Painkiller Already - PKN #65

Episode Date: November 20, 2015

This week on PKN... what? Listen and find out for yourself...No spoilers here.......

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Alright, we're live. PKN episode 65. We were just talking and Kyle was like, start the show. So, you want to do a clear talk. You were saying that it's been raining a lot here and I'm sure my rain is just passing along to you. The same weather system, yeah. Yeah, so it seems like it's been 7, 10 days of just inhospitable weather. You can't go outside and do outside things and you were saying that you wanted to recharge your solar batteries, get outside, do some manual labor and feel good again yeah yeah it's partly to get it done because for people that don't know i've got a lot of like bare wood up that needs to be covered or it'll
Starting point is 00:00:32 like turn silver and it'll just be yucky it should be okay but it'd be yucky and uh i need to go out there and get some work done and protect it from the elements um on top of that i just feel good about myself when i get some shit done and I want that too I feel really out of it this whole past week I've been playing a lot of video games because Call of Duty came out so I've been playing a lot of that and then last night I went to the midnight release
Starting point is 00:00:55 of Fallout and I picked that out and so I played that until like 4 in the morning and then I woke up and then I played it the rest of the day so I'm like a level 11 in Fallout I've been playing a lot. I bought COD for the PC sort of maybe even on release night or something, but I haven't played it yet.
Starting point is 00:01:12 And then you guys were all playing COD for the Xbox. And I was like, well, if all my friends are on Xbox, that's what I should get to. So I got that. And while you guys were playing, I was downloading. And now it's pretty much ready to play. Hey, I'll play some COD tonight. I'll switch off of Fallout if you're up for it.
Starting point is 00:01:31 So let me talk about my thoughts of COD, I guess, first. And maybe some of this will swing you one way or another. Me and Taylor have been playing, and his girlfriend, have been playing a lot of, we've been playing, I don't know, five hours a night, every night. And we playing a lot of we plan on a five hours a night every night and uh... we played a bunch of zombies uh... the new zombies is course very complicated and at first i hated that but now i see that it's a whole new it's now that
Starting point is 00:01:56 now it's one-third of the call of duty game so there's an entire set of fans who enjoy the puzzle building aspect of that and after a few videos and some trial and error, we've gotten decent at it. I think at this point we can get Pack-a-Punch and Juggernaut online. We can definitely get them in five or six rounds. But these are long rounds. Like, it'll be round two, and we'll be half an hour into the game because we've been running around turning stuff on so much.
Starting point is 00:02:20 But there was a big learning curve there that I think we've mastered now. So if you hop into Zombies with us, we've got you now it sounds good and I would definitely want that if I were to play zombies but I will say it doesn't sound like my cup of tea like you know I would be that guy that shot the crawler because fuck you I'm not in the business of doing nothing in a video game you know like this is kind of that might yeah well now it doesn't work with a crawler anymore but but I'm up and running will be a last one but we'll just put on a marathon around circles
Starting point is 00:02:53 awesome I hear you and I wouldn't do it certainly not at the start but there were times when it was like you are milking this shit too long to handle the next round or handle it while the zombies are here because no you know you can't run everywhere and do everything you got to like freaking play the game like the developers meant it to some extent unique aspects that force you into that so you've got like this beast mode thing you turn your character turns into this cthulhu monster and that monster interacts into the environment with the environment in very unique ways it. It can electrocute junction boxes and give power to areas. It can break barriers down so you can pass through where you normally couldn't. And it can reveal
Starting point is 00:03:31 secret things on the map. But you only get to turn into beasts once per round per character. So you've got to utilize all three of those beast modes at times to like rappel up to a building, jump down, shock a thing, smash a thing out of the way then jump or run downstairs power that up and now you've got two perks it's it's it was very annoying at first it it wasn't um it didn't seem to me like it was built so that a newbie would be like oh this is zombies oh yeah so much fun if i was new i would have hated it so much but we got it now and i'm enjoying zombies um. We played Derise,
Starting point is 00:04:06 the map from the old one as well, and it's updated, so it was fun to go play. I am so uninterested in that. That's because you enjoy playing it. It's just like Shipman on COD. You just go in there to get the experience again. I hear you, and I know that people
Starting point is 00:04:22 who are real Zombies aficionados love that map. It's the best one ever. For me though, I like the space one. I don't know that everyone else did. I enjoyed that because there were some places to run your rape trains or whatever. I really like the cowboy one. I forget the name of it, but that might be my favorite zombies map ever. It was a DLC. I forget the name of it, but that might be my favorite zombies map ever. It was a DLC. Yeah, those are the two I didn't play very much, those two in particular. I like the one that was like a theater, and you could really kite the zombies well. That's an older one, right? Yeah, it probably is, but that's my favorite zombies map ever. But so zombies, I would say they did a very good job.
Starting point is 00:04:59 You will need it for someone like you who's just going to hop on a little bit. You need a guide. You really do need a friend who's put in the hop on a little bit, you need a guide. You really do need a friend who's put in the time. Or go watch Syndicate's video. Become one of the tens of millions who I'm sure are going to watch that. Is he still the guy, Syndicate? He hasn't been passed in Zombies yet. There's other guys.
Starting point is 00:05:17 The Ali A guy, I think. And a few others who do it and get millions of views doing it. But Syndicate is when I searched and I wanted to learn. Boom. Syndicate's video. And it's 17 minutes. And it's how to get pack a punch at by round five and I'm just like, all right, here we go. So zombies, good job. One thing that happens when you're a YouTuber is people feed you information. Like I used to do quick tips and stuff and people would send me ideas like, hey, Woody,
Starting point is 00:05:41 you know, the hollow site on this changes the damage by four points i'm like oh test it make a video it so in my head i was like dudes at this point syndicate can like i don't know make a vlog of him turning a doorknob and get two million views why would he spend 16 hours figuring out zombies but he probably probably didn't. He probably has. No, I, cause he, he had that video instantaneously. Like whenever New Zealand's ready,
Starting point is 00:06:09 his 17 minute video goes up teaching you how to do the thing. Like he's had the game for a while. You think he figured it out personally? That's what he does. Like, like, like that's what makes him so good at this. Like,
Starting point is 00:06:19 like he goes in there like some sort of fucking backwards revert. He's reverse engineering this, this stuff in his head somehow and figuring it out I get you know now that I know how most of it works and I say most of it like there's a bunch I'm sure I don't understand but there's this whole ritual you have to perform and there's
Starting point is 00:06:35 slugs that you have to obtain and there are like you know each you have to get each character when you say slug do you mean the insect or the ammunition I mean a slug that's about the insect or the ammunition i mean a slug that's about two and a half feet long and you hold in your hands and you need to okay like the snail with no shell not the shotgun ammo yeah yeah yeah hold it oh yeah it's a slug like a an organism a gross like alien nasty thing um there's a lot going on but i could see how you know if you
Starting point is 00:07:04 just keep fiddling long enough you just figure figure it out. And that's totally what he did. Multiplayer, we are sucking at badly. Really? Taylor and I both, we have our games where, you know, we go... 5kD or something, yeah. I don't know if it gets that well. You know, we have our 20 and 5 games maybe every now and then. For the most part, we're really stinking it up a lot. We have a lot of negative games, lots of losses. I have already unlocked some very advanced camo for my rocket launcher. I've shot so much. You have to get like 75 airstrikes shot down to get the camo I have,
Starting point is 00:07:39 and I got it in like a couple hours. I haven't looked, but is Wings uploading a lot of cool content on COD? I haven't looked either. I've been playing. I should. I'll check it out when we're done here. But I like the multiplayer, but we all kept saying the same thing. Is this Call of Duty?
Starting point is 00:07:58 Is this still COD? Because at the end of every round, you have the top three players, like characters, stands there. And, you know, everybody's got a custom character and everything. And you can customize the taunts and the gestures that they make at the end of the round. So you look, and there is a guy who's literally just a robot. Like it's a human brain uploaded into a robot. And he's standing there, and he goes, full metal everything. And it's just like, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:21 Some of these guys are just robot characters that we're playing against. And everybody's running along the walls. Taylorlor had a cool idea i watched it in a taylor video and he's like i think that it would be awesome if the taunts were like totally customizable instead of being chosen but like any like whatever the 13 year old cod player comes up with like you know i fucked your mom at the end of every round that'd be great yeah I wouldn't be and I was telling him I wouldn't be surprised if they figured out a way to make the characters like act that out like wait
Starting point is 00:08:52 is that your mom dude yeah that other guy's character is your fucking mom oh god he's fucking your mom and he's just like flipping you off only he does it that's the next that's Black Ops 4 I need a guy pimping something I make money off of right like you know just like saying or something like coupon code woody
Starting point is 00:09:14 on something i wouldn't be surprised if you could so i don't know we kept having that thought that feeling that like this doesn't really feel like cod but then you get into gunfights and stuff and you know all that stuff's pretty much the same i like all i like a lot of the new weapons it seems like there's lots of cool stuff going on and weird reload animations which are fun to watch lots of interesting perks that help you find enemies and help with enemy awareness there's one that everywhere a bad guy has walked it leaves like his footprints you can see them and they're slowly dissolving behind him and then there's another one that if there's a bad guy near you, it shows you your UAV lights up, and it lets you know if it's left, right, front, or back.
Starting point is 00:09:50 And when you combine a bunch of those perks together, it's kind of like you've always got some sort of awareness going on. And, you know, there's a dead silence perk and whatever the perk to make people's footsteps louder. I've been enjoying myself. The specialist classes are a little much. It seems like you're constantly running around with a crazy noob tube launcher or a bow and arrow. And some of the advanced ones that I haven't unlocked
Starting point is 00:10:13 because I'm in the low 20s, they look even scarier. One of the guys I have on staff was saying that he's a very strong player. He plays all the time. And he was saying that he thinks that he's like, you might not like it. He's like, everyone is good right now. Like these are all the most hardcore players and such.
Starting point is 00:10:32 It's the game of the moment. He's like, maybe Fallout will pull him away or something. But he was telling me that his typical lobbies are filled up with guys who have prestige or they're level 50 something.
Starting point is 00:10:43 And that they're just super strong and i've ran into some scary lobbies like that's when i get my support kills uh-huh there are some i was in some bad lobbies maybe i need to put together like a i don't know the like the crushing team this is what lozan does or even wings you know like joe lozon's friends are animals animals at the game and uh and he can go in there and just chill and never lose i'd like to have i'd like to have a few guys to play with but you know it's me and taylor and neither one of us are very strong at all we need it we need a good carry and most of the time are you playing with chiz much um chiz played one night with us and we played zombies but he hasn't played again since all we need it we need a good carry in most of the time are you playing with chis much um just
Starting point is 00:11:26 played one night with us and we played zombies but he hasn't played again since i don't know he's got like i yesterday when i looked he had 17 hours in the game he hasn't played with us we've been playing but then again like well i've been available most of the time but i know taylor is usually only available like late as hell at night yeah he Taylor, that's why I haven't played with him yet. It's always like, hey, you guys want to play now? No. 1 in the morning. I was going to say 1230, but right. Yeah, because it's 1 a.m.
Starting point is 00:11:53 That's not when I start my session. By the time you get to your Xbox, get your snack, and everybody gets coordinated in a lobby after it fails three times, it's going to be 1. I was telling you before PKN started that I've been working really hard at WoodyCraft. And these fuckers have me gun shy
Starting point is 00:12:13 about even saying WoodyCraft. I'm going to say it fucking triple every time, like it's Wizard of Oz. But they were just fussing at me for mentioning it. Well, fuck you. It's my life, and the show reflects it. And I've been just going like late and stuff and trying to get my sleep schedule back on track.
Starting point is 00:12:31 But when I'm on a roll, I'm on a roll. And I work till three, I work till five one day. And then I, you know, it's not like I'm killing it, because then I sleep until like 10 or 11. But it's not cool to have your sleep schedule fucked up. Like it's, you don up. I don't know. It sort of subtracts from my happiness in some way. I feel a little blah.
Starting point is 00:12:51 I don't feel like I'm... Right now, I'm going to sleep at like 4 or 5 and I'm waking up at like noon, which is still like 7 or 8 hours of sleep. But I'm missing the whole morning. And I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing but it works it's just what i'm on right it's funny because you know like when you do it you sometimes think like yeah this is cool i like my sleep schedule and i'm so fortunate to have a job that i can have this one and and stuff like that but after five days in you're like this sucks like i'm not i can yeah something about like an adult an adult uh sleep
Starting point is 00:13:27 schedule feels good uh you know if you're waking up at 8 a.m or something like that i know that's not super early plenty of factory workers and people getting up at 4 4 a.m and shit but like you know a good morning start 7 or 8 a.m if you do that for a week straight that's something about that feels good it feels natural um i yeah and i i think it i think i'm extra like sun sensitive but you know if i'm getting up at noon ish then i'm sort of getting about if there's a i don't know a better word for it but like maybe i rise from bed at noon but i'm not really out and like around the house or even outdoors or something till one and that's true yeah i'm missing a lot
Starting point is 00:14:05 of day and when i wake up at eight and just sort of exist with the whole world like it's better i don't know morning's nice all these times are nice so last night i went and got fallout and i stood in the fucking line and everything it actually wasn't that bad like a peasant like a peasant um i think i guess it took maybe 20 minutes to get the game and get out of there which isn't too awful bad considering how many people were there there were a lot of people even in my small game stop uh have you considered a let's play um well i just i just don't have the so i was playing earlier and i was thinking like what i'm doing right now is really entertaining like this is great like because you know great stuff was happening in the game and i was joking about it i was thinking like yeah this would make a good video but it's just
Starting point is 00:14:48 i need i mean i'd need a new computer just to just to even start like would you really i feel like i would because like this one renders stuff so slowly and if i'm gonna do it i'd want to have 1080p and 60 frames at least right yeah i i would say that that's the you need that it is for me and i just don't think i can achieve that in any kind of a timely fashion with the machine i have now not if i'm going to be making because like i've got maybe six or seven hours of play time right now that's all video every bit of it there's no reason to cut any of it out it's all expiration and fighting legendary monsters and building weapons and i just feel like it'd be profitable for you especially fourth quarter you know probably the first video i know your
Starting point is 00:15:30 channel hasn't been active so the first videos might get like 30 or 50 and then it would trail down but by the end that you know it'd be you know and certainly pay for a new computer and um i don't know maybe and then the upload thing is another thing. Pretty much doing that and maintaining a let's play pretty much requires just killing my internet all day, every day. It means that any Netflix watching in the
Starting point is 00:15:56 middle of the day is out of the question. There's just a lot. I guess I could schedule upload and do it at night, but there's just a lot going on. That means I can't play games at night. There'll be tons of time. Well, Fallout's not really an online game. You could play that anytime. You could play that and upload it at the same time.
Starting point is 00:16:10 If you really wanted to, you could do it. You could even do it with your current computer. I think you might need a new capture card. But outside of that, your current computer would do the job. I would play on PC if I were going to make the videos. Use OBS or something. I don't know your specs. There's a chance that you might not be able to do everything you want to do.
Starting point is 00:16:29 I don't think I can. Yeah. Because I don't think you want to, like, again, if you're going to make videos, I think you should. PC is the best platform for that, I think. I mean, I'm playing on Xbox One, and every now and then I'll drop some frames. And there are times when I'm like, this doesn't look
Starting point is 00:16:46 as good as I bet it looks on PC, and you know, so it'd be a lot to go into, and it'd be, it's a real commitment, like, editing together many hours of videos every day, I don't think that's... If I could do it quickly, like, if I had your internet connection, I would do it, honestly.
Starting point is 00:17:02 Like, if it meant that I could upload, you know, those five videos, and, you know, even four hours, if I could do five videos in four hours, I'd do it, but it's not going to be like that. It's gonna be like five videos a day, 24 hours. For whatever reason, I just don't think I'm wired for that. Like, um, back when YouTube channels played one game and like there was a spot for a guy like me, a guy who made what I considered to be a little more insightful or educational commentary. Now it's all about like the entertainment factor. Like, of course, PewDiePie is the king.
Starting point is 00:17:32 But there's other ways to be entertaining, too. You know, you're entertaining. Taylor's entertaining. I was watching Taylor play. What's it called? Fast Run or something. Help me out. Oh, run free run thank you oops and i'm trying to put this right like like the gameplay was completely unexceptional right
Starting point is 00:17:58 you know he did it it's not an interesting game to watch and And he wasn't, he was, it was his first time ever playing it. And then he had nothing planned to say, but he has delivery. And I swear he can just deliver any line and it adds a certain entertainment value to it. Right? Like a sarcastic, you know,
Starting point is 00:18:20 I'm upset that I'm dying or whatever. And it really works for him. If I'm upset that I'm dying, everyone is like, look at this guy get mad. Oh my God. So cringy. Taylor does whatever. And it really works for him. If I'm upset that I'm dying, everyone is like, look at this guy get mad. Oh my God. So cringy. Taylor does it.
Starting point is 00:18:28 And it's so funny. And you know, that's why I've never done let's plays really by myself. I tend to do them in a group setting. Cause I feel like it works better. It works better for a lot of people. Yeah. They could,
Starting point is 00:18:39 I would like to live stream. I think that's what I would prefer. Like if I could do that, I think I'd really enjoy that. Because, I mean, it's such a long format game like Fallout is. Like I said, I've played seven hours and I'm thinking, like, would I edit any of that out? I mean, make the loading screens. Like, what's that amount to?
Starting point is 00:18:58 Ten minutes over the course of eight hours? Probably not much more than that. Yeah, yeah. I've done that for Borderlands. I just played the... I think I like borderlands more than the other pka guys especially the the last one i don't think any of us like that much i didn't like that yeah but the one the two before that i like both of them and i played that all the way through on a live stream and it went pretty well it was just like i don't know something about the expectations of my viewers was in line with what I wanted to give.
Starting point is 00:19:25 You know, they were ready to just watch me play or whatever. It seems like when I play Minecraft, it's like, is he even reading the chat? Because he missed the thing I said. And it's like, yeah, you're going to have to fucking chill here. You know, like if this isn't what you want, go to another one. But in Borderlands, like everything was synced up. Like, hey, I'm playing this game. I really like it.
Starting point is 00:19:45 If you really like it too, you can watch me play. And maybe with Fallout that would work. I don't know. I've really enjoyed this Fallout. I think so the shooting aspect of it, the gunplay, is much improved. It feels a lot more like Call of Duty and a lot less like it used to, which was awful i've it was so hard you're the expert i shouldn't even be interrupting i'm sorry but
Starting point is 00:20:10 i read that one of the reasons for the vat system was to kind of make up for a horrible gunplay controller thing like they yeah they're like all right did you get it oh have you yeah and in this one you could play it like a like like Borderlands almost if you wanted to, where you just shoot and run and gun. VATS is still what helps your character squeeze through those moments when you're outgunned and surprised. But it's definitely a lot more like operating a gun in Call of Duty now. And the sights are like, it seemed like they were too many pixels wide, the
Starting point is 00:20:45 sight was, and you were like, I don't know if I'm on the guy or not. Now it's this nice, pristine needle in most cases. And there's lots of different kinds of weapons. Just like Borderlands, how you could add a muzzle device to every weapon, or a bigger magazine to every weapon, or a different stock to every weapon, and it would
Starting point is 00:21:01 when you combine all those different combinations, you've got millions of of guns it seems like the same thing as present in and fallout and you can customize them you can build them yourselves disassemble them there's a crafting aspect to pretty much every component of the game whether it's armor or guns or it seems like you can build your own settlements which I haven't started yet but I've really enjoyed it and they've got legendary creatures now so the harder the difficulty you play on the more likely you are to encounter a legendary version of whatever creature
Starting point is 00:21:31 and when you kill a legendary version he usually drops some legendary loot a unique item of some kind some special wrench or some special gun and I've been like creeping through the woods thinking what a badass I am with my new armor and my new cool machine gun and all of a sudden something hits me in the back and half my health's gone and I turn around expecting like a Mirelurk or a Deathclaw and it's a deer.
Starting point is 00:21:53 It's a legendary class like rabid deer and he headbutts me again and I'm dead. So I've had fun. I'm really enjoying it. You know what I really want to play? I want to play COD on that like realistic mode. That's what I want. I've been fun. I'm really enjoying it. You know what I really want to play? I want to play COD on that realistic mode. I've been doing that too. I played through the first level of that.
Starting point is 00:22:13 In co-op. How many people can play co-op? Two or four? That I don't know. Four would be awesome. Two would definitely be easier than one because as soon as you take a bullet, you're dropped. The way they do it though, you think like, wow, that must be impossible.
Starting point is 00:22:28 But whenever you lay eyes on an enemy, it seems like he has, like, three-quarters of a second that it'll take for him to aim and shoot you. So you just have to be a little bit faster than him and you'll be okay. You just have to be like, oh, there he is. faster than him and you'll be okay. You just have to be like, oh, there he is. And if you realize you've been standing for three quarters of a second in full sight of an enemy, it's time to duck and crouch and get out of the way and let him forget about you for a moment.
Starting point is 00:22:52 I didn't get that far in. I played for maybe an hour. I almost completed the first chapter of the game, I think. Maybe. But it is hard. But it's not impossible. So I'd like to do it, yeah. Yeah, that's one of the things i'm looking forward to most i wish we i was gonna play it by myself on pc just to get the the controls
Starting point is 00:23:12 down pat and then i thought i'd play more pc multiplayer but we'll see where it goes right now i'm just working yeah the um the the storyline i don't know much you know i just played through the first half of the first chapter or something like that but there's like torture right out of the gate and you're in there to extract this guy who's being tortured but then you leave all these other guys behind who are being tortured they're like no stick to the mission priorities and you just leave them
Starting point is 00:23:36 behind getting waterboarded and burned with blowtorches I felt awful it continues on the Black Ops storyline from before I totally don't understand that storyline, and I hate it. And something about, like, long-time listeners will hate to hear this again, but the fucking color palette made me hate it alone. Like, just some gritty Vietnam brown shit.
Starting point is 00:23:59 I'm like, I don't want to play this. I'm not sure if I finished Black Ops. Black Ops 1, I finished. Black Ops 2, I think I finished. Black Ops 3, I didn't even touch. Fuck that. like i don't want to play this i i'm not sure if i finished black ops black ops one i finished black ops two i think i finished black ops three i didn't even touch fuck that i i think i think i've beaten them all no i have it wrong i think black ops one i finished two i didn't touch which is the one where you had to like push the flaming barrel down the hill do you know um into a village or something that seems like two but there was like a what do they call the trenches like trench warfare type thing yeah and uh i advanced like all the way
Starting point is 00:24:33 down to the trench like 250 times and died until someone told me i had to push the barrel and then light the trench on fire and uh i finished that one and i think that was one and then light the trench on fire. And I finished that one, and I think that was one, and then I didn't play Black Ops 2 multiplayer at all. Well, I've only played a little bit of this. It's super futuristic, of course. You know, lots of cybernetic parts on soldiers and stuff, and there's lots of backstory and exposition right there at the beginning. But you're in Mogadishu
Starting point is 00:25:06 or no Somalia I think you're in Somalia that's how it starts out I don't understand the timeline or who's who anymore and I don't really care it doesn't really matter to me anymore you know there's it's been two years since Black Ops 2 three
Starting point is 00:25:20 okay so I've lost track yeah to me call of duty storylines aren't nearly what halo gears of war and other games are it's not critically acclaimed but the modern warfare warfare storyline i loved loved loved right so everyone loved the cod 4 one and i agree that it was very good for whatever whatever reason, for me, the Modern Warfare 2-1 was even better. And when Ghost I'll say it. When Ghost
Starting point is 00:25:49 died, it was like you can't kill Ghost. I kept waiting. He's going to stay dead? No. No way. It certainly was a prickly situation, but I'm expecting Ghost with the damn mask and everything to come back all scarred from that fire.
Starting point is 00:26:09 Still no return of Ghost. Yeah, he really seems pretty dead. Price came back, but Ghost, no. Yeah, Price was in COD 2. Yeah, he's a durable guy. And then when Modern Warfare 3 came out, I loved that one too. Isn't that the one where you stab him with a knife at the very end?
Starting point is 00:26:27 That's the one where at the very end you're like, let's go get some payback. And you show up in the juggernaut suit. Oh, I love that. With the grenade launcher and the big machine gun. I love that a lot. And then you hang Makarov or whatever, the main villain. Yeah, yeah. You hang him from the...
Starting point is 00:26:41 Not just hang him. He falls like 28 stories and then hangs like it's it's fantastic i really like that storyline i i caught or call of duty in general and modern warfare along with it isn't regarded as this great storyline like the great storylines belong to well halo comes to mind yeah gears i think too maybe gears mass effect games like that mass effect some people feel that way about god of war yeah that's a good story i've only played it i played god of war three i think but which may be the last one for me like the the modern warfare story arc uh i liked it a lot you're right actually now that i think about it i like this i liked each of those stories and
Starting point is 00:27:24 the infinity ward call of duties those were good i didn't play the advanced warfare one a lot. You're right, actually. Now that I think about it, I liked each of those stories and the Infinity Ward Call of Duties. Those were good. I didn't play the Advanced Warfare one. A lot of people didn't love it, but I don't know. I didn't get very far in it. I think I might have beaten Ghosts. I think that's the one where there's an orbital weapons platform or something like that involving you going to space.
Starting point is 00:27:43 I remember that, but I don't know. There's so many to space. I remember that. There's so many fucking games. I get foggy about which one's which. The new one's good. I've only played a little bit of the campaign but that realistic mode's a cool thing. I would be willing to do some of that. Lots of gaming the last few days. Played tons of COD
Starting point is 00:28:00 and tons of Fallout in the last 24 hours. I've just been doing mostly sysadmin type stuff, a little bit of coding on WoodyCraft. Well, if you want to play some zombies or some multiplayer or whatever, let us know, and I'm sure we can make it happen. Let's make a decision on the show. Are you ready? So I got a text from Chiz.
Starting point is 00:28:23 It says, So Jason Somerville, professional poker player, can only do tomorrow not Thursday what do you guys want to do I've never heard of Jason Somerville that's the thing I reckon it's his face yeah so a pro poker player I'm not sure if he's filled with incredible stories or huh so he's 28 he's a new yorker he has a wikipedia page he's won 3.9 million in live tournaments he's got a bracelet um so he's very good at poker yeah So he's very good at poker Yeah Tomorrow huh
Starting point is 00:29:10 He's the first And only Gay high stakes Poker player He's found great support from Both the poker community And the media outlets, including Perez Hilton and the advocate.
Starting point is 00:29:28 I don't know who the advocate is. Um, so I don't care about him as a guest to be honest, but I'm willing to do the show tomorrow. Yeah, that's where I am too. I, I,
Starting point is 00:29:39 I don't know. I'm a little, I definitely, the fact that he's openly gay, I think would would have been interesting, like, five or six years ago. Yeah, right? Right? Oh, the only...
Starting point is 00:29:51 I'm like, bullshit. Like, he's not the only gay one, the gay guy that plays poker. It says he's the only openly gay high-stakes poke. But, to me, like, nowadays, that's about as interesting as he's the first openly blonde. I get it. When everybody was making a big deal out of that NFL player who was openly gay, I was just like, I don't fucking care. What's the big deal?
Starting point is 00:30:16 What's the big deal? I don't get it. I would be more impressed if he had three bracelets than just one and being gay. He's going to be the woman of the year. Caitlyn Jenner, the guy who's the woman of the year. I know what you're going for. Yeah, I'll be down to do it tomorrow. Get him on if you want.
Starting point is 00:30:43 Yeah, I don't know what to do either I guess part of it depends on Taylor I'm not sure he's available tonight is he still working a day job I'm not sure what Taylor's doing but is it a secret do you know I honestly don't know yeah I don't know hey there I have I have I have all kinds of secrets but but but but none from Taylor and none from... Yeah. I literally don't know if he's still working a normal daily job, but I do know that he seems to invite me to play at 1 a.m. a lot,
Starting point is 00:31:16 implying maybe he's a full-time YouTuber. I don't know. I'm not sure what he's doing. I haven't asked him really but yeah I'm willing to do the show tomorrow night and I honestly just don't care about having that guy as a guest I don't see how a guest could make the show worse
Starting point is 00:31:34 really as long as we don't get bogged down in some silliness with him but you know having a guy could be a positive I just don't think it could be a negative so I'm willing to bend and get him in there if we can i'm stressed i'm looking over to this side here um woody craft is not being attacked right now but the data center we reside in is and that's creating issues for woody craft and it's just like i don't maybe it's just the rain and my sleep schedule having me down,
Starting point is 00:32:07 but I kind of feel like I'm driving and every light is red. It's just like, fuck. You know, like, everything seems to be hard right now. And so I want to, like, update the ticket I have with the data center. And their website is pretty much down, which makes sense that they'd host their own website. But it's like, yeah, I can't even ask them like, what the fuck? Because, you know, they're down. But so that's... Fuck! all red lights for me lately i know how i know how that can feel
Starting point is 00:32:52 and it's annoying when yeah when you yeah when that happens you put it pretty well the red light life is really tough sometimes i just want to go downstairs in my mansion and watch a hundred inch tv Go downstairs in my mansion and watch a 100-inch TV. And curl up under a blanket by the natural gas fire. Under the bear skin that you had slaughtered last year. We thought about bear skin, too. It wasn't bear skin. I think it was a cow hide. Let's go get a bear skin. That'd be cool. I'll go on that trip if we're gonna kill a bear and you're gonna get the skin and you're gonna put it on your floor. That'd be cool.
Starting point is 00:33:33 It would be cool. I got a bear gone over there. Can you see it without moving? Fuck yeah! That's Kyle, man. Like, yeah! Let me see, is there anything around here that'll kill a bear? Yeah, that or that would do. I have a shotgun. You can definitely kill a bear with a slug.
Starting point is 00:33:54 Yeah, for sure. Yeah. I think I'd want to shoot it. I'd probably shoot something a little bigger than what I thought was necessary. If you're going to shoot a grizzly bear, I guess, which is what I'd want to do. I'd want a giant one. I don't even know what the hunting regulations for grizzly bear are or where you go to
Starting point is 00:34:09 do it or any of that stuff, but I feel like I'd want a big, powerful rifle and I'd want to shoot that thing from pretty fucking far away. I don't want any chance of me winging it and it comes hauling ass toward me and I shoot again and it ricochets off its three inch thick skull and then I'm being mauled. I'm only going by by I saw a tv show and I think I mentioned this I know I mentioned to you
Starting point is 00:34:30 I don't know if I mentioned to the show that uh a regular guy who had never been outdoorsy went to visit someone who lived off the land in Alaska and this guy like trapped rabbits for the bulk of his food source and stuff like that but it attracted bears all the time because he had like skinned rabbits hanging from like i guess their feet on a rope or something and uh so the bear was coming around like causing trouble and he used a shotgun and i just think to myself like this is a guy who would have the right tool on hand for the job like he didn't seem broke like it is an inexpensive lifestyle but you know he was like i'm sure he'd have any you know whatever gun he felt was right yeah i don't know i i'm sure the shotgun would be good for like bare self
Starting point is 00:35:17 defense or whatever but i feel like if you're going out hunting one like you know and he's long range you might want a rifle so you could shoot him at two or three hundred yards oh yeah yeah that makes sense um just just searching here what that all right oh man why why a listicle so 375 ruger 375 something else 450 marlin Ballistical. So,.375 Ruger. .375 something else. .450 Marlin. Let me see. Yeah, these are all big, big calibers. It was a Winchester Model 70.
Starting point is 00:35:56 .450 Marlin. That seems like a really big gun. .375 Remington 700. Oh, and a 12-gauge Remington 870, which is what I have. This is a pistol. It's a.357 Taurus Tracker. I don't know that I'm... I'd rather have a.44 Magnum. It's a 10-millimeter Glock.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Yeah, I've heard that being used as well, yeah. Not for hunting, but more for bare self-defense. Now here's a.44 Magnum, another pistol, or.454. And then a Smith & Wesson.500. I guess if you're going to have a pistol, that would be the one. I'd rather have the.44 Magnum. I get one more extra shot and a lot of controllability. That.500 is... Oh, I missed. Oh, shot and a lot of controllability. That 500 is like,
Starting point is 00:36:45 CLUNG! Oh, I missed! CLUNG! Oh, I missed it! My hand hurts! CLUNG! Oh, I dropped it! Where'd it go? Like, it just kicks so much. So annoying. I'd want a rifle. And maybe even a semi-automatic rifle. Like, in my head, I'm thinking, like, my AR-10, you know, it's... Big 20 round magazine, 25 round magazine, get an extended mag maybe for it. a big 20-round magazine, 25-round magazine. Get an extended mag maybe for it. I got a 50-round magazine for that thing.
Starting point is 00:37:10 And it's.308 and semi-automatic. I could triple tap with.308 faster than I could shoot something with a.375 H&H Magnum and bolt action and get another one in there. I don't know. I've never done any bear hunting. You need a lever action maybe what was that show we watched what one man can do another can do uh yeah the edge yeah it just seemed like they'd use a lever action don't you think he did have that lever action at the end yeah yeah i i
Starting point is 00:37:39 don't know i'm a sucker for the lever actions there's a's a gun show in my area in like 10 days. I might go. I might go and treat myself. I like going and getting the weird oddball stuff that they have at those things sometimes. If you go to Knob Creek, there's some Nazi stuff, like the SS officer hat. There'll be one of those and some Hitler youth knives and shit like that. I like that stuff. You know, it's funny. If you had talked to me five years ago,
Starting point is 00:38:07 it'd be like Hitler stuff, Nazi stuff. Like, how dare you touch it? Your skin should burn. I picture a death for you from Ladies of the Lost Ark or something, right? My face melts like play-doh. That's what you get. Now it's like, look,
Starting point is 00:38:23 it doesn't make me a Nazi to find a piece of history really interesting. Like yeah, there was a guy who held this who was terrified at one point. There was a guy who held this who was brainwashed, right? Like somebody put this on their side and it gave them an immense amount of pride and identity and they were like warped.
Starting point is 00:38:44 And I'm just as interested in like US stuff or Japanese stuff or Russian stuff. immense amount of pride and identity and they were warped. And I'm just as interested in US stuff or Japanese stuff or Russian stuff. I have a Russian Mosin Nagant and I think mine was made in 41, I'm not positive, but in my memory it was 1941. And I'm like, yeah, yeah, it might've been 42. But the war ended in 45, is that right? So I'm like, yeah, yeah, it might have been 42. But like the war ended in 45. Is that right? So I'm like, there's no way the Russians who were famously short on rifles, right?
Starting point is 00:39:16 Kept this thing in a closet from 1942 to 1945, right? This thing definitely was in a soldier's hands. Maybe a couple of them, right? That thing about like everyone gets bullets and every other person gets a rifle and then when your partner dies just grab his rifle and go like there's a like that could have actually happened with the rifle i have in my safe yeah maybe there's uh i see um like um the the lugers the german luger uh officer pistols sometimes they sometimes. They have the swastika marks on them. They're expensive. And the eagle and everything. And I've seen them with blood spatter rust on them.
Starting point is 00:39:53 There's a lot of cool stuff out there. That adds to it, right? And it sounds morbid stuff, but just like, you know, shucks. I get attached to a truck if it pulls something heavy because it did a thing. It's been there. Like these weapons that served in war especially i i really don't mean to put down like current wars or something but i feel like the u.s has been pub stomping for a while now right like look afghanistan is tough and iraq is tough and i get that but battle of the bulge like world war ii we
Starting point is 00:40:24 didn't know if we were gonna win you know like some of these other ones Vietnam we didn't win like when and I know it's because of the rules of engagement and stuff but something about the struggle that it was in you know like that and then I don't like these guys were like had trench foot and shit like that that kind of struggle and hardship that it went through adds to the lore on old stuff. I'd like to have one of each of the rifles. Eric might actually.
Starting point is 00:40:55 I'll ask him next time I see him. The World War II, like the Asaka, the M1 Garand, and the Mosin-Nagant. Yeah, the Arasaka. Each of the bolt guns, the Mosin. I don't know what the Italians had. Yeah, it'd be cool to have each of them. My father-in-law had the Arisaka um each of the bolt guns the Mosin um I don't know what the Italians had yeah it'd be cool to have each of each my father-in-law had the Arisaka and I had a Mosin Nagant and I'm like oh like you put these together I'm just like an M1 Garand and I didn't think of the Italians but um like I'm just an M1 Garand away and uh but then they sold it which is
Starting point is 00:41:20 completely within their rights you know even though I wish that I had a chance to buy it. I don't know if the Garand would be the one to compare it to. Maybe the Springfield, like the bolt gun. If you're comparing bolt guns, because the Garand, you know, it's the one that's got that clip that you put in there as carefully as you can so you don't lose your thumb and get Garand thumb. Maybe you're right. After eight rounds.
Starting point is 00:41:43 But having all the bolt guns isn't terribly expensive, especially the Russian one. Yeah, the Russian one's cheap. I think I was asking about this one time. There's a couple of them that are a little expensive, but I don't remember which one. Maybe the Arisaka.
Starting point is 00:41:56 The Mosin-Nagant wouldn't be a crazy pick for a bear rifle. It's a big heavy shell you're throwing down range. Maybe. You can correct me it's okay i mean i i'm thinking like maybe if you had some hollow points for it i don't know yeah i mean it would get the job done i my thing with a predator that was like a bear like i want to be sure like there's a lot of things like i think i'm pretty confident i could go out there with my ar-15 and shoot him in the head. But what if I fuck up and it goes in his ear and my gun jams and then I'm mauled again. I've seen what happens when those people get mauled.
Starting point is 00:42:32 I watched the Grizzly Man diary thing where he'd been living with them forever. And then he brings his girlfriend out there and she gets her period or something. And then they just eat him alive right there. And it's just awful. I don't want to be eaten alive. They're just ripping you apart and eating you and skin being flayed. And I want to hammer that fucker into the ground.
Starting point is 00:42:53 I don't want him to even know he got shot. I just want 200 grains going 3,000 feet per second. I want to shatter shoulder bones. And I want hearts to explode. I don't want him to get up from what I do. 50 cal. I mean, maybe. My 50 cal?
Starting point is 00:43:10 Why not? Because you'd have to get on target with mine. I feel like I could carry it around. Like, I could carry it with two hands and stuff. It would suck, but it's heavy. But when it came time to aim it, like, way out in front of me, that's awful. Yeah, you want to bip pod for that bad boy um yeah i i don't know if you're gonna and it's probably one of those things where if you
Starting point is 00:43:29 actually went on a hunt it would be semi-guided and you go out there in an atv and like and that sort of thing yeah if i'm really 200 yards away and i get to shoot it across from the field my 50 cow's a great choice if if you're afraid that it might find you before you would find before you find it it's really hard i someday when you come over you'll have to give a shot at shouldering it uh you may have better technique than me or be stronger and be able to do it but i think that i whatever the strength gap is between us this gun is more than that all right i want to see it i want to try it i want to shoot it too. Honestly, I would probably take my
Starting point is 00:44:08 .338 Lapua or I'd get another barrel for my Desert Tactical Rifle that is the.375 H&H or something because right now I've just got the.50 BMG barrel. Probably the.338 Lapua and get some specialized hunting ammo for it.
Starting point is 00:44:27 And I got a bolt one and a semi-auto. I don't know if I trust the semi-auto with my life. So I'd probably take the bolt action gun. I know it's going to work. Yeah. Yeah. Gun talk. Yeah, I haven't spent any money.
Starting point is 00:44:40 I bought some pocket stuff recently. I bought a... Everyday carry stuff? Yeah. I think I talked to you about this already. My watch came in. Got this pimping watch. I got two of them.
Starting point is 00:44:54 This is so cheap. It's funny. Part of what got it into my head was Harley. Remember I talked about the winnings for Dance On? Yeah. For people who don't remember, I think Kyle does. It was $3,755. let me think seven five seven thousand five hundred that was appearance fees and 25 grand was for winning first place and um wait wait so it was 32.5 maybe anyway uh
Starting point is 00:45:19 uh whatever it was i uh i mentioned it. I used it. And then I think I owed like 60 on my house. And like that, along with some savings, was enough for me to like pay off my home loan. And Harley was like, you should have bought a watch. And something about that. I was like, you know, I've kind of wanted a watch lately. Like I find that I know you have your phone on you all the time.
Starting point is 00:45:44 Not you, but like the world has a phone on them all the time and there's that but like getting a phone out of your pocket and turning it on and looking at it is a much different ordeal than like just tilting your witch i like it as a piece of jewelry like i i i like mine solely as a piece of man jewelry i feel like it's one of the few acceptable pieces of male jewelry i'm not gonna wear a bracelet i'm gonna wear a necklace or an earring or anything like that or a ring that's just not me but i like my watch i like how it looks and you know i i like what it is and i like it's yeah i stopped wearing my wedding ring because i was doing so much construction work this can be dangerous yeah yeah and my wife never cared um you know i i at first i wasn't
Starting point is 00:46:29 gonna wear it and then like 20 years ago my co-workers gave me tons of shit like i was a cheater for not wearing it so i started wearing it but bowing to peer pressure and i wore it for a long long time and uh i just, like, I don't know. With moving here, it seems like any given day I could be working with a tractor or a hammer or whatever. And it's dangerous. I don't want it. Like, I won't even show it because it's such a, like, a baby boo-boo. But, like, just working on the top of that motor the other day and just working an air ratchet and it jerked.
Starting point is 00:47:04 And it, like, you know, it just, you know, little things happen. Yeah. And if there's a ring there to get caught by something, then it can do some awful things. It can break your finger. It can deglove you. I've seen those things get melted to the bone. Like, you know, they get shorted out. It connects the circuit.
Starting point is 00:47:20 It's a chunk of gold, nothing more conductive than that. And it melts down uh lots of bad things can happen when you've got a hard thing there that doesn't give against your flesh and bone it's dangerous if you're jumping over a fence once and it got kind of hung on the fence and it didn't break his finger it didn't tear it off but it dug in very deeply and made a nasty cut you know it wasn't a cut it was it It was like it just dug in until the skin was separated. That happened to me. I forget. It was like two years ago or something. But yes, something pulled
Starting point is 00:47:50 on it hard enough that I got like half degloved. It wasn't a cut. It was like it got pulled apart. It didn't... A slice just looks different, right? It was like, yeah, if that were more severe... A lot of soft tissue damage that went in that kind of an injury. This would, you know, it was like, yeah, if that were more severe and it.
Starting point is 00:48:05 A lot of soft tissue damage that went in that kind of an injury. It just ached forever, it seems like. It was a mess. And, you know, so anyway, it healed up fine and stuff because it was just for me skin deep. But if you get degloved, it's a big deal. That's what happened to Jimmy Fallon. Jimmy Fallon got degloved and he, you know, he had that thing around his finger for a long time. He got degloved and he had that thing around his finger for a long time he got degloved?
Starting point is 00:48:27 yeah maybe you don't know but it happened like I'll call it nine months ago took all the skin off his finger a finger yeah yeah fuck that I think it hurt his wrist and such too I remember he had that brace on
Starting point is 00:48:43 and then I looked at it the other night and that he wasn't articulate he wasn't bending it at all yeah apparently he had like all the Kings horses and all the Kings men looking at it and and any normal person might have lost their finger in that situation but one he's wealthy and two I think he's in New York City does that sound right yeah he's making like four I think he's making four or five million a that sound right? Yeah. I think he's making $4 or $5 million a year right now off the Tonight Show. Anytime you're in one of those major metropolitan areas, there's a good chance that you've got the world's best medical care. Yeah, some sort of small-digit specialized surgeon was right there on task.
Starting point is 00:49:19 Yeah, yeah. His finger rotted away. Yeah. What a horrible injury. I don't – wow, what a horrible injury i i don't i don't wow what a horrible injury i don't want anything like that you know i i feel like i've been getting crap on the subreddit like i forget someone started oh i interrupted skyrim talk right did you see this at all yeah so i interrupted skyrim talk and in my head i did the exact same thing that Mirka's done many times. I even used
Starting point is 00:49:46 his doubloon lines. You know how many gold doubloons you have or something like that. And I kind of did like a Mirka impression as I cut off Skyrim talk and they just went like ballistic on the PKN. I was like oh yeah that's kind of the nature of it. And then someone else posted some I guess someone asked me what the ip address of woody craft was and they're like scumbag woody money whoring it whatever and it's a joke i get that it's a joke but it's also like the way these fucking dickheads talk to me they're real assholes they were trying to say that i made up that story about um someone coming to our our halloween party dressed as kanye west and kim West and Kim Kardashian because they found
Starting point is 00:50:26 some news article of some other guy who did it. And it's just like, do you realize these are two of the most popular people on the planet? And my story happened like three fucking years ago. Like, I got some pictures from that Halloween party on Facebook. I could probably go dig them up. But like, this dude came, blackface, the glasses and all.
Starting point is 00:50:43 The girl was the friend that we had and she was lagging around like a baby like literally dragging on the floor and stuff i am witness i got witnesses for my stories like like there are some of them where like i i go to the people who are around and i'm like anyone ever asked i i might have to come back to you because people won't believe like when i said i fought the pig with a knife i was like five witnesses not bad all right this was a good one like everybody saw it they got everybody knows what happened i am i watched a video today and it talked about being famous and uh it was like
Starting point is 00:51:16 you know you think fame is going to get you this or that like you know your comfort and feelings are of the utmost importance you walk in everyone, everyone instantly knows you, this and that, etc. All these upsides of being famous. But people shoot you down, they treat you like shit, this and that. And the idea of sympathy for the famous, and God, not that famous, but is laughable. It's like worrying about the sadness of a tyrant. If you heard that, I can't even think of a bad tyrant now.
Starting point is 00:51:45 Who's the guy from Syria? Al-Assad or something like that? Yeah, you got it. Yeah, if you hear that he's sad today, you're like, fuck you. I don't give a shit. I think you'd think the same thing about Kim Kardashian or Justin Bieber
Starting point is 00:51:59 or Notch or whatever. It's always like, oh, are you having a rough day? Do you not like this? You're rich and famous. Fuck you. You don't get a drop of empathy because this much is going well for you, so fuck off everything else. I was like, all right, I get that. I get that. That's how at least people in this little community probably see me. They don't want to hear
Starting point is 00:52:23 that I didn't like some, like, whatever. I don't know how many people gave me shit on the subreddit, like 150 people or something like that. It's nothing. Like I should just be ignoring that. And to some extent I do, but obviously I'm talking about it right now. That all popped in my head as I was talking about Jimmy Fallon because there's this big thing about him getting drunk and getting injured. Like
Starting point is 00:52:52 it's happened a bunch of times. Like he's missing shows. Apparently he drinks to get drunk and hurts himself. When he injured his finger he was drunk. And it's happening at these parties. And I'm like, ah, I feel like I am doing to him exactly the sort of thing that people would do to us. Talking shit. So, anyway. I didn't know that he did that. I'd be interested to know what other injuries he's received while being drunk. And what is he doing? Is he doing like some jackass stuff like or or are they just like is he just tripping over his dog it depends you
Starting point is 00:53:32 know did he try to jump a jet ski into a like backyard swimming pool or did he trip over a dog and fall into a hedgerow um of course I don't fucking care anyway they're paying him four million dollars a year to do the tonight show he don't need hands let's see an amputee jimmy would be funnier i think according to a report nbc execs are worried jimmy fallon's drinking is getting out of control he's injured himself three times in four months in partying related incidents he's a mess they said of the 41 yearyear-old star. Everything you heard about his behavior is true. There's so much money at stake.
Starting point is 00:54:10 The pressure is enormous. He's young. He's learning. But you forget he hasn't been working in showbiz for 10 years. I'm looking for, like, the catalog here. I thought Jimmy has been on SNL forever, though. Since he was, like, a young guy, I thought. Maybe. He's, like, really fresh-facedL forever, though. Since he was like a young guy, I thought. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:54:27 He's got a really fresh face, like twins. First, he was hospitalized for badly hurting his hand. He tripped and caught his fall, good thing. Ring caught on the side of a table and almost ripped his finger off. Okay, so that's one. Days later, he chipped his tooth chip front tooth trying to open a tube a tube of scar tissue repair gel all right or his finger yeah and then he was hospitalized last week when he entered his hand again when he tripped and fell holding a bottle of jaeger at a party at Harvard University.
Starting point is 00:55:07 I don't know. Well, I think first of all, the tooth chipping thing seems silly because he was just trying to open a bottle of something with one hand, it sounds like, because the other one's all fucked up and the tube's clearly for his fucked up hand. It sounds like there's two, not three. Yeah, and the ring getting caught on the table seems like such a freak accident. but there's no way to explain away like well he was walking around with a bottle of jaeger and tripped well the first one too was he was at a party and he fell and tried to grab tried to save himself that oh man that would just hurt if you get a guy who's already known for drinking too much and say well he tried to catch himself when's the last time you fell indoors i run up and down my basement stairs quite a bit so a lot but but that's different um i fall i fall
Starting point is 00:55:52 down the stairs a lot actually like like once a week i fall down the stairs i uh well that's a lot i hurt my i sprained my ankle on that trip to texas like i kept jumping off the tank and like catching myself like you. You land on your toes and kind of cushion. And the ligament that runs up my foot to my shin, I guess I tore it. So now if I try to point my foot downward, it is so excruciating. I cry out. It's just awful. I remember.
Starting point is 00:56:20 So I was working as an accountant. And my father and his partner, his partner is a little older than him. But I'll say they were like 50 and 54. I don't know, something like that. And actually, I don't know who's older, but say those are the two ages. And it was cold and like icy out. And to watch them walk to their cars, they look like such old men. And maybe you can like get this, like something about your parents just don't age, right?
Starting point is 00:56:47 Like you see them and obviously they do age and stuff, but it's maybe once every 10 years when you sort of like open your eyes and be like, oh, he did get older, I guess, you know? Like, yeah. And it was one of those moments because they were just sort of like hunched back, super ultra careful
Starting point is 00:57:06 walking on the slippery ground meanwhile i'm like 19 you know like i get a running start out the door and just slide with no skates on you know like yeah and uh um now i realize like oh i get what it is it's because the penalty for falling is way different dude i i'm pretty i've had a bad week so i've been i've had the chest congestion, head congestion, flu thing going on for 10 days now, something like that. I'm getting better now. But then
Starting point is 00:57:33 my ankles started hurting until it got so bad that I had to wrap it up and elevate it for a day. And then the next morning I get in the shower and I'm coughing. When you've got a chest cold or something like that, as soon as you next morning I get in the shower and I'm coughing like really you know when you've got a chest cold or something like that as soon as you wake up get in the shower you're hacking and coughing for like the first 10 minutes trying to get the the fucking phlegm out of your
Starting point is 00:57:53 airway so I'm like bent over like coughing hacking my my lungs out and I feel the whole left side of my back fucking spasm and and like like um what's the word um when it just seizes and like convulses together and doesn't release i don't know how to describe it but it cramped and the whole left side of that big muscle that goes up the whole your back just cramped and it made a pop noise when it did it and i just went because now like even the smallest modicum of like movement from that muscle group is excruciating. So I'm just like, all right, let's get the soap off. Let's get soap off and then we'll go get some help. Go get some help.
Starting point is 00:58:36 And it was that took two days before it like coughing wasn't a real problem and like moving around wasn't bad. And it started to get better now. But yeah, I've had like an old man week i feel like i'm my girlfriend's like you're falling apart on me baby i've got like i've got the opposite so so get this when it comes down to ejaculation wet dreams like you're going backwards but the real reason i stopped doing brazilian jiu-jitsu well partly because I started working super hard at Woody Craft. There we go again. It was partly that I was always kind of injured.
Starting point is 00:59:10 It seemed like it was just a non-stop injury fest. And in particular, it was my neck, right? There'd be some guy who went for neck cranks too often and you can either instantly lose or try to power through it in some way. And I just wasn't gifted with like a really big like thick neck or anything. If anything, I might be on the narrow side of normal. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:59:33 But my neck always hurt when I did Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. And I'd always kind of like you have to do one of these like no neck. You call me like, yeah, what's up, bro? And my wife would make fun of me. And after I stopped doing Jits, I wouldn't say I got to 100%. Like it just kind of hurt at the edges. You should totally see a chiropractor. When do you get the new glasses?
Starting point is 00:59:53 I think the next appointment is this week or next. So it's like this year. You should go see the chiropractor the same day you get the glasses. So let me finish the story, though. So let me finish the story though. So let me finish the story. So anyway, yeah, you'll do one of these deals where you turn just to look around and stuff.
Starting point is 01:00:10 And, and that was just, now I could turn, but towards the edges, it hurt, right? Like if you would ask me to look extra far, it was pain that stopped it.
Starting point is 01:00:21 And that's just how I lived, right? Like whatever. That's what necks feel like nowadays cope you know live your life anyway and i'm laying in bed on my belly and uh there's a tv behind me and i'm like kind of on my elbows typing on my laptop right something interesting happens on the tv so i turn around like that and it's like and it cracks and I was like oh that's so much better so I did it the other way just like like go and my next bit I adjusted I have chiropractic myself I really feel like I had a legit
Starting point is 01:01:01 upgrade on my neck you very easily could have like I haven a legit upgrade on my neck. You very easily could have. Like, I haven't been in a while, but every time I go, I feel so much better. Because he, I feel, I don't believe in a lot of the bullshit in chiropractic, but I definitely know that there's places where there'd be a lot of pressure that needs to be relieved or maybe things are out of place. And he'll move my pelvis one way or another, so my legs end up being the same length. And whenever I would leave the chiropractor, I would feel so much better.
Starting point is 01:01:29 It's like I'm super skeptical of some of the claims. Like, oh, your one leg's two inches longer than the other. I'm like, really? It almost seems like one of those fitness bands, right? Have you ever taken the test for the fitness band? They're like, press against me now, and you're all off balance. And then they do something just subtly different, and now you're like four times stronger because you've got the band on. I'll have to show you a video or something, like how they trick people. And people I respect, like you remember Bash? He works at Twitch now.
Starting point is 01:01:59 He was always doing comebacks and cuts. He completely believed in his fitness band, backs and cut he completely believed in his fitness band and you couldn't convince him otherwise because he took the test in person and could feel the difference and I feel like some of what chiropractors do is is that like lay you on your belly show you how your legs are different links do an adjustment this time they're the same length I think they controlling the length almost like in my head i don't think so like like like i can like because i can feel it now like if i stand one of my legs is definitely longer than the other one like like i have to shift my weight from leg to leg before i you know one leg gets tired the other one doesn't but after that like it's fixed and i feel like they're the same again and he can always feel he's like oh yeah it's this one it's gonna be the left one watch and it'll be the it will be the left one and feel like they're the same again, and he can always feel he's like oh Yeah, it's this one. It's gonna be the left one watch
Starting point is 01:02:45 I'm gonna be that it will be the left one and I know Kitty's the same wave and Kitty has that thing where like Her joints often come out of place and stuff so so like her pelvis will be I the the physical therapist has shown me how to do it now to like adjust so her legs are the same length again Hmm, so I think that's legit. The neck stuff, I know my ex-girlfriend could never relax when he would go to do her neck, but I would just completely relax. And I'm like, really crank it, doc. Let me have it.
Starting point is 01:03:15 And he would like all the way around and it would just feel so good every time. I love it. There's a chiropractor on YouTube and he helps people in bad shape. And, uh, it, it has to be real. Like it has to be real. These guys, and I think, you know, he cherry picks the cases that are very treatable by chiropractic, you know, like, I'm sure there are people who come in there with colds and whatever but these guys
Starting point is 01:03:45 need chiropractic adjustment to get better and he puts those up and it's really impressive he's like changing lives these guys help straighten them up and stuff i watched some youtube videos to figure out how to do my neck myself because i wasn't exactly sure how to do it safely and not you know paralyzed like i paralyzed myself over here like be playing games with my tongue or something like i don't want that but like after a while like i can really crank that thing now both ways when i was a kid i used to grab my chin like this and pull it and i could crack it reliably but i don't want to mess with it anymore plus it my jaw would get like my neck would get adjusted but my jaw would get fucked up and that's how i do mine i get the
Starting point is 01:04:27 whole thing like this and uh-huh the side and both ways and like a lot of crunching and popping going on back there good stuff good stuff i wish i could yeah i'd like a good chiropractor in raleigh maybe do it do it get the i i can't wait to get the glasses because I really do feel like you've been, you know, under some degree of tension your entire life. Yeah. Uh, making, making that tunnel. I,
Starting point is 01:04:50 yeah. Bringing the two together. Even I'm looking at the, whatever. I think my vision is deteriorated somewhat. So that'll be nice when I can, when life is just easy and clear. I remember I got glasses a while ago.
Starting point is 01:05:03 My vision was probably better at the time call this like 10 years ago but uh everything got sharper and i was like i don't like this like the world looks too harsh the world looks too like all these angles are aggressive looking like you wanted to be a little blurry yeah yeah, yeah. Smooth the edges out. Exactly. I was like, you know, we'll just a little happier when everything's blurry. Everything was just, yeah. So I preferred my blurry vision to the corrected stuff. Yeah. If I were you, I'd definitely be looking forward to getting those glasses.
Starting point is 01:05:43 We have an eyeglass sponsor. I wonder if, like, I don't know. I'd rock their glasses if they have something that fits me right. Yeah, they do that whole thing where they send you five frames and you send back the ones you don't want. That's right. Maybe I'll go through them. I like the idea.
Starting point is 01:06:03 I don't recall their name offhand. Warby Parker or something very close to that. Yeah, like Warby Parker. That sounds right. I'm looking. That's exactly what it is. Warby Parker. Yeah. So, um... Huh.
Starting point is 01:06:22 Maybe I'll check that out. I also struggle, like... Hope has very modern looking glasses and and they look good and it's right and everything but when you hit a certain age it's like yeah you're not supposed to have fluorescent green frames no to you like you you're faking or something yeah i don't know i like glasses are one of those like i feel like my i don't know i feel like you look very silly if you have the wrong glasses like i found that those oakleys those big old school oakleys i think those look so lame like i would never wear those like the glasses that i got um i feel like look good on me and they're the only ones that i feel like
Starting point is 01:06:59 look look normal on me and don't make me look like some like bubble-eyed x-men or something at 29 you're only just starting to have any kind of gap between you and like very current trends but what i've discovered you know what i think is the nicest look is kind of frozen in what was popular when like my age group determined this sort of thing do you like framed or frameless or thick framed um it's funny so i actually think like uh they're not popular but like a turtle shell sort of semi-round sort of thing would look good, but they're not popular right now. I could go with a Wayfair type deal maybe. Does that make any sense to you?
Starting point is 01:07:52 Yeah. Like that? I don't know if you should though. Right? That's not one of my preferred styles. Yeah, I really don't know what to get. I feel like I need the right person holding my hand saying like, like someone who sells frames all day, every day and says, all right,
Starting point is 01:08:19 for your face, you know, and for this year, this is where you should be. This is a great, you should tell Chiz to hit up Warby Parker again and see if they want to do another week. And maybe the way we do it is you order five frames and you try them each on the show. The show picks your new frame, and it's a great way to promote Warby Parker and get you some glasses.
Starting point is 01:08:37 That sounds like a win for everyone involved. Yeah, and I would like the feedback too. Yeah, maybe they give you some free glasses yeah that sounds nice as well so um huh yeah I think that's a clever idea you want to call it a show?
Starting point is 01:08:55 yeah I think so um if you want to play some uh Call of Duty tonight I don't know how busy you're going to be with that data center mess let me know alright thanks

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