Painkiller Already - PKN #63

Episode Date: November 6, 2015

This week on PKN... Turtles!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Alright, here we are, PKN episode 63. What you were just saying, you wish you understood what made Skype such a piece of shit. Yeah, yeah, Skype is such a piece of shit. I don't know if we ever really talk about it on the air, but my camera does this thing where like, like, before the show, I'll usually get on and like, go to the settings and like, see what my camera looks like. So it's at least pointed at me and everything, and I'll zoom it in like I want it and frame it the way I want. But then we start the call, and as soon as Woody touches any program on his computer, seemingly, I lose complete control of my camera
Starting point is 00:00:28 and it goes to complete zoomed out. Right now, there's no zoom. You're this close to me. You're this far away from my face right now, but we're just completely zoomed out. I don't know why Skype is so shitty. And also, the audio issues, we test them beforehand.
Starting point is 00:00:44 It works just fine. if you guys hear this crackling, there's a very slight crackling going on. Kyle recorded himself in Audacity, which is a local program, and it was perfect, implying it's not a hardware thing or anything. It's not until he talks to me over Skype that things are yucky. So,
Starting point is 00:00:59 I don't know. But there's some upsides to Skype, too. I like the way that people can join. I like the way that everyone seems to have it. It's all cool. I think back to Google Hangouts, just the nature of it. So what happens now is like typically four of us in equal sized boxes on the screen. In Google Hangouts, one guy would be kind of in the forefront. Like that guy would be the big one and everyone else would be on the stripe at the bottom.
Starting point is 00:01:29 And I don't know if I love the stripe so much, but looking back, it was kind of cool to put someone on display in the front. Sometimes that thing would be like a video that we're all watching and then we're all underneath. Yeah. Sometimes that thing would be like, you know, if you or Taylor break out into story time or if I have something I want to say, you could take the front and you know, when I lock you in there and it's good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:55 I, I wish there were a way that the boxes were completely customizable because I like what you just described, but the problem is the disparity between the huge box and the tiny boxes you know you've got like this like film reel of people down here who are the whole show perfect and then like oh here's a video and you're like I wonder what Taylor looks like watching the video yeah your jewelers loop I don't know what the happy median would be for the two but i wish that the boxes were just drag and you know oh okay kyle will be this big and i'll be this yeah
Starting point is 00:02:32 i can make the boxes bigger but you know it's like the csi enhanced thing you know it doesn't work that way now you've got big shitty boxes and that's a tricky thing i have a joke uh my pkn horrible joke uh are you ready i'm always ready what do you call a nun on a wheelchair a nun on a wheelchair in a wheelchair i don't know wheelchair so um i don't know tell me virgin mobile ah that's funny ah well then i fucked up let me maybe i've got another one uh it's witty i like it it's a smart one virgin mobile ah that's funny ah well then i fucked up let me maybe i've got another one uh it's witty i like it it's a smart one virgin mobile okay all right here maybe this one will be the bad joke i'm looking for um did you hear about the pedophile that could never win a race no he was always coming in a little behind ah ah in my head i was like was he always coming up a
Starting point is 00:03:28 little short but it just didn't really make much sense i like that coming in a little behind that's a that's a child rape joke for those of you who didn't catch that the first time around all right i'll stop there my terrible pkn jokes uh i was telling you I lost another pound I was worried I hadn't weighed myself in a little while and and the weather got nicer I felt like you know sometimes I was working on the stable it was just brutal brutal yeah I'm sweating buckets everything is hard when I come in after even like four hours of working in the heat, it's like you did a thing. It is gorgeous right now.
Starting point is 00:04:09 A high of 74, everything is just lovely. I finished today and it's work, but it wasn't brutal like it was before. And, but it was 197, which is good. That brings me down, I want to say, 14 pounds. 13 or 14 pounds total. Nice. Yeah, whatever.
Starting point is 00:04:33 I'm not doing the math. But 197, the new lowest number I've seen in a while. So whatever. I just happen to be trending in the right direction. It seems like I'm losing one to three pounds a month, which just isn't that aggressive. But, you know, I hope that it's like a permanent good thing. And I suppose if I'm trending in the right direction, even one to three pounds, I'll call it two pounds a month. It's good.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Six months from now, if I'm 185, man, that sounds great. Yeah. And a year from now, when you're back down to like 150, just keep it going. Yeah, yeah, right? You'll be a skeleton by the time it's over. I'll be the Thinspiration or Thinspo. Just for entertainment purposes, it'd be pretty funny if you got really anorexic, but you kept saying you were trying to lose more.
Starting point is 00:05:21 You know how we talked about trimming the fat on a race car, like boring out the bolts and cutting them off flush like you're doing stuff like that you're like i got another haircut today i'm down another four grams just keep going and going hang on i go to the bathroom right now i think i could i think i could piss out a few more grams here let me see what i can do speaking of body transformations i thought tom hanks and castaway did a pretty neat job yeah Yeah. I forget how much he lost. I have 90 pounds in my head, but I'm not confident in that number. I'm thinking around 40 or 50 because he gained.
Starting point is 00:05:51 So he went in fat and filmed the fat stuff and then lost the weight, I think, and filmed the rest. But he looked like the people on Naked and Afraid almost. like he didn't get like there's a certain kind of look that christian bale got in the machinist where he was like thin-skinned almost like really dehydrated down to nothing that wasn't tom hanks tom hanks just was half the man he used to be you know yeah i thought it was pretty cool wasted away yeah yeah wasted away in a certain way like he wasn't getting i don't remember what movie it was but i remember the the guy was losing the weight he was on a diet of bananas water and rice the whole time so he would have that kind of emaciated just downtrodden starved look hmm i'm uh i tried to get out and do things today but just
Starting point is 00:06:43 every step of the way like just things fell apart in front of me. So, at first, I went, the goal was just to do a couple things. I wanted to shoot my 300 Blackout AR-15, not this one, but another one I've got. And I wanted to go see my dad before I went on this trip tomorrow. And I wanted to deposit a check in the bank that I got from Matt Woodworth. So, none of those things. I know that check. It was a good one. Yeah, it from Matt Woodworth. None of those things. I know that check. It was a good one. None of those things transpired. Not one.
Starting point is 00:07:10 So I first kiddies golf cart, the battery was dead, so I spent about half an hour charging it up, and then I left the key on when I was done. So all that just disappeared. It just killed it right away. I was like, yeah, got it. Good to go. you have to turn
Starting point is 00:07:25 the key off huh yeah you do on hers which was something i wasn't familiar with i can on i have a gas one and that's not the case ours is on all the time it's been on for a year hers is gas too oh i don't know what the fuck then maybe unless you're the lights on that's a different thing but there it mine has uh off on and lights and i just have it on on i don't think hers has the lights in any case fuck that up and then i go to uh i go to my vault and i go to get the suppressor out and uh i put my combination and it goes beep beep beep like it always does but nothing happens i can't get in i tried it multiple times and it won't work the battery is dead on my safe it uses the know, you put the code in and then a battery like actually unlocks it on the inside.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Well, that's dead. And I didn't know how to change it. So I had to regroup and I never made it back over there. So I just said, fuck it. Never got to the suppressor. Then my dad wasn't there. Drove around for a while. And while I was doing all that, I forgot to go to the bank.
Starting point is 00:08:20 So nothing got accomplished today. It's Sunday. Would the bank have been open? No, no. Thank you. Thank you for making me feel even worse about the whole situation that wasn't my goal I thought that go the other way I thought you'd be like yeah I guess you deposit slip I guess I guess I could have done that you know just do the overnight deposit thingy and they would have handled it but you know just didn't do that either just just i i know that check is a good one but uh
Starting point is 00:08:45 can you use your phone to deposit it not with my bank like my bank's online banking doesn't even work oh okay i've never even like we've went in there four times and talked to our like personal banker or whatever about it and they'll give us the codes and whatnot and it's never worked not once we just go to the bank when we need something done. They know us well enough now. Mine works, but there's a cap. The account can only put in, I think it's two grand a month. It might be three. And I have two accounts, so you double that.
Starting point is 00:09:17 I can use either one. But even so, sometimes if you have a good check, it's like, you got to go in person and deposit. It sucks. First world problems, though. Really? I have to drive to put four grand in the bank? I'm busy, you know.
Starting point is 00:09:32 So just nothing got accomplished. That pissed me off real good. And then I went and watched that Bone Tomahawk movie for the second time. And since then, I've just been packing my bags and getting my drones ready to go and planning the trip out. I've had two good days now. Uh, yesterday, Woody crafted a reset event on, um, on one of our servers, the survival server for people who care. And, um, uh, and then today, uh, some of the advertising, we've been trying to get people to advertise Woody craft. And today we got our first one up. That was like, kind of like, all right, now things are rolling and we're working well.
Starting point is 00:10:09 I really like the guy too, like the person behind the channel. And I'm hopeful that this can be a good thing. But prior to yesterday, for a week or so, it felt like my life was driving and hitting every red light. Like just everything was – I can't even describe what the problems were. It's not that I'm hiding them. They're not significant, like a red light. It's just every gosh darn thing was harder than it needed to be. And then today was a good day and yesterday was a good day. I am sheathing. So you know what, you know, but listeners may not. Like you've got the the people can kind of
Starting point is 00:10:46 picture what a studded out wall looks like and then you put plywood on it and this does two things it has gives a siding something to nail to and it also kind of strengthens it up you know if i were to just take four pieces of two by four make a square and then push on a corner it'd be weak as hell but if you put plywood on the side of it, now it's all strong because it's fastened to that square. Anyway, today I finished sheathing a side of the barn, and I've been working at it for a while. And I look at it, and I'm like, yeah, that's a done thing.
Starting point is 00:11:19 It feels really good to have a done thing. I'm pretty excited about that. So, yeah. Chipping away at a little of time i uh my dad had a big fencing project the other day they they put a new fence around his house that goes like it starts at the bottom of the driveway and goes all the way up to the around the house around the back of the house and then back to the end of the driveway again so i guess shit a couple over a thousand yards of fence maybe. It was a long fence they had to put in.
Starting point is 00:11:47 He got himself a couple of hired hands. What tool did they use to put it in? They used one of those augers on the back. Attachments on the back of the tractor. Okay. And then just did the
Starting point is 00:12:03 rest by hand. I think he ended up doing he did wooden posts for the most part and then he and i just did the rest by hand i think he ended up doing he did wooden posts for the most part and then he split he put metal posts in the in the middle and did i think five strands of barbed wire i think that's what he did this time it's a barbed wire fence uh-huh yeah he's done electric forever but something always happens to the electric for one reason or another i like the electric but it's it's got to be really well maintained. Even if a limb or something gets on it, it diffuses the charge. You can't ground it. Yeah, there's lots of issues. Yeah, a limb can get to it,
Starting point is 00:12:30 and you might know more about this than me, but I think if you let your grass too tall and it touches it, then that'll either weaken the charge or kill it. It'll definitely kill the grass. I've seen that. That's always fun to see. Oh, I mean, I've read online about how, when the if you let the grass under the fence get tall, which isn't crazy because you can't mow under the fence, but if the grass under the fence starts touching it, then you get trouble.
Starting point is 00:12:53 You know, you can eventually... Depends how much grass. Like a few blades of grass, you know, for each blade of grass, the thing is weaker. You know what I mean? Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. But the main problem is without you knowing it, the fence could not be working and then cattle get out and people start calling in the middle of the night, want to know why your cattle are in town and that sort of thing. That's happened before. And then you're in town getting cattle.
Starting point is 00:13:14 That's happened to this house. I haven't owned it, but they used to have some goats and the neighbors used to have some goats or something. And then there were cattle involved. And sometimes they call up and be like, you know, know hey you got to keep your cattle out of my yard they're yeah you know eating shitting in my yard they're yeah they're eating my grass and pooping and neither like you want cattle keep them on your property so um anyway i had a good day, a big sense of accomplishment. I'm, I know I've been all talk for a long time and I may very well still, still be, but I've been looking at trucks lately and I'm kind of excited. I was looking at an 09 Powerstroke. Um, it's the
Starting point is 00:14:01 six four, which is supposed to be better than the six. So I don't know, but it's the 6'4", which is supposed to be better than the 6'0". I don't know. But it's the Cabela's Edition. Do you want me to find it for you? That sounds super redneck, man. The Cabela's Edition. Is it all camoed out? No. Does it have, like, some special leather seats? It does.
Starting point is 00:14:21 Cabela's Edition. Cabela's is, like, an outdoor retailer retailer for those who don't know they're taking and I've given you a link up I guess I'll do the pka thing and shit wrong one very powerful truck it I'll make it one stop bigger for people who want to see this thing it's green it's a four-door truck it um the inside to me looks a lot like a king ranch it has that kind of saddleback leather thing going on there um it has the ford sync system which i think it sucks but it does integrate with your iphone so it should be able to play spotify and stuff like that and um that's steering wheel huh yeah right now i look at that steering wheel i'm gonna try and show it to people um there it looks dirty and i'm like
Starting point is 00:15:21 can you clean that with the magic eraser or is it worn off what am I looking at it's worn off it's worn off it's it that that it's the coloring if you look look to the right side of it mm-hmm do you think that's not dirty and so if you look there's two pictures of the steering wheel side by side yes it looks to me it looks to me like through use they've worn off the the the dye that's in the leather and you're seeing the black underneath like i've seen that before it's just it's it's it's ruined to be honest but i don't think that's a real expensive fix i mean you could take that somewhere and get leather the same color as the seats put on there by hand, and it wouldn't be that expensive. That might be a thing.
Starting point is 00:16:09 I'm looking at this. If you look at the right side steering wheel, it has, like, radio controls and the phone. Like, you can answer the phone with a button on the steering wheel, which is pretty slick compared to what I'm used to. Yeah. I don't know. I think I might go see it in person and see what the scoop is on it. Yeah, drive it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:32 I don't know when the last time you were in a truck that sits this high was, but when you're in one of these, you're really high up. Scott was talking about how he hopped in a standard-sized Chevrolet the other day and it made it feel like a car. He's like, it feels like a car he's like it feels like driving a damn car in an f1 it was an f-150 he's like i drove that f-150 with that eco boost what does he have a 250 uh yeah uh pretty similar what you got here but it's a new one yeah i think he's got cloth seats as well i was looking at you know so i showed a different one to chis it was a 2007 king ranch and uh he's like you're
Starting point is 00:17:08 settling for this truck and it's like all right hypothetically let's not settle for a truck let's get the one i really want 67 000 you know that's 40 grand over the asking price here. 40 grand. You literally got to be the king of a ranch to get to have a $67,000 truck. If I'm honest, I could write a check for that. But the reason I can write a check for that is that I don't write checks like that. Oh, shucks. I clicked the wrong button. I think Scott's truck was 60 grand. We were talking about that just the other day.
Starting point is 00:17:47 I was asking him how much he owed on it and this and that what the pay his payments are pretty pretty stiff and we were talking about all that and uh and yeah i think he's like paid 60 grand for that fucking truck he's like i'll take care of it and i was like yeah yeah because like i think oh i know what happened uh one of the guys my dad had hired for him like squeezed an atv between scott's truck and a tree when he should have just went around he was like motherfucker he's like i'll drag him off that four-wheeler i paid sixty thousand dollars for that truck he gets a scratch my truck i'll drag him off there whip his ass see one i think his feelings are validated like i i agree with what he's got going on there and two i don't want that in my truck.
Starting point is 00:18:25 Like in my truck now, I'll drive over a curb. I'll bump into shit. I don't give a fuck. And I like that. If I'm dirty, I feel okay hopping in my truck. And then my friend bought a car recently. And he got a nice one. I don't want to give too much away, but
Starting point is 00:18:47 he got it. It's lightly used. It was almost new and it was 50 grand. And that's a lot, like 50 grand. I told my wife about it and she's like, man, you know, we started looking at cars that were 30 grand and it was like he could love this you know like this is a really nice car it is all the phone like it to me one of the things I started evaluating cars by is how well how well it integrates with your phone it sounds dumb but now whenever I hop in Jackie's car and I have to like plug it in and that's all it's got I start to realize like yeah you know as a baseline i would really like to have bluetooth integration when i get into a car that doesn't have xm i feel the
Starting point is 00:19:30 same way it's like i want i really like the howard stern show like i listen to it on a daily basis for several hours um because they're all even if it's not a new show from that day because i think they only do like four shows a week now and i know they've moved to a different time slot you know an hour or two ahead um so i'm not sure how much new content they make every week but there's always like they call it the sternthology it's just reruns of his best stuff and and uh so i'm always listening to it and if i get into a car without it i'm just like the fuck am i gonna listen to now music i don't want to be part of that so i could i could definitely relate i think i'm gonna go look at this thing tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:20:06 I'm going to hop in the truck, go over there, see if they have it. And it wouldn't be insane. Just come home with it. Yeah. I'm sure in your car salesman days, there were lots of people who were like, yeah, I'm not looking to buy today.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Every one of them. Right. But, you know, you put together the right deal. And the right amount of enthusiasm. That's what's important. It's about, guess what we're here for today, Mr. Customer? Today's car buying day. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:20:44 I got a wonderland back there full of them. You know, if they could ever get as excited as you were about this new car, like yeah, but nobody ever came. Very rarely. I like to think I'm somewhat immune to the salesman charm. You want to charm me? Let's talk numbers. But
Starting point is 00:20:59 you know, if he took my cars, that Tacoma as a trade in, and we were in the teens when it was all said and done, I think he'd get a check. Oh, that won't happen. I mean, you're honestly, your Tacoma is probably on the worth, like $2,000 on a trade in to them. Uh, three, maybe three is the number I had in my head. And I look at this and it says 25 but it says 25
Starting point is 00:21:25 995 so it says 26 was that a i i didn't even look it's an 09 power strip but i didn't notice oh it's at a dealership okay i it's it's at a little like carry imports like a mom and pop like a lesser known it like it capital ford for example in this area is one of those four dealerships with 600 trucks on the lot yeah i suspect these guys have 50 cars on the lot like that kind of dealership and um but it i don't know it looks nice in there whatever but uh yeah so they're asking 26 if you say the tacoma's worth three now they're at 23 If they move three on the truck. So do the 2009s have that 200,000 mile powertrain warranty? I don't know. I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:22:11 That sounds really long to me. The new ones do. Oh, do they? Yeah. Yeah. Hmm. Because if so, this one would still be under warranty. Yeah. That would be be under warranty. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:25 That would be a good thing. You know, maybe get it checked out somewhere. And if there's anything wrong with it, get it fixed under warranty. I'd want to see the car facts. And I'd pay attention to what the inside of that bed looks like. That's the thing, too. You know what I look at? The tow hitch, too.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Like, it's worth it if it's a diesel like this. I don't know if people are interested in car talk, but if it's a diesel like this and there's no fifth wheel hitch in the bed, that's a positive thing to me. Like, all right, this thing's never been towing RVs and, you know, skid steers and stuff like that. So if there's no fifth, if there's no, it's called a fifth wheel, right? A fifth wheel, gooseneck, those things all kind of confuse me. But I call it a ball, you know, a ball in the back. That works.
Starting point is 00:23:11 So if that thing's not there, I'll consider that a plus. I look at the actual like receiver thing. If that thing has paint in it, that's a really good sign to me, assuming that it doesn't look freshly painted. But yeah, if that thing looks like it has OEM paint in it, then it probably hasn sign to me assuming that it doesn't look freshly painted but yeah if that thing looks like it has oem paint in it then it probably hasn't towed much with it at all it's just been a driver's car who knows yeah yeah go take a look at it and make sure you they should already have done the carfax since they own the vehicle like so they in my experience um they should have it in a drawer um and they could just get it for you so it says clean clean clean this cabela's edition power stroke diesel has it all clean carfax four wheel drive leather seats and sunroof um what makes a carfax clean uh no wrecks yeah that's
Starting point is 00:24:00 what you're looking for yeah i want to make sure nobody's wrecked this thing. Nobody's like, they haven't like flooded it and repaired it. Make sure nothing awful has happened to this thing. You can also see how many owners the thing's had in the past. All that stuff matters to me. Like, you know, if this thing's had four owners in six years, that might be telling. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I see the number of owners is often shown in these ads. This one doesn't mention it, so I don't know. Tomorrow could be car buying day or not. I don't part with my hard
Starting point is 00:24:35 earned cash very easily, but this is what's happened to me. Before I got my Tacoma, I would walk through the parking lot, and this is a recycled story, and every car I walk past I would prefer over that Ford Focus that I was driving. And it was an awful feeling. Every one of them. Like here's a Camry. Yeah, that Camry is not a car I want, but I take it over that Focus. You know, here's a Corolla. Same class, I take it over that Focus. You know, here's a Corolla. Same class, but take it over the Focus. Everything, some beat-up F100, you know, old and rusted on the hood.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Yeah, I'd trade my Focus for that. I'd trade everything for this Focus. Get me out of it. Now, my current truck, there are times when I really like it. I grow attached to all things that have done work for me, miswired that way. But pretty much every truck on the road that I look at, I might trade for it.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Like every truck, every F-150 out there, every three-quarter ton truck, everything I bump across, I'm like, ah, I want to get at a spot again where this one one the one that is mine the one that i chose is the one that i'd prefer and uh i i'm kind of losing that with my current truck what i like most about my current truck is that it doesn't depreciate anymore it's worth two or three grand next year it will be two and the year after that yeah i don't i don't think you should trade it in at all like you were talking about like that's my dad has always kept like an old truck that that was like a work truck so no matter how filthy he is he doesn't care he'll get in there and like he'll let his dogs pile in there and like you know if they if his dogs then chew something off
Starting point is 00:26:20 the interior he just doesn't fucking care because it's just you know it's a truck with 100 200 300 000 miles on it that's so he's always got like a junk truck or a work truck i think you should hang on to the tacoma for sure i wouldn't trade it in you're never going to get the value that three thousand dollars pales in comparison to the value that truck has to you i mean i'm sure if you had three thousand dollars in one hand and that truck in the other like it's a no-brainer that truck's worth way more to you um maybe I don't know I need to get my head in the um I've got some land now right I could never park a third vehicle at my last house like I don't know where I'd put it uh in front of our house it was on a cul-de-sac so the the lot was kind of shaped like a pie you know it had
Starting point is 00:27:06 a big backyard and a narrow front because that's what happens when you live on a cul-de-sac so we like we couldn't park and there was room for our mailbox up front and not much else like you could park maybe vertically you know like not yeah when i came like i pulled in behind somebody and blocked them in yeah and that was like the only way you um i came like i pulled in behind somebody and blocked him in yeah and that was like the only way you um i mean in a temporary case you could park in front of a neighbor's house like you know for you to visit or something but but by and large we didn't have parking for a third car and i could never own a trailer or anything like that now i'm like maybe i do keep the truck you got plenty of room to park that thing somewhere. You could get one of those outdoor car sheds for $550 installed,
Starting point is 00:27:50 one of those two-car outdoor garages, and attach it to that barn or stable and be done. Yeah, or I have to look. The stable has like five carports, but they're only like 14 feet long, so it would stick out. The stable has room for car inside it uh it would be in the way because we work on it every day right now but that's an option for when it's finished uh i don't know but yeah maybe we keep it around for yeah i just i just feel like that's you got so much sentimental value in that thing and i mean
Starting point is 00:28:22 just looking at that truck that's your truck. I've never seen one like that. You've got the bumpers going on and everything. Yeah, every one of those dents was put there on a really weird day on top of mountains next to rocks bigger than most cars. That's not a parking lot dent right there. I wasn't sure I'd get home that day. Yeah. And, you know, the front bumper bump you know why there's no front bumper we were in a flood you know and i was driving over rocks and across trees trying to get out of a flood it was a wreck and uh it was damaged before that but
Starting point is 00:29:00 that was the coup de grace and um i don't know yes maybe I will keep it who knows so I don't want to spoil the the bone tomahawk movie but I just want to say to anyone who's listening to this now if you want to see a really good Western slash scary movie you should definitely watch bone tomahawk maybe scary is not the right word but it's really good it's an independent movie um it's got kurt russell and uh matthew fox from um uh lost and uh several other good actors who i can't think of except the lead character the mean brown-haired good-looking guy yeah yeah uh-huh uh with the like really short, dark hair from Lost, that guy.
Starting point is 00:29:47 And basically like, I won't give anything away. I'll just say that they made this movie for $1.8 million. It was an independently made movie. It seems the actors really didn't take any pay at all. And it was excellent. You were saying they worked for like the union minimum. Yeah, they would have to. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:05 Yeah. They probably worked for like 50 grand a piece. It's excellent. It's the best movie I've seen in a while. I liked it a lot. It felt really real, really gritty to me. It reminded me of The Searchers. Have you ever seen that old John Wayne movie? There's a movie called The Searchers where this girl is kidnapped by the aliens.
Starting point is 00:30:23 I said no for the, so there's a movie called The Searchers where this girl is kidnapped by the Indians. I said no for the audio listeners. Ah, yeah. So there's a movie called The Searchers where John Wayne and a party of three more people, I think, go to look for a girl who's been kidnapped by Indians. And this is so much better than that. This is that on steroids. This is, this is much better. It is slow paced at times. Uh, it's, it's a real slow burn there for the first 80% of the movie and you're just kind of waiting on something to really kick off. But as far as Westerns go, I thought it was very, very good and I liked it a lot. I've seen it twice and I watched it last night and then I watched it maybe 30 minutes ago for the second time. It's older-ish now, maybe six years old or something,
Starting point is 00:31:03 but True Grit is an underappreciated western i think coen brothers right i think that's coen brothers movie i really like that um i i really like that you got matt damon and uh the the girl they had uh playing the girl she did a really good job and uh rooster cogburn being played by um what's his name he was the one who used the uh our sponsor that we was the one who used our sponsor. We have the sponsor who makes the websites. You're thinking of Squarespace. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:31 Jeff Bridges. Jeff Bridges killed it in that movie. Jeff Bridges doing his best Jeremy accent. That movie was really good. And I won't, yeah, this is totally not not a spoiler i want to think about it so that made sure i didn't spoil anything but um you know one of the characters really shows the grit and like it all ties in and i'm like yeah i like this you know like i was just really impressed with it i i don't think that my movie was is as good as that movie but i really i think
Starting point is 00:32:04 that movie is a real masterpiece. I liked everything about that True Grit movie. It was better than the original, I thought. They did an excellent job. Jeff Bridges is amazing. And then, like I said, you got Matt Damon and the girl who played the girl. She did a great job, too.
Starting point is 00:32:19 That was a real stretch for her. It seemed like, I think, the original they they didn't have an they had an adult playing this girl if i remember correctly and it just it didn't work it did you know i didn't see the original but you're not the first one who's mentioned to me that the new the remake was better yeah um i i don't think everybody agrees with that but i certainly do um i don't think bone tomahawk is is on par with that movie because i really do think that movie's a four-star gem but bone tomahawk really like after it was over i was like all right then all right then good that seems like a kyle's dad thing. I watched a movie recently. Shit.
Starting point is 00:33:09 So it's a Western. There's kind of a pretty boy who's not meant to be in the woods by himself. And he gets saved by someone else because they shoot the two bad guys in the opening scene. I think we were looking forward to it. I. Oh, man, I could say more, but I'm it's I have a habit of doing spoilers. Is it a movie we watched? I don't.
Starting point is 00:33:42 I'm pretty sure we've both seen it, but I don't know that we've seen it together. Do you know any of the actors? Oh. You know me. I'm going to do a Google search. I'm going to think Appaloosa isn't really like that. In the woods. There is...
Starting point is 00:34:00 At the end of the movie, there is a big fire in a field in the Western. It doesn't help you? I am not thinking of it now. Western with a fire in a field. And it's a newish movie, like the last five years or so? Yeah, maybe even last two. Shucks.
Starting point is 00:34:23 I'd ping Chiz right now if I could but he would be on like it would change the skype and i'd lose your image and probably show my last conversations with him shit you don't know it no i don't a fire in the field yeah so there's a boy he's kind of a pretty boy he instantly gets saved by this bounty hunter was it we watched slow west it might have been slow west at the but but that's the one where at the end you you literally had the salt being poured in the wounds you remember that i think that's true yeah reference uh-huh uh-huh okay that was okay i think this is better a lot of people so I mentioned before I'm on the movie subreddit a lot and they love slow west
Starting point is 00:35:10 they're like oh the cinematography and the camera movement yeah that's great but I mean if I want camera move it like go to something like gravity where the camera is literally on some sort of weird custom-made gimbal rig like spinning and rotating and keeping you tracking on the character's faces and rant crazy shit that's never been done before. Slow West was too slow.
Starting point is 00:35:34 They could have sped it up a little bit. It was really slow West. And the title made me think it was about a mentally handicapped man in the West anyway. I kept picturing that over... Sometimes I see that sign, Slow Children at Play, and I'm looking for kids with helmets on. was about a mentally handicapped man in the west anyway i i kept picturing that over sometimes i see that sign slow children at play and i'm looking for like kids with helmets on like that's how i felt they really need a comma in there don't they
Starting point is 00:35:54 slow children at play yeah they don't specify but um but yeah if you've you gotta so oh the other thing about bone tomahawk i don't think it had a theatrical release. I think it went straight to video on demand, which is often a sign... It used to be a sign of real shit. But lately it seems like it's a sign of a movie that someone had an idea that the big studio didn't think they could sell very well, but they went ahead and did it anyway
Starting point is 00:36:21 with the help of either investors or actors who also believed in the project. And this is one of them. Man, for $1.8 million, I compare that budget to movies. The next James Bond movie, $250 million. That's what the budget has ballooned up to now. And there's no way in hell that this movie is 120 times better uh than than what i just watched i mean pan i oh already a colossal failure right just i saw the preview and i was like they're about to fuck up like look
Starting point is 00:36:55 out here comes a bomb and sure enough i don't i think it might be out of theaters now like really is it i i'm somewhat interested in it i'm i'm interested i um i like john carter do you know that film i know that film i just i think i saw john carter i was in california for some trip right so i'm literally in hollywood and i i go and um they uh there's like a it's not a band but it's like an automated band and you see like instruments going and it plays the hooray for hollywood and then the curtains come across and it's an experience my movie theater doesn't provide like they don't celebrate hollywood in front of every movie they're just like somewhat entertaining commercials or something quizzes you can watch
Starting point is 00:37:43 previews and movie. This is like a, like, it gets you in like... Like an animatronic orchestra, it sounds like. Exactly. And I'm really like, all right, this is the silver screen. It still happens now. It's not just like 1950s Godzilla bullshit and whatever. Like, I'm about to take in John Carter. And it put me in the mood.
Starting point is 00:38:03 And I watched it. And I liked the movie. I didn't love the movie. I thought the movie was good. I thought that, you know, like, the budget was so big. It seemed like the press wouldn't forgive them unless they came up with the next Hobbit. You know? Or the next Lord of the Rings or Star Wars or something.
Starting point is 00:38:23 And it wasn't that successful. But I liked it. There was a bunch wrong with that. I think originally that movie was based on something called The Princess of Mars. But they felt like that was too intimidating to men. So they made it John Carter from Mars. They felt like that would turn off people who make people think it was all sci-fi. Which it is!
Starting point is 00:38:43 And so they made it John Carter. And it's just like... I honestly didn't care for that one i felt like that was a big cgi flop in the mail i didn't like it i i um there's a lot of movies i don't like to be honest and that everybody likes and i but i don't want to be like that i don't want to be like the people that i read right on the movie subreddit that that just tear apart everybody's work you know like some guy will make a post and it'll be like eight it'll be like five imager links and it'll be like these are five movies that i think everyone should should know about that came out this year and and i'll be like yeah yeah some of those are good oh yeah i saw that one that was
Starting point is 00:39:18 good and then somebody i'll tear it apart he's like no these are five movies that no one has heard about that they should watch and i'm like and you look at all these like three french films and a silent film made in like the netherlands and it's just like come on like no like no no that's ridiculous don't i don't want to see the silent film from the netherlands like i i believe film is an art okay but i agree a hundred percent as a matter of fact sometimes i want to watch a movie that's good and i wish that i could watch like i want to know what's recently released now that had big budget someone helped me sort by movies that had giant budgets and i know budget and movie quality are not they don't go hand in hand all the time there's some great million dollar movies or hundred thousand dollar movies and there's some lousy 250 million dollar movies but there's something about a big budget movie that you know is gonna be all in you know you hope it is you
Starting point is 00:40:16 hope it is there's i like to see what 250 million can buy you know like like let's see what someone who was sparing no expense came up with. The guy who didn't have to worry about how much the CGI was going to cost or how much the post-production was going to cost. The guy who... I'm sure there's plenty of movies where they want 10 cars in the car
Starting point is 00:40:38 chase but they can only afford 5. Well, let's watch the movie where they just got 20 for the hell of it. There's something to be said for that. I like big blockbuster movies as much as anybody but i really like strong acting i need to believe it and that's what with this bone tomahawk movie because because all the actors are big actors they're all um in one way or another not like a-list guys but like i know them like um god there's a drifter who's who's maybe only got a dozen lines, and it's played by Courtney Cox's ex-husband.
Starting point is 00:41:08 What's that fucking guy's name? Let me find it. Shia LaBeouf. That's absolutely not right. I'm trying to. I'm here to help. Oh, Courtney Cox. David Arquette?
Starting point is 00:41:20 David Arquette. So he's got a very small role. He's in there. He kind of sets some things in motion, but he's only got maybe a dozen lines. You ever watch Rob Zombie's movies? Those awful horror movies? He makes really gory horror
Starting point is 00:41:35 movies, and there's this one ugly guy who's just disgusting, and he's in all of them. Strong acting is cool, right? There's actors like Will Smith who... Well well that's not a good example because i'm just thinking of his like um seven pounds is that what is in the i think it's eight pounds eight pounds eight and a half pounds he did another one around the same time period so will smith has done some great work but let let's pretend a hypothetical Will Smith who had only done Independence Day and Men in Black and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:42:10 His acting in that is good, but it's not powerful, right? He doesn't ruin it and break character and not pull it off. But you don't look at him and just feel like in Breaking Bad when Walter White really fucking really fucking sells it you know that's what you think of me that's what you think of me that someone will knock on my door at night and come in here and hurt us no i am the one who knocks right like like when he delivers that shit you're like whoa like it we are experiencing i didn't know he could do that i knew him from malcolm in the middle which was fine he acted well in malcolm in the middle but he didn't deliver a forceful performance it didn't call for that i didn't know he could do that yeah and and every so often
Starting point is 00:42:58 someone delivers a forceful performance and you're like fuck oh my oh my god, this is great. And I'm hoping that, what is it called? Bone West? Bone Tomahawk. Bone Tomahawk. I'm hoping Bone Tomahawk has some of those moments because it sounds like it might. I feel like it does. And I like the dialogue.
Starting point is 00:43:17 I feel like it's got almost Tarantino-esque sort of whimsical dialogue. There will be conversations that have nothing to do with the plot of the film there's one point where like they're lying there are you sure you're gonna tell you this i really i'm about to see it tonight okay all right just random bullshit conversations and a whimsical way of speaking to each other that's like old west language with like some modern spin on it so it's it's it's witty and I really like this movie maybe you'll hate it but make sure you watch it to the end it's great movie all right I'll do that
Starting point is 00:43:52 oh that's the guy that's the other guy who's in the movie but just an also a small role the Sid Haig guy he's a strong actor but I feel like normally you just have some like I was he wouldn't even wreck Sid I'm doing this you see yeah you probably wouldn't know recognize him. Sid Hay? Yeah. You probably wouldn't know him unless you've seen those House of a Thousand Corpses or I think he was in Kill Bill Volume 2 according to this. But I didn't know. Oh, I know his face.
Starting point is 00:44:15 Yeah, very ugly guy. He usually plays villains and stuff like that. He also has a very small role. There's another guy, let's see. Anyway, many of the small roles are populated by professional actors, I'll say that. Guys who know what they're doing. They're not extras, they're not guys who are trying to make it. They're all established actors, and they don't half-ass it I feel like Robert De Niro phones it in a lot Robert De Niro is a really strong actor
Starting point is 00:44:50 and if you go back to some of his older movies I mean Heat, stuff like that, there's that scene in Heat where he's sitting at the table across from his nemesis and they're talking to each other and it's intense and it's real but he phones it in like 50-60% of the time these days Who's Meet the Falkers or something like that?
Starting point is 00:45:08 There you go. Yeah. Perfect example. Yeah, just phoning it in, taking the paycheck and whatever. But in this movie, I feel like Kurt Russell is giving it everything he's got. That guy's been an actor since he was 10 or something like that. Now he's like 60-something, 70. And he killed it.
Starting point is 00:45:23 And at his age, he still pulled off like a badass role um not like a diehard trilogy badass like he's not jumping off mountaintops but he's got true grit as well man i'm psyched i'm psyched i feel like i don't maybe this is too far but when i hear someone who's never seen game of thrones breaking bad, and it's like, oh my, you have a world of, of greatness that, that,
Starting point is 00:45:49 that like I envy you're about to lose your breaking bad virginity. You're going to love it. It's going to be fantastic. I, I, I'm hoping that this is something like that. I am. Oh,
Starting point is 00:46:00 I haven't seen it yet, but I'm going to watch Rick and Morty. I'm told that this thing is amazing it's animated someone wrote me on the on reddit and was like Woody you should check this out he's like I am not an animated guy I'm not the thing but there's a reason reddit has such a hard-on for this you've got to see it and uh I've seen a lot of uh Rick and Morty posts especially recently and you know I'm not in on the jokes so I don't even click them I'm right there with you
Starting point is 00:46:28 with that big of a fan base there must be something to it exactly yeah like every so often you know what that happens to me too with I think I jumbled all my words but that also happens with women sometimes like the whole world will have a hard on for
Starting point is 00:46:44 I don't know like rajowski lady uh something rajowski who was in the the movie with robin thick the blurred lines video naked super hot but she's just a i know what you're talking about there'll be an it girl there'll be an it girl and i'm like i don't even see it like lindsey lohan was one and it wasn't until a long time later i was like oh you know what i see it now yeah she was an extraordinary beauty and i just was blind to it at the time she's not anymore so hot lindsey lohan she was yes i i saw a couple of her roles like when she was in um mean girls and kirby go back kir Kirby is the one I was looking for. The one with the car, right? Yeah, she was peaking in Kirby.
Starting point is 00:47:28 And that movie back in the day where she played her own twin. Wait, no, that's pedo. She was like seven, maybe eight. Are you trying to draw me into one here? I usually do these solo. to draw me into one here like your hair i usually do these solo guys but yeah yeah i always thought lindsey lohan was super hot i uh i dated a girl um in high school or at right after high school a little bit of both who looked a lot like her and i always thought that she was super hot i like i still do like like she's had a rough time of it and she's aged some, but not that bad.
Starting point is 00:48:06 Not that bad. A little cocaine here, a little alcohol poisoning there. Nothing wrong with that. I was reading about her. It was a long thing. It must have been like 15,000 words in the New York Times, I think. And it was all about working with her and stuff. And she had taken this role
Starting point is 00:48:22 where it was more of an artsy film and hoping know hoping to like be rediscovered as a serious actor and a lot of big budget places don't want to hire her because you don't know she could just coke up and be unable to finish the film and such going to rehab yeah she's a real problem so she needed to like do a smaller thing and um she was a nightmare to work with she was really rough super demanding needing her trailer needing her time coming in late like not really demonstrating the professionalism that you're looking for and she was the only like i'll call her a-list actor in the thing whoa something crazy
Starting point is 00:48:57 and uh for audio people his camera shook but uh anyway but then when it came time to act she crushed it she like cried on command she had the highs the lows like she really delivered a performance and it's like right that's why she's who she is she's like robert downey jr was in her spot at her age too that guy was a coke head guy was always it seemed like in jail for dui or some sort of bad public behavior running around in his underwear or whatever charlie sheening it and uh then he got his act together and the guy can act and that lindsey lohan uh part did you read the part where she explained how she was able to cry in that scene she was did you see the same what did you read the same thing i did maybe it was
Starting point is 00:49:46 about her father of using her and her and her going back to that i don't recall that but you it might have been there yeah yeah i yeah i like if it was on that movie subreddit i read it i read probably 20 or 30 posts there a day like whatever the top ones are the thing i read was probably three or four years ago they were they were talking about that um i guess she was on scene and they were all just really blown away by by like her she she starts crying and it's super emotional it's it's looked so real and they were like wow what was that and she's just like ah you know just thinking about some stuff i went through with my dad i was just like oh okay and it was a scene i think where like the dad is beating her or something like that so whatever I don't think she's a
Starting point is 00:50:27 look I think being an actor is a really really easy job and I hear actors say that all the time I think being if you're just going to be the guy who just has a few lines and has to come in and be like Superman's down the street everyone let's go look like if that's your line like whatever bullshit it is. I think you crushed that by the way
Starting point is 00:50:44 oh yeah so believable but you know if that's your line, like, whatever bullshit it is. I think you crushed that, by the way. Oh, yeah, so believable. But, you know, if it's some random shit like that, I feel like that stuff's easy. And they do take after take after take. It's digital. It's free, right? Virtually.
Starting point is 00:50:55 I mean, there's people's time on there. But, you know, more or less, shoot as many as it takes. But when you've got to get, what I'm impressed by is when there are, like, real dramatic performances where I'm looking in the actor's eyes and I see little little bits of realization as they're having a conversation there's a part in this movie where kurt russell's talking to a woman and he's asking some questions and when she reacts in a non-verbal way you can look in his eyes and see that he's oh all right then like he there's he's just he doesn't have vibes all right then. Like he, there's, he's just, he doesn't have to say a word. He vibes it to you.
Starting point is 00:51:27 Yeah. Yeah. He did a movie called Soldier. Do you remember that? He worked out for a year and a half prior to that. I read this thing shortly after it came out about how ridiculous his pay was compared to his dialogue. He might've had 11 words in that film,
Starting point is 00:51:43 something like that. Very few. Yeah. There have to have been some sentences, but there was very few words in the whole film and uh i hadn't seen it when i read this and i'm like wow that's shit wow he makes like 93 000 a word a word you know like it could retire forever based on what happened on PKN so far. Yeah. But then I saw it and it was like one, like you said, he became a body transformation is a ton of work.
Starting point is 00:52:12 And two, he did a lot more acting than just speaking like that. There's a lot of nonverbal stuff. You watched a whole movie full of highs and lows. When he interacts with the boy, he has an interaction with the boy with a snake, and he's showing him how to smash it with a boot and everything. It's all in his eyes. He's just looking at him. He's not saying a word.
Starting point is 00:52:32 I like that movie a lot. That's one of my favorites. I like Kurt Russell a lot. He's one of my favorite actors, I think. I don't think he's ever done a movie that I thought was just shit. Yeah. I mean, he's done some. All right, so like Big Trouble in Little China.
Starting point is 00:52:45 Some people might say that's a shitty movie. But gotta take it for what it is long time ago and i liked it when i was a kid yeah and i think he did a good job you know he's funny uh he's he plays a character who thinks he's the star of the movie but isn't oh wait if you watch that one again if um if you watch him with goldie hawn, it's usually pretty crappy. I liked that. So, Overboard, the one where she gets amnesia and marries her, I liked that movie. I've seen it six times. I guess I liked it, too.
Starting point is 00:53:13 What am I saying? I did like that movie. I've seen it more than once. She's out there in that one-piece bikini and, like, talking shit to him and, like, won't pay him because she doesn't like the cedar he used or whatever. I like it a lot. And then the ending, there's that twist
Starting point is 00:53:29 where everything works out. It's not a spoiler. I won't describe it exactly, but everything works out. But I guess it's a 20 year old movie. Everything always works out. Yeah. It's going to be
Starting point is 00:53:44 cool. So yeah, I don't know if this is one that that jackie would be uh i don't think so she won't even watch game of thrones yeah okay then yeah i still have this truck up over here it was posted a month ago it's probably gone how long does a car sit on a lot it really depends a lot. Sometimes they sit there a long time, like months and months and months. That can be a sign of a lot of things. Maybe it's just that car lot's in an area where big trucks aren't selling well or a Porsche isn't going to sell well at this place, blah, blah, blah. But sometimes they sit there a while, months and months.
Starting point is 00:54:24 It depends on their inventory and a lot of things yeah well if it's still there i'll i'll know one thing it's been sitting for a month that's uh i would think that's a positive in my negotiating yeah probably so i've always wondered if like like would that if you can look the carfax up and find out who the previous buyer was i wonder if it's possible to like track him down and ask what the dealership gave him that'd be fun uh and i don't know what to i mean i can do the kbb is online now you can go there and they'll tell you what you should pay um and then that's a good starting place you know that's a good data point yeah it can be i i it's it's a good data point yeah it can be i i it's it's hard to tell i like i like to look at the the trade-in value and kind of give them a couple thousand from there and maybe it has that too same page you know usually and that's usually what it is like trade-in value would be like 17
Starting point is 00:55:18 like you should expect to pay whatever 22 i mean that's a bigger spread i think but yeah when we would take a car in i think it cost 800 to go to process a car so like uh and that included like detailing and washing it and running the carfax and running it through the the mechanics and uh and then just sitting it on the lot and i think there was just some like bullshit fee where it's like yeah every time that you guys bring a car into our dealership you know this much money goes up top you know but it was like eight hundred dollars and so you knew that it was going to be eight hundred dollars more than what uh you took it in on trade so my my friend for example took in a nice uh cadillac on trade one time knew his roommate needed a new car and was like hey i got a brand new i got a cadillac over here for ten
Starting point is 00:56:04 thousand eight hundred dollars if you want it and it's awesome and you know he came in that day and they didn't even uh i don't even think they processed it they just gave it to him that was it well he gave him some money but right i mean yeah we'll see um yeah we'll see yeah so i'm flying uh i'm flying to texas tomorrow i'm gonna start my my trip i think i'll be back on friday in time to do the show and everything. I might be a little late. I don't know my... I'll text you and let you know exactly today.
Starting point is 00:56:31 Yeah, I'd much rather do the show on Friday with you than Thursday without you. Yeah, for sure. Going out there. I guess we're going to fly in. Yeah, I'll be there tomorrow night. So I'll be there for four four whole days you're kind of excited about it this is the vibe i'm getting like a lot of times when i travel for work even if it's a if it's maybe sounds fun to a normal person it's like i know but i'm wrapping
Starting point is 00:56:55 it in all this like stress and pressure of like but i feel like even though i know you have that you're filming you're hoping to get one or two videos out of that week just need one just one um yeah it's going to be super easy to like it's just we got the house to blow up we got a 150 pounds of explosives we've got two explosives guys uh richard ryan with his high speed stuff and his explosive knowledge i've got my two camera guys um and uh you know we got lots of the key to making one of those videos work is having lots of backup plans And we have that so that you know there's there's a dozen machine guns And there's three or four mannequins, and there's ten sets of body armor And there's you know we got drones and a tank and multiple tanks really I think and are you gonna have the explosion on your
Starting point is 00:57:40 channel you think Yeah, we'll do got the explosives guys there so i think it's gonna be good they're gonna i'm looking forward to seeing i want to do bullet penetration like i want to shoot through the house and like sweep back and forth and really just riddle the house with bullets and see what that actually looks like in real life because it's it's done so much in movies but i've never done anything like that in real life not a yeah and in movies it doesn't count like i remember predator when they they knew that the bad guy was in the jungle there so they all shot and they pretty much
Starting point is 00:58:11 chopped the forest down with bullets and the child version of me was like oh i guess that's what it would be like the adult version of me is like it would take a lot of bullets to clear a forest like yeah i i don't know how realistic that i've more than five humans could hold i think the one guy had the minigun i think that and then the one guy had the six barrel grenade launcher so they were really laying some power down i'd like to shoot a minigun into a forest like that and replicate that scene um that'll happen one day because i've wanted to do it for so long all i need need is the forest, you know, because I have access to really any machine I want.
Starting point is 00:58:48 I feel like the forests in our area aren't that thick. Yeah, yeah. I feel like it needs to be like in Florida. Yeah, they look thick from a hundred yards away, but then when you get up to it, it's not as dense. But I've always wanted to recreate that scene from
Starting point is 00:59:04 Predator, but yeah, it does seem a little you know it's a movie they're fighting a seven foot tall alien with a laser gun on its shoulder i don't expect too much realism i love that movie though that's that's one of the most perfect action movies ever made uh you got two governors out there fighting a seven foot alien who in some scenes is being uh portrayed by uh dennis rodman he's the one in the suit i didn't know that and i'm trying to think they went back and forth that he was a he was being a super uh diva about the whole thing and they ended up getting rid of him originally before him it was going to be jean-claude van damme schwarzenegger had talked him into doing it and he thought it was going to be a big thing for his
Starting point is 00:59:44 career and they're like no no you're in the mask the whole time, Jean-Claude. Like, do all the splits and spin kicks you want, but nobody's going to see that shit. And he got all pissed off and left the movie as well. I think originally they just put a giant motherfucker in that suit who was like seven feet tall or something and just went with it. But I don't know, you got Billy the Indian cutting himself in the chest with that knife.
Starting point is 01:00:06 The guy asked Billy, he's like, what's wrong, Billy? I'm afraid. Bullshit. You ain't afraid of no man. It ain't no man out there. It's so great.
Starting point is 01:00:16 It's so good. You know, like in the beginning with Schwarzenegger and Carl Weathers who played Apollo Creed back in... Rocky.
Starting point is 01:00:24 Rocky. Like shake hands hands they do that like super power lifter like handshake where it's like they like Dylan you son of a bitch and you like look at their arms and both of their like arms are just gargantuan I love that shit I love the super super sized action heroes in the 80s yeah I feel like action heroes aren't super sized anymore Jason Statham you're fantastic but if I saw you at the grocery store I super-sized action heroes of the 80s. Yeah, I feel like action heroes aren't super-sized anymore. Jason Statham, you're fantastic.
Starting point is 01:00:47 But if I saw you at the grocery store, I wouldn't know you were an action hero. That's all because of Die Hard. That's what Die Hard did to the action genre. So that movie was originally going to be written as Commando Part 2, which is Arnold Schwarzenegger's character taking down a bunch of terrorists in a high-rise building. But it bounced around two or three or four more times
Starting point is 01:01:08 until he got to Bruce Willis, and he became your everyman's action hero, the guy who's just in the wrong place at the wrong time, and he rises to the challenge. Instead of the superhuman Schwarzenegger, Van Damme, Stallone type, just crush anything in my path. Who's the really good- looking guy who played a driver? Jason Statham?
Starting point is 01:01:28 Nope. Has blonde hair. I think being good looking is one of the hallmarks of this guy. Gosling? Ryan Gosling in the movie Driver. Yeah. That guy just...
Starting point is 01:01:43 Did you see Driver though? Drive drive that's what it's called drive i think i did see it i don't know if i think i fell asleep in it though but i definitely saw the start of it did you get to the action parts of it it starts off with action did you get to the part with the hammer i don't think so then you haven't seen the movie you should start again drive drive is way up there on my list of like gosling made another movie the next year called um something the pines and he made another one um uh-huh uh where he's in japan and his mother was involved and both of them stunk i thought but drive is uh it's like an 80s movie with the soundtrack.
Starting point is 01:02:25 The soundtrack's really 80s. The pink cursive text on the screen for the titles and all, that's really 80s. But he's like a modern-day Clint Eastwood, if you ask me. He's just really quiet, really soft-spoken. But about halfway through that film, it gets violent, and he explodes into the most violent character in the whole movie and i really like it hmm drive that sounds cool all right call it a show yep i gotta pack up very good pkn episode 63 i hope you guys enjoyed it

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