Painkiller Already - PKN 445

Episode Date: March 1, 2023


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Starting point is 00:00:00 pkn 445 hey boys yeah how's it going going all right did you guys watch the newest last of us yes of course what were your thoughts i thought it was far and away the worst to the point that it was uh not only the worst episode it was a bad episode of tv it was skippable it's entirely skippable it added very little um it didn't even fulfill the sole point of that which would be showing the resolution of you can put the spoiler thing up zach of you know ellie being bit it was just another ham-handed romance where it's like you know when i said i wanted the world explored i meant i wanted to see them travel from like ohio to the midwest more and have some adventures and stuff along the way not Not shit that is disjointed and boring
Starting point is 00:00:46 and it was just a bad episode. Just boring, bad. I'm alone on this one. I liked it. I thought the one episode four, the one that followed the great one was weaker. I like this one more than that. Maybe
Starting point is 00:01:02 I'm a sucker for lesbian shit, which is entirely possible. And we all know. They're and i love to see two ugly little slits go at it ah yeah when they when they gotta sneak out of class to do well she is of age that big black chick is so fucking uh unattractive and she is not a good actress. Really? She was a bad actress? And nobody would be cool if it was a 17-year-old dude banging out that 14-year-old girl. Come on! How much older was she supposed to be?
Starting point is 00:01:33 She looked like two heads taller. She could have babysat! So she was 16 and 13 or 14? How old is the main character, Ellie? No, this is the past, so she would have been 11 or 12, right? Because she's 13 and It was when she got bit. It was the past
Starting point is 00:01:49 like three weeks ago. Yeah, I think it was like six or eight months ago or something like that. That's kind of irrelevant. I was just joking that, you know, it's just an older dude sneaking you out to his terror cell. More than anything, I just don't care about another ham-handed romance episode when we're seven episodes into the series.
Starting point is 00:02:06 Episode three with the Nick Offerman one, I felt that it added to the world. I loved it. It was a tremendous episode. But this one didn't add to the world. Like Frank or whatever, and Nick Offerman are incredible actors. Both those guys, tremendous.
Starting point is 00:02:21 And I like their story. This was like... Shit's up. I really didn't even see how it had anything to do with her current dilemma right she's considering leaving joel there he's telling her to leave her there and she in that brief moment she's having a flashback to something she's going to reflect upon it and then make her decision that's what's happening this episode but what she reflects back on has nothing to do with that necessarily, at least not the part we saw. It's like it's her hanging out with her girlfriend on a on a fun night where they got to have electricity.
Starting point is 00:02:51 All I was thinking the whole time was you're wasted so much fucking electricity. There's some guy somewhere who's responsible for running like the power set up. And he's like watching the watt hours like spin. There's 94 people on exercise bikes just making all that happen you know like like somebody's in trouble now i kept thinking that um i didn't care about their little night out i like none of that was cute see me i didn't give a shit i need to jump in because i completely disagree i thought it was a pretty good. I liked seeing how she got bit in the first place, something we didn't know.
Starting point is 00:03:27 I liked seeing her school environment, like what her life was like under Fedra, something that I didn't really know or we hadn't explored before. It was cool to see her experience a little loss, see her first kill. That was kind of neat because the guy thought it was her first kill,
Starting point is 00:03:42 but it really wasn't. It was pretty cool. The first time she killed a person. She still hasn't killed a person in the show. That's what we're referring to. Nobody cares about killing monsters. Has she not killed a person? She did kill a person.
Starting point is 00:03:56 That's what the conversation is about. She shot a man. Killed him. She said it wasn't her first kill, so maybe she's counting monsters. I don't know how to make... Well, no. She's killed somebody.
Starting point is 00:04:04 Well, she killed a girlfriend like she probably killed the girlfriend or even more likely if somebody tried to rape her like four months ago when she killed him like we haven't gotten to that yet that's the other thing like like the things you like are 90 seconds of footage like yeah i got to see what her school was like yeah i got to see half a lap in the gymnasium they did half a lap and no fight the the the the inference of a fight and then and then a principal's office and then a bedroom and then that's it that's all we got to see a fedra and then like her first kill man i'd love to see just that arcade scene what if we just she was like look i got to show you something it's an arcade and we walk in we go to the arcade place
Starting point is 00:04:42 we have a good time when her girlfriend left fedra because she got assigned security to watch sewage yeah i thought that was a little insight into what this universe was like you get assigned a job like it or not that's your only choice and it's that or go firefly and i'm like all right you're a little little little world building okay what do they call that thing where people get what they earn? A something-ocracy? Meritocracy. Meritocracy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:09 That's what they have there. That big, fat, dumb chick, her job was to guard shit. They had weighed her and measured her. Your job is certainly not actress. No. You won't be doing any acting. I'm going to tell you that right now. You won't. And you won't be guest starring in an episode.
Starting point is 00:05:23 Whose food have you been stealing? You're kind of right. It's a meritocracy. Personally, as a guy that was a full-fledged loser by 18 or so, I think it's kind of rough to grade 16-year-olds and assign them their lot in life. But who knows? You weren't considered a full loser based on New Jersey public schools. Nah, we're in the future right now. We're looking for what you can do in the next
Starting point is 00:05:46 five years, right? They're like, Woody can swim. Have you seen Woody swim? Woody's a bright guy. This is not a very valuable job skill. I bet it is in the future when there's only... I don't know. You are the greatest swimmer. You are Aquaman in this world, Woody.
Starting point is 00:06:01 I might be one of the better swimmers in the apocalypse. You just remove all the best swimmers. You are the best swimmer in the apocalypse. That's what's great. People who think they have a talent, they do. The problem is YouTube exists. You can go on there and you can find 30 guys who have devoted their fucking lives
Starting point is 00:06:18 to be good at it. They're way better at it. It's not fair. It's not fair. I'm the Annie Oakley of where I'm from motherfucker like like if it was the wild west there'd be tales about me but suddenly i'm pretty good so it's like i don't know i saw 22 flings through one time he shot four piano strings into with a 22 pistol blindfold it's like well shit man it's all he does that's i have watched that phenomenon so
Starting point is 00:06:47 many times and i always think back to wings of redemption wings of redemption was as far as he knew the best gamer the planet had ever seen right he had never met anyone better and he went online and kicked enough ass that he saw himself as the elite of the elite. And then he becomes a YouTube star and realized that Arctic Gaming exists. And, you know, the other ones. FaZe Clan and NES. They actually barely existed at the time, but I get your point. He saw that, like,
Starting point is 00:07:16 man, it's just, everybody can connect together in this one little spot from the whole world, including people who don't have like, alright, so like if we're going out for like track and field or something like that and shot put the best shot putter in the country might be some guy who's afraid of the fucking he's agoraphobic it might be a guy who doesn't want who like thinks he's ugly and doesn't want women to look at him it might be yeah might be
Starting point is 00:07:40 that guy but that guy'll hop on an online game because he can do it in the shadows of the night in his bedroom right and he can express himself in the shadows of the night in his bedroom, right? And he can express himself to the most. So things like video games especially draw out the best of the best. It opens up everybody. And there's no hiding. If you're a top 1%-er,
Starting point is 00:07:58 in your neighborhood, you're a god. In your country, you're not that special. Yeah. Speaking of 1%, I've it that it's really interesting that you know that we had that huge like social change movement about the one percent but they always use the one percent of the united states to like set their bar of of what the one percent means instead of the global 1%, the whole planet, because that's anybody that makes more than $34,000.
Starting point is 00:08:28 I didn't see Zach put up the kids were 14 and 16 in that show, so I don't think it's quite the pedophile situation you made it out to be. I would never use the P-word. I don't actually care about their little romance. I just mean it is incredibly boring.
Starting point is 00:08:44 It added nothing to the episode. It there was no character building as a result of it. I came away from that knowing nothing more about Ellie than I knew before. I'm not interested, frankly, in Ellie independent of Pedro Pascal. She's really not that interesting on her own. She's not like they're kind of a duo in general. Yeah. She needs him to like drag the interesting out of her because like Kyle's made the point before, like the her wonder is better with him than with who had to like shoehorn in their own arcade nostalgia
Starting point is 00:09:27 as if people in this future would give a fuck as if that shit would run like no no so that's that's where like a little bit of the nitty-gritty storytelling might have gotten past you the apocalypse happened when mortal kombat was at its peak like like it was a kind of a cultural thing at the time oh it happened it happened in 2003? Yes. So everything in there is cutting edge. Wildly popular arcades of 2003. Come on. I don't know, actually.
Starting point is 00:09:54 It sounds like they had an arcade, though. Yeah. But the idea of 20 years early, like Nintendo 64, Sega Genesis, they would have been going to KB Toys to play N64 at that age, if they were 12 in 2003 or whatever it was. She had it. That would be the nostalgia. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:10:13 All right, so just to get the timeline straight, she's 12 or 14 or whatever in 2022, also a fan of Mortal Kombat because it's the last video game that was ever made because we haven't made video games for 20 years and she also has a poster of it like in her bedroom that I noticed at the beginning of the episode so seeing Mortal Kombat must have been
Starting point is 00:10:32 a real treat. It just seemed jarring where it's like what are, I guess it was the amount of time we spent in the fucking arcade that I have a problem with. What it was to me the other thing is like I couldn't enjoy the episode even a little bit because I was constantly like how stupid are y'all this is so dangerous yeah i want to jump i'm not even from your world and i know this is foolish that was my biggest criticism with the uh with the episode
Starting point is 00:10:56 that like listen if this mall is clear it's clear but how did they not clear the mall check the mall they they put this 16 year old child in the mall to live there on her own on a pile of rags without checking to see if the mall had any monsters in it first a team of fireflies could have swept that place in 15 minutes you know you you go left i'll go right we'll check all the closets the monster was sitting in the wide open broad display floor of an american america girls dolls store something close to that and like all you have to do is pop your head in that store and you'll see it and the monster by the way it wasn't like hidden in some broom closet it was sitting on the floor like it was a display for sale and and it had all this like fungi lit up across the walls that reach extending to the ceiling it was not a subtle find and clearly
Starting point is 00:11:53 no one bothered to check this mall at even a superficial level yeah they could have done a better job and she had lived there for weeks i guess we'll see we'll see what you've got there is just a bad job from like whoever's at some point they're like okay and then there's a monster that's in there that's hit there's a quarter sip thing and it's gonna wake up they're like someone should have been like well wouldn't they have checked for it she's been in here before the lights on she's talked about that she's got the money she broke the machine open she knows about the photo booth she's playing this out how did she or the fireflies never seen oh you're right what we need is like maybe when they come in and turn the carousel on it does something that opens a wall up or makes something collapse or
Starting point is 00:12:34 maybe they leave the door open behind them and they're the reasons that a thing sneaks in like you needed that you needed their stupid you've already got them being childless and careless so use their childish carelessness to explain why there's a goddamn monster in the mall right but the monsters on display at the american girls doll store and like in the window almost yeah but not much more hidden than it would have this is the last year's model so jackie and I were both frustrated with that aspect of it. We're like, how did they not?
Starting point is 00:13:08 I mean, they should have made an example of that girl for wasting all that power. Like a real post-apocalyptic world where power is so needed, so necessary. And then to turn on every machine. Where does the power come from? I don't know, but I do know this. I can't imagine it's unlimited.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Power plants were designed to support a population 10 times greater, 100 times greater. So that one place in the woods, like, oh, yeah, the hydroelectric dam still works. Don't know how it works, but whatever. We ran a huge extension cord from the dam to here, and it just works. Well, that cord's already there, right? I made that up. But that dam supplies way more people that is designed to support way more electricity than the needs of the, what, 100 people or so in that village. So maybe power is not rare.
Starting point is 00:14:02 It depends how they're deriving the power. They don't show us. Maybe power is not rare. It depends how they're deriving the power. They don't show us. And like, I guess you could look up like where Boston's power plants are. They're probably burning coal like a couple hundred miles away in Virginia or something and pumping it in. It's probably where the shit comes from.
Starting point is 00:14:19 But that concerns me right off the bat. I do like to see where your electricity comes from if we're in the future and you've got some. That was one of my biggest complaints. Especially if you're flush with it like that. Running every machine. Remember the Quiet Place with John Krasinski when you had to be quiet? Their whole place was electrified. They never explained it. They never talked
Starting point is 00:14:36 about it. They're attracted by noise. Watch this. What are we doing here? They had lots of lights. I'm sorry. Taylor's right though. Is's called a quiet place what was it called yeah i think that's right a quiet place it's like yeah we have to be very quiet meanwhile there's like monkey toys banging symbols that if you just tap them they go off by accident like this is like a landmine that i keep in my basement like we don't do that we don't keep live ammo well we do keep live ammo around here but did they have a toy in their basement i i just remember noisemakers set up as kind of sabotage problems
Starting point is 00:15:15 everywhere well there was an instance early on where there's a flashback to how he lost his son and that was because he took the batteries out of a fun toy while they were scavenging and like yeah you can have the toy but not the noisemaker part of it and the other kid is like here have a battery and like it goes off all crazy you know how toys are and he gets eaten and then the next scene you see the remaining two children playing i think monopoly they're not even using real fucking pieces dude they got little cotton balls moving around and at that point i was like dude if that's required we're not gonna make it the first fart and this thing's gonna be like like there's no way like there's no way we can survive if we can't use regular
Starting point is 00:15:55 monopoly pieces indoors in our house so that movie had some inconsistencies let's just say uh this thing i felt like we have limited time with those characters, and I feel that a lot of it has been wasted. Not limited enough. I feel it's been wasted, our time with Pedro Pascal and Ellie is what I mean. Their story is the key to this whole thing for me, and I
Starting point is 00:16:18 feel that we just skipped the whole episode. You gave me a 10-minute episode, essentially, where I got to see poor Pedro stabbed Ellie almost run out on him kind of shitty and then like come back and sew him up I did see this from the fans of the game they were like
Starting point is 00:16:33 I like how many cabinets and drawers she had to search to find the needle and thread the game is nothing but cabinets and drawers there should be a lot more of that. Stay true to the story. We're hunting. I also like the part with them in the arcade yelling at each other to communicate was so jarring that I almost laughed.
Starting point is 00:16:59 It took me out of it because I pictured myself. Imagine me and Woody or me and you, Kyle. we're in an arcade alone and we turn everything on. In no world are we communicating right next to each other like, ha ha, ha ha ha, oh Kyle, hit that button, hit that button, Kyle, hit this one. Like, that's exactly what it was. The first thing I would literally do is I'd be like, all right, we need to unplug every machine except for Mortal Kombat. That's what we're here for, right? Hey, Kyle, how about we use our strength to move the Mortal Kombat machine back to the infinite power supply that we
Starting point is 00:17:32 have inexplicably? Could we do that? Yeah. I don't know about that, Kyle. We've got nothing but time and manpower. We didn't have time, but yeah. Yeah, and like the little girl, her complaining about like, she's leaving and becoming a terrorist
Starting point is 00:17:48 not because of her ideals or what she believes in, but because she doesn't want to guard shit. Yeah. It's like, you want to know why you got assigned to shit? You're with her on that? It's because you're breaking out
Starting point is 00:17:59 all the time and a risk to everyone around you. Guarding shit is one of the better jobs there are. Nobody steals shit so that is what are you worried that the shit bandits will show up get away from that poo you're kind of selling i think you know what we're here for i have no clue. My lunch? We're the coprophile bandits.
Starting point is 00:18:29 And we're gonna eat every drop of shit you give to us. We're gonna take our fill of shit and then leave and there'll be no trouble. That's kind of how it would have been if you just walked in and took your fill of shit. To be honest, we're just washing this into the ocean. We're not trying to hurt you. We need our
Starting point is 00:18:44 poo pigs. I guess it's a smelly job would be the thing she's probably at somewhere that smells horrific but um it's not a real job again it was like snipe hunting like like they were giving her a no real like a not real job guard the sewage and that's clearly because she was breaking out all the time and and they couldn't give her anything where she could possibly fuck it up and result in anyone getting hurt because all she does is break out and cause problems and go to the fucking mall. She's literally joining a terrorist group as she's trying to get assigned a job. You're mixing up the cause and effect. I thought she joined the terrorist group because they assigned her a shitty job. I thought she joined the terrorist group because they assigned her a shitty job.
Starting point is 00:19:34 They assigned her a shitty job was my understanding because she had this history of being a no good Nick who was going out and not like being the right kind of community. Yeah, fighting. And so my thought was like, oh, yeah, they put her on poop patrol because it's like, yeah, she can fuck off. And I just assumed her grades were bad, but I have nothing to back that up. That's me too. But they gave her a bad job for some reason. Oh, you saw her. Yeah. Jesus Christ. She's fucking 30 years old flirting with 10 year olds. You don't need to be a phrenologist
Starting point is 00:19:54 to see that groove in the back of her head. Come on, she's a nut. How? According to Vaughn's practical character reader, that means that she is not suitable for anything but poop patrol. Taylor knows how to measure a frenulum. I know how to measure a frenulum
Starting point is 00:20:09 with my tongue. I can tell by feel. A very smart man. A very smart man. The frenulum as well. That's a nice frenulum. Right here, folks. This thing.
Starting point is 00:20:25 What were you saying, Woody? I'm trying to figure out what her name was. When I look up Last of Us. Samoan Joanne? I don't think so. I don't think it was Samoan Joanne. I just thought she was so ugly.
Starting point is 00:20:41 She was a bad actress. She took me out of the moment. Was her name Dina it could be hopefully she'll never be on screen ever again in the show i was just thinking like man you can pull a hotter chick than that ellie like we can find you somebody better you don't need this large lady here yeah you two having your awkward dangerous date at the mall wasting energy good i hope that they i hope that i wish that she that that other girl was also immune so she could have got bit and then i'm forced on poop i'm glad i don't know the actual value of their electricity i'll say this if it was walking dead electricity or something or like uh there's been times and
Starting point is 00:21:22 i can't remember specifically i know at star trek there's been times and I can't remember specifically. I know in Star Trek, there's been times where they have like energy credits because they're in like such a shitty situation. It's like, all right, you've got 10 credits. That's your energy allotment and energy makes everything. Food comes from energy.
Starting point is 00:21:34 Water comes from energy. Sure. The lights in your room, your shower, all that shit. It's like we're rationing. I feel like we're definitely in a rationing type society. You're in charge of this little group, Kyle, and you stumble upon the mall and I'm in there Bitcoin mining.
Starting point is 00:21:52 You put me to death, don't you? Yeah, I think depending on the situation, that could be a death sentence. Absolutely. That's selfish of me. I'm stealing resources from other people because that could be better spent elsewhere. Yeah, I don't know. I think there'd be a lot of frontier justice in the future because if you couldn't trust somebody, you just had to be like, ah, fuck. That's one of the things I like about Walking Dead. They kind of figure that out after a while. They're like, the bad guys will be like, alright, you got us. Let us go and it'll all be good and you
Starting point is 00:22:26 kind of believe them and then they'll let them walk away and then maggie'll be like she'll look at negan like what do you think he's like no what i think and she just shoots them all in the back like and they're running wounded and she's just executing them and these are the good guys well you got well yeah you got to make sure that they don't come back and loot you again. Self-preservation. I looked at the two girls in that last of us episode. Ellie and Riley are their character names. The actresses are both 19.
Starting point is 00:22:56 They're the same age. They look like different ages to me in the show. Oh, yeah. Well, they absolutely look like different ages in the show. They're both different. It's hard. Blackwell's two heads taller. It's hard to clock their ages.
Starting point is 00:23:09 What's her name? I know it. Ellie's actress. Anyway, she's got a... I saw a movie on Amazon with her. It looks like it's in medieval times and she's like a rowdy princess. Which is like perfect.
Starting point is 00:23:23 No, a movie. Just from the uh trailer i got the gist that it's kind of like uh tangled or something like a rowdy little princess who doesn't want to be told who to marry or what to do and she's like punching people and being sort of her character from game of thrones so i'm gonna watch that movie it looks fun i like her as a little actress i don't know why I said little actress. She's fucking 19. She looks like a kid, though. She is a little actress. It's like the narcs in my high school.
Starting point is 00:23:52 They dress her up to look like a little kid. They do everything they can to childify her. I've seen her in RL. Like how she doesn't look like a, you know, kind of tomboy type girl. I don't know
Starting point is 00:24:09 what her deal is, but I haven't seen her in like, I don't know, she doesn't look like a lady to me. She still looks like a child. Well, I mean, she's getting this work because she's supposed to look like a young 13-year-old. I've wondered on actresses, Jennifer Lawrence, right? Jenniferrence's thing is she's
Starting point is 00:24:27 so relatable and she's a tomboy and she plays these action heroes and i wonder if the real woman not the one that we see even you know off camera but on camera in the streets is she like all right all right this is working for me i need to be relatable every time someone interviews me whether it's conan or some red carpet or whatever i need to be relatable. Every time someone interviews me, whether it's Conan or some red carpet or whatever, I need to be down to earth. I'm just a regular person hanging out on red carpets. 100%.
Starting point is 00:24:53 They have a PR firm that tells them things to talk about, things to not talk about. Say something this way, say something, don't say anything this way, don't address this, address this. When you get to that level of stardom, single thing they are saying is filtered and like when they go on conan they're not going to have like a truly open conversation they're going to to go through like scripted lines not not scripted but like they know their points and then they do that like
Starting point is 00:25:21 conan they practice the conversations in the morning at least sometimes they do that. Conan, they practice the conversations in the morning. At least sometimes they do. But yeah, anyway, I sometimes wonder how much of it is genuine and how much of it is Jennifer Lawrence just is relatable and nice. None! Zero! It's almost entirely fabricated by PR. I was just saying this, Kyle. It's all PR firms.
Starting point is 00:25:41 They tell them what to say, what not to say, how to say it. Don't say this word that pulls negatively with the group we're trying to endear. Say this. They are wherever the wind blows. They are whatever container you pour them into. That's why they're good at what they do. They do pre-interviews, dress rehearsals, and then the whole thing is plotted and planned.
Starting point is 00:25:59 There's nothing genuine about it. This is like a Tonight Show you're talking about. Oh, yeah. Even on a show like everybody made a big deal do you know the show ridiculousness the premise of the show is rob dierdrick it's like jackass but worse i mispronounce his name but i don't care um rob hosts this show he has like three or four quasi celebrities on there and they watch internet videos like reddit clips of people falling and shit america's home video type shit and then they
Starting point is 00:26:25 make jokes and reactions that are funny and they were like oh my god logan paul revealed that he was given his clips weeks in advance and he was allowed to collaborate with the show's writers to come up with his jokes and reactions and that's a show like ridiculousness that like and we watch that shit in prison they make five episodes of that a day okay like like they're 30 they're 20 minutes each and they're just no one cares about the quality of this show but they're doing that there so i imagine maybe not i respect conan conan more so i won't speak that ill of him but i guarantee that if you go on like jimmy fallon or whatever like we're gonna have a whole like if you've got a joke if he asks asks you a question, it's because he knows you. He knows the answer.
Starting point is 00:27:05 He would never ask a celebrity a question that he didn't know what not not what the answer was, but what their response was going to be. Yeah, that's why I'm not getting asked questions. They're not ready for. Like, that's why celebrity interviews on a show like Joe Rogan get so huge and why so many celebrities are terrified and will never get close to a show like rogan because there's no longer well i mean rogan you know probably he's not an idiot but he's more likely to ask questions that are truly uncomfortable to them hey was it really a nightmare working with this guy hey did what did you know about this thing like he just you would ask questions that wouldn't be palatable for the middle of the road audience someone like jennifer lawrence would be
Starting point is 00:27:44 trying to garner he just discussed this year Howard Stern is more like what you're describing um he said he's like I'm never here to do a gotcha thing I just like meeting new people so before the show they're like hey I don't really want to talk about that thing in the media we don't talk about it I'm not going to ask him about it I was going to talk about his description of Joe Rogan is not the Joe Rogan I watch at all. That's Howard Stern. Yeah, Howard Stern will ask you some tough questions. Howard Stern will
Starting point is 00:28:09 ask a girl if there's a virgin on her wedding night and shit like that. Joe Rogan will believe any fucking thing you tell him. He is the most gullible person in America. And whoever's in front of him is what Joe Rogan's opinion is this show. And he never asks gotchas. I don't really watch Joe Rog show. He never asks gotchas. He never asks
Starting point is 00:28:26 anything hard. He never does. He's the least confrontational guy around. He just, four hours of promotion. The closest I've seen him get up there. Howard Stern would be a much better comparison. I apologize. I don't watch Rogan, so I don't really know. Remember Anna Nicole Smith?
Starting point is 00:28:42 She was incredible beauty. she married that billionaire that old guy I don't think she ever got his money um but she got very overweight became quite a celebrity before she did so lots of movies and tv and stuff a terrible actress well anyway she was on the Stern show after she had ballooned up she was big and uh and he was like if you step on the scale and weigh yourself we'll give your son an xbox oh wow and the sun's in the the sun's outside in the green room and he's like i want the xbox and these they're like we've got the xbox right here and and you and howard's so awful he keeps like we'll give him the xbox and two tickets to the Mets game.
Starting point is 00:29:27 And it's just like, meanwhile, Anna Nicole is on drugs and dying, killing herself slowly with drugs and alcohol. And she's like, what? I don't want to get on the scale. I don't want to. I don't want to. He's like, come on. Don't you want to get your son an Xbox?
Starting point is 00:29:44 Don't you love him? And it's just like, Rog you want to get your son an xbox don't you love him and it's just like rogan would never do that he'd be like fuck we need to get you into some treatment and hey say little boy you want to go in the back and play with the archery equipment like he's just such a more uh decent human i'm a more moral person yeah yeah i'm i'm reading about anna colesmith because i was curious about her. People don't know. I didn't realize she was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, which kind of ties into the suicide later on. That's two things or two peas in a pod.
Starting point is 00:30:13 And she never did get that money. I think she did marry a billionaire. Would it be for sure? I'm not sure, but I know that it was so much crazy wealthy yeah over 500 million we're done now yeah yeah it's perfect thank you and uh she sued his estate for 44 million and it got rejected and thrown out so never did get the cash i think yeah his kids
Starting point is 00:30:38 his kids were obviously on the other end of that lawsuit i wonder i just want to know how with it he was because if he was 80 years old but of sound mind and able to decide that this is what he wanted to buy during his last five years i'll make it up um then fuck let him buy it let him buy anna cole smith pussy for 44 million dollars and and who was his kid to tell his dad what he's allowed to buy yeah she needed a will in place that's what she really needed like like she was banking on that merit certificate giving her everything and what she really should have done has been like hey daddy if you go away uh let's make sure that i get a little something you know because i'm sucking that wrinkled ball sack every night and it's it's gonna leave a sour taste in my mouth if I don't get five mil out of this.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Do you think she tried to mess with him and she'd be like, no, you forgot. I already, I just finished giving you head. You are getting older and older. Was it good? Oh, yeah, I did. Oh, you're an animal, daddy. You're an animal. Oh, you're right, bitch.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Anyway, time for bed and you just put a blanket over his head like a bird cage and he just leaves the room. Fucking weighted blanket. I thought it was 10am. Oh no, you silly old toot. I don't know what work she put into that relationship but the fact that she didn't get paid
Starting point is 00:31:56 seemed like she didn't get compensated. I don't know. I agree. I mean, she got the lip. She did become a bit of a celebrity. She had some great years while she was sucking the dick. She had some great years as a was sucking the dick. That's it. Oh, my God. She had some great years as a as a she was an incredibly attractive lady. That was a beautiful woman. So I saw I sent you guys the thing the other day that was like, which sitcom would you want to be placed into?
Starting point is 00:32:16 And it was the it was the traditional 90s sitcoms from Family Matters to Full House and then back again to Home Improvement, all the black ones. Family Matters to Full House, and then back again to Home Improvement. All the black ones. Yeah, Fresh Prince was in there. It was such an easy pick to either go with Fresh Prince or with Home Improvement. Both situations, you've got wealthy situations that can help you out later down the road. Tim Allen's got his own goddamn TV show. And then Uncle Phil is a fucking judge or whatever, or a partner in a big law firm in la and uh but i think it would
Starting point is 00:32:46 be fun to hang out with i would like that it's the trick man home improvement's the way to go not only do i get to have like three brothers which would be cool i'm imagining i'm the oldest and i literally slide in as is as tim allen's 35 37-old son or whatever. You walk in into season five and they're like, it's Kyle! Dad, I'm going to need some more money. Kyle, Heidi's pregnant. What do you think the money's for? Laugh track.
Starting point is 00:33:20 Laugh track plays. Well, that doesn't sound like my problem. Hey, can I borrow your power drill, Dad? I got something I need to take care of. What state do we live in again? I've got a problem, Dad. Wilson's over there talking about abortion over the fence. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:36 You know, I've got an extra bus ticket you can put her on. You can go straight to Massachusetts. Heidi, the first Heidi was, of course, played by Pamela Anderson. Pamela Anderson Prime, I might add. She was the most attractive version of herself. Unless you count that really old version that didn't have fake tits. Yeah, I do think that was the best version. The caveat I'll put in there is I don't know how, like I'll make it up.
Starting point is 00:34:05 30 year old Pamela Anderson compares to natural 30 year old Pamela Anderson. I think she went along her prime by having that plastic surgery. I think it's all I know is about is the tits, you know, obviously that she changed them over the years, many times like up and down and, and it was just like, I don't know, early on a baywatch that she looks
Starting point is 00:34:26 amazing but if there's some polaroids or something from when she was i don't know maybe not even legal like set 16 17 18 19 or something and she's a very pretty like kind of like i don't know american sweetheart looking kind of girl uh and it's it's a better look i think a more i don't know it's more attractive to me but then like beach bimbo which is kind of what she transitioned into i i agree i just i always do that they're like ah you know this person's plastic surgery i can tell they had it like okay true i agree but what kind of old haggard witch stirring above a cauldron would she look like had it not been for the plastic surgery? I can see she doesn't look as good as this 22 year old you're comparing her
Starting point is 00:35:10 to, but I want to know what she compares, how she compares to the alternative version that never had anything. Sure. Of course. And then you got the situations where plastic surgery fucking kills them. Yes. And that happens. Pamela Anderson's boobs through a lot of this what i'm describing
Starting point is 00:35:26 is prolonged prime i bet we're terrible up close i bet they were great on camera they didn't feel well they didn't uh they didn't squeeze right they're probably scarred if they were they never squeeze right yeah they always feel fucking weird uh tara reed i don't know if you've ever seen her she's the famous for example she was at that i don't know a thing where people take pictures of you and she's wearing a dress the word show it doesn't matter and like her dress falls down and exposes one of her tits and the paparazzi just goes and she's just like oh yeah take it all in because she doesn't know her tits out and it looks just it's like fucking elbow skin it looks
Starting point is 00:36:05 like i did it so shit a little more here i don't know like it was packed with gauze you could have gotten it like they were like they were very cockeyed so i've never seen a nipple so poorly placed i remember that that picture that you're talking about yeah yeah you gotta get those things on right you want them looking straight at you. I bet they didn't have it down as much back then. I'm on Bing looking for this image. Oh, here it is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:34 It's a very unfortunate breast. There's a whole video of it as well. I've seen the video because her tit's out for a while and then some person who knows if it's her assistant or whatever rushes over and she's like, your titty is out! And helps her with her dress. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:47 So I'm looking at the boob as we're talking. I don't know that it's in the wrong place. I disagree with that. But it's not a circle. And it looks like what happened is they relocated it. Like they cut out the areola and put it somewhere nearby. And, yeah, I can give you a picture if you want. I'll take it. i i'm yeah we got a very good mental image of tara reed's titties i'm not sure if that'll work it did so do you see like it's
Starting point is 00:37:15 not the wrong place to me it's just oh man surgical scars this doesn't do it justice something about the video makes it look much much worse this doesn't even look that bad you can't even tell what's going on really here but I don't know it looks real bad anyway where were we Pamela Anderson Jonathan Taylor Thomas
Starting point is 00:37:40 which one of the sitcoms do we want to live in you said Home Improvement if you're not picking a rich family they are rich Thomas. Oh yeah, which one of the sitcoms do we want to live in? You said Home Improvement. Home Improvement's my take. If you're not picking a rich family, which yeah, you are. They are rich. I know, I'm saying if you're not picking a rich family. Because obviously you take the rich stuff into account. You know, Fresh Prince
Starting point is 00:37:55 and Home Improvement. But if you have to pick one of the non-rich families, I go Family Matters. I really, I always loved their family dynamic. was so fun steve urkel coming in just just you every day you don't know what he's going to come into with new adventures and fun jokes like are you going to be black in this scenario or are you some like whatever it takes man whatever it takes so i'm a true member of the family if i have to be black
Starting point is 00:38:21 if i have to be black for them to accept me then i I'm black. No way I'd be black in Chicago in the 90s, dude. Fuck off. Not even hang out with your cool parents. With Stefan? Yeah. Well, not with... Stefan actually was less cool than Steve. Because Stefan tried so hard. Steve knew what he liked and he did what he liked.
Starting point is 00:38:40 That's fair. Respected it. Look, I enjoyed watching Family Matters. I don't know if you've ever seen the Key and Peel skit where they point. They make fun of the fact that Urkel took. They have the. They end the skit. Carl, you know, the father in the show, walks into like the producer and he's just like, this is bullshit. This is Family Matters.
Starting point is 00:39:00 It's Urkel every episode. Last week, he went to the fucking moon what is this and he's like do what Steve wants okay don't make waves and then Steve comes in and like I don't want to like spoil it because you should watch it but I think he might kill
Starting point is 00:39:18 Carl with his bare hands and say did I do that did they get the real actor or did they no but it may not even be key and peel but but i remember it like i remember that skit like really well being hilarious um but but that i like that show up to a point but i was a child home improvement was a real go-to because it reminded me a lot of my life now that my dad had a tv show but i don't know there was a hot rod in our garage that was perpetually being worked on and like i don't know that's kind of how my mom was um kind of kind of
Starting point is 00:39:49 kind of strict and whiny and uh you'd feel right at home yeah i don't know i i like like the home improvement home was more like my home than any of the other homes i would say that what would you have taught your brothers what games would you have gotten involved with jonathan taylor thomas of course your younger siblings like you you're in there you've mentioned you'd want brothers before what what games would you go into get them video gaming with you get them outside doing archery no it'd be combat it'd be combat sports right like we'd want to if you've got little brothers, wrestling. Wrestling or boxing? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:40:28 If you can spend the next five years of your life learning to tee off on guys who are 30, 40, and 50 pounds lighter than you, respectively, you're going to be gold gloves by the time you get there. You're going to drill in bad habits, Kyle. What's going to happen is your youngest brother is going to be very tough by the time he gets older. You just hear, head movement, head movement. Remember that little one with the mullet?
Starting point is 00:40:48 No way he could stand up to a beating from 17-year-old me. No. 17-year-old you. Yeah, I'm sliding in. You show up as an adult ready to beat the shit out of Jonathan Taylor Thomas. I want to be the older brother because, like i i don't know i just feel like um jonathan taylor thomas is way too good looking for me to be like the same age and be competing for the same girls i can't deal with that grass is always greener with like the sibling age thing because i remember like
Starting point is 00:41:16 thinking like god damn my youngest brother gets to do whatever he wants all the time like there's no checking in they're like the the strictness of me when i got my license versus the strictness towards him when he got his license like it was like check in all the time taylor like this that and the other thing whereas with him it was like you know don't don't die out there your brother should thank you for raising your parents correctly like i broke them in i broke them in they mostly trusted me i was wasn't too badly behaved and set the stage for them to go wild i was i i didn't when i once when i got the car i was just kind of out on my own um i don't remember like it's not that i had a curfew or anything it's
Starting point is 00:41:58 just like where was i gonna go you know like yeah i'll be he'll be home when he gets home you know like what's he gonna do do? Stay up all night? Doubt it. Yeah, I guess that's true where you probably like. There wasn't as much stuff drivable where you were, right? That wasn't a huge distance away. It was horseshit. That's why I always talk about like blowing shit up and like shooting shit and hunting and stuff.
Starting point is 00:42:26 and stuff because there were it's not like you could like hop on your bike and on pavement hit 10 minutes later be in a world of arcades and like groups of people your age and anything no nothing like that it's dirt roads and shit there's no sidewalks um i remember i got a basketball hoop one year and it was like we don't have asphalt to bounce the ball on what are we doing you know you're in the fucking country so it's 45 minutes to like where the movie theater is like so you didn't go to like because we would like meet up at the mall like friends and stuff i'm i'm probably one of the last ages that like did that as a teenager before it died i'd have to go to anderson south carolina or athens georgia um which are both equidistance, roughly 45 minutes from me.
Starting point is 00:43:07 I remember going to the mall and being like, this is just where we hang out and then being like, fuck, I don't really have mall money. I guess I'm hitting up Sarku Japan and then just hanging out for a while. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:20 That'd be about it. Yeah, but it got me used to like, it got me accustomed to making long drives for little things um which i think that like especially people in europe would we would it would not make any sense like i've driven 45 minutes for burrito before you could go through you could get through a third of the uk in that time a 45 minute drive on the highway i've literally been like damn i really want one of those mo's burrito bowls it's 45 minutes away in anderson fuck it i ate in the parking lot you didn't even sit in most i just want to get out my car in peace and eat out there where it's safe i don't like eating in places really i don't mind it no not, not really. Not by myself. I eat by myself in restaurants anytime I want to.
Starting point is 00:44:06 Not a second thought. They don't stop you? They don't stop you. As long as you have money, you can do whatever you want. I feel like there's a sizable portion of the community that thinks that's crazy to eat by yourself. Some will look at you as a total loser. Some will wonder how someone could dare to do that. You're going to look like you have no friends. I don't how someone could dare to do that like you're
Starting point is 00:44:25 gonna look like you have no friends i don't give a fuck i i like eating by myself the best part about it is the nanosecond i'm ready to go i go that's that's the beauty of it i i empathize so much with what you're saying like could not be more team woody like eat alone not all the time but sometimes i just go to a restaurant and i just eat by myself it's nice it's it's relaxing it's you're on your own schedule any dessert no check like yeah let me go home so i can play video games i don't need to ask for other people if they feel like dessert i don't want to i don't want to leave when the slowest person is done eating i no i don't make a a task to go out and eat by myself but if i randomly get a feeling of like god damn that sounds delicious right now and it's not like
Starting point is 00:45:12 a go in and pick up your food place i'll just go eat that place that made the um the human trafficking food right remember that oh they're closed now but uh um yeah i would eat there by myself and it was just terrific it was my favorite yeah and i feel like there's no there's no stigma to eating alone at a place like chipotle or kidoba or i'm not worried about stigma i'd rather eat in my car like especially if it's a burrito what am i getting sauces and pepper and like sugar off the table to add to my you know yeah you dump the you dump the tabasco in it as you eat every bite gets also like i've i've been in my i've been in cars so much on so many road trips that like i'm really i could live in a car and be
Starting point is 00:45:56 okay for a while like like like it wouldn't bother me too much like i've slept so much in cars on road trips and i've i've like eaten i've eaten in your camaro sure yeah i've slept in that camaro you've never been in a thousand miles you can tell her if you pop in that passenger seat right now what is a clean knee deep in like fast food bags you're gonna hit and the receipts say like 2019 there was asked woody is a like a i learned this on that trip that woody's a real clean freak and what it is is like he has a maid who has gone behind him for the last three decades and made things like disappear like like like he'll he'll walk he'll leave a room and come back and that bag
Starting point is 00:46:41 is just like a fucking genie zapped that shit out of existence. Okay. As a single man, there was a McDonald's bag in my backseat, and some of those McDonald's fries were still in it. And I think they had spilled that out of the seat. And they had turned into petrified McDonald's fries, which I consider the same,
Starting point is 00:47:00 just as sterile as wood chips. I'm with you on the old fries are not gross. I'm with you on that. And sterile as wood chips. I'm with you on the old fries. I'm with you on that. And sterile with wood chips? I'm buying it. Yeah, yeah. Old French fries, wood chips, I think they're on the same level.
Starting point is 00:47:14 Especially McDonald's. Having said that, I will not stand here and let you tell these people that there was one bag in there. If there was three, there was five. Is there a little fibbery going on well it's been years it's been years chiz was there he saw it um um i remember him also what he was a bit of a bit of a clean freak about i keep my truck not clean as a stretch straightened right there is nothing in my truck that doesn't belong in there right have i wiped the dust off
Starting point is 00:47:45 the dashes no no you could definitely not you know white glove it and see that it's dirty but there's no water bottles in there there's no bags of food in there there's no napkins that have been used like nothing like that that's fair yeah i definitely like like i guarantee if i went out to my car right i'm much better at keeping like my house and my living space is very tidy than my car for some reason. But I guarantee there's six, seven cans of Diet Pepsi in the passenger floor area. Right now, as I'm saying this, I'm like, one of the cup holders has the paper that a straw comes in all crumpled up. And I'm like, I got to get to that. See what I'm talking about?
Starting point is 00:48:28 You can take care of it right after this yeah right i'm like i keep forgetting to bring that out with me i drive i see it and i'm like oh once again it survived me leaving the car and not grabbing it with me you know what i'll think like if i get out of my dirty car sometimes i'll be like damn i'm glad my house is spotless my house isn't that spotless. But my car is usually straightened. Yeah. My dog, I took him to the vet yesterday. And for his ear infection, his third ear infection,
Starting point is 00:48:59 we're going to get some more ear drops for him. For Rocky? Rocky, the Malamute. And I had my backseat folded down. And just as we're about a mile from home, we're about to turn in. He vomits back there. And I mean, he really covered that. The backseat's fold down.
Starting point is 00:49:19 So he's just kind of on a big rectangle of carpet. And he just really let it have it. So I scheduled some cleaners. They're coming over tomorrow to clean the car. You're having pros take care of it. It's required. I did the best I could. I had a towel with me that
Starting point is 00:49:36 he was sitting on back there to make it a little bit nicer and in case he vomited, I guess. I got it with that and then I hit it with my shop vac and sprays and scrubbed, but it's just like we we're gonna need somebody to get into the crevices it's gonna be a whole thing i feel for you man that sucks poor rocky and that's a big dog so that's a big vomit his it was a puddle like a huge i couldn't tell how big it was i was just pushing him back so he didn't throw up like on me or like the seats, like in the floorboard.
Starting point is 00:50:08 I wanted it in the middle of what he was on. And I'm just holding him while he vomits in the backseat while I drive. Just like, almost there, buddy. We're almost there. And I can hear. And I'm looking up in the mirror and he's going. He's really letting me have it. That yellow dog pile. Yellow dog yellow yeah so yellow oh
Starting point is 00:50:27 they just so much of it i don't know every time dogs yak it's that yellow dog bile the other dog toby has chewed the cords off of all three of my um floor cleaning devices i've got i've got a uh carpet steam cleaner like a fancy one and i've got like a hardwood floor steam cleaner and uh and then i've got a regular vacuum cleaner and he chewed the cords off all fucking three of them that sucks ordered some new extension cords gonna do a little bit of basic electrical work this week i guess wire up some fucking uh uh appliances because that cock do you know how to do that or are you just gonna like youtube it i mean it's two wires you know just i'll take what i'll do is instead of just patching i'll take the whole thing apart and find where the wires like attach and i bet it's two wires going under two screws that push two little brackets in and i'll undo the screws pull the wires out
Starting point is 00:51:19 and stick new ones in tighten the screws and put it all back together i doubt it's much more complicated than that. That's good. Yeah, I'd have to YouTube something like that because I just don't know. If there's anything complicated about that, it doesn't seem very complicated at all. Sometimes it's not your mechanical skill, it's your attitude.
Starting point is 00:51:38 It's like, you know, if you just go into it thinking you can do it and you'll figure it out, it'll be sight on, then you undo it and you're like, ah, I see. Because Taylorlor you're like i don't know i i couldn't do that like i bet i bet you can you just yeah oh i know you're not inclined to start it to try that's one of those things where it's like ah i have no knowledge of this but like even just that three sentences kyle just spit out i was like oh i tracked with all of that and that makes logical sense on why you just remove a panel unscrew that pull the broken part out put a non-broken part in sometimes there's stress relief that's hard to recreate on your own
Starting point is 00:52:15 like uh is that what it's called stress relief strain relief i forget there's a term for it where like fuck it every cord you own like this shit right here where it doesn't just buckle into the end there's some strain relief that makes it so that you can bend it and pull on it and not fall apart that can be read like if i had to replace this what cut that out put it back in it's never as nice as the factory but heat shrink tubing gets you close yeah yeah i've seen a lot of people do that on theirs uh no i like uh like like my dad's pretty mechanically minded so anytime something would break he would see it as a personal challenge to his general intelligence he'd be like oh you think how dare you you well pump i'll figure you out.
Starting point is 00:53:06 Don't think I won't build a hoist and get you out of there. I'm always tinkering on something. Have you guys ever really had to stop in the middle of tinkering with something after a lot of effort where you were like i cannot do this like oh i need a guy like i know the motorcycle thing recently you mentioned we're like you had to get that guy and that makes a lot of sense because it's like even a friend yeah even if you could have done it on your own it's like it's not worth the cost benefit analysis of potentially fucking up my engine but other than that anytime you've had to be like i need to call a pro
Starting point is 00:53:42 like that is the i don't know if i call a pro, but like the give up stage oftentimes like, all right. So this grill, for example, the light, like it needs to know if it's opened or closed for whatever reason. The computer like doesn't do like add food and it wants to know that you opened it and closed it and that you did add the food in. Cool. Well, that little sensor stops working. So first we like oil it and then we bang it and then you did add the food in cool well that little sensor stops working so first we like oil it and then we bang it and then we take it apart and like the final stage is i hand it to jackie for disassembly knowing the odds of reassembly are very low i am i am just sending this thing off to meet its little appliance god and jackie wants to give it a try knock yourself out girl you know like it's already broken so you just let her tinker and be like oh
Starting point is 00:54:31 it still doesn't work she takes it more and more apart until eventually like there are springs that are hard to get back the way they were and it's like yeah yeah and i don't even know that all the parts are there are you ready to buy a new one yet yeah yeah the the times that i've been like stopped cold in my uh pursuit of a project and this is also like projects that i've done with my dad it's when you get to multiple specialized tools being required that are expensive and can't be borrowed um or intricate things with lots of um i was going to say bearings, but I've replaced so many bearings. Even like electrical motors. Dad, without any sort of instruction, learned to rewrap electrical motors. They're like $350 each, each like force and a half electric motor.
Starting point is 00:55:26 And those poultry houses have dozens and dozens of them. And so like he'd have, he'd go to the, but he'd go to the place where you buy the new ones and they had a huge like cage full of broken ones. He's like, what's wrong with all those? They're like, who knows?
Starting point is 00:55:38 People bring them in. They leave them with us when they get a new one. I'll take them all bought them for like $10 each. Okay. 80% repair rate, something like that. like eighty percent of the time you can fix it a hundred percent of the time there's recoverable parts like copper and bearings i'm out of breath because i sprinted up and down those stairs fucking dogs they're being quiet now i uh i had that one impresses me i don't know if you've ever seen the copper wrapping wiring of a motor, but it is intricate. It seems like only a machine can do that.
Starting point is 00:56:12 There's some things that humans can't redo it. They can, obviously. What is it, like rotate in a machine as wire goes around? It's just multiple wires. The hay bale wrappers as they rotate and the plastic wraps them. So you have this spool of copper wrapped in a very particular pattern because it's
Starting point is 00:56:32 an electromagnet but backwards that's what that's how it's working. It's rotating around on that bearing and the wrap is important and it's important that it's not broken anywhere. I've seen it done two different ways by a very fancy machine and by like this dirt poor indian man who had built like a
Starting point is 00:56:50 little thing you rotated with his hand to do it what do you got here oh this does look difficult to do by hand yeah this looks like a fucking nightmare that's not exactly the hard one, but that's not too far from normal. Here's another one. If you said, Woody, one of these wires is broken. Pull them all out and put them back in better. I'd be like, you just hired the wrong guy. Can I help you with something else? Do you need dick jokes?
Starting point is 00:57:21 Here's another one. Could you do that? I'm trying to think what those are called those um this one looks easier i used to know could you this is a lot without getting yeah i've done okay kyle can oh not the that one looks hard they all look hard to me it's impressive to me that the people that can do this impress me that's all the um but anyway um it's usually when you run into a piece or a part like that you got to borrow that we would quit on projects um one time lightning hit a computer uh one big control computer that operates a lot of farm shit that's a no-go for us you know
Starting point is 00:57:59 like not only is it high voltage on on one side it's like... Then, especially, I didn't know anything about computer hardware. Now, I'd probably be like, hang on a minute. Let's crack that thing open. Let's look around. It can't be that difficult. I bet there's a CPU, a power supply, and a few boards in here. I did that one time on HVAC. They told me, they're like,
Starting point is 00:58:21 you need a new $5,000 furnace. I'm like, HVAC people are such fucking thieves and it was really a two hundred dollar control board so i bought it and i'm like you know there's only like three wires that go into this control board like i think i can swap it and i did and it was fixed for about a year the thing was old and dying anyway it's broken some different way but uh yeah i got another year out of it for 300 yeah yeah lots of things are like that people don't i mean if you cared enough like like it's rare that an appliance is broke enough that it doesn't need to be replaced i know my washer's doing a thing right now it's throwing an error code i'm like i bet i could
Starting point is 00:59:00 take this thing apart and fix it with three or four good hours of frustration. Or $1,200 just... For a new one? Yeah, it's tricky. I bet it's fine now. There were COVID shortages on those machines a year and a half ago. Yeah, I think we're pretty good on the supply. Everybody was making a big deal of eggs being expensive.
Starting point is 00:59:22 And I was like, oh, really? How expensive are they? I didn't notice the price was going. And I was like, Oh really? How expensive are they? I don't, I didn't notice the price of going. They were still like $6. I pay $6 for eggs. Cause I get real fancy, like farm.
Starting point is 00:59:32 The chickens get to run free. You know what I mean? They're happy birds. You in that category would be what's called a premium consumer. And you're not impacted by the, uh, commodity brand. Oh,
Starting point is 00:59:42 did the cheap eggs go from like $2 to five or something? So the cheap eggs went up a lot. Yeah. Like brand. Oh, did the cheap eggs go from like $2 to $5 or something? So the cheap eggs went up a lot. Yeah. Like Walmart is seeing huge explosions in revenue because there's a whole new class of consumer who can no longer afford to shop at higher quality grocers. And so a higher echelon of income earners are now shifting to Walmart.
Starting point is 01:00:06 Yeah, I would imagine Dollar General is seeing a good rate right now. Everybody slides down the rung, right? So Dollar General, man, that seems like a good investment. Investing in a Dollar General or a Dollar Store. Dollar General has been expanding, I believe, like pretty aggressively. They're incredible. The way that they move into that, there are so many perfect markets for that those little in-between communities where like yeah walmart going there hell no there's not even an interstate
Starting point is 01:00:33 there's not an interstate within 35 miles dollar general's there dollar general's there in a heartbeat i hate dollar general i that's because you can't afford well whatever you want dollar general dollar General is like you walk in Game of Thrones when they walk into one of those pitiful places where everybody's covered in rags. Look at this, Oliver! This is what they eat!
Starting point is 01:00:56 That's you with a bag of their lime Doritos. I walk into Dollar General and it never quite has what I'm looking for. Oh, a general store, right? I need gloves. They either don't have any or they have the worst gloves inappropriate for the task. Like, oh, do you need a hat?
Starting point is 01:01:11 Do you need something to eat? The only food they have at the Dollar General's I've been into is all the things that might come in a plastic bag, right? That's the kind of food they have. And I'm like, man, every time I go to Dollar General, they don't have the item I want. Yeah, they're not they're not walmart like they but then some people think that like dollar general is a dollar store like dollar tree or something it's not for people out there it's not a dollar you don't walk in and everything's a dollar it's basically an even more discounted fewer options grocery aligned walmart it's between a gas station and a grocery store on the level of items and selection.
Starting point is 01:01:49 There will be clothing items in there, garden items, some basic ones anyway, tons of cleaning supplies, breakfast cereals, and the food that will either be frozen or refrigerated, that it'll be like ice cream and ground beef and stuff like that. But you're not gonna find much more than that. They don't have a deli there where you know be like ice cream and ground beef and stuff like that but you're not gonna find much more than that they don't have a deli there where you can be like hey give me this
Starting point is 01:02:09 kind of turkey give me this kind of salami who would run the deli have you seen the employees i have you know where you are when you go to dollar general and they're they're doing really well right now i believe i when i go to a high-end grocery store, I like that. I'm like, this is like a restaurant with ingredients as healthy as your own kitchen. They'll make healthy food here for you. The deli has good stuff. I like when they have artisan stuff that I've never even heard of. Like when I go to Straub's, some really rich person. No, that's Sprouts.
Starting point is 01:02:41 It'll be like a brand new kind of soda. No, I mean, Sprouts are fine. That sounds good. It's like a brand new kind of soda no i mean sprouts are fine i just mean like good it's like a brand new kind of cream soda artisan soda never heard of it before it's a cool thing to see is that getting oh i thought you meant sprouts like an item like no i've never been to sprouts yeah i didn't know we don't have that yeah i don't i don't know like i think i think of that as a fancy grocery store last Last time I went in, I don't know. They got a chocolatier in there and shit. That is fancy. A chocolatier. Damn. He's got a big fondue thing
Starting point is 01:03:12 going over here and he's describing all the chocolates and handing them out. This one's got 88% cacao. Cacao. I like those with high cacao. Me too. And my chocolatier has a stutter because it makes it sound fancier. Cacao.
Starting point is 01:03:28 A chocolate sommelier. What a great job that would be. And then the DeKalb Farmer's Market. That is chocolate. You're going to want to pair that with some more chocolate. I would just pair everything with a glass of milk. It'll go well. I can only review restaurants with wheelchair accessibility.
Starting point is 01:03:53 Well, time to take a little break before we start our hangout with the patrons. Should be fun. 27 minutes. All right. All right. Let's wrap it at PKN 445.

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