Painkiller Already - PKN 426

Episode Date: October 18, 2022


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Starting point is 00:00:00 PKN 426 So First it was the Cardinals Then it was the Braves Who got the long green fuzzy dick Of the Philadelphia Fanatic up its ass Is it fuzzy? I think so, yeah
Starting point is 00:00:15 Is that better or worse? You've seen Always Sunny That's their real mascot, isn't it? That big green guy Well, that's the Philly Fanatic Are you fat guy? Well, that's the frenetic. Are you calling him? Well, it's the fully frenetic that you're talking about, and it's always Sonny because of some
Starting point is 00:00:31 trademark issues. That is the frenetic. They even end that episode Charlie being like, we're having to call him the frenetic. He's the fanatic because of baseball. Tell me that guy doesn't have a fuzzy dick. That's a fuzzy dick. No, I bet he's got one of those dog dicks. I bet it's like lipstick.
Starting point is 00:00:50 He's got like a green lipstick that pops out. Yeah, he starts like crowning when they take the lead. He's been ramping up the ass of everyone he encounters thus far. I know that the Braves are probably proud to have won one game, which is better than the Cardinals could manage. True.
Starting point is 00:01:05 But they got ripped apart in a similar fashion. I would hope. Yeah, it went poorly. It went poorly. It really did. Set championship hangover. That's a real thing. I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:01:16 They came in so hot. The Phillies are a good team. The only answer for this is the Phillies being a real good team. Yeah. I mean, if they beat everybody else, they must be perhaps one of the best teams aren't the dodgers out right and they were the big like favorites and now they're not even in the mix so yeah so um looking promising how were the padres rank going into it i mean i probably they weren't supposed to win i think they were
Starting point is 00:01:40 ranked around the same space as the phillies like they're both overperforming big so compared to what somewhat um the the um the padres overperformed more than the phillies did if you look at like the odds you know before the series began it was fairly close between atlanta and i don't remember them but it was like within like 50 or something it was um but uh but the padres definitely overperformed i I'm done with watching a baseball once my team's out. It's over for me. I wouldn't say I'm a bandwagon fan in that way. It's just that I'm here
Starting point is 00:02:11 for my guys. I'm not a baseball fan. I'm a Braves fan, I suppose, because I almost watched one of those condensed versions of the games on YouTube today, and I was like, why the fuck am I going to watch the Yankees? Who fucking cares? So I,
Starting point is 00:02:26 so I watched the, the replay of Georgia playing Kent state instead. I think it was like 50 something to nothing. 55 to nothing. Yeah. It was condensed games on YouTube. That is pretty much how I consume sports. If I watch,
Starting point is 00:02:41 I mostly like to watch the stats, the like comings and goings of players the player interactions the the real housewives type drama and um and the games to a bit but especially the condensed versions I there's a in basketball there's a channel called heat check that I just love I don't know that much about basketball but he teaches the x and o's in an entertaining way and i'm a story and numbers guy okay i didn't know there was a term for that but that i guess that's what i am but um and he check he teaches the x and o's of like how they play and what good people are good at and how teams
Starting point is 00:03:14 fit together in spacing and it's pretty cool anyway yeah the phillies are just crushed i mean i guess you guys got one win off us but that's's the only postseason slip that we've had thus far. So far, yeah. Not even close. Game one tonight against the Padres. Well, good luck. I haven't really paid attention to the whole thing after the Braves lost. I don't know who they're going to play, but good luck.
Starting point is 00:03:37 I would much prefer. It's a better story, you know, if the Phillies came out of nowhere to take it all and the Braves were just the first part of that like if you guys go ahead and win a championship that's a good look for the braves it's a better look for the braves for sure yeah i've looked at it through that lens too like i i followed the sixers more they lost to toronto like this may be three years ago and they went on and we lost in game seven on a buzzer beater shot that bounced on the rim four times.
Starting point is 00:04:06 That is the closest possible game that can be. And then they went on to win the championship. So if like me, you call those two teams roughly equal, right? I know we lost, but call them roughly equal. We would have won the championship because we were as good as the champions. That's exactly how I felt. equal, we would have won the championship because we were as good as the champions. That's exactly how I felt. Not last year, but the year before the Braves, when we were one, maybe one out away from going to the World Series.
Starting point is 00:04:33 We were that close to beating the Dodgers, and then we ended up losing several games in a row to get knocked out. But then the Dodgers went and just shellacked whoever the next team was. It was clear that the Braves would have done the exact same thing to them. And so that hurts. You want to lose to the champs. We should have been back-to-back last year, and then this year should have been the,
Starting point is 00:04:53 ah, who goes three in a row? Well, you could just skip this year and then have two and three years next year. And I mean, I'm all for Philly at this point because I don't give a fuck i like that about new york now that my team's out i'll support yours where like i think kyle and i do the opposite i'm i'm really fans of the phillies and whoever playing the cardinals yeah see you guys you guys like that i'm a pot i'm a vibes guy i give out good vibes when my
Starting point is 00:05:23 team's when my when the blues got knocked out by the colorado avalanche i was like you know what let's go abs like let's let's see them through and i'm still taking solace that the blues gave the abs the hardest series even harder than the cup series against tampa is all what a lot of their fans were saying and so i take that to be like yeah if the blues would have made it past them they would have they would have physical up the the lightning too obviously not true the lightning would have you know probably molested us but i'm excited man i hope the phillies win it because this is going to be a situation for the flyers that they keep interviewing tortorella and they're trying to like get articles going about how he's getting the team like back into
Starting point is 00:06:01 the spirit and they're like coming out and asking him things like because the team's like two and oh three and oh right now they're doing really well and he's like they're like so coach tortorella seems like are you getting a vibe for you know that is the is the identity of the team starting to come together do you think that's what's responsible for this and he's like no absolutely not we have no identity in that room and like he's like he's basically saying like yeah bullshit that we've won these so far. It's a madhouse in there. No one's committed. No one's this and that.
Starting point is 00:06:31 But do you think that that's true? Or he's just saying that to create a vibe, to be like, no, scratch harder. Fight hard. Claw, claw, claw. Don't think that this is going well just because you're undefeated and perhaps the winning team in all of hockey. Keep clawing. I think you're 100% right because he does that all the time with teams.
Starting point is 00:06:53 He's like the fixer in Pulp Fiction. They don't bring John Tortorella in unless it's a dire, bloody, horrible locker room situation because he's one of the few coaches that when they interview him, every other coach will be like, yeah, we got to support each other. we got to fight hard out there we didn't come out to play in the third blah blah blah he'll be like we're terrible we're terrible and every single person in that room should be ashamed i don't know how they're going to sleep tonight and like he'll say stuff like that and it amps people up and like i said two years from now
Starting point is 00:07:19 everyone will be sick of that they'll get fired and go back to ESPN and the Flyers will be better. Hopefully, the Phillies unquestionable victory in baseball this season. I'm calling it. They're going to beat the Padres in four games and then they're going to beat the Yankees in seven. Boom. Put it in the bank.
Starting point is 00:07:39 It would be fun to beat the Yankees. It does take seven in the last. Dude, I always say that the playoffs are a little more interesting when the Yankees. Yeah, it does take seven in the last. Dude, I always say that the playoffs are a little more interesting when the Yankees are alive. If it was the Phillies versus the Yankees and we won in seven, that would be so compelling I might watch a game. That would be sick. It's so funny.
Starting point is 00:07:59 I remember hearing stories like 06, 2011, when the card 13, every time people would be like, the cards are in the World when the card 13 every time people be like the cards are in the world series again i'm like oh neat neat just keep me posted don't worry game four of the blues is on i'll watch that and let you know how that's going oh yeah we got to play the dark tide beta this weekend oh i put about 24 hours in tell me about it it was real good um i think i put about 24 26 hours in it damn what level did you get to by the end 20 something i don't know i'm not sure um like nine or ten yeah i played all the characters um and i got a sense of you know everything the beta offered i really like
Starting point is 00:08:45 it um there was a lot of things to fix but none of them were hard to fix it was like ah make that easier to spot ah you got these special enemies here you gotta make those guys like yell something like i'm here when they show up fix that a little because you'll be like swatting this big swarm of zombies with horns growing out of their faces they're easy peasy and then all of a sudden there's a mauler in the midst of them and he's this giant armored six foot eight guy with a hammer that's a chainsaw somehow and and and he's a different breed and then there's a guy running around with a shotgun but it shoots like a whole chain link fence that's on that's electrified at you and it just wraps you up like a net and you need to be able to like be
Starting point is 00:09:28 notified those guys have joined the fight because it's very dark i like it and i haven't played the game so obviously i could change my opinion but i kind of like the way it sounds like it is and here's why in left for dead when the specials came around, that's what they called the hunter and the smoker and et cetera, there was almost no defense against them. I mean, even the best player on the planet can't really beat that game solo. Probably can, but work with me. It just takes one smoker. If you don't know, the smoker is a character that has a 90-foot-long tongue.
Starting point is 00:10:05 He stands on top of a building. He just sort of snatches you and chokes you. And you have a moment to shoot him first. But usually you don't spot him. And oftentimes you had no idea he was coming. And it just comes out of the blue. Because of that, you need to stay by your team. You all have to work together you know and if you get smoked or if i get hunted you're my priority and i'm yours because we both need each other to make this
Starting point is 00:10:29 happen if and then i felt like in vermentide on the other hand you know a player who's really good can just like take out a mom take out a special and almost do it without me so lots of people solo vermentide um and do speed runs like that. I can solo some of the maps on not the hardest difficulties, but like the hard difficulties. Yeah, but on my on the maps I'm good at. But like you said,
Starting point is 00:10:55 like there are ways to deal with specials in that game if you're skillful enough. There's some in this game that I was like, oh, well, maybe we don't go out way far ahead because there's a dog that sort of leaps at you and if you don't get your dash to the left just right then he's on you now and there's no getting him off of you i really wish there was one of those pound a mechanic and like
Starting point is 00:11:16 get him the fuck off kind of deals or even a mini game remember that cod one where you snap the dog's neck something like that i kind of like that it makes you like have to stay near your team yeah if you're a minute and a half in front of your team you should be punished for a minute and a half you know yeah it's fair and the uh from what i can tell the like group abilities are like the those abilities that your character has that like helps people in a like group. Like group healing or group ammo. We all have four of those. It's stronger than it was in Vermin. I was a low-level Ugrin, that big troll, the tank character.
Starting point is 00:11:52 And his first little skill he gets, you can pick between three, is you can pick if you want to be a brawler, a tank, or a support guy that helps, or mix and match. And the first thing he unlocks is like, oh, everybody near you, their shield recovers twice as fast. And it's like, okay, well that's enormously beneficial for everyone for a first thing.
Starting point is 00:12:12 Like that means that we have to be, everybody stay near me, like double your shield. Oh, this guy, Kyle's guy has given me area of effect, increased damage or whatever. Like he's got to stay close to me. If Kyle gets pinned. And there's an indicator that lets you know that you you're close enough like the like down you're like ah
Starting point is 00:12:28 it's a four now that means all four of us are like bouncing our thing back and forth and getting their maximum shields and whatever it's like halo combat evolved in that you've got one bar of toughness imagine it's a shield call it whatever you want but it regenerates and but once it's knocked down now your hp starts diminishing and you've got you know a certain amount of hp it varies the ogre character is a giant has more yeah it's not as it's not replenished as but i if you play the giant character you get attacked by like more guys so like when if a big special guy comes in and kyle's guys there and another normal size guy there in and Kyle's guy's there
Starting point is 00:13:05 and another normal-sized guy there and my Ugrin is there, he's going to come for me. Like, largely. Ugrin, sorry. It's fair to be confused, though, because... Because my random name was Ugrin. Ugrin the Ugrin. Ugrin names are like that
Starting point is 00:13:20 because they are like this slow-witted race of humans. So he's like, ogren the ogren like how'd you come up with that one dude you have this quick little um one of the most endearing things about vermintide is the character's voice lines bouncing back and forth and getting these little silly arguments and what the thing they've done here is interesting and i'll have to see how it's fleshed out when you're playing the full game. But when you're making your character, and you can make as many as you want,
Starting point is 00:13:50 but I don't know how they're going to share XP and stuff. But obviously, if it's a different race, like you've got an Ogren character and like a Sharpshooter character, they're different. Totally different. But when you make it, it's like, where was your character born?
Starting point is 00:14:00 And you like pick between 12 worlds. And like some of those worlds would have been like, oh, it's kind of nice here, huh some of them it's like well that world was destroyed they just he doesn't even have a planet anymore and then this other this other world oh it's polluted beyond belief and so that shapes your personality where you're from what crime you committed to get into the spot you're currently in because we're a suicide squad and so like you you answer like about a questionnaire that forms a personality for your character and so now you have a unique personality for a unique face unique clothes but you're an ogren with ogren gear and and in that
Starting point is 00:14:38 way um the characters are all unique but the same the. The cool thing, and you're going to love this, Woody, we can have four Ogrens on a team. You said that a few weeks ago. And then I was like, did you say that? I was right. And you're like, no, I didn't say that. And Zach wrote in the chat, like, Kyle said that. I'm like, yeah, we'll just let that slide. That's great.
Starting point is 00:15:00 Everyone can be there. Now, I can imagine it's not a good strategy to have four Ogrens. It's not a good strategy to have four ogrens you know it's not terrible i did i did jump i did jump in a pub match and it was me as the ogren and three other guys and we were only playing like three out of five difficulty but we rolled through it was so fucking easy anytime it's like i taking damage! Step behind and they start attacking the other three tank characters. It was very easy. Maybe Ogryn's not a good example.
Starting point is 00:15:31 If there's a bunch of ranged enemies, Ogryn gets fucked up. Because the only gun he can have is some bullshit single shot shotgun. His shooting is so slow that when a horde appears, you basically get one shot off and then you have to switch to your melee with him. Because otherwise you're going to get fucked. Whereas Kyle's guy is incredible.
Starting point is 00:15:49 Yeah, this guy's definitely better than your Vermintide character. More useful there. He's more of like a full-on tank. But I think you might want to... There were a couple cool characters. They all look pretty good. My guy's tremendous. I think it's the Zealot
Starting point is 00:16:03 Priest-esque, maybe, but she's got like, she specializes in melee, but I unlocked that goddamn shotgun. She can have a semi-automatic shotgun, and it just one-taps every... It seems like it just does what you want it to do. Like, if they're close,
Starting point is 00:16:20 big spread. Everything's destroyed. If they're across the map, hang on a minute and their head just pops and it's like this is the perfect god gun and you comes with like 50 shots and you get plenty of ammo we need someone on the team uh who's that the guy the character that like makes people's heads glow blue oh their heads explode we need one of those guys too the psyker i think it is psy The Psyker, yeah. We're going to have to force somebody to be a Psyker.
Starting point is 00:16:47 I thought it was good. So it... I think it's super good. It might be the best but you've got to play that mental game of keeping an eye on your meter and not overheating because this is basically a magical character that can overheat if they use too much of their
Starting point is 00:17:03 magic too quickly. So they've always got to be like, Oh, cool down, cool down, cool down and die, die, die, die,
Starting point is 00:17:09 cool down, cool down, cool down. And I try to play that character like two, three games in. God damn it. I, I,
Starting point is 00:17:15 I just love killing too much. It might be a character that gets better as you level them up. Like that. I imagine the cool down improves as you're level 30. The other thing, which like, like Kyleyle was saying there are a lot of issues but a lot of it is stuff that was just intentionally left out for the the beta like they didn't have a post game scorecard obviously that's going to be included for the real game they better do they better i'm going to lose interest quickly because otherwise i'm not going to know if i was helpful or not in the middle of the game like i
Starting point is 00:17:43 you know like like they they're they did that because of toxicity they said but here's the thing like the fun of that's how i know i need to improve it's not just about picking on somebody which has never happened by the way other than like friends playing together be like oh joe what happened in a fun way yeah yeah i like to be like the the the stat that i led which is like uh most monkeys killed is really the measure of a player yeah yeah most melee headshots like most distance traveled like if i if i look and and i don't have very many kills but but I killed 18 specials. I'm like, oh, this is just fine. This is perfect. I know I'm doing exactly what I want to do.
Starting point is 00:18:30 I need stats to back up because we're always trying to tinker with these characters and synergize. Ooh, is this more deadly? Is this more deadly? And you're pulling these levers and pushing these knobs. What's the deadliest? And now we're just supposed to feel? What's the deadliest? No, hard just supposed to feel what's the deadliest hard numbers i want data they have to add it like they they just have to the other thing that like i think
Starting point is 00:18:51 they're going to change is some of the enemies just based on how they look it's very hard to tell what they are that's what i mean by the other thing yeah the specials popping yeah yeah like so well some of the specials like those big armor guys like you can see them coming but then other ones like you'll you'll like see a normal zombie enemy, like, with a sword. And then a guy right next to him, he looks the exact same, who might have, like, a small bandana on his wrist. Like, one guy, totally useless. And much to my chagrin, I don't know, the other guy does real-ass damage. And he looks exactly the same.
Starting point is 00:19:22 And that's kind of obnoxious. Like, you need, like, a lime green color on all of them. Because they use the lime green color on the flamethrower guys, but not the powerful shotgun or powerful sword guys. I don't think you'd do well. Yeah, you can. But you'd have to like... I mean, I used to play Vermintide a lot by myself.
Starting point is 00:19:42 You can jump in there and just go. Could you level up by yourself? Yeah. You can play with bots. That's what you would actually do. You probably want your three bots in there to kind of... Let me back up a time. Look, I want to make bad decisions and see how they work out. I want to make good decisions.
Starting point is 00:19:58 I want to play with a character. I want to play in such a way that if I don't succeed, I haven't let anybody down. Sometimes I like that. I play with randoms to do that stuff. You just jump. I don't like ruining randoms, Daisy. Fuck them! I just want to play with bots.
Starting point is 00:20:14 By the way, all those bots really prioritize me. It's a typical way that AI is programmed. Woody's in trouble! Yeah, yeah. Forget this gold! Woody's down gold we cease to exist if he does so um i would say a solid like seven out of ten on the beta as far as just betas go and i'm still very high on the game i still think it's going to be one to pour tons of time and leveling shit up
Starting point is 00:20:43 i i i'm really open there's lots of maps because we have four in the beta you know which is very high on the game. I still think it's going to be one to pour tons of time and leveling shit up. I, I, I'm really open. There's lots of maps. Cause we had four in the beta, you know, which is standard to only have, I think cod I'm, I'm remembering back to like past betas one or two or three or four maps is standard for,
Starting point is 00:20:55 for betas. So I, but I'm hoping there's eight at least dark man suck. Darkness suck. There's, there's a, like, so like,
Starting point is 00:21:04 as far as I could tell, there's a map and there's a timer on all the different types of maps and it'll say you can hover over one it'll be like four minutes left and then it'll randomize and it'll be the same map with like a different mission on it but there are other ones that we didn't know when we were picking that are called like dark mode and it is the same map with all the lights off and it takes forever and so so much of it is just like getting we come this way last time i think we're lost like it was it was like i don't i play this game for the linear easy progression of fighting i don't want to try and discover a map i just
Starting point is 00:21:39 played again because it's too dark that that sucked. That's a very stupid, stupid feature. Anybody out there who likes fucking games, this thing's on Xbox too. Or, you know, console, I should just say, all of them. Cross-platform? I don't think so. Because they would have done the... I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:22:00 I don't remember ever playing with console kids. I don't remember that being a thing. I was glad that we got accepted into the beta because we didn't make it through the first email because i didn't check the like announcements tabs in my email so i never saw that they were like yeah come on in and it expired but you were able to go to the steam page and do like a backup request and we got in good no cross play i don't i like cross play in some games and hate it in others see if thieves is one that has tremendous cross play you go shit on the xbox kids it's great see if thieves taylor i said that's what i sent you that that clip from earlier um it's a pirate game and uh
Starting point is 00:22:38 summit has some of the greatest videos ever from it uh if you ever care i don't i don't know if he still plays anymore i don't know if the meta is still the same but it looks like fun it reminded me of a more intense high stakes raft when we played that game a while ago it's a deep game now oh what's that i said graphically it reminds me of raft like oh yeah the gameplay is very similar yeah it's a it's a real deep game now there's tons of pve and there's all quests, and there's so much stuff to buy, like cosmetics to make your character cooler and your boat cooler. But the PvP is just awful.
Starting point is 00:23:13 It's so mean and cruel, the way you steal people's time. Yeah, you're pirates. Yeah, well, that was the big controversy, and that's what they said. So a lot of the people like Summit, who had that style of PvP, got a hard time from the developers, and they were trying to change the game and like make all the pvpers go over here and get away from these people who just want to do missions
Starting point is 00:23:32 and be pirates and uh and it was it caused a real problem i so i don't know if they ever went back to it but uh i don't know because it's a problem it's a pirate game like you're supposed all right so here's how it causes a problem so you'd'd have a boat full of pirates who have spent, call it five hours, doing their quest. This quest is like, now go to the Isle of Gold and dig up my chest. And you're like, all right, 30 minutes later, done it. Now go to the Isle of Blue, kill all the skeletons. And you've been following these treasure maps around bouncing islands and stacking shit up for hours. And now it's time for your reward.
Starting point is 00:24:08 And you go to dig it up. Little did you know that Summit has been hiding on your boat for three hours, listening in. And now the music played that meant the super duper chest can be dug up. And he is radioing his friends who are literally over the horizon in their boat he's like hit him hit him hard and he comes out and
Starting point is 00:24:34 starts killing them inside their own boat while his ship starts shooting them out of nowhere and their ship is sinking and they're all dying and they don't know what's happened and they only get like their boat is their respawn point so once that boat is down it's now you're just there with all their shit and your respawn point so it's over it's gg no re and so people got real into ruining people's day doing that and the videos are fantastic that is very funny i can also see how i would be pissed if that sort of thing but i mean come on credit to him for sneaking around on someone someone else's there's an emote dude he's like a goddamn ninja he gets caught sometimes sure but there's an emote you can do and there's plenty of them i'm sure there's one that's like you clap and
Starting point is 00:25:19 there's there's one that's like hey fuck you but like there's one where you're like this is boring i'm gonna take a nap and he lies down i kind of curls up in the fetal position so he'll crawl up in their sails and take a nap so his character like lays down and is invisible and he's just up there for an hour two hours how does he make an interesting stream he's because they're plotting against them the whole time and and and while he's sitting there in plain sight they're walking over him stepping on him sometimes because that running the ship requires a lot it's like a real ship so you've got to lower and raise sails a lot and tinker with things and they're always moving around the ship and he's right there in plain sight because
Starting point is 00:26:00 hiding and stealth is not a game it's not a part of this game on purpose they've just they're just kind of making it apart by finding weird places that you can hide on the ship where you're kind of hard to see and it's they there's some of the biggest dreams he's had there's like hours of him sitting there and sometimes if it's not too high stakes if they're not on a like a super duper mission he'll just like turn their lights on when they're not looking. He's like a ghost on their ship. He'll come out, turn all the lights on, move their stuff, draw dicks on their map, and then
Starting point is 00:26:32 hide again. And they're like, who's drawing the dicks on the map? I didn't draw any dicks on the map and you didn't draw any dicks on the map. No, Jim's drawing dicks on the map. Put it in the brig. And then we can all vote and put you in like this silly little brig and so now this guy's like come on guys they're like i'm gonna go back down and
Starting point is 00:26:52 draw some more dicks i'm just watching i pulled up summit uh sea of thieves this game looks like a bunch of fun i can already already tell looking like I'm very made nervous by the sea. I remember when I would fall off of the raft in Raft. My hands would start sweating and I'd get nervous. I was just watching this guy go out on that spike
Starting point is 00:27:18 on the front of the ship. I'm like, oh, don't fall in, man. It's probably dangerous. Before I understood the mechanics of that game i would see them do that and be like what if you fall off like because because you can play solo and you're on your own i'm at you're soloing a sailboat out on that that point and it's like oh god if i fall off the boat's just gonna leave but what the game does is a little mermaid shows up you like high five her and then you like back to your ship, and you're all good.
Starting point is 00:27:47 Oh, that's handy. There's no sharks? There are sharks. The sharks will kill you. But does that happen if you're on someone else's ship? The mermaid thing? Yeah. Yeah. He has to be very careful about the mermaid. He's like, that fucking mermaid's giving me away! So he'll do, like,
Starting point is 00:28:03 he'll do a thing where he knows they're on an island so he'll approach from the opposite side of the island rowing on a rowboat land and then walk across the island on the edge of it swim under their boat go up their ladder and now he's in or sometimes he'll stuff himself inside of his own cannon on his boat and launch himself toward their boat and they like how that's a feature it's a really fun feature the pvp is extreme that like you might think ah but this is a silly game where it's like swashbuckling there's all sorts of like quick weapon swapping so that you can double tap people and uh it's a very hard like you get shit on if you're new and somebody minecraft is like minecraft oh i'm sure it looks like the stupidest pvp in the history of pc gaming right oh i see you just walk up to the guy and spam bro no like
Starting point is 00:28:51 you need to strafe you need to move you need to get headshots um people have healing pots that you can either splash at your feet or drink really quickly and um people have extra armor and the ability to like take armor from your inventory and drop it back on your head mid-battle i i can't do it but i've seen it done and the people who do it well i'm like how did you even how like could a macro just do it for you possibly because i know i use a macro and and and harkov to fix gun jams. I don't know for sure if some of these guys are using macros or what, or if the cheat would catch that.
Starting point is 00:29:31 I'm not sure, but I'm blown away by the difference between a great player and one who just plays all the time. Yeah. The healing in a sea of thieves is kind of something they put a lot of time into because you eat food to do it. And I don't know how many different kinds of food there are, but maybe a dozen, like there's everything from there put a lot of time into because you eat food to do it and i don't know how many different kinds of food there are but maybe a dozen like there's everything from there's like there's maybe eight kinds of meat and then there's the cooked versions of those meat and
Starting point is 00:29:54 then maybe half a dozen fruits and they all do slightly different things and some of them have different versions it's like if you kill a megalodon and you cook its meat that's like the best possible healing item but you got gotta kill a Megalodon first. Did you get it? Yeah. Sometimes that might be great because you seem to like it. In Tarkov, they do a couple, like, dude, there's like four kinds of being hurt. It takes a
Starting point is 00:30:16 while just to wrap your arms around that. And don't even get me started on the currency and the trading. I like that barrier to entry because I'm not so great on the on like mouse and keyboard so these are the advantages that i have i understand how the game works good luck doing that yeah oh and and you and i were both in privileged positions and that we had like a tour guide to get started in the game if i had to figure that out myself i i don't know
Starting point is 00:30:43 no i don't think i i don't think i'd have gotten into tarkov if i hadn't have had um larry like i think he gave me a code for the game was like here download this game and i was like boop okay now join this lobby and i was like boop now here's in-game gear enough to play for a year boop and then i could have fun and i was like boop now here's in-game gear enough to play for a year boop and then i could have fun and it was like you know this tarkov game's not so hard after all everybody talks about how hard it is you just have to have a rich you can't do this mechanic anymore they prevent players giving their friends stuff yeah because how does the developer know the difference between my friend giving me stuff and me going on ebay and
Starting point is 00:31:25 paying a hacker to do the same thing right that makes but back when you could do that larry gave me the kind of loot that would take 150 hours to earn like he basically gave me cases filled with cases filled with cases and um they gave me and everyone was making a big deal out of it. Like we went into factory with like a five man team. So no one could join the game except us. And we got in the game to me. Then we quickly like skedaddled out of there and got a run through maybe. And then when I figured out what he gave me, it was like, ah, I mean, I tried to be polite.
Starting point is 00:32:04 But in my head, I was like, it's not like he gave me it was like ah i mean i tried to be polite but in my head i was like it's not like he gave me a gun or anything yeah i gotta use a couple of handguns maybe to protect myself yeah do you have any bullets yeah and then i figure out like what that meant for my inventory and storage capacity tremendous huge yeah yeah it is hundreds of hours and and even more so like that game's just so hard to pick up uh if you want to play some CF Thieves, Taylor, I would be interested. I've been wanting to play something that's a little grindy. That's a super casual game and it does have cross platform and you can go in there and like I don't know how to do it.
Starting point is 00:32:36 I'd have to pick up a couple of ringers, but you can go in and like quickly be like, ah, let's do the little mission where we go to the island and beat up the skeletons and dig up the treasure and bring it back here and i just want to do that i just want to like because that's fun enough because you know you got like a pet monkey on your shoulder and your buddy's got an eye patch and an accordion you're doing sea shanties and a little bit of role play and it's fun it sounds like fun yeah so i'd be down to play that if you want to sometime i don't have anything going on tonight i'll download it i've been watching game of thrones with jackie dude i'm loving this show i oh a couple of things one the show is way better what i'll call in fast forward do you remember i would criticize the show and be like it was good
Starting point is 00:33:18 but i felt like the plot wasn't advanced enough because i only had like 10 precious hours of content a year and they would take like 13 weeks to show those 10 episodes because holidays or something would have would fucking happen and and it's like all right this is this hour this is one of my precious hours that I'll get this year and it was like oh I mean I can tell you what happened this episode in 45 seconds that just means enough didn't happen yeah but when you have all the content just waiting for you and you can blast out like four a night then it's no problem the show moves along splendidly also unbeknownst to me i am a game of thrones expert if you've
Starting point is 00:34:00 ever watched a tv show with kyle with him as your tour guide it's amazing he'll sit there and explain like what the band of brother the band the Brotherhood Without Banners is doing and what Bravo is and this and that. He'll answer all your questions. When we talked about the show on our show, I think what happened was I was always like a week or two behind being smart enough to really know what the fuck was happening. That's not the case anymore. I am now a show watcher and book reader combined tour guy there's never been a question that i haven't known the full answer to along with like the lore going forward and backwards and you're probably fresher on it than i am at this point at this point i would think so given that i watched it like an
Starting point is 00:34:39 hour ago but oh i don't mean the current show i I just mean Westerosi history in general. Could be. It's like a painful memory. I don't even like to think about it. I'll ask, do you know who slash Tyrion Lannister's face during the Battle of Blackwater? Oh. I know that Tyrion
Starting point is 00:34:59 killed the thing, or the person, but I know who it is, actually. He didn't. Is it Sir Meron Trent? His last name is Merdon or something like that. Or is it Sir Merdon? Sir Meron or whatever. Meron, something like
Starting point is 00:35:15 that. Yeah, you're very close. I don't remember. I'm very close, but I didn't even realize it was a Lannister man. I always thought that he just got kind of hurt in battle and then pulled out of there. It was actually the guy who was designated to protect Joffrey all fight and then fight in his stead when Joffrey ran away like a pussy.
Starting point is 00:35:32 And this guy took an opportunity to take out Tyrion and tried to but it was actually Podrick, the squire who killed him. Ah, Pod! Sir Meryn Trant. That I remember. You got it right? I remember that. Yeah, so I didn't actually pick that up the the first watching but this time i do and and uh i don't know i'm really enjoying game of
Starting point is 00:35:51 thrones we'll see you're watching game of thrones not house of dragons right yeah we will watch house of dragons but we're going through game of thrones first okay okay he hasn't seen it although house of dragons is a prequel. I hear you. Can you watch the prequel first? I'm not sure. You could. I mean, all that you'd have to tell Jackie is like all this stuff about the long night. Forget it.
Starting point is 00:36:17 Build it up. Be that guy. Be like pay attention to all this long night stuff. They're going to mention it here it's gonna be this isn't gonna be a three minute night it's not gonna be an ad break she has no idea about the red wedding like she and and i'm just like i'm looking at i'm like it's season three episode like six or eight or something like it's a little it's about a season from where we are
Starting point is 00:36:42 ned's head coming off is the is the first one that's like whoa what's up oh i fucked with her on that i was she's like they killed ned and the episode ends right there and i'm like you think he's dead huh well we'll see i didn't know right because that's how tv works and there's blood on the sword and i'm like so you think that's ned's blood how sure are you yeah she's like it's to be. Why wouldn't it be? Yeah. Because sometimes they do that. Ha ha, you were right. How many times do they pull that bait and switch
Starting point is 00:37:12 where they're about to shoot, chop, whatever, the camera cuts away, you hear the shot or the chop, and you turn around, and the chopper or shooter has been like, not today, devil! And he's like blown Joffrey away. At least a couple times. And he's just going ham on everybody with the executioner's sword. Like, back...
Starting point is 00:37:30 Man, that would have been so much better. Make it one season. That's the last episode. You need Sean Bean to die. Sets the stakes high. No, of course it did. They just ruined it at the end. I'm like... Go ahead, please. We're towards the end of season two, and Sean Bean dies, and and you're like what is going to happen to this show he was carrying this
Starting point is 00:37:50 show now can this show survive without him and then you see tyrian just carry this show he slaps joffrey he's like you just hit the king now i've hit the king twice what do you think about that like this is great and uh and the other son whose name escapes me the young wolf or whatever oh rob stark you think rob stark rob carries the show well too like you see him making his mistakes but you're like but for a while he like he's he wins like the the the whispering woods or the quiet woods whatever that battle was and and captures jamie lannister and it's like oh shit he wins every battle yeah if if people don't remember how that happened there captures Jamie Lannister. And it's like, oh, shit. He wins every battle. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:25 If people don't remember how that happened, there was a Lannister spy counting his troops and he gets to 20,000. So he lets that spy go and report the number back to Tywin. And then he sends 2,000 people to their deaths, basically, to fight Tywin while he takes the other 18 000 surprise attacks jamie and beats them soundly so rob stark is winning every battle but as we know that's sometimes not enough no no it's not um house of dragons i haven't watched the the most recent episode but i'm one episode behind but like i said um last week the eighth episode i believe
Starting point is 00:39:04 it was was tremendous and that's the one that that sort of has me on board with the show uh yeah i'm going to watch more of that jackie never watched what i would call good tv until recently right like she'll watch star trek forever she's watching psych i like these shows i like um parks and rec i like the office i like you know that maybe not the murder mystery she watched these low quality bullshit things women love to hear about murder for some reason but um uh now we're watching like breaking bad game of thrones like the best shows that i've ever been and it makes the wire in there and then we're really cooking with grease
Starting point is 00:39:42 i've tried to show sopranos to girls before and they weren't into it. I think that it might be. Maybe it's just a guy's show. I think that like Tony's such a piece of shit. Like as far as women are concerned, I think maybe it's hard for girls to get on board with that. But for me, that one's right up there with all those. Yeah. Sopranos is good.
Starting point is 00:40:05 It's getting a little dated. Yeah. Like a TV show that takes place before cell phones, maybe? I don't know if that's true. No, no, no, it's there. They've got cell phones, but it's still at that – it's like right around that 9-11 thing too. I remember that.
Starting point is 00:40:20 The world's a little different. It was in a real transitional period there in the early 2000s. Man, that was a crazy time. What's happening with the Ukraine war now? I felt like two weeks ago, they were constantly gaining land, making all this progress, etc. Then Russia dumped its high-value missiles into civilian targets. At least that's the version of the news that i'm getting yeah now they're out of high value like accurate missiles and they're buying iranian kamikaze drones which are kind of like not very good bullshit dude like yeah they seem just super ineffective
Starting point is 00:40:55 they just they're like apparently they're very good for like killing dudes in foxholes but they're not so great at like taking out buildings or anything yeah so like remember those footage that footage early in the war of how like everybody had a gun and it was ridiculous it was like okay like like everybody probably shouldn't have a gun like it's yeah get that man a shovel like there's too many guns so these these iranian drones they they describe them as sounding like a motorcycle engine and they look like a triangle, just like a flying triangle with a propeller on the back. And they fly right into what they're going to kill, right? And they're cheap. And I think they send in like 50 of them, roughly.
Starting point is 00:41:36 Just a remote-controlled bomb. But the thing is, they go so slow and they're so loud that everybody's like, Ah! There it is! Get it! And so they're going to see a pool of guys with rifles. So they're shooting them down. While they pick the target. And they sound like a moped in the sky, just buzzing around in circles while they pick their target.
Starting point is 00:41:55 They need a muffler. Those Iranians don't know about mufflers. Iranians should hire me. Your problem is they're too loud. They're attacking the energy industry in Ukraine, which I think I've heard something similar, that a lot of the Ukrainians are without power now. Yeah, they also bought cruise missiles from Iran, they said,
Starting point is 00:42:15 which would indicate that Russia's low on their cruise missiles, right? Like if you're buying something, you probably aren't all stocked up. I have heard a positive spin on everything Russia is doing that makes me question my own news and sources. Like, all right, they're buying Iranian kamikaze drones. They must be in deep trouble. They're buying cruise missiles from these guys. Sounds like things aren't going well for them. And I'm just like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:42:44 Some of this stuff doesn't sound like bad news like if i'm russia and and i have a like another uh manufacturer of weapons that i'm adding to my side a country that's willing to partner with me in the face of a purchasing world though they're not russia isn't like pole mouthing it They're not like please Iran give me your missiles As part of aid The way NATO has a teat Provided for Ukraine Iran is like suck a dick instead We want rubles
Starting point is 00:43:15 Or they probably want oil I don't know what they want from Putin But I'd be surprised if they're taking rubles They're selling them right So I'll read this I'd be surprised if they're taking rubles. They're selling them, right? I'll read this. Danish police confirmed that powerful explosions were the blame for the damage of the Nord Stream gas pipelines, but released no other updates on their investigation into how the four holes came to appear in the pipes last month. In a news conference, Kremlin spokesman claimed it was absurd to accuse Russia of any involvement and criticize Moscow's inclusion.
Starting point is 00:43:48 All right. And then there's something else. I don't know who blew up. Taylor and I have argued about the Nord Stream thing a couple of times. And I don't know the answer. I've heard that. I tried to explain the thing I read, which was Russia wanted to stop selling this stuff. And you can't just stop.
Starting point is 00:44:08 Otherwise they replace Putin and sell it again. The powerful people under Putin will replace Putin. If he just stops making them money, he has to burn the ships to keep them invested. What surprised me that, that it does sound a little convoluted. It doesn't, it's just like, but Taylor is a little convoluted too.
Starting point is 00:44:23 His is like, Oh, they're gonna lose the threat of not selling i don't think the threat of not selling this stuff were to have value than the action of not selling cut off their nose despite their own face that's a great way to put it like the way like i mean i'm just looking at it as like who gains from it and who loses and i feel like that's usually a good way to find out who does stuff like russia took a huge l huge l losing the nord stream they lose control over over europe over germany and germany is the most central country in europe as far as the eu and influence
Starting point is 00:44:56 and so you know germany wasn't helping the the us has been telling germany for a long time give more stuff to ukraine give more stuff and germany for months and months was like, no, we get a lot of our energy from them. We don't want energy to go up any more than it is. And so with the destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline, it pushes Germany further into the arms of the U.S. in regards to their need for energy. That makes us more powerful and have more wield over Europe. And this is the fact our politicians for years many years have said how much they value getting europe off of russian energy because that strengthens us on the global stage all about weakens russia on the global stage and also add to it like that that bargaining chip
Starting point is 00:45:36 that russia had is gone they could go oh yeah germany we're gonna turn down the gas like we have been we're gonna put it at 20 capacity or whatever oh you're feeling the heat yeah you better not help ukraine because you're feeling the heat. Yeah. You better not help Ukraine. Cause you're feeling the fucking heat now. And your people are going to be pissed. Now that's off the table. Russia doesn't have control over that anymore. Like it's a huge L for Russia.
Starting point is 00:45:52 And so that makes me think like, yeah, the country that's benefiting principally is the U S. And so it makes the most sense that we would have done it. We're the best. I hear you. I I'm still stuck on this idea that the bargaining chip has value, but the action doesn't have value
Starting point is 00:46:06 well because now they can't reopen it there's no more bargain they can't go what if your argument only works if I accept the idea that Putin is not in control of his country and he is unable to change the flow of oil in any meaningful way because
Starting point is 00:46:22 that is the red line that the people that I was told... Let him cross, right? I'm told that he owns all their... They only have wealth because they're holding on to it for him. It's like, hang on to my money for me. And he can kill them in a heartbeat.
Starting point is 00:46:37 Imagine them as being this web that controls him. They're like, no, keep the gas flowing. Oh, your war with the world? That's fine. But keep the gas flowing. Oh, your war with the world. That's fine, but keep the gas flowing. I think they would have already pulled that pen. If that was a pen, I hear you.
Starting point is 00:46:51 And that, that, that makes sense. It's just not how I thought the world worked. Right. I think that when you have someone like Putin or make it some other country, Venezuela or whatever, there's a vet guy at top is only in charge.
Starting point is 00:47:03 If the six, eight people under him are okay with him being in charge there's no one who has such control that he doesn't have like key holders that keep him where he is but then there are people like like stalin stalin killed the key holders that he didn't like look at xi right now xi right now is he's I think I'm going to need a third term. Actually, I'm going to need maybe more. Xi is taking over China right now. He is becoming the supreme leader of China. He will have the military and the economy.
Starting point is 00:47:35 But now he's saying he's going to keep on doing it now. And it was interesting. I thought he did that a few years ago where he was like, I'm president for life. I don't think so because he just said he was seeking a third term. Seeking a third term. Hope he wins. I could be thinking of some other country. I saw he's seeking a third term and he outlined his plans for the future and they included bringing Taiwan into the fold and modernizing the military and a number of other things.
Starting point is 00:48:07 He's going to be the guy now. I there will not be another. He is going to be running China for a long time. I don't think he's as old as I tell guys. Yeah. Yeah, I'm really best at estimating age of white guys. Oh, he's 69. A real spring chicken compared
Starting point is 00:48:25 to 69 i don't chinese 69 that's like 37 that's true that's true this guy's like a this guy's like an overweight 39 year old in america i have no idea in my family people died about 73 right that's how long woodworths live that's what's up and uh so i like project this onto other people you guys are always like no what he sometimes if someone's healthy and has presidential level health care they live into their 90s as evidenced by several people who are doing that now yeah and uh jimmy carter's down there frail as fuck building houses yeah exactly all right and and you know you've got trump biden is about to crack 80 or just cracked 80 something like that um and then trump is 70 80 is the new 67 or something like what 60 when i was a kid 60 meant frail um that
Starting point is 00:49:21 paper thin skin it meant you might have a little shaking. It meant liver spots, shaky hands, some sort of weird powder that you put on yourself every day. Like the villain in Mad Max. One of those old timey
Starting point is 00:49:39 remedies from the 30s like brondy powder. But you're cold. It's got real American arsenic. And now I think 60, if you want to at 60, I don't see why you can't be like a fucking Ironman
Starting point is 00:49:56 or something like doing bicycle races and swim races and being a triathlete. Whatever you want to do at 60. I have a friend. He's 60. He's a world-class cyclist. He just sold some of his motorcycles. That's how he's my friend. He just bought them. That's how he's his friend.
Starting point is 00:50:13 I do. My friend Cohen bought his bike. What happened is he just crossed 60, which means he just changed age groups. Now he's gone from being one of the best cyclists in the world at his age group to the best cyclist
Starting point is 00:50:30 on planet Earth. He's like 60 years old in 12 days. And he is currently the best 60-year-old there is. He's training for the world championships. And he's going to go set records in the velodrome. He's going off to Europe. He's winning nationals. He's just going to fuck every other 60-year-old up now that he's crossed that age for him until he's like
Starting point is 00:50:49 over the hill there's some new 60 year old yeah and there's some 40 year old right now then he'll be dominating the 75 year old i think it's fine he's just trading i we went to he met with me on sunday and uh you were all eating i had a chicken sandwich with lettuce, tomato, mayo, grilled, not deep fried or anything. He's like, no, I can't eat that anymore. He doesn't want junk food like chicken.
Starting point is 00:51:16 I don't know what he's eating. I guess it was the mayo. It could be. I don't know. Bacon and mayo is the only things that are actually bad. The bread, probably. Nah. The people that have an issue with...
Starting point is 00:51:30 Mine's one of the worst. If he's a world championship bike rider, I wouldn't think carbs are a new thing. Yeah, I bet he's loading up on carbs for quick energy. Probably. A lot of those bikers do it. Yeah. I don't know. He's strong. He used to play pro football, and now he's into cycling. Goddamn. know. He's strong. He used to play pro football
Starting point is 00:51:45 and now he's into cycling. No wonder. But he's not like hulked out or anything. I look at him and see wide receiver. What position? I don't know for sure. But he's taller than any of us, but he's strong. And he's a sprinter.
Starting point is 00:52:01 So the way cycling works is like it's his team's job to try to deliver him to the front of the race fresh. And then they just back off and let him win. But he's also apparently he puts out like 850 watts per minute or something. That's a number that's supposed to impress me. I don't know. I looked it up. He's got one horsepower.
Starting point is 00:52:21 I can kick this guy's ass. I'm a motorcyclist who identifies as a cyclist i got 130 horsepower dude even quite easy easier than that just identify as 60 i don't know i really need a motor but but I look like I identify at 80 today. Not going well. Yeah. Anyway, it's fun. I can't wait to watch.
Starting point is 00:52:52 He's going to like he's doing stuff. He doesn't always know what a velodrome is. No. Is that a circular thing? It's like an indoor almost roller skating track, but it has high walls. Zach, if you could find a velodrome picture and uh that as far as I know he doesn't do that a lot but now that he's in this
Starting point is 00:53:10 new age group he's just gonna go there and fuck up all the velodrome people and he brought it I genuinely in my head I thought it was that circular cage from Mad Max that people rode motorcycles in that's a good picture.
Starting point is 00:53:25 I don't love fisheye lenses, but this shows it. It has high arched walls on the turns and flat straightaways. And if you've ever watched it, it's all about the sprint. These guys, I think they want to be behind their competitor. It's a two-man race oftentimes. And you want to be behind the other guy until the last lap. So they go as slow as possible often standing still trying to get the other guy to go and they'll compete on
Starting point is 00:53:50 who can go the slowest for a few laps and then when it's go time they you know draft behind the other guy and pass him at the end that's your rule set clearly it's like an endurance an endurance trade-off why don't they race separately? This is like roller derby more than like... Yeah. Because they're getting in the way. Like they're trying to fuck up your... This is not a sport for 60-year-olds. Dude, I...
Starting point is 00:54:14 Not for weak 60-year-olds. What the fuck? There's a gym in the middle? I used to do cycling racing when I was 17. I wasn't good, but I was good at training. Like I rode a lot of miles per week. And against people who were successful in races, I felt like I had better cardio than them during training. But then race day would come along and I'd get my ass kicked.
Starting point is 00:54:35 Like this elbow to elbow, wheels touching wheels, stuff like that. I literally got ran off the road. I bunny hopped a curb and I went into the grass. Like I'm 17. And just getting like bullied by better riders and i mentioned that to to my friend gene and he's like yeah i would bully the fuck out of you and then he he pretended he was holding the handlebars and he touched me with his elbow and it's like yeah you would right now if we were riding bikes together i would be your bitch oh yeah he's gonna push you off your bike and you can meet up with him at starbucks while he's getting his senior
Starting point is 00:55:10 discount yeah he's just he's really oh and both of his kids like dude one of his hobbies is training up people so i had aspired to be cat three cat four was the lowest when i raced which is what i was and i was like if i could make cat three like that'd be pretty cool he thinks cat one and two which are like national level competitors are nothing he's like yeah i just i make new friends and train them up to cat one and two all the time like it's no big deal both of his kids were like national champions like the two boys i motorcycle with um they're in their 30s now and they kind of got burnt out on cycling but as teenagers and shit like they were telling me stories of like winning nationals and the gene the dad would like he like he always
Starting point is 00:55:58 seemed to fight with the other parents like so at a biking event yeah yeah like a trash talk is there and well here's what happened like the one of them austin was telling me he i think he won nationals like he was this like best of three and whoever won the third race won and uh they announced that the other kid won and they gave him like a jersey and a trophy and all that stuff and austin's like, you know, I beat him. He didn't win. I won. And Gene's like, are you sure? He's like, yeah, check the tapes.
Starting point is 00:56:34 And I asked him, I was like, was it close, like photo finish or anything? He's like, no, they just got it wrong. I beat him by like a bike length. So they checked the video. And sure enough, my friend won. Like he won by more than a bike length. So Gene's in there like, take the jersey off that kid.
Starting point is 00:56:50 Put it on my kid. Take the trophy out of his hand. Put it in my kid's hand. The kid's dad was like, what? No. You can't protest if it's been more than so many minutes. He's like, I don't know how many minutes it was or whatever, but they did. They took the jersey off that kid and put it on the real one.
Starting point is 00:57:06 We'd fight right there. If you tried to fucking tell me that it's been too many minutes to protest, we have to fight. We have to fight. I wouldn't fight Gene. You've got to whoop my ass to get this done. Before you leave this place with my trophy and my jersey, you will have to also whoop my ass.
Starting point is 00:57:29 And I will press charges after you do so. Any other cyclists into guns? No? Just me? I never ride without my trusty... Without my trusty AK-47. Fuck that. Yeah, that would really get me hot uh i wouldn't like that at all and your kids honor like and it's not even like he was trying to cheat your kid right sorry that's the way it goes there's a mistake made you got a remedy i there's like a slightly more to the story on how
Starting point is 00:58:01 they could have fucked it up in that like i guess there was a pack filled with different age groups and stuff. And maybe they didn't realize that Austin, who would finish ahead of this guy, was in the same group as him. That's how they fouled it up. But he was the clear deserving winner. They just made a mistake. That's an easy mistake to make that if there's multiple races going at the same time. They're like, I think, oh, that kid's nine. That kid's about nine.
Starting point is 00:58:24 Imagine like a Boston marathon where they're like, this is the winner of the 40 year old group this is the women of the the winner of the women's group this is this and that and it's when you just like don't realize that i beat you in your group and yeah so anyway uh yeah i was getting stories over lunch of their stuff and and yes he just it's like his friends become world class cyclists. And to him, it's not that big a deal. You got to take advantage of him while he's in training mode. That sounds exhausting. You don't really you don't really backtrack from motorcycle hobbying to bikes.
Starting point is 00:59:02 Not really. I wouldn't think so. Gene apparently has a different philosophy on it but i have i continued to enjoy sports but like motor assisted shit like paramoting or paragliding or whatever but like if i was into grappling right now some 26 year old would just be hurting my feelings right but we can put a motor on the two of us and his advantage is uh it's still there but it's shrunk you know i can keep up a little better yeah and it's more fun for me of course yeah yeah it makes a ton of sense my dad called me this morning guy and uh he was like i think i
Starting point is 00:59:37 want another pistol uh he was like i won't want to carry uh he was like seems like folks can't go kind of crazy these days you got the election coming up too i think i want to be packing heat everywhere and i was like all right um get a glock 43 he's like ah what about uh this and that i'm like no i get a glock 43 he's like well what about a 25 auto and i'm like get a glock 43 is that the answer not a sig sour cool is your 380 of some sort look i think it's glock 43 because you get nine millimeter then and you got like 10 shots i think you probably get extendo mag for that thing and it's nine millimeter and it's itty bitty and and and i think he'll carry it you know like like i don't know i'm sure sig makes a a good comeback post i don't know what
Starting point is 01:00:21 what theirs are called like i don't know i forget the it's a number so it's harder for me to remember it yeah um but uh you know they prioritize the same shit i do they got some pearl handles some i don't know what they do to the metal to make it rainbow colored but yeah it's a proper woody gun no no i feel you if we're going for style points then yeah we're gonna get a sick or maybe even one of those compact 2011s. It's like the modernized 1911. Oh, Landmark's got one. Those look cooler too. Five, $6,000 pistols.
Starting point is 01:00:55 They're very, very nice. But he's wanting something to put in a holster in his pants that he'll actually carry for some reason. God knows what. But I don't judge. I went with Glock 43. He bought it. He's got one now. I think he was plinking with it all day over there today.
Starting point is 01:01:12 Cool. Nice. Hopefully he hasn't angered any husbands or boyfriends or anything. I hope that's unrelated. Has nothing to do with the election. He's just, he's just family ruining in his wake.
Starting point is 01:01:30 Yeah, I did. I know this is trying to wrap the show, but apparently the momentum is swinging towards the Republicans. The, the Democrats got a nice little boost around Roe v. Wade when that got overturned and that enthusiasm is fading and gas prices are going back up and it's swinging.
Starting point is 01:01:45 Oh my God. Did you see that? I sent you that tweet. But did you see where they invited Kanye, you know, to go to the Holocaust Museum? They're like, we would like you to come here, maybe learn a little bit about the stuff you're talking about right now. And he's like, the Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is our Holocaust. I ain't going nowhere it's like oh he's double and now he's buying parlor oh look we'll save that for pka because
Starting point is 01:02:14 okay okay because i think candace owens husband might be pulling a hustle it's a whole thing uh those republicans are the smartest look winning winning winning that's all i got to say kanye came in two billion, mentally ill. Everybody's making fun of him. And the Republicans were like, $2 billion? You say? Come on over here. Friend.
Starting point is 01:02:35 Friend. Buy this failing app. Yeah, we'll save that. We'll save that. Yeah, I just, I didn't want to. We'll save it all. We'll save it all. All right.
Starting point is 01:02:44 PKN 426.

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