Painkiller Already - PKN 401

Episode Date: April 27, 2022


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Starting point is 00:00:00 pkn401 hello boys hi how are you guys how's everybody doing i'm doing all right i get to start working out again either tomorrow or no thursday you finally get to now here's the question so you injured yourself severely with your birthday present yeah from from your ex-girlfriend and this all checks out i'm trying to catch everyone else up And I'm wondering Do you even have it assembled yet? Or have you had to look at it? It is sitting in the crate
Starting point is 00:00:33 Exactly in the garage Where it was left Is there blood on it? Yes If I lived within two hours of you I'd have found a time when you were away And I'd have snuck over there, like had your wife let me in
Starting point is 00:00:47 and I'd have put that bitch together for you. It's a damn shame it's been sitting there. It is a damn shame. And I appreciate you being a good friend. My brothers were in town. A hypothetically good friend. Yes, yes. I am also a hypothetically good friend.
Starting point is 00:00:59 I thought it would hurt. I'm going to live some money on it after I left as a consolidation. It's the thought of the pretend act that I was. My brothers were in town for a cousin's wedding of ours this past weekend or two weekends ago, and it was right after it happened. And so I told them everything and I was like, I'm going to need your guys help to carry the pieces down there and they're like oh that sucks they're so heavy and huge and i'm like just at some point i would do it alone myself but i need help those motherfuckers they're not nearly as snuck out of my house early sunday mornings i wake up and i'm like asking my wife like hey where are they oh they left i'm like you you pieces of shit like you
Starting point is 00:01:46 couldn't help me carry it down and so and so my whole garage is unusable for the past two weeks so my wife can't park her car in there we only use one car in the garage anyway because there's storage and stuff in their defense that is funny it is me and i am gonna i going to fuck them over somehow. Something with my dad's will. I don't know. But I'll find a way. Not that I have any access to that, but I'll find a way to get it. Fill their garage with mulch or something. Yeah, it's just sitting in my garage, this giant crate.
Starting point is 00:02:16 And so tomorrow I think I'm going to carry it down and assemble it because I think it should be fine now. I think I'm going to take the stitches out tomorrow. Leave them in another day like you can there's there's no there's no rush they'll start you don't want your skin to grow back over and it's all flaky now you do you do then it's like super skin imagine if every inch of us were not only like skin but also stitches first of all he's right taylor why are you a science denier no the way you said that guy oh no no no you do just no you'll be bolstered you'll be stronger than you ever could dream so what you're telling me that someone reinforced your body and now you want to take that out
Starting point is 00:02:58 that look when you put the skyscraper up you don't pull the rebar out piece by piece once it's standing no sir i have a fear that's totally unreasonable that i'm going to be doing like heavy pulls of some work and my arm's just gonna and just pop and then there's just blood everywhere but i don't think that's an unreasonable thought i don't tell me i think you could literally tear the skin a little because it's fresh skin around the stitches because like if you're doing like i don't know easy curls like high reps or like reverse curls or something when i look at my forearms when i'm doing that it's like they are pumped there's not a lot of space and left inside there you know and it's like no there is not you're getting close to
Starting point is 00:03:39 the point where you could tear a stitch but dude if you got such a pump that you tore a stitch that's a story fuck it if you had to if you were so beefed up and ripped that you that you had to get stitched up dude if i popped stitch it would just be jokes about me like overeating like something like the weight i didn't even think of it that way oh yeah i if you popped a stitch they'd be like he's so shredded his body's rejecting the science material if i pop it it's like ah it's like when you overstuff an old backpack my body re-knits itself like dr strange's cape at this this is it's healing so much faster than i thought it would i'm just hoping the inside meat is back together. Yeah, that's
Starting point is 00:04:26 what I'm concerned about too. They didn't give you any internal stitches? No. No, they really botched me. Taylor, you should have hired me. I'm very inexpensive and I do internal stitches. You couldn't, you genuinely couldn't have done worse than that first woman who I got. I know.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Is having a healthcare is there a position called like a health care advocate like is there a person that you bring along with you to the doctor's office to be like actually me actually kyle does he need drugs no kyle doesn't want a free sample he wants his prescription refilled and he wants the free sample of the medication i have it so you know a doula is typically it's a birth doula that's someone who just serves as your advocate as you have the baby. There's also a death doula, someone who does the same thing and just sort of, you know, on your side, helping you walk through the process. You need a bad day doula. You need to hire Woody. And then I will make sure you get the proper guy to give you stitches. I'll make sure that your bills all sorted out properly. I can navigate this system. I'll make sure you get your painkillers i might get you some extra pain meds just for the i fucked up a big time to combine with some chardonnay later they came back they came back and they were like how are you doing for pain and just like not
Starting point is 00:05:34 thinking i was like i'm fine and i was like damn it you missed that opportunity that's when you're supposed to be like i'm afraid of blood and I'm not seeking Xanax. And I'm stressed not. I wouldn't want one of those pills anyway. It genuinely doesn't hurt. Your forearm is probably the least painful place to get stabbed. Deltoid. Maybe like your calf or something wouldn't be as bad. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:05:57 But these extremities... Deltoid is known as an easy tattoo place, which is why I said that. I guess that would make sense. I see a lot of tattoos on delts. Yeah, I don't know. I think that was a good place. You got it.
Starting point is 00:06:10 And hopefully it's healed up soon. On the other hand, Taylor, if you want some respect, rib cage, I'm told. That is a respected place to get a big tat. Can I get abs tattooed on? Has anyone ever done that? I have a question about that. I don't have a thick coat of chest and belly hair, but I have some.
Starting point is 00:06:32 Which shaving pattern would accentuate the abs? Do I get the top of them or in between them to add abs? You're going to say shave it all. I'm looking. I feel like that's not the ideal answer. Peaks and valleys. You want the valleys to be smooth and reflective
Starting point is 00:06:51 so the light bounces out of them. You want those peaks to be the opposite. Little firm mounds. Peaked up, extra high. That's why I look so terrible. That makes sense. Put some product and straighten and flat iron those right now i like it because i had thought both ways i thought just
Starting point is 00:07:13 like you did make the peaks peakier by adding some volume to them i'd also thought make the valleys darker by having like the shadow to them not only darker but you might be like i can't even see the bottom of how deep that is it's like it's like when there's like a chasm in the ground and the tree tops are like like obscure like how deep is it i don't know maybe maybe the answer is to shave them and then just put a little you know cosmetics a little concealer in the middle you know darken the yeah it's an eyeliner like a you could probably get like a thing you just put on Cosmetics. A little concealer in the middle. Dark in the... Yeah. You could probably get a thing you just put on and go
Starting point is 00:07:50 and it just colors in the parts you need and you just go about your day. Well, I'm certainly not losing weight. Leave the Punisher alone. Oh, that's bad. Did someone whack? Is that a joke? No, that's the Punisher alone. Oh, that's bad. Did someone whack? Is that a joke? No, that's
Starting point is 00:08:08 the Punisher. I don't know what this is from. This may be from... So they shaved the top of his abs and left the hair in between, right? Do you remember the 40-year-old virgin scene? I thought it was makeup. It's a blurry, blurry, blurry picture. Yeah. It looks like the 40-year-old virgin
Starting point is 00:08:24 scene. Well, this is the guy. This is like Thomas Hayden something, something. Hayden Church, maybe. This is the guy who played in The Mist, and he was the original Punisher. I've never seen The Mist. Wait, is that a Stephen King one?
Starting point is 00:08:43 It's a Stephen King adaptation by Kirkman I think it's very good very very good it's that traditional thing King does where like the real monster is you know the people behind you it's those Stephen King books where the real
Starting point is 00:09:00 monster is the one who writes in child sex to their entire hundred book repertoire king book where the real monster is the guy who thought of two-thirds of a book but no ending man the whole time like if some you know the old joke where it's like oh if something came out about mr rogers like if it came out that mr rogers was raping people i feel like even the hardest me too advocates or whatever would be like this has to stop somewhere guys let's calm down but him no you believe it i'd believe it right away i would i would if they said stephen king has had
Starting point is 00:09:40 children tied up in his basement for 30 wrote Cujo. Oh, shit. I'd be like, that checks out. He had to draw inspiration from somewhere. Those kids are like 40 now. Those kids are 40 years old. That's where he got the inspiration for Misery. Finally turned one over on him and he escaped it. I'm like, the end of that.
Starting point is 00:09:59 That is a great movie. It's a great movie. And it's not even close to the best stephen king adaptation that's how we joke around about how bad of an author he is in the endings of the books when you look at just the books of his that have made it into movies and not just movies but like the great movies that are stephen king the green mile um there's a lot of that above the shiny i think the shining the shining consensus understood best one, right? The Shining is like...
Starting point is 00:10:27 Well, see, the thing about The Shining is like he changed it completely from the book anyway. So it's kind of hard to even give it to Stephen King anymore. It's completely different. Even so, if you're going by just general... Yeah, like the outline at least. The Shining is good. This weekend I watched
Starting point is 00:10:45 not weekend, yesterday and the day before, whatever that was. For you, there's a lot of differentiation. You know what I mean. In my free time, I watched Batman and the new Spider-Man.
Starting point is 00:11:01 I watched them a day apart. They're both three-hour superheroes. The new Spider-Man. Yes, the one... Oh, I have seen it. Yes, that has all the Spider-Men. It was very good. All right, so... Batman first. I'll say this.
Starting point is 00:11:18 I really like that Edward from... What's his name? Ed Norton? Twilight? The Twilight guy. Robert Pattinson. Robert Pattinson is his name. I really like him as an actor. I thought he was great in The Lighthouse. In this movie, he is...
Starting point is 00:11:35 For the entire movie, he is sort of like an emo pouty kid, and it doesn't help that this is the first time that they've chosen to explain why Batman's eyes are black and have him put on makeup. Now, that it's a cool touch it's like yeah why is back in the day like like their their eyes would be black under the mask they take the mask off there's no makeup it's like dude but we saw the makeup now he's got the makeup on it looks kind of cool but he looks
Starting point is 00:11:58 like a fucking i don't know he's always pouting and crying and being real emo and shit. I give it a B. It was good. It was overly long. I want to watch a whole other movie that's X-rated starring Catwoman because she might be one of the most beautiful women on the planet. The lady they've got playing Catwoman is just...
Starting point is 00:12:19 Do you know her name? Her last name might be Kravitz or something. I remember thinking maybe she was related to Lenny Kravitz because she's she looks biracial like like maybe she's like part african-american I don't know why I used that Zoe Kravitz yeah yeah like this is the worst picture of her you'll ever see I'm not even kidding this is the worst picture I was like oh no she looks much better as Catwoman. She's stunningly beautiful. Are you sure Catwoman just isn't her best day?
Starting point is 00:12:52 She's also super tiny. You know what? She looks like the scary woman who's in all the Tim Burton movies. These are bad angles, I'm going to admit. In the movie, she's she's just she's super pretty i can see that she has like a a striking face with a defined jawline and cheekbones like she's really pretty she could be a model i think she probably is or something um because she wasn't a great actress okay so batman was just mad i liked. I was glad I watched it. But I did.
Starting point is 00:13:28 Throughout it, I'd be like, man, we're only an hour in, huh? It is a drag at points, isn't it? It's three hours long. Dude, Spider-Man was one of the best superhero movies I've ever seen. It was wonderful. It was like a comic book kid that's my age's dream come come true that like grew up watching um you know the spider-man cartoons and stuff like he did some cartoon shit it was cool it wasn't cheesy it was fun like like he did big there were so many big set pieces that were fun um spider-man has like this certain group like like set of skills where he's just vulnerable
Starting point is 00:14:04 enough that it's always kind of dangerous but at the same time you know he can do some crazy stuff and then uh you know bringing back all the other characters i thought was going to be annoying but instead i really liked it when when um what's his name says i'm a bit of a scientist myself i'm like ah ah they did the meme the whole way i liked every bit of it the three spider-man working together because james garfield was always my favorite spider-man he's the one that like to see the good-looking one in the middle uh yeah yeah yeah with the spiked up hair um he's and he like he's real emotional in his movie and i think maybe they were like making fun of that a little bit because he's like i love you guys like all three spider-men are there together and james garfield is like we're brothers i love you both and they both go
Starting point is 00:14:49 thank you but uh excellent excellent movie when i get no spoiler anymore but like uh when the three spider-men started working together and each of them sort of three Spider-Men started working together and each of them sort of addressed where, you know, they struggled in previous movies and try not to super spoil it. I, it really,
Starting point is 00:15:11 really worked for me. Like I really enjoyed that movie and it was cool. It was great. They did a fantastic job. And I love that Marvel gets this shit done. Yeah. I feel like so many other movies are like, well,
Starting point is 00:15:22 you know, we couldn't get this guy. No, Marvel will get him. They'll get him. They'll make it happen. They'll pay him. They'll do whatever it fucking takes. Not only will we get Tobey Maguire, but we'll make him look good somehow. I don't know what they did
Starting point is 00:15:36 to Tobey Maguire. No, I mean his physique. He got for the time, it was really impressive what Tobey Maguire did, the body transformation he did for the first Spider-Man. We were all like, whoa, what the fuck? Like, dude, you can just get abs at some point if you want. Well, we were also 12.
Starting point is 00:15:55 I was like 12. I was probably 12, yeah. We were blown away. Like, girls my age were super into Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man. It's another thing you have to keep in mind. It was a big deal. And he gets bit and then he sees himself in the mirror and he's like, oh. And it's just like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:16 Holy shit. You did turn into like the best version of himself. He looks so good that I was like, why are you putting a shirt on today bro i remember seeing that scene and thinking like whoa that guy's huge and then like i see a picture now and it's like just it is a boy body like i don't know unless i'm misremembering it's a gymnast body like like it's a gymnast body like like he's He's all ripped up. He's not as low body fat as I got down to, but he's like all of his... I'm looking at him now, Kyle. He might be better than he is
Starting point is 00:16:53 in your memory. That could easily be. Oh, okay. He's a lot better than he was in my memory. I want to see now. The thing I found is a video, so it's not easy to send. I must have been remembering his pre's his obliques are tremendous actually this zach can you show this i'm a little better than yours i've worked i found like hd here i guess was this in the
Starting point is 00:17:20 first spider-man yeah yeah very first, he's way bigger than I remember. Zach says, oh, shucks. Can you zoom in? Can you make it better? He looks pretty good there. His body fat is not as low as Kyle's, but it's threatening it. He's way smaller than Kyle. That's true, too. He's a way different body
Starting point is 00:17:40 type man. I don't want to compare myself to Tony McGuire's Spider-Man. Oh, he looks he? Oh, he looks sick. Oh man. When he did, when he like really like chained it up. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Did you see the picture? The one I put in? No, I went and found like a, a, a good HD video and watch the whole scene. Um, when,
Starting point is 00:17:58 when, when he goes, bam and like, like makes his abs pop and his obliques jump out. That's impressive. He's got like a genetic, he's got like really, really good obliques jump out, that's impressive. He's got a genetic... He's got really, really good obliques. I remember what stuck with me in that movie
Starting point is 00:18:10 is when he caught all the stuff on the tray and... Yes. Is it Mary Jane? Is that her name? Yeah. And swooned her a little bit and then he didn't go try to close the deal. I'm like, dude,
Starting point is 00:18:27 you're leaving pussy on the table man she's in she's all in and i remember like because when you're like 11 or 12 you're so goddamn horny like anything with a girl in the movie you're just thinking about fucking or at least i was and so i remember thinking like damn wasting all this time with spy like you can be spider-man all day but you're not gonna fuck mary jane before you go stop petty crimes come on she's game i uh i took it slightly differently i felt like he didn't beat the fuck out of flash quite properly you know that in every scene you see him deal with flash right every um reboot and uh in the toby mcguire one if i recall correctly he let flash sort of tucker himself out maybe punch the locker by dodging really well and he made flash look foolish but he could have grabbed him by the wrist and flipped him up and down like bam bam and just you know beat the fuck out of
Starting point is 00:19:16 this that's what a supervillain does i thought flash had a stronger can't flash go like the speed of light how you're you're mixing there's a of light? Flash is a boy's name. Flash is a boy's name in the Spider-Man universe. In the DC universe where you are, he's a superhero who runs fast. But Flash is the school bully that Spider-Man has to deal with. This guy bullied him before he was bit,
Starting point is 00:19:37 tried to bully him after he's bit, and he deals with it in different ways. In the one that Kyle likes, he plays basketball. He palms the ball so well that Flash can't remove it from his hand. It's not cool. Yeah, this is Flash. You guys are my age. What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:19:57 Dude, what is that hairline? You're not a high schooler. Dude, he's just a bully because he's 28. This fucking sucks. Kyle's right. I am thinking like a supervillain, but I just felt like that guy needed his comeuppance. You know?
Starting point is 00:20:12 You just watched the movie, but you've already forgotten. With great power. They all three Spider-Men did it as a team, they said it. That was such a core message. While they all remembered that they had a responsibility to teach as a team, they said it. That was such a core message. While they all remembered that they had a responsibility to teach
Starting point is 00:20:28 Flash a lesson, Kyle. Flash is going to bully someone else now. You know what Flash needs? Broken limbs. I think he pissed himself in that Tobey Maguire movie. He humiliated him. That's so much worse than a broken arm pissing yourself in front of all the girls in your grade.
Starting point is 00:20:44 No, I'm making it up. I don't remember. Alright, alright. In any case, yeah, I just felt like Flash bullies Spider-Man relentlessly for who knows how long. He gets his powers and he, what, dodges his punches going forward?
Starting point is 00:20:59 Yes. That's not the comeuppance. The power comes great with Spider-Man. I'm surprised that's not the name of the fucking movie Spider-Man with great powers they thought that would be too ham-handed you know what I'm big on the trip why couldn't he just like sweep the leg
Starting point is 00:21:17 does he need to beat him up it seems like he already humiliated him right the whole school was watching and they had like a little tussle and Spider-Man made him look like a fool. I definitely remember that. I don't remember how it went down. But Spider-Man, he made him look like a fool.
Starting point is 00:21:31 I don't know. You can't beat up your school bully now that you can bench press 600 pounds. Actually, that is the ideal time to beat up your school bully. Well, then you cripple him and now he goes through life not being able to act. Now you're in jail. Now he never bullies anyone again, you're saying. Now you're in jail and you're the strongest rapist of all time he could have done anything with his powers but he just let me if spider-man butt rapes you if that gave you
Starting point is 00:22:00 spider powers absolutely would you just be always like kind of hanging around being all flirty i would be dropping the soap i'd be i'd be dropping the soap into my ass look it's already ready you want to fish that out of there for me so i just re-watched the scene he punches Flash once in the chest and sent him sliding down the hallway. It's a step in the right direction. Now Flash has a heart murmur. If you actually hit someone hard enough to make them
Starting point is 00:22:35 fly 24 feet down the hallway, you're dead. They die. Maybe. One thing that writers or maybe cgi people never it's like you know when when superman for example picks up an island it's like no superman your hands compared to an island are like drill bit teeth you would just go through
Starting point is 00:22:56 it like a needle goes through like like anything a needle wants to go through like you're so little and it's so big like it's not dense enough like or the classic someone's falling off a skyscraper and you come up and catch them along the way as if you're any better than the ground yeah oh yeah you have to you have to decelerate them that's why and that's like spider-man's whole bag right he's got the web and he's sort of bungee jumping down that was a really sad scene too where when andrew um um garfield's spider-man catches mary jane and uh he's crying when he catches her because in his universe he couldn't catch his girlfriend she died which one of them uh gets with mary jane in the end of this one uh you want the spoiler absolutely i'm not it. None. He has to give up.
Starting point is 00:23:51 He has to make it so that everyone completely forgets his name to save everyone. It's convoluted magic, but it's like, he's like, would that fix it? If no one ever knew who I was, he's like, yeah, but then none of us would ever would know who you were and what you've done and what you mean to us. Do it. And so now his girlfriend that loves him, his best friend, his family, his friends, the world, nobody knows who he is anymore. Now he's only Spider-Man? Now he's getting his GED instead of going to MIT. But he's still Spider-Man, right?
Starting point is 00:24:20 Yeah. Oh, well then he's just a retard for getting his GED. He's getting his ged and he's spider-man he's still spider-man but his friends forgot him there's a whole world out there like get going get on your horse i'm gonna admit when you threw it for you and i i think we'd be like this makes the breakup awfully easy, doesn't it? This guy's a loser. Yeah. I don't know. I feel like this is... But for him, it's heartbreaking because those were...
Starting point is 00:24:52 That's what he's been fighting for. The whole movie was him fighting to hold all those things together. And at the end, the only way that all of the things he loved could remain is if he removed himself from the equation. And he kind of made that selfless decision it was real sad but i think i'd be like i think i'll be able to get a new girlfriend i'm spider man um i don't think i want a ged how about this y'all let me take a little tax from the city you know let me call it in poker we call it pinching the pot if you're running the game you're running
Starting point is 00:25:21 the game you're making sure nobody comes in and grabs the money you're i got refreshments you need a light what do you want but every night you just go to city hall and be like two million dollars a month or you're dealing with the most serious domestic terrorism situation you can imagine yeah and then they're like okay and then he's got us over a barrel he's gonna fucking tie the trains to the tracks make make us miss the shipments. But I don't know what they do in that scene. We're verging on supervillain stuff because after a while... Verging. No, because I've also threatened members of the media so that it's only positive things to me.
Starting point is 00:26:01 And so as far as the public is concerned, they're totally walled off from my terroristic acts as Spider-Man. They think they have fucking Brian Stelter, whoever like a local hero saves child. Meanwhile, I'm stealing cops pension funds going on insane trips to Vegas because they're terrified of me. That won't work
Starting point is 00:26:19 because no one can buy Twitter because the richest man in the world owns Twitter. And I don't want Twitter. I want to be a vigilante in Goth richest man in the world owns Twitter. I don't want Twitter. I want to be a vigilante in Gotham or wherever the fuck he lives. I was trying to segue. I want to segue too. So Elon Musk's bid for Twitter has gone through.
Starting point is 00:26:41 I guess he owns it now or it's all done but the paperwork. But he's getting Twitter. Elon Musk is going to have it. And I don't know what to think of that. I've said some of this before but for people who don't listen to every show, Twitter has gotten some of their censorship wrong. There was
Starting point is 00:26:58 a time where you could get banned for saying that cloth masks were worthless. Now, that's kind of a generally accepted idea that cloth masks are kind of shit. You want the protective ones when you want them. There was a time when you could get banned for saying that COVID was originated in a Wuhan lab, right? Now, there are smart people who think that that's a viable theory.
Starting point is 00:27:18 You know, it's certainly not a dumb thing to think anymore. Cool. Twitter was censoring people because those were like right-wing thoughts or something or, you know, thoughts that led into bigger conspiracies. It might have originated in the lab. I don't think many people think that it was like purposely launched in Wuhan in an effort to get America. That would be idiotic. But, you know, parts of that was true. Twitter's censorship has gotten it wrong in the past. Elon Musk thinks that there's too much censorship and that one of his motivations for buying it is that it's going to be more wide open. One might guess Trump will come back.
Starting point is 00:27:54 Just guessing. He says he will not. Trump says he won't come back. Correct. He has his own. Or Elon. Oh, well, then that's. He hasn't even tweeted on his own fucking platform yet.
Starting point is 00:28:03 I thought he gave up on it. Elon? No. Trump. Oh, well, then that's... He hasn't even tweeted on his own fucking platform yet. I thought he gave up on it. Elon? No. Trump. Trump has a Twitter-like competitor made from open-source bullshit software we could all download. It's called Truth or Truth's Network
Starting point is 00:28:17 or something like that. And it is failing, and people like to mock him for it. Yeah, there's no way it's going well if I haven't heard of it at all. Yeah, like your top executives are leaving and stuff like to mock him for it. There's no way it's going well if I haven't heard of it at all. Top executives are leaving and stuff like that and it's not getting any traction.
Starting point is 00:28:31 The software is so bad that the sign up, they tell you, you are 297,000th in line. You can check to see how close you are to being able to post. What? How does that work? How does it work?
Starting point is 00:28:47 So you try to sign up and it says, well, you can't post yet. This is how far down the line you are. You have to wait in line to post? This is a terrible site. He'll be back on Twitter. You have to wait in line for your, what is it called? The sign, your registration to be accepted. And that line is barely moving. They're not really
Starting point is 00:29:06 accepting new people. Bizarre. It is a failed platform. Hopefully he does. I bet he will. I'm looking forward to it because Trump's entertaining on Twitter. If Elon Musk actually does eliminate censorship on the platform,
Starting point is 00:29:22 it'll make Twitter good. It'll be better. It'll make Twitter good. An edit edit button he's talking about doing that he'll do that that's gonna be if they do an edit button people are gonna like say stuff to get a ton of like positive attention and then just change it to something horrific which is a funny thing to do so i'm in favor of it yeah well you should just when most of these platforms when you edit it you can see the original version they should just do that. Yeah, that would be good.
Starting point is 00:29:48 But mainly, as long as he makes moves to make it less censorship prone, make it more free speech based, it'll be great. That would be wonderful. I could totally see Trump coming back. Totally. Oh, yeah. Trump likened his Twitter account to owning a publishing
Starting point is 00:30:04 company, and he's not wrong. You know, it's kind of like he makes news with it. He made, dude, every misspelling made news. He'd misspell hamburger and they'd be talking about it everywhere. He can make news so easily. That was fun. There's an account on Twitter I was scrolling through a few weeks ago. And it was just like old trump tweets just
Starting point is 00:30:25 screenshots of old trump tweets and like it is easy to forget how ruthless and horrible he was to people as a rule he in his mind like it reminds you how much he tamped it down when he became president because like there were tweets in like 2011 like at. Kelly, like you're a pedophile and we all know it. Like just saying shit like that. And it's like, God damn, Trump was wild on this platform. So like people would be like, like he would name search himself on Twitter. So people would just say like Donald Trump shouldn't have fired Susie on The Apprentice. And he with his millions of followers would like quote tweet and
Starting point is 00:31:05 be like you're a stupid bitch and you'll never be on the show it's just a random person it'd be like who are you hiring today ted no one you run a roofing company and it's failing i can tell that's petty as fuck. Oh, so petty. It's funny on Twitter. I didn't like it as president. He hired Omarosa for a senior position in the West Wing. Fucking Omarosa?
Starting point is 00:31:34 That's awesome. Yeah, she was an apprentice competitor, especially known for not getting along well with her peers. She was bitch, sassy, backstabbing. editor especially known for not getting along well with her peers and uh she would just like she was a bitch sassy backstabbing and that's who she was at the white house she recorded people at the white house without their knowledge and like released those tapes and shit it was a did
Starting point is 00:31:58 she even win no so he brought a loser from his own show on yes not even the winner yeah and she was a total bitch and she recorded people in the white house she'd have like she's also you have to keep in mind i don't know if you mentioned taylor but she is very black i did not mention that i think i knew that from amarosa i guess that would make sense that's not irish that you wouldn't hire a winner because like om Homer Russell Sullivan. Yeah. Like the winners of The Apprentice would ideally be winning in business. Right. Like.
Starting point is 00:32:32 Yeah. So I think the implication there is that there's more money in business than politics. But is that even true? I mean, all these politicians seem to turn a hundred grand a year job into 22 million in about three years. Isn't that wild that like that just doesn't get talked about where it's every single one of them it's not one here there every one of them is a multi multi multi-millionaire and they make 160 grand a year yeah and it's like this is outrageous and everyone's like that's politics and it's like i okay so we just sell people to the
Starting point is 00:33:05 highest bidder like they live in washington dc so 160 grand a year is a pretty good income but when you consider that they pay for their own apartment in dc and then typically a house back wherever they're from like 160 gets hard to stretch you know if you maintain two places like that and uh somehow though they find enough to sock away 22 million to like own multiple homes right off the bat it'll be like a junior congressman from new york and welcome to my crib you've been in office for three months well uh signed a couple of lucrative things for a few for an amazon warehouse see i i technically they're slaves but don't get hung up on that yeah i i uh did they just prevent congress from trading or something like that amazon no um stock so it used to be that members of the Senate,
Starting point is 00:34:07 the House and the Senate could buy and sell stocks like anyone else. The thing is they're not just privy to inside information, but they are the people who make deals that move stocks. They have the kind of power that could do that. So they were making these huge investments. When COVID hit, a lot of them were dumping their hotels and oil and buying whatever, Pfizer or something. And it's like, dude, you shouldn't be doing that.
Starting point is 00:34:33 This seems dirty. Then there was this sort of movement to prevent it. Nancy Pelosi, odd to me because she's pure as the driven snow, said that it's reasonable to buy and sell stocks in their position. But it was so unpopular they made her reverse that position. Yeah. So did it pass? I don't remember where it ended. That's one of those that doesn't pass and nobody talks about it.
Starting point is 00:34:59 Right? We can't pass the childhood anti-rape bill that we were just talking about how good it is. We need to make some revisions real quick. Okay, it's done. We can pass it then. They're just so corrupt. They are. They are.
Starting point is 00:35:17 Anyway, politics, fun, fun. I went flying this weekend. Oh, it's frozen in Congress from what I can see. Yeah, of course. That's where they want it. Thank you for looking that up, Zach. I was going to do it too. It passed like the House, if I recall correctly.
Starting point is 00:35:30 But, you know, the Senate just hasn't had time to make it happen. Oh, yeah. That would be like, like if that became a national conversation, like should they be allowed to trade and make more money than what they're paid? Like that will never be the conversation. But immediately they'd be like, no, no, that's against free speech. It did for a little bit,
Starting point is 00:35:52 and that's why Pelosi had to backtrack. And then, you know, it got stuck. Anyway, I flew this weekend. I did my acro stuff. I did my infinite tumble again. My friends were very impressed. I felt good that it wasn't just a one time thing. It's infinite until it's not.
Starting point is 00:36:11 I have a serious question. Obviously, you are a very happily married man. But if you were a younger single man in that community, would a guy who could do a trick like that, do you think that would get him laid? Are there any babes who are into this sport? I think that acrobatic paragliding is as attractive to women as a high kill death ratio like that's about the level okay you're a little out of date on that one if you got a 10 katie these days you're fucking slaying it oh you might be right no i saw like a funny joke i don't remember where but it was like guys talking
Starting point is 00:36:46 to women about nfts is like when women talk to you about astronomy or astrology astrology yeah that's just made up nonsense that women love it they seem to love it have you noticed that kyle in your many years and escapades that you can get in the door with a little nonsense uh i refuse to partake in in any of that stuff that's that's honestly like like i've met only two girls who were like really into it i always hear that that lots of girls are into it but i've only seen it a couple times it's possible that they hide it that like more than are into it than than i would know and they they don't they know it's like sort of questionable and they'll get made fun of so they just don't talk about it kind of like we are i mean because because we have a little common sense we probably wouldn't i mean
Starting point is 00:37:35 i like video games but that's not something i would talk about on the first day yeah yeah i mean i don't think most girls believe it but like i know lots and lots of girls who like follow it and they're like oh that's so true you are a pig-headed bitch or like whatever you know that would be a fun like company like really horribly mean i used to read people the wrong like forecast like you know oh you are whatever determined and brave and they'd be like that is me fucked you that's leo yeah you wanted me to read cancer this is what yours says this one it says you're a liar is that true are you a lot are the stars misleading me yeah it is one of them right leo's one of them cancer sagittarius taurus aquarius pisces aquarius others i think
Starting point is 00:38:30 there's there's a scale the fish is right the fish the ever-known fish yeah the old man speaking of video games i've been having fun on cod 4 remastered but i also put in and played some skyrim and i hadn't played that in 10 plus years and i am remembering quickly how like unbelievably addictive this game is where you can just lose 15 hours being like i just need to get my smithing up three more okay what do i need to do for that well i need to go find golden ingots and do and like i and then by the time your character is like god mode at the end and you're just acing like dragons with one arrow you're like this is boring i quit and so you've spent all this time grinding to get
Starting point is 00:39:23 incredible and then you spend maybe three hours just enjoying your dominance and doing the Assassin's Guild and stuff. Or at least that's how I would always end up doing it. I enjoyed it 10 years ago, and I have no desire to ever play again. Oh, it's so fun. Kyle, I know you played a bunch, right? I love Skyrim. I know how to play on RPG.
Starting point is 00:39:40 I appreciate RPGs. But they're not for everybody. I'll tell you what I hate, and they're incredibly popular. Like any kind of a game with a fucking ball if you put a ball in a video game you just you just fucked up because I got graphics outside you won't believe like get out of here with that okay I want some fantastical all right um I want some shit no not Madden like personally I don't I don't get those kind of games. It's not just that I don't like sports. I wouldn't want to play the UFC game either.
Starting point is 00:40:11 I got a heavy bag outside. I don't know. I don't get it. I've never been that into sports games. I'll play NHL sometimes, but I don't play online because those guys are ridiculous and they know how to deke and dangle. But I like a GM mode occasionally where it's more like you have to trade players out and bring them in and stay under the cap and you can simulate most of your games but if you like and I always turn the salary cap off and so like because like why would you play a game with
Starting point is 00:40:41 a salary cap that's retarded I'm gonna have to actually pay attention to who i'm signing no no i'm signing everyone and i come in with hot deals because it'll be like connor mcdavid hitting the free market and it'll be like competitor offer from the oilers all the other teams have their cap on it'll be like 11 million and i'll be like connor come to st louis 35 a year just it doesn't matter and then it'll show like the salary caps to the different teams everyone else is at 82 i'm spending half a bill like there's a god if i just really like a character no it doesn't matter the the owner will get mad at you but i just but guess what i turn him off now i'm the owner the whole game is just me sucking my thumb in a play sandbox just building my own team and it just gets and then you build the team you want and i have the
Starting point is 00:41:39 greatest hockey team ever assembled by anyone and we go 75 and eight on the season and i win every stanley cup and then you get bored again fair yeah but that that is fun it's fun to do that turn off so many things i don't oh i thought that was like my error problem i didn't know what that was i was still infused too but i think he's talking about the game turning off all the owner this that oh yeah you can play as a as a player too like but they make you have to sit on the bench for shit yeah so it'll like you'll come back to the bench after your shift and then you sit there and it says like your coach's grade like c plus on this a minus on this or d on this i wanted to see some more passing out there. And then you go back out again, like after it loads. And he'll get mad at you if you stay out too long.
Starting point is 00:42:32 We're in game four of the Stanley Cup finals, and we're up 13 to nothing. I have nine goals, and he's telling me I'm being selfish? I'm playing to be the highest score. I'm trying to beat Gretzky which is still pretty much impossible he's never had nine goals in a playoff game I that's true Taylor's better than Gretzky confirmed yeah yeah sports games aren't that great Skyrim I'm having a blast with what uh what character were you or what race like a combo um I i was almost always um a wood elf or a high elf and um
Starting point is 00:43:09 i would focus on archery and magic and and my idea at the beginning was always that like i would do sneak attacks to hurt them and then finish them off with my weak ass magic and then try to like rank those up together and use whichever one fit a given situation. But it almost always devolved into a stealth archer character because that's just the path of least resistance. But I played a lot like that. I always said I was going to make an unarmed character or a sword and shield character,
Starting point is 00:43:39 but that's just not fun to play. No, sword and shield sucked because using the shield is not fun. Like training your block that's that's hard but i'm like you and like i think i think there's like millions of us out there and that's why that game resells the way it does that that like became obsessed with the story and the endless possibilities that you could take that thing and and you know just just how the that how fun it is to uh to be in that world with the music and the ambient noise. And especially if you're stoned, you know, to like go on that little adventure where you do just sort of wander through that world.
Starting point is 00:44:12 If the lights are down low and you're a little high and you're playing Skyrim, you're on a little adventure wandering around. You find a cave and you're like, oh, fuck, it's a cave. Hang on, let me turn the lights all the way down. There are no lights in the cave. And you're just like, maybe throw the blanket up over your head. You know, it's really fun to play with like a girlfriend next to you, too. Like, I don't know. I like girls.
Starting point is 00:44:37 It's a good story. I like that game a lot. And it's also like, but I like doing some like just wandering. Like you said, like you can play it where you're just like hardcoring every quest. But it's it's fun to fall ass backwards into the quest to like you're just exploring and walking around. And then some guy runs up and is like, there's a dragon at the old mill. And you're like, I'm on the way. Like and then, you know, he gives you some horrible reward.
Starting point is 00:45:04 But you helped. And I also like I like playing my characters with different moral. Do you ever go into it being like, all right, this time I'm going to be a good guy? I'm not going to. People are giving me help right off the start, and I'm robbing them blind. I'm killing everyone. I don't do that. I will if I'm in a grind
Starting point is 00:45:26 where I'm like, I'm trying to level up my destruction magic. It's a bad time for you to be out of Winterhold, buddy. I always think I'm always afraid I'm going to kill that townsperson who's integral to the story or something. Maybe that guy. Alright, I want my destruction
Starting point is 00:45:42 magic to be better, but maybe that guy's the guy who taught me taught me everything and i'm just like point one xp let's go i need a thousand more of those wizard kills did i ever tell you what i did the first time i played skyrim it was the first elder scrolls game i'd ever played and so i didn't understand like the finality of a character's death yeah i thought like oh i'm in white run and i wasn't there was no rhyme or reason to what i was doing i was just bouncing around every city doing the missions and in white run uh oh fuck i forgot what i was talking oh yeah the first time i played uh skyrim so i was i was going to every single place and i
Starting point is 00:46:21 was like i need to get iron ingots and do smithing. Everybody told me when I started, you got to do the smithing. You got to Smith up. Cause that's the way you actually are good. And so I would, I would go into every town and I murdered every blacksmith in Skyrim because I bounced to every city. And like at the end,
Starting point is 00:46:39 when I was desperately trying, I've got bags of dragon bones, I'm trying to turn into armor and i'm just trying to find a guy to sell me something i fly around to every city including the dlcs and i walk up oh hrothgar he's dead oh sven he's dead you killed him too for three ingots and a lockpick it just fucking sucked i had to restart that character. But yeah, I'm doing an archer magic character. I just started that one. I'm messing around with it.
Starting point is 00:47:10 But I did. I like the what I liked was the magic heavy guys. And I liked the conjurers where like you are like summoning demons to fight for you a little bit. I always enjoyed that. That'd probably be a good combo with the Archer actually. Like summoning a demon to soak up the attention. If you really want to take that thing to the next level, you've got to play it modded.
Starting point is 00:47:32 You can mod it and play with a controller on PC. You could have the best of both worlds if that's what you truly wanted. With those mods, just imagine anything you can imagine has already been done. You can make your Skyrim character,
Starting point is 00:47:50 if it gets boring to you when you're overpowered, forget that. There's a mod to fix that so that everything scales with you. There's mods specifically to fix that issue. Oh, I would like that. I'm making this up, but I promise you the nature of mods is that it exists. It's like rule 34 when it comes to mods. There's a mod that'll turn your character into Master Chief. I guarantee you can play as Master Chief in that game. You can do anything you want.
Starting point is 00:48:13 There's mods for it. It's really fun. Maybe I will. I mean, there is an option to mod the Xbox one now. Oh, shit. That's right. I keep forgetting. Like, consoles have caught up.
Starting point is 00:48:24 They just haven't. Yeah, this thing is unbelievably powerful for a console. oh shit that's right i keep forgetting like consoles have caught up they just yeah this thing is unbelievably powerful for a console like the xbox x i didn't know how much like power it had but it's like it's like a pc what's this guy room kind of known for running on everything don't people have it running on birth control tests and or that well you can you can you can run it on shitty stuff but it will look horrible and it and you'll you won't get like good magic effects but yeah but the thing is like if it runs okay on a pregnancy test i assume it runs really well on a console okay you're right it works great on
Starting point is 00:48:57 the console that's where i was headed yeah i can't believe you didn't like that game, Woody. It's so much fun. I mean, I beat the game really quickly. I'm good at it. You just did the main storyline. I'm the best. I'm done. I felt like you just said you didn't take any wrong turns. Speed running Skyrim.
Starting point is 00:49:21 It just doesn't sound fun. You finish and you're level 24 like on the way to collect your final prize and there's a guy who's taught like you're new in town like i do love that in skyrim where like you'll be the archmage of winter fell or whatever the fuck so you're like decked out in that you'll be the chieftain of the assassin's guild the lord of the thieves guild that chief companion and you walk into a new town like dressed to the nines and some guy will be like what do you think you're doing and it's like you saw me kill the guards on the way in like you you clearly saw and your sneak gets so good by the end, you can blow a guy,
Starting point is 00:50:05 and he doesn't know you're in the room with him. It's unreal. Like, every time I play, I always level up my sneak to 100 while I'm in Helgen in the very beginning. You just stab the one guy who's leading you out of the cave in the back over and over, and you get your stealth all the way to 100 right off the bat.
Starting point is 00:50:24 And then you walk into all the houses in the back over and over and you get your stealth all the way to 100 right off the bat and then you walk into all the houses the beginning houses and then yeah you don't know how to do that no i don't cheat i play i grind everything oh well i consider that a form of grinding that's a glitch i took uh i take 20 minutes and i get my stealth all the way up and then i rob every building blind the whole time you don't play skyrim either neither one of you know how to play the fucking yeah that's how you do it is you stab the guy in the back for 25 minutes and then you can steal everything for the whole game it's great like that i can't believe you didn't do that why doesn't he turn around when you stab him i'm missing the it's like a cut it's a guy who's like, in the beginning, he's
Starting point is 00:51:06 like, we gotta get out of here! And then he tells you, he's like, there's an animal over there, we have to sneak by, because he's teaching you how to sneak. But he's an integral character, and he can't die, and so you just crouch behind him, so he can't see you. And then you stab him in the back, and he goes, oh! And then you go,
Starting point is 00:51:22 and then your sneak levels up, because you snuck attacked him, and he won't attack you. He can't. And so then you just go, oh, and then you go and then your sneak levels up because you snuck attacked him and he won't attack you. You can't. And so then you just go, oh, you keep stabbing him in the back. And then your sneak levels up. There's a lot of little things like that, especially in the original. If you want to cheese it, you can, but you don't want to cheese too much because you will fuck yourself because they have it set. too much because you will fuck yourself because they have it set so like you can cheese like half of the abilities before you even do like the first dragon i've never done any but if you do
Starting point is 00:51:51 the game scales with the level of your guy and so now the bandits that were just the guys you would fuck around with now they're like heavy hitters because you leveled up too much before you started and so now that bandit who was supposed to be level one you left the cave at level 38 and so he's 30 like so you don't want to it's not just a cave thing there's other ways to fuck it like there's so many glitches in this game i'm remembering a lot of them now but yeah the one skill you always want to cheese sneak the only thing i ever did uh back when i played oblivion which is to me is the precursor to the to skyrim and i uh i went so far as to i would i would go into bedrooms when people were asleep i would crouch and then i would use rubber bands to make my character my controller crouch walk
Starting point is 00:52:37 into a corner all right and and so that got my sneak up and then i was like all right how are we gonna get our strength up, though? And I swam out into the middle of a lake in the game. And then I had to wrap the bands in such a way that it was sprinting in a circle. So it took like four rubber bands. And before I went to bed, I was like, all right, let's strap him up. And I would sit it very carefully down. I'd take one last look at the TV, and i'd turn it off and go to bed and when i woke up the next morning my dude was fucking
Starting point is 00:53:09 buff and i was like all right buddy i'll see you this afternoon keep keep it up like he's still going that's hilarious he really would get strong as fuck um there was some kind of a ring duplication glitch um i think that's um what the last time I played Skyrim, that's what I did. I did that glitch, the duplication glitch. I don't remember why I was doing it. I think I just wanted arrows. But then I was fascinated with like,
Starting point is 00:53:34 what else could I do? And would it break the game if I made like a million rings? It does. And it also ruined my house. So now whenever I like open the door to my house, there are so many rings, rings vibrating in the air like atoms that the game would break.
Starting point is 00:53:51 So now I was denied access to my house. Too many rings. It was probably literally like 40,000 or something. It was one of those dupe glitches where if you just kept doing it over and over, it would multiply again. And it was like, all right, yeah, I want 40 was one of those dupe glitches where if you just kept doing it over and over it would it would it was um it would multiply again and it's like all right yeah i want 40 000 of those and and you just do it and it it really ruined the game yeah i remember the house dlc and like getting a house with a character probably another mage character i always had the most fun with those and i was at like the very end i remember with that character like sitting and being like like looking for a quest to do yeah trying to find anything that's
Starting point is 00:54:31 what the mods i had done every single possible thing and and then building a house and realizing like what am i doing i'm putting my own equipment and display cases for who i did that that's when i that that i did that right so i had a wake-up moment to come to jesus moment when i was decorating my house in skyrim and i was like i was putting am i even having fun i was putting glass daggers and like this isn't a game where it's like yeah glass dagger there funk and there funk no you have to like like like wiggle it in the air like like one of the like one of the stupid like um hand uh games and like jiggle it into a case it does not want to go into it's yeah that's so that you could look at it and go oh and there it is and there's that knife
Starting point is 00:55:22 that i put in here for aesthetics because my character's level 100 and wouldn't be caught dead with a glass dagger without an enchantment on it. Yeah, it's like, what's the point anymore? That's the problem, too. I bet there are mods that fix this. I didn't feel like there was a reason to use a glass dagger. They needed a whole enemy type
Starting point is 00:55:40 that required glass weaponry to defeat and then one that required ebony weaponry to defeat and one that required iron weaponry to defeat and then one that required ebony weaponry to defeat and one that required iron weaponry weaponry to defeat and they shouldn't necessarily always be in the order of when you're like first getting those materials i like that that's a really good idea because like you're right like you'd pick up you pick up like a glass sword or whatever the fuck and you're using a sword guy you're like oh tight this thing looks awesome and then sometimes three minutes later you're like, oh, tight, this thing looks awesome. And then sometimes three minutes later you're like, oh, an orc sword
Starting point is 00:56:07 that's better than my glass sword. Oh, well, okay, I guess. And then five hours will pass where the ugly-ass orc sword is your main go-to because it has two more points of damage than the glass one. Yeah, I agree with you. Yeah, they needed an enemy type that was vulnerable to glass, whatever the fuck that would be.
Starting point is 00:56:24 I don't know. Fun game. Yeah, those are games that I would lose myself in. Bioshock, I've been watching Bioshock YouTube videos, talking about the storyline of Bioshock, and it's easy to forget that that is an incredibly cool story that would make a great miniseries or something, like the first season.
Starting point is 00:56:49 You could even do like a prequel like you could start like a tv show that began whenever ryan first started the thing and like maybe the end of the first season like things are still oh things aren't as smooth as they seem like you could make five seasons of a cool ass bioshock uh tv show it's such a rich world. I've never played those games. Oh, man. I bought the most recent one. The one where you're in the sky? I bought it but didn't play it. I played them all. That's a fair statement.
Starting point is 00:57:20 But people like being eaten alive, too. That's a fair statement as well. I could say the same about the third Bioshock. I'm going to look. So the first two are excellent, and the third is just a real swing and a miss. I love the first two. 95% of the people that played it liked it.
Starting point is 00:57:41 They're wrong. They are probably wrong about what they like, yes. No, they're right about what they like, but they're wrong about it being a good game. It's bad. I'm looking for a reception or something like that on this Wikipedia. Here, reception.
Starting point is 00:57:57 Oh, wow. You should see these scores. Nine out of ten is the worst it did. I believe you. The scores are like 94 out of 100 on average um i wouldn't the people that played it gave it you know nine said what did i say 94 of the people liked it the people that played it was a hit in terms of its reception i know kyle's never liked it and i haven't played it so i can't tell him he's wrong only that it was popular yeah that it was popular. I really liked the story of the first two and I felt like it was just a real
Starting point is 00:58:28 departure from those. I just didn't like the aesthetic either. I didn't like anything about it. I hated the little girl. I hated the whole thing. I didn't like the time travel at the end. I didn't know about that. I liked the first one more than the second. There was a twist in the first one in the plot that I didn't see coming. So it was pretty cool. Almost time to wrap.
Starting point is 00:58:55 Do you guys have anything you want to say before we... Closing arguments? I don't know. I've been looking at like... I need to get a bench because I hurt my back on my bench the other day. Oh, no. You think the bench was too
Starting point is 00:59:10 I was doing like dumbbell pec flies and I feel like it was wiggling too much and maybe it did tweak my back a little bit. So I need a decent bench. I'm either going to get the rep like zero gap adjustable
Starting point is 00:59:26 bench which is like five hundred dollars and comes in red i hate zero gap i've never used it but i hate the idea why because i use that gap for one hour for chainsaws you put your hand down in the gap yeah between where the two seats meet that's where i put that's how i do chainsaws and i hold it there and i pull it back. I do a different thing, but I understand that. I like the idea of the zero gap a lot. Just make sure that it has a really thick, fat back pad because that makes a big difference in how comfortable it is.
Starting point is 01:00:00 Some benches are just narrower and they're not as comfortable on your back. I think this is the go-to one. I don't know. I've watched a bunch of reviews. I mean, for me, it's between that and the Rogue. And with the Rogue, you can get that fat pad that's super wide. But I wonder about dumbbell flies on something like that if I'm going to get full range of movement on something that wide.
Starting point is 01:00:22 Yeah. I don't know. Mine was too narrow, and I almost had to pick. My current one is good don't know mine was too narrow and i almost had to pick my current one is good my previous one was too narrow and i had to pick which shoulder blade i wanted to be supported that's not the way that's not good nope well uh anyway that that's what i got going on i because i i was i've been looking at that bench all day trying to decide which one i wanted because i don't want to order 120 bench and assemble it at this house either because I'm just about to move. $120, is that it? That's what the Rogue weighs, 125 pounds just for the bench. Oh, I thought you were talking about
Starting point is 01:00:52 dollars. No, pounds. Yeah, no, well that makes sense. Nah, Rogue is $600. If you're buying a $120 bench, you have just added $120 to whatever bench you're going to get next. Yeah, I can't imagine. I'm looking at the Zero Gaps wrap ones right now. These look great. This will do everything you need. I know it will.
Starting point is 01:01:12 To me, it's just a matter of aesthetics between it and the Rogue. The Rogue is like $100 more, and I'm trying to decide if it's worth doing that because the Rogue does have the option of getting that extra fat pad. That's the only real thing. The Rogue has a thing that I can add onto it that only the rep does. I'm probably just going to pull the trigger on the rep later tonight. That's probably enough of it.
Starting point is 01:01:35 I know y'all got dinner. I'm going to sit here and mess around. I'll probably jump in there. By the way, in case you guys are wondering, we're doing our patron hangout. Link's down below if you want to join up. We're going to go hang out with some of our best and brightest in the community. Two cast of characters over there.
Starting point is 01:01:54 It's always fun. I always enjoy it. Our best and brightest fans. They're almost average. PKN401.

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