Painkiller Already - PKN #302

Episode Date: June 5, 2020

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Starting point is 00:00:00 BKN 302 You guys missed about 15 minutes of Tarkov talk You're lucky Race war! You know, let's just redo the Tarkov talk That's what people want to fucking hear Tarkov is important Is there something else happening out in the world right now, Kyle, that you're referencing?
Starting point is 00:00:17 Well, I've been playing the Tarkov To prepare me for the race war Alright? I scrounge around a lot I look for junk food, right? Yes. I try to find as much ammunition as I can. Lots of melee weapons.
Starting point is 00:00:32 I get killed a lot by men who speak a language I can't understand. This is preparing me for the days ahead. You're going to be able to go in there like a demon's whisper, pilfer out a 75-inch TV. Nobody else knows the tactics to carry a 75 inch tv alone kyle does i can fit in my gamma that's your i assume like infinite satchel the trick is you gotta lube it up you gotta lube that you widescreen let's go yeah you know something i'm like that's like obviously all these protests and riots are happening all over the country. So if three weeks from now or whatever the time frame is and there's not another explosion of COVID, what does that kind of tell us?
Starting point is 00:01:16 You know, like the writers are wearing masks, dude. They are. First of all. Not nearly enough. Yeah, they are. No, they are. I've watched a ton of it. They're wearing masks.
Starting point is 00:01:24 And it's not just that they're looking out for themselves. Hiding your face is kind of a good idea when you're in the middle of a riot. I've seen enough of the protests. You know, the rioters, yeah, but there's a lot more people at the protests than there are at the riots. Well, if Karen gets the COVID, I'm
Starting point is 00:01:40 okay with that. The protesters are wearing masks in Raleigh. They're wearing them in atlanta too i feel like the people that protest police brutality and the people that are pro-mask there's a huge overlap in that group i'm sure i'm just saying that like it was what three weeks ago that like three dozen people would gather on some library steps and media is like oh my god you're risking everyone's life and then now now it's like, okay, so like, where did all these stories go? Like, is there going to be another explosion?
Starting point is 00:02:10 Because the story changed, COVID is not contagious. Like it seems like it's, it's gone so far down the list compared to the riots and protests. And it's like, well, you know, this coverage is pretty great for us. So we'll, you know, we'll deal with that in three weeks when it may or may not explode again. That's what I'm curious about. Is it going to explode?
Starting point is 00:02:28 Is it going to get really big again? Or I don't know. I'm just glad that you're looking out for that. You're so concerned for the health of all those African-Americans. I just want to know how long I get to live alone. It's so unlike you. It's so unlike you to be so concerned
Starting point is 00:02:41 with their health. I'm glad to see that you've changed so much. Exactly. Because I'm sure that that that you've changed so much. Exactly. Because I'm sure that that's... It has nothing to do with me being able to continue to work from home. I'm sure that's exactly where this argument is coming from. Yep. Yep.
Starting point is 00:02:54 It is not based in selfishness and being able to sleep a little bit in more. Dude, if the COVID gets worse, you get to sleep in forever. Yeah. Well, I don't want to die from it. I just want to be able to not go into office buildings anymore is that what you meant by sleep in forever no i just meant like continuously you you really took it hardcore i don't i think you could you could survive a little covid oh i know i could my money's on you taylor now that i said that god i'm gonna be one of those guys yeah you'll be the one on the respirator he was an otherwise healthy well he was fat 29 year old man i've seen that argument made a lot though like hey
Starting point is 00:03:32 now that the news isn't talking about covet i guess they just made it all up but it's just no no no no story i don't definitely don't think it's made up okay well i'm paraphrasing my facebook fan yeah who absolutely thinks it's made up. And by that I mean... I've been saying it's real the whole time. American healthcare system is just a giant scam designed to fool you. Like, yeah, they totally... I'm sure. I thought anti-vax was almost like 0.01% of crazy heads, right?
Starting point is 00:04:09 of crazy heads right um like that no anti-vax has now become like the right side of the republican platform right now i'm not saying all republicans obviously no really welcome to my facebook dude people that oh yeah i guess there's that too yeah but no like believing that the vaccine and that watching that plandemic youtube video and thinking that it's real, thinking that Bill Gates has tried to gain control of you. Well, that's true. That shit is alt-right conspiracy theories. That was all over my Facebook feed a week ago.
Starting point is 00:04:35 And I feel Gates. Oh, you haven't heard that. Yeah. So Bill Gates has been trying to vaccinate Africa for quite some time in an effort to lower their mortality rate. Right. That's what he's doing with his billions. And when the pandemic, the COVID-19 came around, he started focusing some efforts on the COVID-19.
Starting point is 00:04:55 It's right in his wheelhouse. This guy's been dealing with immunizations for decades now. And all of a sudden, they're like, Bill Gates is trying to control us. It's a liberal plot to get microchips embedded in you. Bill Gates has been taking it on the chin reputation-wise. They say he's trying to purposely lower the population. Now what he meant was they don't want unplanned pregnancies in Africa. They're trying to hand out condoms.
Starting point is 00:05:20 But what they take it as is he's trying to kill everybody for three reasons i'm not sure um so yeah this anti-vax thing has become all like a i'm not saying the right i'm saying the fringe of the right you know i've freely admitted that the left has those overweight purple haired women that i think it's fair to say the right has theirs too i think it's just the fringe because i think there's a lot of overlap between right and left on the anti-vax thing like when I see a lot of those anti-vax moms they don't look like
Starting point is 00:05:54 their right wing to me those are not skinheads it's a mixture it's left and right I think that one spans the breadth of the political parties. When you say it, I agree. I guess it's the right that's been dominating my Facebook feed. Yeah, if you had a Facebook feed that was full of like crazy, crazy fringe left, you'd be getting this.
Starting point is 00:06:19 It'd be the same right now. I suspect you got to you got to start following a bunch of people on Twitter. Like the far left communists and the far right people. It's just so when stuff happens, you can kind of get a feel for what people are all thinking. I have a sneaky suspicion. You think that I don't have a wide variety? Fair enough.
Starting point is 00:06:39 I have a sneaky suspicion. I have no proof of this, but I just feel like maybe Woody is part of some sort of troll group that he's followed on facebook and they're all like tongue-in-cheek like jokey posts other paramotor pilots have written to me too and they're like dude how crazy is this why is it that this sport attracts so many like look if you guys saw this you would agree with me i know you think you wouldn't because you're a little further right than i am no these guys are so far right that you know they they literally think that like every virologist on the planet has come into agreement in some effort to
Starting point is 00:07:16 get microchips embedded in your arm and control you more i want one of those really i'm more i think i'm more left than you i want it to yes i want it to be my credit card i want it to have my full medical information on there like like i want to be a bit to be able to scan me and like know my know everything they need to know about me mark of the beast please yes i would love it if it was if it looked like the devil what do you what do you think robberies are going to be like in the future? You think it's going to be hand over your wallet or I'm taking your thumb? What do you think?
Starting point is 00:07:50 They can't do it. I'm just going to go home and cancel my thumb. It's just like stealing a credit card, Taylor. No, I come up to you on the street and I hold a gun to your head and I want to go right to your ATM and I want to take out $20,000 because you're a rich guy
Starting point is 00:08:01 and you're wearing a top hat and money's falling out of your pants. Everybody knows how rich you are. I'm taking your thumb with garden shears, leaving you to bleed out, stealing whatever other chips you have, and then I'm leaving. First of all, you don't put it in your thumb.
Starting point is 00:08:13 Second of all, Taylor, I can do it. Back of your neck? I want it right here. I think the Bible says back of your hand. I want it right where the Bible says it needs to go. All right? Because I believe in God. I just don't like him.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Alright? Right here. Dude, you've said before, and I know you've said before that if you lost a tooth, you would consider ending it all. I hate this argument. I hate this argument. Because look, I could come to you and make you
Starting point is 00:08:40 give me your wallet, Taylor, and it has everything that that fucking chip has in it but you do it taylor's argument let him do it okay i'm telling taylor that his argument is absurd i'm he's he's like what if somebody takes your thumb and i'm like what if somebody takes your fucking wallet that you carry every goddamn day well then you still have your thumb in that second scenario you can get a new wallet you can go they're not gonna take your thumb because it's useless i'm gonna go home and cancel my thumb but they take you you're dead on the street right that so right now they take your credit card and your license and all that bullshit
Starting point is 00:09:14 and we hate it it works for like what 30 minutes until you cancel it or even less because they recognize that you don't normally buy freaking pasty cakes or hostess tweets or whatever it is um uh won't that just happen with the thumb right they'll take your thumb instead of your credit in the same way they take your credit card first of all it's not my goddamn thumb the market okay the whole hand the whole hand fine fine you win they're gonna it's just an absurd scenario in which someone is going to cut my hand off on the hopes that i have enough money to make murder worth it how many movies have we seen where they cut a guy's hand off to get the briefcase he's chained to it how many movies have you seen where a man
Starting point is 00:09:56 flies from rooftop to rooftop fighting crime the top hat gives you away as wealthy, Kyle. They're going to take your hand. It's just absurd. You're the one wearing the hat. My point is I want the Mark of the Beast. If they're ever giving them out, I would think that Discover would offer to pay for the whole thing. Anybody did, they would. Because I could cancel the Discover card,
Starting point is 00:10:24 but once they put that shit inside my skin, I'm just like, well well 26% APR? Shit You're canceling the annual fee right? Alright we'll leave it in Imagine getting an embedded microchip And then finding out that was just for an Introductory rate and you're like fuck I make terrible financial decisions
Starting point is 00:10:40 And now medical Where Kyle's stoked on the first time He's like yeah trying it out for the first time goes to fucking arby's whoop oh we don't take deb we don't get discovered here and you just have an implant in should i hitch my wagon to visa oh i'm sorry let me uh let me wave my other hand that's my amex perfect discover is my favorite card i like discover why all the um they give Amazon bonuses Like 5% cash back on everything on Amazon
Starting point is 00:11:07 Although now I have an Amazon card Which has a similar thing but better Yeah I was going to apply Is that the silver or black Amazon card I was literally about to hold up my god damn Amazon card And show you the fucking front of it I'm picturing this
Starting point is 00:11:23 You get Visa You get MasterCard, then you go to your feet, like, Discover, American Express. And then my fucking dick is Diners Club. Suck up, baby. I need to get one of those Amazon cards. I buy enough on there now that you just, you have to.
Starting point is 00:11:39 And with how, you know, riots, all these things, more excuses to stay home, right? Like just continue to hang with me at home. Are they rioting in St. Louis? Because they're pretty active in Raleigh. Yeah, yeah. Four cops or four or five cops got shot downtown last night.
Starting point is 00:11:56 And a retired police captain. By other cops. That's how hardcore it is. Why do I think I could hang with St. Louis? Like, are they doing anything here? Because it's kind of a big deal here. They use tear gas and everything. He was like,
Starting point is 00:12:08 yeah, they, they raped the mayor. Jesus Christ. Yeah. The first time I think a 20 year old kid died. Cause he robbed a FedEx truck while it's still the driver in there. And like,
Starting point is 00:12:19 people were banging on the sides of it. And then the FedEx guy was like, I'm not getting Reginald Denny to drove away. And like, I got all cut, you know, screwed up. That fat bitch didn't get KO'd in the middle of the street. of it and then the fedex guy was like i'm not getting reginald denny to drove away and like i got all cut you know screwed up that fat bitch didn't get ko'd in the middle of the street after you hit that cop twice that that was awesome some like chief or police captain that recently retired he was helping a friend out at his pawn shop and he got shot to death last night he wasn't
Starting point is 00:12:43 among the four the four were just the active cops and so yeah it's gonna be rough like there's let me find the video it's like it's a madhouse it's it's like almost depressing so i don't even want to watch that many of them yeah it's uh i don't know it's been fun man i uh i went today i had to drive about an hour into atlanta and back and i was actually like mildly concerned not for my safety but for my time i was like they're not gonna slow me down are they because like first you're not dragging me out of my car i will crush and maim and drag until that bad boy can't go anymore that's what four-wheel drive is for probably i don't have four-wheel drive but i've gotten close to 500 horsepower i'm not going to stop
Starting point is 00:13:25 I'm going to grind what's his name Mr. Anti-Bully Mr. Medeker he covers all this stuff really well. He found a clip someone posted of people running gunfights in the streets of St. Louis
Starting point is 00:13:42 last night leaning out of cars firing at other, driving around like it's Mad Max. Oh, that's great. This is too far. So in Raleigh, right? Let me take a step back. In other cities, when I saw that they were protesting and looting, I almost, I don't want to say i thought it was good because that over exaggerates my position or exaggerates my position but i like felt like i understood it like hey you didn't
Starting point is 00:14:10 listen when they kneeled now they have to do property damage fuck you know like police brutality is a problem we did just watch a guy slowly murder someone like i i believe the police are rougher on black people i i don't like it but i get how based upon what fair so then it happened at raleigh and i was like well this is just bullshit why'd they break windows in raleigh that doesn't make any sense and then the one where i will stand by is maybe not hypocritical they took out the triangle mall now i know this area i'm like what the fuck that's not even a protest that's a 12 minute drive from where you live like what what and that mall is suffering like so many malls why did you guys all like how many of you 100 got in your cars drove 12 15 minutes parked in the triangle mall parking lot surely an empty cavernous of a dying mall and then you
Starting point is 00:15:06 went in there and looted shit like this it was fine when it was nameless faceless business owners over there so i thought i'm admitting yes i like when it was nameless faceless over there and it and and like so i don't know like they're taking out all these targets and i'm like why targets i guess it's in the name but they want but because they don't shop there They're taking out all these targets. And I'm like, why targets? I guess it's in the name. That's what they want. Because they don't shop there. They took out one of our targets too. Don't shrug.
Starting point is 00:15:32 You know they don't shop there. I didn't mean to shrug. Where should we loot? He tailored it. I don't know. I see. But yeah, the Triangle Mall. It's not in a downtown area.
Starting point is 00:15:50 It's off to the side in, like, the suburbs of Raleigh that, like, these people had to get in their cars. You can't walk there. It's a four-hour walk, you know, and a 15-minute drive. It just, like, I don't know. Like, if you break a window at the Starbucks as you're riding right there, I don't like it, but I saw how it happened. You know, you got a little too rowdy and you broke a window and you're trying to be an asshole. But this is just so deliberate.
Starting point is 00:16:13 It's still between manslaughter and murder one. I like that. Yeah, good point. No, I don't like the property damage. You know, they gave Trump a huge hard time yesterday for what he did, you know, clearing out those protesters with the military so that he could stand in front of that church. And I heard that the same way I just stated it from CNN.
Starting point is 00:16:32 And I was like, well, maybe there's two sides, or at least there's a peek at another side of the story. So I went to Fox News because I didn't understand. I was like, why would he do that? Why would he even go to church? Why is Trump going to church? And then I realized that the protesters burnt the church down the day before and i was i was oh very significant historic church like lots of other protesters burnt down this historic church the day before and that's why he's there yeah yeah i saw i'm glad that you said that because i guess my news was biased i
Starting point is 00:17:03 looked at that i watched the video i couldn't see that the church was burnt down in the video and spray painted all the hell i couldn't see that either that there was a tighter shot that i saw and he was in front of if i recall like a sign you know how they put the little plastic letters and spell things out and um and he held up the bible upside down for the photo op and stuff and um it looked i look at it through a slightly different lens now that i know that it was the target yesterday like it's still a dumb photo op he's still they were peaceful protesters those weren't the people that burned the church down there was a curfew it wasn't curfew yet uh he was doing a real show of this is what we're going to
Starting point is 00:17:42 do to protesters but he picked the wrong ones. They were not violent. They weren't even like hinting to be violent. He's tried to change the story. They were grabbing water bottles. There's video you lying fuck. They weren't. To be fair though,
Starting point is 00:17:56 they would have dispersed a crowd of Trump supporters had they been as close as they were to that church. And he, and he needs to be in the designated protest area. Designated by the president does it seem so yeah no they were in the spot where you're supposed to like exercise your free speech and he would they went in there with tear gas so that he could walk to the here's what really happened in my opinion yesterday they put him in the bunker i don't think less of them
Starting point is 00:18:20 for that obama's been to the bunker w's been to the bunker side note kennedy fucked a lot of bitches in the bunker w's bunker story is fantastic i think it was related to um the 9-11 attack but it might have something else um and he's like they take you to the bumper they don't ask you nicely they grab you and they like he's like i barely had to help walk you know they're just grabbing him by the arms taking him to the the bunker. They force him into a safe place and it's not a negotiation. Cool. But he was like
Starting point is 00:18:48 laughing about it and stuff. Trump went to the bunker. I don't know what the scene was like. I just know that he was there. They started calling him
Starting point is 00:18:55 Bunker Boy and making fun of him for hiding in the bunker. So the very next day he puts on this macho show of toughness where his, what's it called?
Starting point is 00:19:04 Secret Service and I think National Guard work together, cleared out peaceful protesters with tear gas, and he walks and takes a photo op by the church. It was a response to Bunker Boy. Yeah, they set the White House guardhouse on fire. Is that what they did? They did. So they put him in the bunker for it.
Starting point is 00:19:24 And it's not something to be embarrassed about. No, these are different days. It's not something to be embarrassed about. Did presidents go to protective bunkers? They were good on both sides, Taylor. That's what you don't understand. Oh, okay. Watch this clip that I laid down here.
Starting point is 00:19:40 It's a bit of a madhouse. Is this from Mediker? This is, yeah. Oh, my god. I didn't watch anything, but the first frame is like crazy town. If someone told you, can you believe what's happening in Mogadishu right now? You'd be like, man, we're getting
Starting point is 00:19:56 out of control. It's like, no, this is St. Louis. It's a first world city, ostensibly. No, it's not. They want you to believe. Alright, you guys ready? Ready, set, not. They want you to believe. Yeah. All right, you guys ready? Yeah. Ready, set, play. Ooh, good cameraman. Great. Oh, this is on Delmar.
Starting point is 00:20:11 This ain't real. This isn't real. Those are all gunshots? Yes. Yeah. That's a... Someone has a shotgun! Taylor, for one day I thought Raleigh was cool.
Starting point is 00:20:33 I used to go to that gas station all the time. This is like four different weapons. Well, yeah, they're in a firefight. For one day I thought South Valley Elementary was tough too. You know what's crazy? This is from three weeks ago. Raleigh is bitch made, man. All we have are some broken windows. Dude, there's still people walking into the gas station.
Starting point is 00:21:03 Just, uh... Ah, fucking way she goes, man. I need my new ports, fuck it. Yeah. Look at this guy. Oh, okay. It's getting pretty crazy, y'all. I don't even-
Starting point is 00:21:14 He said, it's pretty crazy, y'all. It's pretty crazy. I mean, for a weekday, it's crazy. It ain And even Friday That's a war that's happening right there People are running around firing guns That's insane You're totally right
Starting point is 00:21:37 It doesn't seem like something I'd expect From America Four cops killed Not killed. They don't know if they'll die yet, but four shot. One ex-police captain was killed, but the other four probably won't die. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:21:54 It's probably going to pop off again tonight, or if it doesn't, you know, or it will. I'm enjoying the show, I got to say. It's good times to be watching CNN these days. It was boring for a while. Wah, virus this, virus that. Oh, Trump said to take this drug, and it's not really good for you. And it was just nonsense for months.
Starting point is 00:22:12 And now all of a sudden there's a fucking race war going on in the streets. See, all the best footage, though, isn't like Fox, CNN and that. It's people, roots on the ground on Twitter, taking video and uploading it directly. That's where you find all that good shit. I agree. And I trust Twitter more because I feel like I've seen enough, like say a hurricane footage of crop,
Starting point is 00:22:33 you know, people we've all seen the Anderson Cooper thing where he stood in the deep water. We see people leaning against the wind and you know how it is. You can stand at like 85 degrees, but if you try it hard enough, you can stand at like 85 degrees, but if you try it hard enough, you can stand at like 60 degrees. And they all do that.
Starting point is 00:22:49 Just the framing. Oh, if they want to make the crowd look big, they zoom in the cameras, put them low, and get crowd from edge of the frame to edge of the frame. If they want to make it look small, the cameras go up high, they take a broader shot, and it doesn't look as big a crowd because you can see the less densely populated with twitter it's just people like holy shit something's happening near
Starting point is 00:23:11 me right you know vertical to side horizontal footage flipping around like it it's it's less professional but more honest like i agree porn and like every once in a while you'll see like little bits of like truth leak out where it's like everybody on twitter be furious like this bastard threw a brick at this other guy and then someone will be like nah here's the whole video he was returning the brick via throwing that he had thrown at him no no you don't understand that man is a brick mason he was asking for the bricks. That's his laborer. It's like the falafel makers. They just toss bricks.
Starting point is 00:23:49 They're turning a stolen brick. Have you seen those pallets? Lots of people on social media are just taking pictures being like, what the fuck? There's no construction site around here. There's just a pallet of bricks. What the hell is up with that? Because it's happened construction site around here. There's just a pallet of bricks. Yes. Have you seen that?
Starting point is 00:24:05 What the hell is up with that? Because it's happened in too many cities for it to be a coincidence. What the heck? Someone is delivering pallets of bricks to the protesters. I blame George Soros. That person needs to be in fucking prison. The deep state is putting bricks on borders. I'm sure one of those protesters
Starting point is 00:24:22 probably runs a construction business. And so he just went down to his job site and got a pallet of bricks and brought it down. And tomorrow he'll be back on the site working hard. I'm sure that's what happened. Yep. It's so crazy. I thought my city had some pretty cool riots
Starting point is 00:24:47 until I talked to Taylor. This is not cool. This is out of hand. I want it to settle down. Keeping in mind, I don't want to dox you. How far is it from... That is a good way. I'm not fearful for myself imminently right now.
Starting point is 00:25:06 You know, you never know what's going to happen. I did see protesters and people being like, we got to go out to the suburbs and that shit and tear down, you know, suburb white people's property, basically. And it was like, oh, well, that's pretty fucking scary. I hope that doesn't happen. But like the area that I used to live when I lived at that apartment where I i used to record the show from oh i i could have walked out and hung out yeah you were in the thick of it oh yeah literally del mar i i lived one road south of del mar and a classic little rule here in st louis there's lots of rules is don't go north of del mar you're not welcome north yeah i remember how close you were to the the ferguson riots like you were close enough that
Starting point is 00:25:44 like it was just it was it was a stone's throw away seemingly how much ammunition do you have on hand there taylor uh you know i should re-up yeah i should i should probably do you have a 12 gauge yeah oh yeah there you go yeah i got it yeah go get some little luck shot it's in my safe i don't know exactly i have some self-defense rounds and then some birdshot that's very old, but I need to get real. That probably works. My wife was worried that the rioters would come here. And to answer the question you asked, Taylor, I don't know how much ammunition I have, but
Starting point is 00:26:17 enough so that my shelves aren't strong enough to hold it. They're bowing. They're like garage shelves, too're meant for him anyway um so there's that and then uh it's like honey we lived here five years we can't get a fucking trick-or-treater to come up this far hey look at that guy's. You want to go get him? Woo! That's a hike. I don't know. What if we walk that whole two miles up to that big house and it's a black guy?
Starting point is 00:26:54 Then we gotta just turn around and come back. I mean, I feel like even if I offered the whole hayride idea, they'd still be like, nah. No. A white man tricked us like that before no there was the hilarious video i saw on twitter of these like retarded white kids in like chicago or something and they're up there playing beer pong on like the third story of a of an apartment building and
Starting point is 00:27:21 they're like looking out being like like filming you can see themselves like in the reflection of the window and all their lights are on so they're able to be seen there's just a huge procession of you know mostly black protesters or rioters they weren't didn't seem like they were well at the moment of the beginning of the video you would say protester at the end of the video you'd say riot because all that these like white kids were doing is like giving thumbs up like yeah yeah like to the them down there and you just see this black guy pick up a brick and just heave it through a window and it goes through the pain and then a different black guy picks up another brick heaves it through the other one very good aim for like like i think two three shots two hits pretty solid i'll find it for you but then this like white kids like leaning outside being like, I'm an ally.
Starting point is 00:28:06 But I'm not saying that, but given that... Didn't you realize that I'm one of the good ones? And you will not believe how little I exaggerated there. Here you go. I'm one of the good ones. I'm looking forward to it now. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:21 It's... Where did I like that one? Yeah, everybody acts like it's Martin good lord where did where did i like that one yeah everybody acts like it's uh martin luther king uh down there with a well thought out plan and like a like a like an ethos in his heart meanwhile it's it's a lot of people who are like let's steal some shit and break things it's both i feel like you're casting it wrong like and i'll tell you what it almost changes you could like set your clock to it. These daytime protesters, at least in Raleigh, they're literally sitting down. They have signs.
Starting point is 00:28:49 They have a cause. They're peaceful, et cetera. Sun falls, it's a whole other scene. Yep. Just like in Charlottesville. I see where you're coming from. They were good and bad on both sides. I understand you now.
Starting point is 00:29:05 You said that for years years and I was like, whoa, I'm not signing off. But now I see it. Now I guess Kyle and I have to come around. Here's the video. The second one from the answer. I'm on it. It's good.
Starting point is 00:29:17 I'm trying to make it bigger because it's vertical. It doesn't get bigger. Yeah. Thank you. It doesn't get wider. Twitter experience. Okay. Ready, sit, play. It doesn't get bigger. Yeah. Thank you. It doesn't get wider. Twitter experience. Okay. Ready?
Starting point is 00:29:25 Set. Play. Okay. Let's see. I'm going to hang up. No. Oh. We're on your side.
Starting point is 00:29:40 We're on your side. We're on your side. We're on your side! We're on your fucking side! What the fuck? What the fuck? You know, someone learned something today. Yep. Someone learned something.
Starting point is 00:29:56 I doubt it. Those people down there could tell just by looking at him that they were not on his side. That's right. Even if that gentleman thought he was on their side. That's right. I wonder if they changed. do you think if that was a black guy giving a thumbs up taking a video down there they would have thrown bricks through his window no the part i'm contesting is that they learned something oh no i was being sarcastic they are they're gonna go forward and be like you know
Starting point is 00:30:19 what next time we'll get them next time next time we're gonna win them over if like if that were to happen all the time, they would switch sides. I'll tell you this. That guy muttered the N-word with the shower on loud tonight. That's his... It's like that scene in The Sopranos
Starting point is 00:30:37 when the family has their car stolen. Yeah. It was fucking... And the wife goes, Steven!ven he's like who else did you see um charlamagne and rush limbaugh do their show together that sounds awful isn't that a rapper yeah it is he may be a rapper i know him as a radio like a host oh charlamagne the god yes yeah yeah the serious xm guy yeah yeah okay i like his show he does a pretty good job and then you have rush limbaugh on and i watched it we couldn't watch on the show it's like 27 minutes long or something but um uh they debated sort of
Starting point is 00:31:18 race relations and politics it was so bad i was so frustrated my friend saw it and he kind of liked it and he's like what do you watch this let me know what you think on rush limbaugh's let's start the other way on charlemagne's side i felt like he had this no evidence proof not necessary sort of the whole system is set up for old white men and you know we need to make it more fair this system is just designed to benefit old white people men in particular and it's like you can't just say that and have no facts no evidence nothing to sort of support your decision like i don't know show me examples if you want me to get on your side. And then Rush Limbaugh, so they were like fact-free. Rush Limbaugh had what I thought was a dishonest debating technique
Starting point is 00:32:09 where he's like, I don't really know what racism is. You'll have to define what racism is because I can't see that there's any happening. And you tell me what racism is and I'll see if I agree with you. And the tactic is clear he just wants you to lay out a bunch of things he'll pick the weakest argument and go against it uh he didn't fall for that trap but the whole thing was word games and not actual conversation and i was so unhappy that's a lot of debates now yes yeah and it's it just kind of becomes sophistry i heard a little bit of rush today i was in traffic and uh and and in traffic and he's on the number two on my preset stations and I went, boop, and there he was. He was talking about, I guess Cuomo was sh crazy last night and the governor is saying that the mayor is ineffective and he's going to essentially like take over for him, take over his duties.
Starting point is 00:33:10 And and so Rush, of course, loves that left left on left. And and then he was, you know, he said something about a civil war. And then the fact that the blue state people don't have enough guns to protect themselves. Then I switched over to 97.1 The River for some old classic rock and just enjoyed the rest of my day instead of listening to any more of Rush Limbaugh. How was the old rock?
Starting point is 00:33:36 It was good. There was a great set. I was going to push back on blue people not having guns but it's probably just true on the blue states no blue people can have guns but in blue states it's much more difficult like we saw our asian yeah yeah our asian friend the other day that ridiculous ar-15 that he had jumped through all those hoops to have right right i think i was about to deny reality in that. Like, Democrats like guns. No asshole. You're unusual in that regard.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Not so much. Yeah. They like them a little more these days, though. That might be true. Oh, I hadn't thought about that. I wonder if opinions will change. Yeah, yeah. Because, like, riots would probably make Democrats like guns. The virus was already.
Starting point is 00:34:24 Yeah, that's true too i've been hearing that like lots of people who were unfamiliar with guns were getting their first introduction to it that's something that i wish happened more often like a little more like i don't know i'm phrasing the phrasing is bad but work with me gun tourist industry right like right now people go and they drop in and play paintball even if they're not paintball players they could drop in and go skiing even if they're skiers yeah yeah if that existed all over people in cities were like you know i'm not really a gun person but i'm going to take a marksman course today because it's fun to go plinking
Starting point is 00:34:57 then they might see these things not so like there are people in my universe who literally think guns are just all about killing people whereas i think of them as kind of like remote hole poking devices and they're really fun to be fun and and one of my favorite things about owning guns i don't have many things in my life that are built well right that are like most of my world is filled with disposable consumer bullshit right these monitors in front of me will be wasted in five years um the only things i own that are really good are like cars and trucks they can do amazing things they can gym equipment stuff like that like um but some sports equipment underwear we were talking about the how washers and dryers suck now yeah underwear that lasts for 30 years i think yeah washers but guns are like consumer-based washer dryers suck now. Yeah, underwear, that lasts for 30 years, I think.
Starting point is 00:35:47 Washers and dryers, like consumer-based washer dryers, they're garbage. Guns are made to last a lifetime in many instances. Several of them, right? Yeah. You know, like a couple of my tools might outlast a person, but the guns are built amazingly well. They're machined to precise tolerances.
Starting point is 00:36:02 They will just keep going. You hold it in your hand, and it's like holding a heavy but pair of binoculars or something you're like oh oh yeah i don't know anything about binoculars but i can tell that this was meant to be good yeah and and that's one of the cool things hi-fi equipment is like that too like good stereo equipment just turning the knob and you're like oh yeah they focused on that didn't they some feedback there all right um so yeah yeah i agree with you it's it's uh everybody there should be more firearm education i think we should have in the schools um at a very young age i was noticing that the marksmanship in these school shootings was often pretty weak i mean there was that guy a few years ago and he went to fucking town.
Starting point is 00:36:46 But I think he got his education outside of the school. Are you thinking of the New Zealand guy? No, that wasn't fair at all. He had them on an island. That's literally fish in a barrel. An island? No, that was New Zealand.
Starting point is 00:37:01 Oh, the island being New Zealand. Fair enough. No, they were on a smaller island. Oh, okay. I think I'm thinking of that guy in Norway or some shit. Oh, you're thinking of Arnold Raven. Oh, yeah, yeah. Why do you know his name? Because I'm a student of history.
Starting point is 00:37:20 The New Zealand guy. Who was Adolf Hitler's father's name? You're immediately the new zealand guy had a really effective tactic like it seemed like they weren't able to get out any local doors and you know he was between their escape and you know i'm i don't think i looked into that one very much i think maybe i was in prison. Was that when he was shooting Muslims? Yeah. Oh, well, that's different. I think you did see it. We talked about it. Oh, I saw the real video.
Starting point is 00:37:50 I know where it is if anyone wants to see it. Yeah, we made sure it got there. The video I saw wasn't the real one? Well, the GoPro footage from his point of view. Yeah, well, it's been wiped from the internet. Like in New Zealand, they put someone in real deal prison for having the video.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Yeah. I didn't know that. That's insane. They're all about freedom there. So I immediately made sure. I just made sure. I was like, everybody download this. And they're like, you download it too? I'm like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:24 I just streamed it. I guess I couldn't find it if I wanted to. Yeah, we'll all download it. and they're like you downloaded it too i'm like yeah i just dreamed it i don't think i i guess i couldn't find it if i wanted to but yeah we'll all download it together we won't check each other's progress though uh yeah that guy he there to see the victims cowering before he killed them was like extra, I guess all murders heartless. You know, like in theory, I saw this woman on Joe Rogan and she had a weapons trained person at her house and he had a like a Pelican case and they opened and his kids took an interest in it. Her kids kids the boys know that there's a gun in there and he's like hey with parents permission i can show you this thing
Starting point is 00:39:10 and i forget what distance but something really far call it a thousand meters or something she said you could see the veins on leaves am i exaggerating very much. Make it some non-exaggeration number. She's exaggerating. Yeah, or I have it wrong. It doesn't matter. She saw this scope where you could reach out and touch someone from really far away
Starting point is 00:39:32 and she was like, oh, yeah, I see how this works and I see that's what you did, didn't you? This guy was like CIA or something. And then she's like, what's in the other case? And it was like a knife with serrated spiky edges on it. And he said, sometimes you have to do things quietly.
Starting point is 00:39:50 And she wasn't okay with that. The idea that you would insert a knife into the rib is like a whole different experience than a long range rifle. Although it's really kind of the same. And I share that same bias. It's more impersonal if you're using the rifle. Yeah. So like the scopes that I use versus the scopes that like from what I've read the military use, it seems like they use a lot of low power scopes, even for sniper rifles, even for long range. Like I read about people using these 10 power scopes, 12 power scopes for like 500 meter shots.
Starting point is 00:40:27 scopes 12 power scopes for like 500 meter shots whereas like the scopes that like me and my dad preferred especially to my dad like he used to shoot a lot of competition shoots where it's you're on a bench rest shooting at 100 meters very close range so the you want as much magnification as possible because you really need all the bullets to be touching to win the the tournament and he's not searching for a target, right? It's a stationary target he's going for. In a military application, the wider view might be nice. Yeah, you put me on a really high-powered scope, and it's like, I see it, and then I go down to the scope. What am I pointing at?
Starting point is 00:40:58 I can't tell one leafy. Could happen, yeah. So for deer hunting, we always used leopold scopes that were four and a half power by i think 14 power so you can turn it down to four and a half and you can turn it up to 14 but for those 100 meter shoots 36 power um you nurdle scope and the crosshairs are as literally as thin as a hair so you can be incredibly precise like you'll put it you'll put the crosshair in the bullet hole you shot before and then you'll notice that like you've got play within the bullet hole with that you're like shit let me get to the middle of the previous bullet hole not just the
Starting point is 00:41:35 bullet hole it's it's so powerful 36 power aiming at something 400 500 yards away you still can't see the veins like Like, you still... Like, if they had, like, if their shirt... If they're wearing that shirt Taylor's wearing, you'd be like, the fuck does that say? I don't know, but he's... We'll figure it out when we go check the body, though. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:57 She might have exaggerated, or I could have remembered it wrong. Sure, whatever. But the central point was... I do kind of think of a distance kill is a different thing than an up close kill thing yeah the the uh it's a lot that would be a lot more you could see the panic in the victims it wasn't turning the light switch off from 500 meters it was remember subscribe to pewdiepie subscribe oh my god i remember that yeah he was in that battle with the indian youtube channel at the time i forget the other
Starting point is 00:42:32 channel's name you just know pewdiepie is like this isn't helpful arguably the worst part of my day today because the serial killer or spree killer shouted me out he had to he had to respond to it he was like oh well thanks for the support i always appreciate my subscribers you know but but come on what you just know that ruined his week just yeah at least on me now people are going to immediately be like a shooter inspired by guy and then it's like and then they start beauty pie video he's a silly man joking around from what they start digging up the clip of him dropping the n-bomb throwing that into the mix yeah he didn't need that yeah that's ridiculous yeah that was a crazy shooting um but but yeah i think firearm education um if you're a parent your kids should know what a gun is like you don't have to like
Starting point is 00:43:33 get them started in competitive shooting or anything but it'd be the same way that they should probably know how to like pop the hood on a car and like point out five of the major things that are in it you know like like maybe they should be able to pick up a gun and like point out five of the major things that are in it you know like like maybe they should be able to pick up a gun and unload it safely and like not the real thing to me is like kids shouldn't be fascinated with guns because they've never seen or touched one before and that's how so so many kids are they like a gun is like this forbidden fruit that really oh you go to a friend's house their dad has a gun he knows about it and he thinks it's cool he's like hey you want to see a gun fuck yeah more than anything else i mean i then nintendo right like nintendo afterwards and
Starting point is 00:44:19 capri suns and they never make it to the capri suns because they didn't know how to didn't know anything about the gun. They ended up shooting each other. It should be more like his father's electric impact driver. You want to see it? No, but you've got Goldeneye, right? Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:44:38 I had zero fascination with guns growing up. I enjoyed them. I loved them. I wanted to go shooting all the time. But like, if I went to somebody else's house and they were like, hey, you want to see my dad's gun? I was like, nah, it's probably not as cool as my dad's gun. I was literally the guy you were describing. And I went to, I forget. Oh, oh, oh. My friend had a closet that connected two rooms.
Starting point is 00:45:07 a closet that connected two rooms like you could access the closet from either side which to me was just a secret tunnel in his house and the most and the coolest most amazing thing we were there to play with gi joes to give you some idea of how old i was 37 39 and um somehow along the way he had a shoebox with a revolver that I found myself looking in or something. And I was all about trying to play with that gun. I very much wanted to do it. I was the uninformed, risky kid that you're talking about. And I don't know if he wasn't interested in it, but he definitely knew the gun's not a toy that we play with that was a firm no
Starting point is 00:45:48 and no amount of pleading or convincing made any progress whatsoever and we didn't play with the gun but that's how I was as a child yeah that's how it was there was no playing with guns in my home as a kid I wasn't allowed to go around it unless my parents were around there was a lot no playing with guns in my home like as a kid i wasn't allowed to go around
Starting point is 00:46:05 it unless my parents were around there was a lot of playing with guns in my home but it was um you know i knew what i was doing i guess because colin's special need our guns are always behind safes like kyle's what kyle's saying is the thing that a lot of gun owners do you know like they take the fascination out of it and they they put the rules around it, and kids might, whatever, eat the donuts when they're not supposed to. But they know, don't fuck with the guns, and that's the thing that works. With Colin, look, raising him is different than raising most other kids, and I use a safe. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, and the other thing is like our guns were like, like dad always had a safe,
Starting point is 00:46:51 like full of guns, but the guns that might need to be used at a moment's notice for either hunting or a self-defense, we're just out. Like you've been to my house back in Franklin County. You saw how my guns were just laying about. That's how I was raised. There was a 50 cal pointed at the, like, if you entered through the garage, you could just lay down and go prone. It was on a bipod. Yeah. So, like, growing up, that's, there wasn't a 50 Cal by the Christmas tree, like there was at my house. But, like, there were, there was, like, Remington 700s, like, in the corners of the laundry room because we, you know, dad lives up on that hill. you know dad lives up on that hill and if you see a deer out in the field during deer season you wanted to be able to grab the rifle go to the back porch get on the bench rest and immediately
Starting point is 00:47:29 shoot there we didn't want to be in there like putting the cut the uh the combination into the safe because he's got you know the spin dial safe uh the old one was anyway i'll have an m4 and an ak-47 m4 ar-15 i don't know the difference but um that was an m4 okay uh by the couch and we were watching like trailer park boys just mindlessly disassembling and reassembling those rifles he taught me how i didn't know i wasn't good at it beforehand he also had a 5.7 sitting on the end table that just yeah yeah it's not it wasn't hard to get a hold of a gun in the fps russia household no not at all everywhere everywhere the the police were just like they're just everywhere but there's no kids here yeah there's no kids who's gonna get at them other
Starting point is 00:48:20 than me yeah now with taylor i'm i'm inventing shit so i could be off target but i imagine that even though taylor doesn't have kids his universe does you know that he may have a friend he's of that child age yeah definitely i couldn't have well most of my friends are still good but there's a couple with kids you allow them to bring children to your home not so far but i'm saying hypothetically if i allowed them to if you kept pistols on the coffee table, that would not be child-friendly. Yeah, but I would tell them this is my aesthetic. You can fuck off. Take that little
Starting point is 00:48:51 munchkin home. If my kids play with the gun, sorry. I'll make another. I know the secret. That one didn't work out. I'm fighting another. I don't know Missouri, but North Carolina if your guns not locked and bad things happen with it you're liable
Starting point is 00:49:12 yeah that's true in a lot of places yeah everything locked up yeah that's true in a lot of places if I left the home like for an extended period of time I would lock my guns up you know if I thought that like if I was going on a trip, like leaving town or something, if Kitty was staying there, I'd be like, here's a gun.
Starting point is 00:49:32 Here's how to use it. I was sure the very basics of how to use an AK or something. I figured that was a Kitty-sized gun. I wasn't going to give her anything big. Not the 50, I'll know. No, she can't even pick that up. I probably can't. It's, I don't know how.
Starting point is 00:49:51 Yeah, you absolutely could. Yeah, mine was a bullpup. It was nice and light. It's the same company that makes the MDR in Tarkov, Desert Tech. But, you know, I'd be like, here's a gun. This is how you use the gun. Somebody comes. There's no warning shots. Don't stop shooting until you're out of bullets
Starting point is 00:50:08 alright see you in a week yeah pretty much yeah you got one magazine I'm not teaching you mag drills I gotta catch a flight yeah I was about to transition Tarkov I'll resist
Starting point is 00:50:23 ah shit we only got like 10 more minutes Tarkov. I'll resist. Ah, shit. We only got like 10 more minutes. Tarkov's been fun. It's wiped, you know, starting brand new. If any of you guys listening to this want to play with us, it's pretty easy. You know, Larry the Strong, go check out his Twitch channel. You'll find links there and mods that'll guide you over to Larry's Discord. And, you know, we party up in that Discord. And sometimes we need an extra person.
Starting point is 00:50:50 And you'll just get drug in there. It's a good time. We play a lot. It's a great game. It's worth the investment. If you're on the edge thinking about Tarkov, you need to do two things to make your decision. Go watch some Pastilli videos or maybe a Pastilli
Starting point is 00:51:06 stream and then just bite the bullet and spend the $45, get the alpha pack and then like a week later, you're going to put the extra 80 in or 90 in and you're going to be at 125, 35 like Woody and I and a million other people are playing 8, 10,
Starting point is 00:51:22 12 hours a day, dropping out of school, but winning. Yeah, yeah, 12 hours a day, dropping out of school, but winning. Yeah, yeah, yeah. If you're having sex and sleeping at night, you're not a real gamer. I fixed my sleep schedule. It is normal. Temporarily normal.
Starting point is 00:51:37 Don't get a kidder. I think I can manage it. I think I can keep it normal. I'll give you 10 days. I'll give you four. I keep it normal. I'll give you 10 days. I'll give you four. I got it fixed. Last night I went to bed at midnight, woke up at 7.30 a.m., been up. No naps.
Starting point is 00:51:57 I'm up. I'm up until midnight tonight. 26 hours a day for 12 days and then find yourself hitting normal. A broken clock. Is it 12 days and then find yourself hitting normal. You know, a broken clock. Is it 12 days? I got it right. Yeah. A broken clock is right twice a day.
Starting point is 00:52:11 That's just where we are. I got lost in 26 hours. I like it. Yeah, me too. Oh, wait. If you do a 26-hour day, like your sleep schedule has you going. So today you go to bed at 2, then 4, then 6, then 8. Eventually you'll go to sleep on time.
Starting point is 00:52:26 Or you can maintain now and just live a 24-hour day like the rest of us. Then you'll never get cracked back on schedule again. I'm saying he has to start the 24-hour thing now. Oh, I follow. Because he's midnight to 7, 38 a.m. And if he does, he's not a gamer. That's true. Not a winner for damn sure.
Starting point is 00:52:43 Yeah, it's great great now is the time to get into tarkov if you're listening to this and you've ever been on the edge it just wiped and everybody's running around with bullshit i say everybody a lot of people run around with bullshit junk if you wait two months from now the majority of players are going to be running around with armor that's too good for you to penetrate with the junk you start with helmets that are that's too good for you to penetrate with the junk you start with and guns that will melt you like fucking snow in hell so like if you if you're gonna get in it's this month not next month and the month after that it's just it's just about impossible you're not gonna have nearly as much fun starting off unless you've got friends who
Starting point is 00:53:21 are gonna piggyback you i've i've had both experience first of all snow and hell great analogy i like it um second yeah so there are quests you have to do where it's like hey kill five players with this bullshit pistol i'm doing it now everyone else has a bullshit pistol too we're on the same quest last wipe when i did it i've got a bullshit pistol this guy's got some fully kitted out, fully auto M4 VSS, like, melting me. Must have taken 15 lives to get my four kills. It was awful. Now, not so bad. Yep.
Starting point is 00:53:57 Yeah. You know, it's the time to get in because everybody's a low level, and it's a real grind to get to the higher levels and this is a game that rewards you for getting to those levels you have more access to better things the higher level you are so a guy who has been and your character just gets better like an rpg character so like partly you get better as a gamer right you know you're learning the maps a little more you're learning which guns work etc partly. Partly, if you shoot me, there's a 5% lower chance that I bleed, which is this continuing health drain. Whereas a character that hasn't been playing as much bleeds more often.
Starting point is 00:54:36 You get better. I've noticed that for sure because I was used to playing on my old character that was like, I don't know what level I was, 45. Yeah, something like that. I didn't bleed anymore. I hadn't bled in a coon's age. Now every time I get shot, it's just fucking bleeding out. You're starting to feel your own mortality.
Starting point is 00:54:58 Know that even a god king can bleed. Even a god king can bleed. Yes, that's right, Leonidas. And he mentioned your name from the history books. What does he say? He will tear the eyes from every scribe in your room. And so... But it was like, it was the carrot and the stick
Starting point is 00:55:15 in that conversation. He's like, you will carry my battle standard through all of Europa. Your Greek compatriots will bow in awe to you it was great and that voice so so good he's like 10 feet tall it's upsetting to re-watch that i need to re-watch that movie i've seen a guy that was 10 feet tall he's not the detective from the wire right the thin one that cheats on his wife? Matthew McConaughey? No, The Wire.
Starting point is 00:55:47 Oh, The Wire. McNulty. No, that's a different guy. Stop it. You know the guy, the thin black guy that cheats on his wife. Good looking. Oh, no. Okay. They do look the same.
Starting point is 00:56:02 First of all. All right. There's a lot of mix-ups here you're thinking of the guy who brings the crowns of the the severed heads and crowns of the kings to leonidas at the beginning the messenger the black character um and then leonidas kicks him into the well and that famous scene that says, this is Sparta. That guy is not the black guy from The Wire whose character is Cedric Daniels, who's risen through the ranks throughout the show. He is the same guy as the one who trains the fighters
Starting point is 00:56:40 in Spartacus from Showtime. Ah, I know that guy too. wider nose but the guy that is a god also looks like the other people that guy is not african-american he's a little african-american he's he's he's mesopotamian i would say he. He's like Iraqi, like Middle Eastern looking. He's so from Africa. I mean, being from Africa doesn't make you black. It makes you African. You know what? I had it in my head too, Woody.
Starting point is 00:57:16 This is like the Berenstain Bear, Berenstein Bear thing. I was thinking that Xerxes was also black. And then as I was thinking about it, I'm like, wait, it was fucking Xerxes of the Persian Empire. Of course, he would look kind of Iranian. You know, they're Persians. And yeah, so of course he was also black. And then as I was thinking about it, I'm like, wait, it was fucking Xerxes of the Persian Empire. Of course he would look kind of Iranian. You know, they're Persians. So of course he's not black. Yeah, there you go. Now we know. I'm sticking to it. He's kind of black.
Starting point is 00:57:35 Not even the smallest bit black. Like thin lips, like Caucasian features. I'd show a picture to everyone if it were possible to spell Xerxes. It's with an X-E-R. I will tell you this man is not at all black. Like here he is standing with Leonidas and his skin is barely darker than that
Starting point is 00:57:55 Greek Mediterranean. This guy in no way looks black. If you look at a historical picture of him, he looks English. This could be King Richard for all I know. If you look at... I'm going to blink it. If you look at this picture of him,
Starting point is 00:58:15 tell me this man looks African American to you. Or black. As the cool kids say. I'm not going to screen share while I... Look how thin his nose is. And his lips. In that picture, no. He doesn't look black.
Starting point is 00:58:33 In that picture of him? But in some of these other pictures, you know. Well, I mean, if you don't look closely, he looks black. If it was dark. If it's dark in the room and he says, it's just me, a black man. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:58:55 You don't sound black. No, believe me. I am a black man. I saw him naked. He looked black. If I weren't black, could I say this? Beep. Yeah, you got me. He looked black. If I weren't black, could I say this? Beep! Yeah, you got me.
Starting point is 00:59:08 You're black. Let me see what the actor looks like. That's the tale of the tape. I can't believe we're still... He's not black. I know he's not black. He's played by a Brazilian man named Rodrigo Santoro. know he's not black he's played by a brazilian man named rodrigo uh santoro they're the black
Starting point is 00:59:29 people of south america they're called south and south african americans in here's a picture of him and all his blackness oh jesus christ i'm not black this is that guy is incredible i hope you never have to stand in front of a lineup all right all right mr woodworth which one did it there's like a black guy a mexican a white guy a nun and you're like i don don't know Well, could you They said that it was an African American man You're like, he was number three
Starting point is 01:00:09 His name is Su Yun Huck I've done this That's Sister Mary from St. Catharic's Cathedral I've been asked to pick a criminal out of a lineup before I've probably told this story That poor man Yeah, so The police knew who it was right they they had a suspect this guy had been like robbing houses all over he was hitting ours
Starting point is 01:00:33 a lot and um they kind of just were like looking for someone to help find him guilty and they gave me it wasn't a lineup like you see on bro Nine-Nine with the lights and everything. It was a photo lineup where they came into my house and had pictures of all these guys. Yeah. And I look at them. I don't know who it is. I know that I don't know, right? And I was close to the guy for a while.
Starting point is 01:00:59 Like I could have put my hand on his shoulders, on his shoulder, and we were yelling at each other, and he fell down the stairs and ran away and stuff. But I was face to face for five, 10 seconds and I couldn't pick him out of a lineup. So what I did is I like put my finger on the picture. I looked at the cop, went to the next picture,
Starting point is 01:01:19 the next picture. They were not playing. No, they like, it was obvious. I was like, is it a is it b is it c looking for they were stone faced the police were not playing the i'm gonna tell you which one it wasn't like the wire the time it's just c i love that scene in the wire i love that scene in the
Starting point is 01:01:40 wire where they go to uh her uh her bed the female cop get has been shot and they're like she's like yeah it was definitely this one they're like what about this guy does this guy look familiar because might be this guy you never know i mean we do know he was in the area and he did call the boss and say he shot a cop. So could it be, did you see this guy? And she's like, it was dark. He's like, all right. Not really helping us out here very much. Yeah, the police didn't play.
Starting point is 01:02:17 And they did not catch him based on it. Like they got fingerprints from our place. They had the dogs come and follow him, follow his scent for some time. And I don't know that they ever caught him, but I read in the paper some guy with that M.O. got convicted of something like 36 counts of home invasion and burglary. What a pro. He was a drug addict. Be good at what you do or really be just motivated.
Starting point is 01:02:40 He was just stealing small amounts of cash. Doing what he loved and loving what he did. You got to respect it. Yeah. Not what he loved and loving what he did. You gotta respect it. Yeah. Not everyone lives their own version of the dream, but this guy did. He'd be a good guest. Stealing money from my mom's purse. What I was thinking is a good idea is
Starting point is 01:02:56 since apparently COVID is mostly over now, we can just pop on over, make our PKA trip in a couple months we can loot and that is also i'm doing this a bit unfairly because i was hoping you guys would be able to come here because we're better than the epicenter of where the fun gets going you know and when the u.s starts in turmoil and we could we could pop around del mar and head a little further east
Starting point is 01:03:24 nothing to loot I would rather go to a South American hellhole than St. Louis, Missouri. At least in South America I can have a weapon. I'm not coming to St. Louis. I'm not allowed to go to St. Louis. That's true. In the
Starting point is 01:03:39 truest sense, I couldn't even if I had the desire. I'm trying to get permission now to go to my dad's house to pick up some stuff that's stored over with him. I couldn't even if I had the desire. I'm trying to get permission now to go to my dad's house to pick up some stuff that's stored over with him. I thought they were mostly relaxing on you a little bit more. They're relaxing the drug testing. It's not
Starting point is 01:03:56 like a decision, a conscious decision. It's just protocol. It's not like they were like, you know that cow guy, he's alright. Let's just not test him anymore. It was like, alright, the five month period of testing has ended. It is ended. It's just protocol. Looking for... I'm having a hard time finding the picture, but
Starting point is 01:04:19 a dude proposed to his girlfriend, future wife, at the protests yesterday or the day before. Yikes. And it actually seemed kind of sweet. All the protesters were really... They weren't the looters that you're thinking of. Half of them were women. There were kids there.
Starting point is 01:04:42 They had signs. And some guy proposed to his girlfriend there and they all like everyone was kind of like oh my gosh this is so sweet like we're seeing a marriage proposal it's kind of neat to see one and uh like yeah raleigh protests are so bitch made compared to saint louis it's just not the same i can't find you think i'm gonna get what get in the coming days you think it's gonna get better nationwide or worse because i think we're one little incident away from it really popping off like all we need is like some cops to kill another black guy like during these riots and that that'll be gg it depends how how bad it gets like really like which side is going to be escalating more?
Starting point is 01:05:27 It seems like they're to the point, especially with St. Louis, they kind of have to pull out all the stops at this point. You can't have people driving down public streets with guns firing. That was awesome. I mean, it's going to be winning at something, right? Every time. Every time something happens i does that happen in other cities in the country where something will happen in like brooklyn and then everybody all the friends
Starting point is 01:05:52 here i have in st louis are like when do you think it's gonna pop off huh like it's because every time it does i'm enjoying the show frankly i hope that no innocent people are hurt i i truly do hope that but um but you know and I've said this before and I know it's insensitive and it's kind of shitty but we watch these movies that sort of like the day after tomorrow where the whole world's crumbling
Starting point is 01:06:16 and stuff and we find that entertaining for a reason. You stop and rubberneck at a car accident for a reason. It's human curiosity. We're interested in stuff like that. When I fucking go on Twitter or Reddit or whatever and there's crazy shit popping off,
Starting point is 01:06:31 I gotta admit, it's entertaining. Again, I hope that no innocent people get hurt, but a lot of the people that are in the streets right now don't qualify. I find news entertaining in general, whether it be politics or riots. I always like to keep up with current events. I'll tell you what I find entertaining. Sorry to interrupt, but i find news entertaining in general you know whether it be politics or riots or like i i
Starting point is 01:06:45 always like to keep up with current events i'll tell you what i find entertaining sorry to interrupt but you i'm interrupting to talk about what you told me the other day you said that apparently part of biden's campaign is legalization of marijuana and expungement of records yes i hope he doesn't forget that when he's in office like they should like nudge him be like sir just to be clear do you remember your policies could you list a couple of them for me yeah i am well i'm excited about that the prospect of that because he's got to be behind our head by 10 points right now and and like trump is really going to have to turn the economy around and end this protesting thing in a in a in a in a good way and keep this virus under wraps until voting day if
Starting point is 01:07:33 he's gonna win yeah it'll be interesting to see how this virus stuff explodes or doesn't explode based on the protests and people being out so rubbing shoulder to shoulder and everything yeah i mean i cannabis c-a-n-n-i yeah c-a-n-n-a oh canna canna yeah c-a-n-n-a-b-i-s marijuana works i'm trying to find the search string on um his. I read it on his website. I didn't believe it because I don't know. Maybe I just applied Hillary. She wasn't really pro-pot, if I recall, to Biden and thought it wasn't true. And if I could find the right search page, the search string is cannabis and that's it. Biden's opposition to marijuana legalization is at odds with most Americans' views.
Starting point is 01:08:28 Oh, this is from Vox. Is Vox conservative? No, they're liberal. The position is more reform-friendly than that of Donald Trump, who opposes both legalization and decriminalization, but it's still out of step with the views of U.S. voters, especially Democrats. Two-thirds of adults support marijuana
Starting point is 01:08:43 legalization. There's a date on that? Let me scroll up. I'm looking for a date. May 18, 2020. So, 15 days ago, roughly. Yeah, it says here that he still opposes federal marijuana legalization, putting him at odds not just with the majority of Democrats, but also Americans overall.
Starting point is 01:09:08 Let me read this, because this is from, his actual website. And he says, he wants to do this. Decriminalize the use of cannabis and automatically expunge all prior cannabis use convictions. Biden believes no one should be in jail because of cannabis use. As president, he would decriminal prior cannabis use convictions. Biden believes no one should be in jail because of cannabis use.
Starting point is 01:09:26 As president, he would decriminalize cannabis use and automatically expunge prior convictions. And he just said that, he probably forgot. And he will support the legalization of cannabis for medical purposes, leave decisions regarding the legalization for recreational use up to the states, and reschedule cannabis as a Schedule 2 drug so researchers can study its positive and negative impacts. Okay. Yeah. I found a similar article as you were reading that one. I wonder how that will affect me because I was convicted for, or I pled to, I pled to possession with intent to distribute. So the distribution charge might still stick. However,
Starting point is 01:10:01 it would seem like it would be lessened like like that conviction itself even if it stays would be a less less of a conviction like like i don't know distribution of a schedule two seems different than a schedule one joe no i meant to say sanders i think he drew the line at non-violent so like non-violent pot stuff is a broader brush than use yeah you know so sanders probably would have been even better for you. I also had that same thought. Kyle didn't really get busted for use.
Starting point is 01:10:32 He got busted for distribution, which is a bullshit definition. Everyone thinks selling, but that's not what it was. Yeah, it was they could prove that I offered my girlfriend a joint. Boo! This is fascist. That's just being polite i was convicted for sharing yeah they taught him and you were a jerk and now they punished him for it
Starting point is 01:10:52 uh but anyway that that's the page which i i feel like you can't get a better source than joe biden's website you know it's better than vox or cnn or fox or whoever interprets it on our behalf and uh this is like going straight to the Bible for your morale. This is the source. And that's the page. And then up front, I copied and pasted from that part. Yeah, sure. Well, I hope that goes through.
Starting point is 01:11:17 It would be nice to, you know, get some relief on my end. And if nothing else, like, like, like like it'd be cool if they legalized the the medical marijuana uh like like federally because i qualify for medical marijuana um especially with my cancer now and uh and i also i also i've got diagnosed ptsd so i can absolutely get uh marijuana so it would be awesome if even though i'm on federal probation for marijuana i can get medical marijuana and be smoking smoking medical marijuana on probation for marijuana that'd be hilarious that's the funniest possible outcome because it's just it's just lame that you can't smoke pot like yeah i know i would i agree i kind of only want to don't smoke it you know
Starting point is 01:12:06 like it yeah i don't want children to smoke it more for me yeah i mean only cool kids smoke so not about i love that i was anti-pot a while not too long ago call it like 2012-ish or 13 something like that and i was just like yeah it's just it's a bad it makes you lazy i've come around definitely the prosecution of pot is way more harmful to society than the consumption of it yeah if it if i were like god emperor i mean i feel like alcohol is what we need to get rid of like like alcohol is awful not only is it awful for you, it makes you do awful things the way it's, it's, it really is a horrible thing. I, I, I think that we need to get rid of alcohol and promote marijuana. I agree with half of what you said, but I would argue
Starting point is 01:12:57 that a lot of the same things are true, that if they started putting people in jail for alcohol consumption, that that would be much worse for society than the alcohol consumption itself. Yeah, you can't jail people for something like that. That's not how... You've got to tax it. Like, tax the fuck out of alcohol. Like, well, yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:15 Send tax. They already do. Dude, you can get a handle of Tito's vodka for $35. They're not taxing it enough. You can get it way cheaper than that. A handle is like 1.75 liters almost 2 liters no no
Starting point is 01:13:32 almost it's like a it's almost a gallon it's like a half gallon right it's more than a half gallon 2 liters alright going into it I think a gallon is 4 liters tell me how close I am It's more than a half gallon. 1.7... I'm going to fucking... Going into it, I think a gallon is 4 liters.
Starting point is 01:13:47 Tell me how close I am. If you're holding it, it'd be like this much. It's half a gallon. God damn. It's.46 gallons. It looks bigger. It does look bigger than half a gallon. What was that? Tito's... A good vodka is like 35 a handle
Starting point is 01:14:06 you can get a handle of shitty vodka for 11 dollars it is not good way too cheap and if you look at like red dog beer like those big tall boys like for a dollar or whatever at the gas station i i haven't either. I have class. I read on Reddit that all vodka is exactly the same and that it's federally mandated and that people can't pass blind taste tests, but I don't know enough. Yeah, that's not true at all. The differences are what it's made out of
Starting point is 01:14:37 because it's made out of different things. Some of it's literally made out of potatoes. Tito's, I believe, is made of corn, fermented corn. But it's the filtration process. It's how many times it's filtered. And there's a different mouthfeel. Like you might say the same about water, right? And you look at all water and it looks the same.
Starting point is 01:14:56 But I could definitely pick Fiji water out of a blind taste test. If it's compared to like Dasani. Yeah, Dasani. It has a mouthfeel. It's shitty. It has a Fiji has this thick mouthfeel to it that feels nice because of the minerals that are in it. Like so much better than tap water because of the bubbles.
Starting point is 01:15:15 Well, no shit. I can tell Coca-Cola from coffee, but I, I just judge them by how good the bottle they come in is. And I don't always want a good bottle. Sometimes what happened is the waste from bottled water became an issue. So they found a way to make the bottle out of half as much plastic.
Starting point is 01:15:33 So it decomposes faster. But you also feel it. You're like, this is almost a... You almost scratch through it with your nails. It's like a Ziploc bag almost. It's a different thing. It can't hold itself under the weight of the water it came with. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:49 It's like, I better take a sip or this is going to spill. Well, let's hope Sleepy Joe survives. Not only will I get $100, but then I can spend it on weed maybe. There we go. That's the hope. Yeah. I know you're looking to end the show. I'm very interested in his VP candidate because I'm not sure he has four years left in him.
Starting point is 01:16:15 Five almost. He should pick Bernie. That's who he should pick. That would be so funny. I know he's not going to, but I would love it if he did. I hate that he said it was going to be a woman. Not that I hate women, only that I hate, like...
Starting point is 01:16:31 He didn't say... Women for the sake of women. I'm going to choose the best candidate out there. He said I'm going to limit myself to just girls, and it's like... Yeah. It's conceivable that the best candidate is a woman. I get that. It's almost insulting to the job position and the future candidate because he's saying,
Starting point is 01:16:47 there's a lot of people who can do this job. I mean, if we just narrow it down to women of color, dozens, hundreds of... He could have made it not sex. He could have said, you know what? I'm definitely going to hire a redhead. I'm going to fucking hire a redhead. Yeah. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:17:02 I think the VP should have red hair. I don't know that we've had a red-haired VP before. And it's like, really? You're just going to exclude all the blonde and brunettes for reasons? In a serious country. At all. I'd be okay with the redhead argument, though. Frankly, if he said that, I'd be on board.
Starting point is 01:17:20 Really? Yeah. When are you going to get freaking Ron Howard as VP. Sexy as fuck. Touche. Alright, PKN 302.

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