Part Of The Problem - The Next Fake Pandemic
Episode Date: December 31, 2024Dave Smith brings you the latest in politics! On this episode of Part Of The Problem, Dave is joined by co-host Robbie "The Fire" Bernstein to discuss Leana Wen talking about bird flu on CNN,... Don Lemon's crazy comments online, and more. Support Our Sponsors:My Patriot Supply - - Batch Cigar - Use code PROBLEM for 10% offPart Of The Problem is available for early pre-release at as well as an exclusive episode on Thursday!Get your tickets to Porch Tour here:https://porchtour.comFind Run Your Mouth here:YouTube - - - the show on social media:X: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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What's up everybody?
Welcome to a brand new episode of part of the problem.
I am Dave Smith and that lovely lady over to my left is Robbie the fire. Bernstein.
How are you doing, sir? I wasn't prepared to tell the fans about my vagina yet. So,
you know, you kind of spoiled the news for 2025. Wow. Didn't think I was out in you
there, bro. Thought it was pretty obvious You were a chick, but I guess some people were still fooled. 2025. Now,
this is very, that's all that shit's over, man. That's 2022 stuff.
Woke's dead. That's what makes it cool. Now, now I'm going against the grain.
Yes, that's right. Yeah. Well that's see now. Oh man,
maybe this is a fucked up thing I shouldn't say. Uh,
but isn't there something to the fact that in a way,
what the woke left was trying to do for years was to mainstream
things that are definitionally fringe.
And doesn't that Rob some of it a little bit,
like wasn't that part of what was cool is that you were like, oh,
you're doing something totally out there and different and you're, you know, but if everybody's
if every major corporation is pushing it, then it's not fun anymore.
Yeah, there's almost something fun about the way you'd still see a like a guy who dresses
like a hippie and be like, yeah, I grew up in the 60s is like some dude at a bar who
has a vagina be like, ah, you know what, I got out of college in 2022 and that's just what people were doing.
Right. I know. Well, yeah, like a bad tattoo, I guess in a way,
but I will say that it did at least in the sixties,
it kind of felt and look, I obviously,
I know what I know about the sixties from like reading books and watching
documentaries. I wasn't alive at the time,
but it did at least to some degree feel where like if you had let's say you had
we're talking boomers in the 60s and you had your parents I guess are in the greatest generation.
You know your parents are like these squares. They were raised in an environment where every family was like a family of seven or eight kids
Nobody got divorced Everybody was Christian, right?
So to be a hippie in the 60s you were to some degree really rebelling against
what the order was that you grew up under and
You were against the war in Vietnam. You're literally against the machines war of what they wanted to fight and you could
You know go look at by the way most people today if they haven't actually studied this stuff when you think of the 60s
What most people think of in their head is like tie-dye and acid and anti-war protest and things like that
All of that is the last two years of the 60s. It's 1968 1969
None of that existed for most of the 60s. It's 1968 and 1969. None of that existed for most of the 60s
But what pop culture was was all like, you know square it What what we what you think of when you hear of the 1950s in your head?
That's what TV looked like in 1965 if you're're like, gee, Pa, you mind if I help with the yard work?
Well, come on, little Timmy.
All right.
Like that was.
And so to be a hippie was in some profound sense rebelling against you were a dissident.
You weren't.
But like over the last few years, I remember making this comment a bunch and I know you
have to.
We're far from the only ones who have said it.
But you'd have like these woke college kids and it would just be like you'd be looking at them and you'd be like wait a minute
So you agree with by the way your liberal parents they agree with you
You didn't grow up in some other your you grew up with divorced parents in liberal America and all of this shit
You agree with every single one of your college professors you agree with everyone in the political class and you agree with every giant
corporation, but yet you still have the air.
Like you're rebelling against something and that there's something about that.
That's almost sad, right? Like, what do you,
what do you walk around with a my principles number one t-shirt?
Like what the fuck is this? You're supposed to be a kid.
You're supposed to be rebelling against this thing. And I don't care. if you don't want to rebel. That's fine, but don't act like you are
You're not at least I have some respect for the new left in the 60s who were at least that's what they used to call them
Who were at least like?
Shaking things up and they were dead right about the war in Vietnam and they were wrong about a lot of other stuff
But you know, what are you gonna do?
Acid was new, they had to figure it out.
Well, I don't know, by the way, I watched,
for the first time, my daughter, who is six,
she watched The Wizard of Oz.
And I sat and watched that movie with her,
which is probably the first time I've watched
The Wizard of Oz, like front to back in 30 years. Those monkeys are scary though.
It is. It was, it's a great movie. It's a classic. Uh, my daughter loved it,
but it, it was made in like 1938 or something like that. And I'm just,
someone got their hands on some acid.
I know that people might say acid wasn't around yet at that point,
but someone got their hands on something in order to make that movie.
I don't know what it was. Maybe aliens, something.
You turn the heat down a little bit if you don't mind. Anyway, yeah,
good movie. My daughter enjoyed it real good.
Real good for the, the imagination. If I do say so myself. Okay.
Anything, Rob, anything you want to plug before we get into some stuff here?
Yeah, this Wednesday I'm doing a big New Year's episode. So if you're home,
you got nothing going on, probably going live. I don't know, maybe 8pm.
I filmed a bunch of sketches for it this past Sunday and I got a lot of stuff
going on. So if you're home with nothing to do,
be on the lookout for a live run your mouth.
There you go. And of course, it is almost the new year. We'll do, I guess, our 2024
recap episode this week, which is already, there's so much, it's such a crazy year. But
then in 2025, me and Rob will be back on the road, comicdav comic Dave Smith comm for all of those dates. I just
Added the comedy mothership
This summer. I'll be back out there. I don't believe it's up on the website yet, but we just finalized that deal So we'll be back at the comedy mothership and then just a bunch of our favorite clubs all over the place and then a bunch
We're doing for the first time. I'm very much looking forward to. I have, I'm almost done with the year.
I've never been finished this early before.
So it's kind of nice to go into the year with your schedule worked out.
And then of course, you know, there'll always be more things that get added.
All right. So I wanted to start with this,
which so Lena Wen,
who for anybody who does not recall was, um,
how do I say this diplomatically?
One of the worst people in the world. I don't know what she, uh,
was one of the experts in the expert class, uh,
during COVID who was, um, and I put quotes around expert class during COVID who was, and I put
quotes around expert class, who was just absolutely just a
monster, just literally horrible. I mean, you cannot
overstate it enough. This was somebody who was
We need to take people's freedoms, because if we take
their freedoms, then they'll have the incentive to actually
follow all of our dictations.
Yes, this was a she was the one who was out on the news shows
advocating for
Vaccine mandates and stripping basic constitutional rights away from the unvaccinated and her her argument at the time was that if we
She said I mean I'm not exaggerating we played the clip on the show, I think twice actually,
but she said that if we, if we don't do that,
then there's no incentive for people to get vaccinated.
And so we have to take away so many things of the basic participation in
society from the unvaccinated. Now, listen, that is, just to be clear,
that is evil enough on its own.
But man, when your vaccine turns out to not work,
it really makes it so much worse.
And calls into question,
how are you still invited on the news?
It's outrageous.
That there's, at the very least, look, I mean-
It's very easy for people in a knee jerk way to say that all these people
should be in jail. I literally was just having a,
I just some, one of my friends who is a very,
a very famous influential person was just texting me that earlier this morning
saying these people should all be in jail and it's very easy to say that
You know, I don't know that I
Exactly can get there
You know, but for all of the people who are in the corporate media
Who there's an argument a lot of them should be in jail
I mean they are in the business of selling the warfare state and all this
stuff. But the people even who were just like,
which is another topic we'll get into today,
the people who are lying through their teeth about Joe Biden's age or his
dementia rather, I should say,
and the people who were just lying through the COVID. I mean,
even if you don't take the position that they should be in jail, which by the way,
I think is a fairly moderate position. Um, but even if you don't take the position that they should be in jail, which by the way, I think is a fairly moderate position
But even if you don't take that position
Yeah, at the very least shouldn't you just like live in shame?
Shouldn't you not be invited back onto news shows? I mean it really it's not
that much to ask and
So much of the problem and I know Rob you you talked about this many many times over the years
But so much of the problem that we have in this country
With the just rampant corruption is the fact the very simple fact that there are no
consequences for the people who just push all the worst lies that lead to the most destructive policies
They just don't have it's like in the market for as flawed as the market might
be, which is as flawed as humans are, there's a cleansing mechanism.
You know, there's still you still see it even look, even a with.
You see it with with shows where they
get everything wrong and then their ratings go way down.
You see it with businesses where they get everything wrong and then their ratings go way down. You see it with businesses where they misallocate resources and so their profits dry up.
But in this game of government, all the people who said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction
all still have high paying jobs. There's no repercussions.
Well, except, you know, losing the trust of the American people. Anyway, this woman is going back around or she was on,
was it ABC, I think?
I could be wrong about that.
Which show was it?
They all blend the same.
Yes, it was ABC's Face the Nation.
I will say before we get into the substance of these clips,
I do, there is, in some way I kind of like When women like this come back around because it at least then is an opportunity for all of us to remind everybody
What these monsters did to us over the last four years and just how?
You know how?
Insane it is that they even get a seat at the table anymore
It's shocking that you can come back out as an expert after
having been so wrong and in her case, not just so wrong, but
showcasing your hands that you're not it seems like she's
working for the regime or gets a paycheck from someone very
specific and is the face of going out there and selling an
So well, it's also one of the things I think that covid opened
people up to was like
how which I guess you know, if you've if you're at all familiar with like say like a I don't know like Nazi
Scientists or like commie scientists and some of the like really fucked up shit that they would do
It's I don't know that there was ever such a an obvious example in america in modern american history
Obviously there have been other examples
What i'm saying, I don't know if there was such an obvious example in such a large scale where you just kind of would see
Like oh how evil?
Science can be
and if it's not like
rooted in any theory and
This isn't me saying like everybody has to have the perfect philosophical worldview.
That's not how human beings work.
But I mean, like any even loosely, like kind of in some vague sense, you have some belief
in what the things that are kind of just given to all of us.
I don't mean like strict libertarians like us, but just the idea that like humans have some rights.
Humans have the right to a fair trial.
They have the right to face their accuser.
They have the right of, you know, something.
And if you don't have that,
it's very easy to just like go
in these very dark authoritarian directions.
You know, for the age old example, um, that was always like, uh, um,
a critique of utilitarianism, uh, was that, okay,
so if a doctor, let's just say, hypothetically speaking, your doc,
you go in for a checkup, um, or you go in cause like your wrist hurts or
something like that. And your doctor, while you're not looking, he sedates you,
puts you unconscious, kills you,
and takes all of your organs.
And I forget the exact number of what you can save with one human being,
but like for the sake of argument, he saves seven other people's lives.
He takes your heart, gives it to someone who needed a heart transplant,
takes your liver, takes your sp someone who needed a heart transplant, takes your liver,
takes your spleen, you know, whatever.
Now you could just from a strictly utilitarian point of view, you could say the doctor did
a good thing.
You'd be like, hey, he killed, outcomes, you could get yourself to a place where like if you're removed from any theory on human rights, you could get yourself to a place where you're supporting that.
You're going, hey, saving seven people is more important than losing one person, you know, like you can.
is more important than losing one person, you know, like you can.
And now all of us on some basic level, I think almost everyone in America,
at least, has some type of knee-jerk reaction against that. They go, oh, wait, wait, wait, wait. No, no, no, no, no.
You just know you can't do that.
You don't have a right to do that.
You know, your doctor does not have a right to kill you.
You didn't consent to this.
Like we have some libertarian ish impulse still.
But you would see with
people like this when lady that they just had none of that. And
so even by the way, of course, the double whammy at the end of
it was they turned out to be wrong or lying about the vaccine
anyway, so it didn't work. But you could see where in their
mind, they were just like, okay, we're taking it as a given that
the vaccine works. Now we're working back from there.
The answer is what gets this in the most people's arms?
And whatever we have to do to get there is therefore justified.
And she would just explicitly say this, that, yep, you should lose your basic rights if
you don't get this brand new vaccine, which again, she turned out to be completely wrong
Anyway, here she is back on ABC's Face the Nation.
Let's check in with the monster, Lena Wen.
There are two main things that they should be doing
in the days that they have left.
The first is to get testing out there.
I feel like we should have learned our lesson from COVID
that just because we aren't testing,
it doesn't mean that the virus isn't there.
It just means that we aren't looking for it.
We should be having rapid tests, home tests available
to all farm workers, to their families, for the clinicians taking care of them It just means that we aren't looking for it. We should be having rapid tests, home tests available
to all farm workers, to their families,
for the clinicians taking care of them
so that we aren't waiting for public labs
and CDC labs to tell us what's bird flu or not.
And the second very important thing is
this is not like the beginning of COVID
where we were dealing with a new virus,
we didn't have a vaccine.
There actually is a vaccine developed already
against H5N1.
The Biden administration has contracted with manufacturers
to make almost 5 million doses of the vaccine.
However, they have not asked the FDA
to authorize the vaccine.
There's research done on it.
They could get this authorized now,
and also get the vaccine out,
and to farm workers, and to vulnerable people.
I think that's the right approach,
because we don't know what the Trump administration
is going to be doing around bird flu.
If they have people come in with anti-vaccine stances,
could they hold up vaccine authorization?
If they don't wanna know how much bird flu is out there,
could they withhold testing?
I mean, that's a possibility.
And I think the Biden administration in the remaining days
should get testing and vaccines widely available so that at least it empowers state and local health officials and clinicians to do the right thing for their patients.
Dr. Wen, is bird flu in humans super dangerous?
Well, the World Health Organization estimates that in prior outbreaks of the bird flu, that the mortality rate is 52%. 52%.
However, in this most recent outbreak,
it seems that most cases have been mild.
And maybe some people even have asymptomatic infections.
But the question is, we don't know
what happens when bird flu affects
more vulnerable individuals.
People infected so far in the US have
been mainly farm workers who are working, presumably generally
as opposed to what happens when you get to children, to pregnant women, to older individuals with
chronic illnesses. We don't know how deadly, how dangerous bird flu is going to be for those
individuals. And again, that's one more reason why we don't want it to spread and acquire more
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off. All right, let's get back into the show. I mean, I can't explain what a throwback this is.
It just, it reminds me of being in the COVID era when you would constantly have to like read
between the lines and you almost,
we would do this like regularly.
This is what we would always do through the height of COVID
was like play clips like this and then be like,
pay attention to what Fauci just really said.
Like pay attention to what she just really said
because she sandwiches it in between
this absolute nonsense fear mongering.
So it starts with like, well the World
Health Organization has estimated it could be up to 52%. Do you know how scary
52% is? Oh my god, imagine 52% just killing everybody and then like in there
there's a little nugget. All the cases we've seen have been very mild and not a
problem at all but it hasn't hit old people and babies and this and it's just
like the way you're like and then they have the nerve to be like and this is the science like you're not doing science. Science would be giving a very
clear answer right there. Nope seems like nothing to worry about. All of the recent outbreaks have
been mild. In fact a lot of people who get it are completely asymptomatic. Where have we heard that
before? But the other thing that it's just such a throwback to me and I'm curious to get your your thoughts on this rub
But this is just I've just seen this movie before you are it's a it's you're a neocon selling the war in Libya
You're a neocon selling the war in Syria
It's like I remember these people like right after right after they went all in on Saddam has weapons of mass destruction
And oh my god democracy will sweep the region and will be greeted as
Liberators and the war will be paid for and oil and all and then they're wrong about every single prediction and with zero shame
With zero shame they get right back on the same show and go now
We got to go fight this war and let me tell you something will be greeted as liberators and democracy will sweep the region
And it'll be so much better after that blah blah blah.
Then they come do the same thing with Syria.
By the way, there's been a bunch of headings in Syria this week if you haven't checked.
Who would have thought Al-Qaeda taking over a country could have negative consequences?
But you just can't imagine like having no shame while you're making this, but like you just, you're famous for getting the vaccine on COVID all wrong
and selling all of the bullshit.
And then you're coming right back on now
to advocate another vaccine for a thing
that is not even a problem is just,
it's unbelievable.
Go ahead, Rob.
All right, well, I don't want to completely overplay
my cards here because COVID happened in real time and I was fascinated by it.
And I did a lot of research and I did my homework.
I'm not familiar with the avian flu other than I'm a little checked out on doing
my homework. And I'm like, I don't know. It's like flashing lights in the sky.
I'm not ready to panic and give power over to government.
With that said, I can't stand the way this lady talks.
It's like this panic of my child, they're in the well, but we can get the well.
Where's the sheriff?
How come they're not out there?
So firstly, she's got this tonality, which is trained to institute how come we're not
all panicked.
But the one time he goes, and you caught it, but goes, how deadly is this?
He goes, well, the WHO has said it's upwards of 50%.
And instantly before she continues, I go, well, we've had a couple cases in the US or
half of them dead.
And then goes, well, but if that's not, so in other words, you don't know.
So you have no information on this.
And now this new vaccine that's been around, so why isn't it approved?
This seems like we got a little bit of missing information here.
Is it a new mRNA vaccine?
Is it a dead virus, more traditional vaccine?
What's the holdup on it?
Will we have to push it and rush it through again?
Do you have evidence that kids are going to be more at risk?
Because you really sold that the last time on the COVID thing and it turned out they
were not dying because of the...
And then, so I don't know, it's just, it's hard to get too worked up,
and I can't believe that the regime doesn't even have
the dignity to get new characters out there to lie to us.
That with a straight face, you can put this lady
in front of me and have any reaction other than,
let's investigate her.
Yeah, I mean, it really is just unbelievable.
I mean, you try to think of like an analogy,
but like, it'd be like, I don't know.
I think if, like if,
It's made off.
It's like bringing made off back out
to sell you on investments.
Well, it'd be like, imagine, you know,
you were like your wife or something like that,
like ate some shellfish.
And she was like, I really don't feel good.
And you're like, ah, don't worry about it.
You're fine. Don't do nothing.
And then she ends up having like a terrible allergic reaction has to be rushed to the hospital nearly dies
You know and then like the next week she's like, you know, I don't feel so good about this food and you go relax
Don't do anything like with zero shame that just last week
You said the same thing and we're completely wrong. Wouldn't you immediately just be like well
I can't say that again because I already I got that so wrong and like, and I should be over correcting. Like the
first thing I should do is like, well, let's go to the hospital. Let's just err on the
side of safety because Jesus, I don't want that to happen again. And you would think
there'd be like, it would at least be demonstrated that this last instance had had some effect
on you. Say something or like, now we don't want to lose our minds the same way we did over this last one but I am concerned about
this for blah blah it is nothing like that and it's and again it's just an
indictment of Trump of oh they may not take this seriously they may not do the
right things we got to get the tests ready now because who knows what this
crazy new government's gonna be as if the narrative is still that that's what happened last time
As if anybody there is listen Donald Trump
And I did end up voting for him this year and I am
Hopeful that some of his good appointments will get some good things done. We'll see but I will never forgive Donald Trump for 2020
done, we'll see. But I will never forgive Donald Trump for 2020.
And he never should be forgiven for that. And when,
like Donald Trump will have to meet his maker one day and explain why the hell
he kept Fauci on the job for all of 2020 and supported lockdowns and all the awful things that he did during 2020.
But the idea that they're still trying to almost like live in the narrative
that he just, his failure was that he didn't do anything. Like who,
who could argue that now? Who can actually look at from, look,
Donald Trump was president from March of, I mean, obviously there's a presence,
2016, but I'm saying for the COVID stuff,
he was president through all of 2020 2020 the entire year of 2020 into January
20th of
2021 Donald Trump was the sitting president. Can anyone argue that we didn't do enough during covid
We did more than has ever been done about anything
We shut down the global economy, but like somehow we're still supposed to look back and be like,
oh, what was the re like, she doesn't explicitly say it, but it's, it's pretty clearly implied
there that the real failure was that what we didn't listen to people like when the real failure was
that like what we didn't whatever, I don't know, we, we, we didn't do enough. It's it's absurd. It's such a bold faced lie. And I just I don't know to me this seems to be one of the things that's interesting about 2024 is that look, Donald Trump after being such a disaster on COVID and I know that I know I have Trump supporters listening to me or like like why are you blaming Trump for doing all this for him?
I'm right. He was terrible
You know you could support the guy and you still don't have to pretend he's a god which he's not
But it is kind of interesting that we had these crazy years and then in
2024 it wasn't even really like a major campaign issue like of even talking about
COVID and yet you have Bobby Kennedy coming in at the health department.
You have Jay Bhattacharya at the NIH. You have like some of these, you know,
people who were real legit opposition to the COVID insanity.
But I will say the one thing,
the lasting impact of COVID was I do,
I shouldn't say the lasting impact.
We need more time before we'll really know what the true lasting impact was,
but it does seem,
and I remember talking about this when I debated Chris Cuomo or in the
aftermath or in the run up to it,
that all of the shows online,
like all the big shows that does seem to be the one area that we're all in
agreement on. they the kovat shit was so insane that it created the the
The coalition of people who were against that stuff that ended up I think all going to Trump
And that coalition I do think is like a super majority at this point that the people who are saying like
Yeah lockdowns and vaccine mandates were great is a clear minority. I mean that's just not
It's too obviously wrong
I think for most people especially when the thing was predicated off lies all of it obvious lies
Just like the war in Iraq just like the same way that people can't defend the war in Iraq today
It's the same goddamn thing
How can you defend something when the whole thing was predicated off what are now obvious lies?
That lockdowns were predicated on 15 days to slow the spread and then they went into months and months and months of lockdowns
That's not 15 days to slow the spread. That's bullshit and the vaccine was predicated on the ultimate vaccine lie, which was
And the vaccine was predicated on the ultimate vaccine lie, which was what? If you if you take it, you can't get it. You can't spread it.
It's what they all said, including this liar up there.
And so like it's how can you look back at that and still defend it?
It just makes no sense.
All right, guys, let's take a moment and thank our sponsor for today's show,
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All right, let's get back into the show. Um, all right, let's see if you guys,
by the way, if you want to ask some questions, I
do have the chat open so we can come to that.
There was, um, there was another, uh, clip of, of Dr. Wynn that was also fairly interesting,
specifically talking about, uh, Bobby Kennedy.
So let's play that one.
What level of concern do you have about some of the people appointed by President-elect Trump to incoming public health positions regarding issues of vaccine testing, public
health efficacy?
I think that there are some people coming into this administration who are very competent.
For example, Dr. Marty McCary, a Johns Hopkins surgeon.
We have worked together for the last 10 plus years on issues like hospital medical error. He's an independent thinker who really listens to science and is willing to change his mind when there is new evidence that emerges.
But I have a lot of concern and I've spoken to my colleagues in medicine and public health and I think all of us share this concern in particular about Robert Kennedy, the nominee to be the head of health and human services.
Kennedy has espoused many views in the past that are anti-vaccine.
In fact, he's been one of the leading anti-vaccine advocates in the country, if not in the world
over the last couple of decades.
He's also someone who has made his career from being an activist and not a scientist.
And what I mean is that if you're a scientist, even if you have deeply held convictions,
you should be willing to change your mind
if there are new facts that are presented.
It's a fact that childhood vaccines are safe
and they are life-saving.
A CDC analysis just now found that the childhood vaccinations
have saved over 1.1 million children's lives
over the last 20 years.
According to a Lancet study, childhood vaccines saved 154 million lives lives over the last 20 years. According to a Lancet study, childhood vaccines
saved 154 million lives globally over the last 50 years.
I mean, these are facts.
And it's very concerning to have someone
who doesn't believe in how science works
in basic scientific principles to be in charge
of our nation's preeminent scientific and medical agencies.
All right, what can you say, Rob,
other than what a great endorsement for Bobby Kennedy?
Well, you and what credibility?
Now, I'm not, I don't know that I agree with Bobby Kennedy
on all the vaccine stuff.
It's not my topic of expertise.
And there's things that I've read from him
where I'm like, I don't know about that.
But he did get COVID, right, right and you guys got all wrong
So when you go hey all the people that were got this whole thing wrong
Don't think that that's a good idea you and what credibility because the scoreboard says one nothing right now. Yeah, so
Who are you to criticize to the nerve to say? Oh, you don't learn when new evidence is presented to you.
I mean, dude, go, people out there, if you haven't already, go read Tom Wood's book,
Diary of a Psychosis, and the thing that's so infuriating about it, which again, it was
like a religious experience reading this book.
It's so good.
I highly recommend it.
But especially for somebody who, like me and you, who did a show through the thing Like the what starts bringing you back because tom it's in chronological order
So he goes starting in march of 2020 and then goes through the whole thing and as you're you're reading it. You're like, oh, yeah
That's right. We knew that by june
And yet here we are and and the more you read the book the more infuriated you get because you get to a point.
Like once you get to like July of 2020,
you're like, it's gotta be over now, right?
And you're like, oh my God,
I'm not even a third of the way through the book yet.
You know, and you're like, and then they just keep going on.
And that would be the thing that was so infuriating.
There's like some new information would come out.
It would change the way you should look at this completely.
And then the corporate media for two more years just pretended like none of it came out. So the nerve of
her to sit here and say like that science. This is a real
look, I think is a lot of people kind of have noticed during
COVID. But I, you know, I think this is a much broader theme of
our show in general, but it's certainly true when it comes to science is that, you know,
okay, there's science and then there's what people call science,
which an awful lot of the time looks a lot like religion, you know?
And when you're, when you're seeing, um, what's it called? Uh,
what were the things the way people would like deify Fauci
and like there were the people who were like building
the shrines to him, if you remember early during COVID
or they were Cuomo sexuals, they would call them
because Andrew Cuomo was so hot or something like that.
That's, this doesn't feel too sciency to me.
This feels a lot more like a religion.
And that's, you know, when she talks about like the way she's
saying, first of all, that Bobby Kennedy rejects science.
Well, look, whether or not Bobby Kennedy is right about all
of his views, which I'm kind of like you, I'm not convinced.
And I've heard him say some stuff before.
I was like, that doesn't sound right to me.
And I don't really know enough about the wider vaccine
conversation to have a strong opinion on it.
But it's just not true that Bobby Kennedy is coming out
and saying, I am against the scientific method
or I am against research or I am against,
you know what I mean?
Like he's not questioning the foundational views of science.
He's saying I have a different interpretation of the science than you have.
And I believe that this is actually the correct science.
You guys suppressed all information and debate during COVID.
So how dare you step forward and go, well, we have the scientific process.
No, you didn't. You had I am the Lord of Science.
And that's why you're not allowed to even question this.
And if you do, we will remove your information from the internet
Well also it looks and I will say and this is part of the reason why I'm really thrilled that uh,
Jay Bhattacharya who was heroic through kovat is gonna be at the NIH assuming everybody gets confirmed
This is one of the things that I kind of learned or I don't know if I say learned
But he really helped me with during, during the COVID years
was that he was the one who would cut.
And by the way, Jay Bhattacharya, I think was,
I'd have to go back and read some of his stuff,
but I don't think he was ever as radical as me or you were.
Like, and he wasn't even like saying like, oh my God,
this, you know, the, you know,
I think he, he was kind of making the argument that like the vaccine was good
But it was totally oversold and it probably should have just been to these like targeted groups or something like that
He would point out often when like these studies would come out and he would go listen
Fauci and these guys they're totally overplaying their hand here.
Like if you're really being like a scientist about that,
you would talk about this study in this way
and not talk about it as if it was like
a concrete perfect thing.
And look, she does it right there.
She cites a study that says that
whatever the number of kids was saved.
The numbers aren't even impressive. I take that back. that says that whatever the number of kids was saved.
The numbers aren't even impressive.
I take that back.
150 million people worldwide is impressive.
However, I'm sure that's against models
for absolute worst case scenarios.
And then it doesn't account for the fact that
from what I've seen, viruses do have a fall off
because they kill off enough people.
So like, I'm sure their projections are worst casecase scenario and ongoing but but the number was a million people
I think I heard in the US which that's not that impressive of a number well over the course of 50 years
You saved a million people. Well even but look the thing about it is is that
Number one, okay
You could look into the study and I'm sure there could be experts who could pick apart the study and say
I'm that's something that Jay about Acharya did on a few different podcasts that I listened to during
COVID which was very helpful for me
To understanding the stuff because he would he would take a study and he'd be like look
Here's the claim that Hotez is making Hotez is making the claim that the vaccine
Would have saved this many more lives of more people had taken it
But here's the reason why you can't actually get that from this study and kind
of breaking it down. But just,
I'm specifically talking about the difference between science and religion and
the way she goes, she goes,
she's mentioned a study that goes,
this study found that a million children were saved by these vaccines.
And then she goes, that's just a fact. That's not how science works,
man. And that's not how scientists should ever be talking. If you have a study, one study that
indicates this many people were saved, you know, all of these models are always very difficult to
be completely accurate. The way a scientist would talk about that would be to say,
The way a scientist would talk about that would be to say, OK, this study argues that this many people were saved by it.
I think this was a very good study for these reasons.
And so that would certainly indicate
that there might be some real benefit to these things.
That's how a scientist would talk about it.
And this is one of the things Jay Bhattacharya made.
The point he's like, if you get a study like this,
the way a scientist should talk about this would be to say, this
was a big study.
Here's why I think it was a very good study.
Here's why I think they did the right, like their methodology was correct.
And then this study would indicate that there's probably value here.
You don't just go, they said this number, that's a fact.
That's the
sloppiest shit ever. We never do that, dude. When there's a study that confirms
our bias, you never just go, and therefore that's a fact that this study
got it 100% right. And the reason why she's saying that is not for a
scientific reason. It's for a political reason. It's so that she, because she
wants to say, vaccines are great, because that's's so that she, cause she wants to say vaccines are great.
Cause that's the industry that she's in.
But it's like, that's just not a lot of times.
And this was something that was really evident during COVID.
You could pick up on just almost like the language patterns
and go like, you're not doing science right now.
Cause that's not actually the way a scientist would talk.
And there's a lot, there's a lot of like really bullshit pseudoscience that's out there.
And it doesn't mean you reject science to recognize that. I, you know, the, um,
I always pick on this cause it's kind of low hanging fruit,
but it's like the happiness studies and then they'll pretend that that's science.
They'll be like, we found out that the happiest people fit this demographic. and you're like, how did you do that? What's the methodology here?
And you're like, we asked them. We said rate yourself on a scale of one to five.
How happy are you? And you're like, oh, but that's like asking.
It's like if I did a study on honesty and I was like, these people are the most
honest because they say so. It's like, yeah, but that doesn't really control for
whether they're being honest or not. There's just a lot of junk science out there. And, and I think this is a good
example of it. All right, let's see. All right. Let's keep, you know what, let's, let's move
on. Let's go to that other clip that you had up before Natalie, cause I did find that one to be just glorious. Um,
it's kind of on the theme that's the, the broader theme of,
you know,
post mortems, uh,
out of the corporate media of the last few months and the last few years,
I guess. And it has been, you know, it's fascinating to see them trying,
trying so hard to deal with the elephant in the room.
And yeah, I did. I found this fascinating. Let's play the clip
and then we can, we can discuss.
It was very disturbing to learn late in the year about just how
bad, how poor his health has become. And I, like many, I did
not realize that it had gotten to that point
That being said I think he's still look he showed up for the job. He got the work done
I think some of the accomplishments also in the Middle East and foreign policy people already stand the test
Just even the contradictions in right now. She doesn't want to say dementia. She wants to say poor health
Yes, and then even though I guess he's mentally
to say poor health. Yes.
And then even though I guess he's mentally incapacitated,
he still got the job done.
Well, how did he get the job done?
And then why were you concerned with his dementia?
Because if at the end of the day he's getting the job done,
what are we concerned with here?
And then if you're going to say, oh, well,
we're first finding out about this dementia,
and it's troubling to hear that it was as much of a problem
as it is, why isn't he being removed from office right now?
In other words, there's some mental inconsistency that you have to have in terms of addressing
this Joe Biden problem, which is I was talking about this on Run Your Mouth.
They put out the Long Wall Street Journal article about essentially, they didn't get
into too many new juicy details, but it was just essentially, hey, this guy's been mentally
incapacitated and they've been covering for him.
And they keep referring to the White House
as almost the White House is its own entity.
And it's like, well, who?
Is the White House an actual person?
Does it talk?
Is it making decisions?
Who was making the decisions about?
Well, no, this has been true
for the entire Biden administration,
where Biden would say something, and then they would say the White House
Clarified that actually his statement is not like does the house really important things
Yeah, like really like things like the example that's coming to my mind is that he was in one interview
this was a couple years ago where he they he was asked if
China moved on Taiwan would the US military intervene?
And he goes, yes, yes we would.
Because Joe Biden's just at Libyan
and he don't know nothing.
And he doesn't know that he's completely contradicting
the one China policy,
which has been the policy of the United States of America
since the 1970s.
We are on record saying Taiwan is part of China.
China is allowed to do what they wanna do to Taiwan. However, and actually this is one of the few areas of American foreign policy where it's actually a
wise decision because the thinking was from much smarter people than anyone in office today,
not that they were good people, but they were much smarter. The thinking was just like, look,
we can't really do anything about it anyway. we're just gonna say we recognize China's right to rule over Taiwan but we sure would like
it if you didn't mess with them okay and then the understanding has been that if
America was to ever say well no Taiwan isn't yours and you're not allowed to
invade that might be the type of thing that might make China invade, just
to prove that they can.
So we're, in other words, doing what we should have done with Ukraine, which is that you
recognize there's a special relationship in this country with China.
Even back in the day, by the way, I said the wiser people who were in government, but what's
his name? Henry Kissinger,inger sorry blanking there for a second
Henry Kissinger who I am no Henry Kissinger let's be clear Sam Harris was right I am not
him but he was a big advocate for NATO expansion in the 90s you know when there was the first
round of NATO expansion there was a big debate within the national security apparatus over
whether we should expand or not he was one of the guys who was like, yes, we should expand but even he said
Obviously ukraine is a special example is like a special case
So like we we can expand nato we can do that and get away with it, but obviously not to ukraine
So like ukraine we have to work out our own thing. Anyway, it's not really neither here nor there
But the point is that so joe biden in this interview just says and then later that day, the White House puts out a statement and goes, Joe Biden was incorrect.
Our position is still the one China policy.
And it does leave you asking your question.
Who? Who at the White House can outrank the president of the United States of America?
Like, I'm just kind of curious who wrote this because as you said, Rob, it's not the house itself, right? So is it Jake Sullivan? Is it Jill Biden?
We all know it's not Kamala Harris. So like who the fuck is actually put? Anyway,
to this woman's point here, first of all, it is just I understand the situation you're in is like
situation you're in is like you're a five year old kid and the dad comes
downstairs and turns the lights on and there's just a mess of cookie crumbs
everywhere and your hand is in the cookie jar and there's chocolate all over your face. And now you're sitting there and you're going,
did you eat all these cookies? And you're going, okay,
hear me out what had happened. What? And now you're going, okay, hear me out. What had happened?
What? And now you're just, you're desperate in a situation where you admit the truth and you're, and you're toast, but there's no lie that you could come up with.
But to sit here and I must admit I take, what's the German word? I take some pleasure in Schopenfreude, yes. What the fuck word was that? It's it's you've never heard that? Schadenfreude.
I'm sorry.
You've never as a Jew, you've never heard that term before.
It means like taking delight in the suffering of others.
Sounds German.
It sure is.
They perfected it.
So I am I am taking some delight in her suffering, but she can't, she can't admit this. But so now she's just left in this, uh,
situation where she's actually has to say,
when I discovered at the end of the year,
this year,
at the end of the year when we discovered how bad Joe
Biden's health issues are.
And like, I mean, I just don't, what can you even say of this?
Imagine that,
cause they're just constantly in the business of trying to like construct a
narrative that has nothing to do with the truth. But imagine like,
trying to tell anyone,
any thinking person who's got a functioning brain, and I don't mean like a high IQ person, I
just mean somebody whose brain works. How can you convince
anyone that you just found out that we're supposed to believe
essentially, Rob, that the sharpest attack thing was true
and that the debate with Trump was the moment when Joe Biden
started to cognitively suffer.
But everything before that was fine.
We're actually supposed to believe that anybody paying attention to this just found out late
this year that Joe Biden is senile and hasn't known that for at least four years.
Well, prior to this, we were distracted by cheap fakes.
And how can
we possibly get this story right I mean it really is it's just unbelievable and
it's it's like no we all knew this for a very long time including you you lied
through your teeth about it and the only thing you're disturbed about is that
everyone figured that out and then ultimately you lost very badly here. Let's keep playing the the clip
You think the Middle East is in better shape today than when he took office
Sorry pause it pause it there
Sorry, cuz I completely forgot that she also bragged about the Middle East
She goes he kept showing up to the job and he got the work done. So even though like, as you kind of pointed out, Rob, right? Even though there's
this clear contradiction, it's like you were really disturbed to find this out late last
year, but hey, he still showed up and got the job done. So why are you disturbed then?
Yeah. Why are you ankle injury? If you still win and you show up and you get the job done,
I don't care. Yeah. So like, what's the issue then? Why were you disturbed to find out late in the year that Joe Biden is a vegetable?
So you found that late and then you're going to go, but he's still got the job done.
And this is what's remarkable to me is that they can, they can actually say,
I mean, I guess if you could say that first part, you could say the second part,
but you could say with a straight face that Joe Biden's record of achievement and
point to the Middle East, the Middle East.
You guys familiar with that region in the world and what's going on there?
Like broadly, if you're just like loosely familiar with what's going on there,
you would be like, oh, yeah, things are great. Things are great.
Cannibals are cutting people's heads off in Syria.
Is it fucking, you know, the, um,
was it, uh, Israel's been bombing the shit out of Gaza for well over a year.
Now, uh, you've got the Houthis getting involved in the war. You've got, um, um,
uh, Hezbollah in Lebanon involved in the war. Now, where,
where is this success in the middle East? What is the,
what is one success story in the Middle East?
They don't have one.
Anyway, let's keep going.
I'm sorry, which hostages?
He's gotten a number of people home.
There's still a hundred people over there.
Well, there were more than one.
Including some Americans.
Look, I think he's gonna leave office in disgrace.
The Hunter Biden pardon was disgraceful.
He's going to be remembered
largely for inflation and for the disastrous Afghanistan pullout. And I think as we continue
to we're just getting the first draft of this now, but as we continue to learn about the
massive cover up that went on, not about his health, but about his mental acuity to cover
that up, the efforts that were undertaken by the White House staff,
by his family, not in the last couple of months, but for all four years, I think it's going
to be a really ugly chapter.
It's a diminished presidency because of it.
And I think we still don't know the full extent of what they did to try to hide what they've
been doing over in the West Wing.
All right. It is worth pointing out that, of course, even on CNN,
when they have a Republican voice who
sounds somewhat reasonable, it's a George W. Bush
Republican voice there.
And so first of all, I do just have to say, Joe Biden,
to go inflation, number one, and then number two,
his Afghanistan pullout, I just don't think is right at all.
There's no question that it is pretty widely agreed that Joe
Biden bungled the withdrawal from Afghanistan and it was kind
of a disaster.
It wasn't nearly as much of a disaster as the corporate media
kind of likes to make it out to be.
But okay, he messed up the withdrawal from Afghanistan.
But I'm sorry. Like to even put that as a no
No, no, no, no my friend
Say it with me now
Inflation is number one and number two is immigration
That's the other thing that Joe Biden is gonna be remembered for the fact that for even by their own
Ridiculous defense where they say, three and a half years later,
we offered this bill and Donald Trump tried to kill it and the bill was so great.
They could lie and pretend the bill was so great and that would have solved the problem.
It doesn't matter even by their own argument for three and a half years, you sat there
while record breaking border crossings were occurring and did nothing about it and then
just tried to tell the American people it wasn't really a problem.
You tried to tell them that inflation was transitory and that the economy was
great and all of this stuff. You lied through your teeth. But he is, look,
he is absolutely right that,
and it's not so much about the Biden administration.
It is the media's emperor's new clothes
game that they tried to play with Joe Biden and convincing
as she's still participating in trying to convince everybody
that it was just late this year is you see it was just when
we could no longer deny that he was so obviously senile.
That's when it started.
It's like that is going to look as I as I've been saying for quite a while
that is just
An enormous death blow to the corporate media and that's what these guys are gonna really struggle to ever recover from
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All right. Let's get back into the show.
I hope we get more stories about what was actually going on behind the scenes and how
bad his dementia was, where his balls were out, even trying to eat his shoes, just like
I want I want the real dirt of just how bad the dementia was.
And my guess is we'll get some coverage of that at some point, because you always find
out the stuff after the fact, like suddenly the pictures emerge of Biden taking pictures with the exact Chinese, uh, uh,
the business partners of, uh, of hunters that he never,
he never met and never had a conversation with, which, uh, conveniently,
he'll be pledging the dementia defense all day. I don't remember that.
And we'll actually believe him.
I listen, Joe Biden could say,
I don't remember that to any question.
And I will probably believe him. I will probably believe him.
And I can say, I said,
I was joking around about this in my act for a little bit, but, uh,
it's one of the frustrating things with Joe Biden is that it doesn't matter how,
how evil someone was. Once you have dementia,
there's no satisfying revenge.
You know, if you, if you like found some old, you know, I mean, I guess it's we're too old and we're living in the future now.
So probably there, there's no more of them. But like,
if you found some like, like Nazi who committed horrific, you know,
atrocities during that, but they were like 95 and senile,
there'd be no, it wouldn't be satisfying to like see justice get served.
The stories are not that far off. There was maybe a year or two ago, they were prosecuting some guy
who was working at Auschwitz and you see some old guy in court, you're like, just what's the point
of day? Whatever. You got away with it, buddy. In 94. I need the 94 year old to go to jail.
Yeah, it's just, it's's just there's nothing satisfying about it.
And look, I mean, it's it's been.
Well, what's satisfying is if they actually break the story,
even if it's a no fault prosecution and not one of these bullshit
investigation things that are actually cover ups.
But if we could actually name the names of who is covering up for him,
who you know what I mean?
That that's where you have to actually cleanse the machine
a little bit of its ability to lie to us.
And that's actually holding the people
who facilitated it accountable
and bitching out the media when you get actual reporting
about what was going on behind the scenes and you go,
my God, how did the media not report on this?
Yeah, no, that's exactly right.
And it's, that is the big, you know, because look,
I mean, whatever, as someone in the chat said,
it would be a little satisfying.
Okay, I get your point.
But that is the bigger, you know, picture here
is the comment on the media and all of those guys
who are still there, they're you're still there
You're supposed you're supposed to be covering the news and getting the truth out to people and you couldn't even trust you to point out
That the sitting president of the united states of america has like his pants on his head
You can't even like you can't let the american people know that that and more than that that we see it too
like you know, look,
there are things like, you know, famously, and I don't actually know that much about this,
but I do know that what's it called? So the FDR hid his polio from the country, right? Like they
didn't know he couldn't walk. And he would you would see this where he would come around like in a car
And they had like a rigged car for him that he could drive like with his canes or whatever
But he'd come around in a car and take the picture from this car
We were an honest country that wouldn't trust a cripple
Yeah, I I wanted a real man who could walk and I didn't care how smart he was and how into wealth redistribution was if that
Guy's stuck in a wheelchair. He can't be my leader. That was a better country.
Oh dude, and fucking...
And God bless his manliness that he lied and pretended I got perfectly good legs.
Can you imagine in 1932 though, just like how they would have dealt with a guy,
you go, he's got the retarged legs. You're telling me I'm supposed to vote for this guy?
What type of moron are you?
But you know, but anyway, so he hid that now I'd imagine there must have been people in the press corps who knew
About that, but they didn't tell anyone
Okay. Look at least
Fine, you could find a way with
1932 technology to not tell anyone though or 1932. I think that's when FDR came in in 1932, right? Yeah. Okay, so
1932. I think that's when FDR came in in 1932, right?
Yeah. OK, so, OK, with the technology of the early 30s,
you could not tell anyone if they didn't have a picture of it, fine.
But that's a different thing than like if you were to show a picture of it
and then tell them that he can walk just fine.
Like if you were just watching him walk on crutches and then get into a wheelchair and you'd be like, oh, I don't think he can walk.
And they make he walks just fine.
What are you some type of right they make, he walks just fine.
What are you some type of right winger? He walks just fine.
Like that's what they were doing with Joe Biden trying to tell us that he walks fine. And part of it is because of, you know,
who these people are who are in the corporate media. Let's,
before we wrap up today, let's play the Don Lemon video.
Cause on the topic of who these people are that really, and I do not know,
Robbie, you sent this to me. I do not know the context of this.
You told me you don't know the context of it either.
We thought it was AI at first. Evidently it is not,
but here is old Don Lemon of former CNN fame
making videos on the internet being Don Lemon.
I think out you dumb fucking idiots. now you're just figuring this shit out
You're so fucking stupid and you deserve it. You fucking deserve it because you're so dumb
Jim it's hypocrisy. So go with me here. Yes. I am gloating over your stupidity and how you were taken
Con I'm cracking. I'm cackling in Kamalau,
in Shanta.
I am, you have been co-opted
because you're in a fucking cult
and you don't even realize it
because you have stupid MAGA brain and you don't get it.
How stupid and dumb are you?
And I'm just gonna, I can't wait to go through this. Okay.
So I'm gonna read this again. So Christian's appointment triggered an anti-Indian backlash
on social media, particularly given his past advocacy for increasing green cards and immigration
broader. Oh, no, immigration. We can't do the immigration. That's my favorite part. He has to
adjust his turtleneck. Thank you. We can't do the immigration. Until like a scuba suit.
Because, you know, the immigration,
it triggers some people.
You know what they're saying
about the anti-immigrant stuff, right?
Ha ha ha ha ha.
Who's in to say that one of the jobs you might be seeking
won't be one of those white jobs?
Ha ha ha ha ha.
Oh my gosh.
Oh my gosh.
Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh.
You know, I mean, can we get a gay translator? You're a lesbian.
Do you know what he was talking about?
Gay to lesbian translation is very rough, Rob. It's not an easy, that's a,
you need like a middleman in there. Gays and lesbians are not natural allies.
They're the furthest on the spectrum apart from each other. They're not,
you know, it's a whole different world
But I don't know. I mean what?
Don Lemon, he's just a fucking unhinged moron. What else can you say about it? But there is something, you know, I mentioned this to you before we started recording today, but there is one of the things that's very interesting
About the the divide between the old media and the new media is that the new media works in this very informal way.
There's just it's much more conversational and it's much more long form.
Now that's not the case with everything.
I mean, there's also like TikTok videos and stuff like that. But generally speaking, this new center of like podcasts, internet shows,
the alternative media, it's you do kind of you get to know the person.
You know, people always say, I get I get all the time.
People ask me like, oh, what's what's Joe Rogan really like?
What's Tucker Carlson really like when you like hang out with these guys?
I really always say to them, it goes like, you know, as much as me. Like, I mean, I like hang out with these guys. I really always say to them it goes like you know as much as me.
Like I mean I've hung out with these guys a lot more but they're the same person that
you see.
Like that's who they are and you do I do think I think if you listen to this show you get
a sense of who we are.
Me and you having a conversation off air is not much different than me and you having
a conversation on air.
There might be a couple things that we'll say off air that would be like, I'm not going to say this on air, but blah, blah, blah.
But there's nothing that we wouldn't say privately that we say on air.
And there's it.
Whereas the old media system, the CNN system, it's all phony.
It's all designed so you never get a sense of who that person is.
It's all good evening and welcome to the eight o'clock news.
And you know, it's this performance and it's interesting to see when Don Lemon goes to the
internet oh you actually get a little bit of a sense of who that guy is. Oh yeah that's the guy.
Just borderline retarded, brain dead, is insulting people in the only word he can come up with is stupid
So he repeats stupid 17 times because he's got nothing else
uh absolute contempt
for the the american people at least the american people who supported the candidate he doesn't like and in
An unimaginable sense of superiority
I mean like that's just like what you see right from this guy
telling you how stupid you were and what's his actual argument
for why you're stupid the fact that MAGA voters
feel betrayed by
people in the MAGA orbit who are promoting
immigration policies it's like
well look yeah they voted against that. They voted against, uh, um,
prioritizing foreigners over Americans. Now feel however you feel about that.
There's arguments on all sides of the immigration debate,
but make the argument and just tell people they're stupid for feeling
betrayed on one of their core issues It's just it's appalling and what's what I love about the video is it does just show you and I think this is I think
This is something that is
Right at the heart of why people love Donald Trump so much is that they people are not nearly as stupid as Don Lemon thinks
They are and Don Lemon's a lot dumber than Don Lemon thinks he is.
And the truth is that this little moment right here,
like that sense of superiority that Don Lemon had,
the contempt he has for what was the majority of the voting population of
America, they picked up on that.
They realized that you hate their guts and you think you're better than them
because you wear like fancy
turtlenecks and are like out, you know
Living wherever the hell or summering and wherever the hell don lemon summers with his white boyfriend
You know what? I mean like you're just like you think you're better than all these people and you're fucking not
That's why they hate your guts and their right to.
I don't know, final word, I'll give it to you, Rob,
and then we gotta wrap up.
You know, you gotta be careful when you buy
overpriced turtlenecks, you start getting haughty.
That's really, I really gotta watch out for that.
That'll be my downfall one day.
I go, Rob, this show's been going pretty good.
I think I'm gonna get myself a fancy turtleneck.
The next thing you know, I'm an idiot,
and I think I'm better than everyone. All right, that's it. The next thing you know, I'm an idiot. And I think I'm better than everyone.
All right, that's it for our show today.
Oh, I should mention before we leave,
I did have to reschedule our monthly Zoom meeting
from last Saturday.
This Saturday at 2 p.m.
I will be doing that for the people in the top two tiers.
Do your thing, Rob.
Top two tiers this Saturday, 2 p.m.
We'll be doing our monthly Zoom meetings.
Thanks for watching, guys.
Catch you next time. Peace.