Patriots Dynasty Podcast - 2005 Week 8: Patriots vs Bills

Episode Date: July 25, 2023

With no brothers or interns to help him, Andy reaches out to the only Bills fan he knows that would come on a Patriots podcast: a fellow football history nerd and Bills season ticket holder known only... by his Twitter handle @BillsVhs. Get a unique, in-depth perspective of what life is like as a Bills fan from someone who lives in Buffalo. Support this show Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is Christine Brown, and while I have to listen to this podcast, as my motherly duty, you have the choice not to. My sons sometimes say some naughty things when they're trying to be funny, but really, they're just being stupid. You still want to listen? Go right ahead. I am not your mother. Alright, welcome back to the Patriot Dynasty podcast, the only podcast I hope, where we
Starting point is 00:00:31 rewatch every game of the Dynasty era, Patriots. With me today are none of my brothers, which should not surprise anybody. No intern Tim, either. He is out as well. But I have found a guest this week. And believe it or not, I have convinced a bills fan to join us. And we are going to go over the 2005 week eight matchup in Gillette Stadium, Sunday Night Football on ESPN, maybe. So with me is, you'll find him on Twitter, builds VHS. And I'm assuming that's what you want to go by because you don't want people to know who you actually are in real life coming on here.
Starting point is 00:01:13 I prefer that actually. I mean, my name is Bill. So perfect. I kind of hide what my real name is within my fake Twitter handle, which is so on. Are your parents, Bill's fans? Of course, yeah. Well, my dad is my mom couldn't care less about football, but my dad's Bill's fan. So were you named William because of that? No, I was named William because my grandpa's
Starting point is 00:01:35 was my sister. Yeah, worth a shot. The existence of the team. So you know, I didn't say any names of team after after me you know I live in Buffalo and my name is Bill so technically it's named after me I would say. Yeah that tracks. Yeah I have as much claim to the name Buffalo Bill as anyone else. Yeah no I think that uh I'll give it to you. I was sorry I'm gonna say.
Starting point is 00:02:01 I'll give you a name for coming out of this part. I just have to need to give it to me. I already have it. Don't worry. I don't need the information of a Patriot's band. Do you have any? Yes. Well, speaking of which, we're talking just before this. And you said that this game specifically is something you call the name game, which we actually have a similar rating scale of like whether or not these are watchable.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Because there are some that aren't, you know, the week 16 Pats Jets games where the jets have already been eliminated from the playoffs by six weeks, you know, and the patient's go at both teams going to the motions not worth washing the nine, six game against the Browns in 2002, what the fuck it was? Well, I will straight up tell you, no, we're watching. But we also have, like, brother Greg came up with a system of ranking these games of, I think, the different levels, but the top level was, name games, gave you remember, like like the snowball, right? Everybody like maybe even not anyone knows what the snowball is.
Starting point is 00:03:09 They don't have 28 to 3. The bills have to come back if they have, they have like that. So again, name games and this happens to be a name game amongst Bill's Mafia fans there. It's called the Teddy Brusky game. Yes. mafia fans there. It's called the Teddy bruski game. Yes, so we've been kind of building up to this on the podcast that Teddy bruski will return because in the off season for those that don't remember or live in Iraq or don't follow Teddy bruski. He had, it was like 30, it was like three days after he got home from the pro bowl. The story was he was at home asleep in his bed dreaming that steel-er-running
Starting point is 00:03:49 pectoral bettus was barreling towards him. And so here he was racing. Yeah, this is, this is like the so Teddy bruski as well. But apparently, brazing for the collision, bruski suddenly woke up and his fist were clenched, armed extended, muscled contracted, you contracted, feeling pins and needles in his arms and his left arm and leg leg down the left side of his body. 4am and he's having a heart attack. I didn't realize that he just thought he was waking up from a dream of being tackled by Jerome Betis,
Starting point is 00:04:17 which from being, that would feel the same. Yeah, exactly the same thing. So he just tried to get up and go to the bathroom and just like fell over because you couldn't use the left side of the body. Turned out, he had a heart attack because he had a hole in his heart, which was real rough. I remember the like news coverage, I was supporting news coverage, just the news coverage of like watching his wife help him out of the hospital, like walk out of the hospital.
Starting point is 00:04:53 And so yeah, he actually had a mild stroke, not even a heart attack, but like an actual stroke. So he got super lucky. And then all this, you know, every is, this was right at the end of the season doing how I've seen this was a very tumultuous offseason generally. But this was like the biggest thing. And behind the scenes, what was actually happening was all the doctors basically said, if you feel better, there's no reason you can't play football again.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Because like football's not going to make this happen. It was a blood clot that, you know, and we've plugged the hole in your heart, which apparently you can do. Yep. They talked about that. Like the other broadcast that's for sure. Yeah, this wasn't as much of a football game as it was. The Teddy Bruski show really. And that's why how it's written.
Starting point is 00:05:46 I'm printed Buffalo is no doubt about it. That I can understand. Yeah. But Bayzi what happened is during the off season, like Bella check was looking as like sign some replacement. Linebackers because you know, of course it's trying to replace Teddy Bruski. And Bruski met with him and basically said, don't put me on IR, put me on the public. And Belichick was like, why the fuck would I do that?
Starting point is 00:06:14 You have a hole in your heart. And he's like, yeah. Bruski's got a wavre back forth and then Belichick, based comes out and says that there's still no way of you playing this year at all, right? And Bruce, you just like paused. And then eventually says, I'm going to play this year. So and Belly Shank, like straight up as I'm like, are you telling me that going out there and pick up another lineback this year, be the wrong move? And Bruce is like, yeah, that would be the wrong move. So, the Patriots kind of knew about that going in.
Starting point is 00:06:51 And there's all sorts of stuff kind of swirling, I think the week before this game, actually two weeks before because the week before this was there by week. So it was kind of the perfect time to get them back in. And I think everybody thought there was going to ease him back in. You know, maybe have some packages with him. That didn't happen.
Starting point is 00:07:10 He played all four down and special teams. Yeah, like he's making tackles on kickoffs in the fourth quarter. He is just the fact that he was like had the Robic ability to be able to just play a full football game Having not done any football whatsoever For however many months like that. Yeah, he stepped out of the field That was the first one and yeah, he played the entire game. The entire unbelievable. And the bills had about two thirds of the time possession in that game too. So he played probably 40 minutes of
Starting point is 00:07:51 a football game. It was absolutely third. Yeah, I think at the like towards the end, they showed a stat where the bills had like 33 minutes of possession. And the patient had like 12 or 15 or something, whatever it was. Yeah. And Bruce, he was on the field all three downs and playing a fourth down two. We have Sir. Yeah, bananas. But if you didn't notice that, you don't want, you can watch this game
Starting point is 00:08:14 and they will tell you about it ad nauseam. From the opening package to the closing camera shot, it opens with a tag, a risky package and it closes with Susie Colbert trying to chase him down to get in and out. They in absolutely fantastic. No, my favorite was when Tom
Starting point is 00:08:33 Ray threw touchdown and then they cut to Bruce Key on the sideline and what his reaction was. He didn't have one. My personal favorite was when Brady got strip sack by Eric Chowbel entire time they don't even acknowledge the sack or the fumble. They just go. They've been sort of pre-recorded.
Starting point is 00:08:54 What happened to that? They did that twice too because they did it on the Patriot Strips Act 2 and they they were playing this thing about. Robert Kraft talking about how they didn't sign a waiver to let him play. Like, we don't let lawyers run our lives or something. I know the doctors told me to say, yeah, it was the entire game was focused on it, which apparently rubbed the citizens of Buffalo, New York, absolutely the wrong way. I can't imagine why. That makes no sense to me whatsoever.
Starting point is 00:09:28 The thing about Bill Stas is they feel as if they're the most or disrespected group of people of all time. And if you give them any sort of fighter like this, like a game where they mention an opposing player a thousand times. Oh, God yeah. Which they did. Bill's fans took it personally. As if what are we just a prop? What are we doing? They get offended by it. They're very sensitive people. It's something that I've found in my few years of doing this Twitter thing. I think that's yeah, I find that with Patriots fans. Any game they lose is because of the referees or the league has it in for them or whatever. I mean, there's still people talking about the Eagle Superbowl that they lost about how they had changed what the rule of what the catch was or something like that, which you know,
Starting point is 00:10:22 I love a conspiracy theory as much as I mean, I'm a home or like to my grave, but even that one's tough for me. But this game has that had it was it came with the absolute worst time. Does this game first place in the vision? The winner of this game would have taken over sole possession of first place in the AFC without half the season to go. It would put everyone in a good position, whoever, whoever won it, as a winning division, guess what? It was just what it was. Well, yes. I don't want to overstate that because the Patriots coming into this were a three and three and in first place in the division.
Starting point is 00:11:00 The bills coming in this were three and four and in second place in the division because the division division kind of sucked right in 2005. It's not what it is, it's not like wagon that it is now, you know. But yeah, I think that the bills were undefeated in divisional games. They beaten both the dolphins and the jets coming in. They kind of had, I mean, I kind of want to hear it from you more than like me. I did a little like deep dive of this, but they seem like they had up and down season this one. At least the first half. Well, the first half of season was marked by the start of JP Lossman. It means, dear, we had Rebloetso for the past three seasons. Right. Big Drew wasn't a guy anymore.
Starting point is 00:11:46 Who we ended up starting, he ended up starting in Dallas that season. And we ended up going with JP Lossman. And JP Lossman, for whatever reason, some, I'll blame the offensive blank that I was just absolutely terrible, as you see in the game too. But you just didn't have a time and he didn't have that presence where he could sort of focus. And they bring it up in the game where Holcomb was a backup for Peyton Manning. And he said, well, he was back in a Peyton Manning,
Starting point is 00:12:17 Manning attacked the game, but he knew he was going to fail. He knew he wasn't quite ready, he was fresh. This was only JP L JP Austin's second season. So thinking of manning the second season, he was still throwing just as many ticks as he was throwing touchdowns. But he had the mindset where I'm going to get better. It's not going to be different from it. Exactly. Yeah. Whereas JP did not have that. He said, I was great at two-way. I'm going to be just as great in the NFL because, you know, they're exactly the same. Oh, for sure. That's always how that works. And he got
Starting point is 00:12:50 benched. And he got benched. So you spent you trade up the year before to spend a first round pick on a quarterback. You have him sit the entire season, have him start only to bench him. I think he was five games into the season, which is just absolutely absurd. Yeah. They did that with him and they completely crush his confidence. And even the next week, you have the whole room to start and you lost your rest of the air. Yeah, because I was actually going to look that up because during the game, because the bills were leading late into the third, actually, early fourth quarter, the bills were leading this game by two scores.
Starting point is 00:13:32 And the commentators were talking about how this was a statement game for the bills. And this would set them up for the rest of the season and how, you know, like they can build off of this and, you know like they can build off of this and you know they're going to be energized. They had a by-week after this and then they won two games two three four five just lost six of them. So it didn't quite work out that way. It did not quite it this game set the tone for the season and it was playing great defense and just losing the lead light for stupid things taken dumb penalties and that's how they gave away this game. Although this game again with the conspiracy theory did not, I don't know how familiar
Starting point is 00:14:16 with art, if you want to go with chronological or not, but on the bill's last drive Eric mold gets an OPI for just a little like form. It was it was not an extended hand or anything like that. It was just a little shove which happens on every single play of every single game on the sports. It's just like that. And it would have been a first down, but instead they get they push them back 10 yards and then the following and on the fourth down Tell the hook of throws a one yard out of four. Yeah
Starting point is 00:14:48 A dump off Which is just is just the most frustrating thing that he dumps off to Eric mold Who is the second greatest why receiver of up-able history who you're having won run a one yard out out of fourth and sixth who you're having run a one yard out out of fourth and sixth. It just damn slowly knows that. And that's how a lot of the drought was. A lot of the drought was that. It was just incompetent. Just look around and just scratch on your head
Starting point is 00:15:16 at some of the decisions that were made and then blaming the referee. Yeah, finding so many to blame. So so my my thing, my brand, I guess on this podcast is I often have more than often. I almost always have at least some issue with the referees and the commentators. Okay. So we'll get into that. We'll get into all of that later, but I agree with you. That often's a pass a interference. I also have a soft spot, I guess, for offensive
Starting point is 00:15:53 as a interference or something like that because of how often Rob Brankowski would get it called on him for just basically being bigger than who was trying to cover him. You're human being. Yeah. it's not a big problem. Just he's uncoverable and so they just have to throw the fight everyone's well. Sure. Yeah, but it was it was very soft and it was because a santi-samual ways about as much as my 18 month old. And falls over at the slightest breeze.
Starting point is 00:16:23 But I wanted to touch on Eric Mould because he said he was the slightest breeze. But I wanted to touch on Eric Moll. Because he said he was the second greatest. Yeah, I think so. And he's second in every statistical category to Andre Reed on the bumblebee. So that makes sense. Just statistically alone, he's probably the second best wire server.
Starting point is 00:16:39 He might be the best. He might be the most talented, but he never had consistent quarterback play. He started with that. Yeah, that's what I was going to say. They showed the list because they actually brought him up in this game about how he was, uh, what was the word that they usually care. Remember, uh, losing or losing patience or something like that. He probably was because he started with Jim Kelly and then he read through the entire mess with the Boolean and Johnson having to go through the app and then he finally had a connection with
Starting point is 00:17:13 with through Bletsau, the two of them, made great pair, those two. And then he just wanted to kept going and they kept JP Lossvin and Kelly Holt and then eventually it was Trent Edwards and then he just ended up signing his last year in Houston for some reason where everyone goes to die. Like I just feel the exact hard, where every just washed up last, you know, dish after, for every guy he used to love. Like I should just do that. I could probably get a hold, you know, Texans jerseys just all of my favorite players that used to play for the
Starting point is 00:17:46 They like the AFC version of the old Redskins, I think. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's a lot of fun Yeah, I mean, Vince Wolforg has re-ended his career was in the Texans. Yeah, I love that guy But yeah, my funny is part of about your whole rant there is you actually missed two quarterbacks You missed Todd Collins and Alex Van Pell. So I called Alex and I just said, and I jumped over the village of Hover who, I don't know if you know the story, he was actually backing up Todd Collins, your Kelly left. He was the backup, but he famously didn't read his playbook. He just never opened it. He was, he was the backup quarterback. He famously didn't read his playbook. He just never opened it. He was the back of quarterback. He just didn't know the play. So in one game, yeah, Collins
Starting point is 00:18:33 gets injured and they go, all right, Billy, grab your helmet. And like, okay, in the call of the place, he just called whatever play he wants back there because he's not going to want to. He's really called the scout team plays the ran or whatever. Oh my God. What's going on? And he got cut the next week, because he's told it,
Starting point is 00:18:51 you know, he admitted it to the press after the game. He's like, yeah, I guess I wasn't familiar enough with the playbook. And it was like week six by this time. Like, we talked about it. Yeah, but they cut him. And that's where the, the Alex Bantel era started.
Starting point is 00:19:03 Wow. Alex Bantel is a sort of a cult hero around. Really? Okay. He was he was the third quarterback for Kelly, a sort of existed through and it was on those teams with Fludian and Johnson. So everyone, which is sort of sick. Let's put Van Pelt in there and everyone would laugh. Yeah. So they then he got a little following around here. He was a court coach for a little laugh. Yeah. So they've been he got a little following around here. That was the court coach for a little bit. Yeah. Yeah. I remember doing a game about him. He had some interesting nicknames. I thought Alex.
Starting point is 00:19:33 And he was. Oh boy. It was his main nickname because he looked like pop and fresh because he was kind of a chubby guy. He's a big dude. Yeah. They called him pill for some reason. He's a big dude. Yeah, they called him pill for some reason. Yeah, I guess look at that. Why would I remember why I feel like we looked up and it was like some ridiculous reason. But yeah, Alex man, Pell is what we called him. He was, he was kind of one of those like tough quarterbacks. you know, he had no problem sending in it felt like, Oh, he could stay, well, and that was probably one of the problems because, well, why? Maybe that's why he got the nickname pill, I don't know. I don't know. He could be. I can't.
Starting point is 00:20:12 I can't. Shuffling in. Nice. Oh, no. Let me see. Now, let's try and pill. Yeah, let's try and pill. Yeah, let's try and pill.
Starting point is 00:20:22 I want to say, I went to Google Y's, I went to Google Y's, I went to. That's a bell. Yeah, it's a bell. I went to Google Ysipil and I got Firewall or Black by a Firewall. For the Buffalo news. Oops. Okay. All right, so let's see what kind of jumped around a bit to start, but that's fine. That's how I like to do it because of my ADHD. Let's see. What is going, all right, we talked about Teddy Bruegian. That's great. Just some interesting notes on him, just because you know, it is the Teddy Bruegian game. This was eight months after having
Starting point is 00:21:08 that stroke which eight months after I think if I had a stroke I might be walking. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. But he was actually the third round pick in the 1996 draft which Patience Fans will remember as the par cells's grocery draft, where a craft, quote unquote, forced him to draft Terry Glen in the first round. But if he's gonna cook the meal, he's gonna wanna have to buy his groceries. Yeah, exactly. I heard a day that maybe like a thousand one times.
Starting point is 00:21:38 Yep, so that was kind of the beginning of the end. Even though Terry Glen and Drew Blitz are, let them to the soup bowl on 97. It's like around Piccola and Maloy, not too bad. Third round, Pic Teddy, Bruceke. Fucking nail that. Yeah. I will give, I, Parceles, I have a love hate relationship with, but I will give a, he
Starting point is 00:21:58 can draft a defensive player in the top three rounds. Like, it's absolutely ridiculous. But speaking of what, they actually showed a clip of Burzky hugging Laura Maloy in the pregame, which I thought was pretty cool, because Maloy is now on the bills at this point. Laura, is on the bills at this point, came the year before, I believe? 2003, because his first game was that demolition in Buffalo. The 31 nothing, which was returned in week 17, I believe. That's exactly right.
Starting point is 00:22:30 I think the Patriots actually sent in there because it was 31-0 late in the game and the bills were driving. And so the Patriots sent all their first string defensive players back in to do the goal line stand to make sure it was 31 nothing, which is very bellicic of this team. But this 2005 seems very on bellicic. It feels like just like this. We we talked about this before. Like I don't remember watching this game. I don't remember this game at all coming into this before watching it. But after watching it, I remember why because this was one of the ugliest games. And there
Starting point is 00:23:11 were two different times where I had to go back and check profile reference to make sure the page to actually did win this game. It didn't look like they were going to. They had no reason. Well, the bills were in control from the start of the game. The only thing that was going on is the fact that Kelly Holcomb was the core back for the goals. And he didn't throw the ball. He was throwing it. He was skipping the ball to see her at one point. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:37 It was pretty bad. And yet he was still out playing Tom Brady up until half way through the fourth quarter. They Clemente a really good game first, probably first half, I'd say. He got beat on the touchdown deep, but he was, the, the cores were locking him down. He and, uh, it was, it was, yeah, Terence Wiggy and they, Clements would be the two starting cores. It's one of the better defenses the bills put together during the drought, especially with having Aaron Shobo, who is just, I think he's Tom Brady's number one emphasis.
Starting point is 00:24:08 He probably has more sacks on Brady than anybody actually. He does. We've been through that. He has the most sacks of Tom Brady with any other player. And he had another one. He has a strip sack of this game too. I think he had two sacks and one of them was a strip sack. We're like a second half
Starting point is 00:24:25 or something. So I want to wait and lose the game. They just gave way. They absolutely gave it away. Yeah, because it's awesome game. Yeah, I'll just give like a quick rundown of like how it played out. But basically, the bills started their first three offensive drives. We're all 11 play drives. started their first three offensive drives were all 11 play drives. But ended punt misfeel goal, feel goal. What the point from a 35 year, 35 year line, they punted from opposition 35 year line, which is just absolutely insane. They would never, you would get you would absolutely get fired that Monday. If you did that in an NFL game, to the end. Yeah, but it's so prevalent. I mean, the
Starting point is 00:25:06 pages did it too in this game. And this is like bell check the genius that you'd expect to see him not doing that. And I think I feel like he was one of the first coaches to actually stop doing it. Where they had a kind of like it wasn't the red zone, but it was like, I care, they had these have a cloud for it. Like they're like maroons zones, whatever. Where they just go for on fourth down because, you know, fuck it. If you've if we punted, it's going to take them to place and get back here anyway. If we miss a field goal, same thing. Yeah, you're gaining it all at that
Starting point is 00:25:37 specific snow, you're getting 30 yards. Yeah, tops. Yeah, tops. But I will say I did like when the pages did it, the gunner, Ellis Hobbs actually caught the ball, not even on a bounce, he just fielded the punt, no bounce, which is pretty, I love that when that happens. Matthew Slater in the Super Bowl against the Rams, the second one, that whole season, he was known for doing that, being able to catch the ball. That's from the 5-yard line before he hit the ground, which is just... Oh, it's nice. Yeah, I feel like that's just like one of those like punter gunner things.
Starting point is 00:26:14 I don't know if they work on it or something, but it only works with like certain combos of guys. We had a guy named Steve Tasker around here. He used to do that. I recognize him. Yeah, he's okay. He used to be okay to be a Samar. Yeah. He's okay. He's okay to be a gamer. So, I'm just taking a site. It's later going to make the hall of
Starting point is 00:26:30 aamer now. Because Tasker's never going to get into the hall of aamer. Slater's not either. You don't think so? I think either both do or neither do. Just because they're just special teamers. Matthew Slater has one official catch and he is listed as a wide receiver. Sure. It was like 35 yards. So he has like the best. That's a good way. Exactly. Yeah. yards per catch, but that's it. So yeah, I don't think core special teamers make it. Yeah, I don't think core special teamers make it.
Starting point is 00:27:04 They don't. And I've never understood why because what they, they're still lying up. It's a position. I think because you can't back up what they contributed with stats, which is unfortunate because that's where the world is headed, where if you can't prove it with some sort of statistic, that's not real. I think you can make up any specific that you want to prove it with some sort of statistic, that's not real true. Right. So that you can make up any statistics that you want to prove anything you want. For sure.
Starting point is 00:27:29 So maybe that's what we should do. We should do a combined, like we'll make up some advanced stats because that seems to be all the rage now, some analytics, where Steve Tasker and Matthew Slater, the points per drive that they shaved off of their team's defense. Like, there's got to be some way to package that. I mean, it'll be tough because if you go back too far, you don't have any stats.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Like, they didn't keep things, but they don't even keep play by play or anything like that. That's true. It only goes back to like the 90s, I think 94, I think is fun. The 90s just starting it and play by play is where you actually have the game log. Yeah. But you really don't have that. So it's true. It might be tough, but I think you could get something together with Serb sort of advanced that. I know I was doing some sort of Kaggle competition where it was trying to get some advanced staff for punters or things like that. Yeah. Yeah. We could figure something out for For gunners. We're gonna see it. It's gonna be something. Yeah All right
Starting point is 00:28:36 We'll put that together. I like that Put that in the comments. Yeah, oh yeah, definitely all one of them mom if you're listening Get on it. Yeah, so I just want to, um, I got side track again as I tend to do, but, um, yeah, the first quarter of this game was Buffalo had two drives, both 11 plays each for 45 yards ish. New England had two first quarter drives of a combined seven plays for 42 yards with a pun of fumble. And the fumble was, listen, I know we've talked about this in the past, but
Starting point is 00:29:15 for this season, but this team is, I don't even think decimated is a strong enough word for how It is a strong enough word for how many injuries there are. I was like keeping a section of like, who was injured each week? I think it's got so big that it just kind of stopped. And that was just such a freak injury with the eternal over there too. It just pulls up and grabs his leg and it's it. Yeah, so that was Patrick Pass who was only in the game
Starting point is 00:29:46 because Cory Dylan who ran for like 1,400 yards the year before, he's hurt. So Patrick Pass was the backup and like technically full backer quarter of my brother, but whatever. And then they also signed Amos zero way, famous Amos. Because Kevin Faulk was hurt. As though Amos was supposed to be the third down back. But then Patrick Pass was actually running really well. He actually, the game before this, had career highs in rushing yards and receiving yards and helping them win.
Starting point is 00:30:27 And looked like, hey, this might be the next guy to take the mantle from Corey Dylan. He wasn't. Because he was running actually quite well in this game, barring some many, many penalties some many, many penalties from the offensive line and holding and whatnot. But then on a play, I think it's really in the second quarter, he's running to the left and pulls up with a hamstring. But instead of just like falling down, he drops the ball and grabs his hamstring and kind of like keeps hopping away. He forgets the football games going on. Yeah, Yeah, and kind of like keep topping away. He forgets the football games going on. Yeah, even the commentators like I've never seen that in my life. Completely forgot to forget the game's going.
Starting point is 00:31:12 He sort of calls a timeout in his own head like, okay guys, I mean, just hang on, hang on. I pulled something and the game continues around him, of course. Yeah, and so the bills recover and I believe go kick a field goal or something. I think it is just so so bad. And the page is doing very like unpatriot like things like the second quarter, the only half of the bills finally put another 11 play drive together, but they kicked a field goal. It just took some unpatriate penalties in this game too.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Yeah, like right at the end of the half, you expect them to drive down and kick a field goal, which is what they did. They drove down kick a field goal. But on the field goal attempt, they had a delay game because they didn't get it off in time, which I don't think I've ever seen happen before or after this. And so they put you back five yards and of course, it's a bit of a miss at the field goal. So like, yeah, the, on both sides, I think, just the bills completely dominating the flow of play and putting up three whole points. And the Patriots just
Starting point is 00:32:24 doing absolutely nothing and being held scoreless in the first half. Yeah, for the first time in 30-saving games. They could not stop Willis McGay. Willis McGay, he kept picking up first down. This is probably the game he had as a bill. He had like 130 something yards, probably 20 carries. He was just pounding the ball and getting it moving ahead, which is something he never did. They mentioned the telecast a bunch of times that he was criticized recently in Buffalo Papers because he was just dancing in the backfield. Again, it's the line. They had a terrible
Starting point is 00:32:57 line. No one wants to say that. Because apparently all the writers are afraid of the biggest guys in the room or something like that. Because no one would tell them like your office blind stinks. You have, tell Trey T just do something out there because you've let everyone pass them. You're screening games terrible and you can't run the ball. But other than that, you know, it's a great offensive line. Now take your quarter back. He's on the ground again.
Starting point is 00:33:21 How does that happen? This was one of his best games and Will's the game he is one of my least favorite Buffalo bills of all time. And he is not very popular amongst those mafia. He's on the way out. Can't imagine why trash does some away out when he wants a ball to work. Because they have to Buffalo. He want to write to ball some more. That's right. That's right. You can merely trash the bills. He said he trashed the town. He says, and they have nothing but an apple bee in a day. That's right.
Starting point is 00:33:48 And of course, it's right. I mean, it's fair, but still like, I mean, the fuck up. I mean, it'll be sure. Give me a, we drafted you in the first round when you had a busted ACL. You had to show a little respect here. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:34:03 Yeah. Also, according to his Wikipedia, the last count had him at 10 children by nine different women by the time he was 32 years old. Which is kind of funny, because he replaced Travis Henry, of course, who was a leaven from 10. Yeah. And I can't, well, didn't one of them
Starting point is 00:34:23 say it was because the only thing to do in Buffalo is to have sex. Wasn't that one of them? One of them, I'm pretty sure that would have been Willa, which feels right. I mean, yeah. Yeah, but also like, does it mean you have to have 10 kids with nine ever women like?
Starting point is 00:34:39 There are ways to avoid that specific piece. I was sort of like, like, I'm sorry. You're saying that's a bad thing? That's all there is to it. Oh, yeah. Oh, man. Oh, no. What?
Starting point is 00:34:52 What would you prefer to be doing? OK. Don't answer that. Don't answer that question. I'm going to look against that one. But yeah, he was jerked. He didn't like it here. He drew Rosenhouse.
Starting point is 00:35:04 That's actually, he would create a drew Rosenhouse too. That drew Rosenhouse really wasn't a thing until Will Smith and Gahee, because he was Will Smith and Gahee. He's the one who put him on the pedestal. And he's the one who got all that stupid airtime on the stupid trap, because they have nothing else to talk about. Yeah. And that the stupid super agent drew Rosenhaus got his sort of name
Starting point is 00:35:28 out there because of Will Smith Gahey. And the world is a much worse place because of it. I would agree. Yes. I think so too. I will say the one good thing that came out of Will Smith Gahey is his successor, March on Lynch, who did the skit about how much he loves Applebees with King Reign. What did you get in the Buffalo? It was very much, he's loved in Buffalo, even though he ran over a bunch of Canadians around here. I don't know if everyone knows the story, that's how March on Lynch's time came to an end
Starting point is 00:36:01 in Buffalo. He was driving around the nightlife scene and he ran over a couple of a person. I really did that. It's a border town and there was like, you know, Chippewa's Reverend Parade's and he was driving on there and he ran over someone and the bills just, there was one distraction too many for the bills and that was it. They got rid of him. I think Marjolens might be one of my favorite human beings in the NFL. He is great. He is such a tough runner.
Starting point is 00:36:29 So he is absolutely a fantastic running back. And of course, the pills get rid of them. Because they do it. Yeah, because the bills make billsy decisions. And that's how billsy they are. And they got rid of Marshawn Lynch. We're the team who got rid of Jason Peters are. And they got rid of March on lunch. We're the team who got rid of Jason Peters too in the about the same time frame.
Starting point is 00:36:48 So yeah, we're good with that. Yeah, I think the reason going back to the game too, that I was kind of surprised that the Patriot winning this was like reading up on it, there was a lot of like the bills haven't done these things for a very long time. They hadn't held a team under 150 rushing yards very often this is the allowed an average of 159 rushing yards again. A lot.
Starting point is 00:37:23 They hadn't passed for 200 yards yet that season. of 159 rushing yards a game. That's a lot. They hadn't passed for 200 yards yet that season. In fact, I think the commentators mentioned that it had been like 11 straight games. I actually took a street shot. It was 11 straight games without a 20 or 20 yard passer, 37 straight games without a 300 yard passer. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:44 And two straight games without a completed pass of 20 or more yards. That's drought football for you. So, let's just look at the stats here. The New England Patriot were held to 93 rushing yards on 22 carries. They rush for 147 yards. I think 136 of that was Willis McGay himself. They threw for 263 yards. They got over that 200.
Starting point is 00:38:14 Yeah and I believe they had a they had a 55 year touchdown pass so that's one 20 plus yard completion right there. So checked off off all the boxes, of all the things. And the pages always have a game like that. Like almost every season in these DIC errors, they'd have that one game where a team would come in that hasn't done anything and would just hum the shit out of them. They're like, whoa, what the fuck just happened? Someone to give them the best game. I mean, everyone's always the person, start everyone wants to beat the Patriots. Yeah. I wouldn't you. Right.
Starting point is 00:38:46 You got to measure yourself as a team. I mean, you assume most of these guys are still professionals when they get to the league and then want to win. They want to win every game. And yeah. Yeah, I think you I think that there was. I don't know if there's still any more, but there definitely was that extra I
Starting point is 00:39:03 want to get up for the Patriots game. Yeah. Which is probably the most impressive thing about the Patriots era is that they were able to do that to take absorbing everyone's best shot. You can just get the world's best shot except for the jet to the jet to always suck. So you know. They're like two years with what's his name was the coach and they had a good defense. I could, but I feel like, yeah, I think you're right. Yeah, Rex, right. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:39:30 But yeah, everybody, you know, I think it's a cliche, but it's a cliche for a reason that, you know, you get everybody's best shot. And I'm not exactly sure why the page was able to weather that sort of thing. I think part of is that you see in this game where Tom Brady just kind of, and we've seen it already this 2005 season, Tom Brady just kind of gets that, you know what, fuck it, we're winning this game and just comes out and has like two straight drives like touchdown touchdown there done. That was for a quarter.
Starting point is 00:40:00 He just later did it. Yeah. And it was it. It was over. It was two two three really great throws that he made the entire game. And on two drives, it was the game was over. Yeah, but it all felt very familiar to where,
Starting point is 00:40:15 even if they don't win the game, they do almost the exact same thing where you're down to score, as you got the ball and you got decent field position. And so because they're, I don't know why it started on the 39. I think they had a good kick return from my boy, Bethel Johnson, who absolute head case was always in the dog house for when he wasn't. He was returning kicks to the 40 every fucking time. Absolutely. That's all you, that's all you could do. You couldn't catch, you know.
Starting point is 00:40:48 So that was a shame, but great kick return. Underrated kick returner. Set them up with their own 39 and then first play was taken to shop. New was coming and it worked. First play, got to take a shot. The bills knew it was coming to yet they couldn't do anything and that's the worst. And during the entire drought, every Patriot game that they played, they got to that point where all of a sudden, Brady could do whatever he wanted, and there was nothing you could do to stop it. That's what happened
Starting point is 00:41:14 on that drive. Yeah, and I don't even think it was just the bills that suffered that, to be honest, I think it was over at the most, because you're in the AFC East with them. But yeah, there was always that point where Brady just like, fuck us. Let's just end this and like, didn't matter what had happened in the rest of the game. Like, the team just seems to have that such a short memory of, yeah, fuck it, whatever. Because that's exactly what happened. They hit that big plate of branch and then a couple plays later, the Cory Dylan touchdown, like Shorequard Dylan touchdown.
Starting point is 00:41:53 And then during the Robert Kraft free taped interview, what was it, how many plays? It was like second play from Scrimmage on the ensuing drive bills drive um Holcomb gets strips act from behind like just clean wherever that left tackle was had played a decent game up until this point I believe that was Mike Williams if I'm not mistaken who was a fourth overall pick Who never panned out? I remember that thing. It wasn't there.
Starting point is 00:42:26 I think you saw Texas. It was just a huge guy. He didn't have a athletic ability. He couldn't do it. He never got a feet work right. It was a foot work right. And it was it. It was out of the league in the three years.
Starting point is 00:42:38 So I think this stuff. And this is a great reason why because I think it was Roosevelt Colvin. Just came round in. it was Roosevelt Colvin just came round and it was Roosevelt Colvin. Or a line untouched, just kind of like swatted the hands away and just full steam ahead, just crushed, world, Kelly Hulcombe. Now we did. Now on the previous play, you did mention the, I actually have a note here, or the note
Starting point is 00:43:04 on that Dion on branch catch that you mentioned which which was challenged and was upheld as a completed catch when the video evidence clearly shows that hitting the ground it clearly shows the ball moving and then you have Mike Patrick's product yeah this is not a catch there's no way this is a catch sizing yeah it's not a catch it's not a catch. There's no way this is a catch. Sizing. Yeah, it's not a catch. It's not a catch. Yeah. Rolling on the field is confirmed. Yeah. I actually, what was like, let's get into this. Uh, I want to talk about these referees. Right.
Starting point is 00:43:35 The Patrick's just starts backtrack. He like, Oh, yeah. Yeah. No, I can see how they go. Yeah. Well, yeah, of course they upheld it. Yeah, the one thing in this game was questionable at that, but it was even in that the poor. It's up for both teams for the stripping easily. So it's not like you can say you can claim as Bill Span's will that the team is fixed for one team and clearly all the most important calls
Starting point is 00:44:02 went the Patriots way as we talked about earlier, which is one thing that I can't stand. It's my least favorite about bills stand them, it's just the whining, it's just so much whining, and it's one thing I'm not there for. That's not something that I enjoy, it's the whining. So the bills are good now, so you may want to prepare yourself
Starting point is 00:44:23 because you will hear from other families every time they are yours to your team. Yeah. We can't enjoy it when either because the NFL is rigged. It's rigged. Do you know this right now? But the NFL is always big. And they've always favored the Buffalo Bells.
Starting point is 00:44:44 I don't know if you know this Because the easiest thing to do is to get a hundred guys to keep a secret right? Yeah, because a hundred two hundred three hundred one hundred guys per game So what was then in the late 16 games going on? Let's just call it even three thousand for number six. Yeah three thousand guys Involved and league they're gonna keep a secret for sure So let's just call it even 3,000 for number six. Yeah. 3,000 guys involved in league. They're going to keep a secret. For sure. They're going to be able to keep that pro wrestling
Starting point is 00:45:10 secret that, you know, that it's just. This is all fake. Yeah. The secret that 10 guys couldn't keep for pro wrestling back in 1950. But, you know, the thousands of guys who played, you know, football, they're going to be able to keep that the football games are rigged.
Starting point is 00:45:27 Exactly. And every time a scandal comes out, it's always between like three people and one of them blabbed to somebody. Yeah. No, this one, this one specifically, this is the one where everybody managed to keep their ownership, for sure. This is it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:41 Just the largest, the largest of the football or sports league in America. Yeah, it has to keep that one quiet. So this game of course is one of the rigged games because of that Dion Blanche ball and because you have mentioned the the passenger parents on the end of the game. Yes, but also this was my favorite and also least favorite call of the entire thing. It was early. This was like first quarter, but this was the call. The lead again, defense performing on national left, not to get the office to fall start. The result in a first down.
Starting point is 00:46:22 That's it. Well, after you heard was the commentators giggling to themselves, because they've never heard of anything so ridiculous. Yeah, that was Bill's legend, Paul McGuire, laughing and thought off, because it's the stupidest thing you've ever heard. Yeah, that's so ridiculous. The possibility that Hey, Bruce, you sort of run towards the lion's scrimmage to try to draw it off-side. I know that, which is probably legal, I believe.
Starting point is 00:46:54 They, what I don't know. June, you say I made an absolute career out of it. Yeah, Bruce Smith as well. What are we talking about here? It just reminds you of that whole like given them the business call. You're making it up. That's the call. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:47:13 So yeah, that was, I'd never seen that call. I don't think I'd seen that call since either. No, no. I've seen calls where like the nose guard is sort of waving at the ball or something. Yeah, yeah. We're seeing it in the snap or something. Yeah, we're seeing it in snapper something. Yeah, that's that's one thing, but not from a linebacker. Right. Yeah, running. Yeah, running to the years.
Starting point is 00:47:32 Teddy, on Teddy, Bruce tonight, the two of all nights. How far are they? Yeah, they just name again, I think. They need to name it. It needs 17 times. It may not have even been called on him. They just put the camera on him because nothing was happening. I don't actually know what it was called.
Starting point is 00:47:49 They probably had at least one or two to camera strain on Bruce give me a tire night. And then they had to help out his wife at the night. Heidi. Yep. That was nice. They had to get Heidi in the game. You know, I definitely had to get Heidi in the game.
Starting point is 00:48:02 Natalie as well in her own right. So she understands the athlete's mentality. Exactly, yeah. You're brutal. It was even cheering anything. I think she was so nervous about everything. She was just kind of sitting there like stone face. She's watching making sure her husband doesn't collapse
Starting point is 00:48:19 the program. Exactly how I would be. How'd you watch the important? Yeah. But yeah, riveting television for sure. But my... Yes, and it has the history of doing this. So this is the SDNZMO.
Starting point is 00:48:35 They don't understand that it's a football game. It doesn't have to be anything more. The football is compelling enough. Right. It's like Mitch had very cracker joke. Like, you don't need to be anything more. The football is compelling enough. It's like Mitch Hedberg's cracker joke. Like, you don't need to put anything on the wrist. I like crackers. I'm telling me what to do. Just give me the cracker.
Starting point is 00:48:53 You know what's all the things you can do? You're right. The 11 people fighting each other is compelling enough for me. I don't understand. It's like the whole, now when you watch the draft, everybody has to have a story.
Starting point is 00:49:06 You know, everybody has overcome something or, you know, like, yeah, they're grandparents. They didn't know. Died of cancer three days ago. He really likes football and really wanted to be a professional football player. And get this. He can run a 424. So you don't get drafted no matter what his story is. Yeah, this guy's drafted and don't care about the stories.
Starting point is 00:49:31 No, it's just more time to sell. It's I can and people tune in and I don't get it. And the numbers going up and I don't understand it. The bubbles got a burst eventually on the sleeve. So I get me I get made fun of on this podcast by my brothers because I watch games on mute most of the time. I used to watch games where I would put them on mute and like run my stereo through the, through the stereo system. So I just put an album on watch the, watch the game too. Yeah. Or I'd put the radio guys on when the radio guys in suck.
Starting point is 00:50:07 But now it's, it's Scott Zola, I can use an absolute meat head. And so he just steps on the play by play guy on every play. So shut the fuck up, I'm trying to understand what's happened in this game because I'm listening to it, not watching it. Bawful. But yeah, the one thing I love to do is shit on the commentators, as we've talked about. So I think it's probably a good time for that.
Starting point is 00:50:34 This is a classic booth right here what we have. Yeah, Thysman, Paul McGuire, Mike Patrick, that's my childhood right there. It's a heavy hitter right there. Yeah. right there. Just a heavy iterate there. Yeah. Yeah. The end from 1990, probably four until, oh, right, until a few years ago, barely two seconds, and they replaced them. But my favorite quote was, I think it was Pomergweire saying, everyone here rooting for Bruski to succeed, probably even the Buffalo Bills. And then there's a pause at Joe Thysman, James, it not too much though. No, I guarantee you they're not. They're not rooting for for brusquies to succeed. They don't probably
Starting point is 00:51:13 the opposite actually. Of course, of course you weren't. And all the challenges. The terrible people in Western York who are rooting for the whole of the shark to come on for sure. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. I don't think it was just in New York too. I'm going to tell you that. There's no doubt in my theory, but you're just drunk guys at bar. Just, just yelling. You're gonna stroke. Yeah. Oh, for sure. I'm sure they yelled at him during the game. They returned game couple of weeks later. Undoubtedly. I have heard, because I've been going to games in that stadium since 1995. So it's the worst of humanity.
Starting point is 00:51:50 It's the worst possible thing you can do to a person. Nothing will beat, because of the Adolphin game in 2003 or something like that. Adolphin's been at beating us and some guys just stands up in sections. It's just okay, because state be there has a and he starts shouting it he's like what are you sitting down asshole strong you that's ridiculous but yeah and this is the same fanbase that obviously throws the
Starting point is 00:52:27 Merrill AIDS at Tom Brady. That's really cool. I like that. Yeah, that's fantastic. Like that's, that's just fun. It's an interesting bunch. Yeah, I mean, they're, they do not know the line between fun and, and offensive, however, it's just everything is it's all out.
Starting point is 00:52:50 It is. Yeah. I used to work with a bills fan and she definitely didn't know the line. She's very soft, very soft. I would get unfriended on Facebook on a regular basis for commenting on her posts back in the day. Yeah. I'm also blocked on Twitter and all on everything now at this point So Marg if you're listening to this I still remember Go bills bar. Go bills. No, not not for her not for her No, no She's the type of person who posed in front of it because you know how the the bills won like the best fans in the NFL or something so they got to put up a billboard and they put it up in front of Gillette Stadium. Yeah, that's funny. She was a type person who go and like take a picture in front of it.
Starting point is 00:53:35 Actually, now we saw, I don't know. It's not, it's not, it's just not funny. Oh, I think it's not, it's not, it's not funny. Like me, like when she on the front of me the first time, I took pictures of her and photoshopped her face on Bill's players, getting tackled by patriots and made them like, like greeting cards. Like let's, let's, let's rekindle our friendships sort of thing. Totally normal thing to do. Yeah, she didn't like that either. She blocked me on Slack, the workslack. That one. Fry shouldn't have sent it to my workslack,
Starting point is 00:54:12 but what are you going to do? What are you going to do? Yeah, I'm a guest Margaret doesn't listen to this podcast, even if you're on it, just saying. I'm going to. No offense. That's fine. Uh, speaking of terrible football, Cory Dylan, I thought actually did decently for the fact
Starting point is 00:54:32 that he had like one and a half legs going into this game. He did what he did. He did what he always said. He's powered in from the one yard line. That was Cory Dylan did did best. finishing runs. did it really well before a Corey Dylan did it even better just smash it in the end of the end zone. That's right.
Starting point is 00:54:51 I hate it for it. Oh yeah. I get it completely because you but this was definitely like Helen. This was the drags of the Corey Dylan experience at this point. Didn't look like the same guy, but actually my brother sent me something today, it came out today, that Cory Dylan is in the news. Oh, I don't know if you heard this,
Starting point is 00:55:16 because he is angry that he's not in the Cincinnati Bengals franchise ring of honor. So I did something like that It's also with the Bengals Jim posted something like that where any posted something where he has the helmet Because apparently once Cory Dylan in a fit of rage through his own helmet into the stadium crowd and One of Bengals Jim fans know has the helmet so they bring the helmet around to the tailgate. This is the original helmet. Yeah, Cory Dill's helmet is wandering around
Starting point is 00:55:50 a tailgate somewhere and every single thing. Yeah, that feeling you should, but I also feel like he should probably be in there. Ring of honor because he's the best running back they've ever had. On some really, really bad teams. He was on some really, really bad teams. He was on some really, really bad teams. Like four and 12 bad teams. Yeah, those were really, really bad teams, but does he have to go on the wall, fam?
Starting point is 00:56:15 I mean, what are the teams to make up their own rules for who's going to be on their own walls? And if you're best play, I mean, he's best known as a Patriot Corridillan. You don't think so? It is definitely a... I mean, to me, for sure. I might be biased. Yeah. I don't know if people would say Corridillan would automatically think of the Bengals, especially if someone was newer to football. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:56:48 I don't know. So... I mean, I think he was the Bengals for so long, though, that it's true. They did not have much though. So they had nothing. It was just him. It was him and like, quite Kittner, really. Whoever the hell will try to throw the ball. I couldn't even name an actual Bengals quarterback from that time. John Kitten probably was... Oh Jeff Blake, I think that's who it was. That's Blake would have been their quarterback, yeah. Yeah. Wow. Yeah, well, Corey Dillon.
Starting point is 00:57:13 He's among the wall or don't. But he also, I believe the comment was something like I'd rather flip burgers than play for the Cincinnati Bengals. This is how he left hand. That's a good way to not get your name on the wall of fame. That's the perfect way. I mean, the pages are going through something similar with Bill Parcell's, where he's not in their Hall of Fame.
Starting point is 00:57:41 He's not, but he doesn't have to be. I mean, he could. He won the ASC championship, obviously. He's not, but he doesn't have to be. I mean, he could. He won the AFC championship, obviously. He brought him to a Super Bowl. Yeah. And kind of legitimize the team. Some people argue. I would say he probably did because those early, those 80s and 90s, early 90s, Patriots teams were objectively horrible. They were just absolutely awful. They were the laughing stock of the NFL. They were. They were about to move to. There were there was talks of them moving.
Starting point is 00:58:07 Yeah, yeah, yeah, craft definitely saved the team from going anywhere. And did it in like a incredibly smart way where basically he bought the parking lots and stuff and like the rights to the parking lot and like that. And then somehow managed to get the rights to the stadium. So the team couldn't move without buying him out. And he basically said, nah, so you're going to have to sum it up. The team instead. And then built a brand new stadium money from his own pocket. So I'm all for that. That's not happening here. We're getting New York State taxpayer money on our new year. Yeah, you are. Oh God
Starting point is 00:58:46 Get the city to pay for get get that New York City money The way it works in New York State is that it you're not in New York City all of your taxes Just you sort of get punched in the side of the head and if you're pocket me It's gives us on New York City on your city because that's what happens in your state because the rate of return where I am is like negative and if you're in your every complaints when you're city taxes are so high like mine is just high same state jerk and you're actually getting services back for it whereas we have a metro line with one rail. There is one rail in Buffalo it's the the saddest metro line. It just goes up and down.
Starting point is 00:59:27 It's like some kids made a city like city and just finished it. So you just see pathetic. We don't have any services around here. And of course they could have changed it. They could have built this new stadium downtown and had some sort of infrastructure build up. New stadium downtown and had some sort of infrastructure build up Now it's gonna build the parking lot in the same place 15 miles out of town where You know, it's gonna get used 10 times a year. There's nothing. There's nothing there. It's not it's just it suburbs It's it's the house source of suburbs too. So it's bar and suburbs No, it's the first thing I went because my my best friend in high school went to our IT up there in Rochester. So I met him up there and we went to a bills game,
Starting point is 01:00:12 bills path game. The the original C-more game you probably remembered as. Absolutely. But I just remember like, Dragonhams and stadiums, like, what the fuck are you going? Like, house, house, house stadium. Like, what the fuck is it here? And people rent out their front lawns. And you can go to the parking lot. And somebody's back here. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:38 That's exactly what I'm going to take a rear front lawn and people rent port of John who put them in their lawns, stuff like that. Yeah. 20 bucks of parker car here. They're going to do it again. This is going to be the same houses and you're parking with the same people's lawn and that's what people want to do. I guess you can do the same thing if you want. I would choose to do something different, but they didn't ask me. Well, they did. They just ignored it. They probably ignored me. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:09 I'm going to be out there to survey. They said, put it downtown, you know, having a different experience. No, fuck this guy. Let's just do the same exact thing we've been doing for the last 40 years. And we'll build in the same spot and we'll have the same problems. It'll be great. Working really well so far, right? So why change it? Good Lord. Well, speaking of shitty people in NFL offices,
Starting point is 01:01:36 we had a Troy Vincent signing in this game. We did. Yeah. He's starting safety for the build. Yeah, move to safety from, I'm assuming corner from quarry. Yeah. Yeah. And at this point in the in the season has three of the team seven inception so far. So I mean, good for him. Also good heart and at the like tail end of this game too. So I don't know if he even comes back. But I know I hear here's a good
Starting point is 01:02:01 conspiracy for you. Him getting hurt in this game Is the reason he hates the page so much and it's the reason all the calls go against the Patriots in all the big moments Oh, because you know he's in charge of issuing now. All the best. Yeah, so deflate gate was because of this game That's what I'm saying. Okay, because he got hurt at the tail of the this game while wearing the greatest uniform of all time outhurt at the tail of the game while wearing the greatest uniform of all time. Just wearing just Canadian footballing jerseys for 10 years. They bear stuff by making those. That came because remember, I think in 2002, Reebok got the lead contract finally. They finally standardized jerseys off the lead because before that, every team they finally standardized jerseys also late because before that every team just got thrown jerseys. Yeah you do whatever they want it. Yeah and
Starting point is 01:02:53 Reebok apparently showed a whole bunch of money and they redesigned the build jerseys for some reason and also looked suspiciously like the Texans jersey because of the same exact color, the Texan inaugural year. So like I'm thinking they fought too much dye or something like that. So we need to get more, we need to do something else. No, there was a copy paste job by whoever the intern was. I was in charge of like, all right,
Starting point is 01:03:18 well, we've spent millions on this Texans rebrand. Now you get to the bills. Copy paste. No, he's going to notice. No one will notice. Make sure it was shoulders, stay different color and the white. Because everyone likes that. It's definitely a look that's used in the NFL. Yeah, it worked really well for the Titans and for the Buckingeers. That must have been the same time frame, right?
Starting point is 01:03:43 Those Buckingeers with like the numbers that look like they're from a digital clock. It's a clock number two. It's the same people. Same people as adding them. So bad. So I mean, that's one of the few, I mean, the patries have had their original jerseys
Starting point is 01:03:59 after they went away from the reds. Rebezier's a blue jersey with like numbers on them. And then the Pat Patriot helmet, they weren't good. Yeah. It wasn't even like the stripes on the like, okay, I'm thinking of different one. Yeah. Yeah. No, it's the original version of that. But it looks like they bought them from JC Penny. And just through a mod, it's real bad. But then they kind of iterated on it. And the flying Elvis' on the shoulder pad that came down to Nipples were still a bit
Starting point is 01:04:33 big. Those are fantastic. Yeah, but they're classy. They're classic. Yeah, definitely. It's absolutely mid-90s, where you can just do whatever you want. It doesn't matter. Yeah, they had drop shadows on their red drop shadows on the numbers. It's absolutely mid 90s where you can just do whatever you want. It doesn't matter. Yeah, they had drop shadows on their red drop shadows on the numbers.
Starting point is 01:04:48 It's fucking amazing. Yeah. You don't see that anymore. No, you don't. No. You don't have that sort of attention to detail. No, you definitely don't. So, or like the striped jerseys like they're European soccer team.
Starting point is 01:04:59 Amazing. So I really want them to bring those back. I think those are fantastic. And they should bring them back now that the Brady era is over it. They need to get rid of the Brady era jerseys those blues. I think you probably shouldn't you could keep them there. You keep those jerseys. They are everyone will remember what those jerseys are and keep them in their own time frame. I do something new. Yeah, those are the Diocese Erigersies and now we move on. I think a lot of people want the old red ones back, but Mama Brown refuses because all she has is bad memories of those because yeah, all there would be your bad memories of those. Those are terrible. I mean, they moved, my parents moved over here like in 1980, a straight one. And that's basically when they picked up the balls early 80s into the 90s.
Starting point is 01:05:47 That would be the same as if the bills went back to these horrible jerseys that they were doing this game. Why would anyone want to be reminded of that time? That's exactly what it is, yeah. The only people who do like the red jerseys aren't Patriots fans. There are bills fans and we have great memories
Starting point is 01:06:04 of being a Patriots while where he goes class. You look. No, and also any Patsy and born after 2001, we've known nothing other than success. They they're all like, yeah, bring them back. Those are great. Those are classic. I can like you don't remember. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:06:18 And stuffable people. I just. Awful. They're awful people. They they want a fireill balochek. All right, give me one, give me even one name before you replace them with anybody, literally anybody. Even guys who have a job who are right now, even what are you? And you're either coming out because that's not something that's not just promote Josh McDaniels. That's work before. That's
Starting point is 01:06:42 great. It's worked not well for Josh. Josh has proven himself as a head coach in the league. So that about it. Multiple times. Yeah. He's done well. But it's funny because actually, Josh was his first year running the show. And there was a lot of controversy about that.
Starting point is 01:06:58 Because this was when, who was it? They have a four. They have Charlie Wiesen Romeo, Cornell. and they both left after the two out of them for Super Bowl No, Weiss went to Notre Dame. Yeah Romeo went to use that believe me He went to Cleveland I think It was the Queen and then eventually yeah
Starting point is 01:07:21 um, but basically uh, what happened happened was the Patriots officially promoted Eric Mangini to replace Romero Cranael as a defensive coordinator. I believe it's pronounced Mangini. Oh, it is actually yes. That's the French way of saying it. We can't pronounce it with a boss accent, so it's Mangini. And then Josh McDaniels was the coordinator, well, off of the coordinator. And like I really knew that Manjini was smart enough for it. But
Starting point is 01:07:53 the question in the locker room was whether he could command the attention in respect of I think maybe not. And then basically everybody loved Trady Weiss. He was very inventive with those early Brady, her the amount of trick plays I was taking the back like rewatching all these games. Just the amount of like trail like they would call throwback passes to Tom Brady, who I think on his longest one was like 23 yards, and his comment after the game was that he turned a touchdown
Starting point is 01:08:31 into a 23 yard gain, which is about right. Look, he was fucking hustling. It looks like a climb down out there clomping away. But basically, the problem was that the receivers coach at the time was Brian Dable, who was a year older than McDaniels and had actually recommended McDaniels for an entry-level position when the patient looked for somebody. So then the fact that McDaniels have promoted ahead of Brian Dable would eventually get
Starting point is 01:09:02 problems and Brian Dable leaving the organization. Yeah, Brian Dable did a, you did a right for himself, I'd say. He still is. Right now. Yeah, he's, uh, he did well in Buffalo, although, you know, a lot of that could, a lot of this to be though, how much that was
Starting point is 01:09:20 him versus just having the freak named Josh Allen at your disposal? I think that helps you a little bit having some guy this giant massive human being who's just a big dummy It looks throw the ball as far as he can which you just fantastic I had a root for all these parable quarterbacks like JP lost been and Kelly hook him and the big Alex Van Pell and Alex Van Pell and just this big cloud He like Alex is just a big dopey guy. He kind of like Brinkowski issue. That's exactly what I was gonna say He's just a big dope who loves playing football and he's good ball. He's just this athletic freak
Starting point is 01:10:00 I don't know if you have to look I went to high school with Roppen Kowski really I I went to high school with Roplin Kowski. Really? I actually graduated with Dan. Dan was his older brother. He dropped because he grew up a couple of houses down from, we're not a couple streets away from me. They're dad-owned G&G fitness, which is a local fitness shop around here.
Starting point is 01:10:21 And that's what they do. And dad sends us all the Grickowski boys are exactly the same, they're all giants and they all went to school. Are there any good stories like school stories of them just like failing the third grade for the seven times, what are the other? Because that seems like a wrong story. There's a Rob Stray, Rob played hockey with my brother because there's like a year older than my brother But went and this would have been when they were like nine or ten and Rob was a foot in the half-tall and everyone else on the ice
Starting point is 01:10:55 You shit and The coach would have to put a maggot defense and say you can't shoot once you get over the blue eye Yeah, so Rob would get the bucket center ice and shoot from center right and put it over the goalie shoulder from center right. Like, what do you want me to do, coach? Jesus. Yeah. Some people are just, they're just born with it.
Starting point is 01:11:18 Like, I think like certain athleticism. And then that drive as well. I think people are just born like the athleticism. And then that drive as well. I think people are just born. Like the drive that somebody like Tom Brady has, isn't normal? You can't teach the, you know what? I, you can't learn it. It's like a wife the other day
Starting point is 01:11:36 because you talk about Ashley getting into the zone. Does everyone talks about the zone? Yeah. Pretty sure that's just some sort of autism thing where, you know, you get this hyper focus, that's all it is. And, but you don't think, oh, well, that athlete has some sort of the neurodivergence because you don't, you know, so see that.
Starting point is 01:11:54 But why wouldn't that? You associate with a positive instead of a negative, say it. The same percentage of athletes are neurodivergent that are just the rest of the humanity to it. It's the same cross-section. So why wouldn't you have these guys who claim that they get into the zone? What's the problem? Because they have the autistic or they have ADHD or they're...
Starting point is 01:12:13 Oh, yeah, I've just been recently diagnosed with ADHD, so I've been learning a lot about it. No. And I get in the zone. That's a piece of what my brain does. I can't focus on things, but if I find something I actually really like, like a podcast about doing Patriots Games for 2001, I can get in the zone where it's not even like I'm focused on it.
Starting point is 01:12:35 It's just that that's the only thing that exists to my brain in the world. And time passes differently. You sort of experience time differently. It doesn't pass. It's like, well, down or something like that, but it's not how you normally wouldn't call it. Yeah. I actually remember like the greatest example I can think when I first started dating
Starting point is 01:12:56 my now wife, living in the same apartment in college, and they all had cloud like everybody in the apartment had classes to go to my day and that day for whatever reason. So I sat down and played NFL 2K. And I'll 2K 5. I think it was probably. And best football game on video game puzzles ever. And so I sat down like probably 9, 10 in the morning and just started playing. And then all of a sudden they're walking in the door. I'm like, Hey, 10 in the morning and just started playing. And then all of a sudden, they're walking in the door. I'm like, hey, you guys don't back. We've been gone the entire day and you know, like did classes and came back and I hadn't stopped playing. Once they walked in the door,
Starting point is 01:13:39 it broke the concentration and I realized I hadn't eaten all day. I hadn't got up to go to the bathroom all day. I had just sat there and played, I think it was like 14 or 15 full seasons of NFL 2K5 while they were gone. Just gone. You're locked in. Yeah. Yeah. I imagine someone like Brady probably just gets locked in, all of a sudden, you're locked in and you can't miss. Yeah, or he's just like, that's his preparation too, is like he's watching GameFilm for eight hours and doesn't realize it because he's just locked in and at times just not a thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:15 But also that whole drive of like, I have to be the best at any cost, like in the cost of my, you know, the health or my family or the Roman out, you sleeping in the hyperbaric chamber, like that sort of drive. Like there's this entire light on hold to do this one thing. Yeah. And I have to be the best.
Starting point is 01:14:37 Yeah. Otherwise, I can't sleep. It's like, right. I don't have that. I don't have that here. I just don't know. No. I will be, I will be the B students all the way through. I don't have that gear. I just don't. No. I will be the B students all the way through.
Starting point is 01:14:47 It doesn't matter. Honors class, regular class, I will get a B engine. The degree doesn't matter. That's exactly right. So yeah, there's definitely something there. But I think we've talked this game to death. So before we go, we like to do something that we used to do at the dinner table every night. It's called Best and Worse, where you just pick the best thing from this game and the
Starting point is 01:15:09 worst thing from this game. Or if you're my brother, don't even have to eat from the game. The best thing from this game, I would say would be me seeing Shard Williams play. Shard Williams was the backup to Will Smith-Agee. Yeah. And Shaud Williams famously got tricked by Bruno, what's his name? Oh yeah, yeah. Sasha Barron Cohen. That's Barron Cohen. He was at Alabama at the time and Sasha Barron Cohen came down and did his Bruno character. And well well, Sean Williams that he was a really important member of the gay football community, to which Sean Williams, I'm not that great, but I'm not gay and the entire bit is going back and forth
Starting point is 01:15:55 with that obviously. So I got to see Sean Williams, which is nice. That was probably the best thing for me and the worst thing probably was Blue thing of course it's losing It's a game. They should have won. They have they were up two scores late in the game and they lost because What why aren't you running the ball out? Why you haven't Kelly Holcomb drop back to pass? What are we doing here? Two scores. Yeah. Two score. You're exposing him.
Starting point is 01:16:30 And so that's my worst. That's very. I can't talk about this game. Well, you're best. Let's see. My best Teddy Groovesy being back. No, just just hearing the the brew chance. I don't even think better than that, like, because it always sounds almost like a boo, and you're like, why is everybody booing at home? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:54 Yeah, that was Bruce Smith. And then Cole, usually, who thought we were booing him, probably should have been. If we ended up becoming booers, yeah. So that's always good. That's a good chance. probably should have been. Which we ended up becoming those. Yeah. So that's always good. Bruce, that's a good chance. Or like a moose, moose Johnson for the cat voice. Moose was a good one.
Starting point is 01:17:13 Um. And, uh, Also, I got to say, we've been given the Santa Seymil real hard time on this podcast. Uh, mainly not just because he's vocal on Twitter about how much he hates Bill Bellachek, but also because he dropped that interception 2007 to that would have sealed the perfect season. But he's made them like pretty dumb plays this season, but this game he was like the only one on defense, actually boiling out other than Teddy Bursky.
Starting point is 01:17:43 And that that interception that he had was very like that's what he was know of all was that diving interception on the out every time. He had a great hands except for that one fucking time. And one honorable mention I don't know if this is the best or worse, but going back to McGay, he went, I was looking into him for this podcast. This is the line. I did not do any more research.
Starting point is 01:18:11 I just wanted to leave it as a bit of a mystery, but it was in 2016, he started on the eReality television series, famously single. I saw that on his Wikipedia page as well. I thought, no, I don't want to watch it, but I just want my imagination to be able to simmer with that. I can imagine what it, because it's a VH1 show I think, or one of those sort of... Yeah, E, E, E, TV. Yeah. I understand what it looks like. They've been producing these shows for 20 years now. Exactly, and they're all the same. Same show, but that's 20 years. Probably in improved in these shows for 20 years now. Exactly. And they're all the same.
Starting point is 01:18:45 Same show, but that's 20 years. Probably in the same house, just different rooms, maybe. Is my guess. You need a few minutes to say how's the lot, I think. Oh, for sure. Yeah. That's why you don't do it in one house. You just fumigate it the whole house once.
Starting point is 01:18:55 You don't have to pay for multiple. It's money. Say it's either. They're not made of money, you know? So yeah, I think that was the perfect way. That's the good way to end that. All right. Bill, we appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:19:11 Thank you for coming on. This is fantastic. Yeah. And I think maybe next time in your honor, the next time the bill's beat the Patriots on this show, we will have you back. I'll talk to you in about 16 years. It's been a while. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:19:28 Thank you very much. Thanks for having me. Talk to you soon. Bye. Bye. Turn in next week to see how much of a blubbering little bitch Greg is on the Patriots day. It's the podcast.
Starting point is 01:19:39 little bitch Greg here on the Pagerit's day and see podcast.

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