Painkiller Already - PKN #47

Episode Date: July 17, 2015

PKN is back with Kyle and Woody prepare and discuss what they'll be doing before the upcoming PKA/FPS Russia Paintball trip in Chicago!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Alright, we're live. Painkiller Nearly episode 46. We were just brainstorming on topics we're ready to go. Which one do you want to start with first? What do you want to do, Taylor? I want to talk about Bill Cosby. Bill Cosby it is. Alright. So, do you want to lead this or would you like me to?
Starting point is 00:00:17 Yeah, well, you do it, you do it, and I'll add on. Okay, well, basically all I know is what I just summarized to you. So, as everyone knows, there were those rape allegations out against Bill Cosby earlier this year, late last year, whenever it was. There's somewhere in the nature of like 30-plus women accused him of – it was a similar story every time. Basically, he gains their confidence, offers to school them in acting in the world of Hollywood. Then he drugs them in some hotel room or backstage, and either fully rapes them and they wake up the next day and they've just been raped, or tries to do something sexual to them.
Starting point is 00:00:51 We heard that time and time again. Some of the sources didn't seem very credible, but the stories were all so similar, and now, today or yesterday, the way I understand it it some court documents from a while back were released in which cosby is basically admitting to using quaaludes to drug a woman for sex and the judge was basically said something along the lines of why wouldn't you want the world to know what you said under testimony you know so they put it out there so the way i read the story was cosby was buying drugs for women that he intended to have sex with, right?
Starting point is 00:01:27 But not necessarily like, it was like they were all down to party that night. Party on the drug scene, party on the sex scene, like, you know, it was gonna be a party, and Bill Cosby, you know, he's ready to do his thing. It wasn't like, With the pudding pops and the Quailooail so he didn't admit to being like yeah i buy roofies slip them into women's drinks or i slip them a mickey right like like we did back in the
Starting point is 00:01:55 20s you see and uh that was not bad that was not bad at all don't try it again you peaked you peaked that's all i got that's all i got but it wasn't like he was slipping a mickey so much as it was like yeah i used to do some partying really and this is how i did a whole different thing but it's because quaaludes apart quaaludes in like the 80s i want to say forgive me i don't know my ancient history uh i was i was born in the 80s though and it's weird when kids are born in the 2000s now that are 15 years old. That's shocking.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Yes. But in any case, no, Quaaludes are before my time, but I know that they were kind of a party drug. Lots of people, I've heard of people keeping them for like, I've seen movies in recent times where they break out the Quaaludes they've been saving that are in the freezer from the 80s or something like that, and they're like, I got a Quaalude left. And everybody's like, oh, because they stopped making them so yeah it was a party drug it's possible that he wasn't drugging women with these quaaludes although his i think it just seems like
Starting point is 00:02:56 it so so it could be that i thought he i thought that he was admitting to drugging women with quaaludes i thought that was that's what i took from the article. Maybe I misread. I read it pretty carefully. And even, I read it three times. Okay. So, but I still feel like there's some room for slippage here, right? Like even if he said, yeah, I bought drugs for women
Starting point is 00:03:17 that I intended to party and have sex with. Did those women intend to have sex when you slipped on the drugs? It seems like if they say his SOP, his standard operating procedure, is to drug women and have sex with them, then, you know, like, is he getting them into a state where they can hardly consent before he's getting that consent? So all I know about Quaaludes is what I saw from that Leonardo DiCaprio movie, when he took all those, like all those super-powered Quaaludes and then he was just like...
Starting point is 00:03:47 Crawling around, basically paralyzed. It was like having a stroke. So I'm willing to believe that given enough Quaaludes, especially a petite woman, could be drugged into a rapable condition. Hey Siri, what do Quaaludes do to you? Okay, I found this on the web for what's a Quaaludes do to you? That. Okay, I found this on the web for what's a Quaalude studio.
Starting point is 00:04:09 A Quaalude studio. What do Quaaludes do to you? Checking on that. Okay, I found this on the web for what... All right, Siri, what do you got here? Alright, Siri. What do you got here? They were a popular brand of drug called methiquolone? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:38 Shit. No, I want to know what... Oh, there's more. Google, do Quaalude side effects. The drug depresses the body's central nervous system, primarily its brain activity. It relaxes inhibitions for five to eight hours on a single normal dose. Healthcare professionals often prescribe them as an anti-anxiety medication and muscle relaxant. It was also prescribed for insomnia and other sleep disorders. The possible side effects of Quaalude include euphoria, nausea, dizziness, and fatigue. effects of quaalude include euphoria nausea dizziness and fatigue some people also had more unusual side effects including increased sexual arousal and numbness of the extremities holy fuck
Starting point is 00:05:11 this seems like the drug like party drug a party drug yeah like but i mean an orgy drug really yeah yeah sure let's get fucked up and fuck yeah i mean some people i guess not everyone gets sexually aroused but like it's totally and it like it deals with inhibitions for five to eight hours it seems like if you got a girl that was at all starstruck and fed her some quaaludes you'd get a girl that was down to fuck and she liked the cosby show i mean or maybe a stand-up i don't know bill cosby seems like he just seems like asexual to me because he's cosby you know what i mean it's like when you first heard bob saget do his dirty routine you were like oh mr tanner why yeah i i i don't you know this strikes me as like i and shit i don't even know god don't know if I'm the worst person in the world to talk about the subject of rape because they'll all hate me for it.
Starting point is 00:06:08 But in truth, I'm not exactly sure where the gray line of rape starts and ends, right? Like, for example, if you get a girl drunk and she consents, was she unable to consent? Where is that? Like, where are we on this inside drunk you are in my personal opinion that's how I measure things if we are both equally drunk then I feel like we're both making decisions together and like I don't know yeah I like rare it's rare that together that together word is perfect human as equals right you have you have both entered
Starting point is 00:06:40 this drunk state etc you both sort of sort of consented. And you made the same decision in the same state. Yeah. That's not bad. There is somewhere, there's a route you can take here which is bad, too. Where you get her so drunk that she does things that she could very much regret. What if you and your wife are drinking and she passes out during sex during sex and you just finish up?
Starting point is 00:07:09 If you can't rape your wife, who can you rape? Right? What if she wakes up the next day and she's like I'm sorry I fell asleep during sex last night. And you're like, don't worry, I finished up. And she's just like aghast. I'm packing my bags like I actually had this conversation with Jackie like a month or two ago because so um yeah it was about the subject of waking someone up to sex
Starting point is 00:07:38 right so I saw on reddit that this woman said that her husband had standing permission to have sex with her anytime she wanted. That if she woke up with his cock in her, she's like, hey, this is a nice way to wake up in the morning. And I thought, Jackie, I would like standing permission. And by the way, you have it from me. If I wake up with my cock in your mouth,
Starting point is 00:07:59 then whatever, I'm a-okay with it. Just so you know, you got the all clear. And she said, just so you know you got the all clear and she said just so you know you don't I so so apparently I am not allowed to just start fucking Jackie while she's asleep I think I have permission there I uh yeah yeah I mean I was thinking as long as they're in a conscious state at some point during the sexual act I think you you're good. I don't think you can just start and finish and they're unconscious. That's Cosby level. When they don't even know it occurred, yeah, that's inappropriate, I think.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Yeah, but if you just lube that baby up with wet platinum and stuck it in and then she wakes up mid-sex, Jackie apparently says that that's not okay. I've literally done that. It's A a okay over here oh well good for you yeah yeah so uh um somehow oh that that back to the drinking thing yeah i guess uh if she passed out you'd be fine i suppose so yeah i think so i think i've got like yeah i i know like um i think we've had sex when like she had taken ambien and like she didn't remember the next day so i think i kind of have pulled a cosby with my with my girlfriend before nice i can kind
Starting point is 00:09:10 of relate i guess i mean come on let's go easy on him no he's a rapist who drugs women so it's good to see him being found out it seems like he's intentionally putting them in a place where he knows they'll regret the decision right it's like seems like a predator. Yeah, thank you. He's preying on these women. That's not how I operate relationships. I think everyone has a method of operation. Method of operation makes you sound like a fucking serial killer. All right? The end result is not going to be anybody chopped up or raped,
Starting point is 00:09:40 just because you say method of operation. But your method of operation when like courting a young lady you know there's the way you establish contact the way you view uh but you know you got the dentist system basically can you can you teach us the kyle system we all want to know i i don't know if there is a kyle step one i think it's just lots of i think it's lots of uh communication lots of going back and forth, talking and sharing and getting to know each other really early on and trying to maximize time early on
Starting point is 00:10:10 and get to know each other well enough that you feel comfortable enough to get the girl to travel across the country to your house or something within a week or so. That's usually... No, but seriously, I don't know. It's getting to know each other and lots of communication. Now, is there a letdown afterwards?
Starting point is 00:10:25 Is there like, hey, once we did this, are you... No. See, I've never understood that. I've never understood that. Lots of girls I've found are afraid that you're just going to sleep with them and never call them again, never talk to them again. And I've never, ever, ever understood that. I know this and I like this. Code of operation.
Starting point is 00:10:43 I know what's next. If I have sex with you, you're not a notch on my belt or my headboard or some bullshit like that i would never i think of you as much more than that if i've slept with you then obviously i like you i care about you i have something in common with you because i you know i can stand to be around you and that's not always true for everybody so we've got something in common why would i want to just sleep with you once i want to sleep with you many many times so uh so you know there's no reason i feel to like sleep with a girl and then like never call her again it's like i'm gonna call you the next day and try to fuck you again like like that's what i'm gonna do the next day yeah once you get one that's
Starting point is 00:11:18 hot to trot fucking saddle up yeah the hard parts the the hard boring parts the you know the beginning part when you're when you're not having sex it's fun after the sex and i'll have a good time i like that um what were the other topics we had talked about uh we uh there was the the the crash of that f16 hitting like i think like a passenger plane and exploding and i didn't hear about this at all did that happen today while i was out working or something? I think so. I remember I was talking about there was that picture on Reddit of the F-16 engine in the trailer park
Starting point is 00:11:50 had landed. I think an F-16 hit like a small prop plane and they both exploded somewhere. Wow. Yeah. Six hours ago. An F-16 and a Cessna crashed into each other. Well, hell I I feel like f-16 pilots supposed to be too good for this
Starting point is 00:12:21 it happened in South Carolina outside Columbia perhaps like where they both just flying around at like 100 feet? No. That's weird. You would think that that wouldn't happen. They'd solve that issue of planes hitting each other in the air. I feel like they usually like clear airspace and stuff like that, and everybody's got flight plans, and someone's looking out for that to make sure it can't happen i that sucks i assume everybody's dead i don't know i i briefly read the article
Starting point is 00:12:53 earlier the two people in the cessna died and the pilot eject maybe yeah the f-16 pilot ejected from the plane is now being evaluated so maybe his plane was just damaged or something, and the wings touched or something. Well, he's also got an ejector seat. So those guys in that Cessna were just in their blue jeans flying around. This guy's in a fucking pressure suit ready to jump out of there. Never play chicken with an F-16. No, he's ready to go.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Part of his job is getting the fuck out of that thing once it explodes. We played Civ for 10 fucking hours or something the day before yesterday. Oh, how did that go? I brought the championship back to PKA. Where it belongs, baby. Yeah, yeah. Filthy was drunk as fuck.
Starting point is 00:13:39 I think he did about 12 shots throughout the game, something like that. But he was really sipping a lot too. So he drank a large amount of alcohol. And everybody was fucking with him. He was getting really salty. Dude. Really salty.
Starting point is 00:13:54 Okay. So I've only watched Filthy's streams twice. He's been salty in both of them. He has – so Nightbot is in his stream. And you can do exclamation point SPT and find out how much salt per turn Filthy is currently producing. He has owned his salt in a really big way and he gets salty every game. The chat room we're in, the team speak is called Filthy's salt room. Yeah, yeah. So I guess it happens all the
Starting point is 00:14:22 time although I'm saying I just feel a little bit kind of like maybe it's like playing with Wings of Redemption. It's a lot like playing with Wings of Redemption, except here's the difference. He's usually got a good point. I felt like when Filthy was angry, he had a good point most of the time. He was wrong about Chiz. when Filthy was angry, he had a good point most of the time. He was wrong about Chiz. He was confused about Chiz, but it was easy to be confused about what Chiz was doing.
Starting point is 00:14:50 And when Chiz attacked his city... I don't want to get into the nitty gritty details of the game. Go on. When he went after Filthy's city-state ally down there, that's provoking war. That's war. So here's the scoop. Chiz spawned in on the edge of the world right so he
Starting point is 00:15:07 didn't have anywhere to expand to he had one or two cities and just like he was trying to become relevant in the game so what he did is he went after a city state if you're unfamiliar with civ entirely city states are kind of independent ai things and uh the way that the players use them is they kind of befriend them and they vote together and maybe they do things together. You get a lot of bonuses. They give you food, religion, culture, lots of stuff depending on what
Starting point is 00:15:33 kind it is. So Chiz attacked the AI who I guess Filthy had befriended but from Chiz's perspective it's like look I have nowhere to expand. He did though. He did. He did. He was taking that to fuck with him. He was taking that so he'd have a launching point for a
Starting point is 00:15:49 war against Filthy. He literally turned down a city spot that I was like, you sure you don't want this? It's a good spot. You sure? He's like, give me a few turns. A few turns. Are you sure you don't want it? And finally, I took it. I talked to Chiz privately, and I believe that he believes
Starting point is 00:16:05 he didn't have anywhere to expand, that he was stuck. If he turned down a spot, he might have been in a happiness hole or something. I can't speak to it for sure, but he felt like he had nowhere to expand and Filthy didn't deny that and the only way he could expand
Starting point is 00:16:22 was by toppling other cities. He didn't attack Filthy, he just attacked a friend of Filthy, and by the way, what was his other alternative? He wasn't going to win just playing super tall. I guess there was something not great about his cities. I think he, if I recall correctly, the luxury resources he had, and we're getting into kind of inside baseball here, but the luxury resources he had were all the same,
Starting point is 00:16:43 so they're only of use to him if he can find good trading partners who might want his duplicates. But so he was having trouble staying happy. He didn't have a variety of luxuries and he had to attack an AI to grow and Filthy is like, why are you picking on me? And she's just like, what am I, like under what rules is it okay
Starting point is 00:17:04 for me to actually play against you and I thought that was a fair question like that's a fair question there may be other people who were attacking him who just attacked him because he's filthy and he's great at civilizations but Chiz he's like what like do I get to play at all or do you just get to like do like I felt like that that part in that part she's definitely had a good point but i feel like attacking that city state was just that was declaring war that it was clear he he didn't want that you never take those city states just to take them like he took that to hurt filthy the whole goal was to trip filthy out and like this thing
Starting point is 00:17:42 is i don't think she's that way and filthiest thing is i interrupted you but this thing is going to be look if i'm winning this game i can see why you guys are poking at me because if you don't i'm gonna win but i'm not winning anymore and i'm still in a 4v1 and and that was his frustration kyle on the other hand won the game partly because he knows civ and left alone nobody fucks with me it game partly because he knows Siv. And left alone. Nobody fucks with me. It was partly because he knows Siv, and it was partly because he had a mat position that helped him be left alone.
Starting point is 00:18:12 But I felt like it was also partly due to Kyle's interpersonal skills. Like there was a point where he was like, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. Kyle, you're okay. Fuck you, right? We listened to the soundbite. It's literally him going like, all right, everyone who borders me, you're dead. Chiz, you're dead.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Russia, you're dead. Ethiopia, you're dead. Kyle, you're okay. Here, I'm going to play it. I have it here. Here, I'm going to play it. You won it. Here, here. I'm going to play it. You won't be able to hear it, but everyone else will. All right.
Starting point is 00:18:52 The only person I don't border is Kyle. The rest of you are fucked. GG. He goes, the only person I don't border is Kyle. The rest of you are fucked. GG. And he's just ready to kill everyone except Kyle. And I just feel like Kyle, he didn't poke the bear. There's no reason to. So here's what I
Starting point is 00:19:16 did the whole game. I consistently had either the second biggest or the biggest army in the game, the entire game. My army was, most of the time it was game uh my army was most of the time it was bigger than filthies all the time was bigger than shiz all the time it was bigger than by the way it's hard to maintain a big army because they have they cost you gold per turn yeah it costs you gold per turn so so if you maintain a big army that means you can't just flat out buy other things in the game it's it's it's a weight and hammers have been devoted to that stuff but it was a defensive army i made sure the whole time that nobody wanted to attack me. That if they saw that just...
Starting point is 00:19:48 If you press F9, you can see the military scores displayed, and so you know before you trek all your shit over to somebody's base that like, oh shit, he's got just as many soldiers as I have. I can't go over there and take him. And so nobody bothered me the whole game. I was kind of on my own geographically.
Starting point is 00:20:04 And I went patronage, which is all about city-state allies. And I had Siam, who already has a bonus for city-state allyship. And I got every single ally in the game, except for one, I think, that I hadn't discovered. And you won a diplomatic victory. Diplomatic victory. I voted myself in as world leader. So that was great. And the other guy had nukes i was
Starting point is 00:20:25 so we were all surpassed in tech because everybody had fucked with filthy ethiopia had skyrocket ahead in tech they'd gotten medical labs built and they were nuking filthy at a time when like i had land ships but i didn't even have tanks yet a land ship is like a pre-tank kind of yeah yeah it's like a world war one tank it's just a bullshit thing but in that game it's very it crushes everything before it that comes before it it's uh it's pretty powerful but yeah i was glad that that game was over we played all day i i had gotten three hours of sleep the night before and uh then i played 10 hours straight i think something like that that was i was a zombie after that game i felt like shit shit. But yeah, that was good. I'm glad I won. I'm glad that I got to see Filthy just fuck it.
Starting point is 00:21:08 I love seeing him get mad. Like, I was feeding Chiz troops. I was giving Chiz crossbows to go over there and fuck with him. See, Kyle was fucking with Chiz. He was involved in the big 5v1, but it seemed like a 4v1 plus Kyle because he did it indirectly. He, like, again, I can't think of another game that has as large a psychological component, right? Like, if you and I are playing COD Domination,
Starting point is 00:21:36 it's all about map control, lines of sight, gun skill, like navigating the map correctly, et cetera. There is no psychological component in there there's never any time where i'm like well you know i'm not gonna mess with that guy because he seems cool but in civ there is and that is that is how you won the game i think so i think it was a big part of how i won the game i definitely um didn't have the best scores i was i was up there with everybody but I was still just second class in hammers and science
Starting point is 00:22:07 to both Ethiopia and Filthy at one time or another. They kept kind of going back and forth. At first, I was like, Kyle was giving military units to Chiz? Yeah, right. Because they're just costing Kyle money to own and Chiz can use them. It was better. It's better than that. It's win-win. Go on.
Starting point is 00:22:24 With that mod, one of the bonuses that I get from my patronage is that military city-states gift me units. And I had one bonus that like multiplies the amount of units they give me
Starting point is 00:22:35 by like a thousand percent and another bonus that makes it so that every time they give me one unit, they just say fuck it and give me two instead. And so there were like
Starting point is 00:22:43 three allies that were like that. So like every three turns, i was getting like two free units so i'm just like here here just take them take them i must have given him like must have given him eight or nine powerful units crossbows and pikes and stuff and then you gotta have filthy back on the show and i want to tell him everything no don't tell him that absolutely not no uh he would be impressed i think that he would i think he would admire what you did in the game absolutely no he wouldn't he'd be like ah i knew it they're teaming me again but it wasn't teaming it was just like he was he was from what he said you know even though he said i'm gonna kill this guy i'm gonna kill that guy and then kyle whatever like it's not
Starting point is 00:23:20 whatever it's like when he's done with them he'll come to me because he sees that i'm not an aggressive threat uh but but he's just saved me for last i'm just the last thing he's gonna eat so it's my best nature to make the fourth course very late in the night if i can and and maybe sneak a win in some some other way and you got i i won't say you sim city because you had such a large army but you did get to not know i had five five cities five cities i built five i built as many as anybody but super interesting and uh what was i gonna say oh i didn't think by the way that playing like i still consider it sim city when you're playing wide yeah i guess so it's just you're not fighting you know it's not a war game
Starting point is 00:24:04 that's that to me is what the difference is but um but yeah i don't know super interesting congratulations on your win i i find the whole thing i don't know really hilarious really compelling a lot of people in the chat were asking me why i didn't play but in my opinion i'm in the perfect spot you and chiz can just drone away at that miserable game i pop by the chat and just crack jokes perfect i really like we just finished a game uh before we started doing this we uh we won another one we played a 2v2 and we we beat someone that we really don't like like we play with him a lot but he's just a jerk i know who it is yeah it's peter bailish i'll say it and uh he's the same guy who you used to kind of like him because i admired his sneakiness a little
Starting point is 00:24:46 bit but then it came to be that like he wasn't just sneaky when it was advantageous to him he was he was a sneaky for the for the sole purpose of being sneaky so like he'd lie to you just to lie like it wouldn't really benefit him he'd just be like yeah and just lie to you and uh we played him in a 2v2 and just crushed him and his teammate. I think what's interesting, in Civilizations, part of winning is making emotional withdrawals in the bank account. That's part of the deal.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Sometimes you lie, sometimes you attack, sometimes you do your thing. If you only make deposits, then it's hard to win. It's how he plays. I told him in the chat, he was like, why is Chiz being so mean to me? I told him, I was like, we don't respect your play style because you just outright lie when there's gentlemen's agreements where there's lying and then there's lying. The thing is, he doesn't make the deposits. If he sometimes gave a little, if it wasn't always always take you might feel differently about him no no i'm telling you like he's also a poor winner like he's been rude before and he's always just
Starting point is 00:25:49 like picking your game apart like he's gonna coach you or something like that no i don't care for him we we don't like him and we keep telling him we don't like him but but i'm happy to play him because it makes it all the sweeter when we beat him but he was the one he was the other player in that last game that chis and I played with Filthy, where two other players were teaming against Filthy legitimately. Like, one was doing nothing but building units to give to the other, and that one was just attacking Filthy non-stop,
Starting point is 00:26:14 non-stop. And it was me, Chiz, and Peter, and me and Chiz were trying to help Filthy and try to, you know, keep these other two guys from running us over, and Peter was just consistently lying. Like, yeah, I'm helping. I'm helping. And Filthy's giving him money so that he'll build Chaconos
Starting point is 00:26:31 and send them into war, and he's just pocketing the money, just lying. Just don't care for the way he plays. He's just a jerk. I feel like that lie, if you make it every once in a while, might work for you, but you can't just do only withdrawals. Like I said, it's the play style. What he did was not going to help him win. What makes Filthy mad isn't when people are trying to beat him.
Starting point is 00:27:00 He doesn't care about that. What he doesn't like is when someone suicides themselves into him because they don't know how to play and that trips him up so he can't compete on that high tier level that he needs to be to compete. With someone who's not being kamikaze'd. Yeah. Yeah. He's never in danger
Starting point is 00:27:15 of losing his cities. It's just like, hey that guy can now build. It's the difference between building. There's two things you can, ways you can tech. You can tech toward workshops for production production you can take toward universities for science and he wants to tech toward the universities but if they attack him he has to go toward workshops and he's already halfway in between it really throws him off yeah yeah or you know maybe he's just building straight up armies when he'd rather be in building workshops or university, something that would improve his civilization there.
Starting point is 00:27:48 So, yeah, anyway, interesting that you won. And I find the mental aspect of the game at least as interesting as the choices and such that you make in the game. Yeah, definitely so. You definitely benefited, well, one, by map position, but two, by, you know, not being on his shit list. I couldn't understand why everyone else wanted not being on his shit list i i don't i couldn't understand why everyone else wanted to be on his shit list it was like like don't get me wrong i would have
Starting point is 00:28:10 attacked him if i ever saw that that i could that i ever if i ever thought i could take him i'd attack him immediately but i never saw a point in that game the only point in that game when i could have attacked him is right after his war with chiz and that just seemed shitty to go after him then because that's literally what he's complaining about. You know, I don't want to beat a weakened filthy who's had to fight his way through four other people. Like, I'm going to beat him, I'll beat him. But, like, I'm much better off picking my own tech path,
Starting point is 00:28:35 my own trajectory that I think is good, and heading toward that. And my goal was to get tanks and then try to kill him. And I think I could have, but it didn't matter because Ethiopia was at nukes way, way, way ahead in tech. tanks and then try to kill him but uh and i think i could have but it didn't matter because ethiopia was at nukes way way way ahead in tech and uh but yeah game the game went well and i'm glad i won because it was 10 hours of uh invested time and i just felt it's hard to lose a 10-hour game uh and i'm sure filthy it's hard for everybody but it's probably extra hard for filthy because
Starting point is 00:29:03 he's probably the best player in that game even though he didn't win he oh it's probably extra hard for filthy because he's probably the best player in that game even though he didn't win he oh it's just like god damn it on the other hand i think he had probably his most profitable stream ever in the history of his streaming so maybe he can like it kind of reminds me of my cousin vinny like oh my god what a fucking tragedy imagine if you just keep making money after money after money but you don't win a video game well fucking horrible i'm sure brody it but yeah you know yeah in the end he sobered up and looked at his bank account yeah yeah he made plenty of money i i'd like to do another one of those those are fun i think jesus that my thing is if things aren't going his way he's not happy and he starts blaming
Starting point is 00:29:47 the people around him and and it's i shucks i don't want to throw stones at wings but it's it's a little bit like playing with old school wings you know my favorite example is when a predator took out the two of us he's like fucking woody fucking woody why'd you do that i'm like what he's like you're next to me you're next to me you know like like what i mean like although in fairness like i guarantee he was standing behind something peeking out over it and you were running toward an objective like doesn't that make sense like i i feel like it almost makes sense for him to be mad because you were like sprinting past him i'm sure he'd been like camping right there where he was for a while that's not how it happened at all no it was i remember it well it was um it was model warfare 2 and did that have demolition there was a yeah
Starting point is 00:30:31 and it was on what's the map quarry maybe yep yep yep so we're in quarry and one of the demo spots was in a building that's kind of in the middle of the map this is sort of two center it's like a metal building it's on the left side so in the middle of the map there's like a spiral thing or something it wasn't that one it was the one to the side and it had some really advantageous camping spots in there so it was kind of tough to take the building and you kind of like throwing bodies at it until you you clear it's really hard to take in game battles you'd have to throw c4s in there and do all kind of ridiculous shit so um we were both running towards that building, and someone predatored and got Wings and I together.
Starting point is 00:31:08 And he starts cursing me out. Cursing me. What the fuck, Woody? What the fuck? I'm like, what? He's like, you know, why are you next to me? We were both doing the same thing, going to the same place at the same time.
Starting point is 00:31:23 Naturally, a predator picked the two of us. If I'm supposed to, and you know when a predator comes, you kind of split up, right? My only, like my argument though was like, why is it my fault for not splitting up? Like, isn't it equally your fault? Couldn't you, like a normal,
Starting point is 00:31:38 like I was thinking like, oh yeah, you know, I guess we were together. That's who the predator is going to go for. But him, it was, well, fuck Woody. The reason we're together is entirely him for being near me, not I should have broke off too. And that is just one of a million examples of just, you know, like a very salty guy.
Starting point is 00:32:03 Now I feel like I'm going to anti-Wings rant. That's not what I intend to do. But, like, when you play Cod with Wings, the end of the session is when he rage quits. Every single night. Yeah, that's true. That's true. I would say that's true, like, most of the time. Like, 85%, 95%.
Starting point is 00:32:20 Like, it's very rare that it's like... I feel like most of the games, Andrew Hill would go, all right, I'm getting off. And then he'd leave. But that was rare that he was that polite. Usually, Wayne's Redemption has left the game. He's just fucking out of there. In my mind, this is how, toward the end of the night,
Starting point is 00:32:40 he has a game or two that doesn't meet his expectations. Maybe he's wearing down. You know, you mentally kind of wear out and stuff and uh he's getting the games where he's trending towards even and everyone knows when you're going even you're not raising your kd it's not going right and he starts cursing you know fucking this and fucking that and this guy is not doing what i want him to do and that guy is not doing what i want him to do and fuck all these people for not playing the way that i'd like them to be playing. And then it was just one of the games.
Starting point is 00:33:09 Wings of Redemption has left the game. And he just quit that night. And that was typically how it would go. Time would pass. He wasn't having as much success as he used to. He'd get really upset about it. And then he'd just vanish from the game. He wasn't having as much success as he used to.
Starting point is 00:33:24 He'd get really upset about it, and then he'd just vanish from the game. And watching Filthy reminded me of that quite a bit. It was like, ah, yeah, very upset, mad at all the other players. Everything going wrong is everyone else's fault. And it's not that Filthy was completely wrong either. Like, here's the thing. Filthy would like it if people only viewed him as the most threatening guy in the game when the stats warrant him being the most threatening guy in the game. But if I'm a player, the reputation warrants it too.
Starting point is 00:34:00 You know, if I'm playing against you and and filthy and you're currently like seemingly doing better i'm still scared of filthy because he's fucking filthy robot right he's great at civilizations but he thinks he should be left alone if he's not currently winning because he's just a person go get go get the guy who's currently winning and i can see both points. So what other topics did we have picked out? There was Cosby. There was Civ. There was Shucks. We should have wrote them down.
Starting point is 00:34:35 We had a whole show worth. The trip, the paintball trip. Oh, yeah. And the fight. Yeah. So I guess paintball trip we're going I think my flights are on the 10th and the 13th so the 11th or 12th are the are the event days we're gonna play paintball in Chicago PB bomb calm be sure to check
Starting point is 00:34:58 that out the last time it was tremendously successful I should make a promo video in a hurry and and let people know that it's going on. Yeah, I think pre-registration ended on the 5th. Well, shucks. But they can still show up at the door? Yeah, they can still show up and we'll play and it'll be a good time. Just tell them you're there to see us and they'll put you in the right group and the right team because there are teams
Starting point is 00:35:17 for the scenario game that occurs on Sunday. So that'll be cool. I'm looking forward to paintball. We had a super successful event last time i hope it's just as successful this time around yeah and filthy will be there yeah filthy will be there i'm psyched to see him in person we'll see if he gets all salty at paintball i don't think he will but he might if he was just like what the fuck like come on yeah i wasn't shooting at him i wasn't shooting at him. I wasn't shooting at him.
Starting point is 00:35:45 Yeah. Yeah. I was shooting at those guys and these guys over here. I'm no threat to him. I'm totally going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to see if he starts agreeing with me. Yeah, right?
Starting point is 00:36:04 That guy's way ahead at paintball. Yeah. I think it's going to be fun, but we do need as many people to show up as we can because fucking, once again, the teams do see them unbalanced to me. I'm bringing my radios for us. You, Chiz, and I will have radios. That's going to be so cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:17 So if we're, you know, we get separated out there, we can maybe coordinate a bit. Yeah. And that actually works two ways. In game, it's very cool, but even, like, otherwise know we're getting burgers what do you want yeah it's easy to get separated on that park and there's lots of trips to go get paint food chill out for a minute whatever so we're often getting split up it's gonna be a lot of fun yeah so um so that's that oh and conor mcgregor's fighting yeah what night is that is that saturday night yeah so it's saturday night he'll be the last fight i think and um you said you're gonna call
Starting point is 00:36:50 the hotel to see if they have pay-per-view or try to figure out how we're gonna watch that i will it's um i really want to see it and um like i'm i'm happy to pay for it but i just need to make sure it's possible i'm afraid that hotel internet is going to be a really crappy streaming experience yeah we don't want that so i'm i'm looking for a good way to get the fight and if they don't have it then i guess we'll have to find a bar i've never watched fights at a bar before i imagine it's not what i want like yeah like i want to be like all right all right all right everybody be quiet i can't hear joe rogan you know like i i don't think it's no yeah the only experience i've had like that is with the walking
Starting point is 00:37:32 dead like i said there's that bar in atlanta uh called something feet eight feet under six feet six feet under maybe anyway they have a walking dead viewing. And first they show the previous episode. I guess that's how it comes on A&E or wherever the fuck it's broadcast. They play the previous week's episode followed by the new one. And when the new one starts, a guy gets on the microphone as the old one's going off. He's like, all right, a lot of new people around here. Maybe you don't know how we do things. We listen.
Starting point is 00:38:02 We watch in silence. There will be no talking. None silence there will be no talking none there will be no whispering if you need something from a waitress you do it during commercial breaks if i have to warn you more than once you're out of here and he's serious that's awesome during the if there's someone chit-chatting over there during the show he'll come on the mic you you first warning and like and i've seen him throw him out of there too i want to see indignant woman be like what how dare you warn me who do you think you are no everybody looks at you like yeah dude shut the fuck up he's got no stop like everybody there's a and he he rationalizes in a couple ways for one thing uh a lot of the a few of the it in a couple ways. For one thing, a few of the actors,
Starting point is 00:38:46 a couple of the main actors, I think, have shown up at the bar to watch the thing because they have this thing every night it premieres. But there's oftentimes some of the lesser-known people behind the show, like behind-the-scenes people, makeup people will be there, and people who are show contributors and stuff, people who play zombies.
Starting point is 00:39:02 And he finds it disrespectful for them to be talking during the show and everybody knows going in that this is a walking dead viewing party not just a bar experience that sounds great on the tv yeah dude i got i never mind i'll talk about later but that sounds awesome uh i i don't think we'll find that for fight night but i i can't wait by the way i think lozon fights on the 25th. So there's a couple big things. He does, yeah. The thing about MMA, so like Cormier, I can never pronounce his name right. Cormier. Okay.
Starting point is 00:39:32 He's French, right? French-Canadian? No, he's American. Oh, well, then Cormier. Okay. I don't know. Yeah, so anyway, his fight just got delayed because he's slightly injured. He's got a bum knee.
Starting point is 00:39:47 And I remember he had a bum knee issues like previously. He just has a bad knee. Conor McGregor was supposed to fight Jose Aldo, who's the champion. So what they're doing is they're giving him Chad Mendes, the number one guy or something. And they're going to fight for the interim belt. And then supposedly, I guess, they'll fight to unify the belt after that um only in fighting can i think of this happening like if you're a football fan this is american football the super bowl will happen right even if tom brady gets decapitated they're still gonna have a Super Bowl right they'll do that in
Starting point is 00:40:25 fighting you don't know until like weigh-in days like once they make weight they typically make the fight but they could pass out on the way to making weight they could get injured in the two three months leading up to it like it these in if you're an MMA fan the Super Bowl gets canceled constantly and it sucks and you know if John Jones arguably the best fighter that the world has ever seen him and Anderson Silva in my mind kind of play for that and some people will say Fedor but John Jones is in the in the argument of the best fighter ever and he's just out of fighting now.
Starting point is 00:41:06 He's done. I don't know if he'll ever come back. Like, in football, it's pretty rare that there's like, all right, the Redskins, we might. Never mind. No more Redskins. They're just through. But it's a fighting thing. It's a tough sport to be a fan of.
Starting point is 00:41:24 Yeah, I can see that. It's so dependent on that one guy. Tom Brady can go down, but the game doesn't end. It goes on without him. There'll be a backup. So anyway, Conor McGregor's going to fight Chad Mendes. Totally different fighter. It was going to be a stand-up battle.
Starting point is 00:41:41 Now this guy Mendes is going to try and put him on his back. But Conor McGregor supposedly has very good takedown defense kind of makes sense because no one's really taking him down he's got super long arms and he fights southpaw which makes him hard to take down when you're southpaw you you put your right leg in front and and it just it it's almost like you're another step away from the fighter, from the wrestler who's trying to take you down, which means they have to run at you even farther, like, you know, as a cannonball type thing. And he'll see it coming and potentially uppercut him or get taken down because Mendes is great at takedowns.
Starting point is 00:42:17 We will see. But I can't wait for the fight. And then there's another championship, Robbie Lauer, McDonald, same night. I'm totally psyched. the fight and then there's another championship robbie laura mcdonald same night i'm totally psyched this is it it might break the record for most pay-per-view cells in an mma fight ever it's going to be right around there it's one of the biggest fighting events that's ever happened in mma so far so it's a big thing and we'll see i'm looking forward to it i hope there's no uh you know injuries or any of the bullshit that can affect these things
Starting point is 00:42:45 yeah mcgregor's trying to make weight right now he looks like hell here for the patreon guys i'll i'll find that picture yeah you showed me that earlier he really does um yeah i've got it here let me see now i need to show it to everybody there is he looks like hell he's just he's just a mess of a guy but he always looks like that so it's not really an indication that he's going to miss his weight it's just hard so I so yeah that's a thing and what was the other topic we're going to talk about? We ran through them. Yeah, I think we went through them. So, oh, a bunch of people on the PKA subreddit asked for an HOA update. And I'll give that here for you hardcore PKA fans.
Starting point is 00:43:38 I didn't sign. I think it's gone. If anything's happened, I was the tie-breaking vote. For people that don't know, I had a homeowners association in apex in apex it was fair and I talked to my attorney and this didn't surprise him so there were I don't know how many houses in that apex subdivision but something like two or three hundred and he's in the attorney was saying that by far whenever there's big problems it's in the little one you know and the one I'm in now had 19 people in it. Not 19 people, 19 properties.
Starting point is 00:44:06 The problem is there were only like 11 people and some guys had a lot of votes. And he's like, what can happen is two, three people become friends and they have enough votes to start determining how the whole neighborhood is run. And he's like, it's always, if it's a big one with two or 300 people, one, there's sanity in the number of people voting. You know, you don't get like a couple friends ganging up on the other 300 people. And two, they often have like professional organizations running like, you know, management companies dealing with these homeowners associations. Whereas in mine, he was describing like the nightmare scenario.
Starting point is 00:44:41 Like the president and vice president of the homeowners association were best friends. And they were like trying to keep it going and stuff. And in hindsight, I just feel really good about my decision not to sign it. Yeah, that sounds like trouble. The president had three votes, you know, and not because he was president, but because he had three properties.
Starting point is 00:45:02 And his three properties combined to be like half the size of mine but he had triple my voting power and it was like just felt really unfair like I was ready to break my I need to break this thing up into seven properties because you know be seven two acre lots and and get like what I feel like is appropriate voting power you know so in the end I didn't sign it i think nothing happened and uh it's like like the philosophy goes like this number one you have a right to do what you want with your property now that gets limited by the state and the county and then the hoa on top of that but i feel like let's reduce those as much as we can you do what you want with your property if uh if
Starting point is 00:45:44 they didn't want something to happen on this property that they don't approve of, well fuck, they just missed out. It was for sale last year. You know, they could have bought it and done anything they wanted with it. They could have made it trees. They could have made it grass.
Starting point is 00:45:57 They could have made it a horse farm. You know, whatever it is that they think is cool could have been that thing, but they didn't even bid on the property. They didn't buy it. Instead, they wanted me to voluntarily give them control over my property in exchange for nothing you should just do horrible things with your property to lower their property values then buy them out and then change it all
Starting point is 00:46:15 back and sell it all for a bundle big farm here we come that's what they don't want that's what they don't want. That's what they don't want. Yeah, swine farms. There wasn't much outlawed. The two big things were swine farms, which whatever, and putting population density. They didn't want townhouses or condos or anything. Dude, that would be so great. Just get yourself a pig farm out there. You're out there in some overalls just working with the pigs.
Starting point is 00:46:44 It smells like pig shit for three miles in any direction you've got like part of a pig farm is called a lagoon i think and and they literally pump out all the shit and like pit piss into like a big pond of it and it's just out there in a pond and it's it reeks i can't imagine that a lagoon and well water go together swimmingly. That's another way to devalue their properties. Poison the water. That's step one. I'm not doing this if my neighbors are somehow
Starting point is 00:47:17 watching. That's not my plan at all. I tend to just live here. I got a pig guy. You got a pig guy? I got a pig guy. We could get you a couple hundred head up there with that fence put in. I am. Yeah. They used to have cows on this property. It was a farm.
Starting point is 00:47:34 I feel like, I don't know. What would, I don't know what to call this thing that I have here. Like it, you could call it a farm. It was once a farm, right? There were cows on it. It says something farms on the, there's like an arched entryway thing to the driveway. It says something about farms on there. So you could call it a farm. But I feel like it's not a farm. The only thing it grows is weeds. Yeah, it's not a farm. More of an estate, I would say.
Starting point is 00:48:03 I feel like a state is super fitting you know the the square footage of the house fits in with an estate you know what you'd expect what's a manor what's a manor house because like so I met this really really rich guy at the gun show like I'm gonna estimate his net worth in the hundreds of millions and uh he had four million dollars worth of machine guns like on him at the time showing him off and uh he showed me all these pictures of his his place and uh and he was like and this is my manor house and i was like that's your manor house i've never seen a manor house and it was just so i don't know what you have to have to achieve a manor but uh if you could do that that'd be nice. But I think a state fits fits nicely as well. So according to some random guy on Yahoo answers, mansions and manors are both physical houses, usually large houses with many bedrooms. Mansions
Starting point is 00:48:55 tend to be used more in North America, manor in UK. A manor also refers to the house of landed gentry or people who owned land. So a manor is the is the house of the people who own the land. Not everyone was allowed to own land back in the day. The actual land including the buildings, fields, villages, etc were called the estate. Some people call the house the estate. In probate after you die all of your real and personal property is your estate. Hmm. I feel like... What about compound? I want to do estate versus house.
Starting point is 00:49:33 Like at what point does a house become an estate? Ah, shucks. Most of these guys are using a state in like the inheritance term yeah i'll have to but yeah again it so back to just the conversation i don't know what to call this place it seems like a state would be good but it feels a little uppity to me um we call it we call it the house in everyday language but i i also feel like it's better than just house. I want my cake and eat it too. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:50:07 I want it to be an estate, but I don't want to feel like a dick about it. Call it the big house. You do own a couple of houses now. You can just call it the big house. We do sometimes call it the big house or the main house, and the other one we call the school house or the big house. We, we do sometimes call it the big house or the main house. And the other one we call the school house or the guest house. So those are, that's how we differentiate those.
Starting point is 00:50:30 But, um, uh, we got new chairs today. It's probably a boring topic, but they're, my mom bought me chairs. So my parents came to visit and they gave us a housewarming gift.
Starting point is 00:50:39 That was two chairs. And, uh, Jackie and her went out and picked them and they arrived. They were shipped today and they look great. They, they, went out and picked them, and they arrived. They were shipped today. And they look great. I'll have to take a picture of it. I'm very pleased with my new chairs.
Starting point is 00:50:51 Probably boring to everyone. This is old people stuff right here. But chairs, I'm down for some chair talk. These are comfortable chairs. Are they, like, squishy chairs? They are. Is this a recliner? Is this some sort of a nice, comfortable chair for the living room? Like, where does this chair go? They are. with the table in between them. And the chairs, they're probably over your head when you sit in them. They're fabric and they have like beads and there's like a
Starting point is 00:51:28 wooden frame along the side. I... Okay. I like picturing that. I wonder if I could find it on a website and win a thousand dollars towards your dream room. I'm just looking real quick. I know where they bought it. And wow, this place sells a lot of chairs. I lost the keys to a bunch of stuff. I gotta go get new keys made.
Starting point is 00:51:58 I've been looking for days and days and now I'm giving up. So it's the keys to two cars, my shop and Two keyless entries, so it's like a $400 loss. I'd say I can't lose the key to a dude century They were all on this big keychain like it's a physical a key. Oh, oh, it's it's a but it's still a device It's just not a key. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's I thought you lost like a combination like like I lost six keys And then the part of my memory that holds the combo to two houses. No, no, no
Starting point is 00:52:30 It's it's a big bundle of keys It's it's the key to two different cars and it's the key to my shop the front door and it's a key to Now do you have copies of these keys? No, I'm gonna get new locks. I have to like do a whole thing Does I include your car? No, but but the truck it it includes the truck i can't it's it's a no it's so annoying i don't know where and my po box that's the other thing so i've been uh i've been checking the po box but they'll open it up for me but i don't have my fucking keys and that's the last time i remember having them i was checking the po box put the keys in my pocket and then no clue from there where they went i either left them in my or brought them inside and put them somewhere.
Starting point is 00:53:06 But like, I've been looking for a week and I can't, I've seen your car. It might take more than a week to look through all the like fast food shit and, and, uh, magazines and, well,
Starting point is 00:53:17 not many people ride in the backseat of that Camaro. I, well, I can see why there's a health risk to, to going back there. I didn't notice any hypodermic needles, but I wouldn't put it past you. There were a few crusty McDonald's french fries back there, and Woody acted like a gopher was dead. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:53:33 Oh, no, that's not true. That's not true. No, he's lying to you. We had to, like, move three or four cubic feet of, like, fast food wrappers and containers and bags and drinks and stuff. Yeah, like whatever that is, they put a burger in the boxes or the the wrappy thing that it was totally. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:56 Yeah, but it was spread across the two seats, but it wasn't so dense that you couldn't push it to just one seat, provided that that, now all the garbage takes the same amount of space that a human would. No, we didn't, we just moved it. We moved it to the other side, and now, I forget if it was behind the driver or the passenger, but that side had garbage in almost human form, right?
Starting point is 00:54:19 Like where the legs would go, and then it came up across the lap, and then there was like like a torso of garbage there was a garbage man in the back yeah yeah that's that's totally how it went down and kyle's like a few french fries oh bullshit i'm definitely messy and uh but i think woody is a bit of a clean freak um so somewhere in between lies the truth uh i i don't think of myself as a clean freak my wife would disagree with you she would say that i i leave my dishes out i i don't i feel like i don't leave my dishes around i just haven't put them away yet yes
Starting point is 00:54:57 that was that it's not there but that was a dish i had for lunch Next time I swing by the kitchen, I'll bring it with me. I think you're pretty, you're, you're very clean. But my, my truck, I, same sort of thing. Like I, I just take whatever's with me as I exit the truck. Like I eat in the truck. It's probably has salt and stuff in the like floors and upholstery, but you know, I'll take all the wrapper stuff out and keep it straight. You, on the other hand, like the part where I don't sit is the trash part. Well, yeah, it's the back. Like the thing is I use it for storage. Like right now in my backseat, there's definitely not any McDonald's bags or anything because I did clean the car out.
Starting point is 00:55:39 Because you've been a Wendy's guy lately? Taco Bell because I cleaned it out semi-recently. But there's like, I don't know, it's piled full of stuff. cleaned it out semi recently but there's like i don't know it's it's piled full of stuff it's not seating arrangement there's like a coat there there's like two coats and three pistols and 400 rounds of ammo and then just like just gadgets and just random shit my grenade launchers in there and a bunch of like a bunch of stuff i'm messing with right now it would be interesting to do like a comparison of the contents of our cars right because you would have like 400 rounds of ammo and several firearms i would have one firearm but like you
Starting point is 00:56:09 know this is a axle that goes to a truck that i don't even own like here's a there's a kid in the back to make it to make uh ar-15 lowers there's a there's a jig for that in there that there's uh there's um lingerie in there that i like the thing that this mannequin used to wear this, this skimpy, uh, like elf uniform, like,
Starting point is 00:56:29 like, I don't know how to describe it other than that. Mrs. Claus, sexy thing. It's in there. I don't know. There's lots of gun parts.
Starting point is 00:56:35 Um, I have a little, I just have one gun in there, but I've got all kinds of like tools and equipment to deal with any kind of like automotive emergency. And, uh, and that includes like rolled over cars and shit like that. Like I of like automotive emergency and and that includes like rolled over cars and shit like that like I could get you back up
Starting point is 00:56:48 and driving home you know like well we got it we got it all going on yeah I've got I got a bunch of random shit in there and and the trucks the same way the trucks got weird stuff in it it's got like some paintball stuff it's like you don't know if I'm going to like a salt a small village or go play paintball or oh or what's going on there. That reminds me, I need a hopper. I always borrow Kitty's hopper. Yeah, I'll bring one. A hopper from the compound.
Starting point is 00:57:13 Alright. I'll bring one along. Yeah, I brought you one last time. Yeah, I'll do that again. Yeah, last time you brought me Kitty's. Chiz sent me a picture earlier of his setup. He's got his red geo all set up, his hopper and everything. Yeah, Chiz has a very nice gun, although I've said it a million times.
Starting point is 00:57:29 I feel like once you get into the electronic paintball guns, beyond that, I feel like it's really player skill that makes a difference. If you put a Geo in my hands, I'd be the same guy. I'm satisfied with my axe. Yeah. I don't know it's it's it's i think it's the same thing with real guns really like 1911s like um those cheap 1911s like uh i can't remember what the cheapest one's called well it's not um rock harold yeah rock island armory yeah you can get a right you know The difference between the Rock Island Armory 1911 and...
Starting point is 00:58:06 Let's just do a mid-grade one, like a Smith & Wesson or a Remington or something like that. The difference is almost double in price, but you're just getting a slightly better pistol. I wish I owned a Rock Island Armory to show you, but they look very similar. They just feel different.
Starting point is 00:58:22 It's a little shit on it that are just... If you're not going to be playing paintball three or four or five times a year, it's just not worth it probably. I have a Smith & Wesson because I have... I think I have three Smith & Wesson pistols. And they just always seem to work reliably. That M&P is my go-to. I've got so many rounds through that thing.
Starting point is 00:58:41 I've got the 686, the revolver. That's a Smithith and wesson and now i have a 1911 and you know they just always seem to do what they're supposed to do yeah yeah so that's good so you want to call it a wrap yeah i think so oh i wanted to talk to you about um so the amazon sale you want to talk about that briefly oh yeah so it's july 20th july 15th yeah uh is it 15th or 25th maybe you you might be right and they're saying it's going to be bigger than black friday yeah i think i'm gonna buy if pc parts go on sale i think i'm gonna use that as my stepping off point for building a new PC.
Starting point is 00:59:30 If they make one of those high-end graphics cards, you know, 30% off, I think I'm just going to go ahead and pull the trigger and start building a computer. July 15th. All right, I've locked in the date. You were right. It's July 15th, and Amazon is doing a huge super sale. I think they're going to try and do something to make people prime members the article i read didn't detail it but it mentioned that people who have prime tend to spend twice as much as people who don't have prime which totally makes sense and uh and they just i think you'll find some incentives to get amazon prime if you haven't done that already. And then of course there'll just be
Starting point is 01:00:05 big sales. But yeah, July 15th. That's not long from now. No, it's coming up real fast. That's my goal. I'll definitely browse and be like, ooh, a new shower head, or ooh, that's some lighting or whatever. And yeah, light bulbs for the rest of my life now, or whatever. But
Starting point is 01:00:21 my main goal is I'm hoping that I'm going to see some deal that's significant enough on one of the components of a pc i don't expect to be able to build a whole gaming pc off of this sale but if i get some of the major components down like if i just get a you know get 150 case for 50 or something if i could get my graphics card for 30 off i feel like that would be a good justification to go ahead and do a new build. Yeah, I want a new build. And it's time.
Starting point is 01:00:48 I want more CPU power. My card is an old school Titan, the original Titan, which I find to be like I could skip a gen. It was a good card. It is a good card, whatever. It's never holding me back, especially lately the only PC game I've been playing is Civ and Minecraft. And neither of those are you know taxing it so but my CPU that's the issue a lot of times when I render it's the CPU holding me back and I remember we did a live PKN and the the audio got choppy and the problem was it was just too much CPU time to encode it encoded twice once for streaming and once for recording and
Starting point is 01:01:27 it could it seemed to struggle with that and I'm like you know I I want to go so high-end on the CPU that I'm set for a few years and I might do it maybe I'll do something similar we'll see see how it goes in the time my goal is to play fallout and I of course want to mod it so I feel like I need something pretty powerful I wanted to be beautiful and I'm not sure what I'm going to do as far as the monitor. I don't know if, this is a 4K thing that I've got. This is like, I think 42 inches in 4K. I don't remember what TV we ended up getting, but I saw one recently that's like 3,144 by
Starting point is 01:01:59 like 1,600 or something like that, and it's uh curved and that looked pretty nice it was like a grand it was like 32 inches wide um i like that i just bought a bunch of home theater stuff and now i feel dumb for doing it like right before bigger than black friday but i guess can you return it probably could but who knows what will be on sale and i and want those particular things as well i don't know but i got new pool sticks oh that's good yeah i was all excited because my pool sticks the ones we've been using came with the table and they're very light and uh it was heather during the team building event she's like these are light and uh part of me was like yeah they are light and part
Starting point is 01:02:39 of me is like oh does your pool table have heavier pool sticks? What weight do you need? A 16-ounce? Right away. Well, I was like, yeah, I have a pool table. I thought that was cool at all. But I got two new pool sticks, and it takes a little getting used to. I got heavy ones, and I'm like, damn, is this what people like? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:03:01 I don't know anything about pool sticks. I know that I've got the one that came with the table, maybe two. Yeah, there were two that came with the table. And then I bought one at Walmart for like $40 or something that screws in half. I'm not going to be so silly as to call it a two-piece pool cue like I wouldn't got something fancy. But I got like a carbon fiber pool cue from Walmart. And I don't know how much they're supposed to weigh I just kind of feel it and it feels right I yeah I got 20 ounces they
Starting point is 01:03:29 were 50 some dollars but I looked at all the reviews and they seem to be the one that everyone thought was great and they if you hold them you feel really nice to me I mean maybe I'm just not schooled in these things but when I played with them it was just like oh there's a whole new touch to develop with these heavy things. So, we'll see. I'm definitely looking forward to that sale. I'm going to take advantage of that. I guess I need to do some thinking. I think I'm going to go
Starting point is 01:03:53 to that subreddit where they build PCs for you and work up a few different budgets and see what I can do. You might want to tap into Chiz and to some extent me. I know Chiz keeps up with PC builds as a hobby. He'll have lots of opinions on that. Yeah, I'll bounce ideas off both of you guys for sure.
Starting point is 01:04:12 I'm sure as the deals come up, we can have some talks like if this is a worthy purchase or not. Yeah. Well, it was a good show. All right, PKN episode 46. Bye.

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