Painkiller Already - PKN #292

Episode Date: April 3, 2020

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Starting point is 00:00:00 pkn episode 292 hello boys hello everyone so how's everybody doing anyone sick yet i'm pumped you know i spread my i spend my spring sick that's just kind of my default state kind of an allergy thing it's a rough time to cough in america right now people look at you it's not cool but it's just allergies and it's every year have you seen william and your wife yeah the people here around yeah there are some absolute assholes on like new york subways and stuff who like want seats and they'll walk on and just be like and then everybody clears out and they'll just like lay down i'm like, man, that's not how you're supposed to come together as a society.
Starting point is 00:00:46 You're supposed to kind of, hopefully. Every man for himself. Yeah, that's how it would be if everyone. I'm very excited that people have too much toilet paper now. I hope this is as widespread as the internet makes it out to be, but apparently they hoarded too much toilet paper and wet wipes and
Starting point is 00:01:05 paper towels and a few other things hand sanitizer and now that this I don't know if they were sickness profiteering or just trying to look out for number one but they had too much and Costco is like motherfuckers you can't return it you need to work through that toilet paper for the next six years core on your own once used toilet paper I don't know years. Of course not. You're on your own. Everybody wants used toilet paper. I don't know what you did with that over at your house. You sound a little judgy about my kinks right now. Very judgy.
Starting point is 00:01:32 I'm excited that these people who made everyone else suffer are suffering. Yeah, I don't like the people who are trying to resell it. If you just wanted a bunch for yourself. That's really lame. It depends on how much you got. I see some people buying at Sam's Club or Costco. You can buy these gargantuan packs that i didn't even know existed and it's like that's 100 rolls dude like like like how much are you shitting but i could use some more toilet paper right now i think i got about 10 rolls yeah that's not enough for the for
Starting point is 00:02:01 the long haul i'm gonna have to get some more it's back on the shelves. I'm not sure. We have more than we need. We get ours through an Amazon subscription. And long before Corona was a problem, I think our subscription is just too frequent. Getting more than butt whips? Yeah. I accused Jackie of hoarding. I'm like, Jackie, why do we have like 36 packets of the wet wipe things? And she's like, yeah, I should probably tell Amazon to skip a month or two.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let's not go crazy. Well, just move that into hand sanitizer. Keep it coming. Yeah, I placed an order for hand sanitizer. It'll be here in three to five years. My dad already had, like, at his poultry farm, they're required to have these big jugs of it in every facility.
Starting point is 00:02:48 And he's like, I got six gallons of it. And I'm like, shit, what are you talking about? Six gallons? He's like, yeah, they gave it to us. He's ready for the next pandemic. He's got a gallon of it in his truck. He's just riding around. Anytime he touches something that doesn't agree with him, he's like.
Starting point is 00:03:02 of it in his truck he's just riding around anytime he touches something he doesn't agree with him as per usual my facebook feed is filled with like misinformation spreading assholes people who are like look how many people got h1n1 and only 40 Americans have corona like 40 then you look and he's like well look again, it says the numbers are from January, 2020. Oh my God. Why are you posting it today? Asshole. There's like five or 600 in Georgia. It's because they're just listening to like, and we have no idea.
Starting point is 00:03:39 We have no idea how many people have it because we're not testing enough. Like I found out what the, what the test is, by the way. So like, like on PKA, I was saying, like, how Trump keeps going on about it. He's like, it's not pleasant. It's not pleasant. Let me tell you. And I was like, what is it? I thought maybe it was a stool sample or something embarrassing. Something embarrassing or something.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Oh, you know Trump's cut. Yeah, he is. He's a clean man. All right? He's a clean man. That's some Andy's filth. He's the hygiene. Well, and, like, his whole family's Jewish at this point, so you know, he'd have to fit
Starting point is 00:04:05 in. Well, I'm... So like, I wondered, like, what is he complaining about? Is he being a little pussy about this? But then like, I read into it and I found a video. Apparently it's extremely unpleasant. Swab is not the correct word. They jab this, one of those long swabs all the way to the back of your nose really hard,
Starting point is 00:04:23 like you're Arnold Schwarzenegger in and total recall trying to get that fucking tracker out of your fucking brain apparently it's very very painful how i thought it was like a strep throat swab that's what they're working toward that's the goal is to have these self-tests that are just like a little inside the cheek like dna test thing and you put it in a vial and you seal it up and then you're good to go. But right now they're like jabbing you into the fucking back of your nose. And I'm not getting tested even if I start feeling bad. I'm not. I doubt that our test in your state anyway. Missouri is doing quite well.
Starting point is 00:04:56 So is North Carolina. Last I looked, you guys are both on the low side. Did you see a map of the country with the different colors of yellow? I saw that too. Yeah. So Northolina's we have 300 some cases now we just got three more new ones in my county oh wow that's higher than it was last i checked i don't know i'm sure everyone's higher though so it's hard to say sure sure but but like last time i checked you were like 50 you know so it's like oh yeah i know that uh georgia is one of the more sick states in the nation five top five yeah like the bulldogs let's go well eventually florida's gonna beat them out
Starting point is 00:05:36 florida will invent their own virus they'll have something completely different than the rest as of today florida passed yeah it says george is 1,026, Florida at 1,412 total cases. And Missouri, we're not doing too bad, but we're also hardly testing anyone. And every case is in St. Louis, other than a couple people. That's how you keep your numbers low. That's big brain, Missouri. The mayor of St. Louis is like, we've got to figure out a way to slow down the tourism. Oh, actually, no, we're good.
Starting point is 00:06:04 No, they should show they should show like what it looks like walking around downtown st louis on like november 8th and then they'd be like look it's a ghost town november we aren't there then because we were scared it's a scary place it's just looters with hammers fucking like burning the place to the ground. Chris Cuomo has to come out and be like this was actually filmed four days after the Stanley Cup win. Sorry about that.
Starting point is 00:06:34 CNN is issuing a correction once again. It's getting real out there. It must be frustrating when you just distance yourself from all the, it's just the flu people. Because if they still believe that now Nothing's gonna change like there's just no way most of the people in my life get it Like my mom is quarantined down. She her all of her like food and groceries are being taken care of by somebody else my dad
Starting point is 00:06:59 Really that hasn't isn't gone anywhere today. He called me today. He's like, you know, I really want some Mexican food. I'm going to call in an order and pick it up. Do you think that'll be safe? He's like, I got one of those masks. I'm going to wear this son of a bitch. And nobody's going to laugh at me anyway. I got my hand sanitizer. He's like, but what about the bag? The sons of bitches are going to touch that bag. I was like, well, they got to put the food in there somehow. Like, you know, I think you'll be okay, though. So he went. A lady called him the other day, and she's like, hey, I want to come hang out tonight. And he's like, no, no.
Starting point is 00:07:32 I'm quarantined. Good for him. You can't come over. You can't come over. And so he drives back to his house from wherever he was when he took that little phone call. There she is. She's in the swing set out by a swimming pool in his backyard. He's got like this little grotto area back there.
Starting point is 00:07:49 She's back there swinging. He goes, fuck are you doing here? She's like, I just got lonely and I want to come see you. She's like, he's like, don't,
Starting point is 00:08:00 didn't you understand what I said with this virus going around? I'm quarantined. I don't want this shit. I don't have anything. I washed my hands. He's like, don't you understand what I said? With this virus going around, I'm quarantined. I don't want this shit. I don't have anything. I washed my hands. He's like, don't you... I don't think you understand how this works. It's inside of you. Oh, ain't nothing
Starting point is 00:08:13 inside of me. I'd know it if it was. He's like, but I do want something inside of me. Get the fuck out of here. Don't you ever come back. Lysoling her down the driveway. Kyle's dad's got some great you ever come back? David Wright 1,030 00,030 00,030 David Wright 1,030 00,030 00,030 00,030
Starting point is 00:08:28 00,030 00,030 00,030 00,030 00,030 00,030 00,030 00,030
Starting point is 00:08:36 00,030 00,030 00,030 00,030 00,030 00,030 00,030 00,030
Starting point is 00:08:44 00,030 00,030 00,030 00,030 00,030 oh no i'm locking down right now please don't come over and i come home and there's someone polluting my swing set yeah in my pool that's what he said he's like he's like how long before that swing set's gonna be good do you think and i'm like well if she had it like at least a day i don't know i wouldn't sit in it like the chains is steel yeah nine days that is outrageous i don't know about that but but you know maybe a little i saw you know, it shows. Nine days. That is outrageous. I don't know about that, but, you know, maybe a little Lysol. You know, he's probably got more gasoline on hand than Lysol. He wouldn't be shy with it. I was looking lately how long it lives on different surfaces. Cardboard, 24 hours.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Stainless steel, which I'm attributing to be kind of like the chains on the swing set, nine days. Good God. Don't know why there's such a difference yeah outrageous how long it's yeah i guess the difference like the regular flu you get it and maybe you infect one more person that's like a normal thing with this you get it you infect three people then they infect three people and they infect three people and that's been trouble yeah seems like a lot of people don't understand what exponential growth means. No, no, they don't. Look, to determine the intelligence of the average American, you need only to look at
Starting point is 00:09:53 the beer section and realize that they aren't buying the Corona. That's really embarrassing. They're avoiding Chinese food as well. That's I'm fine with that because it means more for me. Okay. Oh, even better deals? Hell yeah. Let's see where he goes with this.
Starting point is 00:10:13 Okay, I'll listen. That would be funny though if some guy named Ted Stevenson is like, it's just an olive garden. Please, please come in please it's not real Italian it's fired by corporate yeah Trump's talking about everyone going back to work next week and restarting the economy and yeah right so look Trump has shown a propensity to deal with even serious situation of world matters on like minute to minute short term thinking.
Starting point is 00:10:52 And I'm not sure that is the best way to approach the Coronavirus. He will say things he doesn't mean just to inflate people's good vibes about something. It is hard to read the guy who lies every time he speaks. Well, it seems to me like he, all of his framing about it is about protecting the market, you know, and none of it about
Starting point is 00:11:15 protecting people from the danger of what this actually is. His only accomplishment in his administration has been wiped out, right? The stock market has done poorly under Trump
Starting point is 00:11:24 if you measure it from from well it's under construction I don't have my list in front of me it's in my opinion like it my view of it is its economy economy economy economy economy right everything else is kind of bullshit or taking credit for things that didn't happen itis on the run yeah that's trump's doing um his fucking his thing it's not even specifically him it's fucking all of these people in washington who they gotta fire 1.5 trillion dollars into the stock market again you know to make sure that all their buddies don't lose as much money as they want that's that's a two-second conversation easy peasy and then you're talking about giving little uh tax
Starting point is 00:12:09 breaks or something not even tax breaks it's just like kind of handouts to people to keep them above water while this is going down everybody they're like i don't know uh god this is tough you want that much money how about this how about we'll give you a low interest loan from the people who we just gave 1.5 trillion to? How's that sound? It's like, dude, you guys are awful. You guys are fucking awful. I'm with you so much. I ran a little bit.
Starting point is 00:12:29 They have this, like, this is my final thing on it, is that you will see from all these pull yourself up by your bootstrap people who work for Fortune 500 companies or giant financial firms, unironically tell some poor trucker from Iowa, oh, you mean you don't have four months worth of saving, rent, mortgage, food, water, supplies, diapers, formula. You don't keep that all on hand and that's our fault somehow. And they'll say that with a straight face that it's a problem of these low level people making not that much money that they didn't prep for the six months they should have.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Oh, but then their financial firm gets in trouble for three days and they need a giant bailout. Or, oh, then their big company, oh, we're going to see reduced traffic. Oh, no, we need the little injections in the government. It's like you're not even following your own guidelines. You're saying that individual people should be stocked up for a fucking year and you need immediate assistance. Every one of you should have six months savings in case something goes wrong.
Starting point is 00:13:25 But United Airlines can't go six days. I ran some back of the envelope math, right? Let's assume the plan gives $800 to 150 million people, right? I don't know. I guess the high end is something like 15001,500 and the low end is zero. Let's call it $800. It's $120 billion. Right?
Starting point is 00:13:50 That's what that works out to. $120 billion to people. What do you want to bet he finds $3 trillion for companies? Oh, easily. And the Democrats are holding up. Right? It's Congress. The Democrats are holding it up right now. and let me go on a rant for a second
Starting point is 00:14:05 here companies will always behave in a way that benefits the owner of that company it's literally the law right so if you were a company and you were like you know what i'm gonna take the money we earn and try to pay our people better that's illegal Like you can't pay people uncompetitive wages and it kind of makes sense because you could describe that as funneling the company's money to the employees and fucking over the stockholders who actually own the place because you don't care about them, right? So companies behave in a way that benefits the stockholders,
Starting point is 00:14:39 that's how they're supposed to behave, that's the deal. Cool. Take that, park it. when we gave them tax cuts what did they do they bought back stock right they didn't give everybody raises they didn't hand out tons of bonuses maybe some isolated one-time crumbs here and there but mostly they bought back their own stock they put it they gave out dividends to the employee to the owners they didn't just take you can't just give some company money and assume that it's going to filter
Starting point is 00:15:07 throughout the population. And of course they did that. It's the law. They're supposed to behave in a way that benefits the owners of the company. Cool. Now they're giving out trillions of dollars to airline industry, maybe the hotels,
Starting point is 00:15:22 maybe the cruise lines, on and on. And the Democrats are like, well, we need to put some restrictions on this money. We need to make sure they don't just hand it out in dividends. We need to make sure that they don't fire people. We need to make sure that they don't do stock purchase and buy back their own stock when it's low. If we're going to give money to companies, we have to do it in such a way that they don't just hand it all out to the
Starting point is 00:15:45 owners. And that's what the holdup is mostly. And I'm just, I don't know. Part of me was just like, of course I said this from the beginning, they're going to find a way to hand out American dollars to the people who are already rich.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Yeah. Yeah. They're going to do what they always do. That's pretty boilerplate for them. Like the, the truckers in the middle America aren't going to get shit from this. And then they'll get blamed for having a... Every time those poor people, those low-income people are complaining about their lot in life,
Starting point is 00:16:16 the smug media and the smuggly... Learn to code. Learn to... Literally that kind of response, which is so unmeasured and disconnected with reality i i just it is infuriating to watch because you know the ending of the movie before the movie starts you know that there's not going to be a big juicy check showing up every month that's going to help people in genuine need you know it's going to be the airlines and like i saw like all the funny memes where it was like you know the airlines being like oh yeah yeah we
Starting point is 00:16:45 looks like your bag is actually 151 pounds it's going to be an 80 surcharge oh you want peanuts yeah this is a two-hour flight so that's gonna be seven bucks and then like two days into this they're like oh remember me i'm united airlines do you want to go on a nice cheap flight with us. We're your friendly Wokal Hood Airlines. And it's like, go fuck yourself. Go fuck yourself, you evil shit. I lost it at Wokal Hood. Yeah. Just whittle me. Cruise lines.
Starting point is 00:17:14 Cruise lines are the ones that have me most frustrated. These fuckers have been flying under foreign flags, right? Belgium or fucking Ethiopia or Greece, a lot of Greece.
Starting point is 00:17:24 Whoever lets them have the most lax laws and the lowest taxes and now that cruise lines are suffering fuck you cruise industry they're like hey america can we have some money suck a dick ask greece for some money see how that works for you yeah yeah get the hell out of here cruisesises. We don't need you. Yeah, yeah. I don't care. I don't know. If Carnival goes under, I don't give a shit. I don't care at all. And you know how many Americans will lose their job?
Starting point is 00:17:53 Like nine. There's no Americans on those ships. Taylor, you went on a cruise. What are your parents going to do now? I know. I think it's probably the largest employer in the Philippines based on walking around that cruise ship. Yeah. No Americans, though. So cruise employees work really, really hard. I have a lot of respect for them.
Starting point is 00:18:13 And almost like picking produce, they're like, you know what? Noah doesn't even want this job. Noah belongs at Whole Foods slicing mangoes because picking the tomatoes out of the field, that guy gets sunburned and struggles and quits on the first day. That happens in cruise lines too. These are not lazy people, but they're also not Americans. So go ask Philippines for some bailout money. It's not people.
Starting point is 00:18:38 Yeah, we got to prioritize our Americans in situations like this. For the American cash. So what you're saying here is america first well of course i think i am yeah 2020 let's go first and by america i mean multinational corporations the stock market united airlines united did you know that has united in there as a reflection of the united states? I didn't know this. Taylor is good. I'm like, I'm going to cattle shoot. There's no turns. I just have to agree with him.
Starting point is 00:19:14 We haven't seen Biden in a while. Fingers crossed. Maybe he's a little under the weather. He's already under the weather. Are we going to all admit Ruth Bader Ginsburg has to be dead by now where where the hell has she been she's in an actual Fallout bunker Trump is getting criticized for his daily briefings because they suck and he lies and he gets beat up all the time and I was thinking there's a parallel I I know that Kyle thinks that uh Trump did really roll in the debates like it he that's like one of these a showman I think yeah he won quite a few of them okay so he did right no he lost
Starting point is 00:19:49 them all all right I looked at it I mean even talk about on that thing I I checked up on it but you checked it and you said he won all of them that Wikipedia page had been modified four days earlier okay fake news you're saying I really am and I looked into it i looked at the sources trump lost every debate according to who though right cnn even fox news's poll cnn said he lost them all fox news said he lost them all fox news said he lost them all yes i swear to god i'm not gonna who i will fact check it after the show because i can't take this fact check i need to know. I felt like he won them all.
Starting point is 00:20:28 I felt like he won most of them. He made an impression on me. I just felt like he was embarrassing her. She'd be like, blah, blah, blah. Here are actual numbers that I've memorized. And he'd be like, your husband's a rapist. They're his accusers. And it was like, oh.
Starting point is 00:20:42 It was like a rap battle. And it was clear who was getting more oh Donald Trump without his audience is like John Oliver without his audience and that's why he's sucking dick on all these briefings his place is the rally the podium when he goes up there and he inspires the crowd and they chant locker up and that is where he's best they chant build the wall that's his place you get up there without the crowd and they chant locker up and that is where he's best they chant build the wall that's his place you get up there without the crowd or i'm sorry trump gets up there without the crowd and he is john oliver without the laugh track that's why he's bombing every day i watched an episode of full house like a clip that had it was like a youtube clip it was like look at how strange and creepy jesse and whatever
Starting point is 00:21:28 john coulier joe uh dave coulier and and you know they're like seeing the way it was like a clip of them talking about how cute like the little girls were and how much they love playing with them and little jokes and when you remove the laugh track, it's just three adult men preying on girls in a home they live with. It was like, oh man, this is sinister. Very few things can work without a laugh track.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Most of the shows that are supposedly funny don't work without a laugh track. Friends is atrocious without it. Friends isn't funny in the slightest if you ask me. That's true. Big Bang Theory, awful without the laugh track. Friends is atrocious without. Friends isn't funny in the slightest if you ask me. That's true. Big Bang Theory, awful without the laugh track. It's just like that was a joke? That was
Starting point is 00:22:12 barely a quip. That was mildly funny. It's sort of a ha! reaction. Never laugh out loud. Whereas Seinfeld or something like that you can end up laughing your ass off at some of the scenarios the seinfeld have a laugh track
Starting point is 00:22:31 yeah it does it's got an audience okay i believe it's a like a live studio audience yeah yeah it might be like i know that married with children had a live studio audience for their laughs like they didn't do laugh track speaking of laughs and then then i'll give a brief little update on the situation of my my brother for everybody because i told everybody i'd give him a little little update on that but this guy his quarantine video this this made me laugh it's an old man in his kitchen. Johnny Sibley. Does it have audio?
Starting point is 00:23:10 Yes. Yep. I'm here. I need to blow my nose. Uh-oh. He's doomed. All right. Are you guys ready? Yes.
Starting point is 00:23:23 Ready, set, play. i'm here making enough chicken salad for an army of one because i'm in lockdown where's his wife at i wonder yeah asian couple that take care of my plants when i'm gone brought me face mask gloves and then they brought me this herbal incense powder it's from Bhutan. Traditional Chinese medicine. It's how to avoid the corona because you do little snorts and it'll help your immune system. But I'm scared. One time at a nightclub in New York, they gave me one of these with some illicit substance in it. And I went in the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:24:09 Well, I came out and my friend said to me you snorted a gram there's none left oh my gosh this is a disaster but anyway I was the dancing queen that night I can tell stories like that soldier on man up I'm here 22 years sober so i can tell stories like that i want to get i want to get locked up with that guy that guy seems fun well for amacoka yeah for two minutes at a time and then you're like oh my god are you sure there's a wife in this story no he's definitely yeah i got a husband vibe a little light in the loafers perhaps but uh uh lindsey graham's not looking too good i gotta say wow oh he's sick i forgot or is he or no i wasn't i was saying that was lindsey oh that that was his lover yeah that's right no i think he was saying that was lindsey and that he does yeah that was him that was him yeah that does sound very similar to lindsey graham anyway uh brother update uh for everyone on my my brother's health and everything so basically
Starting point is 00:25:17 he had he had a fall that caused a broken leg pretty badly broken leg and then uh hit his head really hard and this was a few weeks ago uh got his leg, and then hit his head really hard. And this was a few weeks ago. Got his leg taken care of. They didn't think the head thing was that big a deal. Did some scans and whatnot. And then released him back out into the world. A couple weeks after that, just one day out of nowhere,
Starting point is 00:25:38 his leg's healing pretty much fine. And his head just starts killing him. And he stops being able to put words together like he would want to say he had he was hungry for lunch and he just he couldn't get the right words out it was just a word salad a mishmash so they took him back to the hospital uh the emergency room that time because he was he couldn't string more than a couple words together he was freaking out about how much his head hurt uh and they went in Turns out that he had a subdural hematoma that was getting worse, frankly, on his brain, on his left hemisphere of his brain, which is responsible for your speech and ability to write and stuff like that. And so I visited him in the hospital for the first day of that.
Starting point is 00:26:20 He was he was doing not not great at all trying trying to talk to him i'd say something like hey how are you feeling and the only thing he could say is i'm fine i'm fine i'm fine but he didn't he wasn't fine he obviously wasn't you try and ask like oh is the food uh good here you know trying to make a joke about hospital food and he'd be like oh the food is I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm like that kind of thing where it's like, and I could see in his eyes, he understands what I'm asking. He knows what I'm asking and he's getting frustrated on his own to the point that he's just going, whatever, whatever. I know that was another word he could say. And then the next day I go back and talk to him again, uh, during the day and then come back to do PKA and i got some some further bad news uh that it
Starting point is 00:27:07 made me quit the show i had to go run out and so for that evening and the following day after it was just terrifying like it's like he had had like they were really getting concerned about this pressure on his brain it wasn't like uh uh when is how long is it going to take to get better it was like oh fuck i hope there's a way to get this better you know and then they put them on a super amount of steroids and then the following day after that uh oh one thing like that was troubling is like i was working on him that last day before he started getting better uh and this is all over the course of like a few days where i sat down with them with like a pen and paper and and it was like a pad, like a legal pad, and on it was like all the times
Starting point is 00:27:48 that he'd written his name incorrectly and X'd out until eventually there were a couple of him writing it right, like him writing blues or St. Louis or Chicago or Arizona, and we sat there for a while, and like it was during the afternoon, and I was like, all right, let's do a little writing. And he was like, okay, okay, okay, I'm fine, fine i'm fine i'm fine and i you gave it to him and i'm like all right right right chicago he spends a lot of time in chicago he should know how to spell chicago but like
Starting point is 00:28:13 and he knows he knows how to say it but like he like would write a c and like look at me and be like yeah yeah that's good write an h i i'm like yeah yeah yeah you'd write a g i go no and you look at it really inquisitively like exit out then write c-h-i-g-a-c-o and i'm like no you're writing shigako it's chicago not shigak and it was like it was not getting in there with him. And it was only the day after that. And then now the past couple of days have been great. Like his recovery has been so, so, so good. Pretty much now you call him, he sounds totally normal. He's stolen all the drugs and everything by no means out of the woods,
Starting point is 00:28:54 but sounds fine. He understands thing. He can write correctly. He's cogent. He was horrified all like his, him explaining to me, like the feeling of being trapped in your own prison of a body and like not being able to say what you want to say and having people have to guess things. It sounds terrifying to me. Absolutely terrifying. Because like what? Imagine that. What do you do? You're sitting there. You can move around. You're with it. People are asking you questions that you know the answer to and you can't put the words together and put them out.
Starting point is 00:29:24 that you know the answer to and you can't put the words together and put them out. Like it was really, really scary for our whole family. You know, still is. But I appreciate everybody's well wishes on Reddit and Twitter. That's really, really kind to everyone. That means a lot. It's really sweet of you. So, yeah, just know everything's looking up right now. Very, very much looking up. Went through a really, really scary little patch there, but it's looking much better. So there's there's the brief little recap for everybody. Yeah, that's great. Yeah. We're very worried about you. I'm glad it's looking up.
Starting point is 00:29:53 I wanted to ask for updates while at the same time, not bother you. Exactly. Yeah. And I didn't know how to strike that balance. Well, it's totally understandable, and you guys handled it with a plum. Is that how you say it? I'll take it. Very well. I appreciate it. Yeah. So no surgery. He was a surgical candidate
Starting point is 00:30:14 at one point. You were talking about it being 12 or 18 hours away. Yeah, he was a surgical candidate initially, and then they did another MRI scan, and they're like, all right, well, the hematoma itself is very, very small. And what's really the problem is this latent swelling in the brain from the initial bash where he hit his head. And then I guess taking some
Starting point is 00:30:37 drugs like exacerbated that. And so they were like, all right, well, the surgeon was like, I can go in there and take care of that. But me fiddling around in that area while it's still the brain itself is still swollen might cause more problems than his worth and so we're going to pop him on this other medication and try and get the swelling down and then the hematoma it's so small it might go away on its own we might just have to go in there and suck it out it's not looking like he'll need surgery now it's looking like it's going to take care of itself now the swelling is going down but yeah very very good news have a tip on the broken leg a little experience there if you're like me and you've done you know rehab on a knee and then ankle here and there it's like you want to put in effort you want to work through maybe experience some discomfort and get back on your feet again
Starting point is 00:31:22 that is not how you heal broken bones broken Broken bones don't respond to trying really hard. They respond to time. And Joe Lozon reached out to me early on, showed me some of his disfigured friends and his universe. It's like, yeah, here's some people that started rolling again too early. Here's a guy that started walking again too early,
Starting point is 00:31:43 and the foot has like a hump in it like yeah wrong scoliosis leg or something yeah so bones heal with time not with effort they off your leg well he's got a i don't know what metal that you steal i guess so he's got a steel post in his leg from his knee down to his ankle and On the inside? On the inside, yeah. Yeah, what are they called? Plate, I think. Probably, yeah, some kind of plate. Yeah, I had that too.
Starting point is 00:32:10 Still, you want to give it time before you put it. And the problem with legs too is it's hard to use a little bit of time. If he had a broken forearm, you could be like, oh, don't lift anything heavier than a jug of milk. But with a leg, it sort of starts at his body weight. Hard to ease into it. That's no fun.
Starting point is 00:32:31 Yeah. Anyway, off your feet. Anyway, I just realized that that video I thought was funny with the Italian mayors freaking out. It's in Italian, obviously. And so people listening wouldn't appreciate it. But it's like it was funny seeing the way they respond to it versus our mayors freaking out it's in italian obviously and so people listening wouldn't appreciate it but it's like it was funny seeing the way they respond to it versus our mayors where we're like you know uh if you feel okay you can still go outside get yourself your supplies and everything
Starting point is 00:32:55 uh just just be safe out there and like these italian mayors there's like clips of them being like what the fuck are you doing out there? What are you doing? Did you not hear the message? Did you not hear what we're saying? We said to stay home. Stay the fuck home, one of them said. And then there's a clip of one of them walking around outside in the middle of an empty city. And he sees two guys playing ping pong and like a public outing.
Starting point is 00:33:19 And he's like, who do you think you are? You think you're Will Smith from I Am Legend? Is that what you think this is? This is not a joke. Take your ping pong. Go home. Go home. This is not a... No, I am the mayor of this town. Go home. And it was like... I think it was in Brazil where people were on the beach in Brazil. I think it was Brazil. And they would just bring a military helicopter down low as fuck and blow sand all over them.
Starting point is 00:33:42 And the guy's hanging out the side with him with an air like a m16 or something Like that and I mean low the sand is just And the guys just like points like away away and and like those people run away and he just goes down the whole beach Just you see lowest Fucking helicopter like a lot of drone. I've seen people use people use drones no they're in like a fucking black hawk or something like that see we should have done that for our spring break yes all those kids in florida dude out of each other's ass cracks trump didn't have the youth vote anyway that would be hilarious we'd all cheer him for. But now all those kids are going to go back to their boomer parents where they stay for break and bring the disease.
Starting point is 00:34:28 So that's not good. We'll see. I was looking at the daily chart where it shows the level of increase by country. It looks like we're the only country that's still getting worse by the day. country that's still like getting worse by the day except for like you never know about china because you have to be stone cold retarded to think that china is telling the truth they're lying they're lying i don't believe anything their cases are probably in the millions you know probably there might not be any more chinese people for all i know yeah sure to be stone cold retarded to think that we're telling the truth exactly yeah all of them are lying it's easier for us to get by on it though because we literally aren't testing enough to know the extent of the problem yeah i don't
Starting point is 00:35:10 think we have to lie to keep the numbers low they're just not testing enough there just aren't enough tests like like i that they were saying a week ago by a mission working on the tests right right well we only need american tests all those other countries that have tests, we're not allowing them in. It's so stupid. So we're going to restrict the number of tests that are available. I wonder what the reason for that is. Maybe there's a good reason. Whatever it turns out. It's trying to make money for our pharma industry, probably. I don't know why. I don't know why. I would have thought that more tests as soon as possible would be a good thing. But you think? Yeah, it possible would be a good thing but uh yeah yeah it definitely would be a good thing but like they i'm sure there's a great non-personal victory for trump
Starting point is 00:35:51 reason that there are bonuses this isn't all bad all right like lots of movies are coming out on digital release earlier or earlier or earlier than they were going to undeniable doom is amazing so much Doom. Did Doom come out early? Fucking rip and tear. Yeah, a day early. They brought it out a day early, and I love it.
Starting point is 00:36:11 I played Doom 2016. I loved that, and so I've been looking forward to this game for two or three years, however long it's been now. So fucking good. So fucking good. Have you beaten it yet?
Starting point is 00:36:22 I probably could have beaten it if I played in a linear sort of fashion But right I was about probably 60% done with the game and I realized that if I wanted to unlock this like secret weapon then I had to complete these arena Things that were like in levels past so I went back and replayed like three of the past levels Right now I'm about to go into the center of mars you are the boss character in this like everybody's like what's the biggest bad guy and i'm like me i'm the biggest bad guy there's a part where like uh you you sort of spend your
Starting point is 00:36:59 time in a demon castle and orbit around earth cool that you chill out in and you have like all sorts of cool stuff in there and gadgets and it's it's cool as fuck it's like your it's like your home base and uh do you have magic or just guns just guns no magic um guns and explosives chainsaw rip and tear just just you pull things apart so uh there's a part where you realize that you need to get into the center of Mars. Not on Mars. You need to go to the center of Mars. They're like, I don't know how we're going to do this. You go to the moon of Mars where they've got a gigantic cannon. You aim the cannon at Mars
Starting point is 00:37:43 and the voice goes, you can't just shoot a hole in a planet, and then you go, and you shoot a hole through a planet, and it's not like, oh yeah, we got a hole about this big. That's big enough for a guy. No, you destroy a third of Mars,
Starting point is 00:38:02 and there's a part where you load yourself into a cannon. You just kick the normal projectile out of the way and like get in and lock and load yourself. It's, you're just such a- Fire yourself into the middle of Mars. You fire yourself into like a cave system and like all the bad guys are just chilling out in there and all of a sudden, ka-boom! You just burst through the wall
Starting point is 00:38:18 and you get up and sort of like adjust your shoulders and they're always like, ah! And then you just start ripping them all apart. It's so fun. That sounds sick. It's so fun. i i love there's a part where i was telling you earlier like where like one of the demon like generals or some is like giving a pep talk to all the demons who can hear over the radio he's like the stories about the demon slayer have been greatly exaggerated no need to worry keep the faith and meanwhile i'm just like wading through dozens and dozens of them at the time and chainsawing them chainsawing them apart it's it's the combat system is so fun it's it's a great game yeah i watched a little bit of it it's hard it's brutal yeah i'm playing on the hardest difficulty
Starting point is 00:39:03 so it's it's hard. Baghdad Bob. That guy reminds me. Do you guys remember Baghdad Bob? You might be too young. I think it was the first time we invaded Iraq, right? We, maybe it was, I think, whatever. Maybe it was Kuwait. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:39:19 Baghdad Bob. He was the communications minister for for Iraq and we were rolling in and he was like everything is fine here we've held back the Americans at the border there were like plumes of smoke behind him in the background we take over the area where he gave a speech from a few hours earlier and he'd be at a new spot yeah they're really not having any progress iraq's brave forces are holding back those weak americans yeah that's lots of baghdad bobs in this game the demons are just they're like sacrifice your body
Starting point is 00:40:00 sacrifice your body you'll all be rewarded if you can just keep them away from and and there's inevitably like you get to the end of a level and they'll start trying to like beg and bargain with you like like the like the the boss character and he'd be like look i could give you this thing this thing is great you could just and i my my it's a cut scene and so your guy just goes boom and like blows his fucking head off and takes the thing and just nah I don't need that shit no I've got a chainsaw I've got a fucking chainsaw yeah the chainsaw is the coolest thing
Starting point is 00:40:36 like everybody's complaining because you're always out of ammo but they don't know how to play the fucking game because like you chain your kills in such a way that like the bad guys are ammo. Like it's that it's that meme where it's like tell me the difference between the two pictures and one of them is bullets and one of them is like the bad guys. They're the same picture because if you, you know, you beat them up to the point where they're like they flash and you can perform these execution modes and then health pops out of them. Or if you set them on fire and then kill them, then health pops out of them. Or if you set them on fire and then kill them,
Starting point is 00:41:05 then armor pops out of them. Or if you set them, or if you chainsaw them, then ammo pops out of them. So what you want to do is you set them on fire, wait till they flash and then chainsaw them and everything pops out of them. And you're just constantly full of like delicious, delicious loot.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Smart. It's a lot. What year is this supposed to be? Just a distant future? I don't know. Not that far. Not, it just a distant future oh i don't know not that far not it's not super distant i don't think are you still maintaining your tarkov character you go to the flea market i'm sorry the the hideout yeah your bitcoins and stuff yeah yeah i pop in every now and then you know keep that i got like 50 million it doesn't matter anymore the money's
Starting point is 00:41:41 the money thing's over i've got more than i'll ever spend i guess so i have three and i also want a lot more cases and stuff i'm i'm not like that yeah yeah i i got all the cases i could possibly want and really all the money that i need weapons cases and stuff oh yeah like um two or three thick items cases and two or three thick weapons cases and a bunch of eye cases and a bunch of weapon cases and five or six mag cases and four medical boxes and three of the food boxes and just i'm done yeah i'm i have one tenth of that and i feel halfway done yeah yeah at some point you just be you kind of beat tarkov and it's more about pvp just the thrill of killing people and and fighting the uh the ai want the kappa though yeah good luck with that i don't want it i'm not worth the trouble to me i've accepted the
Starting point is 00:42:32 i don't want to get too deep into tarkov talk but i have some uh sherpas you know carrying all my shit for me as i work my way to kappa and uh And otherwise I probably would make it a goal for next wipe. For people who don't play the game, they zero out your character, make you start over say every three to six months. Maybe six months is better. Anyway, so I wouldn't even make it a goal
Starting point is 00:42:56 given that it's gonna wipe in two and a half months. But with Sherpas, everything's easier. Yeah, somebody posted that meme. You posted it. I posted it, yeah. It's like, Woody doing his quest, everything's easier. Yeah, somebody posted that meme. You posted it. I posted it, yeah. It's like Woody doing his quest, my KD, and it's like the soldier with all the rockets and bolts hitting him in the back. Yeah, and Woody's asleep in his bed.
Starting point is 00:43:14 Shielding Woody. Yeah, yeah, no, I don't make any allusions to the idea. Some of my friends that first got me started, I think I passed them in quests. Maybe level two. Yeah, you probably passed me in quests. I wouldn't know. I would imagine so.
Starting point is 00:43:33 I'm not pretending that makes me good. It just means that I've got some... I'm standing on the shoulders of giants. Yeah, you've been diligent about it. After a while, I'm just like, ah, fuck. It's kind of... Too much talk off and off maybe but um there are quests which are like hey wear really shitty armor and kill these guys with
Starting point is 00:43:53 headshots with a shotgun and it's like okay well that armor sucks that gun sucks you know i'm at a spot in my character development where i could win a lot of gunfights that i'm losing because i'm questing yeah it happened from my very last game you know some juiced player with you know what's the air tran face shield fully auto weapon got me cornered in a building with my shotgun at buckshot and that's the way she goes yeah a lot of those challenges are very difficult and really torturous and no fun at all to do. Lots of fetch quests. Put yourself at a really bad position, at a real disadvantage.
Starting point is 00:44:33 Do this, do that. The 100-meter headshot one on four different maps is outrageously hard. I don't think I've... I'm on an 80-meter headshot one right now. Ah, you're going to get to one. It's the hardest quest. Really? i think it's uh it's three or four it's either three maps or four maps but it's three headshots on each map 100 meters plus on pmcs so it's one of the maps is interchange
Starting point is 00:44:59 100 meters is a lot farther than you think it is. It's far. Yeah. On the 80 meter, I've already been like, that should be good. That wasn't 80? Yeah. I think it's called Shooter Born in Heaven. I think that's the name of the quest. Yeah, I think it's Woods, Customs, Interchange, and maybe one more, or maybe it's just three.
Starting point is 00:45:20 I haven't done it. I haven't even got it. Shooter Born in Heaven might be a couple, like one, two, three, four. Does that sound right? I might be wrong wrong probably yeah that's probably there's probably like yeah i hear probably chapters to that quest but in any case real hard i hope you get the kappa uh i i'm probably gonna i'm gonna try to do it next uh next wipe because like the whole crew will be at zero and we can sort of like climb that ladder together yeah i aspired i'll tell you one thing
Starting point is 00:45:46 i am going to miss having rich friends next wipe i stopped in this game i made five levels first night you want to know how i had awesome gun awesome armor i had some chaperones i got some kills that probably i wouldn't have you know as a first day player you're terrible it's very easy to get lost go ahead kyle everybody will be at zero though right so like your junkie ak will be going against their junkie ak and their junkie armor helmet everything like that like true true yeah it it but but you're right like when i started it was like everybody's already been going for a few months yeah rust is like that to such an nth degree. But it wipes so frequently. Yeah, I play
Starting point is 00:46:27 I generally play like one week wipe. There are like two week, one month, three month wipes but I like the one week wipe because I can just jump in and if things go really shitty, I'm just like, alright, we need a new server. We've lost this server.
Starting point is 00:46:43 We don't want to start fresh again if you get rated the first night or the second night it's like all right we're done here we're done here larry the strong i've been um trying to make sure he gets the credit he deserves so larry's been he's the probably the number one guy who's been helping me uh giving me uh sometimes effectively money like gpus and other times just guidance and teaching. And as a way to pay it back a little bit, I've been live streaming and telling people about his live stream and it's cool.
Starting point is 00:47:13 Like he used to get in the low teens and obviously he'd have 12 people watching, 15 people watching, stuff like that. I come on like the next morning and he got 30, which tells me like a couple of things. Like look, I wasn't streaming with him. So these are people who maybe discovered him through me, but stayed because of him.
Starting point is 00:47:31 And that's the dream. Larry's legitimately a high level player. Like I've watched him go in as like a scav. If you know Tarkov, you'll know what I'm saying. I'm not gonna break it down. If you're not a Tarkov player, then you're just a loser. You're just a loser imagine not devoting your time to a game I've seen him go in as a scav player with some piece of shit uh gun and take out um glue heart and his entire gang of guys and like leave with all of
Starting point is 00:47:58 their shit before you know and that's a pretty decent accomplishment he's a very good player uh it's fun he's a really nice guy. So yeah, go support his stream. It's Laird is Strong. You can't miss it. He plays like every fucking day, all day. He does a lot of solo stuff, does a lot of squad stuff. Nice guy.
Starting point is 00:48:14 He does, yeah. His internet went out and he missed streaming for a notable period of time. I call it seven days, ten days or something. And then when he came back, we started streaming together. I don't know, he's better than ever in terms of success. So, very cool. I'm happy for him and I appreciate it. So, I don't know what I'm going to
Starting point is 00:48:32 do when I beat Doom. I'm going to need something else to do. I'm going to need a coming back to Tarkov. I don't know. I don't know. Yeah, I'll come play some Tarkov, but that's not thrilling me right now. You need something to spice it up. Yeah, I don't know. There is multiplayer for Doom.
Starting point is 00:48:47 Doom has multiplayer. And I think one guy plays as the Doom guy, and then everybody else has to be a demon. And so the human-controlled demons, and he's versing all of them, and they're at a disadvantage because they're demons, and he's got a chainsaw. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:03 Interesting, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. advantage because they're demons and he's got a you know he's got a chainsaw yeah yeah um yeah uh yeah oh oh so you're completely just a single player campaign right now yeah yeah i've been playing the campaign for probably two days i don't know how many hours i would guess 20 hours or something like that maybe 15 hours probably i don't know um on discord i get sucked in i can see what you're playing something it's not always accurate but and i saw that some of your friends are playing it and i made an improper like oh we must be playing with scum right now he must be i guess oh yeah scum has it i think he just played like three hours and then he got mad because he kept dying over and over and went back to call of duty
Starting point is 00:49:38 it can be very frustrating it's a hard like on the hardest difficulty it's hard it's legitimately hard um there's just a lot of things flying in the air i'm going by the trailers and stuff yeah like um borderlands boss fights can be like that too you know like yeah i hit the ground like an asterisk of lightning bolt comes out in every direction and it's your job not to be where the bad things are happening it's got the best soundtrack too because like while you're literally waiting through the enemy, you never stop sprinting. By the way, there's no walk, and there's no sprint. You're just constantly
Starting point is 00:50:09 full speed ahead, ripping things apart, and the music is like, and I'm just like, fuck yeah! And there's just blood and shit and gore flying everywhere. I'm pulling eyeballs out of heads And it seems like my kind of game. Maybe it's so much
Starting point is 00:50:29 Yeah, if it's thing too says I'm gonna I'm gonna be you know in the little Little gaming discord or whatever they like with MIDI and those guys like I've been streaming it to them Just just they can see what they I'm trying to get them to buy the game So if you're on after this Taylor,, you can – or both of you. Let's see what it looks like. Yeah, you can watch me play. I'm very good. Two sessions ago in Tarkov, I won 13 games in a row.
Starting point is 00:50:57 I was getting a lot of kills. I'm like, all right, boys, I've turned the corner. Now meet the current Woody. I'm amazing in our car the next night Tarkov giveth Tarkov take it away it's just getting domed from where I do don't see it coming it it highs and lows highs and lows yeah great game season finale of a curb your enthusiasm came out Sunday night oh really good really good watch last week or so I gotta jump back in great season Yeah, great game. Season finale of Curb Your Enthusiasm came out Sunday night. Oh.
Starting point is 00:51:26 Really good, really good. I haven't watched that in the last week or so. I've got to jump back in. Great season. And I know you guys don't watch Westworld. I'm done with it. I'm done with it. I've been done with it since the end of season one. Let me tell you.
Starting point is 00:51:38 All right, so anybody who's listening to this who watches Westworld, I'm going to spoil the most recent episode. A tidbit of it. Skip ahead. That's all you get. Here's what they did. They have the creators of Game of Thrones. The D.B. Weiss guy and the other guy, D&D. They have them sort of having a little conversation.
Starting point is 00:52:02 Turns out Game of Thrones is a world. It's's battle world and they're discussing and they're like uh they're selling something i can't remember where it's going they're like how are we going to ship it and the guy's like a chainsaw let's cut it into pieces and it's drogon they're gonna it's i was like all right i'm done never again never again are you serious dude that's terrible they're're saying Game of Thrones is a subset of Westworld? Yeah. Yeah. And the creators of Game of Thrones, like the actual
Starting point is 00:52:32 creators are there and they're discussing like chainsawing Drogon up to like sell him to somewhere. They're like, yeah, how are you going to ship that? In pieces. That's, what a terrible bit of lore to add. Yeah it's awful they should be relieved of their duties they they have been relieved of their duties oh i thought that they i thought
Starting point is 00:52:53 that they made game of thrones rush so much because they wanted to jump to their next hbo product yeah that didn't work out for them oh i thought it was star wars i saw the most recent star wars uh you know the main trilogy line. Have you seen it, Kyle? I'm done with that shit. After they kill off Mark Hamill, like a pussy, like a Buddhist, like force projecting.
Starting point is 00:53:15 All right, well, I'm done with your nonsense. I'm usually on the other side. I usually think Star Wars movies are good, and people are only mad because they wanted great. I've said it a million times i'm not sure this one was good like it was fair and it's like bro you are star wars you're supposed to beat fair it it was a five out of ten and I'm done. But even just, it wasn't a special movie, period.
Starting point is 00:53:48 It was like, it happens to Batman. You know, a Batman movie comes out and you say, oftentimes, I mean, it was fine. I just wanted Batman to be really good. Star Wars was, I mean, I guess. I'm done.
Starting point is 00:54:01 I'll never watch another Star Wars. I'll watch the Clone Wars. I'll watch that because that's good. I'll watch the animation. But I'm done. I'll never watch another Star Wars. I'll watch the Clone Wars. I'll watch that because that's good. I'll watch the animation. But I'm done with the movies. I'll never watch another one of those again. I will never finish whatever this current trilogy is. I watched the one where Mark Hamill dies.
Starting point is 00:54:16 I'm not going to watch the one that's either out now or about to be out on demand. Fuck it. No. I'm done. I don't care. Are you holding out for Avatars 2, 3, 4, and 5? I mean, I'll watch them. I didn't mind Avatar 1. It was fine.
Starting point is 00:54:32 It didn't blow me away either. Yeah, it didn't blow me away. It had no cultural significance despite being the second highest grossing thing of all time. I just remember the end of that movie, not just getting mad, even in the theater watching it, where the high-tech
Starting point is 00:54:45 fucking badasses in the military with their spaceships, they're like, alright, how are we going to battle the dragon savages that really can't fly that high and they're very slow. Take us in! We're going to go bring us within range.
Starting point is 00:55:01 Oh, so you want us to hang out in the stratosphere and ping them, pling them a little bit? Just beep, beep, beep, beep. No. No, I want to be able to reach out with my hand and slap the dragons. Fly down right to the level that they... We're going to do some dragon wrestling, boys.
Starting point is 00:55:16 Are you sure? It's like their thing. That's what they always have to do in movies like that. It was so fucking stupid. And I guess they had to do it because there's no other conceivable way that they could have had that battle. No, it's just Ferngully the movie. If you've ever seen Ferngully the cartoon.
Starting point is 00:55:31 Or the Smurfs. Ferngully is great. It's like, I don't know. These guys are deforesting the rainforest. Now little rainforest elves are like, oh no, they're coming. And the truck, it's like one piece of machinery does everything.
Starting point is 00:55:48 The deforesting. It's like a huge, enormous machine. It cuts the trees. It grinds them down. It's like a paper mill in one thing. And it's sentient. It's like doing musical numbers about being toxic and stuff like that. Toxic sludge. And the operators realize
Starting point is 00:56:04 It's so over the top evil that they like program mean socks into it no it's not programmed it's like it's like literally like sentient like it's like a demon that cuts trees down and it has drivers and when they realize it's alive they're like fuck this and they jump out it's a cartoon by the way it's it's it's it's for kids right right? Fern Gully? Yeah, I guess. I would say, you know, 10 to 12, not 4 to 6. Okay.
Starting point is 00:56:31 I haven't seen it, so I just... I don't know. But that's all. That's all the Avatar is. Smurfs, Fern Gully, any of those things. I don't know. I'm not really looking forward to anything that's around the corner. I want to see Robert Pattinson. I think that's how you do his name In as Batman, you know, he's the new Batman
Starting point is 00:56:49 He looks good in the in the suit. I'm gonna get a picture. I didn't Wait, dude, and they released like what who's the bad guy? What kind of era of Batman this is are they sticking already? Are they gonna back off that a bit? I don't know. I don't know an answer to any of that stuff. He looks like a good Batman. He's got a good chin. Yeah, was he... What was that movie about...
Starting point is 00:57:13 Yeah, yeah. That's the one. I recognize him. Good looking guy. Yeah, good looking guy. He looks good in the suit. I'll say that. We'll see if he can fucking act, which is the i thought ben affleck was good is it the acting or is it sorry cut you off is the acting or is it the screenplay and the plot and i feel like a lot of
Starting point is 00:57:35 these things got fucked up because they changed what the movie was going to be midway they went from happy to dark and had to refilm it. DC has such an inferiority complex. Every time Marvel does something, they'll go in like, let's be more like this. Oh, but let's move over like that too. You could see that they had done it to Suicide Squad. Suicide Squad was trying to both be Guardians of the Galaxy and Like I don't know one of the grittier Marvel movies nights Yeah at the same time and they couldn't like fit those art everything's super colorful, right?
Starting point is 00:58:13 It's gonna be crazy like zany titles and and music. Let's do music the whole time. That's gonna be really expensive Yeah, I don't care lots of music like pop songs left and right hits the greatest hits okay so so like guardians yeah is it gonna be fun with lots of jokes and and like no really likable characters oh not at all not at all you're gonna hate them all you're gonna hate them all but we've got will smith right he's a movie star actually the joker he's gonna be the main character right now we'll have him for like 10 minutes then he's out then 10 minutes and that's it a lot of ways to do a successful superhero movie right the batman gritty dark knight stuff was good very good uh great okay um thor ragnarok right practically comedy very good movie i'm sure i pronounced that close i haven't seen those um yeah and and guardians of the galaxy another one
Starting point is 00:59:03 that was kind of fun. Very fun. You can do it in a lot of different ways. Endgame, which was, I thought, moving. Maybe not for you, but for me. But DC, like you said, they can't seem to hit any particular bullseye, and they just fuck it up. They have an inferiority complex.
Starting point is 00:59:23 It's like they've got this older brother in Marvel who's just always winning, and they're like, i'm gonna be just like joe i'm gonna play football and it's like well joe's not playing football anymore now he's a chess champion oh i can be smart too i can be smart too well actually you know he's a grand master now actually actually he's into martial arts a lot now i could kick ass why don't you go do your own thing man don't you like water polo or something like like be your own thing stop trying to get it that man like they fell so far behind obviously you know marvel already had marvel took its time and established all those characters each character got a goddamn trilogy of movies of that made between a half million a half billion and a billion each you know the thor movies and the iron man movies three each they each got three everybody got a movie at least one mostly two most of them got two i know like black widow and
Starting point is 01:00:10 like hawkeye like they're only now getting their their properties going and they shouldn't get them at all no probably not about those characters i'm not gonna watch the black widow movie and i'm i mean i'll probably watch hawkeye's tv show that's going to be on disney plus but i really don't care that much but yeah dc's they're they're so bad at their job oh no it's hawkeye's arch nemesis anyone with a firearm i'm on the opposite side too i do not have superhero fatigue somehow yet and i'm down down for it. My greatest enemy, the school shooter. Kyle's 100% right that DC has an inferiority complex, and they're way, way behind.
Starting point is 01:00:52 On the other hand, I love the journey. Stop trying to catch up to Marvel and just exist now. Start your journey. No more catch up. Make a good Batman movie that's about batman being the dark knight and solving a mystery beating up you know maybe three scenes where some low-level guys a scene where he fights the high-level guy and the high-level guy escapes but batman's buddy's injured then we gotta put our heads together figure out how we're gonna
Starting point is 01:01:23 fight him at the end and then we beat him at end. And then we tease the next movie and rinse and repeat. Redefine Robin. Redefine Robin. Take the tights off. All right, let's not go that far. I would watch it. Bag it. Okay. Okay. Now we've got the character development rolling in. I see where you're going with that, so opening scene Robin sucking cup right and then I hold it to Leo Batman and then it's all about Robin trying to seduce Batman until they eventually form some of a master-slave s&m thing he's like wham Robin I'm tired of sending you on these break-ins only to come and see you getting fucked in the ass Just riddle me this, Batman.
Starting point is 01:02:25 Do you know the cure for AIDS? Robin, I'm keeping your blood separate from mine in the freezer for now. I didn't know who Groot was. I didn't know any of the Guardians of the Galaxy. I'm not steeped in superhero knowledge. I didn't know it was a thing. Marvel just takes some... I didn't even know Hawkeye. I was new to it.
Starting point is 01:02:43 I'm mostly a movie guy. DC, I'm told, has the better source material. I'm told that it's generally agreed that their comic books are better, but their movies are way, way worse. So just start over and get it right. I'll tell you what I want to see the most, like the next superhero thing. It's Spawn. I don't know if you're familiar with Spawn.
Starting point is 01:03:01 If you want to catch up, so they made a move. First of all, black superhero. One of the most badass superheroes ever. He's neither DC nor Marvel. He's like mystery comics or action comics. I don't know. I can't recall what it's called, but he's the most popular guy from there.
Starting point is 01:03:19 You can go on HBO and you can watch a miniseries that's animated very grittly and like rated R. I think there's pussy in this. That's how hardcore this animation is. Animated pussy, yeah. Animated pussy, all right? Someone, Ennies too, I kinda like.
Starting point is 01:03:38 There's fun, I think there's dick. Like it's a hardcore animation. Now they made a movie. Is Robin in it? Carrie. He wouldn't miss it. They made a movie, a live action movie, like 10, 15 years ago. It had a good cast, but it's awful.
Starting point is 01:03:54 John Leguizamo's in it. I can't remember the guy who plays Spawn himself. Basically, Spawn is this. He is a CIA agent, super hardcore, as badass as a human being can be. Then he dies and goes to hell. And the king of the eighth realm of hell, Malboja, not Satan, Malboja, says, you're going to be my hellspawn. I'm going to soup you up, throw these powers on you, and you're going to be my dude.
Starting point is 01:04:22 You're going to fight for me. And Spawn's like, nah, I'm just just gonna take these cool powers and go back to earth and his powers are it would take me 10 minutes to go over all the shit he can do but i just wikipedia them and looked at the list that that's not fair that's too many the basics of it are he can he's got this his suit is sort of alive it's sort of sentient he can just form weapons hooks and stabbing weapons as well as guns later on um regeneration mind control and if you go to like there are different iterations of spawn so as his story goes he like supercharges himself like every two years or something throughout the writing by the end i pretty sure he kills god yeah he kills god at the end uh and and satan and transcends above both fair yeah
Starting point is 01:05:12 his balance in the force but you don't have to do that you don't have to blow your wad and kill god in the first movie like like you could just have spawn being like what he is, which is like a hardcore antihero who just doesn't give a fuck about anybody except for, if you watch the animated thing, you'll see like he defends the poor people in a neighborhood from like bad guys. And then he ends up fighting with demons and all sorts of other stuff.
Starting point is 01:05:40 Very violent. I'm confused. He seems like a good guy in the same way that like is it predator do i have his name right is a good guy he's just ruthlessly good punisher maybe punisher um yeah he's he's a lot like punisher i guess yeah punish is fair yeah um he's not as weepy as the punisher he does have this whole thing where he's like the devil or Malbosia The king of hell does this thing spawns like you could have my soul. I'll fight for you
Starting point is 01:06:10 Just send me back to see my wife. He's like sure I'll send you back to see her. That's the deal. Right? He's like, yeah, that's all I want. He's like Just like we said, right? Yes Click and he goes back. Eight years later, he allows eight years to pass, and Spawn goes back scarred as fuck. He's like a burn victim, the worst kind.
Starting point is 01:06:33 His wife is remarried to his best friend. They're banging in his bed. They've got a kid together now, and they're just like, no! No! Yeah. Sucks to suck. I want to see a Spawn movie. i'd like to see a spawn movie um it's it's
Starting point is 01:06:48 it's just so fucking dark and so cool and i and i don't know i knew blade they could read they could redo blade i'd be down for that blade i think is marvel pretty sure blade is marvel you know the wesley snipe movie i guess you're right yeah i snipes i think you i i think so too but i'm not sure yeah along with john constantine i think it's dc though i gotta know i gotta correct myself yeah it's blade marvel or dc i yeah marvel i was just thinking about like i think the production of a lot of these things got stopped because corona and yeah i i can't there have been downturns in our uh economic history before but i don't ever remember just turning off the economy and turning it back on like that's a new thing to me yeah it's not how it works yeah we just stopped working
Starting point is 01:07:43 we all say it goes to show you though like in fairness like i stopped a while ago if there ever was like a power to the people like moment of revolution whereby i was like wage slaves of america don't go in tomorrow it goes to show you shit would hit the fan yeah it would it would it would be a mess a lot of people have been talking about like the most important people in our economy right like the ceos stay home no one gives a it's the cashiers and the food service people and the costco retail guys and like the warehouse employees like those are the ones making america move truck drivers yeah if they decide it's not going to work every city in the country is out of
Starting point is 01:08:29 food in like three days it's super important that they're not unionized right like every truck driver is like this independent contractor there's there's 120 000 individual employees and no group if they worked as a group and just stopped working for four days, America would have big problems. They would get whatever they wanted. We like your union, but we just bought 50,000 Tesla trucks. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:56 Both sides of that. They get whatever they want and then they quickly work to make sure they couldn't do it again. Yeah. Well, here's hoping that we turn the spigot back on to the economy and maybe the summer weather they quickly worked to make sure they couldn't do it again. Yeah. Yeah. Well, here's hoping that, we turned the spigot back onto the economy and,
Starting point is 01:09:08 and they, why they, maybe the summer weather does help with this fucking virus. Who the fuck knows? You get so much misinformation back and forth. Like I'll, I'll read it. I'll read 10 articles that say one thing and the next day it's not true anymore.
Starting point is 01:09:19 Yeah, sure. Yeah. Cause they're all figuring it out at the same time. I feel like. Yes. Yes. Um, yeah. Anyway. All right Because they're all figuring it out at the same time, I feel like. Yes. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:26 Anyway. All right. That's a wrap. I'm going to go play some Doom. PKA 292.

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