Painkiller Already - PKN 431

Episode Date: November 23, 2022


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Starting point is 00:00:00 pkn 431 taylor you were just telling jokes about police murder yes it's one of my favorite pre-show topics as you know i i like that about the show sometimes like not usually pkn but pka before like guests who don't really know will say some jokes that like very obviously are like over the line for youtube and the person like won't know yet. Like, are we going? And it's like, no, no, we're getting out of our systems. Like, yeah, the big thing right now, guys, I know everybody's hard scoping it. The World Cup. Hmm. Soccer.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Soccer abounds. It's everywhere. There's so many angles to talk about. Every time somebody tries to like, but Chiz, for example. Chiz is really into soccer. He's into the World Cup specifically. And I don't mean he's not one of those guys. Yeah. He loves soccer.
Starting point is 00:00:51 You didn't know that? I knew. I didn't think it was widely known. Did you know he was a Spanish citizen? Yeah. Okay. Like dual citizenship, I believe, or something? I think he roots for Spain for his soccer.
Starting point is 00:01:02 I think he does, yeah. Probably basketball, too. Yeah. Anyway. So he's very worldly when it comes to this world cup thing and i'm and every time he sends me like the he sent us these stats and all these pictures and graphics and i was just like next i didn't read any of that shit because i just don't fucking care and look i'm glad that y'all are passionate it must be amazing for your fit look if mma did this if we were having the world cup of mixed martial arts and we were and everybody from around the world was going somewhere to fight in the woods like an actual mortal combat oh my god i'd be so pumped i'd be wearing the flag and i'd be there i'd be there i'd be there
Starting point is 00:01:39 if they'd allow me to get a ticket i'd definitely watch on tv but um but soccer i just don't give a fuck it's a lame sport boys one one that's how the the big u.s match ended i think yesterday what right like somebody told me or was it i don't care one one we decided one to one against wales which okay that seems embarrassing right should be wales seems like like a you know y'all have that weird thing in the in the uk where you've got like eight countries four municipalities three provinces and half a country so i'm not sure exactly what wales is but i guarantee that georgia ought to beat them like it shouldn't be like the u.s versus wales it ought to be like southern florida versus wales there's no way
Starting point is 00:02:19 that wales has as many people as georgia there's no fucking way oh a hundred percent yeah georgia's got like six million people i'm off the top of my head seven i have no idea how many people live in it well those invaders since biden's been here who knows but yeah it's looking at like the scores i guess ft means final tally that's what i'm guessing because instead of like finn like final for like hockey football the other sports it just says ft rip roaring game game between Denmark and Tunisia yesterday. 0-0. Followed up by a nail-biting Mexico-Poland head-to-head.
Starting point is 00:02:52 0-0. Jesus Christ. Argentina loses 2-1 to Saudi Arabia, which I do know Argentina is supposed to be good, so that's pretty fucking embarrassing. I don't imagine Saudi Arabia is that good. They were able to score twice in a single match, mind you. We're talking about what happened in the parking lot after, Nate.
Starting point is 00:03:14 In fairness, France beat Australia 4-1, which is like a hockey game being 15-11. A 4-1 game I could get on board with. Yeah, that's enough goals. That's enough goals. And I don't care about your defense either. That's the thing. Y'all are out there dancing and playing patty cake and pretending like you're hurt and shit. It's a lame-ass sport, boys. And there aren't enough white people that play it for some reason.
Starting point is 00:03:34 I think it's because it's such a poor people's sport that all you need is a fucking ball in a dirt field somewhere to feel like you're... Oh, I'm messy! Oh, I can kick kick! I thought a bunch of white people played soccer. You know, that continent full of white people, Europe.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Almost like I'm entirely ignorant about this sport and all who play it. Remember Iceland? Didn't Iceland do well a couple World Cups ago? And that's like a countable number of white people, like in an afternoon. Like, how many white people live in Iceland? It's like, give me 40 minutes.2 000 okay so a small city in the u.s basically um no i was more interested
Starting point is 00:04:18 in the human rights um violations uh and like the the because when when oslo fucked up the winter olympics russia uh it was good it was fun to see a rival an enemy uh whatever shit the bed on this big thing it's like hey we're it is it we're having a test today this isn't one of those things where you're allowed to to cheat this isn't what i thought sochi is um an asian word isn't it? Didn't I say? What did I say? You said Oslo, and I think Taylor's right. Oslo is in Norway. Oslo is in Norway. In any case, it was fun to see them fail
Starting point is 00:04:54 at their global test because they can't cheat at this one because we're showing up. We're showing up to see what you did. And that shit didn't happen. Granted, we had a bit of a bombing here in Atlanta, but ignore that. We had places for everybody to sleep. Just American excitement. Those 190 euro tents,
Starting point is 00:05:11 did you see them? In Qatar right now? Yes. They have enormous fields. It's like the matrix of these tents that look fairly presentable. They're like square top tents with porta potties for restrooms.
Starting point is 00:05:25 And that's what people are staying in. 190 euros a night. There's no fucking toilet paper. It's like a mat on sand and like beds with like, you're in a tent. You're in a fucking tent for 190 euros a night. It's in fucking Qatar.
Starting point is 00:05:39 What did people think was gonna... I thought that they have like, they're like a Petroro empire a petrol empire and they could fucking just throw up billion dollar hotels left and right i thought petro empires basically meant there were like three dozen wildly wealthy people in a country and they just do things like build yachts and and goofy towers like that's not what i'm talking about for sure like what i'm talking that's enough to put like a barbecue together you know when like uh fucking new orleans drowns or something
Starting point is 00:06:05 and they put up all those temporary structures? It looks more like that, like FEMA tents. Field of tents. On and on. Thousands of tents. I have seen some stuff where people are mad. They're like, I tried to wear a shirt with gay people fucking on it
Starting point is 00:06:21 and they said no. And it's like, wait, but didn't all these structures like they actually had like slaves build them and it's like that wasn't enough to be like all right i'll still go to the slave quarters and then it's like i can't wear my tea i could be wrong here but i think that's the thing where they they allow them into the country those migrant workers and then they like take their paperwork and they they're not able to go home and basically get any money.
Starting point is 00:06:47 They don't get paid until they're done with you. They turn them into slaves, essentially. And the death toll has been pretty wild on that construction project. But I just don't care. That's still not it. Not what I saw. What I saw was tents. This looks like you'd die in these.
Starting point is 00:07:03 I found it, Zach. That looks hot. Yeah, well, I mean, the tents look hot, too, because they're in Qatar. Yeah. I don't want to go to Qatar. No, I wouldn't want to go to Qatar, either. I would. You know, I take it back. I think I would.
Starting point is 00:07:19 I'm sticking with whatever Woody says these days, alright? It works. You know what? You know what? Change my mind. I'm going. I got to mirror my actions off after the worst decision maker I know. You know what?
Starting point is 00:07:34 I'm going now. I'm getting a tattoo, and I'm going to Qatar. Via Ukraine. Via Ukraine. Yes, a quick one-two stop. Yeah. Ukraine. Via Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Yes, a quick one-two stop. Yeah. And that 190 euros is also the same price as the finest hotel in Kiev. The nice five-star hotel that CNN and everybody is staying at. They go to the rooftop. I mean, at least Qatar is warm and sunny. Ukraine is cold and probably gray. I don't know what you're about to say, but they have heat. But I'm not so sure about that.
Starting point is 00:08:03 There's a few areas in Ukraine that are really hot right now. You don't have to wear a coat at all. You're fine. Fair enough. I don't want to go there, though. That's too hot. Nuclear power plants. Yeah, over there where it's glowing.
Starting point is 00:08:18 There's a lot of very small, briefly very warm areas. I've been playing so much fucking Dark Tide. Yeah? I really like it. Are the scores up yet? No, no. We got our second patch today, though.
Starting point is 00:08:35 It fixed a lot of the crashing that we've been dealing with. It fixed a lot of... It balanced a lot of things. People are a little upset. Their characters are getting nerfed. It's like, oh, now you get 60 seconds instead of 45 seconds now you get three damage instead of six or whatever i don't mind any of that balance stuff it's a really good game man the music is the second best music i've ever experienced in any game ever ever ever doom is the best doom 2016 is the best this is fucking good, though. I would describe it as
Starting point is 00:09:06 electro-Gothic. It's like, in the background, you have that Gothic chant where it's like, Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! But then you've got da-na-na-na-na-na-na-na! Like that electro stuff.
Starting point is 00:09:21 How else does it go? And there's a third layer to it, right? Are there any dances involved, Kyle? Yes! Then you drop in and all of a sudden you're like, What? What? And then you're just like,
Starting point is 00:09:37 Let's go! Let's fucking go! And then your character goes, Skulls for the Emperor! Skulls for his skull throne! Or whatever the fuck she says. And we just charge in, mutilating shit. And it's really, really intense and bomb. How are the maps now?
Starting point is 00:09:52 Have they added more? Any better ones? Are they still pushing you into those dark mode maps with no lights? I only had that happen in that one time where I played on a map that was awfully dark. I think these are probably mostly maps that you haven't played. There's probably four or five maps i don't care about that i like playing the same map over and over and over to try to like get good at it because it's not really like
Starting point is 00:10:13 an exploration for me as much as it is trying to like memorize something and get good at it yeah and you're grinding like yeah i'm a level 25 on my zealot. Um, thirties, the cap. Um, so I would say that probably took like 14, 15 hours at least. And then, um, I'm like a level 15. It's not actually very bad.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Uh, yeah, I'm a level 15 on my Ogren, which is now my favorite. The Ogren, the big boy. Oh, the Ogren is so good.
Starting point is 00:10:42 Why is he your favorite? The Ogren is so fucking good. He's got all these abilities that just make him tough so that he's regenerating his toughness, his shield, if you want to call it that. And he's just enormous. All of his weapons only work for him. So, like, there's a gun and
Starting point is 00:10:55 there's a revolver in the game. Everybody can shoot the revolver because it's a revolver. Not the Ogryn. Wouldn't fit in his big fucking hand. So he's got weapons like this giant mace made out of pipes and and like just a huge handmade knife um or he's got cool weapons his weapons are so big that nobody else could use them he's got a gauntlet that goes on his arm that shoots grenades but he also punches things with oh that must be new that sounds fun but then his special attack he
Starting point is 00:11:22 punches them with a grenade so when when he hits them, they explode. And he doesn't care at all. He just keeps going. He's a ton of fun. His special ability, he just barrels over everything and everything in the game. Even the biggest of enemies fall over. And then they're left trying to pick themselves up. So my faster, hackier friends just run in and just mutilate everything.
Starting point is 00:11:43 I've been playing a tremendous amount. Who's been playing with you mostly? A guy who's got like three fucking names. He's one of these guys with bad branding. He's got a Discord name. He's got like a Steam name and he's got a Dark Tide name. He's automatically not my
Starting point is 00:11:59 friend. Yeah, right? I don't know. We'll call him the Pug Pummeler because that's his funniest name. Okay. Is he pretty good? Pug Pummeler is pretty great. He played a lot of Vermintide too with me. He was always my carry I'd go to. He's definitely better than me. You're pretty good too. I'm definitely much better than average. I struggle on the hardest difficulties on Vermintide. I couldn't do them, but I could do the second hardest difficulties on Vermintide with friends. But he's really good, and with his help and Middy's help.
Starting point is 00:12:31 A lot of people are playing it because the game's free. You pre-order the game. Dirty's away on a gambling trip, so he's being real degenerate. I was told that the room smelled. I was told the room smelled real bad. They're all just sweating and not bathing, and the room stinks. That's not how I judge a gambling trip. I want to know how the profits and losses are going.
Starting point is 00:12:56 I was sent a picture of a big pile of monies yesterday, but I don't know whose they were. I don't remember whose money that was, because I've been smoking a lot of this and playing a lot of Vermitide. You got different priorities. Yeah, it's so satisfying. Oh, another thing about the Ogryn. Everybody else throws grenades. Veteran, he gets frag grenades.
Starting point is 00:13:13 Zealot, she gets stun grenades. And I can't remember what the Psycho gets. I don't play the Psycho. But the Ogryn, he takes the whole grenade box. This thing holds six grenades. And he throws the whole fucking thing. You're thinking like, ooh, a big bomb. No, he's an ogre and he's retarded.
Starting point is 00:13:29 He doesn't know how to pull pins. He doesn't understand the concept of exploding things. He just sees everybody else throwing them. So he's like, oh, fuck. And he throws the whole box and it doesn't explode, but it's so heavy that just the impact. So like, so some big motherfucker will come around the corner and go
Starting point is 00:13:46 and I'll just go boink and hit him in the face with his big box of grenades and he drops like a stack of potatoes it's a real satisfying fun game so the game has a sense of humor big time 40k has a sense of humor 40k is a fun universe and fun lore to get
Starting point is 00:14:04 into it's so dark and nasty and mean and wretched um but at the same time it's got this gross little sick sense of humor at the at the core of it so yeah um i would say music 10 out of 10 40k representation 10 out of 10 nice they've got some issues with their gameplay that they seem to be working on they're in sweden i think that's maybe why i said oslo earlier because I was Googling Oslo time a minute ago to see why they're not at fucking work. Last night, okay, let me just say this about these Swedes. They're like, it's rather tired and it's snowing out.
Starting point is 00:14:35 The team is turning in for our own health. We'll get back to patch. We're going to institute the patch tomorrow, which was today. And I was just like, man, some Americans would have got that shit done. Yeah. Don't put out that you're taking a mental health break.
Starting point is 00:14:49 Say, there's a problem in the name frame. And it's like, then solve it the next day. Then everybody's happy. Set that end point low. And they are having a big snowstorm there right now. But I was like, you sleep in the office. A snowstorm in the Nordic countries? I hope they're okay.
Starting point is 00:15:04 I think it's unseasonable cold. I was like, you sleep in the office. A snowstorm in the Nordic countries? I hope they're okay. Unseasonable cold. It's sarcasm. Like one of the top two North countries in the world. They're getting snow. Tell me if this link works. I just wanted to show you have character creation in this game so you're able to make your character look like whatever you want
Starting point is 00:15:27 this is Middy's character that's a cut scene where like you know talking to Middy's character or whatever he made like a dog face man dude there is something that gets me every time about making a goofy ass looking character in Skyrim or whatever.
Starting point is 00:15:48 And then seeing yourself in cut scenes where they're like, General Smith, we need you to take down that asteroid. And then it's like you emoting. You've got like a shirt that says, I love to give head. And they're like, take this serious. i just think that's so so funny yeah character customizations that's i took the time to like make my ogren character look as handsome as i could because all the ogrens are really ugly like like when you see they and everybody seems to go that direction that's a good time from the flag out everybody seems to try to make their over in this big, ugly Shrek thing. I wanted handsome Jack. I wanted a good-looking
Starting point is 00:16:30 fellow to take into the realms. Can you modify your character later or create a creation and then never touch it again? They added that today actually, the barbershop situation. They've also got a cool little testing area you can go that has all the enemies in the game, and
Starting point is 00:16:46 you can bonk them with your weapon and see digital numbers pop up and see what you're actually doing. Vermintide had that. Yeah, but this has the enemies, specifically standing around you, every enemy that's in the game, like the real one, and they'll just respawn
Starting point is 00:17:01 infinitely as you beat them down. Vermintide had that nice dummy. Yeah. Yeah, that's weird. Nope. Not hearing any of you. That was funny. I'm recalling Taylor from
Starting point is 00:17:20 like 10 years ago. Why are you DDoSing me? I am no one of importance. I am no one of importance. I am nothing. So yeah, if anybody listening wants to play for free, you can pre-order the game, play till the 29th, then cancel pre-order, then jump on the Xbox Game Pass, which is only $5 extra if you already have gold, and then continue playing the game for free,
Starting point is 00:17:44 hopefully with all of your progress being transferred over. So you can play this game starting now for free and always for free. Xbox Game Pass. This is going to be a dumb question, but can you play it on PC? Yeah, I've got the, you just put the Xbox
Starting point is 00:18:00 app or whatever on your PC and just open it straight from there. Can you buy it through Steam? You can. Yeah, that's what I straight from there. Can you buy it through Steam? You can. Yeah, that's what I've done. I pre-ordered through Steam, but I'm probably just going to let them have my money because they deserve it. It's a small studio. But what I could do is cancel that pre-order and then utilize the game through my Game
Starting point is 00:18:19 Pass that I pay $15 a month for. I like my games in Steam. I like my games in Steam too. Everything in one place is nice whenever you have to go to um i'm trying to think of the ones that uh that have those separate launchers but it's a little frustrating obviously tarkov's a big one uh but there's whole classes of games that try to do their own thing and it's a little frustrating am i back you are i wanted to ask you so that that special because i know vermintide had like the measuring damage thing but in this one you're saying every single enemy's there so you can go in and basically
Starting point is 00:18:50 tack out like okay i need two hits for this kind of guy i need three hits for this kind of guy like so you know a big part of the game and you can probably make them attack you too right and so you know i can take this many i wish i wish i wish you could duel them infinitely because there are some of those enemies that are very difficult to duel. It's like, oh, when he's here and it's just you versus him, it's like, oh, shit. How do I win this? Because normally one of you blocks and the other shoots him or something. You've really got to work together.
Starting point is 00:19:16 That'd be a cool thing to add. One of the things that you're often trying to do the math on is those break points where you can kill an enemy with a single strike or two strikes. Because maybe a guy has 330 HP and you're doing 109 damage a swing. You're one point away from being able to actually kill him with three swings instead of four, right? So it's a big deal to be able to get that.
Starting point is 00:19:43 Like 1% is a big deal there. And you to get that one like one percent's a big deal there um and you can fine tune that in and get your guy so that oh yeah now when i see this guy that i see all the time he dies in one hit instead of two now almost you're so much more efficient when you can do that yeah a lot of a lot of fun talking about steam like how convenient it is like it is the best app to have for games and i'm not not that big of a gamer, I guess. But I took it for granted that I thought everyone who's millennial or younger knew what Steam was and how it worked. And so my youngest brother and a bunch of my friends,
Starting point is 00:20:17 we've all been playing Age of Empires 2, and my younger brother is the least gamer. He doesn't really game much. And he was like, oh, I remember that game though. I want to play with you guys. I'm like, okay, get a Steam and then download it. And he's like, Steam, what's Steam? And I'm like, it's an app.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Just get the app and download it. And he's like, so any computer works? I'm like, yeah, any PC. It's a game from 99 that's remastered. Any PC will work. And he apparently thinks that pc just means computer and so he sent me like a screenshot he's like just bought the game like gonna download it and he sends me a screenshot he's like it's not working and it's a phone photo of his macbook
Starting point is 00:20:59 with steam on there like with the receipt and's like, cannot download on this platform. And I'm like, PC. I said PC. Like, I think, is that, did I miss? He's too young for those commercials. Hi, I'm a Mac and I'm a PC. He's a year and a half younger than me. He should know this.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Send him that commercial and stop wasting your time. I should like, I thought that was like, maybe that was an oversight for me. But i thought everyone knew pc and mac at this point in the year of our lord 2022 that those are not the same thing that they do not do the same like isn't it well you're closer to the pc game thing than me does anyone in the world play video games on Macs? Not that I know of. I mean, I'm sure you can do it. I bet there's workarounds if you're some sort of
Starting point is 00:21:52 fucking super nerd. It's just not the way. It's possible. Macs are for work. PC is for games. Interesting. I don't want to call her out. Hope plays Civilization on Mac. Sure. That's a perfect game
Starting point is 00:22:07 to play on Mac. A turn-based game is probably fine. I used to play games on Mac. I played... Sorry to interrupt you. Civ 5. That's the one we used to play, right? When did that come out? I'll call it 2009. That's my best guess.
Starting point is 00:22:24 Right? Something like that will run on a Mac, probably. Yeah. Fuck yeah. Oregon Trail's coming out. Really? Oregon Trail. They kept it retro. I think it's on the Wii or whatever the new Wii is.
Starting point is 00:22:36 I don't keep up with that shit. I've never cared for the Wii very much as a console. It's not my thing. Yeah. I don't do party games, really. I'm the kind of gamer who wants to be in a dark room by himself like i don't want to but oh yeah you know gaming a bunch of your friends hanging around on the couch laughing it up dude what are you talking about you won't even play
Starting point is 00:22:57 super smash in the group um which is disappointing because that is the most fun party game getting fucked up with your friends playing Super Smash? I did. I played Super Smash with the boys, because they brought their console. We played it on the giant projector in that room. It was pretty neat. But the problem was, they were good. And my friend ZT, rest in peace, he died since. ZT was my buddy that had the motorcycle just like mine in Athens. He was killed not too long ago. A police officer was chasing someone else
Starting point is 00:23:26 and hit ZT. ZT was on and killed him. He was an amazing Smash player. He was an amazing Smash player. He could 2v1 or he could 1v2 anybody on our vacation. Our vacation was made up of
Starting point is 00:23:41 gamers, so it was pretty impressive. He'd be like, all right, well, I can't take you both if you both pick the best character, but you pick the second best and you pick the best. And then I go, yeah, yeah, now you're fucked.
Starting point is 00:23:53 He just beat him down. It was fun to watch. Uh, but yeah, I'm not that kind of gamer. That's one of those games that like you can play for a while with casuals and be like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:24:02 I know the moves. And then someone who knows what they're doing, like any fighting game is like grappling you and like not letting you even do your moves anymore. It's yeah, it's a game that quickly gets very frustrating when you're playing with people who know what they're doing. The new Mortal Kombat, you can play up a good swath of the characters again on the game pass. I think you got to pay to get the cool stuff. Has a lot of has like Rambo in it it like rambo's in mortal combat now the terminators in mortal combat that's cool uh lots of like stuff from culture and they have voice lines that seemingly are
Starting point is 00:24:33 voiced by arnold schwarzenegger and sylvester stallone so that makes sense right because if rambo was actually there and he ran into an elder god or something he'd be like yo he's like hey uh what's your deal and then the guy the guy's like i've traveled through fire and blood from through eternity for vengeance he's like i know how it feels like he just said something like that he'll either relate to them or be like not for me pal and he'll pull his knife out those those have to be the two funniest people to pay to lend their voice to a game because it is the two easiest impressions. You could just hire some guy off Fiverr to do Arnold.
Starting point is 00:25:12 A good Stallone's hard. There's some nuances in there because he has that lip paralysis. He has that mouth paralysis thing. His brother has the same thing, and I think his brother's just making the face so you don't forget that they're brothers. It's like when your brother is so much more famous than you
Starting point is 00:25:33 that you copy his birth defect so people don't forget you're related. I was talking about the Russia-Ukraine war to Jackie recently and for whatever reason it gave me cause to do my russian accent and afterwards just dead face she's like you know that's exactly like your mexican accent i was like getting roasted at home now
Starting point is 00:25:56 i mean no matter what accent you pick it starts out with this is my like you're a children's character i finished re-watching uh breaking bad and i jumped into better call saul because i kind of realized i only ever watched like the first season season and a half of that show in the background while i was was doing something. So I really wasn't paying that much attention. And I have high hopes for it. Everybody said it gets to be as good as Breaking Bad.
Starting point is 00:26:33 I'm not going to believe them there, but we'll see. I'm excited for it. It's got six seasons. I didn't know it was longer than Breaking Bad went. It is. I think it is better than Breaking Bad. You've seen it all. I'm about five and a half
Starting point is 00:26:46 seasons, I would say. I've seen some wild shit. It gets more and more violent. Those brothers were great in, I don't know, roughly, I'll call it season three or four. The Axe brothers from Mexico. That sounds fun.
Starting point is 00:27:01 They come back and you get more of their origin story, if I remember correctly. The two series mix together in my head because they are that sounds fun yeah they come back and you get like more of their like you get more of their origin story if i remember correctly the two series mixed together in my head because they are i mean they're trying to like meld together so it just does that to me because i haven't watched them in a while but i i don't want to call it better better than breaking bad but man it's i think they're as good it's as good it's as good like the walter white shit is just so strong to me i i like that character so much when he's in that desert and he's like say my name it's like fuck you're so hardcore he's like like he's he's come so far from that coughing um high
Starting point is 00:27:35 school teacher he's wearing a sweater vest or whatever he's staring down like an actual gangster and he's like you know who the fuck i am man i don't know you say my name yeah fucking great that was great and i mean it started off quickly compared to breaking bad like the end of the first episode of better call saul is like two red-headed gingers being tortured and like screaming in a desert it's like all right this is this is quick like just and i like how they bring tuco in i like how tuco gets to be the bad guy in the beginning of both series that's fun yeah i hope walt makes an appearance at some point but i don't think that would really gel because this is supposed to end
Starting point is 00:28:16 before all the breaking bad stuff right or is that not uh this spans um a lot of time because there's lots of you've probably noticed but you go flash back and forward you've got the black and white jimmy of presumably today um um you know thinking back to the shit that happened in albuquerque uh so yeah it moves around a good bit i'm excited i like it a lot i i don't know why I haven't watched it lately. I think it's just I like to watch it intently, and I like to binge it, so I don't really want to take on that whole thing right now. I just love Bob Odenkirk.
Starting point is 00:28:54 He's great. He keeps my attention every time he's on screen. The way he delivers his verbose, nervous,, nervous over talking lines like it's very genuine. Like it comes off real like he is the shyster. He's like kind of, you know, trying not to be in a way, but also knows himself to be. It's I really like him as a character. He's a very good character. I did you.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Did you see that action movie he made a year or so ago? It's called Nobody. So he made sort of a John Wick. a year or so ago um it's called nobody so he made sort of a john wick he made a john wick style movie very much john wick style where he's like the retired or ex like badass secret service whatever bruce lee motherfucker and then like bad stuff happens and he's he's like not wanting to react to it because he doesn't want to draw danger to his family. Then finally he just goes ham at the end. It's fun. But he's not John Wick in the sense that he's just
Starting point is 00:29:50 so overpowered he just pushes through everything. It's like, I used to be John Wick. Y'all are just street punks. So this is going to get bloody. Yeah. I like that. I like that movie a lot. And Christopher Lloyd's yeah i like that i like the movie a lot mr new wedding yeah and christopher lloyd's in an old ass ancient christopher lloyd plays his dad who's like he's like dad just so you know might have
Starting point is 00:30:15 some trouble coming and he's like christopher lloyd's 150 now it's what he looks like and he's just like don't worry i'm ready I'm ready for the great beyond. That's Christopher Lloyd. Great Scott. I had no idea he was still alive. Good for him. Yeah. He did a Rick and Morty.
Starting point is 00:30:33 You didn't see that? He did a live action Rick and Morty thing a while back, where it's just a quick teaser commercial where they have the animated portal in a real garage, and Christopher Lloyd and another actor stepped through and they're like, where the hell are we Morty? Cause that's what Rick and Morty is based on. It's, it's,
Starting point is 00:30:51 it's originally based on back to the future. Yeah. And you had that one series of that, that other show that's that, that absurd version of Rick and Morty that they made with the Australian accents. Is that the one in that one that's on hulu that they're always trying to get me to watch yeah i mean it's it's it's it's weird that's solar opposite
Starting point is 00:31:11 no that's a new show that there's an old show they did um that was like it was like proto rick and morty and it was australian and it's very. And the animation is... Remember how Homer Simpson's animation was... Yeah, like from the Tracy Ullman show, where he's like, Marge, my voice isn't right yet. It's that animation. He gets that kind of thing. It's that kind of scratchy animation
Starting point is 00:31:36 that looks like we got... We did it ourselves. We drew this on paper in the back or something. No, I like those guys a lot. But Christopher Lloyd, yeah, still alive. Still kicking it. I saw him with what's shaky hands? Michael J. Fox the other day. The two of
Starting point is 00:31:52 them together. He's alive too. Yeah. I wonder how old they are. How old is Michael J. Fox? Let me guess. I guess Michael J. Fox is 58. That's a good guess. I guess Christopher Lloyd is 84.
Starting point is 00:32:07 Damn, on the money with Christopher Lloyd. He's 84. Michael J. Fox is 61. You should gamble tonight. I was gonna say 58 to 62. That's what I was feeling. I should have gambled. I wanted to go with the boys and gamble, but just had too many heretics to cleanse. Too many fucking heretics. I was like,
Starting point is 00:32:23 y'all know Dark Tide's coming out, right? You can gamble any fucking time you want. I can gamble while I play Darktide. They're all piled up in that sweaty hotel room. I hope you're back now. Those guys get gross on the trip. Who's with 30? Oh, I don't want to say too many names. I don't think. You never know when somebody's
Starting point is 00:32:39 wife doesn't know they're there and they're going to be listening to the show or something and she's going to be like, is it your name, Cuntslayer? Are you the Cuntslayer that was in at the casino? You said you were here with your mother. I thought you were. No, baby, that's a different Cuntslayer. That's Cuntslayer 420.
Starting point is 00:32:59 I'm Cuntslayer Pumpkin Pie. Bit of a rivalry. Jesus Christ. I can tell you're lying because you only talk like a western cowboy when you're lying. That's not true, darn tootin'. You're rustling up the wrong tree.
Starting point is 00:33:17 You're barking up the wrong tree here, sister. You get that horse back in the corral before I lasso you up a biscuit. There ain't no way I've been cheating on your ass out here in the old Detroit. West. An old West Detroit. Speaking of...
Starting point is 00:33:37 You said West. It made me think. I am a Nicolas Cage defender. Same. And lately... Yeah, I think a lot of the movies he's made lately, and he said this exactly. He has said this.
Starting point is 00:33:49 He said, while the movies might differ from what you like, I chose them because they spoke to me, not for a paycheck really ever in this period, and I like my performances in them specifically, even if some of the other stuff doesn't do. I like what I did. Well, he's got a movie coming out called the old way. It's a Western. And I was like, looks like, uh, they spent some money on this. Okay. That's grass. That's real grass. And, uh, I, I watched 90 seconds of it and, and it's a rip off of the unforgiven and true grit.
Starting point is 00:34:21 They just took the unforgiven and true Grit. They just took The Unforgiven and True Grit, the premises of those two movies, took half from each and made this movie. And that's what this is. And he has a mustache that looks so bad. It looks like a Saturday Night Live mustache that's falling off for comedic purposes. You know how a bad mustache would be coming off of somebody
Starting point is 00:34:42 and they're like, oh, it's... Oh, wow. Yeah. It's like off kilter. That does. That is like a Halloween store mustache. It looks like when you've got a fake mustache in a movie and then you get wet as a gag
Starting point is 00:34:53 and then it's like drooping and falling off of y'all silly and the guy's still trying to play it off. Dude, Nicolas Cage makes terrible movies. And I think it's just time to come to admit that. These movies suck ass. Nicolas Cage has made many bad movies. He has been in many bad movies. I don't know that he's made any bad movies
Starting point is 00:35:13 because he doesn't make them. He just acts in them. We're Nicolas Cage apologists now? If you pick a Nicolas Cage movie at random, it probably sucks. Leaving Las Vegas. Con Air. That's a good movie. Don't ruin
Starting point is 00:35:26 the fucking point with Con Air here. If you pick a random Nicolas Cage movie, it's probably terrible. Put the baby back in the box. Put the bunny. Put the bunny. Give me a few tries and I'll get that exactly. He's got it.
Starting point is 00:35:41 Put the... We talked about movie budgets. the big one right now is avatar 2 they say this movie needs to make two billion dollars to break even so even pointed avatar so there are two sides of my soul uh on this on this point one of them want needs james cameron to succeed here and make 1010 billion for these people so that he can then go and do whatever he sci-fi nitty gritty shit. He wants to do hopefully in the alien verse where it's just where I like him to be.
Starting point is 00:36:14 Did I say, and I'm so high. I don't know. So one side of you really wants him to succeed. Oh no, I'm not mixed up. I'm worried that I said, didn't say his name correctly.
Starting point is 00:36:24 I'm worried that I didn't call him James Cameron, but i did i think you um and uh but the other side is like i don't give a fuck about those blue fern gully people and four movies in addition to that other one seems such like an overblown like is it three plus four i thought i meant to say one plus four i don't know why it's at least it's at least three more but i thought it was four more like it's like so many movies he made okay um about these blue people and i guess they're gonna be underwater blue people and sky blue people this is the fucking navy seals of blue people over here two and i just billion dollar budget my theory is they shot it on location that they went to pandora um i don't staying on movies high budget in space uh tom cruise is making a space movie do you know about this no tom cruise is making a space movie and he's tom
Starting point is 00:37:14 cruise so guess where they're gonna shoot it space in space what's it called anyway it turns out you right there are four movies coming i just wanted to throw that out there. So many movies. It's going to go to Avatar 5. He's trying to make $10 billion on this series. Does anybody want Avatar? We're going to find out. We're going to find out. My mind's open. I think this is a political thing.
Starting point is 00:37:39 I think everyone on the red team is like, you fucking tree. I don't want to watch a tree hugger movie. I don't watch a movie about fucking hugging trees about how we need to respect some fucking savages lifestyle. This is stupid. And everyone on the left is like, oh, my God, this movie is so great. Did you see the bubbles float by? I don't know. I don't see it politicized at all.
Starting point is 00:37:59 I'm just seeing it as like, yeah, I haven't seen it politics at all. I just genuinely no one in my life, no one in my world has mentioned Avatar to me since 2009 when we went to go see it. It doesn't seem like a cultural phenomenon. No one I know is like, did you hear Avatar's coming back? I agree with that. Avatar is shockingly popular for a movie with so little cultural impact. And popular isn't like well-known, well-seen. Everyone saw it.
Starting point is 00:38:27 And as we've covered on the show before, it was 3D. It was a movie that really hit it out of the park with the 3D effect. At a time when 3D was something new and everyone wanted to see. If you want to see what 3D is, you go see Avatar in 2009. Yeah. Gravity. And people, some people, maybellywood thinks that because the movie was so seen that it is like star wars or aliens or marvel or something like you know it is that kind
Starting point is 00:38:56 of movie i don't think it is it didn't impact me culturally but it's still a huge story and i kind of want to see avatar too and i want to see it in a theater because it's a $2 billion movie. I've never seen a $2 billion movie before. You know what? I had zero interest before you said that last sentence. And now I just have a little. Because you make a good point. You make a good point that what they've done here is they've made an incredibly expensive thing to look at.
Starting point is 00:39:24 And maybe the best way to look at it is the most expensive way to, you know, if you think of it more as just a, a spectacle that's been created and how expensive the spectacle is and how much time effort and the decade that went into it, like maybe I should just see it. And who cares if it's blue people on a planet? Like I'll watch anything if they,
Starting point is 00:39:43 if they try this hard to make something, right? If it was a Civil War epic or if it was a nature documentary that they'd spent this much money on, I'd be like, yes, I'm going. I think I will go watch it. Here's my prediction. It's the same fucking movie as Avatar 1, but we're trying to save a coral reef now.
Starting point is 00:39:59 Yeah. I'm calling it. I'm calling it. It's going to be Fern Gully plus the smurfs plus dances with wolves again here's what what what's the valuable shit in the ocean let's guess because they've got to be valuable shit in the ocean for the white people to come take gold no that's too simple are you unobtained irinium all right here's my guess kyle that's a viable theory but i think the thing that they're trying to get are the people who beat them last time.
Starting point is 00:40:28 They retreat to the ocean. It's a war. Yes, they retreat to the ocean, and now they try to kill those people. They chase them down there. Definitely not that. My prediction is, it'll be fun to see. Let's roll this back. My prediction is, so we're definitely being shown the new ecosystem,
Starting point is 00:40:43 the ocean ecosystem. And now I would guess it would make the most sense to me is if we visit our old characters and they're the land ecosystem. And maybe there's a sky ecosystem as well somehow. Those classic Avatar characters. And the three of them have to kind of like, maybe you've got like three different groups of blue aliens who have to come together to deal with the outside threat. But the outside threat has to want something that's in the ocean. And it's not the people. Because what do you want to do with blue people?
Starting point is 00:41:14 They want to get rid of those things. They're worthless. The blue people are always going to be the Native Americans. So we want them moved, shoved to the side. If you stop thinking of it as a metaphor and just start literally just thinking of them as Indians on a planet. Alright, there's some Indians on a planet and the cowboys are coming to get them. Why?
Starting point is 00:41:31 Well, they want the water, right? Or what's in the water. So it's probably fuel. It's fuel in the water. In the coral or something. I hope it's not fuel. That's so cliche. I wanted to make it diamonds. I don't know how that's any better. If it's not fuel, if it's not literally a fuel that you so cliche yeah i wanted to make it diamonds i don't know how that's any better if it's not fuel if it's not literally a fuel that you pour in a tank and it burns it's something
Starting point is 00:41:51 that you use to like create to create fusion it's like oh this element is the one that allows for cold fusion react you know what i mean it's that but i guess it's a big often underwater that they're trying to get i i follow um we'll see and there will be a scene just like the one in um lord of the rings where you have some sea captain some merman is like i don't need to fight the humans i live below the seas and they're like and they take him and show him like his coral reef and like as far as he can see, it's like black oil. Some of these trees were my
Starting point is 00:42:30 friends. Some of these fish were my friends. I knew them from egg and sperm. And cloud of jizz. I watched the cloud of jizz. Oh, I hope that's a lie all that's gonna happen we're gonna get
Starting point is 00:42:49 we're also gonna get we're gonna get a very pg-13 underwater like sex scene um between two characters that's like shot from below with the moon above and so we just have like outlines and they're gonna make like a yin yang weird thing because they've got like they're like gill fucking or you are so right and i hate that yeah i um zach just wrote the movie's gonna be three hours and 10 minutes long i haven't thought is that that's the longest movie i've ever heard of i got stuff to do what oh i mean what's longer am i missing something lord of Rings Extended is longer, but regular Lord of the Rings is 20 minutes shorter than that. And it's already pretty long.
Starting point is 00:43:30 Yeah, regular Lord of the Rings is like 2 hours and 50 minutes. To be fair, you're right. Yeah, that is a long-ass movie. I don't know why Scott was like, ah, it's thought to be longer. 3 hours and 10 minutes is insane. Yeah, you're right. Jesus, 190 minutes. There is a point where a slow burn
Starting point is 00:43:45 becomes like uh just make two movies that is jokes on you i'm making four it isn't a slow burn it's just each longer than last the next one's four hours and 20 minutes i just when i watched the first avatar i i didn't it didn't make sense to me why at any point the blue aliens were a threat. Because the only reason the battle ever got to the point of being close is that the military went, General, should we shoot them with our guns from range? No. Get within spear length. Charge.
Starting point is 00:44:22 Lower to their altitude. But sir, they have pterodactyls. They have pterodactyls. They're incredibly slow and not agile. And made of flesh. And it's like the only, there was nothing at stake. They had to make a plot, you know, silly, I guess, MacGuffin, whatever you call it,
Starting point is 00:44:38 and have them like get down in the mountains and basically commit suicide. There was the whole scene where the guy in the robot suit was fighting the alien, and he throws his knife to the side like this is a Western duel. It's like, what are the stakes here? This planet clearly are the stakes,
Starting point is 00:44:55 and the humans are not taking it seriously. I'm going to be honest. Maybe it's just... The movie sucks, dude. Maybe growing up in America... I haven't seen it. Maybe growing up here has trained me to think this way, but when I see that these blue savages
Starting point is 00:45:10 have some kind of cool fuel that'll let us go fast or whatever, I'm like, fuck those blue cocksuckers. They don't know how to fly yet? You're telling me there's some blue cocksuckers down there that can't even fucking fly? Do they have guns? They don't have guns? Are you telling me there's some blue cocksuckers down there that can't even fucking fly? Do they have guns? They don't have guns?
Starting point is 00:45:26 Are you telling me they're wearing leather clothes and they've got hats made out of... Is that a seashell on her titties? Nuke them from orbit to be sure and scoop the fuel. I don't care. They're basically animals that are smart. I don't fucking care if they're sexy. If they weren't sexy, you wouldn't care either. Y'all cocksuckers out there who think different, you just want
Starting point is 00:45:45 some blue pussy. It's true. I don't like the way you're king-shaming me. I mean, I want the blue pussy too, but I'm just saying, we ain't got to pay that much to get it. I feel like we should have gone down there and extracted the womenfolk and killed the rest.
Starting point is 00:46:01 That would be just humane. That's bigoted. you have to wipe them all out our forefathers clean slate that's not what a viking would do that's not what our forefathers did we took the women we killed the men we enslaved the children like think about this let's say that let's say that we didn't know how to utilize fossil fuels, and then a race of people who averaged one foot six came and conquered us, or tried to, but then in the final battle, they decided to engage in fisticuffs. Like, that's the equivalent of what the humans did in Avatar. Yeah, I need to rewatch it. shows up and then doesn't do anything to hedge their so they'll spend hundreds of quadrillions of space bucks for this
Starting point is 00:46:47 and then it all hinges on a dude who's like everyone fix bayonets and it's like what are we doing here guys yeah that was the other thing the more I'm thinking about Avatar the more I'm reasoning that movie was dog shit if you had a project like that
Starting point is 00:47:02 I like movies where they send the big spaceship to the other planet. And the cost is a concern that, that, that happened in Prometheus when they're, when they're, they found the cave paintings, right. With the constellation.
Starting point is 00:47:15 And they're like, holy shit, it's a map. And then future, future, we've got a trillion dollar spaceship that a company had to build. And they're going to fly to that fucking 100 year away place. And like the cost is a concern.
Starting point is 00:47:31 And so the people sent to lead this mission, you have the best of the best of the best who have all this rigorous testing. They've done this before and that before. And we've put them under the pressure cooker for 30 fucking years, and they've never even almost cracked that that's not what they did here they sent that gray-haired guy who's pumping iron and smoking cigars the whole time yeah that's the guy in charge holy fucking shit if we had sent like a negotiator we could have went in there with some shiny glass beads like oh yeah that's what you do. Your opening move is a war. You don't go in and you only have to kill them when they realize that you've been lying to them for so long.
Starting point is 00:48:12 And that works over and over because they're usually not used to lying, these savage races. So you can trick them over and over. You can do that thing where you're like, look, I know we lied last time. We feel terrible about it. That's why there's still so much better sign here. And they'll be like you can do that thing where you're like look i know we lied last time we feel terrible about it that's why this still so much better sign here and they'll be like that all makes sense let's jerk zone yeah it's the fourth time before they realize you're screwing them i mean at that point like why are we even engaged in tricky diplomacy with these
Starting point is 00:48:40 people that because they will occasionally take you to court and try to play amongst the white man's rules. And so we got a win there, too. Do they have courts on Avatar? Oh, I was still... I was talking about, like, our Avatar people. Oh, okay. Our Avatar people. Yeah, like, I think there's this thing
Starting point is 00:48:57 where the Black Hills or something are full of gold or some other resource that's good to have. And it's supposed to belong to the Indians. And they're just... They're suing for, like like $4 trillion or something. And they're like, we'll give you $2 million. Honestly, the Avatar people are kind of rude. Like when you think about it like this, that they are too stupid to utilize all those precious resources
Starting point is 00:49:20 that we can use to conquer the cosmos. And they're making us fight for it? They can't just see the greater good? We'll be like, we'll take photos for you, show you. If you sent me, I would first try to negotiate with the blue people. Then I would try, if that didn't work out well enough to our favor, I would try to trick them. And if that didn't work well enough,
Starting point is 00:49:41 I feel like it's easy to come up with some kind of a biological weapon that would just wipe them out. And so I'd leave with guns. They don't have guns. That's scary. First thing you do, you execute one of those pterodactyls. You shut that plan right up. I, I, um, I was listening to a guy speak the other day on Joe Rogan, mind you.
Starting point is 00:50:00 So grain of salt. But he was talking about the first explorers in South America and how this guy guy fernando durnando whatever the fuck goes back home to europe and he's like he had sailed down the the the eastern side of south america and he described all of these cities there enormous cities and and and so they're like holy shit really it's like yeah dozens of them and so they go back they go there 100 years later it took 100 years for anybody else to go back and go through this awful mess there's no cities there. And so everybody wrote them off in history as Fernando Dordando, the liar. And now because of the forests are being removed in so many areas,
Starting point is 00:50:33 they found multiple cities the size of what would be that times London. These cities with tens of thousands of people. And so they theorized that Fernando Dordando, the liar, was Fernando Dordando, the liar was fernando durnando the smallpox spreader of south america and every one of those giant cities he visited along the way with his men he was just poisoning with smallpox and wiping out really yeah in a hundred years yeah life would have been less than a hundred years right they would just uh the cities fell to ruin in the in the in the jungle overgrew them and the people fell back to coagulate it into smaller pockets.
Starting point is 00:51:07 It killed so many. The smallpox and the Native Americans killed so many Native Americans that the buffaloes exploded to a population they'd never been at before. So when you see those piles of skulls or when you hear about, oh, there used to be 10 million buffalo. There's not supposed to be 10 million buffalo, dummy. There's supposed to be 500,000 Indians, but we've killed them all. There's not supposed to be 10 million buffalo, dummy. That's a funny way to put it.
Starting point is 00:51:34 They're only there because we killed so many of the fucking Native Americans that they weren't there to eat the buffalo, and so the buffalo exploded. And they're like, oh, the white man came and killed all our buffalo. It's like, no, the white man came and killed all your ancestors, and then the buffalo exploded and they're like oh the white man came and killed all our buffalo it's like no the white man came and killed all your ancestors and then the buffalo got out of control so now we're fixing that problem too we're here solving your problem stop crying that's coming up with solutions are they what's the buffalo situation now are we at a happy medium are they well my boy ted turner white men always fixing things you know he turned him he turned into a money-making venture. He took this animal that everybody else wanted to exterminate.
Starting point is 00:52:08 The saying back then was a dead buffalo means a hungry Indian or every dead buffalo is a dead Indian, something like that, the idea of wiping out their food source. They took all the skulls and bones and sent them to China. It was good enough business apparently back then that for fertilizer, you grind up the bones. We fertilized China with the bones of those buffaloes for a generation, I guess.
Starting point is 00:52:30 And we're making money. While starving the Native Americans. I love it. Don't make it sound bad. It's pretty awful. Of course it is. The history of the world, the history of conquest and cruelty, really.
Starting point is 00:52:45 I wonder what tribe was living where you are now. Who you need to be paying Of course it is. Yeah. I mean, the history of the world, the history of conquest and cruelty, really. Yeah. I wonder what tribe was living where you are now, like who you need to be paying reparations to. Stop jumping on my fucking leg. We're going out in a minute. I'm not paying shit to anyone. It'd be the Cherokee here. That's why I go up to the casino every now and then.
Starting point is 00:52:59 You're going to lose a little bit of money. Yeah. You're going to feel a little better about yourself. I'm going to assume it's the same here. I don't know who. Florida would be seminole um um my little region is cherokee yeah but who do the cherokees steal it from the cherokee have been hanging on to it for a long time the lakota or something shut the fuck up there was this uh cherokee chief named mackintosh that just popped into my head m Macintosh?
Starting point is 00:53:25 Yeah, I know, because it was always... No, that's stolen valor. That's not an Indian name. Or maybe Macintosh was the one who swindled the Cherokee. We had Cherokee in my area, too, but when you do it, it's a big list. The Kohari, the Cherokee, the Hila'i Sapani, the Lumbee, the Maharan, the Okaneechi,
Starting point is 00:53:47 the Sapini, and the Wiccamal Siwuhan. Dude, Cherokee is the only one I heard of. Yeah, it's almost like this wasn't a monolithic group and there were hundreds of tribes constantly warring and conquering and eating each other. They were these were awful people. Most of them terrible people. They were barbarians. They were they were torturing cannibalistic warrior tribes. Many, many of them. I do not understand this map we're looking at.
Starting point is 00:54:09 I'm like, oh, okay, so Cherokee's the pink area in the bottom right, but also Creek and Seminole and Cockataw and Munchin. Where the words are, I don't know why they drew areas around the regions, which we're all familiar with, of course, because we live here, and not the areas where the Cherokee owned,
Starting point is 00:54:27 the Powhatan, the Choctaw, et cetera. But the Cherokee were like my area. Like I said, Seminole, Florida. That's not where Miami is at all. No. No. Look at the Great Plains. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:54:44 I'm glad they're all gone now well they're not all gone there's they're still native americans right mostly in oklahoma i think i mean there are native americans the same way there are like i don't know aztecs or that people speak latin or that i mean lawyers lawyers don't count or That is really, really sad. Like, having the entire history of your people deleted. If you exclude clergy and law, like, nobody speaks Latin, right? There isn't someone going around, like, actually speaking it, I don't think. No, no, nobody speaks Latin anymore. I mean, there's probably some autists somewhere.
Starting point is 00:55:17 Is modern Greek the same as, or similar enough to ancient Greek that when they read, like, a law or medical text that uses Greek words, they have a deeper understanding. What is modern Greek like? I have no idea what it's like to speak modern Greek. I imagine it's a lot like English. I think you can go back 600, 700 years and still understand English before it gets to like way. Like it's not even that different. I'm going to try to find that little,
Starting point is 00:55:51 uh, that little thing that, that shows, um, because I pretty far like 600 is the 1600. Right. My math, right.
Starting point is 00:56:00 1400. I saw this thing where it's like the same sentence. Like 22, 1400s. I saw this thing where it's like the same sentence. Fucking retarded. I'm like 22. Yes, he takes six from that. Yeah, the year of 2222. I'm a fucking idiot. But 1400s is actually farther than I thought.
Starting point is 00:56:20 I don't know. It's hard to determine. Is it just formal writing that I struggle with? When I look at some documents and such from the 1600s, they seem considerably different. Yeah, the writing looks a lot weirder. I watched a YouTube video where someone mimicked what the sounds would sound like and the words.
Starting point is 00:56:40 And it just sounds like a goofy accent that you'd have to wait an extra second and be like, like someone from Appalachia, like deep Appalachia. You'd have to be like, oh, actually, no, I did get that. It took me a second, but I got what you said. It was kind of like that, where it's like you can go back to like 1410 and still kind of communicate. I'm trying to find the thing that has the same sentence multiple times, but going back a few hundred years every time. has the same sentence multiple times but going back a few hundred years every time. I feel like if I went to
Starting point is 00:57:06 1776, they'd be appalled at how often I dropped an F-bomb. They'd just be like, what the fuck is with this guy? No, you'd start a trend. And they'd be like, I like how this guy fucking talks!
Starting point is 00:57:24 I try not to drop the F on it. Oh, you're talking about the other one? Oh, you can talk about that one all the time back then. They'd be down. They think you meant Firewood, though, I guess. Unless we do need some more packets. It's getting very cold. I was talking about
Starting point is 00:57:40 Send the slave boy! The homosexual slave boy! Send the homosexual slave boy to get the packets i asked for two packets it's just you and a bundle of sticks like guys i gotta go back to the future this is making me uncomfortable can you stop saying that in like 900 years that's pretty fucked there is an old english translator so you can type in what you want to say and it'll translate it to old ye old english if you you know want to sound like an asshole we should do a whole episode like that
Starting point is 00:58:17 sounding like assholes old english old english wants to fuck i can't please enter only one word at a time i have to one word at a time this i'm not doing this kyle yay yay verily quim quim yeah they would say quim for pussy yeah yeah i don't like that but nobody does it sounds old-timey it's my favorite um avengers line when loki um calls uh black widow a mewling quim which means he's saying shut up you dumb cunt i like that that makes sense like he's he's from olden days not really you know english olden days that's a kid's movie and it's like quim in it it's the part where they've got him in like the loki proof container that like plexiglass little thing and black widow shows up to interrogate him and she actually does she pretends like she's vulnerable
Starting point is 00:59:21 and he's like he's like ah you muley quim and talking a lot of shit and she's like oh so what you meant was this that and the other thanks i needed to know that like walks away and he's like fuck she tricked me even though i'm a thousand years old and a god and she's just a red-headed whore a mewling quim so to speak yeah yeah i like loki um i'm looking forward to the new season of that show i saw some behind the scene photos the other day uh not secret photos or anything just you know post online of um of the cast and all um i'm glad so they're making the second season that was a fun show loki was pretty good i i think that that whole marvel stuff dropped at a time when people were thirsting for marvel content right it was right at the end of endgame during COVID, and I'm like, Loki,
Starting point is 01:00:07 what if Falcon, and even that fucking WandaVision thing? Those things would not have thrived in another environment. Perhaps you're right. Perhaps you're right. Tiger King was in that perfect situation. I got a new one for you. If you don't want to come play Darktide with us, then if you go head on over to
Starting point is 01:00:23 Netflix, and you may remember a little over, head on over to Netflix and, you may remember a little debacle from the nineties when Pepsi, I had a Pepsi points plan where you see this, a advertised at the end of the commercial at the commercial begins. All right, I'm going to lay it out real quick. Leather jacket, 150 Pepsi points,
Starting point is 01:00:39 sunglasses, 225 Pepsi points. That's got those backwards. But then at the end of the commercial a kid the kid with the sunglasses and the leather jacket he lands a fucking harrier jet at his high school and it goes harrier jet the numbers click across the screen seven million pepsi points and the commercial ends there is no fine print there is no disclaimer they that's exactly it that is a full screen screenshot of their commercial and so this guy his teenager saw it he was 17 18 19 i don't know and he's like
Starting point is 01:01:13 a harrier jet costs 32 million dollars and he like he makes some calls he's like could i own a harrier jet if it were disarmed. And they're like, absolutely. And you can't. And so he begins his journey to get that Harrier jet. And this show it's, it's three or four episodes. I loved it. And they, it's made very lightheartedly. There there's recreation.
Starting point is 01:01:39 So they, they, they should, they, they have, because now it's 30 years removed or whatever. That happened in the mid-90s, or 20 years removed. And so you've got these actors playing the other versions in these sort of like old flashbacks,
Starting point is 01:01:53 but you've got the modern-day versions of them. And he's just like, I wanted the jet. And then they go to the guy who made the commercial at Pepsi, and he's just like, people have been giving me a hard time for 30 25 years he's just so beaten down he's like guy this guy was the pepsi marketing genius he was on oprah oprah had this guy on her show and she was like how do you do it every year you've got a new thing because if you don't remember like in the 90s every year they had a new the color wars they were killing the cindy crawford shit they had a cindy crawford
Starting point is 01:02:30 commercial where all of a sudden every girl at college is cindy crawford every girl drinking pepsi has literally transformed into cindy crawford just wearing different clothes with a different hairstyle and the guys are just like looking around every girl cindy crawford yeah every girl's got a fucking pepsi and they had they had bangers like that left and right so this was his baby this harrier jet thing and so um it's really not his fault that should be legal issue not the the commercial guy you will you will get to the bottom of whose fault it may or may not be uh who won who lost why people won and lost. There are some twists and turns. There's a random celebrity guest
Starting point is 01:03:07 who shows up, I would say, at episode two or three. You're like, wait, you're involved? How are you involved? I want to watch this. I'm going to watch this. Yeah, I dug it a lot. I watched it all. I just binge-watched it. It's three or four episodes.
Starting point is 01:03:23 Good stuff. It's fun. You guys want to call it a show? I do. Ready for food. PKN 430.

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