Painkiller Already - PKN 350

Episode Date: May 6, 2021


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Starting point is 00:00:00 pkn 350 fabio fabia what are we talking about kyle right it's best if you don't know is it the hot guy with long hair from the 90s uh you wish it was so diego uh the nightmare sanchez he has uh this guru coach and this guy's name um is fabia i think it's um Joshua Fabia and he's very particular about how you pronounce his name okay um so like I have done a real deep dive on this guy more so than I did with uh EDP because I wanted to like I'm like like really like I went into like um archives of like bodybuilding, uh, forums and MMA forums and, uh, NCAA wrestling forums. And I found his, uh, like college, um, classmates, um, and, and saw what they had, they had said about him in the past. Some of the stories they told, I found old Reddit archives and stuff like that. And, um, so current Fabia, he is this sort of self-proclaimed, I'm spacing out on what he calls himself.
Starting point is 00:01:10 It's like, I'll just tell you what it really is. He's a UFC fighters, a trainer, mentor, coach, corner man, spiritual guide, like nutritionist, you name it. He's like a one-stop shop for Diego Sanchez. Purportedly. Like Diego will tell you like, like to your face. And he sounds like one of those, like battered housewives being like, he knows what's best for me okay whatever
Starting point is 00:01:47 john says is he said then yes that i am a dumb whore yeah whatever john says whatever john says i don't want to derail Diego Sanchez obviously has traumatic brain injury. This guy has really lost its CT. I'm not convinced. He was always crazy, but where he is now seems extreme to me. I think that I'm in the majority here. Most people agree Diego is just not He's 20% there, Kyle.
Starting point is 00:02:18 I'll tell you later on why I think he's like 95% there. Nobody who's done 16 years of UFC combat the way he has is going to like 95% there. Nobody who's done 16 years of UFC combat the way he has is going to be 100% there. The same way that Tony Hawk probably isn't still 100% there. I don't know. He wore a helmet through all that shit.
Starting point is 00:02:34 So that's a dumb statement to make. But a football player who's done 10 years, something like that. Like any of them, really. Anyway, Diego Sanchez, 16-year veteran of the UFCc i believe he won um the first um ultimate fighter for a reality show uh he was at one time um challenging for the the lightweight belt um i think maybe against bj pin i think he fought bj pin for the belt um so at one time a real real rising star, one of the UFC greats,
Starting point is 00:03:06 the same way that Woody and I now talk about people like Rose Namajunas or Conor McGregor or any of the stars, the Poiriers, the Gaichis, the Khabib Nurmagomedovs, he was right there. He was like, well, who's your favorite UFC fighter? Well, there's Diego and there's GSP and there's Anderson Silva. Like he was right there in that conversation of like, he's one of the stars. He's one of the guys. Well, 16 years later, 39 year old man.
Starting point is 00:03:34 I don't know what his current record is. And it doesn't even matter to look it up because it's not accurate because he's lost something like five of his last six, four of his last five. And one of those wins is one of those situations where they're like can Diego can you continue and he's like if I can't do I win and they're like wink wink Diego can you continue nope then you win we've got a winner ding ding ding ding and he's just like that's right I knew it that's how john jones lost that's exactly how john jones lost uh it was super lame but in john jones case it was like a or the ref dq'd right
Starting point is 00:04:12 like it was a little more extreme but this was yeah in this case like it was one of those like hey you want to bitch out and take a win which is kind of frowned upon in the ufc but i think it's a pro move if you're asking me it's something that you hate to see to like your guy, you hate to see your guy get a loss to that, but you don't mind seeing your guy slip away from a loss with that. You're like, dude, take the wind, take the wind, sweep the knee, sweep the leg, you know, just do it. So anyway, the man's progressively gotten weirder and more ridiculous over the years um i believe he is in one of those montages of most ridiculous walkouts of all time is he the one who came out with the crucifix on his back i'm not sure i'm not sure either someone definitely once came out like christ carrying a full-size crucifix um i don't think diego had the full-size crucifix. I don't think Diego had the full-size crucifix,
Starting point is 00:05:06 but he definitely came out holding a crucifix like the crowd was all vampires and he wanted to fend them off so that they couldn't get him. You know how in the vampire movies they're like, stay back, stay back, foul demon. Like he's doing that. And like he doesn't have that like determined sort of like, I'm here to fight. I'm here to win kind of look on his face, sauntering out.
Starting point is 00:05:28 He's got this madman look on his face. He's foaming at the mouth. He's wide. That's even better. He's bug-eyed, and he's got the cross. And that wasn't even his craziest thing. So now he's teamed up with this Fabia guy. Do you think that that cross thing was a bit of a, you know, building showmanship? No, I don't think he's capable of
Starting point is 00:05:50 that. I think this is a madman. Um, he's always been weird and eccentric. Um, and this Fabia guy, his background is that of a con man. Um, he, uh, he has always been a liar, a manipulator, and someone who claimed to have done a lot of things with no like proof of it. You know, he would come into like, collegiate wrestling and, and football tryouts. And he would talk shit to the, the, the, the, the players be like, like, you don't even know. Like, when i was a walk-on for rugby in new zealand all right do you know how much more skillful a game that is than than this american football keep in mind this is a manlet this is a manlet of a man who's like clearly never been like like i'm sure there's a weight division where like there's weight divisions for little
Starting point is 00:06:40 guys don't get me wrong but like even me no not in rugby no not see that's the thing that's the thing right rugby you got to be a fucking hoss like like i don't even i've never seen a small rugby player like there's a there's a there's a place in american football for the short speedy guy i don't know if that's true in rugby i don't know shit about rugby though so i won't talk about it too much but the the the deal, the deal was the, the, the stuff I read was he would come in and he would talk so much shit on these sports and then get smoked in tryouts, get smoked in every kind of practice, laughed out of the building. And what it really came down to was he always, um, was trying to like put forward this sort
Starting point is 00:07:20 of higher thinking guru type mindset where like your system is wrong. Like from the ground up, your system is wrong. Collegiate sports, organized sports. This is a mental game. You've got to come at this from a completely different angle. And he actually, what I read, like there were some hot girls who were like buying into it and they were wanting to like get into his like tai chi sort of thing that he would do and his posing and he was like uh excuse me ladies i'm over here trying to work with these
Starting point is 00:07:51 men these big brawny sweaty men this guy seems pretty cool i like powerful men because he's like he apparently he's gay but he doesn't like that to be known. That's really brave of him to be gay. It's, it's, it's the, but he's not a brave gay. He's like a secret gay. So, so I guess there's nothing wrong with that either.
Starting point is 00:08:11 But, but like, that's his deal is what is, is what I've read is that he likes to be involved with sports because he gets to like rub men down. He's like Mac, the way he likes to grease up the bodybuilders. He's exactly like that. He's like, come on, let's to grease up the bodybuilders. He's exactly like that. He's like, come on, let's grease up these beefcakes.
Starting point is 00:08:28 He's wanting to oil down some beefcakes. That's what he's all about. And what he's been doing with Diego, like Diego started coming into the ring with this like Hinta tattoo around his belly button, a big one, like this, like pie plate size. What kind of tattoo? Hinta? I hope I'm pronouncing that right. You know, the way that they draw that fake tattoo, that sort of like Indian lettering and stuff.
Starting point is 00:08:50 Hinta. Did I say Hinta? Hinta is a completely different kind of tattoo. I'm sorry. I knew I was wrong somewhere. Yeah. Hinta. Hinta tattoos are much more lame than Hinta tattoos.
Starting point is 00:09:00 If you've got a Hinta tattoo, I really judge you hard. I don't know what hentai uh hint okay well i'm mispronouncing hentai then but as henta i what i mean is like the japanese that's like anime yeah it's like anime porn yeah i think it like anime child porn i don't know i could be off on that i'm not i don't think it's all child porn but it's not it's not a pool that i swim in yours is you've never seen my hard drive it's not a pool that i swim in so i don't know what temperature the water is anyway he's getting he's getting henna tattoos henna tattoos are are yeah and uh yeah yeah yeah it's some shit that is so i think at first what i thought it was and maybe this is somewhat accurate, it was that this Fabia guy paints this shit onto Diego before he goes out to fight as some sort of like a warding, like a magical symbol of protection, that sort of thing.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Which, honestly, kind of cool. All right. I'm going to be for real. Like, if you believe in some sort of like Mr. Miyagi type shit and Mr. Miyagi comes over and he's like going to put the fucking symbol of protection on you. How is that different than Rocky Balboa stopping by the Catholic Church on his way to fight Apollo Creed and going, yo, could you throw that little blessing on me? Say I don't get beat up so bad. And, you know, the Padres like, and I'm in a patch today. It's not different, but it's both ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:10:24 They're both ridiculous they're both ridiculous but one of them is completely acceptable and you see that in the rocky movie and you don't have a second thought you think it's cool but then when fabia paints this nonsense on diego we all think it's not it's it's insanity i think it's cool because he's putting like norse runes of protection on himself it's kind of neat until I talked to some people last night and they were like, no, no, no, that's Fabio's logo. That's like putting PepsiCo on dude's belly button
Starting point is 00:10:52 before he goes out. Again, Diego would come out these last few fights foaming at the mouth, literally like spit bubbles coming out and stuff. You would think, holy shit, he's so hyped up. Like,
Starting point is 00:11:05 how can he lose? Like, like he's so hyped up right now. Like my man is about to tear somebody apart. Like there's something to be said about just raw aggression in a combat sport. Like, I mean,
Starting point is 00:11:16 there are a lot of technical fighters. There are a lot of point fighters. There we go. There's guys that come from a point, um, different, different types of karate and kickboxing. And then there's some fucking brawlers.
Starting point is 00:11:26 And every now and then, that style still will work. It didn't work for Diego because he's 39 years old. And he's just getting his shit rocked. Well, the more you find out about this Fabia guy, the more you realize that he's insane. And so the most recent thing, I saw all these videos. And keep in mind, Fabia is releasing these videos. And it's him in the fighters meeting. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:46 They have these fighters meetings for fighters. The only person that's there who isn't a fighter is like Megan O'Leary, who's like as good as a fighter. As far as I'm concerned, she's like UFC, like royalty. She's, she's the girl who's there,
Starting point is 00:12:00 like knowing everything about the fighters. She's entrenched in UFC and Bon and um bonnard what's his name something stephen bonner stephen bonner he's an announcer ex-fighter maybe still fights but definitely announces now he's in the meeting and uh and fabia is there and angela hill's there she's like she's a fighter she's there in the meeting and fabia is doing all the talking for diego talking about how he didn't like the commentator coverage on the previous fight how they were making fun of Diego making Diego look bad every time someone hit Diego it was like oh it's all over and every time Diego like blocked
Starting point is 00:12:36 something they didn't say anything and they're like why are you talking this is the fighters meeting it's like like clearly you're just upset that, that we made what you do look bad. You haven't said anything about Diego. You're saying that you look bad as his trainer because of what they said about you. Like, like what we don't,
Starting point is 00:12:58 um, Stefan is just being bamboozled by Diego standing there like a fucking, like, like a cult member, just like not saying a word he doesn't say anything so the the most most recent thing that has happened this is what's actually the most interesting thing i think you gotta keep in mind uh the ufc and dana white take care of their veterans the old guys they really do take pretty good care of them um you know there's there's guys that they they sort of like a salary to, which is just kind of like a here, here's some money so that you don't have to fight anymore. Cause you shouldn't be fighting anymore. They
Starting point is 00:13:31 do that sort of thing. Occasionally, not, not as much since they've been, um, like bought out and they're part of a bigger conglomerate now, but still they take care of people. So Diego was scheduled to fight Donald Cerrone in the next event great matchup if you ask me Donald Cerrone is an older guy who's had a real rough go of it the last I don't know 20 fucking fights I don't know it's been bad Donald Cerrone is a very likable guy he's a fun guy but he's just been getting his shit rocked for a long time now and he's on a big four fight slide or something like that I don't even know what it is. Might be, but yeah, it's been rough.
Starting point is 00:14:07 And so matching him up against Diego for what everyone knew was going to be Diego's last fight, most likely, it was like, all right, this is a good one. This is a good one. Diego's tough. And I don't know that Donald can put him out in a single round. Like Donald, I don't know that Donald can put him out of there. And I think Diego might be able to do a little damage. I wanted to see this fight. Well, what happened
Starting point is 00:14:31 next is there's a bit of contention about what actually happened. And I'm not sure which side of it I'm on. It would seem that Fabia was trying to set the UFC up for a potential future lawsuit by having Diego request all of his previous medical records from every fight he'd ever had prior, potentially looking to do some sort of CTE liability lawsuit. suit. And, uh, so the, the, the legal team of the UFC gets back and they're like, Hey, why do you, why do you need this? We're just curious. Um, cause the thing is, if we need, we don't put fighters in the ring who, who are suffering from anything. So if you're not a hundred percent, if you think you have any CTE, any mental, uh, um, diminishment, let us know and and see that's a little shitty of them to do because of course like a good percentage of these guys do have a little diminishment a little cte it's the game but it's it's also their way of saying hey sign here saying there's nothing wrong with you and there's nothing ever been wrong with you or you can't fight which is him signing away
Starting point is 00:15:45 any future ability to like hold them liable for like a cte thing so he's like no i won't sign that and they're like okay well you're cut from the ufc we are parting ways with you you will not be fighting donald cerrone we're going to pay you your show money, your win money, and your merchandise money. It comes to $221,000. Of course, we all know that your cult leader will be taking a hefty portion of that. Good, good, good day to you, sir. And they parted ways. So I see Diego on Instagram live, something like that, doing a little like handheld video thing. He's with it. He's with it. Like he's, he's speaking as clearly and as, you know, articulately as we are, which isn't a high bar to be fair, but, uh, but still like, like, um, he doesn't seem like, um, uh, um, he seems much more
Starting point is 00:16:42 articulate than a Tito Ortiz or a Chuck Liddell. Okay. Like, like, and, and that's a, that's the bar of like numb skulls who have had their heads bashed in, which you would think that maybe he fits into,
Starting point is 00:16:55 you would think he'd be there just like, like, like he's much more articulate than a, than a Nick Diaz. Low bar, low bar. Okay. He's more articulate than the entire barn. Nick Diaz, low bar, low bar. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:08 He's more articulate than the entire barn. If you didn't know he was a fighter. All the horses, all the cows. If you didn't know he was a fighter, you wouldn't know he was a fighter. I'll say that. You wouldn't know that there'd ever been anything wrong with him. He's got a little rough scarring from getting his eyes beat up. But he looks very good for 39 for one thing. And he sounded very articulate and he did, he seemed fine. And he basically like reiterated,
Starting point is 00:17:31 told the story that I just reiterated about how they wanted him to sign this and that and agree that he'd never had any brain trauma. And he, his lawyer told him not to do that. And so now he's fired and this is not how he wanted to end his ufc career but that's where we are but the fabia stuff is what's really interesting because i've seen so many interviews with fabia um on the area hawani show um and uh on some other radio shows he is an absolute madman and he's going to anybody else or is is this guy Sanchez his fucking ticket? Yeah, there's three or four other fighters that no one's ever heard of that work with him. Because I saw a video recently, and this is the killer part.
Starting point is 00:18:14 I'm going to link you the video because it's best seen than heard. Like most videos. like most videos. So this is a clip of Mr. Joshua Fabia chasing his fighters around the ring with a knife. I mean, this is motivating. And he's telling them, quote, everything is a knife. Everything is a knife. And to treat every incoming strike like a knife.
Starting point is 00:18:55 And another thing to keep in mind about Diego's last performance, it was really odd because you know how they fight in like kung fu movies? How they're like blocking every incoming strike. Yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah. It does not work. Well, when we watch like MMA boxing, like when it actual combat it's like well not every strike was going to hit you you can kind of lean to the left lean to the right lean a little bit back lean a little bit forward you know and strikes will slide off of you slide past you and sometimes it's much it is it's just much better to make someone miss they try to like
Starting point is 00:19:19 block them and and now you've got an arm engaged and they're like nobody fights like that this kung fu isn't real like like i don't know i don't know how else to put this it's like no one does this shit this like knife thing is like if you put me in there and they're like all right taylor you have to pretend to be a ufc or a mma coach that's the kind of frantic floundering i would do where it you want to group watch this thing? I would love to. I actually haven't seen the whole thing in a while. You guys ready? 3, 2, 1, play. Everything's a knife.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Look at this little fucker. He's the one with the gray shorts, obviously, holding the knife. He's the one with the knife. He's the one with the knife. He's not even running athletically he's like speed no he's not an athlete like i'll say this he's a he's a fairly fit man um for his age you know he's certainly not like out of shape what you would call out of shape but he's in a ring with trained killers. Look at this guy. I love him. He's committed.
Starting point is 00:20:27 I like how that guy is playing the game. Yeah. I hope that he's doing it with a smile on his lips. I guarantee he's doing it. Oh, you got me. I mean, but look at that guy. The guy that did the, oh, woe is me. He's clearly the most shredded big guy in there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:43 You know who's being chased by some guy he's like a 5 year old fighting a 5 year old with finger guns you're like ah he shot me I'm down this is literally this is the same level of training as like if you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball that's what I said that's exactly what I said
Starting point is 00:21:00 yeah this is ridiculous running around with a knife running over the fucking knife literally if i was panicking because i knew i wouldn't know how to teach people like oh yeah everything everything is lethal what you need to remember is the words of royce gracie where he said everything's a knife you know so it just makes stuff up. Is that his name? It's Moist Gracie. Moist Gracie. Okay. Moist Gracie.
Starting point is 00:21:27 Where he says, everything's a knife. Moist Gracie. I know it's not Moist Gracie. That's his sister. Don't let him hear you say that. That's pretty cool that there's a whole family.
Starting point is 00:21:43 No, I think it's a good idea to always like the scariest people in the world from our tiny podcast. I think it's why I like to make fun of Ashleen X and Mike Tyson and Jon Jones. You know, if they respond to us, all it can mean is publicity for us. Exactly, exactly. There's no circumstance where I actually have to face off against Mike Tyson. so I'm going to talk shit about him to the day I die. By the way, I disagree with your assessment that Diego looks great. Of course he doesn't look great in the middle of the fight, Woody. Come on. He's battered.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Does he have less belly fat at the beginning of the fight? I wasn't talking about his physique. In this photo you just posted, Woody, you can see where they couldn't quite scrub off the fake tattoo with his coach's logo on his lower stomach. Look. You can see just that yellow area of hand tattoo. Partly sweat off maybe, but that is a serious
Starting point is 00:22:37 belly for a UFC fight. This guy fights in weight divisions. What's he look like when he's not, because he's like in a weird double-dover position. Even when he's standing, it's not, because he's like in a weird double-dover position. Even when he's standing, it's not. I mean, this is the least flattering angle, but still, no, he's in terrible shape.
Starting point is 00:22:55 Recently, in that video that Kyle was talking about where there was a fighters meeting, I guess that's what it was, and Fabio was complaining on his behalf, Diego had a spare tire you could see through the T-shirt. I don't know if I can find that, but yeah. Yeah, dude's in bad shape.
Starting point is 00:23:11 That's the thing about this Fabio guy. Not only is he a cult leader, completely full of shit, he's not even a decent physical trainer. Clearly, and nowhere near a nutritionist. Any one of us would be better at that job than he is. Just like putting putting Diego on like a normal like cardio weightlifting regimen with. Exactly. Like a guy at Planet Fitness who's just like part timing as a personal trainer is more knife wielding maniac. Yeah. Even if that guy's only tip was like, you need to split your workouts into different
Starting point is 00:23:46 body parts different days. It's like, you're not going to chase me with a knife? Well, no, that's not how you get fit. What kind of knife do you use? I use ceramic. Yeah, look at that. I keep getting infections from Fabio's knife. He never cleans it. He says that's part of the
Starting point is 00:24:02 fear. Everybody fears the AIDS knife everybody here's the age knife this is a more flattering picture of diego it looks like it's the same night still not good though compared like standing across from another ufc fighter this guy looks like you wouldn't glance twice dude if that if this is the same night then i think i mean the belly has this no it's definitely not look at his hair man so he's got like the the shaved thing on the side and the yeah this is a this is a fitter diego oh you're right although clearly in both pictures taylor like you can get a sense of how how things
Starting point is 00:24:37 been going for him he's had his shit rocked in both pictures yeah yeah i would guess that you're right it's definitely different night because his hair's cut is different but i think maybe i'm this more attractive one is an earlier and you're watching a physique fade yes yes i would i would say so as well i would say there's like nine months to 18 months between the two pictures and um he could have gone in a completely different like in nine or 18 months he could be like ripped as fuck. But instead he's like, he slid down the slide of, of healthiness. Like, like his arms don't look like that. You wouldn't look at those arms and say professional athlete.
Starting point is 00:25:15 So this guy used to be actually pretty good. He was 17 up until 2006. Yeah. See, that's what I'm saying. Like this guy challenged for the belt. Like, like he fought for the belt at one time. He go he did yeah yeah i'm yeah i'm just like yeah yeah he's no this was this guy was legit this guy was legit he was one of the top 10 guys that if he just rattled off ufc fighters who were good he'd be in that conversation. And now he is a CTE victim
Starting point is 00:25:47 who has been cut from the UFC and is under the thumb of a manipulative con man who is a manlet with some sort of Napoleon syndrome who is himself insane. Like when you hear this guy talk, like I saw this interview where they were like, could you give us your own athletic background? The way that he talks in circles for a solid seven minutes and
Starting point is 00:26:16 never gives a straight answer. If you asked any of us what our athletic background is, first of all, Woody and you would have these long – well, I played division this, division that. I played B League this, C League hockey, beer league that or that. I'd just be like, well, yeah, I played a little baseball when I was a kid.
Starting point is 00:26:33 That's it. That's it. I wouldn't be like, well, what you have to understand is in the state of Georgia, there's only two sports. We don't have this. I wouldn't tell you this roundabout way of explaining why I didn't play Division I football. There'sabout way of explaining why i didn't play division one football there's a real good reason why i didn't play division one football i can't play football
Starting point is 00:26:49 because you never have a varsity athlete i never had the makings of a varsity athlete okay i'm okay with that but this guy this guy it's clearly like this big problem for him that he didn't have the makings of a varsity athlete. So he's just like, well, look, I don't like to brag. Did I do this? Did I walk on in kindergarten as the first North American to play rugby in New Zealand? Yes. Did I walk on to the NCAA Division I wrestling team?
Starting point is 00:27:25 Yes. Did I do this and that? Yes. And all these things he's saying are either outright lies or just outrageous twistings of the truth. It's like, yeah, you walked into the room and they pushed your shit in and laughed you out of there. And they said you don't make the team.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Yeah, they were talking about how he challenged the captain of of like the the uh the wrestling team and i don't remember what college it was but you know name a college it was a division one team and like so any any guy's the captain of a d1 wrestling team is the baddest motherfucker you've ever met he's very good he is the alpha of alphas he is the ch Chad of chads. He can rape any normal man. He can rape anyone he wants. Yeah. He can just walk into Walmart and find the biggest, toughest guy that's in a Walmart and rape that man in the fucking sporting goods aisle. He literally could rape that man right there.
Starting point is 00:28:18 He could find a 6'3", 230-pound man who thinks he's in shape, and he could rape that man in front of his family right next to the fucking produce aisle like because because because the fucking captain of a d1 wrestling team can can destroy you in a split second like like you'll just be standing there with him and you'll be upside down your head you'll be dead if he wants you that way so like he's like challenging this guy and like calling this guy out and this guy apparently kicked his ass and then from ever for from then on he would have to flee and run out of rooms every time that guy walked into the room um there were just all these stories about like like like girls trying to like get with him was i on the division one hide and seek team at duke university yes i was not only was i on the team i was the grand fucking champion
Starting point is 00:29:06 i wasn't on the team because they couldn't find me not well there was that one time but never again after that because it was painful yeah it was just embarrassing story it was like humiliating story after humiliating story and i I don't know. I feel like sometimes when I'm reading stuff on Reddit, for example, and it's like, am I the asshole? And they tell some ridiculous story. I'm like, dude, you're just making this up for karma. But in this instance, it was like, yeah, so I went to school with him and I've got a few stories. And he was telling these stories in a very convincing way.
Starting point is 00:29:43 Like he didn't have more information than, than any normal person would, for example, like, like when someone's got too much information, it's like, what are you like a historian? But when they're like,
Starting point is 00:29:52 well, yeah, I heard that this happened and this happened and I was here when this happened. And it was like, he had like three stories about the guy and then like getting on like, um, some wrestling forums and some bodybuilding forums. I find more people that he,
Starting point is 00:30:04 that he had been around him and his cultish craziness. And yeah, he's basically a cult lead. He's a con man. He's one of those people who tries to find weak-willed people and attach himself to their wagon. He's just not a very good cult leader. I mean, he's good enough for us to be talking about him, right?
Starting point is 00:30:25 He's got a... I mean, he's got Diego Sanchez, which is not nobody. I mean, it's making news. He's getting good people, right? He's not getting some 17-year-old broke chick. He's getting Diego Sanchez. I'd much rather... See, that's what he wants, though.
Starting point is 00:30:40 You know. Look, I would bet real money that he is molesting diego sanchez he's hard to molest i mean he still is diego not the way you think not not that sort of like no you sit still no you take it you take everything as a big boy no like i just imagine that he's like rubbing him down a lot. Like he's his physical trainer and he's I'm sure he's like, yeah, I'm your masseuse, too. And he's just like, yeah, I bet he's like rubbing him down a lot. And maybe he's even tell me I wouldn't be surprised if he explained to him that a happy ending would like like give him some energy or something.
Starting point is 00:31:22 He's like touching Diego's dick and stuff. Like I guarantee this guy rubs Diego down. Plot twist. This guy's preference in men. He's a chubby chaser. And that's why Diego has transformed. He's transformed under his tutelage. God damn chubby chaser ruining one UFC fight. Oh, this is what happened to DC.
Starting point is 00:31:42 No wonder Daniel Cormier hates this guy. He must have been attached to him at one time. DC was a skinny man before he ran into Fabio. He told me the secret to winning were $5 hot and ready pizzas. I've been eating those Kit Kats five times. He said, he said the Reese's fast break was the trick to success. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:32:01 My process sugars high. Yeah. So it's been, it's really interesting to me i hope the people listening thought it was interesting because it's it's like it's fucking fascinating man like this guy is ridiculous um and if you if you look up like his ariel hawani interview or just ariel and dc discussing the interview um it's it's so cringy man it's so cringy yeah i i like cult leader you know obviously cult leaders are bad and we shouldn't respect them but damn if it isn't a skill set that's impressive right am i alone in thinking that like if you can get other people to believe absolute horseshit then you're doing something. It's just impressive, a cult leader.
Starting point is 00:32:49 Yeah. Yeah. I find your cult leader more impressive. The people who fool hundreds of people, that's definitely... Like the Heaven's Gate stuff, the guys who convince people to kill themselves, right? What was that comet?
Starting point is 00:33:04 The Hale-Bopp comet or something? Halley's? Halley's comet? It wasn't Halley's comet, huh? It was... That's the only comet I also know. There was that comet coming over, and he convinced all those people that it was a spaceship
Starting point is 00:33:18 and that they could board it with their souls if they all killed themselves. And they all killed themselves. Drinking the Kool-Aid, that's where the old it was hail bop yeah i thought it was um i just didn't i thought it was hell bot maybe or hell bop it was something like that okay yeah um i those people are fascinating the ones who have that charisma about them and they choose to do that, right? Instead of like, you know, sales or, or, or, or running a boardroom, you know, they, they, they have found that it like, like Charles Manson is a good example. I think what you get is like, some people just have the
Starting point is 00:33:57 gift of gab. They're really good at that. And they come from all circles of life. And if you, if you go to college and you get your degree and you're in business, then, oh man, does it fit in well in a boardroom? But if you're some low class guy who never made it there and you've had a rough go of it, then an out of,
Starting point is 00:34:15 in and out of prison, and maybe you've, you know, live a rough lifestyle around a lot of shady people. Ooh, you start getting a little following here. There's all, you know, and that's what someone like Charles Manson did,
Starting point is 00:34:29 you know, with all those crazy people that he convinced to murder those people. Everybody is in sales at least a little bit, right? There's the obvious guys selling copiers or software or whatever. And then there's the less obvious sales where you're just like a computer programmer convincing your boss that you are a valuable piece of this machinery he's got
Starting point is 00:34:51 going on. You're whatever. Everyone has to convince other people that they have worth and they have value and that that should be respected. If someone is a super salesman to the point that they could convince dozens of people to literally commit suicide. It's crazy to me. It's fascinating to me that they chose to use their super sales power to do that instead of become president of the United States or the CEO of the boardroom or just a freaking copier salesman who pulls in two million a year. Why choose murder but have you ever seen the hudsucker proxy i have not i've never heard of it oh man it's a it's a fun one um it it's it it's a movie that kind of plays like a stage play um it mostly takes place in one room uh alec baldwin this classic scene, though, where he comes in. Oh, I have seen it.
Starting point is 00:35:48 You've seen that scene at least. Yeah. I've seen it. Everybody's seen the scene where he comes in. He's like, coffee is for closers. And the guy's like, are you fucking serious? That's Glenn Gary Ross, right? Oh, I thought it was.
Starting point is 00:36:03 Oh, the Hudsucker Proxy is that other movie. Yeah, you're absolutely right. It's Glenn Gary Ross. Glenn Gary,, right? Oh, I thought it was the... Oh, the Hudsucker Proxy is that other movie. Yeah, you're absolutely right. It's Glenn Gary Ross. Glenn Gary, Glenn Ross? You know, I do alley-oops around here, Taylor. I wish I could whistle. I was going to try and whistle the Globetrotters thing.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Yeah, you're absolutely right. The Hudsucker Proxy is that movie. It's got Tim Robbins in it. I've never seen this, but're absolutely right. The Hudsucker Proxy is that movie. It's got Tim Robbins in it. I've never seen this, but it looks good. It's also a good movie. By the way, if anybody wants to see two good movies, watch the Hudsucker Proxy and then Glen Gary, Glen Ross. They're two movies that a lot of people haven't seen,
Starting point is 00:36:37 but they're both great. But there's a great scene in Glen Gary, Glen Ross where Alec Baldwin pulls out the brass balls and he's talking about his car and then like all the shit that he has and he's just like oh if you're such a big shot what are you doing down here because corporate needs somebody to come down here and kick you losers in the ass it's just fucking great dude it is great. I agree. Ben Affleck's scene in maybe Boiler Room equals it.
Starting point is 00:37:08 I don't think it equals it, but it's good. I do like Boiler Room. It's Vin Diesel's best movie. Wow. Oh, come on. Look, Vin Diesel is okay. He's an okay actor when he wants to be. Look,
Starting point is 00:37:23 dude's making so much money. Guess how many Fast and Furious movies there are, Taylor? Seven. Nine. I would have gone with nine. And I wouldn't doubt that a tenth is coming out. I don't know, but I'm going to guess thirteen is on the way.
Starting point is 00:37:38 That can't be true. Didn't multiple people in that series die? The ninth one comes out this nine. The main guy died. The ninth one comes out this year. The main guy died, and so now I guess Vin Diesel's a bigger character. Oh, no. Well, see, that guy wasn't the main guy. Vin Diesel was always the main guy.
Starting point is 00:38:01 The blonde guy who killed himself in that car accident being a dummy. Everybody's like, oh, let's celebrate this car's life. It's like, dude was driving a fucking race car on a back street like way too fucking fast without the correct safety gear or crew around him like why are we celebrating this guy like he was mother theresa like paul walker was just a guy i don't know why everybody like sucks this guy's dick i want to say ghost of this guy was the central guy in that film no but was he he he was the first one he undoubtedly was i've seen it in the first one he was the guy but but it was like to me it was like vin diesel was the most interesting character he stole every scene he was in he stole the scenes yeah yeah he was the one you cared about um and
Starting point is 00:38:37 like uh and you know over the years they had the rock involved and uh i think i think the rock had some kind of issue with the with Vin Diesel and they butted heads. And now The Rock's out and they're just they're so ridiculous now. I think that now he's the new villain. I think Vin Diesel has been in the most billion dollar movies or something like that. Like a couple Fast and Furious. Believable. A couple Marvel movies.
Starting point is 00:39:02 I mean, he's Groot. So he's Groot. That's Endgame. That's Infinity War. That mean, he's Groot. So think of all the movies. That's Endgame. That's Infinity War. That's the Guardians of the Galaxies. He's been in a bunch of billion dollar movies. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:17 So this guy, Paul Walker, he wasn't even driving. It was some other guy driving when he died. I didn't know that. I always thought he was driving. Yeah, I got nothing against the guy. It's just like sometimes when someone dies everybody's just like look when princess diana died it was like a national tragedy and i got that like like but when dale earnhardt died i was like come on guys come on like this wasn't a this wasn't fucking yoda that died this wasn't someone who was out there like,
Starting point is 00:39:46 like this was a race car driver and he was the biggest asshole of all the race car drivers. They called him the intimidator Taylor. I'm not sure if you're aware of this. Do you know why? Cause he continuously wrecked people who were in front of him. Like his, his thing was,
Starting point is 00:40:01 Oh, you're faster than me. See if you're faster than the wall. And he's just like he was the intimidator because he raced dirty and he refused to wear the hans device because he said it wasn't comfortable and then like two years later he his he broke his neck because he wasn't wearing a hans device they made it mandatory after he died i did now i somebody try to explain to me maybe he's just a homer who loves
Starting point is 00:40:26 dale earnhardt how he was an intimidating driver but the way he did it was within the social norms of nascar yeah true how can that be true what are the like why is it rub against people um and and he would put himself in in dangerous, but he wouldn't outright intentionally wreck people. He would be in your face racing, the kind of way you could have in-your-face basketball or hard defense. I'm exaggerating when I say he just put people in the wall, but he would put himself in dangerous positions. He would pass on the inside, pass on the outside.
Starting point is 00:41:11 He didn't really care. He was intimidating to race against. But again, when he died, I just remember the school teacher being like, you know, we're going to remember this day. Today is a day which will live in infamy. The nation of Japan. It's just like, not fucking Pearl Harbor Day, boys. We're going to remember this forever.
Starting point is 00:41:31 But six months before 9-11, so we're not. Although here I am in 2021, and I remember it so well. I remember that day so well. I was playing paintball in South Carolina with two friends. We were on our way back, and we heard it on the radio. So I guess it is cemented in my memory forever. I remember. Dale Earnhardt died. To the untrained eye like mine,
Starting point is 00:41:52 that accident didn't look that bad. The ones where they flip a lot, I know that in theory they're not as bad, but because they're slowing down in the air and it's really the sudden stops. But even Dale Earnhardt's, it looked like he hit the wall at a 15 degree angle and it wasn't the sudden stop that kills you.
Starting point is 00:42:10 You know, he didn't just T-bone it, but, uh, the announcers were instantly like, Ooh, that's what bad looks like. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:19 I think it's because, uh, usually when they show it, they show it at like two-thirds speed or something like that whenever i've seen it at full speed it's like oh shit oh oh no oh it's just like zoom and he's just in that fucking wall and yeah it's um i don't remember exactly what they called it it's some sort of it broke his neck is is is the it's what happened like at the base of the skull uh and it's the exact type of injury that a Hans device saves people from.
Starting point is 00:42:47 And to be fair to like him, the Hans device of his day was rather uncomfortable. And it was his death that led to a lot of like changes to the Hans device, making it more comfortable. And then within like a year or maybe a year and a half, making it mandatory for all drivers what was uh was he good wrench was that his thing good year uh yeah bf good wrench yeah okay i'm trying to find the full speed of his crash the m&m guy fucked him up
Starting point is 00:43:17 yeah i'm watching it right now i guess i'll try and show it to everyone it doesn't look bad to my untrained eye i know i'm watching a man die but he doesn't hit the wall it i don't see why his is so much worse than the m&m dude did he die instantly or i get the hospital later kyle you're muted yeah they never really say if someone dies instantly or whatever you're like oh yeah he died. He's pronounced dead at the hospital. Right. Cause they're going to keep trying to keep you alive, like all the way to the hospital.
Starting point is 00:43:50 But, um, I think, yeah, he was essentially dead right there. Almost instantaneously, you know, from that broken neck,
Starting point is 00:43:58 um, it would have severed the blood supply to his brain and, and all that, all that stuff. So it's Hans device? Yeah. I mean, he would be alive if he warned the Hans device. Watch the whole ESPN documentary about the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:44:13 And I do feel bad. I don't mean to seem callous about the whole thing. I just, what I don't understand is like- Too soon, man. Too soon. It's only been 20 years. Yeah, I just don't, When everything is a national tragedy, nothing is.
Starting point is 00:44:28 It's what bugs me sometimes. It's like when Anton Yelchin dies because he doesn't know how to park his car correctly, and we act like Chekhov from Star Trek dying is the equivalent of JFK being assassinated. It's like, alright, let's prioritize
Starting point is 00:44:43 our celebrity slash like world leader deaths here like like it's he was check off okay i really like that guy what was your favorite what was his favorite quality your favorite quality of his he i like when he when he's in that classic line where he goes, sir, there are not enough thruster power to defeat the alien. Did you like how he called vessels vessels? He had a youthful enthusiasm that he brought to the character.
Starting point is 00:45:15 It's true. That's why I liked it. That is true. Look, you're right. You're absolutely right. I liked him. I loved him. But when he died it was like all right he's good you know it's it's it's shame yeah i am i like star trek i i think i'm in the minority not everyone does it seems like everyone doesn't like the star trek and star
Starting point is 00:45:37 wars movies lately but i do yeah they're awful yeah they're awful well what i hear is everybody hates the new star wars movies yeah they're awful they love to hate them somehow they yeah i don't know i mean it's the same it's it's always it's not quite as it's not quite as disgusting as game of thrones let me tell you what i was in my kitchen yesterday uh maybe even last night and uh i was uh i was cooking and uh and for whatever reason in my head i I had the Game of Thrones song. And without even thinking about it, I started going, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na. I'm like chopping bell peppers up and stuff.
Starting point is 00:46:15 And I stopped and went, I remembered what that song used to mean to me. Like when you heard that music, it meant that your evening, like, like you didn't, you don't hear it. Like when you think of like the Seinfeld, like that doesn't have like,
Starting point is 00:46:34 it's just like, Oh, we're going to watch a little funny thing. That music for me was a little bit like the clinking of the chain as the roller coaster goes up the initial Hill. Something great is about to happen yes there are no casual listenings of that music if you're if you're hearing that music you are in your chair you have you have made sure you've pissed you have your snacks your drinks
Starting point is 00:46:58 the lights are dimmed family members have been notified it's game of Thrones time as if they needed to be told because any loved one worth a damn is sitting right next to you ready to fucking go too. Every girlfriend I had during the running of that show was also an obsessed fan. And they were always sitting right next to me. And we were always high as fuck. fan and they were always sitting right next to me and we were always high as fuck and we always had like our bowl of like chips and salsa and our beers or our our like you know like like we'd make a night of it like there'd be there'd be fancy meals like we we'd we'd we'd i i got a whole turkey one time i cooked a turkey and we were and i'm like eating a turkey leg while we
Starting point is 00:47:40 were watching it like i would nice yeah it was great with it right yeah like like um i made the hot pie uh little little uh little little um pies one time for it i made a bunch of those hot pies and like four of us watched it together eating hot pie pies yeah eating shepherd yeah and and it's like we made events of this you know it's it's it was almost like i bet like there's some football fans out there that when they hear that, like all my rowdy friends are coming over tonight song like that means something to them because in their childhood, that meant you're sitting next to dad. He was in his like Barca lounger. There were beers and popcorn and it was football time. You know, this is what we did on Monday nights or whatever. or whatever and to me like the game of thrones music means something and then and just like it i hadn't thought of it or heard it in so long that it just it popping into my head and me like and i just stopped and i was just like and now it doesn't mean any fucking thing they took that from
Starting point is 00:48:38 me they took it they took it it's it's so goddamn upsetting still to this day like like what they did in that last season frankly the last two seasons but especially episode i'll never watch an episode again i haven't i haven't you know i watched the end game finale all the time i watched i just watched it i watched it last week yeah i watched it yesterday finale and you watch don't you feel like you're kind of like oh no, no, Roy. As a matter of fact, I've gotten to the point... If people don't know the Endgame finale, I'm about to spoil the fuck out of it. They snap their fingers and bring back everybody.
Starting point is 00:49:18 And then there's a scene where the building collapses. I think maybe Thanos first arrives. I don't like that scene i skip ahead to when thor iron man and captain america begin fighting thanos they're like you know this is a trap i don't much care all right just so we're all in the same page and his eyes start glowing like that's where i like yeah thor's turns blue lightning and everything they should have fixed his physique right there. He should have sucked it in and turned into Super Thor, but okay.
Starting point is 00:49:49 He should have grabbed a cinching strap and went... Like CGI the whole gutter way. Take off the fat suit and make him Thor, but anyway. What if he took his hammer and just went BOOM and it turned to six pack? All this time you could have done that?
Starting point is 00:50:05 You're a fat piece of shit for no reason. But yeah, I go to that part where the three of them agree to walk into Thanos' trap, not caring that it's a trap. And they're like, let's go, boy. And I'm like, yeah, let's go. Jackie's like, I need you to call the credit card company,
Starting point is 00:50:22 get this sorted out or whatever. You're going to have to wait about 24 minutes shit's happening right now actually 21 and 16 seconds yeah I watch it occasionally too it's very cool it's very cool it's one of the
Starting point is 00:50:37 great moments in all of cinema and like I say that being like a Stanley Kubrick fan and somebody who likes like dry cinema and like I can watch two I can watch all three hours or whatever it is of 2001 A Space Odyssey. And I'm just like fucking foaming at the mouth when they when they're just like all those ridiculous scenes that you have to interpret and like make your own ideas up about what they mean. and like make your own ideas up about what they mean but when i watch fucking captain america like like grab me on here i'm just like this is just as good as anything stanley cooper has ever made when captain america love that shit is his arm meant to be broken or just yeah he's got a fractured arm and yeah so he just tightens the shield around a little more to use it as like a
Starting point is 00:51:22 splint and it is impossible odds as far as he knows he doesn't know he's got to get back up on his left but it's impossible odds and he's like well I'm not going to quit you're going to have to beat me and I'm in I'm sold one of the best scenes in
Starting point is 00:51:39 cinematic history it really is it's so I have an emotional reaction to it whenever you can have an emotional reaction emotional reaction to something on screen um they've done their job and whether it's something as silly as raccoons and spacemen fighting each other over uh over the planet earth or it's you know some like down to earth family drama it doesn't matter it's about how it makes you feel and and and that movie really like it makes me feel something i love it i love it that scene in particular is excellent it's it's a tough standard to hold up to it
Starting point is 00:52:18 doesn't meet it but you're missing out on invincible yeah i know you haven't watched that yet invincible yeah harley recommended it it's animated it. It's animated. It's on Amazon. Oh, okay. I'll start if it's got some good shit like that in it. I don't know. I don't know why I haven't really. I've avoided any spoilers. It is on the back burner, but
Starting point is 00:52:37 yeah, I'll check it out. This is not a spoiler at all. The last season has, not the last season, the last episode has been aired. So you could binge as long as you wanted to. I finished off the oh, we already discussed like the Captain America TV show
Starting point is 00:52:54 Winter Soldier. You aired your grievances. Did I have grievances? Because I liked the show. Yeah, I liked it too. I don't remember it like that. Yeah, I like it. I think it's by the new Captainica not being as like one of the characters not being very likable oh we'll see that's just a pot a plot point you know like like maybe you don't remember so so they they make a new captain america who turns out to be kind of a a shithead
Starting point is 00:53:19 but by the end we get a black captain america the way it should have been because when steve rogers the old captain america like retired at the end of the get a black Captain America the way it should have been. Because when Steve Rogers, the old Captain America, retired at the end of the movie, we were just referencing the wonderful movie. At the end of that movie, Taylor, he basically says he's going to go back in time and be with the woman he loves and just forget all this superhero stuff. Because that's how his story began originally was like he had this woman he loved but he was fighting world war ii and there was this moment where he could have saved himself but this missile was going to like hit new york city and like he sacrificed
Starting point is 00:53:56 himself to like save new york city i believe it was new york city it may have been all of north america i don't remember how big the missile was yeah it was it was it was it was gonna York City. It may have been all of North America. I don't remember how big the missile was. It was going to be a big deal if this missile got to where it was going. It was some sort of magic missile. But anyway, he takes the missile out, falls into the ocean, freezes, and then they thaw him out. And that's how the Captain America movies begin. He's thawed out in modern days, but the woman he loves is like 97 years old. And Chris Evans could fuck a 97-year-old to death.
Starting point is 00:54:27 It's just not going to work. He could fuck a 27-year-old to death. Maybe. I bet. I wonder about that. I wonder about some of the superheroes you've got to imagine really can't have normal sex lives. They can only fuck other superheroes because they need a real tough vagina.
Starting point is 00:54:44 I've thought about that. They need a real tough vagina. I thought about that. They need a hearty vagina. Yeah, otherwise it would shoot like a bullet. Oh, the cum load would be a real problem. Oh, let me give everybody the update on lock and load. I'll read verbatim. Yes. Because someone asked me in the 50 patron day before yesterday,
Starting point is 00:55:02 and I filled them in,, uh, and I should fill everyone else in. Uh, so I'll just read exactly what Derek said. Um, so there's no like, uh, I don't know. Confusion. Confusion. Like you're getting it straight from the horse. Straight from the horse.
Starting point is 00:55:20 I had some holdups, uh, with one of the ingredients and labels. Mostly the real problem has been me sticking to a two video per day posting schedule and barely having the time to do anything, though, besides oversee the current product lines that we have. So it's been drug out longer than I would have liked, and I apologize for that. The labels are in printing right now and I'm hoping we have, and he mentions how many units we'll have mid-summer. It's a lot of units. Once we have this first batch done, it will be way faster and we will never run out of inventory again as we will just keep putting in reorders to make sure that we never run out and we're never in this position again. Again, sorry for the delay guys and thank you for your patience.
Starting point is 00:56:04 Once we get this first batch up for sale, again, we'll never run out. So I just wanted to throw that out there because I'm sure there's some people who think that we were just kind of joking about lock and load, like it was like tilt or something. But for real, this is something that I spent months experimenting on myself,
Starting point is 00:56:20 taking like fistfuls of pills, doing online research, working with Derek, um, working, Derek has like a bunch of like fuck boy friends who are like bodybuilders who are like all about getting big cum loads. So they were like, yo dude, I take this and that. No, you're not, you want 400 milligrams of that though. Yeah. Bump it up. Oh no, not so much of that though. You're getting a good enough of that from here. And so like we really put our heads together um and like i was literally measuring my my semen um you know scientifically yeah like like coming in fucking condoms and drawing it with a syringe
Starting point is 00:56:56 like measure how much my my my loads were growing in it i know that sounds super gross, but I did it for you. I did it for you. That's the purpose of it. It's the purpose. But yeah, for real, all jokes aside, we're making this thing. It has been made. I have a big bottle of it in my living room. We all have a giant bottle. You're forging new ground. You're like Compernicus.
Starting point is 00:57:21 I'm Compernicus. Finding new ways to ejaculate the the label is funny the label is funny without being like so over the top that credit card processors won't uh fulfill orders you know you can't go all you can't at first there were like cum stains all over it and uh and derrick was like guys can we can we drop some of the cum stains i don't know if the credit card processors are going to be okay with this and and taylor's like can we keep some of the cum stain. I don't know if the credit card processors are going to be okay with this. And Taylor's like, can we keep some of the cum? It's a funny thing to have. It is funny. But yeah, all jokes aside, it is a real product.
Starting point is 00:57:55 It is being made. I'm sorry for the delay. It's completely out of my hands. I'm not trying to put the blame on Derek, but it's been in Derek's hands for a while. completely out of my hands um i'm not trying to put the blame on derrick but um you know that it's it's been in derrick's hands for a while and uh soon it will be in your hands and uh and you'll be able to enjoy the massive thick creamy pearlescent loads that uh perfect way to say they're healthy you're gonna have a healthy load they're very honestly very pearlescent like like my loads used to be a little bit transparent a little bit like uh the the goo from the ghostbusters movies and uh and now it's much more um much more it's much more hearty it looks like there's some nutrients in that load and that leads me to believe that
Starting point is 00:58:37 those nutrients are just swimming around inside me all the time that i'm just full of of cum all the time and you're you know. And you guys better get excited because this is coming right down the pike. You better get excited or you'll never see the cum. I honestly have better orgasms because of Lock and Load because there's more volume and there's more cum. It feels better. Nope, all bullshit aside.
Starting point is 00:59:02 Look, if you don't want it, don't get it. But if you're interested in what we're selling here, we're barely making a dime on it. It's expensive products. And I think we're able to do we found special bottles so that we can do one month supplies because there was this weird like midpoint because it takes. So you have to take like nine pills a day. That's how you know we're not bullshitting you. If we were trying to make a bullshit product, yeah, you just, yeah, you just take this one pill every three days. It's no big deal. We sell you seven pills. They're $7 a piece and you're good. No, we're selling you a real product. And what it really takes to increase your cum load by, in my own experience- And nine pills is the most dense we could get it because i remember he was like i got it down to
Starting point is 00:59:47 like 18 pills a day we can't do we that's not possible we were like we can't settle for a pill and a liquid that combined to get this done we needed a dry yeah ingredients yeah we we had to come up with one of the ingredients is wet and And so like a big part of like this timeframe thing and the extra time that it took literally has been creating a dry version of a wet ingredient so that you didn't have two bottles of pills so that everything can be in one bottle and then finding a bottle so that it was, it was like, Oh,
Starting point is 01:00:20 we can either do a two week supply or a three month supply and a three month supply is like a pre-workout jug. I want to have Derek on the show when we roll it out. I think that'd be fun. I think we could arrange that pretty easily. I'll talk to him at some point. I was going to talk to him later this evening. But yeah, I think it'll be fun.
Starting point is 01:00:42 I'm looking forward to getting my – like I said, I've got a bottle of it, but I want a bottle with the label uh i'm looking forward to like getting my i've like i said i've got a bottle of it but i want a bottle with the label and everything um looking forward to it so yeah coming uh soon i would like you said midsummer is is his uh best guess woody i did not see this statement from the new york rangers they are not pulling any punches so here i'll link uh this is a tweet thread with the hits in question. Tom Wilson, total piece of shit. Uh, the top one, you can see, uh, him almost kill Buknevich. And then in the second one, you can see him grab onto Artemi Panarin's hair and slam him into the ice. And now he's out for the rest of the season. All-star guy. Oh, I see. So this Rangers player is kind of vulnerable.
Starting point is 01:01:29 He falls forward on his knees and sort of face first. And Tom has his stick kind of cross-checking him on the back of the neck, driving his face into the ice. If I'm seeing it right. I thought it was his stick, too, on his back of his neck. If you see, his stick is under butch nevich but he's using his body in his right hand to push him down so he falls faster into the ice i thought it was the cross you're right the stick is on the neck you know jam him down he's
Starting point is 01:01:58 got kind of uh his chest on his back as he uses his body weight to push the guy's face into the ground yeah into the nice ice and another thing tom wilson he's a live fella six five like 230 or something so that's that's a lot of weight to come right down the back of your neck uh or yeah on the back of your neck and your face uh bujnevich he left the game didn't return wilson didn't even get suspended from the game and they only five finds him $5,000 for this. He's a repeat offender. Uh, it's settled. He just has a $5,000 fine. Yeah. $5,000 fine. And that, you know, if you're gonna see something even almost as egregious, Artemi Baderin in that second clip, number 10 for the Rangers, one of the best all-stars in
Starting point is 01:02:41 the league, incredibly skilled. You can see Tom Wilson grab him by his hair very pussy move and and slam his head on the ice and then Artemi Panarin had to leave and he is out for the rest of the season and the Rangers explicitly said yes he's leaving explicitly because of injuries caused by Tom Wilson slamming his head into the ice last night and now New York is literally saying the New York Rangers are extremely disappointed the Capitol that capitals forward Tom Wilson was not suspended for his horrifying act of violence last night at Madison Square Garden. Wilson is a repeat offender with long history of these types of acts. We find it shocking that the NHL and their department of player safety failed to take the appropriate action to spend him indefinitely. Wilson's dangerous and reckless actions cause an
Starting point is 01:03:19 injury to our 10, our 10, me Panarin that will prevent him from playing again this season. We view this as a dereliction of duty by NHL head player of safety, George Peros. George Peros, by the way, was an enforcer, and now he's the head of the NHL player of safety. Bullshit. And believe he is unfit to continue his current role. I agree with him.
Starting point is 01:03:34 I'm not, I'm never on the side of like take fighting out of hockey, but like this guy is going out of his way to ruin people's careers. Let me ask you this. You're the commissioner of hockey or whatever the fuck that job is. What do you do here? Because let me say what I would do first. Sure. I'd make an example.
Starting point is 01:03:52 I would spend him for the... How much is left in the season? There's only five games left in the season. How many games are in a season? This season, only 56. There's 82 usually because of COVID. All right. I would suspend him
Starting point is 01:04:05 for 45 games see i what i would like what i wanted to see them do is say you are suspended for the entirety of the playoffs you can't play in the playoffs that's weak man come on no that'd be way more devastating no no no he's suspended for the playoffs it's 45 games beginning tonight that's what they should do they gave him so you missed you missed the rest of the season all the playoffs and the first like 30 games of next year whatever it comes to that's what it should be without pay without pay yeah and this this guy he clearly isn't afraid of it even better your pay goes to the guy you fucked up i like that yeah but like yeah all his pay should go there this guy like he's just and like i saw someone talking about it uh that had a really good take where he was like tom wilson
Starting point is 01:04:55 is a guy who's taking advantage of the fact that the nhl is not what it was even 15 years ago like i got a tom wilson guy doing that 10 15 years ago uh they would Tom Wilson guy doing that 10, 15 years ago, they would have said, okay, we're bringing, oh, and the Rangers are literally doing this now. They said, we're not sure who we're going to call up. Basically, that means we're picking the biggest guy in the AHL and we're calling him up and his only job next game is to hurt Tom Wilson.
Starting point is 01:05:19 That's what they're going to end up doing. And hopefully they pick some 6'8 bruiser. And I want to see, I hope that they run Tom Wilson so hard that he has to be giving interviews from a wheelchair. He's like, I should have just played by the rules. And he's like, I hope something like that happens. He's a piece of shit. This guy, Artemi Panarin, that he slammed his head into the ice,
Starting point is 01:05:38 if you scroll down, Kyle, you see that second clip where he slams him. Yeah, I don't want to see it, honestly. That guy's a genuine all-star. He's a one of the top, probably 15 players in the league, genuine all-star, good guy, never plays dirty. And to see Tom Wilson do that, he's just... And then Capitals fans, good God, I like the
Starting point is 01:05:55 Washington Capitals. They're one of my favorite teams on the East, except for this piece of shit. And seeing Capitals fans online, just like, it's just a hard-nosed hockey play. It's like, okay, you clearly started watching hockey in 2018 when you won the Cup because you don't understand that this is not a hard-nosed hockey play. This is intent to injure. That's fucking intent to injure.
Starting point is 01:06:17 God, I hope that the New York Rangers have some monster in their development league that they can call up. Or you know what? Who cares? The Rangers, I think they're not making the playoffs anyway or no way that they are making the playoffs i really don't like um when people are are so look i don't mind dirty play necessarily like like what i don't like is cheap shots um like like uh you know like i i don't mind so much when like i i complain about a lot but i didn't mind grease gate all that much with GSP.
Starting point is 01:06:46 Like, like basically they poured water on this guy and with Vaseline already soaked into his skin. So he was harder to grapple with. It's cheating. It is cheating. He's admitted to it that it is cheating. He's admitted that it happened,
Starting point is 01:06:59 but BJ Penn didn't get any brain injury because of it. His brain injury came later on. Okay. Um, but, but it would be the, you know, when you actually go after somebody,
Starting point is 01:07:10 when you throw it, somebody's head in baseball, that's a good example. Um, that's really the only thing you can do in baseball. That's as egregious as what you're, you're talking about here is throwing at somebody's head or charging the mound with the bat.
Starting point is 01:07:24 You can charge the mound and take the pitcher out knock his you can you can hit him and i don't mind that especially if he if he fucking throws your head and bring a weapon there's a tit for tat but if you bring a weapon if you throw that bat or if you bring that bat with you big line has been crossed or in football you take the helmet off and you use the helmet as a weapon big line has been crossed or if you stomp somebody who's down like like not just step on i honestly don't mind when they step on people in the pile in football like that to me is like this real borderline thing it's like hurts don't it but when they stomp when they like raise the knee up and like like try and break an ankle or something yeah yeah try to try to like break an ankle or twist something um you have to cross the line plays in any sport it just kind of goes against
Starting point is 01:08:10 the entire purpose of it like yeah eye gouging and eye raking and ufc um for to me that's that's really the most the most egregious thing i don't mind knee kicks i don't mind push kicks to the knees i mean they're perfectly within the rules it's just it seems dirty but it's it's a fight game it's i mean we're hitting each other as hard as we can we're trained fucking fighters and i'm sure there are like there are some commentators who are like more into the brutal you know aspect of ufc like there are in the brutal aspect of hockey but like even like ex-enforcers in the nhl john John Scott, a guy who's like six foot nine. He's the guy in like 2015. He was an enforcer in the NHL.
Starting point is 01:08:49 They had an open vote. The NHL was like, vote your, like who do you think deserves to be in the NHL all-star game? And then the hockey Reddit was like, ha ha, let's vote John Scott. Like he played, he's got five goals in his whole career. All he did was beat people up. And he, you know, he had a good career of beating the shit out of people. And even he was like, made a Twitter video where he's like hey i was just watching this tom wilson thing you know i know i'm kind of living in a glass house here
Starting point is 01:09:11 but go through i never did anything like that this shit is disgusting it's egregious i don't know what's up with the nhl maybe they just want the capitals to win the cup again it's good money for him he's clearly he's like so distanced from me he doesn't give a fuck he's uh he he left the nhl and it's like well you could retire what are you gonna do he's like well before i joined the nhl i actually got a degree in a you know mechanical engineering so i think i'm gonna go get a job at a mechanical engineering firm to keep myself busy and it's like what a what a weird combination of skills like you you're a mechanical engineer who beats people up in the nhl very cool but yeah yeah we're talking about how bullshit it was like this is beyond the pale this isn't aggressive
Starting point is 01:09:50 hockey this isn't hard-nosed hockey this is trying to hurt someone because he's a emotional guy i like it when they keep enforcers in their minor leagues but back in the day the flyers had a guy named frank by a wall oh something like a big boy yeah my man here he was a fighter and he did nothing but fight that that was what he was all about and you could tell when he played he had this long hair so whenever he skated around the ice it was very obvious who he was and when he it was like the puck was secondary. Like he didn't completely abandon, but he was all about hits and fights. And it was like there were nine hockey players and a shark out there for some reason. And it was just like, da-dun, da-dun, da-dun, da-dun, da-dun, da-dun. And he'd lay huge hits on guys.
Starting point is 01:10:40 Whenever like a physical team came to town, they'd call this fucker up. And it was like, are you sure you want this? on guys. Whenever a physical teen came to town, they'd call this fucker up. It was like, are you sure you want this? It was like the fucking 500 fights speech that Vin Diesel gave. This guy was so goddamn tough. It just felt
Starting point is 01:10:59 comforting to have him on the ice. Yeah, he did really great. Anyway, I saw this guy's wedding photo. I couldn't find it on the internet. It's him. His wife is so happy, and he's there with this long, greasy hair. It looks like he was just in a fight and a giant black eye on his wedding day. Because that's who he was all the way to the core.
Starting point is 01:11:20 See, now all I want to talk about is his fucking knock-around guys. Yeah. I remember watching that with my cousin uh scott being over his house and watching that for the first time and us being like that's one of the most badass things i've ever seen because like back then like vin diesel was the cool guy like like he's kind of kind of following grace a little bit and like cool guy status a little bit dad bodied out although he gets in shape for the films but um but in this he's pretty fucking yoked you know and uh and he just walks up to that guy he's just like 500 and the guy dude's like 500 what douchebag and like spits that tobacco on him and he just like takes his fucking jacket off in the middle that speech and sort of like
Starting point is 01:12:05 shakes his shoulders for it he's got that big star of david tattoo on his on his bicep and he's just he's big and the you can see the other guy like checking him out like look man i got no problem with you it's like you've already spit on him it's too late you already spit on him that was your opening move was a spit like you can't like reconcile now 500 fights that's what i've seen that's what i reckon it takes somewhere along the way yeah it stops one thing about being tough or something like that yeah and it's like but you never learn something something about like most important thing you learn like like but nothing more important than this and it's just like boom okay like grabs his collar head
Starting point is 01:12:50 butts him takes him down like like a fucking perfect like boss root in the head butt and just goes to work on him just kicks the shit out of him and they're playing and they're playing the country music in the background you cut to the crowd of good old boys just going oh they're beating the shit out of this guy and it's one of the most serious beatings you've ever seen in a movie um like like without like going to like some like fight club where they're just like where he pummels the guy until he's like he won that fight a minute and a half before he stopped fighting he won it instantly the headbutt it was almost over and the guy got up and took one wild swing and then
Starting point is 01:13:26 ben diesel like punches him in the liver or something and then the fight's over and then from after that like there's a point where ben diesel stands up kind of admires his work and then goes back for more and just like gets like six more good ones into the middle of the guy's face he's not trying to defend himself he's trying to get compliance out of this other guy he wants this other guy to understand that there's a new boss in town and he'll have some questions for him and it works.
Starting point is 01:13:52 Good scene, man. Good scene. Not a great movie. Good scene. I agree with that. Call to wrap? Yeah, I think so, boys. BKN 350. Yeah.

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