Painkiller Already - PKN #308

Episode Date: July 16, 2020

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Starting point is 00:00:00 pkn 308 dude the last pka i started i called it 4 and 8 49 instead of 499 every comment is about that i think our engagement shot through the roof i'm gonna up the episode number every show it should be a thing just continuously get facts wrong just no no no but trump no the election isn't this year it's next year all right it's 2021 that's when we find out who the new president's gonna be biden's got to survive a whole nother it's four years he took office in 2017 would you suck it man yeah how about we start now that we're at 499 we start counting backwards Next week is PKA 498. Getting close to 500.
Starting point is 00:00:47 That would upset people. They wouldn't care for that. They would not care for that. Your eyes are looking great, Kyle, compared to what it was. Yeah, it feels so much better. It feels so much better. My discomfort level was at a solid 7 for for us for a whole week and i've been burned before and and it did i don't know i think i preferred the burning like i had second and
Starting point is 00:01:12 third degree burns all over my hand that time and this was worse because it was just right in my eye yeah i'd rather rather had stitches in my piss hole i i honestly would have like like i feel like i could have gotten my mind off that but you know just just don't don't touch your dick be careful when you piss like don't move too much wear comfortable pants and it would have been okay but your eye is just always moving literally you know everything with so many injuries it's you don't realize how often you bump the top of your ankle until you get hurt there no i knew full well how often i use my eyes every waking moment it's yeah it's awful yeah i was not a fan of that i'm so glad that's that those stitches are out um and and that is all over i was saying
Starting point is 00:01:58 before the show i go back in a month for a checkup that i don't remember the purpose of it's optional they're trying to get money from you yeah maybe so maybe i'll maybe i'll just not do that probably not it it um it's been my experience that you sort of pay in those checkups are free there's gonna be no more drugs so fuck them there weren't any drugs to begin with fucking antibiotics i wanted some some hardcore opiates i think we saw were talking about surgery day, where there were good drugs. Oh, there were good drugs that day. Yeah, I wanted some of that to take home.
Starting point is 00:02:31 You were talking about a time where you were on all those pills and they're like, so someone's picking you up, right? You're like, nope. Then you just left. It reminds me I went, you guys don't have shitty eyes like me, but you've had your eyes dilated, right? Yes.
Starting point is 00:02:47 So it's like this yellow stuff that you go to the eye doctor. They drop it in both your eyes. It's like sticky and it like creates like eye boogers. But like immediately your pupils just, just enormous. And so everything is bright as shit. Everything's wavy. And it was like a july afternoon that i finished up and like just in the lobby of this fucking you know eye care place
Starting point is 00:03:12 i'm like having trouble maneuvering around and they're like you didn't drive yourself i was like no no no i didn't and they're like all right well and i'm like well my ride's here so i don't know why i continue to lie to the eye doctor people and then because like they could see me walk out to my car and get in and drive away yeah but that was a nerve-wracking same yeah i do that too and so here's what happens they put drops in my eyes then they send me out to the waiting room to wait for the drops to take effect and i'm sitting there reading on my phone and that effort gets more and more difficult you know i'm holding it further looking through one eye is my this my pupils stop working like they're supposed to and then they're like all right they bring me back they test me and such they know full well
Starting point is 00:03:56 i'm driving home i it's almost like the situation's reverse like should i huh so have you huh you do you mr woodwork do i do you are there any adults here to make this decision for me i feel like i'm doing something wrong i'm an eye doctor i don't care i'm not a driving doctor okay work on the eyes yeah they um i'm so glad that was over but the first time it was just uh like a local and they told me not to drive home and they were being super shady they were like they're coming right i'm like yeah yeah well we'll wheel you out i was like you don't need to wheel me out they gave me a local i'm like i'm fine they just injected uh lidocaine in my eyelids like like i'm fine she's like well we we have to wheel you out i was like well i'm gonna walk um so you're gonna
Starting point is 00:04:47 chase me down are you prepared to fight about this yeah that's kind of what i was getting at like like are you going to wrestle me wrestle me down into this chair hold me against my will suddenly woody comes out of the back let's wrestle yeah so so i walked out and uh i was fine of course but but i was i was like yeah i'm just gonna go out uh buy my car and wait on the uber and they're like okay what you should wait here i'm like no no you're gonna let me go now i'm gonna go wait outside they're like well i we don't yeah i guess we are like you're not gonna kidnap me trust me i'm gonna wait in my car for a car now you go inside yeah that's exactly what happened i went out there looked around for about three seconds got in and fucking drove home because it was just like all i
Starting point is 00:05:37 had was like i had that huge bandage that like covered half my face like uh like the phantom of the opera so were you totally fine fine like when you got home you didn't like need to sleep or anything on the this is the first surgery um they gave me a Valium and that was I forgot about that actually but Valium is just like um it like relaxes you and like I didn't you don't feel intoxicated you just feel like mellow so you didn't fight to stay awake from I don't know Valium very well like you don't no it didn't it doesn't make me tired i've only had it twice like like both times were like surgery uh stuff but it no it's not bad at all it's just it it is a poor substitute for fucking anesthetic um uh anesthetic though like like it is not it's not doing anything for the pain it's just to relax
Starting point is 00:06:21 you and make you calm like i'm a circus animal or something i'm gonna start thrashing it makes you compliant it doesn't fix your pain yeah yeah that's not what i need it's that little little knee a baby knee i see probably i guess she's crying she wants to he's high yellow one second some people will get that one One second. Some people will get that one. So there was a... Look at that little fella. Oh, it's a tiny human.
Starting point is 00:06:56 It's a little... You're right. You kind of hit the nail on the head. A little homunculus. You don't want one of those, man. I don't want one. Even the dog can tell that's unnatural. He's like, can I have it?
Starting point is 00:07:08 If you're not going to eat it, can I? You're just wasting it. So there was some... I don't know if you wanted to go into it or not, Kyle, because I didn't know all the details, but I saw there was some nonsense going on with the patron discord.
Starting point is 00:07:23 A lot of stuff being fired back and forth on there it seems like it's been raucous we have a good time over there uh midi and i've been playing rust and um we we like we turn our streams on and discord so that he can see my pov and and uh i can see his and uh and so a bunch of the $50 patrons jump in there so they can watch us play, too. Maybe like half a dozen. And, yeah, there was a gentleman who had to end up going because of some of the things he said. He was just untethered. Untethered.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Untethered. That's a nice. Yeah, I've always had like so way back from the woody craft days and maybe even before i have a fairly high tolerance for when people talk shit about me because the idea is that i put myself on social media right i did this thing where i people have an opinion on me and that that's you know that's the price of of doing what you do but when they talk about my family or in this case your girlfriend as well it's like no they are not participants in this and uh welcome to banville yeah
Starting point is 00:08:39 and and there was a great like the whole crowd cheered when he disappeared like because he was he was he was bob i won't go into like extreme details but like you know there's people in there who have had alcoholism in their family so they really dislike having someone who's that belligerent and um you know drunk all the time around and you know he was he was he was calling some of the other patrons uh the n-word and the f-word and not in some sort of an ironic and jokey kind of way but you know he was uh you, especially when I wasn't there, apparently, I would get reports just like, ah, he went after, you know, our friend, who's the the Navy. Yes, surgical guy. I guess he was saying some stuff to him. And that guy was just, you know, I got nothing personal against him. I just, you know, it's probably the best that
Starting point is 00:09:22 Yeah, yeah, I don't blame you at all. It's, but he probably doesn't, he just doesn't need to be in there. You know, so that's one less $50 patron that they'll be. And imagine, imagine my concern. Yeah. And, and that's, that's not saying anything about like the patrons or the $50 patrons in particular, because I really genuinely like 99.9% of those guys in there. They're really nice people. A few of them have joined the Rust server and are goofing around in there with us.
Starting point is 00:09:57 And it's fun to chat with those guys. We usually end up in there in a chat for four or five hours at a time. But this guy was a no good, Nick. And I don't even think it's his fault. I think that he's got a substance abuse problem that he needs to work on. Yeah, that's what it seems to be. So, you know, that brings out the worst in people when you when you really have have a disease like that. But, you know, you can't keep that around.
Starting point is 00:10:23 Yeah, I just dropped in real quick like who is it which one's talking shit about my wife I got his name he's banned the crowd cheered I left in there like he made fun of you like that's the best part it's it's like you wouldn't be making fun of what are you if you knew why what he was here I don't think I even heard it. Yeah, because your mic was muted when you came in, and the guy was like, well, like they say, Woody doesn't know how to fucking use Discord.
Starting point is 00:10:53 Figured that out. He figured out how to ban. He found the ban button, though. Yeah, so maybe I changed his mind. Maybe I won him over. Maybe he's like like you know what what he's getting discord down he's got he's got this figured out probably not probably probably not his thought process but yeah thinking
Starting point is 00:11:14 he can suck a dick no kyle have you had these before i feel like i've showed this on there but this seems like so up your alley he's died you know i've had the um great i've been crushing them i've had the cherry vanilla one um the diet but i can't find that anywhere it's like it's discontinued yeah i like those zevias um i get the zevia cream soda i actually get like it's called the rainbow pack from amazon i've got it on that like renewal thing where i get another case of it every month. And I like that. I like the variety because there's like one that's like grapefruit and cream soda, root beer, like some sort of Mountain Dew ripoff type thing. Bunch of different stuff.
Starting point is 00:11:54 You know, I bought the other day. I was like, man, Sprite sounds so good. But I'll get a Sprite Zero, you know, instead. I was blown away at how bad it was. It's awful. I was shocked. I was walking into a gas station, or I guess out of the gas station with my girlfriend,
Starting point is 00:12:16 and I just bought one. It was a nice hot day. It was ice cold. I was looking forward to it, and I opened it up, took one drink, and it was like I almost spit it out it was so bad i dumped it just turned it over and dumped it out and then went back in and got you know i think a diet dr pepper yeah some flavors don't lend themselves to artificial uh sweeteners and
Starting point is 00:12:36 sprite is one of them i don't know anything about diet sodas i never drink them but this is the area where i fall prey to dumb ass conspiracy theories like oh it's just big dr pepper trying to trick you into thinking it's non-caloric that shit that shit has calories don't be fooled and uh i don't know doesn't like aspartame cause you hunger or cancer or something um that i i I've delved deeply into this. And some of the artificial sweeteners that they use have something to do with fat lipolysis or something like that. It tricks your body into, your body has a similar reaction to eating sugar. And so it can be counterproductive to eat, to drink those diet sodas. But Zevia is actually sweetened with stevia which doesn't have any of
Starting point is 00:13:26 those negative effects on your body at all it's like a natural leaf um that has you know it's it's a different kind of sweetener it does not taste like sugar but it is sweet and it's an acquired taste like like some people come over my house and i'll be like what do you want to drink i've got orange juice cran water, Zevia, and they're like, water. I'll have a water. Well, I mean, I can drink the root beer Zevias and the cream soda Zevias.
Starting point is 00:13:54 The cola one, the lemon lime one, the cherry cola one, those all are just terrible. I like the cherry. I like the cherry and the cherry cola. Those are two of my favorites. It's got like a-second aftertaste every time you take a sip. It's an acquired taste.
Starting point is 00:14:09 I think that about people who enjoy drinking beer. It's like, you had to make yourself like this. College helped. Nobody's first beer is a good beer. There's no way. I was talking to someone about this the other day. Alcohol, right?
Starting point is 00:14:29 Alcohol and alcohol doesn't taste bad if you but if you have like a fruity pina colada you almost have to disguise it enough right with a clue and cream or you know a 400 calorie alcoholic beverage is actually it's like it is candy it is it's fruit and sugar wow this s'mores and chocolate and caramel porter tastes just it's like yeah that's a it's a five thousand what drinks does this bar have anything with a gingerbread man in it yeah what do you what can i got those martinis once at outback steakhouse and they literally came with gingerbread men in them good it was good it sounds pretty nice Good shit. It was good.
Starting point is 00:15:04 It sounds pretty nice. It was a gingerbread martini. It tasted like Christmas and love. I don't know if I've ever had a martini. Isn't it Votno Gin? I mix up martini and the other one. You can mix it with a couple different things, but you can definitely do gin or vodka.
Starting point is 00:15:22 It wasn't a margarita? When? The thing from outback steakhouse no that was a martini because it comes in the martini glass you know the really thin stem with the wide top okay i'm sure you're right man i don't know my drinks yeah i i'm i'm not an expert by any means just just the the basics i suppose but do you remember the first time you you had a sip of beer like your dad or mom or whoever yeah some and like you're like i think i was probably like eight or something now i'll try a little sip you know how parents are and like as a little kid you know you have no conception of why your parents are doing this like you just think oh they're drinking it the same reason
Starting point is 00:16:00 that i drink sprite because it's tasty and yummy and i like it like you don't have a conception of being inebriated and like that's the reason they're doing it it's like maybe you're the same reason that I drink Sprite because it's tasty and yummy and I like it. Like you don't have a conception of being inebriated and like that's the reason they're doing it. It's like maybe you're the same way. I remember taking a big drink of like a Sam Adams or something and just being like, this is the worst tasting soda I've ever had in my entire life. Why do adults drink such nasty sodas? Don't they know there's Coke in the fridge? Yeah, I remember being given a Bud Light when i was maybe 11 or 12 and uh and literally spitting it off the porch like we were all on the back porch and just just spitting it out just being like the fuck is wrong with you people you're drinking this willingly like like there's water my first beer was in high school right so it's like yeah we're there
Starting point is 00:16:42 i maybe had a whole six pack right i'm thinking i'm going to drink a six pack and i crack open the beer and i start it and it's like if nobody was watching i would not finish this this is not at all something that i want oh i i've had so uh one time when i was like i think i just turned 21. i was somewhere around there and uh this was a time period maybe 20. yeah yeah I was 19 or 20 because I got Chuck to buy the alcohol Chuck was my go to for alcohol all the way through high school
Starting point is 00:17:11 he was so good about that you buy him a pint and he'll buy you whatever the fuck you want I've had some great liquor store trips liquor store trips with that man he has liver cirrhosis of the liver right now by the way oh R.I.P. no no excuse me cancer he has stagerhosis of the liver right now, by the way. Oh, RIP. No, no, excuse me. Cancer. He has stage four cancer of the liver and, uh, RIP even sooner.
Starting point is 00:17:30 Yeah. I'll circle around to like where I was heading with that, but I just to give a little update on Chuck. Um, so my dad was talking about, um, prescription drug prices or something like that. And, um, he, my dad was on this medication for it was a blood thinner I think I think it was to prevent blood clots or something and it was $500 a month without insurance and he started talking to Chuck Chuck's on the same drug he pays 50 cents a month like it's what is
Starting point is 00:18:02 that what is that like 10,000 to one or something like it's inc what is that what is that like ten thousand to one or something like it's incalculable i'm like wait wait you're telling me that the the guy who's in and out of jail and is a habitual alcoholic and like has lived without electricity for the last decade he gets a deal where he pays 50 cents a month and like a hard-working citizen who doesn't have insurance pays 500 a month That's just ridiculous. He's on chemo. They have him on chemotherapy. Who's paying for this?
Starting point is 00:18:34 I don't know, but it doesn't seem fair at all. I'm completely with you. I also sometimes drug prices are just very different in America versus outside America. And this isn't like America versus Zimbabwe where they really lack an ability to pay I assume but it's like America versus Canada you know America versus England or Switzerland they're getting it much cheaper and it's like bro stop fucking us it's a political problem it's absolutely a political problem um oh but but taking uh we took Chuck to the liquor store when I was maybe 19 and at the time Sam Adams had like this huge ad campaign going on it was just sam adams commercials everywhere they'd show
Starting point is 00:19:09 off the handfuls of hops and they they had this like this this commercial where they'd be like most beer companies only use a pinch of hops oh i remember this yeah we use a double fucking handful it's got this big burly man has like his hands literally full of hops and i don't even know what hops are that was the whole commercial look at how many fucking hops we put in this beer yeah it's the whole thing and you're like well hop scenes more better it was yeah exactly most beer companies you know those puss, use a pinch of hops. We use a double fucking handful. We don't give a damn. We can lose the money on all these hops. You know what hops cost? And I'm like, no, I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:19:54 It's a lot. I guarantee it's a lot. I'm Sam Adams, the CEO of Sam Adams Beer. It's just like when they're like, remember the there'd be like cereals that would say like, there was a mistake at the factory and it's all crunch berries. Mom, we have to get to
Starting point is 00:20:18 the store. They made way too much blueberry this year. It's going to be around for longer. We got to go stock up. It's all marshmallows. Somebody's fired but we gotta go usually gone by early november but it's still there they had a mistake you just as a kid like picturing someone like leaving the you know choco meter up some sort of i don't know what a hydro gauge chocometer measuring device springing out of control and spurting fluid cartoon yes so so we're sitting at scott's house
Starting point is 00:20:54 and we're playing like games like we're you know we we'd rent a different fps game every uh every weekend and we would just like burn through the whole campaign and then play a bunch of multiplayer that weekend. This is pre-internet days. And the Sam Adams commercial came on. We were watching some TV between games and I was like, that looks tasty, doesn't it? Like, yeah, it does. I kind of like one of those.
Starting point is 00:21:20 I was like, they use a double handful of the hops. He's like, I know. So we go find Chuck and we're like, like hey man i'll go to the liquor store now this is like asking a child if he wants to go to the candy store of course he wants to go to the liquor store yeah so just by just the old hey mister no he worked for my dad forever like like like like if you're if you've got a farm like like it's hard to find good help who's not going to get um ins'd out of the country within three or four months it's not hard to find Chuck it's not hard to find like an alcoholic that you have to keep a good eye on so he doesn't steal that's the kind of help you want and so I I take him to the liquor store and uh and, and I'm like, yeah, get us, uh, get us a six pack of that Sam Adams sampler.
Starting point is 00:22:06 It had like six different Sam Adams in it. And, uh, and also get us a 12 pack of Bud Light. Cause that's what we actually like to drink. And, uh, and so we get back to Scott's house and we crack open these Sam Adams. It was like winter ale or like fall pumpkin. It had a picture of a pumpkin on the bottle. I was like, I bet it tastes like candy corn and love. And just, and I, oh, it's so bitter.
Starting point is 00:22:35 You know what makes beer bitter? Hops. Hops are what make beer bitter. And I look over at Scott and he's looking at me and he's got that the beer is still in his mouth he's just and I'm like what the fuck is this oh no what am I gonna do about my mouth situation I'm gonna go spit and so we literally we literally like I think we threw it away i think we threw that like nine dollar six pack of beer away and just went to bud light which we could actually tolerate not that i like bud light but
Starting point is 00:23:13 it's after drinking a sam adams it's uh it's it's delicious i used to find corona with the lime in the neck wasn't bad and i like michelob dark for some reason, which I guess no one drinks now, but that was my thing. Never heard of it. Oh, wait, wait. Yeah. I don't know if I've had that either,
Starting point is 00:23:30 but maybe they don't even make it anymore. It didn't seem to be popular, but yeah. Taylor, can I try, can you put your earphones on your ears? Someone wrote me and said that when my voice comes over your mic, it'll mute your mic.
Starting point is 00:23:43 So just as an experiment, let's see if it still cuts you off. Okay. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. You are still cut off. That wasn't it, but I'm glad we tried it. You just got a beta mic. That's it?
Starting point is 00:23:59 Kyle and I have alpha mics for some reason. It's a low-teeth microphone. We have the same mic. It's yours. It needs shots. Did you get the gold edition? I got the one that Woody linked me. Don't you put that evil on me.
Starting point is 00:24:16 I can't take it. The only difference is I didn't add the extra windsock. I still have the same. That is a Shure SM7B. Michael Jackson recorded his doo-wop songs on that microphone did he yes i can't it can't be true it actually is true yeah it is true oh well well he's dead that's what did it it was the sure smB. They give off a tiny amount of radiation. Ah.
Starting point is 00:24:47 It's causing my head to swell again. Was it Propofol? Propatol? Was it fentanyl? I don't know. I just didn't remember. Didn't his doctor go to jail? Not even necessarily.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Yeah, I think his doctor went to jail. Oh, did he? Really? Yeah. Just for being cool? The way I remember it, and maybe I'm misremembering i thought he got like 10 years there's no way to know but i am pro doctors that the handout drugs i i i well i mean to an extent i mean if they're if they throw you in jail for being cool,
Starting point is 00:25:26 a lot of shit is starting to make sense to me, right? Michael Jackson's doctor went to jail. Kyle went to jail. I'm still fucking here in my office, right? I got no problems here. Taylor's headed down the same uncool path. Yeah, he did two years. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:44 I wonder if Michael Jackson wouldn't have died yeah he did uh two years yeah or is it four i wonder if michael jackson wouldn't have died i bet he would have gone way further down the weirdo path like imagine where 2020 michael jackson yeah i was at that i went there all the time i went there and i raped him with Jeffrey. I like to think he had a competing island. Right? In his own little recruiter.
Starting point is 00:26:13 That's ignorant. We're not fucking people in a temple on an island in the middle of the ocean. That's ignorant. He didn't need that. He had his own theme park at his house full of children. Neverland. Yeah. Neverland. That should be. You can't do things like that how was that allowed on for so long well they investigated him time and time again
Starting point is 00:26:33 and they never found anyone who would uh keep saying what they started saying for some reason it was almost like that guy worth quarter billion dollars was convincing them somehow to to stop telling people he raped them. Yeah, he was throwing around houses like hotcakes at one point. I think that's what you told me. I didn't watch the documentary. Yeah, I watched the doc. I have gone all three different ways with that whole thing.
Starting point is 00:26:57 At first, I was, of course, like everyone who thinks they have a little common sense. It's like, dude, look at him. He's a fucking ghoul he's palling around with children some of them say he fucked him jesus probably fucking him sleeping with him he's probably fucking kids boys like let's get real here and then like i watched that i watched something and it convinced me that no no way and then i watched the doc and i was like oh shit i was right all along he's such a creep i i don't know it's funny how often that ends up working where like like you said initially like just look at him that's accurate a lot of the time where it's like how are you weinstein you know
Starting point is 00:27:40 groping molesting being inappropriate it's like It's like, yeah, look at him. Yeah, you can't judge a book by its cover, but you can definitely judge a man by his look. You know who gives me the willies, just his look? I don't know anything about him. He's the commissioner of the NBA. That guy looks like
Starting point is 00:28:00 a vampire. He does. He has very low body fat. You know what? I'll try and get a mixture for our patrons what's his name silver something adam silver nba look he's holy yeah he looks like he's got a touch of the cancer what the is going on here with this guy oh i don't like that he looks like absolutely foolish isn't he who's the guy who owns facebook zuckerberg he looks like zuckerberg's weird older brother this guy looks creepy as this is how an alien would disguise himself as a human being and it's a terrible disguise like he's only seen humans through a telescope or something he's like
Starting point is 00:28:41 yeah this will work there was some controversy recently like i guess a couple nba players came out and had some really anti-jewish things to say and i don't have all the facts right but it appears that in the nba community that's not an uncommon thought process so no one like condemned them they all kind of brushed it under the rug under the carpet, whatever the expression is. The commissioner of the NBA is Jewish, and he's just like, yeah, I'm going to let that slide. I feel like there's some hypocrisy there. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:29:17 Something to do with Jewish people owning all the banks and controlling the world's money supply. And do you know who the rothschilds are and oh shit uh the nba was tweeting this that's uh i think he was an ex-player but he was kind of like backed by some current players and no one ever like gave him a hard time about it i'm nervous because i i feel like i got my facts half right no you're mostly right like like i i heard about as much as you heard and uh and yeah it it's uh there's a real double standard there um there's there's some like um for some reason there's a lot of anti-semitism uh clearly or people would be more up in arms about this and at the same time there's also it's only it's only the only racism that people want to go after is if it's a white person
Starting point is 00:30:05 so like i saw um who's the the black gentleman who's in star wars that i despise um and you hate him he's yeah oh the younger guy right yeah the younger guy like his he i saw a thing on twitter the other day where um he was like no no no, no. The only racism is John Boyega. Yeah, Boyega. Let me see if I can find his tweet about why black against white racism is fine. He has a tweet that says that. Yeah. It's not surprising.
Starting point is 00:30:39 You can find a billion of those on Twitter. I know, but he seems a little smarter than the average bear and you'd think that he would be not so into racism but that's my thought process anyway maybe i clearly i'm wrong um he says i'm talking about white on black racism the kind that ruined that ruined the world not because a little breakup yeah I wish I could find the whole chain hmm somebody was about old yes somebody it's cuz somebody tweeted at him like like his first tweet was like I really fucking hate racists and this guy go replies back he's like yeah me too I'm African not African American African and I had a white girlfriend who said that she hated black people or
Starting point is 00:31:24 something like that. I wish I could find the exact reply. And I broke up with her. And he's like, no, no, no, no. I'm not talking about that. I'm not talking about your girlfriend who hated white people. I'm talking about white on black racism, the kind that has ruined the world, not caused a little breakup with your girlfriend. the world not caused a little breakup with your girlfriend uh yeah it it i just i think what a lot of people observed with this nba thing was that if equivalent accusations were leveled against
Starting point is 00:31:54 the black community people would go bonkers but against the jewish community they all kind of went quiet on it yeah although espn gave him a hard time so there was some backlash yeah i mean nobody's submitted nobody's fired nobody everybody's playing ball this guy i think wasn't an active player say it again taylor please nobody's playing ball oh that's true yeah um uh fair enough yeah it seems like a who gives a shit thing to me right like like who who really poor south africa those poor white people in south africa you were once their ally and now who gives a shit they're being jenna they're being massacred taylor did you forget with the nba what are we on now it's all connected
Starting point is 00:32:34 something to do with the banks i'm not sure but it's it's all there do with the banks speaking of sports the only uh show in town uh ufc was on this this past weekend it was a pretty fucking good show i didn't get it i got very few of the results that i wanted so it's like one of those things were like my all my teams lost pretty much rose won but but she got she got pretty beat up in the process that's always i hate to see that page but uh you hate to see i hate page I love seeing her get, especially the way she lost, just completely dominated, completely outclassed. So for people who don't follow, Paige Van Zandt is this really hot female fighter. And she maybe got a little more push than someone not as hot as her would have gotten.
Starting point is 00:33:20 On the guy side, if you have a personality that makes you interesting that might be helps your fighting career maybe they get better better fights and there's a little more interest in you uh even if you're not the best fighter if you're super interesting that works on the girl's side that equates to being hot you know so that's where she was maybe the hottest girl in the payroll maybe and uh close she's she competes for that title yeah top two or three i like michelle watterson a lot she competes for that too so uh uh but as a fighter she's good but she's she's never gonna win a title and uh kyle doesn't like her i like her she seems cool to me i like she was on dancing with the
Starting point is 00:34:06 stars she's always seems to be in a good mood her teammates like her she seems cool but her fight was maybe a minute and a half long and i think you'd have a hard time finding four seconds in a row where she looked good yeah she looked good on the walkout and that was about it yeah i i can't Uh, I don't want to like get my facts wrong. Wouldn't want that. But, uh, I want to say in that book she wrote that she was like, nah, I'm not even going to go into it. Cause, cause I can't remember if she was raped or if, or if it was something else. But, but I, I wanted to say that there were differing sides of that argument. It seemed like one side of the argument with it was that she was just a
Starting point is 00:34:45 super whore. And then she decided she didn't like being a super whore anymore. And the other side was like, I think she may have claimed that she got gang raped. I think we should be more encouraging of super whores because they help guys get laid. They literally do. They literally do.
Starting point is 00:35:00 They are the driving factor in guys getting laid. The super whore. The super whore is responsible for half of lays it i would i would say that that number way higher way higher the super whore is responsible for 90 of man on woman sex okay well that's so i think we should give praise to the super horror and uh not not you know yeah i wish i could remember the details of that better at the time it struck me as odd like like some of the things she said and some of the the what the guys were saying or something like that but in any case no i just don't like her i don't like her personality um i don't like uh i don't like
Starting point is 00:35:40 looking at her i mean she's pretty and all but she's got those dead eyes you know i don't like looking at her she's got those big fake boobs now yeah she's got those big fake titties too they look ridiculous the girl she was fighting has like no boobs and and just just beat the shit out of her shit big old ass though and i like that she speaks that broken english because i feel like i could trick her on some paperwork only not on our consent app it's untrickable that's all it takes how could you prove she was conscious hey you shut your pretty little mouth because look at her eyes are open we got the retinal scan we took a picture of her with me just holding the eyes up behind her like
Starting point is 00:36:20 hiding my face uh yeah and anyway the chick that peter was hot next fight was i think rose right yeah i think so i wasn't sure rose won i think she won a split decision she won a split decision but i felt like she had done enough to get the win she was so dumb the other girl hit harder for sure because that's just like her build but she was um there were there were more significant strikes on rose's side of the card, for sure. Rose definitely outclassed her. It was just that when Andrade connected, she did damage. She maybe only hit Rose solidly five times in three rounds.
Starting point is 00:36:59 But Rose pieced her up for at least two of the rounds. I saw it differently. I think I saw Rose winning two by the rules, which is to say she won three out of the five rounds. Negative. Three-round fight. Oh, you're right. Okay, my bad.
Starting point is 00:37:13 Thank you. So she won two out of the three rounds. The trouble is she lost the third round, and if it was hypothetically a five-round fight or a playground fight, then I feel like rose was losing she that that woman was turning the tides and turning the tide and if it kept going rose would have lost and like if we're playing a sport here she did great she used her energy properly and won two rounds and got the title and got the win and that she won the game if it wasn't a game if it was a real fight then i'm not sure
Starting point is 00:37:46 she wins that and it's kind of yucky when this simulated combat doesn't simulate combat yeah i don't know i don't know what would have happened if they'd gone five because i think rose has better cardio i think the other girl just the fact that the other girl's carrying so much more muscle i think she tires out by in rounds four and five and rose picks up a third and maybe maybe three to three rounds to two but i still think rose wins she's just more talented her movement was so slick she looked great that woman beat rose her face was busted up rose was cooked i think if there was more rounds she gets ruined but who knows yeah yeah and then we'll probably find out again you know i think rose gets to fight uh my guess would be rose gets title shot after this whenever she's healthy
Starting point is 00:38:30 yeah seems i don't know who else would get it and then uh who there was an oh max holloway versus volk well before that you we can skip around uh yeah max holloway fought volkanovski to try to regain his title and the judges just decided that um they would they would lie i guess that was a that was a right didn't you see it the way that i saw it that like max clearly won that fight won three rounds i thought max won the first three out of five rounds but the third was so close that i didn't see a robbery and and people are acting like a lot of people think max won the first fight and even more people think he won the second fight so that is popular opinion for sure but to me when it's that close like i don't i think the third round could have
Starting point is 00:39:18 gone either way i thought i agree with you i think he won the first three and i think something could have been said for the fifth round maybe it was, but the significant strikes, like definitely the first two. The first two was clearing away Max, and the third round Max had maybe six more significant strikes. Maybe it was like 28 to 22, something like that. But I just thought he had that for sure. Yeah, people do.
Starting point is 00:39:42 And the tricky thing is this. Max has lost to this guy twice now how does he ever get a shot at the title again i think dana sees it the way that i just described it like in the press conference he said that you know someone asked him the same question that you just said they're like hey usually when a champ loses to a guy twice in a row that's kind of it um but you know you seem to think that the judge has got it wrong he's saying this to dana and dana's like what do you think does anybody in the media think that that volkanovski won that fight and the whole room's quiet like zero people in the media thought that volkanovski won the fight he's like yeah okay so i i would imagine
Starting point is 00:40:23 that he'd give max another shot because that was bullshit that was nonsense and max a huge star max is a huge star and uh you know i i think he's i think he deserves another shot at it i don't know what they do next i don't know who's would be next in line i don't follow that division max wins one fight maybe yeah maybe maybe volkanovski fights is it this is 145 right i need to think about it yeah and then jose aldo with one of the worst stoppages in recent memory just getting his head beaten the fuck in by pitor. Oh my god. He's got brain damage. That was brain damage we watched happen. For your benefit,
Starting point is 00:41:10 Taylor, Jose Aldo is on his knees with his forehead on the mat facing the cage and he's got his hands up kind of over his ears because the guy that's on his back is punching him in the ears. But when he takes his hands off it, but when he puts his hands on his ears, the guy that's on his back is punching him in the ears but when he takes his hands off
Starting point is 00:41:25 it but but when he puts his hands on his ears the guy just hits him in the side of the head and then they rotate that so if he moves the hands to the side of the head he hits him in the ear again and he's already got those nasty cauliflower ears so you know it's fucking incredibly painful because this is a strong motherfucker that's hitting him in the ears and it's just he hit him no less than 50 times and it was like in that position a lot of times this only exists in my head but it seemed like the ref was looking for like eight uncontested shots so the other guy hit some seven no all right seven more still no huh he was edging repeat that repeat that process seven times he was edging. Repeat that process seven times.
Starting point is 00:42:06 He was edging concussion. That's perfect. That's what he was doing. Yeah. He was like, I give it about seven fast strokes and then. All right, let's get back to it. You know, enjoy yourself. Take your time.
Starting point is 00:42:24 That's perfect. He's edging these concussions out your time. It's perfect. He's edging these concussions out of Jose Aldo's head. I like how you go, ah. That's close. Jose Aldo's bobbing a little bit. He's bobbing a little bit, but he's not leaking. We should hit him again. So, go ahead, Kyle.
Starting point is 00:42:44 It was hard to watch because I don't like jose aldo as a person because how can you he has zero personality and he speaks fucking portuguese he does but i admire loses a lot um yeah and and but but he's an amazing fighter um he was doing really well i thought in that fight until he just seemed like he ran out of gas. And then he started getting touched up by Petor. I can't pronounce that guy's name correctly. It's spelled P-E-T-R, and it's not pronounced Peter. It's like Pewter. Yeah, I don't know where they get that, but yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Eastern Europe. But yeah, he's a bad motherfucker. He deserves to be the champ of that thing. We'll see how long he holds on. I'd like to see him fight against Morales. I don't know if that's ever bad motherfucker. He deserves to be the champ of that thing. We'll see how long he holds on. I'd like to see him fight against Morales. I don't know if that's ever happened before. I don't follow the little guys very much. That was hard to watch.
Starting point is 00:43:33 I didn't listen to the commentary because I find Bisping to be a little... He's third best. Yeah. Rogan, Cormier, and then the Bisping team. Dominic Cruz would have been better, I think. I'd rather have Dom. Is he always with cormier and then like the bisping team dominant crews would have been better i think i'd rather had dom is he always with cormier no i think he was with i think you know i don't know i don't know for sure i'm sure they mix and match as much as they can depending on location but so i watched the fight companion i just turned my phone on to joe rogan and he had joey
Starting point is 00:44:04 diaz and this other guy that i'm not familiar with on to joe rogan and uh he had joey diaz and uh this other guy that i'm not familiar with on there who was a bit annoying he needed to shut the fuck up he's trying to tell stories during the fights and uh and and rogan was just like stop it stop it stop it oh god stop it and it was i'm so maybe that even amplified how bad it looked to me but it looked bad it looked like one of the worst stoppages in a long time it was bad and then jose no so it's jorge oh i'm sorry you you're right no it it is no i did mean jorge everyone calls him jorge but his friends call him george and that leaves me confused but i think think we're supposed to call him Jorge Masvidal. Well, I think that English for Jorge is George, and it's spelled J-O-R-G-E.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Well, because I've heard him called both by other people, it leaves me in confusion. And I was trying to explain that. But yeah, so Jorge Masvidal fought Kabaro Usman, the Nigerian nightmare. I was 1,000% sure that Usman was going to smash this guy. I was online figuring out how to bet $10,000. Kyle, you know me. Five is a lot, right?
Starting point is 00:45:22 $5, by the way, is what he meant. Not 5,000. Yeah, yeah. Hey, 5,000 is a lot. five dollars by the way that's what he means not five thousand yeah yeah hey five thousand is a lot i'm going to ten no five dollars woody i imagine woody in bed after losing one of our five dollar bets and he just rolls over to jack he's like you know i just thought i had it yeah right just trying to think of a way to earn that five dollars back the next day like can get a paper route or something. I just got to get that. But I was so sure Kamara was going to smash him.
Starting point is 00:45:53 I feel like Jorge Masvidal got here off the strength of his personality more so than his fighting. When I look at the wins he has, like Robbie Lawler. Did he? Oh, no, that's Ben Askren, my mistake. But he has a Darren Till win, which is a great win, and maybe the only really great win I can think of. The Ben Askren fight, okay, he won in five seconds,
Starting point is 00:46:14 which is super impressive, but it also seemed like that fight didn't fully happen. Nate Diaz. Nate Diaz, he's another one where I feel like gets a lot of credit for the strength of his personality, even more so than his fighting. And I'm like, now he's got a title shot off of beating like the number 22nd best guy in that weight class, Nate Diaz. And it really belongs in the weight class lower. This whole thing's weird to me.
Starting point is 00:46:38 And so I was just sure Usman was going to smash him. First round, Jorge wins, right? It was close. I would have given it, Jorge wins, right? It was... Close? I would have given it to Jorge. I would definitely say it was close. What I saw in that fight was Usman was afraid to stand up with Jorge. He did not want to box
Starting point is 00:46:56 Jorge. Appropriately. Jorge is slick. And he is not afraid. And he is loose. He's as loose in there as I've ever seen anyone. And I don't think it's just gamesmanship. I don't think he's grinning and smiling to, like, throw the other guy off. I think he's having fun.
Starting point is 00:47:11 He doesn't seem to be scared while fighting. Like, Mike Perry, right? Total badass. Second best bar fighter in the league. And, you know, even he's like, my coaches are telling me to do this. You think I don't want to hit him every time i try he hits me that's why i'm not doing it it hurts yeah you try it motherfucker it's hard in here right like a cowboy serrani total badass scared to death gsp best fighter
Starting point is 00:47:39 perhaps in the history of fighting but he's in there like i don't know why i even do this like pre-fight you know people are like you're the best to ever been at this and he's this is a stupid see me after the press conference yeah right he's all cut the fuck up jorge masvidal doesn't even sound a little hispanic he seems to be in sure yeah he seems to be in his heart he's enjoying the actual fight it's crazy and he's he's loose in there like kyle said that's a great descriptor and like he's not scared and he's fighting with courage and it's it's amazing i was there was a part of me like i still think kamara wins this but i'm kind of bad i'm glad i didn't bet anything yeah and uh then jorge wore out and kamaru just wrestle fucked him and won not even wrestle fucked him he he just held him against the cage and stomped his feet for i can't like i want to
Starting point is 00:48:33 say it was i think we were 20 minutes into the fight through four rounds and there had been nine minutes and 20 seconds of cage time like like him holding him against the cage. So he's literally spending 50% of the fight just holding him against the cage. It was and he headbutted him twice. That's where all the damage came from. And did you see him? Is that allowed? Can you do that?
Starting point is 00:48:58 No. It was like you're supposed to believe it was accidental. Incidental clashing of the heads. It clearly wasn't. Okay. Well one you don't do it twice he cut him both times with the headbutts like cut him once in the uh like below the eyebrow and then once up here in the head uh on the forehead they were nasty cuts i mean i wouldn't want them i have a theory i i'm just gonna say it out loud i think black people's hair is more capable of cutting like then then white people here you don't think he hit him with the top of his head nah i think it's the foreheads i think the foreheads are just clashing it's like the
Starting point is 00:49:36 foreheads that like hit that and like isn't that why they put vaseline on there because it's like the skin gripping with the other skin and like tearing i remember it differently i can't look i'm wrong time to time but i thought it was the like the top of his head banging that guy's maybe just above his eyebrow is that right yeah i don't think it has anything to do with the hair necessarily i've never headbutted anybody but i feel like it's more of like a this zone thing never no don't do it you don't go to prison it's a deadly weapon taylor it's been registered speaking of prison this man's cr't go to prison it's a deadly weapon taylor it's been registered speaking of prison this man's cranium needs to be registered as a deadly weapon no i know at least nobody would rape me with my my dented ass in prison like gross
Starting point is 00:50:16 i'm re-watching uh oz just kind of a background show as i'm working out and doing stuff throughout the day and i remember last time we discussed it a while back, Kyle was like, I did not like that show. It just made me sad. And like, I think I said like, no, come on. It was really good. And I'm watching it again now. And it is good. I like it. But man, I forgot
Starting point is 00:50:37 how depressing every single 15 minutes in this show is. It's like, oh, I forgot when Beecher's wife kind of said, fuck you. Oh, I forgot when the mother of a little girl he killed came in there. Oh, I forgot when I showed how this guy got paralyzed. Oh, I forgot the swastika tattoo on the asshole.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Did you like the part where the good guys got their comeuppance and things went okay? Maybe not, because that never happens. It's never happened. It's the most depressing show I've ever watched. I would not recommend it to anyone, and I mean that. It's bad. It's the most depressing show I've ever watched. I would not recommend it to anyone. And I mean that. It's bad. It's well made. It's well acted. It's well produced. It's a cool premise. It's well written. Everything about
Starting point is 00:51:16 it is great. But the subject matter, the story is sad, depressing, unrelenting, and it never lets up. And just when you think your character has reached the bottom, something else will happen. Like I'm going to spoil the ending right now. The, um, the main character you're following the whole fucking time is about to get out of prison and his prison boyfriend jump yells, no, no. What are you doing and throws himself off the top row of like the the cell block killing himself but framing our good guy our main character so now he's framed for murder in prison and they just send us my life or something after that he was about to get out
Starting point is 00:52:00 yeah it was like looking out with your polo on like ready to go to denny's wasn't he like an attorney guilty of drunk driving in the beginning that's yeah he was um manslaughter yeah he he hit a girl and killed her yeah with yeah with his hands with a car a vehicular manslaughter yeah okay it's like in there for like not a super long time but yeah he immediately starts falling apart i'm at the part in season one where like schillinger dresses him up in like makeup and and makes like one of the the femme boys in the the block be like you know walk in with her with beecher and be like your boyfriend told me to doll you up and he said, don't take no for an answer. And it's like, you just see that Nazi Schillinger standing out there and he's a, he's a real piece of work.
Starting point is 00:52:50 He's the, he's, I think he might be the scariest guy in the whole thing because he's, he's so mean. And also like when he's like, ah, you know, I just think the love has gone out of our relationship.
Starting point is 00:53:03 And so he's like, I was going to save this for your birthday, but what the heck we need we need it now and it's like so nonchalant how he's talking about he just gets some lipstick and gives it to him he's like no no he's like i see how it is you want to surprise me make it special okay he grabs his face he goes i can wait not too long and just like terrifying there's a part a couple seasons in where is his name belcher is that the guy's name who's our guy so um anyway he partners up with this wrestler who like together they're a more formidable force things look like they're coming around he's got a relationship i guess he's gay now and uh they're getting along and like i don't
Starting point is 00:53:45 know he finds a little happiness in prison briefly and then he finds out his partner was working with schillinger the whole time and that it was a scam and don't they break both his legs or something yeah yeah i didn't like that it's a real roller coaster here that show man dude just fell in love and then he turns out is uh the amount of like recycled actors on hbo shows because i i last time i saw this show i hadn't seen sopranos or wire and so watching this now it's like oh shit carmella is the guard in like one of the main characters in there who's always you know i think she's fucking uh mcmanus or whatever then uh who is it the the main guy from uh uh from the wire he's in there as a one of like the he's a guard he's
Starting point is 00:54:32 like one of the undercover muslims uh the other guy from the wire he's in there it's just a fucking revolving door of people yeah yeah they do that a lot uh i'm watching perry mason right now it's a six-part miniseries it's really really good. But it's got a few of those actors. It's good. Perry Mason's that old school detective books. But they're making a six-part miniseries. I think it's good. It's pretty interesting.
Starting point is 00:54:56 I think episode four came out Sunday night. Oh, one more thing about the Masvidal fight. Did you see Kamaru grab his dick and squeeze it? No. Yeah. That happened? Yeah. They were like, oh, I think we got a little incidental low blow there. Let's watch the replay. They're like, well, no.
Starting point is 00:55:13 What are we looking at? And then at the end of the replay, you see Kamaru grab his dick and just go, and then they cut away. And I'm like, whoa, whoa, whoa. Go back. Go back. He reached down and i'm sure you're right but i saw that differently before the low blow he need him in like the belly button and and i think bisping didn't see what you saw either because he's like oh well you know jorge is a veteran
Starting point is 00:55:40 fighter they're giving him a little time to recover that's just being smart on his hand on his behalf and and i that whole time i thought jorge pretended to have a nut shot and it was actually because your dick's not at your belly button it's just not and oh kamaro grabbed the whole package and gave it a squint and i read that man's got some grip strength right yes kamara yes kamaru uzman everything about him is strong coconut like he's so like i could launch walnuts with his cock like a catapult he just has to be strong i thought that was a bad look for kamaru um you know i i went i i had rogan pulled up and i also got the the MMA subreddit pulled up, and I've got the big live thread open.
Starting point is 00:56:27 And 99% of the people really did not like that. That was not like – and I've got no problem with wrestlers. I like Ben Askren. I like going back and watching his old fights when he was in that other division – or not division, but organization. And I really like Cormier when he's not fighting somebody i care about i like um i like khabib when he's not fighting somebody i care about i like his style it's dynamic it's overwhelming and but like a polar constrictor
Starting point is 00:56:57 khabib you just you get he like hugs your ankles smash and then he hugs your knees then he hugs your thighs and now he's got your. And now he's got your belly. And now he's punching you in the head. And it's like no one has found an antidote for this yet. A knife would help. Yeah. But Khabib's style ends with smash. He's not holding on to you for dear life.
Starting point is 00:57:25 He's creeping up on you like quicksand so that he can start smashing those forearms into your face. Kamaru was just holding on to this guy for dear life because he had a wrestling advantage. He's like, oh, I'm going to hold you here and I'll do just enough so they can't stop the fight. I think I'll stomp your feet 85
Starting point is 00:57:41 fucking times. I hate that. I hate people who stomp feet. It's a low blow. Well, it's just stupid. Jorge didn't seem to care. I never saw Jorge even try to dodge a foot stomp or pick his foot up or observe that his foot had just been stomped. Is it effective? No one's ever stomped my feet.
Starting point is 00:58:01 Also, I've been clenched against a wall. I'm sorry, what? I bet it hurts. Catches you off guard and like just running the top bone of your foot. He's going for the big toe. It looked to me like he was going for the big toe over and over and over. And I'm not exaggerating when I say it was 50 times at least. I get they kept saying how exhausting it was for someone to grab on you
Starting point is 00:58:22 and pull you down. I guess it's more exhausting for Masvidal than uzman in that position that's what they said i i don't think anyone's ever done it to me just he defended so many takedowns too like um uzman had a hard time taking him down and he had a hard time holding him down and one of the times that uh uzman took him down jorge was crazy with the elbows he He immediately just pop, pop, pop, pop, pop elbows from the bottom. And I thought that was a good look for Jorge. I think he may have like... That was in the beginning, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:51 I think he may have done better on the bottom, on the ground than up against... He's getting nothing done from the cage. Absolutely nothing. At least from the ground, he could throw those elbows and pull Camaro's head down and make him work. I don't know. Jorge was just getting tuckered out with all that wall work yeah yeah definitely so he didn't have a full fight camp probably i i i disagree with saying it's six days notice because he had been working
Starting point is 00:59:17 out get ahead of it but he did come in 20 pounds overweight uh with 20 pounds to cut i should say which is 22 i heard yeah but the the so i think i liked jorge a little bit more after the fight i didn't think he was going to make it all five rounds and then i looked and i'm like well five or six of uzman's last fights have gone the distance so i guess everyone goes the distance with him practically and yeah colby colby almost did he's the one who didn't colby yeah and it was like yeah he had like a minute to go yeah like he was like five four rounds and and he feels like it was stopped early although i thought it was stopped on time yeah they saved him a little brain damage um and he was gonna lose like he was he had lost i think it came down to that last round
Starting point is 01:00:08 to lose like he was he had lost i think it came down to that last round so all look that last round was so bad they stopped the fight had they not stopped the fight he would have just lost by decision yeah so but he asked jorge if he if he would like to fight colby and he was like well uzman finished that guy and like he was never close to finishing me nobody even knows who that guy is beside a couple of you in this room which was interesting for him to say because i feel like a lot of people know that guy uh so i'd like to see that fight honestly jorge versus colby and uh but i don't like uzman i don't like boring champs because you get to see the champs fight so often and it's always on a big stage like like it ruins cards to have a boring champ and we have one in kamaru
Starting point is 01:00:46 uzman true i i definitely want to see colby fight jorge i think colby wins uh we'll see though how it works out i think the lead up to that fight will be super interesting they both talk a ton of trash and they both hate each other i think that's a that's a great great great fight to make I want to see it also Jorge is now demanding a lot of money so you can't take Jorge and match him up against a guy who won't sell tickets also and Jorge and Colby are going to sell tickets together um the ones in the pay-per-view numbers I hate hate is when fighters are like who's that guy no one knows that guy oh fuck off you know him Jorge was calling Camaro the owl that was he nicknamed him the the owl and Joe Rogan is like why does he call you the owl I don't even get it he's like oh it's because every time they said his name I said who he calls me the owl and Rogan
Starting point is 01:01:41 fucking lost it he's like that's great i love it and kamara's like yeah it's good so but yeah that whole you know who is that guy who who who like that's the lamest i don't have a comeback come back and i'm done with it yeah uh i disagree a little bit i thought it was hilarious when connor did it um that's so quotable i i love that clip of those two guys in Ireland just like sparring with each other on the street. And like Connor, they're literally imitating Connor McGregor's style, like that low karate thing he does. And he drives by and he's like, yo. And they're like, yo, do fucking nothing. Yeah, do fucking nothing.
Starting point is 01:02:22 They start quoting. He's like, yeah. Yeah. They just fucking love it like he just happens to drive by one or two of his fans are like you'll do nothing i like that i like because um camaro and jorge in that hotel room he's like do something do something do something and i thought that was great rashad evans with um qu Rampage Jackson was like, do it. Like, they're in their, like, chest to chest, right? There's no one in between them. And I wish I could remember all the words well,
Starting point is 01:02:53 but Sugar Rashad Evans is like, do it. Do it. Do it. You can come on right now. Do it. Do it. It'll feel good. Do it.
Starting point is 01:03:02 And it's just like like this guy's like whispering let's fight into his ear and it somehow was just badass in a gay way and I hadn't seen it before I like when they kiss yeah I love when like like like like get in your face like it right in your face like give me the crazy eyes and the other guy just smooches him just right there just like you think i mind you being my face i'll kiss you my lips let's go anderson silver and chris weidman did that like they got so close and they don't purse their lips but dude they're clearly kissing and it's and i'm just looking around like are we all just gonna pretend these men aren't kissing on the way in pre-fight like i want somebody to slip some tongue did you see the guy get knocked out after the kiss and pride yeah yeah and the guy's like he
Starting point is 01:03:56 kissed me yeah he kissed me yeah i think he's like a homosexual that he kissed me It was fun though. Oh, PKA499 got a lot of happy reviews. People liked it. Good. Aaron's a good guest. I thought it was a good show as well. We were saying that after the show. Yeah, I thought it was a good one.
Starting point is 01:04:18 Yeah. Yeah. It always makes you feel good. At the end of the recording, I have my own opinion of the show. When I think it's a good one it's like it's gonna be a good week so anyway call it a show yeah yep BKN 308

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