Painkiller Already - PKN 324

Episode Date: November 6, 2020


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Starting point is 00:00:00 pkn 324 kyle kyle i thought we lost you yeah i had some hardware issues i uh i went to uh first my camera wouldn't turn on and uh i'll say this for whatever reason whatever hardware doesn't work for me i get mad at it like i rarely get mad at anything but if like hardware like stops working for me it's like if you're my slave i own you i paid for you you do what i say and so the camera wouldn't turn on no big deal that happens occasionally so i restart my pc and discord does the auto update nonsense and then it fails i get this javascript error where it's like it's not working and i'd gotten that before but i could just spam okay and eventually it would work now you hit okay once and it completely closes down. I don't have the option to like spam it
Starting point is 00:00:49 anymore. So, so I'm like, all right, discord, you want to be a bitch about this? I'll go to the web app for now and I'll fix you later. That doesn't work. Now it won't let me sign in. It won't let me use the web app. So I'm like, all right, I'll uninstall and reinstall discord. Well, that won't work. I can't uninstall Discord. It won't go away. I'm going into the back end. I'm deleting all the files. I'm clicking uninstall.
Starting point is 00:01:11 I'm finding it won't work, won't go away. So I'm like, all right, bitch, I'm not going to tolerate this. System restore. All right, I got nothing on here I care about. I got some fucking pictures of some oysters I ate a year and a half ago. I can tell you were getting aggravated when I saw the text come through in our group chat. That was, I'm just going to do a system restore. And I knew it was a serious thing when Woody just responded, yikes.
Starting point is 00:01:42 So I initiate fucking system restore mode. And it gets to like 26 or something like that and it stops like for like five minutes and i'm like you work for me you can't stop on the job what are you sleeping on the job you work for me i'll unplug you from the wall bitch meanwhile his computer's like fuck you i'll borrow a gun number you work for me i'll unplug you from the wall bitch kakonk meanwhile his computer's like fuck you i'll borrow a gun number two work for i just reach back there grab the power the surge protector kakonk pull the bitch right out of the wall plug it right back in all right let's see how you like that and it's like i didn't like it very much k Kyle. You've made an error. So now it's like giving me two options for Windows 10, like duplicate Windows 10s,
Starting point is 00:02:30 because one of them didn't get completely deleted and it installed another. I don't know how it works. I'm just making that part up. But there are two different versions of Windows 10, and neither one of them will work. When you click it, it just gives me a spinny thing, restarts, and goes back to the menu
Starting point is 00:02:43 where you choose from two versions of Windows 10. So I'm texting guys like i don't know if it's gonna happen um in my head i'm like looking i'm literally looking through you know the glass on the side of my pc so i can see the hardware and i'm just like i'll pull every fucking hard drive out of you you fucking piece of shit i'll kill you i'll kill you i'll pull your fucking brain out go in the other room get that mechanical drive that's 12 years old stick it in your fucking brand new ass and we'll load windows 95 if we have to you're gonna work so i did some googling i went into the bios i deleted shit i went into the back end and deleted everything completely reinstalled huh completely reinstalled maybe his computer
Starting point is 00:03:28 doesn't like all the shit he's talking I think your computer is mad at you for talking shit because you have been cut off no you're back you're back you know what I did I fucking punched it I think you should talk more nicely to it Kyle
Starting point is 00:03:42 you make a fool out of me! Socked him one and he came back on. It's like poltergeist. It's sensing your negativity. He's been put in his place. So yeah, I couldn't restore Windows. I just deleted Windows and completely reinstalled Windows and now everything is slick. There's
Starting point is 00:04:01 nothing on this thing. Everything is clickety-click, clickety-clack, running fast. Even the camera is different for some reason. I got a whole new camera setting. I feel like I'm at 60 frames per second now, maybe more. Well, for a while there, you were at zero frames per second. You go with that. You had a frame per minute.
Starting point is 00:04:17 You more than make up for the average on these good ones. Yeah, the internet literally went out for like 0.2 seconds. That's what went on there because I looked in the bottom right and I saw it. That's not related to the nuclear option that I went through. There's a lot of news happening right now. Neither is the fact that everything is in
Starting point is 00:04:35 Taiwanese now. I would love to spend the next 50 minutes talking about vermin tide tactics. Yeah, so this is the show. We're actually rebranding. are we are the vermentide podcast now that's we want to tie ourselves to a game that's already well into the downtrend hey we're only five years in taylor five year anniversary last month all right lots of stuff happening yeah hundreds of people watching on twitch combined sometimes bigger youtube only would worry it
Starting point is 00:05:05 that's true that category when me and you are streaming and it's like yeah the biggest dick in the smallest pond like that's what we want no we won't do that um i don't even want to talk about the election honestly because like i haven't been watching it chis texted us and said, like, Trump's about to lose Kentucky. It's all over. I don't know if that was a joke. I interpreted that as like sarcasm around early results being inaccurate is what I thought I read into that. Yeah, because it's all like mail in.
Starting point is 00:05:37 They're still counting now and shit, right? Like half the vote was in yesterday. Don't they count it in the order they get it? It varies by state. Like Pennsylvania, for example, they're not allowed to even look at the mail-ins until today. And other states like North Carolina, they've been counting the mail-ins all along.
Starting point is 00:05:53 So there are some states like North Carolina that at 730, there may be like 60% of our results are in, hypothetically, or something like that, because they know what the mail-in votes are they've just been keeping it secret because they feel like that would influence other votes and that makes a lot of sense like i think wasn't it 2016 that like some of the media got reprimanded where it was like we're calling it for ohio blah blah blah and it's like polls are still open you shouldn't call stuff until the polls are closed you might be right 2016 i know they did that way earlier like they would call like back in 2000 for example they would call states while they were still voting like you know and they'd be right you know like
Starting point is 00:06:36 irresponsible though it looks like california's going democrat you know like so you know they were they would i don't remember them getting states wrong except in 2000 when they called florida for i think they called it for gore and then took it back or vice versa but they may have flip-flopped three times like they were like ah gore wins it nope bush wins it no actually it's too close to call yeah uh yeah it is we're gonna have a lawsuit now well that was a big hanging chad issue right yeah yeah it was yeah i i didn't know what a chad was before that election if you guys don't know you guys apparently both know but for listeners and someone might not they had a punch card kind
Starting point is 00:07:17 of thing so there'd be like you know taylor's name and then right next to it a perforated thing that you would poke out and that thing is called a chad so on some of these ballots they're like how do we even count this you know like this one's mostly poked out is that a valid vote or not like are we to infer his intent and then as they counted and recounted and recounted it was like well these ballots are getting damaged there are chads on the floor as we're counting these things that used to be in the ballots and we don't know what came with a hanging chads that fell off were they all new holes that were never meant to be poked were they i'm now this is woody's conspiracy bullshit but like were there vote counters who were maybe
Starting point is 00:08:02 poking chads like I don't know. Yeah. Yeah. So it became. I would almost guarantee there were. Like, well. On the last one? Well, the way they do it is they have both sides watching each other all the time. But it could be done by accident or I implied intent when I said that with the conspiracy.
Starting point is 00:08:18 They still won by like 5,000 votes or something, didn't he? I have 500 in my head, but I'm not very sure. Yeah. It was Florida that was super close. And he lost. I mean, i'm not very sure yeah it was it was florida that was super close and he lost i mean it's not like bush's presidency was very impactful anyway true true i mean some of those wars are almost done yeah those those wars were getting there idea it just takes a couple generations to wrap up a war we're like the romans at this point after starting all these wars we've gone from being a UFC fighter
Starting point is 00:08:46 who had a pretty good record to being one of those guys who's like 26 and 13. He's just a journeyman. We're just a journeyman of war now. We're not even winning. Did you see Anderson Silva's record, that Tale of Two Careers post on Reddit, Kyle? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:01 I didn't see a post, but I'm aware of his record. It's a real mixed bag. The post made it obvious to me. think i think i have my numbers right he was like 16 and one and then one in seven like after he lost to chris weidman my gosh one in seven leg right the second one like like like weidman weidman knocked him out he caught him because anderson was clowning and then like anderson came back and snapped his leg on weidman's leg and that like rubber band shit show and then after that like i think that's when he got popped for being on an illicit substance that was for his leg to heal yeah i don't know that so a lot of that's right i feel like when you said it if people didn't know already, Wyman knocked him out.
Starting point is 00:09:45 The next fight is when Silver broke his leg. It wasn't the same fight. Something happened? You made a face? Yeah, my computer just, don't worry about it. That was normal. What happened was normal. Next fight.
Starting point is 00:09:59 I know, we're getting into UFC details. The next fight, during the rematch, Anderson went to kick his leg. Weidman blocked it with his leg, and Anderson's leg got like a second knee that went the wrong way. It snapped forward like a rubber. It was so nasty. It's hard to watch. It's hard to watch. And sometimes UFC fighters, you'll see like, I remember Robbie Lawler, he had that torn lip, and it was like this huge tear
Starting point is 00:10:27 and you can tell he doesn't give a fuck. He's screaming with it. If I tore my lip like that, I'd be like, I'm real heavy that I won but I don't want to open my mouth. I'd be covering it embarrassed. I want to call out Anderson Silva. I'll see him as soon as my face heals
Starting point is 00:10:43 but this is nasty, boys. Have a good night. But he's just like, ah, like pulling it even farther apart. He looked like a horse. It was off-center, but it was split up to his nose. Yeah, just huge. He looked like Joaquin Phoenix before they even fixed him. Yeah, he's totally a badass.
Starting point is 00:11:00 But no, when Anderson snapped his leg, he just screamed. He just laid on the ground and screamed. It was so nasty. That break was pretty rough. I don't watch the UFC hardly, and I can picture the gif of that break in my mind's eye when I close it. Where you see, the way you see those grievous injuries sometimes, where it's like the injury has happened for like 50 frames. And then the pain sets in, and the person who's experienced it and it's like oh no like that that's the worst part about it is seeing the break and then gazing up from the break to his
Starting point is 00:11:31 face and you just see him go oh and the worst part is he tries to put weight on it for a split second like like you know because it's a kick he's he's kind of like off balance he needs to catch himself with the kicking leg and when he does he puts weight on it and then he collapses they asked chel sonnen about anderson silva being called on steroids and uh i love the way he handled it he's like whatever i assure you i was on more it's like all right cool yeah you know he's not making excuses for his losses or anything he's like what i have he was on i'm sure i was on twice as much like all right chale owns it some guy was giving chale a hard time about being caught i forget the numbers but this is if it's not 100 right it's 90 they're like dude they caught you on four different banned substances and he's like it was six and it's 90 they're like dude they caught you on four different banned substances and he's like
Starting point is 00:12:25 it was six and it's still the record what good sex kyle you're going uh in and out of muted no you're fine now you're good but you heard it too right taylor is it yeah you weren't fine three seconds ago but you're good now yeah i. I think what's happening, I think my computer is like in the background, like getting Skype going. Like, is it possible that, you know how we go into Discord and we set it so, oh, I'm right. You know how we go to Discord and we set the sensitivity so you're always on? If you look at the videos, you see how Taylor and I are green and you're not, you haven't done that thing. Ah, very true. Yeah, i'll get on it yeah it looks like florida is gonna go trump really because miami-dade the the the difference there isn't nearly as big as it was with hillary
Starting point is 00:13:17 versus trump it seems seems like only a small percentage more are voting biden over trump there and that's isn't that the most populous area in florida the miami-dade area i'm not 100 sure i reacted when you said that but it wasn't to you possibly being wrong it was like oh right this is the part where miami-dade and broward county i hear every four years as they decide the fate of the free world yet again like the son of bitches it's always miami-dade and is it brower brower brower are two really big counties there yeah can you say the b1 slowly is there a d in it i think it's b-r-o-w-a-r-d like broward well that one wasn't even on my bingo in any case you think north car Carolina is going blue this time.
Starting point is 00:14:08 And that is just based on nothing more than a gut feeling. Okay. Yeah. So they're polling blue. But I've been giving almost all the close ones to Trump in my head. Like North Carolina, maybe Arizona. There's another one. Georgia's polling blue. I don't think it'll actually go blue uh you don't think so this is based on nothing but i i just we've gerrymandered atlanta very well
Starting point is 00:14:35 okay you should see some of those districts they look like fucking look like you spilled something on the carpet and it rolled downhill and made like this long, thin fucking stain that wiggles around. This is statewide election though. You just need like a Rain Man style guy to be in charge of all districts across the country. It's a statewide election, but you have to vote in your district. So that means you could be 30, 40 miles away from your polling place because of the way we've drawn the districts. And the line will be eight hours long like that that that is legitimately voter suppression like when we're waiting outside the polling place to give you a little intimidate uh to talk that's why my idea works great you have one guy who is just obsessed with math he
Starting point is 00:15:19 doesn't even know what people are running but they're like i don't know if this is a good idea like people are trying to lobby him to change the district's like no it's gotta be it's definitely gotta be a square definitely they definitely all gotta be squares it's gotta fit in nice and it's like that would be what you want it's like oh chief commissioner you know rain man on the case doing this and they're like well we're giving you 100 million dollars of lobbying money from either side to change that district no it's got to be a square. Thank you for the money. Got to be a square.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Yeah, it's got to be a square. The whole point is squares. Is he the first unflappable man in politics? Yeah, we'll see. You know, back to UFC fighting. I can't stop. I'm sorry. I want't stop. I'm sorry. I want to get this fixed real quick.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Can we go through the voice and video settings? And this will take like 30 seconds. Yeah, of course. So I'm at the part where like, do I want open H.264 video codec provided by Cisco Systems? I'm at that. And I want to know what needs to be green and what needs to be gray. Are you ready? Yeah. I'm going to do it quickly. Open H. I'm at that. And I want to know what needs to be green and what needs to be gray. Are you ready? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:25 I'm going to do it quickly. Open H.264, yes. Hardware acceleration, yes. Echo, yes. Noise, yes. Advanced voice for me is grayed out. Automatic game control,
Starting point is 00:16:37 I have that on. The next one, enable quality service high packet priority, I have off. Attenuation, far left. When I speak, off. When others speak, off. quality service high packet priority i have off attenuation far left when i speak off when others speak off um yes yes yes no no does that help fixed and then you did the uh above that input
Starting point is 00:16:55 sensitivity and then it's far left that was that was the big one to change. Input volume is there. I had the H.264 turned off. There's a voice activity, yes. Push to talk, no. And then that slider bar in radio. Attenuation. I'm looking for... Yeah, that's the far left. It's right above when I speak.
Starting point is 00:17:16 I've got that all the way to the left. Yeah, that's what will make your bar green around the way Woody and I have it. All right, mine's all the way to the left. So it's input sensitivity I'm looking at. I'm going to send you a picture. Ah, so I want that picture sent. Got it. And I want that all the way to the left.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Yep. Ah, there it is. I saw that. Do you see how left. Yep. Ah, there it is. I saw that. Do you see how our video has a green box around it? It's because it's just always open and fucking broadcasting. That's the fix. Okay. Fixed it. Sorry about that, guys listening in.
Starting point is 00:17:55 All right. I get it. Yeah, yeah. So sometimes when I look at your C fights, I'm like, ooh, this guy has nine different ways that he could beat you. You know, he's better on the ground. He's better at this. He's better at that. But this guy has nine different ways that he could beat you. You know, he's better on the ground. He's better at this. He's better at that. But this guy has a big right hook.
Starting point is 00:18:09 That guy with one path to victory usually but not always loses. That's how I see Trump this time around. He needs to win Florida. He needs to win Pennsylvania. He needs to win Arizona. He needs to win North Carolina. And I don't know if I'm missing any. He probably needs a Michigan or a Pennsylvania mixed in there, too.
Starting point is 00:18:28 I don't think he needs Michigan and Wisconsin in this. If he were to get those, then he would be able to lose one of those. He probably needs a Pennsylvania and an Illinois or something, though. Oh, he's not going to win Illinois. Pennsylvania, yes. You're probably thinking of Indiana. Ohio, yes. Ohio, Pennsylvania.
Starting point is 00:18:44 It is a rough road to hoe for the Republicans. Yeah. So Ohio, he's winning in the polls slightly, but whatevs. But he needs to win like five coin tosses. And if he loses any one of them, he loses the election. I was thinking that he's going to win Ohio, win Pennsylvania, and win Florida. But he's going to lose 296 to 241 because Biden will win Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan,
Starting point is 00:19:09 and North Carolina. And I had my big upset pick. This wasn't based on anything other than I wanted to have a big upset pick. I put Georgia as blue, as a light blue. We'll see. We'll see. So 296 to 241 is my number guess. I could do one real quick. as a light blue. We'll see. We'll see. So two 90,
Starting point is 00:19:27 two 96 to two 41 is my number. Guess I could do one real quick. We'll see how, do you want me to link it? I know where one is. Yeah. I haven't looked at any of that stuff. I don't,
Starting point is 00:19:40 I haven't really followed it at all. You know, it's looked bad for a while. It's all just guessing. Yeah. Yeah. I'm almost, Oh, and I put Arizona to go Trump also. Really?
Starting point is 00:19:53 With, with my little guessing still doesn't put them over the top. So I have Biden. Oh wait, whoops. I have Biden winning with... Shit. My thing's moving. 287. I gave
Starting point is 00:20:10 Trump Florida, North Carolina, Ohio. Basically, I just gave Biden Pennsylvania and Arizona of the toss-up states. Okay. Yeah, I was seeing people talking about like, oh, Trump might win Wisconsin and Michigan. Maybe, but there is a 0% chance he wins Minnesota.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Minnesota wins the last time they went red, 72 with Nixon. Yeah, 538 says Biden has a 93% chance of winning Minnesota, so effectively agreeing with you. I think maybe some people mix up Michigan and Minnesota in their heads I can understand that maybe the MI and the MN they're both cold worthless places hey we stay in the midwest here we uh yeah the the there's a bunch of states where they have Biden up by like one or two percent and I give most of those to Trump and then there's Pennsylvania where they have biden up by like one or two percent and i give most of those to trump and then there's pennsylvania where they have them up like five percent and that's the one i'm like biden's gonna win that it's his home state kind of like you think so i don't know man so go ahead if if it weren't trump if it were a different republican and they had like the same
Starting point is 00:21:20 uh policies and stuff i would i would think that the republicans had a had a very good chance just because biden does seem like he's going to be anti-coal anti-natural gas anti-fracking really and and that's pennsylvania's lifeblood if it weren't trump if it were a fucking jeb bush or a marco rubio or something like that and the policies were the same and plus like biden had that anti-gun tweet the other night that pennsylvania boy yeah i went straight to his twitter to fact check it did they delete it yeah they deleted it he they also deleted the one or no no wait this one wasn't deleted it was biden saying when i get elected I am coming after gun manufacturers.
Starting point is 00:22:05 He said that. I'm coming after gun manufacturers. And it was like, well, that is fucking terrifying. Can I read for a moment? Give me my weed and you take the guns and we'll call it even. No. You take Taylor and Woody's guns and give me my weed
Starting point is 00:22:21 and the world will all work out. We'll all be even. Can I rant for a second? So the Electoral College kind of favors Republicans right now. The reason is that there are states that aren't very well populated. So they get like three or four times the amount of representatives per person than like a California or Texas does. Okay, that's just fact. We'll set that aside.
Starting point is 00:22:45 We're not going to change the Electoral College. To change the Electoral College would require benefiting both parties at the same time, which is inconceivable. So working in the reality that we actually live in as opposed to the one we want, what are Democrats to do? Step one, according to me,
Starting point is 00:23:00 back off the gun thing, jackasses. Stop it. Stop back. to be back off the gun thing jackasses stop it stop back there like if somebody if some democrat ran for president and in every one of his ads he was assembling and disassembling an m i'm sorry an ar-15 without looking that would be good i want him to do that because every time he's making a point disassemble and reassemble an ar-15 just all feel as if it was easy for him. I mean, that's great optics for a blue state Democrat. Yeah, just do that.
Starting point is 00:23:32 This is who I am. I'm the Democrat that won't take your gun away. Change it up. Make it an AK-47. I don't care. Right? You think I can only do American guns? Here's a Russian one.
Starting point is 00:23:44 I'll break down an HK. Is that German? I can break them all down, but I only do American out of pride for this great U.S. Or is it Austrian? I don't know where HK comes from. HK's German. Okay. Eckler and Koch.
Starting point is 00:23:56 But yeah, if a Democrat were to do that, and just maybe they could pick off like a Nebraska or a Kentucky or maybe a Georgia, right? Georgia is a little tinted. It's a little purple right now, right? You know, if the democratic front runner did that,
Starting point is 00:24:12 you might get enough people coming over where they say, yeah, you know, I, I was never hell bent on that pro-life anything. It was really about the guns. Cause I, isn't it annoying seeing those really unpopular stances.
Starting point is 00:24:23 They just won't let go of like, that's what we need more than two parties. It's so annoying because you have to go a or b how many kinds of m&ms are there oh but we've got two kinds of politicians i hear you i so i don't know i i want to know how other countries do it because other countries do have more than two parties but here's my fear you get like democrats and republicans controlling we'll say 97 and a half percent combined you know they're both 45 i think i'm doing it right and then you get another party with five percent and that guy is just as powerful any two of those three become a voting majority yeah but they would go different ways on different issues i think like right now it's like, all right, well, Congress is Republican, so everything is going to go that way.
Starting point is 00:25:10 But whereas if you had like 45-45-5 or 10, like you're describing, like, all right, well, they went this way on gun control because that's what the Green Party thinks about it. They went that way on birth control, though, because that's what they think about that. If you could just get a mixture of both parties because i don't like either party it depends on the paradigm you're in because like when you see those european elections there there are sometimes parties that have like a plurality of the vote but they don't tend to have one party with the giant majority and so what you'll see over there are a lot of coalitions being formed like oh this party and this party are uniting because it's serviceable to both of them to get a majority in parliament or whatever but yeah i just worry that some 47 and a half and five like those five percent become our rulers they get to choose which of the other two wins yeah i mean that's probably true i don't know
Starting point is 00:26:03 in this country because we don't have what european countries have where it's like oh this party is at 30 this party's at 28 this party's at 17 this party's at 15 like we don't know about this whole democracy thing 45 democrat 45 other ones whatever just king trump you think kyle i would like some sort of uh impress or an emperor king i want to go back to kings i i want to go back to kings or even emperors i would prefer emperors emperors has a real ring to it i'm mixed up on the difference quite frankly a king lives in the castle i'm not sure if uh emperors uh pass on along the bloodline uh whereas royalty you definitely have like a with a traditional
Starting point is 00:26:44 monarchy you've certainly got that lineage of responsibility going on. Kind of do that anyway. Yeah, we kind of do that anyway. That's the problem. All these countries with kings and queens. Meanwhile, we've got a handful of families.
Starting point is 00:27:00 Bush, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Bush, Bush, Clinton, Clinton, Clinton, Bush, Bush, Clinton. We had a Bush or a Clinton on the ballot for something like 16 out of 20 years or like some outrageous thing. I don't know. And behind closed doors, they're like, oh, you. Because I don't think all of us should be able to vote. I mean, clearly, there's some people that don't think I should be able to vote because they got there and they got their way. I don't think everybody's vote should count uh i certainly don't think everybody's
Starting point is 00:27:27 vote should count the same um you know i there was i i just don't i just don't i like like like agreed there should be a qualification test get rid of that 19th let's get rid of it but it's dumb it's dumb like that one doesn't make any sense to me. I think it made sense in a time when the voting populace was a bunch of dudes who were really plugged into it. The 19th is when women got the right to vote. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:27:59 See? Now it's making a lot more sense, isn't it? I didn't even think about what the 19th even was. When did they give black people the vote? They gave black men the right to vote before white women. And then it was white women in what, 1920, 1919? Well, that's a good one.
Starting point is 00:28:15 We should keep that one for sure. But I just don't think everyone should be able to vote. I think there should be a qualification test. There should probably only be like 100,000 people qualified enough to vote in this country there should be a firearm accuracy test kyle's gonna regain his right to vote at the 1000 meter long range shooting competition so far we have one contestant who has hit the target and he will be deciding all the electoral votes for Virginia. He's the first man to regain
Starting point is 00:28:49 his voting rights because of precision firing. You see him? He looks like Bildo Treve. He's like, well, I don't know too much about politicking, but I like that Montgomery fella. I'm going to vote for him. That's right. Virginia goes to Montgomery. The white supremacist
Starting point is 00:29:05 not even from Virginia. It was my decision and I made it. I just picked the guy who was best with the gun. I like his shaved head and tattoos too. Just like me. I don't think we should all be voting.
Starting point is 00:29:22 I thought it meant that he used to be a fireman turned out some German shit but it was a similar shape to the fireman tante. So, you know, I didn't learn until the past couple of years that representation is also based on illegal immigrants. Like, you know how the census needs to count everyone who lives there, right? So let's say hypothetically, right? So let's say, hypothetically, Woody State was half illegal immigrants. Then we get the amount of representatives that includes them. Am I saying this clearly?
Starting point is 00:29:56 Oh, I thought you were asking a question. Maybe I low-key knew that, but Trump made it an issue when he was trying not to count illegal immigrants. And I was like, is my team on the right side here? Well, they should definitely count them in the census. So you know how many illegals are in the country. But you shouldn't be giving points to states based on their illegal population. That's kind of where my head is. Someone's going to have to take them away.
Starting point is 00:30:22 Like every so often. I hope you guys do this, too. You look at your party and you say are we the baddies you know and in this case yeah i think democrats might be the baddies i don't know someone's gonna have to explain to me why it's good for illegal immigrants to get this much representation i can go the other way i can go the other way and say republicans and their voter suppression tactics, that's the baddies too. The most recent one where I was like, are we the baddies? Not that I really am.
Starting point is 00:30:53 I'm definitely not a Republican, but I do identify with conservatives on quite a few issues, it seems. But when I was reading about the forced hysterectomies in the prison camps, I was like, well, did they, did they need them? Yeah. Is that real? So we're not like giving people Advil on the border,
Starting point is 00:31:14 but we're performing incredibly expensive, invasive operations. Really? You just need to shop back and some Tylenol. I hear your doubt. I don't know. It was reported everywhere. And then like the world health organization declared it as something like a genocide apparently if you take away a lot of people's like more than a thousand people's fertility it's it's technically a genocide it's technically a
Starting point is 00:31:36 genocide i'm like oh are we the baddies you know like are we the i have a hard time believing that they're just giving they have a bunch of surgeons down there giving hysterectomies to i don't know that anyone said it's not true like the trump administration didn't come out and drop off as far as coverage because i feel like the republicans are like you're goddamn right that is a thing that that's that that is on brand right because with the separating kids from their parents, right? I think that they did that as a disincentive. I'm not sure I'm using the right term.
Starting point is 00:32:11 D-something. You know, to discourage the illegal immigrants from coming across the border. They wanted children with adults. Right. Human trafficking is a huge problem with people smuggling kids who aren't theirs over the border it's like look if you get pulled over for dui and get your kid in the car they're going to take you and the kid and they were both going to be detained somewhere but they are not going to throw the kid into the drunk tank with you i don't see the difference well they don't right but i think so i don't know if the difference is in the enforcement or the branding of the enforcement, right?
Starting point is 00:32:47 Because those cages were built under Obama, right? And Obama was like, hey, sometimes these kids are coming over with no parents or with people, like you said, that aren't their parents. Maybe they're coyotes and they don't have their best interest in mind. Yeah. And we can't just take these children and throw them in with the grownups. They become victims. That's why we separated them like that. But Trump, again, I don't know if it's in the enforcement that's different or the branding, for sure.
Starting point is 00:33:12 But he's definitely like, hey, if you come across, we're taking your kids away. Suck a dick. We also take the children's toys. That's the best part. Yeah. They're crappy, crappy toys. And the first thing I told them, make sure you take the children's toys that's the best part yeah to come in they've got crappy crappy toys and the first thing i told them make sure you take the children's toys away from them that gets them right to the heart because they love those toys they have a motion of value these are terrible toys it's that
Starting point is 00:33:35 cup in a throwing the ball into the cup thing these are shithole toys all these old game boy colors to To them, it's brilliant. We're fueling the entire genocide facility in Texas with the burning of Mexican children's toys. We're a serious country. And so the argument should obviously be how many resources and money to give to the people sneaking into our country, not how to reprimand them or send them back. Because we're serious. We're a serious country who argues about how many resources to give to people who sneak in. That's what serious countries do.
Starting point is 00:34:10 That's what serious countries do. They just invite people in and they say, here's money. That's probably how he would say it. Money. Yeah. He loves showing his bottom teeth for some reason they're perfect they're perfect his bottom teeth where they were gold and compared to other old men his bottom teeth are on point i even his bottom teeth i mean he owns them i'm saying even
Starting point is 00:34:37 pence who for an older guy i mean not nearly as old as trump and them he's still got he his teeth it's not fair to compare like teeth you bought 15 years ago versus some stock teeth he was born with 50 years ago that's true that's true this is working with stock parts so yeah my original set over here yeah that is true okay i i i step back on that i gotta get one fixed i talked about it weeks ago, but you know, that, that, that temporary cap fell off and I haven't done anything yet. So I've just got a hollow molar up here. That sucks. So like every time I eat, I've got to like,
Starting point is 00:35:15 make sure I clean it like super, super well to make sure there's not food in there. Do you have a water pick you're using to clean it? No, that would be good. Wouldn't it? I use these like, like little, that's good too. Picky things. Which side do you use? The string part or the pokey part? Oh, I have to use the pokey part because the tooth is hollow. You need a
Starting point is 00:35:33 water pick, man. The tooth is just a shell now because it's had a root canal already. They did the root canal. They drill out the center of the tooth and they put a cap over it. I never went back to get the real cap. I just left the temporary cap on it for seven years and uh and that just like when i was chewing gum last month it just fell out and broke into like three pieces is that terrifying no i didn't give no it was kind of funny oh i was driving when it happened
Starting point is 00:36:01 it didn't matter uh tooth stuff scares me that i don't know about you guys but i know it is one of the most common nightmares out there to have nightmares that your teeth and your teeth fall out i don't get a lot of nightmares but that is one i can definitely empathize with i have had nightmares that my teeth are falling out and it is a total panic you're feeling because what do you do like you guys have never had that where you're just like oh man like oh no i have i have dreams i have those tony soprano dreams where you're not prepared where you uh you like like it's unbeknownst to you like something big has been set up and you're not ready like like one time i dreamed that woody had set up a boxing match for me like a logan paul style boxing match for me, like a Logan Paul style boxing match.
Starting point is 00:36:45 And he was like, all right, I hope you're ready for a day after tomorrow. You're fighting. And I don't even remember who I'm fighting, but it's some big fucking like boxer dude, you know? And I'm just like, oh God, what am I going to do? I don't even know how to box. I mean, a little as I've done it a little like, what if he's gonna wrap my hands
Starting point is 00:37:06 i'm just so stressed out by like a million things that would like am i even allowed to travel there i mean it's for work i'll have to ask permission like right away and i guess i need shorts will they provide boxing shoes like i'm just having a meltdown in my dream because woody has set up a celebrity boxing match it match some sort of internet fucking boxing match even more than that i get nightmares that i am in college and that i have been in a math class that i didn't attend and i i get this one oh i got this one just a couple weeks ago where i woke up in just an absolute like like stomach sinking panic. Like I'm going to fail my math class.
Starting point is 00:37:48 I haven't gone to any of them. I didn't know it was even on my docket of responsibility. And I'm like peeing in my bathroom before it's like, oh, I'm almost 30. I'm not in school. Yeah, Taylor, I have that exact same one. But it's not math. It's some sort of course that has a big reading load. And I'm just like, this is inconceivable.
Starting point is 00:38:08 I can't catch up. I have a dream that it's like. If you were 18 years younger, I was 18 years older, we could have done a nice switcheroo style school thing where I go in for all the reading in English. I ace it for you. You go in for all my math. Ace it for me.
Starting point is 00:38:24 That would have really lowered our stress level. I dream that it you. You go in for all my math, ace it for me. That would have really lowered our stress level. I dream that it's like that day in high school when it's like the first day of like, you know, it's the same school year, but it's like the next semester. So whole new set of classes. And you know, that first day, like, oh, you've got that sheet of paper, like English 103, room 14. And you're like finding your new classes you're meeting your new teachers and stuff and so it's that day and i can't find my classes and i'm like asking people they're giving me bad directions and i've just lost for like a long period of time and then when i finally do get to like math or english or social studies or whatever there it's not the first day it's the last day and it's final exam time and i'm just
Starting point is 00:39:08 like sitting in my desk as like this thick final exam is being passed out like scantron style and i'm just like i mean shouldn't i just walk out like like why even sit here and fucking color in bubbles i don't know what the fuck what what class is this even? There's beakers over there, and then there's a globe over here, and that guy's got a calculator. What is this class? Dude, I'm having an embarrassing memory brought back to me right now. It was my freshman year, and I think it was day one freshman year. I'm in high school.
Starting point is 00:39:41 I'm nervous as shit. I don't want to get bullied by the upperclassmen or anything, and I misread my post-lunch schedule. And I think in fourth hour, I've got, or fifth hour, I guess, that I had study hall, but really I had it not at all. I didn't have study hall. I don't know why I thought I had study hall. And I was sitting in there and the teacher read out like, all right, if you're here and your schedule does not say fifth hour study hall, you are in the wrong room. And there are so many upperclassmen in there. I remember looking at my schedule and being like, oh, no, do I pretend I have to go to the bathroom and just don't come back?
Starting point is 00:40:19 Or do I just stand up and leave? And I just decided to stand up and leave. I was like, yeah, I'm, I'm wrong. This is not my class. And I got laughed at so much by so many people.
Starting point is 00:40:32 It was so embarrassing. And you are a 14 year old and, Oh God, I'm just remembering now. It was so embarrassing. Walking out of that class, people laughing at me, call me a freshie.
Starting point is 00:40:45 Didn't like that. Didn't like that. Lately, I dream about Vermintide. I'm not going to talk about Vermintide, but I have been dreaming that I'm in Vermintide as the character. I'm holding the knives, running around stabbing rats. You're the outlay. Because I play so much.
Starting point is 00:41:02 We were playing last night and someone was like uh asking about levels and i and they were like how many hours do you have kyle i'm like 170 and uh one of the people that i play with was like no you don't you were estimating you were like i don't know probably like 170 yeah i was like yeah 170 something like that he's like no you don't no way and someone goes to my steam profile they're like he has exactly 170 hours oh oh god they started calculating it they're like it's been nine hours a day for the last four days or whatever it was it was some big no he's like yes i play this like a job it explains why you've gotten good fast yeah i i i knock out like two to three three hour sessions a
Starting point is 00:41:47 day um and uh you know i'll i'll play for three hours be like all right i'm i'm burnt out and then like you know come back to it like six or eight hours later be like i'm ready to go again i really i'm fired up i want to play so yeah it's an addictive game and i end up like have i have dreams about whatever game i'm playing at the time. Cause I play them so obsessively. Like I'm, I'm in the game, playing the game in my dreams. Uh, and then I also have had like some nightmares lately. Like I had a torture nightmare, uh, like, like two nights ago.
Starting point is 00:42:17 Um, where I was like watching someone being like horrifically tortured. Like they were on their back on the ground and someone had like like a like a small gasoline powered like fence post like driller and they were like drilling into this guy's mouth and like destroying his bottom jaw he's dentist used yes i'm gonna fire a warning shot in 30 seconds. Kill me. Kill me. Shoot me now. Do it.
Starting point is 00:42:52 Do it now. I know that we all agree that you cannot show up at someone's house like an absolute asshole. No, we hate that. Hearing that guy yell, kill me. He was threatened to be shot was that was okay but when he threatened to hit sissy hypnotize him I'm gonna hypnotize you and I had to
Starting point is 00:43:13 like what does this mean again you know you're gonna you're gonna make him into a gay man it's become a twitch thing my chat tries to sissy hypnotize me but like when someone new comes along. No, you right now. Like I have this stupid.
Starting point is 00:43:31 As I start streaming and I leave streaming, someone wrote a song for all of us actually, but I loved mine and I use it as my intro and sometimes outro on my Twitch stream. And then I put video of it of me dancing, sometimes with Jackie into that competition. Anyway anyway my chat claims that it's an uh an attempt for me to sit sissy hypnotize them with my dancing and my music sissy hypnotizing has become a thing and i dig it taylor i saw the opposite happen of your story i'm in class i'm a sophomore right yeah i know what i'm doing
Starting point is 00:44:01 it's my second year at high school whatever i'm sitting there some kid comes in he's cool as fuck he's obviously a freshman and he's lost and he just opens the door he's like is this 122 or whatever it was and uh the teacher's like no he's like man i don't know where i'm going where's 122 and they give him directions and he just handled it it was like i'll never be as cool as a lost freshman like i killed it everyone liked him yeah see i i hadn't found my home it was probably actually no it's probably middle school that i realized like ah if you can make people laugh they like you and and that is how i i tried to survive high school it It's just like, all right, well, if you can keep people giggling, they tend to like you a lot. Yeah, he was confident and admitted he's imperfect. And what was there to hate?
Starting point is 00:44:53 I was already in the class and I did not have the wherewithal or the strength or forethought at the time to behave that way. I was just so scared. This was just a cool 14, year old what are you gonna do what are all these pictures you're sending me this is that really pretty dude yeah yeah i'm uh i'm trying to remember his name right now um this is like one of the best league of legend players in the world and uh uh his name is uh c9 sneaky and um and uh it fits right like apparently so what i'm told so what i'm told is that his girlfriend uh dress dresses him up like like for these cosplay this cosplay stuff and um you know i i don't if these are characters i don't
Starting point is 00:45:43 recognize them i recognize bowsette, but that's the only one. I don't know any of them. And super cute girl, right? Clearly. One of the best, probably rich. And this is what he looks like when he's not doing cosplay. Oh, no. Oh, no, indeed.
Starting point is 00:46:03 How outrageous. Dude, he should have been a girl because he is a really pretty girl he is a top tier girl yeah how is it how is he skinny and flat tummied as a girl but not as a boy right it doesn't make sense i feel like there's some wizardry being used here because this is and you know what. Look at the picture that's complete bare midriff and short shorts. Is it the one with the stoplight in the background? Yeah. Super flat, girly tummy.
Starting point is 00:46:38 Wide hips. There's one when he's Bowsette and it's exposed shoulders and everything. And those are like super like girly shoulders. Like there's no like deltoids or shoulders to really speak up their girl shoulders. His arms are girl arms. If I had some real, a real professional makeup artist,
Starting point is 00:46:59 you don't think I could be this pretty. You're telling me that right now i'm i'm guaranteeing it that's really honestly offensive i think i could do pretty well you know i think if i think i shave get a wig i think i can uh i can pull off something pretty good maybe we'll do that one time we'll all go girl mode i don't know that any of you can hang with my wide hips right like that that i have a feminine shape that i don't know that you can pull off i got a i got a very nice ass over here what are you i mean i saw you in the dangle shorts but and this sucks because my ass was tremendous before the great tumble of 2018 2018 when I fell out of the
Starting point is 00:47:45 charcuterie disaster of 2018 oh we fell out of the bed and it's only now that it's starting to grow back up oh god the dent that's right crack dent
Starting point is 00:47:59 created a crack I'm so disturbed by this because yeah this is day two of talking about this guy yeah because I was I won't you were masturbating go ahead carry on no no no it came up because we were talking about Loomy
Starting point is 00:48:17 and you know they always like give me a hard time over Loomy they say that oh that's a guy and I'm like probably not I would say the three of us you would definitely be the hottest woman yeah maybe maybe we do that sometimes we sometime we all go girl mode i think it would and like not tell our guests and just make them very uncomfortable you don't think that if you would be number one you don't think i would beat out
Starting point is 00:48:45 woody you think i would be the ugliest of us so here's the thing you are you gonna shave i would have to if i'm gonna be a lady right but i'm also not even a very attractive man he has i'm just gonna take biceps and deltoids and shit i'm giving him a little consideration though like what do you say i didn't hear your words taylor i'm i'll just get them off round them off you're just kidding no traps no traps uh teehee am i hot yet taylor like i i know we use the term too much like you are very high T, clearly. Your beard is thick as fuck. Your muscles are huge. You're not at all feminine.
Starting point is 00:49:31 I mean, I don't know. I think I could be pretty cute. No, I know. Kyle would win for sure, and then you'd probably scoop up second, and it would just be devastating for myself. I think my hips are being underestimated. You guys doubted me in the fitness competition. If you don't think i can be the girliest girl on this call i don't think you have it in you yeah we're gonna come thursday i'll be the only one dressed like what do you
Starting point is 00:49:58 that would be a good troll if you guys did that to me i'd just be like well i'm not going on. Don't even shave. Just lipstick. Don't even shave. I'm Paul. Pauline. I'm Pauline. No, that would be really funny
Starting point is 00:50:18 to do to a guest, but they don't know going in, and we don't address it. No. If they've never seen our show like if it's a brand new guest like if it was like if we got like burt chrysler or something just imagine we all show up as women and we don't say we don't address it at all and he's just like he'd be like yeah because someone like danny mullen might be able to out-cute any of us when it comes to both. Oh, Danny Mullen's got that twink look about him.
Starting point is 00:50:48 Yeah, he does. He's very lithe, very slim. Yeah. Yeah, we... He's like 24, too, as well. We need a guest like Harley, someone we know we definitely would be. Oh, I'm not talking about having a cross-dressing competition. I'm talking about the three a cross-dressing competition.
Starting point is 00:51:07 I'm talking about the three of us come dressed as women, and Burt Chrysler has no idea that we're not always like this. I like to think 40 minutes into the show, Burt Chrysler is like, you guys are pretty fucking funny for chicks. Thanks, Burt! You can see the top of the cantaloupe in my shirt girl is the funniest woman i've ever met i mean that would be an absolute fact we would all be the funniest women on earth for our moments
Starting point is 00:51:38 oh man i like the idea yeah so so yeah if you're listening check out this c9 sneaky person it's it's mind-blowing that he's such an attractive girl and i'm not gonna i i bet i'm pretty sure this guy has a super hot girlfriend so i'm not gonna give him any shit i'll just say like he doesn't look a manly man and he doesn't he doesn't have like a traditionally like handsome man look about him i mean he's fine looking don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to dog the guy. This is a candid shot you gave us too. Yeah, that's true. Let me find a more flattering
Starting point is 00:52:11 shot of him in boy mode. That's just the one I had. Yeah. It's not hard. When you Google him, you just get so much. Okay, here's him. I'm going to assume this is him and his girlfriend. It'll take me just a moment.
Starting point is 00:52:29 Holy fucking shit. He's got 1.7 million followers on Twitch. He's doing fantastically. I'm just assuming this is his girlfriend. I don't even know. It's just him with a girl. How do you take screenshots? I use ShareX normally, but I don't have it installed because the fresh wipe try this hit windows shift s like sam you can do it right now does that pull up the
Starting point is 00:52:55 snippet tool that one it's new to me and maybe it's called that windows button shift and s yeah and then you can drag like a box. Holy shit. Jesus, he plays 10 hours a day. Then you can paste it in Discord. That's how I do it. Okay. I was just like right clicking and opening image in new tab,
Starting point is 00:53:18 but your way is infinitely faster. You might like it. 10 hours of League of Legends a day. Yeah, that sounds like a dream to some people right like it may you're probably old enough to know better but when you're 16 if you'll be 10 hours of league a day that's the best job in the world and i'm rich and famous and get hot girls to dress me up as other hot girls and like what what could be better i'm so rich and famous i dress up as i became a hot girl me up like the ugliest girl in america but then after a while it becomes like one a high stress
Starting point is 00:53:54 job right it's it you have to perform at a very elite level and it's hard to stay there it's also a job that happens like with little social interaction, often in the dark looking at a monitor. It's not the dream job, it seems. All right, I got a clip we've got to watch. We've got to watch this clip. Okay. Let me finish watching it to make sure this isn't anything we shouldn't watch. Is there music or anything?
Starting point is 00:54:21 Actually, I think it's the the the like uh the music from like league of legends like you know like like screen like home screen i i would guess it's a twitch clip let's let me know when you're queued up on this i'm uh i'm queued up like like like this has like three different moments where i was like okay i'm ready'm ready. It's just called Sneaky's Butt. 30 seconds. Ready, set, play. He's got nice boobs. I'll bring my water cup. He doesn't sound like a guy.
Starting point is 00:54:56 Yep. What? What a bizarre I am speechless Isn't that great Great I'm just so surprised Like when he spoke I was like oh no And he stands up and I'm like
Starting point is 00:55:24 I'll bring my water cup. Oh yeah. All right. Would you fuck me? Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me. So is he? Dun, dun, dun.
Starting point is 00:55:35 His dick is tucked under, right? You can see hints of a bulge there. He may be wearing what are called gaff underwear, He's it's either he may be wearing what are called gaff underwear where it's got like a like a lot of padding and like a fake vagina type impression to it that that crossdressers will wear like over their package. That's pretty funny. Yeah. Oh, I googled it. Here's one called cheeky tuck.
Starting point is 00:56:08 That that actually seems I'm looking at it here i'll give you a link um oh i thought i thought i was thinking it said sneaky tuck and there was going to be another video of this person tucking their junk in or something because i was like where's his dick it seemed like there was a little volume in the front sure right but like i think that he might have had this underwear on because this has a little volume in it, right? There's a little... You could squish yourself in there. How are you gaming comfortably
Starting point is 00:56:33 with your dick and ball sack pushed back up against you like that? This guy goes to conventions and has his stuff like this. He's like this all day he likes being like this it looks very uncomfortable it's weird because it i guess when i saw the pictures you know the first ones you sent i was like somehow i filled in the blanks in my head that he he was almost
Starting point is 00:56:58 doing this against his will as a goof is that like it's like yeah his girlfriend dresses him up like this and you know it's a thing that he tolerates and i'm like okay okay you know we all have our cross to bear and but then when you sent me the twitch stream i was like oh no no this is him fully on board this oh yeah this is his thing it's as much his thing as her thing it's it's and we'll learn perfect for each other good for him dude look at this last picture i i don't know who's more i know what you're gonna say who's more feminine right oh did you did you see that coming like oh yeah definitely definitely more feminine you can see in the jaw
Starting point is 00:57:45 which one's prettier though i mean i'd fuck both yeah yeah right i i will he teach me how to play league i am i'm taken by my knowledge of like if you if you fuck him then now like like you are the strongest duo league out of all your friends yeah yeah you're the strongest league do out of all your friends you know it's it's not even close that's true it's easy though because i don't have any friends who play league i don't either i don't i don't i don't know how to play i know that's not my style of game i just intrinsically know spider pig is good at it who play League. I don't either. I don't know how to play. I know Destiny played League. I just intrinsically know SpiderPig is good at it. I have no other information,
Starting point is 00:58:30 but he's got to be, right? It's a thing that he'd be good at. Yeah, I think he's on that Baldur's Gate kick these days. He's playing some nonsense like that. I don't even know. Filthy's been playing that a ton. It's one of those top-down... Isn't it RTS, right? Baldur's Gate? I don't want to speak out of pocket
Starting point is 00:58:46 I don't know oh I thought he was on World of Warcraft maybe I'm out of date oh he's yeah I see him on there sometimes too but as of like the last couple of weeks it's been Baldur's Gate I want to say well anyway I don't I can't prove it and I have no inside info I just know he's been on there now he has to be good at that game League
Starting point is 00:59:03 I want to play some more Pokemon Red I am so ready they look like a lesbian know he's on there now he has to be good at that game league i want to play some more pokemon red i am so ready they look like a lesbian couple to me i like that they're together quite frankly me too like like they're both in that that's super awesome like do you think they have sex while he's dressed up like that i hope they absolutely they absolutely do right like there's like like i can't imagine a scenario where he's like hey you want to you want to get after it i'm horny and she's like yeah yeah but you know take all that off first no there's no way she doesn't want him wearing a coonskin cap maybe this guy is a guest nest before they fuck why did i even think of that man i'd love to talk to him about this like like
Starting point is 00:59:43 i i feel like i feel like we're sounding a little ignorant maybe even like maybe his people who know would want that but maybe the people who know him are like guys come on he's he's been doing this since he was a kid he's always been into this or like maybe they know the background or like why he does this or whatever like like no one would think that any of us give a fuck whether or not we care whether he likes to dress up like a lady no i don't i i think he makes a cute lady yeah i i care but almost in the positive way like i'm i'm happy at it yeah he's good and honestly he's really good at it and and like i i guess i'm kind of i'm kind of happy that we live in a world now where
Starting point is 01:00:22 like this is clearly like like nobody's giving this guy a hard time. Can you imagine if this was your hobby when you were in high school, when we were in high school? I do like that the best person, I assume, at League of Legends who dresses like that is a man. You're saying he would dominate the female league as well. I'm just saying boys rule. What if that's how he got into it? What if he wasn't he got into it? What if he wasn't good enough to win the men's tournaments of league, but he
Starting point is 01:00:49 realized Air Bud rules he could just get right on into the ladies league tournaments and dominate. Stuff like this. Santa Claus's wife, apparently. Wasn't there an all-female league team a few years ago that they made a big deal about and then it completely completely failed like like what if this guy was like their star player
Starting point is 01:01:10 i i used to do this same fan some related fantasy and swimming right i'd open the guinness book of world record and i'd look at like how recent an olympics i could win like oh look at this 1944 i could beat everything i could beat all these guys i don't want the olympics i could win like oh look at this 1944 i could beat everything i could beat all these guys i don't want the olympics in 1944 and on the ladies side right now right now i should win the olympics on the women's side we did that recently with female shot put and uh and i was like now i'm pretty sure i got this like like it was like like because uh i threw i i did the shot put like in like the fucking junior olympics or some shit like in middle school okay and i vaguely remember throwing it god i don't get it wrong but like 30 feet you're stronger now 30 feet i wonder how if
Starting point is 01:01:58 the if he had like a uh kid's weight i think it weighed eight pounds five or eight pounds i don't remember which but one of those numbers is right. You're probably throwing the woman's weight because they'll have high school males sometimes throw the woman's weight and sometimes throw the male weight, depending on where you're at. The shot put weighs... Oh, it probably was a woman. 16 pounds
Starting point is 01:02:17 for men and 8.8 for women. So maybe you were throwing a woman's shot put. But here's the thing. If I'm breaking the women's record, I'm throwing the women's shot put. I was breaking the woman's record with the male shot put. Just like, Woody, if you want to break the women's swimming record, you have to wear their swimsuit. It's faster.
Starting point is 01:02:34 Ah, good point. I didn't even do the shot style. I wanted to demonstrate that I was powerful enough to throw that like a baseball. Swipped it. Ruined your shoulder. Ruined my shoulder. Yeah. Nowadays, swimsuits are smoother
Starting point is 01:02:49 than skin. There was an Olympics where people were wearing wetsuits from wrist to ankle and neck and the whole thing. Now guys kind of wear long pants and women wear swimsuits with long pants, I think. Something like that.
Starting point is 01:03:07 Hmm. Yeah, I would love to get this guy on as a guest and I would want him to dress up. Oh! What if we all dressed up? Now that would be the show. That would be the show to dress up. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:21 If I dress up, I'm going to be like a wizard or something. No, you're going to be like a wizard or something. No, you're going to be Arwen. Or Galadriel, take your pick. I was joking. I'm waiting. No, no, no. I know, Taylor. You'll be a dwarf.
Starting point is 01:03:33 Yeah, that would be great. People think we should spring out of holes in the ground. Wizard of Oz is ridiculous. And Aragorn looks over his shoulder at Aeowyn, and he's like, it's the beards. Not the beard! Oh, man. You know what?
Starting point is 01:03:49 Instead of watching the elections, maybe I'll just watch Lord of the Rings tonight. No, we're saving that. So we watch the Blu-rays together. Of course. Okay, I'll hold off. It's been a hot second, especially since I've seen Return of the King.
Starting point is 01:04:02 Me too. It's been about a year for me. For me, the way it seems to go is every so often, I'm like, I need to re-watch return of the king me too it's been about a year for me for me like the way it seems to go is like every so often i'm like i need to re-watch the lord of the rings and i'll always get through the fellowship because you know initial watch sometimes i'll get through the two towers but rarely do i commit to the watch through enough to get to the return of the king yeah the ultra hd 4k uh remaster is coming out for the holiday season this year first time ever oh well that's gonna be sick i'm gonna buy those for sure yeah i sort of a topic change did you guys see glass the movie
Starting point is 01:04:30 i did oh wait wait maybe i am six out of ten i know i didn't see this one five out of ten maybe okay i don't know i like i only say that because it was such a letdown because i loved unbreakable so much and i wanted more so and that ending kind of soured me a bit i'm going to talk about it in a non-spoiler way in the first act like almost in the first scene of the movie you get bruce willis's character fighting the beast right the one from the second movie i think is they call him the beast and uh you're like, oh my gosh, what I expected to be the big finale
Starting point is 01:05:08 is literally like the opening scene where Bruce Willis fights the big bad guy. And then they get taken to a mental health facility where they try to convince them that they're not actually superheroes. And from that, I'll stop. That's the basis of the movie. And they have you questioning whether or not they're superheroes too and and then it's m night shalom shamalan
Starting point is 01:05:29 shamalan shamalan so uh you know you it's difficult to predict the endings on his movies and uh but i kind of like i'm thinking ahead so i don't spoil. I was excited about this universe because it's a new superhero universe, right? I don't know the Marvel comics, so it's kind of new to me, but I know that it's not. And usually I come in knowing that in the comics, this guy died or in the comics,
Starting point is 01:05:58 this guy, like this happened or that happened. And, you know, this on the other hand is brand new as far as i know like it's not an existing property and i was excited about a new comic universe and what they did maybe sets up the next movies to be pretty interesting so i hope they have i know i've recommended this before but it when you said new comic, it kind of reminded me. Did you ever watch that shitty movie Spawn? I tried. I didn't love it.
Starting point is 01:06:30 Cartoon? Oh, the cartoon is what I was going to recommend. So there's a live action movie. Well, that's not good at all. It's not good at all. They made it PG-13, and it's definitely R-rated material. There is an HBO miniseries that I think won an Emmymy um that's animated though it's like four episodes maybe um and each episode's like long ish like maybe 40 minutes i like that a lot i thought it was really good there's like cartoon there's like animated titties and
Starting point is 01:06:58 brains getting blown out and just evisceration and gore but yeah the idea of spawn is he's a he was like a black cia assassin he gets betrayed by the people he works for he goes to hell makes a deal with the devil uh devil sends him back to earth uh in exchange for his for for spawn like leading the devil's army in a war to come but the devil double crosses him and instead of sending him right back to earth he sends him back five years later and uh when he comes back like his wife has married another man like like she's had kids and is like life and he's all burnt up and scarred and fucked but he also has like this symbiote uh suit like from um uh spider-man how uh venom and uh it which makes sense because one of the animators that worked
Starting point is 01:07:42 that invented i think i think the guy who made venom, uh, whose name's escaping right now, uh, made spawn. But, um, but yeah, it's,
Starting point is 01:07:50 it's good. I like the animated part, but if you didn't like, if you've tried it before, then I should maybe give another shot. What happened was, uh, I watched a show on the creator of spawn and it was more like from a
Starting point is 01:08:01 business sense. And it was pretty interesting on how he was making a new property and you know his road to success was not a straight line so cool and then i was like oh so i'll go check out the cartoon too and see if i like it but i was maybe a little worn out of media it's todd mcfarland okay he's the creator of spawn there's supposed to be a new spawn movie movie that he has complete creative control over that's supposedly coming out soon-ish. Speaking of creative control, I'm looking forward to the Snyder Cut of Justice League.
Starting point is 01:08:36 I am too, I suppose. New York Times calling Florida and Georgia for Trump. Okay. God damn it. All right, well, I won Florida, but I lost Georgia there. So that evens out. It looks like, though, North Carolina is tilting towards Biden. And I think I had North Carolina.
Starting point is 01:08:54 Yeah, I had that on Biden. So we'll see. So there's like a bunch of coin flips. Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Arizona, and that might be it. And then there's Pennsylvania, which isn't so much. The Rust Belt. Yeah. Pennsylvania is not really a coin flip.
Starting point is 01:09:13 That one's, I think, five and a half, six points towards Biden. So that's the toughest one for Trump to flip. Like Kyle said, that fracking thing in the debate was a bit of a mistake we'll see how it goes that was my biggest upset is calling pennsylvania for trump or i guess not really because i called georgia for biden but that might be wrong i just wanted to get one upset right fuck if i get both of them wrong i i don't know i i we'll see i was secretly hoping that georgia would go to biden i'm sorry i meant to say pennsy Georgia would go to Biden. I'm sorry. I meant to say Pennsylvania would go to Biden. I meant to say
Starting point is 01:09:48 Florida. We should stop. All these states getting jumbled. I was secretly hoping Florida would go to Biden and then that would just end it. We'd all know who the next president was. Yeah, that'd be dumb. If you won Florida, that'd probably be all she wrote. Well, we'll know tomorrow, hopefully.
Starting point is 01:10:04 Or maybe there's a lawsuit pending. It's going to take way longer than that. It's going to be crazy. But let us know if you'd like C9 Sneaky as a guest. I think that would be hilarious. I think he'd be good. I want to see it. All right.
Starting point is 01:10:14 PKN. Let's see. 324 maybe?

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