Painkiller Already - PKN 347

Episode Date: April 16, 2021


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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right. All right. PKN 347. You can ride into it. Ride into it. I'm watching YouTubers, right? And there's this guy riding his motorcycle. And he's tearing around through the trails and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:00:14 And I'm like, that looks like fun. But it kind of sucks that I don't live in a place that's like that. You know, there are places where there's trails you can tear around and stuff. I live in the city of Raleigh and I've looked online and Googled and shit like that, trying to find like where I would like if I were to do this, how would I make it happen? And YouTubers buzzing around some more and I'm envious he's ripping dank wheelies in the woods or whatever. Dank wheelies in the woods. I'm just saying the things i hear on the internet it was pretty rad kyle tubular anyway i recognize where he was he goes to the top of this uh there's
Starting point is 00:00:53 a landfill that like um they made into a park i'm like that's not normal right they don't see that everywhere yeah and you know there's like picnic tables on the top it's really well manicured with the grass and everything they did a great job and i'm like i know i've hiked up there i thought about like trying to use it as a small mountain to fly off of and as he buzzes around suddenly everything looks familiar ever see a video really close to home and you're like that's just what the grass are like is like around here that is the gradient of the hills and such that you would find in my area. Everything is just registering
Starting point is 00:01:28 like, that is totally where I live. So then he passes a street sign and I figure out the entrance to these trails. I'm on Google Maps. The shit people do to find out where I live, I am doing to find out where this guy goes
Starting point is 00:01:44 trail riding. Not 40 minutes earlier I was like if places were like that around me that's what I would be doing so now I'm on Craigslist and I'm like I clearly need more motorcycles right your current one wouldn't work on that kind of trail right not that kind of trail, right? Not that kind of trail. Like if there's a spectrum where like the Goldwing is the most highway capable and a dirt bike is the most dirt capable, obviously. Mine is like, you know, two steps away from a dirt bike. It kind of goes dirt bike. It's like taking your pickup truck that you have right now off road.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Yeah, it'll do it but it's not there are trucks meant for that that's a pretty i really like that analogy yeah it's four by four can do a little but you know we're looking to just sling some rocks drop it all day long and think it's funny you know so uh uh now a dirt bike dirt bike would be ideal for this but i think what i want is a dual sport which is basically a street legal dirt bike yeah so that i don't have to like trailer it or like i'm 48 years old i shouldn't be running from the cops you know ducking behind houses or whatever so uh so i go on craigslist and i find the appropriate bike. Now, I had looked at these. I didn't just start my research yesterday.
Starting point is 00:03:07 I've been incessantly learning about this kind of thing for weeks now. And I basically knew what I wanted and I find it. And I set up the guy. We're going to do it at 430 today. Nice. Last night is likemas as a child i literally it's a little bit because i i slept from like i i was tired i slept from like 10 you're just dude from midnight i am just looking at the craigslist ad reading it again and again it has a whole list of like upgrades and modifications i like that yeah and
Starting point is 00:03:46 and uh i'm just you know looking at what every mod does i'm watching youtube videos on what it would take if i were to do this mod myself hypothetically how do i install you're like four layers and as you research your decision doing research i love doing that when you're like and as you i take this road and then make these subsequent three decisions what am i well i'm i'm not prepared if that happens i've done the same thing and as you're like, if I take this road and then make these subsequent three decisions, what am I? Well, I'm not prepared if that happens. I've done the same thing. And as you're like looking at each mod on it, you're like, oh, what a deal I'm getting. This would have cost $400 alone.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Motorcycles tend to hold their value too well, in my opinion. They buy something for eight grand. They run it for three years. And now they're selling it for seven. I'm like, what? It seems like with cars, they lose 20% of their value the next day. Sure. But these motorcycles four years later are selling for just shy of new.
Starting point is 00:04:33 However, upgrades, modifications, new exhausts, carbs and such. That is just money out the window. You know, it does not hold its value at all. So this guy does all these mods that I would want anyway. And I am just fixated on this motorcycle. Like it is the answer key. Everything about it is what I would have wanted anyway. And all day long, I'm like exhausted.
Starting point is 00:04:56 I couldn't believe the sun came up. I'm like, I literally spent all night just like just obsessing over this motorcycle. Are you laying in bed most of the time yes are you like yeah oh i went to the guest room so as not to bother jackie and just was on the internet surfing the web about this motorcycle and motorcycle second guessing it but always landing on i want it i want it i want yeah so uh the guy and i are going to meet at 4 30 bank closes at 5 and uh in north carolina you have to have the title notarized. So, you know, you go to a bank, you get a certified check, you get the title notarized.
Starting point is 00:05:31 That's how you buy a car or motorcycle. And I'm writing him. I'm like executive planning it out. Executive planning is a term for like, you know, if you need to get somewhere at noon, then you would know. Oh, I have to be in the shower by 9.30. I have to be in the car by this time. You work it out backwards. So I'm doing that.
Starting point is 00:05:51 And I'm worried he's not doing the same. You know, he's like, yeah, I have meetings till 430. So I'll meet you then. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Are you teleporting there? How are you managing this? And I'm writing him like, all right, the bank's closed at five. So, you know, it gives me enough time i guess to whatever i just want to ride it make sure it shifts through all the gears run sounds normal and then buy it and uh but you know
Starting point is 00:06:16 there's not a lot of time to spare there's only half an hour before the bank closes yeah yeah so uh anyway the place he chooses to meet is about 40 minutes away. So I have to spend all this time, not just driving, but like going into the stable and getting the loading ramps and this like front wheel chalk thing to put a motorcycle in the truck. So a good like hour and 20 minutes. I'm dressing in protective motorcycle jeans and shit like that. Getting all ready at 430, he texts me and says, Ah, sorry, Woody. I had a work meeting.
Starting point is 00:06:50 I can't make it. And I'm like, I'm here. I'm here. I'm here. I'm like, I drove a long way for this. And he was like, yeah, I don't know what to tell you. I'm so busy. My boss, he pulled me into this thing.
Starting point is 00:07:03 He seems to be proud of being overworked and i'm like in my head i'm like you fucking idiot yeah you could have texted me at two one like hey yeah this isn't gonna work out today let's reschedule so you don't piss away a bunch of time yeah there's that it's inconsiderate too i'm not at all impressed you're over he said that he was so slammed all day long he couldn't text me until now. He only had two minutes between meetings. Oh, suck a dick. Suck a dick. You didn't have time to send a text all day? Multitasked, asshole.
Starting point is 00:07:34 Right? You know, so... He didn't eat lunch. I'm very upset and very disappointed and emotionally nine years old. And... So... I didn't say or do anything regretful but i was like all right if we're gonna meet again you're gonna have to come by me next you know tomorrow or something and he said that he was busy didn't think he could make it tomorrow
Starting point is 00:07:57 either and it's like well i'm just taking my ball and going home i'm on the internet looking for new motorcycles asshole yeah fuck you. Yeah. What's his name and number? What's his name and number? Yeah. This is the part where I'm like, yeah, fucking Mark. I mean, I called you at 706-372-9292, and you didn't answer. That's the number I wanted to see popping up on my phone from you, Mark.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Mark Jacobs. Mark Jacobs, maker of the famous purses or whatever. I hear you. Yeah, I didn't want to totally burn the relationship because after opening the door again and trying to clear my mind and say, what is the perfect bike? Is this it? Can I do even better? Because I've been looking for bikes like this over the last couple of weeks, and they come here and there. This isn't the only
Starting point is 00:08:52 unicorn that will ever exist that will make me happy. If I could find another one I liked as much, I'd get it from someone else. I'm upset with him. Yeah, what a fucking asshole yeah right very rude very rude but also like you're you're right in thinking like don't get emotional if i cut ties and restart this it's going to be longer in the long run than just dealing with this asshole
Starting point is 00:09:17 and getting the bike i want and getting oh at this point i'm having him meet me somewhere very far away and be like, you know what? I'll give you $7,000 for it if you just drive to this place. And then when he gets there, oh, was that today? Yeah. Oh, you wouldn't believe it. I was slammed with, I've been watching these YouTube videos, and I'm just slammed with watching them, you know? And then nap time came around. Wouldn't you know it uh
Starting point is 00:09:46 this tuesday tuesdays i only carry five thousand dollars if i find a bike i like more i am not too petty to be like you know what meet me at the wells fargo by my house and uh and then not show just be like all right i i meant to text you i've been busy all day i got a motorcycle from someone else petty is my middle name okay like i'm all about that i love that i love that so much you already have the bike and you're just like you drive by him in the parking lot loser like popping a wheelie yeah so you like stocks that's what rules uh but yeah asshole yeah he was a heads up text like a couple hours
Starting point is 00:10:39 a couple hours you could have saved me the drive all that stuff i've never been so busy that i couldn't send a text. Right? Yeah. Like it doesn't happen. Unless you are like an actual heart surgeon or something like that and your hands are sterilized and inside of another person. That is literally – or like you're a race car driver. You know?
Starting point is 00:11:00 Like these are the situations. Like even an airline pilot can get out a text. It's no, no, we're on. It's called autopilot for a reason, guys. Of course I can send my wife a text message.
Starting point is 00:11:12 No phones don't affect the air. I'm the pilot. You believe that moron selling a little more than six grand. Right. And he's, I can't explain it very well, but he just seems so proud to be so busy at work. My boss, he pulled me into this meeting. I have to do it, et cetera.
Starting point is 00:11:29 And I'm like, we're not friends. You're not blowing off a bar date or something so that you can work, which might be in some fucked up way, a little honorable, you know, like, I don't know, career driven. It's probably a waste. Your boss doesn't give that much. He doesn't care that much about you. He owns your life
Starting point is 00:11:46 and you probably work for $15 an hour. But are you going to make more than $6,000 in this meeting? If you're not making more than $6,000 in this meeting, stop acting like you're out there moving and shaking. You're just making bad choices. So, fuck it. Unless he gets fired for leaving the meeting for six grand. That would be a bad move.
Starting point is 00:12:05 It seems highly unlikely. Like, unless you're already on the edge with your boss. Like, I feel like you'd be like, hey, boss, I'm leaving for the afternoon. I can't really go into it. Sorry. And walk out. And you'll be fine. Like, what are you doing where that's not a possibility?
Starting point is 00:12:20 If the boss had him with the surprise meeting, he could have said, oh, man, I wish I could. But I already have a meeting. He could have told the truth. I am meeting with a guy to sell a motorcycle. It's worth thousands to me, and I have to go there. The boss probably would have understood, but – Yeah. I mean, all he's got to do is –
Starting point is 00:12:37 And he chose the time and the date and location. He chose all of that. You have to be able to make it. The real thing is the text message, man. I can't get over the end. Look, I hate that too it it's essentially people telling you that you weren't important enough to them to even consider the idea of messaging you like he forgot about you he forgot about the whole thing like like like he wasn't a priority for him in the slightest. And I've been, I've done this before.
Starting point is 00:13:05 And, and to you, it's like, this was everything. This was my, this was my full concentration. This is all I've been caring about. I've been up all night.
Starting point is 00:13:14 Like, like, like this is all I care about right now. And, and, and to you, like, this is a 10 out of 10 on my priority scale.
Starting point is 00:13:21 And to you, it's clearly like a one out of 10. If that, this is just like, I remember like ordering paintball guns and paintball supplies off the internet in like middle school and this is this is like before youtube was a thing like it was older internet and delivery was terrible and it was just a shot in the dark and it'd be like oh i bought this new barrel for my titman a5 or whatever it was. And it's like, this will arrive whenever. Fuck you.
Starting point is 00:13:48 And that's what it was. And it'd be like every day for like, it's like, oh, estimated delivery four weeks. And then like four weeks comes by and every day you get home from school and you're like, today's the day. Today's the day. And it's like, it just never came.
Starting point is 00:13:58 It was the worst. I have that exact same. I had my magic cards too when I would order and be like, I'd be like, I was like 16 at the time for this but i'd like be driving home from school like oh boy i can't wait to get all my magic cards and then you know uh fucking magic card depot whatever it was in 2005 2006 just you know there was no competition and so it was like oh yeah you're gonna pay an arm and a leg for shipping these
Starting point is 00:14:18 little pieces of cardboard paper and you're gonna you're gonna be happy they arrive at all idiot like that's how it was so yeah that that's not even nearly as frustrating as a seven thousand dollar six but yeah six thousand dollar motorcycle well anyway that's how my day went yeah well that sucks sorry to hear that someone whose day is going really well i just saw ludwig beat Ninja's all-time sub record. Wow. And so he is at 274,029 subs, which is just a tremendous sum of money.
Starting point is 00:14:58 I need Tucker to recalculate how much he said he was going to make. Right? Because Tucker was like, he phrased it kind of funny. He's like, he's only going to make like 50 grand this month, which is hardly worth the time. And it's like, I don't know. I'll give you a lot of time for 50 grand. Yeah. All the time you need. Some people give 2000 hours a year for that. So if he's going to make that this month, it seems pretty good. Yeah. And it's like, well, first of all i trust tucker way more than my intuition when it comes to twitch stuff because he knows obviously but like yeah that surprised me i would have
Starting point is 00:15:30 imagined to be way higher than that uh the amount that he'll take home afterward so what you normally get 250 but let's assume he gets three dollars right because he's like he has to be the best level of partner um so that's like three quarters of a million right there yeah we haven't talked about donations yet and i mean three quarters of a million i get that he's paying his mods a thousand bucks a day that's 30 so now he's down to 720 000 profit what is the other expenses that he's even if there's 10 mods and it's 300 000 or something like that that he's spending on him where's the other half million dollars going right like like are we factoring in taxes as well all right so where's the other quarter of a million dollars
Starting point is 00:16:17 going like yeah does he have a serious cocaine problem we don't know about? Okay, where's the other $200,000 going? I'm with you. I didn't know how we got down to 50. We haven't calculated the long tail, right? Kyle, you know, if you have a super viral YouTube video, that video makes X amount of dollars. But then the related videos make this much more. And next video makes more than it would have without that viral. Like it,
Starting point is 00:16:49 that's what his whole ecosystem is growing. He's doing great. And, and each, uh, each video is like adding another fucking arcade machine to your, uh, to your,
Starting point is 00:16:58 to your arcade. You know, it's like, yeah, I mean the ping pong, the, you know, the,
Starting point is 00:17:03 the, the fucking, what's that thing where you roll the roller rollerball thing makes $500 today, but it's going to make $400 tomorrow. And so many people are coming to play rollerball that like 25% of them are going to go over there and play fucking Donkey Kong. And then 10% of those people are going to go over there and play Pac-Man. And it's just, so every time we add a new like rollerball game or whatever the fuck, there's this like scatter effect of money that just happens. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:28 He's doing fantastic. And it's awesome. It appears that there's no one in the world who doesn't just think he's great. Oh, yeah. He's a likable guy. Yeah, that's nice. Good for fucking him, man. That's so much like that's like a set for life level of like stream security i'll
Starting point is 00:17:48 say like you were saying the front rolling thing like tucker was like ah he'll probably drop down to like 40 000 subs and it's like oh no oh oh how's he gonna get by with 40 000 subs on twitch and i bet it's higher than that. Because his popularity is clearly so high. He's gained over a million followers in the last month doing this. And a lot of those guys are going to stick around. The sub thing, it's so many subs. I wonder, if he dropped down to 40,000 subs, how will he feel about that? Will it feel good or bad to him, right?
Starting point is 00:18:21 I'm pretty happy with my level of wealth. It's fine i'm happy if oprah woke up with my level of wealth tomorrow she'd jump out of a window tomorrow she'd be like what the hell i'm a loser i used to be oprah now i'm woody this yeah meanwhile i wake up with woody's wealth i'm like i'm on amazon buying top hats canes monocles Meanwhile, I wake up with Woody's Wealth. I'm like, I'm on Amazon buying top hats. Canes, monocles. It's just crazy that the sub 274,000 subs.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Like when I get over 2,000, I'm like, banging on all cylinders, killing it. And he's just like, you know, know thousands an hour for months for a month on end do you still get the lowest donations are like yeah like like is it one of those channels like i mean i used to i don't watch a lot of twitch but like like during twitch events maybe i'd watch like somebody like pastilli or maybe when like a new game is out or when shroud is doing something very interesting i'll watch him and it just seems like every hour there's hundreds of dollars rolling in. A bad hour, there's like 20 or 30 extra dollars rolling in. And this guy's streaming 24 hours a day.
Starting point is 00:19:34 That's the whole gimmick. I would just imagine that he's averaging, let's just say $25 in donations an hour. Is that too high? That would be low. $25 an hour? It has, right. Is that, is that too high? That would be low. 25 an hour. It has to be super duper low. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:48 Okay. But it's still $500 a day, you know, for every day, you know, that, that I've just, I've just extra in, you know, it's, it's just an enormous. I would be surprised if it was only 500 an hour. Okay. Good God. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:03 Since we started. okay good god okay yeah since we're telling me we're talking about ten thousand dollars a day every day of extra money an extra three hundred thousand we're talking a million dollars a month i don't know how tucker gets the 50 000 like he wouldn't if he had five agents and each got 20 then yeah all right ask tucker how he calculated that because tucker's not not tucker's no fool i'm trying to say yeah he knows exactly how twitch works and everything i will say i bet the donation is way lower than we would guess because the whole like because the team is all sub yeah that's why i said 25 like that might be closer to accurate than we might guess because i've been watching just passively his stream to see how it is
Starting point is 00:20:43 first of all in the how long ago did we start pkn 20 minutes right yes 20 minutes 20 minutes he's gotten 110 subs in the last 20 minutes yeah so his whole thing being subs is gonna make it more sub heavy uh a guy like landmark man so like pretty much the primary way to get Landmark's attention is to sub and do the text-to-speech. I said sub. I meant to say donate and do text-to-speech. And Landmark's gift, superpower, that's what I'm looking for. Landmark's superpower is he somehow, like, everyone dances around him trying to be interesting while he passes judgment and everyone likes it it's this like you know they'll try to convince him that
Starting point is 00:21:33 water is not wet or that water is wet i'm not sure which just to the tune of like a thousand dollars an hour just your five bucks at a time one rolling after the other all queued up and uh what i'm getting at is landmarks stream is all about the donations and subs don't give you much this guy's is all about the sub so maybe he's donation light yeah that's it does seem like the way you you kind of structure your your channel like i was just looking at Wing's channel. He has that little widget at the bottom. I only have the thing that says sub count, sub goal. He's got the total subs and then just total money donated that stream so far. Because his focus is way more on just the money donation,
Starting point is 00:22:20 his percentage is... He's getting way more direct dono money, I would assume. I'm pretty much sure, than his sub because he's at like looks like the end of his most recent stream today. He was at 764 subs. But in that one stream, $314 donated in two hours and eight minutes. So maybe splitting the difference or encouraging the donations is the smarter move i don't know because i know wings has done it that way for a while so well he would know i did pretty well in donations because i had text-to-speech on
Starting point is 00:22:56 the problem with text-to-speech is it becomes an attack vector like it's very easy to just not answer the questions that you'd rather not answer you'd rather not be a stream topic right but oh my god some guests that they've asked about a hundred times already will just be like every fucking text to speech is going to be about that guy so you might find it i mean i don't know i don't even think i'm super weak in this regard anymore i was but you just might find it more emotionally draining if you put a text to speech because it's an attack vector. Yeah, I can see it being like the attack vector doesn't concern me as much
Starting point is 00:23:34 as much as like if I enabled that, like people trying to fuck with me and like fuck with my channel, I guess I'll say, where it's like they would try and say something that would reflect badly and then be like, oh, look, look at this, you know, Twitch, get a load of this. And it's like, would try and say something that would reflect badly and then be like oh look look at this you know twitch get a load of this and it's like i don't i don't want to deal with that i'd rather have more control so that the people who slip those donations through because every so often like someone donates and there's a question it's like oh thank god i don't have text to speech-speech enabled. Like, what if I was, God forbid, like in the middle of thinking about a magic combo
Starting point is 00:24:07 and then just some like racist three-minute rant starts up in text-to-speech with a robot voice like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, shut it down. If it's that obvious, it'd probably get caught and filtered. But it's usually things that, I don't know, you don't want to talk about for the 10th time in the, one, it can direct what your stream is doing.
Starting point is 00:24:30 Look, this is about cooking. We're doing a cooking stream. All you want to do is book guests. All you want to do is talk about wings drama or something. I'm not here for that. It's totally understandable. Like you said, I said attack factor,
Starting point is 00:24:44 but that's not the only attack factor. The other one is one that you mentioned. I feel you. It's totally understandable. And then like you said, I said attack vector, but that's not the only attack vector. The other one is one that you mentioned. Well, they're kind of attacking my career as a streamer. Yeah, they're trying to mess with my ability to pay my mortgage. I don't like that. That's not very cool of you. I wouldn't come to your job and do that.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Right? I wonder if they think about it through those terms. I doubt it. But they think it's just funny. I'm sure there's lots lots i'm sure most people just think ah it's funny right whereas like the person trying to get taylor canceled off of twitch but i like taylor i just think it's funny and it's like wait if you like me don't do that at all yeah and that's why like like i i bring that band down so quick on people if they're like i'm gonna say x i'm gonna say blah blah blah and it's like no you're not no no i'm not gonna play a little now you want me to have to look at your name and like like track whether or not you're gonna say something in different ways to try and sneak it past my filter
Starting point is 00:25:43 no no that's not fair because now what you're doing is like taking all the attention I should be given to people who are asking good faith questions and bringing up fun topics and devoting half my brain to like, look out for that username so I don't get in trouble. So now just somewhere out there, you out for 60,000 seconds, however long that is. And you can think about it. There's some guy out there whose name is actually Nick Gers, and he has such a hard time interacting with Twitch chats anywhere. He's just such a huge Call of Duty fan.
Starting point is 00:26:12 It's his whole life. And he just loves all these streamers. It's all he wants to do is just be a part of the community, and he's always trying to donate. But he just gets insta-banned every time, And he's never around long enough to figure out why. And he just gets banned from three channels a night. And then goes and polishes his Smith & Wesson. Like, it's the night, the night. It's the night, the night.
Starting point is 00:26:36 All I asked was, how are you so good? I asked the most kind-hearted question I could. And gave him ten fucking dollars. And he banned me. Why is everybody so mean to the he banned me why is everybody so mean to the old nick it's like the gers family is cursed all you would have to do just make your the first name nicholas problem solved problem solved and then you don't have that silly mean nicholai gers so many like anytime i get a weird spelled name now like i'll read it in my and problem solved. And then you don't have that silly mean name.
Starting point is 00:27:08 Anytime I get a weird spelled name now, I'll read it in my head a couple times like, were you fooling me? Are you going to get me? I'll read it out loud and then go oops. Uh oh. The letters looked okay, but then I said it phonetically and realized the error of my ways. They got me with Nick Gurr.
Starting point is 00:27:24 I fell for that. Sometimes and realize the error of my ways. They got me with Nick Gurr. I fell for that. Sometimes, like, it's hard not to go boomer without actually going boomer. Like, I am old. Sometimes I fall for boomer shit, and they got me with that one. There's a lot going on at the same time. I'm playing a game.
Starting point is 00:27:42 It's Tarkov. It requires a lot of your attention. I'm reading chat. Text to speech is rolling in. And then, you know, Nick Gertz, like, it was his birthday. I didn't want to let that go uncelebrated. The man's
Starting point is 00:27:54 69 years old. Can you believe it? 69 years old. Wow, must be my oldest viewer. Born on April 20th yeah 420 yeah Twitch is fun overall though I'm having a good time with it
Starting point is 00:28:12 I like it a lot I want to get better at Total War but nobody really wants to play Total War that's fallen by the wayside a bit I think everybody's kind of just biding their time until Vermintide, Red Tide, or Dark Tide.
Starting point is 00:28:30 Yeah, those are completely different games. They're just in the same universe, although Warhammer 3 is coming out in the fall too. Obviously, it's the sequel to Warhammer 2, RTS. I'm down for that. Yeah, I'll play with you sometime if you want to. I haven't played lately, but I still like – I watch Turin every day. Like I already watch today's upload.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Like as soon as I woke up, I turned on my TV and I was like, ooh, Empire versus the Dwarves. That's a tough matchup, Turin. How are you going to handle it? And, you know, I had to watch. I love those movies. Who is he playing as? The Empire?
Starting point is 00:29:02 He is playing as Empire. It's a very, very difficult matchup. He does Empire a lot, doesn't he? It's one of his mains. He mixes it up. He's got probably four factions he's pretty decent with. So Empire is not well suited to take on Dwarves, but Turin is a master, so let's watch.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Is that what I just heard? Yeah, yeah, essentially. He did lose in the end because he's not just playing against randoms. One of the things they've done is, I think Inticity, who's one of the YouTubers who streams it a lot and plays it a lot, high level player. He's got a Discord where he created a bot that matches players up with other players of similar skill. to do like best of threes or best of five little mini games um within the warhammer um you know presets so that you've got uh you know some some rules in place so that you can't just cheese people and be be shitty and that sort of thing because because it's it's such a multi-faceted
Starting point is 00:29:59 game there's so much going on you really can be like a scumbag if you want you can go hide in a corner with invisible units and just hide people like like you don't have to engage all the time like that's one of the rules is like you always have to be engaging you can't just you have to be attacking and with at least one unit all the time you can't just run so i couldn't break my awesome army of nothing but chameleon skinks no no you couldn't do that that wouldn't go along with uh tournament rules uh i think for one thing i think the main rule that breaks is uh too many of one type of unit oh they have a rule for that yeah i feel like that would negatively hurt factions like the the vampires or the tomb kings or any of those factions where it's like sometimes you do need for
Starting point is 00:30:42 certain strategies just like a huge wall of cheap nonsense up front they have but they have so much different cheap nonsense it's like all right i'll bring like five skeleton warriors and five spearmen and you're good you know you can you can do it within the rule set there's a single entity rule so you can't just bring like all dragons you know or you know you can't just bring all like, um, like, uh, like captain type characters, hero type characters. Like, like there's, there's limits to various things that, that make the game more balanced and more fun to play in a tournament style setting. Um, so yeah, that's what I've ever thought about throwing your hat in the ring and being like, you want to get me involved in this next tournament? Oh, I can get in it pretty easy.
Starting point is 00:31:25 A lot of them are open anyway. You can just apply to get in. You don't need any qualifications. And then he's got some tournaments that are like, you have to win a smaller tournament to get into the bigger tournament and stuff like that. I just don't play enough. And maybe I'm not even good enough.
Starting point is 00:31:41 I'm not great with my control groups. And the game is so multifaceted and so difficult at the highest levels that that's not me. I'm more even good enough. I'm not great with my control groups. And, the game is so multifaceted and so difficult at like the highest levels that like, that's not me. I'm more of a fan. Um, I do enjoy the game a lot though. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:53 It's a ton of fun. I'm looking forward to that. And the dark tide, especially just the, the group play potential for dark time. Yeah. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Like, like I, I strongly recommend that you guys watch some of that luton guys uh warhammer 40k videos he's got some that are 10 to 30 minutes long and then he's got like big series of videos that are like an hour and a half each if like you really get like into it where he's just reading lore and like and with like uh images on the screen and he's telling you these long form stories about like the defense of this like planet against this new alien horde. You know, it's like, and then they did this and they sent in the fifth legion of blood angels and they were, and you've got to keep in mind the fifth legion. They, some of these guys are original Astartes.
Starting point is 00:32:44 They are thousands of years old. They have the blood of the emperor. And it's just like, after a while, I like that stuff. But like I was saying the other day, some of it sounds like it really is like an audio book. And he's telling you a story with images on the screen that illustrate that story. And the universe is incredibly depressing though like like just one of the broad stroke things because we're we're like 40 000 years in the future and like mankind peaked 30 000 years into its existence so we're in like the dark ages
Starting point is 00:33:20 um for mankind like like no one even knows how all the technology works anymore. Did mankind invent it? Invention is over. It's outlawed and illegal to invent new technology. To say you'll be executed is kind. They will do horrific, horrific things to you.
Starting point is 00:33:40 Things that are just so evil. I don't even like speaking the tortures that they inflict on these people. No one knows how the tech works anymore. So someone invented it back in the day. Oh, yeah. Mankind? Yes.
Starting point is 00:33:55 Oh, okay. Okay. That feels good. And there was this big war between like the – they essentially had like a Terminator type situation where the ai became too powerful and there was this big war so now ai is outlawed so their new so what they do instead of artificial intelligence is they like integrate a human being with a computer and and he's just
Starting point is 00:34:18 like this slave mind now just like living like a like a living terry shiva with a fucking dell computer and their fucking cerebral cortex and they're just like slaves to whatever like it's like it's like your your function is to spread butter oh no it's like stuff like that it's it's real it's real dark and depressing but it's it's um it's kind of like everyone now is like shade tree mechanics when it comes to like the most intelligent like mechanists that exist. The people who like build the things, the tanks, the armored vehicles and stuff. They're like shade tree mechanics now. Like, yeah, I know I put a new carburetor on. And yeah, we've got all these carburetors.
Starting point is 00:35:03 They last forever. Could you make a carburetor? No one can make a carburetor on and and yeah we've got all these carburetors they last forever could you make a carburetor no one can make a carburetor what are you talking about make a carburetor could you build a car from scratch of course not where do you come up with disc brakes like what even are disc brakes does anyone know like where does brake fluid come from we've just got a big tank of it over there i I don't know. It's running low. Yeah, yeah. There's no one who actually knows how to create new of anything. They're just modifying and
Starting point is 00:35:33 using technology that's 10,000 years old at this point. And one of the big drives of humanity is to go out and find the scraps of old tech from 10,000 years ago that are scattered across worlds and hidden all over the galaxy. It's just so dark and depressing.
Starting point is 00:35:53 It's so dark and depressing. I get sad listening to the videos sometimes. It's like when you watch a horror movie as a kid and you've got to switch over to Dumbo or something before you can sleep. Yeah, you need to rinse it out a little bit. Yeah, rinse your mind you got to you need a little eye bleach after a couple hours of these videos i was watching this uh the horror movie recently like that and it's rare that like i just turn a horror movie off but like it was some some basic archetype bullshit horror movie that i was paying half attention to where it's like,
Starting point is 00:36:25 Oh, all this family, this mom and her two kids go in the woods in this cabin and then spooky people in masks show up, you know, for the millionth time they do that and they start harassing them. And like, I, it got to the point where like the mom accidentally hits her own son in the head with a bat and,
Starting point is 00:36:43 and he's just, cause he was sneaking out and he comes back in. She's like, Oh a bat and and he's just because he was sneaking out and he comes back in she's like oh my god and he's like dying and then like the people with like the hammers and the spooky clown masks they just it's like a 20 minute scene where they just tie up the kids and then just like hold the mom's head towards the kids while they keep hitting him an unrealistic amount of times with a hammer and he's just then turns the head of the daughter and i'm just like i i don't i don't like this this is there's no way that there's gonna be some at the end where it's like oh the mom fucking accused the killer's dad of rape false it's just there's not gonna be
Starting point is 00:37:21 anything it's just gonna be like fade to black and it's like you know what there's no there's no return on investment here if there's no like funny people yeah exactly and so like i just turned that one off like there has to be something to it it can't just be the over the top you want a good horror movie recommendation definitely i always so so i got this from uh red letter media they were watching some horror movie and they were like shitting on it and and they were like if you want to watch a good horror movie, watch the black coats daughter. And, uh, and so I Googled black coats daughter and it's on Netflix and I'm like, all right, let's check this out. And, uh, I won't spoil anything, but the basic premise is it's like some sort of a holiday weekend and it's winter time. So I'm guessing Thanksgiving or Christmas, New Year's maybe at like a girl's boarding school.
Starting point is 00:38:08 And two of the girls have issues such that their families won't be able to come pick them up in time. So everybody else has gone. So it's just these two young, pretty girls. One's a freshman. And I think maybe one's a senior, um, stuck at the boarding school and there's two nuns there. So they're not like all by themselves, but they are kind of all,
Starting point is 00:38:30 you know, alone. There's, they're not, they're not, they have meals with the nuns. They, they see them like a little bit every day. They're not like hand in hand. So there's plenty of time for like creepy stuff to happen at night and for really weird shit to go on. And it does. And it's a little confusing about midway through. There's a little bit of jumping back and forth, not only through time, but from various perspectives. So like you'll see an event through the eyes, not necessarily through the eyes, but from the perspective of one character.
Starting point is 00:39:08 And then later on, you'll go back and you'll be like, this is what it looked like to the other character. And you're like, Oh no. Oh no. I thought that was a weird. Oh no.
Starting point is 00:39:20 Um, it didn't like, it didn't terrify me or anything, but I found it to be very unsettling and like psychological terror um like like creepy very creepy and uh and if nothing else like um very tense and i was interested in like the mystery of what is happening like like is this real is this really happening or is this person imagining this? Is it one of the, was that like an air conditioning vent that made that noise last night?
Starting point is 00:39:49 Or was that the fucking devil? Like, you don't know, you know? And people will say things. They'll be like, oh yeah. Oh yeah. They worship. Like the older girl is trying to scare the younger girl. And she'll tell her like real fucked up.
Starting point is 00:40:01 She's like, yeah, you know, the nuns, they worship the devil. Someone caught them worshiping the devil. the little girl's like who told you that but but but you're like she's just messing with her she's messing with her those nuns don't worship the devil that's that's too over the top and uh but but yeah i i i don't get um it's uh i thought it was pretty damn good. Like, you know, it's not going in the Hall of Fame or anything. It's not a gold tier movie. But as far as horror movies go, pretty damn good.
Starting point is 00:40:35 I don't need a ton out of a horror movie. Like, I just, you know, it needs to have something there. It can't be like, like Saw I, great example of a series that showed the whole gamut like saw one really good movie it's not overly dependent on the gore or anything it just adds it in to like spice it up and make it scarier but the overwhelming thing is the mystery and the tense you know atmosphere that saw delivers like it's great the little even like the the best scenes in that movie aren't the violent parts the best scenes in the movie are like when they're talking together trying to figure it out or like the reveal when you know
Starting point is 00:41:07 jigsaw gets up or whatever then you get to like saw three saw four uh probably saw four through 10 or 11 or whatever they're on now it's like the jigsaw has been dead for 15 years and he's got a series of cassette tapes and eight tracks that you have to plug into machines and he'll be and he's talking to people who at the time that he recorded it must have been children. That ties into my frustration with horror movies. I like a good horror movie. I just find them more
Starting point is 00:41:34 rare than gold. There are so many bad horror movies that just completely overwhelm the good ones. I don't know. If I said, Hey, you want to drive 95% chance, this is going to end poorly. You'd be like, no, no. Can't we just watch a rom-com like this fucking sucks. So here's some of my favorite horror movies. So if you
Starting point is 00:41:58 haven't seen any of these, they're worth checking out. So obviously the shining, um, uh, is, is, is my all time favorite horror movie. I like Cabin in the Woods. It's sort of like a dissection of the horror movie genre. A little meta. That's the tongue-in-cheek. Very meta. Yeah, very tongue-in-cheek, very fun. If you like horror movies and you haven't seen it,
Starting point is 00:42:19 you've got to watch it to like, oh yeah, this is a horror movie about horror movies, essentially. Oh, this is the one where they'll say, we can't split up. What are you, stupid? The jock is there. Have you seen it? Scream is very similar in that. It's very meta.
Starting point is 00:42:36 It's meta, but a little more comedy tilted than Cabin. There's a few yucks in there, yeah. I really like The conjuring um i think some people don't like it nearly as much as i do but i found it very good i liked it a lot whenever you've got good actors in a horror movie it's like holy shit these people actually know how to act they're not like student actors who like this is their first thing they've ever done
Starting point is 00:43:00 because that's often the case with horror conjuring and the conjuring something kyle appreciates more than an average viewer right it doesn't make him right or wrong yeah he places a large premium on how good the acting is whereas you know i can get by with so-so acting if the story or something else overcomes it you know what's super good that i'm just totally invincible on amazon prime have you guys watched this no harley recommended it um dude i wrote it down i forgot how i why i even wrote it down or anything but i write down sometimes topics and stuff or suggestions and uh it's just sitting there looking at me and the other night i was like you know what i'm gonna i don't know why how
Starting point is 00:43:42 where this came to my attention but it did so i'm gonna watch it it is eight episodes but they are five deep it's released week by week it's animated superhero thing and you hear that and you're like oh sure like justice league from the 80s right it's gonna suck no this is aimed at adults there are warning labels all the fuck over it, right? I think one of the main characters, you see her camel toe and she's... And it is this teenager whose father is the most powerful of all the superheroes. And I guess getting your superpowers is a little bit like entering puberty. And he enters that and now he's dealing with sort of navigating his world as an incompetent new superhero trying to help
Starting point is 00:44:30 people and such and not everything is as it seems and it's tricky and there are some I don't know the plot lines are good enough to capture adults it's not for kids so I like it I really like the thing that's one of my favorites can i just real quick
Starting point is 00:44:46 for as a for example there's this other teenaged superhero and a female and her power is splitting into um like five or six or whatever and at one point like he comes out of the shower wearing just a towel and then she does and they're like oh really now and then she does again and again and again and you realize they had a whole orgy with just a bunch of hers duplicate and this dude and you're like oh actually that's cool i think i like that it's good i like that yeah yeah you had the opposite um with uh the movie um the thing the the what's the um oh you're thinking of watchman watchman yeah i am yeah yeah we're like like the the blue dr manhattan is like fucking his girlfriend but he's also in the other room like i don't know
Starting point is 00:45:43 solving world peace or some shit like some sort of ridiculousness like like figuring out nuclear fusion at like his laptop and she's like the fuck how much how much of your attention is being spent on fucking me he's like i don't know a quarter of a quarter of a percent or something like that you know it doesn't take a lot to get you off frankly i am a god that's pretty funny it's how it goes too yeah uh on the horror movie thing so yeah totally agree about the thing that's probably if that's not my favorite movie of all time it's up there uh even beyond just horror so this is like a like kind of crappy movie like by ratings and everything but it's available for free on like netflix i saw it like when it came out like 10 years ago niles it's uh frazier no no it's uh it's not okay i thought i saw it i had pierce
Starting point is 00:46:33 is his name but he looks like the guy at frazier but basically like yeah the one sentence thing where an on-the-run convict looks for temporary recover finds it at the house of a very colorful character and so it's one of those like building like uncomfortable it's not a horror although there is some scary like just unsettling unsettling is what it is because uh and this guy david hyde pierce you know i guess is an actually known actor does a great job playing this fucking kook in this and it's like the way that you're oscillating like orb of like empathy goes from like you know where like sometimes like the original bad guy in a movie like you're like
Starting point is 00:47:13 this guy's a piece of shit I fucking hate him and then like halfway through you're like just give him a break man just give him a break so this is a good one really unsettling and weird but I like unsettling and weird movies have you seen gerald's game yeah i read the book too uh yeah i'm aware of the premise and i didn't want to see it like like um but but but seems interesting i bet it's good something about
Starting point is 00:47:38 like her just stuck to that bed the whole time and the degloving i think that happens at the end like i'm gonna i don't need to spoil it. I'm going to spoil it for a second. I guess she had a bad husband and she's with her second husband now. And you meet him and he is just the most wonderful, perfect guy in every way. It's the opposite of what Taylor said. By the end of it, you're like, he was kind of a dick after all. These were figurative velvet handcuffs he had her in. A kind of life of comfort that she didn't enjoy or like.
Starting point is 00:48:13 She didn't love him, but she felt trapped because anything would be a downgrade. And he believed that a woman was just a life support system for a vagina. That was like a joke he told. just a life support system for vagina that was like a joke he told and and like there was he just was kind of an asshole but she was trapped in a manipulative way and it was like wow this wonderful dude is kind of not wonderful hmm yeah it's it's all right I mean the the movies okay nothing to write home about I I was unimpressed by it. The good Stephen King-based book, or movie rather, that came out was 1912?
Starting point is 00:48:52 1914? What was it? 19, 19, 1921? 19-something. And it was about that farmer on the rural plantation area with his family. He's got the wife. I really liked that one. I liked it too. It was a nice slow burn. I enjoyed the's got the wife. I really liked that one. I thought that was a nice slow burn.
Starting point is 00:49:06 I enjoyed the pacing of that. I'm alone on that one. I'm like, what is this about even? What is it? You go somewhere and you're in trouble? How did all these people bring hardship upon themselves? You know, another... Punishments never fit the crime.
Starting point is 00:49:21 They did nothing wrong, but now they have to die by by mosquito bite or something. Made in 2017, by the way. Yeah, I like it too. I like that actor, the main guy. Is that the result, kind of losing it? He's got that country accent. I think he's going for Missouri, but I don't know for sure.
Starting point is 00:49:46 She's trying to take my farm. Is that where it was based in Missouri? I don't know where it was based. There is corn, so maybe like Kansas or something like that. Anywhere in the Midwest. Sure. Nebraska, perfect. Perfect, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:02 I like Sinister as well. I like Ethan Hawk more than most people. Vincent D'Onof Yeah. I like sinister as well. Uh, I like Ethan. I like Ethan Hawk more than most people. Vincent not D'Onofrio. Someone paid him $500 when he really needed it to make his quick cameo in it. Uh, he's like Skyping with Ethan Hawk. Like, like that's his whole part in the movie.
Starting point is 00:50:18 Uh, and, uh, it, it gets diminished. I, I watched someone's review of it recently and they were like, it's a 10 out of 10 horror movie up until they reveal the bad guy and then it's like oh it's that
Starting point is 00:50:32 oh okay well now it's like a 6 out of 10 but still it's it's it's quite good it's uh it's the movie where he's a horror writer or like a true crime writer that's what he is and so his gimmick is to move his entire family into the home where the the like this this murder went down they move into murder house to like and he's writing about the murder and in the attic he discovers all these old like i guess it's eight millimeter film it's the schools of film, like Clark Griswold style. You put on the projector and each of them has like this cutesy name, like fun at the beach or like, or like,
Starting point is 00:51:14 um, like, like, um, like pool party, family picnic, like stuff or trimming the lawn, you know,
Starting point is 00:51:21 stuff like that. But in reality, they're like the most twisted versions of that, of families being murdered in those locales like like family barbecue probably wasn't one of them but but let's pretend it was like one of them said family barbecue and it's a family being burned alive um oh yeah it's pretty rough yeah it was gonna be like family murdered while barbecuing but you made it even worse. Yeah, it's like horrific shit. It's like hanging out by the tree and it's like it's a family all
Starting point is 00:51:50 being hung by a tree. You're good at this, Kyle. The tree one is fucked up where it's like hanging to the picnic and then it just shows like a image of like, you know, four people all being like with their feet on the ground, like about to be hang all being like like with their feet on the ground
Starting point is 00:52:05 like about to be hanged and then like he clearly cut off a counterbalance branch and then that you see that branch fall in slow motion and the four of them going up and like kicking and everything and then it just stays on that screen for like a minute until they're all dead and the guy's like man these are some interesting tapes let's watch more it's like i'd be like no we need to get the fuck out of here man hanging is a rough way to die because not to die but strangling yeah because they were strangled to death they didn't even get the drop and the broken insta dead exactly watch them become strangled to death by hanging i always am like how can you turn back can we turn back now can we turn back now at the you know if i were to just hug him and lift him right now, this would just be a scary memory.
Starting point is 00:52:49 No big deal. Yeah, a few bruises. If I were to hug him and lift him right now, this would be like a CPR, but maybe. And then it just showed it, maybe, maybe, probably not, definitely dead. And that slow transition gets me. And with the gore things too. I think've all talked about this russian murder film might have been on oh yeah the hammer and screwdriver yeah
Starting point is 00:53:12 yeah like first they just poke the guy in the belly a bunch of times with a screwdriver okay rough day but you get that guy to the hospital he's he's gonna be okay and and then they like maim him a little bit, maybe rip his jaw off. Ooh, ooh, that's not, ah. That's going to leave a mark, but it's not necessarily fatal. You know? This guy could live some kind of life with a reconstructed jaw. Maybe get that jaw with him.
Starting point is 00:53:38 Put it in his pocket, send him to the hospital. We'll see what we can bring back. Yeah. And then it just fades to like more and more like oh well well well that leg is not going to be walked on again and that oh hammer and now he's dead now he's dead you can't you can't come back from that oh it's so long for those punks to kill him it was awful horrific video that i don't want like anyone who's listening to this and like like i don't even know if that's it seemed like there was a fad like,
Starting point is 00:54:05 like eight years ago of like watching the most horrific shit that the, maybe more than eight, maybe it's been 10 or 15 years now, but it was, it was, you know, when the internet was becoming a real scary place, all of a sudden there was nothing else uncensored.
Starting point is 00:54:20 Like, so all we had was TV and cable and that was it. That was your only source of stuff. You couldn't get it elsewhere. And then suddenly the internet comes and you're like, Ooh, I can see stuff I've never seen before until eventually you're like, all right, I've, I've seen that and don't want to see anymore. That's enough.
Starting point is 00:54:37 Yeah. Like, like if anyone's listening to this and you haven't yet like scarred your mind by watching people be murdered and tortured to death. Don't do it. Don't do it. I wish I hadn't seen those things. Cause I've seen some things. I, I've seen that cartel video with the chainsaw where they killed a man with a
Starting point is 00:54:52 chainsaw. And I've seen like, like back when, uh, Al Qaeda, Al Qaeda or ISIS was sawing people's heads off with, with butcher's knives. And you know,
Starting point is 00:55:04 the, the, it's not good for your soul. No, it's not good for your soul. No, it's not good for your soul. It really isn't. I wish I could go back and be like, hey, the Care Bears is free use at this point. We could watch the Care Bears
Starting point is 00:55:16 again. Hadn't seen that shit since we were four. Remember they shoot the love out of their bellies? Let's go watch that shit instead. We'll pirate it. We can be edgy, but let's not watch a Russian man be killed with a screwdriver. There's being beheaded. Yeah. Don't do that to yourself.
Starting point is 00:55:30 If you can avoid it, if you're listening to this and you haven't yet done those awful things to yourself, because that's what it's self harm. You don't realize it at the time. Yeah. It's awful. It's real awful stuff.
Starting point is 00:55:42 Yeah. But yeah. Horror movies are rare. It's awful. It's real awful stuff. Yeah. But yeah, horror movies are rare. It's the cheapest and most profitable genre of film to get into. And that's why there's so many and there's so many bad ones. It's my favorite genre of movie that I watch. And I go into horror movies usually expecting it to be bad. It has to be just beyond the pale unwatchable for me to turn it off.
Starting point is 00:56:07 just beyond the pale unwatchable for me to turn it off you know and usually that falls in like the they're trying to make it good or trying to make a statement about it when like the ones that are bad because the effects are bad but like the premise is cool it's like okay all right so you ate magic mushrooms in the woods but they were a different kind of magic mushrooms and they created something real that's stupid but i'm on board okay i'm on board with your stupid thing like and that is a horror movie called shrooms okay i'm gonna avoid that one yeah it was it was not good um yeah i i like um my favorite horror movies are the ones with demons uh i like demons i didn't mention the exorcist but that's probably my second favorite horror movie it suffers somewhat from all
Starting point is 00:56:48 of the press that it got back when it came out in I don't know 1970 or something yeah it's thus the most terrifying film ever created by the hand of man and it's like yeah in 1970 it was but since then we've watched people get beheaded with pocket knives and chainsaws
Starting point is 00:57:04 and shit and we're a little bit numbed and we've watched people get beheaded with pocket knives and chainsaws and shit. And we're a little bit numbed and we've seen so much CGI that it's like, Oh, she's green, huh? Oh, she throw up on him. He's going to need some Tide pods.
Starting point is 00:57:15 It doesn't quite have the same effect. And, uh, and I also think that people, when people watch movies, they don't allow themselves to like suspend their disbelief get in a dark room with some atmosphere don't have a fucking side conversation get off your phone and like like actually let the movie do what it does yeah you can almost do that with alcohol too like if you
Starting point is 00:57:36 if you're like if you try not to get drunk you can almost like fight off the drunkness to some extent you know like if you like stay active like like if you're if you're like day drinking and like if you're like day drinking and like bar hopping you're staying active and maybe it's almost like you're burning some of the alcohol off and it's not affecting you as much like whereas like if you did like some sort of sad lonely drinking like in your house just just downing them one after another, like that by that fifth shot, you'd be like, yeah, five more. I ought to do it.
Starting point is 00:58:11 We'll sleep. Then I can go to bed. Then the nightmares won't come. That fifth shot. I'm like, that was two or three too many. Yeah. They're so bad. They're making me drink.
Starting point is 00:58:22 Just stop watching the horror movies. That's one thing that I do wrong when I watch horror movies. Not every time, but sometimes I don't give it my undivided attention. And it needs it. It needs it. They're doing a lot of subtle on-camera things sometimes. You know, I haven't really thought about it, but I don't think I'll ever drink alcohol again to any real extent.
Starting point is 00:58:41 Because, like, I'm not allowed to right now. And then in October, I'll be able to smoke again. And it's like, why would I drink when I can smoke? You'll still enjoy it socially if you're around people doing it, but I can't see you being like, whoo, going to cut loose with some beer. Yeah, I just really don't like the taste of beer. It's just empty calories for one thing.
Starting point is 00:59:04 Even if you're drinking vodka or tequila it's like 95 calories a shot and like i can handle my liquor i'm gonna need six or eight shots just to have a good time you know like we're talking i'd much rather have a pint of ben and jerry's than seven shots of tequila oh i'm sure i could still do it it doesn't go away i got those genes i got those alcohol genes okay i can just do it yeah drive right through that digesting it so liver it just i have a super liver it can fucking handle that shit but yeah but yeah like like i'll be able to smoke and like oh it's just infinitely better to smoke than to drink like like no hangover now that i really i don't i don't get hangovers that but but like no i you can't get sick you know like like no hangover now that i really i don't i don't get hangovers that but but like
Starting point is 00:59:45 no i you can't get sick you know like like that was always my problem when i was younger is way over drinking real real quickly and just getting shitty drunk and vomiting and stuff like that that never happens and you know all the reasons that marijuana is just better i saw new mexico legalized this week uh became like i don't want to be wrong about the number but maybe the ninth state to legalize since like last year or something like that. Like it's really accelerating quickly. Finally.
Starting point is 01:00:14 Accelerating quickly. They need to step up on that. I know Jersey did. I know Jersey did and New York did. And they did it well too because they did it in stages. They were like practically legal for one girl. Yeah. I'm told that now they're pretty darn legal. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:30 And a bunch of states on the East Coast, like maybe West Virginia or somewhere like that. A bunch of those states did. They should be one state. I'm looking forward to seeing the first state in the Deep South to really just do it. Florida doesn florida doesn't count um to me at any way that's not a southern state it's it's its own thing but you know a south carolina a tennessee an alabama louisiana arkansas type place to just be like yeah we like money here yeah oh i wanted to make a retraction
Starting point is 01:01:04 on something i said um last week about the georgia voting law because i um someone pointed out to me in the in the 50 discord they were like uh at first i was like why is this guy being shitty he was he's like i'm shocked about how little kyle knows about his own state and i'm like i reply like i'm like what did i get wrong like like what what did i say and he's like the voting law have you looked at it. I'm like, what did I get wrong? Like, like what, what did I say? And he's like the voting law. Have you looked at it? And I'm like, well, the Democrats told me what to think. So I just went with it. And solid. So no, so no, I didn't. So I Google it and I, and I find like a, um, maybe Forbes or Politico article, something I trust. And, uh, and I read like the 15 things
Starting point is 01:01:42 the Georgia voting law does. And I couldn't find anything that I didn't strongly agree with other than the one where they disallow the serving of water and food to people who are waiting in line. However, they do. They are like, there'll be a water fountain that's provided. But you can't like set up and like just be bringing these people fucking food like you can't do that the idea was to prevent political people from more or less giving gifts to people waiting in line right like that's actually that was actually already a law prior like the law essentially said i looked into this pretty thoroughly i hope i'm getting all this right there was already a law that said that
Starting point is 01:02:25 I don't know who would be doing it, but let's just say the Trump campaign. If it's the presidential election, they can't have like, come vote for Trump sponsored by Chick-fil-A and just be giving out those little Chick-fil-A bites they do at the mall over
Starting point is 01:02:41 there, like everybody wearing Trump stuff to bring crowds in. That was already. Those are good. Oh, they're so good. That little bite of chicken you get at the mall, it's like, God, I don't want to go to the restaurant. Can I just have a whole pile of these?
Starting point is 01:02:55 You pick the best bits. They're not serving this over there. But the more I looked into it, the more I was like, wow, all this is doing is like making the voting actually more secure. What about the Sunday thing? That one struck home with me. So let me tell you what the left is saying. You probably have heard it, but they disallowed to some extent voting on Sunday.
Starting point is 01:03:20 Well, apparently Sunday was a big black day to vote because they would literally set up buses to get people from churches to voting booths. And it was like almost a voting tradition. And now they're like polls closed on Sundays. You'll have to find some other way to make that happen. That's interesting. I didn't see that one. That actually wasn't even in the article that I saw. But as I went through them, nothing jumped at me as like like they made it sound
Starting point is 01:03:47 like the nazis were taking over or something and it really just seemed like a lot of common sense stuff like the i do think you should have an id to vote i yeah for sure and i i don't know why that is racist to think because like it's not i don't i don't think that black people are less likely to have ID. I think that the people who are saying that it's racist are the racist. Come on, you can't expect blacks to have identification. It's not like
Starting point is 01:04:15 they got jobs and shit. They're out there doing their own thing. You're the racist. I have dozens of black friends and they've all had IDs. It does feel like, oh, black people don't have IDs. This is a race-based issue. And I'm just like, am I missing something? Is that right?
Starting point is 01:04:33 It's been repeated so many times. It makes me wonder if it's true. It sounds true when you hear something a thousand times. But black people don't. Maybe that's why they say it a thousand times. ID, right? But if it was zero true then they probably wouldn't care right there they would pick something else to fuss about
Starting point is 01:04:52 if if it didn't hurt their side yeah and then i saw will smith like i guess was making a movie his production i don't know if he's starring in it but it's definitely his production company here in atlanta atlanta is a big destination for movies it's maybe second only to la at this point it hasn't been a long time unless i'm forgetting i would have to do some thinking he's he's he's fallen by the wayside uh and uh and he pulled out of atlanta and went and went to louisiana and uh and they were like um mr smith have you ever looked at the voting laws in lou? And they lined them up, the core issues of like, you see Louisiana closes the polls three hours earlier than Georgia. And Louisiana doesn't allow voting on these days. And Louisiana doesn't allow late voting for X amount of days.
Starting point is 01:05:39 And you can't do early voting for Y amount of days. It's like every core thing that they're like, they're all worse than Georgia. It's, it's, it's more archaic than Georgia is even with like these recent changes that Georgia has made. Not that they're necessarily archaic.
Starting point is 01:05:56 Maybe it's cheaper to shoot in Louisiana than Georgia. And he was taking advantage of it. I think he just wants some, some good boy points. Yeah, that could be a little virtue signal. He wants to ingratiate himself with his core audience because he is a real falling star.
Starting point is 01:06:11 He was in Suicide Squad a couple years ago. That's the last thing I recall him being in. I think that was Suicide Squad. He was Deadshot or something. He was good with a gun. That's got to be five years ago at this point. Which in eternity. He's at the age how
Starting point is 01:06:25 old is he in his 50s yeah he's 52 he should be in like prime action star like getting older action star era like tom cruise has survived and he's probably 60 and like will smith could have done that but like and will smith can act you say like he should be older action star guy i think he should be like wronged father or like you know like they killed my they killed my son it's like why is your son 12 aren't you like 54 like okay all right like that's that's what and then they gave me then they killed my wife is she 22 when did she have your 12 year old son and you monster but unfortunately for them i was trained i'm a spetsnaz cia navy seal policeman and i'm going to use my kung fu ninja skills that i learned in the far east plus my gun fu skill it's like you've seen that movie over and over
Starting point is 01:07:25 Jesse Ventura or Steven Seagal what was the really good movie he made seven pounds maybe eight and a half pounds I think I haven't seen that one I know you can't just say do more of that but that was such a good
Starting point is 01:07:42 movie and when Kyle said he could act I was like yeah yeah right it's not um what's the movie he makes with lawrence after earth oh bad boys bad boys right oh it is it's not bad boys when i think of goodwill smith movie it's eight and a half pounds or seven and a half or whatever it's some amount amount of pounds. Yes. Seven pounds. Yeah. That's a good one. And then there's the one he did when his son was like a little guy and, uh, he's like homeless and like,
Starting point is 01:08:11 uh, it's like something of life. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Something like that. Pursuit of happiness. Pursuit of happiness.
Starting point is 01:08:18 Oh man. There's this tearful scene where like, they're like living in like a, a bus station bathroom or some shit. And someone's like hammering on the door trying to get in and he's just hugging the sun with his back against the door as the door like bumps against him he's crying and it's just he's trying to sell those typewriters or some shit or like health care it's a medical better x-ray or something some kind of
Starting point is 01:08:39 medical device and like i don't know he's got like eight of them he it's like when you're selling those boxes of m&ms and fucking elementary school but and he's got like eight boxes of m&ms and if he sells all eight boxes he's got a decent amount of money and some fucker steals one of his boxes of m&ms and he's just like what am i gonna do without my box of m&ms and he's trying to track it down and it's a whole thing it's very emotional whoever stole it didn't have much use for it they would just steal it it's like this means so much to me and nothing to you and yet you still did it you dick worse than my motorcycle salesman nah he's not that bad yeah yeah but uh but yeah i don't know i anybody who's
Starting point is 01:09:17 um it taught me a lesson that that like it seems like most of the time the republicans are the bad guys and i'm a pretty conservative guy i think i think i lean more right i'm like right center okay i'm pretty liberal about a lot of things obviously marijuana but i'm obviously real far to the right on guns i think machine guns and suppressors should be sold over the fucking counter with no waiting period that's just me um and uh but but then i also think that like you should be able to abort your baby with a suppressed uzi 9 millimeter if you want to there's gotta be a better way but carry on i doubt it have you ever fired a suppressed uzi 9 millimeter fire woody we offer the quietest abortions in town. Ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping.
Starting point is 01:10:06 Yeah, yeah. The fucking Silencer Co. Baby Zapper. Jesus Christ. 22 foot. The suppressor was actually called the Sparrow, but the Baby Zapper would sell so many more units. That is bad. Yeah, yeah. So yeah, I kind of bounce around.
Starting point is 01:10:23 I don't like the labels really, which is a real frou-frou thing to say. That put a label on me. But I really just don't fit into any of those groups. I've got some libertarian ideals, but I also think we should have fucking police officers
Starting point is 01:10:35 and fire departments and probably should license people to operate motor vehicles and tax. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Those are probably things we need i like the epa that sometimes makes me a little blue but i feel like all the people that don't like the epa want to
Starting point is 01:10:54 pollute your world just put toxins in it it's coal companies and fuel companies and i i know look i burn gas i get it but i don't know i like the epa no i'm with you i'm with you when i see like oil spills it makes me it hurts my heart you know i don't like seeing those fucking dead fish and penguins covered in tar and they never learned their lesson ever it's just what's the south park one where he's like we're sorry it's just over and over and over. Oh, what's that? Oh, sorry. We actually destroyed every shrimp in the Gulf of Mexico. Ah, my bad. You were going to stir fry them anyway. What's a little more oil?
Starting point is 01:11:33 What's that? The government's going to bail us out. All right. We should wrap there. It's an hour and 10. We should save. I wanted to talk about the police shooting, but maybe there'll be more developments
Starting point is 01:11:42 and we can cover that on PKA because it is wild, the details of that police shooting and then the aftermath of the riots and everything i'm yeah i've kind of been following that a bit it's it's fucking crazy i've been neck deep in motorcycles i need to catch up so that'll work for me too cool all right i enjoyed it good one 3 47

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