Painkiller Already - PKN 449

Episode Date: March 28, 2023


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Starting point is 00:00:00 pkn449 what's up boys hello there not too much i've just been thinking a lot about warhammer yeah unit compositions and armies kyle and i've been playing a good bit down and out i was like did that school shooting get to him is taylor bugged no because i saw the resolution it was great he's the resolution on total war warhammers we're talking about no i'm talking about when the cop shot that kid i'm talking about the 144 hertz total war warhammer is what we're talking about. No, I'm talking about when the cop shot that kid. I'm talking about the 144 hertz Total War Warhammer 3. Now, I'm loving that too. Now, I want to say this.
Starting point is 00:00:31 I figured out why I've been struggling so much, I think. You guys have both been playing the new race, and I haven't really been paying attention to the name of your units, but then I noticed you're using the same unit. And I looked at their stats, and they're just so full of armor and
Starting point is 00:00:48 shields, and I've been shooting them and hitting them. I gotta stop all that. I brought them because you kept bringing shooty guys and so I'm shielding up. I saw that solution today. I'm so stoned when I play that I guess I wasn't thinking out even inside the box.
Starting point is 00:01:05 I don't know where I am. I'm not thinking at all, really. Yeah, I'm having a blast. But frankly, we need some more people who are on our level. Yeah, Unicorn's getting much better quickly. Yeah, we played two or three times, and I definitely beat him once, and he definitely beat me at least once earlier playing SlaNash,
Starting point is 00:01:23 so he's pretty good. Yeah, it's really fun. love i love a good rts and uh this one is just it's hard to get bored of it because there's so many different races to play um someone pointed out the starcraft i think has what like four races or something like that and they struggle keeping that balance meanwhile this game has at least 15 or 20 and it's very well balanced i mean there's maybe three dog shit ones and three very good ones but the middle is a nice warm area where every any anything can do anything it's more balanced i thought it was when i started a month or so ago taylor did you woody mentioned mentioned it when we kicked off did you see the video of the cops storming into
Starting point is 00:02:00 the school i saw one of them but I think there might be multiple, right? So the video I saw is, I don't know. Someone showed me a picture of the cop. It was a body cam with a guy with a pistol. I saw the guy with the rifle. So he's the one who shows up there first, and the teacher tells him, gives him some directions,
Starting point is 00:02:22 and then he's like, come on, I need two! Come on, I need two! And he needs two men with him and then he's like come on i need two come on i need two and he needs two men with him and he's like now and he's turning the key he's no fucking uvalde cop i'm inspired already yeah and and they're like immediately stack up with me he's like that door you cover left and he's fucking sweeping every door as they go through and they hear boom boom he's like that's upstairs fuck all this we're going up the stairs down the hallway dead child on the floor they go they step right over that go into an atrium where it opens up and the shooter has knocked out some windows and sort of this open area so they can shoot down um out at maybe people outside and dude just goes bop bop bop bop bop like shoots the person the
Starting point is 00:03:01 person falls as awkwardly as you can fall. I couldn't tell because they blur out as soon as people die. Imagine if you fall down on your knees and then let your feet flay out and then fall backwards. That's how the shooter falls. Like a dead person.
Starting point is 00:03:18 And then Jimmy handgun comes along and goes, stop reaching for your gun! Bang, bang, bang! Good job, Jimmy. Sometimes jimmy be safe yeah the chubby cop with the 12 gauge at least he had enough like well let's not make a mess to to not like fire another uh blast in there but yeah pretty pretty awful i think maybe three kids uh or something like, some administrator or something. It's terrible. I couldn't tell what kind of weapon the shooter had. But, yeah, it was nice to see the cops got in there super fast, super motivated,
Starting point is 00:03:53 clearing rooms, bathrooms, closets, whatever. And as soon as they heard shots and got better directions, they sprinted to it and killed the guy real fast. Good. They handled it way better than the other cops we've seen try and handle shit. I like that they didn't say anything when they killed the guy. Like, real fast. Good. They handled it way better than the other cops we've seen try and handle shit. I like that they didn't say anything when they killed him either. They didn't say, hey, put that down.
Starting point is 00:04:11 They just killed the person. Yeah. Or, you know, maybe a catchphrase would have been good there. A catchphrase? A catchphrase, yeah. Like one that doesn't make sense. Where it's like, it's time to put you on ice. It's like, what?
Starting point is 00:04:30 What are you talking about? This guy had no class. Huh? For a school shooting? Maybe? I think you're going to be fired from the police department. For your callous remarks. The police chief is dropping
Starting point is 00:04:46 puns. God damn it, I don't like it any better than you do, Mayor Smith, but he's the best goddamn police chief we have. He's just obnoxious, but he's so good. I can't fire him.
Starting point is 00:05:01 This town ain't big enough for the two of us. Stop saying that! Yeah, that tragic story really fucked up, but good. It was a hero cop, though. Doesn't seem like they just let the person run rampant for what was Uvalde, like 40 minutes of just doing whatever they wanted. Yeah, while the cops were pussies. Absolute fucking pussies. Like, on camera. Twelve of them. All like, I don't know, I think the bad guy's down the
Starting point is 00:05:31 hallway there. We should probably just not go there. Yeah, whatever came of it. Did they say, like, did the cops themselves claim, like, the chief said, don't do anything? Or did... I don't know. I think a lot of people lost their jobs. I think police chiefs and
Starting point is 00:05:48 lots of administration all lost their jobs. That's going to be the end of it. They need to. There's a cultural, systemic issue in that. If one cop's a coward, then you know what should happen. If 14 cops cower together while children are getting
Starting point is 00:06:04 shot, good gosh. Yeah, I love that. There was like a meme. It's like cops when you've got an ounce of weed versus cops when children are dying. Oh, that reminds me. Afro man. So you might know rapper Afro man.
Starting point is 00:06:17 I know Afro man. You do. If I sing a song, though, Woody, I was going to go to school, but then I got high. Okay, you were right that song yeah everybody knows he's the only song redemption of rap yeah so he um they raided his house his uh um like local local law enforcement they raided his house uh the warrant said narcotics and kidnapping he's got them all on camera he's got nothing wrong in his house, by the way. Not even narcotics? No, not even any fucking...
Starting point is 00:06:47 Not even any kidnapping. He's like, why the fuck does it... I mean, I understand why it says narcotics, but why the fuck does it say kidnapping? Like, none of it's the case, but he's got them all on camera, and he made a music video. Yeah, there he is. There he is getting his money back.
Starting point is 00:07:03 Damn, He looks old I have not seen him in a long time Dude Leave Afro Man alone Look that's what Afro Man looks like When he's not in an interrogation cell Taylor How dare you callous You're right he hasn't aged a day
Starting point is 00:07:18 How old is Afro Man He's 37 He takes really bad care of himself yeah Black does crack sometimes alright he's alright for 48 anyway anywho he made a whole rap song using the footage
Starting point is 00:07:38 from his security cameras he's like why are you going through my suit pockets why are you stealing my money? As they go through his shit. And what else? That's hilarious. I got to listen to that.
Starting point is 00:07:50 He's rapping like, do you think there's a thousand pounds of narcotics? And did you want my lemon pound cake? And the fat cop is like looking at his lemon pound cake. You can have my lemon pound cake. Bring up that picture of Afverman you just had there. That one where he's talking to the reporter. In this photo, he looks like you know in Skyrim when
Starting point is 00:08:11 a cutscene happens and your insane character is there next to a normal guard. That's exactly what this is. You've got all your fucking custom outfits and you're talking to the blacksmith. He looks so fabulous. Like, wearing what's clearly a word.
Starting point is 00:08:29 You know what he looks? He looks so comfortable. Oh, that's clearly a wig. It looks like a football helmet. Yeah, that has to be a wig. I see it now. Why is it down below his ears and shit? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Okay. He does look like a football helmet. Every time you say it, it just gets more right. How big is his head? He's not afraid of police, but he's horrified of CTE. It's this close to being a Russian hat. Man, I want to start dressing just in furs. Yeah, they unplugged his cameras.
Starting point is 00:09:00 They unplugged my cameras during the raid, too. They do that they don't like being recorded I guess nice photoshop in the CNN store at the airport well I think that's probably a fan saw him there right and he was just dressed like that
Starting point is 00:09:17 nope doesn't add up what the fuck is that photo it was him clearly at like the CNN or whatever the news desk store you know exactly it looked like the airport, like when you're getting a magazine or something. You could tell because the Excedrin was like $12. Before
Starting point is 00:09:31 the on-flight internet and better electronic devices, it's like, alright, what is it? Six-hour flight? Eight magazines? Immense health? No, I don't want to feel bad on the way. I'm going to have a few drinks myself. Just have a few drinks because you're so there's a playboy here do i have the balls to read a playboy on the plane no better electronics i would always get outdoorsman magazines because
Starting point is 00:09:58 they would have short stories of like survival stuff like bear attack thing it'd be like three pages of a bear attack reading for the articles right i mean it's fucking survival magazine jacking off the bears fucking ads for bug repellent and shit like what are you gonna do that's the that's the worst if you if you jerk off materials are limited and you really gotta fell in the head i think i could still do it to like a sky mall uh yeah oh that's way too much deep isn't it yeah yeah look at her and her exposed shoulders she's in for a bad time look at that naughty bitch in her contour pillow put her hands in under her head that she lays on like that like that's what i used to do before anything was on planes is just read sky mall
Starting point is 00:10:52 and everybody the amount of time it takes to go from sky mall being like oh that's kind of neat to like oh it's like four seconds i'm a little too suspicious right like there are things if you tell me pour this in my gas you'll do this for my engine i assume all of it is bullshit all of it not a goddamn thing at auto zone does anything for your car with the exception of possibly the motor oil right like that's my take on it i'm doing this fish stuff right now there's a million fucking snake oils they want to sell you to dump into your tank um it's my nature to be against this stuff and you mentioned sky mall i'm like oh twelve hundred dollars is that a plastic piece of shit they're selling for an outrageous coin
Starting point is 00:11:41 i i don't believe anything from sky mall no no you don't believe it but i think it was real products just silly ones i don't think they're like in any way quality price relative like oh a fencing sword for 132 dollars oh i am low on fence you need to know the same thing with metal detectors I remember a metal detector being in a SkyMall for like $600 and thinking like now I have like a job to recoup
Starting point is 00:12:16 like with metal this expense I always wanted one of those as a kid you just reminded me that's one of those things as a kid I would often request because I just thought it would be really fun to walk around out in the farm or the woods and be digging shit up um that would have been neat dude what's neat is the beach so i don't want to i like it at the beach people are losing shit all the time and the theory is that it's like rings slipping off their fingers or maybe they take something off put it on the blanket
Starting point is 00:12:45 and you know shit happens it falls off the blanket it goes one inch deep in the sand and now it's just gone forever and till fucking grandpa comes by with his metal detector and every night you see like 16 grandpas just scanning the beach with their metal detectors looking for stuff and as a child you think it's like the key to fame and fortune oh my god there's treasures out there every day people are leaving treasures but just follow gramps just follow him for 10 minutes he's picking up pennies yeah that guy's retired he's just killing time like he's just he's not looking i bet those guys it's not copper yeah those guys guys would be interesting to talk to though because okay they're not making money i don't think that's their goal or they go panhandle i'm always shocked if when they add up what a
Starting point is 00:13:35 panhandler makes i remember uh my local radio show uh like did a thing where it's like yeah for torture tuesday you've got to go panhandle until you make a hundred dollars it's like 45 minutes later he's eating breakfast at starbucks with the money he begged like it didn't take any time it's like dude wait you make he's like i made more money today begging then i then i do like we're paid to beg that's hilarious you know yeah yeah we should do this every day i'm gonna i'm gonna get a sandwich board go out there no and i'm gonna wear a barrel with suspenders on it dude that's good and make it look like you're naked underneath like you've got that's all you have you know no i will be that's the commitment to the bit you throw some shorts on i don't have money for shorts i'm a
Starting point is 00:14:25 barrel man damn if you don't want to see my dick pony i think i think you could mix in like performance art with your panhandling though like because you bring a lid for the barrel and you if you squat you could be like hiding and just on the sidewalk and then pop out do a little sachet and a bow and be like you know oh i'm in a barrel with my wife could you lend me a few bucks how about i do stuff like stomp like you know that show stomp where they hit garbage cans but i don't do it with my own equipment i do it in front of people's homes until they pay me to leave oh that's an idea stop banging on my mailbox. You know in the movies? No, this is hard.
Starting point is 00:15:06 It's like my face is painted blue. Is that blue? Give me $18. I'll do some art on the hood of your car next. The Pooh Man group. The homeless performers. They throw feces at you if you refuse to give them money.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Yeah, I don't care for that kind of homeless. The kind who basically tacitly threaten you with performances not i hate the homeless or what are they called they're called like the the fucking vague unhoused or something now like like some some fucking nonsense no you're lucky we stopped calling you hobos dude that's so funny to me that like someone thinks that someone who's like chasing and talking to rats on the street like that if you like put them in the house they work at the bank now are you retarded are you fucking retarded all right well not those but i'm sure there's some that that that are like oh you know like living in their car and working a job and showering at fucking the gym right like like the there's a minority like most of them are mentally ill. I think the jabbering ones
Starting point is 00:16:05 are the minority, too. Like in the middle, they're... I still think most of them are mentally ill. I think most of them are drug addicts. You're doing the crazy guy from Rick and Morty that was attacking Beth, and then the husband just locked himself in the car.
Starting point is 00:16:21 She's like, help me! No, you're not supposed to confront them! Just get in the car! I, you're not supposed to confront them. Just get in the car. I read you're not supposed to do that. Just run. But he's just jabbering. It's Rick and Morty. But the crazy man's jabbering. And I think he's got a blade or something.
Starting point is 00:16:37 Jabbering is such a funny word. Yeah. Most of them have mental issues. You're right. Addiction is fucking huge. you know just heroin generally very difficult yeah i don't know i bet it's a fun life though like like there's no way like if you're in like one of san francisco or uh san francisco would be a good one like like if you're just like a guy who wants to do drugs and chill out all the time like you could live a real happy life in San Francisco just being stoned
Starting point is 00:17:08 and homeless all the time, everything paid for. Listen to an hour-long podcast on this. It was a homeless encampment, but it was all military veterans. In some ways, it was like any other homeless camp. There were tents. They were not welcome tents they were on like not welcome where they were they uh there were lots of drug use there were a couple murders like it was a problem on the other hand like they woke up on time there was a certain military culture there they're all veterans they like have a purpose and the guy's getting interviewed because it was like a tv
Starting point is 00:17:45 show they did on it i didn't see the show i watched a podcast and uh uh he's like yeah man i could never live in an apartment this is where i want to be if i was alone in an apartment i'd be on a suicide watch that sounds terrible i need this community for me right now it sounded like he was dealing with some sort of ptsd yeah but the thrust of the podcast was no veteran should ever be homeless and i was just like so homeless veterans i guess are better than other homeless people i think so i here's here's why i think um veterans have an excuse like like they went to do their job and their job is a hazardous one. It would be like
Starting point is 00:18:28 if we sent some people in for nuclear cleanup and they were now unhousable because of the radiation or something. It's not even a hazardous job. It's not in the top ten. In the military? Yeah. Lumberjacks? Fishermen?
Starting point is 00:18:44 I think the ones with PTSD are the ones with the dangerous jobs so it depends if you go yeah the military is not dangerous x percentage die like however it works we're talking about the combat guys though right like if you've got ptsd from being in the mail room as a clerk or if you're like frank costanza you got ptsd because you serve some raw some raw beef one time, some off beef. That's not going to cut it. But I bet if combat troop was where we got our statistics, like guys who are actually fighting, I think a lot of them have a rough time. And I think it's real dangerous. I'll say this.
Starting point is 00:19:20 If you're a combat troop in Russia right now, that's got to be the most dangerous job in the fucking world because there's a war. A real war. Dude, the thing with you were saying, oh, they should never be homeless. If you're a PTSD combat veteran, yeah, there is zero fucking excuse to be homeless. The government, you did your fucking job.
Starting point is 00:19:40 You did what you were sent there to do. The government needs to have their ass when they're so damaged from doing that shit that they can't do other stuff normally does that include other jobs that are traumatic? like tow truck drivers are at least as traumatic as a soldier well I mean that's more of like a private job
Starting point is 00:19:55 like tow truck driver so if you get your trauma in a combat then you're set for life you can never be homeless, you can never be without healthcare you can never be without. You can never be without healthcare. You can never be without income. Traumatize me, daddy. I would say it would be trauma like in the military. Like, I think that's a pretty fair line.
Starting point is 00:20:12 What if I make up some trauma? Cause I'll, I'll join now. Okay, fine. Combat, combat veterans. I'll fight if I get, look, if I get to fight a little, then I can come right back and be like, oh, I'm so PTSD out. I'm going to need you to like support me forever. Okay, say this i'll say this and maybe this is like a bad like
Starting point is 00:20:29 example but i i did that charity thing for i don't know crippled warriors or some shit okay and uh anyway this kid was um he'd been shot in the neck i think they had like his thyroid or something so that it like over really complicated his condition now anyway he had like three quarters use of one arm and that was about it like everything else moved a little but like you couldn't do anything with the rest of it he was all like yeah my life is awful like like all like like fucked up but he could drive and uh like because he had the one arm he had the one good arm and he was getting so much assistance and so much money. He had two vehicles. One was the supercharged brand new Camaro, like the ZL1 Camaro. And the other was, I can't remember which.
Starting point is 00:21:13 Oh, it was the Raptor. He had a Ford Raptor. And his Ford Raptor, like both doors open up suicide style. And then an elevator picks him up and twists him in there like he's a goddamn decepticon that rocks that's so cool and and he's like he got pulled over with with kitty going like really fucking fast in his car well i'm like you let that cripple drive fast there's no way he's a good driver anyway he and and like the cop is so like the cop gets there, and he's like, Hello, sir. Yes, I'm a Marine veteran. Please don't.
Starting point is 00:21:48 And the cop's like, Oh, my God. Super fire. Carry on, soldier. The cop gives him half a handy or whatever. Half a handy. That's just cruelty. That's worse than no handy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:03 I'm not on board with this. Our veterans need better treatment. But he was getting taken care of pretty well and plus you know he got to hang out with me which is the greatest prize of all so um i mean you know we lowered we lowered him into that tank like a fucking we lowered him into that tank like a marionette i really struggle with this veteran benefits type thing. Is it really a lifetime income, lifetime housing, lifetime safety net forever for four jobs? I'm not saying the job's not traumatic or dangerous. I know I said it wasn't the most dangerous.
Starting point is 00:22:39 But my friend was a tow truck driver. I vastly underestimated how traumatic that was. They're the first people on scene. The shit they see, the brain scattered all over the dashboards and they have to hook it up and get that shit out of there. Like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:55 And no one looks at tow truck drivers and calls them like our heroes or whatever, but well, they're out there making the traffic flow again. Yeah. That's traumatic, but it's not. Workers as heroes either. They're cleaning up the traffic flow again. Yeah, that's traumatic, but it's not. No one looks at the sewage workers as heroes either.
Starting point is 00:23:06 They're cleaning up messes, okay? Meanwhile, Lieutenant Dan's out there losing his leg fighting the VC. Okay, he's a hero. Does that make a crab fisherman a hero? Is he out there losing his hand, getting it squished between giant cages? But he's not doing that for you. He's doing it for Taylor, mostly. Yeah, and that guy is a
Starting point is 00:23:27 hero by the way just injecting that in there yeah i don't think i don't like this particular dangerous job comes with fucking blow jobs for the rest of your life and housing and money and it's not really the danger of it though it's that like you're working for the government to go fight their battle and when your mind is broken because like you're going to go into a disgusting horrible scene as a tow truck driver is different than going somewhere like where you might get shot as a combat soldier and so like yeah like if you put your life and your mental health for the rest of your life because that ptsd like they're not going to be normal at 50 like they're going to deal with that forever and so yeah the government needs to be there
Starting point is 00:24:06 and so many jobs who would want to join the military like i if i were 18 there is zero percent chance you could talk me into the military no chance really because i see how like look how many fucking homeless people are military people look at how badly they're treated i talked to my friends who who deal with the va and they say it's an absolute nightmare. They go through hell and they're, they're not taken care of in a, in a timely way. Like,
Starting point is 00:24:30 no, they're not taken care of in the right way. So why would you volunteer? This is their lifetime of free healthcare. They don't, they're not satisfied with it. They don't get nearly as much as you think. And the,
Starting point is 00:24:38 and the free healthcare is such where it's like wait in line for months. Like it's not, it's not a great service i i have a lot of friends are in the military and they none of them are like oh it rocks it's great it's super responsive and easy like i also have a lot of friends in the military who you know present in ex-military and i'm it seems like a hundred percent of them get a lifetime of awesome benefits. Woody likes turning people's benefits off. I've noticed that. Yeah, that money needs to go to Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:25:13 He's always talking about how the farmers need their money cut off, how the military needs it. You would not get voted in. Yeah, right. You're like, all right, look, first of all, y'all farmers down south, y'all need – I don't know why I'm giving you the Southern accent. I guess because you would pander. That's what you do. You New Jersey panther.
Starting point is 00:25:28 You'd do a bad southern accent. But so long as I talk like this while I take away your benefits, you'll love me. You're like Hillary Clinton where you're like, I like hot sauce. Absolutely. I would just do terrible accents.
Starting point is 00:25:43 This is my Mexican accent. You'd be like, thank you for coming to the rally. I guess I just wonder, I ask the question, is a lifetime of free benefits a fair deal?
Starting point is 00:26:01 No, I don't think so. What is it that they do that is so different that it's like, like oh but it's traumatic yeah tow truck drivers traumatic emt i think they should get health care for poor people get health care for free lifetime and they didn't fight afghanistan do they some do yeah depends where you are but that's medicare that's not well yeah but but but you know not everyone know that is that true is that how that works? You get free healthcare, Medicare pays for it? If you're low enough income,
Starting point is 00:26:27 Medicaid will step in and help you. No, Medicaid. No, Medicaid. They both have roughly the same letters. They are similar letters. They sound very similar. I mean, our healthcare system fucking sucks because Medicaid is for the poor.
Starting point is 00:26:43 We're talking about the poor. There it is. Care is for the old. Cage is for the poor we're talking about the yeah medicaid yeah there it is cares for the old cage is for the poor i didn't know that i don't think we should be every fucking uh army man soldier for life um i think that if they uh get their legs blown off we need to take care of that get them a good leg not some wooden peg or anything too but also they don't need to be like the blade runner or anything on the, either. Um,
Starting point is 00:27:07 I don't know why my boy had like quarters of hand for the cars. I'm a generous man. Multiple hooks. You need a bronze hook, a hook for like your wedding, like a gold hook. It's a corkscrew. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Yeah. You want like an iron hook for, you know, I mean, motorcycle riding. I'm with it. I got you. Custom eye patches.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Clearly you need a taxpayer funded parent. I'm there. We're phasing out the VA in favor of swag bags when you get back from Afghanistan. Wow. AirPods for my one ear.
Starting point is 00:27:44 Mostly pencils. Colored pencils pencils though they're cool there's a ring doorbell ring doorbell so that you don't leap up in the night with your gun we got your ring doorbell no yeah go earn your money. We got you. We got you lots of machines that pop out. We got you the Billy Mouth Bass. We got you a jack-in-the-box. We got you jack-in-the-box. We got you fireworks.
Starting point is 00:28:16 We got you a car. A brand new car that backfires. We gave all your friends and family fireworks, too. Guess what? Fireworks for your whole neighborhood. Every kid in the neighborhood is going to be saying, thank you, private Tony for the fireworks. And guess what?
Starting point is 00:28:34 I told every one of them in celebration of you to set them off throughout the night. Superfine soldier. Terrified. Which branch would you join? You got to sign up tomorrow, Taylor. The war is beginning.
Starting point is 00:28:48 We're going to be doing battle with the Italians once again, surprise, surprise. And, and you're going to need to join up. Yep. Yes, we are.
Starting point is 00:28:57 We're, we're taking them down from Sicily to Rome. Every Italian has to, the Vatican is actually where they're, they're holding out over rome and we're putting the theme park there america style no so so the uh the catholic church took over the entire city of italy um nation of italy and uh yes and and and now we have to invade yes so we're fighting the pope's forces all right so we need to be a war we need to bring some stuff with magic
Starting point is 00:29:21 resistance number one shit yeah. Yeah, obviously. I can't join the Air Force. That would be my number one pick, obviously, but they don't let you in if your eyes aren't good. They don't let you fly the planes if your eyes aren't good. They got plenty of shit you can do. Oh, I don't have to pick a combat position?
Starting point is 00:29:41 Okay, well then, fuck, you get paid the most in the Air Force. What's the easiest Air force thing what do you man flag man i'm chief flag man of the easier than that my my brother-in-law was in the air force this was his job he sat at a like office chair and he looked at satellite pictures and he circled things that he thought were interesting like to intelligence and then he handed the pictures back that was that that that he thought were interesting, like to intelligence. And then he handed the pictures back. And that was that, that,
Starting point is 00:30:08 that, that's what I want to do. He's a hero. You can't, you're, you're immediately not going to be able to do that. Can't do please. Oh,
Starting point is 00:30:17 we got, we got to go over here with two good eyes. And then we got Taylor. That just means I'm looking closer. you got private squinty eye over is your vision completely corrected can you read yeah you like reading your vision must be very good corrected it's uh it's it's not quite 2020 with these glasses i need to go get new ones i'm probably like 2030 2040 but no i can read just fine i can you know there are people out there who have actual 20 20 vision you know we're looking for missiles sir i know that's what i'm looking i can be
Starting point is 00:30:51 correct okay this isn't where's waldo we're looking for the rockets i will say i when i get my eyes tampered with and my glasses fixed i have 20 20 for probably six months until it phases out again and it starts to get a little worse and so honestly it's been about a year and a half so yeah i'm definitely not that trails off toward the end do you like your vision a little fuzzy taylor do you have a preference for that no i prefer it to be crisp every time i put my contacts back in after wearing glasses for a long time i'm like i forgot about how great periphery is. Like, because some people with like eyes that aren't that bad can kind of read out of their periphery. But like, to me, everything's fuzz outside of my glasses zone. Yeah. So like, and because of the way it's warped, like I have a set side monitor here.
Starting point is 00:31:37 If I go like that to read Twitter, which is open, I can't because I'm looking through the gaps and it's not the right angle. I have to turn like that I can't imagine Extra good Kyle. Do you have 20 20 years it's something better than that. Um, it's something better than that It's like 2010 2015. I can usually read the bottom row from like several steps Not the bottom row of the like second from bottom, third from the bottom or something like that. It's like 2010, 2015 depending on when I've done it. Do you know when people go to the eye doctor?
Starting point is 00:32:12 Do you go? When I go to the doctor, they always test your vision. I think I read better than the 2020 at one point in my life, but that had been gone for a while and during my 30s and most of my 40s i actually preferred uncorrected vision like jackie called it woody
Starting point is 00:32:31 vision like everything's a little softer the world's a little happier like all the harsh edges and sharp like if you look at a tree and there's like all those leaves with the brutal edges nah mine would just like a like a watercolor version a little better like a soap opera camera yeah I preferred Woody vision but then it got to be too much where it's like you know the printing on everything nowadays
Starting point is 00:32:56 is so small this new god damn wavy font have you noticed the planet's not as well lit as it once was it's surely not me yeah i can tell like i really need to get back to the eye doctor when i'm driving at night and my because my left eye is astigmatism and i get the the crosses and the stars around every single light and it's it's to the point now where like they're big fucking shiny orbs. And so I really need to get back in there, but like for day-to-day stuff,
Starting point is 00:33:29 like I'm good. Like I can, I can read, I was going to say, I could read that container of weed. I can't, so I can't read which one that is, but that's pretty far away. It's on the way other side of my desk. That's like four feet from here. Just take my word for it. No one, no one could read these tiny things from there but yeah i always was jealous of like people who didn't need any sort of eye corrective things because it was so part of my life since i was five and six that like i never really experienced like i have no memory of not needing glasses like i needed it always like i was one of those kids that like when they gave
Starting point is 00:34:05 me glasses i was like oh my god like because that's how it like started is i would like i wasn't paying attention in kindergarten i wasn't learning or like doing anything i was like pretend i was memorizing the little pamphlets instead of learning how to read because i couldn't see anything that was happening on the board and then they fixed my eyes and i you know they took me out of the retard class like they gave me your spot yeah it turns out you recorded it when they finally gave you glasses it's probably one of those yeah like it's like one of those videos on youtube wherever where the kids like but i saw one the other day where like i don't know how the kid was but he was like 10
Starting point is 00:34:39 11 or something and they gave him color for the first time and i was like first of all dude how have you how are you just not getting these i get the six hundred dollars let's say you're incredibly low income oh my god if you tell me hey kyle i know you can't see color you're you're six hundred dollars away you better believe i'm selling lemonade yeah begging because you've heard about colors and you got you gotta want to know dude this kid started crying and hugging his parents and thanking them for the gift of color oh how sweet it was super sweet i felt so bad i was like shit i didn't know that little kid needed color we could have hooked him up with some color i wish i knew if his experience of color was what we get all the time right like the idea is like what you people have been living like this the whole time
Starting point is 00:35:27 meanwhile it's the unedited hobbit footage where it's like just everything is neon like i i've thought about that too like with everything how do you know other people perceive what you perceive internally the same externally because it's there's no real way to know but like that that has got to be fucking kind of scary too to like see color after not seeing anything like that at all it'd be like a reveal that nothing you saw was as it actually was like you haven't perceived anything accurately ever have you ever seen the movie Pleasantville? That sounds familiar. That's where...
Starting point is 00:36:08 The chick learns to masturbate. There is a part where a woman learns to masturbate. She masturbates for the first time. It's the core of the movie, according to me. It's the core of the movie. After that, it falls off. What it is, is it's these people in a 1950s sitcom sort of universe and and
Starting point is 00:36:27 intense feelings make them like turn like like turn into colored people and there is a part it's a bit of a you know a little little nod at the end of the movie everyone's played by wesley snipes it's pretty cool the girl has turned colorful and i think i can't remember who it is the actress i know toby mcguire's in there i think but uh but i think they call her that colored girl at one point and she's a white person but but she's not in black and white anymore so she has red and colors yeah it's it's a fun little movie i like that movie reese witherspoon that's it yeah yeah yeah Maybe I'll check it out. I have to absolutely punish myself
Starting point is 00:37:08 30% watching the rest of this last season of Walking Dead. This is unreal, dude. Honestly, it's unreal how bad this show is. I'm so glad you're watching it. if you put me in charge of it and said taylor i want you to fuck this up it would be a better product like some of the dialogue is so bad because i have my own theory the the the stakes surrounding the zombies are so profoundly low that they have to manufacture every bit of danger around them.
Starting point is 00:37:46 Like I watched some scene last night and in fairness, I am not paying great attention to this. I'm doing other stuff. But like they were on some train car trying to get somewhere. And, you know, Negan and Maggie are having their little spats and bickers and everything. And like some dude on their team who's like what Kyle calls a red shirt or a blue shirt or whatever on Star Trek, who's like he's outside the train car. And there's zombies outside the train car. Hundred yards back. And, you know, the speed of these zombies, it's embarrassingly slow.
Starting point is 00:38:14 And this guy is banging on this door going, let me in, let me in. And everyone's just calmly like looking at maggie like let's let this totally competent bitch like what she think and she's like we don't have this is how she delivers it we don't have the bullets to clear them we don't have the bullets to clear them i could have opened and shut that like a goddamn revolving door 15 times in that sentence and this dude is still banging on there begging for his life and you know what it is in there and watch him for 30 more seconds and then he steps and then he takes out a knife looking all
Starting point is 00:38:50 serious and he goes in the chest and he goes let me tell you what I think he's slowly eaten with plenty I think there's a real disconnect between the writers and the people who who turn the the screenplay into visuals like i bet the writers were like described a scene in which they don't have the bullets to clear a man look at look how thick they are there must be 8 000 of them and uh oh man look at look at look at that huge ravine
Starting point is 00:39:26 that's right there to the left isn't it isn't it deep and chasm like but you couldn't afford to do any of that so they had to go on some railroad tracks here in georgia about 30 minutes from me and and they didn't have 8 000 zombies they had 18 and so it's like come on man like do we need y'all y'all can clearly like beat zombies up barehanded at this point you're so good like rustle up some sticks you i saw you throw a rock earlier and kill one like yeah yeah just a little effort what's funny is over so at first daryl has the crossbow okay cool and then someone else gets like a bow and arrow. You're like, all right. And someone else is like, I'm kind of a Morningstar guy. Before long, there's like
Starting point is 00:40:10 ninja stars. Who's those ninja stars at the beginning of the season? Oh! Someone threw shuriken? Are you serious? Dude, I... You would never throw shuriken. There is a scene
Starting point is 00:40:24 in this fucking show where they are defending against the Dude, I would never throw shuriken. There is a scene. There is a scene in this fucking show where they are defending against the Whisperers, which is the dumbest group of low IQ individuals in the history of the planet. And for some reason, Negan fucks this bald woman. And there's a lot of them. And that's very disjointed. I didn't care for it. It didn't make any sense.
Starting point is 00:40:46 This woman, it doesn't make any sense. She's the whole time like, I'm an alpha. And he's like, oh, I'm fucking Negan. And then they like have sex. It's like, this fuck is retarded. It's so goddamn stupid. This scene. I bet it took eight hours to amount to what he just said.
Starting point is 00:41:01 It literally did. Full episodes, I just surmise. The final Whisperer push they they're sending all their minions like because they depending on the scene they can either only whisper around the dead or they can yell loudly and still not be attacked by them like that's what it needs and so they're attacking and it's just a big horde of zombies and these fuckers like rick's former team they've got roman style shields and shit and they're in formation like a bunch of fucking losers going like forward and it's like do you know how much fucking time you're wasting just everyone get up to the front and go like this don't even put any mustard in it don't even put any mustard in it they've been dead for 12
Starting point is 00:41:43 years just a little pop just a little pop pop pop that's all you need you put me in charge of this and i tell that dude with one arm i kill him i kill the one-armed guy the guy fucking hate him he put a what is the ball with the spikes called a mace like he's got a mace for an end now that guy's fist that guy fucking sucks and and no one has good decision making. The leader, frankly, the only person who's had a good idea in the past entire season has been Negan. Can I say that crossbow frustrated me from day goddamn one? From the first time I saw that fucking crossbow, I thought it was... Because people don't know how arrows work? Because people don't know how fucking arrows work.
Starting point is 00:42:19 Because people don't know how fucking arrows work. All right, let me tell you how arrows work. That crossbow shoots 400 feet per second. people don't know how fucking arrows work all right let me tell you how arrows work that that crossbow shoots 400 feet per second okay that that bolt will go through your head and just skip along through the woods just to pause you there i didn't know this it would my head i'm a healthy uh fully living person it'll pierce both sides of my skull it will it will go through a full-grown deer skip along through the woods and you're like where'd my arrow go fuck oh it's oh there it is ruined on the ground like i would shoot i want my first year i shot
Starting point is 00:43:02 uh aluminum arrows because that was the standard at the time. My second year, I shot carbon fiber because they weren't absurdly expensive. Carbon fiber stands up a little bit better, but they'll still snap and break off and stuff. Aluminum, if it hits anything, warps a little and it's no longer an effective arrow. But the carbon fiber ones, I saw them snap plenty of times go it'd go through the deer and maybe hang a little bit but it's almost always going straight through a goddamn deer so a person especially a person's head like it's just going on through isn't it ain't stopping yeah and you're wrecking every arrow because you're losing every arrow you can shoot someone in the skull and be like thank god i got my arrow back like it's it's gonna break
Starting point is 00:43:43 and if you shoot an arrow out of a crossbow that strong like if you take a carbon fiber arrow that's like just a little like not even perceptively a little broken like and you try and shoot it again through that it could explode like it probably could just dangerous though winter apart go in your eyes the whole the whole bow comes apart in a violent kind of way in the the middle of a fight it could smack you in the eye and suddenly you're getting beaten to death because you can't see very well. It's strings and fiberglass whipping around everywhere.
Starting point is 00:44:11 I always thought that too. The bow and arrow is the perfect weapon for people who don't know how bow and arrows work. My problem with Walking Dead towards the end is the wrong people start. It could have been the Negan show. Maybe he's's pretty good character yeah he's uh daryl's a terrible actor people don't even recognize it but he's a god
Starting point is 00:44:30 awful terrible actor who just plays pouty or something and always bummed out he's always bummed out he's pouty his lines are terrible yeah he's he's awful but like the idea of daryl is good but the execution is terrible and people don't notice. There was no idea of Daryl, by the way. He was supposed to go away, but they loved that guy's performance so much. You put that perfectly there. Like, when Daryl comes on screen,
Starting point is 00:44:58 I want to believe that a fun character has just entered the screen. But every time it's like, oh, no, he's just sad about something and someone's going to ask him something and I'm going to go, oh, what's Daryl's answer? And then Daryl's going to go, hmm. Yeah, Daryl was never a good character.
Starting point is 00:45:15 The characters that always interest me in that show, Shane was a very compelling character. Rick, super compelling character. Carl, don't care, don't care. Never cared. Don't like child actors unless they're the best of the best and he wasn't even close. Fuck Carl. Didn't care. But once you killed him off, I gotta quit watching the show because what's even the fucking
Starting point is 00:45:33 point anymore? All of those, that woman who couldn't close her mouth, I wanted her to die so many times. Yeah, Andrea or Andrea or something. Yeah, yeah. You know who's good? It goes against the grain. Judith. I like Judith whenever she's on screen. You probably didn't get this far. Carl had a kid. andrea yeah yeah you know who's good it goes against the grain judith i like judith whenever she's on screen you probably didn't get this far carl had a kid that kid was born and laurie the wife died during childbirth well you get to seasons like 10 and higher and judith is like
Starting point is 00:45:56 eight or something and she's been raised in this zombie apocalypse world since the beginning she's been shooting as long as she's been walking and she's actually pretty fucking competent and she makes good decisions and she saves adults sometimes yeah not by like muscly like going in there like tarzan and just you know at the what's the serenity the end where river just wrecks all the reapers she never does that but if you're in a precarious situation and she has a rifle she hits their head boom fair understood yeah that makes sense um well i didn't like like as far as the judith shit like and you wouldn't like this kyle like the uncomfortable deference they give
Starting point is 00:46:38 to this six-year-old about serious conversations where like they'll be like there's a problem on the there's zombies again or there's an issue here we can't let be like, there's a problem on the, there's zombies again, or there's an issue here. We can't let this group in. There's a rapist among them. And she'll be like, I know we have to let them in. And everyone's like nodding sagely.
Starting point is 00:46:58 Like, Oh wow. She's right. Like, and it's like, Whoa, Whoa. Like you guys all are maybe 18 months older than the last time you
Starting point is 00:47:07 let a band of murderers and rapists in and like like i'm gonna tell you like after watching after watching the first like three four seasons of that show i i i knew right then all right we're gonna have like a core group of friends in this apocalypse. And we're not going to like let anybody in. And, and, and we can't trust women either. Like we trust just dogs, like real life.
Starting point is 00:47:31 That just dogs will be our friends. And like the people we have here and everybody else, we probably need to stalk them and then kill them when we're sure we can get away with it. Like, like cause, cause just befriending or walking up to anybody, everybody who's still alive is alive because they're a killer.
Starting point is 00:47:48 Everybody in that world has used whatever innate talent they have to survive in a vicious kind of way. There aren't victims anymore, unless there's a protector right next to them. Elliot, is that his name? Or Ezekiel? Ezekiel. I'm not going for Ezekiel.
Starting point is 00:48:05 He's got the bullets. He has long hair. He looks terrible. He's a voyeur. He watched Abraham and whatever. Eugene. Eugene is who I'm going for. That guy plays a coward. Eugene's character is a coward. I get it.
Starting point is 00:48:20 Oh my god. 12 years into it he's still afraid of a a single zombie right it's been established you can poke one in the head with a pencil and they drop like flies and he's still like can barely bring himself to do the most mundane combat stuff no one's beaten him up yet for being kind of insufferable like he's interesting sometimes but when he walks in a room and is like i just wanted to make it entirely clear that my presupposition regarding this situation is that is it it is a bad idea and it's like shut the fuck up dude shut the fuck up get to the point i at least be funny you're gonna do a pretty good impression, by the way. I thought the idea... I thought the idea...
Starting point is 00:49:05 I'll tell you. I thought him making all the bullets explode in the guns and hurt everybody was... They didn't test the bullets at all. Not one. They didn't fire a single shot. They all got to the bad bullet at the same time.
Starting point is 00:49:22 That means every bullet was bad. And they all fired at the same time. Well, I think there was a good amount of war and battle prior to that. Right? No. No, no. So here's the scene. That was the first shipment of his bullets.
Starting point is 00:49:34 It's the end. It's the end of the season. It's right before Rick cuts Negan's throat. And all of Negan's guys have all of Rick's guys at gunpoint. And it's like, oh, shit. They have the high ground, there's more of them and they all pull the trigger at the same time and either maim or kill themselves instantly because every bullet Eugene made was an exploding bullet. Every one of them had to have been. Except for the one shot
Starting point is 00:50:00 that Negan tested. The camera pans the fucking group as each of them in succession is maimed. Hands blowing off, faces getting half blown off. But the previous 40 minutes of the show didn't involve any gunfire? I don't know. No, Negan, it was a whole thing about like, we need
Starting point is 00:50:17 this shipment of bullets by then and Eugene is like, it will be done for you by tomorrow. And then like, he comes back and Neggan shoots one bullet and is like that's quality assurance and then they go and do it and and they all shoot at the same time fucking red coat style yeah like every single one of them it it's a really it's just stupid like i'm watching right now doctor who and i don't know it's i think i'm in season 10 Who and I don't know it's I think I'm in season 10
Starting point is 00:50:42 Oh That show ever and I was Okay, so I would disagree with what Taylor Just said Doctor Who had some good years The Matt Smith is were outstanding Who's the other well Loved Doctor Who he's the only Doctor Who there is
Starting point is 00:50:59 The I only like Matt Smith Okay, there's another one that's also widely Beloved and there's an argument amongst Doctor Who fans as to who's better. And they were fantastic. And then it got replaced by the old Doctor, the one that plays guitar and wears Ray-Bans. Sure. And he's not a good Doctor. But the companion, Clara, was outstanding.
Starting point is 00:51:20 She was maybe one of the best companions. Well, they've replaced Clara with bill who it's a boy's name but it's a girl she's the worst companion and now i'm black suffer yeah i'm suffering through the worst companion and the worst doctor combo just like wait the doctor's a lady now right i haven't made it to that doctor yet yeah there's like three years a lady doctor ahead of you so good luck with that. Taylor, if you ever want to watch it, it's a Lady Doctor. So if you ever want to watch that, there's Matt Smith.
Starting point is 00:51:52 The way it works, obviously, whenever it's time to get rid of a doctor, he transforms and sort of gives his life to save the day. And in doing so, he reincarnates essentially into a new form. That's a, got a lot of the same qualities and then none of the same qualities in a new body. Um, that's how this alien life form works.
Starting point is 00:52:13 And, uh, and so the Matt Smith years are very self-contained story that you could watch without the previous year or the, the, the years after him. Uh, they're really fucking good. I love, I like the chick who plays, uh, Amelia pond. without the previous year or the years after him. They're really fucking good.
Starting point is 00:52:29 I like the chick who plays Amelia Pond, that redhead from Jumanji, one of the shorts. Oh, with the big ass? Oh, yeah. She's even younger than in Jumanji in this, and she's just palling around with Doctor Who all over the world. She's the girl who waited.
Starting point is 00:52:44 It's fun. Seasons 10 through 13 are amazing. They are the seasons. I just looked it up. And Kyle likes seasons 13, I guess. Is it? No, no, no. I must be counting Doctors.
Starting point is 00:53:01 The 10th through 13th Doctors are very good. Yeah, so I think the counting of the seasons is difficult because it goes back to the 50s, I think. There's a doctor named Christopher Eccleston. I guess that's the actor who plays the 9th doctor, Christopher Eccleston. He only played one season. He was really good. Then came David Tennant. Some people think he's the best doctor. Most agree he was very good then came david tennant some people think he's the best doctor uh most agree he was very good then came matt smith some people think he's the best doctor now i'm on peter capaldi and he's not by the way these this is the modern doctor who it goes back
Starting point is 00:53:36 to the black and white i watched it as a kid i really enjoy one of one of the best moments we've talked about it before but quickly like matt sm Smith's doctor who like calls the alien. He just saved the world from back. He's like, get your ass back here. He's like, he's like, why,
Starting point is 00:53:50 why do you think this planet's never been taken, been destroyed? And they like, like have this flashback of all the enemies of the planet. And like, it's, but they have flashbacks of all the doctor who's, and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:54:00 holy shit, this is a black and white, like, like how long, how old is this show? It's like General Hospital. Yeah, they can all deliver. Even the doctor that I don't like, Peter Capaldi,
Starting point is 00:54:11 when it comes time to deliver a Doctor Who speech, he's got it. He can dress down a bad guy. Yeah, I like there's a little bit of a like reverse time thing going on with the Matt Smith thing and and River, which is very cool. There's a nice little twist when you finally get to the end of the doctor's tale because it's kind of a kind of a loop or Matt Smith's doctor anyway. I think it's not a spoiler to explain that. I forget why, but River goes backwards in time and Doctor Who goes forwards. So at the beginning dr who is like who
Starting point is 00:54:46 is this chick and she's like ah we're married with this for that but whenever he asked for details she's like spoilers you know and he she doesn't tell him the life he's about to go through well i got to the other side of it where he sees her for the last time and she's like who are you i get to see the other side where she doesn't know this guy. He's like, you don't know me? We were married. It's very cool. Then who she is,
Starting point is 00:55:13 her parents and everything. Very cool. I love the Matt Smith Doctor Who, but I don't like the rest of that shit. I can't do the other guys. I don't like that old guy. It's kind of wackadoo. Not into it. I'm certainly not going to be into the modern Doctor Who. They tried to make the old guy cool
Starting point is 00:55:30 because he plays the electric guitar and wears Ray-Bans. There's a reason old people can't pull off some of these things. You look like you're trying to be somebody else. Who's the oldest guy who's like actually kind of stayed hip with it like is it snoop dogg because he was actually who came to my head too yeah because i think snoop dogg's gotta be in his like 60 is he 60 i think of snoop dogg is 55 60 something like that 51 oh all Oh, all right. Well, never mind.
Starting point is 00:56:06 I'm way off. Never mind. I think of him as like a Howard Stern question mark. No, he's, no, I wouldn't think so. I mean, his whole, he's got a real backwards view on like media in general, just because he has a monopoly on his own little, little corner of, of that industry. And he doesn't seem to really stay up with technology you know he's he's kind of a agoraphobic so that's part of it staying up with cat man
Starting point is 00:56:31 i thought that's what we're talking about who was like yeah it's always like staying like relevant and like not relevant but someone who's staying up to date with like the world in general and like technology and uh yeah you know like our parents our parents couldn't figure out how to change the input on tvs for a while like what's the thing that that we aren't going to understand or be able to do was it crypto like i didn't i didn't even want to learn but i think that'd be a bit i think that was just that generation's um um pyramid scheme multi-level marketing i think that's multi-level marketing for smart people um so so i think i'm glad i reported that i know a lot of smart people made a bunch of money on it and a lot of smart people lost their fucking lives in it
Starting point is 00:57:17 like i it was always so intimidating i always had the same perspective of like that's for the birds i don't know i don't know what to do in that space. And I'm not confident in myself to make the right decision. Bitcoin's currently at 27,000. Does that seem right? Yeah. Sounds good. Is it time to buy that like medium part where no one's paying attention to it?
Starting point is 00:57:40 I don't care anymore. It's time to buy GameStop. What are you doing oh oh my god is it 2021 i i didn't know damn that would have been so great oh did you see that video i sent uh in whatsapp me taking the wasp out yeah i didn't know oh yeah he was up on the fucking blinds and i fucking roasted him it takes like half a second like half a second with the fucking fucking hammer of god here and he's just roasted out of the sky yeah yeah that's three of them i've taken out he just like dropped immediately yeah my uh my my pc tower is right by
Starting point is 00:58:21 the window so i leave the window open if it's like cool day. The wasps come in and they don't get out because I laze those bitches. It's so fun. I do need glasses, though. Yes, you do need glasses. I pushed back and joked that I'm too tough to burn my eyes, but the truth is they did make a good impression. what tough to burn my eyes yeah but but the truth is they did make a good impression yeah all right i need glasses they're like yeah if you just they're like if you just shine it in your eye for a second now you can't see out of that part of your eye the reflection off glass will ruin
Starting point is 00:58:55 your eye and i'm like that's pretty much exactly what i do with yeah you're right guys i'm not doing this yeah i've been i put that refractory tip on it and I'm just shining the whole living room haphazardly. It makes like a thousand lasers. You get a whole pocket full of them. 1.6 fucking watts, folks. Is that what it is? 1.6 watts?
Starting point is 00:59:18 Yeah, because that YouTube channel tests them because I think 100 milliwatts I think is the the limit could be wrong might be 50 uh-huh and this thing is 1.6 watts so way way beyond like like what they're supposed to be selling on amazon for sure don't shine it at a fucking aircraft or you'll be a goddamn felon like me uh that laser for killing Aptasia, the one I didn't buy, six watts.
Starting point is 00:59:48 Holy shit. Six watts. How much do you get one of those now? $172. I don't think it's fun though. It only works underwater. Oh. You need something to refuck. Maybe if you shine it through
Starting point is 01:00:03 some water at someone. You need a water lens to focus the beam. Someone showed me where some guy on YouTube took a whole bunch of super powerful lasers and they combined them into one laser, but they were infrared lasers, so the death beam was invisible. So he could just be walking around killing
Starting point is 01:00:25 people, and it would just be an invisible ray burning them up, and no one would understand what was happening to them. Jesus Christ! Yes. He has to film it with an infrared camera to show the evil that he's doing with the ray. Someone linked it. I didn't watch it. I need to find that video. That sounds
Starting point is 01:00:41 cool. Yeah. All right. Well, we're going to go do the hangout with the $50 patrons. Yeah, uh y'all have a y'all have a good day everyone very good pkn 449

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