Painkiller Already - PKN 528

Episode Date: October 1, 2024


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Starting point is 00:00:00 No, I don't. PKN528 took a second. What's up, boys? How's it going? Not too much. I was farming Magna Swords in Elden Ring. And dude, worst luck ever. So this thing has a 1% drop rate,
Starting point is 00:00:16 but because of a bunch of details, I didn't like my characters leveled up and I wore the right helmet and whatever, 2.3% drop rate. It must have taken 400 tries to get that 2% hit. There's a 4% drop rate on the shield. So in theory, I should have four times as many shields as swords.
Starting point is 00:00:38 I had 50 shields before I got a sword and the sword is all I wanted. I had the shield already. So I spent a good four hours productively today getting a magma sword. It looks like lava on a hilt. It's dope. Well, congratulations.
Starting point is 00:00:52 At least is it like Skyrim in that, like all those shields you got, you can go barter them at least. It's not a waste. Get money. The thing is that it's a terrible way to earn money. It, a hundred runes, I get 600 runes for one
Starting point is 00:01:06 slice of my sword. And yeah, so it's, the money's not worth anything. It's more of a pain to clean out my inventory than it is worth the money to sell it all. I liked that about Skyrim. Like I think only once ever did I make a character. Cause you know, those, those, uh, skilled trees that are like lock picking speech, um, you know, sneaks, sneaks important always, but like, I never invested in those. And then once I actually looked at the speech tree, I like made a character and like max it out because I didn't realize it's like, Oh, I can like invest
Starting point is 00:01:40 in people's businesses and they can expand and then they'll have more money. You can give them dialogue options. You can, uh, sell them stolen goods. Everyone is your fence. Now when you get to that point, like I, I have an Archer character that I hadn't played in a while. My girlfriend's trying Skyrim for the first time. So I like loaded up recently to be like, cause it saves all your old characters. And I'm like, Oh, I have like a hundred and love 110, like sneak elf. And he's like, not that scary looking, but you can like just because of stats,
Starting point is 00:02:09 he can walk up to anyone and intimidate them. And it's wonderful. I love that. I love the intimidation or like the persuasion because early game, someone will be like, it's 200 gold to get into rift insert. And it's like, you can select like, here's your gold, or you can select like persuade and you can be like This is clearly a shakedown trying to be persuasive and the guards like yes that might to be intimidating from someone else
Starting point is 00:02:32 That'll be 200 gold Fuck I'm such a bitch And then later I love that the only it might be Skyrim or it's Baldur's Gate But like when you click intimidate, your character kind of goes, and it'll be like a cute little girl that you've got. And she just goes, it's like a little, it's like a little kid in the commercial who wants jam or something. It's like, that is not intimidating. Like,
Starting point is 00:02:57 my character is going the other direction. Like as, when I was new to the game and I'm still new, I don't mean to act like I'm some sort of pro, but I would grab the best armor and best weapon I had now. I'm like I would like to fight this guy in a flowy dress I'm doing like dancing sword styles. I'm wearing light armor. I'm I don't know enjoying the game by making it hard. Yeah, that's that's an important part of those games like it Feels like Skyrim Elder Scrolls even fallout from what I played Sometimes it seems like you go from struggling and dying often to just being an unkillable Titan over the course of like
Starting point is 00:03:43 Two skill tree points in the middle of the game and then it's like, oh, well, this isn't even that motivating anymore. I'm already doing more damage than I need to kill everyone. And you have to make it harder on yourself. Like the sneak option in Skyrim, like once you get 100 sneak and special boots or whatever, you can walk up to someone in their own store in their house at 3 a.m. while you're robbing them. And they can look at you and they'll be like, I could have sworn I heard something. And it's like you're rattling things them and they can look at you and they'll be like, could have sworn I heard something. And then, and it's like, you're like rattling things around, like just causing problems. Drop the cauldron. I just dropped 10 sets of iron armor all over your home.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Early game, I had this katana. And when you slice it, this magic beam comes out and it let me shoot, I don't know, like 16 feet. So I became an expert at managing that 16 feet and hitting people on the end of my range. And now I'm like, well, that is too easy for me. So let's fight with claws. Let's fight with, you know, tiny swords, two daggers, one in each hand and shield work. And I, I'm so loving it. This is the greatest game ever made. It's so good. I'm so glad you're liking it.
Starting point is 00:04:47 It's been a long time since you had a game like really get you. Yeah. Yeah. Like I enjoyed doom. But once I finished it, I wasn't like I need another playthrough. I'm like basically 100%. Like there are different quest lines. The first time I played played I was the best person
Starting point is 00:05:05 I could possibly be now. I have all that gear now You know persons like what should I do and I'm like, I don't know if I can kill yourself and I get different gear So now I'm playing the game as an asshole Just like hurting everyone that I come in contact same the same original character you started or a totally different. Yeah So there's like a prestige Metric in this game. So once you prestige everyone you fight is a little more powerful They hit harder and they take less damage, but you're ready for it. Okay. Yeah, that sounds fun. Yeah, I've been like through new decisions Since we're talking about gaming
Starting point is 00:05:41 I've been playing age of mythology with obviously my friends and then also Scum and Dirty is now playing. And I don't know how to set up the lobby yet so that in AOE, I know how to make it so that like, if I played with you guys, I would make it so that my base was the one on the outside. So if early harassment came, you guys wouldn't be dealing with it. But I don't know how to do that in Age of mythology. And so dirty and scum got lined up on the other side of me, which is like not good because then I can't help dirty. And scum was getting so annoyed and upset at dirty and dirty is like brand new. He's like asking me like, so how many people should I have on gold? And I'm like, it depends what you're making.
Starting point is 00:06:23 He's like, okay, but like how many? And I'm like, that's not how RTS works. It depends. Your question is wrong. And then I'd be like, well, you know, the real issue right now is dirty. I'm looking at your base and you have a hundred idle villagers, no one's doing anything.
Starting point is 00:06:35 Can you please tell them to do something? He's got guys chopping wood a hundred miles away and walking back one handful of wood at a time to his town center. And he's dirty, he's like, I got some army though. What do I do with it? And for a solid like three minutes, which in this game is a long time, there's a lot of battles happening. Scum is like, I'm losing up here dirty. I need, I need help. I need help. We're getting pushed back. And dirty's like, where do you want me? And scums like here, I'm paying it on the mini map. I want you here. And dirty's like, calm down. They're coming.
Starting point is 00:07:04 I'm pinging it on the mini map. I want you here. And dirty's like, calm down. They're coming. They're coming. Calm down. I'm learning. Like I'm on the other side of the map. So I'm doing my own thing. And I just hear scum continuing. Like, do you have anything? You said you have something, send it up. That was like two minutes ago. And he's like, be patient. I'm sending stuff. I look over at his base. No units are moving. There's no, no one is even being directed. Are you just not in a position? Well, I was fighting the other two guys on the other side, so I didn't have enough to maintain my push and save scums fight.
Starting point is 00:07:32 And so dirty was just doing that new Barthes thing where he wanted to make a nice, perfect, pristine army before he marched them in. When the real thing is like, no, send them to the front. Like this is frantic. Get it. Move. He was, scum was like getting actually mad at dirty. And it was, it was very fun. I was trying to keep, I was like doing the same thing I do in our code names game. So I'm like, it's okay guys. It's all right. No reason to be upset. Sometimes we miss click. Sometimes in dirty's case, we forget to click for three minutes at a time.
Starting point is 00:08:02 I play like dirty if I can. I hopefully I my head in the game but like when I play Civ it's like are you going to attack anyone? Well the highway system I currently have is inefficient. I want to expand my highways and connect my cities and then that'll be better. This time when I invest all my resources into just roads, I'll find a way to pivot to army when it's necessary. Oh no, I couldn't again. Like, that's the way it always goes. But hypothetically, if I had an army,
Starting point is 00:08:34 they'd get from one city to the other very quickly. Oh, so quick. Anyone want any other? I mean, the invading army is gonna love your roads. So. Yes, they do, they do. It's a service. Is that how that works?
Starting point is 00:08:44 I didn't realize how expensive highways were to maintain. You have a nice highway system? Oh, that's a drain on the roads. Oh they do. They do. It's a service. Is that how that didn't realize how expensive highways were to maintain. You have a nice highway system. Oh, that's a drain on the economy. Yeah, I I think Civ am I right? Am I wrong? It's not like you would have expensive roads. What have these you would have these roads and we would look and be like, oh no, is there a way to fix it? Let's just play it out. I mean, don't, he got it built. Like look, look, I like my spider web.
Starting point is 00:09:09 All right, it's a perfectly good highway system. So you explain what do you mean by the road issue? You pay taxes on the roads basically every turn. So like every tile of road costs maybe one or two gold or something. And it goes up over time because at first it's cobblestone roads and eventually it's auto bonds and shit.
Starting point is 00:09:26 But you want to be super efficient. You just have like one road. You don't make a spider web because there's you're never going to it's not real life. Nobody's ever going to travel to like Philadelphia to Wyoming. Like we don't need a road to do that. We're making Wyoming connect to Texas and then they'll go around and connect to the East Coast, you know, but what he would have these spider webs and then he'd like fill in the gaps, too So like every tile in there, they might have been auto they might have been set to auto
Starting point is 00:09:53 So you paved the entire country just there was a lot of paving going on our quality of life was wonderful before we were invaded then just like learning Learning the multiplayer in that game is so different than a single player too, because in multiplayer you might not, it's hard to remember, but I think maybe the roads only cost if they're connected or something like that. No, no, no, if it's road tiles in your territory,
Starting point is 00:10:16 that's the other thing we would do to Woody. It was me, we'd go, I'd send my worker to Woody's land and my worker's light blue and his is dark blue. So he's like never ever going to, guy could be on fire and what he wouldn't notice because he's new to the game. He's trying to manage cities. So my guys in his territory building roads, that's all he does. He's just building. I thought I had auto or something.
Starting point is 00:10:40 I'm building you a road and not just not really a road, just like a four wide highway. You'd never build a road wider than one tile. It's insanely wasteful. Oh my goodness. It's just huge thoroughfares from nowhere to nowhere. And there's lots of sneaky stuff you can do in that game. Like, you know, military's cost tax.
Starting point is 00:11:02 You know, if you own something, you have to pay this tax on it, just like the roads. So what you do when you're mounting this offense, you're planning to kill someone is you'll build, it may take two turns to build one tile of road. So he'll hammer on the same tile for two turns and then little road tile up here. So you just put one turn into each tile where you are eventually going to want to road. So when you do want roads, now you got double roads, speed, build time out of all of a sudden, and the guy's expecting it to take you two turns and suddenly boom. It's just there.
Starting point is 00:11:31 Same thing with military. Like it might take three turns to build an archer. So you put two turns into the archer and then switch to a spearmint and put three turns into the spearmint and switch to a hop light and then put four and you keep doing that until everything is one turn away from being produced and it could be jets and bombers and battleships and then all of a sudden and you do this with all your cities so suddenly all of your cities are one turn away from making a dozen different things so they so in 12 turns you have 12 units times five cities 60 units and if they're
Starting point is 00:12:02 not watching the scoreboard and i don't mean just glancing in the top left like Cod, I mean they're not, they have to open a menu, scroll down, look at your CIV, look at your military score, which is an arbitrary four-digit number, and be like, okay it was 1421 last turn, I'll check back next turn. Next turn it's 2000, oh no! Like that's a coup! A coup is taking place, but you've got to be on that. And while managing all of your shit at the same time, our online games in Civ, uh, one V one, or are they always team like big team games? Uh, people do different things, but I think the most popular thing was to do the, the five or six player free for alls, like in the NQ that, that NQ group,
Starting point is 00:12:43 the no quitters group that filthy was part of, or probably still is that that big group of guys like that was the core of the game. They made the rule set, they made the mod, they sort of voted on what the mod would be. And so those were the main guys. And that's kind of how they played was that five or six player free for all. I'm sure it's similar to like, R in that it's like like filthy follows build orders. Like he's not just free wheeling the whole time, right? Or at least minor like understanding build orders where it's like, all right, two on farms or two on food and then one on gold by turn three or like whatever it is.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Yeah, you would know very specifically like you What what became really popular was like 2v2 and 3v3 with an ocean in the middle or not a billion ocean? But a river that's two tiles wide three tiles wide and then you build You're on you're on the split mirror map essentially and then you're rushing toward wonders. That's the early early game It's like who's in a better position to get this wonder or that wonder that will give us an advantage in the mid to late game battle.
Starting point is 00:13:49 But eventually there's gonna be a water fight or a landing. You know, one or the other is going to happen. And if someone, you do like a draft so someone could get a SIV who's really good at water. Usually you ban those, but sometimes that just happens. Those were really fun. I liked those a lot, because it got rid of all the randomness
Starting point is 00:14:07 of just regular Civ, and having the map mirrored and resources mirrored, it got rid of all that RNG, and it became... I mean, if you miss something by a turn, you'd lose. You had to min-max so heavily that it would be a one-turn difference. And sometimes you would both get it on the same turn. The game flips a coin.
Starting point is 00:14:28 The game flips a coin if we both complete Machu Picchu on the same fucking turn. And that's, it's just a coin flip on who wins. Yeah. I get much, the term will happen and you'll be watching you like big money, big money, big money. And you'll either hear blah, blah, blah, blah, cause you're, cause, big money, big money, big money. And you'll either hear blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, because you're because the Spartans, the Romans just got a Machu Picchu. And now they're I don't know what it does, but now they can move two tiles instead of one on mountain tiles. And it's like,
Starting point is 00:14:54 it's a big deal. Or the other guy, he's like, wait, what happened? So all the resources that you put into it go away. If I remember correctly, I don't think they roll over. I think you're right. Yeah. Yeah. I think, I think that's the way it works. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:10 Good times. That sucks. And those games last so long. Those games are probably more like an hour to three hours. If you're playing like two V2 or three V3s, because you get them in a position where everybody's like yeah that's okay that's not as bad as I thought it was the big the free for all is the ones that would go four or five six seven hours because you'd
Starting point is 00:15:33 have to you'd have like the Eastern faction of two guys who were like far enough away and like got lucky and they're like come and get us if you can it's like dude the bombers will be there in an hour and a half. Do you really want to do this? Yeah. Bring them. And it's like, all right, let me get good. Hi, let's just burn this time up. Yeah. Have you played recently? And he said, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Because you've you've got to be into it so much to know. Like, you got to be so good to be to match a good player on the same turn stuff and stuff like that. And you need someone of similar ability or it's just not fun. Like you don't want to get your butt fucked because you might notice 40 minutes into a four hour game. They're like, Oh, Oh, this is going to end well for me. That's why it's so difficult and intimidating to jump into like online
Starting point is 00:16:22 ladders of strategy games. Because the kind of people you run into, like, like the people who are obsessed with Civ, like that's what they play. Like, they're not even like they're not playing Elden Ring or Call of Duty, but they know exactly what to do on turn three and how to ruin your farms with some early hoplite attack. And so like the the inroads are so tough. I love early game harass and anything.
Starting point is 00:16:48 I like being able to get something there fast and be consequential and upset people. That's kind of my favorite thing in those games. So any Civ that has like an early special unit, if your guy gets some special horseman in the ancient age or the bronze age or something and you don't use it, then in the bronze age, then what Age or something and you don't use it then in the Bronze Age then what's the point of your SIV? Yeah, you just have to take advantage of your power spikes.
Starting point is 00:17:11 Yeah, so in the Bronze Age you're sending your samurai in there to get get after people. They're like, what? Why are you doing this to me? Because it's effective. Because Samurais don't work for World War II. Yes, World War II is coming and the Samurai will suck. That's exactly I don't. I remember playing this is many years ago. I didn't play Civ very much, but I had some Civ where I was making a bunch of hoplites and then whatever the hoplites upgrade into is like lame compared to hoplites. And I was like, oh, I almost want to go back to the hoplites.
Starting point is 00:17:43 I think it's one of those things where like you want them to upgrade into nights, but instead they upgrade into Lancers and Lancers are only only good against nights, which is a they're not multi-use at all. I think that's their counter unit. And then, yeah, kind of. And then like the Lancer doesn't upgrade forever. And I think it finally turns into a machine gun. But it's so late into the game like
Starting point is 00:18:05 you really held on to that lancer and pay taxes on him for the last 1800 years that guy's like a fucking uh in the warhammer 40k universe when like your greatest warrior gets crippled and ruined they don't just bury him they they take what's left of him, like his brain and his heart, and they stick it in this sarcophagus that's in like a battle suit. And now he's just in there. And he's got like a like a like a speaker voice in now. So he's just like, I am prepared to kill. They'll wake him up every 5000 years to wreck house. So they just put his soul in a robot? No, it's bought that they like take his brain and like a little bit whatever's left. It's like a bag of an amniotic sack inside of this.
Starting point is 00:18:50 Like he's alive in there, but they've wired him up to be a machine man now. Have you been watching more 40K stuff? No, no, not at all. Did they lose you because they got woke or something? Absolutely, yeah, Yeah. Yeah. The online, like the lore videos online aren't going to be like woke shit, right? Yeah, they are. Yeah. I mean, that's the it's the it's the canon.
Starting point is 00:19:15 They changed the canon. Oh, OK. So that's why people are. Yeah. Well, I would understand. That would be like that would be like if Amazon had a show where suddenly orcs were just misunderstood. That would be the same level of disrespect to the lore. Did that happen? Yes, that's what they're doing.
Starting point is 00:19:31 Where they're like, it's like sad orcs being like, we just want a place to live. And it's like, that's not what orcs are. They're evil. That's the whole point. I'm going to do a sad Nazi movie where Hitler's just like, why don't they understand me? I'm a fat a sad Nazi movie where Hitler's just like, why don't they understand me? I'm just a fat-headed man. Oh great, final solution, this, final solution, that, no.
Starting point is 00:19:51 I have a heart. I have to read it over. What does everyone like? Trains. Just a, he's just a misunderstood guy, clearly. He only listens to his most autistic advisor, trains. Trains, sir. You're gonna, you gonna you want trains everywhere?
Starting point is 00:20:06 You know love be interesting to be German and like understand him a little better Understand his speeches in his native tongue understand like even if you hear it translated I can hear you screaming, but you see the AI right? Yeah, I saw the AIs. That's very funny the AI where they make him They give him a British accent and it comes out smooth. And it's like, he's like, I've been there for you when this happened. And when that happened and when the Bolsheviks came, who stood for you now? Who will stand for me? Will you stand for me? And it's like, fuck, he did.
Starting point is 00:20:39 He did stand up to the Bolsheviks. Well, what do you need from me? Whoa, actually, I'm Hitler's top guy. I do want to say that. I don't think I saw what you guys are both referring. They basically used AI to make Hitler's voice, but it speaks English instead, but still kind of in like that history channel ish like Hitler's speech cadence comes out right. Yeah. Yeah. I've seen some of those clips. I'm sure apparently they're going like viral on Tik Tok and they're banning joke off Tik Tok. Have you heard the joke that happened at a meeting with Hitler and like the head of the Luftwaffe and like like his whole audience is like all his generals
Starting point is 00:21:21 and shit. I feel like I've heard this story. There's like a fly pestering Hitler and Hitler told one of his guys to like, I can kill that fly and I think he told the guy who was in charge of the army or the tank patrol or something. He's like actually, uh, mein Führer, um, that's an airborne threat. You want to consult with the head of the Luftwaffe. Hitler sent him to the Eastern Front. He'll send him the Hitler sent him to fight the fucking Russians.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Which is what you're doing at the meeting is the war is going so bad of making jokes, are we? Terms do not have a sense of humor. I think he repairs the supply lines that's being bombed or you didn't. All right. We'll get to it. Yeah, that would that would suck. But you're in Russia now. People who are I don't know, not not getting them not doing the right thing, get demoted and put on the front line in the
Starting point is 00:22:13 meat waves. They bring in that's a tried and true strategy. People you don't like throw into the front. Well, they're adding 133,000 more this autumn is what I read. I think that was the number. Yeah, it was less than 140 more than 130. I think that was the numbers that I read. Again, like they're adding so many and you know, it's got to be just and look not because they're Russian necessarily all I'll do I do have some opinions about the average Russian but like if you just scooped up 130,000 Americans like hey we need y'. We're calling y'all up like you you're not gonna get the
Starting point is 00:22:46 They're not we're not sending our best. All right, it's not it's not our athletes. It's not guys who can jump over a Volkswagen It's it's guys who could barely drive but imagine these hundred and thirty thousand Russians are people who are too poor to not Be conscripted. It doesn't pay super well. I remember Them giving the pay and obviously we changed it into real currency, but over these volunteers are they conscripted. It doesn't pay super well. I remember them giving the pay and obviously we changed it into real currency but... Are these volunteers or are they conscripts? I think I misunderstood. I think it's a mixture of both. I don't see their conscript systems weird, right? Like it's not like our system where, dude, you signed up for this. I don't think they always did. Like it's kind of weird. I think there's just stupid people. I bet you there's a lot of people who are like
Starting point is 00:23:26 I signed up for the forestry service. Yeah plenty of forests in Ukraine. Get out there and protect them son Here's your AK. I feel like that could happen to you like they're so scary over there I've been watching this thing about their vodka industry. Have you ever are you aware of the Russian vodka industry? I assume it's like the biggest in the world. That's what they're known for right? Wow So here's the thing ever since they took down the Tsar, no, even the Tsars, they took the production of vodka and nationalized it fully. They didn't want, because it used to be everybody was making their own vodka. They're like, yeah, this is no good. We should be in control of the supply of vodka. He who controls the vodka controls the road to power
Starting point is 00:24:12 And so they've always not only nationalized it but made the leader the guy who owns it Vladimir Putin owns the biggest vodka company in Russia. He has his own branded vodka Like really that that's like like his face on it. I don't know if his face is on it, but it's his brand of vodka. I think his face is on it. That would be my bet. And and the average Russian drinks a substantial amount of vodka a day, like a lot, they genuinely. Yes. They generally averaged out lots of people. Lots of people do this thing. We're like, oh, Americans are all fat and eat hamburgers and fucking diet.
Starting point is 00:24:44 Forty of heart attacks Okay more of Americans than normal do maybe compared to like Switzerland or something But in Russia, they genuinely have a serious alcoholism problem. That isn't new. It's like it's been going on generationally for 150 years that I know of that my history channel taught me of it's wild the way their vodka industry works Where were you watching this just like a documentary on the YouTube? Yeah, just always YouTube I I'm sometimes hesitant to call a YouTube video a documentary, but that's what it fucking is like You know the guy the guys
Starting point is 00:25:18 It's a it's a you know, yeah, it's documentary. It's not. Yeah. Are those right? Are those vodkas we see at the store like Obviously, I don't I don't think smirnoff is like that's some american like russian branding but like stolychnia like stoly Russian standard are those real russian? Vodkas or do I have a little I thought still lichnia was real russian vodka um I don't know about the others I think I only remember because forever ago I wanted a real Russian vodka to like do that I
Starting point is 00:25:51 drank like cereal I ate cereal with vodka as a bit and I remember that yeah and I was looking for like the real Russian vodka I don't know why I'd fake that no one can tell vodka is the easiest thing to fake it No one could have told but instead there I am eating Vodka, well you were you were on brands correctly because it looks like still Ichinia originated in the Soviet Union in 1938 So it's a real Russian vodka I was surprised that Smirnoff was American because doesn't sound it But it started as a Russian vodka and it's currently owned by an American
Starting point is 00:26:27 company. Oh, I thought it was like a, like, just like an outback steakhouse style flag operation from the beginning. No, I thought it was like, they're like, like the same way that Haagen-Dazs, that's not like a, like a word in Danish or whatever, but it just, they thought it sounded good. I could see like a Pepsi exec that owns a vodka label being like something German. What is it?
Starting point is 00:26:51 You know, pop off. No, it's taken smirnoff. Go with it. Roll with it. You know, and the smirnoff was Russian in 1864 was founded. So, oh damn good year. I remember 1864. Oh, stop it. I'm the only one here that remembers
Starting point is 00:27:07 1864 that was the the year the first slaves were freed wasn't it? No, well patient proclamation Proclamation proclamation would have been earlier like 60 62, right? Civil war ended in 65, right? Yeah, that's irrelevant. The Emancipation Proclamation is when the slaves were freed. Oh, then I guess it was... Right, I would just like... I know it was a little before 65, I guess. So 64 sounded good. Yeah, close enough. Yeah, something like that. Did you ever drink Stoli when you were trying to hold up, like, in public when you were doing your Russian thing?
Starting point is 00:27:42 I'm sure I've been bought it. I think I would usually if they were going to do vodka, um, what like, uh, like absolute probably just do absolute or something like that. I drink a lot of absolute over the years. It's not good. It's not, it's not good. It's not vodka. No, Tito's is the best vodka I've ever had. Tito's is less terrible to me. I can't tell which one there are degrees in the next. There are definitely degrees of terrible. I can tell like if it's been the more times they filter it the smoother it gets the less like stingy Bernie it gets and the more like sort of warm light burn that sort of everywhere
Starting point is 00:28:22 that it turns into I know that's that both of those don't sound great, but one of them is almost like licking a battery and the other is like drinking some soothing cough medicine or something. I don't know. One of them is like, it feels like the other. And the other is like staticky. Yeah. Like it's terrible. Like cheap vodka is I remember it being at spring break in Panama city and they had raided our hotel room and made us pour out all of our alcohol, probably $800 worth of alcohol. And we had one more bottle of gray goose out in the car
Starting point is 00:28:53 and it was hot because it had been in the car in Panama city all day. And then we were running alcohol. Hot vodka is not appetizing. It's like, you know, just the same way cold soup might not be your favorite thing. Hot vodka. You appetizing. It's like, you know, just the same way cold soup might not be your, your favorite thing. You want it freezing cold. You want it freezing cold. Uh, it changes the viscosity and makes it thicker.
Starting point is 00:29:13 And probably there was some way to make it colder. Well, at when you're, when you're 18, there is not a way to make it because they have went in and they cleared our shit out. We were not taking that bottle back into the, it was our last bottle and we're 18. We can't get more bottles. Oh yeah. I remember that struggle being underage in high school and college and like, all right, we're going to, you know, Stacy's party. Let's pregame. Who has something? Oh, well I've got a bottle of the hottest McCormick's vodka in a plastic jug
Starting point is 00:29:43 that's been under the passenger seat in my car for a week. Let's drink that. And everyone's like, I always drink. I always actually McCormick's like if you've ever had that, it's the worst. It's the lowest quality alcoholic beverage ever seen. Pop off just as bad. Yeah. Plastic jugs of vodka. Yeah. I always had the hookup with Chuck though. Whenever I needed booze, I could just take Chuck to the liquor store and get exactly what I wanted. So I was bougie. Everybody else would have their McCormick and pop off and I'd have my bottle of Grey Goose or whatever. It was it was nice to have that hookup. Even though I didn't drink that much, everybody else did.
Starting point is 00:30:16 I was getting everybody else booze. It was nice in underage drinking parties when like someone would actually have a bunch of beer. It almost felt a little fancier where it's like, oh, I don't have to pour. Pinky in the air. I have a cold beer because this person's parents are out of town. Instead of pouring two shots worth of the hottest vodka on earth into the bottom of a solo cup and then trying not to gag.
Starting point is 00:30:41 Parents would allow parties. It was very common for parents to allow, um, like drinking at their houses. There was like two or three people in particular who had like party barns at their house. It's like, oh yeah, like go through the field back behind the house, like a quarter mile. And there's like a big barn out there with a jukebox and like a dance floor and everything. We go hang out and get drunk and it's cool. Nobody gets hurt. My friend with cystic fibrosis,
Starting point is 00:31:06 one of the side effects of that disease is that you can't put on body fat. So his parents would let him eat or drink anything. I had dinner at his house and his parents are like, we had steak. They're like, Phil, finish your gristle. Everyone else cuts off. He's gobbling down, but he cleared every plate. Like it was a house rule. Like he couldn't get up until his glasses were empty and his plate was clean.
Starting point is 00:31:31 And his parents let him drink beer because it was just one way to keep fat on him. Get calories. He had abs in his 40s. That reminds me of the great outdoors when John Candy is trying to win free dinner for everybody by eating the big steak. It's called the old 96 or it's 96 ounces.
Starting point is 00:31:49 They make a big show of getting it out of the freezer. It's like a monster back there on a hook. And he gets done with it and everybody's cheering. And the guy goes in this and he like looks at the government. He looked like Macho Man. He's like, finish. And he looks down and he's like, it's just fat. And then I cried goes, it's nothing but fat and gristle. And these guys
Starting point is 00:32:09 like, finish. Acro is like, Hey, if he knocks down a couple desserts, we throw in some t-shirts for the kids. A six pound snake. Yeah. Might actually kill you or you become stronger than you could ever imagine. One of those two things. You were the power of a cow. The speed of a cow, the intelligence of a cow, cow man, the worst superhero. Some say he's just a disabled man wandering around in a costume, but he claims to be a man.
Starting point is 00:32:45 Elden ring characters turning into a dragon and I have to bring it up. Her eyes are glowing red right now. We're working on it. She's going to get scales. Are you trying to turn into a dragon? Yes. I'm consuming dragon hearts. Well, there is, what happens to me, is this a reversible thing or is it? I'm not sure if it's reversible, but you throw armor on it. Barely matters what you look like Fair enough except for the glowing eyes. They do show up a lot I did like that in Skyrim when you could become like a vampire or a werewolf
Starting point is 00:33:13 But you had to deal with the negative consequences of that You know, I like that part of it that that was fun The problem with being a vampire is that you could turn into that vampire lord whenever you want. And it's just so overpowered. Like you're just too strong when you're the vampire lord. So it kind of ruins the fun. But I would get like, not every playthrough do you want to be a vampire? Because there are a bunch of negatives and people are like mean to you in public.
Starting point is 00:33:38 You'll like go up to talk to someone and they'll be like, you look sick, get away from me. And like, you're just trying to buy supplies. And the way you get vampirism, it can just be you get attacked by a vampire in the wild. And so like you're running around looting, you kill a couple of vampires, you don't realize one of them hit you. And then like two hours of game time later,
Starting point is 00:33:58 so like three days in the game or whatever, you just have vampirism now. And the only way to get rid of it is like these retardedly long quest lines until you can cure yourself. I did not like the vampire thing very much. The werewolf thing was fun, but the, but wait in hindsight, are you glad you had to do the quest line? Like it was something to do a little,
Starting point is 00:34:15 Oh yeah, I was going to do it anyway. Like, cause I've put it every which way. It's just like, it would suck when I'm like, I'm trying to do a quest and then I get turned into a vampire and now the people in the quest that I was doing are like all not stoked on me. And I can't like all my persuasion checks are failing because my eyes are red and I have pales in I'm taking damage in the sun.
Starting point is 00:34:36 It wasn't ideal. Early in Elden Ring I was in the same room as a friendly NPC, but I was gonna get attacked by these flying birds with knives on their feet, and I accidentally hit my friend. So now I'm on like a three hour quest to find celestial dew to take to the Church of Atonement. And at the time I thought it was hard. But in hindsight, I'm like, I was actually a little more like, it was a good problem to be thrown in my way.
Starting point is 00:35:04 Yeah. Yeah, I don't to be thrown in my way. I don't mind overcoming obstacles in those games. I don't like when something's out of my control or just feels stupid and random. There are quests where I just saved a city from a fleet of dragons and I go to turn the quest into Jarl Balgruf and like as I'm talking to him I'm like looking around what I like to do and I talked to him as I get up on top of his dinner tables in that big hall have all the plates and goblets on it and then I use the dragon shout to like speed rush and so he's like you've been such a help to us in this city and I'm like RAAA and all his plates and stuff is exploding. While people are congratulating me it's just like I'm sitting there And all his plates and stuff is exploding.
Starting point is 00:35:45 While people are congratulating me, it's just like I'm sitting there high laughing to myself. I ruined people's houses while they're thanking me. But you'll go up to get thanked for something. And then maybe you accidentally hit A and steal a sweet roll off the table. All the guards immediately go from like, thanks for saving us Dragonborn to like, you won't get away with this. And then it's like, fuck, now I have to leave and run. And then there's like a dinner guest or his wife who doesn't have a weapon. So they'll square up. Like sometimes there's no way to apologize because I'm a thief. And so like if you get arrested,
Starting point is 00:36:23 they take all your stolen goods. And so it's like, I can't let him arrest me right now or he's going to steal $10,000 of stolen shit. And so that's the I hate that. But it also adds a little bit of fun. You just have to like, I've literally had to I've said before, the first time I played Skyrim, I really didn't understand the permanent aspect of a lot of characters deaths. And I killed every blacksmith in Skyrim for short term game. There was no one that could teach me. There was no one that could sell me things. I killed every single blacksmith in the realm. It was a nightmare.
Starting point is 00:36:55 But man, what a great game. They had a golden ticket, Bethesda. If they would have made another Elder Scrolls, it would... They're making it. You know, it's like about to come out, right? I pray that it is similar to Skyrim. Same vein, just as good. Elder Scrolls 6 is going to be such a huge letdown and a crash.
Starting point is 00:37:14 It is, it's going to be, it's going to be a big news story about how it underwhelms and how it's glitchy and buggy on launch and how it's... Are you guessing or do you have any insight info? Well, I mean, how can I know? I just know. I just know like like there's no way you ever live up to those expectations. So it doesn't matter what they do. That's what I thought about Half Life 3. Half Life 3 was like an Internet meme 10 years ago.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Everybody was begging for it, screaming for it. I'm like, what do you have life? Two and a half. Is that what was before it? Something like that. It wasn't as good as people remembered it, according to me. And yeah, I never played those, but I heard they were excellent. The first two, I guess. I guess they're begging for half life three when it had been like a 12 year gap already.
Starting point is 00:38:00 Bro, you love this game at 14. You're 26 now. Like, you're this game at 14. You're 26 now. You're not the same person. That game's not geared for you today. The games that have been coming out that are of that level like Baldur's Gate and like Elden Ring, that's what they have to live up to. That's what they have. They're supposed to be exceeding. They've got all the money and all the time and all the development hours and it's going to fall short. There's no way they make everybody happy with this thing. I mean, I think you're right. I hope you're not but there's just no way that you can take
Starting point is 00:38:32 14 years off after Skyrim Unless it's the greatest game ever created. It's gonna be a letdown Oh can't wait to play as a black trans Nord. That's gonna be great Can't wait to play as a black trans Nord. That's going to be great. While it's doing that, they'll probably do some gay shit like that. But as long as the mechanics and like as long as it's immersive, like I don't want to go into a Nord society and have it be like a diverse cast of a fucking commercial on TV.
Starting point is 00:38:59 Like it should be Nord's. Yeah, Baldur's Gate. I mean, the thing you slap a dick on your character in Baldur's gate if you want. But if I go to a Redguard city, I don't want a bunch of Nords walking around. Like I want them to be Redguards. Like it has to be immersive for it to be fun. And Elden Ring, your character
Starting point is 00:39:16 can look any way you want it to. Like you have genitals. Can you see the cock? Yeah, there's like rags that form sort of a bikini bottom. Boy, no, I need to see the cock. Yeah, there's a like rags that form sort of a bikini bottom boy. No, no, I need to see the penis. There is one piece of armor and I don't know if they did this on purpose. But when you put it on your bulge gets better. And it's become like an it like if you watch YouTube videos about
Starting point is 00:39:37 Elden Ring, a lot of guys like I need this. I gotta have my dick and have a bigger bulge. Oh, the stats are terrible, but you know. Yeah, the armor stat, but good armor stats. That's what noobs want. You know, I have armor now. It increases the amount you hit by 8% and the amount of damage you take by 8%. And that's one of my favorites.
Starting point is 00:39:57 Like I wanna be a glass cannon cause I'm better at avoiding damage than I used to be. The only thing I didn't like about, Elders Trolls, Elden Ring, was that the cities weren't like active the way Skyrim ones are. Like there wasn't as much milling around and everything. Like every NPC, and I only played for like an hour, but every NPC I came across was just like someone sitting in a chair or like just standing there statically. And I get it different style of game. It's like, it's not like they failed. They just
Starting point is 00:40:28 took a different approach to it. But like walking into it, like having to find an NPC is kind of fun. It like adds a little bit of depth to their life and makes it more immersive. Like you show up in some city and it's like, Oh, the blacksmith isn't here. Well, I know sometimes she's at the bar. Let's go check there. And like that I enjoy that it adds some realism. You're right. Sometimes there's two NPCs together, but they might as well be not together. I can't think of any exceptions to what you described. Did you guys when you played Skyrim? I know you guys have both played Skyrim. Did you guys always do fun like mages and archers or do you ever play like swords guys? I've mixed it up. I played a lot of modded Skyrim
Starting point is 00:41:08 So I was able to do more stuff originally. I always did stealth Archer obviously Or a mage sometimes I would start as a mage whose Matt magic if I remember correctly is kind of strong early But later on it doesn't scale as well or maybe vice versa Maybe that's what I did. Maybe I did like stealth urge Archer early and then mage late But never really went to barbarian mode or anything. I always intended to but it's like Jesus I I could just shoot that guy and kill him instantly or I could Use all my potions and beat him to death slowly over the course of six minutes Yeah, and the car it's not like the combat's good
Starting point is 00:41:44 anyway, like every remember correctly like you can initiate a couple of like slowly over the course of six minutes. Yeah. And the, it's not like the combat's good anyway. Like every, if I remember correctly, like you can initiate a couple of like scripted moves, but not much. Yeah. It'll just like automatically cut to a death scene on a killing blow sometimes. And that was about it.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Yeah. I don't love that. But with the mods, I like, I always make it so that you can kill the kids. That's the first thing I do. Cause I think it's bullshit that these children, you can't love that but with the mods I like I always make it so that you can kill the kids That's the first thing I do because I think it's bullshit that that these children you can't kill them And I if there's not children I add children to I always make sure those kids kill course course Babies, I'm pretty sure you can't kill children in Skyrim. You can't like no no well you can but they won't die I've modded it so that I can abort children
Starting point is 00:42:27 First I had to add pregnancy gestation. There's a lot of mods to get to that. I think there's mods for all that stuff. I'm pretty sure you can. There's stuff for that, but I know the kids will be like, I don't like you very much. It's like, I shot you in the face. And he like rock walks away, but with the mods he's like, Oh, and then everybody's like, you killed in the face and he like rock walks away, but with the mods he's And then everybody's like you killed a kid Downsides to modding like it does it can you get banned does it ruin the online?
Starting point is 00:42:53 There are no downsides to my no Skyrim single-player. So you mod to your heart's content. There's some Elden Ring mods I really want like some of them are like gameplay altering. For example, I've beaten pretty much every boss in this game twice, but I would love to like practice against the boss and really learn the move sets and not have 150 playing hours in between. And there's mods that let you do that. Let they just that boss spawns in every time you walk in there. That'd be nice. Get good. Um, then there's other little ones like there'll be a talisman increased charge skills greatly. And it's the mod is called like actually useful description. So it'd be like increased charge skills by 18%. I'm like, that's thank you. Cause greatly doesn't mean a lot to me. And what's Taylor? I ask you greatly or vastly, which one's better?
Starting point is 00:43:46 I would say vastly. You're right. I was only like 70% sure that vastly was better than greatly. Yeah. And how much better 5%? I don't know. Is it twice as good? I would that would upset me vastly. If I were playing if I were playing a game and it's like, oh new you know the Dragonborn scales armor greatly improve Melee arm. It's like what this is a game of percentages and min-maxing. Don't tell me don't give me a Pretty good
Starting point is 00:44:18 Yeah, there are a lot of cross games Follow is it always yeah, I always use that mod for fallout and like it's called better descriptions or something like that Yeah, you know giving you the hard data numbers instead of just like more or less or whatever It would help me learn to like it because it it is a pain to like switch over to your browser and Google it You know what you want. Oh, actually you have a health bar right like above the bad guy Does it I'm sure that I that there's a mod so that each whack you'll see like 37 damage pop up on the boss like that's in the stock game what it doesn't tell you unless you google it is how much Healthy has so but that'd be nice. It'd be useful to be like alright
Starting point is 00:44:59 You've done 30 out of 40,000 instead of eyeballing it. Yeah. Yeah No, I I almost always prefer to mod a game. And like, especially if it's an RPG or something, you're going to be playing for hundreds of hours and like crafting a character, even if it's just making the AI better or making the the UI better or the scaling, the difficulty scaling is a big one. Because there is that that point in the early mid game of most RPGs where it's like, oh, bring it on. what are, oh, there's five of you?
Starting point is 00:45:27 Oh, you didn't bring enough. You wanna be able to like scale that. So there are five of them, hang on a minute. You don't want it to get too easy to- Elden Ring has a mechanic where if you're really struggling with a boss, you can summon another human to come help you. The boss gets stronger, but that guy hopefully is so good that he's gonna help you, he's gonna carry you. And I want to be that guy.
Starting point is 00:45:46 I've done it a couple of times, but it's not really the core of what I'm doing right now. And I don't. So my point is I don't want to get myself, my account banned and not be able to be summoned. I don't think they banned for modding. Do they? I think they talking, they say they do. I don't know you just play off line and toggle seem like the kind of mods you're using would be vannable seems like I I need to Google more. This is a new world to me like so it's like what it sounds to me a little bit like this the the Tarkov thing where they don't like people playing SPT SPT is a Mod that is not made by the makers of Tarkov so that you can play single player
Starting point is 00:46:27 Tarkov and it has lots of additions. They tweak the AI, they tweak everything. They can make it like a survival mode game, all sorts of shit like that. But they've also got a competing product with their PvE mode of their game. So like they will say that they'll ban people, but they're afraid to. There are people, there are like streamers who stream it. There are streamers who like upload videos of it and they, they lead them along. I think it would be a, it would be a big mistake to go after those people.
Starting point is 00:46:56 I think clean plays like a lot of them, the like big Tarkov streamers play the SPT thing. I like it when gaming companies, I understand they have a competing product But like Arma 3 was the base game for Daisy if I recall correctly And Arma 3 is like well, hey, you have to buy Arma 3 if you want to play Daisy So why would I be mad at you for playing Daisy? You bought my game? It's what I wanted. Yeah, if Tarkov did battle state games did that too would be nice Yeah, then they made their standalone game, you know.
Starting point is 00:47:27 That's a game that I go back to every now and then play a little bit because they're still developing it. Like they're still adding stuff all the time. Yeah. Yeah, I thought that would never get finished. Turns out I got finished and enhanced and still improved and yeah, it's just too long for me. Yeah, so people played a little bit differently from what I've seen You make a campsite where it's like a base and all your stuff stored in there. So dying isn't so punishing You know, you're like I died I got to go in the woods and get a new kit But I've seen where like they'll have his tent open and some guy just happens upon him and kills him and it's like
Starting point is 00:48:02 It's like the worst death imaginable, you know losing It's like losing your stash and Tarkov, but it's maybe even worse. It's made maybe even worse. It's horrific So I kind of like but I don't like the gunplay in that game and I don't like the survival aspect It's too much survival as soon most of the maps that have like cold zones or whatever like or like make cold a big Part of the game, which is the majority of the maps? As soon as you start the game, you're dying. You're dying. You're hungry. You're thirsty You're you're on the verge of starvation and dehydration and you're you're you're freezing And if you don't make a fire in the next 30 minutes, you die
Starting point is 00:48:40 Basically and you'll find food the food will be frozen. It's like all the food then you can eat it Okay, all right, I got the fire now I got the food bro, you didn't bring a can opener So I've got this big knife here, oh, yeah that works you see what you can do Oh, you only get 12% of the food because you were clumsy with your knife what 12% clumsy was he? Right. By the way, a little survival technique. If you ever have a canned good that you need to open and obviously no implements and it's not a modern pop tab thing, you can take the bottom of the can, the one, you know, the top of the can has a raised lip, you know, kind of like a soda can does, but the bottom of the can, it's flat. You can take that and
Starting point is 00:49:23 rub it squarely on concrete, but back and forth and it'll cut through it enough so that you've got over time if you just keep looking and checking that you can just pop the bottom off like a cleanly cut lid and get your food. Hmm. Hopefully I'm never in a situation where I have to use that. Yeah, that'd be a rough situation, right? Yeah, should has already gone. So many things have gone wrong. If that's the advice that I have to follow. Yeah, yeah. At that point I'm just gonna go to a club,
Starting point is 00:49:50 beat an animal to death and eat it. So I watched a lot of, I've seen all of Walking Dead twice. And a lot of people in that, not the stars of the show, but people kill themselves. It's a normal thing. As they go from home to home, most of them have suicide victims in them because they decided that this wasn't the life they wanted to live
Starting point is 00:50:07 I always thought that was crazy. I'm like, alright, I get the life's all shaken up and everything but Keep going, right? Mm-hmm Now I'm like, I don't think you've got any joy in the zombie apocalypse. This isn't turning around. This isn't gonna be okay It's gonna be a survival situation for the rest of your life, which would probably be short and painful. I could totally see a triple suicide in the zombie apocalypse. I could see a double murder and then hit the road, Jack. I'm not even burying them. I'm burning the house down and getting out of here. You're whistling as you're doing it. Keeping up with a family during the I always tell girlfriends.
Starting point is 00:50:50 It's kind of a running joke. Not for them because they didn't know I did. It's the last girlfriend. But I'm like, you know, when the hard times come, you're going to be on your fucking own. Like, what do you mean the hard times? You know, big EMP hits everything. Everything goes dark. The North Koreans drop on the West Coast and we're out here fighting for kibble.
Starting point is 00:51:10 I'm getting the fuck out of here and leaving you with these dogs. That's what I'm talking about. You're on your own. I'm going to buy a dune buggy and wear like a goat skull on my head. Yeah, because I'll do this. I'll be like, hey, look at this. That better be a rhino skull. Well, the goat skull would be on top of my head.
Starting point is 00:51:30 It would be on top of I would get one of those like World War One German helmets with the spike, then put some kind of skull on top of the spike. Also face paint, but a taxful amount. But I wouldn't want to try to live with like weak people in the hard times. Like, I don't want any women or children or like dogs or anything with me. It's gotta be like me and the boys, you know? Just me and the boys doing guy stuff in the wilderness. We see girls, guess what? You're a slave now and you have to do all the cooking
Starting point is 00:51:56 and all the cleaning. And on the border view, go do all the hunting. You've just gone full circle back to the problem we started with. No, no women. We killed the women. So I have to cook and clean. We all have to cook and clean. We're going to find like a lady boy. He's going to take care of that stuff for us.
Starting point is 00:52:14 Now we've invented a, just a weird cult. Just like the road. Kyle's talking about, you know, that he doesn't want to like pull the train, the apocalypse. Dude, nobody talks about how nice it is when your kids become adults. Like at this point, if hope drops her phone and the glass breaks, that's somehow not a woody problem. It is glorious. Like that's it used to be everything she broke or burned or tore was something I had to fix or buy new.
Starting point is 00:52:47 Now she's a self-sustaining adult and I like it a lot. I just don't want the, you know, the problem of dealing with having women and children around that people are gonna wanna steal from me. It's like, okay, so now anytime anyone sees this, I have to fight to the death. Good to know, because it was just me out here I might be like hey, bro. Hey, bro. Yeah, I got a gun. Yeah, I got a gun, too
Starting point is 00:53:10 Let's just keep them low right keep them in our pockets hands where we can see them. We're good, right? Hey, I got canned goods. You got a water filter All right. I'll give you a dog chow for a water filter. Let's go. It's on the ground right here Yeah, put yours out on there. All right, walk around in semi-circles. See you later, sir And we like watch each other sneakily as we go away. But if I got women, oh my god. You're missing out on opportunity. I can't believe you're so short-sighted.
Starting point is 00:53:31 You should be like, oh, you got canned goods? I got 27 year old female tit still perky. I'll bet. No, we can't make a trade. She's gonna fucking turn. Yeah, if anything, Kyle, You want as many as possible. That's why they would attack you for the women because they're the valuable resource.
Starting point is 00:53:50 They're the node of reproduction. So you could, you collect a bunch of women and she'd be your own con. She's going to see Taylor. She's going to be riding dirty with me, then you know, like slinging pussy for canned goods. Then all of a sudden Taylor's going to roll up and he's got an internal combustion engine.
Starting point is 00:54:04 We're on bicycles. That's true. He rolls up in a Harley with a goat head on his head. And I've been eating nothing but protein. I'm looking lean. I'm not whoring her out. I'm giving her away. You can smell that protein.
Starting point is 00:54:14 You'll never see her again, Kyle. Well, that's not a straight up trade. It's just terrible math. I don't like the economics of this at all. I'd rather eat her than trade her for a can of food. Oh, I didn't think of that. She doesn't like that. She doesn't like that can of food. Oh, I didn't think of that. She is right up. Oh, I'm going to be cannibalizing right away. I'm gonna go right to the cannibal stuff. No, I would hold that. Big brain move, Kyle. Yeah. Dude, if you broach the cannibalism
Starting point is 00:54:36 issue and you like start eating people right away, like there's nowhere to go but down. You have to give yourself a point of... Excuse me? Do you remember how Vigo looked in the road? How wasted away he was? How weak? And do you remember what the cannibals look like? They look like frat bros. I mean, I guess if that's the situation we're looking at, I was thinking more EMP, there's still like deer and shit to eat. Obviously, I will eat people if there's nothing else to eat. Little known fact, deer are way faster than women. Yeah. Yes. Yeah. I mean, deer are way faster than women. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:05 Yes. I'm equally clever. Yes, equally. It might be hard to find a few. Slightly better drivers. Yes. Yeah, I wouldn't want any dependence in that. That's always the concern.
Starting point is 00:55:22 Whenever you watch a show like that, by the way, anyone who hasn't seen the road very dark post-apocalyptic story of Viggo Morton's character Character and his son trying to survive in this horrific post-apocalyptic wasteland. It's but it's based on a book by the same name It's also very good. I don't remember liking it. You liked it. I think McCarthy wrote that book right like something McCarthy I think he also wrote that might be the guy who wrote blood meridian Norman McCarthy, I think is the writer
Starting point is 00:55:50 I Liked the movie Was a car thing I googled it for you. Thank you I liked the movie, but I found it to be rather depressing and sad. I Thought it was a real downer. Kind of like that Nicolas Cage movie I just watched, Pig, where it was like a really good movie, like good actors, good performances, interesting story,
Starting point is 00:56:13 but it was just sad. It was about wives dying of cancer and it ruining your life and then losing the only thing you have that you still love and just saying all shucks and going back to the grind. That was the movie. I mean, Kyle's like, I really liked the movie.
Starting point is 00:56:30 I didn't enjoy it, by the way. I was emotionally poor for having seen it, but it was good. It hurt. It hurt. It was, you know. I mean, there's movies like, like the Green Mile is a good example of a movie like that.
Starting point is 00:56:40 There's joy in the Green Mile. There's some, but there's a lot of sadness. Come on, there's lots of joy and kindness. And then there's three or four biting moments of sadness. Whereas the road is lots of sadness and suffering. And this one moment of happiness where they find an underground bunker with some canned goods and they get the shower and they're looking at each other like, oh, I've got corn.
Starting point is 00:57:02 Like, they're so happy to eat this crap because one of the things is if they get caught, they're going to like rape and eat his son. Like that's like that's the first thing that's going to happen. And so he's got this pistol with maybe two bullets in it. And it's like a bullet for you and a bullet for me. He's going to kill that kid as soon as like they're in the corner. And I think he has to use one of the bullets to like kill a bad guy and now it's like Yes, I'm killing you and then getting raped and eaten myself
Starting point is 00:57:31 Jesus like that's the kind of story it is they come upon a man up a shot. I remember they come a lateral He doesn't you ever played God you can collateral that no I remember they come upon a thief who had had his fingers cut off Maybe just his thumbs, but I remember all of his fingers having been acne amputated and it's like bro He catches them stealing their shopping cart full of everything that they have in the world And and any and I think that Vigo is gonna like do something to I'm gonna kill him or something He's trying to explain to the Sun. He was trying to take everything we had the world It's like and because of please no, please no and it's like dude you've been caught before
Starting point is 00:58:06 and it didn't do it they took your steely really you're just a thief yeah who doesn't have the gumption to join a big cannibal gang like I said movie it's got a good ending though I mean the kid in the in the ending you know bright future for some of the cast and then not so much for some of the other cast I don't remember the ending that well I'd all I remembered spoiler alert for the road Vigo dies of his illness that he's been hacking. He's got like lung cancer or something He's been dying the whole movie and the boy is discovered by rapes and eats them. Yeah
Starting point is 00:58:38 The boys sort of discovered and adopted clearly by like a normal like family somehow on a beach they're like hey you need somewhere to go and it's like I remember like maybe a guy and kids that he meets and maybe a wife or something like kids gonna be fine but Vigo just didn't make it very sad get out but I have an Elden Ring addiction that I can't kick that's fair that. That's fair. Wolverine, Deadpool Wolverine is on Plex. I'm gonna watch it tonight. I'm pretty psyched to see that finally. I'll watch that soon.
Starting point is 00:59:11 Jackie and I watched the other two together in preparation. Did you like the Brad Pitt scene where like, he gets shocked. He's in the movie just for a brief moment. Like there's an invisible character. Obviously there's no actor. He doesn't say any words I'm like that's Brad Pitt
Starting point is 00:59:27 and But yeah, you could see him if you knew it was coming when he hits the electric lines and you can see him Yeah, I've seen Brad Pitt interviewed about that. Yeah, you know, they asked me and explained it. I thought it was hilarious It's like, oh great. I know there's a lot of cameos two of them have been ruined for me by uh, not so much the internet as like YouTube's thumbnails are just just what are you doing to me youtube thumbnails? It's just there's the spoiler end photographic form You know, um, so I know like two of the cameos It's a little it's a bit of a bummer But i'm told there are like tons of cameos and some of them are shocking that these so i'm expecting like
Starting point is 01:00:05 maybe luke sky Skywalker shows up. Maybe Maybe Superman shows up maybe maybe Like like Highlander or something like like I there's gonna be some weird Off the wall. I hope like multiple universe good guys showing up to help Deadpool at the end. That's that's what I'm I heard Nucky Thompson is gonna be in it Tony soprano showing up would have been neat yeah he's like getting shake or he would be shaking down we got to do our oh shit yeah we have the hangout yes all right PK and 528

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