Painkiller Already - PKN 487

Episode Date: December 20, 2023


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Starting point is 00:00:00 P.K. Ann, 47. How you boys doing? Pretty good. Doing good. Yeah, I've been playing a bunch of that Lethal Company game with some of my buddies. I know that it is not for everyone. Kyle's mentioned a million times that what he likes in a game is what I like about Age of Empires 2. It's destroying something someone worked hard on. So I don't know anything about the game and maybe the, some of the listeners are in my shoes too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:28 So basically you and cooperative game, you and supposed to be four player, four people on a ship, but we done download something everybody does where you can have like up to 30 people in there. And so me and my buddies, we had like 10 of us in this little ship and you all work for the company, which is
Starting point is 00:00:45 like this evil space futuristic company and they want you to go to these planets these moons and mine for scrap and you have three days or so to hit your quota and then turn it in and if you do you can you know earn money to pay for stuff like flashlights or walkie-talkies, boom boxes, whatever you want. And then there will be a higher quota. And there's probably seven moons you can go to. There's some that are free, that are easier, lower tier. And then there's some where if you're really banging on all cylinders, and once you get eight turn-ins in, it's like, this is a ridiculous quota they're asking for.
Starting point is 00:01:22 We're going to have to spend 400 of our space bucks just to buy a ticket to go to this rare moon so that we can hopefully make back our losses and everything and there's also scarier monsters and stuff there and it's it's a bunch of fun you're like it sounds a little like the games where you like build a business there's trucker simulator farming simulator there's lawnmower simulator which i low-key want to try oh it's more than that like you're you're you can die you can be killed by monsters i've died just as many times from like getting eaten up by quicksand or uh like falling into pits as i have from actual monsters because you're like at least me like when i'm playing a game i'm trying to like i don me like when i'm playing a game i'm trying to like i don't want when i'm playing dead space i don't want to play it like this is just a gay
Starting point is 00:02:11 game this isn't really scary like i want the lights to be off i want to be kind of spooked and so if me and my buddy are walking around and it's all proximity chat and so one person stays on the ship to look at the radar and tell you where goods might be near you when you're in like the scary caves and the mansions and all that everybody else is out looking and so i'm with a buddy and it's like all right our hands are full so we're walking kind of slow we can't use our flashlights you're in pretty much pitch black and then like a couple of eyes will pop up and sometimes sometimes it's a bug a spooky bug that is giant and you get a little time to flee. Other times it's this fucking ghoul with his like it's the hat man effectively. And he just looks at you for one second and just kills you.
Starting point is 00:02:53 And so you'll be talking to your buddy. And like I was telling Kyle right before this, I was playing with my buddy Brett and he he was one of he was a Sherpa for me just last night. We were in a new moon and we had we were loaded to the gills with bottles and a nuclear light. A nuclear light is super valuable. So we got all this awesome stuff. Wait, wait. A nuclear light and old bottles? Yes.
Starting point is 00:03:14 And believe it or not, there's not as disparate a price there as you might imagine. So you get like $49 for the old bottles. You get like $85 or something for the nuclear light. And so I'm like walking behind him. We're talking. And talking and i'm like man i'm so glad you're here we're so deep in this these catacombs i'd be fucked if it weren't for you and then like on cue the hat man pops up and he's like taylor taylor the eyes are here he's like and he's just being mauled by this thing and so as he's being eaten he drops his flashlight. And so I start to run and then I'm like, well, I can't leave his flashlight.
Starting point is 00:03:49 That costs money. So I turn around and I pick up his flashlight from the dead body as he's being eaten. And then I'm just, of course, I check the flashlight's got like 15% left. And so now I'm just running through these catacombs, just like strobe lighting the flashlight, trying to make it last to being like, do I take a left? Do I take a right? Neither of us had a walkie talkie. So I can't walk you back. I'm just going to have to run and hope for the best. And then I actually,
Starting point is 00:04:12 actually made it out. I was, I was eaten by a forest giant on the way back to the ship, but I made it out of the catacombs. Yeah. Is that a victory? No, no,
Starting point is 00:04:24 I was, I made it out of the catacombs yeah is that a victory no no i i was i made it out of the catacombs pretty well by later dying everyone gets eaten by the forest giant there's nothing you can do about that oh and they don't they like they make it a little annoying like in a lot of games once you get back to your ship it's like we're good we're gucci all the goods are here we can just hang out and waiting for everybody to get back, and then we can all take off. I fucked up our team so bad the other night because I thought there's these electrified bees
Starting point is 00:04:51 all over every map, and these bees shock you and sting you, but their hives are even more valuable than the nuclear light. And so you'll see these hives out there, and the way we do it is I'll be like, all right, Brett, you sprint past the bees and you're going to die more likely than not. But then I'll grab the hive, take it back and we'll store it.
Starting point is 00:05:14 I thought that once you pulled the bees off of the hive, everything was fine. And you can just have the hive. It turns out that's not how the game works. They will go back to the hive it turns out that's not how the game works they will go back to the hive and so like i cleverly duped the bees off of the hive avoided them for a bit picked up the hive made it back to the ship dropped the ship the the hive in the ship and then like 30 seconds later all of the bees showed up in the ship and killed me and so then i'm just spectating every one of my friends who is out looking for things and you can't talk to me anymore and so they're like this is great loot man we're loaded with great loot and i'm like
Starting point is 00:05:49 when you get back the bees the bees in the ship so like one at a time i watched my friends get back and like la-di-da into the ship to be consumed by bees and so all of us died because i ruined the door no that wouldn't have saved you for like originally. Can't even shut it. You can you can shut it sometimes. But the it's a hydraulic like slam shut door. But the second you slam it, a countdown starts because it'll be like 100 down to zero. And then once it gets to zero, it opens back up again.
Starting point is 00:06:19 And unless everybody else is in a cave somewhere at the bottom of it with a flashlight looking out for monsters. I really I beefed up on this was my fault. What is the move? Put it in the spaceship and then immediately go home? Someone accidentally did it a few games after that. The move actually was to have like three people sprint into the ship at once through the bees and the bees could only kill two of them. Because if you leave the ship, if you hit the lever lever to take off then the bad guys will go away and so it was three of them running and two of them getting consumed by electric bees and then one of them was able to barely pull the trigger and then he was saved there has to be a better plan than that well we know now that you want to save the
Starting point is 00:06:59 beehives for last because otherwise you get that situation yeah the the bees are so much harder in this game than you think i've i've died many times just by walking too close to them by the way this game looks like i mean a mobile game mobile game is way better than this game this this is it's like 2d like macintosh graphics it's so ugly i i don't want to be like the the party pooper but every time i look at the game or play the game i'm like what when does the fun part start at what point does the thing that is fun happen and they're like no no you've got to get all the stuff we need all the junk kyle the nuclear lights all right great let's get it we'll sell it and we'll get some fun stuff right oh you don't even know boom boxes and shovels and
Starting point is 00:07:45 flashlights we're gonna be loaded and i'm like i'm like yeah that'll be cool but you know then we'll be able to explore even harder right they're like you don't even know how much harder and i'm like then you'll have the fun right these shovels out there the only weapons are shovels or you and and they were like yeah well basically it's not about fighting it's it's about getting the loot and i'm like yeah but why why do we care for the loot what does the loot get us for us because to give you an example in rust or tarkov and rust i i might find a piece of loot oh i can now use this to learn how to make more of it. Because I found an MP5, I now know how to make MP5s. Or in Tarkov, if I, say, find some powdered gravy on a shelf,
Starting point is 00:08:34 oh, I can sell this to the powdered gravy man. He'll give me 500 rubles, and then I'll use it. Does Tarkov have powdered gravy now? No, but you hear me. I thought it could have. I don't know. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. I'm sorry. And you take the money you made from gravy,
Starting point is 00:08:51 and you can spend it on ammunition later. And the fun part will come when I use that ammunition to shoot at an enemy player and kill him. And now he gets no powdered gravy. I like that because I'm'm gonna take all his things and sell them and buy more bullets to shoot at more people because i like when i click the person and they fall over and they're mad back at their computer but in your game and forgive me in lethal company i'm just like i don't think there's ever going to be a point in this game where i'm having
Starting point is 00:09:20 fun unless i pretend like i'm enjoying like this yeah it's not for everyone like it's really it's basically like a tetris style game where like you're not going to win like the point is you're trying to get to stay keep it going as long as possible because it gets i play tetris to beat the other guy who's also trying to play tetris. We're playing war Tetris and I'm trying to stack my favorite part of the show. So far has been the powdered gravy. When you play super Mario brothers, you get the flaming yawn,
Starting point is 00:09:52 you jump higher. I'm like, wait, what? I'm hungry for you. He is. He's famished. There's never a part in lethal company where I'm like,
Starting point is 00:10:03 ah, this is the fun part. Cause what I'm thinking is like, maybe if i had a shotgun and and shooting them they had cool animations and blood and they screamed and this is when everybody pipes up there's a mod for a shotgun it's not made the game's not made for that though it's not a game about going in and killing the monsters and i hate those games i hate those stealthy. There's an alien game, alien isolation. It's a lot of people love it.
Starting point is 00:10:28 I've watched people play it. I fucking hate it. You have to sneak around and bitch mode the whole time. They give you a gun. Good luck. If you shoot one of the robots in that games game 20 times in the face, he'll die. You've got a six shooter with eight bullets.
Starting point is 00:10:42 Fuck you. Like you can never kill anything. The eight. I have to interrupt. you can never kill anything. The eight. I have to interrupt. You can play Tarkov in a thousand different ways. Kyle's favorite way is to sneak around in bitch mode with nothing but a pistol and get the goods. So he's describing his favorite kind of game when he tells you how much he hates it. Yeah, you should.
Starting point is 00:11:00 No, no. But in my game, I kill them and I take the things. You hide in bitch mode because all you have is a six shooter. You wouldn't get satisfied. The fun part of the game is number one, making fun of your friends for
Starting point is 00:11:16 pulling bonehead maneuvers and when it's like four of you are dead and there's only two guys left alive, the four people in chat being like, oh, there's no chance. These fucking retards are going to make it like. And then the other fun part is like when you're the last retard alive and you're I've done this a couple of times and it's satisfying. Like if you if everyone dies, you lose everything.
Starting point is 00:11:37 It's it's you're you're fucked. You're going to get fired, which means they take up space and shoot you out. And you can't play the game anymore. You have to restart. You have to start a new game. And so you you don't want to you don't want that to happen but the fun part is like the equivalent of clutching it in like a search and destroy where like you're you're loaded up with stuff and you're like in a dark catacomb and you somehow you know you're not just like not every monster is like it shows up and kills you immediately.
Starting point is 00:12:06 Like the hat man is just bad luck. There's like ooze on the ground and there's bugs and there's stuff you can actually escape if you're like sly. And so like you can be like sprint jumping around things. And then if you actually make it back to the ship afterward, we're like, oh, I dodged the bugs. I dodged the ooze. I made it out. And then I tricked the forest giant, you know, by squatting and like crouching around him and being sneaky. And then I tricked the forest giant by squatting and crouching around him and being sneaky. And then I almost got beat up. But then the bees, I slipped them too.
Starting point is 00:12:31 You get back on the ship and it's like, yeah, I rule. Everybody's really stoked on me for getting back to the ship. Because you need one person to launch the ship or everything's lost. Every death takes more and more percentage. And so it's simple and it's silly but it's a fun like group hangout game i was watching pastilles video yesterday about he he was talking about the new tarkov arena mode i think he gave it a 4 out of 10 he really dislikes it and uh and he was like well first of all it's a really fun to get fun game to play with all
Starting point is 00:13:02 your friends but you could throw rocks at a tree game to play with all your friends but you could throw rocks at a tree and have fun with all your friends if you got together right like we could sit here and i was like you totally could and that's how i feel about lethal company it's throwing rocks at trees it's it's like do you hit it yeah yeah yeah i hit it too i think you hit it better no way to ever know and it doesn't matter here Here, here's a smooth one. That's lethal company to me. We're not keeping score. Doesn't matter if we miss the tree.
Starting point is 00:13:32 Hey, we could always walk over there and recover our rocks if we need to. That's lethal company. Well, I'm never mad at anybody on my team in lethal company. You should be, though. Then why are we playing? You want to be mad at someone on your team? Yes, he does. Age of Empires is what makes you mad it's because i like can you imagine how mad you would get at me
Starting point is 00:13:49 if you're the side player we're doing three on three and i'm in the back middle and you as the flank player are like my job as the center player is to send you support when you need it you go hey i'm being rushed and i go on the way with help. Ten minutes later, no help from the Taylor Empire has arrived. Taylor, I'm really going to need help over here. Definitely. Oh, it's coming. They're coming. And I just never send you help.
Starting point is 00:14:15 You're weaving cloth? Yes. I can see it. You're just SimCity-ing back there with your perfectly aligned farms, and I'm getting fucked. That was something that I thought Cod was missing. There's really not much help. You could ask for help in advance.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Like, hey, it's time for our team to retake BDOM. Who's in it with me, right? Let's the three of us make a little force and try to make it happen. But if you're like, I'm pinned down in a tough spot, it's already too late. You die in a quarter second in that game and there's really no
Starting point is 00:14:45 concept of 2v1ing. Yeah. It's like, team, a lot of racial epithets clogging up the comms right now. We've got to get serious. Can you turn that down, please? Yes. I like Kanye, too. Tell your mom dinner's going to have to
Starting point is 00:15:04 wait. Yes, I know. They do control everything mom dinner's going to have to wait. Yes, I know they do control everything, but for right now, could we get B-Dom? Yeah, you know what they don't control is B-Dom right now. So let's take that. Yes, I agree. He did nothing wrong, but you're in the back of the map ruining things. You are doing many things wrong.
Starting point is 00:15:20 Dude, can Kanye make a comeback? Yeah. There has been no better time to be anti-Jew than right now. I saw that Joe Rogan clip. That was very funny. The Shane Gillis one. Yeah, dude, Kanye 100%. He's too good at music.
Starting point is 00:15:33 People will just be like, oh, he's just an eccentric weirdo. What do you think his best five songs are, Taylor? Oh, I have no idea. I just know when I hear a Kanye song, I usually am like, this is pretty fucking good. I like the N-Words in Paris. I like that song. I like Power. I like...
Starting point is 00:15:51 What's the album? College Dropout album. The Gold Digger song with Jamie Foxx. I've heard Jamie Foxx talk about the origination of that little hook. Hear me mama, when I'm in need. I love that shit.
Starting point is 00:16:08 I don't know if I know the names of more of them. I did really like the one that turned out to be AI made where he used to be a billionaire. That's a thousand millionaires. That's a good line. I like that. But I don't think he will make a comeback despite being able to make a comeback. He can, but he won't. Last time I don't think he will make a comeback despite being able to make a
Starting point is 00:16:25 comment. He can, but he won't. And here's why. Last time I saw him, he was wearing a Klansman hood and he was ranting in front of a group of people outside of like a pizza hut. I'm barely exaggerating.
Starting point is 00:16:39 Last time I saw him, he was in Venice with his pants down getting blown on a boat. They see that's a year ago. But now he's got a Klansman hood. I'm not joking. He has a Klansman hood. Is he wearing it around when he's not filming? So is he.
Starting point is 00:16:54 Yeah, he should be able to wear a Klansman hood. Well, it's just a hoodie if it's not white. And pointy assholes. Yeah, but he wasn't like riding a horse around threatening people or anything. So I'm okay with it. He did have the noose. If he was like, he's, he's been entertaining enough that I think we can let him,
Starting point is 00:17:15 we can let him slide on it. I don't think he's going to, I don't think he's going to get his bankers back on his team, whatever bank shut him down. I don't think he's going to ever have that, but yeah, he, he he'll recover a hundred percent. But yeah, he'll recover 100%. Did you bring that up? Because he just did.
Starting point is 00:17:30 Did you see that? I didn't watch the whole clip, but I saw a snippet of it where he's at some private party. And then just someone's like, how did the inspiration for this song come to you? And he's like, and another thing about Jews and it's like Kanye like you know probably the same thing I saw he was ranting I just didn't
Starting point is 00:17:53 watch it Trump has been removed from the Colorado state ballot I wonder if that matters because I wonder if Colorado is a blue state Trump wasn't likely to win it. It would have to be a Reagan-like huge victory of 1984. I bet it doesn't stay in the United States.
Starting point is 00:18:14 That's absurd to do that. You got to put all the fucking candidates on the ballot. That's crazy. It's a Civil War thing where basically if you attempt to overthrow the government you're not allowed to run for office again and i mean i think he's guilty but like just because let's assume that i'm right that i think he tried to overthrow the government and that is the undeniable truth just for sake of argument what's best the real outcome people like me want is for Trump to lose on his ideas, right? For America to vote and reject Trump for the last time probably and have Biden go on and serve a second term where
Starting point is 00:18:57 he'll probably suck. That's what I want. I don't know if we just like stop Trump from even getting on the ballot and he loses because of that. Yeah, that's that's pretty fucky. Like, I don't think he attempted to overthrow the government. I think that's silly. Well, he did have an artificial slate of electors who represented states and had them try to vote in such a way that didn't represent the will of the people. Yeah, that happened in 2016, too. Like Hillary on the news was calling on the electors to do their duty to America and not elect this despot like that. That stuff. Then that's wrong, too.
Starting point is 00:19:36 You shouldn't do that. But to say he tried to overthrow the country is he did. He absolutely tried to remain in power, even though he lost the election. And it's not really even debatable. That's what Trump did. And even now he'll tell you, I didn't really lose that election. I should be president. He is lying to people and he tried to make it so that the result of the election didn't matter. But is him believing that, trying to take over the country? It is his way of trying to get his job back it is his way of trying to invalidate the results of the election and become the current president that's what he wants he didn't to say
Starting point is 00:20:13 that he was trying to conquer america because he's like and go there peacefully and tell him it's bullshit nonsense so you're talking about january 6th protests yeah and i'm talking about taking the electors you know that the 15 people that represent missouri and the 17 that represent north carolina these are close probably wrong and have them not vote the way the will the people told them to vote that was the part i was calling overthrowing america yeah i think that's loose i don't think that like if that's attempting it then hillary did too she did not she didn't he was on cbs saying i'm calling on these elected officials to do their duty to america trump had fake electors submit lies saying that like we represent arizona for example or new mexico even though he lost the
Starting point is 00:21:08 state and say that he won the state hillary did not do that okay yeah i i don't see that as trying to conquer america i think that's i think that's him being like dumb and saying that he won when he lost i think he didn't just say he won when he lost. He tried to change the outcome of the votes. He lost the vote. And then he tried to submit results saying he won it. He believed he won, arguably. Like, you don't know what he believes, really. But I don't.
Starting point is 00:21:39 I guess what he said is absurd. If what Trump claimed at the time was true, then he did nothing wrong, right? Would you give him that much, Woody? No. So if what Trump claims is true, he did nothing wrong? If what Trump claimed was true, then he did nothing wrong, right? Right. But Trump did lose like 60 court cases because he didn't have any evidence to prove what he said was true.
Starting point is 00:22:05 But if he had reason to believe at the time, there's no like burden of proof. It's not a legal case when he's making decisions. There is exactly burden of proof. And that's why most of his cases were thrown out. He just made accusations with no reason. Oh no, I agree with that. There's burden of proof if he's trying to prove something happened. But if he's making a decision as, as the commander in chief, it's not a legal case. It's I've got to decide. I've got to weigh my options right now. A or B.
Starting point is 00:22:30 What do I think? Right. The commander in chief does not get to decide which federal electors. He doesn't get to replace the electors just to make them vote for him. Not without cause. He doesn't. If he found out, for example,
Starting point is 00:22:43 aliens had invaded their minds. So then he has the power to do it. I'm just, had invaded their minds, then he has the power to do it. Just for example. I don't think he has the power to do it, period. I don't think anybody would stop him if the aliens had taken their minds. If the aliens did, then I'd think it was morally right. But that's not what happened. Pod person, Woody.
Starting point is 00:22:57 Okay. No, I think what he's saying is like, Trump's argument would be, at the time, I believe the election had been stolen and i was trying to maintain the republic you know by by stopping this fraudulent theft of the presidency so he just hired well not even hired he just had fake electors replace the actual electors i don't know anything about fake electors, sir. Oh, that's what happened. The old fake electors are alternate electors,
Starting point is 00:23:30 and they replaced the people who actually had that job. And he was going to say, ah, let's have these loyalists turn in the votes instead of the honest people. I don't know how that works. I don't remember that. Okay. I'm being honest. I don't remember that.
Starting point is 00:23:43 Yeah, I just don't think you can have states removing popular candidates from the ballot i think that's pretty banana republic-y it's pretty ridiculous it was like i can see why it was a good idea for the civil war right when you had people literally like try to leave america and they're not loyal to america they came up with a rule that said you know what those traitors they should they can't run and now trump got caught up in it apparently because in colorado he's been deemed something of a traitor and we won't have the well i mean colorado like you said blue state so if every blue state can just be like he's a traitor remove it like yeah that's it yeah we just have a new rule every blue state can just be like he's a traitor, remove it. Like, yeah, that's it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:25 A new rule now that anyone can be removed because they are a traitor. Right. If he's if he's removed from the ballot off of like New Jersey, New York, California and Colorado, that has no impact. It only matters if it's a battleground state. I'm thinking then it'll happen in Pennsylvania or Georgia. I'm just thinking we need to remove Biden from Florida. I think in Florida, they think that Biden and his corrupt Biden crime families dealings in Ukraine,
Starting point is 00:24:51 we just really don't think the people of Florida should be voting for someone like that for president. They should do a few like that. Well, there is a difference in that. Then we can have... Oh, okay. I'm not making up the difference. Trump literally tried to validate the results of the election to keep himself in power as an autograph.
Starting point is 00:25:12 Biden didn't do that. You're just removing Biden because you don't like stock market all time highs, I guess. I don't know. I don't like, like the idea of a presidential election coming up. That's so highly like charged and contested.
Starting point is 00:25:24 And one side being like you know while we like attack your candidate in court continuously and perhaps interfere with his ability even run a campaign we're just going to take him off the ballot not even count his votes in this stage like wait you're not gonna you're not gonna count the votes oh we're not even going to let the votes happen this time but wait it it's not a good look for the side who's all about like the will of who's all about the will of the people. What if the will of the people in Colorado is that Trump be the president of the United States? They don't get a pick. It's tricky because on one hand, I totally get what you're saying and agree with it in a lot of ways.
Starting point is 00:25:59 To just remove him from the ballot is going to make something of a martyr out of him if he loses. Not in Colorado, but let's say it happens to a battleground state on the other hand like i honestly do believe he tried to be an autocrat that invalidated the i honestly believe everyone knows it's certifiably true that he tried to remain in power through any means he could. There were legal means in courts, illegal means with fake electors validating the will of the people. And then, of course, there was the January 6th thing, whether you call that a protest or an effort to stop the vote from being ratified. But Trump did everything he could to try to remain in power after he lost the election. And that kind of person shouldn't be on the ballot. Having said that, a third of America at least disagrees with me.
Starting point is 00:26:50 So do you really want him to lose that way? Is that how you create a civil war? Probably not. I don't think we're going to actually have a civil war. I don't think it's likely. But I think if you want one this is how this is the kind of thing you do to get one yeah you remove a proposition of 40 of america or something you know not colorado again colorado was never going to be
Starting point is 00:27:18 important this election cycle but that would be fucked if like missouri removed whoever gavin newsom or whoever they ran like you can't do that that's that's not what we're doing here you know like that it doesn't seem fair well it's not even that it's not fair it's not fair and it reflects badly on us yeah yeah it's just i think when you start calling it like it'd be fucked if missouri removed someone who hadn't done anything illegal right like so it's not a parallel right trump was removed for basically trying to overthrow the government they can remove trump but they can't remove his vice president right i have no idea yeah remember you vote separately because you can vote for like
Starting point is 00:27:59 trump as president and kamala as vp if you want. Right? I don't think that. No, I think you have to pick. Not any of the ballots I've seen. Yeah. I don't know if other states let you do that, but to me, they're linked. Yeah, they're right next to each other on the ballot. I know you wouldn't. I know you wouldn't. We know you wouldn't know this, but.
Starting point is 00:28:19 Not allowed. Not allowed. It's okay. I'm voting for two this election. It's not allowed anymore. It's okay. I'm voting for two this election. I'm going to start saying that Taylor votes for Mary. He goes twice.
Starting point is 00:28:34 And by that I mean I'm going to get creative with the mail-ins. Again. You could vote for thousands if you want to be creative. Oh, yeah. That happened in North Carolina. Yeah. I'm looking forward to seeing Trump's VP pick And frankly I don't think it's
Starting point is 00:28:49 I think it's very likely that Biden just Actually passes away before the election is complete He looks so old I mean Trump too But Trump's gonna have Like a massive coronary while he's yelling And like fall over right That's how Trump does trump will have a sudden drastic like fighting will fade away
Starting point is 00:29:10 and then just kind of turn to die like jimmy carter does just looking a little bit worse every year for the next 10 years oh i doubt he has jimmy carter longevity left did you jimmy carter is in like that like that Carter is like 99, I think. Yeah. Yeah. It was like you have to have some genetic shit to make it that long. So I didn't mean to say he'd make 99, but I did say 92. So he might do that.
Starting point is 00:29:39 How old is Biden? Is Biden 82? Right. That's what I have in my head. I could check. If he's 82 and he looks like he does now, I would bet everything I'll ever make he won't make it 10 years.
Starting point is 00:29:49 He's 81. Yeah, that guy's got no chance at seeing 90. He's just not... He doesn't look like with it. He has papery skin. If he wins, definitely not. If he loses, maybe so. It's just too hard of a job.
Starting point is 00:30:04 It's too stressful i uh i was interested and i know what he'll enjoy this bit of a transition and colby covington was talking about what it was like being at mar-a-lago and eating dinner with trump they're like what did he eat like he had a big steak some french fries and a coke and i'm like he actually had dinner with trump i got one scoop of ice cream he took two what did you have what did you have he's like i had salmon broccoli and mashed potatoes i'm a professional athlete he's like yeah i do my whole fucking stick but i, but I gotta eat my lean meats and my vegetables. It's not a big scale.
Starting point is 00:30:48 Woody and I watched the fights together with a group of the guys in the Patreon, $50 Patreon Discord thingy. Jackie made a guest appearance. Lots of upsets. I can't think of any. Actually, no. Maybe not any
Starting point is 00:31:04 upsets off the top of my head, but I watched the whole card. Yeah, but it's good when they lose. Colby's a villain, so he can lose. That's kind of the idea.
Starting point is 00:31:20 He's there to be slain as the dragon. Yeah, but it was really sad to see Tony take another L. We kind of knew it was probably coming. I thought he held his own very well. I thought it was a bad look for Patty more than it was a bad look for Tony. It was the best Tony looked in a while. I thought Wonderboy being set out to be just eaten alive by Shavkat, Romanoff, or whatever. All of a sudden, Shavkat's a wrestler.
Starting point is 00:31:50 Because Wonderboy's out there, kicked him in the liver a couple times. Get out there with a broken leg or something? I don't know anything about that. That'd be news to me. And then obviously the main event, the co-main was those two little guys that nobody cares about. If you look at the interviews for the main event fighters, those guys got 7,000 views, I think. I think it was 7,000 on theirs. Colby's was like 440,000, and Leon's was like 380. Colby's always what everybody's there to see
Starting point is 00:32:26 to see what he'll say you know or what awful thing he'll do you're i hate that you're right but it doesn't change that you're right but uh leon absolutely destroyed him um i'll be honest like look look colby lost to uzman but he lost in like a really interesting fashion you were like colby's got more gas like make this a 10 round fight what'll happen like colby will still be going broke his jaw you must be thinking of the second one though it yeah yeah but even with a broken jaw the fight didn't end he continued fighting you know and i don't remember it that way i'll check i thought so um but but he looked injured in the in injured in the main event.
Starting point is 00:33:07 He wasn't shooting. And when he did, they were really lazy. Like, he knows he's not going to take Leon Edwards down. He knocked him out. Or he TKO'd him. He did get stopped in that first fight. Yeah, he just sort of reaches down at the back of his knee. And they're like, oh, yeah, he's just measuring his distance with that one. And then he didn't shoot again for like seven more minutes and it was he got his leg and they spun around
Starting point is 00:33:30 once leon pulled his leg away and hit him twice and it's like leon's better at everything leon wasn't that much worse on the ground he was able to reverse him on the ground and take the top i think leon took him down one time. You'd think. People don't know Leon Edwards is British and there is no wrestling in England. They don't have it in high school. Their Olympic team always sucks rocks. They're terrible.
Starting point is 00:33:56 The British wrestlers tend to just be good enough to defend and keep distance. When Covington takes an American wrestler down or reverses position and takes the top on him, it's like, gosh darn.
Starting point is 00:34:11 I didn't expect that from a British dude. To be fair, the way the fight ended, it went the full 25 minutes. For the last something, I just lost my audio. Kyle, I thought it was my headphones. No, no. Yeah, what he was going to say is
Starting point is 00:34:29 Covington finished that fight on top punching Leon Edwards in the head. However, everybody knew Leon had done more than enough to win that fight. He wasn't getting hurt. It's like, oh God god i hate myself for bringing up politics but you know how trump lost the popular vote and democrats love to hold on to that and it's like yeah well we all knew the rules no one gave a fuck about the popular vote that's not how
Starting point is 00:34:56 you declare a winner well in this fight we all knew the rules leon edwards was not even close to being damaged or hurt col Colby Covington, widely known as having pillow hands. He doesn't knock anybody out. He doesn't knock shit out. So Leon is on the bottom, not giving a fuck about pillow hands, having top position, knowing he's already won the fight. That's how it ended.
Starting point is 00:35:19 Seems like you think Covington didn't do as bad a job as Kyle does. Oh, Covington got smoked, embarrassed. So it wasn't like a too little, too late situation where it's like, oh, man, if that had gone another 30 seconds, we don't know what he could have done. Imagine we're playing basketball, and I'm up 120 to 70, and then for the last 30 seconds, I don't play good D. That's what happened.
Starting point is 00:35:45 No, imagine we're playing basketball, and for the last 30 seconds, I don't play good D. That's what happened. Imagine we're playing basketball and for the last 30 seconds, I take you down. You're getting your face beaten in. And you can't get up because I'm on top of you and I just keep hitting you in the head. And there's no one there to stop you.
Starting point is 00:35:57 And while the scoreboard agrees that you are indeed 90 to 65, I'm still giving you brain damage and no one will stop me and the brain damage mounts until the numbers on the board don't mean anything anymore Kyle and I disagreeing that I think
Starting point is 00:36:13 Leon could have stopped that or would have never gotten there if he gave a shit but he had already won the fight when this happened Pillowhands isn't ending a fight Pillowhands when's the last time he finished a fight I saw that clip of Pillow hands isn't ending a fight. Pillow hands, when's the last time he finished a fight? I saw that clip of, because I don't watch the whole fights,
Starting point is 00:36:30 I just see the clips. I saw the Paddy Pimblet versus whoever he was fighting, and I guess it was the first round. And I thought that was like the end of the fight when I saw the clip. I'm like, oh, man, why'd they cut this off? I'm assuming that guy like fell down a second later and it was over. And then I saw other people being like, embarrassing decision. Embarrassing that he beat the absolute tar out of him for 20 uninterrupted seconds, I guess in round one, and then couldn't seal the deal for their five rounds, three rounds?
Starting point is 00:37:00 Three rounds on those fights. No, this was Eddie Pimblitt. He was beating the shit out of that other dude for the whole – he had a good combo. At the end. He pieced him up. I think it was the first round. It was the first round.
Starting point is 00:37:13 It was toward the end of it. How did he not finish that? There was some argument for being a 10-8 round. He ran out of time. But also, Tony's just a monster. First of all, he won't quit. And he's got a chin. He's only been...
Starting point is 00:37:27 I mean, when he took that Chandler kick to the face, I think that's the first time he's ever been knocked out. I thought it was. And it's like, Patty's not going to knock him out. Patty's a big... Especially even for that weight class, 155-pounder. He beat the shit out of Tony for three rounds. But... I thought we saw two careers end that night oh this is the big oh colby colby tony ferguson's
Starting point is 00:37:54 career is over if it's not over it should be it's effectively over i don't know that anyone has ever had a seven fight losing streak in the UFC before. They usually get around three. Oh, it's a record. Okay. It just has to be. I don't need it. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:38:10 I'm kind of with you. It might have had the record at six and just extended. He's running up the score now. Yeah. And then Colby Covington. So Colby Covington, I think he's going to be 36 in like a few days or weeks. Yeah. And he's had three title shots i remember so gsp is this french canadian
Starting point is 00:38:28 fighter from a decade ago and uh his trash talk was really good he was intelligent and he had this accent that made things he said funny but when he said things that were mean in that accent it just hit different and i think he was talking to to Nate Diaz and he's like, I am going to end your career. And I mean, end it. It will never be the same. This is your second title shot. And when you lose, you will, there will be no more.
Starting point is 00:38:58 That's it. Oh, it was Josh Kachek. I said it too. And he's like, you will never get another title shot. Your career is on the downhill after this fight. It is over. You will never have joy in the octagon again. And it was like, whoa, I didn't really understand the stakes until he said that.
Starting point is 00:39:21 But he's right. Josh Kochek didn't have joy in the octagon again. He never got another shot at the title. That was it. It was over. He ended his career. That happened to Colby on Saturday night. You're so wrong.
Starting point is 00:39:33 I'm not. No one gives a shit about him. They don't like him anymore. He's just like... They never liked him. No one ever liked him. They didn't like him, but he got a rise out of him. Now, he's just just i don't know
Starting point is 00:39:47 cole son chael son and without the charisma you he's stumbling through his lines personal feelings for this man it's all over i need to send you article after article of people who were writing this did you see the bloody you're telling me there's dozens of articles about that man whose career is over yes they can't stop talking about him huh about how his career is over? Yes. They can't stop talking about him, huh? About how his career is over. About how his shtick is dead. About how no one buys it anymore. He got booed for when he
Starting point is 00:40:15 did his losing speech in the Octagon. He's like, I just want to thank all the first responders, America's true hero. Everyone is like, boo. That was a pro colby nailed it before the fight and they were booing him after the fight because it was a boring performance and a predictable stick he nailed it his post fight was incredible it was one of the best ever here's
Starting point is 00:40:37 what he does taylor tell me he's bleeding from his face he get they go that's a tough loss toby colby really didn't seem like you were there tonight. The Colby we all know and love. What are you talking about? I won that fight easily. I don't have a scratch on me. He's looking at the Jumbo Trump of himself bleeding. He's such a good troll. He knows how to make
Starting point is 00:40:58 people talk about him. He is the most talked about fighter from the whole thing. There are articles being written about him left and right nobody's writing articles about leon edwards how who will beat him like one guy wrote an article about that 3600 people saw it meanwhile by a like exponential factor people are talking about colby coving today oh he's washed he'll never contend again yeah okay he's not the greatest in the world at 170 pounds not even the
Starting point is 00:41:25 third best who's he gonna fight there's dozens of people on the roster who's interesting find a foreigner for him to make fun of and it will it will be the main event dude with the broken ankle what's his name sent him sent him to any country sent him to uh to abu dhabi sent him to south america to shit on the brazilians you sent him to canada make fun of their accent you Send him to Abu Dhabi. Send him to South America to shit on the Brazilians. You send him to Canada, make fun of their accent. You send him to the big Mexico card. You have him fight the people that he... He could destroy
Starting point is 00:41:53 somebody in the top 15. Absolutely. He's still Colby Covington. Well, he's also 36. That's not that old. I don't think... I think he's still got two years of relevance. At 170. Okay. That seems old that old. I think he's still got two years of relevance. At 170. With his build.
Starting point is 00:42:07 The lighter you are, the younger you have to be. 170 is kind of in the middle. What I'm saying is, to say his career is over, he will make a million dollars the next time he fights. No matter who he fights. His career isn't over.
Starting point is 00:42:25 What he has is enough. If you were his in private, if you were his buddy, you're like, dude, man, to be you, I'm so jealous. It doesn't even matter if you train, right? You just need to make them mad enough. God, look at these numbers. Pull up the data. Look at the Google results.
Starting point is 00:42:43 That was his last hurrah. He was Josh Koczek losing to GSP. You're talking about the numbers today and the five points this weekend. He has a couple of L's in his future before he's just done. Biggest superstar in mixed martial arts, Conor McGregor. Losing record, L's left and right, not in the top five. I don't think he's in the top 10 but he's who you want to come and see and who they'll pay for and colby covington's still
Starting point is 00:43:10 that guy he upsets people he's floyd mayweather of mma he's cringe it's not funny he stutters over his lines some of the lines are good but he can't get them out what's weird taylor you don't want to yeah yeah well he stutters he can't get them he forgets the second half of the line sometimes and worse than that worse than all of it is there's this like look in his eyes this lack of confidence like i don't know if you've ever tried to act but i have and i'm terrible at it i'm always thinking like are they buying this yeah that's what colby does when he delivers his lines it's there's this insincere lack of confidence behind it as he says it and uh but i mean to his credit that that cringe has its own little like can you believe this asshole he doesn't even he's terrible i mean fighting is
Starting point is 00:44:04 like the only professional sport that even after you're washed you can still make a few more million i would guess as long as people are interested in you like you can be the most interesting guy in like if you're like super like if chad ocho cinco i don't know anything about the nfl but i know everybody was talking about him for years like in the late 2000s. If that guy just suddenly became half the speed, no roster keeps him just because he gets some articles printed. Whereas in fighting, it's like, oh, this guy, Colby Covington, is he at his prime?
Starting point is 00:44:38 Not by a long shot, but look at how the metrics on these articles do. Look at our pay-per-view buys. Look at the self-report of how many people bought it just so they could cheer against this guy because they thought fuck him so hard or people who were like he may be washed up but he makes me laugh on the internet go colby like or whatever his court fan base storylines sell these fights it's a storyline like when they when he made fun of leon's father his when he said that he can see his dead father in hell who was murdered when he was a child i guarantee you pay-per-views went up everybody made more money in that moment when he said that awful thing leon's check probably
Starting point is 00:45:20 went up 35 000 or something like that's probably not off too much. You're probably right. He's getting a percentage of the pay-per-views, and I bet they got... Literally, everybody's pockets got heavier. Leon Edwards doesn't get... Oh, Leon got more money. Colby's not the champ. Well, we don't know what Colby's...
Starting point is 00:45:38 Everybody's contract can be anything. Fucking Tony Ferguson could have gotten points because he's got some maybe contract where he's like, yeah always get one tenth of one point you know like maybe that's pretty rare that someone who's never been a champ is getting pay-per-view as a matter of fact i think it's zero times why do they keep the the payment for these guys under such lock and key is it because like the nature of it is like what the fuck if i would have known that my opponent was making eighty thousand dollars more than me i would have known that my opponent was making $80,000 more than me, I would have come to the table a little harder in my negotiation.
Starting point is 00:46:09 I think that's it. The same reason that you're not allowed to talk about your salary at work. If you did, then it would be an advantage to the staff. Like, holy shit, Taylor and I do the same job, and he makes $30,000 more than me? I need to get a raise. The UFC colludes with fighters' management to keep their pay low.
Starting point is 00:46:29 And there's been leaked emails where you see Dana White being like, yeah, yeah, get it. Yeah, you fucked him that time. I can't, you know, they're like celebrating. Yeah, but it's not leaked. There's a court case going on right now. And there was a subpoena
Starting point is 00:46:45 that forced them to make those public is the court case about trying to get all of it made public who is the court case why is it coming out do you remember kyle i i ignore them i i just don't care because i i just i like the fights you know i don't care you just want to want to bloody each other a little bit yeah i mean i like the storylines and the fights but but i don't care you just want to want to bloody each other a little bit yeah i mean i like the storylines and the fights but but i don't care that that it's a dirty business i think that if you paid those fighters what what they should be getting paid nobody would fucking fight there's a ufc antitrust uh court case going on right now that they have i guess a no antitrust what is it called antitrust lawsuit What is it called?
Starting point is 00:47:25 Antitrust lawsuit. I said it right. I don't know why it sounded wrong to me. But yeah, I guess they think they have some sort of monopoly on fighting and they're holding everyone else down. So fighter pay is part of it. And so are some of the negotiation tactics. Yeah, I think they're creating sort of a negotiating environment where it's. Yeah, it's impossible to get your deal.
Starting point is 00:47:50 Taylor, you would think you'd get paid on how good a fighter you are. If you were more clever, you'd think you got paid based on how many tickets you sell, which is pretty true. We're getting closer to true now. But a lot of it has to do with how loyal you are to the ufc hey when a fighter dropped out did you step in on short notice that gets you paid and that gets you remembered oh and by the way if you fight this guy on short notice your next opponent he's gonna be a guy on the second half of his bell curve i'm gonna build your name we're gonna hook you up we're gonna hook you up and some people see that kind of thing as unfair because like the
Starting point is 00:48:23 nba doesn't do that they don't give the sixers an easy game you know but uh in the ufc they do i don't think the world we live in yeah i love it no shit it's different than than the nba or nhl or whatever like it's not the same sports structure like you there's not a regular season where then you pick the guy with the best record to go to the playoffs like Like, no, it's largely subjective, it seems. And a lot of it comes down to like, man, this guy's really good, but this guy might be even better. Man, well, the first guy gets a lot of eyeballs and he's really controversial. And this second guy speaks English poorly and is from a bullshit town in Western Eastern Russia. OK, we're going to go with the other guy.
Starting point is 00:49:03 Styles make fights. Right. So there's a situation where maybe i can beat you you can beat kyle and kyle can beat me right this is rock paper scissors the ufc can choose who's champ right they can see this coming and pick one of you know like hey i forget who could beat who but like you know we want taylor to be champ we'll just make sure he never faces woody it's gonna be you know these two guys and and woody never gets his title shot it's like this college football math first year following it that i'm seeing it and i'm like as the more i watch i'm like oh this is why people are so upset about this sport because it genuinely is unfair like it's just
Starting point is 00:49:40 straight up what it there what it is you can't lose a single game you can't lose a game. Straight up right there. What it is, you can't lose a single game. You can't. Apparently, Babbitt can. Yeah, Washington can't lose it. And then everyone who talked about it, who's in the football world, it was almost funny to watch because me as some goober, I'm like, yeah, these guys might be coming to the table saying, Washington's better than Alabama, and they deserve to be there. And they're like, listen, Washington undefeated.
Starting point is 00:50:03 But none of us are going to sit on this panel and say they're better than Alabama none of us that's absurd it's ridiculous you'd be crazy to say it and they're like yeah obviously but they didn't lose they're like yeah but don't we want the four best teams and then it's people just with different visions of who they want to see arguing for that I think George is one of the four best teams yeah yeah but uh then it gets even worse like when you get down a little bit like where nc state is the team i follow it's like nc state and kentucky are both about the same but nc state's fans tend to travel and they have a cool band so we'll bring them to the better bowl game yeah it's like fuck it's like ah and then kentucky's sitting there like son of a bitch
Starting point is 00:50:42 we'll never make it to the tostitos double bean mild dip fiesta season season right because our band sucks yeah i do i like the chaos of college football now that i kind of understand because like i put so little real stock into it that it's kind of just like let's see what's going on oh neat like these people are livid these washington fans are pissed. Man, I'd be pissed, too, if I was in their position. Oh, and these Georgia fans, they're almost even more pissed because for every one Washington fan, there are 70 Georgia fans. So they're a much louder group. And I get that, too.
Starting point is 00:51:16 So Formula One is a sport I've been watching for maybe three, four years now. And it is total bullshit, like just wildly unfair, uncool in a lot of ways so now i watch what they call formula 1.5 it's the same league they just take the best three teams mercedes ferrari and red bull and ignore them and then we keep our own drivers rankings constructors rankings etc removing the best six cars. Because those fuckers always get the top places. I want to know who got 7th and who got 11th. That's where the racing is. Oh, and also
Starting point is 00:51:51 Max Verstappen, what he tends to do, he's the best driver in the best car. So he won I don't want to get it wrong, but it was something like 18 out of 21 races. If that's not right, it's close. Destroying everything. Yeah, right. If the best not right, it's close destroying. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 00:52:07 If the best driver was in the second best car, we'd have a series, right? But the second best driver was in the best car. Let's talk, but that's not what happened. So he just wins everything and he gets in front. Even if he doesn't start with pole position, he gets the lead and then just runs it up.
Starting point is 00:52:23 Or he keeps the next guy 18 seconds behind him and he's just comfortable cruising uh oh he won 19 of 22 races all right so 18 to 21 was close um yeah so it's boring it's boring to watch this guy 12 seconds ahead not even trying as hard it's just comfortably winning so that's where formula 1.5 comes in let's see who got nine pretty boring i would like i do i know it's unfair but i do think it's kind of fun that the cars are not all the same capacity like there's a variance of what cars are good what cars are bad and i think moving that into other sports could be kind of fun where it'd be like man georgia versus mizzou again this year the past few years miss Missouri's the only team
Starting point is 00:53:05 that gave them a little bit of a challenge. But unfortunately, Georgia pulled the short straw today, which means they'll be using World War II-era cleats and leather helmets to take on the Mizzou Tigers today. Do you think that's going to play into the game? And they're like, well, there's no way. We're rolling a 20-sided die to see how tilted the field is. Here's a clip from the Mizzou coach. No, well, we're rolling a 20-sided die to see how tilted the field is. Here's a
Starting point is 00:53:25 clip from the Mizzou coach. No, no, the other way. You play uphill. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now, the Vegas Golden Knights are a much better team than St. Louis this year. How do you think it's going to impact Vegas having a heater on under their side of the ice? Well, I think that's really
Starting point is 00:53:41 going to slow their goaltender down. I think it's going to be a lot of water over there, but St. Louis is going to be able to get good quality shots shooting out of the pond. Imagine if the football field was shaped more like a bell curve. What if there was a mound in the middle? What if there was a rise? Like it was flat, but in the middle there was like a hill
Starting point is 00:53:58 that you had to go up and over, and you'd be launched. You couldn't see over the hill from one end zone to the other this is you're throwing some hail mary's you don't know if they're gonna go down or not i saw like a meme about this on on twitter that was like we need to start making football uh fields kind of like golf courses and it showed like like a dog leg left with like all the lines on it and so it'd be like i don't know how brady's gonna throw this one over there his left receiver is gonna be in the sand and so we gotta hope and the water hazard like that would be so fun thank you some kicker has to try and like like slice it around the
Starting point is 00:54:36 corner to get it water hazards on a football field sounds great that would be so by the way you should be able to run through them. Make them like thigh deep. See how that goes. He's running through the spider patch. Oh, another broken leg for the Patriots. My God. You know, they should really tell the golfers to stop. Tom Brady's like sitting in a hospital bed.
Starting point is 00:55:06 He's like, it was going great until that fucking bastard dinged me. The top-ranked draft pick this year is John Daly. Taking out the other team's players. We eliminated our second safety, and now we just have John Daly back there firing line drives of golf balls right at the receiver's helmets.
Starting point is 00:55:30 I'm loving American football with a hill in the middle oh yeah the hill in the middle yeah the battle that they'd have like i said i don't want to be able to see end zone to end zone i want it to be like if you're if you're hunking one long range then it's blind maybe somebody's like hey you know pointing like he's open, like, but you can't see. Oh, you just sort of. Yeah. Yeah. I like this idea. Running up and down that hill would be wild. There'd be some crazy like jump off.
Starting point is 00:55:54 They get to the top and leap. But now they're like 12 feet off the ground because they're professional athletes and they just leapt off the top of the hill. So, yeah, they're like having to zoom in to see when his feet touch the ground because he's falling down a steep hill. You know what would be fun? If every football player on the field had comms, like Tarkov or something, and you just call shit out
Starting point is 00:56:15 and they'd be like, Woody, shut the fuck up. I don't care that you're hurt or you're tired. We just said comms i think when we played tarkov that was our code for shut the heck up like it's go time oh yeah i was gonna say the way they do uh comms in this arena mode is kind of neat instead of a voice button you've got a radio button and it's proximity so um you know you hear them actually how does it work yeah you hear them over the radio yeah you hear them. Actually, how does it work?
Starting point is 00:56:45 Yeah, you hear them over the radio. Yeah, you hear them over the radio. I thought it was really neat. Hold on. Give me a moment. I thought it was. No, no, it's just the radio. I remember like it.
Starting point is 00:56:55 Yeah, I do like it. I like that mode. It's fun to kill time in. And the way it works is, you know, you pick a class or whatever, and the more XP you earn with this shotgun, now you pick a class or whatever and the more you xp you earn with this shotgun now you unlock a better shotgun but you have to pick which side of the tree you want to go down look you know you scroll down you're like oh left is so good but right would be better because at first you've got level two armor you got terrible meds like everything's bad but then the next
Starting point is 00:57:21 class it's like oh level three armor i've got painkillers now and the next class, it's like, Oh, level three armor. I've got painkillers now. And as you go up, it's like, what the fuck? This guy gets a slick and armor piercing rounds and a fast MT. So there very soon, it's not going to be balanced at all. There's going to be people with some ridiculous, there's going to be Alton helmets going up against people with hollow point
Starting point is 00:57:39 ammo. I wonder if it's possible that they're one of the reasons Pistilli didn't like the mode is that it's new to him and he doesn't have this like innate 10,000 hours of advantage over everybody. It's the opposite. He's been playing it for a while. He's probably part of the very first test group and he's ranked up real high. He's got a 2KD in it. I've got a, he said most people have between a 1 and a 1.5 i can get
Starting point is 00:58:05 like a 1.07 that can't be for every 1.5 there's got to be a 0.5 i think he means most streamers though because like like they the first thing they did is they gave it to all the streamers who unlocked the good armor and the good guns and then they bring in waves of fans based on when you buy the game and or not fans just just players. And everybody's at a disadvantage, but the streamers. So it's, it's hard. You know what Tarkov's like, if they've got better armor and bullets than you, it's, it's rough. It's possible, but it's hard. Yeah. They can, you know, they'll kill you by shooting you in the chest and you have to hit them in the eyeball. Not just, yes, that's true. Yeah. It's about right. Which Which Pastille is curiously good at anyway.
Starting point is 00:58:45 He seems to hate it, but I'm going to keep struggling through it. I'm enjoying it. I trust Pastille. He has excellent taste in games. And so maybe you should take a little page out of his book and play AoE 2 with me. I thought you were going to say Lethal Company. No, I'm not playing AoE 2. No, I'm not playing AoE 2.
Starting point is 00:59:01 Jesus fucking Christ, no. Not AoE 2. Jesus Christ I'm not playing AoE 2. Jesus fucking Christ, no. No, not AoE 2. Jesus Christ. Is that your super old game? That's the super... Yeah, Pastilli's been playing it. Yeah, he's been playing it on his stream and uploading. And so, good.
Starting point is 00:59:15 More people. I need to jump back. I need to jump back on the ladder and see if any noobs from Pastilli's group are on there now. People I can beat up on because I'm sick. I haven't played it in like 10 months on the or no probably eight months on the ladder and i just quit because i got sick of just getting my shit pushed in every two out of or three out of five times it felt like i was just up against someone who was like asian probably just out of my league they got those silly characters in their name.
Starting point is 00:59:45 You see those characters on the other side of the field, you know it's going to be a gruesome battle. In Rust, you'll see there'll be whole Zergs, which is a clan of 30, 40 people in one base all working together, usually low skill. And the Chinese are notorious for doing that. They're very cooperative people. skill and the chinese are notorious for doing that they're very cooperative people they coalesce and they've all got those those letters in their net those figures or whatever
Starting point is 01:00:11 in their name characters they're like a termite mound they all know their role and they do it just instinctively they destroy you you try to tell the admin there's a cheater and it's like which one is like i don't know it's like pound sign fucking squiggly squiggly mark the dumb american they don't even know it's like oh it's the guy with the top hat on the third character i don't know that'd be hard all right a little little show dinner time pkn 487

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