Part Of The Problem - Cuomo Fails Again

Episode Date: January 10, 2025

Dave Smith brings you the latest in politics! On this episode of Part Of The Problem, Dave is joined by co-host Robbie "The Fire" Bernstein to discuss Chris Cuomo's comments about the vaccine... not being "forced", Mike Brzezinski saying that Biden could have won the election, and more. Support Our Sponsors:Upgrade your wardrobe instantly and save20% off with the code [PROBLEM] at #publicrecpodSheath - use promo code PROBLEM20Proton VPN - Get ProtonVPN using Dave's exclusive offer! -ÃœM - & Use code PROBLEMPart Of The Problem is available for early pre-release at as well as an exclusive episode on Thursday!Get your tickets to Porch Tour here:https://porchtour.comFind Run Your Mouth here:YouTube - - - the show on social media:X: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up? What's up? How is everybody doing? Welcome to a brand new episode of part of the problem. I am Dave Smith. He is Robbie the fire Bernstein. How are you feeling, brother? I'm doing well. How are you, Mr. Smith? Good. Good. I cannot complain. Can I complain a little bit of a busy morning here? I was just recording with Aaron Matei and Katie Helper over on their podcast, which was great. I really love those guys. So it was fun. It was cool.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Who is Aaron? Aaron Matei. He's a, he's a journalist. He wrote for the nation for a while. And then I want to hold on. Am I getting confused on this? I shouldn't say it wrong, but I think he's over at a, you know, he is. Yes. He's at the gray zone now with, um, uh,
Starting point is 00:00:50 like that's max Blumenthal and Aaron Matei out there. He's a, he's great. He was one of the absolute best journalists on Russia gate, just phenomenal. Like he's a left wing guy, but he was just totally all over that. Like, look, this is just the most ridiculous thing ever that the CIA is saying. Trump's a Russian spy and did like great work on just tearing it apart,
Starting point is 00:01:15 like going through each one of their claims and what the evidence was. So he was very helpful for me during that. He also did great reporting on on Syria back in like 20 I want to say like 2016 2017 2018 in those years just great So anyway, it was just a lot of fun to talk to talk with those guys It was I think a very interesting conversation. So go look for that on their podcast. I am Not sure what the name of it is, but I'll tweet it whenever it's out. I'll tweet it yesterday
Starting point is 00:01:43 I brought my skis into the shop I'm hoping that my legs hold up and gonna be skiing out and Boozman is Well, if not, then you know how the Robbie the fireburnstein story ends It ends with a tragic skiing incident where his knees were separated from his body And I hope not but there is a possibility of hitting one mogul Retairing whatever I tore over the summer and then having to take the ski patrol down and sitting on a stool on stage and being like I'm an idiot Dude, I mean it is possible, but I'm going for it as even as you say it. I'm like would be really funny though Like I mean you don't even got to worry about jokes for like the first five minutes of your set
Starting point is 00:02:23 Like you could you'll you'll find enough. There's a well right there that you'll be able to dig into. But yes, anyway, we will be out in Bozeman, Montana, just coming up now in a, in a little over a week. So go grab some tickets, still a few seats available, And then of course the following week we will be out in, what do we got? We got Louisville, Kentucky one night only January 30th and then January 30th and 31st will be in Fort Wayne, Indiana. And then I'm sorry, January, my mistake,
Starting point is 00:03:01 January 30th we're in Louisville, January 31st and February 1st were in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The following week after that Key West, Florida, then Buffalo, Boston, Chicago, Rosemont, Appleton, Wisconsin, Denver, Cleveland, Tacoma, Spokane, Tampa, and still a few more dates on there that have not been added yet. So we are going to be busy this year. I'm just smiling because like it's like you just scheduled drinking for me. Like those are those are a dangerous three weekends in a row.
Starting point is 00:03:35 I've been looking forward to traveling to Louisville, Key West. It's it's remarkable how much drinking goes on down there. And then Buffalo. I've never seen anything in my life that one time I went into a bar in Buffalo and it was freezing and I ordered a makers mark on the rocks and got a milkshake glass And I'm like, I don't even I guess I'm having one I don't even understand the the economics on this on how that was only eight dollars
Starting point is 00:04:01 But sure I'll drink a bottle out of this glass They are yeah, I have scheduled some drink. I should also put on my website, like when Rob needs to go get blood work done, when he needs to take liver enzyme medication, it's we'll schedule it all at. Don't you guys worry? But I am looking forward to a lot of these shows. Anyway, for all those ticket links. All right. So. To start today's show, I just listen, I can't not. That's my only,
Starting point is 00:04:30 that's my only disclaimer. Um, I'm just, I get at this point now, in this weird world that we live in, in this weird career that I've carved out for myself, I get flooded on social media whenever Chris Cuomo says something dumb. That's my cross to, to bear. I don't know, but they are always and everybody's just a, you know, like, Oh Dave, you got to knock this one out of the park again. And so I don't know particularly in this clip where I do fit,
Starting point is 00:04:59 maybe this is just my own narcissism, but I do feel like I'm a little bit a part of these rants. Like it's always kind of directed at me. I mean mean the last time he actually called me out by name this time He doesn't mention me, but as I've made clear like it was about you I don't think that was narcissism if it feels like he's talking about you. I mean The real issue is that Cuomo just can't get over it He's just can't get over the fact that in his mind and I get it, you know, like it he's a Cuomo just can't get over it. He's just can't get over the fact that in his mind, and I get it, you know, like he's a Cuomo, he was the mayor's kid and then, or I'm sorry,
Starting point is 00:05:30 the governor's kid. And then his brother became governor too. And he's the number one show on CNN. And then he comes into this debate with some podcaster comedian and just gets walloped. And that's, I understand that can be tough, but that's not really my fault. And as I've said before, I reserve the right to just destroy you anytime I want to. So that's where we are.
Starting point is 00:05:57 And then I fucking chief nerd is like one of my favorite accounts on Twitter. And then he always posts these videos. And so I always see him because I'm always interacting. He's like in my algorithm or whatever and then even if he wasn't, I mean, Jesus man, the amount of people who just sent this to me was pretty nuts. Anyway, no further ado. Let's let's go to our guy Chris Cuomo and his latest. So no, I'm not going gonna be able to cover the world
Starting point is 00:06:27 the way CNN can, but whatever I'm covering, my reporting, what I know, my sources, I'm okay. A lot more than these guys on digital media. I mean, are you kidding me? They're not reporters. They don't have sources. That's why they go with some sources and they take it from other places.
Starting point is 00:06:43 And then they package it in an opinion, which is fine. But the idea that they are at an advantage against the Wall Street Journal, because they cherry pick every time somebody gets something wrong. Like, you know how easy that is to do? How often do they get things wrong? However, they have truth. They want you to believe that the vaccine that Donald Trump got us faster than we could have ever gotten it otherwise. He says, and everybody seems to agree, the man they voted for and supported for president wound up producing something that's poison.
Starting point is 00:07:15 All right. So just pause it. Just how sad is all of this? I mean, what can I even say here, Rob? It's just, I mean, just pathetic. It's the same old thing, the same Sam Harris thing where you're, you're just counting on like the, the esteem of the wall street journal. And how can you, how, you know, and like, look again, sure, fine. The wall street journal has a budget and they have journalists and they have sources and they have, you know, but what does all that result in? It ends up resulting in just being what? The CIA is mouthpiece or something like that.
Starting point is 00:07:58 So, okay. Yes. There's there's these people online who just have opinions who just point out when someone's getting something wrong and that's easy to do All right Fine, it does come fairly easily to me. I Agree, it's what an advantage all I have to do is point out what you guys are wrong about which by the way was everything Everything and then you you know, again, I understand he's not like saying me by name, but I don't know exactly who the
Starting point is 00:08:28 fuck he's talking about here. And it's like, and then he goes, Oh, well, you know, I actually, for a second, they are kind of like got my eyebrows up. Like when he goes out, when the first time I heard this, not just now, but when I heard this, where he goes like, well, anyone could do that. I mean, I could point out what you're wrong about. And I'm kind of like, okay, yeah, that's right. That's how these I mean, I could point out what you're wrong about. And I'm kind of like, okay, yeah, that's right. That's how these things work. I can point out what you're wrong about and you can point out what I'm wrong about. So what do you got on me? What?
Starting point is 00:08:53 That the vaccine is poison that Trump, the guy you voted for is the one who did that. But I mean, like if he's not talking about me, who's he talking about? Like any of the Rogan? Hey, first off, none of us supported Donald Trump the first time. So that doesn't really work. Right. And it's like, yeah, the none of us said the vaccine was poison. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:09:15 That's not what we said. Why don't it's like if you want to point out the things that were if it's so easy to point out the things we're wrong about, then why do you have to lie? Why can't you just take on something? We actually said, I don't know. It's become a theme in my career, which is that like everybody who's so outraged about me always asked a totally straw man what it is I'm saying. Again, I understand this one. Isn't specifically about me, but if it's so easy to do so, then tell me, what did I get wrong? Like, but make it something I actually said. And like, yeah, Donald Trump,
Starting point is 00:09:47 what do you even as the claim here? Donald Trump got the vaccine faster than it could have been done without operation warp speed. Okay. Um, I guess I'll concede that. Sure. It probably happened faster because of that. The claim isn't that the vaccine is poison. Okay. Now it might be for some people like is, is the, is it true that people get vaccine injured by this vaccine? Yes. Undeniably. Nobody denies that anymore. Not even Chris Cuomo. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:22 Now Chris Cuomo certainly would have denied that when we were saying it was true and he was saying it's not like when he was at CNN, he certainly would have denied that. But no, the claim and, and look, let's, let's just make them real simple here. The claim is that number one, the vaccines did not work at all as they were sold, that they were sold on lies to it's not that they got it wrong. It's that they lied about it. Okay. So like, in other words, when Fauci was out there, and by the way, the, the new director of the national Institute of health, assuming he gets through J.
Starting point is 00:11:00 Bhattacharya was one of the best guys on pointing this out. It's not like when Fauci was saying, if you take this vaccine, you can't get COVID and you can't transmit it. He was totally like just being inexcusably reckless when he said, I don't know if Jay Bhattacharya would actually call Fauci a liar. Like I'll call him that. I don't know if he'd use that word. He would say something more professional sounding like a real Prince for smart genius guy that I'm not. Um, but he would have said something like, you know, the data does not back up this claim at all. Okay. But like I'll take that and say, yeah, he's lying. He had no, there was no scientific evidence that this was true.
Starting point is 00:11:43 And yet he told people that this was repeated by people like Chris Cuomo and Rachel Matto. And this guy, um, have you heard of Joe Biden? He was the president of the United States. He also said the same thing. It was repeated by everyone that if you get the vaccine is safe and effective. And if you get it, you can't get COVID and you can't transmit COVID. That's what was told to anyone. And then a bunch of people took it who never should have. Okay. And that's claim number three, that a huge portion of the people who took the vaccine never should have that they were taking a risk for absolutely no reward.
Starting point is 00:12:17 And that the truth is that people who were not immunocompromised, who were not old and sick, particularly, here's the one group that I just never get a, there's no scientific response from this young healthy people who had already had COVID were in many cases forced to get the vaccine and then forced to get boosters on top of it. That is it, that is totally based on pseudoscience. There is absolutely no justification for that. Now, if it's so easy to point out what's wrong,
Starting point is 00:12:52 Chris Cuomo, here's the challenge, all right? I know you're never gonna debate me again, but here's the challenge. Point out what's wrong in any of that. Tell me what I'm getting wrong. Take on something I'm actually saying and tell me what's wrong about that because it's so easy to just sit back and point out what other people get wrong, okay Let's hear it any thoughts rub. Yeah, you know I
Starting point is 00:13:14 Don't remember all the ins and outs of covas anymore. I certainly had it all in my brain at the time I remember my grandfather used to read a lot about the Civil War at some point He stopped reading about it And he's like I don't remember any of that like I used to be able to tell you detail of like the wars and this and that but if I had to give a shorter just Theme to what we were talking about is hey, they're lying to you and they shouldn't be taking away our freedoms And so I think he's kind of misrepresenting it as that with the poison claim I mean, I think I said
Starting point is 00:13:45 that there might be risks and that there's really no upside here so I don't know why you would take it but I don't think we ever went to personally I don't think we went too extreme on I mean I made jokes no dick was gonna fall off I I think the free and that's that's be right yeah well I wanted to have it removed anyway so for me personally it's convenient But anyways, I think we were always a little bit more concerned with the freedom part and you know three years later It's very easy to try and rehab Relitigate these things and then now get a detail wrong and it doesn't matter because we were a hundred percent right at the time When it was actually important
Starting point is 00:14:23 Just one more thing, and this is technical, I agree with everything you said there, but I do read the Wall Street Journal on a nearly daily basis. I've been reading it for over a decade. I think there's a lot of terrible media out there. And in the opinion sections, I certainly think that they overpitched wars and maybe through the COVID era, they were guilty of omission and that other people did much better coverage about how the regime was getting things, getting things wrong. I don't know that I would slap the CIA title on the wall street journal the same I would CNN
Starting point is 00:14:55 or the lake. Maybe the Washington post deserves it more than than the wall street journal. I'll say this. The wall street journal is the most interesting of the newspapers to read because the wall street journal is what they're of the newspapers to read because the wall street journal is what they're saying to people who make 400 K a year. It's not exactly the same. They're not talking to just like their lowest level of tax cattle.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Like they're talking to kind of like the upper middle class tax cattle. And so you just get more of, um, you just get more. And by the way, I'm also not trying to act like there's good stuff, but there's been good reporting in the New York times and in the Washington post too. Um, they often try to pretend like they never reported that when the narrative changes later. Um, but I do agree with you. There is some value in the, in the wall street journal. So I'm not sorry. I'm not trying to offend your sensibilities. I see where your loyalty is, Rob. All right, guys,
Starting point is 00:15:46 let's take a moment and thank our sponsor for today's show, which is Proton VPN. Proton created Proton VPN to further protect the journalists, activists and everyday citizens who use Proton mail. Proton VPN breaks down the barriers of internet censorship, allowing you to access restricted online content. ProtonSecureVPN sends your Internet traffic through an encrypted VPN tunnel to keep your browsing data safe even over public or untrusted Internet connections. And as a Swiss VPN provider, Proton does not log user activity or share data with third parties.
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Starting point is 00:16:45 And to check out an exclusive and limited time offer, go to Dave Smith. However, like I said, this is a limited time offer. So go check it out today. Dave Smith. All right, let's get back into the show.
Starting point is 00:17:01 Anyway, I just think that this, um, again, as always with this whole, you know, it's, it's very similar to the Sam Harris critique. Um, it's, it's, I get saying, Oh, come on, the internet just has these random guys, but this isn't a replacement for the New York times or the Wall Street Journal or Henry Kissinger or whatever. Again, if you're going to make that argument, fine. I think it's a valid argument, but you also have to deal with the fact that all of these
Starting point is 00:17:36 institutions have completely failed. And even to your point on the Wall Street Journal, it's like, yeah, but like when, when it really mattered the most, it's not like you're, like you said but like when when it really mattered the most It's not like you're like you said a lot of the really important shit's gonna be omitted from those pages I like to state it differently. I agree with him It'd be nice It would be much nicer to live in a world where the people that have all the resources to do journalism and get these stories, right? Got it, right. I would prefer to live in that world by the way. I like writing jokes It's a lot easier to just read the actual information and then write jokes about it than to have to sit through it and go, hey, I don't think you're giving me the real information.
Starting point is 00:18:12 And to go one step further, if we lived in an honest world in an honest environment, people like us that have been on, I wouldn't call it the sidelines because we're on the forefront of kind of the internet news media political commentary game, but like in a different environment I think people that like to make money might step in and go wow these guys are actually really good at this Why aren't we giving them a producer and you know, what does Sean Hannity making your 30 million dollars or whatever? That's how many producers I'll do it for half. Yeah for half that so I'm just saying How many producers I'll do it for half. Yeah, I'll do it for half that so I'm just saying To further combat what he's saying I wish that the news organizations that had all the resources didn't use all the resources To lied us and sell government agendas because that dude typically what I'm watching them doing and on the same note if you gave Us all those resources. Yeah, you know how much better at this we could be
Starting point is 00:19:01 I'd love to I would love to be a full-time drunk and just get talking points from someone that does my job and just puts it together. It will. Well, this is what's so interesting about this. And, and, and this is part of the reason why I've, you know, I've talked about this several times on the show. Um, I mean, number one, it's just, it's, it's kind of, it's interesting to me and it's a little bit surreal. It's weird to debate the guy who was the number one show at CNN. It's weird to be called out by Sam Harris by name, you know?
Starting point is 00:19:32 And then, okay. So there's a little like my own like ego in this. I'll fully admit that, but there's, it's like, when they make this point, you're like, listen, dude, no one agrees with you more than me. Do you know, do you know how disconcerting it is? Like, do you, do you, if I, me, it's the fucking shithead comedian from the Legion of skanks who has a fucking portion of my garage turned into a podcast studio. a portion of my garage turned into a podcast studio. If I was going to debate the number one show host at CNN, I should find myself against somebody formidable.
Starting point is 00:20:19 And I should be like, whoa, this guy knows way more than I know about this stuff. This guy's read every book I've read. And then he's read five books, slapping down the stuff of the books that I've read. And this guy is just like a wealth of knowledge and information and wisdom. And I just can't even compete with it. But that's not what I find when I go to debate the number one show host on CNN. Right? So like, I'm sorry, you can't turn around and blame me for that.
Starting point is 00:20:46 The point is that the institutions have failed. They got it all wrong. And no, I'm sorry, Chris Cuomo, it would not like if you want to try to do again, I mean, I don't know, you know, like when we debated, he had prepared to some degree, you know, he mentioned Legion of skanks and he mentioned a few things about me. It's like he had watched a few hours of, you know, or, or I don't know how much, but he had watched some of my content. But like if Chris Cuomo wants to sit down and watch the last three years or four years of part of the problem for him to sit there and say like, Oh, it would be just as easy
Starting point is 00:21:22 for me to sit back and point out everything you've gotten wrong. I don't think so. Like I will gladly, as I said to his face in the debate, I will gladly put my track record up against yours and we can see who got what wrong and who got what right and how important the things we got wrong were. And if we got something wrong, how quickly we adjust it. You know what I mean? And like it took in the new information that's I'm happy to do that. Um, all right, let's, let's keep playing. The COVID vaccine kills the COVID, COVID vaccine kills more people than it helped in any way. That's what they want you to believe. And you should have never been forced.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Pause it right there. Pause it right there. Again, just, and just bring it back a few seconds. Cause he's going to get into this forced to take it. But again, it's just, and this would be my only father. And this is why it's so easy to debate a guy like Chris Cuomo. Cause like, if we were in a debate and he says something like that, you're the followup question is just a, okay, who said that? But follow up question is just a, okay, who said that? Go ahead Cuomo. Who, who said that?
Starting point is 00:22:29 Who said that? The whole thing is that the vaccine has killed more people than it helped. By the way, that's like, first of all, I don't know how you would even measure that. I don't know how we would even know that, you know, like that. How do you measure the people that the vaccine helped? I mean, it's like the standard during the height of the craziness, Rob was just assuming that it would have been worse if you hadn't gotten the vaccine. Right? So like if you get the vaccine, you remember this during COVID,
Starting point is 00:22:55 like if you get the vaccine and then you get COVID and you get very, very sick, well that's proof you would have died if you didn't have the vaccine or something like that. So I don't think anybody's necessarily claiming that it hurt more people than it helped or killed more people than it helped. As I've said, I do think that there was an argument that people who were very vulnerable at the very beginning when there were still very deadly strands of COVID out there might've been better off taking this vaccine. Like I don't really know. I don't, I'm not like claiming to have not.
Starting point is 00:23:30 What I'm saying is that there were people who didn't fall into the risk category at all. Like I use the example a bunch of times, but it's just cause I happen to know the kid. There was literally a guy, he was 25 or something like that. And he was at a, in Ivy league grad school. Um, and he literally, they made him get the, the, uh, two doses of the vaccine, like get the vaccine at first. And then like, uh, whatever it was months later, he got COVID.
Starting point is 00:24:00 And then the next month the school decided that the policy was to get a booster. So they made him a month after get, having COVID get a booster for COVID when he's a young, healthy guy had already had COVID had already had two shots. I'm saying that makes no sense. And there's lots of people who were forced into this category to get it. And some number of those people did get vaccine injured and 100% of the people who got vaccine injured didn't need to be. They,
Starting point is 00:24:33 they were just in a group where COVID was never a threat to them. It was statistically non-existent, the threat of COVID. So like that's the point and nobody seems to want to take on that. And at the time, at the time that this was happening, basically everyone was like, you're a bad person if you even bring that up, if you even bring up that this vaccine is being pushed on people who could not take it. All right. Let's keep lying. I also, sorry, go ahead, Rob.
Starting point is 00:25:05 It's the wrong place to litigate this, which is around government. There were unintended consequences of government shutting down the country and going full COVID nonsense. And that's what we were against. We were against government removing freedoms, telling you that you couldn't pursue your job,
Starting point is 00:25:23 telling you that you couldn't go exercise You look at missed education you look at miss cancer diagnosis Like you look at the fact that people stop living life for a year or two years or people are still trying to put their careers Together they lost their restaurants. They lost their businesses. They built their whole lives over There are secondary conversations to be had about the dangers of the actual vaccine of which the data well I think has been too muddy to really prove. Yeah. As to, you know, I think, and I think the government purposely manipulated the data
Starting point is 00:25:54 with things such as not considering you vaccinated until two weeks after you got it and all sorts of other screen and anyone with an unknown vaccine vaccine status is considered to be unvaccinated. They pulled all sorts of shenanigans throughout the entire thing. You're never gonna have a good data set, but that was never the core part of the conversation that we were having, which was, hey, they're lying to you,
Starting point is 00:26:15 and we shouldn't be shutting down the country over this, and what data do you have to suggest that we should, and why are they enforcing removing your medical freedoms over this vaccine that hasn't been properly studied? So I think he's just having kind of a different conversation and you could have that argument but like you're already jumping nine nine levels past kind of the terrible decisions that government made that we talked out against and Cuomo sold on his TV show.
Starting point is 00:26:42 Yep. Alright guys let's take a moment and thank our sponsor for today's show, which is Fume. Fume has been with us for a long time and I really love Fume. Fume is a flavored air device that helps you give up your bad habits. I know there's a lot of people who have a lot of bad habits out there and a lot of us are trying to quit, myself included. Fume is great for this. It draws flavor to your mouth, it gives you something to fidget with, it gives you something to pull on, and this is very helpful when breaking bad habits as we all know. It's a totally healthy alternative. There's no
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Starting point is 00:27:48 gift when you order the journey pack today. All right, let's get back into the show. Perfectly said 100%. All right, let's, let's, let's play the rest. I believe and you should have never been forced to take it. Now by the way, I don't believe you were forced to take it. There was freedom of choice. There wasn't freedom from consequence for those choices.
Starting point is 00:28:10 You got the government, Donald Trump, saying this is what we need to do to do it. And then you think you're gonna get the same access everywhere if you don't do those things. And you don't think that the numbers show that when the vaccine came out and made it into the vulnerable communities, we didn't see a precipitous drop in the cases and in serious illness.
Starting point is 00:28:32 I mean, it's not even a close call. Okay. Those are the bombshells right there of stupidity. Yes, this is, uh, right. So these are the bombshells of stupidity. So like, let's really take this apart a little bit. First of all, this just tired brain dead argument that like, Oh, you weren't forced freedom of choice. Doesn't mean freedom from consequences. Uh, okay. So I guess if I put a gun to your head and say,
Starting point is 00:29:02 give me your wallet or I'll blow your brains out That's not me forcing you to give me the money, right? No, you have a choice See you have a choice. You can give me your wallet or you can have your brains blown out It doesn't mean freedom from consequences Rob. It's just the consequences are from you. That's mob shit Hey, yes this or I'm gonna do the following to you. So that's not a choice. That's you are going to do those consequences That's not like I can't even think it's not even Rob. It's not even mob shit It's mob shit from the very dim brother of the dawn or the the son of the previous godfather It's Fredo mob shit. Okay, this is like who are you expecting to actually believe you?
Starting point is 00:29:44 You're saying like when he's saying, Oh, you're not going to be able to go everywhere. He's talking about the vaccine passports. And these were not decisions by the way. It's like, if you want to make some libertarian argument, as if you know, Chris Cuomo is going to pretend to be a libertarian all of a sudden. But if you want to say that like, okay, like if your employer would fire you, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:06 cause there were like tons of say like privately enforced vaccine mandates. So if you want to claim that like your company deciding you had to take the vaccine isn't force. Okay. There's an argument there. You're still wrong. We could get into that if you want to, like that still is really force in the context of how much government intervention there was in this process to begin with. But you're talking about like the, the government of major cities across the country decided for a while we were
Starting point is 00:30:37 straight up second-class citizens in New York city. You couldn't go to an event at Madison square garden. You couldn't sit down at a restaurant. You couldn't go to like a movie theaters. There were all types of things you weren't allowed to go to. And that's the government coming in and telling those businesses. Look, I remember I've told this story before. I'm not going to tell it again now, but the story when me and my wife got turned away from that restaurant, cause we didn't, I wasn't going to show the fake vaccine card.
Starting point is 00:31:01 I told you the guy who I was almost like getting in a fight with his Mexican guy at the spot. He literally, what snapped me out of it was he was like it's a thousand dollar fine for everyone I bring it like he was literally going dude of course I want your business but I can't risk the fine that'll come with it like this was a little diner in Washington Heights you know what I mean we were gonna maybe spend 60 bucks there. They can't risk a thousand dollar fine for like a $60, you know, potential, uh, uh, revenue. Um, that's force, dude. That's force. They're force there.
Starting point is 00:31:36 You were finding the businesses if they served vaccinated people, the businesses were being forced to tell people they weren't allowed to come in if they weren't vaccinated or didn't have the dumb card, which everyone could get a fake one. Anyway, it was all stupid. It was just a matter of like whether you wanted to play that game or not, which I did not on principle didn't want to play that game. Um, but the, the luck, I mean the argument that it wasn't forced because you had choice, but there were consequences. Yes Consequences imposed by the government's which you are forced to live under you don't there's no opt-out process
Starting point is 00:32:13 There's no if you're in New York City You can't go I don't really like the government of New York City and I would like to live under a different government You don't have that option. So yes, it's force So there's I don't know anything anything else you want to jump in with Rob Please go ahead and then I could get to the next part Let's get to the next part because it's also gloriously stupid But I was just so irritated by that that freedom the consequences from you. You're just describing Force that's the way force works if I tell you
Starting point is 00:32:40 Hey, if you don't do what I want you to do, I'm gonna come punch you in the face That's that isn't that that's the depth. That's force. That's coercion. Well, right. I mean, and you just it's not look, I suppose, as is always the case with laws and and governments, I suppose you could argue that there are it's a few levels removed from like the naked, blat force. But like, so when, um, you know, when that, uh, you know, the store owner or the, the diner, the guy who works at the diner there is saying, Hey, it's a thousand dollar fine. Okay. So if he gets that fine, you're going to be like, okay, um,
Starting point is 00:33:21 well he it's not force. It's, you know, it's just these are the consequences of the choice that you made. Right? So the choice you made was to let somebody who doesn't have a proof of vaccination eat at your restaurant. And then the consequence is a thousand dollar fine. It was okay. So let's say that that guy who, who owns the diner says, no, I'm not paying that. What happens next Cuomo, huh? What happens if he says, I'm not paying you the thousand dollars? I mean, take, take me through this. I mean, okay. They'll probably be like a notice.
Starting point is 00:33:53 They'll probably be a follow-up letter. Maybe the fine will be increased. Maybe the, and then eventually they'll fucking come take it. They'll come take it by force. That's what's always there with any law or any government policy The threat of force is always right behind it. It's always like yeah Okay, if you don't do that like with any ticket with any fine, it's like yes Eventually, they will come with naked force and it's only because there is that threat that anybody has to listen to it at all Right. So anyway, that's all. Um, so, okay. And then, um, all right. So what was the other big one?
Starting point is 00:34:28 Now I'm getting so hung up on this one. I forgot for a second. I'm sorry. What was it? The, uh, yeah, yeah. Okay. Here play it. Just play the, the last few seconds of that, uh, that clip. It'll come right back to us as soon as we play it. But there was one more real dumb thing. He went, there was one more real dumb thing. He went, there was one more real Fredo moment at the end of that. You see a precipitous drop in cases and in serious illness. It's not even a close call.
Starting point is 00:34:56 Not even a close call, Dave. Not even a close call. I mean, you want to have great data set, put them up against Tom Woods on that one. I mean, let's, let's look, um, if we could, Natalie, see if you could pull up even just in the U S the, um, COVID, um, death rate, but like if we could get it by year, is there a way to do it? Like the COVID death rate from say 2020 through maybe 2023 or something like that? Because he's wrong. This is just like an objective question. And he's straight up wrong about that. And if you remember Rob,
Starting point is 00:35:32 they had to pivot to what the reason was for that, which was too much like vaccine hesitancy or something like that. But it is just not the case that as soon as you saw the vaccine rollouts, you saw this huge drop in COVID cases and COVID deaths. Right. And I don't remember, but even if you were to have had that, you wouldn't be able to prove that it wasn't post spike in the area. So I think the better proof against this would be the Tom Woods thing of looking at the, which you've spoken to, but looking at the charts and like the vaccinated or what was, what was that? Well, Tom woods. Okay.
Starting point is 00:36:07 So he had a whole thing, which by the way, I really highly recommend Tom's book on this. If you want to go through, it's like the best book that was written about COVID at least so far called diary of a psychosis. And I, I, if you just Google that and Tom woods, you'll, you'll find the book real quick. I think it was like COVID But so he would look at these areas and you look at the areas and you do it not just about the vaccine, but just like about lockdown lockdown, right? Well, it was lockdowns, non-lockdowns. It was mask mandates first, not mandates, mass compliance versus where they didn't have high mass compliance.
Starting point is 00:36:43 And there's no trend. There is no trend. Like you cannot look, you could not pick them out on a man. In fact, he did the whole quiz thing where the joke of it was that no one can get it right because you simply, the virus simply acted the way it was going to act. None of these measures mitigated it. Now, we don't have real good honest data out of China where they had like some real hardcore authoritarian lockdowns. And it is possible that the most authoritarian lockdowns, like the lockdowns where you let people starve to death in their house,
Starting point is 00:37:14 cause you won't let them out to go to the supermarket. It is possible that that had a meaningful impact on COVID, but short of advocating that you want to do something like that, doing these sloppy dumb lockdowns, the way that we did it in the United States of America, where you just deem the majority of people non-essential, but you're still allowed to go to the grocery store and you're still allowed to go to the liquor store and you still, whatever it did nothing. There's no,
Starting point is 00:37:38 no. And, and of course there was the, um, um, what, who was the, um, the Ivy league school that did the, um, um, what, who was the, um, the Ivy league school that did the, uh, the major study on this where they found that same thing about lockdowns that basically, um, there was, there was little if any difference between the areas that locked down and didn't, but there was enormous difference in the economic devastation in the devastation toward, uh,
Starting point is 00:38:02 children's learning improvements and things like that and depression and suicide and stuff like that. So it was enormously costly with no discernible benefit at all. And the exact same thing is true about the areas that had vaccine mandates or vaccine passports or anything like that. There was absolutely no trend that enforcing this. And yes, it was forced Cuomo. There's absolutely no evidence that enforcing any of this stuff actually did anything to mitigate the virus. To be clear,
Starting point is 00:38:35 I'd still be against the stuff, even if it did. I believe in Liberty, and I don't think you can ruin people's lives, you know, in this way. So even if there was was just to be clear even if there was like a substantial say decrease in the death rate or not the death rate but in the total deaths or a decrease in the Transmission rate or something like that in lockdown areas I'd still be against lockdowns because I don't think you have the right to rob people's lives from them. That being said, there just wasn't, there just is no benefit. And no, I'm sorry, but I'm pretty sure about this, that I'm right, that it did not, it's not true that there was a huge drop in COVID cases and deaths as soon
Starting point is 00:39:20 as the vaccines came out. Let me see. You know, I guess I pivoted what he said in my head to just the overall strategy with the lockdowns. I don't remember the specifics on this. However, I do remember when kids started getting it and Fauci had to answer for that. And then, you know, he started talking about the new variant
Starting point is 00:39:42 but don't worry, it's not as deadly. Yeah, yeah. It was all, he's just look he's just not right about this Okay, so let's see here because I just got this chart right here. So we can always just do a follow-up on this I'll send it over to Steven my wonderboy non scientist autist on Autist of the run-your-mouth enterprises and he'll give us a quick answer. No problem. But look, even just looking at this, right? So let's, let's take a look at this, this chart that I just sent over. Cause I would say at the very least it is very unclear. So here, let's see here, Natalie, just if you could pull up, and this is a Pew research, um, it says, uh, this is two years of coronavirus deaths
Starting point is 00:40:31 in the United States. Um, can you pull that up? Natalie? Here, let's see. I just, uh, well, let me see the one that I just sent you, did that come through? Yeah. Okay. So here's, so if we could zoom in a little bit on that, we could just make it a little bit bigger. I mean, so here you have, right? So you could look there, you have what what you're gonna have with COVID is you,
Starting point is 00:41:06 let's keep the chart up. You're gonna have these, typically had dips in the summer and spikes in the colder season, which is pretty consistent with upper respiratory viruses. Okay, so you have the initial wave here, as you can see in March when it comes in going into the summer that's a real
Starting point is 00:41:28 bad wave in the black is Is excess deaths and in the blue is reported COVID-19 deaths, okay so then you have another massive wave in the winter of 2020 okay, this is before so right there in the middle, that middle kind of big, uh, uh, jump that you see over December, this is before the vaccines are rolled out, right? The vaccines are rolled out in, in early 2021. Okay. So then you have the summer of 2021, you have another dip. You could argue the dips a little bit lower than the dip in the summer before.
Starting point is 00:42:03 Doesn't seem to be any drastic relation, but as soon as it gets cold again, look at these peaks. The peak is as high as it was in March of 2020. And then actually here at the end in the, in the end of, uh, in December of 2021, it seems like the numbers are higher than they were originally in 2020. So like, look, there's obviously with all of these things, and this is what you were talking about with your COVID expert buddy, there's a lot of different ways to interpret data like this. And you know what I'm saying? Like there's different arguments
Starting point is 00:42:34 that can be made, but no, it is absolutely just not the case that there's this obvious drop once the vaccine comes out. Like, look, if you're, if you're talking about finding a cure for a disease, right. And a cure for a disease that was, I mean, I remember, you know, again, we'd have to go back and look at all the numbers of this, but very pretty early on, like by the time, so if we go back, I'm sorry, if we pull that chart up again, by the time, if you're looking at the last jump there, the jump that's at the end of, of 2021, this is after already 70
Starting point is 00:43:12 something percent of the adult population has been vaccinated. So if you're talking about, you have a cure for a disease, and then you're going to argue like, look, this was obviously the cure. And look at the drop after the cure was introduced. Well, no, I'm sorry. Like that's not the case. You could come up with some alternate explanation perhaps for why this was the case. This was all the fault of the unvaccinated or something like that. But you went from in 2020, you had a hundred percent of people not being vaccinated.
Starting point is 00:43:40 And by the end of 2021 you had like 20% of people not being vaccinated at most. So no, if you're bragging that this was just so obvious, you would expect to see a drop. Like a real, you know what I mean? Like this thing is going down. That's not what you're seeing there at all. All right, guys, let's take a moment and thank our sponsor for today's show, which is Public Rec. If you're tired of squeezing into stiff dress pants,
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Starting point is 00:45:07 promo code problem at checkout at public So the website is public That's P U B L I C R E and use the promo code problem at check out for 20% off your order. All right, let's get back into the show. Cuomo is just making a case. Now, if Cuomo actually wants, first off, he's not capable of actually getting into like getting into the data and like really looking through it. But like, no, it's just, it is not the case. What he's saying is absolutely not true. It's just another,
Starting point is 00:45:39 I know it's easy to sit here and point out things that people say that aren't true. It's, it's easier for some of us than others, but no, it's just not the case at all that the vaccine came out and then they won. And this is why I was remembering is cause I'm remembering like, you know, like I'm, I'm like you too, in the same way where like all this stuff was in my brain and now we're going back a few years and I've been thinking about other stuff since then and I don't have it as fresh, but I do just remember like Israel was the example that we looked to a bunch where they had, um,
Starting point is 00:46:09 cause they were like way ahead of everybody else. They were like, they had like the highest vaccine rates and then they were already like on boosters for their seniors before anyone else. And it was after that that they had their, they broke all their records for worst week in terms of transmission, worst week in terms of deaths, all of those things that came after. So no, I'm sorry. But again, this, it's kind of like, I know this isn't like the deepest,
Starting point is 00:46:38 like full proof explanation of all of this stuff, but much like, with a lot of these psychotropic drugs, um, much like SSR eyes and shit like that. It's like, if you, if you're telling me this is the cure for depression and you came out with the cure and depression has risen since then, I think it's reasonable for me to question whether that was really a cure or not. And likewise, if you come out with a cure for COVID and you force it on the pub,
Starting point is 00:47:09 on the public in large numbers, and then after a year of this, we're having a wave where it's as bad as the year before the vaccine was out. I think a reasonable starting point is to be skeptical of that cure. Cause typically speaking, when you have a disease and then you come up with a cure for the disease, what you see is deaths from that disease going way down. So what Cuomo is doing here is he's trying to pretend that that's what happened
Starting point is 00:47:47 in this example. Like he's trying to pretend like we could all look at a chart as if you could look at a chart and just see like, okay, COVID was it was all the way up here and then it just went down. Like after the vaccine came out, it just went down and down and down. If that were the case, there would be a much stronger argument here. It's just not. When you look at the data, that's not at all what happened. And you could have some different interpretations for like, why is it that, you know, this spike was worse than that spike or whatever. Um, and there's lots of different, you know, uh, obviously like natural immunity is a
Starting point is 00:48:18 huge factor in all of this as well, but it's just not the case that that exists when you actually look, the data doesn't bear that out. I don't know All right, any other thoughts Rob before we switch over to a next topic real quick It seems to me like you have the data stuff right there, but I just want to go back to it doesn't matter Government did not have the data it needed to you know pretend like there was an emergency and strip us all of our freedoms and if anything we learned the dangers of giving emergency powers to the government and their ability to abuse it. And I think the burden of evidence was was on them. And I don't think the
Starting point is 00:48:54 vaccines were overwhelmingly good or tested to a T. And I think the broader strategy of shutting down and removing people of their freedoms was a detriment to our society and Fauci is probably a liar and hopefully will be prosecuted. Couldn't agree more my friend, couldn't agree more. All right, let's just to end this on some on a light note. Let's go check in with our friends over at Morning Joe. I saw this one this morning. Oh my god was this is just this is glorious.
Starting point is 00:49:25 Here is a daughter of the big new Brzezinski Mika Brzezinski on morning Joe. No, I don't think she could have been right. So I'm just going to wait for that conversation. So you give your you give your theory that you think he could have won. Look, everyone knows how I feel. I made it very clear after the debate that I thought he should continue. But that was not what most people wanted. But Joe Biden is the kind of person who pulls himself up from rock bottom.
Starting point is 00:50:01 And I think he could have stumbled into it. I really do. People responded very badly when he beat Trump during that campaign to Trump he's going him or going after his remaining son yeah I know that she's gonna say significantly dumber things but I have to call out the stumbled into it where the best hope that she has for him is that he could have mr. Magood his way in that's her pitch I mean she's gonna she's gonna say much dumber things but her pitch was not hey
Starting point is 00:50:31 He could do the job it was he might know it was a stumble his way in It was I you know, you know, you see a schizophrenic guy on the subway. I don't know you see him again the next day He's still alive. I know I know exactly how how he did it, but everything tends to work out. It's Joe, but he's going to walk around. Yeah, he'll fall a couple of times, but at the end of it, he'll probably stumble his way. Literally that's her argument. I mean literally just seeing how much this guy has fallen apart since then, since then,
Starting point is 00:51:02 since the debate when he was unable to speak words into a microphone, seeing how much more he's fallen apart since then, since then, since the debate when he was unable to speak words into a microphone, seeing how much more he's fallen apart since then, knowing that Donald Trump went on to win by such a wide margin, knowing that the internal polling that the Biden White House had was even worse than what ended up happening. They had Donald Trump getting 400 electoral votes and she's still going to hang on to this view that he would have won. Well, here, let's play the rest. Let's hear her explanation for it. Son,
Starting point is 00:51:34 people stood up for Joe Biden because they knew who he was. They know who he is. And I think an aging Joe Biden is very self-aware about that. And so is his team around him. And he's still 10 times more qualified than what we've got. And he's qualified to manage the world stage. I think after that disastrous debate, he did a news conference. Remind me, Lemire was at the NATO news conference, remind me, Lemire was at the NATO summit. A couple weeks later. A couple weeks later.
Starting point is 00:52:07 NATO summit was Washington. At eight at night. And yep, he got names wrong. Yep, he had to correct himself a few times, but his knowledge of world affairs was in depth and clear and generated exactly what was the reality that this guy could manage. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:52:26 The many different. Isn't that the opposite of clear? Isn't fumbling names literally the opposite of clear? And when you say, well, the American people know who he is. Yeah, an old guy with dementia that shouldn't be working the job. That's what we know.
Starting point is 00:52:39 What is this other version of the person that was so laughably bad, they had to oust him from office. Who's this other person that we know who he is? Because the version that we know appears to have dementia and lacks clarity. Yeah, I mean, look, I don't even know. I don't know why I'm this is what's coming to my mind. But I remember in like, maybe like 2016, somewhere around that point.
Starting point is 00:53:04 I remember when when like radical feminism was really on the rise. like, uh, maybe like 2016, somewhere around that point. I remember when, when like radical feminism was really on the rise, it was like kind of like woke culture amongst like young kids was really like the cool thing. And I remember like arguing with, um, like feminists about this and there was a back then they, uh, rape culture was a big thing. They were talking about how we live in a rape culture and I remember it was like I was arguing with this feminist chick who she worked at a comedy club She's an issue is nice chick, but she we would argue and stuff And it was summer in New York City. It was in the East Village. It's the middle of summertime and
Starting point is 00:53:41 Literally outside the window like at Eastville comedy club. it used to be the front was like a big glass window. So you just look onto the street and outside the window, it's the East village and it's young girls dressed in like, you know, scantily clothed young girls. And like, I remember just being like, well, like you're saying there's a rape culture, but like look out on the street and girls are like walking around. Like I'm just saying you don't find that in the Congo. You know what I mean? Like it's just like a kind of thing where you're like, well,
Starting point is 00:54:11 I don't even know what to say when you're claiming this. And she was literally claiming Congo stats. Like she was going, one in four women are raped and all of this stuff. And I'm like, but like wouldn't that fuck with you if like, I was like, Hey, in the Congo we're actually one in four women are raped. They don't tend to be walking around in short shorts with their booties hanging out, like kind of flirting with the guy. You know what I mean? Like you just don't kind of see. And again, I, I almost like,
Starting point is 00:54:36 I remember being at a loss where I was always almost just like, I don't know how to take on your argument other than to just be like, but look, but like, like are we both talking about the same world here? And again, I'm almost left with this feeling when, when you describe Joe Biden and your words to describe him are aware and clear. It's like, I mean, I get, it's like compared to what I mean, yeah, I guess we live in a rape culture in the sense that like, there are people who are raped. You know, I mean, I get it's like compared to what I mean, yeah, I guess we live in a rape culture in the sense that like there are people who are raped, you know, I mean, I guess Joe Biden is clear compared to a golden retriever.
Starting point is 00:55:14 But compared to like other human beings who talk. What those are the adjectives that you would use to describe him clear Self-aware a depth of knowledge Joe Biden speaks in Slogans and he can't even say the slogans He stutters them forgets what slogan he's in the middle of saying and then says well, you know the thing and like look of saying and then says, well, no, you know the thing. And like, look, the fact that she even like Rob, like you have it. The fact that she even has to say he could have stumbled his way in the fact
Starting point is 00:55:53 that she even has to bring up that the NATO summit was at 8 PM, Rob, 8 PM, like only to a senile person person is that the wee hours of the night? Who, like what, what functioning healthy person has, I'm sorry, 8 P 8 PM as an excuse that it was at eight? Like every one thing, if you were saying three in the morning, but you're saying it was after dinner and you know how he gets sleepy. This is just so ridiculous. And like, I mean, I don't know, man, again, it, look, I did not. She said, everyone knows. I actually did not know that Mika was on the record saying he shouldn't drop out that she was one of the few who actually dug in. But like the idea that after all of this,
Starting point is 00:56:45 you're going to try to like rehabilitate the idea that Joe Biden wasn't too senile to run for president. It's like of all, it kind of feels like the corporate media and the Democrats are almost like they're just under fire from like the opposing military and there's nowhere to hide. And everyone's attempting to like dive behind like bushes or something like that, that aren't really going to protect you from bullets, Wizzon everywhere and you're almost, and it's like, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:57:13 like Mika is choosing the shrub with the least amount of leaves or something where you're like, there's no, why would you go hide behind there? At least go hide behind the like, we went too woke or something, you know You're hiding behind the like no joe biden really wasn't senile Anytime that you cannot it If I said pull up a clip of joe biden from this year There's not one clip you can pull up where it's not just obvious All right, guys, let's take a moment and thank our sponsor for today's show which is sheath underwear. Sheath, I've been telling you guys about them
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Starting point is 00:58:31 I don't think he'll realize and ask him any world issue that you want to ask him how we should deal with it. Just get a room decorated like it's well, he doesn't even go to the Oval Office anymore. He just has the little teeny tiny desk outside of the Oval Office. So it wouldn't take much to Truman show convincing Joe Biden that he's still the president and let him make. How much money does Joe Biden need? I think he's made it all run through Ukraine or whatever.
Starting point is 00:58:56 I mean, like I said, I mean, the amount of people they're making on these payouts, you got this book deal for Kamala for 20 million who let's keep that dumb ass in front of the TV cameras and see what the horseshit she says next. I say for both of them, let's get them television contracts. But the Joe Biden show will be like the Truman show and we'll get him that little teeny tiny desk that he makes his little announcements from. We'll get him a teleprompter. We can keep his team intact and let's see how he presidents over the next four years. I'd like literally if I get Joe Biden in an interview and just ask him a good president Biden display a depth of knowledge
Starting point is 00:59:31 on any issue your choice, you know me your choice. What issue it is. No, really explain a depth of knowledge. By the way, this is what's so this is what's so like maddening and also hilarious about Sam Harris or Chris Cuomo talking shit about me, you know, the lady with the team. This is the lady who got better data than us than she's standing by no doubt. Joe Biden can still do the job.
Starting point is 00:59:54 That's the team of journalists behind her doing the research so that she can make more informed news than us. Exactly. Those are the people with the team and the person she's talking about is the president of the United States of America. And say whatever you want to about my views on the history of the conflict in Ukraine or in the history of Israel, Palestine, or anything like that. Joe Biden can't show a depth of knowledge on any issue that could even compete with what I know about this shit. And that's, that's objective. I'm not saying nobody could. There's lots of people who can,
Starting point is 01:00:26 there's lots of people who have a depth of knowledge way beyond mine. Plenty of them, but like your criticism, the president of the United States doesn't have that and this whole media apparatus with all of their prestige and money and resources, they're sitting there just pretending that he does when we all know it's bullshit. All right, listen, I do, I got a rap on that because I do got to get moving but thank you to all you guys for listening I apologize for the
Starting point is 01:00:53 Switch up in the schedule. That was my fault. Don't blame poor Natalie. She's a good girl But I will get the members only episode out to you guys in the next day If you never checked it out go check out out the run your mouth podcast, Robbie, the fire, all one word, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter. And even if you don't want to check out the whole episode, I'm doing these a wild news spoof intros. So go check them out. Give it a watch. Hell yeah. All right. Catch you guys next time. Peace. Thanks for watching!

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