Painkiller Already - PKN #304

Episode Date: June 18, 2020

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Starting point is 00:00:00 pkn 304 taylor was just telling us about his streaming ideas yeah yeah and get i we were watching 60 days in and i found a new fun way to do the power rankings if someone's doing really well it'll go and if they do bad you go it's a lot of fun. It's so much louder than I thought it would be, but it was only $4. Put a place into the clown theme. I got to stop buying stupid shit. No, no. You're reinvesting in your business, Taylor.
Starting point is 00:00:42 That's genuinely true. I can't wait to write off on my taxes next year a wooden recorder, a slide whistle, and phrenology equipment. I think I wrote off 18 microwaves one year. All right, that gives me confidence. You can audit it. I can handle this.
Starting point is 00:00:59 You'll be all right. Let me know when you start writing off truckloads of melons. Right? Yeah. There's no way this guy drinks this much Shasta. Oh, I started watching Hannibal that you recommended. I just finished season one.
Starting point is 00:01:17 I'm into season two. And number one, I love it. It walks a little weird line of, is this supernatural or is it just some weird empathy thing? I choose to believe it's just a weird empathy ability because that's more fun than the supernatural. This isn't really spoilers because this show is five plus years old now. I like how you watch first 48 or some murderer shows and they'll be like, he's one of the most prolific serial killers in all of Kentucky history.
Starting point is 00:01:49 He's killed six people. Like, my God, these serial killers. It'll be like we stumbled upon a 30 foot totem pole made of people. I don't even know how many people's in there. And they're like 40. And that's just and it'll show that guy just mumbling to himself in a cabin looking like yeah it's like these are the most competent serial killers of all time and so I like that it's it's very dramatic over the top
Starting point is 00:02:15 something that is just you know the first couple episodes I'm like Hannibal is beyond creepy. And everyone is talking to him like he's not. And now towards the end of season one, they'll be like, well, I hope Will didn't actually murder those people. He's like straight up daring people. He's like, if Will didn't do it, perhaps someone like I did. And then he's just like, you're flying too really close to the sun. And then like the FBI guy will be like, yeah, but clearly will. And it's like, it's so over the top how creepy Hannibal is. It's like, hmm, it's someone in this universe. We got two weird geniuses, one of whom has a lot of medical knowledge and he serves nothing but organ meats at his dinner parties. He has never served a filet. He's never served a chicken wing. Everything is cow brain a la mode or deer lungs deep fried. And it's like,
Starting point is 00:03:14 how many times can the director of the FBI four hours earlier say, we got another one, Dr. Lecter, missing lungs, missing liver, missing kidneys kidneys and a missing tongue and then later he's like thank you so much for coming to dinner today we have tongue lungs uh kidney and liver and that's what we're doing where are these from definitely not people yeah it's it's yeah the time the violence is gruesome but i'm loving i can. I can't wait to Super violent. I really like the tabloid reporter, that woman. I think she's really hot. And I like the ending to the whole series
Starting point is 00:03:51 is rated as one of the best TV endings ever. It's up there like top 15, I think. It was interesting that the first episode of season two, they showed what is going to be I assume either the conclusion of season two or maybe the conclusion of the entire series i'm not sure um in the very beginning when you know
Starting point is 00:04:11 when they show the two fighting in the kitchen ah fbi guy yeah i can't decide yet if i think that's going to be the end of season two or the true end of the series i'm thinking season two since a two-year story arc like that would probably lose a lot of people. Yeah. Yeah. I'm a big fan of the show. I've seen it twice, you know, all the way through and everything. I like it a lot. And it's on Netflix right now if anybody's listening to this and they need something to watch
Starting point is 00:04:36 during these dark, dark days. And, you know, it's on there for free. No pun intended. Are these still dark days? I've been out of touch. Is it the riots or the COVID or some other I've been out of touch. Is it the riots or the COVID or some other... Take your pick, Woody. Is it the plague or the war?
Starting point is 00:04:51 Nice. The pestilence is the worst for me. Shut up, Africa. We don't care about your pestilence anymore. Is it still going on? Are people still rioting? Are we looting? They haven't given back the police station yet well that's the new normal yeah they've declared an autonomous zone whatever that means that's not a Robocop I think that's the Chazz Zone right or something and this is Minneapolis
Starting point is 00:05:18 perhaps well take your pick any of the cities that have fallen. You know, good place for the hangout, right? What, Minneapolis? Yeah, no, no, the Chaz Zone. No rules, just right. We want rules. Who are we? Who are you going to call if shit goes wrong? Ghostbusters?
Starting point is 00:05:41 Dan Eckhorn's so old. No, I don't want to go hang out there It looks dangerous It looks so dangerous I mean maybe if we went in blackface I mean that could be a two for one That'd be a good bit and it'd be safe It's just for safety I don't see a flaw in that plan at all
Starting point is 00:05:59 I did see like In this autonomous zone This group of people were like We're going to start farming sustainably in the middle of a park in Seattle. And like, it was like a bunch of paper bags laid out with not enough soil on top of it. And then not even going from seeds, just they went and bought like lettuce heads and peppers and things like that.
Starting point is 00:06:23 And there was some farmer guy who had a nice viral thread. He's like, I don't use this site too much, but I'm going to tell you why these retards got farming 100% wrong. First of all, you're wasting 200 calories putting every one of those in the ground. You don't got seeds. You can't regrow it. It shouldn't die. Second of all, how many calories do you think you're getting out of those heads of lettuce? It's a net negative, huge net negative. You need something like rhubarb. You need potatoes. You need root vegetables. You need stuff that's sustainable, easy to do. You can handle more tough dirt. But look at these people. Look at them. Look at that guy. He just planted one seed or planted one thing, went to plant the next step on the first
Starting point is 00:06:57 one. What's he doing? That's basic. And he just like went through a list showing like, see, now you can see the amount of water they poured there. They think they're giving it enough, but they really did just rinse that plant away. It's going to the edge of the paper bags there. It looks so embarrassing and bad that it's like, oh my god, you guys couldn't have googled
Starting point is 00:07:17 this? Maybe we don't judge them on their agricultural abilities as people who have taken over. That's my measure of a man. Yes, being able to plant. Well, these were the people who took taken over that's my measure of a man yes being able to plant well these were the people who took it over they showed up with with iceberg yes woody these are dark days i had the greatest weekend i've been spending all my time playing tarkov with the lousy sleep schedule. And then the weather got nice. The weather turned around. I drove six hours to Georgia and my friends were there. We took the boat on
Starting point is 00:07:51 the lake and I soared up and did all my flippity do's. And and it was a great time. And I got home like a little cough, but I thought I was happy but God I want to do it now I'm thirsting to get back out and do it again. This outside business is actually a lot of fun to be had there. Seeing people that I like, that's kind of cool. Like, I enjoy that. Who knew? I didn't know any of these things.
Starting point is 00:08:15 I don't know. I played outside for a weekend, and I enjoyed it. Sleep schedule got back on track temporarily, probably. But, yeah, it was just it was a good time yeah these are dark days nice um it's pretty pretty horrific out there it was really sunny but yeah there was a Trump parade there were like it was dude there was a Trump parade on the lake. We've got this boat going 50 miles an hour with 4, 5, 7,000 feet of line out and a pilot
Starting point is 00:08:50 on the end of it like a kite. And we're crossing through 700 boaters with Trump flags at 45 miles an hour just jumping and bouncing. It was scary. We went to lunch afterwards. We're like, we can't crisscross
Starting point is 00:09:06 this drop parade too much we're overdoing it here maybe if the pilot was had a big american flag you'd been okay but or maybe a confederate flag that would have been even better that's where yes yes so they knew that we were losers who support dumb causes like one of those tell that to the vietnam memorial snake but don't tread on me snake there you go that one would have worked uh you know i bet nascar that would have worked no they banned the flag miracle whip that would have worked white people like miracle whip not the south though salsa but not the spicy kind oh the only kitten anyway yeah i had an amazing weekend i had a really good time i want to do it again also i started watching space force i actually
Starting point is 00:09:54 finished space force i had read read bad reviews and i just avoided it but i liked it i thought it was pretty funny i think my wife said it was good it was pretty funny it really was steve carell does a pretty good job. It's kind of like if Michael Scott had been made a four-star general and given Space Force, what would happen? Is it just Michael Scott basically plugged into a new character in the show? It's a little different. He does have this very – he's a military man.
Starting point is 00:10:22 He's a four-star general. He's flown all these aircraft,, he's a military man. He's a four star general. He's, uh, he's, he's flown all these aircraft and he is, uh, he, he is a military man. So, you know, the way he makes his bed or the way he walks around and the way he talks to people is very military, but he's been put in charge. He thought he was going to get promoted to air force, the commander of all of the air force. And they're like, and he hates the guy who runs the air force. So he's like talking shit to that guy outside of the Secretary of Defense's office. And then he walks in, he's like, why is he still with us? You know, talking to the guy who's been running the Air Force.
Starting point is 00:10:53 He's like, well, he's still going to run the Air Force. You are going to run Space Force. And everybody starts laughing and everybody's like, what the fuck are you laughing at, Coast Guard? Matter of fact, what the fuck are you even doing in here? And they literally throw the Coast Guard guy out. Salvation Army's ahead of you, bitch. Every time we see the Coast Guard guy, they just make fun of him and rough him up a little bit and laugh at him.
Starting point is 00:11:22 Rough him up. Yeah, they rough him up a little bit. And it's actually pretty funny they're in that sort of a space race with china and uh there's always someone beating them to the punch or like like they'll get their huge space force satellite up and up into orbit and then they'll see the chinese space satellite and it dwarfs ours or like they're like yeah four years from now we're landing on the moon. They're like, let me show you where we're going to land. They zoom in on the moon and the Chinese already have a base there. They're like, alright, we've got three days to get there instead of four years.
Starting point is 00:11:59 Let's work on that. They start brainstorming about how to get to the moon in three days rather than four years. What year is this supposed to be? Now. Oh. They make fun of Donald Trump quite a bit. No. Netflix? Trump is always texting Steve Carell's character and being mean to him.
Starting point is 00:12:19 Steve Carell's wife is in prison, and it's his day for his conjugal visit. But India launches a space satellite. That's just as good as ours. They actually steal our technology and launch it. And he gets a text. It says from POTUS sex is for winners. Get back to work. He's canceled the conjugal visit.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Sex is for winners. You know, that's pretty funny line. That is the kind of thing he would say it's a good show i i i watched this 10 episodes or like 35 minutes each or something like that i blazed through it hmm oh is that all there is yeah one season it's not a mini series gonna be season two uh yeah it definitely ends on a cliffhanger nice john malkovich is in it and and he really ties the whole thing together john malkovich is great in it he's in that one movie
Starting point is 00:13:12 that one poker movie that is good rounders other than the fact that his he's he's doing a russian accent and it is it's bar none the worst russian accent I've ever heard in any major motion picture. He ate that man his money. And he sits there and opens his Oreos. Well, it made his body. You do three aces. It's like, oh, my God. This is straight up. Straight up.
Starting point is 00:13:40 I watched Yakov Smirnov performance before this preparation. preparation. It's just like, this is awful. He just drips into different areas. I like it despite that, but it's really good. It's got Matt Damon and it's got Edward Norton in it. Matt Damon, Edward Norton, and Malkovich.
Starting point is 00:14:00 That's one of the best poker movies I've missed. As I think about it. There's some real heavy hitters in that cast. It's a pretty big cast as I think about it. There's some real heavy hitters in that cast. It's a big movie. If you're a poker player, it's sort of like the biggest movie that's ever been made about poker. Poker players love it. Brought in bad players.
Starting point is 00:14:15 By just having Matt Damon, as he's giving his pay that man his mind, the awful stuff, just Matt Damon's little thought process that you'd hear, it's like, they called him the Mad Russian, but no one knew where he was actually there that would have solved it you just could have you just could have suspended disbelief there's somewhere and he's i'm pretty sure he's from jersey after a car accident in 88 he just started talking like this i had this severe stroke
Starting point is 00:14:54 that would be funny he was never the same after the fall he's from he's from cleveland yeah born and raised yeah new lebron so yeah well i'm glad you had a good weekend woody amid the meanness yeah I just checked out of all the world's troubles for a bit and had a good time everybody's gotta do that sometimes healthier for you to not get obsessive over those things I've been just dealing with fucking pulling weeds and yard work and chainsawing low-h hanging branches in my backyard that are encroaching from the forest behind over my my fence and so that's been i'm i should have checked more thoroughly for ticks when i showered before this because there's probably a couple hanging out there i have some chainsaw i needed to it turns out if you ignore it and do it every other year
Starting point is 00:15:38 it's just half as much work really it's how i swear it kind of works that way yeah I think about doing yard work now a child yes no well there's much more serious consequences and you have to take back that's not true at all yeah but it's the same amount of checks huh no you can probably consolidate the checks yeah I don't think any of the things you're saying are true. Everything you're saying is wrong. I don't think so. That doesn't sound right. It's not passing my smell test. Now I'm looking at a I was looking at phrenology textbook pictures for after this and it is it won't matter because these are some of the funniest things i gotta show this on on stream oh no oh a genuine husband an unreliable husband that looks a lot like donald trump's head which one on the right of course the one on the left has a tumor. Well, it seems to be that the bigger your jaw, the more
Starting point is 00:16:46 unreliable you are. You do not want a hooked nose or an overarching nose. You want not big pointed elf ears. But the big change, it's the back of his skull. Look at that. That's where he keeps all of his genuine thoughts. The unreliable guy, there's no room for kindness.
Starting point is 00:17:02 I mean, what are you both checking? Yeah, mine's a little lumpy in the bottom part. I'm an unreliable guy there's no room for kindness I mean what are you both checking yeah mine's a little lumpy in the bottom part I'm an unreliable husband I might be too no no I gotta there's something back there there's something there but what I have is like this
Starting point is 00:17:17 in the on the right picture he has that like divot sort of in the center of the back of his head I have that these are made-up cartoons, so we should probably just not put any stock in them whatsoever. I don't know. These have big words all over the screen. Science is in quotation in this article.
Starting point is 00:17:37 I mean, they wouldn't just print a book full of lies. I think I went to the second picture. I might be the good one here yeah positively honest anyone with a head like this will be positively selfish tricky there's a lot I don't know I'm not gonna ruin
Starting point is 00:17:55 my bit so I'm gonna I'm not gonna go anymore but like the someone the guy who wrote this had specific people in mind my uncle who molested me i fucking hated that guy what's the picture of him yeah the little crest at the top that's where he keeps his evil jesus i tell you what being a back in the day would have been so much fun it gets into women too oh i'm sure i like a nice round head yeah the biggest roundest head well maybe not big
Starting point is 00:18:29 no the biggest round you want to have powerful sons don't you no warrior children like a lady with a cantaloupe style head yeah just palm it and push it away exactly you can when you grab you're like ah look at that yeah he's picked her up but she's shut up i'm trying to learn about hannibal that's also another funny thing it's like it's a good thing a name is just a name and Hannibal the Cannibal isn't a thing he'll just give little tips and tricks to try and catch him and the black FBI guy
Starting point is 00:19:13 who is other than that one of the smartest people on the show will be like cheers to that friend by the way the brain pate magnifies if you can get Will to tell me about where he thinks that person's brain went, more power to you. Does that pull you out of it a little bit, Kyle?
Starting point is 00:19:33 The over-the-top overtures from Hannibal where it's like, is everybody else retarded? He walks into every room absolutely ghoulish. He's a ghoulish looking guy. It's Mads Mikkelsen, who has actually played a James Bond villain in the past. He has that look about him. And then he just walks in with that accent
Starting point is 00:19:57 that they can't even nail down where it's from. It's some sort of Austrian, Eastern European intellectual accent with that haircut and that suit. And he's just always talking about organ meat and murder. And they can't figure out who's murdering people and taking their organ meat. No. Like, he doesn't even do – and you would think you'd put this together because they're like he's the you know the ripper he kills three people at a time and then he doesn't kill anyone for quite
Starting point is 00:20:32 a period of time then he'll kill three more and it's like okay and every time within a week or two of these three murders he has an organ meat feast at his house for all the most powerful people in the community has no one put the pieces they've never come over and had brats or t-bones or marinated chicken breast it is not one thing but organ meat he'll even like stand at the head of the table and all his colleagues like maybe they'll catch the guy who stole all those lungs right and he'll be like i regret to inform you nothing tonight is vegetarian try the lung and it's like is jillian anderson on the show yet i don't know who that is the blonde therapist of hannibal oh yeah yeah she's been on for for a bit now big fan of her yeah can't tell this hasn't been divulged how much she exactly knows clearly not
Starting point is 00:21:17 everything but it's also becoming clear that hannibal just uses her as like a download to put false information somewhere else so it seems autonomous and it's like see look at this information coming from here too all all you know yeah he's oh he's he's he's smarter than everyone and if he doesn't want to get caught he won't get caught but he likes playing his little games that's the other fun thing is like i tried to nail down motivation for him when it's like why is he just fucking with will's brain like this and why is he just fucking with Will's brain like this? And why is he fucking with this other guy? He just made up a lie out of whole cloth there.
Starting point is 00:21:50 He has nothing to gain. And he's like, oh, he's a psychopath. He just is having the time of his life infiltrating, lying, causing problems intentionally, and just spitting in people's faces with like look how much smarter
Starting point is 00:22:05 i am than you yeah none of you know what the fuck is up and so that you know he's very good character entertaining shit he's an awesome character have you seen him in like physical combat yet like like that's that's always fun i just saw i saw him kill that uh that crazy uh musician guy yeah there you go. Yeah, and then, yeah, I saw the fight at the beginning of this season with him versus FBI. Yeah, he's good at everything. He could compose an orchestra, then perform it on a dozen instruments,
Starting point is 00:22:37 then edit it all together so it sounds like an orchestra, and then he could beat up an entire orchestra single-handedly. Yeah, he has so many skills where does he find the time mostly orchestra related well he does seem to like the finer things that's that's that's one of the ways they track him down yeah yeah he likes the finer things in every way and the way he serves the food, I was looking, they had food consultants listed in the credits because the food looks so good. So good.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Over the top delicious. It's really fucking good. The clay thigh that he cooks, Benjamin Babish did that. That's where you wrap the meat in clay and then bake it in the clay. Oh, I saw those two Indonesian guys that don't
Starting point is 00:23:25 really talk on youtube and will make oh no wilderness stuff yeah they did something like that or maybe it was that australian guy who never taught it was one of those wilderness people who doesn't talk yeah there's a couple of those channels now wildly successful successful yeah and good for them did something with it i don't know who's going to advertise on that. Stick companies, leaves. I really want to start a stick company. Gather shit from under trees. Taylor is the NHL coming back?
Starting point is 00:24:00 Yeah. I don't know the exact date. I'm, I'm like intentionally not looking into it for the most part. Cause I just want it to be like a NHL returns Monday. And I'm like, hell yeah, perfect. I've been starved for content because I feel like it's going to be like all the rest of this COVID and other new shit where one day they're like, this is a million percent true.
Starting point is 00:24:19 You're going to get this. Don't wear a mask at all. Doesn't help. Don't wear one actually you're mandatory you know new who thing actually now don't don't do it again or maybe it's not that important like the news is changing around covid so much that it's like i don't think it's out of the realm of possibility that nothing something else will come out and they'll cancel it or they'll get going for like a week or two and they'll cancel it again so i'm any hockey we get i'm seeing as a bonus in the basketball world like they announced hey we're coming back you guys we're gonna have a
Starting point is 00:24:50 play-in for like the bottom two teams or something and everyone else is gonna go and they'll jump in we'll do a big playoff so it'll be in one location we won't fly all over the country and we'll have a playoffs cool uh but a handful of the players are like I don't know I'm kind of feeling this police injustice thing and I don't want to play and I don't know what to make of that a couple play like some of the big name players I think Kyrie Irving might be one of them says that you know he's not going to play until police brutality is solved and then they can't play without him I mean they're gonna have to play without him and his teammates are gonna be pissed right yeah I hope I didn't misrepresent his spot maybe he's still in but he did say that Can't play without him? I mean, they're going to have to play without him, and his teammates are going to be pissed, right?
Starting point is 00:25:27 Yeah, I hope I didn't misrepresent his spot. Maybe he's still in. But he did say that he would give up everything to solve this problem. I don't know. But I can say the NBA has come out, and they're like, Hey, everyone who doesn't want to play, you have to notify your team by June 24th. You'll be docked one 92nd of your salary for each game you miss. And you know, it's cool. You do you.
Starting point is 00:25:50 So the NBA has some sort of like, what do you call it? A strike of sorts on their hands. I don't know how many players are involved in that. I think a lot of players, like you think of basketball as like LeBron James and Kevin Durant and a couple of big names. But it's actually mostly players who just get, like, two- to four-year careers and work their way through the league quickly.
Starting point is 00:26:15 And these little moments of career are everything to them. They are their financial present and future and past. It's everything they've ever worked for. And they can't just throw away that. They're trying to exit this brief little NBA period of their lives being financially set. Can't blame anyone for that.
Starting point is 00:26:36 I don't know. I like watching the games, but I think I like the meta story as much as I like the rest of it. How players develop and the trades and the relationships and then the games my guess would be pretty much everybody would play like once once push comes to shove like a lot of people and a lot of it's going to be like you don't want to feel like you're leaving your teammates out to dry like this is a team sport like this is the way it is
Starting point is 00:27:02 like if one person on some team is a big player and you have a bunch of those guys on the team who are two to four year guys who this is their shot this is their one shot they're not gonna get a 20-year window to play like they're right i could see players being like you know what for my team i'm i'm going forward yes i don't know anything about basketball dude you gotta come out and play like we need you you're a big part of our team we've been practicing together all year maybe you remember that uh we're a different team with you gone you know how you make 65 million dollars a year and i make three we need you come back yeah so anyway uh be nice did you see that they burnt down the Wendy's where that guy was shot in Atlanta? Oh, let's talk about that guy.
Starting point is 00:27:49 What did Wendy's do? Wendy's was the scene of the incident. And actually, so. I'm sorry. Kyle, I'm sure it is. Taylor, are you up to speed on this accident? Do you want to lay it out? Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Yeah, I think this guy was asleep in his car. They said in the drive-thru of Wendy's. It's nighttime. It's pretty late. And so Wendy's calls the cops. Maybe that's why they lost the restaurant. No rats, Wendy's. Snitches. Snitches, Wendy's. Snitches get burnt. Snitching is only allowed if someone tweets something you don't like then you come after their livelihood that's right crimes men and everyone knows that so he was a drunk driver and he was asleep the police have body cams on and he's still
Starting point is 00:28:36 sleeping when they knock on the window yeah and he fails the sobriety test and then they start trying to take him in you left out something important so before he failed this sobriety test, and then they start trying to take him into custody. You left out something important. So before he failed the sobriety test, they asked him if he had any weapons, and they patted him down. So now he's known, confirmed, no weapons. Okay. So then they start trying to take him into custody, which these two good old boys really struggled with. They're just arm-fighting him, and he's sitting on the ground. At some point, he gets his hands on one of their tasers and takes it from them.
Starting point is 00:29:11 They usually frown on that. He gets up and starts sprinting away, running away while one of them chases after him. He turns around and he points the taser at the police officer. Can't really tell if he fires or not. He does. He inaccurately fires it about four feet over the cop's head. So then he turns his head back around to the direction that he's sprinting away in and takes maybe one or two more pumps of sprinting.
Starting point is 00:29:43 And the cop shoots him twice in the back. He fires three shots, shoots him twice in the back, dies right there. And it's on the Wendy's outdoor security cam, so you get this big, wide view of it, like a side-scrolling video game or something. You really see everything that happens. Well lit, too. And for giving that helpful footage, Wendy's got burned down? Wendy, they, not only did Wendy's get burned down, like there was a crowd of people there that either that night or probably the next night and they're wearing masks and they're throwing bricks
Starting point is 00:30:16 through the windows and trying to set the umbrellas on fire outside and the CNN crew is recording this and they start roughing up the CNN crew for snitching and breaking their big ass camera. I don't know how much this broadcast cameras cost, but it's got to be enough. It's got to be like, I would say 50 grand, like 10 to 50 10, 10 doesn't approach it. That's what YouTubers cameras cost. This has got to be a $50,000 camera. They smash their camera. And you could tell these people are very uncomfortable around
Starting point is 00:30:46 the crowd. It's a mixed crowd. Everybody's like, ah, the crowd was this or the crowd was that. No, there's individuals within the crowd. Some of these individuals look like they were right out of Mad Max and some of them look like they were just upset and there for the show.
Starting point is 00:31:01 Some of the more Mad Maxian ones just burnt the fucking wendy's to the goddamn ground right then and there so and uh then the police chief she uh stepped down and uh the officer who fired the shots he is i believe he was arrested and charged with something or another and the second officer is on like desk duty I think the coroner ruled the cause of death to be homicide. Now, I don't know if that is important or not. I don't think it is. Wait, did the coroner do that?
Starting point is 00:31:33 I thought coroners said stuff like cause of death, bullet punctured left lung, ruptured aorta. Isn't that what coroners do? I hear you, but I think he said it. Well, I think homicide just means that a person killed him. You don't know that for sure. He may have had diabetes. I wouldn't say the cause of death is poison.
Starting point is 00:31:54 They would say it's GSW. It's arsenic. I don't think that the fact that it was ruled a homicide has anything to do with... I think to us that sounds like murder and what it really just means is a person killed a person which is very accurate. I hear Taylor. I would expect the coroner to say, ooh, so what happened was he got shot in the lungs was unable to breathe and then he asphyxiated. like there's something like that well I did they did say that you probably that's what they actually do imagine how long coroner school is I show up day one it
Starting point is 00:32:34 works with no head what happened fucking dead dude this? Ten bullets in his body from different angles. Bulletitis, man. No, you know what this is? This is homicide. Someone killed this motherfucker. I mean, lead poisoning? He's the best coroner this county's ever seen. I don't know what to make of that shooting.
Starting point is 00:33:00 I'm curious about your opinions on it. Good shooting, bad shooting. Bad? Bad shooting. That's kind of where I fell down. I don't know where I fell down described it but I haven't seen the footage I think yeah Taylor hasn't seen the footage I think out of the gate though maybe when he heard he grabbed the officer's taser it started so let's let's do a similar but a hypothetical shooting if you take the cops taser and now you're tasing the cop I feel like like the cop's okay to shoot him, right?
Starting point is 00:33:27 Because now you have like a pain control over the cop. And like if that had happened, if he had been tasing the cop and now he had like control over him, the cop may be justified in escalating. Even though he wasn't killing him, he could do anything he wanted to him. Nah. That's a problem. But that wasn't killing him he could do anything he wanted to him nah that's that's a problem but that wasn't the situation and he had already fired the taser just briefly before the shots so now he's like disarmed even you know so they pretty much the cop they patted him down
Starting point is 00:33:58 they knew he had no other weapons other than the taser he just fired into the air pretty shitty i don't even know if he's trying to hit him. It was so bad. He was... He wasn't trained on it at all. He was eight feet away and he missed... He fired that taser like he had a few too many to drink. Kyle, I've never been trained on blow dart, but I won't miss you by four feet if I'm eight feet away.
Starting point is 00:34:18 Let's have a few white boys chase you through a Wendy's parking lot after you've had a few drinks and woken from your midnight nap. You're going to be over. There's some other things. The drinking and the just woken part is
Starting point is 00:34:33 part of the story. Anyway, yeah, he missed them by a mile. I think that that's notable. I don't think it matters. You should use deadly force only to either protect your life or other people's lives. Someone's life should be in imminent danger or you should have the belief that it will be in imminent danger.
Starting point is 00:34:56 If the guy has already killed five people at the bank and he's running down the street with a gun, then maybe we shoot that guy because it's pretty reasonable to believe that he's going to shoot more people because he just, you know, but that wasn't the scenario. We had a guy who was asleep in his car outside of Wendy's who hasn't been there. And, you know, I've literally been there. Not in the drive-thru though. I parked the car. You know, I parked the car and, but, you know, the guy was parked the car. You know, I parked the car. But, you know, the guy was just trying to sleep one off, had a few too many to drink.
Starting point is 00:35:34 And then they murdered him at Wendy's, no less. And, you know, the whole grabbing the taser thing, he definitely shouldn't have done that. He definitely shouldn't have resisted arrest. But he didn't deserve to die for those things the punishment for those things isn't death i agree it doesn't especially the way it played out didn't rise to the level of you shoot that guy but it could have played out differently where i might be able to stretch to say it did you know if he did hit the cop at the taser maybe there's only one cop instead of two and he gets a couple certainly i don't know he's on his third surge and he's getting off on it in a situation like that sure all right you know like that i'll give you yeah yeah so but
Starting point is 00:36:11 that's not what happened he missed him by a mile and he didn't sort of prove to disarm himself and and i feel like they shot him just because they wanted to win they didn't want him to get away exactly i think and having him take their uh tas is a very embarrassing thing, which is going to have to be noted. I don't know. I feel like they were really upset with this guy. And they've been disciplined before for stuff like this, apparently. They didn't kill him. They did kill him. Seemed like a nice enough guy.
Starting point is 00:36:44 Didn't deserve to die. You know, they murdered that guy in Atlanta the other night. And I hope they're getting a lot of trouble for it. Is that the same? The guy in Atlanta is the Wayne's one? Yeah, that's the guy. Yeah, that was murder. Yeah, they murdered that guy.
Starting point is 00:36:57 They shot a man running away in the back. You know, that's what it boils down to. A man who had committed. Look, I don't like drunk driving. I don't like it at all. But as far as crimes go, it's, you know, it's real low on the fucking totem pole of crimes that are out there.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Well, you don't... He didn't... He wasn't drunk driving! Wait, stop! He pulled over and... Well, he was previously drunk driving, right? He fell asleep in the line in the Wendy's drive-thru. Well, like all that comes down to,
Starting point is 00:37:31 it seems like anything leading up to like just shooting someone in the back while running away is like not as relevant. You know, like you kind of summed it up there. He was shot in the back while fleeing. Yeah, it doesn't really matter. You know, they had no reason to shoot that guy, and did and they couldn't affect the worst week to do it what were they gonna lose kyle you can't lose how do you explain how you lost your taser we're trying to
Starting point is 00:37:54 win at policing yeah it's not a team sport it's not a sport um sounds like loser talk yeah i bet you don't beat me to the midpoint at a red light either. When it turns green, I'm fucking undefeated. I bet that cop's going to have a rough time in prison. Yeah, well, I mean, if he already got arrested and there's all that video evidence, he'll probably get him.
Starting point is 00:38:20 Yeah, they haven't charged him yet, I don't think. I haven't really been following it that much. I watched the video and I listened to a few blurbs about it or whatever, but I try not to watch that stuff. I try to watch happy things like Space Force and keep a keen eye on
Starting point is 00:38:36 the neighborhood. And Hannibal. I watch it. I want to be informed. It's a bad shooting. It was definitely a bad shooting. Oh informed. It's a bad shooting. It was definitely a bad shooting. Oh, yeah. Yeah. It was, it would be a different scenario for it to be a good shooting.
Starting point is 00:38:51 Like, I guess I'm just trying to, like the one I laid out. If he had the taser and actually hit the cop and there was only one other cop and maybe, you know, had gotten him twice already. And the cop felt like he was being pain controlled. Then maybe in a situation like that, the cop responds with deadly force. But not the one that happened. Yeah, if there's one cop who was being tortured at Wendy's, then I could see him using his firearm. Yeah, alright, thanks.
Starting point is 00:39:19 When you put it like that. I hope his defense lawyer puts it like that. He was humiliated. He looked like Rito Rito. We all saw the clip. Put on your dunce cap. But I do think there is a problem with attitudes in the police force, right? No. No, I know. This is a problem with attitudes in the police force, right? No.
Starting point is 00:39:45 No, I know. This is a bold statement. But I have to feel like things like this maybe aren't super uncommon, right? Every police shooting doesn't make major news. And every time a policeman pushes a guy down and his head bumps on the cement, like that didn't previously make big news. Now we're like, look at the pattern look at this look at these guys just bullying the population and maybe the militarization is a problem every like authoritarian movie you've ever seen yes yeah and i don't want to dive into politics but obama did this thing where he's like hey
Starting point is 00:40:22 how about we stop selling armored vehicles and 50 Cal Barrett's and like other like military devices to the police? And Trump came in and reversed that, said, no, the police need these military. You know what? We need more profits for these giant military tech companies. That's what we need. we need a bunch of contracts for them to sell tanks to rural parts of iowa you might be right i think you know all carriers all of them donates to everybody in washington and so it's like it's absurd you might be right i think it's actually retired army equipment you know stuff that like flows through and i've seen them have some brand new shit they got
Starting point is 00:41:05 they got real nice stuff halliburton's just foaming at lockheed martin halliburton they're all foaming at the mouth it's a little bit of everything it's a little bit of everything a lot of it's new stuff um a lot of those armored personnel carriers are new stuff a lot of those um bomb disposal unit that big truck that's got the fucking fist on it that fists buildings wait what you've never seen that truck the fisting truck the fisting truck it's got a big ram on it they ram it right through a brick building uh no that's porn i mean it is jesus christ it's literally porn hub well i guess i need to see what it is. What did you search to find? Fisting truck. Oh my god!
Starting point is 00:41:48 This is not a... Oh, wait. No, that's just porn. With a fist on it. If you search fisting truck, you're going to find a truck full of women being fisted. That is what I found. Let's talk about that. That'll make me feel so much better.
Starting point is 00:42:07 Truck full of women getting fisted. Alright right i'll look up fisting truck again it's a ram i'm just it's not an actual fist like don't don't picture a big punching glove oh well now i'm not excited at all yeah i mean so the thing that hits the building is not fish shaped at all There's no fingers or thumb. I'm getting a picture of the fisting truck. I found it. Hang on. Can you believe this? Truck that hits building with fist?
Starting point is 00:42:33 Very few results. These are all toys, quite frankly, Kyle. Oh. I mean, close enough, right? I mean, I see it. I call it more of a bar. I have to tell you, I'm a little disappointed and not really turned on at all. That's a big-ass truck, though. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:42:50 Well, I need somebody standing next to it. Well, yeah, if I had somebody standing next to it so I could see how big the truck is, it is a cool-looking truck. Oh, yeah, and that's a Tonka? Come on, that's obviously an enormous truck. This could be a small model that they're testing. It is absolutely not a small... They built a small model building behind it
Starting point is 00:43:06 to... That's forced perspective. Have you seen Lord of the Rings? So what is the purpose of this? Just to knock walls down? Sometimes you need a new door ASAP. Yeah. I need to keep you at fucking 10 arms length.
Starting point is 00:43:30 Yeah, they just ram it right through a fucking wall and go in. Or they could spring load it, pull it to the side, have blades on the side of it and just drive up to protesters and just like all the turkeys or the chickens in Chicken Little.
Starting point is 00:43:47 Remember that? Yeah, I do. That is turkeys. That's South Park where the retarded turkey has its head slung down. His neck was all weird. Yeah. That's a good episode.
Starting point is 00:44:00 It is a good episode. Just as relevant today as it was then. I think about that episode twice a week yeah i watch it twice a week i haven't watched much south park recently i haven't either it's one of those when the fuck is that show coming back jesus christ feels like it's been forever i don't know anyway yeah they've got way too much cool shit um they've just got way way too much cool shit it's it's like it's not that i don't want them to have cool shit it's that i feel like the cool shit turns them into some sort of paramilitary aggressive force instead of one
Starting point is 00:44:37 that's policing a neighborhood yeah they should make them they don't need that shit they don't need that shit they really clearly not now i could i don't know i do this thing where i take the other side sometimes and i'm like well maybe in the bigger cities i i don't i remember that one time in la there were bank robbers with i don't know if they had machine guns or just like ar-15s okay and they had body armor and the police had pistols and they really found themselves out armed right it was it was a problem but it seems like the only time that ever right there was a bulldozer the farmer got angry and he dressed it up like mad max two times that's that's and that guy was pretty cool. That guy didn't have a gun. He had a tractor or something.
Starting point is 00:45:29 He had a bulldozer. The thing about those two bank robbers in LA, that gets used. I know. That's a lot like 9-11 in a way. It's like, hey, take your shoes off. Why? Because 20 years ago, wait, wait, wait. Are you going to talk about 9-11 in a minute? Yeah. Now take your shoes off. Why? Because 20 years ago, or wait, wait, wait, wait, are you gonna talk about 911 in a minute?
Starting point is 00:45:47 Yeah, now take your shoes off. Fuck. All right. God damn it. Why don't I wear lace ups to the airport? That's what these that's what this to bank robbers in San Bernardino equate to like 1984. Not I don't remember the year, but I would say it was the early 90s. My guess would be like 93. They were hopped up on a lot of medications.
Starting point is 00:46:11 There were steroids, for one thing. That had nothing to do necessarily with their performance that day, I suppose. But they were drug users. They used their performance in the gym. Absolutely. Maybe they carried more rounds. It's a body armor. They were getting mad gains.
Starting point is 00:46:26 I've read that they were on painkillers and tranquilizers to deal with the pressure. Chewing cot like a Somali pirate. Chewing cot like Somali fucking street pirates. They had a hyena on a chain. They had AKs with drum mags, fully automatic, and
Starting point is 00:46:41 they had duffel bags full of money. They just overwhelmed the police department there. And the police had to end up going to a local gun store and just stealing, I suppose, AR-15s from them to go fight these guys with. One of them actually got shot in the arm. And it's a little hard to tell from the footage. There's two ways of looking at it. One is that he shot himself under the chin with his handgun and the other is that his handgun got jammed and he was trying to clear the jam one-handedly using his vest because his other hand was disabled.
Starting point is 00:47:17 In any case, he shot himself in the fucking head. They don't even come close to offering him any aid or assistance after that happened happened by the way you just watch him they're like huh looks like he's gonna bleed out huh yep i would say in the next 20 minutes he's definitely gonna bleed out yep 20 minutes i don't want to do it all right let's uh let's go smoke one huh they're just pinned down at this time or no the guys are laying there in the floor the bad guys are dying on the ground and the cops just let them die oh i got confused yeah but but you know that was that
Starting point is 00:47:51 one and now they have ar-15s it's one thing to give them an ar-15 so they can deal with body armor it's another thing to give them they've got machine guns yeah hundreds of rounds of ammunition and and every time i see them wearing that cosplay air cosplay I'm the best airsofter on the field bullshit. Looks like they're sponsored by Tipman or something like that. It's just like, what are you doing? What are you doing? Maybe sponsorships are a good idea.
Starting point is 00:48:17 Corporate sponsorship for the police. That's never been the core. We're getting closer and closer to RoboCop here, Taylor. Thank you. That's where I was headed because that is literally the plot of robocop no hear me out we abolish the police and then we allow the richest billionaires to build private armies this is probably do a better job i've never seen robocops i don't know yeah taylor it's my understanding if i understand the Republican platform at all, privatize everything.
Starting point is 00:48:48 Especially, have you ever seen something bad happen when you privatize a police force? No. And if you Google it, don't Google it. No, do your own research. Just keep looking until you see what you want. That's what do your own research means. Robocop's awesome. I watched Robocop last week and the week before.
Starting point is 00:49:06 I watched RoboCop five or six times a week. I watch a lot of RoboCop. All right. Paul Verhoeven was visionary. I like your slow drip of truth. I watched it last week. I watched it five or six times. I'm watching RoboCop right now.
Starting point is 00:49:23 Do you watch the other robocops too like because it kind of fell off a cliff robocop two i think there's a three so robo so peter weller isn't even in robocop three so just forget all about that one the real issue is that the end of robocop one he he kills the last bad guy he kills ted and he's in the offices and uh the guy who runs the main company that like created him goes that's nice. I want to get the quote right. It's a nice shooting officer. What's your name? And he turns around and he goes, they call me Murphy. And it's just like, and then the music plays.
Starting point is 00:49:58 And you're just like, fuck yeah. He's not RoboCop anymore. He's Murphy again. He remembers in the second movie, he's just like, I forgot about all that. I'm RoboCop again. We've got to make the journey again from machine to man all over again because we need an arc. They should have had another arc starting at man. They should have had another arc starting at man. The second one's got pretty lame, but the third one's PG-13. That one's awful, but the third one's PG-13. You can't even... That one's awful. But the first one is excellent. Peter Weller does an amazing job. It's great. Fucking great. I love RoboCop. It's
Starting point is 00:50:35 Paul Verhoeven movies. They're really sarcastic, and there's a lot of satire. The way he goes after corporations and how government lies to people. I tried to show you Starship Troopers once and I must have somehow it went over your head. I was in Colorado, right? Yeah, I was unbelievably high. I was about to bring up Starship Troopers as my RoboCop. I watched Starship Troopers a couple times a year. I feel like that movie's underappreciated.
Starting point is 00:51:05 You can watch Starship Troopers on a level that is kind of popcorn action movie and it's fine. But then you can watch it on another level that's like a political commentary and then you'll rage against the machine and the I don't know, the stack ranking humans that they do in that film.
Starting point is 00:51:22 And it's pretty interesting. I like Starship troopers on a whole bunch of different levels same director paul verhoeven i didn't know that okay yeah that's how his shit is it's very thought-provoking you know a lot of people saw starship troopers the way you described it initially you know popcorn movie action go get them hoorah aliens humans get them but really you know you don't have to look right under the surface is like wait didn't we start the war we started the war though right aren't they defending themselves kill them want to learn more and it's just it yeah they absolutely i dehumanize is clearly the
Starting point is 00:52:00 wrong word to use when you're fighting bugs but they de dehumanize the enemy. They just make them their bugs. You kill them. They're this and that. They're not thinking. They're mindless, crazy. That's what you would do even if they were the Germans or what have you. And there's three levels of main character, right? There's the main character who's kind of this dumb jock.
Starting point is 00:52:20 And then there's this girl who's pretty smart and a guy who's way above average. And what happens to them is they get into the real world and and find their various places in life and it's pretty cool yep some titties in there it's good stuff yeah well he's not a fan of all the titties in the movie there is one pair that i always feel like was overrated i know i know and i try not to like i i try not to to say that there are any there's no such thing as a bad titty right i want to live in a world where all titties are good titties like like i i would say that all vaginas are good vaginas i don't share black lives matter but all titties do not. I don't share Kyle's hypothetically,
Starting point is 00:53:08 I guess. Anti-titty bigotry. Well, he's very particular on what kind of labia he likes. I am the defender of the tit in this movie. Woody is the attacker. Right, but Kyle has labia preference, whereas I don't think that I would. I've just seen Predator too many times. I have a titty preference, it turns
Starting point is 00:53:24 out. So, yeah, there's one pair of an otherwise beautiful lady with some below average boobs. In any case, good movies. Robocop, huge fan. Huge fan of Robocop. It's great. It's great.
Starting point is 00:53:41 It's very violent. It's very violent. I love the gun. I love the suit. The whole thing. He pulls out that fucking... It's a Rafika. It's a Beretta machine pistol. It'll go like semi-auto, three-round burst, I think seven-round burst, and then maybe full-auto. It's badass. It's so cool. I've watched documentaries about robocop this week
Starting point is 00:54:20 that like i say documentaries yeah like if it's about robocop there's a few there's a few yeah it's a good movie you want to wrap this one up five early yeah sure I'm going to go watch some Robocop alright I'm going to have dinner PKN 304

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