Painkiller Already - PKN #75

Episode Date: January 28, 2016

This week on PKN... lots of politics talk and discussions about smoking marijuana for health reasons....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It is, I did click it. Yeah! Yeah! PKN episode 74. Welcome to the show. Was Taylor here last week? Yes, I was. Good, good.
Starting point is 00:00:12 Alright, then if you weren't, then there's a chance I messed up the backgrounds and it's actually 75, but it should be 74. Whatever. Fuck it! Here we go! To PKN, probably episode 74. Tiffy K.N. Probably episode 74. I got a thing. So I haven't talked about this on the show much, although you guys know.
Starting point is 00:00:30 My mother-in-law is sick. She has cancer. I was about to say she beat cancer. It appears that she just temporarily beat cancer a couple years ago, and now it's back. It appears that she just temporarily beat cancer a couple years ago, and now it's back. And she's in kind of a rough way. Like it's spread to three different organs.
Starting point is 00:00:59 I'm going to leave out the details to value her privacy. But also it's a middle belly, you know, things that you don't want to have cancer in. And how old is she? She's 75, which is another thing. You know, expanding cancer at 75. So that's not not a good thing to have and that was my grandmother's situation she had multiple types of cancer and in her late 70s and it's rough uh she actually had she did have uh surgery and i can still see her like showing off this the the like surgery she's like look at
Starting point is 00:01:41 this like show me this huge fucking scar she's just like that's pretty pretty that's pretty isn't it she's got a good sense of humor about the whole thing but it looks like they're gonna start treatment in new jersey and uh her oncologist the one she's seeing now is gonna set her up with some sort of machine that gives her chemo every two days, but perhaps like a less aggressive like attack on the chemo. And, uh, forgive me, is the normal regimen once a week? I don't think there is a normal regimen with my brother. It was every six weeks. Okay. Yeah. He would go through depends on the cancer. I'm sure it depends on the kind of cancer. Walter White was going once a week. That's the only reason. Okay. Yeah. My brother went every six weeks and his treatments were really aggressive like they he
Starting point is 00:02:30 was young so they kind of hit him hard um he was maybe 30 and uh they they went after it and um that was how they they beat his osteosarcoma in his thigh bone. It's going to look so archaic in like 50 years when we look back on chemo, where it's like, that's awful. With her, I think they're, so one of the places they've deemed inoperable, and we're getting, I think when I said they were going to start it up here, she's going to come down here and live with us. And then as it up here, she's going to come down here and live with us.
Starting point is 00:03:08 And then as she gets here, we'll gather some second opinions and such and see what they think. But because she has inoperable cancer, they might just be trying to slow the growth and prolong her life and everything. Her current oncologist is not talking about, you know, like, oh, yeah, we got 20 more years in you. Now, when she beat cancer the first time, she sometimes had issues with nausea and hunger. And I'm thinking to myself, like, huh, how can i score this woman some pot because because i don't have any any hookups on this and that would be an excellent video to watch you go through a bunch of processes to try and get weed as a 42 year old man talking to high schoolers
Starting point is 00:04:01 so i was like uh kyle is that a hint or you guys keep going my story you should you should send her to colorado with us oh next week or whatever yeah um bring some back kyle well here's i think that's a federal offense yeah actually that's called drug trafficking i'm glad kyle said that because yeah yeah that's actually really bad advice. I'm not asking you to do that, Kyle. I'm not agreeing. So anyway, and it's been in my head all day long. Like my wife mentioned that whatever, like her tongue hurt or something, and she just wasn't very – it took away her – to say will to eat makes it sound more severe than it is, but it took away her desire to eat. Like the sort of cost-benefit analysis, she just didn't want to eat makes it sound more severe than it is, but it took away her desire to eat.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Like it just, the sort of cost benefit analysis. She just didn't want to eat and it turned okay in the end. I mean, she beat it and everything, but I, you know, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:04:55 man, nausea and, and hunger. Let's get this woman some pot. And my wife picked up hope from school today and it's like 6 PM a few hours ago. And I mentioned the same thing. I'm like, yeah, you know, like hunger and nausea.
Starting point is 00:05:11 You know, like we could – does this make sense, honey? You know, do we need to score pot somehow? And she's like, this is a drug-free household. I'm like, I know, but – You should be like, have you looked in the medicine cabinet lately? Yeah, I did. I said that. I was like, this is, but you should be like, have you looked in the medicine cabinet lately? Yeah, I did. I said that. I was like, this is totally not a drug free household.
Starting point is 00:05:28 There's just no illegal drugs in this household. And, uh, um, and I was, and she's like, I was like, you know, I've always thought, and she's like, right. You've always said like, this is almost the, the, uh, what do they call it? A poster boy, like a poster child poster child thank you that's what i was looking for this is the poster child this is a perfect example of medical marijuana to me like you've got nausea you've got hunger pot's great at that and uh poster boy wasn't inclusive enough okay so uh i mentioned it and uh hope is like, you know, I could talk to Jacob if you want.
Starting point is 00:06:08 And I was like, well, fuck. Who's Jacob? Well, I changed his name, but it's a person that she knows from school. It's a friend of her friend's. Yeah. Woody thought there was going to be some seven degrees of separation for him to get his hands on. Yeah, yeah. Like it was going to go down this long chain of
Starting point is 00:06:25 shady individuals until he sent some kingpin i picture myself talking to all the guys with long hair on a college campus like dude i swear i'm not a narc look at her see her hair's gone it's for her bring her along yeah yeah like wheeler in the chair where can I score some doobie? Some doobie. I'll be out of touch. I can picture you just making it so sketchy. Like the guy's just trying to give you the weed, but like not here. We're looking to consume some marijuana. Pushing your bag of money over to him.
Starting point is 00:06:58 She's got like a wheelchair with an IV drip going on. And I'm like, hey guys. I just imagine you like running it like a drug deal from the wire. And meanwhile, the dealer's just like, like here, this is Coke. Take it and get out of here.
Starting point is 00:07:17 So, so apparently we've got my hookup all set up through, through, through, through Jacob. Good. Well, that's hilarious i i uh well obviously her illness isn't but but the idea of the uh the marijuana being that close to the idea of getting it for and jackie's reaction to the thing in particular because i think jackie's a real square when it comes to this because it's like i love that you call her a square exception
Starting point is 00:07:45 this is the case like if you should be able to do whatever the hell you want if you have inoperable cancer just smoke pot all day every day that's um so this is a scary thought to me um my co-worker his name was actually carl his uh his mom died at during the time that we worked together and she died of cancer carl was older than me and as like in her final weeks they weren't able to manage her pain and i was like not able to manage her pain like what like did they use morphine and he's like oh yeah they used everything they had their everything they could get their hands on, you know, they, they used. And, uh, the, the pain from dying of cancer was worse than the painkillers that the hospital had available. Did you say what kind of cancer it was?
Starting point is 00:08:34 No, I don't. Stomach cancer or maybe pancreatic cancer. I'm not going to know. I don't know what kind of cancer his mom had. So, um, uh, apparently a dreadful variety so um that was when i formed my opinion on not just medical marijuana but all the like like they say should a doctor be able to prescribe pot and i'm like yeah i whatever he thinks pot l, acid, shrooms, cocaine, fucking, I don't know, angel dust? Is that cocaine again?
Starting point is 00:09:11 That's PCP. Oh, PCP? Yeah, you're biting somebody's nose off. All right. PCP, bath salts, licking toads. I don't give a fuck. If a doctor thinks that this is the right thing to treat someone for this situation then i'm cool with it i'm with you i can't imagine pcp being helpful in any situation it's like all right you're gonna smoke this and then uh you're gonna go yell at leaves in the park
Starting point is 00:09:35 the sky oh impacted colon all right here's a spoon and a lighter heroin you don't need that heroin i forgot to put that on my list of approved substances yeah um when it comes to doctors prescribing stuff maybe there's another level or something you know where like right now in north carolina medical marijuana is actually legal but only for one thing. I forget what it is. My daughter mentioned it. Like epilepsy, maybe? I think it might be epilepsy, actually. That's the one that gets a lot.
Starting point is 00:10:09 Because certain epileptics are responsive to CBD oil or some kind of marijuana oil, specific types of it, and to, like, nothing else. And it's the ones who have, like, 100 or 200 seizures a day. You know, it's not the guy who has once a one a week that disrupts his life it's the child who's like shaking all day and and goes from from that to have being able to you know in north carolina the medical marijuana that's legal is not like the pot that you would buy for fun like they'd strip out all the fun from it you know and and that's that's how they treat you which some people prefer as well oh really yeah so um uh in this state it's not very legal but it seems like i don't know yeah in oh oh but that's what i was saying
Starting point is 00:10:59 so there was already a restriction on how you can prescribe this particular drug right only for these particular problems i could see maybe tightening it up around some of the ones I mentioned, like, you know, LSD or something, you know, like not everyone who goes in there with like, I'm feeling anxious gets their LSD prescription card. But, um, I'm feeling really anxious. Here's a bunch of acid. When you, when you're on the acid, you're going to look back at right now and realize you weren't that anxious. You're in a panic attack.
Starting point is 00:11:30 And then when you're feeling anxious, just remember back to that moment when the walls are melting and time stops. So, yeah, I think now it feels like this is always getting delayed a bit. And there's issues like her air conditioner doesn't work. My mother-in-law, her air conditioner needs repair and she wants to be there while they fix it or something. But the current schedule is she's going to join us in about three weeks. Hey, you should just go ahead and bring her on out to Colorado with us. Get her medicated real good. I think that's the way to go.
Starting point is 00:12:07 I was reading about that the other day, about just how powerful marijuana concentrates were, because I didn't understand. I was like, you've got to put this in numbers so that I can really get under this. And so I still have a hard time understanding. What's a marijuana concentrate? Is that the dab?
Starting point is 00:12:23 Yeah, yeah. Oh, okay. I saw hilarious. We were talking the other day how Hillary Clinton was, like, doing the dab on the Ellen DeGeneres show. And we were like, isn't that a drug reference? And then I saw it – that actually happened. It came up at, like, an NFL press conference. They asked the players, you know, do you guys do the dab? And they're like, that's an illegal substance.
Starting point is 00:12:47 You know, we wouldn't be doing any of that. And the other was like well it's legal here you know they're in washington state yeah but we wouldn't have nothing to do and then they're like we're talking about the dance he's like oh oh oh to dance i mean that's exactly what i thought when i first heard dab because like dabs are marijuana concentrate. I think you use butane to separate the THC from the actual ground marijuana, and you're left with that sort of amber, waxy. That's when weed starts to look sketchy. When you see someone smoking a joint, and it's like, all right, I can see the plant matter. It looks like ground up oregano when you see somebody like with a torch and just a
Starting point is 00:13:26 like weird ball of wax doing it it's like did you it wasn't good enough to just smoke the weed you had to just go crazy with it you don't even have like a gradual inclination to getting high you're just like out i'm watching people smoke that it's somebody wrote me and it was a great moment for me because they were laughing it i think kyle and marca for not knowing about like the dab dance or something and we were like is the dab related to the dance or whatever and he gives me this whole backstory about the dance and how cam newton popularized it and all this other stuff and i didn't know any of this shit but i'd play that out there like there's a lot of pop culture shit I don't get. But it was so nice that you guys joined me in my pop culture ignorance. That's so lame.
Starting point is 00:14:12 I don't want to whip my hair back. I don't want to do the nay-nay, the stinky leg, none of that. That's not in my day-to-day life. I'm not learning new dance moves. In my world, a new dance move is not what gets you pussy. Maybe in yours that's important. You're like, oh, shit, I got to get a new dance move is not what gets you pussy okay maybe in yours that's important like you're like oh shit i gotta get a new move it's not the stinky legs just not cutting it anymore dude getting pussy is interesting as it like evolves throughout your life so like if you're in high school what gets you pussy is being handsome and uh helps a lot, and just being cool.
Starting point is 00:14:45 It's hard to define cool, but a kind of casual, non-flustered attitude combined with good looks gets you tons of girls. As you get into college and young adulthood, having something about, like a little go-getter. Of course, being good-looking is sort of a staple the whole way through. But a good-looking go-getter is probably more important than a good looking casual attitude cool guy.
Starting point is 00:15:10 And that continues for a while. As you hit like 35 or 40 or something, having a solid career and being like a parental type is cool. I was talking to my mother-in-law about it. And she was like 65 at the time or something, and apparently, now she's not dating anyone, and she didn't, so don't get it all twisted, but she's a hot item, because they're like, all the guys my age, they want either a nurse or a purse.
Starting point is 00:15:39 They're after someone who can take care of them, either physically or financially. He's like, that's all these guys see in me, a nurse or a purse, and I'm like, wow like it really evolves through the ages of like just from cool this to like money to family to nurse or a purse well i'm not looking for a nurse or a purse uh or the stanky leg or the nay nay or the the dabs or anything uh but we got on this leg you can park in handicap parking if you get out in stanky like, or the Nay Nay, or the Dabs, or anything. You don't like the Stanky Leg? You can park in handicap parking if you get out in Stanky Leg the whole way in the store. That's true.
Starting point is 00:16:10 Nobody quats questions. I've done that before. I've never done that. That's how I get a good space at Walmart. But I started reading about the Dabs versus the marijuana, and I still don't know how it compares because how much of each would you do, but I guess the THC content and the strongest of marijuana is like 30% or something like that and Meanwhile with those dabs, they're getting up into like the 90 percentile like like Heisenberg type numbers and shit like that
Starting point is 00:16:39 And that's what it seems like dabs seem like meth to me because you've got that special rig And I guess you've got a heat up the element to like some mind-boggling temperature they use titanium so like a thousand fucking degrees and and and when it when it it doesn't burn like like marijuana would it's just like scalded into a vapor that you quickly huff into your lungs like i don't know it doesn't seem that healthy but i I guess it's... Too much. It seems like it is too much. I feel like you guys are being drug prejudiced, really.
Starting point is 00:17:12 You're really judging it based on the equipment and the look of the drug. Just because it looks like a long sliver of earwax from a corpse doesn't mean it's bad. It is. It's really gross looking. we watched a video of a guy doing a one gram dab and to put that into perspective that he's one a one grab dab apparently should be shared by two or three guys over a weekend like it's an enormous amount of drugs it was
Starting point is 00:17:43 like a hundred dollars worth or something. And he just does it in, like, one lungful. One lungful. We watched two or three drug videos that night, right? Or maybe one or two. Weed Central. That was his channel. Dude, the guy on Weed Central looks like an expert in marijuana.
Starting point is 00:18:05 He knows his pot. That guy has a passion for pot, it would appear. You don't even need to see him on YouTube. You could see him at the grocery store and say, that fucker's got a passion for pot. Yeah, he's standing in the shit pile. He's got like $500 worth of glass in front of him, a big pile of weed, and behind him it's tons of weed sponsors.
Starting point is 00:18:25 Like you said, if you saw this guy at Target, you'd be like, whoa, he knows where the pot is. You know what I think turns off a lot of people? I guarantee he smells like it all the time. What I think turns off a lot of people, the weed, is the names. The goofy, crazy,
Starting point is 00:18:41 butterscotch, dank, kush, or whatever the fuck it is and it's like that's the stupid names like uh you know you know witch's breath or just i'm just making shit up like it just it just turns me off like it doesn't seem as professional like as and like have you seen the documentaries where they show like uh there's no way to like grade on a spectrum like how much thc is in there apparently maybe that's changed but this guy was talking on a documentary like hey you know this one will be good for you to start it's got one little pot leaf on there you could tell it's got one little pot
Starting point is 00:19:14 leaf logo on the container this one's got five on there it's like what the fuck kind what does one pot leaf equal like what is what is this weird continuum that we're on of like you know oh i'm a three pot leaf guy like i don't know it's just it's not as like set as other drugs it seems like yeah definitely not unless you i guess with edibles and stuff though they they dose them by milligrams i see that you know there's like a 20 a 10 milligram gummy bear an 80 milligram like candy bar and shit like that sounds like a lot totally seem like the way to go i know they're not everyone who knows about this topic says no edibles are not for not where you start but god it just seems like a lollipop or brownie especially
Starting point is 00:19:58 like i want to have three brownies and i'm telling you edible, edible makers. No, no, I'm right. The portions are wrong. You need to make edibles in portions that people eat. I want to have a full glass of milk and two brownies, and that should be a mild dose. No, I'm, I'm totally on board with that.
Starting point is 00:20:21 I do not like the whole thing of like, Oh, here's like a, a delicious cookie with pot in it. Only eat half of a bite. And then what? Just keep the cookie on the side? Just leave a cookie sitting around the kitchen? They should have it so it's like you can eat two cookies,
Starting point is 00:20:34 you get a snack, and you get your dose instead of the whole like... It shouldn't be uncomfortable if you eat two breads. I've read a lot about this. So there's lots of ways to do that, though. So you can make a tincture. If you remember like in Bone Tomahawk
Starting point is 00:20:50 they kept talking about the tincture of opium. I think it's just a concentrate maybe using alcohol as the concentration agent. And they take like high grade alcohol, drinking alcohol like Everclear or something. And they dissolve ground marijuana into that,
Starting point is 00:21:07 and they just leave it in a dark place for a month. And when you come back, I think you strain off the marijuana, and the liquid you're left with is alcohol with the THC in it, and you can put a... I read that you put one or two drops under your tongue and you're just fucked
Starting point is 00:21:27 which and it's just like how do you know what if it's one drop or what if it's five like what like have you ever tried to put an eyedropper in and you accidentally drip like oh that was three more drops than I needed what happens if you have that thing and you're like oh oops six drops well I guess
Starting point is 00:21:43 I'm not doing anything today. Like, I guess I'm going to sit here and breathe heavily in panic. Like, I don't know. Yeah, I would think the edibles would be the way to go for a first timer if you're asking me because it just seems like you just nibble. You just nibble and have to experiment. Nibble and wait two hours and then nibble again. The challenge is the timing. Like, if it were instant, you could be like, no, no. There we go there we go right yeah but that's never what it is it's like two hours yeah i i and that's so
Starting point is 00:22:15 long from now that i feel like you could wait two hours and be like huh are we sure or could it be three you know like if two hours in you're not satisfied or it's not working you know what if what if you get two hours in you took one bite of the cookie and and two hours in you're feeling nothing absolutely nothing you're like you know what fuck it and you eat the whole cookie and then five minutes later you're like oh that was that first bite that's the first bite oh no t minus one hour and 50 minutes to lift off i've got to fall asleep it's it's not good yeah and it's so much like that's apparently it is a completely different chemical that's active when you eat it that makes it way more intense like you can actually hallucinate apparently if you eat a ton of it um i think it's all about like doing it in the right place people you're
Starting point is 00:23:09 comfortable with or if you have cancer do it whenever the fuck you want wherever you want because you've got cancer you should probably just be able to do it uh phil burr had a funny story where he doesn't smoke pot or do anything like that at all and he said that the only time he's tried it he ate uh like a cookie and a half or two cookies and like right before he went to an airport. And he said that it hit him like going through security, which like turned him off forever to it, which is like I can't imagine a worse place to be baked out of your mind than just security at the airport. That would be horrific. I have a treat for you. I'm hoping that neither of you have seen this before or heard it before.
Starting point is 00:23:45 It is a 911 call from a police officer who stole a large amount of marijuana from evidence and then made brownies with it, then ate the brownies and was not prepared. Oh, I've seen this. It looks like there's no video to it. Yeah, I think it's just audio. Just audio. All right, so I'm just gonna play it are you guys ready sure ready set play emergency yeah can you please send rescue uh to
Starting point is 00:24:13 i think i'm having an overdose that is still with my wife okay do you and your wife yes overdose of what marijuana i don't know if it had something in it. Okay. Can you please send rescue? Okay, how old are you? I'm 28, 29 years old, and my wife is 26. Please come. 26?
Starting point is 00:24:36 Yes, please. Have you guys been drinking also? What? Have you guys been drinking today too? No, that's it. No, is there any weapons in the house? No, please come. Okay, we're on our way.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Are you guys, like, do you guys have fever or anything? No, I'm just, I think we're dying. Okay, how much did you guys have? I don't know, we made brownies, and I think we're dead. Okay, how much did you put in the brownies? I don't know. Was it a bag? Who made the brownies? I don't know. Was it a bag? Who made the brownies?
Starting point is 00:25:07 My wife and I did. Cuba, come here. Okay, get her. She's on the living room ground right now. Is she breathing? She's barely breathing. Is she awake? I think so.
Starting point is 00:25:21 Can you look? Pardon? Can you look? Yeah, I can feel her. She's laying right down in front of me. Time is going by really, really, really, really slow. Okay, I'm on the phone with you. Do you know how much of it you bought and put in the brownies?
Starting point is 00:25:36 Pardon? How much did you buy? I don't... Just please send rescue. They're on the way, but I'm trying to figure out how much you bought and put into the brownies, sir. Probably like a quarter ounce total. A quarter ounce total into the brownies? Did you guys eat all the brownies?
Starting point is 00:25:50 Yeah, we did. Okay. And you ate all of them. But how many? Was it a big batch, a little batch? It was a quarter ounce. Okay, but brownie-wise, how many pieces do you guys think you guys had? How is that relevant? I don't know. I probably had like a small ounce. Okay, but brownie-wise, how many pieces do you guys think you guys had? How is that relevant?
Starting point is 00:26:06 I don't know. I probably had like a small chunk. Please come. What time is it? Well, if they made 20 brownies. You guys ate the brownies. It just seems like they could make one brownie out of a quarter ounce or 10 brownies out of a quarter ounce, and they're still getting a quarter ounce.
Starting point is 00:26:22 I think he wants to know what portion of the total batch they ate. Is she Stacy Sanchez? Yes. Because nobody eats a whole pan of brownies in the city. That's nice. Maybe if you're high. Okay. And did you guys have any other sort of drugs you know of?
Starting point is 00:26:40 Pardon? Did you guys do anything else today besides marijuana? No, that's it. But I don't know what was was it the marijuana could have been, there could have been something in the marijuana. Okay. Are you guys on any sort of prescription pills? Do you guys take any sort of other medication?
Starting point is 00:26:54 No, I don't. My wife takes, um, That's probably good enough. I figured you'd be the kind of guy who would defend eating a whole tray of brownies at once. Kyle, you always seem to be going on interesting binges. Yeah, I'd eat a whole tray of brownies, though. That's not my style. I don't like brownies.
Starting point is 00:27:13 It's just chocolate. Yeah, I don't like chocolate that much. I really don't either. I'm not a huge fan. I think brownies are fabulous. They're A-OK with me. A little milk in there, and you're doing it right he was a soft stance though you know that's hilarious
Starting point is 00:27:30 he thought he was gonna die time is going by really really slow yeah but they're like four really really really really really slow he's like she's barely breathing. And when I was looking for that video, I saw a video from the same guy that we were talking about earlier, the Weed Central guy. And the title of the video is called THC Overdose? 2080 THC Edible.
Starting point is 00:28:01 That means it's 2080 milligrams. Now, I think we're all on the same page that the milligrams of THC doesn't really mean anything to me. But I think that that 80 milligram candy bar is meant to be shared by like five people or something. Which is wrong because candy bars are not meant to be shared. Sure. Well, I think a side effect of making something an edible is often that it tastes like fucking shit. 3,000 milligrams? I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:28:25 Edibles taste bad? I would imagine so. You're putting marijuana butter in there or marijuana oil. It's got a taste. Taylor, have you ever heard of edibles tasting good or bad? You know, I've heard that they can taste very bad. Yes, I've heard. That's the word around here.
Starting point is 00:28:50 I think that's why they pick brownies a lot is because maybe there's so much chocolate that maybe it's overpowering to the can of butter taste. For some reason, I thought they were indistinguishable from regular brownies and cookies and such. That's why I like that whole Quibble Cop thing. Yeah, totally racing. Where he was like, is this a pot brownie?
Starting point is 00:29:10 And I asked him if this has pot in it, and he said yes. I said, okay, I'll eat it. You know, I eat the pot. And then he told me the drug's in it, and it's like. He took me to the back room. He said, you know, bend over over and I did, you know. Wait a minute, so you didn't get raped? Oh, I did, I get the rape and I enjoyed.
Starting point is 00:29:30 Wait, what? I don't understand a goddamn... Yeah, he was so contradictory when he was telling that whole story. Not to you, I love Bubble Cop. I... Yeah, yeah, we love him. I think there's a language barrier. We all love him.
Starting point is 00:29:42 So there's a language barrier, a little bit, I think. But I also felt like he was like, is this a pot cookie? Is this a pot cookie? No, no, not a pot cookie. Okay, I trust you. Maybe he's just very trusting. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:29:59 Because he described scenarios where we were all like, well, so then you knew it was drugs. And he was like no no idea yeah right like if i suspect this is a pot cookie and i don't want to do pot then i don't eat this cookie you know if a guy's like no then i i that means yes that means it's a pot cookie tell you what the last way i want to consume drugs is in a secret a pot cookie tell you what the last way i want to consume drugs is in a secretive you just got drugged kind of way i want to be able to be like yeah that looks like my dosage right there okay i if i'm gonna do some drugs i want to be able to
Starting point is 00:30:36 look at what's about to happen i don't want to be surprised drugged that sounds like something that would really piss me off sounds like a recipe for a panic attack but like the whole idea of him just like it being like some movie thing of like oops ate a bunch of cookies like everybody's high now like you take a bite and you'd be like hmm yeah well there's pot in there like that that tastes like plants like i know a guy he used to surprise drug people um why yeah all right so this guy's such a jerk. He's a cop. You've probably heard my story of the guy that I was friends with and then stopped being friends with as he got really racist. He got beat up at the convenience store. You know this guy.
Starting point is 00:31:18 Same guy. Went to college. And he would drug people. I don't know what it was. I'm going to get it wrong. I think it was acid. Can you put... Is acid a liquid? You can put a little droplet.
Starting point is 00:31:32 It comes in little pads of paper, usually. So you could take a droplet up and put it on virtually anything. I'm 80% sure he put acid on people's mashed potatoes because it was funny to drug them. And it's also cheap enough
Starting point is 00:31:48 from what I understand that you could do that sort of thing. I think if you were like, I'm going to get everybody high on marijuana brownies, you'd be out like $200. But if you're just like, I'm fucked on acid, you're out like $20 and you messed up a couple of people.
Starting point is 00:32:04 I thought acid was pretty expensive. Like I have no idea. I don't know anything about it, but I always thought that it was pricey. At the Grateful Dead concert I went to, I didn't take any or even buy any, but I know that they bought like what seemed like a sheet of postage stamps for $32.
Starting point is 00:32:20 So it must've been like 20 doses or something. Yeah. It's a couple bucks. I think it's a couple bucks a hit from what I understand like 5 bucks or something that would tie into it being about which seems like the best deal in drugs it seems like the best deal in
Starting point is 00:32:34 getting fucked up right 5 bucks for acid I guess it depends how long it lasts it lasts for a while 10 hours you ever heard of an acid trip yeah yeah yeah you go on a trip and sometimes you come back and sometimes you don't nest yeah you better have a clear schedule if
Starting point is 00:32:53 you're gonna be doing acid it's like good you know I take it at 10 a.m. and then you know play a quick game of Civ and then it'll be over you know yeah wait I asked it's not Lsd right no it is it is that's the one they did on mad men right i didn't see that episode i don't know yeah they did an episode and and uh it was this mind expanding thing and uh one of the people didn't do it they were kind of the like i think it was lsd tour guide for the thing
Starting point is 00:33:25 and they made sure that everybody stayed safe does that sound like yep yeah so i i don't know how much of it's just like that same nonsense drug information you get like you know when you're little they would tell you like oh pot it'll you know it'll kill you like be careful or oh ecstasy you know it'll it'll bore a hole in your brain. Is that true that if you take a bunch of acid, you can just never come back and be normal again? I don't know if that's a myth or not. I've read about it a bunch.
Starting point is 00:33:55 I don't think that's a common thing at all. But I think that in some cases, people have had serious long-term damage that have really abused it badly. And there's been tons of experiments that have been done with in weird scenarios where people might have went a little crazy because they would put them on like sensory deprivation chambers you know and give them lsd and god knows where your brain goes on a trip like that right like but not a fun place my um my friend uh this guy actually do still like mark he uh he went to college and he failed out after his first year because he really got into drugs, acid included.
Starting point is 00:34:30 And when I met him, he was doing construction. And he said he was repeatedly catching trails of stuff, which he attributed to the acid. So like, you know, every once in a blue moon, you hit a nail nail and it goes flipping off in the other direction? Yeah. To him, he would experience that like three to seven times. Like, shoom, shoom, shoom, shoom, shoom. He doesn't have a future as an air traffic controller, I don't think. Like he would get visual echoes.
Starting point is 00:34:58 And that was his too much acid experience. That sounds horrible. He should do some more acid. I bet it would fix that. He had kind of a somber attitude toward it. Like, dude, I'm getting visual echoes. He wasn't comfortable with it. It wasn't like a...
Starting point is 00:35:13 Who would be? Yeah, well, I don't know. That dude who's the marijuana enthusiast might be like, dude, I upgraded the software, man. Now I get visual echoes. He would not be happy about that. That would terrify me if I was getting visual echoes.
Starting point is 00:35:29 Yeah, that's a term I made up. He called it trans. I like it. Yeah. Yeah, that sounds like your brain is just broken. Like you just ruined it. It's never going to be back to normal. It sounds like some wires are crossed in there
Starting point is 00:35:40 and some signals are going where they shouldn't go. I hope it's short term. My hope is that whatever, a few months later they stopped but he was disconcerned is that the concern works i guess disconcerted uh yeah anyway he uh he was it was uncomfortable for him he was clearly anxious about because i guess if you were concerted you'd be uh like uh'd be working well and thinking clearly. Taylor, what's disconcerted mean? And it would be the opposite of that. I don't even know if I can define it.
Starting point is 00:36:17 I know I've used it plenty of times. Upset, unorganized, in disarray. Disconcerted. Disconcerted. Disconcerted. Who spelled it right the first time? I did, actually. Yeah, I nailed it. Disturb the composure of Unsettled.
Starting point is 00:36:34 He was disconcerted. I nailed the usage. Wow. Look at us. English! First language! Mastered that shit. Just like those visual trails you're talking about, those echoes, I've heard that same thing can happen
Starting point is 00:36:50 and this could be another one of those drug myths where if you do a bunch of acid in your life at some point later in life, you can just start tripping. It'll come out of the recesses and you'll just start tripping again. Is that what happens to Jokin when he starts getting googly eyes
Starting point is 00:37:06 and staring at asses and stuff? Oh, speaking of people, Joe Rogan. Oh, yeah, I see. I always see posts. Whenever he's checking out a ring girl or a ring girl is checking out a fighter or something, they always make a post.
Starting point is 00:37:19 And it's funny to see, like, Joe will be looking at the ass and then he'll be like trying to not look at the ass yeah there's no winning you know and you can't even peek right if you're just like if you're perfect in real life it looks like this right yeah in in a still shot it looks like this yeah you know they just they grab that and they get Joe and it's funny. Yeah. He's absolutely high out of his mind.
Starting point is 00:37:51 And every time he's up there on that stage, like he just looks like it. Where he's just like kind of fidgety, looking around, staring at all the fighters, like getting like weird grins, like he's thinking stuff to himself. Can I talk about Rogan for a second? Yeah, go ahead. Rogan has really, really abused his body body and it seems to be working for him which is against most of what i know right so this guy has used a lot of drugs right and based on his podcast and something it appears that he's used a lot of the drugs right like it's not like a guy who does pot and says, all right, I know my limits. I'm a pot guy.
Starting point is 00:38:26 Mushrooms, LSD. Exactly. Ayahuasca. Ah, yeah, Robin Quivers did that. She told the whole story. It's bizarre. But, oh, and, but we didn't, we missed out on like steroids
Starting point is 00:38:37 and human growth hormone and the other stuff. If you look at Joe Rogan, he looks fat to me, right? But if he lifts his shirt, he's got abs under there. All his organs are swollen and human growth hormone out, right? Super organs. Yeah, his head. A super head.
Starting point is 00:38:55 Yeah. Like the change in his skull. Like look, people's faces change and stuff, right? I had a much narrower face since I was 19 than I do now, but I feel like I look like an older version of me. Joe looks like a different guy, right? Joe Rogan, this is. This is the version of Joe Rogan.
Starting point is 00:39:14 He's just this big-headed. Joe Rogan's bigger, older brother. Yeah, they could be brothers, but not the same guy. If you look at pictures of him from news radio, it looks like his head has grown three sizes like at least another two inches in diameter with his head it's gigantic he gives me a run for my money so and that's a side effect of human growth hormones and steroids and on and then of course he does everything else the thing is he appears to be very smart right his brain is
Starting point is 00:39:44 not he's got the supplements on it. O-N-N-I-T. Yeah, I got some right over there. Kitty ordered the whole pack of it. Dude, his advertising is really working for him. Our advertising works. I could talk about that later. But what was I going to say? About Joe Rogan taking supplements. He's looking good. about Joe Rogan taking supplements. I just... He's looking good.
Starting point is 00:40:04 I've been arguing many times. It's not perfect for him. I don't like the HGH body he's got going. A natural version of what he does might be better. But, dude, the guy's the most in shape 50-something I know. And that includes Hollywood and stuff. Tom Cruise. Yeah, Tom Cruise is doing great.
Starting point is 00:40:24 Tom Cruise has a good look. I just watched the newest Mission Impossible, and while I didn't care for the movie, Tom Cruise looks great. Yeah, Tom Cruise is maybe number one. But Rogan looks fantastic. He's top 0.1%. And he's rich, and he's smart, and it just appears that he's dodged every bullet that they say
Starting point is 00:40:46 comes with his lifestyle. So I guess good for Joe. I don't think he really started doing all those hallucinogens and pot until he was already rich and successful though. I think he was a late bloomer and got introduced to pot late. He definitely did pot on Fear Factor. All right, so if he's great for the 50s patrick stewart's got to be your number one for being 75 years old check this out i don't know
Starting point is 00:41:12 if you've seen this so it looks old the the reason i said he definitely did pot on fear factor is that uh yeah he does look pretty good I wish I could get a bigger picture. Apparently, he did pot lollipops, and they were just like a standard thing. They felt like he did better on the show using pot lollipops, and they would like even... I don't know if the producers supplied it, but they just always made sure, and everyone was cool with the fact
Starting point is 00:41:42 that he was pretty much sucking pot on the show so yeah i was gonna say something god damn it stewart does look good yeah yeah i like him i'm big fan of his him and that other guy ian mckellen yeah yeah yeah yeah gandalf their relationship is practically gay and i feel like i. Ian McKellen is gay. Oh, is he? Very much. Because together in pictures, they're dressed in drag. They're hugging on each other.
Starting point is 00:42:12 That's a big part of it. I think Patrick's super supportive of the gay rights stuff that Ian does. And Ian's just very flamboyant. And so when they hang out, it ends up being like that. Although, I mean, I saw Tucker and Go Glove hanging out the other night. They have a much closer relationship than Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen. I saw that.
Starting point is 00:42:32 Woody, let's top them and me, you, and Wings have like a three-way kiss where just tongues intertwine. Oh my god, I don't want to. I don't think Jackie would be okay with that. I think my wife would legit not like it. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:45 I've asked her before. So let me ask you guys. This is a topic. We may have even covered this before. Would you be more upset if your girlfriend cheated on you with a guy or a girl? Certainly a guy. Me too. But Jackie would be much more upset if I cheated on her with a guy.
Starting point is 00:43:08 Yeah, because she would feel like she'd been had for all those years, you know? Where it was like, ah, you weren't like you. But none of us felt like that. Like if that happened, that's probably what she would feel like, you know? That probably is her thought process that, you know, I don't know, maybe that guy offered something she couldn't. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:43:25 Maybe that guy offered something she couldn't. I don't know. I always felt like, oh, well, that's cool. That's not even the game I played. No one beat me at my game. That's some other game. You didn't even qualify.
Starting point is 00:43:41 Yeah. I don't even have the uniform. Completely unprepared, Jared. Yeah, I don't even have a clip. Yeah, yeah. I don't even have the uniform. Completely unprepared, Jared. Yeah, I don't know. It's not that I want that, but it would be less crushing to me. Yeah, totally. Than some guy. Much less.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Like 70% less. I would still be upset. I feel like I wouldn't necessarily have to break up with her over a lesbian indiscretion you know what I mean I'm not just talking about my current girlfriend but just a hypothetical girl
Starting point is 00:44:13 I feel like a lesbian indiscretion is probably not a game changer it's probably not going to end everything I disagree there it's still going to end everything but you know the dude it's i disagree there it's still going to end because that's just a issue of you know trust at that point oh really i see hmm what if it was what if he didn't carry on a relationship what if it was sort of a one-time
Starting point is 00:44:39 thing that just kind of happened just happened yeah well i mean I mean, I'm just getting in her head now. They'll ride onto her plot, you know? Things happen. I don't know. I don't know. I'd have to actually have it happen. That's a difficult one. Well, it's hard to quantify.
Starting point is 00:45:01 Do you want to talk about the Jamie Foxx thing, Taylor? Sure. He saved someone from a burning car and apparently he already came out and said i'm not a hero which you know so humble that's totally not what i would say oh yeah i would have played it up like i am a hero i'm dude i you'd vlog that shit yeah we're we're going to pull him out now. It's hard to do with one arm. Come on. If I save somebody's life, I would be like,
Starting point is 00:45:34 dude, I love being a hero. This is my jam. I shouldn't have been a computer programmer. I should have been a rescue swimmer. That would have been my ultimate job. Coast Guard rescue swimmer would be my jam. that's what i was put on earth to do did you like the kevin costner movie the guardian i did like the kevin costner movie yeah you make me want to watch it again but yeah that's the i feel like that's the job i was born to do
Starting point is 00:45:58 and uh um i don't know i i would if i saw some car go off the side of a bridge into the water, that's my shit. I'm so in there. You'd get excited. Yeah. Like, best day ever. He rips off his clothes. He's got Speedos underneath.
Starting point is 00:46:19 You're like, what the fuck? Finally. The years have paid off. Yeah, no, that would be, I'd be very excited about such a thing. See, if it happened like off a bridge into the water, I wouldn't have enough confidence in myself to swim under and save them,
Starting point is 00:46:40 so I'd have to pretend I didn't see them go in and just continue on my way. I have nightmares about that. About having to swim. I literally last night I had a nightmare about having to swim down into murky water and save someone. I don't remember who or what but something of value was down below
Starting point is 00:46:55 and I was swimming to get it and it was awful. I woke up and was sweaty. Your nightmare is my dream. You were going so slow. No, I kept flailing and I would flail and i would like this sounds right no no and there was a turtle i was like in a vehicle like the the vehicle was submerged and so i'm like flailing around trying to like grab the person but i keep raking my hands against like twisted ripped metal and so I'm like flailing around trying to like grab the person but I keep raking my hands against like twisted ripped metal and so
Starting point is 00:47:27 my palms and fingers are all cut up and I'm blood there's blood in the water and it's making it even more murky and the headlights are illuminating the bloody water and it's just a nightmare I don't know that I'll send you in for whoever falls in the fucking water I don't know far ahead. Did you eventually succeed in your
Starting point is 00:47:44 dream getting up there or was it one of those where it just ends? I just woke up and went and took a piss and hoped the next one would be better. That was a sad dream. Sometimes dreams just end. I've had bad dreams that end right around the time
Starting point is 00:47:59 the alarm goes off and it just puts a damper on the whole day. It's like the day began with your dog dying or something like that. It's like, oh. Or if you have an awesome dream, and it's like you're dreaming that you're a celebrity or a professional athlete, and then you wake up, and then you go back to bed, and you can't get back into that dream where it's like, all right, going to sleep now, playing for the St. Louis Blues.
Starting point is 00:48:23 It never goes back. Wait'm playing for the St. Louis Blues. Like, you know, it never goes back. I have dreamt that there's something in my life that needs to go one way or the other. I have had the dream that it went the good way and then I wake up and for the first few minutes I'm like, glad that thing worked out and I won that
Starting point is 00:48:40 80 million. Yeah, that's great. Wait, god damn it! No! No! you have that moment of realization where it's all torn away this has happened to me more than once but i'll dream that jackie cheated on me and then i wake up even though i know it was a dream i haven't completely forgiven her yeah it's just like what's that tell her what she did yeah yeah yeah and she'll be like i didn't i wouldn't everything's okay that's what you would say yeah you would say that you cheating whore yeah it's the same thing you said in my dream i know all your tricks yeah no i i do
Starting point is 00:49:23 not take lightly to that uh even if it's just a dream. It takes me a while to get over it. It'll be afternoon. Looking for Jean-Claude Van Damme. I know he's in here. I saw him doing the splits in your bedroom. He's like, does any of that make sense? I'm not really.
Starting point is 00:49:42 Right? I like this picture of doing the splits on that TV cabinet. It lifts up and knocks them off. It rolls over. That TV cabinet is still awesome. That was really... Yeah, that's a cool thing. I like that thing.
Starting point is 00:49:59 Those doorbell things that Chiz is hooking us up with look pretty neat. I must have missed that. Do you get back to them or are you gonna get a default? I don't fully understand what that is. Alright, so I don't fully understand what it is, but I think basically- Is this his chat? It's in the PKA recording. He asked what color to pick.
Starting point is 00:50:16 So I think this thing goes outside and attaches to your door, and someone walks up and rings it, and when they press that ringing button button on like on your door it connects them to your cell phone and you're hooked up to a live video and audio feed of your door wherever you are and you can be like hey hey pete no i'm not here right now uh or whatever you can answer your door this you're getting it well i need to decide between antique brass and venetian bronze in a hurry with venetian
Starting point is 00:50:45 bronze because there's the darker i like that one is that how you roll yeah i think i'll do venetian once you go venetian bronze you never go satin nickel is that how it is no point that's the old saying kind of girth with satin nickel everyone knows that i've thought about that like i have um i have these nas drives in my house that are designed to hook up to security cameras. I was like, you know what? I'll just get Wi-Fi security cameras, point them around the property and stuff.
Starting point is 00:51:13 Have a little monitor system. It's really fun. You can do it on your phone or you can do it to a monitor. It's cool being able to look around and see what's going on. You hear a noise outside and you look and, oh, it's the cat.
Starting point is 00:51:26 Does it alert your phone? If they hit the button, does it make my phone start ringing even if I'm inside? Because that seems like it can almost be a hindrance. What if I don't want to answer the door? Now they know I'm here. I don't think they know necessarily. I don't know. It has a night vision
Starting point is 00:51:41 feature where I guess it can show you what's going on at night and it records to the cloud. I'll learn more about it when it's time to do the ad read, but it has like a night vision feature where I guess it can show you what's going on at night. And it records to the cloud. I'll learn more about it when it's time to do the ad read. But it seems like a pretty nifty thing. Well, I'm looking forward to it. Yeah, it sounds pretty neat. They have a good domain name. They got
Starting point is 00:51:55 There you go. We're not messing around. I wonder if we're going to do any more 100% food. I still have four more containers of 100% food in pantry i have i think i have 50 or more of them at this point yeah i'm like oh it's a lot i have boxes like it's taking up room in my garage like the it's like it's not waist high it's thigh high maybe even like dick high in uh which for me is like knee high but oh yeah how clever um but yeah yeah no it's it's a tall stack of uh 100 food boxes that i that's i what are you gonna do with them i i'm wondering if they're like can you burn them as
Starting point is 00:52:41 a fuel source like you'd be better off you'd be better off using them as mortar you could you could add water shake and then sort of grout like the shower or something like that maybe you could fix a crack in the driveway or uh i don't know that's true i've got my whole my whole bathroom done in raw. Raw. Can you fertilize plants with it? Like it seems like you might be able to fertilize plants with it. Or it's mostly seeds. What happens – what if I just planted and watered it and saw what grew?
Starting point is 00:53:19 A bottle of raw grows. It's like a bottle inside of a corn husk. And you just peel it away. I kind of want to do this. Just get a little flower pot and bury the raw and see if clovers and shit pop up out of it. What does flax even come from? The flax plant? Flax plant, I'm sure. There's enough seeds in there that something's got to grow.
Starting point is 00:53:45 I used mine to fertilize the trash can this morning because it was taking up too much goddamn space on my countertop how many do you have zero now i did have like four or five oh yeah no i i could come in with boxes and i wouldn't be able to see above them while i carried them it seemed wasteful but i was i was like my kitty my girlfriend were standing there and we were kind of we were like like unpacking like a big load of groceries and it was taking up so much space and I was like is anyone ever going to you know eat one of these and they all laughed at me so I think I should upload that as a video highlight I didn't do that did I yeah I think it's funny oh that from that excerpt from that yeah yeah I think I talked about it. I'm more interested in seeing you actually plant
Starting point is 00:54:26 a spoonful of that raw food or whatever the fuck. Plant the chocolate kind. See if it makes a difference. Get two flower pots and give it a go. I think we're going to Home Depot tomorrow. I'll just make sure we have what we need. I've been thinking about just opening it and it's snowing here.
Starting point is 00:54:42 Really slippery outside. Just go out and sprinkle it like salt so that I'll have plenty of traction behind my tires. Afterwards, you'll have concrete. Maybe you'll patch any damage that's there today. Cracks. Flows into the cracks and solidifies as mortar. In all seriousness, though, it is really awful. It's just...
Starting point is 00:55:02 It's not a good option, really any circumstance survival survival yeah but i mean there's better survival foods i'm sure there's a a more compact way to get more calories and more you know carbohydrates you're trying to survive what the fuck are you gonna do fill that bottle with really gross nasty water or just muscle it down as a powder like not very space what you do in the wilderness when you can't get it to mix yeah and a stick down in there oh yeah that stuff wasn't the best but uh i thought it was mine was like mixed with it was strawberries strawberries and it had a strawberry on the edge. It looked good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:46 The presentation on it was perfect. And I smelled it, and it even smelled of chocolate and strawberry combined somehow. I was like, this is going to be good. And, of course, everyone knows the taste of a food is linked to the smell of it, so you're kind of on to something. And then I drank it, and it didn't meet expectations. to something and then i drank it and it didn't meet expectations did you happen to see the mandalorian armor that ar 500 made no is that a star wars i don't even know most of these words all right so uh boba fett who's like the badass bounty hunter in uh the original trilogy he got
Starting point is 00:56:23 made more was made of him in the expanded universe which is now not canon. Through the fans, they always built this Boba Fett guy up. He's the badass bounty hunter. He wears some really cool armor in the Star Wars movies. An armor company, it's actually one that I work with a lot,
Starting point is 00:56:41 made the armor. If you scroll down, there's a better picture. That's it. That's pretty good well i like it pretty cool yeah i'm hoping that i can get that for a video and do something with it i feel like that they should do more with these cool helmets for motorcyclists right like why isn't there a motorcyclist wearing a boba fett styled helmet i've seen a halo styled helmet for motorcyclists just yeah it'd be hard styled helmet. I've seen a Halo styled helmet for motorcyclists. It seems like it'd be hard to see out of your peripheral with that Boba Fett helmet on.
Starting point is 00:57:10 Like it is a little bit narrow. Yeah, probably so. You'd look real cool as you slide across the concrete. Exactly. That's what matters. My dad's decided to build like a man cave attached to his shop. He wants to build like an enclosed area and put in plumbing and flooring.
Starting point is 00:57:27 I think it's his way of getting away from my mom. What's he going to do for HVAC? I don't know. Right now, he's got a wood-burning heater in there. It's just a shop. But I don't know what he's going to do next. Is it an old-time Benjamin Franklin-looking stove? What does he have?
Starting point is 00:57:45 He built it. He built it using a fuel tank. So it's like a big, I don't know, 200-gallon fuel tank that's kind of rectangular in shape, and he put legs on it and a spout that goes out of the shop and everything. So it pulls air and works. Because it's so big, it sort of radiates heat. But I don't know what he's going to do in the addition he adds on.
Starting point is 00:58:10 He'll probably do something that's not quite so handmade. But I think I'm going to move my pool table over there and we'll have ourselves a little hangout spot. Oh, it's bigger than I pictured it in my head if you can put a pool table in there. Yeah, he's going to do a couple of that. It's probably going to be 2,000 square feet or something like that. Right now he's got a porch, and he's going to just – he's having people come in and do it,
Starting point is 00:58:31 but he's going to have a big concrete floor poured and have it all walled in. That sounds awesome. Yeah, he needs a place to hang out and get away from my mom. Right now they just – it's so cold right now. They're all kind of sitting over there, and everybody's just kind of like around the heater talking and they need a better place to hang out.
Starting point is 00:58:49 Did he tell you that was the reason he was doing it? I don't have to ask. It's just a known quantity. That's what's up. When you say it's so cold they're all hanging out by the heater, are you talking about in the shop or at home? In the shop. Is it snow in there?
Starting point is 00:59:04 No, hell no. No precipitation. It was so fucking cold today, I was shocked. I got in my truck and started driving, and I must have gotten three or four miles down the road, and I was like, my legs were still cold. And I was like, why is the heater not working? I thought my heater was broken. And then I look up in my mirror to see what the temperature is,
Starting point is 00:59:21 and it's 33 degrees. I was just like, ah, that's why I'm still fucking cold. It's out here and i didn't realize it because i just went straight from inside in the warm to like right into my truck that was already preheated and or not preheated but um and just didn't get any sense of how cold it was outside it was fucking cold today i didn't do shit i walked around and the ground was so hard that the dirt didn't take shape to my foot which is weird you know like normally the ground is so hard that the dirt didn't take shape to my foot, which is weird. You know, like normally the ground is squishy. It's been squishy for too long.
Starting point is 00:59:48 We've been getting too much rain. Now it's frozen solid. And like usually dirt's not pokey. But you step in it with, you know, I was wearing Sperry's and my foot's like conforming to the pokey dirt. Like, god damn, it's frozen. It's not North Carolina. Yeah. It was like 14 degrees today. It's not North Carolina. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:06 14 degrees today. It's going to be really fucking cold in Colorado. Was that your high or your low? Today? Yeah. I just, when I was driving earlier today, I just looked at my car thermometer and that's what it said. Our highest 32,
Starting point is 01:00:22 but I'm looking at, I have a little weather app on the side here and it looks like our low is 13. So that's, that's what it said. Our high is 32, but I'm looking at, I have a little weather app on the side here and it looks like our low is 13. So that's cool. Yeah. I'm looking at the, in Colorado right now, the place we're going, it's like 27 degrees. Do you have a warm coat?
Starting point is 01:00:39 Yeah, I've got ski gear. I have a very warm coat. Now, Taylor, I believe you because you, is it cold? But I remember a guy from, a girl actually from the south moved up to New Jersey. And she's like, oh, it's so cold. And we're like, you need a winter coat. She's like, this is my winter coat.
Starting point is 01:00:55 And we're like, that's a jacket. Yeah, that's a jacket. That's not what a winter coat is. A winter coat is big and fluffy and maybe got some fur shit on it. You know, that's what a winter coat is. What she thought was a winter coat was not and fluffy and maybe got some fur shit on it you know that's what a winter coat is what she thought was a winter coat was not far from what you're wearing and uh that's not a winter coat i've got a i got a bunch of ski stuff so i've got like some under layers that literally have metal woven into the fabric and i've got um i got a nice ski jacket that's a
Starting point is 01:01:23 venom or something like that i I've got good stuff. I'll stay warm. Are you pretty good at skiing? No. It hurts my ankles. Ski boots hurt my ankles to the point where it's excruciating. I've tried twice now, and it just hurts a lot. I liked it a lot.
Starting point is 01:01:39 I wasn't afraid of it or anything. It wasn't a matter of that. I really enjoyed when I kind of went down the bullshit slope that was there. It was really funny. Me and the girl I was with both fell down at the entry point, and they had one of those rubber mats that's like a moving conveyor belt that takes you to the top. And I fell, and it was a little embarrassing. But I got back up. You fall enough, you get good at getting back up, or at least good enough that you don't lay there like a turtle. But she was wearing so much ski gear that she falls,
Starting point is 01:02:09 and she falls onto the conveyor belt. So it's taking her away, and she's on her back trying to get up. And I'm just laughing. I can't help her because I'm handicapped. If you're bad at skiing, you're just like, I'm sort of cemented to this spot. Wilson! She's just being taken away.
Starting point is 01:02:27 It was hilarious. Yeah, I wish I could ski, but I can't. I might try to snowboard because I know that's a different thing and you're in boots. But I think snowboarding is really difficult to get started at. Yeah, it's a way, I don't know if it's steeper or shallower learning curve. Whichever one means it takes longer. You know, I got Chiz with me, and I got a feeling Chiz isn't going to be pushing for too many extreme
Starting point is 01:02:48 sports, so I think I'll just hang out with him. If he wants to go out there and do some snow tubing, I'll definitely do that. Get in a sled or a sleigh or a tire or whatever the fuck they do. I want to see you try to ski and skate, because either your ankles are just truly
Starting point is 01:03:04 and honestly awful, or you're doing that thing where when you stand your legs are like your ankles are bowing out like that and it's really causing strain on your ankles because that's what it is when i first started skiing when i first tried it i did that and it felt awful and i'm like how are people doing this but you have to are you good at skiing taylor i'm pretty good at skiing, yeah. I mean, I can do the blacks, I guess. I could, yeah, I took quickly to skiing. I could do black diamonds on my first day. I can ski moguls.
Starting point is 01:03:32 But I'm not dumb enough to think I'm good good. Like, you know, there was a time when I was good good at surfing. And, you know, tourists would talk about how they're good too. And it's like, get the fuck out of here. I do this like, I go surfing 250 days a year. You think you're good?
Starting point is 01:03:52 You're not good. There's someone, there's a skiing equivalent who would laugh at me, but I'm competent. I can do black diamonds. That's the best word for it. Competent.
Starting point is 01:04:00 Like I can go down the black diamonds with the moguls and be fine. But then, you know, if I'm with a friend who's an exceptionally good skier and like, hey, let's go down the black diamonds with the moguls and be fine but then you know if i'm with a friend who's an exceptionally good ski and like hey let's go on the back bowl and like i get up to the top and it's just fucking trees everywhere no other paths of skis are down the hill so for all you know you just go into the wrong spot you just just sink down and it's like
Starting point is 01:04:20 no i'm not doing that fuck that that what an ordeal that doesn't describe east coast that's not east coast right the back bowl the no this was in uh aspen and that situation doesn't exist i don't think on the east coast that i know of but they're all named trails and we were in killington at the time i'm describing which i had a really good time there and i thought that like so that's the only uh ski place I've ever been to. But maybe Woody would have a better idea. But I thought it was really nice there. Like that lodge area where we all went back to. And you,
Starting point is 01:04:53 did you sing or did you dance? I danced. You danced, yeah, yeah. And that whole area, I thought that place was pretty cool. Killington was good. You didn't see all of it. Killington is actually the biggest East Coast ski resort. And some would argue that it's the best.
Starting point is 01:05:10 They have a lot of snowmaking capability. I like Killington a lot. I've been to, I don't even know, maybe six or 10 different places. And Killington is great, but it's further from New Jersey. So I didn't go there very often. um so yeah i'm not sure exactly what uh kind of activities i'm gonna get up to in colorado but it's not gonna be any skiing for sure i have some suspicions i know one act they all want to go in those hot springs and that's the one i was thinking of yes hot springs everyone is they always they all want to go in hot springs and i have no interest in that whatsoever who's they all
Starting point is 01:05:47 that's Kitty's thing Kitty's thing she likes that a lot and apparently they go to some clothing optional hot springs or something like that the one they go to is from what I understand all of my peoples
Starting point is 01:06:02 like to stay clothed but they said that the fatties there in particular like to bear all. But my fear is that Hot Springs is sort of a geothermically powered jacuzzi out there. It's magma under the ground creating that heat that's heating that water, and I'm just afraid there's going to be some 5% temperature fluctuation and we're all going to boil. I'm afraid there's going to be some activity under the ground that suddenly heats that water up really hot and we all boil. So you have irrational concerns. I don't think it's irrational.
Starting point is 01:06:39 I think that it's unlikely. Definition of irrational. That's not going to happen. You're not going to start boiling. Let me Google it real quick. Wouldn't this be a thing that burns other people? Like, wouldn't it be like,
Starting point is 01:06:48 oh yeah, hot springs are fun, except for the 5% death rate. Yeah. Are you like a frog where you're in the water and like God is turning up the heat so slowly that you just pass out and die? Like you're human. You'll notice when it starts to get too hot,
Starting point is 01:07:01 you'll just hop out. I'm told frogs don't do that, but video idea. Yeah. Just slowly turn up the heat and see if it stays in there. A man was burned to death attempting to rescue his dog
Starting point is 01:07:12 from a boiling hot spring. Shouldn't have been futzing around in there. It just seems like it's not a tourist attraction hot spring. Deaths and injuries at Yellowstone's geysers and hot springs. Fatal fall at Yellowstone hot springs. San sand can pay i can't pronounce that word hot springs boils eggs and steamy hot springs boils and splashes i don't know man i just feel like sometimes they
Starting point is 01:07:37 get hot i've never been to a hot spring and i have been we used to go jet skiing by a nuclear cooling plant, like the cooling station, and that would get hot. Like you knew where the hot water was coming out, and it leaked into the bay, right? And it just poured hot water. But if you're on the edge of it, it's pleasant. If you go in a little further, it's concerning. If you get to the tip of it, it's like a bathtub where you only turn the hot on.
Starting point is 01:08:08 Like it's bad. It'll hurt you. And it'd just be like – so you're on a jet ski. And this isn't – you know the new jet skis you sit down on mostly? Old school jet skis you stood up and it took skill to stay up. And, you know, while we could do it, we owned our own jet skis. So we did it every day and stuff. We were competent at it.
Starting point is 01:08:28 But you fell every day. I mean, like, it was just a natural, like, thing. Of course you fall. You fall ten times a day. Oh, and I fall in the hot water? Yeah. So, like, you're really taking a risk if you go through the hot water. But it's also kind of nice.
Starting point is 01:08:43 And, you know, you want to stay on the edge of the water. Maybe you go through the too hot water to get to the edge of the good spot. And, you know, it's chilly everywhere else. And once you experience the glorious edge of a nuclear power plant heating a bay, that's the only spot you want to be in. It's all about risk reward for me. Now I'm bad with names. Anything dangerous is about risk reward with me.
Starting point is 01:09:05 Because I've done lots of stupid shit obviously, but usually on the other end was a reward or something that I needed. So with the hot springs, the reward of having a warm, soothing hot springs is just
Starting point is 01:09:22 nothing to me. It equates to virtually zero. But then the risk of being boiled alive, however tiny, in comparison is large enough that I have no interest. Then I'm just like, no, fuck that. Three months ago, you wanted to fight a shark. That pays, though. That pays, though.
Starting point is 01:09:42 Like, I don't know. There's been videos where, like, been videos where we shot stuff or did something that I knew wasn't that safe, but I was being paid a shitload of money and it was like, I said I'd be done today. I'm contractually obliged to be done today. So either I blow this fucking car up or I lose tens of thousands of dollars and it's like, let's blow it the fuck up.
Starting point is 01:10:04 But meanwhile, if there's a Hot Springs in which I'm not going to be paid anything i might get in there fuck that shit i don't share your hot spring concern yeah no i don't either i think that's very silly guarantee i'll never be boiled alive how bad are you gonna feel if kitty gets boiled alive you won't even be able to speak at the funeral i'll retroactively take your side my biggest concern with hot springs is that somebody might judge my nipple hair negatively oh yeah i like to trim that up anyway yeah that's what i'd have to do like i'll go to the hot spring we need to shave this i try it never looks right it always it's just an island that's because you're hairy. I tried to pull off the this is the hair I was actually born with look.
Starting point is 01:10:48 Like, alright, these need to be shortened. These need to be left alone. And if I do it just right, it looks like I was gifted with perfect chest hair. Oh man, you got a very clean nipple area. Yeah, yeah. See, I've just got this tuft of hair here in the middle.
Starting point is 01:11:04 And that's all you have naturally? Yeah, it goes top to bottom. And there's a few, like, you know, stringy ones here or there, and then a little bit around my nipples, but that's it. A little more. Yeah, definitely so, yeah. Yeah, there's some hair there. I've got almost zero hair on my back.
Starting point is 01:11:18 And when I say almost zero, I mean, like, every now and then, I'll be like, hey, is that a hair on my shoulder blade? What the fuck like like almost zero like maybe 30 hair not even maybe five hairs total on my back i guess i'm there the last two years i've noticed some encroachment up here i i don't have back hair either every like once in a blue moon they'll be surrounding one to I've probably plucked like six or ten lifetime. Wings has back hair. Wings has back hair in a way that's extreme. He's got a lot of back hair back there.
Starting point is 01:11:51 Now, it's not like a wolfman or anything. It can get a lot worse. You can see it in this video. He probably has more back hair than I have chest hair. Yeah, he does. He definitely does in my case because I've just really got the thing right here in the middle between my nipples and chest area, and then I've definitely does in my case. Because I've just really got the thing right here in the middle between my nipples and chest area. And then I've got the happy trail thing.
Starting point is 01:12:08 You audio-only listeners are missing out on something. Oh, yeah. You got to see my nipple. It was hot. I enjoyed it. I pinched it a little. You can see Woody lick his lips if you pay attention. I think it might have lactated. I'm going to go check some videos. I do think that was hilarious, though. If me, you, and wings had like our three-way kiss to top tucker and and gogol what was up with that i only saw the little clip of
Starting point is 01:12:31 them i don't know what the motivation was either they're at a party they look like yeah and um i think maybe they kissed on the cheek before and people they get a they get a reaction out of that because you know people get all weird when they see that sort of thing. And I think they just kept going with it. And the girl in the stream, whoever that was, was kind of egging them on as well. So yeah, they started kissing a little bit. I thought it was hilarious.
Starting point is 01:12:58 I did too, but it really reinforced. I'm straight. I'm like really straight. And I just see two guys kiss. I want to say there was open mouth. I don't want to get it wrong and falsely accused them, but at one point I think I saw them watch their own video and say, that was open mouth.
Starting point is 01:13:15 I think he posted on our subreddit something about it. Oh, did he? I can't remember which one. I saw where he put it in there. He was just kind of like, yeah, I like to get drunk, have a good time. This chick is crazy. It was just something kind of like that. I don't think they made a big deal about it.
Starting point is 01:13:32 But I watched it, and my reaction to it, not that I'm mad or whatever, but it's just so not my cup of tea. It throws you off. I don't think it's – to say disgust seems to step too far, right? It just means spirit at all. Yeah, but, you know, just because, but if I saw somebody bite the head off a frog, you know, you wouldn't say that I hate frogs or have a prejudice against them. I would just say that, you know, that's something I'm not accustomed to seeing.
Starting point is 01:13:59 Remember in Django where he's like, where Leonardo DiCaprio asked Jamie Foxx's character, he's like, so he's not accustomed Jamie Foxx his character he's like so he's not accustomed to seeing people torn apart by dogs then yeah yeah nah that's not his thing really you want me to treat him like white folk big daddy
Starting point is 01:14:16 no no not that that's not what I'm saying dude I want to do that as a last topic that Martin O'Balley ready to bounce poor guy oh oh dr chiz posted that i didn't realize that in my head i thought it was taylor oh yeah we ready to pounce dude so new hampshire we know bernie has tied that's funny um oh for audio only listeners here we have a graphic that shows the New Hampshire primary.
Starting point is 01:14:50 Bernie Sanders at 60, Hillary Clinton at 33, Martin O'Malley at 1%. Now, the thing is, Bernie Sanders is from Vermont, which is practically New Hampshire. And it's almost a home court advantage that Hillary doesn't have. Iowa's the real test. There's a plus or minus almost five percent on this and that's megan kelly tweeting that out so i don't know if she's a trusted source for news on her twitter you know i like her now again i don't know that just a little thing i just noticed because i'm logged into my twitter but she's followed by the gun owners of america which is a very conservative uh gun owners
Starting point is 01:15:26 group. They don't think the NRA goes quite far enough. I'm reading their Twitter. It says, the only, no-compromise pro-gun lobby in Washington, D.C. determined to fight to keep American freedom and liberty in all 50 states. Hashtag gun owners.
Starting point is 01:15:42 One of their things is they're up for you know machine guns silencers uh all that stuff uh they don't stop at like hunting arms or it's weird i it's like i i think of myself as a reasonable gun owner you know someone who's conscious and willing to consider all sides yet almost every time there's something that encroaches gun rights at all, I'm like, oh, no, no, I'm reasonable, but I've never liked any of your ideas.
Starting point is 01:16:13 Not you, but someone who's like, hey, you know what? How about if you're on the terrorist watch list, you can't buy guns? Oh, fuck that. Why shouldn't you be able to get guns on the terrorist watch list? How do you get on the terrorist watch list? Next thing you know, they're going to put all get guns on the terrorist watch list? You know, how do you get on the terrorist watch list?
Starting point is 01:16:26 Next thing you know, they're going to put all of us on the terrorist watch list. How about all the people with O negative blood? Them too. And all the blacks. Like, where do you stop? If you can make an arbitrary list like the, and it's not the terror watch list, it was the no-fly list. I mentioned that one in particular.
Starting point is 01:16:43 Chiz brought it up to me the other day. And there are certainly people on the terror list that are also on the no-fly list but then i think there are people on that no-fly list who just raised a stink one time and yelled at a tsa agent you could you could be one of those guys who was like no stop fucking touching me i'm not gonna put up with it bitch yeah they can put you on that list for anything you're on there so that's the example how about background checks um a big thing now is they want so now there's background checks if you buy a gun in the gun store cool if you buy a gun from a gun store owner and a show which is really the bulk of those sales and kyle knows this then um there's a full background check there too but if you just buy it from some
Starting point is 01:17:25 dude then there's no background check on a long gun and uh it seemed i'm sorry to interject but but one of the things that that i i keep reading what's been written and and maybe you know something more than i do but what it seemed like he was saying wasn't that i can't sell a gun to my father removing the fact that I have a federal firearms license. They're not saying, hey, you can't sell a gun to your dad, you can't sell a gun to your neighbor. They're saying more like, if you're in the business of selling guns, if this is a part of your income that you count on every year,
Starting point is 01:17:59 if you're selling 10, 20, 30 guns a year, and a portion of your income is guns, you're totally in the business. One of the checks they had was, do you have a business card, right? If you have a business card about your gun sales, then you're in the business of selling guns. You might not think of yourself as a gun store owner,
Starting point is 01:18:16 but dude, you're flipping guns and you need to start doing background checks. And I heard that and I was like, slippery slope, you know, first it's the guy with business cards. Next it's me. And as much as I think of myself as a reasonable gun owner, I'm pretty uncompromising every time they come up with an idea.
Starting point is 01:18:36 The end result will always be the people who want guns will have guns. Throw any gun law out there and then the end result comes right back around to, if someone wants a gun, they'll get a gun. Whether they're Charles Manson or they're I don't know, name a good person. Harriet Tubman. Harriet Tubman. You wouldn't deny her the right
Starting point is 01:18:58 bare arms, now would you? Susan B. Anthony. Maybe her, that flag-sewing whore. But what I'm getting at is, like, sure, it makes a bit of common sense to say, hey, let's get some background checks on all firearm sales, but once again, like, what are you accomplishing?
Starting point is 01:19:16 Is anyone getting safer? Is anyone... I don't think so. I know what will happen, and that's that ATF is having to hire a lot of new people. I was at Walmart the other day, and the manager was walking by, and he seemed like the actual manager. He wasn't wearing anything that said Walmart at all. And he was talking to another guy who was also wearing a suit,
Starting point is 01:19:37 and he was like, yeah, it's going to be so much shit with ATF, this, this, and that, this, and that. And they were just talking about how many ATF agents were going to have to be hired to do all these extra background checks, all the extra paperwork. It's really about just expanding government power once again, it seems, because the people who want guns will get them. There's a certain don't tread on me aspect to all this government control. And I'm for it.
Starting point is 01:20:04 On my end, the way i look at it is this like i've got that federal firearms license i don't have to pay transfer fees i'm happy if all of you have to come through me if you want to do anything that'd be great that would that makes me that gives me a whole nother source of income if they do something like that i could i could make it my business to conduct firearms transfers for people and undercut everybody because I don't have a fucking storefront to maintain. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:20:29 Yeah, you got no overhead. Yeah, I'm fine with it if they want to do that. But looking at it from just a common sense point of view, the end result is always that the people who want guns get guns, no matter what you do. It's too ingrained in the culture. If you've got enough... I mean mean if you're competent enough to to
Starting point is 01:20:47 get yourself to a store and come up with a few hundred dollars then you're confident enough to get then you're confident to get a gun you're just gonna get one and there's no way to stop that because there's 350 million guns in this country and and like every month it seems like in a row is the biggest month in firearm sales to date like i know december was december was massive for firearm sales and i can only imagine that january is uh is going to be even better and if they keep talking this uh this gun control stuff and it gets narrowed down to say hillary in the coming months and then you get tax rebates coming back another huge year for gun companies this is gonna be great uh should have invested in some gun companies a couple years ago, I guess. Turns out. On the other hand, Bernie, it turns out, is, I mean.
Starting point is 01:21:31 More moderate. More moderate. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hillary's knocking him is too moderate. But, you know, and he's like, no, NRA says I'm a D minus. But just the same, you know, he's from a state that he's not out there to do crazy stuff. He has a common sense approach. It's what Democrats refer to as sometimes the common sense approach, which would basically mean that like, oh, you're in Chicago, then no AR-15 for you.
Starting point is 01:22:03 You're in this huge populated suburban area, then why do you need a pistol that holds 15 bullets? But I feel like he feels the other way around if you're a hunter out in the wilds of Wyoming or something. I don't respond well to that why do you need in the slightest. I don't like that. It really rubs me the wrong way. Taylor, why do you need hockey skates?
Starting point is 01:22:20 Why do you need them? It seems like a want to me. Yeah, you could cut someone yeah i i just any like hey you know prove to me that that's a requirement for you to get by no it's not a requirement for me to get i fucking want it it's my right so suck a dick that's what's it gonna fix anyway just you know oh thank god that guy only had 10 bullets in there he wasn't able to kill someone with 10 and you know they they often point out the thing where like they say hey if you want to drive a car in this country you got to go get a license we got to make sure you can operate that car and i say you don't
Starting point is 01:22:51 have the right to drive a fucking car in this country it's a privilege but the gun thing is right just like my freedom of speech my protections against unlawful siege siege and search and seizure and all those other things it's a right shouldn't be telling me i can't have my 50 caliber machine gun i need that for stuff i got stuff going on over here you don't need to worry about i'm worried about alien invasion let's just be real they're coming i was talking to chiz about it and he had all these examples of other rights that have qualifications on them and i can't remember what he was saying. You know, like the driving is a good example.
Starting point is 01:23:27 That's a privilege. It's not a right. So you have to prove that you're good at it and stay safe so that, you know, you don't get your privilege taken away. And you have to insure yourself. People have, there have been calls for, if you're going to have, for each gun, you have to have a policy that's going to cover you
Starting point is 01:23:42 against, you know, something bad happening with your gun, which is another way to just ruin. Yeah, just to make it difficult and more expensive and just to throw more loopholes that you have to get through. Like, that's such horseshit if that ever did happen. But back on the Sanders-Clinton thing which is how we got into the gun rights. Interesting. Sanders is kind of winning me over.
Starting point is 01:24:06 So the people I like the most are Kasich and O'Malley. And let's just admit that they're, you know, look, no chance, no chance, no chance, right? O'Malley is at 1% in New Hampshire. So let's just say that, you know, your choices are Bernie, Hillary or Trump. Let's just say, I know on the Republican side there might be some other choices, but those are the three that seem the most likely. I'm saying Trump.
Starting point is 01:24:36 I might take Bernie in that crowd. You'll be happy to hear this. Sorry to take a step back. Remember I was talking to, I think it was Milo, and I was saying, if I go to a restaurant and everybody's fat, it makes me second guess my restaurant choice. If I'm voting for Trump and everyone who does it
Starting point is 01:24:57 is just like the least successful people in our country, and one might argue the dumbest in our country country that makes me second guess my presidential choice well sarah palin just endorsed trump so that's your crowd baby good vice she'll be vp i oh my god that'd be such a terrible idea trump palin yeah i can't think of a less qualified duo in American history. It'd be really funny. The VP nod could mean a lot for this race. If Biden jumped on anybody's side, that team would win. If Biden, it doesn't make any sense. But if Biden went to Trump, Trump would be your next president. Why would Biden go to Trump?
Starting point is 01:25:43 He wouldn't. Of course he wouldn't. That's absurd. I think it's Kasich if Trump picked Kasich as his VP and I hope I don't have this wrong but I think Kasich is from Ohio ah that's helpful yeah so if hypothetically if Trump could take New York and Ohio, he's really hard to beat. New York's hard to beat. Hillary was the fucking senator there. Oh, that assumes he runs against Hillary.
Starting point is 01:26:11 If he were to run against Bernie, for example, then maybe Trump could take his home state. I think he could beat Bernie regardless. He would beat Bernie, yeah. The polls say Bernie beats Trump. Really? Yeah, but you know, these are early polls. I think Trump's good at
Starting point is 01:26:28 polarizing people and his ads would be so biting. I feel like he could really punch a lot of holes in Bernie Sanders. Really be the devil against the angel in that scenario. I'm super excited about this. I can't wait. I hope it's Trump so bad
Starting point is 01:26:45 I want it to be Trump and Bernie I want it to be Trump and Bernie and then I'm happy either way not happy really but I've won as long as Hillary loses I've won Hillary has too many policies that I'm just 100% against and at this
Starting point is 01:27:00 point that's how you have to choose your candidate that's how I choose my candidate I pick the one who's going to fuck me the least and i feel like trump is gonna fuck me over the least trump's not gonna mess with any of my gun rights that any of the stuff that helps me make a living um and he's gonna be super entertaining like he's gonna try to make mexico pay for a wall and he's gonna he's gonna keep the muslims out and it's like i don't really have any muslim friends you keep them out that'll be all right you know i'm not gonna i'm not gonna complain and uh but bernie on the other hand i i feel like he might try to make some big changes to how the
Starting point is 01:27:33 the big machine works and i'm not saying that the big machine is working well but it's working and i'm just afraid that he might send us into some sort of spiraling downfall that cripples our economy and makes us, you know, we're not going to become a grease, like we're not going to fall to pieces, but maybe he sets us back in a legitimate kind of way. Yeah. He seems like he really wants to change a lot of shit
Starting point is 01:27:58 way more than Trump does. It's the, you know, when you talk about Trump versus Hillary in particular, you're talking about like, do you want another politician or do you want a revolutionary? And those who want a revolutionary, it's like, all right, just be careful. You know, like we're the greatest country that the world has ever seen and ever will see. America. But in all seriousness, we're doing pretty well you know be careful that's all
Starting point is 01:28:28 yeah yeah if it was a six-sided die i feel like you rolled it and got a five with america you want to re-roll i can't wait to see who wins i think it's going to be hillary hillary's got to be your your favorite but i really don't want it to be i really don it's going to be Hillary. Hillary's got to be your favorite, but I really don't want it to be. I really don't want it to be. I don't want her to be happy. I really don't. The idea of her being up there and smiling
Starting point is 01:28:54 but meaning it for once is a terrible thing. I don't want her to be happy. I don't want the Clintons to really be cemented as a dynasty, which is what this would do. It'd be outrageous if Bill does two terms and then she does at least one, and he gets to come back in there as first husband or some shit. You know he'll have some really expanded role as first husband. He'll be—
Starting point is 01:29:17 She did, too. Yeah, that's true. She seemed competent at it, but I just hate her so much. Just hate her so much. hate her so much not likable i try not to have that like i'm trying to pick a policy and not pick my favorite person the one i most want to have a cookout with i've done that too still end up in the same place but i oh my god i i can't seem to get past how much i dislike Hillary Clinton. Her voice, her mannerisms. Her mannerisms.
Starting point is 01:29:47 Every fucking thing she does reeks of anxiety and self-consciousness. Those fat jowls. Yeah, she just – when she dabs, she's like, do you people like me? Everything is fucking – do you like this? What do you want? Do you approve of this? I'll stop immediately. I have no spine.
Starting point is 01:30:07 Yeah, everything she fucking does is like, I'm fake. I hope you like it. I'll do anything for this job. Anything. She changes herself to fit whatever situation she's poured into. That's what they all do. I can remember Obama doing that southern black person voice. yeah that's funny yeah yeah like you're not mlk
Starting point is 01:30:31 what are you doing like he'd be in a church in alabama like really bringing it out it's like dude you're from hawaii okay that's fair that's like you're not down with grits and collard greens i feel like the core of trump is trump right and i'm from jersey so i watched him do the whole casino thing i've known trump's i don't know trump at all but trump has been on my tv since i was a kid um and then i sanders is newer to me but i feel like sanders is sanders trump is trump, Hillary is whatever you think she'll like. Yep. Yeah. Yeah, I agree with that a lot.
Starting point is 01:31:13 I love – like Trump's – I wouldn't say I follow Trump, but I don't know if you're aware, but he goes on the Stern Show a lot. It seems like he'll call in and he'll be on – he's been on any number of times, and he's really loose with what he says on there. He'll say just about anything and everything and uh i i like that about him i like that he just doesn't seem to give a shit he was there was an appearance they were replaying the other day where he's trying to trump's talking to jerry seinfeld and he's like we're gonna have a big party we got the most beautiful women in the world we brought them in from everywhere hey some people like to give me a hard time because i like beautiful women you know what i say can't help it they're beautiful and he's just like and he's
Starting point is 01:31:49 just talking about trucking these women in from other countries to his party it's his style of speaking is incredibly effective it's lame like they took it and wrote it out right all of his sense that he uses almost one and two syllable words exclusively right every sentence is like ended on a spike of some sort you know um they they they took his speeches and put it into like microsoft word or something and it gives you like a flesh and clypler grade or something um trump speaks on like a fifth grade level like it's really it. It's far lower than all the other presidential candidates, but it's a super effective sales pitch. It's more genuine.
Starting point is 01:32:32 Like you're not trying to put on airs or bamboozle them with vocab. At least, I'm not saying that's necessarily true, but it doesn't seem more genuine to me. You talk better than a $2 whore. I don't know. Trump's not my guy, I don't think. Of course not.
Starting point is 01:32:55 It's hard for me to say, hey, Trump's the way to go. This is going to be great. I don't believe that. But once again, I feel like Trump is the last guy to take some gun rights away. And that's a big one for me. And as much as I would like to see things like gay rights and marijuana rights and all those things expand past the state here level to the federal level, obviously gay rights has kind of done that. You know, you've got gay rights across the country now. Or gay marriage is what I meant to say.
Starting point is 01:33:23 But like, and I don't want to see that taken away and i i know guys like um what's the uh trump's the number two guy cruz and uh cruz and rubio i know i know cruz would definitely do his best to try to take a step backwards on gay marriage and stuff like that and i don't want to see that because i've you know i'm a big supporter that i got lots of gay friends and stuff but i really care about my gun rights that's numero uno and then it kind of falls uh you know down from there you know it's it's pretty important to me that i can do my thing and nobody's gonna bother me because we it's that thing where the first thing that they might regulate would be a machine gun or a silencer or this gun that holds a hundred rounds or you know the most outrageous things but then that's the kind of shit that i have like so so i am at the tip of the iceberg in a way because i've already that's what i like i
Starting point is 01:34:13 like machine guns and ridiculous military and weaponry it's what your viewers like yeah like they don't come to watch you shoot a gun that they have into the dirt yeah i hear that though some people some people want to see a gun that they're like hey why don't you shoot something that i have yeah but mainly they want to live vicariously through you i think yeah i actually i think i take that back i think you could make some interesting videos uh shooting a gun that i have it made me feel like my gun was cooler yeah yeah of course but but in the end like what i like personally you know and i is just it's fucking i'm looking to my left but all these guns next to me are kind of vanilla i don't have any machine guns i kind of want like a skeletonized ar-15
Starting point is 01:34:58 like something that's light and cool and awesome i wanted an ar-15 for a while and then the more i thought about it the more it was just like, do you need that? Oh, no. I don't need it at all. I'm not saying that to you. I'm saying that was my internal thought process of like, I don't need this. It's jewelry. You should do a short barreled rifle. You should do like
Starting point is 01:35:17 a 7-inch AR. Really short barrel. What you can do is you can have a really short barrel, and then a suppressor attached to it, and is you can have a really short barrel and then a suppressor attached to it and then your hand guard goes around the barrel and the suppressor if that makes any sense. That ends up with a really cool short look and there's a stock you can get. I can't think of the manufacturer. It might be SIG but it's not the SIG arm brace but there's a collapsible stocking put on there. So you end up with
Starting point is 01:35:44 an AR that's like overall length, not much at all, really short. But then, you know, it pops apart. It's suppressed. It's a short barrel thing. I like those a lot. And those are really light too. That holding AR, like I got over there, that thing weighs like seven pounds or something. I think they make a six pound AR.
Starting point is 01:36:00 That is in the family of, like you made one. You did a video on it and it was well filmed it was like a panning shot on it and it was super light and i think you could pull the trigger faster than you can with most guns are we talking about the same one yeah it's got a guiseley uh trigger in it uh it's like a two or three hundred dollar trigger it's very nice i got it right here it's like literally right there yeah something in that family really appeals to me. But I totally don't need it. It's jewelry.
Starting point is 01:36:29 It's jewelry. If my wife was like, I wanted to spend three grand on something, I'd be like, do you need that? Stupid. Yeah, there really is no rational reason to get a gun like that. I don't even shoot that often. For my life, yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:44 I don't even shoot that often. I haven't shot in a while. Yeah. Oh, look at that. Does that have a silencer on the front of it? Weighs like six pounds. Yeah, for all those doors you'll be breaching. It's a choke of some sort, right? It's a muzzle brake. Muzzle brake. That's what I'm looking for.
Starting point is 01:36:59 Almost no recoil with this. This is a muzzle brake that Holding makes themselves. This is their bigger one. Like zero recoil. I mean, it really is that Holding makes themselves. This is their bigger one. Like zero recoil. I mean, it really is like a 22. And the trigger is a Geissele trigger. And it's just really...
Starting point is 01:37:14 I mean, there's no way that... You're like, oh yeah, that looks good. But it's a really light... Yeah, it's a really light trigger. It's got a bad... Is that full load? No. Oh, the safety looks like it. Yeah, it's marked for it. Oh, it just doesn't. So you could convert it maybe. Sure. But then, you know, it's a post sample and it's not worth as much because I can't,
Starting point is 01:37:37 you know, sell it then. Unless I'm selling it to another FFL and they got their demo letter and everything. My full auto M16s, I used the cheapest lowers that I could get. They're Frontier Armory plastic lowers. They're actually plastic, which made drilling them out really easy. But I didn't want to convert a good AR-15 and... into something you can't sell. Yeah. My AK is a legit AK. It's a Romac, but yeah,
Starting point is 01:38:12 I like your AK. That's one of the, a lot of times when I see you guns, I think that's really nice, but I don't like covet it. Um, your AK, I would love to have something like that.
Starting point is 01:38:24 Something that would be cool to have just to look at and just hold and pretend like you're a child soldier it's a fun goofy gun that you can shoot at stacks of flower pots and stuff and it's something about that ak is just a joy and uh and also it's lived a life like it's had it's fried bacon it's been in rivers it's you know like it's pretty cool i don't know if i had that furniture on last time i saw it this is a different ak oh so so this is my semi-automatic ak i think it's a waster 10 let's see no it's not bul Bulgarian. But this one's got a... Oh. A Fostek stock on it.
Starting point is 01:39:13 So it makes this thing basically fully automatic without needing the license and all the bullshit. Do you feel like it's much harder to aim that? I watched a video of that, and it seems like it'd be really difficult. You get pretty good at it after a while. Like if we were shooting a barrel 20 yards away, you'd dump them all into it. And that's about as accurate as you're going to be
Starting point is 01:39:34 when you're going full auto anyway. I definitely prefer a real machine gun. It's almost as good. Yeah. You guys want to wrap it? Yeah. All right. That was PKN episode 74. I hope you guys want to wrap it? Yeah. All right. That was PKN episode 74.
Starting point is 01:39:47 I hope you guys liked it. I thought it was a good one. Yeah. Have a good week. A lot of gun talk.

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