Painkiller Already - PKN 389

Episode Date: February 2, 2022


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Starting point is 00:00:00 PKN 389. What's up boys? Yeah, we were just talking about how our idea of what different countries foods are is so fucked. Right? Like we were talking about how all I know about Chinese food, I know two things. I hear about like, I see like the scorpions on like sticks and stuff. But then I see the stuff that we eat. That's like sugary fried chicken thighs like with fried rice. And I'm not sure that the average that we eat that's like sugary fried chicken thighs with fried rice. And I'm not sure that the average Chinese person, actually, that's bad to say. Whenever you go, the average Chinese person, they're like, the average Chinese person is a peasant who is five foot two. All right, well, not the average Chinese person.
Starting point is 00:00:36 The average one who has running water. How about that? Yeah, that's what I want. I wonder what those guys eat. But the same is true with italian food you know we think of spaghetti and meatballs and and pizza with stuffed crust uh and all sorts of nonsense and like when we watch sopranos right there was that scene where paulie is asking for you know some spaghetti and tomato sauce and they're all like talking behind his back in italian
Starting point is 00:01:02 what a classless piece of shit like he doesn't of shit he's like he's like insecure because he can't do real italian he could just do hey like just like and like another part about you mentioned the tori that's respect you uh you mentioned like the the american going to italy scene The Sopranos. Something else I remember watching that is how much just glaringly fatter the American Italians were than the Italian Italians. Except the women. Maybe that's just TV, but in The Sopranos world, the American women were pretty fit. Yeah, they were mostly like trophy wives, it seemed.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Yeah. Where like Carmella knew exactly what she was getting in for. She didn't even get like that genuinely pissed when he was fucking other women. It was more just like, you know, the appearance of impropriety is really the worst part here. Like you're not even making an effort to show your friends that you don't want me knowing about this. You're just like, see you later, whore. I'm going to get my dick sucked at the the greasy fucking wop or whatever the name the the greasy wop would have been a much better name for the strip club welcome to the greasy wop
Starting point is 00:02:18 yeah i would yeah i don't know i i don't know what those people actually eat um i don't know what any uh other countries actually eat i don't know what we really eat if you think about like what's an american like meal right always think we're just an amalgamation of everything i don't i think others think burgers but i don't think that like like i don't eat a lot of hamburgers i don't remember a lot of hamburgers either i do eat a tremendous amount of chicken i probably kill a bird daily 360 days a year yeah i mean i mean they can't if only there are a way to harvest the bird a piece at a time and keep it alive yeah if i knew that i'd save a lot of birds yeah yeah because i just want the breasts do they need those to live yeah could they regrow the breasts perhaps?
Starting point is 00:03:05 What if we started that movement? It was a new PETA movement. We're with you. We don't want to kill animals. We want to surgically remove those cumbersome breasts that have been foisted upon them by Big Agra. We need some CGI zombie chickens. This is our vision.
Starting point is 00:03:23 These tiny breasted chickens standing upright they're really happy expanding and contracting but for some chickens like they're too old for the surgery so you have to get them like bras so now the chickens are walking around with no support seems like a lot of resources
Starting point is 00:03:39 well they're people too chickens are people too that's science you can't argue yeah i don't know i i guess i think we kind of just uh we put a lot of spin on every regional food in the world right like like hot dogs and brats and shit in america we just do that a different way than like the germans or the polish who who are all about about the sausage but our spin is always to stuff cheese in it yes make it huge and yes yeah i know put some salt in there kyle and now make it that's what cheese is made of i should just sugar that up a bit
Starting point is 00:04:16 come on and then like even even like the most ultimate American food, the hot dog, we can't even eat it faster than any other country on Earth. Wait, are you sure that's true? I feel like Joey Chestnut or something has been the man. No fucking Nagami. You think he ever considers beating up that little Japanese man before one of the. He couldn't catch him. The Japanese guy is in good shape there's a document like i don't know if it's a documentary or a 40 second pre-clip to the eating competition i saw on youtube but it showed him on a treadmill like after his competitions burning you know what yeah i i would imagine that like
Starting point is 00:04:59 it seems like the sort of thing that an american man would say, well, I just need to eat a lot of brats to practice. And a Japanese man would be like, oh, my metabolism has to be so fast to be a professional hot dog eater. I'm essentially going to have to be a professional athlete. He's just modeling himself after Michael. He's burning Michael Phelps calories so he can eat Michael Phelps meals. Taylor, I don't mean to hurt your feelings, but Joey Chestnut has been the man since 2007.
Starting point is 00:05:25 Let's go! Is he American? Fuck you, Japan! Oh, we're in the mix! Fuck you, Japan! You're thinking, we're in the mix. We've been dominating this shit for whatever 21 minus 7 is. Nobody knows, but whatever that is, that's how many 14 years... If only it were divisible.
Starting point is 00:05:41 For several years and more. Takeru Kobayashi was was the man from 2006 to 2001 and it was a different japanese guy word of advice never forget pearl harbor that's right this guy this guy is wildly successful 14 time hot dog eating contest champion and that's the nathan's contest the real one i'm sure that's like the stanley cup of of eating that's my presumption yes this is this is gross it's so yucky it's like i so i watch a lot of bodybuilding i've been watching a lot of bodybuilding recently i can recognize that it's yucky right that these are people they might look fit
Starting point is 00:06:25 but they're not. As a matter of fact, at this year's Mr. Olympia, a dude died in preparation for the Mr. Olympia. This is not a health heart issues. Heart always gets those guys. I think it was heart issues. It seems like
Starting point is 00:06:40 I've been watching some older footage. Let's see how the 2014 competition went. A lot of these guys died at like 47, 51. That is what happens to guys who take their bodies to that level of extremity. That might be extremeness. I don't think extremity means that. But whatever. Push it to the limit.
Starting point is 00:07:02 When they push it to the limit. When they walk on the razor's edge but i still like watching the sport and if you want to do it i'll watch you do it i as much time as i've invested in this thing if you put the top five guys on there and i didn't know who won i couldn't tell you who was best they all seem like freaks to me. They're so big and so cut and you have to tell me that that guy's bigger than that guy because I can't tell the difference between
Starting point is 00:07:31 a trillion and a trillion and three. They just look giant to me. Anyway, it's not as gross as eating though. Somehow, it's just the fact that it's gastric. The fact that it's eating. They eat real quick, and then they drink real quick, and the drink has some of the food in that water.
Starting point is 00:07:52 It's the grossest, yuckiest. They dip the bun in there sometimes. Yeah, they dip the bun in the water. And, of course, some of the bun is left behind in the water. And then they – I'm sick thinking about it. Then they drink the bunny water, and it is the yuckiest sport in the world. And the water's all cloudy. Do you think there's backwash in it?
Starting point is 00:08:10 But Woody, think about the fame and fortune that come along with being a Nathan's Hot Dog eating champion. You could be the Nathan's Hot Dog eating champion. You could be good. Nathan's hot dog eating champion. Well, I mean, you get the big dog.
Starting point is 00:08:29 You know, you get to be. What are the rewards? How much is the cash prize? I'm looking. So he had to eat 71 hot dogs in 15 minutes. If I'm scanning, but that seems right. God, that's a lot of hot dogs. $370,000.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Wait, is that right? Or is that lifetime? No, but can you imagine? Can you imagine how funny would that be? Oh, Taylor's dying of fire. $40,000. Come on. It's $10,000 to the winner.
Starting point is 00:08:58 It's $10,000 to the winner. All right, it's $10,000 to the winner. This is absurd. Did we get the answer? $40,000 in prize pool. I think it's $10,000 to the winner. This is absurd. Did we get the answer? Is it $10,000? Yeah, $40,000 in prize pool. I think it's $10,000 to the winner. That's awful.
Starting point is 00:09:09 You see more than that at regional shooting competitions. I feel like if you won four years in a row, you could have a decent car. I feel like I think that you would need some sort of sponsorship to come along with this. And I don't know if that exists. I think it could if you told me it exists in Japan, that Kobayashi guy is just like, he's the hot dog man. He sells the guy on the picture. His picture's on a package of hot dogs and they sell. I'd believe that. But over here, there's no way. I don't know what Joey
Starting point is 00:09:39 Chestnut or whatever his name is, but I guarantee he doesn't have a face for labels. Joey Chestnut is far more dominant in his sport than Conor McGregor is, and he doesn't have any money. Well, that's a goddamn shame. All right, I got a new show. I love that his name is Chestnut, too. The only
Starting point is 00:09:58 better name would be Joey Gobbles. Joey Gobbles. Oh, yeah, put him on a fucking bag of food I'll buy that yeah that's hilarious being sponsored by bounty is so funny actually please take that yeah I was getting a little grossed out like I was this close to gagging a little looking at his mouth full of yucky full of nonsense yeah um oh so Kyle you are watching a new show, even though Ozark exists. So only the half of the Ozark season dropped, and I want the whole thing. Oh, it's not? Seven episodes long?
Starting point is 00:10:33 I was told that. I was told only half dropped. I haven't checked it. Perhaps I was misled. I've watched the first two episodes of it, though. Yeah, perhaps I was misled, but I was told only half of season. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:43 So I'm waiting on the other half. I don't like cliffhangers and I bet there's a cliffhanger. But but to be fair, all I thought all of Peacemaker were out, but it's not. There's like five episodes of that out. Peacemaker is the character from the newest Suicide Squad movie that was actually good, played by John Cena. And it picks up right after the end of the movie he's recovering from the injuries that he sustained in the movie coming out of the hospital and it's
Starting point is 00:11:12 really good so john cena is a good actor first of all somehow like not only is he like funny like like at good at delivering lines uh and like an unironic kind of way but he's also um like a good physical actor like there's so many scenes of him for some reason like in briefs dancing and a really funny way like when at the beginning of every name of this show peacemaker he is and so like he exists in a in the dc universe okay the one with batman and superman, in this TV show, they exist. Don't worry. They're not flying around doing anything. Thank God. I would hate if any content was available on streaming services
Starting point is 00:11:51 that wasn't somehow tied to the superheroes at Marvel. Now I'm upset at my ability to enjoy it. No, just stick with me here. This is DC, but it's much more grounded. And, like, he keeps running into this issue where he thinks of himself as a superhero. He's like, I'm a superhero.
Starting point is 00:12:08 And the guy's like, aren't you that racist supervillain that shoots all the blacks? He's like, I shoot criminals. I shoot criminals. I cannot control who commits crimes. You can watch white people a little bit more closely. He's like, fair. I promise to watch white people more closely and kill more of them when i catch them well that's a deal then like he's not an actual
Starting point is 00:12:30 racist but he's definitely perceived as one because of the unfortunate coincidence that his father was a super villain called the white dragon who was a racist super villain who killed minorities wait do they actually have powers or is that or no so they're like so like john cena is just like fucking john cena and that's good enough right he's also happens to be strong and big he's huge and they make fun of that too they're like you're kind of bulky for a superhero they're all kind of like gymnast bodies now you know you're kind of bulky he's he's like this is this is i'm cut i am lean and like he gets his his scan done at a hospital and he's mad he tells the doctor he's like doc could you turn up the contrast on that dye or something because it's really making me look like one of those guys who just goes for bulk
Starting point is 00:13:13 and i work hard on my small muscle groups i want what is it called again i'm gonna race peacemaker and and um it sounds pretty good you know he's got that quote i love peace and i'll i don't care how many men women and children i have to kill to get it hey i oh so is that all right all right i was about to say i got the answer on ozark but zach said something different uh seven episodes have dropped there will be 14 total um this they're calling it season four there will be no season five by the way but season four releases in two parts i found three websites that said they haven't told us when part two will drop but that the both parts were filmed okay zach seems to have found something that said part two is May 31st.
Starting point is 00:14:06 That's still a while, but I mean, what have the seasons been up till now? Like, ten episodes? Nine episodes or something? So it's pretty much like they made two seasons. I'll just wait. I'm not in a big hurry. Zach's not right. This article actually says
Starting point is 00:14:21 that it'll come out after May 31st, because that's when emmy's season ends okay if i understand this right oh it says it won't be before may 31st so that's the answer okay so june at the early it's i've watched the first two episodes so far i'll tell you what i'll i'll watch it so that we can discuss it here that that seems fair i shouldn't just not for so that we can discuss it here i'll watch it yeah but we all enjoy the might consider watching it so that someone doesn't invade your world with a spoiler sometimes I'm motivated to watch things because yeah I'm gonna bottle me about Han Solo or whatever and I don't want to hear it yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:14:59 yeah I feel you uh I'll get that done but But anybody who's listening, I highly recommend Peacemaker. Every episode begins with this dance number, this choreographed dance number with all of the characters that are going to be in the episode. Is John Cena in it? Yeah. I was multitasking when you told us about it. Main character. He is Peacemaker. And you start
Starting point is 00:15:21 to... He's a villain in the last movie. He kills Rick Flag in the last movie, who's like your G.I. Joe main character guy. He stabs him in the heart with a piece of tile or something. And Rick Flag says, peacemaker, what a fucking joke, and dies. And then Idris Elba, like, you know, grievously injures John Cena at the end. And he's the hero.
Starting point is 00:15:39 John Cena's the bad guy. So we pick up with John Cena and you start, like, seeing what his life is when he's not like on this mission to save the world pulled out of prison you see what john cena's life is like and you start really feeling for him and understanding that he's not a bad guy he just he just has a warped um like like viewpoint and and he's grown up raised by robert patrick you know the evil terminator um terminating to the liquid one that by robert patrick you know the evil terminator um termine to the liquid one that's robert patrick he plays uh the father john cena's dad and he is just awful
Starting point is 00:16:11 um forgive me if you told us do you need to see the movie to appreciate the tv show nah there's even parts where like john cena references it and he just like lays it all out there he's like we had this one guy. He was terrified of rats. You know why? Because his dad locked him in a box with rats, and they chewed on him all night. Robert Patrick's loving this. This is the only time Robert Patrick has related to anything his son has said in the past five minutes, is when he's heard about another man who was tortured by his own father with rats. Robert patrick is laughing he's yucking it up out of nowhere he hasn't cracked his smile and he's just seen his son for the first time in four
Starting point is 00:16:49 years he's just like i've given up on you you pansy boy god my firm was wasted going in your mama's egg i should have slit your throat when you came out of her cooch he says things like that jesus jesus christ these are direct. I want to see this now. I won't say anything else, but he has a sidekick that's fucking hilarious. His sidekick is essentially Jeffrey Dahmer with some acrobatic powers.
Starting point is 00:17:17 I'm sure you said this already, but what platform are you watching on? HBO. Oh. Someone tell Joe Lozon to change his password back come on it's been so many years so you're still still using it we watch game of thrones season two together i've been using it ever since wait it's announced 2011 lozans facing cowboy i presume cool joe it doesn't i mean you guys follow it way closer than me it doesn't seem like joe's fought
Starting point is 00:17:51 in a while i thought he was kind of retired so the way his last fight ended it was a little bit of a thing where like he had told dana white that was his last fight but you know obviously joe won and in pretty convincing fashion the way i remember. I don't remember it blow for blow, but he got the job done big time. And then after it, in the post-fight, Joe was hyped up on a win, right? It's hard to retire there. I can't imagine what that feels like to
Starting point is 00:18:14 fucking be there in the post-fight, and you just kick this guy's ass, and everybody was counting you out. So Joe was hyped up on himself, and he's kind of like, ah, maybe another, maybe another. And Dana's like, well, we already talked about this and we said that, you know, this was the last one we'll, we'll talk about later. And it sort of seemed like a thing where that's where things were left. And I thought maybe Joe would, you know, maybe the high of the night would wear off and he'd
Starting point is 00:18:37 be like, oh yeah, I did have this plan and that plan, but it seems like he wants to fight. So that's awesome. And cowboy versus Joe is cool. So that version of the events is what Dana White said. Joe Lozon had a slightly different version. He's like, what? Promise to retire after this? That is not a deal I ever made.
Starting point is 00:18:53 I don't know what Dana's talking about. I don't know why they disagree on what they said in private. I believe Joe. Me too. But I believe Dana doesn't think he's lying. That's what I think. I think Joe's right and Dana doesn't think he's lying.
Starting point is 00:19:11 But yeah, Dana thought that win or lose, it would be Joe's last fight. Joe didn't think that. Joe looked great against a guy who was good. So that's nice. And he's going to fight Cowboys. Good luck, Joe. Is there any date? April 30th. Shit, that's nice and uh he's gonna fight cowboys good luck joe is there any side is there any tick his ass april 30th shit that's not far yeah no it's like three months from now all right that's
Starting point is 00:19:32 really cool i'm actually excited to see that fight like i would be happy if they announced fights like six to eight weeks away i would yeah i think 12 is a little extra kind of future to me 12 only works if it's going to be that like Conor, Khabib fucking world tour nonsense I miss those man like Taylor I don't think that like they've done it in a long time but like when Conor McGregor fought
Starting point is 00:19:58 Jose Aldo like there was this lead up to it and like I don't think there's ever been anything like it in sports correct me if I'm wrong because I'm ignorant. Son and versus Anderson Silva had a similar kind of tour and, and they just went to Brazil though. Like, like in Brazil.
Starting point is 00:20:13 Yeah. Yeah. I know. And it was a huge fight because of the, the way Chael pumped it up. Chael made that fight big by pretending like he didn't like Brazil. You know, he's like, they're like, you said all this shit aboutzil you know he's like they're like you said all this shit about brazil
Starting point is 00:20:28 and he's like in fairness i did not realize brazil had the internet he had so many little jokes and one-liners that he had there were a dime or dozen he he like had him on note cards i guess because he said stone cold steve austin would write some of his lines yeah yeah okay the thing about you told me the the thing about um i think i think he said that wanderlay walked up to a bus and tried to feed it a carrot because he thought it was a donkey or something brother but yeah oh okay brother yeah yeah so so like that was big but when conor mcgregor was gonna fight chose aldo it was this thing where like they like went around everywhere and toured the world doing this big media tour and
Starting point is 00:21:10 there's like a documentary like about this and it fought like every country and conor gregor is like employing that psychological warfare right where he's like i don't know tearing jose's posters up and eating them and like stole his belt just being weird you think steal someone's belt means that he beat him in a fight and earned the belt no at the press conference he stole his belt off the table in front of him yeah you had this you had this situation where you had chozi alde who had been a champion for a very long time. And he's one of those martial artists who's very like respect for you, respect for me, bow to your sensei, like calm and collected. Like I am a martial artist kind of guy.
Starting point is 00:21:54 He's so accomplished he has the respect of the locker room. He's never been disrespected in any way by a foe. Not really. And certainly not in a long time. And Conor McGregor is treating him like he's like his kid brother or something. Someone to be picked on in public, like someone to be mocked and ridiculed, someone to be like big brothered and slapped around like they're friends or something like that. But it's it's playground bully type shit that Conor McGregor is doing. And he's saying stuff that's so outlandish, like like talking about jose and murdering him and eating him and just all this crazy shit and like calling him he's
Starting point is 00:22:30 like i'm your daddy tell him i'm his daddy tell him in portuguese i'm his fucking daddy tell him i stood on my fucking knee sit on my knee boy this is not happening like in a back alley this is on a tv show this is like good morning america or something something from that ilk you know like that kind of studio setup at the very least they think of it that way and he's telling the interpreter to tell this and they're trying to interrupt connor and he won't have it he's being as forceful as i was but he's like tell him tell him sit on my knee tell him his daddy tell him i'm gonna sit on my knee just being so fucking weird it's stealing his belt multiple times like it's
Starting point is 00:23:05 grabbing it and like running away with it and i get in one of the one of the fight hype techniques that works on me is when both fighters genuinely think it's ludicrous that anyone would think the other could win like like when they're just like like what why do you think i'm the i'm the underdog that is insane have you not seen what i can do i am clearly the favorite in this fight and then they meet each other and they're both so sure that this isn't going to be close or a good competition that gets me hyped i'm like fuck both julia pena did it to Amanda Nunes lately. She just, she's like, did you see what Kat Zanahara did to her? She whooped her like seven years ago. And then I beat Kat.
Starting point is 00:23:52 So I'll beat her. And she believed that. And she just thought that she owned, her thing was this. She's like, I'm going to stand in the pocket. If you don't know fighting at all, that means you're going to stay within punching range the whole time. And just see, look, we can both reach each other. Let's fucking do this. She's like, I'm going to
Starting point is 00:24:09 stay in the pocket and I'm going to hit her. It's like, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, you're going to get close to her and hit her. No one has tried this before. To be fair, I don't think they really had. Cyborg was not afraid to stay in the pocket with her and hit her.
Starting point is 00:24:27 That's the only one. And, like, Cyborg hurt her a little once. I feel like it was this sort of exchange where it was like if it had gone the other way, like if Cyborg had gotten the first punch and then Amanda had returned and had gone like that, it could have gone a different way. But Amanda was so accurate with those punches. It was incredible when she chopped Cyborg down. But nobody had ever really just gotten in there with her and, and traded like,
Starting point is 00:24:49 like Holly was on the outside. Um, and a lot of these girls that come in there just looking like chubby housewives. Rhonda Rousey thought she could win. That's Rhonda thought she could win. Um, Khabib had a comment about Julia Pen penna is her name right yeah i believe so
Starting point is 00:25:08 i think so last name is penna for sure and um or juliana maybe it could be and khabib is like he said something like they're not even good there's only like five good female fighters and anyone can win. And okay, that's impolite. Having said that you're, when you said like, yeah, this woman's going for a title fight and she was a CPA 18 months ago. It says two things.
Starting point is 00:25:39 Anyone can be a professional female fighter and CPAs are the baddest motherfuckers of the office world. That is true. It would look bad for baseball if some guy decided he no longer wanted to work at Blimpie. And he just started playing
Starting point is 00:25:57 for the Cubs. The most unrealistic part of Rookie of the Year, the movie where the child broke his arm and now it became a catapult for baseballs and he played Major League Baseball, was that anyone would allow a child to play in their fucking league. They'd be like, fuck that little freak-ass kid. No, he's not taking
Starting point is 00:26:14 Paul's spot. I won't play on a team that allows that guy to take Paul's fucking starting spot. He's got a family to support. This little freak is going to be here. That's what would happen. You wouldn't happen you know it would be funny if they had a scene in rookie of the year where like after the game all his teammates are like come on take a shower take a shower with us like he's this 12 year old kid getting ass claps
Starting point is 00:26:39 from like professional professional athletes hell of a game out there tonight. Thanks. That was such a stupid movie. The guy, I think he was a gym teacher and a baseball coach. Might have been a true story. He throws the ball past the traffic speedometer. Is that Kevin Costner? Is it called The Natural or something? The Natural is Robert Redford.
Starting point is 00:27:03 It's a different one. I know the movie you're talking about it's like for whatever reason he for some reason i thought it was rookie of the year that it might be rookie of the year like it's called the rookie yeah okay because he's like 40 yeah yeah now that could happen that could easily happen everybody would accept that right uh i don't know if it's a true story, but it sounds like one. Of course, I believe a lot of things are true stories. Yeah. The Witcher? Pretty neat.
Starting point is 00:27:33 A little coverage of what's been going on in what? Yeah. Northern Europe? Iceland? I've been playing a game that has been documenting what's been going on with Russia and Ukraine for a few weeks now. Oh. It's called Escape from Tarkov. ukraine for a few weeks now it's called escape from tarkov uh some people have been cop taking pictures from actual news footage of what the on the ground troops look like in ukraine the
Starting point is 00:27:52 defenders of ukraine they look like scavs which is the scavengers in the game i played they're like at the like a like a puffy cap on they look dirty like they're all naked they're not naked it's got like a bunch of winter clothes thrown on you know it's not like that military uniform that's like made for temperatures blah blah through blah blah blah oh you put your class three on yeah no they've got they got like three winter sweaters and moms like kerchief on doesn't sound like the the best fighting force over there probably not probably not well it's a good thing that biden's sending our sounds like propaganda photos to get people okay with us sending troops across the world again but as long as ukraine's border is safe god every night i have trouble sleeping thinking about ukraine's border
Starting point is 00:28:34 dude it was on our team talk about this on pka because i've looked into the ukraine thing a lot since we last talked about it and i feel like I'm informed. Should I just go? Let's do it on PKA because I'd like to get more informed. I think it's a big topic. Maybe our guest this week will have something to say about it. I don't know. I agree
Starting point is 00:28:58 with you. I like it too. I like the topic. I want to learn more about it and be able to come back at you with some... i'm super ignorant right now he may not maybe he has thoughts too but um yeah yeah so i'm anyway i think i'm up to speed we'll see i've been i've been watching the news have you been watching podcasts about it other things go ahead have you been following trump at all in his rallies yeah but i'm not tied up and
Starting point is 00:29:25 it seems like he said something that kind of implied he was for the insurrection and he um so i i got linked um and what i said he was gonna pardon everybody yeah so i get like some like i don't know these random like news reports i don't know my swipe like left to right on my home screen i get like the news and um it's always like frankly really really liberal stuff though i don't think there is like a like a right wing like news platform that would ever come to me on my phone really and that's probably a good thing but um it was something about and and keep in mind it was a real left wing website but they were like trump's rallies bigger than ever before they were like as big rallies bigger than ever before.
Starting point is 00:30:07 They were like as big as he's ever been, perhaps bigger. And, and, and now spouting like, like lies that he still won the election that has been stolen from him. And the, and, and I,
Starting point is 00:30:17 I'm trying to get the phraseology. I didn't even know he was having, they said something like now completely abandoning the dog whistle and simply saying, put me back into the house, which is white. He said that house, which just so happens to be white. You can hear his delivery if you read the text. I have heard other people say what I've been saying, which is that when he was on Twitter directly, every day he shot himself in the foot. Every day was another fucking shit storm of him
Starting point is 00:30:52 either saying something that was legitimately stupid or something that could be twisted into stupid that you could hate by the media and making a story and entertainment out of what he writes. Now that all that really exists in trump is the idea of trump and maybe his rally success i feel like he's not hurting himself anymore or as much he's not out there tweeting to inject disinfectant i think he's uh he i think there's zero chance he's like a big figure by 2024.
Starting point is 00:31:27 Like I, like as far as like a potential winner, cause it's like, like already he was everywhere on every site, every newspaper, every social media thing for years. And he used that to get, to get attention.
Starting point is 00:31:41 And without all this, like he's going to just be continuing to like an email list almost like it's a 2009 internet it's going to keep dropping off activity is going to lessen and then he'll like take his bag of money and go home would be what i so in my observation he is everything on every news site every time he chooses to be he He can just go up, hold a rally, and dominate every news cycle he wants to. I think. That's what gets to me, but I'm just one guy. No, it's brilliant.
Starting point is 00:32:13 The article I read pointed this out too. He strategically has these rallies, I guess, like when he can dominate primetime. They're like, normally, Wheel of fortune would be running this slot but donald trump's on on tv so and if you think about it donald trump wants that wheel of fortune crowd watching oh yeah that's a big part of his audience the wheel of fortune that really kamala harris announced her presidential bid on like i'm gonna fuck it up but
Starting point is 00:32:41 like martin luther king day it was like a day people get off, but, um, they're not working. There's no news happened. There's no other news happening. She was the only story turned out to be a really good move. Not good enough, but it was a really good move. And she got all the attention for a day or two. Uh, Trump is the master of that. He, he can get all the attention every time he wants. And, and I don't know. It has also occurred to me that I think a third of America loves Trump. Right. We'll agree. Half hates him.
Starting point is 00:33:11 A third loves him. And then there's another factor that like I love. I'm Republican, but maybe Trump is a flawed guy. Like there's a sizable amount of people who think that. there's a sizable amount of people who think that i wonder if someone like desantis can have a broader appeal who hits you know all 50 of republicans instead of half or i don't i don't like follow this stuff that closely but i have seen like clips of desantis talking and he's uh he's not a very charismatic guy i mean yeah and that is like the number one most important thing as far as getting up there and like rallying people around you is like being you know having that kind of aura trump can win again
Starting point is 00:33:52 if he stays on message he need it it's going to be difficult though because he wants to make it about himself because he always does um and it's going to be hard for anybody to steer his ship away from that he needs to stop that everybody knows what he's going to say about himself and about how the election was stolen from him. They know that. He needs to be shorter on that and bigger on preventing a war, getting your gas prices back the way they were,
Starting point is 00:34:16 fixing inflation. He is the money man, right, as far as the masses are concerned anyway. He's the guy to fix inflation. That's all he's got to say, verbatim. Look, I'm the money man. Hey, I'm the money man. I fix the money.
Starting point is 00:34:31 You don't have money problems. If he brought up how much bacon costs, how much gasoline costs. How much bacon costs, how much bacon you do. That win for him, yeah. And then if he was a little bit self-deprecating, if he mentioned that he probably should cut back on the bacon but it is 15 a pet like if he he could easily be so yeah that's how like he would get sound clips he'd be like have you seen what bacon's doing
Starting point is 00:34:53 recently my god and you know look at me look at me folks i can't hide it i love bacon i love it my doctors and don't get me wrong they're telling me they tell me listen to this they tell me i'm so healthy but but donald donald you gotta slow down on the bacon you know it's not like you can hear him doing that like with the price of bacon now i'm barely in the hundred millions i got a higher cholesterol than net worth i'm gonna be at the comedy cellar Friday Saturday I'm whittling for Bill Burr that would be so funny
Starting point is 00:35:34 that's all he does he's like politics am I right people he's leaning you ever notice yeah that would be his closer bit just like a rip off You ever notice? Yeah, that would be his closer bit, just like a ripoff. It'd be, you might be a Democrat.
Starting point is 00:35:57 That's exactly what it'd be. Do you think you should put children on puberty blockers? You might be a Democrat. And everybody's going, woo! Woo! I think the cheers seduce Trump into saying the wrong message sometimes right when he says we all know i won that election was stolen it's a crowd pleaser it's like build the wall stop the train lock her up lock her up thank you that was the biggest one he says lock her up and it's huge it's a big winner right that one's done he was probably the biggest one. He says lock her up, but it's huge.
Starting point is 00:36:25 It's a big winner, right? That one's done. He was in there four years. He didn't lock up shit. I wanted him to, though. Also, he's like, I'm the money man. I'm the money. I love that message because previously he was the infrastructure guy.
Starting point is 00:36:38 He was like, no one knows infrastructure better than me. We're going to do it on time and ahead of schedule and below budget. That's how I do things. I've built so many things i can do infrastructure and i heard it as a guy who's not that uh seduced by trump and thought well he i mean he might have a point actually is there some reason to think that um hillary's better at infrastructure than trump like i don't know i'm i'm open to the idea um turns out he turned down infrastructure i don't know if you remember but they offered him infrastructure bills that he liked and he's like i will only sign these if you stop investigating me for russia he put in his own needs in front
Starting point is 00:37:18 of the infrastructure bill so he didn't get them uh but so now the infrastructure thing is lost. But the money guy, I love that. I think it works for Trump. I think he could be president if he had Kyle. Yeah, because these are the issues that were – all right. So the stuff that I personally care about and the things that I think are important issues right now. This Ukraine thing is nonsense. It just seems like it's – no one cares.
Starting point is 00:37:42 I don't – look. nonsense it just seems like it's no one cares like i don't look on one on if you explained me the intricacies of global politics like like i'll nod along in the end i'll say yeah it would be great if somebody stopped russia from invading ukraine but but but then you could also say like how many kids die in like i don't know africa every day of like malnutrition yeah and i'd say the same thing but i wouldn't want to send the troops over there to accomplish that mission either like after i lay it all out i'm pretty sure you'll be better informed and have the same opinion you can really just like frame it as you could really just frame this whole thing with like the ukrainian border is like okay what's an acceptable amount of american soldiers to die
Starting point is 00:38:23 to secure ukraine's border like what's what's an acceptable amount of American soldiers to die to secure Ukraine's border? What's the acceptable amount? What if 200 die? Is that acceptable on behalf of the U.S.? Is that something we're okay with that benefits us? 200, 200, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 400, 49, 49, 49, 49, 49 soldiers dead. 499, 599. Sold for 600!
Starting point is 00:38:39 National Guard? National Guard? National Guard to Ukraine? Sold for 6, the National Guard? The National Guard to Ukraine. Sold for 6,000. Just to see the looks on their faces. When they get those orders. But no, that's the opposite of what we do. No, no, no. You're going to guard their nation.
Starting point is 00:38:57 Read the fine print. Fuck! You go wherever we tell you, bitch. Go defend Ukraine with your life but why i just wanted to go to college and not be saddled with debt for my whole life we've got a good friend in the military um and uh and he's he's like about to get out yeah it's it's it's it's a good yeah and um and he's like yeah i'm just about to get out. You know, he's wrapping things up.
Starting point is 00:39:26 He's going to be a free man. He's looking at his options in the private sector. But this Ukraine thing, you know, they'll just pull me back in. You know, and somebody was like, yeah, but what would you do? You do blah, blah, blah. And he's like, actually, in that scenario, I'm the guy they send in to do X, Y, and Z. And it's like oh no i would like to hear more about that yeah he would be working alongside marines apparently
Starting point is 00:39:51 um my in his capacity damn my friend recently got out of the army and uh he's he's very happy to be out of the army but he flies helicopters And that's the thing that you can't easily create more good helicopter pilots. And particularly does not combat medevac looking for. So I bet it's on his mind. Like, yeah, they suck people back in. But I hope it doesn't go that way. If I was so excited to get out and finally be done, which this individual very clearly is.
Starting point is 00:40:28 They're ready to get their ticket punched and be done with this chapter. My friend is not wired to be in the army. He had the best army job in the world. So he's a warrant officer. Apparently, warrant officer means you barely have to work. You never have to put up with
Starting point is 00:40:44 army bullshit and you get an extra cool job like flying helicopters and he was like not good enough i hate this he's like there's still a hint of army around here and i don't accept it so what what does he do like the currently warrant officer like they so yeah so i guess it's different than a regular officer you kind of exist outside of the chain of command so even regular officers can't bully you and like give you shit what a great gig yeah it this guy didn't know what he had when he let it go the the uh i guess warrant officers are often very good and skilled at what they do and respected for it helicopter pilots just one job they might have it's like a special here i'm
Starting point is 00:41:31 going to read this army warrant officers are technical experts combat leaders trainers and advisors they serve in 17 branches specialties warrant officers command the army's waterborne and seagoing vessels most army bands and as aircraft commanders of most army aviation aircraft in addition they may be found in command of various small units okay so the warrant officers have a lot of different roles but in his case he flew helicopters and um didn't like it none he only liked flying helicopters. He disliked everything else about the job. So now he just flies helicopters. So that's good. No, now he enjoys van life or something.
Starting point is 00:42:12 He goes to Hawaii a lot. He was really, I'm trying not to like overdox him, but while he was in the army, he was very responsible with his money and invested in real estate. Good for him. That's what he does now. So now he can just van around for the rest of his life. What do you do?
Starting point is 00:42:32 How do you switch back from van life to regular life? That's got to be like getting out of prison. Like re-learning how regular stoves work. I've stayed at his house. It's a beautiful home on top of a mountain. He has a house too. That's good. As long as you still have a house, it's not really van life.
Starting point is 00:42:50 It's van vacation. Yeah, van vacation. Van-cation. I like that. Because then you can quickly be like, this is so dumb. I'm going home tomorrow. Honey, you were right. We should have went to Disney. I think van-cation is a like it's a vacation
Starting point is 00:43:08 that i would enjoy you know something to experience something to do a little adventure um as a life it quickly be like something to experience something to do a little adventure also describes homelessness it's something you dip your toe in not a new lifestyle that you engage in all the time yeah i don't you don't want to be homeless you want you you want to be home-ish like you kind of want to home i believe it's homely homely right that is that's what that word means yes yeah i could do van life for no that reminds me like another little thing about that that tv show like there's a part where he actually needs to kill some kids and he's like oh come on like i mean maybe that one that one's ugly but like yeah yeah yeah like i think they did a little something to the kids to make them
Starting point is 00:43:57 a little extra ugly so they don't actually have to make fun of a kid for being ugly like i think they cast normal looking kids and like put some like just a little bit of mutts on them and like made a big honker on them or something to like make them look silly and he's just like i mean that one are you sure that that kid came out of those parents because i mean i'll shoot him for free i like that john cena has that role because he's uh every time i see him talk he's so nice he's like the rock almost in how charismatic and kind he is. So I don't know. I like him and scuff it up a little bit. Oh, he's a super sexist, too.
Starting point is 00:44:35 He's just like, he's just like, your tits look great in that top, by the way. I mean, stellar. He's like, look, I'm not. I'm just looking for nice. I'm just looking to fuck here. OK, I'm talking about genital contact. Also, your titties because i gotta touch them but but nothing else nothing else she's just like i'm trying to drink a fucking beer get the fuck away from me and he's like i guess so and then he like hooks up with this like crazy
Starting point is 00:44:57 whore and they have like you see almost everything like they're just you he's fucking her doggy style, and they're just completely nude. Always a fan. And then it's that mix of over the... James Gunn wrote and directed at least the first episode. I saw that in the credits. And so it's got that sort of quirky humor and those awkward moments where people... The conversation goes on for two or three beats too many of weirdness,
Starting point is 00:45:24 and it's kind of fun. And it's also got the gore from the movie. If someone dies, don't expect that sort of like, ah, I'm shot, and I'll fall over dead now. Expect that stuff from The Boys where somebody fucking explodes into goo. You often say that Ozark is generally, we all agree it's the best show on TV right now. And every time I'm like, boys, boys, I'm about to agree to disagree.
Starting point is 00:45:52 That one's mine. Yeah, I like the boys a lot. And I think it's really interesting. Like, that's the darkest of the superhero shows. That's kind of the trend now to, like, take things a flavor darker. And then Marvel's like, we can take it a flavor lighter, baby. We don't care. We can get quirky with it and weird.
Starting point is 00:46:09 You know how much money that new Spider-Man movie, which I haven't watched yet, has made? I did see it, and it crossed a billion. I know that. 1.7 billion and going. It's the third biggest movie of all time already. Really? Did it kill it in China or something? Everywhere. So what they did, they made a Spider-man movie to end all spider-man movies they brought
Starting point is 00:46:29 both of the previous spider-men back toby mcguire and andrew garfield because they had like this multiverse concept going on so you're able to bring all the actors back from the throwback spider-man and it's like such a crowd pleasing like move that everybody went I guess and also I wasn't as attracted to this part but they brought the old villains back so Dr. Octopus yeah so I saw it it was really good
Starting point is 00:46:57 I'm thinking and before I speak so I don't spoil anything here's what I'll say I really like that Marvel gets that done. You know, like even getting Spider-Man. Marvel didn't have Spider-Man. Sony did somehow. And, you know, it was expensive.
Starting point is 00:47:14 Sony knew what they had. And they got the deal done. It seems like, I don't know, Deadpool, for example, can't get the characters they really wish. They can't get Hugh Jackman to come on. He would really like to have Hugh Jackman play Wolverine. If it hasn't happened, then it never will. Somehow, though, I know that Deadpool is Marvel. Somehow, though, when it comes to the main Avengers storyline,
Starting point is 00:47:37 they always make it happen. Oh, do you want to get all the Spider-Men throughout history in this film? Yeah, whatever. Like Tobey Maguire was going to be like, guys, I'm very busy. I don't know what it took to get it done. They just get it done. They did get it done. They got all the
Starting point is 00:47:55 people done in Endgame. They had all the people done in whatever the first one was called. They turned the money faucet on, you know, because they make billions of dollars to get it done and like who wouldn't want to be part of those the those things right like i was watching you make bank i'm sure i was watching one of my uh i think it was um one of my one of my movie review things the other day and they were like talking about oh yeah that get that was offered to scarlett
Starting point is 00:48:19 johansson and she had to turn it down because she had to do the Avengers instead. And it's just, they're like, probably a good decision, huh? And it's like, yes, yes, it was a good decision. Everyone who tagged along to that Avengers coattail train as just. And you say the money faucet and you're probably right. That is probably the answer. But there are other complications like scheduling, you know, like, look, I really want to do this, but I'm literally filming this other complications like scheduling. You know, like, look, I really want to do this, but I'm literally filming this other thing right now.
Starting point is 00:48:48 Maybe you turn the money faucet on faster. Maybe you do some CGI thing, but you get it done, and you get that guy in the movie. You know where DC, like, failed at that? Remember when Superman had that stupid upper lip? Yes. And it was like, all right, wait a minute. You're telling me that Tom Cruise's Mission Impossible,
Starting point is 00:49:05 in which this guy is, like, a two-bitbit villain i don't know if you've seen that movie like like like like our boys playing the villain in that like you can put a fake mustache on him we only see that mustache in a couple scenes and it's a stunt man for half of that that outweighs somehow superman and so now superman is the one who looks fucked up not villain from mission impossible 8 you know what i mean like well phrased yeah and if he couldn't couldn't do it if he was on some contract that just made it cost him a trillion dollars to shave his mustache delay or do what you have to do like you know like we're gonna get it done but they didn't get it done. They made it, oh, my God. Like, come on.
Starting point is 00:49:47 Yeah. They fucked it up. Like, all you had to do was like, all right, for this scene, Superman has grown a mustache. There will be a part where you laser it off later, but you'll, like, do that at least. Like, why did no one say, maybe Superman has a mustache and some scruff for this scene. Can we do that? God damn it, you just saved us $80 million. Yes. He would have looked better with just keeping the mustache.
Starting point is 00:50:14 Yeah, I think so too. I'm just disappointed. It's a good mustache. Yeah. Henry Cavill's got a five head in that as Superman. He doesn't have a great hairline. Nobody likes to talk about it. Nobody likes to talk about it. We don't want it to mess up our favorite
Starting point is 00:50:28 TV shows, but we all know. They call that an open secret. I never noticed it until that one shot. Don't talk about raping producers. Don't talk about Henry Cavill's hair. The two nose probably would. We don't talk about Weinstein and Henry Cavill's hairline.
Starting point is 00:50:44 It really is bad. It's been getting bad for years. Now, he's rich. He can just get the rich guy replacement. He'll be fine. I don't know. I don't know about that. For sure.
Starting point is 00:50:55 Have you? I watch Greg Doucette a lot. Do you watch him still? Not recently, no. Not recently. He got his hair. The story is he and his girlfriend, I'm sure if you've watched him, you know his girlfriend sometimes is featured in his videos. She seems lovely.
Starting point is 00:51:12 She wanted something done with her hair. Personally, I can't see what's wrong with her hair, but she felt like a transplant surgery in Turkey would be nice for her. Okay, cool. To almost be supportive or me too or whatever greg got hair transplant surgery too again greg's hair seemed fine to me but uh i guess he wanted like super physiological hairline you know really push it back and uh now he makes videos every day just sort of facing the truth of recovering from hairline surgery. You know, you can see that like the like you can see like where his natural hair ends and where his new hair starts.
Starting point is 00:51:56 And I kind of admire it. Like he just it's Greg Doucette, right? He's always up there in a small shirt with good posture saying this is me this is my truth and i'm talking to you and i see and it's like there would be a part of me that wanted to hide from my like you know the recovery period like you know what guys i'm working on an oil rig and it'll be four months until i come back. That's a good reference. That's a deep cut. There's a part of me that would be tempted to do that, but he's not, and I kind of like it. Every day
Starting point is 00:52:32 he goes up there with his chin up making his videos, and you can see it. He's recovering from hairline surgery. I kind of like it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll have to tune in and see what that looks like. I'm curious now. Yeah. Yeah, he did a lot of to tune in and see what that looks like. I'm curious now. Yeah. Yeah, he did a lot of steroids for a lot of years, I guess.
Starting point is 00:52:50 I'm surprised he's got as much hair as he has. It's a genetic thing, though, and it's a compound thing as well. But I think he did a lot of different compounds. Oh, do you think that some things attack hair more than just, like, a bioidentical test replacement? Oh, yes. There are compounds that are well-known that like this is this is going to nuke your hair like like in a lot of situations and of course there is that genetic predisposition thing where it it seems anecdotally that like if you were going to keep your hair you're going to keep your hair like arnold's got all his fucking hair arnold's like 90 and he's still got like a pretty decent hairline for a human being forget like a guy who was pumping deanna ball as his main source of testosterone for 25
Starting point is 00:53:30 years or something he used he didn't use a bioidentical uh again i'm out of my depth but i want to say that instead of testosterone he used deanna ball as his um as his main source of testosterone um that that's what I read. I think that was an old school thing. Or maybe that was a thing that he pioneered. I don't know. But I believe that was the case. And he's got it all.
Starting point is 00:53:54 But yeah, there are certain compounds that are known. Like, oh yeah, that's bad for your hair. I mean, that's not good for your hair, but it's way better than that. And oh yeah, that's great for your hair. That won't fuck your hair at all. That stuff makes your hair better. Because those are those are the concerns right that guys who are using gear have it's like their hair their heart their organs longevity all that stuff so there are compounds
Starting point is 00:54:13 where it's like oh yeah that'll get you fucking shredded and then you'll go bald that'll get you fucking shredded and you'll die of like liver cancer you know there's stuff that's like that and people like make those decisions it's a question of how jacked do you want to be and what are you willing to sacrifice i guess so um i don't want to sacrifice any fucking thing i want to be pretty jacked though i don't want to die i don't want to die getting there that stuff's crazy all the most impressively jacked guys online all die at like 38 of their heart stallone and schwarzenegger all right these are my these are my heroes touche that's fair there's an argument isn't Stallone like five foot seven or something I love that part in the new at Sonia uh in Philadelphia season where they're where they're arguing whether Philadelphia's hero sports hero is Donovan McNabb or Rocky Balboa
Starting point is 00:55:01 even though that's a made-up guy he's like Rocky Balboa is Even though that's a made-up guy. He's like, Rocky Balboa is a fictional character. He's like, look, I'm just saying, Sly Stallone could have stepped in and QB'd for the birds and not skipped a beat. I truly believe he could have led them to the playoffs and perhaps even to a championship ring. He's like, Sly Stallone is 5'7". And those are Hollywood numbers, which means he's probably 5 probably five foot two yeah can you guys click on that link zach can you click on that i can't not bring this up again how is he still uploading so much he's been he's been dead for seven months
Starting point is 00:55:38 he died last year or the boys mountain dog is telling you how to calculate your macro split yesterday. And I just want to say, if his macro split is zero now, he's been dead for a year. He's looking good right now. The worst part is they're still using him in the thumbnail. Oh, my God. Yeah. When did he create that? It's been a bit over five months since he
Starting point is 00:56:07 died and how many oh hang on look at the video two weeks ago it's called killer quad leg workout jesus christ you can't do that no no here's a better one there's a better one this one's called this is this is four weeks ago bul Bulgarian drop sets of death. Bulgarian drop sets of death. I'm trying to be. I don't know if you've got good genetics. You're still alive. Let's see if there's any good jokes in the comments there. Do I have good genetics?
Starting point is 00:56:38 Please never stop posting this content. He uploaded five times this week. He's been dead since last year, and he has five times this week he's been dead since last year and he has five uploads this week he's like still getting subs and like how big of a back this can't last forever you would think i i wonder how his channel is doing i'm going to social blade that would be funny and see it's like, oh, he's experiencing unprecedented growth. Oh, actually, dude, he had a huge
Starting point is 00:57:09 growth period when he died and it seems like dying has hurt his sub and view growth. Yeah. Decline dumbbell from the depths of hell. A lot of the comments, a lot of the comments are like, no. You know, like the commenters, no.
Starting point is 00:57:25 They're like, although this guy goes, damn, John, good stuff indeed. Next comment goes, legends never die. Oh, Jesus Christ. Miss you, John. Thank you for everything.
Starting point is 00:57:36 Heart. This guy goes, he is and was a national treasure. I mean, that might be overstating it. Well, he certainly isn't anymore. I lie to myself i tell myself that he still lives when i watch these videos or see that one vulgarian drop set of death that is tasteless right i'm sure that video title was arrived at recently like there's an editor pumping part of me is like i i have this i'm
Starting point is 00:58:05 inventing this entire uh like scene but he may have like a wife and kids who still need to be supported by his content creation when there's an editor like making it happen and like i i get it i get it oh yeah that would be my guess as well some kind of go capitalizing on it. Go watch John Meadows videos, folks, and like and comment and subscribe because his ghost is supporting his family. There's, there's a lot.
Starting point is 00:58:30 There is, I got to say, there's a curious amount of that's not even a joke with death in it. Right? Tricep death. Try if you dare. Is that a real one? Yes,
Starting point is 00:58:41 that's a real one from two, from two months ago. Taylor, go watch me. that's a real one. Jesus Christ. From two months ago. Taylor, go post on there. Watch me. Here's the even crazier. Post a comment, Taylor. Post a comment. Post a public comment.
Starting point is 00:58:50 No, no. Here's a comment. Here's a comment. Is this what did it? Question mark. Dot, dot, dot. Is this what did it? But then everyone will know my burner YouTube accounts.
Starting point is 00:59:01 I used to say awful things. Not Kaiser Soze. No, not Kaiser Schrapp. Yeah. will know my burner youtube accounts i used to say awful things not kaiser soze no not kaiser yeah look at this trying for new leg pr i will kill myself if i fail whoa this from five and a half months ago oh i hit two PRs today. I feel kind of good about it. I've surpassed my spring progress, so I hit PRs almost every session. Something will get better. But when it's like, I don't know, cable
Starting point is 00:59:37 bicep curl PR, it's not really a big deal. Today I did overhead press and dip PRs. Those are good ones to me. Those are big ones. Those are good ones to me. Yeah, those are big ones. Those are good ones, especially the overhead press one because it's not body weight dependent or modified. Because you can,
Starting point is 00:59:53 as you lose weight, for example, those dips get easier. That's not to say you're not getting stronger. Oh, yeah, yeah. But overhead press, would your hands get lighter? Do you do a lot of hand exercises No, they've been getting strong shoulders And like back and better form and glutes And a whole chain of muscles
Starting point is 01:00:11 My my overhead press is 135 Pounds now it's kind of like When you use the big boy plates it's the Start of like good and I'm Like all right finally This is a grown-ups weight I only put fives on now. Lots of fives.
Starting point is 01:00:26 No, no, no, no. A whole row of them. A whole row of them. A whole row of them. I get every five in the gym. I borrow every five in the gym. They're like, where are the fives? And I'm over there like.
Starting point is 01:00:37 There's 18 fives on there. I was just pumping them out. That guy has 140 pounds of five pound weight. We don't even have that many. Some of those are his. Some mismatched ones. They're like pizzas. Piece of shit.
Starting point is 01:00:56 We're going to wrap up. Hang out. Hang out. I hope it's a good one. I see the list and it looks like a good list of folk. Alright. PKN 389.

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