Painkiller Already - PKN 336

Episode Date: January 29, 2021


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Starting point is 00:00:00 pkn 336 you know i haven't fouled up the intro in like a month now kind of it has not been a month no fouling i mean you can't prove that i literally can't i think it was two weeks ago are you confusing the intro with the recording kyle oh i might be yes yes i Yes. I would rather you fuck up the intro. He's messed up the recording and the intro. You know, I don't like how this episode started. I'm not a fan at all. What if I pulled down a fucking chalkboard? Well, as you can see.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Kyle learned my Excel algorithms just for this presentation. I've had nothing to do for months Woody's gonna hate this bit but the rest of you I got one of those extendo pointers Next slide It's just like the end of JFK Back and to the left
Starting point is 00:00:59 Back and to the left Now I know that's a saying but I have not seen that movie what no how have you not seen how old is it i mean 25 30 years but like you know i feel like that doesn't work with movies it doesn't anymore like like i've never heard elvis presley how you know that was a long time ago yeah but it's fucking music. It kind of sticks around. He's probably on some radio right now. Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Yeah, I like Elvis. But they're not running JFK on, or at least I've never scrolled past it on any of my streaming services. I was going to say on no network TV. All right, I'm going to see if I can pull up the cast of JFK. So it's Edward Norton. I like him. Is he JFK or is he the assassin?
Starting point is 00:01:51 JFK is JFK. JFK isn't actually in the movie. This is about the assassination of JFK. And Edward Norton is. So they got JFK to play himself post-humanist hominist. They just had him marry and edit up. His head's feeling like a so I didn't see this but I saw my weekend
Starting point is 00:02:08 at Bernie's which is pretty much the same thing Edward Norton plays um he's still the president he shouldn't bring that back into his head a very weirdly edited video was broadcast today
Starting point is 00:02:23 Edward Norton plays um god damn it you're fucking me up very weirdly edited video was broadcast today. Edward Norton plays God damn it, you're fucking me up. He's poorly pulled off conspiracy theory ever. He's covered in blood at the Oval Office. Just kind of plumped over there. Edward Norton, Kevin Spacey. Edward Norton, Kevin Spacey, Kevin Costner,
Starting point is 00:02:42 Kevin Bacon, and Edward Norton, Kevin Spacey, Kevin Costner, Kevin Bacon, and that's all I can think of off the top of my head. Really good cast, and it essentially tells the story of – Does he play Oswald? Edward Norton does play Oswald. I'm searching for him, trying to help. Yeah. No, no, no. It tells the story of Kevin Costner's character.
Starting point is 00:03:00 No, no, no. It tells the story of Kevin Costner's character. He's the main character, and he's sort of putting the JFK assassination literally on trial and presenting a lot of evidence that there was a conspiracy, and it's really, really good. You know who convinced me that the JFK shooting might be a little hinky? Joe Rogan. me that the JFK shooting might be a little hinky. Joe Rogan. Now, Rogan is apt to buy into all kinds of dumbass
Starting point is 00:03:28 conspiracy theories, right? He thought the moon landing was fake for some period of time, and I can't rattle them all off, but I just feel like he is quick to buy into alternative narratives. Bigfoot was a big one. He loved Bigfoot, I think, for a while. Thanks. And he just...
Starting point is 00:03:44 It's like, Joe, this shit is usually not true, but sometimes it is. On JFK, so Joe's a hunter. He's done a lot of hunting, and he's seen a lot of bullets go through animals. Maybe Kyle will weigh in on this, too. And the bullet that hit JFK in the skull, mind you, hit him in the skull. bullet that hit JFK in the skull, mind you hit him in the skull. I think it might've come out the other side of his skull diverted and hit somebody else is like the message.
Starting point is 00:04:11 And the bullet looks perfect. It looks like you used one of those special plastic hammers and removed it from the, so they refer to it. They refer to it as the magic bullet. And the reason they, they refer to it that way is because the official explanation for how it went down. I'm going to have my facts off a little bit.
Starting point is 00:04:34 But part of it is how many shots were fired. And they've got the, I always get this, pronounce this wrong. There's a Pruder film. It's this guy whose last name was a Pruder who was there recording like jfk riding through dallas um this pruder film i think i think either doesn't have audio or it's shitty audio in any case like i want to say the official report is three shots and uh one of them like completely misses and then the other two um are the ones that hit JFK. And they show the bullet pads, like, and what they had to do to hit all of the people in all of the places that they hit. Because it, like, enters JFK, and I'm wrong about this, but just for example, it enters him, like, in the top of the back and then exits the bottom of the ribs and then goes into Conley's elbow and then makes a left turn
Starting point is 00:05:29 and hits Conley in the pelvis or something crazy like that. And then the next one hits JFK in the head. And that's the part that I'm referencing from the film where the trajectory is supposed to be from behind and to the left, but JFK's head and to the, to the left, but JFK's head is going back and to the left. So,
Starting point is 00:05:50 so they're, they're suggesting there's a second shooter on the, on the grassy knoll on that little grassy area that was a fenced in area. And, and that's why his head's going like back rather than forward when he gets shot in the head. And, but but but yeah i don't know how to make sense there would have to be more bullets fired right you know because
Starting point is 00:06:11 well i think they called the magic bullet because like it went through his head and then it took a turn that took another turn and uh it wasn't too far from that arrow in guardians of the galaxy that just like zip zaps and hits everybody. Yeah. And, and that I could almost swallow because every million times, once in a million things happen. Right. So like I could almost get on board with it, but the bullet looking pristine and new, like,
Starting point is 00:06:37 Oh, we even have the bullet right here. Look at this. You know where they found the bullet. That's convenient. No, that's the best part. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:44 That they found the bullet sitting on convenient no yeah that's the best part yeah that they found the bullet sitting on an fbi officer's pocket is that where they found the bullet you think that you're saying that because that's ridiculous that happened yeah they found the bullet sitting on the stretcher that jfk was on they found it sitting there next to him. And they went, Aha! The bullet! And I'm a little torn. In the moon landing, they had faked moon landing pictures. I think that's actually true. I think they
Starting point is 00:07:15 doctored some photos and there are fake moon landing. Now they went to the moon. But the fact that there was one... Go ahead, Kyle. You look at it and say something. It wasn't moon landing photos. They faked. It was a spacewalk. They're like in space, like doing the floating number.
Starting point is 00:07:32 And they did fake that photo and put it out. And they said that it was just for like promotional purposes or something like that. So the fact that there's one verifiably fake thing puts everything else in question. And circling back to jfk that's where joe got me like there's one at least what i consider to be verifiably fake thing bullets don't go through a skull and out the other side looking undamaged and because that is like verifiably faked now the whole thing has a question mark over it. Yeah, I wanted to recreate the whole thing for an FPS Russia video one time,
Starting point is 00:08:07 but it just seemed so controversial. That would have been awesome. It would have been hard to do. And Jeremy refused to wear the wig, so it just wasn't going to work. You know what's funny? You say it's controversial, but it would have been a million people in the comments
Starting point is 00:08:22 just berating you about how the angles were off and you were just contributing to people believing the system's new. Oh, I would get the angles right. I was like, well, get me in a tower over here. We'll have a car on a track, and I'll get that Italian fucking piece of shit rifle, and we'll just do it over and over until I duplicate this thing. Eventually, I'm going to hit it.
Starting point is 00:08:43 What rifle was it? Do you know? I can Google it. The name of the rifle specifically it's like a card google it for me but i think it's an italian made um rifle called like a cordoni or something like that it's not called that okay yeah i knew it sounded like something like that. Oswald ordered it out of a magazine. It's a real piece of junk. Not known to be accurate or reliable. I've Googled it in front of me. Like most of these things on this show, you're like 90% right.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Which is pretty good. I give that the thumbs up. I'm just going from memory on jfk assassination knowledge so i'm definitely gonna be you talked about like people not knowing how many shots were fired exactly what's the official story that it was two i think the official report is either two or three i didn't even know he got hit twice i thought he just got domed just once just done um. I think that, see, what I'm conflating here, what I'm getting mixed up is like the official report, the updated official report, and what everyone else says because I've watched so much nonsense about this
Starting point is 00:09:57 because I know there are people who say there's like five shots, up to five shots fired, which is crazy. That has to be more than one person because firing three from that rifle in that amount of time with any degree of accuracy is pretty absurd how many how many years would have to pass for it to not be an enormous deal like in 2092 if the government's like we lied or you know our great great grandparents Yeah, we're revealing all this now totally fucked up. Like, you think enough time would pass?
Starting point is 00:10:28 You'd be like, man, 130 years ago, it was just the Wild West out there. So what it appears to me, like, what I think happened is that the CIA, is that Lee Harvey Oswald did it alone. That's what I believe happened. But with, maybe you don't call it the assistance of the cia but definitely maybe the knowledge they were the knowledge they knew that he was doing it they knew that he was planning it they knew that he was likely to try it and they allowed it to go forward not because they thought that he would pull it off but because they thought that a failed attempt would motivate
Starting point is 00:11:06 JFK more to side with them on a lot of issues. Because Harvey was friendly with some of those Cuban dissidents that Kennedy had sort of let get massacred down there. He had sort of promised them all this help, and then the Bay of Pigs thing happened. And then all those Cubans got rounded up and tortured to death and uh and left out to dry and the cia really wanted to like make that one of their like shadow wars like they enjoy doing where they're funding one side to fight the other against castro jfk didn't want to do that he was afraid he was gonna you know they just had had the Cuban Missile Crisis not that long ago before all of that
Starting point is 00:11:48 happening he wanted to let sleeping dogs lie but then there's all sorts of other conspiracy theories that involve the mob Jake or Hoover Jack Ruby's side of it didn't Jack Ruby have terminal brain cancer at the time that he shot
Starting point is 00:12:04 Oswald I don't know anything about that what was the explanation there Jack Ruby had terminal brain cancer at the time that he shot Oswald. I don't know anything about that. What was the explanation there? Like that, why was he picked? So in the movie, Jack Ruby is a main player. And in the book 11-22-63, which I fucking love. It's my favorite book ever. The Stephen King version of all this.
Starting point is 00:12:22 He's a major player. the uh stephen king version of all this um he's a major player the official like historical thing is just that he was uh he saw he saw everything happening on tv and he said ha oswald's right down the street and just took it upon himself to go shoot the guy that's the story that this guy just randomly watching tv just decided to go murder him yeah i thought there'd be more i didn't realize that he was terminally ill, but Taylor's got it pretty much right. I hope this fact checking doesn't bother people, but he,
Starting point is 00:12:53 he shot him. He was sentenced to death for murdering Oswald. During the appeal, he was granted a new trial and he died of a pulmonary embolism from lung cancer. Oh, have you ever seen that it's like it's an old video and you can probably find it on youtube and it's like maybe in the early 90s late 80s this pedophile raped this guy's son a kid i've seen it yeah and then as the pedophile is being marched through the airport the guy's dad is pretending to be on the phone.
Starting point is 00:13:25 And as the guy's being paraded by with like marshals to get on the plane, the guy just whips around. One fell, just boom, blows the guy's head off. And then the guy like the FBI agent who's watching him like walking and was like, why, Terrence? Why? Why, Terrence? Or whatever his name is. And apparently, like the jury that put him on trial was like, get out of here, you rascal. No more shooting. You go home.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Hey, if you're going to shoot, you know, don't, keep it to pedophiles. How about that? Yeah. I want to say they didn't even get him for, like, reckless discharge of a firearm because it was like, you couldn't even prove that. It was like, he's fired one shot, honor as you can see perfect shot well play nothing
Starting point is 00:14:10 reckless about it immediately puts the gun down i'm under a gun down yeah yeah i've seen that jury and convict that man no one that's what and that's what happened that's uh like yeah nobody likes a fucking chomo like like you're gonna get that's that's why julian assange i think has been accused or convicted or something of some sort of like uh against a girl who was maybe 16 or under 16. and it's very suspicious to me i'm like yeah you know like all you got to do is accuse a guy of being a chomo and the, you know, especially a guy that releases government secrets on, right. That's one thing I think is going to change in the future.
Starting point is 00:14:50 This might be a good topic. What laws do you think are going to change in the future? And one of them that I think is age of consent, I think is going to go down. And I think that maybe like, like what we consider like child pornography is going to change as well. You think? Yeah. I think that like 16 is going to change as well you think yeah i think that like 16 is gonna be like fair play in another 25 years i so i i only know north carolina and new jersey
Starting point is 00:15:13 with confidence and 17 already in in these places you can consent at shit now i don't have confidence anymore i think at 14 you can consent if they're within four years. That doesn't help me, Woody. I hear you. Yeah, and then at 16 they can consent, period. No, because he would be more than... I'm not 20. He needs to be 18.
Starting point is 00:15:36 No, no, at 16 they can consent to anybody. That helps your argument about the next 25 years. Fuck my argument. I'm trying to get laid here, Taylor. Oh. Fuck my argument. I'm trying to get laid here, Taylor. Oh. I was just like,
Starting point is 00:15:49 repeal my charge and I will run on lowering the age of this. It's the only pillar of your plan. We've got to lower taxes and the age of consent! And the crowd goes from cheers to crickets. People are like, why does he have to
Starting point is 00:16:04 put that second part on every bill? He's not passing anything. Well, this one's actually pretty good. Nice little stimulus program for the middle class. He did it again. Look at the last page. I've got a flat tax rate and
Starting point is 00:16:19 a flat agent consent rate. They're all the same number. 13, 13, 13, 13. 13% income tax. 13% property tax. 13% federal tax. 13 years old is the age of consent, people. It's simple. It's simple.
Starting point is 00:16:36 And you got people being like, ah, but I'm going to save so much money. In North Carolina, you can consent at 13. Probably to like a 14 year old carolina knows they're down with the 13 13 13 13 plan if i'm reading this right 13 year olds can consent provided that the other person is under eight yeah uh under 18 so 13 year olds can consent to 17 year olds maybe i was right about the four years yeah see. See, that's fine to me. And, and I think very much like that makes a lot of sense.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Like those people can be in the same high school, 13 and 17. Yeah. And like, I can imagine that being like, look, I, I think 13 is too young,
Starting point is 00:17:18 but we're talking about what should be illegal here. And in terms of right. Or, or like bad parenting or what like no we're talking about what the law should be and if a person's 13 and they're having sex with someone else who's at that high school who's a senior and they're a freshman and like you know i i can see them being developmental peers and it shouldn't be against the law yeah i've known some retarded 18 year olds and some very advanced 13 year olds right so it i think north carolina has it about right yeah i agree i agree but but what i'm talking about
Starting point is 00:17:52 is the age at which like like an adult an adult could have sex with a youngster what we'll call you think you think 25 years from now it'll be 16 everywhere and i was thinking that seems far-fetched but then a bunch of states have it at 17 already it's 16 here yeah so i guess 16 year olds can have sex with like with you 50 year olds for example yeah i think that's how it is in a bunch of europe so yeah you might be right it'll just switch to the way they do it yeah yeah i like it. I think 16 is about it feels a little young, but 16 consent to anyone and 13 can consent to developmental peers. I think it's about right. Yeah. And obviously, I think marijuana will be legalized within the next 10 years. And it might go faster.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Yeah. I think it'll be legalized during Biden's term. This is a good bet for you guys. seriously doubt it you do yeah i don't think biden's doing that yeah cool 500 on the line biden's got bigger fish to fry he's trying to stir up some trouble with the saudis and the russians right now is he i i yeah have i been uh i've been reading about his executive orders and such, which doesn't cover that. Yeah, he's already had some strong words for Putin, and he's already cut. Oh, I'm bad at Middle East affairs. Did he cut something about releasing the Khashoggi documents that would implicate the Saudis in his murder, as well as pulling assistance away from them in yemen i don't know i'm not great with that stuff uh interesting um i find so the republicans
Starting point is 00:19:32 are saying that uh the russians should be held responsible for poisoning the guy i have on my what's it called death list the yeah sure that works death oh yeah yeah death pool yeah yeah and uh it's like that happened eight months ago on trump's term your timing of this condemnation is suspicious of course i saw one republican congressperson she's a woman um wanted to immediately file um for um impeachment uh on biden for um the uh the deaths of americans on his watch they're like 5 000 americans have already died on biden's watch that's more per day than under trump by a lot yeah it's a lot more per day i told you it was coming when this fucking retard took the wheel uh yeah i saw her i think she i didn't know it was about covid but uh i'm pretty sure it was i could have that wrong i remember that being pointed out like like like like how many americans
Starting point is 00:20:38 have died under biden's watch i think she i think she was just immediately moving to impeach biden kind of making a point that impeachment uh they're a little fast and free with the impeachments in the last term but i don't know um i don't know she's doing her own political theater to try and be like see it was all political theater honestly like it's not even like a trump thing it's like i really want biden to just be focused on like doing things well we need to be i mean look like if i'm being completely unselfish yeah we like like every time i see him like like a headline of him every time i see a headline of biden it's like oh biden moves to do this and that i'm just like we we you're gonna be happy with more presence in the Middle East,
Starting point is 00:21:27 and you're going to like it. I guess so. Maybe they can get some drones over there. I can't wait until we hear about the USS blah, blah, blah, moving into the fucking Red Sea or some nonsense. I don't know who the leader of Saudi Arabia is. Another gas attack that doesn't make tactical sense. Got to get in. I can't even name the leader of Saudi Arabia is. Another gas attack that doesn't make tactical sense. Gotta get in.
Starting point is 00:21:45 I can't even name the leader of Saudi Arabia, but I'm pretty sure he'll be a household name and he'll be a madman by 2022. It's the beard guy. It's Saudi Arabia, the beard guy. Does he also wear pajamas all the time? He's Arab. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:21:59 And he is bearded. And the one thing we should take from Saudi culture is their dress. I love the way they dress. They look so clean because it's all white. And you see every other, like, the Japanese, the Americans, the British, all stuffy in their jackets. Yeah. You know they're sweaty under there.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Four layers. And, you know, King whatever the fuck walking around probably naked under there. Flowing robes. It looks so, and it looks like some sort of light fabric too. It looks like it's really cool and like wicking. And as far as we know, that guy could be bald for like the last 20 years,
Starting point is 00:22:35 but because they all take advantage of that, like a smaller version of the velvet rope you see at a movie theater that holds the white thing on their head. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's just a permanent cover for baldness. know how like 75 year olds at the ymca with one foot naked on the bench just hanging with a ball sack from 70 years of gravity perhaps in saudi arabia they have that by the time they're 20 i'm sure they have some sort of support garment underneath but i don't
Starting point is 00:23:00 know you're giving that robot a lot of credit I think they're just in the damn pajamas all day. They're hot. They're sweaty. They're never shrinking. They're always just dripping. And by 23 years old, they have an unattractive set of testicles. But I would like one of those nice flowing robes just to rock that thing. Every time I see something from Saudi Arabia, it looks like they're having a ball. They're out driving like land rovers out on those highways, fucking on two wheels sideways. Is that part of the Saudi Arabia driving test? How come so many of them are able to drive on two wheels? And all their buddies are climbing out of it, and they're surfing it while they're driving on two wheels sideways they've got sand dunes that are half a mile tall they're just riding up on shit like saudi arabia is kind of just a test of how cool the road could be if only guys could drive
Starting point is 00:23:58 everywhere yeah they changed that by the way oh no oh you didn't know that women can drive now that's right yeah it's no women may drive now i think they still women could never drive now they may it took me a second to process the critical difference but you're right yeah women may drive now um which is like hugely important i don't know if they're allowed to be without brothers and cousins to escort them everywhere i don't think so but like well then that then the driving thing carries a lot that's a whooping but like imagine needing a guy to escort you so you didn't fuck around as like part of your culture and can you like imagine how much time that would take like hey cousin i need to go to the market and he's like i have a job too at the oil i don't know what they do and but then
Starting point is 00:25:02 everybody's taking time out of their day to shuttle people around. Really, what they did is they just made... The whole point of women is to get the shopping done. How does this help if I have to go? True. And then they're taken forever. They know you're in the car waiting. This is a terrible system.
Starting point is 00:25:20 Yeah, it doesn't seem like a good system. I would not want to go to Saudi Arabia. Seems shitty. I would love to go to Saudi Arabia. The King of Jordan sounds stupid to say, but the King of Jordan apparently liked my videos. He saw the AA-12 video and he was in
Starting point is 00:25:35 contact with the guy who makes the AA-12s and he ordered a bunch of them. He mentioned me. They got back to me and said, the King of Jordan would like to meet you. I'm like, I'll do anything the King ofordan wants me to do if i can hang out with the fucking king of jordan and it fell apart apparently i think it was because of fucking politics i think obama did something there was some kind of an issue thanks in the middle east and it caused a problem but they said the king of jordan was so obviously the king in the middle
Starting point is 00:26:03 east so you would imagine he's fairly wealthy but they said when when he like goes somewhere he brings two jumbo jets one for him and his entourage and the other for all of his vehicles it's like a cargo plane like full of like his badass vehicles like like what his his like half his garage is in a jumbo jet maybe he wants the Land Rover today maybe the Lambo Taylor what was the nicest thing you had at that rental place you used to work at oh fuck nothing like that right like oh I'll take
Starting point is 00:26:33 upgrade it all the way all the way oh do you want the Chevy fucking Corsica oh I remember once I'd be like oh do you want this like brand new nice Corvette ZR1 or Z06 ZR1 i don't know which one it was the one that that is nice but that would only be if it's like hey this is returning from vegas even the corvettes i wonder if they're good is it the zr1 or something less than that
Starting point is 00:26:59 i think the zr1 is the really good one right yeah is that the one it was dude it doesn't matter chevy doesn't make a corvette that hangs with the king of jordan's lamborghinis and ferrari i'm sure yeah probably it well depending on what you call hang with yeah in any case um yeah that would have been real cool but that didn't happen he bought but he bought like 20 million dollars worth of aa12s apparently there's 17 000 a pop plus like the whole kit that like if you want the kit that comes with all the accessories and stuff, they're like $25,000 each. And he bought several thousand or a thousand of them or something like that. So you spent – you said how much money total?
Starting point is 00:27:39 $20, $25 million. Can you imagine watching a YouTube video and being like, I need $20 million of this for my personal army? That's literally what he did with them. They went to his private army that protects him. Oh, of course. That's pretty cool. What did Obama do to ruin your opportunity there with the king of jordan i really do think it was something political at the time that happened in the middle east that caused travel
Starting point is 00:28:10 restrictions or something like i don't remember exactly what it was but i was very bummed out obama probably made a muslim ban he probably airstruck the fucking king of jordan's cousin or something like that he killed so many people over there. This guy's got way too many AA-12s. We're going to get rid of them. Take them out. Hey, there's a wedding right nearby. Go ahead and just take out both. Excellent. People who get married
Starting point is 00:28:35 are going to have kids soon. He's thinking ahead. Kyle, can we get a bomb in the cake? I want them to think it's going well. I'd like to really fuck with them Kyle owes me $5 I do man yeah I'll pay you right
Starting point is 00:28:57 away I haven't yet I wanted to wait till we talked about it on the show yeah Connor got beat up I thought it was going well until it didn't, though. I agree. I agree. Now, my thought on fights that go well until they didn't have evolved, right? For example, Joe Lozon was beating Pettis until he wasn't, right?
Starting point is 00:29:17 If anyone watches that fight, people remember that fight as Joe getting horribly head kicked. It was kind of a highlight. They showed it again and again. Every time Pettis fights, they show him beating poor Joe. And, but if you watched like the strikes that were landing and stuff, Joe was doing better. And then I heard Joe Rogan talk about it and he's like, you can't measure it that way. That's not how it works. You know, like Pettis is watching, he's getting his timing down. He's looking for opportunities. He's learning. You can't be like the guy providing him all the information is winning until he isn't. That's not how it works.
Starting point is 00:29:53 Yeah, but Joe Rogan believes in Bigfoot. True. But circling back to Connor, Soporia, I guess, was investing in these leg kicks. And by the way, I've been leg kicked hard, and it's terrible. Yet when I watch UFC fighters, it never seems like, I'm like, when does this investment pay off? Connor was not weathering them well. True.
Starting point is 00:30:16 But outside of that fight, it seems like nine times out of ten, whenever they're like, oh, he's tearing apart those legs, I'm like, yeah, but they don't score very well with the judges. The judges don't seem to reward leg kicks as much as they do face punches or head kicks. And oftentimes the fight ends and it's like, all right, you invested all that, but you never made your withdrawals. Poirier, I guess, did. So, yeah, like you said, Conor was so accurate. It seemed like he was just firing that left and
Starting point is 00:30:45 and he was shooting down the middle and and i'm like gosh darn every time connor tries to punch this guy in the head he does connor won the first round i don't know if you saw the scorecards but he won on all three judges scorecard i didn't but i thought he won at 10-9 as well and uh and it was i was like well but also connor is a guy that does much better in the first round than he does in the rest of the fight. So I'm like, well, let's see how this goes. And it turns out that investment in the leg kicks was everything. And Conor was like, my leg's dead. I can't do anything.
Starting point is 00:31:17 I don't know if you saw him backstage on crutches and stuff trying to get around. Conor was on crutches for the rest of the night. And yeah, he just couldn't move, couldn't throw that left, and Poirier eventually capitalized and TKO'd him. Yeah, and he couldn't back up. He couldn't be evasive when he got on the fence. That's what won Poirier the fight. Conor fought Poirier the same way that he fought, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:31:43 maybe Alvarez or somebody, and he really needed to i thought fight him the same way that he fought nate diaz with uh with his own leg kicks and like i don't know why connor wasn't the one uh throwing those leg kicks right away and i was actually surprised connor didn't come out with something like big at the beginning like like like we've seen him doing like two or three fights in a row like come out super aggressive and try to like have that highlight reel 13 seconds usually the first thing he throws is a meme or something like i'm going to do a 360 question mark wackaroo kick i'd have loved that yeah it doesn't land or anything but is that the correct PayPal by the way? That works. That works. Um,
Starting point is 00:32:27 so, uh, uh, yeah, I, Connor came out and he looked good. I was nervous for my $5, but Dustin's,
Starting point is 00:32:36 uh, tough as nails and weathered the hits and landed his own and knocked him out. So, yeah, first person ever knocked connor out um it uh it was pretty clean um it was uh it was decisive uh connor is saying he wants to i thought connor would retire um but connor's saying that he wants to stay active and fight at least once maybe twice more this year which um i don't know who they match him up against at all i don't know who he fights because olivera is out there and they don't know what to do with
Starting point is 00:33:11 him um what's his who's the guy who was also on the card who knocked the fuck out of hooker michael chandler chandler chandler's there and he doesn't have an he doesn't have a dancing partner but i think dana said that the the belt was going to go to the winner of Poirier Chandler. And I'm thinking like Gaethje's just right over there, you know, in the shadows, just fucking headbutting cars or whatever he does in his spare time. Like, what's he up to? So you're right. Gaethje is one of those four, but he's coming off a loss. Whereas Poirier and Chandler both coming off wins typically
Starting point is 00:33:45 not always but they prefer to give title shots to people who won their previous fight here's what you've got though you got a potential Connor Ferguson fight yes oh I'd like to see that yeah yeah so the top four I think most people agree the top four, Connor, Poirier, Chandler, and Olivia. Oh, shit. Oliveira. Oliveira. I left out Gaethje somehow. Now I'm not sure who to drop.
Starting point is 00:34:16 Yeah, maybe Connor goes to five. I don't know. Yeah, you know what? Fucking put Connor against Ferguson. Winner gets back in the conversation um put uh chandler versus olivera and uh i think chandler and poirier are from felt that's your next fight poirier says he won't fight him we'll see what do you mean he won't fight him well see poirier feels like he had to go through a murderer's row.
Starting point is 00:34:45 He, like, long time. Poirier has beaten Eddie Alvarez. He's beaten Gaethje. He's beaten Conor. He's beaten – there's good names on this. Pettis. Who else did – I forget. Poirier, he's, like, beaten –
Starting point is 00:35:00 Probably Cowboy. Everybody's beaten Cowboy. So, yeah, he just has so many quality wins. He's like, how does this guy he beat Hooker? He's like, how does this guy go in, beat Hooker, who's coming off a losing streak anyway for me? And suddenly he's a title contender because he beat the guy I also beat. How is he on my level? Make this guy earn a title shot.
Starting point is 00:35:22 It was so much harder for me. Okay. And, and, and, but, but my, but my thought process would be like, Hey, we're trying to give you the belt here. How about fighting this new guy? Who's only had one UFC fight ever. You get the belt. Now you have the belt. You go to that next echelon of pay scale. You made a million dollars to fight Connor. He made almost $30 million to fight you. Maybe next time you make more than a million dollars wouldn't you like that like how about you beat the new guy up first and you get the belt i read it was a million plus pay-per-view so yeah i i don't even have a good guess what
Starting point is 00:35:56 that would be who knows like is he getting 0.01 of pay-per-view or is he getting one percent of pay-per-view you know it could sometimes it's like three percent of pay-per-view starting after a million sales you know yeah so i it depends on his agent whether that was ten thousand dollars or ten million dollars um but yeah anyway if i were king boy they would have the belt like you remember when ronda her first fight she defended the belt they just gave it to her and then she got champion pay and she beat liz something or other car or maybe or something it's just lesbian in any case i know exactly what you mean yeah i i agree with you i think they should just give poirier the belt they should have given him the belt last the last night's fight or this most recent fight should have been for the belt. They're letting Khabib sit out there and literally have mommy drama about whether he needs to fight anymore.
Starting point is 00:36:52 I like Khabib, I think, more than most people. I enjoy watching him fight. I enjoy all his interviews. Yeah, I despise him. But if you look at the numbers, he's not a big draw, right? Even as champion, even as his run, If you look at the numbers, he's not a big draw, right? Even as champion, even as his run, people aren't buying Khabib pay-per-views
Starting point is 00:37:08 like they are Conor pay-per-views as a non-champion. So I think Dana ought to just let Khabib retire. He's not that big a draw and move on to someone who might be. I agree completely. And another fight for Conor would be the Nate Diaz trilogy, finishing that off. But I would much rather see Ferguson because I feel like Conor could beat Ferguson. I feel like Ferguson's on a downswing.
Starting point is 00:37:34 And while obviously Conor just lost, I think he looked good. I thought he looked good. Like, he still looked fast. He was still hitting pretty hard. Like, I agree. I'm not sure how much credit to give a guy who looked good until he got figured out and beaten down agreed you know like like i think it's really parallel to the joe lozano anthony pettis fight where joe was looking great until
Starting point is 00:37:56 he got knocked out so was connor um i want to see ferguson fight connor like you said that's a really neat matchup fergus Ferguson Diaz looks fun too. Both of those guys are tough. They're very hard to take out. Volume. They get hurt and they keep coming. That's fun. The only cheating that I've ever thought happened in the UFC
Starting point is 00:38:20 was Conor versus Diaz too. When Conor – I I think Connor leg kicked him for either two rounds or three rounds straight. And by the end of the third, Diaz was crippled. Like he couldn't walk. I feel like they went back to his corner and they injected him with something. They gave him a new leg.
Starting point is 00:38:41 He came out a fourth. Like nothing was wrong. It doesn't make sense like he is i think he got knocked out recently um by jorge rivera i'm not sure on that but i think that was his only before that he only been knocked out once and it was with a kick to the head the guy is josh tonshin kicked him in the forehead with his shin and his shin is permanently damaged you can touch it right now and feel the uh like like a cartoon nick diaz's skull imprint on the guy's shin bone it's probably enough usc talk even though i love it yeah yeah i guess so but uh yeah anyway but it was a it was an interesting uh fight night uh the prelim sucks so bad that
Starting point is 00:39:23 i didn't bother buying the pay-per-view. I just watched the hooker fight, and then I watched the Conor fight, and then I went out. We were all in the Discord, and I was just like, well, that was fun. Later, guys, and hung up. That's not what I wanted to see.
Starting point is 00:39:40 $70 is a lot for the fights. For one fight. That's all i wanted to see was one fight they it turned out that the chandler fight was worth seeing too but like you're right on when i looked at the card ahead of time i was really only interested in one fight um i wish i wish i wish the ufc would offer a package deal, right? Like, look, I'm not going to spend $70 for every pay-per-view. I'm not going to spend $60 for every pay-per-view.
Starting point is 00:40:10 They do three or four a month. That's too much. But I will, like, spend $30 a month for access to all of this. It'll be my most expensive streaming thing by double or triple. And I would pay $30 a month knowing that it gave me all the UFC content. I would, or if they would just let me buy the main event,
Starting point is 00:40:35 like the main fight, just one fight. Like I would have paid 20 bucks to watch Conor fight, but you weren't going to get 65, 70 from me to watch those other jokers fight because I just didn't care about them because I just didn't care about them. I just didn't care about them. I felt like I could watch equally good fights on a fight night card that was free on ESPN.
Starting point is 00:40:52 You might tune in to watch Chandler a little more. I don't know how much of his fight. I saw the fight. It was quick and great. I saw his fight, and then I saw his post-fight interview, and then I saw his post-post-fight interview where he showered. And this guy is interesting to talk to he doesn't hold back he uh like he shares his opinions some of it you know might hurt other fighters feelings and i'm like this guy's good on the mic he's not chael's son in like prepared he's just a good speaker not afraid to speak his
Starting point is 00:41:22 mind and i liked him. Yeah. Yeah. I agree. I think that he might catch on. I was talking to Taylor earlier about I'm taking a week off of Rust and I've been playing some Total War Warhammer 2. At long last. I don't know how you grinded so long through Rust. That was months at a time.
Starting point is 00:41:39 Five weeks. Only five weeks. Something like that. But 50 hours a week for five weeks. Yeah. You know, you don't play a little Rust. Only five weeks, something like that, but 50 hours a week for five weeks. You don't play a little Rust. Anybody who plays a little Rust isn't playing Rust at all. You're not playing Rust.
Starting point is 00:41:53 You're like those people on OTV. Yeah, I told the boys, I was like, look, I'm going to have to take a week off Rust. I got to get my life in order. I got dishes that need washing. I got floors that need mopping. House getting away from you a little bit. Yeah, housework's getting away from me. And I feel like if I take 10 minutes out of my schedule on Rust here, then I'm letting people down. And I don't want that. I need to be able to have some me time. I want to go out. I want to do some stuff and not be looking at my phone to see
Starting point is 00:42:24 if Timu needs me i need a week off so i'm taking a week off they are prospering without me i think i think they got dirty to fill in for me and maybe midi's not playing as much i'm going to say flourishing they're doing really well yeah they absolutely are we've done we've done well every time we have been rated once and we've just uh just had a great streak but yeah i've been playing total war warhammer because that's RTS. And I'm able to just pop in, play a few games of that.
Starting point is 00:42:50 That's not like Rust, where you've got to babysit something. You can pop in and play a little game. A game takes 10 minutes. Yeah, they're real quick games. How have you been faring jumping back in? Pretty well? If I jump back in, i would have to relearn every
Starting point is 00:43:05 hot key every strategy like it's i'd probably pick a little bit up but yeah so when i play on the ladder like like the quick matches i would say i win 60 65 of the time something like that i'm winning more than i'm losing um but there's three or four guys in the Discord that have it that are terrible. So if you want to get your reps in, you could play against them. Ari was a little upset with me a couple weeks ago when I mentioned that he was the one who was bad at Rust and therefore left all the doors open, and they went deep on his base and took everything from him. It turned out the guy that went deep on him is actually also a member of the $50 Discord, coincidentally.
Starting point is 00:43:48 And so that made it extra funny. He was like, why does the one time you mentioned me have to be when I fucked up? So we'll mention him again. Ari's real bad at Total War. I've been just wiping the floor with him. You know, I...
Starting point is 00:44:03 Who else sucks? A lot lately um i need the picture really ct has the game too and uh i think someone else has the game so i've been playing with those guys a little bit just doing 1v1s class has the game and so we we've been doing a lot of 1v1s and a 2v2 i think we did one of those but 1v1s are kind of the bread and butter of how you play that game it's a lot of fucking fun. So yeah, anytime you want to play, I'm down. When I'm not playing that game, I watch a lot of YouTube videos for that game. I'm a big fan of Turin and the tournaments that he puts on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:44:37 I watch probably two hours of Total War content a day. Oh, wow. So you're very familiar. Who are you playing as? Just a mix of everyone? When I play against them, I play someone different every game oh wow so you're very familiar with who are you playing as just a mix of everyone um when i play against them i just i play someone different every game just to sort of try to mix it up and make it more fair like play stuff i'm not familiar with but if i were trying to win um i would play empire or um vampire coast or what's the vampire coast What's the difference between that and the Vampire Lords? So there's the Vampire Counts,
Starting point is 00:45:09 and there's the Vampire Coast. The Vampire Coast are pirate-themed vampires. Oh, I've never used them. I think I have them in the DLC. I just haven't played since they came out. And they're pretty good. That's great. I'm so glad the pirate-themed one is playable.
Starting point is 00:45:23 When they came out they were s tier like the absolute best faction in the game bar none they've nerfed them several times they are still s tier they are still excellent they're just not like quite as overpowered as they once were but they're still very very very good what's their strategy kind of the basic pistols they have they have lots of cheap pistol zombies then you can just put six of them out there and spread out. If the enemy comes in to try to take one out, the others just all turn around.
Starting point is 00:45:51 You've got this arc of fire coming in from all directions. They're so cheap and numerous that it's hard to get rid of all of them. They've got lots of different kinds of pistols. Some of them shoot crazy bullets and magic bullets. They've got good lords. They've got good healing. They've got good zombie summons. different kinds of pistols. Like some of them shoot the crazy bullets and magic bullets and, um,
Starting point is 00:46:05 they've got good Lords. They've got good healing. They've got good zombie summons. Um, they're just a swarming undead faction and undead factions don't get scared. They don't quit fighting. They don't route and run.
Starting point is 00:46:17 They just keep going. Cause they're zombies. Yeah. Oh, skeletons and shit. Yeah. It's really fun. It helps.
Starting point is 00:46:24 Cause it wasn't one of the big drawbacks of the vampires with the original vampires that they didn't have any ranged yes so you just have to send those big flying creatures in to try and destroy their catapults and everything in the back yeah you have to send fel bats and vargulfs and all sorts of nonsense like that all sorts of all sorts of other made-up nonsense uh to go uh archers and bows and i have fun playing that game like little test matches where it's like all right can i win with only one type of unit you know and it's like oh no like usually that's the answer no but every once in a while you're like, oh, pulled one out. It was just a bunch of goblins.
Starting point is 00:47:06 That's usually how it goes when Ifari wins one. He's like, aha, I'm getting better. And I'm like, no. I was just kidding. The other day I was like, you're actually getting better. Pretty soon I'm going to have to start trying.
Starting point is 00:47:22 I just hung up on the call. I know he was just like well that's bullshit i you were trying a little not really did you notice my catapult only style like my no infantry tactic it didn't work well yeah i've been doing stuff like that it's a it's a really fun game it's the most expensive game i play by far um because of all the dlc over the years and because i bought it as it came out. I wouldn't say $300 but definitely over $200
Starting point is 00:47:49 that I've got invested. But if anyone hears this and you're into RTS and you actually want to get into it for whatever reason, it is the best RTS I've ever played. A lot of the DLC is free now. So you're able to get lots and lots of free DLC and the base game is whatever games cost
Starting point is 00:48:05 now 45 60 and kyle only plays the verses doesn't do the campaign at all the campaign is pretty fun but it's it's genuinely very fucking hard and it takes days to get yeah i don't like i don't like playing against dumb ai and they make up for the dumb AI by being, by just like having more of them. It's like, it's like a whole, now you're going to fight a million stupid bots. I'd rather fight 50 likes, like things controlled by a smart,
Starting point is 00:48:36 talented person on the other end who wants to beat me. Who's like, or the campaign would be a lot more fun if it were just multiple people playing civilization style, you know, I guess a lot more fun if it were just multiple people playing civilization style you know i guess a ton of fun but because the only thing they have offered is ai yeah that does kind of suck but i like the look of the game i like the little missions and quests they send you on and like oh you need to you know storm north and take the dwarves out or whatever and you get attacked from the south like it's it's it's really hard if you play it on a hard difficulty it's really hard but in fairness a lot
Starting point is 00:49:10 of the reason it's hard is because of what you said where it's like oh yeah this shaggoth ogre is still a fucking idiot of a general but now instead of one shaggoth sidekick he's got seven it's like well there's no way to win they're too good like that's one of my favorite characters not to play but just to look at is kolek the sun eater oh he's fun to play too he's just absurd looking like like anyone who's listening to this and you don't even if you don't give a fuck about what we're talking about google kolek the sun eater and see what that guy looks like he He's just a really cool design for a creature.
Starting point is 00:49:48 The lore for Warhammer is as in-depth as Tolkien. Maybe more. It's been added to by so many people and expanded and expanded. It's probably more like a comic book universe of layers. I would imagine.
Starting point is 00:50:03 No shit about comic book universe. That's one of the reasons I kind of like layers i would imagine yeah it's no shit about comic book universe that's one and that's one of the reasons i kind of like playing as uh the empire is like so the game's called warhammer um and uh but but the titular warhammer is the the weapon of carl franz of the empire um and it he's got a warhammer that's got a name, like his weapon has a name. It's called Gol Maraz. And it's just this magical war hammer that is sentient. Like it's, it's alive. And, uh, and when you're fighting, this is how, uh, when you're fighting, you know,
Starting point is 00:50:41 you can press Gol Maraz and it activates Gol Marazaz and now he's like, I don't know, 50% better than he was before. So whenever you like fly in and you're about to fight another lord, you're like Golmoraz mode and he just really takes him to pound town most of the time. Damn it, Franz, just use that the whole time.
Starting point is 00:51:00 He really should just use it all the time. It doesn't make sense for it to be back to the normal sword. Everyone's around him. No, friends, keep using. I must recharge my blue wizardry or whatever it is. Anytime you want to play, I'm down. I'm going to probably play some more
Starting point is 00:51:16 tonight. I'm going to play a couple hours a day, something like that. Yeah, I need to check how well my PC can even stream that in high quality because that's so detailed. I'll have to check how well my pc can even stream that in high quality because that's so detailed i'll have to check because i know i can play it i've played it on this this pc at high settings but adding that streaming layer on top takes a little a little more i'll try it though because i'm definitely down to get back into this game i've been playing a good bit of
Starting point is 00:51:40 age mythology and a ton of magic the gathering arena a lot of magic the gathering arena not huge turnouts in those streams but you know i'm having a really fun time and i like i do the prediction thing so you can come and bet on whether i'm gonna win or not against whoever i'm paired up against online and like at first people were betting the way they knew I was at other games. And it was like nice to over time be like, yeah, you want to win 90% of the time, throw your money on my side. I'm going to dominate most likely.
Starting point is 00:52:13 And then every once in a while, I just get shit rocked by someone much better than me. But overall, like I'd say I'm winning probably 80 plus percent. Nice. Yeah. Yeah. That's your game.
Starting point is 00:52:24 That's what you grew up playing i love it i need to get into hearthstone because that's like the more popular a little simpler version and people stream it well i'll get into it not as much as magic though i don't even get into it never mind not hearthstone i was thinking of runescape oh no this is hearthstone is like it's another card game online, but it's... I've played it like twice a year ago, and it didn't suck me in, but maybe I just wasn't...
Starting point is 00:52:51 Yeah, I was thinking how time-consuming RuneScape was. I never played that. Never played RuneScape ever. My brother did, and yeah, I saw him sink a ton of time into that game. Like, look at my emerald armor! I remember looking at it, and I was time into that game like look at my emerald armor i remember looking at it and i was like that looks like just a just it's a green spot on a little lego man
Starting point is 00:53:13 he's like no but like look how my guy looks next to everybody else and it's like yeah do you have a horn or something i don't i mean there's nine pixels on screen which one are you like it was i don't know there's still's still some old guy on Twitch who plays that every single day. He's like the highest ranked, I think, RuneScape player of all time. He's 27. I think he's in his late 60s. And he still streams it like every day. So good for him, finding something you'll like.
Starting point is 00:53:43 Yeah. Oh, we had another movie night this past week. We watched Idiocracy, which I had actually never seen before. It was a pretty good movie. It was a really good movie. I enjoy that one a ton. You know, I feel like in that world, I could be the smartest person. Although I don't know that I would have figured out that electrolytes are salt on my own.
Starting point is 00:54:03 Oh, come on. You know electrolytes are salt. I do now, but I learned it in that movie. Oh, no. Well, no. It's what plants crave. I haven't seen it. I've seen that movie once like 10, 15 years ago when it came out, and that is the only
Starting point is 00:54:18 thing I remember is them in the Opal office being like, but it's in like Terry Crews being like, but it's what plants crave. Like as they look out on just like, for like, for some reason, crops right outside the window at the white house. Just like Luke Wilson is the smartest guy in the world. And he's clearly a dummy.
Starting point is 00:54:38 Like, like, like he would, he would be like, we would all think of him as a dummy. But yeah, he can't figure out that the girl is a whore like he thinks she's a painter he's like you're not gonna quit painting are you
Starting point is 00:54:50 and she's like no no i'll keep i'll keep painting she's some prostitute i like that uh when he escaped from prison do taylor do you remember that so he's going to prison and he goes in there and he sees this guy like sitting on someone else bullying. And they're all like, you're next, you're next. I'm going to sit on you. And he's like, oh, fuck. You know, he's not looking forward to going to prison. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:13 So he tells the prison guard, like, I'm in the wrong line. I'm in the line to get out of prison. Yeah. The guard's like, dumbass. That's the line you need to be he just goes and gets in that line yeah i think you're mentioning these lines i need to go back and re-watch that it's fantastic i've been paying enough attention it was pretty good i i had never seen it before um but uh but I did like it.
Starting point is 00:55:47 We took a vote. There's a straw poll now. I think the next movie is either going to be Boondock Saints or Tombstone. Both very good choices. I haven't seen Tombstone. The Boondock Saints is pretty good. Tombstone. Boondock Saints has a scene. This is not a spoiler because it happens in the opening
Starting point is 00:56:03 minute of the movie. Do you know where i was headed before they're all good dude something happens and uh like there's two brothers in the film if they're brothers right yes and they're going to do something to one brother and the other is like handcuffed to a toilet and the way that he portrays like his desperation to get free and help his brother sets the tone for these guys unbreakable bond for the rest of the film and uh i was just like oh fuck i'm in i'm watching he dead lifts a toilet off the off its foundation but it wasn't easy so it was he all right he i'll just say he was handcuffed down he's handcuffed to it if i recall correctly so as he's like lifting it he's hurting his own wrists and hands and his skin's tearing and bleeding and that is not his primary priority he's got to get off and
Starting point is 00:56:57 yeah it's uh it's it's really cool they're irish brothers um and uh um they basically decide to become crime fighters yeah like like story short they decide to fight some evil vigilante justice yeah they decide to become vigilantes and um oh what's his fucking name the guy that he's in everything. Is Ewan McGregor one of them? No. No, but the guy looks mildly like Ewan McGregor. I'm thinking of the guy who plays the FBI agent who's in everything.
Starting point is 00:57:35 Oh, William Defoe. Willem Defoe. Yeah, Willem Defoe is so ridiculous in the movie. There's a part where he goes in disguise as a female prostitute. What was the point of that? No one was fooled. It didn't make any sense.
Starting point is 00:57:53 He just wanted to do it. There were multiple scenes that had nothing to do with cracking the case where he's putting on high heels and lipstick, kissing himself in mirrors. I love the scene where he's in the he's in bed with that other man they clearly just had sex and the other man i think the other man says i just want to cuddle and he just goes fag you know another good willem dafoe scene is uh
Starting point is 00:58:20 and i didn't know this scene always like messed with me because I didn't know. But then I read later and I'll explain, you know, in American Psycho, when initially Willem Dafoe comes into Patrick Bateman's office and. Ask him where he was and if he knew where his friend was and everything, and as that scene snaps back and forth, Bateman stays about the same like becoming more nervous but every time it goes back to willem defoe's character like he'll start off like i would love a sparkling water or something and then the next scene with him he's like very accusatory like i can't seem to wrap my head around this you you made a mistake about where you were on that night you you told me very very simply where you were then i'll snap back to patrick and i don't know about that snap back now willem dafoe is all friendly so to like make that an unnerving scene what they did is they had willem dafoe deliver those lines both accuse it in an accusatory way in a i'm just a nice guy asking questions and then in like i've already i know it's you i know it's you and so
Starting point is 00:59:20 like the whole time in that scene watching it like you're like, what the hell does Willem Dafoe know? Because you can't track with it. And I really like that. It's a great scene. I've seen that explanation too. That's really good. That's a good movie. The admin assistant that worked for us at Cisco was friends
Starting point is 00:59:40 with Troy Duffy. Troy Duffy is the director of Boondock Saints. And it was interesting to hear her take on like the director of Boondock Saints. And it was interesting to hear her take on like what the so Boondock Saints was not like a big produced film. I don't know how to say it. It wasn't expected to be
Starting point is 00:59:56 the hit it was, anything like that. And Troy Duffy doesn't know what the fuck he's doing, but like he had really good filmographers. I think that's the name of the cameraman. And just people who like lit it and created the scene he gave them a lot of latitude on how to do it and the movie is visually striking like it's fantastic and uh he was just like i guess he ran the whole thing but he didn't micro but isn't like it was his predetermined vision that became the film and it hit big and he got like temporarily rich he wasted all of it
Starting point is 01:00:29 and uh you know apparently his like his apartment was this mix of like decadent spending and current poverty and the film was from 1999 and i don don't remember which event stopped him from making Boondock Saints 2 for a long time. It might have been Sandy Hook. I'm not sure. 9-11. Could be. Could be. Columbine was 2000, I think.
Starting point is 01:00:56 Ooh, it might have been Columbine. 1999. But yeah, the nation's appetite for shoot-em-up movies was gone. Yeah. And Boondock Saints 2 was canceled for a while. It eventually came out a decade later. I was looking at a house in Columbine just a couple days ago. Huh.
Starting point is 01:01:13 It's a fun place to live. I looked him up recently. He's made two films his entire life, Boondock Saints and Boondock Saints 2. Boondock Saints 2 is terrible. Not a great film. I think he got a little lucky with how good Boondock Saints was. He just had the right people on staff and it all went well.
Starting point is 01:01:31 Not afterwards. I love that little prayer that they say before they murder somebody. For thee, my lord, for thee. And a river of souls forever. Some sort of Irish prayer chant nonsense. I when they i'm not going to spoil the film but there's that scene at the very end where you know everybody they do it
Starting point is 01:01:52 and it's it's crazy it's a wild film boondock saints 2 is not as good as the first but i think i liked it more than most people did i enjoyed it also yeah it was okay i i liked the first one so much i watched the i just discovered the first one off the rack when i was like 18 19 years old and i was just like blown away by how good it was uh and uh and so i've always been a fan of it i've watched a bunch of times and uh i hope it wins this week because i i've seen tombstone so many times i'd like i've only seen boondock saints probably five or six times what night is it that you watch friday nights friday nights at uh at 9 p.m um we all jump in a big call
Starting point is 01:02:33 and uh and like four different people stream it so that everybody like regardless what region you're in can watch it hmm maybe i'll hang out. Yeah, it's fun. For the most part, everyone's very quiet. Nobody talks during the movie. No one snores? No, nobody falls asleep usually. I'm different now. I have a CPAP machine. I don't just randomly
Starting point is 01:02:59 fall asleep all the time. Not anymore. It's life changing. Call it a show? Yeah. Not anymore. It's life changing. All right. Call it a show? Yeah. I'm hungry. BKN 336.
Starting point is 01:03:09 Me too.

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