Painkiller Already - PKN #39

Episode Date: May 21, 2015

In this weeks episode of PKN, the guys talk learning new languages from audiobooks, lawn mowers and Civ 5 talk!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right. No, you don't look great. I fixed it. I fixed it. I did. I did. Oh, hey, everybody. Welcome to Painkiller Nearly episode 39. Not bad. It's I know people sometimes we used to talk about like, hey, how high is this number? But 39 is farther than most podcasts make it. And this is our like sub podcast. Yeah, a lot of people don't take it seriously when we started this thing i think that we've said it before the thing that holds this whole thing together is that we're all friends and we enjoy we would we would be doing this anyway like right before we started having a talk on and recording it we were just having a talk and not recording it you know we were talking about civilization and youtube politics and uh other video makers and stuff like that and having having fun and so it's i think that's what's held this whole thing together we enjoy doing what we do yeah yeah that's i agree with that um that's the work ethic i've been watching your day in the life man like i had no
Starting point is 00:00:58 idea you do a lot of stuff some days yeah i also get that these are your day in the life videos. So you're probably like, you know, I should probably go the extra mile. That's probably not your day every day. It's a lot. Okay. So today, here's what I did. I woke up like a day in the life video, took hope to school, got back, and then I slacked. I was so exhausted.
Starting point is 00:01:21 I slept from like 9 till 10 or something or whatever, 9.30 till 10.30 in the morning. And then Jackie had enough of my slacking ass, and it was time to get to work. I think we went out, we went shopping, I bought some parts at Home Depot while she went to Bed Bath & Beyond. We met the delivery guys, the mattresses came in, then we came back. And by the way, between every task is like, Woody Craft, Woody Craft, Woody Craft. Wake wake up what he craft take up to school what
Starting point is 00:01:48 he craft you know to do a thing I'm really surprised that you don't have like an iPad on all of your like buggies and farm equipment so that you can be like watching that dude watching those servers all the time in my last office I had a monitor above the TV so that when I watch TV I could see the status of woody craft it's more stable than than it was when I watch TV, I could see the status of WoodyCraft. It's more stable than it was when I came up with that idea. So if I don't look at WoodyCraft for two hours, it's probably fine.
Starting point is 00:02:12 But at the time, that wasn't the case. And then what did I do? I came back. I fixed a hole in the roof. I fixed a hole in the side of the wall. One was from a leak. The leak I fixed in a Day in the Life video. And the other was from just bumping furniture into the wall as we moved in happens and then uh and the roof was dicey dude i looked at the roof from the ground and i'm like that doesn't look too steep whatever i can walk around as a kid i
Starting point is 00:02:33 used to walk around the roof on my house in morristown new jersey and in ocean city all the time ocean city was like four stories up i was totally comfortable with it i got out on this roof it was so steep it was like the edges of the how much traction I had Like it like it to see like something to go wrong and I could break free and slide down the roof any second the Backside of my roof is like that like it and that's the side where the gutters have never been clean I I tell me if you come back, but yeah, I had to I had to clean some gutters far as I know like if you come back, but yeah. I had to clean some gutters. There we go.
Starting point is 00:03:07 There, alright, cool, cool. Glad you said that. So I cleaned some gutters. I had to repair gutters. There was like a downspout that led to the roof. I've never seen this before, but it's a downspout, and then it just pours onto the shingles. Well, without it, it was like dropping from six feet on the shingles, and that looked bad for it, and then we're like, oh, that must be what
Starting point is 00:03:24 that downspout is for. So I got that all fixed up, properly done, professionally, et cetera. And I don't even know all the stuff I did. Oh, we have bumps in the, I call it the yard. I think most people would call it a pasture. It's not like it's really like normal grass or anything. It's kind of a field. It's a lawn.
Starting point is 00:03:43 A lawn? Yeah, it's a lawn. All right. It's not yard. A lawn? Yeah, it's a lawn. All right. It's not yard. To me, all these terms are interchangeable. But, okay, maybe it's a lawn. There's, like, a rut further from the house that's, I don't know, it's not that deep, like four or five inches.
Starting point is 00:04:00 But when you hit it at speed with, like, the tractor or the golf cart or something, it's too bouncy. So I was looking up how to fix it, and everyone said you put sand in it. And I'm like, it seems like that would take a ton of sand. But everyone said the same thing. I thought maybe there was some tool that you just drag behind a tractor that levels things like a fox blade or something. You'd have a big bald spot there everywhere it went though. It seems almost worth it to me. Like if there is a bald spot for five weeks that'd be no big deal it's a pasture right it's not like a golf course out there well you know if it's a pasture like then yeah like like my dad's got stuff that he drags behind his tractor that it's a box scrape that's yeah a box blade i think it's called yeah i think i think you know our colloquially we call it a box scrape. But, yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:47 Dragging one of those behind there that levels it. My dad's actually got a huge one because it's got hydraulic lifts on it so you can get it just right and everything. Similar to your mower and everything. Maybe that would be the trick. I've seen him do stuff like that in yards, actually. But it leaves a big nasty spot. Like, he was doing it because he was about to lay sod down. Mm-hmm. I don't know i need to do more research but i read sand so i went out and i bought 150 pounds of sand and i filled like say the rut is 80 feet long yeah well it feels like three and a half
Starting point is 00:05:18 maybe three and a half four like i was like ah this just can't be the right way to do it. If it takes like 50 pounds per half foot, then, no, per foot, that's like whatever eight times 50 is. Is that 4,000 pounds? Eight times 50 is 400 pounds, right? 80 is the number I'm looking for. 80 times 50 would be 4,000. 4,000.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Yeah. So it would take 4,000 pounds of sand. I think there's got to be a different way to do this. Yeah, I don't know how much two tons of sand cost, but I bet two tons of dirt is a lot cheaper, though. Might be, and dirt seems like the right material. Whatever. You can buy dirt.
Starting point is 00:06:00 I spread the 150. I just, I don't know. I go all the time. Part of it is this house has no place to slack. Like there's really not much slacking. There's no couch and TV set up here. Like that doesn't exist. The couches are, we're not happy with our furniture people now. Like our unhappiness is extended to them.
Starting point is 00:06:20 We had a decorator that in some ways we really like, but like our kitchen table, I guess, like, I don't know, maybe butter got on it or something. And now there's like a stain. And Jackie's like, you know, we told her our lifestyle. We told her that we have children, that we have dogs. And she should have recommended furniture that was appropriate for that environment. Instead, it's like a showpiece. And I really like our kitchen table. But I think that if we fast forward three years, we'll be getting a new one.
Starting point is 00:06:50 And, you know, we have a carpet that is in the living room. And I liked it when we put it down and stuff. But then it got like a crease in it. And apparently, we're supposed to put like heavy things on it to press it down. I don't know what heavy thing you put on like a seven foot long crease like a safe and you know to straighten it out so uh we're just like i feel like she didn't pick and decorate appropriate for like a family i mean she did it more should have gotten that 150 an hour uh or 300 an hour decorator whatever the fuck it was maybe there was one that wanted 15 grand a room a room. And I'm like, what does that include? Does that include the furniture or something? Are you
Starting point is 00:07:30 building the furniture in the room? Right? That's what I'd want for $15,000. And the other issue is this. Some of the stuff, like the stools for example. Our kitchen has an island and there's a place to sit. The counter kind of goes up so you could legs
Starting point is 00:07:45 would fit underneath it the counter hangs over what'd you call it a car yeah that works um anyway four months and the chairs aren't in yet and we're just like well you know when the kitchen table didn't come they're like oh sorry your cable came in we sold to someone else i apologize we get a new table every week. We'll have yours. It took three weeks. Well, that just sucks. Like three weeks to wait around for your table when you've already waited three months is a lot. And now the chairs that came in, they sent the wrong chairs.
Starting point is 00:08:16 They were too tall. Yeah, that's a real fuck up. So now we're at like four and a half months on these chairs. And we ordered some rugs and a couch from them. And I don't know when they're coming. And it's just like, you know what? We're buying our furniture elsewhere so that's a thing i was hoping you were getting to that yeah they're fired woody won't put up with much more of this
Starting point is 00:08:32 bullshit a lot of i put up with a lot of bullshit like it shouldn't take four months for furniture you know i get that sometimes furniture takes six to eight weeks right sometimes it does and i don't like it but that's a thing that happens with furniture. But when you get into like, you know, 18 weeks, what the fuck? You know, like that just seems outrageous. Jackie helped me mow yesterday. Oh, that's great. Yeah, that was cool. I guess Hope was too busy.
Starting point is 00:08:56 So Jackie's like, oh, I'll chip in. We got another, we got a riding lawnmower for Colin. Oh, nice. Yeah, it's, Dude, he's awesome. I think this is going to be in a little vlog I made recently, but I'll try and find you. Oh, wait. I know where it is.
Starting point is 00:09:14 Jackie texted it to me. I need a better copy, but I will have this in one second. What kind? I guess you're going to show me. Yeah. It's John Deere here this is what we look like out there together so I'll show you in a second I'm showing everyone else okay this is what this is great together Mo in the yard so it's pretty
Starting point is 00:09:38 awesome how much was it if you don't mind me asking uh it was used and um it was it was three grand so new it would it had 35 hours on it and new it costs i think 4200 but it also came with a sprayer and a like oh nice like a little john deere tractor and all together it was like oh it was 2800 and all together it was like 4800 worth of stuff all of it one year old do you have any fire ants there sometimes do you have any you have something for it um amdro you know you just sprinkle that stuff on you know poison i need to know what the real stuff is there's a so our the thing about amdro like the name brand that you mentioned, is the stuff we buy at Home Depot where you get one gallon of it and put it on a hill, that's cool for smaller places. But we want to do our pasture. And apparently you get a spreader and something that has ingredients in common with Amdro.
Starting point is 00:10:39 And for $250, you can do it all. But with Amdro, if you'd use Amdro exactly, I think it would be like $30,000 to do our property. Yeah, you wouldn't want to start up. Some stuff that's really effective, it comes in a bottle that's sort of cylindrically shaped and it's a very fine white powder. It looks like flour or something and it has a foul smell to it. It's a really distinctive smell.
Starting point is 00:11:01 You're just like, oh, I've never smelled that before and if I ever smell that again, I'll know that it's this stuff. And you just sort of pinprick some holes. And it's got one of those, you unscrew the top, and it's got that plastic seal, that thing you peel off of everything now. You just pinprick some holes in that. And literally a small dusting on an anthill, and they're all dead. I don't know what it is, but if you took a pinch of this stuff and just went poof on an anthill as you know this big like all of them die a horrible death it's great do you need to handle it with latex gloves or something or i i do you do i am i do i don't around there
Starting point is 00:11:39 they wash their hands with fucking lava and paint thinner like they don't give a fuck what's on their hands they're always like there'll be chemical burns and stuff going on they spray so many awful chemicals that i'm sure are like carcinogenic they're they all of the chemicals that my dad uses have like the skull and crossbones and they say shit like apparently they're all outlawed in california like it's all monsanto shit like it's rough stuff they and they he mixes up twice as strong like he sprays it inside those poultry houses when there aren't any chickens to completely like nuke all the bacteria because you can imagine a wooden structure with 25 000 chickens shitting in it for sick for like two months it's filthy it's disgusting it's full of bacteria so they
Starting point is 00:12:22 spray this awful stuff in there and i remember once like he had the chemical mask on and he even had like a hat and a bandana and stuff but the places like around the edges where it did make contact were just scorched it looked like he had the worst sunburn and the skin was peeling dude have you worn those chemical masks oh yeah they're awful they're amazing i think well i mean they're not fun to wear yeah they're not fun to wear but like so i have two i have a particulate filter and i have a chemical mask and i wear the chemical one when i would finish furniture like because i'd be indoors it'd be particularly like strong and stuff and i wear the other one when i sand the particulate mask i've been in environments that
Starting point is 00:13:01 i've created that were so dusty that like by the time you look on the other side of the room, it's like, holy smokes, this is thick with dust. And before I wore a particulate filter, I'd be coughing and hacking. You blow your nose in the shower and it's just disgusting. It creates, like, a dowel. Like, and you get a wooden dowel that pops out that's right i could put that in that little screw i could use this later so but then i wear the mask and it's like i've got a superpower i wore the chemical mask and i swear i couldn't smell my own farts. I'm like, this is just, this is like amazing. Like whatever's going on out there is not happening in here.
Starting point is 00:13:49 And they're cheap. So after 9-11, so many people had that, like bad lungs and all that 9-11 rescuer disease stuff. And I'm like, dude, for my mask, and it's just not cheap, cheap, but I think mine was like $18 or something like that. Like it's not the kind of money that you can't set aside for your health. If we had provided that, those paper masks are garbage.
Starting point is 00:14:14 I don't know if you know how. Absolutely. The best of them have a little thing in the front, like a little filter, and they're okay. They're okay for like maybe wood projects or like allergies like maybe maybe doing some some yard work but for what you're talking about that chemical mass knocks out everything i've had the military ones the industrial ones they're great i've worn the the paper ones even the good ones for wood projects they don't if it doesn't seal on your
Starting point is 00:14:40 face then the air has two options to get in the either unrestricted hole to the side of the mask or through the mask, which is a restricted air thing. So twice as much comes through as the holes as it does sucks through the paper itself. And you're mostly getting unfiltered air. I feel like a paper mask is just for show. Do you put both straps on? Yeah. Maybe my head's a different shape or something. I don't know. I feel like I've gotten effective use out of paper masks.
Starting point is 00:15:10 Really? So that when I take deep breaths, I can feel it crushing from the suction around my face. I agree, but even then, I feel like it's moving twice as quickly through the holes as it is through the filter. Whatever, like around your nose, for example. Like this. The audio it's moving twice as quickly through the holes as it is through the filter. You know, the whatever,
Starting point is 00:15:25 like around your nose, for example, like this, the audio people can't hear me, but right where your nose meets, like above your mustache, that spot. Um, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:33 Anyway, so paper masks are absolute garbage in my opinion. And awesome masks, awesome masks that will really keep you safe are like $18 from 3M. And it's a good investment. if you're going to be doing anything where it's dusty and awful like that, like whether it's allergies, dust, or some sort of cancer-causing asbestos
Starting point is 00:15:54 that you might find in a 9-11 type scenario. Hey, did you watch the new Game of Thrones last night? I've seen it, yes. Or was it last night? It was the night before last. That's when it was. It was, yeah, yeah. Or was it last night? It was the night before last. That's what it was. It was, yeah, yeah. I saw it.
Starting point is 00:16:06 I liked it. I don't know. The book is ruining me. And now I'm in book five. I'm pretty deep-ish. Let me see. That's why I stopped reading the book, because they're diverging so much, and also I like seeing the show first better.
Starting point is 00:16:20 I'm seven hours into book five. Nice. And book five has so much from the show that i've questioned whether i'm listening to these books out of order like um tyrian traveling by boat to meet danny that's book five um what else uh john snow debating about about making the wildlings their friends. Book five. These are all spoilers, by the way. Well, not really.
Starting point is 00:16:54 They're in the show, but they're not spoilers. I don't know. They're spoilers for if you don't watch the show. I'm trying to think. Oh, there was a lot of stuff recently about Danny feeling the weight of making all these decisions like babies and dragons and stuff. That was last season. What about Stoneman? I don't think I've found Stoneman in book five yet.
Starting point is 00:17:20 The Stoneman were awesome. And that scene's great. They're in the boat. They're going through Joris got the tiller and or the tiller whatever it's called and uh and and tyrian's up front and the dragon starts coming over and they're both completely distracted by this enormous fire-breathing dragon and over tyrian's shoulder out of focus you can see the stone man kind of like perched and like like crouched down and i was like wait what's that and then when they jump in the boat and jorah screams stone man i was like what what the fuck's a stone man and they're just like and their whole goal seems to just be to infect you with uh with grayscale
Starting point is 00:18:00 at the point he's scary at the point i'm in in book five seven hours into book five Mance is still alive wow so like and and he died like in episode one or two of of season four which supposed to be book four I think I know season five which is supposed to be book four so uh anyway yeah I just it appears that the show is accelerating things so they can wrap the show up in the next two or three years, I'd say. And changing a lot of the order of events and stuff. But I'm enjoying it. As I disconnect from the show more,
Starting point is 00:18:37 I find it easier to follow the book. Whereas back when I was more connected, I'm like, wait, what? That doesn't... I'm confused. Yeah, I don't think that Barristan Selmy was supposed to die, at least not the way he did in the show, because he's dead now. You know, he died in that alley with Grey Worm. He was laying on the bed. That's a book five thing.
Starting point is 00:18:59 Ah. Yeah. And, right, so that, I don't know. Like you said, it's, it gets, the whole thing kind of mixed me up. Now that I'm in book five, like a lot of things are kind of getting resolved for me. Like, oh, right, right. That's what the show, because the show in book four didn't sync up to me at all. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:18 But, um, whatever. Uh, I'm enjoying it. I'll, I'll get through it. And I don't know what I'm going to do with myself when I finish all these Game of Thrones books I've devoted like hundreds of hours to them yeah I'm with you I think I'm going to get back into mine you've spurred my interest now it'll be fun
Starting point is 00:19:34 to catch you oh yeah where are you in book four I'm like five or seven hours in or something like that I think oh you're fairly early in book four yeah yeah you're a book four is not that long right I'm a book ahead but i'm one of the shortest books ahead yeah although we're still talking about like 30 hours it's more than this like 37 i think there you go yeah they're long yeah yeah i don't know what i'm gonna listen to after this i think
Starting point is 00:19:59 i might actually uh get into this a bit you know what i was thinking because i i was adding up how much time I had spent on Game of Thrones, which it's purely entertainment. I'm not getting anything out of this. I'm not bettering myself at all by learning about Westerosi history. But what if I were learning Spanish
Starting point is 00:20:17 or French or something? I feel like that would be a... I don't know if I'd be able to stick to it as much, but if I just listen to it while I'm doing this instead when I'm driving or riding a lawnmower or whatever like I do with this then maybe I could learn Spanish in six or eight months that'd be interesting if you want to develop a little Spanish can I suggest a nightmare renovation project oh yeah maybe if i could get like four or five mexican guys to just be at my house kind of
Starting point is 00:20:47 hanging out for a few months yes yeah i picked them up that's what they call that immersion yeah that's immersion linguistics um you're catching on my amigo yeah that's great um yeah but i've always wanted to learn another language like you always talk about how it's so cool when someone just pick up a guitar and make music and you know i feel and you know we've said languages are in a similar way it's i find it fascinating when someone's got a reddit post about how like i don't know they speak what they speak some very rare language or something they just happen to hear like a couple of k of Koreans making fun of them or a couple of Yeah, I like that. They speak Farsi and the Saudi Arabian
Starting point is 00:21:28 guy at the airport is talking shit about them or something and they know it. I dream about that. Little do you know, I also speak Tehapu. They think they only one that speaks Tehapu? Me?
Starting point is 00:21:44 You and 18 other people, alright? All 20 of us. think you're the only one that speaks Tehapu? Me? You? And 18 other people, alright? All 20 of us. Don't you try to talk shit about being Tehapu. So I think that would be cool. I wouldn't learn Tehapu. You know, there is that part. So here
Starting point is 00:21:59 are the languages that I'm considering. I'm really serious about this. I've always wanted to learn one. Russian would obviously be a good one to pick up i think that'd be cool i can see that yeah i could because i've been asked to do russian language stuff a lot believe it or not russian's tough but go on yeah that's the only word i know and um and um but the uh let's fuck you but the uh but spanish would be so utilitarian like i'm gonna run into so many hispanic people so many spanish speaking people right here like they're gonna be here in my neighborhood at the stores i frequent you know in my community they're already here i'm not gonna run into
Starting point is 00:22:36 very i don't think i've never met a french guy here like i just haven't i've met frenchmen i've met french people but i think that like, you know that attorney we both know who's friends with the very wealthy people who took us to that shooting place? I think he speaks French. I'm sure he does, yeah. He's got to speak up for everything. I like that.
Starting point is 00:22:58 Aiden would be an interesting guest on the show. Yeah, Aiden would. Dude, I never even thought of him. We'd have to make sure he had proper audio equipment like he might not because he's a person he's he so his his deal is he's um i know he has done some male modeling i know his girlfriend um the last girlfriend i knew of was a model and and she was like a like a some sort of cosmetic model or something very very she was like her face in particular
Starting point is 00:23:25 get her on the show i've got bags right yeah so she was perfect he was perfect but but his his whole thing is like i don't know he's a he's uh he's an entertainment lawyer that's his uh bread and butter i guess but he's he was already seemingly pretty wealthy he's got all these expensive cars and um he seems to just he's a really well-dressed guy he's uh he's he's done a lot of cool stuff and he's got a lot of cool stories he was with me that night when i was uh hanging out with dakota meyer the medal of honor winner guy and like um going to that nightclub in new york where they had the crazy sex show with the the the man with the thing in his ass and the whipped cream and the dog mask.
Starting point is 00:24:06 He's like Dan Bilzerian, but for real. I don't know if he, I doubt he's got Bilzerian's money. Well, I mean, he does seem to have the girls and the adventures and stuff, and it's not all like models hired for a photo shoot. That's true. That's totally true. Yeah, he's definitely got um he's definitely pretty good at picking up ladies um and you can see why like he's charmed me yeah he doesn't want or need
Starting point is 00:24:32 anything from me he just oozes charm everywhere he goes hanging out wearing a three-piece suit with this long flowing hair he looks a bit like jamie lannister he's got a british accent it's kind of rough and it's uh it's uh He's a cool guy to hang out with. He's got lots of cool stories. He'll tell you about the time he went hooker racing. I'm sorry to interrupt. People have been fussing at me lately about that.
Starting point is 00:24:55 He tells stories like hooker racing where he and his friend jump on the back of hookers and get them to run in a race. But he tells it to me like, well you know, right? Like, I'm sure you've hooker raced too. And it's like. So we made a $5,000 bet, you know, as you do.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Right? He's like, so I jumped on the big fat one and I won. She could handle the weight. My friend had the hot hooker, you don't want that. she could handle the weight my friend had the hot hooker you don't want that his friend jumped on his hooker and she just crumpled underneath like onto the asphalt meanwhile he's like piggybacking his way to success like an overweight rough looking black hooker if i remember the story right just picture like a woman built to carry furniture and and he
Starting point is 00:25:47 rides her to victory and uh what was that sturdy sturdy woman and and yeah but but he tells the whole stories and engages me like yeah so we made a five thousand dollar bet as you do and i grabbed the big hooker i'm sure you would have too. It's like, no, I don't. He likes that too. He does some weird gambling like that. I know he does auto racing, but it's not like the professional auto racing that you might
Starting point is 00:26:16 see on TV. It's like these rich guy auto races where they all get their Ferraris, Lambos, Cobras, and shit like that and go out on some prestigious racetrack because they've all been invited. The way I envisioned it, they all have like 1966 Ferraris, Lambos, Cobras, and shit like that and go out on some prestigious racetrack because they've all been invited. The way I envisioned it, they all have like 1966 Ferraris with like open wheels and shit
Starting point is 00:26:32 and they're like, yeah, I don't know. Maybe, but the races like that I've seen, it's like, just bring your supercar. Like, they don't care. It seems like a weird mixture of stuff that doesn't really go together. There's Lambos and
Starting point is 00:26:48 Porsches and a Corvette. There's some old car that looks like it was made for racing. I think he did a lot of that. I know he bets on that a lot. I've got his cell phone number. We should see if we can get him on the show. We just need it.
Starting point is 00:27:02 Maybe we'll spend some of that Patreon money. Ship a Mirca setup. Like a little webcam, a mic, and a thing. I was going to say, if he were into it, I would be like, oh, but you need a good microphone. And I can't remember everything. All right, don't worry. I'll sort it out by the afternoon. And he'd show up.
Starting point is 00:27:20 And he'd be like, all right, then. Let's get this all started. Dude, we could send him an Amazon wish list. Like you said, we probably wouldn't have to buy it for him. Yeah, I know when he got into paintball, he showed up with the best. He went and played
Starting point is 00:27:35 paintball with us in Chicago that time. And then after that, he got into it and the next thing he knew, he's like me. He's got the full crazy $2,000 or $3, with all the like multiple masks and helmets and moisture wicking technology in his fancy pants and you know he just went all all in so moisture wicking technology not just for pro gamers oh that moisture wicking technology is important i i love that i only i wear those nike dry fit shirts i'm sure there's similar stuff out there, but I love them.
Starting point is 00:28:05 I sweat a ton when I'm playing paintball, and I'll sit down for 10 minutes between games, and it just seems I can watch myself evaporating. Do you wear a jersey or just that shirt? It depends how hot it is. Sometimes I wear just that shirt. Because it looks lousy for getting shot. I mean, this is still healing.
Starting point is 00:28:29 That's two weeks old. That kid shot me so fucking hard. It really hurt. That was one of the worst ones I got in a while. I bruised badly. I've been thinking about getting a... I see that the paintball companies, all of them, whether it's Empire, Planet Eclipse,
Starting point is 00:28:43 or whatever, they make these tight-fitting, sort of under-armor material shirts that have padding built in. And I always thought that was pussy shit. I was like, I don't need a fucking padding. Bring the pain! But now I'm just like, I really don't want to be covered in bruises all the time. It's about winning, though, right? The padding makes it so that your ball doesn't
Starting point is 00:29:00 break so I can win. It's not because I'm a pussy. That's part of it, too, actually. I consider that as well like let's go with that it is part of it and i know some people like um uh like might think that's cheap or like why would you do that everything every paintball every piece of paintball equipment in existence is made to do that anything you strap onto yourself is is it the good versions of it anyway, made by one of the really name brand companies is made to make bounces. That whole thing. Remember Skeletor had all that, uh, string hanging from his mask. It's not just cosmetic.
Starting point is 00:29:36 If a paintball hits that it's slowed down enough that it'll bounce off his throat. Um, you know, my, our jerseys have all that padding in the shoulders and they hang super loose. You know, they're like triple XL hanging everywhere. It's all about hitting a, you know, our jerseys have all that padding in the shoulders they hang super loose you know they're like triple xl hanging everywhere it's all about hitting a you know a suspended piece of fabric and taking all that impact out of the round and not breaking on you because only breaks count so yeah it might be a good idea and the parts that it's suspended by like your shoulders padded padded yeah that even that you know on the backs and all the hard parts have lots of nice padding your wrists and stuff places where you get bricks so yeah i might get one of those they're like 70 though and i'm only gonna wear it for that i've already got so much expensive stuff i hate to keep
Starting point is 00:30:13 pouring money into my paintball thing because i i know that i'm not gonna get any better by buying new equipment at this point i'm just it's just like self it's just masturbation it's just like yeah all the paintball stuff yeah i've got a pile of it in there that i don't use already so i think i need to just be happy with my setup it's gotten as good as it can get i've got a whole harness now that holds the rifle right here for me like a like i'm a fucking commando i'm so that have you played in shorts yeah is it bad no it's not bad it's better i'm just i just you know i don't i don't play in shorts um i've never played in shorts before but if we're gonna play in july i mean i'm going out there dressed like borett i saw just the thing for you let me see if i can
Starting point is 00:30:58 find this thing please be the borett man this is not this is the perfect product for what you're describing, I think. I was looking on Amazon earlier for things like what we're talking about, like different paintball items. Let me see. I'm just going to keep pressing back. Maybe I'll find it. These weird pants. They're kind of pants, huh?
Starting point is 00:31:20 Are they action pants? Do they unzip and turn into shorts? They're three-quarter pants. Three-quarter pants? They unzip and turn into shorts? They're three-quarter pants. Three-quarter pants? Oh, yeah. It's like I wore in the 1920s. That's goalkeeper pants. That's not what I'm looking for.
Starting point is 00:31:36 I don't think. I'm googling while you're at it they hung like shorts like long shorts like just below your knee and they had a bunch of padding built into them they looked like they were made for a goalkeeper or something like that but
Starting point is 00:32:00 I can't find them now and they stopped just below the knee yeah just below the knee I Yeah, just below the knee. I feel like that's the way to go, though. I feel like I don't wear shorts. It's just on principle. It's just not part of... It sounds better than the Woody's Gamer shorts
Starting point is 00:32:16 I was planning on rocking. What about a kilt? Are you familiar with the Utila kilt? Yes, I am. What if there was a paint the Utila Kilt? Yes, I am. What if there was a paintball Utila Kilt that had paintball pods all over it? That would be great. That would be if it just had pod holders and such. A holster on one side for a pistol.
Starting point is 00:32:37 The whole thing. The Utila Kilt. I remember the Utila Kilt being like $650. Does that sound right? They would not give me one. They wouldn't give me one. I'm at the Raz booth they just had give me all this free shit razor was very kind to me they gave me like a couple thousand dollars worth of cool shit i just do it i was throwing stuff out and then the and the utilikilt that people were there and i was like i'd love one of those utilikilts i'll wear it in a video even i'll do a scottish fucking video
Starting point is 00:33:01 it'll be funny they're like these are like 400 and i'm just like what you can't i mean what's your markup though yeah right so the leather kilts are 600 666 but they have some fabric ones in the 250s ish and there's a workman which looks like it's swayed maybe for 260 so i just don't think the kilt's a good idea because you just don't have as much protection to your thighs and your junk. It just doesn't seem like a good idea. I get that I'm sure it's cooler. I'm sure it's nice wearing a skirt all day,
Starting point is 00:33:34 but it just doesn't seem safe. The workman seems like it'd be great for in the shop. Yeah. I just want to go on the outdoors playing paintball with it, though. I can just imagine like falling on your ass or something oh yeah it would seem like shorts if you fall let's say hypothetically you're sliding into place in shorts they protect your butt because they kind of stay in place a kilt will slide up and you'll be on your bare ass i've got paintball
Starting point is 00:34:00 sliding shorts now they're really nice i got all kinds of padding on my ass and thighs and stuff and i come hauling ass into those bunkers now and just just drop on my ass and slide in and don't feel a thing it's great huh yeah although you had the kilt you know when before the before the like the paintball game kicked off you could moon the other team remember that speech you gave you know you went out yeah that's so flow flat i've got it somewhere i re-listened to it i've got that video um but i can just imagine you redoing that half your face painted fucking blue in the kilt step it up until it works the day will come when the courage of men fails when swords break and shields shatter something like that something like that yeah you know it don't you um i don't know it too much
Starting point is 00:34:54 better than you i know the gist of it the gist of it either way um so do you can we talk a little bit about civilization yeah so i think i i was surprised when you told me earlier that you enjoyed the last civ game because i thought that you were just kind of suffering through it i knew you were enjoying doing your stream thing but i didn't think you were particularly enjoying the civilization but you actually enjoyed a game of civ is that what you're what i'm what i'm hearing i think that's fair to say yeah i actually enjoyed a game of Civ. I think the stream added a little fun to it for me. The fact that it was 3v3 for
Starting point is 00:35:29 six total, I thought that was kind of fun. It was good. It was good. Also, I didn't feel... Normally when we play Civ you guys pick on me for anything. Spaghetti Junction comes to mind. That didn't really happen in the stream. Nope. We didn't want to do that that didn't really happen in the stream no no we didn't want
Starting point is 00:35:46 to do that uh didn't want to give you any shit made a lot of right decisions anyway so there wasn't uh you know there wasn't a ton of stuff to and some wrong ones and we talked about that and you know like culture policy was was really your own that was the one i was thinking of yeah yeah the culture policy especially with no barbarians was the wrong I was thinking of. Yeah, yeah. The culture policy, especially with no barbarians, was the wrong pick. There was something about it at the top of that policy tree that seemed like the best idea at the time. And then I just finished the tree. It's something like, I think unlocking it gives you the offense against barbarians in culture every time you kill one. And then the first ten, it's production for units. And maybe there's another one for a great general. of them is a great general and then it's unit production
Starting point is 00:36:27 and then it's unit experience and it's good stuff it's just but it just so happens to be one of the weakest policies because you know you accrue it over time those social policies but that's not how wars are fought you know wars are fought like go go go like it's gonna happen it might have been the culture that made me pick it now that i think back but anyway i'll pick a different one next time or ask for advice or something yeah that um the the one that that's all the way on the left uh the uh the liberty tree no the tradition tree like the first one you open up on it starts giving you three culture per turn every turn i think i might have liked that it gave me a settler but then as the way the game worked out i got it like i built a settler at the same time it gave me one and i went really wide compared to where like i like to build a second and then
Starting point is 00:37:10 a third city but not at one time it turned out you have the right idea though like like chis and i were telling you earlier we played a multiplayer game with a guy who just cleaned our clock recently and and his whole thing was playing very wide from the start i I won't go into great detail about how he did it, but it's very unconventional. Instead of building buildings and support stuff early in the game, his focus is completely on getting three cities up as fast as possible, getting caravans, pumping food back and forth. That's exactly what I did.
Starting point is 00:37:40 So early on I pumped food back and forth in my caravans, but then later i had to pump um gold yeah was it gold it might have been yeah i think it was gold because i was in a gold hole and so every time i made a caravan it was about getting gold yeah so it's it's also about the way you get the settlers like you used your cultural policy which takes a while he by by the time you get to that policy he's already got the three cities built and like going like i know exactly how he did it and that's how i'll do it next time yeah it's it's i i think next time i like streaming i like doing the stream it was cool to check in on the stream every now and then
Starting point is 00:38:18 severe delay i mean or even would 15 minutes do? Could we do it as a single player game? I feel like it ruins multiplayer. We're just giving away so much. You're right. And like we talked about, it's hard to keep a multiplayer game going. I feel like we could have an exciting stream playing against AI. Especially if we turn barbarians on, then there's fighting all the time. What we talked about was this.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Kyle, in all his hours in Me too, and I mostly play with him, has never had a 3v3 finish right. And in my head, the last game finished, but in reality, it didn't. In reality, we had discovered that we couldn't possibly win, and then maybe three moves later, Chiz got disconnected. Was it Chiz first, and then you two? My internet went out, and then I don't know what happened from there. I got back on in a few minutes by switching lines and then i think i was going to have to tether because that was being going to be shitty too but yeah something always goes wrong
Starting point is 00:39:13 it's it's just too many civilization 5 is not uh it's not a good multiplayer game i feel like they just like got that engine can't handle it anymore. It's, it's something about multiplayer that strains it to the limits and things start breaking. Yeah. And I've got a pretty reliable internet connection. Like it, it just always seems to be. And whenever we download stuff and whatever,
Starting point is 00:39:34 like I usually get it first. And, um, I want to say the time I was the observer, it seemed like I was the problem. Yeah. It seemed like, and I don't know if it was you specifically
Starting point is 00:39:46 or if it was just the fact that there was an observer. You can never tell. It's so weird. I think next time maybe we'll do, like the three of us at least. Against AI. Yeah, and I'd be happy to turn my camera on. That'd be fun.
Starting point is 00:39:58 I don't know if that works for the stream. I don't know how streaming works. I've never even, my internet connection has never even been close enough to good enough to teach people about it and learn the basics. But I do that. And I don't know
Starting point is 00:40:10 the exact scenario. I could think about a really entertaining one that might lend itself to a stream and maybe be a five-hour game instead of a potentially, actually AI games
Starting point is 00:40:19 seem to get done a lot faster. That's one thing that everyone can look forward to. Because you don't wait for the AI. When you play 3v3, every turn is as quick don't wait for the ai when you play 3v3 every turn is as quick as the slowest player when you play 3vai then like the three every turn is fast as the third slowest instead of yeah if you've ever seen the ai make its turns like if you i i was looking at um russia's city in that game where they just whipped our ass uh no that
Starting point is 00:40:43 was an ai game i was I was playing an AI game anyway, and I was zoomed in on Enemy City, and it came to be their turn. They must have made like 10 moves at once. It was like... All their units had like... Settlers had moved. Workers had moved. All the units...
Starting point is 00:41:00 They give their orders at the same time, seemingly. All the units get their moves simultaneously, so you don't have to wait on those other three players, so that'd be nice. And there's lots of different scenarios, like actual scenarios that are different from just starting the game out as a settler
Starting point is 00:41:14 and building your cities that could be played. There's a whole thing about, like, they'll start you up with real-world scenarios, like the Civil War is one I've played a few times. Someone starts as the North, someone as the South. And you've got all the cities that the North and the South had at the day one of the Civil War. Especially the key playing points in South Carolina and stuff.
Starting point is 00:41:34 There was that fort. And you've got the correct amount of units. And they're the correct type of units too. It's stuff like cavalry and musket men and stuff like that so that's kind of neat but there's also ones where it's you're like japan trying to conquer a bunch of islands um there's you if we got into um what would really be fun for a stream but it's a little bit labor intensive is if we all went through the trouble of um uh getting my making it so that we could play multiplayer mods which it's like a four-step process that's a you know it's one of those things we got to move files around and folders but
Starting point is 00:42:12 it's not that awful we could do it if we sat there and do it together and then the options are limitless first of all there's tons of things that make the game look and play better one of the ones i play with a lot that seems to make the game not crash you know how like when you've got a settler, a worker, a rifleman, whatever there's like six or nine of them actually like six or nine little people there's a mod that makes it so it's just one guy just one big guy there
Starting point is 00:42:36 and the whole map's less cluttered the game runs smoother so running mods there's tons of them, so many cool mods where it gives you more wonders more religion more culture more buildings are what they are though like it expands on the game but there's sometimes a bit of a cost either in performance or in reliability or like it's usually not in balance or in balance and gameplay itself there are some good ones though that that
Starting point is 00:43:03 seem to be running really well with on i'm running like six or seven mods on my single player games right now and i've it runs smoothly like with no issues so far i haven't i have a totally unrelated question is a bad time no go right ahead how is kitty's like candle soap business thing going she is about to launch and i've got to say she did a really professional job with all of this um i'm trying to get this on she did so mango peach fusion it smells like can you read the rest of it to me those weren't words i see every day um it's kosher non-gmo eco soy wax okay uh the name of her i don't know i don't know if she wants yeah so that's what it
Starting point is 00:43:48 says there and um i don't know she's got lots of there's blueberry cheesecake over there i'm looking at uh and they smell just like it she got all of these uh like the they're not flavors they're scent size or whatever the smelly part that makes peach or blueberry or whatever and she took a and she's been experimenting with them for probably two months getting all the getting all of them right she's been experimenting on like making the wax uh melt right it's it's hard apparently like it was crystallizing at one point and caking on the top at one point but now it's like perfect and they burn for like 50 60 no they burn long they burn for almost
Starting point is 00:44:26 four days straight which is kind of surprising that's like one of those emergency candles like 100 hours yeah it really does like like one of these has been this candle like it's burnt down to like here and it's been burning for 48 hours at least like i lit this candle not last night but the night before um and they smell really great so it's going really well and it's not just the candles she made you smell a burning candle yeah as you know you're getting like superheated air in there it's warm i mean you know it's not super hot okay i just picture like you're now you're out of nostril hairs And it's not just a candle shit they she's got lip balm and like like pain like a pain cream Rubstick and it's all like really professionally packaged and stuff and like sealed and there's there's beard oil
Starting point is 00:45:31 That's she's made that as well as they got like peppermint beard oil and all these uh all these cool little products interesting if she hit it big big like super big like are you familiar with burt's bees is that what it's called yeah that guy got that guy got really rich really he's a billionaire with a b is he yeah he's well are we talking about the guy i feel like he took a big payout cut him and he's not part of the company anymore, and now he lives. It seems like the reason I know about him is because he's living in really modest conditions. It seems like he might be burning wood and that sort of thing. He looked like a mountain man, like an old, skinny mountain man type guy. He was completely disinterested with like the the corporate success of burt's bees and i think he just took some money and he still lives the same life he
Starting point is 00:46:11 always lived that's what i thought um but i know he got super rich he does live like a mountain man like you said while you were talking i was trying to google his uh net worth they're calling him a millionaire and uh i i thought he was a billionaire so maybe i'm wrong uh i the number in my head is that they paid him like a couple hundred million but that could be completely wrong it's just for some reason that's what i'm thinking this this says they gave him an undisclosed amount of money but uh yeah and and you know they're calling him like a modern day colonel sanders in terms of how like visible he is and how like like he's his face is an icon and him with the beard and this thing and i was like really but now i almost kind of like
Starting point is 00:46:57 i can picture it in my head yeah yeah i know exactly what he looks like and i'm gonna drag him in front of your screen so other people know what he looks like. And I'm going to drag him in front of your screen so other people know what he looks like too. Looks like that. And they think that his face will be as well known as Colonel Sanders at some point. That's not going to happen. No?
Starting point is 00:47:17 No, you can't. No, that's KFC. Colonel Sanders. Like, I know. No, no way. I don't think he's going to surpass. I don't think it's going to surpass. I don't think that's going to happen. But yeah, so I think she's launching
Starting point is 00:47:29 sometime soon and going to promote the thing. What if she's worth $130 million in 10 years? Well, that'll be real good, won't it? Yeah. FPS Russia has some candles as well. I have a napalm candle. It's got pistols on the label and stuff.
Starting point is 00:47:46 And I've got a gunpowder candle. They really do smell like napalm and gunpowder. And I've got a bullshit candle that literally smells like shit. It's awful and I guess it'll make a good prank gift. And they're not big like this. You're not getting a hundred
Starting point is 00:48:01 hours of shit. They're tiny. you know they're about that big good thinking they'll burn for you know six hours if i'm just guessing the day kitty hits nine digits i think she should sign me up for cookies absolutely i'll mention that to her yeah so yeah i don't think she's uh hoping to be a millionaire or anything but it was, she just kind of started this project and it started as something small because they were seeing, it seemed that I guess there were a lot of candles like this, these sort of gourmet eco-friendly candles.
Starting point is 00:48:34 My daughter loves them. There's a lot of markup in them. That's the, that's the bottom line. And, and just seemed like she felt like she could make them just as well as anybody else and for cheaper and cheaper and make a better product. So she's trying to do that.
Starting point is 00:48:49 That's exciting. I mean, everyone knows I have a thing for entrepreneurs. And it's like, yeah, I hope that she freaking gets everything that she's targeting. Bath bombs. She made this bath bombs too. You should see her making the bath bombs. I don't think I know what a bath bomb is. It's a form pressed
Starting point is 00:49:05 it'll look like a star or a seashell or something and when you throw it in your bath it's like an Alka-Seltzer that puts bath salts in the water and makes the water whatever that particular bath bomb was I don't know what hers are
Starting point is 00:49:21 if it's going to turn it into Caribbean Punch or if it's going to turn it into Caribbean punch or if it's going to make it good for your muscles. You should see her mixing the chemicals. She's got one of those paper masks we were talking about. No, Kitty, not a paper mask! Jesus, Kitty!
Starting point is 00:49:38 Well, their household, it's like baking soda is one of the ingredients and there's all these little acids and stuff. So yeah, she's making all that stuff. She really has been working on it a bunch, just a couple hours a day every day for, I guess, a month and a half, two months now. So it's about to come together, and I don't think she's expecting to be a millionaire or anything.
Starting point is 00:49:59 I think she just thinks it's a cool project. Of course not. She'll be a hundred millionaire. A billionaire. But I'll vouch for her candles for sure. Because they really do smell good. They're gourmet candles. That's how I would describe them.
Starting point is 00:50:16 Well, that sounds awesome. I wish I had one. I'm sure she'll send you one. She usually gives me her like fuck ups. Like if she, it took her a while to like find the way to make the wax burn down evenly or burn down in like the perfect way. And like,
Starting point is 00:50:33 I've got, this is, I think this is actually an early prototype and that's why maybe there's some wax still up here. It's, that's not supposed to be. Ah, that's interesting.
Starting point is 00:50:42 And it, what's cool is I'm not going to talk about your business, but I've observed both of you becoming experts in a field and, you know, just like, yeah, I started Googling it and the information is online. And I, you know, this is a thing that no one else is doing that I think that I can do better. And, and, uh, it's like, oh, look at that, you know, like things that, that like, to me, I wouldn't even know how to start other than Googling. You guys are like, all right, you know what? I'm going to be an expert in a thing.
Starting point is 00:51:12 Let's go. Yeah, yeah. I'm working on a completely different field right now. It's similar in some ways, but it's completely different. Just in that you need to research. Yeah, it was just googling it was just googling and getting on forums and finding that other people had had the same thoughts i had had and and seeing like them discuss it and then occasionally someone who's a chemist or
Starting point is 00:51:35 something comes in and they're discussing it then some guy who comes in who's a lawyer and he's discussing it and you've got expert opinions talking about uh the things that you need to know and googling will You can learn anything from Googling. You really don't need to become an expert in the field through formal education, I don't think, if you're trying to be an entrepreneur. It feels like if you really want to jump into something that you can get on Google and spend a few hours every night learning more and more. That's what I've been doing. I've learned a lot more about the thing that I'm going to do lately. There's a,
Starting point is 00:52:09 there's lots of cool stuff I can do. I've done that too. Like with cars and off-roading stuff and with woodworking, like a lot of it was just going online. Forms are really good one. And you know, you can question and answer and see what people have talked about before. But there's a lot of expertise out there. You can learn. it's when you're motivated it's cool yeah there's a few
Starting point is 00:52:30 projects where i've like i'll google what i want to do and then i realized that like there are no search for you know return for like what i'm looking to do and i'm just like shit nobody's ever made a paintball silencer really like and you just you just gotta that was one thing i wanted to do once i wanted to make paintball silencers and i kept looking deeper and deeper into it and there's this whole thing where the atf shut that down in 1996 because they said that an air gun or paintball gun silencer um was under the same restrictions as a as a machine gun silencer you know a firearm silencer because they felt that it could be uh altered in some way to operate on a regular firearm and so i was like well fuck all that i got an sot i got an ffl let's just
Starting point is 00:53:09 fucking make i'll make a silencer i don't care i'll just register it we'll do it that way and they're like oh but no part of that whole thing was that part of the insurance agreement that every paintball field has their liability insurance is that there's no silenced paintball guns used at their field uh which doesn't make any sense to me. Right. Put the kibosh on my whole project. Hmm. Well, that sucks.
Starting point is 00:53:31 I still might do it. I really want to. It would be expensive, and it'd be a ton of time and machining and materials, but I want to make a carbon fiber silencer for my paintball. And a waste of all those things, but... I've already got a lot of the materials, and I've already got the carbon fiber tubing.'ve got a little bit of that or laying around and I want to make one out of an oil filter but with a bigger hole with a paintball
Starting point is 00:53:55 gun I don't know I feel like because because the the air is so low velocity you need bigger port I don't know I the answer is I don't know. I feel like because the air is so low velocity, you need bigger port. I don't know. The answer is I don't know. Yeah, I wonder if you could find an oil filter that's like for a semi or something and 12 inches long or 8 inches long. The way I wanted to do the silencer is by encasing the barrel in a tube and enclosing it on either end and then you've got your baffling in there where the gases are coming out of the barrel and being slowed down by the volume and space that's inside of that tube that's placed over the barrel. You just throw some media in there whether it's – you could make baffles out of washers.
Starting point is 00:54:39 You could use steel wool for your media and you can have a really saw a quiet gun but it just i can't use it on a paintball field so it seems like a waste of time you probably pop a lot of balls too like i'm just picturing it being like prefer like the ball traveling through a perforated tube so that the air can escape out the sides my balls they already have that that's um they already have barrels with holes in them it's called porting and they'll have holes all the way down so it'd just be a case of like polishing the inside of the barrel back uh you know after you've done the porting i don't know how to port barrels correctly not a paintball barrel anyway so that'd just be another little step of the way
Starting point is 00:55:21 will you call it a wrap hmm do we have anything else we want to talk about i keep meaning to give out my p.o box but i keep forgetting uh exactly what the address is i think it's i think it's p.o box 102 carnsville georgia 30521 but it could be 202 here's the thing if you send it to one zero two and you put my name on it they all know who i fucking am like like i'm not trying to brag about my connections at the post office kind of a big deal at the carsville post office yeah open the car field post office i knew who i am but they do i i'm uh i'm like third cousins with like the lady who uh who's the's the postmaster or some shit.
Starting point is 00:56:07 And it doesn't matter how big it is. Send me anything you want. I don't care what it is. I got those weapons the other day or that monkey fist from that guy. I keep meaning to get that piece of paper he sent me and give him credit for what he gave me. And I got all those bracelets that he made
Starting point is 00:56:23 for me. But I like seeing the weird bracelets that he made for me. But I like seeing the weird shit that people send. So send some stuff. I'll bring it on the show. I used to be a big deal at the Apex Wells Fargo branch, but I don't live there anymore. But like if they caught me waiting in the teller line or something,
Starting point is 00:56:39 the bankers would come out and be like, hey, something I can help you with instead. You know, I can do a lot of things those tellers can do. Or my big claim to fame, listen to what a hot shot I am. I went to order deposit slips and they're like $37. And they're like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Those are free. Not for him.
Starting point is 00:56:59 I was like, oh, this is awesome. It feels really good when someone at the bank treats you nice. Yeah. I know when I'm doing taxes or something like that, I'll be like, I need the entire year's statements. And those are usually $50 per account. I've got three accounts. And they're like, oh, don't worry about that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:17 It's nice when they do that to me. And they all wave. And I don't even know who the fuck they are sometimes. But that's why I stay at that small town bank that i've always been at that my father's at even though i've had like two or three incidences with them that really like i would have left a bank of america or a wells fargo long behind but because they're who they are and they know me and everything i just fucking all right you cocksuckers just keep moving along. Yeah. Now that I've moved, they don't seem impressed with me at all. Oh, well. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:57:49 All right. So that was Painkiller Nearly, episode 39. Next time, Big 4-0. Yeah. That'll be cool. That's a lot. I'm proud of it. Maybe we'll get Taylor.
Starting point is 00:57:59 He says he's coming soon. I was here. If he keeps this up, I'm going to get a Taylor puppet. All you got to do is get a Count Dracula puppet and take the fangs off, I think, and you'll just have Taylor. I've got a thing for the next PKA.
Starting point is 00:58:18 I hope I can remember it. We'll see it. All right, so Painkiller Daily, episode 39.

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