going to get us again. I'm working with a paramotor. No, it was the Moops. The Moops. The Moops. No, they're never going to get us again. I'm working with a paramotor company to be like a factory pilot. And it starts off with me going to their factory and touring the place and stuff. I was making a video and I'm guessing that's canceled.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Yeah. Oh, that's definitely canceled. Pretty much every live event. Tons of sports games like the nba and nhl playoffs i guarantee they're gonna have trouble drawing fans like and filling it like that it's not gonna be good they're gonna shut they're really shutting shit like this down like i've been autistically getting into this and it is way worse way worse than what h1n1 was as far as projections go if you look at that thing I just linked, it shows where Italy is. You know, they're that pink, that purple line, rather, that's all the way, all the way up. Bad enough to quarantine the entire fucking country and say, hey, you need a permit to go outside or unless you're just like running to the grocery store for, you know, I guess more TP.
Starting point is 00:02:27 and you can see every single country other than japan is in that same exact path the same one we're like nine days behind them and we're actually a little less a little less than 90 or 9 to 11 days i would guess what's it say 11.5 days we're less than that because we're retards who haven't shut down our border we're staying we're still taking people back from china we're still taking people from all over the world that's horrible horrible. What are we doing? Why don't we stop doing that? Like from China in particular. Am I crazy? I thought Trump shut down the border with China. He did. Oh, if he shut it down with China. Well, he's not shutting it down. If you were in China, if you were in China and you fly to France, then you're allowed to come back. They're not sending their wealth. That's the kind of thing it is. They're sniffly. They're coffee.
Starting point is 00:03:04 No. I don't think we need to reevaluate anything. It's the kind of thing it is. They're sniffly. They're coffee. No. I don't think we need to reevaluate anything. It's exactly what we said it was like two or three weeks ago. If you bet me $10, 10 people wouldn't die. That passed about a week ago in the US. Well, it's been three weeks now. We didn't put a cap on it, did we? We did. I didn't say ever. I said
Starting point is 00:03:20 between now and next show. If that's true, then I'm a fucking fool. Let's go by my memory. Actually, let's not do that. If it's on my side, do it. I don't remember at all. So no, it's exactly what we thought it was going to be.
Starting point is 00:03:35 We talked about that it's much more communicable than these other diseases. But we also talked about the fact that it kills only the old, only the very old and sick. Like those cases in washington in particular like everybody's like it's it's it's running through washington state like a wildfire no it ended up in a nursing home that has a medical facility where they're literally nursing the oldest sickest people in existence and those people caught it i will bet anyone a million
Starting point is 00:04:03 dollars that both trump and biden and Buttigieg becomes president. That's the order of succession. That's true. Well, it was a weird. Can we get a notary? I guess South Bend, Indiana is who picked the third guy from. No, like, like, I feel like people think it's got to be like one or the other where it's like this is a fucking nothing burger whatever it's just another flu or it's a cataclysmic world ending plague it's like no it's not either of those most people who get this part of the reason it's so risky and bad is
Starting point is 00:04:36 like if if you wake up tomorrow and you feel like you have a cold most people are gonna go this isn't this isn't that virus everybody's talking about this is a a cold. You know, a bad virus, like bad things happen. I'm probably shitting blood or something is what people have in their head, you know, bubonic style. But really, a cold is what you're going to feel when you first get this. And so you go out there and you're sneezing all over the place. This disease can live for nine days on a flat surface. That's an enormous amount of time for a disease. And the thing isn't, oh, it's only thing isn't oh it's only killing the old it's only killing the old well eventually the
Starting point is 00:05:07 young will struggle a little bit too when they're trying if they have to go to the hospital the beds are gonna be taken up the death rate for people in the 70s something like 15 way more than usual the hospitals all of the beds the death rate for people over 70 is like 15%, right? And that's causing people to say only old people are dying. But the death rate for healthy people is still high. It's like a percent. Like, that's not what the flu death rate is.
Starting point is 00:05:36 No one dies. To Woody's point, Woody's like, you're saying exactly the truth. People are like, death rate's 1%. It's like, yeah, bitch, bitch you know the flu's death rate is 0.001 like this is way bigger than that like it and especially if you isolate out old people like and maybe i'm just looking at a bunch of nonsense and form my own conclusions i i am want to do but this doesn't seem like it's nearly as much of nothing as people say and it's it's kind of exposing how ridiculous our health situation is here where it's like oh the
Starting point is 00:06:10 richest country on earth can't afford testing kits and huge numbers of their hospitals months after the discovery of this oh that they there was no quick response to do what like Russia or Israel or now Italy did where like like immediately as soon as something like this comes up it's like boom shut down the fucking borders let's not risk anything about this dude like and Italy is doing something really tight where because they're gonna lose economic you know they're gonna lose shit economically from doing this they're getting rid of
Starting point is 00:06:40 all mortgage payments for the duration of this you don't have to pay your mortgage and it's covered which is something that would never happen in the u.s and it's like oh so that's like a country that looks out for its people and we kind of just live in an economy i didn't know that and that's amazing to me that is a step that like you said as an american that blows my mind like i wait what you don't have to pay the mortgage wait a country does something for their citizens even if it's not immediately beneficial fiscally right no no we live in a country where if it's for the rich it's permanent and it's law if it's for regular people it's temporary and it's
Starting point is 00:07:16 some president ass yeah yeah like the last tax cut you know the business has got the permanent long-term thing. The regular people, they got a temporary tax break that needs to be either happen again or just let it expire. Who knows? It wasn't even all the businesses. It helps the huge businesses way more than the little, you know, kitchen table people. For sure. Yeah. It does.
Starting point is 00:07:38 I don't know if the, I hear the coronavirus test is $3,000. Is it really? I can hardly believe that. I believe someone paid three grand. I don't know that everyone's paying three grand, right? You know how healthcare works, it can be crazy. But in other countries it's free. The idea here is, it is expensive enough
Starting point is 00:07:56 that a lot of people will not get tested. That's the way that our healthcare works. It's expensive enough that a lot of people will not get this nipped in the bud and it will become a bigger problem. The idea that, I guess as an American, it's like, well, yeah, of course, you're on your own. That's how we do things. Unless you're a big company or something, then of course we subsidize you. But if you're a billionaire, a banker. Yeah, yeah. Or you're in the oil industry or something like that. Of course you deserve billions of dollars in government help. But if you're a regular person, you are on your own all the time.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Fuck you, right? That's the way that our system works. Pretty much. And I'm watching other countries whip up hospitals and quarantine centers and do the testing for free and try to help their citizens. I just, I'm not accustomed to the government actually doing anything for me they
Starting point is 00:08:45 just yeah it must be nice you know to live in a country where like you've never had a government agency come and just clean up all the junk in your house before just scoop it all up label it take it away i have it organize all your electronics and memory cards talk about atf rates oh yeah atf wasn't saving you from any diseases. Who knows what they saved me from? That's right. They got in there and they took care of business. In two years, I would have probably been hit by a car
Starting point is 00:09:13 if I'd been out on the loose somewhere running around. They put me in a safe place, okay? I don't see what that has to do with the government providing for people who are suffering from a disease. I also don't think that it's fair to be like, ah, the economy did this. We were wrong about the disease. I think the disease is still doing the exact same thing that we thought it or I thought it would do and what it seemed what the people on CNN and you know, the experts were saying it was going to do weeks ago. What's unexpected is what's happened with the economy.
Starting point is 00:09:41 And that has much less to do with disease and much more to do with how people are reacting to the disease i have a perfect reaction i have a escape from tarkov based quarantine plan in which i don't interact with other people except for online to shoot them in a video game yeah come at me bro you know how much you know how much meat i got frozen in there i got all sorts of cans and meats and and toilet papers i'm ready I got all sorts of cans and meats and toilet papers. I'm ready. Silly Taylor is going to work. That's not a good plan, Taylor.
Starting point is 00:10:10 I'm going to meetings and talk to the fucking sick people. And then, of course, there is some sort of boomer mentality. I'm sorry, Kyle. You know, I'm a little offended by this, but carry on. Not even a boomer, but anyway. Boomer mentality. Kyle, you were in the middle. Anyway. Boom event. I was saying I got a bunch of stuff to make sure that it has to go outside. The whole idea is
Starting point is 00:10:32 I'm much less afraid of catching that virus than I am about dealing with crazy people that might potentially be at the grocery store. It's the stupidity of people that is the real scary thing. It's just like The Walking Dead. The zombie virus was the least of their worries. It was the crazy people out there. The no goodniks and the rioters. The no goodniks and the certain demographics in
Starting point is 00:10:55 particular. Koreans. The whites, yes. They can get rowdy. And so I don't know. I still maintain the disease itself is like a level two threat level. My mom just got out of the hospital from the flu. Well, thank God, Kyle, you live in Atlanta. Very few white people. Oh yeah. Like, like very peaceable here. Like I can count on my, uh, my, my black brothers and sisters to maintain the peace out here and to make sure that nobody overreacts. Are you quitting ordering your Postmates now? Like taking yeah i've been cooking i only cook yeah i've got uh i've got so much food like stockpiled up that i've been just cooking i used it as an excuse where i was like i feel like you know just it'd be smart to have a bunch of canned food just in case
Starting point is 00:11:39 like even though it's not going to turn into fucking apocalypse or anything i did the exact same thing yeah i i think the idea that i'm actually going to need all that food that i've even though it's not gonna turn into fucking apocalypse or anything. So I bought a bunch. Yeah. I think the idea that I'm actually gonna need all that food that I've got is absolutely ridiculous. But then when I started looking at what, at first I was looking at those food buckets and then I was like, oh, this is incredibly non-economical. Like it's like $15 a meal, $20 a meal.
Starting point is 00:11:59 And then I looked at what- When were you looking at these? Just for a bucket of food or- No, no, when? Recently. Oh shit, I got mine before this Corona shit. Way cheaper than that. Ah, I guess it depends on what you-
Starting point is 00:12:12 Yeah, it depends on what you get. Like I know that, like I looked at MREs in particular cause I think those are cool and I enjoy the MRE review channel. They are cool, may as well have fun. But I also looked at those buckets of food that are like freeze dried scrambled eggs and other nonsense and they just sound so gross. I can't be the only one listening who's never heard of a bucket of
Starting point is 00:12:28 food can you describe it more oh yeah yeah so they do these like survival buckets and it's like a five gallon container and it's full of meals like usually freeze-dried and and packets and stuff or sometimes just loose like i'm sure taylor's got some of them taylor's got a couple yeah i've got a couple downstairs they were they must be real fucking expensive now because they weren't that bad when i got them it's one of the things alex benefit to him like if you buy those and that's your fucking plan for everything you're probably a fucking retard but like because cans like you said an episode or so ago last way long or last a long time. These last way longer than cans. Eventually a can is going to go rancid.
Starting point is 00:13:08 And if it heats up enough, shit's going to happen. Like the thing about just go bad. This lasts for like 35 years. Yeah. It's stuff like this. And look at this. One of these right now is like going for a bunch of buying options, obviously.
Starting point is 00:13:20 And like $200. By the way, if you're out there, if you're out there if you're out there and i'm not saying this is necessary i really got into it because it's kind of fun it's kind of fun the same reason people plan for the zombie apocalypse you know it's kind of fun to like it's just like a when you're when you're playing an rpg and you're like oh yeah i want my character to be good at blacksmithing and i want to you know like like get enough beans and rice to and then imagine the silly scenario. And that's kind of fun for me. It is fun. I got a ton of rice. I got a lot of beans.
Starting point is 00:13:50 If you're worried about, if you're out there listening to this and you're actually worried about doing these things, I got white rice. I got black beans, pinto beans, and like kidney beans and stuff like that. Stuff lasts forever in a tiny bit. It'll make a meal really quickly. It's really quick to make them. If you've got a pressure cooker like an instant pot and uh don't stock up on toilet paper get a bidet just get a bidet you've got infinite toilet paper then or you know or just go go natural just just free poop that's the new way there is nothing that will keep strangers coffee sneezy strangers away from you like the smell that you're going to be giving off after two, three months of free shitting.
Starting point is 00:14:28 It kept Tab Nugent out of the Vietnam War. They absolutely saved the man's life. I just came across, I think, another conspiracy here. If you look at this link that I just linked to you, this isn't the food supply one I bought, but it was the first one that came up. You're supposed to add boiled water to it. Look at the pictures underneath the bin at what the meals are supposed to look like if you are running
Starting point is 00:14:51 a post-apocalyptic food provisions company you can make these plates look like whatever you want you think there's going to be a you know some sort of refund once shit really goes down because your couscous doesn't look right bitch no man i bet everything in that whole jug is vile. Absolutely vile. Yeah, don't buy these things. Canned food lasts so long. Alright, so in my opinion, canned food is 15 years easily. This is like 30 years. I hear you. But I think that certain canned foods would last that long too because I've seen people on the internet open up 80, 90-year-old cans of food and eat them.
Starting point is 00:15:28 It says you can likely safely double the shelf life from three up to six years for most canned foods. You poor souls. As a 47-year-old, I don't need to plan for 30 years from now. It's not happening. In the apocalypse, if you have a very strict temperature regulation room, which you probably won't have, then you can make anything last for a long time. It says, according to research, if you store canned food at a temperature around or below 75 degrees, a.k.a. your house, it's possible that the food will remain unspoiled for possibly more than 100 years or even indefinitely.
Starting point is 00:16:04 So, like just i bet it would start tasting weird after 10 years frankly but you'd still have some food but it'd be nutritional and safe ish sure but but yeah i just got a bunch of cans of corn and shit if shit goes around level two you're not going to be able to keep stuff under that but regardless you're right cans are the number one number one defense you want to do that. Yeah. Or buy chickens. Wings is set. Wings sold those long ago. My father, on the other hand, has 120,000 chickens over there
Starting point is 00:16:32 and like 85 head of cattle. So like I'm heading over there. Is he going to goose his numbers a bit just to be safe? What do you mean goose his numbers? Like get his numbers up. You know, 120,000. What about what are your grandchildren going to eat? Great-grandchildren. numbers up you know 120 000 what about what are your grandchildren gonna eat great i think if it actually went if things went poorly then you would want to conserve the feed
Starting point is 00:16:51 that was on site and like maybe have 500 chickens and let the rest just die like you wouldn't want to or let them free range they would they would still die foxes and stuff would just eat them up but dude the foxes would be having the best apocalypse of all time if yeah 119 500 chickens are released into the wild yeah yeah because like the modern chickens that we eat are nothing like the like the chicken like chickens in the in the wild before we started tampering with them and uh like breeding breeding them to be these giant breasted white birds that are completely defenseless, they can fly. They fly up into trees and roost at night. They wouldn't fly south for the winter or anything.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Don't think that kind of flight, but they would fly well enough to go up into a tree and get in it and chill out there and hide from predators when they swim. What level of flying do they have now? Zero. Absolutely zero. I knew you'd say that, but I want to dive into it deeper. Maybe like a good jump. What if I threw one off the top of a building? It would die.
Starting point is 00:17:51 It wouldn't fall like a cat. It would have some level of... It would fall worse than a cat. It falls worse than a cat. Oh, no. It's not what I expected. It doesn't have its natural balance anymore. The breasts that are in those things, it teeters them off.
Starting point is 00:18:07 That's why you see those big chicken coops where they're coming through like poking the dead ones and throwing them in a bucket I thought it was gonna be just shy of a flying squirrel like flying squirrels don't gain altitude I put all my money on the score but they fall with style these do not fall with okay I promise you like cuz sometimes I've seen them tossed around and they're just like you might as well be tossing a dog or something as far as aerodynamic and flight capabilities go. Tape a chicken breast to the front of a cantaloupe
Starting point is 00:18:34 and drop it. It just sort of vroom, vroom, vroom as it flies through the air. Yeah, their wingspan to weight ratio is fucked. Like that old-timey chicken i described that people used to keep in their yards and then they'd roost in the trees those probably weighed like two pounds and then had really big wings and these weigh seven to eleven pounds and have wings
Starting point is 00:19:00 i have a question about the chicken business since we're on that topic. Your father doesn't create more chickens. He turns chicks into chickens, right? Correct. Yeah. How many stages of this are there? Are there other people that just make eggs all the time and then other people that make chicks all the time? There's three kinds.
Starting point is 00:19:19 What can you tell us? So the chicks happen at a factory. Think of the farmers. They're independent contractors as far as, uh, the, the way everything goes down. The, uh, the poultry company, they provide the chicks and, uh, they provide the food and they provide medicine if it's required. And that's it. The farmer is responsible for everything that it takes to get the chick to whatever size that they want. Different companies want different sized chickens, so different ages. Some go for five weeks, some up to 11 weeks, depending on how big of a chicken you want.
Starting point is 00:19:53 And yeah, so their broilers are what my dad does, and those are for meat consumption. They start as this little yellow peep and they turn into like a seven or eight pound bird in like six and a half weeks. And, um, but there's also farmers that, um, I think they're called pullets. And I think what they're doing there is they're raising, um, the hens that are going to eventually lay eggs. And then there are the, I could be wrong about that. Cause that's something I have no experience with, but then there are definitely egg laying houses where, um, they've just got tons of hens who are laying eggs all day and the farmers go in and collect the eggs. And those go to the egg market of the world. You know, if you're eating an egg, it came out of one of those chickens. Who turned in i almost feel like i got four because
Starting point is 00:20:45 there's one we didn't talk about who turns eggs into chicks yeah i think that's just the company itself because they have a hatchery and at the hatchery they uh i honestly don't know where they get their eggs i don't know the answer to that question but i know that they hatch them out in a very mechanized fashion on conveyor belts and uh and they bring them you know tens of thousands at a time and they're just continuously hatching out every day i don't know where they come from either because they certainly don't come from chickens fucking just mystery yeah my chickens suck at actually surviving in the wild like they really henrietta did okay until she met me my kd ratio on that trip is infinite i mean she almost
Starting point is 00:21:26 won frank almost doesn't count um so oh on the oh go ahead i was gonna circle back to the corona thing yeah yeah me too yeah i again i've it's hard to tell some of the news agencies i watch like take the cnn and msnbcs of the world almost i don't want to overstate it and say they're rooting for death or whatever but they do seem to gleefully report how our government isn't as useful as other governments kind of like we did at the start of the show and and when I hear that I'm like ah it's almost like you want the administration to fail on this issue so that you have something to fuss about mm-hmm which makes me struggle to figure out how big a deal the virus is at all yeah well it's like that she was like well there are a lot
Starting point is 00:22:24 of those awful people out there now, like people like Bill Maher who are like, oh yeah, I want a huge recession. It's like, oh, that must be like really fun for you to have so much money that you can wish for a horrible thing to happen to hundreds of millions of people in
Starting point is 00:22:36 this country. Wow. You're, you're an irredeemable piece of shit. But like the whole, like the thing that's going to make it, I think possibly worse here as far as the spread than countries like Italy or Russia, Israel, wherever, is like we don't really have a robust safety net to take care of people at all. If there's a bus driver in Israel who's like, I'm not feeling good.
Starting point is 00:22:59 I got to stay home. I got to stay home. There's a safety net for him to fall back on. Same with a country like Italy. To a lesser extent Italy, I would say. Here, people are going to be going to work when they're clearly sick because there's no other option. It's almost heroic. It's sad.
Starting point is 00:23:16 There's a mixture. If people don't know American culture, I would say maybe half of us feel like, dude, don't go to work when you're sick. Don't power through this. That's stupid and it's bad. I'm on that team. Okay. And then there's another half who are like, man, Taylor hasn't called in sick in six years.
Starting point is 00:23:32 He's the most reliable employee this place has. See, and that's definitely a mentality in any sort of business. You're right. I guess that is more American culture than other places. you're right maybe that's more i guess that is more american culture than other places but nothing and even not in the seasons like this we have a big thing to to be concerned with is when i see someone in like a meeting or something and they're sniffling and they're blowing their nose every 20 minutes and they just sounds they're talking like this instead well if you consider this about well we could talk to the distribution center and see if that kind of stuff. Like my response has never been, wow, that guy works hard. It's always,
Starting point is 00:24:10 dude, you're a fucking prick, dude. You should have known better than to come into a room with well people and spread your shit. You couldn't have Skyped in. You couldn't have called in and not risked sneezing all over us. You're a bitch. You're an asshole, fuck you. Like I don't like when people hang around me and they're sick. It's rude, it's just rude. Maybe I'm probably different than some people. But you're right, I agree with you. It's like you belong on the phone, you sick sniffling.
Starting point is 00:24:36 And then on the other hand, like when I'm that guy on the phone, like maybe I'm coughing or whatever, no one's getting sick from me. No, but like I feel like good about that. And on a related note, like if I hear someone smoking or whatever on one's getting sick from me no but like i feel like good about that um and on a related note like if i hear someone smoking or whatever on the microphone i'm like ah that's not really my problem yeah let's be a loud smoker because you're like right in the middle of the meeting here oh i'm sorry you hear the telltale click, click.
Starting point is 00:25:05 They've got that. Some of the guys we play Tarkov with, they do dabs and you'll like, like, like between games, you'll hear, you'll hear, you'll hear the electronic igniter of a propane torch. Click, click. They're heating that nail up and I'm just sitting over there like,
Starting point is 00:25:19 guess I'll enjoy my Diet Coke. Yeah, that's just so sad. Get rid of caffeine buzz. Yeah. The Tarkov thing, of course, this is a bigger deal than the coronavirus. Hackers are going wild. You've seen how they strip you without even fighting you. They just take things off your inventory.
Starting point is 00:25:38 That seems fucked. Yeah, yeah. For Tarkov, a lot of it, for people who don't play is about like gaining loot and increasing your character's wealth it almost becomes the scorecard after a while as much as killing people and uh so for that reason it's these hackers will go in game take a kyle when he plays he's juicy which means he's loaded with lots of really good gear they don't have to beat him in game they don't even have to see him in game Kyle, when he plays, he's juicy, which means he's loaded with lots of really good gear. They don't have to beat him in game.
Starting point is 00:26:07 They don't even have to see him in game. They just, things start, he undresses unbeknownst to him. And there's some- Like one of those Japanese pornos. Exactly like that. All of our Tarkov friends won't play today. I hopped into the stream, they're like, we're not doing it, we won't play.
Starting point is 00:26:23 I've been doing just scav runs. With a scav run, you don't use your main character. It's sort of a temporary thing. You either win or you tie. That's all you can do. So if they take all the things off this new character that just spawned in, who cares? There's a rumor they can take your Red Rebel and your Gamma,
Starting point is 00:26:41 but no video. And your Gamma's a big deal. I don't like that a bit um yeah i uh maybe i'll play a little call of duty tonight then yeah you know the br at least it did i uh larry says it stinks i want to hear what stub says you know stuff yeah he uh he was a mod on the call of duty forum and he's very good at that game i'd like to hear his opinion i'll say this the trailer for it really looked cool you know what really looked cool it got me excited a very very cool mechanic you know in game uh you go down but you're not dead i could resuscitate you in this that's not how it works you go down you transport to a fantasy world where you 1v1 for resuscitation.
Starting point is 00:27:27 And whoever wins the 1v1 comes back to life. Wow, that's interesting. I don't like that, actually. Well, I mean, as a guy that gets carried, it's not in my best interest. But I think it's really neat. I would love to be like, I'm back, boys! Toasted that noob. That would be fun. I don't like that a bit.
Starting point is 00:27:42 I really like the mechanic. Because it's almost like real life in that you can shoot a guy who's out in the open, and now he's crawling. And so maybe you shoot him one more time so his HP bar is down to like one-third, and he's calling out to his friends, Billy! Billy!
Starting point is 00:27:59 And they're like, I'm going to go get him! I'm going to go get him! And then they run out, and you'll take him down. And now they're like, oh, God, what are we going to him and then they run out and you'll take him down and now they're they're like oh god what are we gonna throw some smoke maybe that'll help like you can you can bait people with their teammates i think this happened right yeah yeah yeah yeah give this to my dad it's got blood on it and i'm just over there in the woods like yeah it does it's about to have more and then i'm gonna steal that and give it to my dad how you like yeah i'm gonna give my dad your note and he can't read it because that's in german give me that yeah i came over and watched the fights with me we had a we had a really good
Starting point is 00:28:34 time he was blown away by the women's fight um valentina shevchenko's she turned into a klingon somewhere around round three it was badass her head swelled up like a klingon somewhere around round three. It was bad-ass. Her head swelled up like a Klingon, you know, the ridges they have. Except it was Joanne Jojacek. What did I say? Valentina Shevchenko. Oh, of course, yeah. I was thinking about her
Starting point is 00:28:52 because I just watched her interview where she was talking about the fight, I guess. Yeah, yeah, Ioana. Her head, oh my God. And then she had the broken nose too. So we had a good time watching those fights. She's very tough. I liked her before.
Starting point is 00:29:04 I don't really like her personality, but i liked her before i don't really like her personality but i like i don't either i hate it i really like watching her fight though same and now i love watching her fight she's hate her personality love to watch her fight yeah and then there's other people who like love their personality i don't need to see you going in there like you maybe you get like an announcing gig or something, dude. Like I, I don't need to see you. Who are you thinking of? Um, Adesanya maybe?
Starting point is 00:29:30 Honestly, it's Daniel Cormier. Like I feel like he's great on the mic, but I don't need to see him in there. I feel like it's over for him. He has a lot of charisma. He goes back in there. He's going to get hurt. Stipe,
Starting point is 00:29:41 unless he can poke, I poke Stipe into oblivion next time, Stipe's just going to flatten him, and he don't want no part of Jon Jones. He needs to get on out. There's no super heavyweight class, and he's certainly not going to cut down below 205, so just retire. Just retire. You did it all. Yeah, it's been a good career. I like him. I don't want to see him get hurt. I do think he loses his next fight. The way he moves, there's a certain kind of fluidity in a good fighter's movement. Tony, I can't do his last name right now. Ferguson?
Starting point is 00:30:16 Ferguson, thank you. Tony Ferguson moves really well. And you can see Conor McGregor is another one. Just the way they slink around is athletic. Daniel Cormier, have you ever seen that guy throw a high kick? He looks like a fat child pretending to be Elvis or something. Yeah, his center of gravity is all wrong for high kicks. You need your weight down on your hips, and his is up here around his thorax somewhere. He's inflexible and just not athletic anymore. I get it. You're strong. You were an Olympic athlete, you've had a great career.
Starting point is 00:30:49 You can have a great second act to on the mic. I know who was incredibly impressive and reminded me of Conor McGregor, Sean O'Malley. Did you watch that fight? I like that guy. Yeah, he looked like if you've ever seen a mongoose and a cobra fight and how the mongoose is like in and out in and out in and out fucking with the cobra and the cobra's just like god damn it what is this thing that was sean o'malley he was on his toes doing that look like connor like the way he's in and out in and out in and out and just ko'd him and like it was the first round i know i'm trying to
Starting point is 00:31:19 think if three minutes even went by and then he he was just like, he literally walked away with his mouth closed, like not breathing. He's an interesting guy. So he got busted for steroids twice in a row, right? One, he does not fail the eye test, right? He passes the eye test. He doesn't have the kind of build that steroids users have. They get these big traps and shoulders and stuff.
Starting point is 00:31:43 And he doesn't look like that at all. Second, he didn't deny it or anything. He's just like, I don't know how that got in my system. His layoff was really short, implying that it was an accident. But yeah, he had this big gap between his last fight and this one. 16 months, I think.
Starting point is 00:32:02 Was it? Yeah. I think he got caught. But yeah, anyway, about a year and this one. 16 months, I think. Was it? Yeah. I think he got caught. But yeah, anyway, about a year and a half. And then he comes back and destroys the other guy. He got better. Yeah, yeah. Great night of fights.
Starting point is 00:32:15 I felt like I got my money's worth. I personally thought that Ioana won her fight. And I thought that Izzy should have lost his fight just for not putting on enough of a show i feel like the onus is on the champion to to put on a show like like yoel's a 43 year old man stepping up to go fight this killer and meanwhile like the guy who's like walking out putting up doing with women throwing flowers in the air and like cock in his hand like it's a fucking firearm and doing all sorts of like okay you put on a show out there but it seems like you're not willing to entertain us when it actually matters like i
Starting point is 00:32:55 i didn't pay for the dance number i didn't pay for any sorts of sort of performance art i paid to see you go out there and battle another man and uh i mean the blame's on both of them don't get me wrong it's on both of them uh but but izzy ran more than eol did for sure he did well didn't engage engage a lot but when he did is he ran it's so they're both counter strikers right and that each one wants the other one to initiate it and expose something that they can counter strike on. And neither of them were really doing that.
Starting point is 00:33:30 Izzy threw tons of leg kicks, did a lot of good damage there, mostly because it didn't expose him to the kind of things that Yoel wanted to happen. He's longer, much longer. And it's always hard to figure out, Dana White blamed Yoel. Dana White was like, that guy sucked. He came in here, acted like he wanted to to fight and then he didn't want to fight
Starting point is 00:33:48 I kind of blame them both like you do They're both they're not boring fighters the the fight they got fight of the night each one of them their previous fight So you take this performance of the night guy this performance of the night guy you put them against each other and you get one of the worst title fights in history one of the absolute worst like bottom top three worst um i remember um anderson silva had one that was so atrocious that uh daniel wouldn't put the belt on him um might have been with diaz i don't remember who it was there was one where diaz actually laid down on the floor and like like like embarrassed like, like embarrassed him. But Damian, I think it was, I think it was Damian Maya. That sounds familiar. I know Anderson's had a few stinkers.
Starting point is 00:34:30 I'm not a big fan of Anderson. I never have been. I, but, but in any case, yeah, good night of fights on the whole, it was just that, that one at the end, like, like it was, it was, it was bad. It was real bad. I was kind of on the edge of my seat. I know we'll, we'll get off ufc after this but yoel is and and izzy for that matter are both so dangerous so one punch knockout crush you amazing strikers the whole time i watched it it was like any moment now someone could fire their
Starting point is 00:34:58 gun yeah and then 25 fighting minutes later no one fired around a round. And you're like, oh, I kind of enjoyed the fight, but it has no rewatchability. Yeah, I didn't get it. I didn't get it. I guess Yoel thought he was ahead in the scorecard. Because if I'm Yoel and I'm in that fifth round, it's like, all right, I got enough gas for at least two minutes of nothing but explosion. Let's wait for the clock to get to two minutes and 30 left, and let's just go for it. The most aggression they showed was after the fight ended.
Starting point is 00:35:30 After the fight, he's flipping him off and beating his chest and yelling. It's like, I wish Dana had stepped in and said, wait a minute, one more round, let's go. You're both talking a big game. One more round, reel it back. No, I don't care about the commission. I don't care. Yeah, give me the scores. I'll call it, but these two are game. One more round. Bring it back. No, I don't care about the commission. I don't care. Yeah, give me the scores.
Starting point is 00:35:47 I'll call it. But these two are going to fight another round. Yeah, I'll pay them again. Let's go. That would be amazing. Imagine that. Like, you want to fight? You're both still here.
Starting point is 00:35:55 You're all dressed up. You're trained. If you think you've got some, do it. Do it this time. How about $50,000, whoever wins this round? Bonus for a KO. Let's go. That would be so cool yeah that would be could I get everyone out of the ring real quick yeah Bruce go take a seat and
Starting point is 00:36:11 he just he just pulled that oh that would be the greatest UFC moment ever because they'd still stand there like I didn't I didn't think he's going to do this I didn't know this was a possibility well as a counter striker does this thing kind of like Anderson Silva used to clown, right? He put his hands behind his back. He darted his head around. Meanwhile, he's standing six feet from his opponent. No one has six-foot-long arms that can punch him. But he's acting like he was doing something.
Starting point is 00:36:38 It kind of masked how inactive he was. Yoel Romero does this stupid fucking thing where he puts his hands around and acts like he's fighting invisible bees. And he's acting like he wants to fight, but he's not fighting. He's just dancing or something. And that irritated me a lot. You know, at least Izzy was looking for opportunities the whole time. He didn't put on any invisible beef spotting fights like you well did it struck me the wrong way hated it it was it was it was real bad um if the if the women's fight had been so good this would have been one of those few pay-per-views where i was like i feel cheated i feel like my money was taken and i got nothing in return yep yep so it's 65 bucks even though i'm paying the
Starting point is 00:37:20 free espn plus this that is only getting more expensive. You want to switch on to Biden potentially threatening to slap some dude? Biden is such a piece of shit. Which one of these videos has the slap part? I'm guessing the bottom one. You think? I mean, they're both going to be pretty good. Let's try the
Starting point is 00:37:40 bottom one. They're the same. The tweet, the Joey Saladino link. Okay. Is that the one you're talking about? Yeah. Good old Joey Saladino. All right.
Starting point is 00:37:53 I am Joey S, as they know him back in the day. All right. Ready, set, play. Union vote when there is a large portion of the union workers that are gun enthusiasts and you are actively trying to diminish our Second Amendment right and take away our gun. You're full of shit. All right, thank you guys. Shush.
Starting point is 00:38:15 Shush. I support the Second Amendment. The Second Amendment, just like right now, if you yell fire, that's not free speech. And from the very beginning, I have a shotgun, I have a 20-gauge, a 12-gauge, my son's hunt. Guess what? You're not allowed to own any weapon. I'm not taking your gun away at all. You need 100 rounds?
Starting point is 00:38:36 So when you were in Vado, when you said you were going to take our guns, that means what? I did not say that. That's not true. I did not say that. It's a viral video. It's a viral video like the other ones are put not to do so They're lying your voice Okay, that's the I'm just gonna going to take your AR-14s away.
Starting point is 00:39:05 Kyle, help me out. I know the AR-15. AR-14's imaginary, right? That's something I just dreamt up right now, Mr. Waddy. Yeah, I mean, he's got old man eyes. He's losing his goddamn mind. Smethers, tell this son of a bitch what I really said.
Starting point is 00:39:27 So, I do want to see the viral video that he referred to. I want to know how close he has it. It doesn't really bode well for him if he was saying, I'm not going to take your guns away, I'm not going to, but you don't need 100 rounds and your AR-14. You see that argument a lot from like where it's intentionally made ridiculous, you know, where it's like, well, you know, you don't need a thousand rounds in your M16.
Starting point is 00:39:56 And it's like, okay, how about 20 rounds in an AR-15? That seems kind of steep. Well, no, also not that either is what you don't, but like they intentionally will set an anchor point high to make any sort of pushback against it seem ridiculous but in reality what they want to get rid of is a much lesser thing that's funny so first of all 100 rounds is not weird to me at all like 100 round into the gun i do need 100 rounds we try play look i don't shoot people i shoot paper uh every so often on a good day, I shoot
Starting point is 00:40:25 something more interesting than that. I don't shoot that often, but if you told me my paintball gun couldn't have 100 rounds in it, I'd be like, the fuck? 100 rounds? Just a couple seconds for me. Yeah, the hopper holds 200. What am I going to do? Yeah, you're going to put me in 10 round hoppers? I had some 150 round AR magazines myself. See, that was because you're going to put me in 10 round hoppers? I had some 150 round AR magazines myself. See, that was because you're an American. That's right.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Yes. And if you really want to have fun, you get one of those belt fed things for your AR-15 that allows you to have just a belt of bullets. And that's basically infinite if you can keep feeding them with your hand. This isn't nearly as much of a ridiculous clip as like, if it were a top 10 of ridiculous Biden clips, this would be like 15.
Starting point is 00:41:11 I like when he curses, though. I love CNN's like, what a passionate guy. Okay, CNN. If Donald Trump did the same thing. Donald Trump threatens blue collar worker is what it would be. I heard him say something about going outside. I didn't hear him say he was gonna slap him and i didn't hear it either and i don't know where biden like okay when he challenged the fat guy to a push-up contest you probably can't do a push-up i could one percent get on board he's challenging this union factory worker to a fight outside.
Starting point is 00:41:45 Biden, who do you think you are? That guy's going to eat your lunch outside if you try to do something. Yeah. I wish he said, let's go. Let's go. I saw a longer version where Biden was pointing his finger in his face. And he goes, oh, wait, wait. Now, this is not OK.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Something close to that. He was very reasonable. And he was the calm one. And Biden, that's when i may be asked to go outside but biden doing the finger pointing in the face thing that doesn't make me like you yeah bad optics on that but yeah he he's gonna win he's gonna win the the nomination so that's who's gonna win the presidency uh if it put Biden against Trump, I think Trump's probably going to win, but who fucking knows? A lot of Bernie and Warren people, I imagine, are going to be like, fuck this.
Starting point is 00:42:32 A lot of Bernie people are saying they're not only not going to vote, they're saying they're Trump voters now. Is that real or is that like a couple people? We have a good friend of the show who said it publicly. like a couple people we have a good friend of the show who's who said it publicly a man who is steeped in political knowledge an esteemed colleague who is more plugged in than anyone i know okay that person is wings of redemption oh he's switched all the way to trump okay that's what i that's what i was told yeah i really don't follow but you know somebody was like hey wings of redemption's a trump voter now i I was like, all right, all right. Could it seal, it couldn't seal the deal
Starting point is 00:43:10 for Biden tonight, right? There's not enough delegates on the line? Or could it be enough to be like, all right, this is an insurmountable difference, basically. How many, I don't know, actually. I don't know. Taylor, do you have any Tarkov-based questions? That's where I've been putting my energies.
Starting point is 00:43:25 You wanna talk about armor and ammunition painting? The Zook VI, all right? This thing is 475,000 rubles on the market right now, but goddamn, can it take a beating? No scav can take you out. You're wearing a Vulcan and a Zook VI. The choke points on these maps are very dangerous for scavs.
Starting point is 00:43:40 We need more routes. Well, even another more important thing than the coronavirus or this this political hullabaloo is did you guys watch the last of the outsider no the last episode yet okay then we won't spoil anything but just kyle give me your your very top level unspoiler takes on it i feel like i could have wrote a better ending um i i paused i was having an issue with my internet buffering and so there was a moment when there was about 25 20 minutes left and i could see the direction we were headed where where we paused and let it like buffer up or whatever it's only hbo gives me that issue and i've got i've got like 500 meg down anyway i was like this
Starting point is 00:44:20 is what's gonna happen i laid it out then we watched it and i was like, this is what's going to happen. I laid it out. Then we watched it and I was like, my ending was better, right? What the, come on. The ending wasn't so bad that I won't rewatch this and I won't recommend it to people. However, the ending was such that I felt let down and there was a particular part where a character starts asking some questions and another character says stop asking
Starting point is 00:44:46 questions and i was like i've been watching for eight hours i would like some questions asked and answered i would like some more questions if anything like like you shut the up you've been quiet this whole for eight hours yeah i'm gonna show you what you have to say now we're it it'd be like if we were interviewing fucking Lincoln. And someone's like, hey, no questions for the president. All right. He's here. I don't know how this time machine worked, but let's ask some questions.
Starting point is 00:45:16 I didn't like it. I didn't like the ending. It wasn't shit. It wasn't a Game of Thrones style. Like, what have you done sort of thing. But it was also like, oh, it was i i agree with you it was and i wasn't even as good as i was hope it's probably stephen king's fault because that's probably how it was written yeah if you get to the end of a lot of his novels they can kind of be downers or kind of ambiguous they peter out at
Starting point is 00:45:41 the end and i think it's because he writes on cocaine so much that like by the time he gets to the end he's like the fact that no no it's if you think about the way writing on cocaine would work he gets to the part where he has stopped writing clearly he's not high on her cocaine or he wouldn't have stopped writing he's at the the cocaine has stopped working and he's he's he's in low energy mode he's like i don't know maybe uh maybe they just write a note that says we're gonna drive for a while and we don't know what's gonna happen and then they just drive off into the mist yeah that's how i'll end the mist that's how he ended the mist in the book it or like 11 22 63 it's like ah he doesn't get the girl let's just have him uh ah let's let's have him just go back home yeah
Starting point is 00:46:26 that's fine yeah i want to go home yeah 11 22 63 so he i guess i'll spoil it so heads up he goes back in time he stops kennedy from being murdered assassinated and then the ramifications from that the big problem isn't like how the Vietnam War changed or anything really clever. The big problem are like tremors and earthquakes and tectonic plates moving and shit that wouldn't actually happen. It was like the whole time, you've spent,
Starting point is 00:46:57 I think the audio book is like 37 hours, it's long. So I've listened to like 36, 35 and a half hours of buildup to the ending. And it's just like, yeah, the earthquakes are really the big problem. It was a couple things though, like, I read the text. And again, I think I don't see any difference between reading a book, reading text and listening. If I've done both, and I felt like I absorbed equally in both ways. Although when you're reading the book and something's getting real good,
Starting point is 00:47:31 you can kind of slow down a little and sometimes that's like savoring the moment. I think reading the book improves your spelling and your own writing, but carry on. That's true. Maybe listening improves your speaking. Who knows? Anyway. Yeah. Maybe listening improves your speaking, you know? Who knows? Anyway. But in any case, yeah, it did affect the Vietnam War. And there was another war that popped off. I don't remember exactly the ramifications, but you're right. The big problem was that altering time in that way, like ruptured the universe in some way it put it like tore the fabric of uh reality
Starting point is 00:48:06 in some way that it caused all those earthquakes and things to happen and like so yeah i i didn't i i don't think i've ever really dug the ending of a stephen king property uh if you go back to it at the end the monster is so horrific that our minds have to invent a form for it. And so they invent the giant spider and then the children attack it with their bare hands and rip it apart. And there is this whole part where we go back in time like five billion years and we start talking about the great turtle who vomited up the universe and how his nemesis is it and you're like whoa this isn't even cocaine anymore we went on the dmt yeah we've gone down to some hallucinogens and uh and so it's bizarre and the ending of the first half of it is the child uh orgy or maybe oh it's not split up in the book yeah toward right at the
Starting point is 00:49:07 end of it is also the child i always want to call it an orgy or a gangbang but both are false it's a train it's a train a train is a gangbang kind of a bunch of little boys yeah but we take turns in a train whereas with the gangbang we all get in there and it's like a buffet right any good woman can service five people it takes a damn good woman to service five you've got to really be okay there's two holes it doesn't do it there's two holes in the undercarriage one in her head and she's got two hands carriage good god man God, man. I've counted them up. I didn't have a problem with the outlets or anything.
Starting point is 00:49:53 I was just saying it requires some skill to make that happen. But yeah, I don't know. Great show. I don't want to scare anybody away from starting it, finishing it, enjoying it. Because overall, it was a great experience. I like it. It's very good. I would rate the entire show, the eight episodes that there are, ten was a great experience. I like it. It's very good. I would rate the entire show, the eight episodes that there are,
Starting point is 00:50:13 ten episodes maybe, whatever, as strong seven out of ten as far as these shows go. Now, I would say Chernobyl is probably a nine. Very good. That show was fantastic. And Game of Thrones at its best, like a 9.5 or a ten sometimes. There were definitely ten out of ten episodes. Yeah, Red Wedding, that was a ten game of thrones at its best like a 9.5 or a 10 sometimes there were definitely 10 out of 10 episodes yeah red wedding that was a 10 out of 10. um i thought the one every time the that when the red viper of doran was fighting for uh fighting for the as the champion of um of tyrian there's a moment where he's like i would fight for you and tyrian's all teary-eyed he's like yeah and i was just like yeah i didn't even consider
Starting point is 00:50:45 that this guy could be the champion i was thinking jamie but i was like i i we i remember we predicted well i'm like what we don't know is jamie's practicing jamie's gonna show up left-handed flourishing that sword and he's gonna be as good as he ever was but no it's like you forgot that there's another like s-tier character out there who could just step right in who also needs revenge and it was it was just like such a mind-blowing fuck yeah episode do this kind of moment where ned died was amazing uh the episode where jamie lost his hand right anyone loses a hand it's a big problem but a guy whose entire identity and sense of self-worth is based on sword fighting and he loses a hand it's like different
Starting point is 00:51:25 devastation you can't have that back that's a permanent loss it was worse than death yep yeah he would have rather died almost at least at first but yeah the thing with outsider is the the ending didn't jump out at me as horrible or anything but it did leave me feeling a bit unsatisfied i was like there's a bunch of little tendrils out there that didn't get you know tied up that to find out you ever see that subreddit ruined orgasms no it's where the where the chick gets the guy to like the edge she's like it's continuous edging and his cock is so red and angry that you're like you know that they've been doing this for like an hour. And finally, like, like she'll like,
Starting point is 00:52:05 pump, pump, pump, pump, pump, stop. Pump, pump, pump, pump, pump, stop. And then one of those stops, he finally starts coming. And then she just points and laughs as he just like comes on without touching it. Like, like, like. What a horrible way to come. It's called ruined orgasms. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:20 Yeah. You gotta push through to the end. Now I'm a little vanilla, but I like to enjoy my orgasms. Yeah, I think they're hilarious. Enjoying it is probably the best part of sex. Check out ruined orgasms, guys. And girls. I can't get on board with the kink
Starting point is 00:52:37 of being degraded or ruined orgasm. That's the opposite of what I like. Yeah, I don't want someone to be mean to me. Right. That doesn't sound fun right tell me about my games that's that sounds like a much better experience to me yeah let's be nice well that's what it was like it's like we we got there we got to this. We got right to the climax. And it was like, all right, let's wrap it up here. No, no, keep going. Keep going. Give me some backstory. Give me some some nitty gritty meat and taters kind of like, like, like, like, pay it off. Come on. And I mean, we got some violence. We got some retribution. But we didn't get a lot of information and information is my like i'm i'm watching the they remade it i'm a big x-files fan it was my favorite show as a kid
Starting point is 00:53:30 and they made uh two more episodes the last couple of years you know they've come back and it's like we're bringing the x-files back we're back at it and uh it's pretty good there's an episode that's just like black mirror um each episode's kind of doing its own thing although there is this big conspiracy they're trying to get to the bottom of and it's kind of like that it really didn't pay off at the end but there were a couple episodes where it was like full-on fan service uh just just jerking off on the titties just just giving you exactly what you want like like full blast and i was just like yeah x files never used to do this there's the alien right there there it is oh all right we got tommy guns fuck that alien up and they're just tommy gunning an alien down i'm like yeah fuck you we've been seeing nothing but shadows and glimmers of
Starting point is 00:54:16 you cocksuckers for a decade now we got one in the dirt it's good stuff this ruined orgasm thing looks like the most satisfying just just the war it'd be like if i was sitting down to like some chicken wings i was really looking forward to and it's right i'm about to take a bite some guy just knocks it out of there like but you got a nice whiff of it right now pick up another one can i eat my chicken wings please yeah yeah go ahead and eat it oh thank god just kind of this is the juices i know you like the flats no this is a horrible restaurant i didn't ask for any of this i'm paying for the food yeah this why why not come on taylor pronounced H, but he's really baffled.
Starting point is 00:55:08 Why? I only eat Rocky Road. No banana for me. Come on. It's fun. It's fun. It was a good time. I wouldn't want any part of that. I really do feel like that's the one that's like, but the whole point was that. Yeah. You're ruining the whole point. The whole thing we came here to do and you fucked it up on purpose on purpose because that guy wanted you to to ruin the fun there's no like ruined female orgasms by the way that's just called porn yeah well well hey you learn something you learn something new every day
Starting point is 00:55:45 but I don't I think I've heard of that at least that I think I've heard of that yeah yeah that's what I've been watching last few days is
Starting point is 00:55:52 the wind orgasms no the the X-Files like the newer like the the latest two seasons it's it's been pretty good
Starting point is 00:56:01 they got more they got more money for CGI and such there was a really funny episode where they're after a monster, like a lizard monster in the woods. And when they get to the bottom of it, Mulder thinks that, Mulder catches him. And what he is, he's like a were-lizard instead of a werewolf. He turns into this lizard creature at night. And Mulder's like, tell me how this started.
Starting point is 00:56:23 I've got to know. He's finally got an actual monster in front of him. molder's like tell me how this started i've got to know he's finally got an actual monster in front of him and he's like when he tells the story he's not a man who turns into a lizard on the full moon he's a lizard who was bitten by a man and now he has to he has to live his days as a man and he hates it and he's describing like the the problems of human existence he's like i felt this overwhelming urge to get a job and a 401k, whatever that is. And it's just like, this is awful, it's torture. I used to just run through the woods
Starting point is 00:56:54 and have fun and adventures. And now I'm cursed to live in this disgusting form. It was pretty cool. Like a complete reversal of what you would normally see. Like he was a lizard man who'd been living his existence out in the woods and he was bitten by a man. That's pretty funny. Bitten by a rabid man.
Starting point is 00:57:13 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It was good stuff. Oh yeah. I, I won't talk anymore about the outsider said I want to spoil it for anybody, but it was good.
Starting point is 00:57:24 I still recommend it. I do too. Coming up a week. It was good. I still recommend it. There's been a few things like the Lord of the Rings stuff, but it feels so far away. There's a new HBO thing that has the number three in it. I think it's going to be horror. There's something called Devs.
Starting point is 00:57:39 Who makes Devs? Is that about software development? I think it's super futuristic and trippy. I want to say that it's got devs is an American drama thriller television miniseries created, written, and directed by blah, blah, blah. It premiered, shit, on the 5th. It's on Hulu. The premise is devs is centered on Lily Chan, a computer engineer, investigator, and quantum
Starting point is 00:58:04 computing company called Amaya, which is run by Forrest. premise is devs centered on Lily Chan, a computer engineer, investigator and quantum computing company called Amaya, which is run by Forrest Nick Offerman, by the way, he's main character, you know, the the carpenter guy from Parks and Rec. She believes this company is responsible for the disappearance of her boyfriend. It looks cool. It's pretty trippy. And there's something called the Green Knight that I saw advertised that looked pretty cool. The Green Knight is an upcoming medieval fantasy film. Oh, a film. Okay.
Starting point is 00:58:34 I'm really more interested in TV these days. Yeah, or at least a miniseries. Miniseries, you got the best of both worlds. I agree with that. Yeah, miniseries are excellent. And I think there's something coming to HBO that's also kind of both worlds. I agree with that. Yeah, miniseries are excellent. And I think there's something coming to HBO that's also kind of trippy. The New Pope,
Starting point is 00:58:50 Westworld. Westworld season 3 is coming out. I know you guys don't care for it that much, but I enjoy it. Yeah. I've been watching Curb. Great. I just watched the episode where he's using his mom's death as an excuse for everything. and that's a really funny one i think one of my favorite ones so far is when he accidentally trips shack and then like
Starting point is 00:59:14 while shack is like badly injured or so everyone thinks everything in his life is going swimmingly like he's not getting splashed on the side of the road. You know, all the little annoying things. He had to do like a birthday page. People were saying, don't do it. And he's just loving it. And then finally, when they find out, like when the doctor's like, actually Shaq,
Starting point is 00:59:35 you'll be back next week. No worries. As soon as the good news comes in for Shaq, like everything goes straight downhill for Larry. It's a really entertaining show. I'm enjoying it. Yeah. It's so uncomfortable sometimes though. Yes, it can be
Starting point is 00:59:48 really, really uncomfortable. The newest season is excellent. It might be one of the best. The season that's premiering right now every week, I watched the new episode Sunday. I'll be there before I know it because it's just become my background show. I'm just watching it now while I work
Starting point is 01:00:04 out and do whatever. I loveon leon's a great character um it's it i i didn't like the whole family i didn't like when he had the whole blacks fan black family like living with him uh but i like leon a lot pretty much all the characters can you start in the later seasons yeah if you want to. I would recommend... I'm doing a rewatch right now, and I started... I think I started around season four or season six. I started right when the Blacks
Starting point is 01:00:36 joined, because I felt... Yeah, so I'm not there yet. Oh, I thought Leon was there. I thought the Blacks had moved in with him. No, I'm season three. And you like it? I like it. Yeah, I think Leon was there. I thought the blacks had moved in with him. No, no, I'm season three. And you like it? I like it. Yeah, I think it's funny.
Starting point is 01:00:50 It's really good. Yeah. It's like Seinfeld where he gets in those really embarrassing situations and he can't let well enough alone. He's got to be like, yeah, but come on. Right? Mocha Joe, this coffee. It's not even hot
Starting point is 01:01:05 Like we talking about that's hot coffee. He's like, I'll prove it. I'll put my nose in it. See didn't even burn What is this? Book it was like, why are you wearing that hat? He's gonna make America great again hat He's like people leap. Well, he realized that if he wears a MAGA hat nobody will fuck with him Nobody wants to sit next to him. He gets into a traffic altercation with a biker and the biker pulls up and he's like, who the fuck is your... Well, just be more careful next time. See you later,
Starting point is 01:01:32 brother. It's great. It's like a social repellent. He just gets all the best seats and nobody wants to crowd him. Nobody wants to be around him. He's just repugnant to everyone now. It's always something silly like that.
Starting point is 01:01:48 I'll look forward to that episode. That sounds funny. And he plays himself. So he is like a hundred millionaire. So money is never a problem. He can just make stuff happen because he's a hundred millionaire. He's Larry David.
Starting point is 01:02:02 He's got fuck you money. Way more than fuck you money. I hate his wife though. He's got fuck you money. Way more than fuck you money. I hate his wife though. He's got fuck CBS and NBC money. I don't need you guys. He literally tells the executive of NBC to go fuck himself.
Starting point is 01:02:18 They're talking about doing a Seinfeld reunion show and the main guy in NBC is like, hey Larry, Larry agrees. He's like, would you like to see a game tonight? I got Lakers tickets. He's like, yeah, I'd love that. reunion show and like like the main guy in nbc is like hey larry you want larry agrees and then he's like would you like to see a game tonight i got i got lakers tickets and he's like yeah i'd love that they go to pick up their tickets and they're way up in the nosebleeds and they're like what the is this i thought we'd be courtside can i borrow your binoculars and he
Starting point is 01:02:38 looks and there's the nbc executive with david spade down on the court. He tries to call him and the guy goes, reject. He just tells him to go fuck himself. It's good stuff. It's fun. That is good. I think I could join it. I'll probably watch these things.
Starting point is 01:03:00 He'll talk off what's fixed. Try not to get infected out there, boys. There's like a one in a million chance that you might get the sniffles. It could be bad. Don't use PKA as your doctor. All of you three-year-olds and all you 83-year-olds, beware. It'll take you right the fuck out.
Starting point is 01:03:21 I have the sniffles right now, Kyle, and I don't like you minimizing it. It starts with a fever. But it could be dying yeah as far as we know we all are slowly yeah that's true that's depressing all right pkn 290.

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