Part Of The Problem - A Response to James Lindsay

Episode Date: November 28, 2024

Dave Smith brings you the latest in politics! On this episode of Part Of The Problem, Dave is joined by co-host Robbie "The Fire" Bernstein to discuss Donald Trump's choice of Jay Bhattachary...a for the N.I.H, other good and bad picks he's made for his cabinet, and get into James Lindsay's appearance on the Triggernometry podcast, and so much more.Support Our SponsorsGo to to critically analyze how the hidden agendas behind election coverage are shaping your vote. Subscribe through this link for 50% off unlimited access to Ground News.Lumen - for 15% offSheath - use promo code PROBLEM20Public Rec - 20% off with the code [PROBLEM] YoDelta - and use code GAS for 25% offPart Of The Problem is available for early pre-release at as well as an exclusive episode on Thursday!Get your tickets to Porch Tour Herehttps://porchtour.comFind Run Your Mouth here:YouTube - - - the show on social media:X: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, today's show is brought to you by yo Delta long time sponsor of this show and of the gas digital network and all of the podcasts that I do. They're you use the promo code gas, you're going to get 25% off your entire order. That's yo promo code gas for 25% off your entire order. All right, let's start the show. What's up everybody? Welcome to a brand new episode of Part of the Problem. I am Dave Smith. He is Robbie the Fire Bernstein. Happy Thanksgiving to everybody. I'm sure some of you guys are traveling around and this will be something maybe you listen to on the way to Turkey Day. Hope everybody has a good time on Thanksgiving. A great American holiday where we celebrate the, what is it, pilgrims and the Indians all had dinner together.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Everything looked cool. And then that's where we end the story. And then we eat a big bird. I don't know. Pretty good to me. I've always loved the story of Thanksgiving because everyone knows it goes real bad after that dinner Which I'm not sure if any of this is historically accurate I don't know if any of it happened, but it's a nice way to just be like yeah But remember we all broke bread that one time yada yada yada. There's not too much of you left anymore Anyway, we're gonna have a big meal do love Thanksgiving though. Anything that is just a time to just have a big meal with people you love, I always think is important. So I hope you guys have a good one.
Starting point is 00:01:52 What are you doing, Rob? I like Thanksgiving, it's real easy. My family does lunch, I roll up at 11, have a couple of drinks, play in the yard with the kids, take a nap, and that's it. That's the day, it's easy. It is, there in the yard with the kids, take a nap, and that's it. That's the day. It's easy. It is.
Starting point is 00:02:07 There is something amazing about the holiday where there's no expectation that you have to buy anyone anything. I'm just coming to have a whiskey at 1 p.m. and not feel weird about that. Okay? Yep. And I don't have to go to synagogue. I don't have to sit through a Passover story. I get to sit down, enjoy the family
Starting point is 00:02:25 without any of that stuff. So Thanksgiving's a big win for this guy. Are your, is your family still like real serious? Like with the Passover Seder? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, that's rough. It's brutal. I mean, I was never, my family was never
Starting point is 00:02:39 as religious as yours. So they would, we would do like, you know, like a concise Seder, one of those, you know, like a concise Seder, one of those, you know, like reform books that they give you. So you get through it real quick. But I remember going to like a couple times I went to like friends houses who were like, either like Orthodox or what's the one in the middle called? The ones who aren't reformed but aren't orthodox? Conservative? Yeah, I think that might be.
Starting point is 00:03:07 I think that might be right. But anyway, this I go into that. But man, I mean, I remember literally like the way they put the food in front of you and then just read for another hour. And I remember being like nine and actually like, have like my mouth watering, like staring at this food, like I'm so hungry. It was like, like I remember actually at nine years old or whatever, like making the connection that I was like,
Starting point is 00:03:33 oh, is that what they're doing in those cartoons? You know, like you're not, like I never actually had my mouth watering before because I was so hungry. And like your mouth is literally just getting ready to just be like, please insert that food in me. I didn't mean to make this a sexual thing, but the point is just, Hey, religious Jews, too much reading. Read after dinner. Yeah. Makes way more sense.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Why would it be a problem to think about the plight of Jewish slaves in Egypt after the meal? I wouldn't care if you read for six hours after the meal, just not before. Just my advice, but we'll see. Okay, a lot of stuff to talk about today. I do, I want to just start real quick by saying that because there was a lot of, you know, people noticed one of our episodes got taken down off of YouTube. It was the last episode with Scott Horton. It was unclear at first what the issue was.
Starting point is 00:04:33 It seems to have been cleared up, seems like it was a mistake, and that this episode should be back up on YouTube later today. But we did post it over on X, so's it's up now and live people can go see it over there it's also on rumble and Spotify and iTunes and all the other places where you can typically get the the podcast I will say and and just to be clear it seems the situation is resolved but there is something really cool where I have just, I got texts and messages on Twitter and comments from like a ton of people with huge platforms.
Starting point is 00:05:17 Patrick Pitt David texted me like, I mean, I don't think it was five minutes after I posted that it got taken down from YouTube. David Sacks and just a bunch of people, I don't wanna name everyone, because I'm gonna miss it, but a bunch of people were all kind of like, oh, what's going on here?
Starting point is 00:05:34 And I was just thinking like, it almost felt to me like, I don't know, there felt like something kind of profoundly beautiful and libertarian about the whole thing. Like it's almost like if someone in your community needed a surgery and everybody's like crowdfunding money for it, like obviously it's not a situation like that, but there does seem to be this like almost like counter economics, this like kind of counter force to the internet censorship, where as soon as anybody even smells that somebody
Starting point is 00:06:05 got censored, it's like a bunch of people rallying around them to try to be like, oh, we're going to counter this. And I just wanted to thank everybody, particularly Patrick Bette David and David Sachs and several other people. It's just like, I thought there was something really cool about that. And it makes me feel much better about where we are in the battle against tech censorship. Obviously, you know, like the fact that Elon Musk bought Twitter, and now we're in a situation where even if that does end up happening,
Starting point is 00:06:37 and it wasn't just a misunderstanding like this appears to be, it's just cool that there's at least like, okay, there's at least a feeling of like, well, we could go do it there and still be able to get our voice out. So thank you to everybody, including big thank you to Elon Musk for buying Twitter for $44 billion. That was really cool that you were able to move some money around and make that available.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Anyway, that's all. I'm curious to see what the numbers look like on Twitter. Yeah, that'll be interesting maybe and maybe that's just what we will do going forward regardless of The situation not sure about that yet. Got to think about it and make a decision Okay The other thing that we should lead the show with today is that the new Director of the National Institute of Health was named and it is J.
Starting point is 00:07:29 Bhattacharya. I cannot stress how profoundly pleased I am with this pick. J Bhattacharya for people who don't know is, I mean, was just heroic during COVID. I mean, like absolutely phenomenal. The guy is a genius, is totally brilliant. People in our audience might know him because he was one of the signatures of the Great Barrington Declaration. He also
Starting point is 00:08:06 wrote the foreword for Tom Wood's book, Diary of a Psychosis. The book that I keep telling everyone is the best book on the COVID insanity. Jay Bhattacharya, the director of the NIH, or the next one, hopefully, he wrote the foreword to that book. This guy was one of my best resources through COVID, really helping me understand this stuff. Him and, God, I hope I'm not butchering his name, but Ravaroria, Ravarora, the two of them did a few like phenomenal podcasts together where Jay Bhattacharya was just,
Starting point is 00:08:44 he's one of these guys who's, um, he's good at explaining the stuff that we're not smart enough to understand to people like us. Um, but he would go through like a lot of these studies that the COVID lunatics would use as like, see, this is proof that the vaccine saved so many lives. And he would just do a great job of just tearing them down and being like No, here are the seven flaws in this study and this is why this doesn't actually prove anything
Starting point is 00:09:10 There's just really one of the one of the most important sane voices in an insane time and The fact that he's got Fauci's old job just warms my heart I mean, I just can't say enough, enough great things about that. What any any thoughts you want to add to that, Rob? It's a very promising flip from what we experienced through the COVID regime, and all the censorship that existed during that time and the possibility of actually educating the public to the degree by which government will lie to you for its own interests. I still think it would be very cleansing to see Fauci prosecuted. I think if we ever get there, he'll suddenly have dementia and we'll see what we saw with Mueller. I don't think we're going to
Starting point is 00:09:54 quite get that. But to see such a massive flip of voices being censored off the internet during the COVID regime, and he wrote the Great Barrington Declaration, which was essentially, from what I remember, we don't have to shut down the country, but it does make sense to protect the elderly. I remember seeing him in, I think, a number of congressional hearings as a, hey, why am I being censored? I'm a Stanford scientist, and I understand these things, and here's some information that they're not giving you. So I think it's very refreshing. I'm sure it's alarming to some of the powers that be
Starting point is 00:10:26 to see this massive flip of the people that were dangerous to have on the internet to possibly be giving you information now in these actual powerful positions. So it seems, listen, I get excited for these storylines. Go after Fauci, put this guy in charge. let's get all the information about who in the NIH gets payments from from what pharmaceutical companies Let's get the entire code. Who's that other guy at the NIH who I? Remember once in a congressional hearing just validating that payments are made but made no other statements Well, wasn't it Fauci who no it was Fauci and then there's another guy found
Starting point is 00:11:03 He's got there's two other like high ups at the NIH, but I can't remember their names right now anyways promising sign of the new administration coming in and maybe actually cleaning up the mess and Definitely seems like a win for free speech. So I like you remember the moment Which is was still up there as one of the most like incredible slash infuriating moments of the COVID insanity. But do you remember when Rand Paul, I guess, I think it was through a FOIA act that he had gotten essentially the raw number of how much money was paid out to scientists at the NIH from big pharmaceutical companies. It was something insane. Like I think it was over a hundred million dollars. And he goes to Fauci and he goes,
Starting point is 00:11:47 will you like disclose how much money you've made from big pharmaceutical companies? And he's like, you know, we get royalties sometimes. I think one of the checks I got was for $17. And he's like, okay, but that's one. Will you disclose all of them? And then Fauci just straight up goes, well, the law doesn't say that I have to. So if you want to change the law, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:12:13 And you're just like watching it like, yo, you can't even just tell me whether or not you've made like enormous sums of money from the pharmaceutical companies whose product you are pushing, then he's just essentially like, now, not going to do that. It's like, so anyway, it's just, you know, if you understand the levels of corruption that exists at the NIH, it is really amazing to have someone who's outside of that corruption and a critic of that corruption to come be the boss there. Again, we'll see. I've been accused by some of trying to sell Trump as something that he's not or overstating how great this is. Listen, it is quite an undertaking to clean up a corrupt government agency All I'm saying is putting someone good at the top is a hell of a lot better than not and so that's you know
Starting point is 00:13:12 I'll say this just more broadly. This is better than rehiring Fauci Right, I mean you can literally have had Kamala Harris come in and say you know what we got a rehire Fauci did a great job They could do that. I think Fauci's unpopular enough that they probably wouldn't, but they could. Or somebody else who is exactly the same as Fauci, which is what typically happens in these situations and has to some degree happened with Trump's appointments. And he says, oh, I won't put Pompeo or Nikki Haley in, but then puts in Waltz and Rubio, which is the same thing. So it very easily could have been that.'ll say this man overall I'm I feel quite comfortable and happy with the decision I made to ultimately support Trump in this election if I
Starting point is 00:13:56 could go back at right now I'd do the same thing again and it's not because I was ever selling to anyone that Donald Trump has figured it out. He knows all the mistakes he made last time and he's gonna be spot on this time. That's not the claim at all. Donald Trump, now that the cabinet has basically been picked, of course, by the way, I should say this with the asterisks of like, we still have to get through Senate confirmations, and it's Donald Trump, which means that in the next 30, 60, 90 days,
Starting point is 00:14:29 any one of these people could be fired and he could be talking about how little and stupid they are and then replace them with someone else, so who knows. But as of right now, he appointed some awful foreign policy picks. Really, really bad. Waltz is a disaster. Rubio is a disaster. I'm not sure. He's certainly not good on Israel, but he has said some pretty good things on Ukraine, and he has also just said some things over the years that indicate to me that he's a somewhat honest guy who will talk about things that are controversial that normally you're not supposed to speak about specifically. There was one interview I saw him in years because I don't know if I ever told you this Rob,
Starting point is 00:15:13 but I know Pete Hegseth not well, but I've met him before at Fox News. We've done panels together and stuff years ago. And anyway, I always liked him. He's always a really nice guy. And we've we've gone like grabbed a beer after a show together and stuff. And like I was thought he was a good guy, very smart guy. He there was this one interview that he was on on Fox News. And this was years ago. I mean, this might
Starting point is 00:15:39 have been 2016 or something like that. And he was they were talking about Afghanistan up over there in Afghanistan have this habit of raping boys. And the how all the soldiers are furious about it and they were put in a position where they're not allowed to do anything about it. And like and he and this is something that I think is really important to me. I think it's really important to me that the soldiers are not allowed to do anything about it. And I think that's the biggest thing that I think is important to me. and how all the soldiers are furious about it, and they were put in a position where they're not allowed to do anything about it. And this is something that we know about this, but never gets brought up on Fox News of all places.
Starting point is 00:16:15 And I was just like, whoa, that's actually really incredible that he got into this. Hey guys, as you know, one of the major themes on part of the problem is how trust in corporate media has absolutely evaporated. A recent Gallup poll found that only 31% of Americans had a great deal of trust in the mainstream media. With corporate media outlets prioritizing special interests and perverse incentives and corruption, people don't know where to get news that they can actually trust. That's why I want to talk about Ground News. They're an independent and
Starting point is 00:16:48 nonpartisan app and website that we're working with because they're designed to expose the hidden agendas influencing the news that you consume. Take a look at the news regarding Trump's plans for the Education Department. The coverage seems to be pretty evenly split across left and right-leaning as well as centrist articles, but the way they portray this news as well as the elements they choose to focus on varies. Left-leaning and center sources such as the Independent and Political Wire focus on Trump's choice of Linda McMahon and whether or not she's qualified for the role. However, more right-leaning sources talk more about Trump's interest
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Starting point is 00:18:15 And you can get that deal by going to slash Dave Smith or scanning the QR code. That's slash Dave Smith or you can just scan this QR code. Thank you to ground news for sponsoring today's episode. Let's get back into the show. So anyway, a little bit of a question mark with him. We'll see how that goes. There's there's been some other bad picks in there. But at least as of right now, getting Tulsi at the director of national intelligence, getting Bobby Kennedy as the head of health and human services,
Starting point is 00:18:46 and now getting Jay Bhattacharya at the NIH. Listen, these are just undeniable wins. And there was only one scenario where we got any wins like this, and that was Donald Trump winning. That's it. If Kamala Harris had won, we get zero wins. Of course, she's now reduced to being a. Drunk ant on the Internet. But there's you know, we get no and if we had just all voted third party, then we get no wins out of that either. So this is something and of course, all of that is without
Starting point is 00:19:21 mentioning Doge, which is still a big question mark We don't know exactly how this is going to work But I will say that if nothing else Having Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy with Ron Paul as an advisor to them at the very least they are inserting this most important issue of the size and scope of government, of cutting government spending. They're inserting that back into the public conversation. And again, this just never happens with anyone else.
Starting point is 00:19:57 The only reason why we're getting this is because Donald Trump won. Would it be better if Ron Paul had won and a super majority of the American people had embraced liberty and rejected statism? Yes, that would be better. That option was not on the table. Would it have been better if a Ron Paul like figure had run on the Libertarian Party and lost but gotten four or five million votes and really started a huge conversation and really opened up a lot of people's eyes to the view of individual human liberty and laissez-faire free markets and non-interventionist foreign policy would that have been better if
Starting point is 00:20:38 That happened and then Kamala Harris won debatably. Like debatably, maybe, I really don't know. Maybe that would have ultimately been better. But that wasn't in the cards either. Because we didn't have a libertarian candidate who was capable of doing that. So in this scenario, this just seems like the undeniable right way to play it. That's how I feel looking back at it. Anyway, I am just, it was very, very nice to get another excellent
Starting point is 00:21:09 pick another excellent one, not just like a decent one. This one was really excellent. Jay Bhattacharya and Bobby Kennedy in there. Yeah, man, this is a it's shaping up in a weird way to be the closest we could have really possibly imagined of repudiation of the COVID insanity. And obviously, Donald Trump has a lot of blood on his hands about that. I mean, he was, he did a very bad job in 2020. But at the same time, given the options that we had, I don't know who else was going to pick Bobby Kennedy and Jay Bhattacharya. It's a promising start. And it does seem like Donald Trump can be fairly influenced by who
Starting point is 00:21:57 is around him. I think that's what happened with the Syria war with Rand Paul. Rand Paul was able to get his ear and talk him back from that. This was the last time he was president, but I think Bobby Kennedy being in there certainly influenced this pick and so it's nice to see that some of the better names that have made his way into the administration are you know influencing some better picks. Yeah, yeah, no, 100%. I just couldn't, I could not agree with that more. And again, it's just, you know, this is, this is, I mean, look, it's kind of can't be overstated that like, I mean, just imagine like two years ago, I had suggested to you, Rob, that Bobby Kennedy was going to be the head of HHS and Jay Bhattacharya was going to be the head of the NIH. You'd have been like, wait, what world are we living in here? Like, did we win the presidency? Like, these are literally what our picks for these positions would have been.
Starting point is 00:22:56 I mean, Bobby Kennedy wrote a book during the most censored period ever about how Dr. Fauci is actually a mass murderer. Yeah. Yeah, that's right. And like, it seems, and again, I made this point, I did like a Twitter spaces where I was arguing with some libertarians who didn't agree with me supporting Donald Trump, and like, a bunch of them, this is a real problem libertarians have,
Starting point is 00:23:20 but a bunch of them go, they go, well Bobby Kennedy is not a libertarian. And you're like yeah Obviously, but by the way half of you motherfuckers fell for this shit Half of you guys weren't even good on this when it mattered Including the National Party at the time and so Bobby Kennedy was that's more important to me than some Ideological purity tests or something like that. It's like, oh, we actually got that guy. And also, the other thing I'll say about Bobby,
Starting point is 00:23:47 and this is from someone who, look, I had him on the show and we really argued pretty intensely with each other, and I was highly critical of him on his positions toward Israel, and again, I stand by that because I think he was bad on that stuff but Bobby Kennedy like talk about a guy who had it made you know what I mean like just had had like look I don't want to say he's he has life on easy mode because all of us have our problems
Starting point is 00:24:22 obviously he's had a pretty serious neurological issue and and doesn't have a Voice inside my head. That's yeah, listen, I'm not like and I'm talking to me. That's a real struggle Okay, so like I'm not trying to downplay that And of course, he's had like which he's been quite open about like substance addiction. I love heroin We love Bobby Kennedy here, okay had like, which he's been quite open about, like substance addiction. I love heroin. We love Bobby Kennedy here. Okay. But like, so okay, so he's had these. But I'm just saying, he's a member of what is as close to a royal family in the United States of America as you get. He's married to a beloved Hollywood actress. He is a guy
Starting point is 00:25:02 who is in all of the exclusive cocktail parties and in that scene. And he made himself a pariah in that world to stand up and talk about what he wanted to talk about. That's just undeniably impressive and courageous. And so like, okay, that's one of the things that gets me excited because that's a real test of like, do you have principles?
Starting point is 00:25:25 Are you willing to stand up for something when it's very difficult and will cost you tangible, you know, things in order to do this? And he's a guy who's done that. That is, that's impressive to me. And it makes me think, this is a guy who might actually do the right thing when there's real stakes involved. Alright, and I'm just gonna throw something crazy into the world, because sometimes that's what you have to do. But there's been chatter that they're gonna change up the press room, and potentially remove access from some mainstream media organizations and allow access for new media. And Dave Smith, I think you should pull some strings and get me in that room. Let me be the DC
Starting point is 00:26:08 Correspondent go down there midweek. We'll write up some questions. We'll do it. Maybe stuttering John style I won't always take the administration side, but until I get thrown out of that room, let's have a little fun See, yeah, it's really great. Rob Bernstein POTP I've noticed it's a lot less gay in here than it was last year What'd you guys do with all the gays? Yeah, no, we could do it. We'll we'll make some stuff happen. We'll see it listen there's there's some possibilities in this brave new world that we're living in and we're gonna try to to maximize the the entertainment and the truth that comes out of all of it. Okay
Starting point is 00:26:47 Well the new panel consider hanging dr. Fauci I brought some medieval torture devices with me that I'd like to be considered if I could if I could it's my time Excuse me. The president called on me. Please don't interrupt Alright guys, let's take a moment and thank our sponsor for today's show which is sheath underwear. Everybody knows I've been raving about sheath underwear for many years now. Sheath uses moisture wicking technology to create underwear that keeps everything breathable and incredibly comfortable for you downstairs. They're just it's a game changer I'll tell you. As soon as I got my first pair of sheath underwear and I'll be honest I was a little skeptical about the dual pouch technology,
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Starting point is 00:28:03 Okay, so let's move on on because I did assure some people that I would I would deal with this on today's episode. So for those of you guys who follow me on Twitter, I've been in a bit of a Twitter feud with this fellow named James Lindsay. This, by the way, well, let me just say, because I saw, you know, James, he's been tweeting some insulting stuff at me, and I did see, just before I started here, that he tweeted that he would never debate me
Starting point is 00:28:40 because the bridge has been burned and he only debates people he respects, and he no longer respects me Um, which is a awfully convenient Uh view but I think probably if I was james lindsey, that's a wise choice on his part um, so for the record Me and lindsey were I mean we never like were friends or anything like that, but we were cool
Starting point is 00:29:04 We followed each other on on twitter and we had messaged back and forth a few times over the years. The beef started because when I was on Tucker Carlson show last, I think it was the last time I was on, I had said something about how I thought it was stupid that Donald Trump kept referring to Kamala Harris as a communist. That's essentially where it started. James Lindsay took offense to this and started rambling about how I don't know what I'm talking about and I haven't done the research and all of this stuff. The truth is this, and he's been very insulting to me
Starting point is 00:29:45 on Twitter, so I just kind of, you know, like I'm not exactly gonna partake in that, maybe I will, whatever, but I do feel a little like unhandcuffed at this point to just tell the truth. And here's the truth, James Lindsay is one of these guys who, much like Sam Harris, it's a very similar dynamic where a lot of people will say, Oh man, this guy used to be great and now he just sucks. You know, like what happened to this guy? And I hate to be the guy to
Starting point is 00:30:19 break it to you, but he didn't used to be great. It's much like Sam Harris. There's this weird dynamic that happens a lot where it's like people go, oh, this guy used to be great, but now he's terrible. And it's like, no, no, no, no, you woke up. That's what happened. You woke up and now you recognize how bad he is now, but he was always this bad. This is the truth. James Lindsay was a novelty act.
Starting point is 00:30:44 He was fun. If you guys don't remember, he kind of burst onto the scene by trolling like woke college journals. So him and a buddy of his, they like actually, what they would do is they would like, almost like what Stephen Colbert used to do on the Colbert report. If you remember, he would like he would play a character as George W. Bush's number one fan. But the whole time he was really mocking George Bush. And that was kind of his shtick. So they basically did that.
Starting point is 00:31:15 They submitted a bunch of articles for these scientific journals that were going along with the woke insanity, but taking it to such a cartoonishly insane level that it kind of exposed the whole thing and they really got published so like one of the things they did was um they and I'm remembering this it was years ago but it's something close to this one of them was they actually took Mein Kampf and took out the word Jew and inserted straight white men and then got a section of it published. That's pretty great.
Starting point is 00:31:47 Because these woke college professors will actually sign off on that. And then one of them was that they studied the habits of dogs at dog parks and talked about rape culture amongst dogs. And like this actually important research. Yes, they got these things published. So it was great. It was a lot of fun. It's like you're trolling these dummies and it was great. So that stuff he was good at and then it was fun. The problem is that he was good at trolling the this retarded nonsense. But his
Starting point is 00:32:21 work is garbage. Just absolute garbage. It's just all terrible. It's all just nonsense theories about how Maoism took over the United States of America, and he can't back it up at all. And then he's gone hard in on this woke right narrative, the stuff that we've responded to constantin kissin on before And anyway, so he got very offended that I kind of poked holes in his dumb shit And I wasn't even talking about him I was just kind of saying like no this idea that they're all secret communists is really stupid and there's no evidence to support it
Starting point is 00:32:58 And it makes you sound like a loon when you say it so anyway he took a he took offense to this and like a loon when you say it. So anyway, he took a he took offense to this. And then we've gone back and forth a bit. And it's, I think actually been kind of fascinating and revealing the latest thing that he went back and forth. I mean, it's almost like it just proves my point. I'll read this. This tweet, it's like, in this argument that we've been having that we had with constantin cassin And now I'm having with James Lindsay about like who the woke right really is It's almost like they're only like you only have to prod them once or twice before they just admit it
Starting point is 00:33:35 This is I'm not making this up Just try to imagine that this guy is actually out there doing shows about who the woke right are. And this is what just so earlier today, um, when I posted that our, uh, our video got taken down off YouTube for violating community standards, he, he chimes in and, uh, says like, um, I don't know something about, oh, you're just ranting. And Tom woods asked him, he said, so you're saying he should get kicked off YouTube for this ranting or whatever And then he responds by saying I believe this is a typo He's he said he wants but I believe he meant to say he rants
Starting point is 00:34:14 He said he rants about Jews on a site that doesn't permit ranting about Jews We don't live in should land we live in. And yes, I know he's Jew ish. And he separated the word to like make the old dumb joke. I'm kind of a Jew or something like that. Now, first of all, we had Scott on to talk about his book about Russia and Ukraine. Second of all, when do we ever rant about the Jews? We're a show hosted by two Jews. We've never like expressed a hostility or anything toward Jewish people.
Starting point is 00:34:55 I am a critic of the government of Israel. So this is already you're conflating criticizing a government policy with being a bigot. Who does that remind you of Rob? Who is known for this? Oh wait a minute, hold on, so I somehow lose my Jewishness, I'm not really a Jew now because I don't have the right political opinions. Hmm, who does that remind you of? Who criticizes black conservatives that way and calls them Uncle Tom's and says you're not really black anymore? Who, you know what I mean? It's, it's the Joe Biden, if you don't vote for me, you're not black. The LA Times, Larry, Larry Elder is the black
Starting point is 00:35:38 face of white supremacy. It's like, you know, you're, they just immediately take the woke left's playbook This is just exactly the exact same thing and I do appreciate him saying it because it's just like there It's just kind of naked and blatant for everyone to see This is what you're doing. So anyway Because he he went at me And within by the way in a very bizarre way He did it one at one point. He started like I think attacking me for being skinny Like he was like oh you need a little bit fat. Well. Yeah, this is the weirdest thing
Starting point is 00:36:14 He just started going you got to lift some weights dude. Let's do shoulder day, and it's like dude They won't debate you, but I'll do shoulder day with you Well, it would be cringy and lame if like a dude in good shape just started talking about that Like I just my mind would never in a million years in one of these like political debates Go to like making fun of a guy because he needs to work out more something But James Lindsley is just an out-of-shape guy Like it's just like such a bizarre. He's like, oh, you need to do shoulder day. Like, dude, you need to do tits. You don't even need...
Starting point is 00:36:48 You don't need... Lay off the shoulders, dude. Do tits day a few times. Anyway, so it's just very bizarre. But here is... Let's play this, and again, it is from the Trigonometry podcast. But I will say, I know we've done quite a bit of responses to Trigonometry lately, but also, it does kind of make sense because what am
Starting point is 00:37:05 I going to do? Responses to MSNBC? No one watches that shit anymore. Just because I'm a dummy and I'm a little confused. So does James Lindsay like anti-semites as long as they have nice shoulders? I guess. I guess if you're going to do it. Listen, we all prefer the anti-semites with nice shoulders to the ones without. So I'm not going to blame them for that. But anyway, Trigonometry is a very popular show and a lot of people are watching it, and I think it's popular for good reason. I like Constantine and his partner, I think they put on a good show. I apologize for blanking on his name. I think they put on a good show. And I do really genuinely appreciate
Starting point is 00:37:47 that no matter how much I think me and Constantine may disagree, there's a mutual respect and like a kind of cordial nature to the disagreement. That's not exactly the case with James Lindsay. But anyway, let's get into this thing. I don't even think we'll spend as much time on this one as we normally do, because this stuff's just kind of easy to swat down. But this is here. Let's just play. Is the debate between you and Constantine ever going to happen?
Starting point is 00:38:13 You know, he, I think he had recently expressed that like, oh yeah, we'll still, we'll make it happen. And I certainly am on the same page. I'll actually reach out to them. I'll make sure I do that by the end of the week. Let's let's do Thanksgiving and that, oh, they're British. They don't celebrate Thanksgiving. You know what? I'll reach out today. All right. Let's play. And James, you mentioned the term woke right. It's a term you and I have both used. But it'd be interesting to talk about it for a number of reasons. But first of all, what do you mean by that term? Because a lot of people are very confused about it. Yeah, it's not necessarily the best term.
Starting point is 00:38:47 It's more accurate to, I don't use the word woke too, I use it a little too casually still, generally speaking, but I've tried to be very specific when it comes to it to use the phrase woke Marxism, as in that it's a species of Marxist thought, yada, yada, yada. So we can very easily place that on the Marxist left, right? Well Woke right another term that might work for that is woke fascism and just like woke Marxism is technically woke
Starting point is 00:39:16 Neo-marxism this could be called woke neo-fascism the more Low well, that's that's what I wanted to get to so there are kind of two ways to look at why it's woke. And one is kind of philosophical and one is practical. Practical side is look at how they behave. They behave exactly like the woke. There's the targeted influence campaigns, there's the manufacturing of what the postmodern is called legitimation by parology or whatever they create the illusion That there's massive support for this and massive distaste for that Using social media manipulations like we just talked about they are highly invested in identity politics the answer for them to leftist identity politics is a reaction identity politics or reactionary in a politics equal and opposite or in biblical terms Let's answer evil right here, which when I you got to help me out here Cuz I don't know what the fuck he's talking about. Well, this is one of the things that James Lindsay does which is by the way
Starting point is 00:40:18 really identical to the postmodernists is that and by the way, this is something that everybody should, you should develop like a radar for this. There are people who try very hard to sound intelligent. Like that is their concern is let me sound like a smart guy so that you almost go oh I guess this smart guy must have figured something out even though he's saying nothing he's just saying absolutely nothing it is this is what Kamala Harris's presidential campaign was right just always try to sound like you're saying let me
Starting point is 00:40:58 relabel this thing and break it into these two categories but this category is not quite like this category so let's relabel it again and do another separation. But let me state clearly. Right. Listen, this is the thing. Okay. Focus and in general, focus, like there's a difference between people and look, I say this, whatever flaws that I may have, I think people who listen to this show know, I'm about the argument. That's my central thing is that I'm about like, hey, this is an argument that I think is a very strong argument.
Starting point is 00:41:29 This is an argument that I think is a weak argument. What argument is James Lindsay even attempting to make here? Like, who are you talking about? What are you saying? What, who is manipulating the social media algorithms? Who is faking that they have support that they don't really have? You know, Konstantin, to his credit at least, when he, like was talking about the woke right, he named some people. He named some people. He named Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens.
Starting point is 00:42:03 I think Darrell Cooper. I can't remember who else, but he named some people. Okay, so then you can actually, is Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens manipulating social media to give the impression that they're popular when they're really not? Good luck. If that's your argument, good luck winning that argument. Oh, but you won't actually make that because you don't really have an argument. And then of course, he goes to this, this claim of identity politics. Well, there is no way in hell that you can say Tucker Carlson is guilty of playing identity politics. This just makes no sense at all. His entire thing has always been that we should, that he hates racialist collectivism on any side.
Starting point is 00:42:50 And he just does not like that. That has always been his position. There is like, and again, I mean, if you're gonna talk about identity politics, just imagine, right? Imagine this, Rob. I'm gonna give you two views and you tell me how it is possible To not see the contradiction in these two views. Okay. Here are the two views Rob
Starting point is 00:43:13 I am opposed to identity politics. That's view number one number two. I support Zionism Tell me how you can possibly hold those two views and not see the obvious contradiction. I believe in a government for a particular identity group, but I oppose identity politics. Zionism is the definition of identity politics. And listen, I'll say this. I've never been a guy who really rants against identity Politics because it's kind of a slippery definition and there could be some identity politics that I would have absolutely no problem with
Starting point is 00:43:55 I'll give you an example Maj Ture he runs a group called black guns matter. I have no problem with that whatsoever It is clearly identitarian. He's talking about how there's been kind of like a racist history behind gun control legislation and that it's often black people who are in these high-crime areas, the law-abiding black people, who need the Second Amendment the most.
Starting point is 00:44:20 Now, that is identitarian, but it's also just fighting for gun rights and for getting government out of the way of people's right to defend themselves, so I have no problem with that at all. And I don't even in theory have a problem with Zionism. I don't have a problem with if there's a group of Jewish people who want to start a society together and they want it to be explicitly for Jewish people. I'd have no problem with that. Listen, if Jews had, say, purchased the land legitimately from Arabs and not violated the natural rights of the Arab population there,
Starting point is 00:44:59 I wouldn't really have a problem with that. However, if you're going to support Zionism, don't give me this BS about how you're against identity politics. That just doesn't make any sense, okay? Like, I imagine, Rob, you would agree with me too, right? That if there was a group of, say, black nationalists or white nationalists or Jewish nationalists or Italian nationalists or whatever, and they wanted to, by peaceful means, voluntarily purchase some land and go live as they please on that land. Me and you have no problem with that. I mean, you know, do you? We don't necessarily want to join your group, but like you have a right to do that, but don't do that and tell me you're against identity politics, because that's what it is.
Starting point is 00:45:44 You're an identitarian. Like okay fine. Anyway so again it's just throughout this entire argument about the woke right it's like stop doing this like gishgallop nonsense. Give me very clear what your principles are and then apply them equally to all of these different groups. Because again, you're, like just today, James Lindsay is attacking me on identitarian grounds that I'm Jew-ish because I rant against the Jews. You're the identitarian dude, not us. All right, let's keep playing.
Starting point is 00:46:22 The Bible says not to do by the way, very specifically. And so there's this, you know, grievance, identity, everything's bad for white Christian men, straight white Christian men. We're the oppressed minority under this. There's an ideology, and this kind of bleeds into the philosophical idea, but we'll get more specific with that in a second. There's this kind of belief that there's this ruling class that's erected an ideology to marginalize people like them that sounds very much like woke, except instead of saying that it's like the white people
Starting point is 00:46:55 create the white ruling class created white supremacy to marginalize people of color, especially black and indigenous and their ways of knowing from getting inside. The woke right or the woke fascist side says instead that following World War Two on the back of Hitler and the idea of never again, there was erected a post war liberal consensus starting in the 1940s immediately starting in 1945. The creation of the United Nations was part of this. The signing on to the United Nations was part of this. The creation of the United Nations was part of this. The signing on to the United Nations was part of this. They assigned William Buckley to, Bill Buckley,
Starting point is 00:47:28 to having done a route to drive the true conservatives to the margins so that a false post-war liberal consensus conservative movement could rise up, the neocons, and hold them out. So the neocons become this kind of hegemonic force within the conservative faction that edges out so-called true conservatism and these more dangerous, so to speak, ideas like fascist ideas,
Starting point is 00:47:54 like Carl Schmitt's ideas about unbound executives and friend enemy politics and so on. That these ideas all had to be pushed to the side on the pretext that World War II or a Adolf Hitler can never rise again. And so therefore the true conservatives who represented conservative politics and kept at bay the beast of the left, which they say is the right's true function is to keep at bay the left.
Starting point is 00:48:19 In other words, to have a war, right versus left, with everybody in the middle, I guess, taking, you know, taking fire in the crossfire. But they believe that this post-war liberal consensus in the neoconservative movement literally was designed to marginalize their perspectives and to keep these other more radical right-wing ideas out of out of play. So this so this is a very positive way of thinking about let's pause it here. It says this is a very woke way of thinking. All right. So God, I mean, does he just say nothing and make no argument
Starting point is 00:48:53 while trying to sound smart? And it doesn't come off as very intelligent. There's if you're going to say that the characteristics that make them the woke right is that there's grievance politics There's a grievance here. I would certainly concede that anytime no matter what your political bent is there's always a danger of
Starting point is 00:49:21 Falling into kind of like a victim ideology or victim mentality, this can happen if you think that the system is against white people or if you think the system is against black people or the system is against gay people. This can happen to libertarians who just blame the government for why their own life is a problem. Like any group could be susceptible to this. Maybe even the right wing who blindly supports Israel.
Starting point is 00:49:51 I mean, I have heard them mention a couple times, anti-Semitism. I have heard them mention Jews as a victim group a time or two, just saying. But again, that means nothing. That absolutely, this just means nothing. That absolutely this just means nothing. Because if you're just going to say what's similar to the woke left or the woke right is they have
Starting point is 00:50:12 grievances. Well, then that describes all politics. That every political group has grievances, there's never been one that didn't. That's kind of central to any political worldview. So then the actual question, like what an actual intelligent argument would sound like, is listen to the grievances and see if they're legitimate or not. Okay? And like, yes, I'm sorry, but like DEI, affirmative action type shit, has been the law of the land there is Discrimination under the law against a certain group and so if they're coming up and saying hey We have a real issue with this
Starting point is 00:50:52 Well look obviously if they're blaming all of their problems in their personal life on it that is unhealthy And that's not a good mentality to have but you can't just say if they have a grievance Therefore they're the woke, you know, like the the critical Theory type guys critical race theory stuff like that. They have this insane worldview that Everything can be reduced to oppression in one form or another Everything is oppressor verse oppressed, right? And this is what you see in kind of the dominant culture say on college campuses Everything has to be viewed through that law that lens
Starting point is 00:51:29 So it's it's whites verse blacks or straights verse gays or men verse women or cis verse trans Everything has to be seen through that lens now that is stupid It doesn't make sense to view the entire world that way. Okay? And obviously you can just throw lots of real-life examples into that and just go like, okay so you're telling me that like by definition some straight white cis whatever made-up words they have some some straight white guy in Appalachia is privileged and Barack Obama's girls are victims? Oh yeah, right. There's lots of other factors involved.
Starting point is 00:52:12 And in fact, lots of relationships can be mutually beneficial and nobody's being oppressed. Okay. So viewing everything through the lens of oppressor versus oppressed is stupid. However, if anyone ever points out that any group of people is oppressed for your response to be, oh, that's just like the woke left, that is equally stupid. That's just as dumb as their view. There are scenarios where human beings are oppressed and marginalized, and there's nothing wrong with pointing that out. The relevant question is, is your claim accurate?
Starting point is 00:52:46 Do you have an argument that is actually based on logic and truth? And if you do, then it's a good argument. Like, all he's, he's said nothing here, saying absolutely nothing to go, oh, we can call them the woke because what exactly? They have grievances. They veer into identitarianism, which, by the way, is not even true for most of the group that he's talking about, or certainly far less true than other groups like the Zionists. Right. I don't even know what else what else is there to say to this rub?
Starting point is 00:53:24 I'm confused Willie it's cuz he's saying nothing. All right, guys Let's take a moment and thank our sponsor for today's show, which is lumen the world's first handheld metabolic coach It's a device that measures your metabolism through your breath And then on the app it lets you know if you're burning fat or carbs and gives you tailored guidance to improve your nutrition if you're burning fat or carbs and gives you tailored guidance to improve your nutrition, workout, sleep, and even stress management. All you have to do is breathe into your lumen first thing in the morning and you'll know what's going on with your metabolism, whether you're burning fat or carbs. Then lumen gives you
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Starting point is 00:55:06 designed to exclude people like them. I forgot to say, I should have mentioned also, just that like his claim that like it makes you woke somehow to say that Bill Buckley was like gatekeeping the right wing in America and that the neocons rose to prominence and kind of kicked all of the, you know, the old right, the more traditionalist right wing that predated the neoconservatives who were much more concerned with like non interventionist foreign policy and sound money and limited government and things like that. I mean, take on the argument, dude, it happened. That is true. Sorry, we're allowed to point that out. Like this is a matter of history.
Starting point is 00:55:48 But Bill Buckley was open about it. He was open about kicking these groups out of the larger conservative movement. So again, this is just it's a non argument to say if you believe that then you're woke. Is it true or not? Spoiler alert, it is. All right, let's keep playing. Order to be able to achieve certain political agendas. And now they believe that they've woken up to these ideas. Woke.
Starting point is 00:56:12 They've found them again. They've read the forbidden philosophers, Carl Schmitt, Julius Evola, James Burnham, and so on. They've read these things and they're bringing back a true conservatism that was excluded from politics roughly since the end of World War II on the bogus pretense of preventing the rise of another fascist like Hitler or Franco or Pinochet. And so there's a very practical explanation for why they're woke, especially their behavior. Lots of lying, lots of character attacks, lots of saying no enemies to the right.
Starting point is 00:56:48 Okay, literally. So just to be clear, he says that's a very practical explanation. Like, no, it's not. And the view that he just like, just tell me this, James Lindsay, who are you talking about? Who has that view? Just explain it to me. When has Tucker or Candace or someone like that made that argument that you're explaining? Because it seems like you're just attributing an argument to them that they never made. Sure what it looks like from my point of view. Anyway. But at least he'll talk out against personal attacks.
Starting point is 00:57:18 Well, right. And then the guy's going, oh, here's the characteristic. They resort to personal attacks while the guy's talking about how I got to lift weights or something like that. Like, wait, here's the characteristic. They resort to personal attacks while the guy's talking about how I got to lift weights or something like that. Like, wait, what? Which one of these guys are you? By literally all of the metrics that he just laid out, he's already losing. You're woker than whatever you're describing here. You do all of the things that you're criticizing right now. You try to, you could try to couch it in this dumb academic language, but you're just, there's no argument here whatsoever.
Starting point is 00:57:51 Like, just give me, again, this is the same thing, and again, this is why some people were saying, you know, that, oh, it's just semantics, when I was responding to Constantine Kusen about what first principles are, but it's not just that it's just semantics. My whole point is that if you're going to come at this from first principles, you have to give me your principle and then show how you apply it to both sides.
Starting point is 00:58:15 This is such a reasonable standard. That's it. If you want to say one side is woke compared to the other side, then the argument should look something like, okay, well, this side engages in accusations of bigotry whenever you make an argument against their position. This side is trying to counsel people. This side is trying to claim that they're in a dangerous environment and therefore they feel threatened and therefore your words are actually violence. Okay. Right? Like that's my argument. Essentially,
Starting point is 00:58:46 look at that standard of what we all object to on the woke and tell me who that fits more. It fits to a T with the pro-Israel, right? And it does not at all fit to people like us. Okay. That's what an argument looks like. That's what applying an objective standard to different groups looks like. Okay. With Israel and Palestine, we're going gonna say that whatever, you know, it's wrong to kill innocent people or something like that. Okay, who's killed more innocent people?
Starting point is 00:59:12 You know what I mean? Like, tell me your moral standard, and then let's apply this to both sides, and then let's have an honest dialogue about it. But this, you just get to say, well, and they resort to personal insults while you do the exact same thing. This is sophistry. It's bullshit. It's garbage. Much like all of James Lindsay's work. This is garbage. All right, let's keep playing. Right, but they don't actually even attack the left that's their enemy, so to speak at all. They only attack other conservatives lots of power plays lots of manipulative Right there, Natalie
Starting point is 00:59:47 Okay, so at least for once between all of this nonsense rambling James gave us an objective standard Okay, they don't attack the left. They only attack the right and other conservatives Who does that apply to? Who can anybody with a straight face tell me that we don't attack the left? Can anybody tell me that Tucker Carlson does not attack the left? That Kansas Owens does not attack the left? Do you think Darrell Cooper does not attack the left? Please make that argument
Starting point is 01:00:29 Geez, I wonder why this guy doesn't want to debate me on this topic It's probably because the bridge has been burned I mean take take that debate somewhere and see how you could do with that It's not even because the thing about it is is that he finally snuck in an objective claim You know what I mean? But it's so obviously wrong. It's so obviously bullshit. That's not true. None of those people, nobody, there's nobody you could think of.
Starting point is 01:00:54 I mean, please tell me the person who is on the woke right who never goes at the left and only attacks fellow conservatives. And then of course, the other point is that it makes sense to attack other conservatives sometimes. Why wouldn't you? Why would you avoid attacking your team or your camp? It would seem that if other people who identify as a similar thing to you are getting it all wrong, it would make a lot of sense to be critical of them. I'm not sure I'm seeing the argument here. All right, let's keep playing You know speech and then there's the philosophical deeper Aspect why woke what does woke mean woke up to a structural politics that marginalizes people like me
Starting point is 01:01:37 And we need to band together in solidarity No enemies to the right in order to be able to create a powerful enough No enemies to the right in order to be able to create a powerful enough Oppressed coalition to flip over the power structure by putting ourselves at the center and claiming power for ourselves This is explicitly Conscious I just want this is exactly like why you you got to play this these type of videos why it's worth responding to them I want all of you guys to just like honestly take a minute and think about how dumb this is. This is why I say his work is garbage. Because it really is truly awful.
Starting point is 01:02:11 I mean, imagine saying that here's the similarity. This is why they get to be called woke. Because their political view is that they woke up to the truth. And they want to put themselves in the powerful position. That just describes every political view. There's nothing about that that is unique to woke-ism or critical theory or postmodernism or the anti-Zionist right wing or the pro-Zionist right wing or the moderate liberals or the far lefties or any political view, that is one of the
Starting point is 01:02:52 features of them. We feel like we woke up to what's really going on and we'd like to put the people who we like into political office. Like imagine I was going to say to you, okay, so there's all these third parties. So let's say it's the forward party or something like that. And I was going to argue to you that I go, the forward party, they're just a bunch of liberal Democrats. That's all that party is. And you were like, by the way, I don't even know what the forward party stands for so I'm just using an example. And then you were to say, way, I don't even know what the Forward Party stands for, so I'm just using an example, right? But, and then you were to say, like, no, I don't really think they're liberal Democrats. They stand for a whole bunch of things that liberal Democrats don't stand for.
Starting point is 01:03:33 And I was like, well, Rob, on the more philosophical angle here, you see, the reason why they're all liberal Democrats is because much like the liberal Democrats, they feel like they are aware of the correct political theory. And they want to get their candidates into office so that they can have power to enact their political views. You see they're the same as the Democrats. When you immediately just laugh that out of the room? Like what? Yeah, that's what political parties are. What do you mean? You're making a comparison.
Starting point is 01:04:11 You didn't take a unique or defining aspect of liberal Democrats and then demonstrate how the forward party are the same. By the way, in real life, you probably could do that, but you didn't do that. You just picked this thing that describes everybody and they are justifying your ridiculous claim this is just Unbelievably stupid. All right, guys, let's take a moment and thank our sponsor for today's show Which is public rec if you are tired of squeezing into stiff dress pants at the holiday party This season unwrap the gift of comfort with the Game
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Starting point is 01:06:06 He's not doing a Howard Zinn critical America theory. Howard Zinn being the one who wrote the people's history, so the Marxist history of the United States, propaganda. He's writing a different critical history of the United States. Well, the Constitution was, you know, not really adequate to prevent all of this. There is a world post World War Two liberal consensus or world order that we're all being made subject to. Well, look at how America was involved in all of these things. America bad, America bad, America bad. Also, the UK was pretty
Starting point is 01:06:38 bad too. I'm sorry. This is fucking stupid, dude. Like, this is actually his comparison. He goes, well, he's critical of America, just like Howard Zinn. Critical. He's got critiques of the country that he lives in. So therefore, what exactly? Well, and like, where exactly do we get to say
Starting point is 01:07:04 he's critical of America? Are you not critical of America, James Lindsay? For years, he's made a name for himself off of criticizing how communists have control of all of the institutions in America. Does that not count as being critical of America? Is it only when you're critical of what? Washington DC? That's when you become a critic of America? Because I could tell you that Tucker loves America
Starting point is 01:07:34 and constantly talks about what a great country it is. But yes, I mean, like, of course he's critical of the government that we live under. We're $35 trillion in debt. Our currency is being tremendously devalued. We have the biggest cultural, racial, and political divides of my lifetime. We have fought seven wars in the last 25 years
Starting point is 01:07:55 that have resulted in nothing but the deaths of millions of people, cost trillions of dollars, and destabilized the world, and we're currently involved in two ridiculously reckless proxy wars. Why should we not be critical of that? What exactly does that mean?
Starting point is 01:08:14 Again, an actual argument that wasn't garbage or wasn't sophistry would be something like Tucker is critical of this, but he gets it wrong. James is not even attempting to do any of that. He's just saying, you criticize America, they criticize America. Therefore, you're just like them. Well, maybe their criticisms are stupid and these criticisms are smart. That's possible too. Like this is mind-numbingly stupid.
Starting point is 01:08:45 And of course he's couching it in this kind of like, he's saying it with an air of intellectual superiority, but he has nothing. There is no argument here. Yes, he's critical of America. And then again, like the idea that, oh, and they have this idea that there was a post-war consensus? This is not an idea that Tucker Carlson made up. This is something that everybody acknowledges as just an objectively factual historical truth.
Starting point is 01:09:20 This happened. By the way, all these terms like the New World Order or the liberal consensus or any of these terms, hegemony, any of these things, these are the terms that they use. You understand that, right? None of these terms were invented by Alex Jones. This is what the New World Order was a term that Henry Kissinger and George H.W. Bush used to use. Liberal consensus is a term that Charles Krautinhammer and Bill Kristol and all of them use. This isn't benevolent hegemony is what I think, who is that, Paul Wolfowitz, I believe, called it. So this isn't something that the critics use. This is something that the people who were instrumental in these policies describe them as. And yes,
Starting point is 01:10:11 they are true. There is a post-war foreign policy order, and that has involved America being essentially the global empire. That's just a fact. Again, it's like when the Soviet Union collapsed, the unipolar moment, that term was coined by Charles Krauthammer. It wasn't us. We didn't make that up. But yes, we are critics of that.
Starting point is 01:10:37 But there I go again. I'm a critic, so I guess I'm woke. That's essentially what it all boils down to. All right, so I don't know. I usually end these things by saying I'm open to a debate or a discussion. Obviously, Lindsay has already said he doesn't want to do that. But, so Lin, I guess let this just be the nail in the coffin. That shit is really, really stupid.
Starting point is 01:10:56 There is no argument there. No coherent one. But I would be... I would love, more than anything else, for somebody to try to debate that position against me. I'd be interested to see how that goes. Alright, we got to wrap up there. Happy Thanksgiving everybody. Happy Thanksgiving to you Rob and to you Natalie. And thank you to everybody. I'm thankful for our wonderful audience that we have who's been so supportive of this show.
Starting point is 01:11:21 Hope you guys have a good one. Enjoy some time off work and some time with family. Catch you next time. Peace.

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