Painkiller Already - PKN #99

Episode Date: July 15, 2016

It's PKN time baby!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We're live, yeah. It was real long at that time. So, PKN episode 99, almost 100. I like that our... What did you say? I said one away from 100. Ah, you know, you're just showing off that Mizzou education. Yeah, well, math was more of a secondary thing at Mizzou. Primary was microaggressions and uh tolerance tolerance
Starting point is 00:00:26 101 uh no tolerance for intolerance was the course subtitle but um yeah it's really disappointing now that my i guess alma mater has a reputation for being like an sjw stronghold when i i really don't think it's any worse than any other college campus you know i feel like they're all pretty equal you know it's because originally i felt like your alma mater like was had the reputation of the opposite right because they're like they're swastikas and made out of poop and there's a bunch of other like little things happening history yes most of which turned out to be untrue or unproven. The victim, right?
Starting point is 00:01:09 Like, oh my god, the president ran me over because I'm black. And then you see the video and they jumped on the car. And it's like, the president was standing, not standing, but still. The president wasn't driving. He was in the back seat. Second, the car wasn't moving. And the guy jumps on it and claims he was hit. And you're just like ah there's anyway originally i felt like it had the reputation of being
Starting point is 00:01:30 like i don't want to say racist but like you know like clan friendly and uh and now i feel like it's on the other side like you said like it's this social justice warrior stronghold where they worry about everything where people are safe to say things like i was afraid to speak because you know there's so many white people out here you wouldn't get this yeah did you see uh did you see the black lives matter commandeering of the uh orlando thing yeah some sort of orlando vigil yeah that's actually what i was just making reference to. Yeah, there's like a bunch of people there. A lot of them gay, by the way, at this like Orlando kind of vigil. And then a Black Lives Matter person comes up there and starts talking about all her struggles.
Starting point is 00:02:19 And it's just like, what, every fucking audience with you people? Someone up there, she had less than no charisma. Like, I've never heard someone speak with less charisma, less conviction, less of an ability to get people to give a fuck about what she's saying. Because she went up there and meekly kind of just like, you know, it's good that we're giving attention to the tragedy in Orlando, but what we don't think about
Starting point is 00:02:46 are all the problems of racism right here. And I think that racism here... Oh my God, make it stop. Yeah, that's enough. That's horrible timing. It doesn't understand when to start, when to stop, when to take a pause to get people hanging on your words. Not just a dumb idiot who is only there because people are forced to give her special treatment.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Funny enough, the only reason that she could be there is because she's getting treatment that no one else on that campus could get unless they fulfill that very short list of criteria. You go up there, you say I'm a victim, and then everyone's extra polite to you when they should indeed be the opposite. Bill Maher has a term for it. I think it's the regressive left. I forget what it is. I'm messing it up.
Starting point is 00:03:29 Is it? And it's the side of the left that makes me a Trump sympathizer. There are aspects of Democrats that I greatly respect. People pushing social values forward into the modern age. I like that. Oh, it's the modern age. I like that. It's popular. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:48 I missed that, actually. I'm just agreeing anyway. I don't know. Like, there's a certain, like, sense of society that I generally still, you know. I don't know. There are lots of things. And there's lots of things about the Republicans that I don't like. But my goodness, it's that regressive left,
Starting point is 00:04:11 that unlikable cunt that took the stage during the Orlando massacre that makes me run from the left as fast as I can. You know, like that it's, it's like, that's a knock on our like national intelligence that everybody has to sit around and watch these dunces speak about nonsense and speak poorly at that and everyone has to sit around there under the banner of tolerance and be like oh yeah see that point she made that you know it may not be the way we've learned to speak in
Starting point is 00:04:37 public but it's certainly poignant nonetheless you know you have to really think about where they're coming from it's like you can't just honestly say like no no these are bad points and the fact that she's commandeering something about 50 people being shot in a gay club in orlando just like two days ago makes her a bad person it makes her a bad person if she were a white person up there saying these things it would be headline cnn fucking news white supremac Discount suffering of gays in Orlando. Republicans to blame? Question mark? That would be a thing, but everybody has
Starting point is 00:05:12 to sit on their hands and pretend that this is reasonable in any way. It's like there's this competitive virtuousness among them, and they just run so far to this tolerance and victimhood bullshit that it makes you want to club them over the head like a fucking baby seal with the prize pelt.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Virtue signaling. That's what it's called. Virtue signaling. And that's all that you hear from a lot of arguments from the far right and the far left where, you know, they don't really have an argument for financially how everyone can go to school for free. So Bernie Sanders has to get up there and just posture himself morally as i just think it's immoral that anyone should have to go through life and not have an education when the one top one percent could pay for it probably you know that's a great accent God, you're really nailing it. I have top, top advisors that I've used before.
Starting point is 00:06:09 I granted I'm an independent my entire running. Only once I wanted power did I switch to the Democrat side. What am I talking about? I'm very old. Yeah, yeah. I think I shit myself. I think I shit myself There's like There's an industrious Good hard working version of the left That I'd be proud to be on Heck that's how I think of Obama
Starting point is 00:06:32 Like kind of a centrist left of the middle Like good guy I know he's not as popular as he was Back as he first ran But I still think Altogether I give him a net thumbs up On his presidency. Not everyone will agree.
Starting point is 00:06:47 But what we have now, like, God, I want to run as far away from every fucking hippie with their mandals screaming about racism. At least most young people's opinions about politics, everything for the most part, it seems like every opinion doesn't have to do with how the world should be run. It's how they think the world ought to be run. You know, like, you know, we ought to have free school for everyone. It doesn't matter that there's no realistic way to do it. You know, the fact that I'm saying this right now means that I'm projecting out there an image of virtue and careful, you know, consideration for those below me socioeconomically. So everybody around, take note of my position. I'm one of the good ones. I have the prepackaged approved position that you know that all your liberal professors around here are okay with. You know, you have the gall in a
Starting point is 00:07:38 classroom to say, yeah, I don't think college should be free. Like, why should someone out there who's working their ass off have to to why should somebody who went to medical school have to subsidize your uh underwater basket weaving degree uh for 46 000 why is that really well stated peak is taken as a moral affront instead of a rational one and there's a thing to get to school you know so the thing is i find these people to be losers right right, with a capital L. And I think it's okay to identify losers as losers. When someone just waves a flag and says, I'm not a fucking loser, the system is rigged, right? Like, well, dude, you fucking majored in humanities or something.
Starting point is 00:08:21 You know, underwater basket weaving was your example. It could be gender studies. Take your pick, like, you fucking ruined your education, you dumb fuck, right? You're a loser with a capital L. You, like, set yourself up for success, learn a skill while you're in this school, come out of it, hit the ground running,
Starting point is 00:08:40 work super hard, like, it, there's no guarantee that you're going to be successful, but you sure can stack the deck in your favor by making smart moves. And there's, oh God, I hate when adults like, well, this generation doesn't do, they're not as great as my generation. Look, there are plenty of losers in my generation too. But I feel like there's a general pessimism and excuse making that to me like quantifies or like, like it's across our current graduates, this notion that like,
Starting point is 00:09:16 it's not my fault that I'm not doing what I wish I was. I think it's almost more than that in that it's not just apathy or anything. It's that now power has been given to the victimized. So being a victim and being victimized, if you're a member of a protected class, which is anything but a white male,
Starting point is 00:09:38 you can use that victimhood as power. You can get people fired. You can get curriculums changed. You can have the bar for being a Marine lowered. You can have any number of qualifying standards for any number of occupations can be changed based on nothing more than, I don't like that. It's not fair. Just go, oh, I'm a five foot one woman, but my dream of being a firefighter is shattered because this six foot eight man thinks he can do it better than me like you have to bend over backwards for everyone and no one i feel like society needs to start saying no again
Starting point is 00:10:12 where when they come out and they're like hey i'm transgender and i don't have a dick anymore and you know i was a man now i'm a woman but i'd really like to beat the shit out of biological women in a ring and be paid for it. Society should say, no! No, you can't do that, because that's cheating. Your big man hands are not going in that ring with that woman. That's not fair.
Starting point is 00:10:35 Everybody has to dance around. Everything you're saying is so well stated today, Taylor. And the examples you're making are so irrefutable. If I was there, I'd kiss you on the forehead, because no homo. But I'm just saying. I have a pretty high T-level. Alright.
Starting point is 00:10:52 It took you a second to process that. But yeah. That's the thing. Come on, man. Accept where you are. Make the most of it. Don't line up excuses. Don't tell me you're a victim. Don't rock the cry bully thing. And I did want to say, though, that some of the examples you made, like the Marine standards, they're going back.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Have you seen this at all? So apparently there was like some push from up high. I hope I have my story right. Where they wanted like Marine standards to be adjusted again. like marine standards to be adjusted again. So what they did is they removed the gender entirely from the adjusting and they made it assigned to their role. So artillery, one of the very few I know anything about. Apparently the Jabindal is lifting heavy shit.
Starting point is 00:11:36 Like there's, is it called a shell? What is a giant bullet called, Kyle? Artillery rounds. Okay, yeah. So that giant artillery round, like picking that up and shoving it in the big gun takes some muscles. And they just redefined the standard and ignored gender, but they did it by job. So if you're like, I don't know, a warehouse clerk or something, there's one standard for you. And if you're an artillery loader person, there's another standard for you one woman so far has made the standard it's at like a one percent pass rate it was previously pretty high like 90 pass rate like the women
Starting point is 00:12:13 could meet the women's standard now that it's just a job standard like there's no chicks in that job period um there was a fireman thing that'll stick? Or they'll just say that's sexist by making qualifications that only men can achieve? I think it's sticking. As a matter of fact, I could be wrong, but I feel like it's spreading. That the insanity of this thing is coming back too. I think I read a thing about
Starting point is 00:12:40 why you don't want a woman to be your fireman recently. And they're just coming to a standard. There's a YouTube video of it. Oh, yeah? I bet that was a long, complicated read. Why you don't want a woman as your fireman? Well, first of all, my fireman probably should have a cock because he's a fireman.
Starting point is 00:12:57 Look, if you're coming into a building to rescue me, literally me, then that means that I'm injured. There's a reason I'm not outside the building, all right? I've gotten out already. Like, I'm not in here just hanging out because I like it hot. Like, I'm hurt. I'm trapped. You have to free me. You have to help me overcome something that I already can't.
Starting point is 00:13:16 And look, I've had little girlfriends. I dated a Filipina chick who was like 5'1 or something, and she was in the army, and she was strong. She could put me on her back and piggyback me around. It was crazy. If you were cooperating. I was going to say that too, but I don't think she... I don't know her, but dead weight Kyle? She's not dragging me.
Starting point is 00:13:33 No. She's not going to pick me up, hoist me on her back, and get me anywhere to safety in a fire. That's the point. If I ask Kyle, assuming Kyle, you're unconscious in a building, the smoke knocked you out, you're going to die if nobody gets to you. There are women who can do it.
Starting point is 00:13:50 In your unconscious mind, the choice between the best female 5'3 firefighter on the planet, not this country, on the planet outside of that door that needs to knock down the door, get in, and save you, or you have me after like four beers a crab boiled dinner best on the planet I might take the girl because I believe there are women in existence that can do this job well like five three for a reason because there's not a five foot three woman on the planet who can lift Kyle while she's wearing her own kit of, you know, 40 pounds of whatever to keep the smoke out and lift
Starting point is 00:14:27 you up and heave you out of there. Whereas with my four-beer self, I could walk in, grab Kyle by the wrist, maybe grab a few things, pilfer from his home for a minute and then head on out. Grab Kyle and be like, I know he likes the Nighthawk. I'll get that one too. Or I'd walk in there and Kyle would be like,
Starting point is 00:14:43 you're like, oh damn it, you're stuffing him in your pants. Save my Asus monitor, come back for me. It's new. Yeah, yeah, I hear you. I just feel like these standards should be by job. And then I saw, there was a TV show a long time ago, I think I might have talked about it once before,
Starting point is 00:15:04 but there was a woman dealing with a perp and she killed him. And it wasn't like it was a bad shooting. It was just that if she was, like, the perp wasn't particularly strong, but stronger than most women. If it was a dude, they might not have had to use a bullet. And it's like, huh, right. You know, like, put some muscles on a guy and all of a sudden he has an option whereas like I think a lot of us concealed carry people say one of the nice things about a gun is that that woman you're about to
Starting point is 00:15:34 mug might have one right there is an equalizer that fits in a purse that you know you're rolling the dice with and but you know when you're rolling the dice with. But when you're a policeman, it's like, whoa, whoa, whoa. Maybe we don't need that. The equalizer shouldn't be choice one. It would be nice if instead of a bullet, you could just get your ass kicked every now and then. Because I don't get out of control when I'm drunk,
Starting point is 00:16:01 but I've seen people do it. And there's lots of nice guys who 99% of their lives are cool, but have maybe one or two Saturday nights in their life where things are just fucking wild and they're out of hand, out of control, and they could quickly turn around and deck
Starting point is 00:16:16 the first person they see. And that could mean either their life or a good, firm ass whooping. And if it's a big, burly cop that you turn around and slug, probably a good, firm ass whooping and if it's a big burly cop that you turn around and slug probably a good firm ass whooping and pissing yourself if you're a strong man as a cop and you know this this applies to like weak women cops just like it applies to that gigantic morbidly obese cop who couldn't fight if he had to you know yeah if you're in shape fit a reasonably strong man there's a much higher level uh that it can get to where you can still de-escalate it you know
Starting point is 00:16:52 you can get your opponent can get to the you know i don't know they're your 20 yard line and you can still tear them back you know steal the ball recover as a woman or a big fat fuck they get five yards down the way and you have to resort to the big guns because it's like well i can't catch him if this gets any more out of hand i can't de-escalate physically i can't do this there's a clip online of this black lady cop and this black gentleman who were at a pullover and the guy got out of his car his daughter was in the car and he walked around to the back it might have been a caravan or something and she walked up to him and was telling him to get back in the car get back in the car and whatnot and she got like right up in his face and it was clearly the behavior of someone who'd never been retaliated you know that she
Starting point is 00:17:40 never let me understand so the dude is a being pulled over and she is the cop. Correct. And the guy comes back, the woman's saying, get back in the car, get back in the car. And she kind of just leans over to look and see on the other side of the car, a caravan, if anybody's getting out. And this guy just cold cocks her. Just a real simple punch that probably would have staggered a man. But it was enough to pretty much completely incapacitate her. Where suddenly this guy just hops back in his caravan,
Starting point is 00:18:10 and he's driving away as you hear on her dash microphone the... Like the I just got punched in the throat sound. I've heard it. It's scary. And that could happen to a man, too. It's just like you can never feel comfortable as a cop. And I know we're dividing this thing with the gender thing, but I think the
Starting point is 00:18:31 police thing, any job that requires, you know, law enforcement or physical nature, they should have physical standards. I don't care about gender standards most of the time, although in combat, it's just not good to have someone who bleeds four days out of the month, someone with a 20% body fat content, and someone who every guy there wants to fuck.
Starting point is 00:18:53 Have you ever injected one good-looking female into a cohesive football team and saw how that went? If the swim team is there, everybody's buddy-buddy, and then you add a hot female, all of a sudden there's a competition. One of the guys is going to fuck the female who's on the team. That's going to inevitably happen. Everyone else is going to want to fuck the female who's on the team. It's just not a good idea for combat. Everybody's going to resent the guy that bangs her, and everybody's going to resent her for not banging them. What you want is gay sex. If you're in combat
Starting point is 00:19:25 and the woman is injured, you're significantly more likely to take stupid chances to try and recover her as opposed to if one of your guy friends was shot out there. Because just intrinsically as humans, we value the lives of women much more than the lives of men because we have to evolutionarily.
Starting point is 00:19:41 One guy can do the job of a lot of men and just bang 20 women and get that reproductive rate back up you know trump suddenly there's only two women left in your tribe well fuck we're we're extinct we're done like so it's a natural thing that you want to protect women more than men and you don't want that in combat they asked trump if like women under his presidency weren't earned just as much as men. And he said, if they do the same job, then yes. And they used it against him.
Starting point is 00:20:11 But I, and people I think know now, I'm not really all that pro-Trump, but I liked it. It was the right answer. We were mowing my yard yesterday. And Hope got stuck. So she calls me and I have to like untoe her and then Colin got stuck because we were mowing wet grass and and he kind of Hope was in a ditch I had to pull her out with the golf cart Colin mowed into the tall it was like two and a half foot tall wet grass too fast he got stuck I had to help him get going again and then like I'm running around solving everyone's
Starting point is 00:20:43 problems and mowing and I'm thinking to myself, if this were the real world, I would be the highest paid guy here, and I should be. I'm sure there's someone like I could mow just as well as anybody else here. Horseshit. Who did you call when you had trouble? That's the guy that makes the money.
Starting point is 00:20:58 And I feel like that exists in a lot of situations. There's so many jobs that require lifting 50 pounds repeatedly maybe a hundred times a day maybe through the course of the day you move 50 000 pounds of materiel um and that that artillery position that's where the it's not round per round like loading them in it's getting the crates that have lots of those rounds down out of the big truck and sitting them down and stacking them it's's doing things like sandbags and stuff like that. It's intense physical labor that would wear my ass out after an hour of it. It's stuff that's hard.
Starting point is 00:21:32 I mean, if you've ever done a job where you're... Garbage man. Sure, garbage man. You forget about how much work is like that, especially in combat, where I remember thinking about it the first time I watched band of brothers because every other war movie i'd watched i never really thought about the whole getting set up process once you're in the field where like saving private ryan they just waltz on and they're like all right who that was a long hike but we're here point us in the direction of our two-bedroom suite and we will be on the way and they just kind kind of showed up and it was set up like a Marriott. In Band of Brothers, you see them just
Starting point is 00:22:08 struggle. Just, oh, they're walking so far and so long and they're so wounded and then they get there and the commanding officer's, alright, get this set up! And they have to, as they're on the verge of almost vomiting from exhaustion, do what Kyle says, lifting heavy boxes, getting these heavy
Starting point is 00:22:24 machines set up. You'd have to really be a strong person to do something like that. And everybody needs to be pulling their own weight. You can't have Suzy Q over in the corner who's just so tired from that walk, and she'd help if she could, but next time, I promise.
Starting point is 00:22:39 I promise. I've grown up living with lots of women, and they can't lift things I don't know any women who could who have ever been able lifting I lift things on a daily fucking basis I get a text message for me to come lift a thing and I come over it Kitty will be like Oh, that one's kind of heavy, and I'm just like boom like like like talking about lady. I'm a grown-up I could fucking lift a hundred pounds like we I'm gonna go back to dog food like like that's what
Starting point is 00:23:06 Dog food is like what is the art dog food comes like three we get three 50 pound bags at a time i think we got like our dogs are like horses and uh you know they're there on the front porch and jackie's like i'm gonna need those over there and it's just not her job you know and like you said there's a million things like that you know i lift stuff jack stuff. Jackie Weedwag. This fucking TV behind me. Go on. This, this, let me, let me try to show, this thing weighs, I should just look it up, but I'm going to estimate it weighs 150 pounds.
Starting point is 00:23:34 And the outside, from corner to corner, it's like probably 70, it's eight feet. That's 96 inches. Yeah, that's, it's, uh, six's uh six feet would be 72 six and a half feet something like that it's no there are no women who can move this fucking tv i moved this entire dresser by myself this entire tv by myself that tv by yourself yes that's rough in 150 pounds is tough but the shape and size of like yeah that's more not even the weight that's hard yeah unwieldy like nature it's kind of like uh if it was 150 pound on it if it was 150 pound volleyball
Starting point is 00:24:11 i'd be like yeah so right but it wasn't go on taylor i cut you off oh and i was saying uh it might even been bill burr doing a joke about uh women i'm sure it was because he tends to do that that's a beautiful tv that's a very small person have you ever done like a like have you ever been surprised by how weak a significant other was not saying that they're like anemic or abnormally weak for a woman or something just seeing that difference in strength like sometimes like with their hands like with melissa's hands all with two hands like i put one of her wrists here and i'll grab the other wrist here and so i'm holding both wrists like this and she's hands, with two hands, like I put one of her wrists here and I'll grab the other wrist here and so I'm holding both wrists like this
Starting point is 00:24:48 and she's like that and I'll be like, try and get out or something and she's Can't. You know, can't because I don't think I could do that. Yeah, I can do the same thing and I didn't think about it that much until I heard You can hold both wrists in this? Yeah, in my whole hand.
Starting point is 00:25:03 You use like this grip. That grip that like this grip that grip i'll either do that or put a finger between the wrists to keep them from cooperating oh i understand yeah with one hand but um yeah it's it's weird to feel that and be like wow this is another adult who just they really do think that box is heavy. Like it's a different world. I've told girlfriends before I've been like you know I could just beat you to death right now. I say it twice a day. I know you could.
Starting point is 00:25:34 She's like this isn't fair. I can't. I was like just keep this in mind. I work out three days a month or something like that. I ain't even trying here. This is just me. That's just how strong my hands are.
Starting point is 00:25:48 There are dudes out there I see on a daily basis who are three times stronger than I am. Just keep this in mind next time you're walking around. I had a similar thing with my daughter. Not me threatening to destroy her and keep her in fear. But it was like, I wonder if you really understand the difference in strength between men and women. Because I didn't want her to be this, like, you know, well, I could probably beat up some guys, like, type of person. Like, no, no, no, no. None of them.
Starting point is 00:26:14 None of them. That wimpy guy who can barely grow a mustache in 10th grade will slaughter you. Right? He'll just crush you. Contest. Yeah. He would beat the fuck out of you every guy in your school could beat you up now there's probably one girl who could beat up one of those guys now can i say
Starting point is 00:26:34 this there was a girl but she's not that girl yeah there so so there it depends how old they are right because i remember when i was in like the 11th grade, Heather Vaughn's father was 6'5", 230 pounds, a giant athletic man. All of his brothers were, too. They're all athletes. It's like a family of athletes. Not necessarily professionals, but collegiate. They're all badasses. Heather was 5'10", 160 pounds, and her ass was just this giant muscle that made power.
Starting point is 00:27:11 Her arms were like man arms. The bone structure was big. The biceps were big. She pitched collegiate softball. I would still kick her ass. Yeah, any one of us would, given that she could take the 11th grade version of me, you know, a little less facial hair.
Starting point is 00:27:30 I'm telling you, in high school, like she was bench pressing like a hundred and 135, 145 pounds, something like that. Like this was a legitimately powerful. But for high school, the rest of us were. If I told you in high school that I was benching 135 pounds,
Starting point is 00:27:45 you'd be like, what the fuck? Why would you tell me that? That's an embarrassingly low amount. If I went into the weight room my junior year with my friends and was like, guys, 135, load it up. You'd be like, what the fuck? Are you okay? Are you doing all right?
Starting point is 00:28:01 Because yesterday you were doing a lot more. Are you dying? 45 on each side. Come on now. No, I lifted more than that. You know, you guys have all heard my stories in 10th grade, like no signs of puberty. So I hit the gym. I was lifting weights in 10th grade.
Starting point is 00:28:15 I guess it was just three days a week, but I was really committed to it. It was a big part of my, I don't know, sense of – it was my routine. It was part of who I am. I'm a weightlifter and I and I got some results in my body didn't grow but like I was starting to like shit was showing and oh yeah and I I me like with no leg
Starting point is 00:28:36 hair to speak of was benching like 160 or 165 or something like it 135 yeah I would have totally kick that girl's ass i remember when i was in 10th grade uh there was a girl who lifted weights this is what her workout was i don't know what her bench was she squatted an enormous amount it was much more than what i squatted it was it was well over it was between two and three hundred like there are women out there that are that have man strength i'll admit that. They're just...
Starting point is 00:29:05 It's rare. The difference between men and women's lower body strength is less than the difference between men and women's upper body strength. So I would believe that her squat would be closer to yours than her bench. I wonder how many chin-ups... That's the real
Starting point is 00:29:22 thing that women struggle with is chin-ups. Oh, they can't do it. They can't do them because it's all like- Because it's all upper body. It's what you'd be using to fight. It's all in your arms and here and your back and shoulders and everything. It's upper body. Plus they carry fat.
Starting point is 00:29:42 Their body fat percentage is higher. They have boobs. They've got hips. They've got a butt. And they have to pull You know, their body fat percentage is higher. They have boobs, they've got hips, they've got a butt, and they have to pull that shit over the bar. It's exhausting. Must be terrible. It's a bad combo. They shouldn't be held to the same standard with that because they have a built-in disadvantage. No, I don't know. It depends what the job is. If your job is to climb a ladder,
Starting point is 00:30:00 standard doesn't... I don't care that you've got boobs you need to bring. I was saying as far as a working out, if i was a personal trainer and a weekend i wouldn't be yelling at suzy being like anthony came in the same time last week and it's kicking your ass like like but if yeah if they have to climb ladders for their house painting job and you know stephanie can only climb half as many ladders then yeah she's got to get fired because that's not fair but no so we've got i don't know i've got new topics i i i feel like some of the stuff i'm most excited about talking about like the paramotor and the drama i don't want to talk about on pkn yeah oh let's talk about this so so um i i'll have my vibe for pka is there any way i
Starting point is 00:30:43 can show that off on the show because Because it's got the video out. And what I'm thinking is, is there any way for me to give you two video sources that you could record? One, of course, is this camera showing me standing there with my VR thing on. But could I also somehow get you the video of what I'm seeing? I feel like you could easily bounce it back and forth right like you could change in skype your camera source from your webcam to whatever capture device it is that you're sharing it through yeah but then i need somebody over there doing that because i'm in vr it'd probably be a pull down right like you know you change your skype camera
Starting point is 00:31:19 yeah but i'm in vr so i can't like i'd have to like come out of it and be like all right now i'll show you what i'm seeing and then right i guess i could do that that's what i'm thinking you know i don't know a better way to do it um but you'd be like yeah you know like all right so this is what it looks like here's me here's what i'm seeing and that's uh it's a close thing to have it all set up by then it arrived's supposed to arrive Thursday by end of day. I'm pretty much ready for it. The PC's all put together. I don't have my desk in and everything.
Starting point is 00:31:52 I've got some electricians downstairs putting some lighting in and fixing some stuff up. Are your recess lighting LED? I don't know. Yeah, you've got to go LED with a dimmer. I'm telling you that's where it's at. Why? Oh, it's the perfect everything. So LED doesn't create heat.
Starting point is 00:32:12 And I know you live in Georgia, so you've got the same like North Carolina concerns that I do, you know, like, oh, turn the lights off. It's boiling. So there's like no heat. Like you leave an LED light on for hours and hours and hours and you touch it and there's no signs of heat. Right?
Starting point is 00:32:27 It's not doesn't burn you, but it's like cool to the touch. And the other thing is unlike fluorescents, they dim. So like what we do in our place is we, I like to over light it. This room, two, four, six, eight, ten lights in this room. I can turn the sun on and then I just put it on a dimmer. So now I've got what I consider I like it extra bright for reading. I think even brighter than other people do.
Starting point is 00:32:53 So I've got reading lights and then I've got What's the best kind of light to read under? Because I know some of them are really shit for your eyes to just be sitting in there all day. Yeah, I don't know. I love LED. Fluorescence is bad for your eyes, right? People say that, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:08 The fluorescents blink at like, I don't know, 60 times per second. Yeah, it would be 60 times per second because that's what the power is, right? Is that how many hertz power runs in America? 60? I think it's 50 in the UK. Anyway, so yeah, I think the fluorescence cycles 60 times a second. And while I feel like you don't walk into the
Starting point is 00:33:30 room and be like, oh, it's a slideshow or no one's doing strobe effects like at a dance club. But it's kind of apparent. You can perceive it a bit. It'll give you a headache after a while. I don't think I'm going to use the lights that are in there now. It's throughout the basement really, not just the office that I'm putting everything in, in particular.
Starting point is 00:33:49 There's four of them in there, and they're very bright. So I may change it, but I think most of the time, I'm not going to use lights at all. I'm just going to be sitting in the dark. Because I picked that room in particular because it has no windows. So that room will be as black as the pit of hell. So it's perfect for what i want to do so you know these monitors will really stand out they i've got i've got uh led strips to under light the desk and to under light i got um usb led strips to go behind the monitors so they
Starting point is 00:34:16 have a little back glow to them and everything is rgb so everything will be the same color if i want it to be and um i think it's gonna be pretty neat when I get it. I like how you're taking it to the nth degree. Like, man cave, not severe enough for you. You've got a real hobbiton lair down there. A dance hall. A hermit hole.
Starting point is 00:34:38 I don't want any light in here. Get it out. So you don't want a cutesy sign that says, no girls allowed? No. Nothing. No light. Remove this. here get it out so you don't want like a cutesy sign that says no girls allowed no nothing no light remove this like yeah and then off camera he's like okay put the no girls allowed sign on the door on the outside yeah the thing about led lights and this is a big deal they turn on right away and i love that i've had fluorescent lights this is especially true in like garages and outdoor environments they take a while to warm up so in a room They take a while to warm up. So in a room, they take a while to warm up,
Starting point is 00:35:05 but they're at like 80% in a hurry. Outdoors, you know, like our garage, fluorescent bullshit lights. If I'm looking for something, you know, in the winter. You found it by the time they're hot. Yeah, they're not even hot yet. Yeah, but the LEDs, just like old school lights. Yeah, I'm a little,
Starting point is 00:35:24 I think I'm going gonna put a better door on there because it's just a regular inner house door but here's my thought process if i'm in virtual reality with this headset on and it's gonna be loud as a motherfucker and i'm home alone someone could come in and kill me and i would never fucking know it i gotta put a door with a lock on it behind me that you know i would hear if someone was knocking it down. Because, like, maybe that's paranoia, but, like, I'm going to be down there. One, two, three. He's had that concern since the first time Jericho mentioned, were you on that show?
Starting point is 00:35:57 And he's like, hey, do you ever worry a murderer will come get you while you're in this, like, vulnerable state? And I read online online people were talking about which headsets to use with the i've been doing a lot of vive research today and they're like oh get a short cable because the vibes you know your headset plugs directly in like at the back of your head so there's no reason to have a cable longer than eight inches or so it just needs to go from your ear to the back of your head um and i was looking at and i was then someone was saying you wear your headset you're pretty brave i'd be afraid someone and i was looking at and i was then someone was saying you wear your headset you're pretty brave i'd be afraid someone and i was like oh my god yeah that is true i was
Starting point is 00:36:30 like because the scenario that will that will happen so so often is that at 3 a.m in the morning i'm gonna be home alone by myself in the basement all like wired up this thing's cranked i'm all immersed i'm fucking shooting pirates or something hacking away at like demons and like i'm as defenseless as you can be it like you might as well you're gonna feel your alarm have like a we're home mode you know for like when you go to bed because your house has an alarm on it yeah but like what good is that going to do? Oh, you think you wouldn't hear the alarm. It'll just let the assassin know. No, not through all that.
Starting point is 00:37:10 I'm in my own world in there. So you want an external door for safety. I'm either going to put an external door on there, or I'm going to do something really cool with a sliding wall. Please tell me the idea is stolen from Home Alone. All you have to do is just put broken ornaments on the floor in front of your man cave. And when you hear the screeching, you know...
Starting point is 00:37:36 Hands of paint on a piece of rope or a pendulum. Marks them. A big paint can. I have a friend who has a hidden gun room in his basement, and it's like you open up a broom closet, and there his toilet brushes and plungers are, and you're like, oh, a broom closet, and you just close the door. But if you grab the back panel of that broom closet with your fingernails and slit it,
Starting point is 00:38:01 it reveals a whole new room that's as big as a bedroom full of guns. Does it have the slate walls where you can put hangers everywhere? Do you know what I'm talking about? Slat walls. Slat walls and pegboard everywhere. It's very well equipped. Probably a hundred grand worth of shit down there at least.
Starting point is 00:38:19 I was like, oh wow, no one would ever find this. I thought that was really cool. It's easy to do. It's just a hidden wall that just... You would open the door and be like, oh, wow, no one would ever, ever find this. I thought that was really cool. It's easy to do. It's just a hidden wall that just, so you would open the door and be like, oh, this is bullshit, but there would be just a big, it's a big thing of plywood
Starting point is 00:38:34 braced up with two-by-fours on rollers, and it's got sheetrock on one side of it that looks like a wall. Provided they don't hear the virtual reality porn blasting through Kyle's headset, they'll never know. I'm laughing at you standing in the middle of
Starting point is 00:38:51 your room, like in the middle of an axe swing or whatever, and you hear just like a scuttering or something upstairs and you take it off and Kitty? Kitty? Kitty? Hello? Is that an assassin?
Starting point is 00:39:05 Is that Zika? We're laughing at Kyle, but I will say, when my family's not home, I am way more on edge. Because when they're home, there's a couple things. It's not that I expect Colin or Hope to defend the family, but they do do two things. One, they explain any noise. If I hear a dish slide in the sink, I'll assume that someone else in my family pushed it or a thing happened.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Not a benevolent person. Yeah. And the other thing is I feel like I've got eyes in that part of the building. There's someone over there checking things out that would at least scream for help. So the noises are explained away and like you know right now i can tell you there's no one in hope's room because there's nothing going on there there's no one in the living room there's no one in different places in the house it's mostly covered because people are there when they're not there i don't know it's just like everything outside that door could be anything and it freaks me out a little bit yeah i uh i got my gun out and looked around a little bit last night.
Starting point is 00:40:07 I thought I heard a car pull up, but it was just in a different direction, at a neighbor's house. Somebody was pulling up. And I'm looking at my weapons over here, and I'm just like, hmm,.308 or.223? What did you pick? I took the.223. I would have, too.
Starting point is 00:40:24 It had bullets in the magazine. Yeah, yeah. And I figured I could.223. I would have too. And I figured I could shoot it faster. I just feel like it does the job. You don't need the.308 to take down a burglar. It was like the battle rifle is what we really want to take in there. Yeah, give him some PTSD. I feel like that's too much scope, Kyle.
Starting point is 00:40:44 I leave both eyes open and I can co-witness. There's just no reason for anyone to have that much firepower. Remember I've told you how I'm terrible about co-witnessing? It's tied into the whole double vision thing. I think that I am like, you know, in terms
Starting point is 00:40:59 of handicaps, there are worse ones to have. But I'm literally like co-witness handicap. Like it's not a thing that i can do um i don't think i don't think practice fixes it is that a mac 10 yeah um it was in my picture the other day and chiz was like i was taking a i was just taking a picture of my pc to show chiz that i kind of like gotten the build pretty much done and he was like is that a mac 10 on the floor and i looked in the picture and I'm like yeah it is such a piece of shit I offered if you want is it full auto no this is a semi-automatic one is it hard to convert them in
Starting point is 00:41:36 general I know this is price one this one is hard to convert mm-hmm and that's why I haven't done it I bought it to convert it that's why I bought it and then I learned a little more about it and there's some issue where it's a bit difficult so um i never went through the whole thing but mac 10s in general are the cheapest and and uh pretty fun uh machine guns they're about 4500 to get a fully automatic transferable uh mac 10 oftentimes they'll come with a suppressor that's a special Mac 10 suppressor that goes on for another grand or something like that.
Starting point is 00:42:10 Really high rate of fire and they just go... What caliber are they? There are 9mm ones and there are 380 ones. Let's see. The ones that I've shot are 45 and 9mm. The two that I've shot. And the 9mm had a much higher rate of fire. I feel like it's see, the ones that I've shot are 45 and 9mm, the two that I've shot,
Starting point is 00:42:27 and the 9mm had a much higher rate of fire. I feel like it's, hey, spend $5,500 plus probably another grand or $1,500 in licenses to own all that stuff. No, you don't need a license for this. So there's a $200 tax. Okay, so $200 tax, Dan, $5,500 for a silenced Mac-10. I added $45,000 plus the grand. And then that gives you the ability to spend like $10 in 10 seconds. Yeah. And it retains its value.
Starting point is 00:42:57 So you can turn right around and get your money back. It's not like, I don't know, this like battle rifle thing here. If you wanted to like recreate this, the scope's three grand, the rifle's another three. It's $6,000 for just what I got there, but used, I don't know what it's worth. It's probably worth four grand the way it's sitting there because things
Starting point is 00:43:16 depreciate. These don't depreciate. Especially if you hang on to them. One of these? Yes. Yes, you'll blow the competition away with one of these. You pull this out, and they're just going to just shit themselves. No, this probably isn't good.
Starting point is 00:43:31 Good luck concealing it. That would be so heavy. You're just constantly pulling up one side of the pants. And the magazine's out of it. It's got a long magazine that comes out. I don't know where the mag is. The sights are just complete shit. It's a real piece of junk.
Starting point is 00:43:46 You used to be able to buy the fully automatic ones for $50 a piece. If you bought them in quantity, you could get a whole pallet of them for a few thousand dollars. I know someone who did that and over the years sold them. If you buy a new gun, its value does dip.
Starting point is 00:44:03 It might take 10 years before you sell it for the price you bought it. As an investment, that's not great. If you buy a used one, then hopefully you'd be able to sell it for the same thing you bought it for. Assuming you bought it at a fair price. I don't like guns as this great
Starting point is 00:44:21 investment vehicle. I like the S&P 500 for that. It doubles every, whatever, seven to ten years. But I will say most of the time I buy something, I kiss that money goodbye. My golf cart, I couldn't sell that for what I bought it. Consider that money gone and enjoy the thing that you bought. Cars are that way. Cell phones.
Starting point is 00:44:44 My paramotor. Look, there are very few people who want paramotors in this world you could turn around and sell that paramotor there's got to be people who are wanting to get into it but not you know wanting to to pay 12 000 yeah sure right i think i'd take a big hit on it make his money back i think is what you mean right yeah yeah like you take a big hit and then every year that oh the way, paramotors are advancing a lot. So I feel like if I sat on it for, say, four years, there's a lot of people who would be like, oh, you know, no. The new paramotors have better aerodynamics and better torque steer
Starting point is 00:45:15 and this and that. And, you know, like the things that come out, it'll be missing features. It won't just be slightly used. But guns, you know, especially if you're buying them used yeah you you're kind of just parking a ton of new features you need with guns like smith and wesson isn't like coming 2017 a new kind of revolver that's gonna change the game or it's like now they kind of got they figured that out yeah and sometimes the styles change a little bit and i'm like i see one from the 80s that's very much like today's, but the handle's wooden.
Starting point is 00:45:47 And I'm like, ooh, I like that 80s chic. You know, like that one looks cool to me. That looks like the paneling on the side of my parents' van that they drove in the 80s. Very reminiscent. Jackie wants a new car. So she's got a bit of car fever, and she's not one to get car fever. Usually when she does, all you have to do is like clean, you know, they call it detailing, but you know, clean her car. And she's like, Oh, this is pretty much new again. Nevermind. It's good. Um, but,
Starting point is 00:46:16 uh, she's very excited about the concept of a new car. So hope on Sunday, she leaves for her 16 day, um, speech camp, right? So it's going to help her next year and she'll enjoy it and whatever. So on Sunday she leaves for speech camp, two weeks. Then when she comes back, she's going to dive right into driving lessons. Just in time. I could go on and on about how all problems are solved with daddy's money, but new topic. So she's going but new topic so she's going to come
Starting point is 00:46:48 back she's going to get driving lessons get over her fear of driving etc get and i think as soon as the lessons end we're going to like sign up for a license i don't know what kind of delay is there like in jersey it would be two months but i think here it might be like less than a week or something wait for a driver's license you can just walk in and get it like you that's how mine was i went in i got it when i was 16 they gave me a little piece of paper with my picture on it and they said in the next two weeks you're going to get the real plastic one just keep the paper with you in the car are you sure you're talking about a driver's license that included the driver's test the part where yeah that's how i because i remember
Starting point is 00:47:25 i took it the day after my 16th birthday on that monday and i got it that day because i skipped school i just drove around because i was so excited yeah that's probably how they do it now with the my first driver's license when i was 16 obviously i took the test passed and they printed it out right there um but this last time you know every 10 years you got a new one. So when I was 26, I had to get a new one. Or maybe it's 12, whatever it was. But in that case, they gave me the paper one and then they mailed me one. I think in North Carolina they print it out right here because I had to renew mine not long ago. So I got it renewed.
Starting point is 00:48:01 But what took time in Jersey was scheduling it. They're like, oh, you need a driving tester to be available. Are you providing the car? They made sure that your car had an emergency brake or access to a brake. And then it was like two months before someone who would sit in the passenger seat and evaluate you was available. Jesus Christ. Yeah, I don't know where North Carolina falls on that spectrum. I just walked in and the first available overweight woman was out to help me. Went in there, crushed the driver's test, dominated parallel parking. I still bust out that sky.
Starting point is 00:48:36 I'm an excellent parallel parker. Did you get perfect grades on your driver's test? I got, it was, I think I got a 93 or 94 on it and I lost all of my points for not completely stopping at a stop sign apparently and rolling it a bit.
Starting point is 00:48:55 I also made only one mistake on my driver's test but they didn't give you a number. They allowed you to make like two or three mistakes. They just count mistakes. And the one I made was like at the start of it, your car's on the side of the road and it's straddling the white line.
Starting point is 00:49:14 And when I pulled into traffic, I didn't use a turn signal. Like in my mind, I was parked in the road driving straight. In their mind, I was entering traffic and should have used a signal. They're probably right. But that was the thing i did wrong well i feel like it's almost a decision you have to make you know if the car was like three quarters in the street then wouldn't you think the signal was kind of just stupid right um and it was the center it was like really centered down the middle of the
Starting point is 00:49:40 car so they're probably right but did you see what Chiz just wrote in there? Probably shouldn't talk about it right now. I can't change my thing. Ah, okay. Well, then after the show, I'll give you a chuckle. Paste it in. Okay, I'll do that. I didn't see it either. Something we shouldn't talk about on the show, though.
Starting point is 00:50:00 Yeah, yeah, probably. I'm getting ready with my bumps so that I don't share it by accident. I don't know if you guys had any friends who failed. Nice catch, Kyle. Their driver's license test. I had a friend who failed it four times before he eventually passed and got his license. And that test is so fucking easy to pass, the driver's test.
Starting point is 00:50:29 Like, the first time he failed it, he was kind of like, hey, Andy, did you get your driver's license? Like, oh, dude, got like a 68, and I needed a 70 to pass. You need a 70 to pass, apparently, in Missouri by their metrics. And we were like, oh, you idiot. Well, you'll get it next time. He's like, yeah, my mom's taking me tomorrow. You know, the next day, goes, takes it, comes back.
Starting point is 00:50:50 God, I did even worse. I don't know how. I was like, well, you know, you really, did you do any practicing? No, not really. But now that I failed it twice in two days, I got to wait, you know, a week before I can go back again. And after, like, the fourth time that he failed it, it was no longer like
Starting point is 00:51:05 oh, you'll get him eventually. It was like is Andy a retarded person? Does Andy have drive? Josh passed that thing in one fucking try and Josh is illiterate. There's no way to put it.
Starting point is 00:51:21 Josh is functionally illiterate. Like sure, he can read road signs he can figure out what's on the back of a raisin box but if you put like i don't know a novel in front of him he's gonna he's gonna be clueless he's not gonna get through a page of it without like looking at you 10 times and asking what that word is there's the one thing that i do think is hard is the motorcycle test so i haven't taken that i have failed both the written and the driving section of the motorcycle test and like everybody i consider myself a good driver like the written part i'll ask you taylor where do you drive
Starting point is 00:52:00 in the lane where the left tire goes where the right tire goes, or the middle? Depends on what lane I'm in on the highway and how much traffic. Of course it does, right? There's like a dozen things that weigh into it, you know? I'd like to know how clean the middle is, right? If this is like freshly paved and the middle is like not filled with oil and stuff like it sometimes is, then that's a pretty attractive option. If I'm like trying to like maybe assert my space, I might want to be in the right side of it. I feel like most motorcycle drivers would say, oh yeah, I use all parts of the lane, in the lane, but all parts of it, depending on the situation. But there's a right answer, which I have since forgotten, for the driver's test. There were a million things like, hey, if you're riding with someone else,
Starting point is 00:52:42 in what formation do you ride? And you'd think'd be like that staggered zigzag sort of thing like almost like a zipper but they wanted some other answer i think that wasn't right there were a lot of things behind the driver is the safest spot right it's what dwight shrewd says i don't know i don't remember driver has an instinct to steer their own side of the car out of the collision's way yeah yes so um uh and then on the driver's portion and you know i was 17 i became a i bet the more experienced version of me like by the time i was 19 or 20 i could have done it easily but you do it's just mostly low speed maneuvering and i took it on a sport bike which i didn't think was particularly good at that and uh yeah you just have to like go zigzag around all these cones and make a tight u-turn
Starting point is 00:53:26 and you can't put your foot in the ground and it took me two tries but I got it so motorcycle one is tougher if someone fails that I give them the yeah bro I hear you you know could read the book did you guys do anything for fourth of July any fireworks or anything nothing I did they have a big thing downtown St. Louis every year usually they do it under the arch and they have a huge fireworks show under there
Starting point is 00:53:55 but there's a ton of construction going on there right now so they had to move it to Forest Park which is a park in the city down there and it's like it's really neat they have a huge firework show there and then it's angled like if you know the way st louis looks you see right across the mississippi and then you see illinois and so you see like the big firework show you're watching in the park downtown and then on the horizon you see you know eight firework shows that are happening
Starting point is 00:54:21 at wherever the hell in illinois over there so you see kind of a cornucopia of colors. It's fun. I had a good time. I wanted to believe that you could see the fireworks from my house. And we're sitting there watching them. And as they get to the top and explode, you can see them through the trees. And it's like, oh, isn't this great? I'm really happy that we have Raleigh here as a resource.
Starting point is 00:54:44 Raleigh to me, I'm really happy that we have Raleigh here as a resource, right? Like, Raleigh to me, like, I'm really in the city. And then after a couple of them, it's like, yeah, this is shit. You know? Look, Raleigh puts on decent fireworks. That's not the problem. The problem is you can't really see them from your porch. And that was our experience. The worst part about the evening is it took us like two plus hours to
Starting point is 00:55:05 get back home last night after the fucking show ended because anytime you go anywhere with that many people it's like you back out of your parking space and then you just sit there in a line in a parking lot for yeah i've done that before i uh i watched a firework show uh firework show at the lake a couple years ago and getting out of there was such a fucking nightmare i i in the end i was just like this was not even worth it like uh no actually lake hartwell um kind of on the board with georgia and south carolina we went up there and they did a big firework show i've been to atlanta those are better that's atlanta handles traffic better than sometimes some rural when i go to events like that i I just chill. Like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:55:46 You guys go ahead. We got more Slurpee left. We got a blanket on the grass here. You know, I don't want to fight the rat race. I'll just enjoy a little more. I'd rather not go. Sometimes that's a smart move. I'm going to opt for doing my own fireworks show.
Starting point is 00:56:00 I want no part of that big crowd. Do it in the morning. It's neighbor revenge. Yeah, yeah. we don't like our neighbors very much so like i've been setting off explosions at least five a week okay and i don't mean little explosions like not a pound of tannerite like i've set off hundreds of pounds at this point in the last month or so like every day almost i'm going over there and blowing something up like like i we're burying explosives we're putting them up in trees i i'm blowing shit up on a daily fucking basis and it is loud and sometimes they'll they'll go off and it's and then it'll go away and you'll just hear like you start hearing the fucking echo.
Starting point is 00:56:45 It's a roar as it travels, and you get the echo and stuff. You can hear people getting annoyed in the distance. Sometimes my neighbors will jump it. Not next-door neighbors, because those are the ones I'm trying. You'll hear guys miles away get out their AR or whatever and start capping off a few rounds to kind of join the fray. Join the fun. Taylor, have you heard a Kyle explosion?
Starting point is 00:57:07 Have you ever been around one of his shoots? No, no, I'd like to see. I don't know if I've been around any this big. I know I've blown up. Maybe, what did we do, five pounds of Tannerite in the toilet? The toilet, yeah, something like that. Which is a pretty big explosion. The first time he blew up one pound.
Starting point is 00:57:24 One pound of tannerite. I didn't know that this is what he was fucking around with. It was Wings of Redemption's backyard. So, Kyle, it came in a little container. Maybe that you get a bunch of... One pound plastic container. Yeah. This big, I don't know, it would hold uh i don't know what
Starting point is 00:57:46 exactly one pound is there another container you can think that would be that size for audio listeners 16 ounce i don't know i tell you what it's like a can of coke almost but a little wider and a little shorter and uh um he sets it on the ground and he shoots it. And like I had never witnessed an explosion that could move my hair before. And I'm like 50 feet away or 100 feet away. Like I'm away from it. And there's a shockwave. I'd lit off plenty of fireworks but not shockwaves before. My hair moves and my chest goes.
Starting point is 00:58:21 And it was like, whoa. Like a thing just fucking happened you know like oh my god and uh yeah i don't know he's pretty badass i've since had even the bigger they are the the bigger they are the the more intense that feeling is and the closer they are the more intense it is and i really like the feeling it's kind of addictive it it feels good it feels good to me it's kind of a tickle but also kind of an adrenaline rush at the same time and there's the fact that I am affecting this change that I made that explosion I look inside my or just a little bit like I'm pointing and saying explode explode
Starting point is 00:58:57 explode and it's it's really fun it's very satisfying to set up a bunch of two five ten it really opens your eyes to how people die in explosions the first time and i'm obviously i've not been around anything near that but the first time from an explosion that you feel like that little you know i have hardly any experience but like the kind of like it almost not like getting the wind knocked out of you but like maybe i it felt like that because i'd never felt it before and it was just a little scary like what was that like it's just kind of like a wave hit you you realize real quick like oh okay so that's what's happening in those huge explosions where you look at a guy and you're like he should be fine the fire has not even reached
Starting point is 00:59:37 him and then like you see him fall and you're like oh that dude's like spleen is in the middle of his throat right now and and he's totally fucked. You just can't see. Water's worse. So I forget who did. There was a YouTube video that explained it. Like there's a bunch of – picture a giant ship, like a battleship or something, tilted on its side, right?
Starting point is 00:59:57 And you've got the sailor standing on the side of the boat, not in the water, and it explodes. Do you want to be standing on the boat or in the water? Turns out, on the boat, because the water and it explodes do you want to be standing on the boat or in the water turns out on the boat because the water will liquefy your organs like the like the way the depth charges work and you know even though it's not touching it it's it's practically touching it because the water doesn't compress um you don't want to be in the water when something explodes did you ever see U-571? That submarine movie?
Starting point is 01:00:27 Put it on the bottom! That movie, like, at no point in my life has there ever been a prospect of, well, Taylor, you're going to war, and you're a submarinesman. Like, that's never going to happen. Never would. No, I'm not! The very prospect of getting in a
Starting point is 01:00:44 submarine seems horrible after watching that i still i can still get into this day the scene of them panicking like get the torpedoes in there this guy's pulling a chain down there and he gets his hand caught in the chain that just runs it through the um the pulley and just basically like cuts his hand in half up it it was like a how old is this movie? Is it Black and White? It's Matthew McConaughey, right? Oh, I should check this out. It's a current-ish movie.
Starting point is 01:01:11 They're getting depth charged and he's like, dive! Dive! And the guy's like 500 meters. And the ship's going so stressful. And like 500 is already like the red line he's like dive and like it's they get like 700 meters or something everybody's like freaking the fuck
Starting point is 01:01:32 out he's like all right level it on out and the depth charge goes out and they lose all their ballast and it just dives even further and it just hits the bottom ruin too much i gotta see it he's like 800 meters and the whole ship's like, 800 meters! And the whole ship's just, for like the rest of the movie. It's, it's good. I like those sub-movies. You doing that is reminding me of it. Just the sound of like the gurgling, like,
Starting point is 01:01:55 all that pressure coming in and trying to just destroy you. Oh, that'd be the worst. I guess you'd die quickly. If you had a rapid, like, hull breach, Oh, that would be the worst. I guess you die quickly. If you had a rapid, like, hull breach, I suppose it would be quick. But if it's slow, that's a pretty rough way to die. And then if, like, the CO2 scrubbers go out,
Starting point is 01:02:17 then you just suffocate slowly, I guess. Yeah, that sucks. Is that a blanket next to you, Taylor? Yeah, it's a blanket. Your girlfriend just put that there, right? Yeah, it was over on her side of the couch, so she moved it. There's like a St. Louis Blues blanket in the foreground with a St. Louis Blues
Starting point is 01:02:33 jersey in the background and a St. Louis Blues pennant on the wall. And a St. Louis Blues shirt on me. That's like a third of my wardrobe. Wow, nice. shirt on me that's like a third of my wardrobe i uh wow nice david backus got traded which means uh a lot of shirts on sale here in st louis now you know is he a top player he was our captain for oh jesus 2010 you got on our team are you happy with this trade
Starting point is 01:03:02 well he he's a power forward and really sacrifices his body a lot, and he's 30 years old. And we tried to sign him for, like, three years, and he said no because players that age want to, like, get their final contract in that's going to be big. And so Boston ended up signing him for five or six years, which I can't be that mad. It sucks we lose him because I've always liked Backus
Starting point is 01:03:23 because he's, like's been the face of kind of like the blues guy for years now. But he's going to start falling apart and in about two years that contract is going to be fucking horrible for Boston because they're going to be paying an aging star way too much money who is now just
Starting point is 01:03:39 you can't play that physically and expect to still be hunky-dory at 35. Did you get anything in return for him, though? No. Well, he was a free agent, so it wasn't a trade. I shouldn't have said trade. We were trying to re-sign him, and he just signed with Boston instead. Well, that kind of sucks. It sounds like your team got worse next year. Yeah, it took a little bit of a step back,
Starting point is 01:03:58 but if they had signed the people they needed to keep the team just as good this year, we really would have paid the price three years down the road when our good rookies are looking to get signed. So I think it's almost better to take a little step back now and make sure we're prepared for the cap. I know we're not basketball people, but did you see the Kevin Durant trade? I've seen a lot of trades. It seems like there's lots of players moving around the NBA.
Starting point is 01:04:26 I don't follow the NBA at all, but it's all over Reddit. I see this guy's going here and that guy's going there, and teams are clearing their whole roster to get this guy. Lots of big trades, huh? Dude, Golden State got a very good, I think he's a center, power forward. I don't really know my basketball. But Kevin Durant, they've got a a big, strong guy in the middle. That solves the problem they had.
Starting point is 01:04:48 And they were already, you could argue, the best team. They lost in the finals, but they had the best regular season record. The best regular season record of all time. It was even better than the 96 Bulls. Yeah, but if there's one thing they were kind of missing, it was some strength in the paint. And now they have that, and it's just like, oh, my gosh. But on the other hand, like Stefan Curry, arguably the best player in the game.
Starting point is 01:05:12 You could argue. I think most people would pick LeBron after the finals. But he was just lighting it up, breaking records that are crazy. And he's making like $13 million a year. And Kevin Durant's making $26, and it was just like, wow. Like, I don't think your best player's making the most money. That's got to be tricky.
Starting point is 01:05:34 That's how it is a lot of the time, though. Like, I bet, you know, they signed Curry to a 13-million-year contract for like, I don't know, six years or something before he really bloomed as the superstar he is and so now they pretty much have him on a budget for the next couple years a relative budget but yeah it seems like uh because i go to the hockey subreddit all the time uh and one of the posts on there that was big was someone from the nba saying they were tired of the nba and they
Starting point is 01:06:02 wanted to get into hockey. Because most people, you can be a fan of every sport. You can be a fan of football and hockey or basketball and baseball or basketball and football, but you can't really watch hockey and basketball. It's the same exact time. The games line up too much. You can't follow both sports. You have to pick one.
Starting point is 01:06:22 It looks like the NBA isn't even trying to pretend to have a league of parody anymore like the worst team in the league this year had what 10 wins like they were trying to lose 13 wins yeah even so yeah and nhl teams that try to tank and like the worst team in the nhl had almost 30 wins this year like 29 wins you're right three times better than the worst team in the nba like there's no parody in the nba whatsoever it's like there's in my this is my cursory understanding i'm sure there's a basketball guy out there he's gonna roundly you know rebuff all of these but it seems like
Starting point is 01:06:59 it's a five player five team league four team maybe, and all the other teams are kind of like minor league farm teams so they can eventually go to whatever the current success story is. It used to be the Lakers. Now it's not. Now it's Golden State or maybe not the Cavs. I don't know. Cavs won. Basketball is just too much of a superstar sport.
Starting point is 01:07:21 It's not a team sport as much as hockey. I think the Cavs are trying to get Dwayne Wade. That's the rumor. LeBron is apparently behind it all. I don't know. You put it really well. Great show, by the way, Taylor. Yeah, all the
Starting point is 01:07:39 other teams are just farm leagues, except for the Sixers, who are losing on purpose so they can build their own talent, get first round draft every year and turn it into something it's what do they call it the program have faith in the program that's what they keep saying then they'll win like tank what what's that that's what it is in the nhl they'll just say like toronto always says over the past few years you know just have faith in the tank because they want to tank as hard as possible and be fucking horrible. They either call it the program or the plan. It's one of those for the Sixers.
Starting point is 01:08:11 And it's like a multi-year thing. Like, we are going to be awful. God awful. We're going to be record-breaking bad and get first round picks. We're going to be the worst. And it's for, like, three years. It's not like in hockey sometimes it'll be like you know we're not making the playoffs let's trade away some of our good players and focus on
Starting point is 01:08:31 next year right these guys are like ah you know what you know the the 20 teens like this decade's almost over let's focus on four years from now and just suck as hard as we can for half a decade and you know get all these great draft picks eventually we'll be okay yeah like honestly the the worst teams in the nba are only a little better than the best team at your local rec center i don't think that's true i'm saying okay their record if you take the best YMCA team in the country and replace the 76ers with them, their record's only going to be a little bit worse. Only a little bit worse. That is true. They'll be 10 games worse.
Starting point is 01:09:14 You can't take Woody's men's league hockey team and say, hey, guess what? This year, you guys are the Buffalo Sabres. They're not going to go out there and be like, you know, one time, guys, we got this, we got this. Like a little Giants kind of, you know, one time. Dude, if I was playing pro hockey, I would be as charming as I could, right? I'd be going up to like whatever fucking bruisers St. Louis has and being like, you need to know something about me.
Starting point is 01:09:46 I'm really nice. There's no need to treat me like you do on a daily basis, those other people. I am very kind. I have a family at home. Be cool, bro. That's them over there. Wave! Wave! Dude, we played
Starting point is 01:10:03 it was a no-check hockey league. Don't hurt my daddy. You're right, right? Say hi to Mr. Reeves. Say hi to Mr. Reeves. We took our team on the road to this like traveling – it was like a hockey tournament. We were like, hey, you know what? Let's go to Greensboro and play and see what all the people are doing.
Starting point is 01:10:20 And it turned out that – I guess I was going to say we were outclassed. We weren't. We were in, like, the top of the bottom third, if that's a thing. So it's not like we didn't belong there. But the top of the top guys were so much better than us, right? Like, some guys had AHL experience. One team that was really strong was the Fayetteville team out of, you know, I don't know if you know, there's a big Army base on, no, this is Fayetteville in North Carolina.
Starting point is 01:10:47 There's an army, Fort Bragg, that's what I'm trying to say. The Fort Bragg team, those people were quite fit and very strong. And it was frightening, you know? So, like, dude, in the opening, like, 90 seconds of the game, one of them just laid our player the fuck out, right? Like, it was a check check but our guy goes like completely horizontal at like head height he did just say he i wouldn't say he headhunted him he like shoulder hunted him or something that was probably a legal hit and then the guy landed flat on his back and he took a while to get up and i just happened to be near the opponent's bench and uh
Starting point is 01:11:21 the guy came back for like his line change and his teammates were like whoa whoa dude look at them you don't need to do that you know it was like like they were having compassion against our outclass team and i like that like yeah playing against the army guys they at least had some honor in their smashing of us yeah so i appreciated of honor. Yeah. So I appreciated that about them. We didn't win. But, yeah. All right. You guys want to call it a show?
Starting point is 01:11:52 Yeah, I was just thinking that. All right. So that was PKN episode 99.

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