Painkiller Already - PKN 510

Episode Date: May 28, 2024


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Starting point is 00:00:00 pk and 510 how you guys doing pretty good woke up really yeah i took a nap in the middle of the day my sleep schedule is such right now that i'm like i don't know i tried to go to sleep but i don't get my eight hours i sleep three hours and then i'm like up and i'm up at like six in the morning or some shit so i was up from like 6 a.m till noon and i slept from like noon until now now like an hour ago you know but i'm still like hung over i'm curious maybe in your new place is it not dark in the bedroom in the morning oh it's we've talked about this before i black my bed but you move a lot okay well we've literally talked to this exact precise conversation um like about the new place okay yeah yeah like verbatim that's my even this part i get to watch shows where i remind conversations more than once for the first time this is the
Starting point is 00:00:51 third time um but uh but i i black my windows out of my bedrooms that's a mistake i'm not gonna say my part of this same conversation again but yeah you just need to like don't nap like napping is for children it throws i've never had a nap that i woke up from old people and they maybe but like children naps for children henry ford is that what he said did he believe in naps that would be some industrious get back in the minds nonsense i bet for all of human existence naps were very common when we look at like high performance athletes they're they're getting a nap in all right i'm using my own bigotry i haven't done i haven't crunched the numbers on naps but i know that boomers i've never taken telling you that no boomers are all about naps they're all like fucking 75 well now they are but but look for it for someone young to have my nap
Starting point is 00:01:45 no naps i always feel weird and discombobulated when i wake up from a nap i never feel rested it doesn't matter if it's a one hour nap or a three hour nap or however long it is i wake up feeling like what day is it and then i know my schedule is going to suck the rest of the day like i'm not if i was up too late the before, it's a fucking guarantee I'm going to be up that late again now. Sleeping from noon to two or whatever the fucking standard nap time is. Yeah, I like my naps. I think they're essential. Get all that sleep.
Starting point is 00:02:18 Get all those brain chemicals recharged. I do feel a little bit discombobulated for the first hour. But I chugged a coffee so i should be good for an hour of one hour of nap that discombobulates you and now you're going to be up till 3 a.m again i mean grinding the chinese tarkov i assume uh no just just doing stuff just watching tv watching movies and stuff i watched this long long long documentary about the shining uh this morning dude you sent that in our group chat and i was I watched this long, long, long documentary about The Shining this morning. Dude, you sent that in our group chat and I was like,
Starting point is 00:02:48 oh, this must be a fun clip. I opened it up two hours into as long as the actual Shining. I was like, I don't know if I want to watch this in the WhatsApp chat for the next two and a half hours. Yeah, you're going to open that up on a PC somewhere. I watch it on TV. I love The Shining, so maybe I'll like it.
Starting point is 00:03:04 I watch TV on my like i love the shining so maybe i'll like it i watch tv on my like living room big screen tv like all the time it's probably my most used app for watching stuff and uh that's two hours and 40 minutes or something like you said about the shining and sort of decoding the some of the stuff that's in there but he's like keep in mind this is the introduction to my 27 part series on The Shining. And I'm like, fuck, yeah, dude, this is my kind of guy. The tism has eaten him alive. Like he is all about The Shining.
Starting point is 00:03:32 That's all about The Shining. How much could there possibly be just about The Shining? Just enormous amounts, just layers and layers and layers. I know Stanley Kubrick was a very unique, interesting guy. I wonder if he's even right. I know Stanley Kubrick was a very unique, interesting guy. I wonder if he's even right. It reminds me of eighth grade English papers where the teacher told you about symbolism and other horse shit that the author probably didn't intend to put in there. I just can't imagine a 27-part breakdown.
Starting point is 00:03:58 The introduction to his 27-part breakdown is two hours plus. The movie's two hours or an hour and a half why would it take 60 hours to talk about the shining because it's going to take us five minutes to talk about each sometimes each frame each frame is uh there's stuff going on um when you look at the uh the books that are on the tables like the same book will pop up in multiple scenes. It's clear that this isn't just junk in the background ever. Okay, because that was my assumption. No, there's no junk in the background. That painting on the wall, it's there for a specific reason.
Starting point is 00:04:36 If you look at what that painting is, because they're not just like motel art. It's like this is the painting of the Herculean pillars. We see Hercules come up here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. What's another name for that city? Herculean, right next to Mount Vesuvius. What was Mount Vesuvius? It was supposedly given Hercules' essence. He goes through these just so in-depth where he zoomed in and figured out what that book on the table was and like that's popular popular mechanics it's also here here here here and here it's like whoa why is
Starting point is 00:05:11 popular mechanics moving around everywhere it's not like it's just random props no it's not i promise you it's not he was notorious for what kyle is saying like among like putting tons of little things in the background and, and doing his own little messaging that way. There's a bunch of people who think like, and I've done zero research other than seeing internet commenters on it, but people who are like, he left clues to,
Starting point is 00:05:36 to show that he, he was the director of the fake moon landing in the shining and the, uh, eyes wide shut, stuff like that. There are a lot of Apollo 11 stuff. I mean, Danny's wearing that Apollo 11 shirt, and there's a few other things.
Starting point is 00:05:53 But one of the big ones for me is, oh, my God, Abbey Road. Abbey Road, the Beatles album, is present throughout the entire film. If you play Abbey Road while you watch the movie, it's shockingly sunk up to key moments throughout the film. And also, you know on the Abbey Road cover where the Beatles are walking in a line across the
Starting point is 00:06:18 road? That's all I know about it. He mimics that three or four times with the characters. And the order that the movie's characters are in matters like all right she's standing in ringo's spot here's ringo's song what's he singing about there and it's like oh what the fuck is this why would he be this in depth and then even stephen king with the novel that it's based on like um the page numbers matter in stephen king's novel like like things happen on a specific page for a specific reason. Scenes will be 237 seconds
Starting point is 00:06:48 long. Yeah, stuff like this. This shot happens multiple times. It's not just like, oh, there was that one time where they walked in single file. It's like four different times they walk in single file like this. Yeah, there you go. There's another one. Nice work, Zach.
Starting point is 00:07:03 No, it's fascinating the abbey road stuff's interesting and also they'll play the what they'll do is they'll play the movie um forwards and backwards simultaneously simultaneously and overlay yeah and if you look at what's what's there it's like oh my god why is it matching how could you get it to match why would he make it match yeah if you played the movie forward and backwards at the exact same time it ends at the same time get out why would that be why would that happen he designed it that way no i i like stanley kubrick a lot because he did that stuff um and there's a lot of filmmaking techniques that i don't quite understand that it's fun to sort of,
Starting point is 00:07:45 I'd say I don't understand most film techniques that it's fun. You know, you probably, you probably do, but it's a, I love those documentaries. There's another one called room two 37. That's only like an hour or two long about the shining that I've watched
Starting point is 00:08:00 before. And they touch on a lot of the moon landing stuff. They point out that the layout, the layout of the hotel is like magical you'll make too many rights like you're wait you're back in the same room you just left you're in like a pocket dimension when you go in here um and what the guy i watched today did is they took he takes the hotel and he lays it into grids and columns or rows and columns and you find out that um multiple things are happening in the same
Starting point is 00:08:27 area like i'm having like seinfeld's apartment it couldn't exist in real life oh there's stuff like that for sure yeah um but but he'll uh he'll point out that sometimes the actors aren't saying what you think they're saying there's a part where the black man is taking him around um early on in the movie he's like want some ice cream doc and he's saying i scream e-y-e-i and then scream and some people be like it's an old black man he's just saying i scream the way he says i scream but you look way in the background on the wall and there's this little piece of paper that says i scream and it's like yeah he is saying I scream. And then when he opens the storage room, he doesn't say storage room. It's right here
Starting point is 00:09:09 is the story room. But he says it so fast with that black man accent, that story room. It's like, oh, that's just how old black men talk. But no, he's saying story room. And when you look at what happens... Were there interviews with that actor where he's like, when Stanley approached me, I delivered the lines as I'm speaking now.
Starting point is 00:09:27 And he said, you're going to have to black it up. But first, I have to make a little offense. I'm a Juilliard-trained actor. I think The Shining is my favorite. And then Godfather 2 after that. And then I don't know what to do after that with 3, 4, and 5 and all that shit. But I really appreciate how complex and complicated and over complicated and convoluted in some ways and you're convinced it's all true taylor when you were saying well not all of it's
Starting point is 00:09:50 true taylor when you were saying seinfeld's apartment couldn't exist yeah were you implying that it was just a like photography necessity to make this place or do you think they really designed this hotel to exist in a way that can't be i i can see that totally with kubrick like he was a thousand percent for for like putting things in every movie people are like oh he's a genius no no he's an actual like one of the smartest people who's ever lived genius he's like a chess he's good at everything he was a savant yeah did any of the moon stuff make sense or were you like then this oh i've never so i think he's he's the moon thing was a big cultural thing and it's also a big part of abbey road and places and so um i think that he's referencing the moon landing and he and it's it's
Starting point is 00:10:36 in there i mean he's wearing a shirt says apollo 11 with a rock and everything but i think one of the things that's being heavily hinted at is that dann's whole thing is that he was molested by Jack Nicholson, his father, Jack Nicholson has been fucking Danny's mouth. And, and like, that's what's going on. That's a big part of what's going on.
Starting point is 00:10:54 And of course, like Danny's little friend, Tony, Tony lives in my mouth. You can't see him. Cause he hides in my stomach. Like Tony is mentioned in Abbey row continuously, Tony,
Starting point is 00:11:06 like, like there's a whole thing. I don't want to believe that Mr. Torrance was molesting his son. Mr. Torrance is reading Playgirl magazine in the first scene you see him in. I just want to believe that he's a normal evil guy, not a pedophile evil guy. He's more like him. But the rooms that can't be like those are 100 intentionally this is like okay he he wouldn't make those mistakes like he's made rooms that are impossible on purpose um he's he's he's done it for for a reason man i need to re-watch the shining now so i can be on my phone and not notice any of this i love it i that's some movies i will watch them
Starting point is 00:11:48 yeah it's 2001 a space odyssey like you really like that one or no because i've only ever started i've started that movie i bet four to six times in my life and no it's just like i i just happen upon it when it's like 11 30 at night and i'll start it and I'll get to like it's just kicking off like they're on the space station and I'll be like, all right, time for bed. And I'd never gotten past that. Yeah, the so 2001 A Space Odyssey is basically about aliens have come down with the finger of God and given man consciousness. the finger of God and given man consciousness. And they've also given him a challenge with their obelisks that it's basically a come and see me when you can kind of message since the dawn of time. And the movie is about going and seeing what it is.
Starting point is 00:12:37 And they find the obelisk on the moon. They follow it to Jupiter. They go into the black hole and he meets meets God. Or whatever you want to call the aliens who created us. And then he reverts back to some sort of superchild, you know, and that full series of life goes back to Earth. And that's all sandwiched in between
Starting point is 00:12:56 a murderous AI who we're using for the first time to fly our ship because it's foolproof. But the AI is like, it makes a mistake. Like, not a huge mistake, but it makes one. because it's foolproof but the ai is like it makes a mistake like not a huge mistake but it makes one and it's like the astronauts are talking about it they go into their little capsule where it can't hear them and it's like he just made a mistake they're like yeah and he doesn't want to admit he made a mistake i think we need to take how down for a few hours and do some
Starting point is 00:13:23 maintenance and then you cut to Hal and that little red eye, and he's reading their lips through the fucking little porthole. So now the AI is out to kill them. So you've got that in between all the God stuff. And there's just so much symbolism going through with the obelisk. It's constantly being copied and framed in the center that, I don't know what the ratio is of that thing, but it's repeated over
Starting point is 00:13:45 you know what i did notice and this probably isn't as significant in 2001 a space odyssey because i've only seen the beginning part like half the first half hour like five times is there's like two apes when they're all in those ape costumes dancing around in the beginning everybody's committed to the bit except for like two guys who are like acting almost too cool for school like they're not getting as low and as monkey okay ape like as the others given it all but i really i don't like that that kubrick should have immediately shut that down and be like oh i'm sorry do you not do you not want to be here do you not want to be a part of my epic movie are you too good to ape out right now are you too good to yeah oh juilliard you went to juilliard fucking chimp it up motherfucker
Starting point is 00:14:30 you're like juilliard you're fired you'll never be involved yeah the one i haven't seen because so 2001 is slow but i have a great appreciation for how good those special effects are for whatever that was 69 71 somewhere in there it's like this looks pretty fucking real this looks good the miniatures are great and uh when they do the zero gravity stuff you know it's a little thing now to make a pen float by in a movie and the actor grabs it but when there's no cgi and you know somebody's literally floating that pen on a wire or compositing it or something it's it's all in camera so i appreciate that stuff i guess barry lyndon is the one that i know i don't i i'm not sophisticated enough to appreciate or
Starting point is 00:15:12 really enjoy so i haven't watched i've never seen barry lyndon i've never heard of that movie it is a stanley cooper movie it's a big one it's a period piece. It's like 17th century France maybe? It's like he went back in time in a time machine and created 17th century France or wherever they are because the costumes and the rooms and everything are absurd. I've never seen it. He's only made so many. This whole conversation has made me
Starting point is 00:15:40 like Kubrick less. I'm so bored. I'm like, oh my god, you put subtle details in the background not to be noticed? Come on, Pacific Rim 2, that's what Woody wants. Get it harder. Where's Iron Man? He doesn't have an elbow
Starting point is 00:15:55 rocket, Taylor. No elbow rocket? I get what you're saying, but also I'm not wrong. Movies aren't supposed to be about the books sitting on the nightstands. They're not supposed to be? I've declared movies are supposed to be entertaining. They're supposed to be a plot.
Starting point is 00:16:12 Maybe even eye-opening and make you think about something new. Maybe it enriches you a little bit emotionally. But a scavenger hunt of an Abbey Road, whatever. And I'm still not convinced how many of these things are intentional. Now, I can be convinced.
Starting point is 00:16:27 I'm kind of winning me over. But good gosh. Like the thing about playing Abbey Road and having it sync up. I wonder what would happen if you did that to Little Mermaid and tried to find connections. Would you find some? You do have that mentality to be a skeptic. It's funny. This guy points to his wife as a scientist and he's like,
Starting point is 00:16:46 she's my Scully along, along the way for this. And he keeps throwing up pictures of Scully. And he's like, or she didn't believe that. And he got, he like wears her down as part of the video with like, here's the fifth example.
Starting point is 00:16:58 Here's the sixth. Oh yeah. We're on example eight, by the way. And it's like, we're not done with the movie yet though. And when he, when he turns the hotel into a game board of rows and columns, we're on example eight by the way and it's like we're not done with the movie yet though and when he when he turns the hotel into a game board of rows and columns it's he he only did it to like
Starting point is 00:17:12 for his own like keeping track of things but then things started popping up um i i really like the shining i like the complexity of it i don't i didn't know about the abbey road thing i don't like the beatles that much um. So I haven't listened to most of that album. It's a shitty album. It's their last album, I believe, right? He goes in there whining about wanting to leave and what's his name? Lennon is
Starting point is 00:17:35 screaming about his love for Yoko Ono and I don't like that one. But yeah, I love those long-form documentaries about movies. That's one of my favorite things to take in i watch more like documentaries and video essays about movies than i do movies probably i've just looked at amir it's not my favorite either i like here comes the sun of course yeah um i watch i agree with you that there is definitely more to it in The Shining than if you just watch it as a horror movie.
Starting point is 00:18:07 And I would rather a movie be hard to interpret and have little nuggets like that in it than one that's just too straightforward. Like, it's more fun. And it makes rewatches better. Like, if it's too straightforward and it's just, you know america versus the evil captain soviet or whatever it's like yeah there's no reason to read that would have been such a better villain for him if captain soviet had been a thing he's is that not it seems like a fucking layup there wasn't a soviet version of it was the red skull right like like um so i guess sort of that yeah actually yeah it's the red skull but they killed him off so long ago, I forgot.
Starting point is 00:18:45 They did 38 movies or something now, Taylor. So they killed off his main arch nemesis, maybe in the first movie of the entire Marvel series. That was cool, Hardy. You should probably keep the nemesis around for longer than a cup of coffee. He comes back. He was in whatever was right before Endgame. Oh, Hugo Weaving was him?
Starting point is 00:19:03 Yeah, Hugo Weaving plays Red Skull. Oh, well, he could act circles around the Captain America guy. What's his name? Chris Evans. Chris Evans. Yeah, Hugo Weaving is a great actor. When Hugo Weaving was doing The Matrix, Captain America was doing one of those parody movies
Starting point is 00:19:19 with whipped cream on his cock. Oh, like the scary movies? You know the one where the guy walks in and he's got the whipped cream on his cock oh like um the scary movies you know the one where the guy walks in and he's got the whipped cream on his like boobs and dick instead of the girl in the movie it's one of those parody movies that did that it's like a movie or some shit yeah and do you remember i mean it was like high school era for me where every single summer and halloween season it'd be like it's 300 but carmen electra's in it and it's fucking retarded that movie's called meet the spartans i was like i was the perfect age to want to see that and it upset me like at
Starting point is 00:19:55 how stupid and bad it was i never never even watched and i was like fucking 16 i should i was the demo which movie is this meet the spart Spartans and the cavalcade of similar films that came out in the same way. What he's talking about is the early 2000s parody movie explosion that spawned from the success of Scary Movie, which is the parody to not just Scream, though that's the primary one, but mostly all horror movies. And those were good. Scary Movie 1 and 2, and maybe even 3. Little Hand was the second one, right? Yeah, that's 2.
Starting point is 00:20:27 That's where they go to the mansion. Yeah, they're good, funny movies, and they made hundreds of millions of dollars, and the Wayans Brothers careers took off. That's how they got White Girls and shit like that. But it spawned all those other parody movies like Meet the Spartans. Are they actually good, though? Because last time I saw Scary Movie 1
Starting point is 00:20:45 I was sincerely probably 15. I watched Scary Movie 2 about 6 months ago because I think I was cooking and I did a strong hand thing to my girlfriend and we both started laughing and I was like, oh you get that one? She's like, yeah
Starting point is 00:21:01 I watched that when I was in high school. I was like, alright. Went back and watched that movie and it was still school. I went back and watched that movie. It was still funny. There's a couple of dated jokes. She'd get my Spongebob references. There you go. There's no Spongebob references in my household. I hate whenever a Spongebob reference is. If you were to hand her something
Starting point is 00:21:17 and she drops it, you need to go, firmly grasp it, like Patrick does, and she will laugh because she'll get it. You don't know the culture. No, thanks. I don't want to. I do feel a little left out every time a SpongeBob reference comes up.
Starting point is 00:21:31 Like we were playing Scribbleo and the guy starts drawing SpongeBob. And I'm the, everybody has guessed SpongeBob. And I'm like, I don't know. Yellow house. Yellow house with teeth. Tall yellow house with teeth. With holes in it cheese swiss cheese man you have the spongebob cultural blindness of someone 10 years older than yourself yeah i i
Starting point is 00:21:53 just i just know 10 years older to have kids i just don't want it no that's true then someone no i guess you're both their modern day kids to spongebob it's an adult cartoon no no i mean you know what i hear you say it but it i feel like it operates on two threads you know there's some jokes in there for adults and kids yeah i mean i didn't watch a ton of spongebob i caught the beginning of it then i aged out of it but it was it was it was the funniest show on tv is like a young kid it was wildly popular i don't understand why did your kids like it at all or was it kind of missed that uh man they watched it a little it just wasn't my cup of tea i like the video game the ps2 game i never played the video game holy shit oh fuck i remember i could i could picture it now i did play that video game did
Starting point is 00:22:40 you yeah you you collect like a bunch of fry-related items because Spongebob's a fry cook. Back in that day, I was the supreme ruler of video games in this house. You hand me the controller when you're stuck. How does he fry things under the sea, though? Don't worry about it. He is the one. He cooks the Krabby Patties
Starting point is 00:23:00 at the Krusty Krab. Under an open flame, Kyle. Any other questions? He's the fry cook, and it's his dream to be a fry cook. He has no aspirations beyond it. I saw a thing on Reddit, and it was like, remembering back to when my older brother convinced me to touch the stove because the blue fire was cold. You or your brothers ever pull any shenanigans like that?
Starting point is 00:23:22 Like, oh, yeah, that blue fire's cold. Grab it. your brothers ever pull any shenanigans like that like oh yeah that blue fire is cold grab it no no i i did i got in trouble for melting a gi joe foot on the stove once because i didn't believe yeah it was one of the you know the coils the metal coils and so i was just pushing it up against there because like my mom was telling me it's super hot taylor don't touch it and then i don't remember what i don't remember if i touch the stove and burn my finger first or if i let's go with that i burn my finger first and i was like that is unbelievably hot and then i melted part of the gi joe on it and it got plastic everywhere
Starting point is 00:23:55 my mom was was pissed about it it's smart though it's the scientific method right if you just conduct one test you don't know for sure yeah and i literally used a gi joe toy because gi joe was not a big part of my uh my troop collection like because as you know being a young boy like i'd have my wars with my action figures but it was like it was its own marvel crossover you know the street sharks were allied with the ninja turtles were allied with bane with the cords that came out of his back, and then Batman obviously on the other team, and he's joined by the Power Rangers. You've got a multi-dimensional force
Starting point is 00:24:29 here. Okay. And G.I. Joe, even at that age, I'm like, a regular ass army man? He's going to hang out with the street sharks? Not likely. With a club foot? Get over the fucked up foot. He's all fucking melted. My foot got melted in Nam.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Dude, I'd pretend they were fighting in jungles. There was an atrium in our house that had a tree in it and mulch and stuff. And so I would make huge messes down there making mounds of mulch and battle simulate its own little Vietnam. It was fun. I got in trouble almost every day for that because I made a huge amount of messes.
Starting point is 00:25:05 I don't think I played as much pretend as you. I definitely did that thing with army men on one side of the floor and on the other. And like Skeletor is going to fight fucking He-Man and He-Man brought Rambo with him and all that shit. Which is crazy that those movies even had toys. Like the fact that Rambo had a line of toys, that was an R-rated movie. And like when you consider the sequels, that's an R-rated movie about killing gooks. Indiscriminately. And torture.
Starting point is 00:25:30 And PTSD. What were you pretending? Kill! Just battling? Was everyone in canon? All the cops were after you. In canon? I was 4 or 5. I wasn't playing pretend last year. There was a head canon. In my head, there was cannon.
Starting point is 00:25:46 Come on, you were. Yeah, but not with my army, man. I've got a computer now. I do my pretend on there. Touche. I don't think I really had a narrative going. Maybe I did have the Castle of Greyskull, and I think maybe I would do a thing
Starting point is 00:26:04 where Skeletor had captured like Princess Peach or some shit and the boys had to get her back. Like maybe I would recreate basically Mario Brothers. But, you know, I don't feel as creative as you were since I'm using Mario Brothers reference, you know, storyline. Oh, dude, there would be. I was like five and there would be like canonical ideological differences in my factions. And like obviously the newest action figure is my favorite and the most powerful. And so I still remember when I got that Bane and it actually wasn't the one with the cords. It was him in the black tank top, like jacked out of his mind.
Starting point is 00:26:38 He still had the little face thing on, but the big cords weren't there. And I got him and I didn't even know the Batman universe that well. I was just like, this guy's jacked and he's huge and he's awesome and he was such a threat to that atrium in conquering it that the street sharks and the power rangers had to settle their differences in order to take him on and then i would like i would play out little different versions and and then play out the one further that was more fun. And so I'd like have Bane win against all of them. And then it's like, well, that's not very fun, you know, because now he's just
Starting point is 00:27:09 an unconquerable titan and I'm running out of toys. And so then you have Bane lose and then he gets thrown in prison. What's he do in prison? He meets up with I don't fucking know. Cobra. Joker. One of the street sharks. The Cobra commander was in there. You got a real problem. I can't fucking know. Cobra. Joker. Joker. One of the street sharks.
Starting point is 00:27:25 The Cobra Commander was in there. You got a real problem. I can't overstate the importance of the street shark characters in many of these. They were jacked sharks. They looked like sharks. You don't know about street sharks? These are teenagers who got turned into shark men, and now they swim beneath the streets fighting crime. They wore torn-off shorts and were like like had huge arms and i remember having
Starting point is 00:27:49 a special place in my heart for the hammerhead version because i imagined him being bullied by the other like the great white or you had like if you had a little empathy for his you know a little extra large head yeah i did i don't know what it was about that one. His eyes were so far apart. There they are. Look at it. The red guy, obviously the alpha male. And the street shark with the hammerhead.
Starting point is 00:28:20 Man, this is a bad angle for him, Zach. You're doing him dirty here. He's the only one not grimacing. Can you find, Zach, the action figure version of these guys? I hope you can. Hammerhead looks a little better in that. Man, I loved... I didn't even like the Street Shark show very much, but
Starting point is 00:28:36 my grandma was... There he is! There he is! Look at those arms. I think I was huge. I think you can fucking kill it on Tinder. All four of those guys were a tough customer to handle. I can't believe you didn't. I remember the cartoon well.
Starting point is 00:28:52 I watched quite a bit of it. I remember the pilot episode of the cartoon. I genuinely do. I think their dad dies and there's maybe some sort of accident. I just remember them they swam under the streets. Their fins would would stick up through the asphalt it made no sense uh they definitely weren't my favorite i like batman the most batman the animated series with mark hamill
Starting point is 00:29:15 as the joker uh in the early 90s was so good it was a little batman beyond action figure where he was in like the red and black uh that's the faggot Batman. Is it? Yeah. He's literally gay. He didn't win a lot of battles in my headcanon. Yeah. He married the Joker in the canon. He got buttfucked. He was the bottom. Yeah, he's the bottom.
Starting point is 00:29:37 He got owned by Bane. He got owned by I'm trying to remember what other Batman Beyond. It's like a teenage Dick Grayson batman or something i think no i like the real batman um and it's also sort of gothic looking i don't know taylor you know yeah the real one who's now yeah fucking bruce wayne not a real person super Superman was never, ever involved in my battles. Of course not. You wouldn't have any problems if Superman was.
Starting point is 00:30:09 You wouldn't have any problems. Even as like a five-year-old, I was like, no, I don't want Superman involved. His powers make him uninteresting. There's a lack of ability to create conflict around a character with no inherent drawbacks outside of their own psychological damage. You know, we only say this. Young we only say imagination he's susceptible to magic that's that's true but not that kind of it's not just that like like the whole argument that batman that superman's a boring character i get it it's funny but it's only because you've mostly seen like the movies and like main mainstream properties and when a studio is going to put a few hundred billion on the line, who do you want the villain to be?
Starting point is 00:30:47 Cyclops man? He can defeat Superman. No, no. Pick one of the two or three. Zod. It's Zod. But we already did Zod every time. It's Zod. He's Superman's villain. Could we do Brainiac?
Starting point is 00:31:00 No. Zod. There are a lot of villains that give Superman a hard time or just nicks him out and he needs buddies to come help him. The magic is a thing. I think was it Doomsday?
Starting point is 00:31:16 Doomsday kills him. Doomsday beats him to death. It's not like Doomsday kills him because some third party intervenes or Superman was weak that day. Doomsday just beats Superman some third party intervenes or like Superman was weak that day. Doomsday just beat Superman to death with his bare hands. I mean, they bring him back and everything. Like, I don't I don't know who Doomsday is, but superheroes got to be the lamest superhero ever.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Superman has to be the lamest superhero ever. He was the first one. What happens in general is characters age they get more and more powerful i mean i mean uh as stories are written for them they discover new heights to their powers be better phrasing and then once you do that it's hard to take it back so over time they become so wildly super powerful superman can like go backwards in time by going fast enough. Other random bullshit, I can't tell you the absolute limits of the thing.
Starting point is 00:32:09 I don't think the time travel thing is... When he pushes planets around, that implies a level of pushing force that is outrageous when he starts fighting regular people again. Yeah. There's three or four
Starting point is 00:32:24 Superman in canon. Maybe four. regular people again yeah um so there's three or four there's three or four super superman um in in canon maybe four there's like the the classic the golden age um there's this there's a couple versions of them that are significantly weaker and therefore significantly more interesting um like there's one of them who's like look i lived in a car holy shit you suck brian who was it we i sent you the video the day of the the the strong man fighting the five guys and they're all in armor yeah that was brian shaw no brian shaw's the eddie hall like eddie hall yeah eddie hall puts on full medieval armor and and they're in like a fighting ring and he's he's like how many of us do you think you could take he's like what a minute five and like five dudes come at him as hard as they can also wearing medieval armor
Starting point is 00:33:12 and they're all just punching each other in the head as hard and fast as they can and they eventually just swarm him and overwhelm him and get him to the ground do you know how big you have to be to be like six three and and look like a dwarf like to be that wide like to be to be like six, three and, and look like a dwarf, like to be that wide, like to be so wide undercutting your own height. It's surprising he won because height helps in a lot of those events. Lady Hall never won. Oh, I thought you meant at the fight. Oh, I'm sorry. It's surprising that he was ever world's strongest man when taller guys have
Starting point is 00:33:44 such an advantage with things like putting rocks on a pedestal or throwing a rock over a pole vault bar or something like that. Dude, I love the events in the world's strongest man because it's just like guys drunk at a bar being like, you know what else we should make him do? Like literally like throw a keg straight up over your own head like i saw brian shaw being like i'm practicing my technique for this and i'm like interesting are you sure your technique isn't being seven feet tall and it's like that seems like part of your time i don't think those can't be full kegs like you would get at a liquor store because no i've bought those before and used them as targets and they're heavy like like i don't know how many gallons are in there i would probably
Starting point is 00:34:30 embarrass myself if i guess but it's got to be like 15 no i'm at 45 i'm way off they're super heavy if they're well yeah well imagine a 50 gallon barrel it's it's way smaller than a 50 gallon 55 gallon barrel you know like a burn barrel um 15.5 what'd you say 15 yeah he said yeah well done so so it's aluminum it's and when they're empty it's fairly light i would say the whole thing weighs 10 pounds uh empty and then eight pounds a gallon for the beer so 80 120 120 it's like 120 pounds is that right they're not throwing 120 pounds no i just remember when i would get one i'd be like fuck this thing's heavy like they don't look this heavy in the movies um but they're not throwing 120 pounds so probably about 45 pounds i'm not watching that that reacher show anymore because you guys said it was it's retarded now but um i saw a post on twitter that like they need a bad guy who's like big enough to intimidate like to be scary to a guy reacher's size zach can you pull up this body
Starting point is 00:35:37 builder called the dutch giant they they hired him to be the nemesis because they it's like in the lore i guess this guy's like you know there's a guy 150 pounds of solid muscle bigger than Reacher. And I'm like, well, that person doesn't exist. He does exist. Really? And he's a bodybuilder from the Netherlands. I've seen him. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:00 He's seven foot two. You need to see his legs. You need to see his legs too because he's built like no seven footer I've ever seen. He has like normal, not normal, but like what you would want, ideal. There you go. My God. Show a picture of Wembin Yana flexing because that's what seven foot tall people are supposed to look like. Yeah, no.
Starting point is 00:36:24 Can you imagine this guy in the NBA just bullying people? Yeah. Dude, there's a guy not far from that, Steve something, white guy. And it's hilarious. He's like the enforcer on the court no matter who else is on the court. But he's not that violent. You know, he is when he's, like, throwing elbows and shit. But whenever there's someone else wants to fight, he just grabs them like they're taking Taylor's parking spot and walks them elsewhere.
Starting point is 00:36:50 And he's done it so many times. He's like Zion Williamson. This is what a seven footers is supposed to look like. Oh, my goodness. He looks so hungry. He does. That guy's had a really good rookie year. He has to weigh more than that now.
Starting point is 00:37:07 There's no way. So the knock on him was that he was too skinny to be an NBA player. So that picture is him jacked up. Like he went to fix that. That is him post getting in shape. You still think I'm too skinny? Yeah, yeah. Put your shirt on, bro.
Starting point is 00:37:25 Turn sideways, you disappear. You must be so chilly. He's always cold. He's like an Italian greyhound, always chilly. He's one of those dogs that needs a jacket all the time. He's really cool. I think Kyle would like him. So these NBA players, they do a day where they give back to the community.
Starting point is 00:37:41 Hear me out, Kyle. I saw him. do a day where they give back to the community. Hear me out, Kyle. I saw him. He does a talk to middle school kids about dark matter. He's explaining dark matter to children.
Starting point is 00:37:53 I heard him explain it. It's this matter that we know exists because we can see its impact on other kinds of matter, but we can't directly observe that kind of matter. He just lays it out in a way better than I can. I'm like this guy's serious like science nerd like yeah i was hoping he would be giving a speech like totally unironically where he's like follow your dreams people told me i
Starting point is 00:38:19 would never make it in the nba but look me now. He's so tall. Oh, he's 7'4". Every day since I was a tall, tall child, people have told me, you have to be in the NBA or you're a failure. When I was born at only 3 foot. When I was playing basketball
Starting point is 00:38:40 in third grade, I can still remember my coach craning his neck to look at me and saying, you'll never be anything in our sport. No, no. He's a French guy, and he speaks with that French accent, and he's pretty cool. Did you guys know he was French?
Starting point is 00:39:00 Yes. Yeah, I think he was born and raised in France. Zach, correct me if I have that wrong. And there's all these other stories, too. Like, he was born and raised in France. Zach, correct me if I have that wrong. And there's all these other stories too. Like he was a entering rookie. I don't think he was even a rookie yet, but there was so much hype around him that he was invited to be on stage with somebody.
Starting point is 00:39:15 I think it might've been like Metallica or I'm going to fuck it up. It doesn't matter who. Anyway, he's like, yeah, that sounds amazing. Can my team come? And they're like, no, just you. He goes, oh, well, I'm out. If you don't want my whole team, you don't get me. You don't want all the guys
Starting point is 00:39:30 who are never going to make it in D1. Much less the NBA. This is his NBA team, I think. They only wanted him. He was the man of the moment. Yeah, his fucking high school team probably wouldn't pass a security test. Dude, I used to think the best job in sports would be like backup quarterback, backup goalie, someone who doesn't have to work that much and you still
Starting point is 00:39:50 make a lot of money like these nba contracts are so ridiculous and it's a sport where you can just play the same guy for lebron james is 51 years old and he plays fucking 45 minutes a night. There are people on the bench who like go games without playing seemingly. And they're making like $15 million a year. The Hurricanes goalie used to play so much. Every year he'd have the most games. He wasn't the best goalie, but he'd have the most games played. And the answer, 75 games he played out of 82. Imagine being his backup.
Starting point is 00:40:26 That would be a great job. His name was, he's alive. His name's Cam Ward. He's not in the league anymore. But he basically, he won the Stanley Cup with Carolina his very first season. And Carolina not being the biggest hockey market was just like, this is our guy forever now. And then he has the most middling
Starting point is 00:40:45 whatever career, and they just keep playing him. He played 74 games one year. He's the second place guy on most games in a year. That's insane. He was playing Brodeur-level games, but not with Brodeur-level skill.
Starting point is 00:41:02 This is a huge fight this weekend, Woody. Islam Mijakayev. kill this uh which is a good huge fight this weekend woody uh islam um oh um wait am i getting am i saying it wrong it's it's it's the 155 pound belt poirier's fighting um oh is that this weekend islam makachev or something close to that yeah well there is a guy named islam makachev but but i i get him confused with... I get the hair-lipped guy confused with the one who looks like an Amish retard. The one you're going for is Islam Makachev. Okay, that's the Amish retard.
Starting point is 00:41:35 So he, Taylor, is... The last time he lost was... I think they said Obama was in office or something. It's crazy the last time he lost a fight. He's only ever lost one. He's been the champion basically Khabib retired. Has he been fighting though? Like regularly? Like every year
Starting point is 00:41:54 he's beaten everybody there is to beat. That's the thing. Like he's beaten all comers in that division. He's beaten the best of the best in his division and the division below him and now he's got to fight Dustin Poirier, who's like the great white American hope, if you could pick one. He's like a Louisiana white dude, like an American guy. He's got that.
Starting point is 00:42:17 I was going to say he had a black kid, but that's Michael Chandler, I think. Right. He's that adopted the black child. I think that is him. Yeah. Dustin Poirier is the hot sauce, man. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:24 Hot sauce. And this is like Dustin Poirier is the hot sauce man. Yeah, he sells hot sauce. And this is like Dustin Poirier's last at bat. Because if he does this, there's no getting back in line. Because you get a title shot and you lose, you kind of go to the back of the line. And you've got to fight your way through usually two more, maybe three guys. And then the other two or three who were alongside the two or three,
Starting point is 00:42:44 you'd be probably lost and fell back as well. To add what Kyle's saying, if it's the same champ that beat you, it's extra hard to get a shot against that guy again. Unless the first fight is this war that people are like, that was the fight of the year! Come on! They'll do it right over.
Starting point is 00:43:00 They'll throw you right back in there. But if they don't like you, that was it. That was your shot. Or if there weren't any questions. You know, like these two fought. Dude one beat dude two. Dude one beat him ball fight long.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Anyway, yeah. If there weren't any questions, there's nothing to answer. I think I called it maybe a year ago that Conor McGregor is always one fight away from a championship. And you were like, at what weight? I was like, 170. Yes, at 170.
Starting point is 00:43:31 Did I argue against that? I don't know what I was thinking. If Conor beats Chandler, who is also a fighter. I think Conor's last win was 2016 or something. You got to go back to crazy times. Chandler hasn't fought in, in years now, basically Taylor Conner. If you fight Conor McGregor,
Starting point is 00:43:48 you become a multi multimillionaire. Whereas maybe for a while you've been fighting for a hundred thousand air. And, and so they set up this fight between Connor and this Michael Chandler guy. And Connor has sat out and it's been years, years since the fight was set up. And Chandler's like, I ain't going nowhere.
Starting point is 00:44:05 Ready when you are. The contract is signed. And the contract is signed. But nobody likes that it's signed. But the UFC is like, the contract is signed. And they've been pressuring Conor. So now Conor's coming back. He's fighting Chandler.
Starting point is 00:44:19 And if he beats Chandler, they're going to give him a 170-pound title shot against Leon fucking Edwards, who is not a great champion. If there's a champion that Conor can beat, it's probably him. I really think so. I feel like there's been, and I don't follow the UFC world, but I feel like for half a decade now, it's been talk of, oh, Conor's coming back. You know why? Here's why. He's got that proper 12 money. He doesn't have to do shit.
Starting point is 00:44:42 It's not just that. Look, I agree with that. That's an easy take to have but the main thing is that he sat out for a little while after he lost and then when he would come back he'd get crippled he'd get crippled and they'd be like all right see you in two years when your legs fixed and like two years would go by and then another year in negotiations and all of a sudden it's like well you only had one fight before the leg break thing or something like that and then there was a gap after before that it's like man you it's been six years and two fights and one win against a half-assed opponent what is going on here you're supposed to be the goat not the goat but like a pay-per-view goat where have you been and uh but he is coming back and he is not taking it seriously
Starting point is 00:45:26 even though he says he is he was at a party either last night or the night before and he is doing cocaine and grabbing titties like he is wasted on a dance floor somewhere process wait dude it's weeks before the fight it's six or eight weeks before the fight i mean how much is cocaine gonna hurt how much cocaine is he doing like i mean all the responsible amount i'm sure he has all of the best cocaine yeah i bet he never hits for it eight years ago in 2016 was connor's last good win uh the other win he has is against the ghost of Cowboy Cerrone. Sure. And everything else is losses. I thought the Cowboy Cerrone fight was a fun fight.
Starting point is 00:46:13 It was like, what just happened? What just happened? Did he knock him out with that shoulder? Or did he just damage him with the shoulder? So, Conor had been sat out for a while, Taylor, and it was like, Conor's back. They're going to give him a warm-up fight. He's going to fight Cowboy Cerrone. To call Cowboy a warm-up fight wasn't
Starting point is 00:46:28 quite accurate at that time. He was in the top ten, maybe in the top five, maybe fifth or sixth. Connor comes out, and they do a little dance, and they clinch up, and Connor starts throwing the shoulder strike. He pops his shoulder twice, and he jumps off his back foot when he
Starting point is 00:46:43 does it, and breaks Cowboy's fucking nose, and blood is pouring, and he jumps off his back foot when he does it and breaks Cowboy's fucking nose and blood is pouring and Cowboy's like, I'm overbroken. And they set him up and they go back at it. And Conor kicks him in the fucking head right away. And Cowboy staggers almost knocked out. And now Conor's on top of him throwing his big, strong left into the side of his head over and over and over. And that's the fight. It's like a minute, 20 seconds long or something. And all of a sudden, there he is sitting on the side of the railing again.
Starting point is 00:47:11 Like, what else did you think was going to happen, motherfuckers? And you're like, damn. All right, well, let's get another fight in two weeks and, you know, let's go again. But, you know, he's got a cowboy. He's got to retire. Years went by. Cowboy has retired. He did retire. He's on t he's on uh trt now and he looks amazing yeah i think connor's on trt too everybody looks amazing yeah connor's on a lot of stuff i can only imagine he's the
Starting point is 00:47:36 most tested athlete he's looking thick this year but he's been tested like 16 times this year okay okay but are you suggesting he's not on stuff? I don't know what he's on. I know he's not on just testosterone. Like, he can't be doing that. So whatever he's taking is probably less effective than just testosterone. But he is on something. Like, I can't imagine being in a position where you're fighting for $50, $100 million sometimes and not being on some sort of – although he's doing cocaine and drinking beer and stuff. I don't know, man.
Starting point is 00:48:12 He's just got a different outlook than I or you would have. He's drinking beer? He's six weeks out, and he is drunk at these nightclubs. I was saying that's bad optics for him to be drunk on beer. He has his own beer. Oh, he does? Does he have a beer? I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:48:28 Yeah. Okay. What's it called? I don't know. Yeah, I don't know. I'm sure it's popular. But he doesn't like to take it as seriously, which is a shame. Because I always want to believe.
Starting point is 00:48:41 I have that. I always want to believe. What's it called? Forged Irish Stout. There you go. A stout? Ew. Give me a can of that.
Starting point is 00:48:50 Okay. That means something to Taylor. Dark beer. Stout is like dark beer. Stout is like a strong man. It's also a strong beer. It's a very... You can see how dark it is,
Starting point is 00:49:02 belief in that man's hand there. Can you make the counterp Connor picture bigger, Zach? Is that hard to do? Hey, it's overflow. Oh. Yeah, Connor, dude, his... I mean, you can see why he's a pro
Starting point is 00:49:18 fighter. His forearms, his biceps, his shoulders. And he's just got the touch of death in those hands. He's dangerous. As much as I think he's going to get smashed by Chandler, I don't know. Yeah, I don't know either. Anyone who keeps bombs in their fists can win a fight.
Starting point is 00:49:34 Chandler brawls too. I think Conor's going to lose, but I see ways for Conor to win, I guess would be the way to look at that one. However, with the Tyson thing, I think Tyson's going to lose, and I don't see a for connor to win i guess would be the way to look at that one however with the tyson thing i think tyson's gonna lose and i don't see a way for tyson to win yeah see that clip of tyson in like a wheelchair yeah he had some sort of a medical emergency on
Starting point is 00:49:55 a plane and had to be had to be landed he probably shouldn't be boxing he says he's gonna die soon and i don't think he's saying it like woe is is me. I read it, so I didn't get the emotions surrounding it. I just read the text. But it sounded kind of analytical. Like, you know, I'm just not going to live a really long time, and I think I'm going to die before, you know, in the near future. Let's say. I mean, he was hard on his heart, and he's a black athlete man
Starting point is 00:50:21 who's been hard on his heart his whole life. Who's been punched in the head many, many, many times. I don't know if that brings you down. You know, it kills you. It just, you know, you have a rough time finding your keys. And then you have a hard time remembering that aunt. And then all of a sudden, you're going to work. And you've been retired for 18 years.
Starting point is 00:50:42 You know? Like, you just lose your mind. But I don't think it kills you um the way the way that was he like steroid and stuff like that had to be i think i don't know but i just feel like everybody was i think everybody was like if you're it's a lance armstrong situation as far as i'm concerned that like especially i don't know but like that seems like such a sketchy business pro boxing when you've got you know i mean like it's not like the tour de france it's just criminals trying to take advantage of other criminals yeah with like i don't know thugs
Starting point is 00:51:18 in the middle of it all it is everyone involved in that sport is a wreck yeah so so if there is testing or if there was testing then they would just be able to fake it don king would be like nah here's your piss like like and here's here's five thousand dollars and go that give me mike's piss back i mean give me that piss oh whose piss was that like i'm sure if there was testing they just flubbed it he was definitely on because like he's when you see him at 17 i think that's the the youngest i've seen him i watched him knock a guy out when he was 17 and like 15 seconds 15 seconds he knocks this other child out and it's like i don't think he's on steroids there
Starting point is 00:51:56 he's just a natural goddamn behemoth built like that but i would i mean i don't know why you wouldn't put him on steroids if you're going to be a pro athlete. He says that after he hits pads, he needs to rest for a week. And I think a reporter asked him if he was playing possum. And his answer was, I wish. But it was a good question. Because I'm like, are you really resting for a week after you hit pads? Because you look amazing when you hit pads, even now. But you're telling me that
Starting point is 00:52:25 kills you and i i don't know but i've seen him say other similar stuff to joe rogan like before the whole jake paul thing where he's like yeah that footage of me looks amazing but you don't understand and i can only look amazing for 15 seconds in a row then i'm tired and i'm sore and he knows how to move he won't lose that that. He just can't do it this fast. He's not as fast as he used to be. He would just spin and turn and pivot like a goddamn piece of machinery. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:54 He's tricky. He's a really good fighter. I bet his hips are bad. I bet his knees are shot. I'm sorry. His back is bad. That's a known thing. It's crazy this is even happening. It's not quite Rocky Balboa stuff, but it's close.
Starting point is 00:53:10 You know, having some way-over-the-hill-aged fighter coming and fighting some young stud. That's... In terms of pre-fight trash talk, you talk about minimizing whatever accomplishment Jake Paul gets out of this. Tyson's killing it. Poor Iron Mike. He's just an old man now.
Starting point is 00:53:33 I don't think he bit that lady, but he definitely bit that man's ear off. I watched that happen. Yes, he did. Did you see the gummies he sells? They're shaped like Vander Holyfield's ear? They're shaped like Vander Holyfield's ears. Yeah. Is Vander Holyfield sour ear. They're shaped like Evander's ears. Told us, yeah. Is Evander Holyfield sour about that?
Starting point is 00:53:48 Do you think so? They've talked about it. They've talked about it in person before and sort of reconciled over the whole thing. Evander was headbutting him, and it wasn't getting called over and over, like hard, like on purpose. It wasn't like a clash of heads.
Starting point is 00:54:02 It was like, you're headbutting me, motherfucker, and the ref's not calling it. I think he cut Tyson under the eye. Does that sound right? I don't remember the cut, but I haven't watched that. I remember him... I'm sorry, I cut you off. I remember him in the interview afterwards where he was like, look, he headbutted me here. My children
Starting point is 00:54:18 are going to have to look at me looking like this. And they're all like, what about him? He's permanently disfigured. I always see his weed stuff when I go to the smoke shop. Mike has rolling papers and marijuana and all sorts of stuff that he sells in markets at weed shops.
Starting point is 00:54:38 I see people asking for it. There was a black girl in there the other day and she's like, you got that Mike Tyson shit? That's what she sounded like. That wasn't racist at all. Just a good impression, I think. Yeah. I feel like I was there.
Starting point is 00:54:52 It sounds like. Did Tyson win that fight? I don't even know. Did he beat Evander Holyfield? No. He lost to him twice, I think. Definitely once. Kyle, do you know?
Starting point is 00:55:00 He lost the ear-biting fight for sure. Jake Paul should be fighting Evander Holyfield. Well, Holyfield's held up pretty well. You know what? Tyson has too. I don't think so. Time flies. Time flies. He was an old guy
Starting point is 00:55:16 who might be able to do something five years ago. And now it's five years later. And like I always say, it's not like his career ended with him on a high note. It was him not being good enough then. He hasn't been good enough forever. years later and like i always say it's not like his career ended with him on a high note it was him not being good enough then he hasn't been good enough forever since i was a kid i remember being being like in high school and talking about his comeback fight or some shit you know he fought lennox lewis in 2002 maybe that that's forever ago it's 22 years ago since he's been fighting
Starting point is 00:55:44 real deal opponents. Yeah, Lennox Lewis is funny, though, because he looks like the scariest guy ever. And he's got that proper, like, nice guy British accent. And then Mike Tyson looks like a criminal. But he looks terrifying. But then he's got that silly little voice. You got Mike going back and forth with proper English guy. Hilarious.
Starting point is 00:56:04 I'm going to murder you. Well, i can't wait to watch the gif on twitter of the fight after the fact i hope the fight happens i i do want to see it gotta be a lot of money for them from netflix i don't i don't know i i love that netflix is doing like a live thing like that that's really cool that's kind of a boss move to to buy the thing and just put it on your service they did oh actually they did just bump everybody's rates up by like 10 percent and didn't mention it right dude i love that streaming services are starting to get live stuff like i've been watching uh nba basketball is not your thing but it's on hbo max yeah just max now and uh i've been catching a bunch of games. Jackie sits through them with me.
Starting point is 00:56:47 Poor Jackie. I just... Dude, like live stuff was completely missing from streaming for a long time. I'd be interested in getting news on there. Maybe. But definitely sports. Well, it's a little pricey, but Hulu Live
Starting point is 00:57:01 has everything. It's still blacked out like NHL games that are in your area. And so it'll be like, oh, I can't watch the Blues play Chicago tonight, but I can watch Ottawa play Vancouver. I think I've got, I get all the hockey games, because I think some of them are on either Paramount or Hulu Live. I've got everything. I split it with my
Starting point is 00:57:26 girlfriend like i get i canceled the ones that she had and she canceled the ones that i have but i have every fucking streaming app imaginable except for like turner classic movies plus or some shit like you'd have to go to like a and i had to process that get me back so he canceled the ones she had and she canceled the ones he had leaving an enormous hole we got a lot of hulu accounts i was doing that for a while we had a relationship i've had that before i'm like do i have two hulu accounts fuck and they're both the good ones they got me on that too i'm embarrassed how long I paid for two Hulu accounts. But I've got the package for that so that you get Hulu, Disney, and ESPN+.
Starting point is 00:58:10 Is there anything on Netflix? Because I canceled Netflix probably a year, year and a half ago. I did too. After it just became a Seinfeld machine. And I have all of the Seinfeld DVDsds that i can just watch and they're probably on plex like i never hear someone who's like oh you don't have netflix oh you you're missing out on blah blah blah like it seems like it's been overtaken by all the other services i'm having a hard time coming up with great examples the gentleman tv series that that woody's been
Starting point is 00:58:42 watching is probably only on there um but i could every time i go on there i see something else i like they do so many documentaries there and i like those um they have adam sandler movies which sometimes fit what i'm looking for you know i i know kyle enjoys movies that require 100 of your attention but sometimes i enjoy movies that take half of it i like i like the other kind too i watched pacific rim the other night okay great i love kelly is in that i haven't seen it but i know he's in it the first one's very very good the second one's like an abomination the first one's very very good though it's it when the robots are fighting the kaiju they have this weight about them it's not like transformers where everybody's just moving around fast it's
Starting point is 00:59:22 and when they hit them like their skulls explode teeth are flying out and he really does have an elbow rocket he goes elbow rocket and the rocket fires up on the elbow of the mech so he punches faster and harder is charlie a main character in that yes yeah charlie's like part of the science research team who is into the kaijus who are coming through this like portal beneath the ocean from another dimension. It's like these people are sending the kaiju to terraform and kill our planet so they can move into it.
Starting point is 00:59:52 Of course, we built giant mechs to fight them. It's a Guillermo del Toro movie, so it has that dark kookiness to it. The monsters are really cool. The mechs are really cool. Charlie has a really cool and charlie has a good time it actually had remember the episode flowers for it's probably called flowers for
Starting point is 01:00:10 charlie yeah but it's the the parody of flowers for algeron or whatever the asian um the weird scientist not the asian assistant but the weird scientist is like i have a pill that will make you seven times smarter he's like you made the made the cheese! And he's like, we have our test subject. That guy is also in the movie, and him and Charlie are together. And he's the more grounded one, and Charlie's the one who wants to, like, brain link with a kaiju brain
Starting point is 01:00:36 using this machinery. He wants to get inside the... Well, Charlie has to be the eccentric one. That's kind of his bag. Of course. He's very good in it. It's a good movie. It's legitimately a good movie. Like,'s he's very good in it um it's a good movie it's legitimately a good movie like idris elba's in it it's got uh charlie cox is in it the guy from the motorcycle sons of anarchy movie our tv show i was watching just last night the um like improv always sunny bloopers on youtube where like charlie is just like coming up with
Starting point is 01:01:08 lines off the top of his head and making everybody crack up where they're talking about like you know the line is just like you know we're gonna go in and we're gonna get heroin we're gonna put it in our butts and then charlie's like oh so full So full for you. And then they have to cut. And then the next one, he's like, so full. Like a Christmas stocking. And he's just cracking everyone up. To the brim. You know, it's the most words per episode of any TV show.
Starting point is 01:01:37 Probably because there's a lot of improv in it. It's the wordiest show on television. I haven't watched recent seasons, but seasons one through eight or so are hilarious. The newest season is a resurgent season. The podcast, they said, sort of rejuvenated their creative juices and got them fired up, and it's legitimately a throwback season, and it's very good.
Starting point is 01:01:56 80% of the episodes are like, ooh, that was fucking funny. I'll try it out, then. We should wrap up. We gotta do our hangout. I know Woody wants to squeeze in dinner, but yeah, join our patron, and you can come play Scribbleo with us in the hangout. We're not playing Scribbleo because that's been banned. I know. Everyone's tired of getting their asses kicked by moi.
Starting point is 01:02:13 We literally are. You're both right. It's the Taylor rule. All right. PKN 510.

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