Painkiller Already - PKN 391

Episode Date: February 16, 2022


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Starting point is 00:00:00 pkn 391 what do you have kyle hello man i got hot off the presses you know me i try to keep my nose clean uh just playing i was playing tarkov today doing my thing grinding getting them rubles and uh one of my associates one of my closest closest members of of the of the family as snow called them um popped in and and he's he's like do you know all this wings stuff and i'm like dude i do not keep up with wing stuff i don't watch him stream i i don't ever have really more than a minute or two i i don't even watch the videos anymore unless you guys tell me i don't know so he informed me and i guess i'll start from the beginning i guess years ago you know at some point wings made some joke you know how jokes go out of context they can
Starting point is 00:00:47 seem weird but he said something like oh yeah i jerk my dick all the time to my sister well it was that on pka he said it or like you know i don't know it exists okay okay i guess but very obviously in the context of a joke somewhere it was very much yeah very obviously a joke and if you you know around here you you can imagine how that could fit into a joke of some kind. Oh, dude, we say stuff here. Carry on. Anyway, I guess the thing that's being put forward now is that Wings molested his sister. And that is why the females in his family were sort of like apart from him and like not on his videos for a time the real reason i would guess is that they didn't want to be part of like all the drama and
Starting point is 00:01:32 things like what's happening right now um so i didn't want to be fucked with in real life by something that doesn't have anything to do with them mechanics coming to the door offering to fix the car escorts pizzas taxis They're not into that sort of thing. I know they're weird people. SWAT teams. Yeah. They're hillbillies. I don't know their jobs, but someone who makes $32,000 a year as the front office person at a veterinary office or something, that person doesn't need a bunch of shit.
Starting point is 00:01:59 They don't make enough money to deserve that so i guess there's this lifelong real life friend of wings that he went to elementary school with that has somehow been drawn into this now i won't guess but he's somehow like the community knew about him or he's been part of the community um again lifelong friend of wings elementary school okay turns out this guy's has been in like what i'll just blanketly refer to as the whale watching discord for years wings like real life friend from elementary school has been a troll and collecting like like stabbing him in the back for years was was and just so i can kind of set the stage in my head. According to this guy, he is close
Starting point is 00:02:48 friends with Wings, or according to Wings, he and this guy are friends? According to everyone. Please, let me lay this out there. We're just laying the foundation to where this is headed. So, some people from the internet, let's just call them that, got in contact with Wings' real-life friend and said, hey, we'd love
Starting point is 00:03:04 to do an interview with you. And he's like, hey, I don't want to be part of any internet drama. I want to make that known right now. So let's keep the interview to four hours. So four hours of interviewing. I don't have that much to talk about. No, no, let me let me lay this out because the people from the internet are smart okay and here's what they did anytime they got i'm guessing anytime they got to a point where like they're he didn't want to say something awful about wings
Starting point is 00:03:35 i think they would essentially be like well what do you think about the devil the devil's an awful person right oh yeah i hate the devil. Or, yeah, I hate him. He's the worst. I wish he didn't exist anymore. All right, cut that out. Cut that out. Basically, they just led him into, within four hours, they had enough clips of this guy talking shit about different people
Starting point is 00:03:56 and different scenarios that they could, like, edit it together to make it this whole thing of him being a witness to Wings' molestation. Oh, no. Yeah. So Wings is not having this, of course. And he always likes to put a good foot forward. So he figured, let's do a dual comm. So he got that guy and sat him down right next to him in a fucking chair in his house. This guy who's been like throwing him under the bus. Because while this guy doesn't like Wings bus because while this guy doesn't like wings
Starting point is 00:04:25 so while this guy's this guy doesn't like wings but he's certainly not saying that wings is a child molester there's a difference right yeah so like that guy's sitting there and it's the most awkward cringy shit ever i don't even know how long the video is i watched five minutes of it because there's a part where like this dude who does not like wings and has this like weird thing that has happened between them is sitting next to him in his house and wings is like hang on a minute i'm gonna call mama he like calls mama mama did i ever ever diddle my sister and she's like no of course not like larry said i did or whatever and she's like larry why did you say that i was taken out of context they was asking about a whole other thing and they edited
Starting point is 00:05:03 it and they removed it why was you even talking to him and it's just like it's this whole thing and it's like his sister won't get on the phone because she doesn't want any more of this nonsense and it's so smart and so i move from her is it yeah and and so i asked don't engage i asked my associate i was like so what is the deal like who are these people and and like why are they you know he's like kyle most of these people don't know that pka exists most of these people they just hate wings they must see clips from him he's he's like at least 50 of these people only know wings because of what's happened in like the last six months or so with and and like they just think he's some sort of villainous character on the internet. They don't know his origin story.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Like any super villain, not everybody knows where Doctor Doom came from, for example. Of course not. He had a lot of good reasons, Doctor Doom, for his actions. Wings, on the other hand, I don't know where he stands
Starting point is 00:06:04 because a lot of these people don't realize that it's a joke, they actually think Wings is a, you know, and there's no way to make him stop because he can't prove he's not a child molester. So he's just dealing with that. It's difficult to prove a negative. Yeah, can't really prove. That's what's called an unfalsifiable hypothesis. You could be like, did you know that friend steve tortures animals in his yard and it's like you've never
Starting point is 00:06:29 seen him it's like yeah steve's a clever guy he knows he knows when he's under observation don't ask me and it's like proved animal you know uh wow yeah so i i know that in the last six months wings has been under an increasing level of troll and like like kyle said like half of wings fan base has known him for 10 years plus half of them have only been picked up lately with like tiktokers going after him and it sucks for him that does fucking suck like having people creating shit like you're a child molester like and i'm still trying to understand this guy who doesn't like wings does not like him he he didn't even like talk about molestation or anything it was all after the the interview of sorts that they like clipped it and mashed it together that's my understanding that's what people have all told me and i haven't
Starting point is 00:07:31 watched every minute of it i just watched you know like i hit the cliff notes because it's honestly it's kind of cringy because it's just like wings and his guy sitting there and like it's literally him being like tell him i don't molest kids and everybody being like, no, he doesn't. And even this guy who hates him sitting there really awkwardly. Imagine like, like, like this. It's a real life. I don't do kids. We don't like diddling kids.
Starting point is 00:07:56 What if I write a Frank? There is no sooner way to make people think you are raping kids that are right. A song about it. Oh, that's talking about having a live stream like talking about like and tell them that there's no molesty stuff is exactly like Danny DeVito and Sonny having a mortician do his makeup and then him singing a song about how he's not
Starting point is 00:08:20 molesting children it's like it's not the right song yeah it's a shame like, it's not the right song. Yeah. It's, it's a shame. Like, I think part of the problem is wingset of that stuff. And, and he's not funny.
Starting point is 00:08:31 If he were funnier, I think people, you could make the excuse that they were jokes, but he just said awful things sometimes. Well, and he's like, he was trying to be funny. That's the thing.
Starting point is 00:08:40 But like, sometimes it just came out awkwardly or whatever. And now it like sound, it seems weird. That's, that's no crime. There's nothing wrong with trying to or whatever and now it like sound it seems weird that's no crime there's nothing wrong with trying to be funny and having it bomb it happens sometimes your joke doesn't land and something that you thought in your head was going to be really funny just doesn't doesn't translate like that's and vice versa some of it was funny and some of them just choose it not to like don't give me that school's own bullshit was hilarious
Starting point is 00:09:04 to me where he thought that speed limits should not be decreased around elementary school yeah yeah yeah it's the best point he's ever made but they call those those are like pedophile looky lou lanes you should be going going faster the suspicious guys are the ones going 18 that's the grade school yeah wings wings takes on things are what are funny though like it's when you ask him a question like what do you think about x y and z and like seeing what he thinks is that's when he's at his funniest because he honestly and if he tries to be funny it it ends up being something silly but but like if he just gives you his honest opinion usually it's often wacky because like i mean i don't know well you know
Starting point is 00:09:47 you know this guy's background it's always something wacky it kind of seems like it's the same troll like this doesn't feel like a totally new troll theme like from the last six months with everything like it was it was like it's always something making up stuff before and it's kind of just them doing it again now with a slight. And it's like an angle. And it's like wings is definitely not a sexual predator. Like definitely not like, like definitely like,
Starting point is 00:10:11 like there's no way he could force himself on anyone. Like physically, physically too strenuous being a sexual predator. And you know, like as I sit here defending him, like, like, like I was,
Starting point is 00:10:23 I was talking to my friend about this. I was like, you know, wings is a hard guy to defend. I was like, I was, you know, as I sit here defending him, I was talking to my friend about this. I was like, you know, Wings is a hard guy to defend. I was like, I'm sitting here right now thinking of how to tell Wings' story tonight on PKN. The last thing I heard about him was a clip of him shitting on Lock and Load and calling it a scam. Oh, well, this is... I was like, this guy has child molestation charges, and yet he still has enough time and food on his plate to come back around and shit on my thing. And I was mad about it when I heard him say it at first. But then I played the whole clip, and he thinks lock and load is a pill to make your dick bigger.
Starting point is 00:11:00 So it just comes full circle to him being an idiot and proving my initial point that he's too stupid to be a child molester. He didn't even have been caught by now. He didn't even like look at the child. Molesters are smart. He didn't even look at the bottle. He was just like, oh, they're selling. He heard we were selling dick pills and immediately said it was a scam because he's just that kind of friend. Now, my opinion is pivoting quickly.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Yeah. Hard guy to defend. Hard guy to defend. You want to chew him, Woody? Chew him up. If they made your dick bigger, I don't know what's going on. Have a sip. I don't have any water.
Starting point is 00:11:36 I take them dry. I had a friend in high school. He was on the football team and he liked to lift weights. He was a bigger guy anyway. He would have creatine, like Celtic creatine, between his lip and his gum like it was chew in class. That doesn't make any sense.
Starting point is 00:11:52 No, of course not. He'd be like, it burns. I'm like, yeah. I think there's a lot of citric acid in there. I think it's meant to go right to your stomach so it can be used as creatine. That's supposed to make a whole glass of water taste like orange juice. That's acid.
Starting point is 00:12:11 That's ridiculous. Have you ever seen, I think I even saw it on Derek's channel. You know how he'll make fun of people doing the pre-workout thing? Yeah. He posted one video a few weeks ago showing this guy you know young guy probably early 20s ripped not built like derrick or anything but like a fit guy and he was he dry scooped 4 000 milligrams worth of caffeine and then like there was a short part of the video where he's like doing a workout at the gym like on like a hack squat machine or something and you can like see
Starting point is 00:12:43 him like like shaking like not it's like this guy's this guy machine or something and you can like see him like like shaking like not it's like this guy's this guy could actually die and i mean derrick reiterated that like you know caffeine is kind of like that like a joke drug where people are like oh you know the drugs weed alcohol heroin caffeine okay technically it's like no if you take that much like it can stop your heart apparently i've never taken more than a gram taking four just seems silly um because like why wouldn't you just go to some other compound right some other like real stimulant like like if you're well you don't have to that that would be like real extreme going to an amphetamine like there's other stuff there's lots of stimulants out there that you could take that would be safer than that that's crazy town
Starting point is 00:13:22 and the dry scooping just seems like a like a tiktok stunt or something right like it seems gross mixing it with water would be a better delivery system he's dry scooping it to be an asshole yeah and he's going to eventually like start coughing and die like in the middle of dry scooping yeah i um and i don't even know why he's taking it like is it like some people talk about motivation? And that's never been like the thing for me. 4,000 milligrams is to try and get a video that gets you some attention. That's true. Fair, fair. That's true. Like that guy, there's no way he actually did more than the three sets of stuff he did on the video or he would likely have passed away. I wonder what the business model is for that. Like YouTube, I get. I know the business model. There's ads on the YouTube videos.
Starting point is 00:14:06 When you go to Instagram, how big do you need to be? And what do you have to do? I really don't know on the influencer side of it what it takes and how much you make, especially for people like in our area. I have no idea. I think this is a TikTok videook video though and i know borderline nothing about how tiktok is is um i know um i know somebody who knows a couple of really big tiktokers they've actually offered to get them on the show before but like i don't know anything about tiktok so when they're they're like no no it's it's it's fro fro you'd love him i'm like
Starting point is 00:14:42 the fuck's a fro fro orro or whatever, you know? But maybe I'd say it on the show and everybody would be like, holy shit, you could have gotten fro-fro? I have no idea. See that 21-year-old who's got that Zoomer hairstyle now where it looks like broccoli? No, he seems like a guy from South Carolina who leans into his accent. He does characters and jokes a lot,
Starting point is 00:15:04 but I know exactly what you're talking about. That copy-paste human being that I see on the internet all the time. We look nothing alike here. Oh, no. I'm tired of those white guys with stubble. Those bastard
Starting point is 00:15:20 millennial white guys on their smug internet shows. Just hating exactly what we're doing. Not nearly enough of those out there. No. There's a drought of white guys' opinions to get. Thank God we're here.
Starting point is 00:15:39 Did you guys watch the Super Bowl at all? No, zero. I watched the score every now and then on espn i went to it was yes i didn't know that it was sunday and then when someone told me they were like do you want to bet and i was like i don't know who's playing and they told me who was playing and i was like i don't know any of the players and then they said well matthew stafford plays for the rams and i was like go rams for life. And we won the Super Bowl. So I'm pretty psyched about our Super Bowl win. Matt Stafford, of course, UGA former quarterback during the Tim Tebow years,
Starting point is 00:16:13 or as I call them, the Dark Age. Yeah. How's your mini golf job, Tim? I just want a fucking Super Bowl, you piece of shit. You're fucking wide out, fast, fast running gun offense I hated him so much every fucking year he'd shove it down our throat because he just butt fucked Georgia for you could like
Starting point is 00:16:31 five they had they had this ridiculous offense it doesn't work in the NFL a white boy can't run fast enough for that shit to work anyway no I didn't watch any I didn't watch any of it but I did go back on YouTube and I watched one of those like the best commercials from the
Starting point is 00:16:47 Super Bowl. And I saw there's a couple movies that I want to see. That Black Adam movie with The Rock looks awesome. It's going to be cool to have a superhero with like... The only other guy who's as big as The Rock is Chris Hemsworth. But it'll be kind of cool to see him play that character.
Starting point is 00:17:03 He looks tremendous tremendous of course because it's the rock he might he might have gotten bigger who knows can i interrupt um is hansworth as big as the rock is no okay i sometimes take a while to notice how big sometimes big people are once you get big enough in my eyes i can't tell the difference so i haven't like stood them next to each other or anything But my impression is The Rock is like 6'3 Maybe even 6'4 and like 250 with abs
Starting point is 00:17:32 And like that physique or something And I think Chris Hemsworth Is more like 6 feet flat or 6'1 Or something maybe and like 220 I think there's a big difference in those two men But I could be wrong Oh shit perfect I thought that The Rock would be way way taller 220. I think there's a big difference in those two men. I could be wrong. Standing next to each other.
Starting point is 00:17:46 I thought that The Rock would be way, way taller than Chris Hemsworth, but it looks like... I can't tell who's taller. This doesn't help. This is skinny Chris Hemsworth. I didn't think he... He wouldn't get shorter. He might.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Do enough squats. I do pull- ups to get taller yeah I've been doing my lengthening exercises I get stretched every day that should work it doesn't but it should no it hurts too this is some Hollywood height fake newsery says The Rock 6'5
Starting point is 00:18:22 Chris Hemsworth 6'3 according to Google and it looks like Chris Hemsworth, 6'3". According to Google, and it looks like Chris Hemsworth's a little taller. Does that not look... Maybe he's standing on something? I think they're leaning, and they're on some sort of platform that allows the woman to be seen,
Starting point is 00:18:39 so who knows? Maybe they gave them all a different... I like that at the Olympics, how everybody gets a tier. I wish they'd do that for people... Kyle brings's if one of them is six five then there's no way that woman is like six foot maybe they're doing that thing where her legs are like off the ground they're holding her up but it is an award ceremony so i bet she's like 5 11 here like with really nice fancy shoes jesus i just don't care yeah fancy shoes. Jesus, I just don't care. Yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 00:19:07 I don't care if he's 8 feet fucking tall. He's a big dude. I'd make him a better hero. They make him weird. They don't make clothes for 8 feet tall. I thought The Rock was already in the Marvel universe as a guy. No. Is Black Adam Marvel or DC?
Starting point is 00:19:29 I'm leaning toward DCc dc's access okay i'm sure they probably have like contracts where like if if the rock joins the dc universe he can't like for a certain number of years be in marvel right no they don't do that because like they're very incestuous um i i'm i'm smoking this delta 8 right now so i can't think of all the uh the the the levels of kevin bacon to this but there's been a lot of going back and forth uh chris evans was a couple different marvel characters in the same universe he was the the human flame before and now he's captain america but now he's whatever the fuck ryan reynolds but but he he played the same character in two different movies and he played two different versions of the same character, but then he also played
Starting point is 00:20:10 the Green Lantern, that stupid fucking ring. What a terrible superhero. He was my favorite as a kid. Oh, sorry. I didn't have a good reason. I wanted Superman to be my favorite, but he was so mainstream that I picked the one who seemed closest to Superman.
Starting point is 00:20:28 And I don't even know what the limitations are on the Green Lantern's color. It's based on the power of his mind, really. He imagines what he wants that ring to do. There's different rings. There's the green rings. Go ahead. I'm sorry. He can fly.
Starting point is 00:20:43 I think his weakness is the color yellow, which is pretty bad weakness but he's not actually a hero he just like the ring imbues all the power right like he's well well so he's part of this whole group of lanterns who like are the law enforcement yeah yeah and and the the ring is the power but but he has to have the ability to wield the ring. Just beating up black aliens for no reason. Bam! All around the universe. I was all enforcement. I just go to planets where the aliens are black. You know why I pulled you over?
Starting point is 00:21:14 Yeah, let's get out of that video. That's so funny. But yeah, I wouldn't want to be the hero that was just one guy amongst a bunch of guys. When they have a yearly conference, when he shows up, he's not like special amongst them. Right. It's true. Whereas Superman Lantern Corps, by the way. Yeah. The Lantern Corps. I believe you. You know, I don't know. It's real. It wasn't. It's true.
Starting point is 00:21:42 I'm not making this up. They're literally called the Lantern Corps. It's true. I'm not making this up. They're literally called the Lantern Corps. So what is... Is the Green Lantern a add another guy to the team for interest's sake? Or are there times in fighting where it's like, we fucking need the Green Lantern here.
Starting point is 00:21:56 We need his ability to make a green hammer. The size of an asteroid. You know how those comics work whenever they team up heroes. They make the problem fit the hero's solution so he can like make this big envelope of energy that like scoops everybody up so oh shit there's poison gas well i mean he can fix that right away we'll put us in the little bubble or whatever like you know he's he's useful that's useful yeah yeah it's way better than a lot of the other members superman killed the
Starting point is 00:22:21 fuck out of him in one i think superman killed the entire Lantern Corps and then everybody else. Superman kills everything. Superman can turn back time. That's not accurate. Oh. I saw it in the movie. I saw that film as well. And I believe it was some sort of a bootleg.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Christopher Reeves is doing it. Making the Earth spin a different way doesn't change fucking time it sounds like you didn't see the movie do you think it would you think it would immediately kill every living thing on earth if like he did that oh yeah it would explode just would explode like like like the earth coming to a halt like that like like like it would the largest earthquakes what you've got on that global history so the earth rotates the earth rotates the sun at about 1100 miles per hour i don't know how much we weigh but and i don't but but like i think we're like mostly the consistency of an egg but he
Starting point is 00:23:16 didn't stop the orbit he stopped the direction as far as i know he had to stop it and then go backwards didn't he like see i'm thinking the rotation change, not the orbit. We rotated a thousand miles per hour. Doing that would do this weird torsion thing. You remember? It probably would. It would just the sheer forces that explode
Starting point is 00:23:38 the earth. Imagine chocolate milk that's not quite stirred and then you turn the glass the other way. It would get stirred. That's a good way to say it everyone just like like you're in a car accident i imagine like all the elephants suddenly just like up into the sky even if he did it very gently right let's pretend he was able to do this with a lot of precision yeah i still think just the change in speed would maybe change the shape of the earth we're kind of an egg oval right like without that turning around anymore we'd be a sphere or something you know i i need a astrophysicist to help me with this one i just
Starting point is 00:24:16 know it wouldn't fucking turn time back i can i can put a stamp on that one. Yeah. Okay, well then... You can't bring Lois back to life by turning the Earth back, Kal-El, you cunt. How did we get on the... Oh, the Super Bowl. But yeah, I saw that in a bunch of other commercials. The one where Ryan Reynolds goes back in time and meets his younger self looks really fun.
Starting point is 00:24:42 It might be kind of a kid movie, but it's got Ryan Reynolds' humor mixed in. Did you guys you guys see this preview no i didn't watch the commercials or the game is it coming out soon yeah like a couple months or something like that i think so let me tell you let me like so little kid getting beat up at school um the mom's like fighting again she's like yeah you think i'd be better at it by now because he's getting his ass handed to him every day um spaceships fucking crashes in the backyard and it's his future self grown-ass ryan reynolds um like cracking jokes and coming in they got the same watch and the same scar and they both know how to shut the refrigerator just
Starting point is 00:25:19 right so it closes and they immediately get that out of the way and now they've got to set things right somehow time travel wise i think they might be trying to save their dad okay and at first i was like okay this is cool but then like his spaceship is like some sort of like time travel spaceship star pilot fighter craft it's really cool and then out of nowhere he whips out a lightsaber and i stopped started i stopped watching right there because i'd already decided i was going to watch it because ryan reynolds has a blue lightsaber please tell me that he beat the shit out of his bullies in the trail i hope that happens at some point i want that i hope ryan reynolds is just like you fucks you know you know how inspiring i find it when that one guy beats up the five women at that Chinese restaurant?
Starting point is 00:26:05 Yeah, you love when men beat women. Stop. But more than married. Like those women come back for more and he's like, you want more? I got a bottomless plate of whoop-ass. Come and get it. I will keep serving it. And I want him to do that to his bullies.
Starting point is 00:26:22 You know what I saw? Just go ahead. I saw? Go ahead. I saw the exact opposite of that video in a video earlier. I saw one Englishman try to molest a Thai hooker or maybe just a pretty Thai girl. It's kind of hard to tell. But then all the girls on the street apparently know Thai kickboxing or something. And they beat the dog shit out of this white guy. They start throwing some mean kicks. happy one like like it's like three girls on him at maybe that's what
Starting point is 00:26:50 he wanted and one of them is ground and pounding him and the other is i love it i want to see it i dude i love it when people get their comeuppance of these things yeah i do like bully video bully justice video he barely gets out of there he's like holding his face and like what the fuck just happened to me bully justice is great i will say sometimes it's like i didn't see any evidence that the bully was that guy oh it is one million percent hearsay and you just have to believe like what seems more likely from all those videos is like like the backstory in the comments will be like submission statement the guy in the backpack who gets his teeth knocked out and head stomped on was drawing naked pictures of the guy just delivering justice. His mother getting fucked by the principal or something. And it's like, this seems like too much, man.
Starting point is 00:27:38 I don't think this is what actually happened here. I think that you took a video of your friend beating the dog shit out of someone and that got circulated since 2011 and now because people would feel bad enjoying it they've invented a scenario where like oh you stole the kid's pencil box and it's like actually that guy has severe brain damage now yeah i yeah i'm with you on that sometimes there's evidence of the bullying right in the clip or sometimes there's evidence that the winner of the fight actively tried to avoid conflict. He let him have three shots. He kept his chin down.
Starting point is 00:28:13 He was like, dude, I just don't want to fight. Until he was forced to. At which point, it turns out the guy's fucking Bruce Lee. It's fun to watch that. But oftentimes, they just seem to reverse engineer a reason why the winner was the good guy yeah and uh one of our i'll keep believing one of our beloved 50 dollar patrons was in a super bowl commercial that was pretty cool he was pretty jazzed about that right he told us like a week or two ago like we were doing the hangouts he was like
Starting point is 00:28:42 i can i get how much do you get paid for that he's like just a little bit to be in it but if they show it then i just keep getting paid over and over and more and more like apparently like this was a good gig he was like fuck yeah got it got it i wonder what he gets paid uh i think it's tens of thousands. Okay, okay. I had no idea. It could have been tens of dollars. I just keep getting it. Nickels, limes, and quarters. Just roll it in.
Starting point is 00:29:15 All right. I think it's a significant little amount of money. Nice. Good for him. He'll be a $50 patron for some time to come. Nice. Good for him. Well, he'll be a 50-hour patron for some time to come. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:30 That's such a great gig. I didn't see any other good movie trailers. There's a couple of them that I skipped. There was a movie trailer called Nope, and I think it might have been the guy from Key & Peele, one of his movies. But I don't know. I watched like 30 seconds of the trailer, and I literally went nope and fast-forwarded to the next one.
Starting point is 00:29:46 I tried to watch that whole trailer. I couldn't pay attention to the trailer. I'm like, what is this about? What are we talking? I'm not getting it. Why is it called? And then you get to the end, and I think it said the word nope, and that looks terrible.
Starting point is 00:30:00 I literally went nope, nope. Yeah. I don't know what it's about. It couldn't hold my attention. It couldn't hold mine either. Yeah. I don't know what it's about. It couldn't hold my attention. It couldn't hold mine either. Yeah, and I was there to watch movie trailers. Yeah, I was there to watch a movie trailer. I think I saw the thumbnail, and the thumbnail looked –
Starting point is 00:30:14 it was like nope and big black and white letters, and I was like, what's this? And maybe there's a storm cloud on an empty bluish black sky. I don't know. Because it's from the guy from... He's done horror in the last couple. And they've been good. It just...
Starting point is 00:30:31 Man, he did not grab me with that trailer at all. It's terrible. I don't know if I saw any other good movie trailers. I know there's a Doctor Strange one, but I haven't watched the new Spider-Man movie. Is there one coming out where the moon
Starting point is 00:30:47 crashes into the earth soon? I had a friend who watched that last night. They're going to need a bigger hero than Spider-Man for that. Yeah. He is outmatched by the moon in a big way. They need Iron Man probably.
Starting point is 00:31:02 I don't think Iron Man can handle the moon. They need to invent a bigger moon to put that one back in its place. Superman could do the moon, I bet. I don't know how, but... Yeah, he could turn back time and he could move the moon. We already established that.
Starting point is 00:31:17 The very idea of the moon crashing the Earth seems nonsensical. In any case, there's a movie where it happens and, of course, that would destroy the Earth. I don't understand why anybody would watch that movie. Allegedly. The Earth definitely gets destroyed. Allegedly. Yeah. I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:31:32 There's no coming back from a moon. I'll admit the part of the Earth gets destroyed. You know where the moon came from? It's from an impact. They think that this other planet that was in the inner solar system... I can't think of the name of the other planet. If I read it, I'd know it. They think it this other planet that was in the inner solar system can't think of the name of the other planet. If I read it, I'd know it.
Starting point is 00:31:48 But they think it collided with the Earth and they sort of combined and did this gloopy thing like a lava lamp and a glob broke off and that became the moon. And that was around the dinosaur time? Way before the dinosaur time. Yeah, that's billions of years ago. I wonder if Earth meets the moon.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Because I'm well aware of what the moon does to the tides and how it creates that tidal structure. Okay, I get it. Does it help a lot? Would the oceans be stagnant in a negative way? How much do the tides contribute to our life? There's a YouTube video about that. My guess is a huge amount.
Starting point is 00:32:23 Yeah, there's a YouTube about that. And they suggested that there might not be life without the moon. or there's a YouTube video about that. My guess is a huge amount. Yeah, there's a YouTube about that. And they suggested that there might not be life without the moon. But then there's also the fact where it's like, hi, I'm Dr. Chandler and I've spent my entire life
Starting point is 00:32:34 and I'm desperate for more funding for how important the moon is. So watch my video. And it's like, do you know that your dick couldn't get hard without the moon
Starting point is 00:32:41 pulling the blood to the poles? And it's like, this isn't right. This guy's just losing money to all the GMO farmers. And it makes the women's periods work, too.
Starting point is 00:32:53 It does. They're curiously close in time. It keeps werewolves pretty confined to a couple days a month. Yeah, there's some of those planets with multiple moons, and the wolves have run rampant. That is interesting how that's like the number one thing they add they did it in star wars dune like to demonstrate a foreign body like a different planet they always have multiple
Starting point is 00:33:18 stars or multiple moons which is probably like on the scale of things more common than our situation of like one moon right like jupiter's got nine saturn's got like seven like there's a bunch of them out there saturn has even more i think i think some of those planets have like dozens oh they might believe every piece of i thought that was uh i thought the moon situation was kind of like a pluto situation where they were like all all right, Jupiter's got nine moons, and then they're like, actually, it's got 35. And it's like, no, we're drawing a line somewhere here. You got nine.
Starting point is 00:33:54 Those other ones are too little. Perhaps, indeed. I don't know. It would be really cool to see that, to see a sky with multiple moons. Yeah, that would be neat. That's the kind of shit that I would like to see. It's a shame that they didn't do that.
Starting point is 00:34:09 I was hoping that they were going to do that. But if they were going to do that, like any time for us to see it, we'd be like flying cars heading to Mars already. Mars needed to happen 25 years ago instead of Iraq. Oh, like 100 years ago. If we were going to be the ones kind of like casually shopping on Mars.
Starting point is 00:34:26 No, I disagree. I think if in 2000, instead of Iraq, we had done space, we'd be doing it now. You have to think about the rapid amount of progress we made, right? From the time that the Wright brothers first took flight to the time we landed on the moon was like 69 years. Something very close to that. 69 years from the Wright brothers to landing on the moon. Just amazing.
Starting point is 00:34:53 How many years ago was that? Almost 50 years ago. From 69? Shit, we're in the 2020s. That's so weird. I never think of it like that. 1963 was it? No, we're in the 2020s that's so weird i always see three i never think of it like that yeah he was it no we landed on the moon in 1969 so that would be 53 years ago 60 30 40 50 yeah 53 yeah so it was 65 and a half years i said 69 i was close but not right
Starting point is 00:35:19 and it was 1969 like you said so 65 and a half years it's been about 53 years since then dude like if we had made progress at that pace from 1969 to now that'd be amazing we'd be landing on jupiter maybe well if the soviets hadn't been such pussies i picked a gas planet on part but you're getting on straight up your anus by now but uh yeah i mean we'd be doing really cool shit if that's where we still had our focus i i think that um whatever uh whatever your uh your problem is you'll you'll sort of naturally figure out how to make tools to solve it and for the last like 30 or 40 years we've made our problem killing people in deserts. So we've got a lot of really good tech for that.
Starting point is 00:36:07 There's a cool video by Devil Dog Gamer, I think, called like Russia versus Ukraine, where he uses this incredibly complex military simulator. And he's got a 40 minute video. It's at least 20. It's either 20 or 40. About like where he runs through this scenario of Russia invading Ukraine through the Crimea. And he starts talking about all these weapon systems
Starting point is 00:36:32 that NATO has to put to bear. And I've never heard of any of this stuff. And he starts talking about all of the components. He's really running the scenario. There's different aircraft to jam radar, to pick radar to search for things there's recon stuff there's there's all sorts of um there's um rocket propelled um uh torpedoes in the ocean getting the russian subs and i'm just like man we spent a lot of time and effort like up with ways to kill people in the desert, but we've still got all this for killing the Russians?
Starting point is 00:37:10 I feel like if we just focused all that on something a little more constructive, we'd be on Mars right now. At least one of us would be on Mars right now with a bubble helmet on. Be like, yeah, it's not so bad. But it's not even like... The roads aren't even that nice woody would go like yeah i would have to right check it out i would go to mars he tried a paramotor and like some solar wind would take him away actually how much how much time does it take
Starting point is 00:37:37 to get to mars like months it's like six or nine months right depends on which way you're going i think i think it depends on like when you leave because you've got to leave just right to make it six months and i think worst case scenario it's nine months if my sci-fi movie memory works you don't want to be my sci-fi movie memory is correct you ricochet around the sun or something well you definitely don't. The sun is really far away. Well, I saw it. You loop around the sun. You take 10 years to get to the moon.
Starting point is 00:38:11 When he gets back from the sun, he'll be moving so much faster. What did they ricochet about? Was it Earth? What did they go around really quickly in the movie where... The moon. In The Martian. Oh, The Martian. Oh, where uh the moon in the martian oh the martian oh well i think in the martian the thing where he's like are you talking about the scene where he's like
Starting point is 00:38:31 it's not possible he's like no but it's necessary and the music goes while he like spins the thing and he's just like ah if i pass out you take over like that's that the martian or that one with the skinny dude right that's that i'm thinking of interstellar interstellar yeah no the martian is the one where they leave matt damon on mars and there is a slingshot around is it they slingshot on the moon you think i know okay i forgot what they slingshotted around i don't know how much further the sun away is than the moon but it's a significant amount. The moon is 250,000 miles away,
Starting point is 00:39:08 roughly. Or is it kilometers? Doesn't matter. The sun, I think, is 6 million miles away. I think it's 6 million. Right? I mean, I believe you. But it's heavier, so you can slingshot around better. True. You can't discount that
Starting point is 00:39:24 fact. We'd be remiss to oh i found that um you would think i'd have had my fill of fucking comic books and nonsense but i found this thing on hbo that's like it's the entire watchman comic book um with like like narrated and like i can't explain what the video looks like, but it's not exactly a cartoon, and it's not exactly a comic book. It's some sort of thing where they move around
Starting point is 00:39:53 but limited. I don't know. I liked it a lot. But I like the Watchmen story, the original one. They made that show that you disliked. Oh, the show was horrific. That I think they canned. Oh, that's great.
Starting point is 00:40:11 I forgot about the show, Kyle. I never watched it. I loved the Watchmen movie, and I tried to rewatch it a couple times, and I don't know why I loved it so much. It moves a little slowly. It's very slow, especially if you watch the extended version version but there's a lot you've got to lay out there because you've got like he's got to zach snyder's got to build the entire like universe in one movie and he's got to
Starting point is 00:40:34 lay out a very complex conspiracy theory to like overthrow the world you know at the same time anymore now if they were making the watchman movie it'd be like dune where they spend a whole fucking movie slowly laying out the universe and then as soon as it gets interesting cut yeah the watchman would make a tremendous tv show you could you could start out like in the early years and just let it let it go through the years but but they don't want to do that for some reason they made that woke ass show where you had to have like a black woman beating up white men and you had to make the most powerful being in in the earth have decided to become a black man for some reason and remove his memories
Starting point is 00:41:14 and then the bad guys had to be the kkk for some reason was dr manhattan a black man yeah he was a black man yeah yeah spoilers was he anything but blue in the comics? Well, he decided he didn't want to be blue anymore. He wanted to be a black man. In the source material, though, did he ever play a white guy? I don't think he had the ability to be anything but a blue man
Starting point is 00:41:38 because he accidentally walked into that fucking dismantling array thing and it tore him into atoms and then he reconstructed himself and now he's Dr. Manhattan. But he was a white guy before. fucking dismantling array thing and it like tore him into like Adams and then he reconstructed himself and now he's Dr. Manhattan, but he was a white guy before he was always blue in the movie. He's a 30 year old white man who just got out
Starting point is 00:41:54 of like college after 10 years. Yeah, I try. I guess he was always blue in the movie. I didn't know if he ever played anything other than the blue light source, although it seemed like he could change be whatever he wanted. I think that's what yeah, when you said he couldn ever played anything other than the blue light source. Although it seemed like he could change, be whatever he wanted. I think.
Starting point is 00:42:07 Yeah. When you said he couldn't be anything other than the blue guy, it was like, I never saw him do it, but, but the only thing I did, there's a part where like, he's going to go on TV for an interview and they're like,
Starting point is 00:42:16 Whoa, you're so bright. And he's like, warm. Is that better? Yeah. That's actually perfect. And all right.
Starting point is 00:42:29 Yeah. But, but no, I've been digging that thing on hbo and i've been mostly i've been watching that and impractical jokers yeah i went back and i watched the episode that taylor had uh suggested where um oh what was the fucking punishment it was awful oh the cigarettes out of mouths oh oh you have to walk, oh, you have to walk up to extra. You have to walk up to people and yank cigarettes out of their mouths or hands and put them out and then deal with the consequences. Explain yourself, you know, and people don't take this. This woman is like, did you just take my fucking cigarette? You're fucking outrageous. You go to hell.
Starting point is 00:43:05 And she walks away and it's like that was so awkward and then like and then like he's trying to like grab it out of this one woman's hand and she's like what are you doing what are you doing like she's not gonna get because it's a lit cigarette you can't take it you gotta be careful you'll burn yourself or them one guy was like one british guy was just like, are you fucking insane? He's like, you need to be careful. You took it from me. I'm going to let this go. I'm going to walk away now.
Starting point is 00:43:35 But you could tell that he's this close to not being civilized enough to walk away. How much is a cigarette worth? A dollar? Maybe less? In New York, probably a lot. So I do what you're saying. It's not the cigarette. 50 cents, Zach says. 50 cents a dollar.
Starting point is 00:43:50 A dollar would be outrageous prices, but I don't know. Maybe with taxes and everything, you could get up to $20 a pack. There's 20 smokes in a pack. A pack is like $12. Depends where you live. I think in Georgia, they're like $7, $8, but I think in New York it's double or triple that. Something stupid. I remember they were $10 or $12. Depends where you live. I think in Georgia, they're like $7, $8.
Starting point is 00:44:07 But I think in New York, it's double or triple that. Something stupid. I remember they were $10 or $12 years and years ago when I was in New York. I saw them in prison for $3 a cigarette. And they were... Lucy's, yeah. They are filming in New York, so they're about as expensive as they get. And they're just pulling out of these people's... He's stepping on them and they're like, did you just fucking do that like they're so close to attacking him watch uh the the episode they get meaner and meaner as the seasons go on but like i told you
Starting point is 00:44:35 about the one where they keep like having that same doctor come back to check murray's prostate over and over and over they thought that one wasn't bad enough and so they made him get a catheter all day and so he had to like walk around in shorts holding like a bag of his own piss all day and like do activities with his own catheter and then at the end of the day he's like this was horrible and they like had his fiancee come out to remove the catheter from him. And then at the very end, he's like, is that it? Is that it? And they're like, nope. We got Dr. Smith for a prostate exam! He's like, oh!
Starting point is 00:45:12 I've had two prostate exams in the last year! I'm fine! It's just so funny. It's so awful! I know, it's so mean-spirited. And he plays the bullied character very well because his punishments are way worse than the other guys in most situations that when they made him skydive like it doesn't sound bad but like he was legitimately crying in a bathroom like he was tearful like like
Starting point is 00:45:36 it's one of his biggest fears and then when it was time to like make them get tattoos but not know what the tattoo was until it was revealed his tattoo is a chipmunk skydiving screaming and crying that's what he looks like he looks like he's got a little little ferret face yeah did you see there's one where they often do this thing where whatever the setup is they're behind a desk and the person who thinks they're getting paid for their opinion or whatever a job interview nonsense is the the setup. They pay an actress to be that person. So Murr thinks he's playing a joke on a young lady. The young lady is playing a joke on him for the laughs of everyone else.
Starting point is 00:46:15 And they have him hitting on her, but they have her being receptive. He's like, I'm feeling kind of a little ivory and ebony connection she's like yeah i can get down with that all right all right so he's like well have you ever and they're like ask her if she's ever seen hamilton because they're doing like black jokes and she's like have you ever seen hamilton she's like no but i'd love to go he's like why really i mean we can go sometime i'd love that i'm free saturday night Are we having a real connection here? I don't know. It kind of feels like it. We'll see. And then his friends
Starting point is 00:46:50 walk in and be like, Melissa, you can come out now. She's like, oh, good. And she just completely drops the smile and the whole thing. And he's like, she was but and what? Because he's a single guy at that point.'s it's it's fucked up it's a great show it's a very very funny show i encourage everybody to watch it just a good feel good called again impractical jokers
Starting point is 00:47:15 and where do you find it hbo hbo every episode on disney plus where you guys told me it was and i spent time searching for it. No, I said HBO because I watch it all the time. Do you see this thing? This isn't a breath mint. I forget things all the time now. How many rubles do you have in Tarkov now?
Starting point is 00:47:40 I've been sitting at 30 million for weeks because I've just been not doing as many like money runs money's super easy to make if you go to lighthouse like i could i could make a lot uh 10 10 million a day probably easy but right now i've just kind of been fun doing um some of these quests uh i want to there are a few items in the game that are locked behind quests. All my traders are maxed out, but it's like if I want to be able to buy a mutant
Starting point is 00:48:10 or if I want to buy M61 ammo, then I have to do some quests. So I'm doing those quests right now. But I've been fluctuating right around 27, 35 mil, somewhere in that little zone up and down as I buy things and sell things. And sometimes you, I mean, I'm telling people who aren't you like you have 30 million which is a lot and then you buy a case for 10 million you have to get your way back but it organizes your stuff better and you're happy you have it yeah yeah it's the game is a continuous money sink so it's it's a continuous grind it's like just when you think you've got a little money it's like yeah we need all that money good thing
Starting point is 00:48:42 you saved it yeah really yeah what do i get back i mean fuck you got a little money, it's like, yeah, we need all that money. Good thing you saved it. Really? Yeah. What do I get back? I mean, fuck you. Give me that money. Every so often there's a quest that's like, give $10,000 to the therapist. And you're like, how many rubles is $10,000? Like 10 million rubles. Fuck. That's a lot.
Starting point is 00:49:00 Yeah, it's a lot. It's bullshit. It's a fun game. I've been doing pretty well. Having a good time. I killed a super geared's bullshit. It's a fun game. I've been doing pretty well, having a good time. I killed a super geared guy today. I had a great raid. But yeah, just doing the stupid tasks. I don't know how those guys play it all day, every day. I play a lot, but I can't imagine playing.
Starting point is 00:49:17 I was watching Landmark, and I could tell he is not having a lot of fun most of the time. I think he's dealing with a lot of cheaters and dealing with a lot of nonsense. Of course, he attracts nonsense. It's not not being his fault but by being a popular player nonsensical people jump in his game somehow yeah yeah um i was watching and just just like instantly gets shot in the face like a ppsh which is hard to do unless you're cheating and he kills that guy and the next guy is the same thing he also has a ppsh that he can spray into people's faces and he kills that guy like he can't like it's it's fun to
Starting point is 00:49:48 watch him play against stream snipers and cheaters all day long and still come out on top like most of the time yeah i xcal used to do that in call of duty it'd be xcal versus a cheater right this guy can like fly and you know like run four times faster and it's a close battle yeah he still does it's hard to shoot a flying character i've got uh maxed out endurance now on my character and maxed out metabolism on my character so he runs like a fucking kenyan it's that seems like metabolism would actually be a negative if like food is difficult to come by. No, because you need less food. Yeah, it works the opposite of what you're guessing.
Starting point is 00:50:29 Yeah. And food does more for you. Yeah. So like that's a negative. I can tell you that you really want to burn more calories. Yeah. Not in Tarkov though. You got to buy all your food.
Starting point is 00:50:40 I've like had that as like just like daydream thought before where it's like, what's the best superpower I could have that no one could know about it? Metabolism man. I'd be metabolism man. You just control it, right? Yeah, and I'm burning 12. I'm doubling up on Michael Phelps. I don't stop eating. It's just constantly.
Starting point is 00:51:01 It's like that movie Thinner, except it doesn't ever get scary. It's just living the dream the whole time. I don't know the movie. I would crank up my metabolism by 40 just for 15 minutes or so. Drop a percent body fat and be like... Thinner is a good movie.
Starting point is 00:51:19 Thinner is a bad movie. The premise is so interesting. It carries the story. Thinner is an interesting premise uh it would make a great short story five ten minutes long uh but instead what they did is they made like an 18 hour movie out of it written by steven and i'm gonna run you through this fucking saga real quick so basically um our main character uh i think he's getting his dick sucked by his wife and he runs over like uh an old lady in the street and fucking kills her.
Starting point is 00:51:47 And he gets off in the car, and he gets off in court because I want to say he's, like, an attorney or, like, buddy-buddy with a judge. It's one of those things. And the people that he killed are, like, literally gypsies, right? Like, rags and old hair. And this old man walks up to him in the street, and they're like, that's the old hag's dad. He had run over the most ancient woman you've ever seen. And her dad shows up pissed.
Starting point is 00:52:17 And the dad walks up to him after the court verdict, and he just takes his hand like this and runs it across the main character's face. And he goes, thinhead. And the main character's face. And he goes, thin. And our main character's fat as fuck. So from then on, his metabolism goes faster and faster and faster. And at first, he's pigging out like crazy, loving it. A spectacle.
Starting point is 00:52:36 And he's thin, like looking great. But it keeps getting worse and worse. And he can't keep up. And he's terrified. And now he realizes what's happened to him. He goes begging for the curse to be taken off and the guy's laughing at him and uh this is where stephen king doesn't know what to do now oh that's so stephen king that is a very big thing so what would so stephen king says hey go hire some mob guys to go like muscle in on the gypos now and so that's what he does he goes and
Starting point is 00:53:08 gets his some mob guys like joe montagna comes in he's the mob guy from that movie he goes um now use cantly oh yeah they go get him to go beat up the gypsies well the gypsies are pretty hard fucking uh folks they're not easy no So then there's a big gun battle. And they're clearly magic. You know that going in. There's a big gun battle. It goes nowhere. There's a movie.
Starting point is 00:53:31 And the last 45 minutes of it, you're like, fuck, I just want to see him eat another turkey leg and cry. What the fuck is this? The whole last half of the movie, I remember. And you're right, of course. It should have been a much shorter vignette style thing. I remember, and you're right, of course, it should have been a much shorter vignette-style thing, but I remember wanting to finish the movie because I'm like,
Starting point is 00:53:48 how are they going to get him even thinner than this? Because they did a lazy 90s version of the fat-to-thin thing, where in the beginning, he is one of the clumps with the most obvious fat suit on. He's got a mostly normal guy face with a fake,
Starting point is 00:54:05 like John Madden, jowl tape to it. And then like, there's maybe 20 minutes in the middle of the movie where it's clearly him like a normal size guy, but then they don't do anything else to make him thinner after normal size guy. And so like,
Starting point is 00:54:18 there'll be scenes where they're like, you know, he'll walk in and look exactly the same as he did 15 minutes earlier. And his wife or doctor will be like you've lost 60 more pounds since last time it's like all they did was like draw a gaunt line here and like they're like freaking out over a man who's clearly well within a healthy pmi and so it's like it's that that pulls you out of it you're like oh man i don't know what i was expecting oh that pulls you out of it it wasn't the gypsy curse no i wanted to see
Starting point is 00:54:43 the curse be fulfilled i wanted to see all the, I wanted to see the curse be fulfilled. I wanted to see it all the way. I wanted to see him become the cryptkeeper. Just become dust. Christian Bale would have died doing this role. No, it's a pretty trash movie. Christian Bale would have been the machinist. I've never made it all the way to the end.
Starting point is 00:54:58 I've never made it all the way to the end. I'm telling you, there's a part there where Joe Mantegna like trying to be a badass in like the woods in broad daylight or something and it just it just doesn't play and i always turn it off i've never made it at the end uh i've seen it three or four times never made it at the end the first part is good with him he kills the lady and the curse and the as he goes through the transformation getting thinner and thinner i think there is a part where he's like not just gaunt but like skeletonized almost it's's scary. But with makeup.
Starting point is 00:55:26 Yeah, makeup. Practical effects, obviously, because this is borderline a TV movie. Man, I really did think that I liked this movie. But you're right. It's not good.
Starting point is 00:55:42 Kyle has that superpower in both directions. He can make bad stuff seem good and good stuff seem bad. Anyway, link in the description. No, I want to like that movie. I think it's a cool premise.
Starting point is 00:55:58 Stephen King has this weird thing about endings. He's only written maybe two good endings ever. Some of my favorite things are like i was i had forgotten that the outsider was either the outsider or outsiders i don't know if it's plural or not but it's out you may remember it it's this hbo miniseries that we watched maybe two three years ago it's out fucking standing it's where that there's an invisible child raping demon that frames people up for child raping children to death and then feeds on the sadness that that creates and all the people that are in that family's life and then moves on and does it again. And this team of investigators is trying to track it down and none of them want to believe in a fucking demon
Starting point is 00:56:45 because these are grounded normal people and like the guy's like I don't believe in demons and she's like I sat across from that table with one last night and and and she's like look and you can see like there's like palm prints like where it had sat or something like on the dusty table and they're just like
Starting point is 00:57:01 finally like there's a scene where like he's just like i don't believe in demons none of us do but we're dealing with a demon and we're gonna have to work together or he's gonna kill us all you know and it's just like you're so fired up because there's moments of it's so scary there are moments where when she walks in her kitchen at five in the morning and there's a demon sitting across the table that rapes children to death and he wants to talk to her about her husband's investigations into it and he's like,
Starting point is 00:57:29 have a seat, talk with me for a minute. It's like, fuck! And it's really good actors who never poke fun at this at any time and people are getting ripped apart and raped to death and then you get to the last episode and it had been like an 8.5 or a 9 the whole time. The last episode was like a five or six at best.
Starting point is 00:57:46 And you're just like, what? They dexterated. They dexterated bad. Game of Thrones did it. And it's Stephen King again. He is. He's the ultimate premise guy. He has the best mind for premises and interesting scenarios that happened with that book.
Starting point is 00:58:00 Needful things. I was reading about like Satan running the store and giving you things like the premise is so interesting and he has a million ideas for items and angles with different townsfolk like ironic little little uh you know dovetailing of the story and like after a while hundreds of pages of that you're like let's get let's get moving here like with with uncovering the demon and the devil and everything it's a lot of just exposition, but it is really interesting. The Shining is one that jumps out at me. That did have a good ending. I liked the ending to The Shining. The movie or the book?
Starting point is 00:58:34 I'm thinking of the movie right now. The Jack Nicholson. Yeah. I like... Which one do you prefer? I like the movie. Yeah. Because the book is terrible. Well, because Stanley Kubrick... Yeah, I guess you're right. because Stanley Kubrick fixed the ending. He fixed the whole fucking thing.
Starting point is 00:58:50 There's a lot of differences. What's the movie you like so much? Is it 1968, the book? Oh, 19... 1911 was a Stephen King book. That was a show on Netflix. It's the one with Kennedy. It's the 11-22-63. The yeah is it it's the 11 22 63 the date that
Starting point is 00:59:06 kennedy died 11 22 63 thank you it's it's my favorite so 11 11 22 63 i think i got it right uh is another one where it has a really interesting premise there's time travel the rules of time travel are really particular and that you sort of walk to this place you go in the past if you do that again then it all resets to the original past and uh this guy goes to the past and he's convinced that preventing jfk from being shot will make the world a better place there's a long setup to him preventing this murder from happening yeah because the issue is that the time machine they have the portal which is what it really is the portal leads back to like four years before to like instead kennedy died in 63 this thing takes you like to 58 or 59 and so that means you got to go back there and live out those four years in the past to get to the kennedy assassination and by the way
Starting point is 01:00:03 you age so you could spend like four years, not succeed, and then run it back. And now you're eight years older. And all right. So anyway, terrible deal without, I don't think it's too big a spoiler to say that he prevents the assassination. And then you want to know,
Starting point is 01:00:19 I want to know in a really big way, how does this alternative universe play out? What happens? Who are the subsequent presidents? How do they deal with the Cold War? want to know in a really big way how does this alternative universe play out what happens who are the subsequent presidents how do they deal with the cold war like how does this all play out well they do that kind of stephen king does a whole big like yeah so that after uh jfk uh there's earthquakes and like the volcanoes are a really big problem and oh the lightning storms man they've rocked everything it's like non-stop emps and you're like wait it's out go ahead it turns out that you can only change little things you can change um you can you can change it so that a little girl lives you can change it
Starting point is 01:00:59 so that a boy doesn't spill his spaghetti dinner and that a husband doesn't mask her his whole family but you can't save the president of the united states because that is such a pivotal moment in history that it sort of shattered uh a little bit of the space-time continuum and the earth was opened up to these fucking time storms that that fucked the earth up you know volcanoes and lightning storms and such so that is how the story goes. But to me, it is an example of, oh,
Starting point is 01:01:29 well, because it's Stephen King, he got two thirds through the book and didn't know what to write. So now it was good. Time storms, fucking shit up and just making. Can I just say though, that like by the end of that book,
Starting point is 01:01:42 it's not even about Kennedy anymore. It's about, it's about your main character's love story with that woman. And Kennedy was almost like a side story by then. And I think that that's what I took from that book, is that he was doing something that was so monumental that it would fracture space-time. It would destroy the universe. But in the end, the more important thing was his love for that woman that he met and it was a sad sad sweet story um i cry every time i get to the end of that book and even i cried when i watched the movie too if anybody's like not people out there who just don't fucking do books um there's a a mini series on hulu with
Starting point is 01:02:22 james franco that's very good. I think it's, it's good enough to get you through like without reading 11, 22, 63. But if you're ever going to read one book that like the first book I would recommend someone to read is that one. I love it so, so much.
Starting point is 01:02:38 Your main character is such a, he's a smart guy. He's a strong guy. He's got that old, like fifties sensibilities. I dons sensibilities i don't know i don't know he's from a different era even though it's meant he's supposed to be a modern man like because he's from our past he's like a man of the 80s but he seems like a he fits right in in the 50s like like his slang is a little out of tune but i don't know people occasionally sings acdc
Starting point is 01:03:02 in the shower but otherwise he's a 1950s dude. Yeah, that was so funny. There's little bits where he'll be singing in the shower and she's hearing lyrics. Thunderstruck or something. Yeah, she's like, what is that song? It's just a little thing that we sing back home. It's like, where?
Starting point is 01:03:23 Where do they sing about things like that because it's like you know like acdc lyrics are dirty like when you like spell them out it's like it's like sucking on lollipops and it's dripping down from the top and more more more it's always something like gross something sexual and dirty and she's not having that um it's a it's a movie where or it's a movie and a book series where there are some rough things that happen to our main characters. I don't know. I love it so much. It's my favorite book, I think. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:53 Wrap here? Sure. Yeah. Alright. PKN392.

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