PBD Podcast - Dennis Prager | PBD Podcast | Ep. 227

Episode Date: January 18, 2023

On this episode Patrick Bet-David and Dennis Prager will discuss: Why fatherlessness is destroying our country  The biggest threats to society today  Kanye West's Anti-Semitic comments&n...bsp; Joe Biden's classified files  Trump's chance to win in the 2024 election.  Protect and secure your retirement savings now with this complimentary precious metals guide. Go to http://goldco.com/pbd FaceTime or Ask Patrick any questions on https://minnect.com/ Want to get clear on your next 5 business moves? https://valuetainment.com/academy/ Join the channel to get exclusive access to perks: https://bit.ly/3Q9rSQL Download the podcasts on all your favorite platforms https://bit.ly/3sFAW4N Text: PODCAST to 310.340.1132 to get added to the distribution list --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I know this life man for me. Yeah, why would you plan on the life when we got that day? Value payment, giving values, contagious world, our entrepreneurs, we can't no value that hate it. I didn't run home, you look what I've become. I'm the one. 29. All right, all right, all right.
Starting point is 00:00:27 Episode 227 with the man to meet the legend, Dennis Prager. If you don't know who he is, whatever you do, go study this man, his philosophies, his teachings. If you do know who he is, you must be fired up
Starting point is 00:00:43 about today's podcast. Dennis, thank you for coming out. It's always good to be with you. And this is the first time I'm in your studio. Yes. You've been to my home. Yes, I've been to your home. And I remember when I had a show with KKLA,
Starting point is 00:00:58 I want to say, saving America. You were on KRLA. Obviously, you ran the whole thing. You were there all the time. I came in one time and met you 2010. They said, that's the great Dennis Prager. They said that?
Starting point is 00:01:11 The great Dennis Prager. Yes. Well, they're paid to say it. Have you lived up to it, though? That's the thing. Have you lived up to it the last 13 years? Only others can judge that. But I aspire to doing good things since high school. I wrote in my high
Starting point is 00:01:28 school diary, it's a sound corny, but I'll risk it. I know exactly what I want to do with my life, influence people to the good. How did you know that then early on? There is no answer to that question. I, but I learned something interesting from my older son when he was about 18, 19 years old. And he said to me, he said, Dad, you have to understand you are very lucky. And I said, I know I am, but what are you referring to? He said, you knew so at such a young age, what do you want it to do with your with your life. Said most people don't. And it was, it's one of the great things of having children. It roots you in reality.
Starting point is 00:02:12 And I realized, wow, I don't know why I, I, I knew that at such a young age. But I, I'm living out what I wrote in my diary. I hope I- Dennis, how do you not know that though? You couldn't say like a person you saw speak God must hate evil. I love it because if you don't hate evil, you don't love God. And a lot of believers in God need to hear that. So I always hated evil and I realized in high school that I could touch people, not in some mystical sense, but I could touch their mind or their heart, and that I had a gift of clarity. I mean, since you're asking,
Starting point is 00:03:18 I feel funny talking about me, but I guess I'm your guest, it's somewhat expected. me, but I guess I'm your guest, it's somewhat expected. So it's actually cute and almost funny. So my father was a CPA, a certified public accountant, and we lived in Brooklyn, New York. He had his office in Manhattan, but on Sundays, he worked at home in his home office in the finished basement we had in Brooklyn. And some of his clients, you know, middle-aged men, would come an hour early to talk to me. So I said to one of them, I don't understand. Why do you, I'm 15. Why do you come to talk to me?
Starting point is 00:04:01 And the guy just looked at me and said, you're very interesting. And you don't know, there's really no way to know yourself without input from others because others are a mirror. How do you know what you look like? You can't just do it by feeling your face. So old soul type of a thing? What was it like? Philosophy ideas. Yeah, both of them. But I was an old soul in a very kid-like Personality which that also has never left me is there videos of you at that age or no no no because they were there No video I wish believe me
Starting point is 00:04:36 There they're there are handful of pictures. So your dad never went on Instagram and recorded anything I love you. That's a fair.. How disappointing. How disappointing. Correct. But will you guide that when you as an old soul, I'm assuming it's very hard to date younger girls, you were dating women older than you? No, I always women my age, but you're entirely right. That was a something I almost gave up on in my 20s. I didn't marry till 32. And this is no knock on on the women of my age. But okay, I'll tell you this, you'll love the story. So I was at a bar, I
Starting point is 00:05:17 don't even drink, but I was at some bar. And for whatever reason, and it was a cute girl. And I, girl, and I chatted her up as the Brit say, and I felt I was making some progress. And then I really thought I was going to make progress. She says, what do you do? And I said, oh, I go around the country giving lectures, which I thought at 25 is pretty damn impressive, right? And she goes, naturally, what do you speak on?
Starting point is 00:05:50 And when I tell you what I answered, I'm laughing at me. I said ethical monotheism. Very sexy. Yeah, that's right. It's like the anti-very sexy. There's very sexy here. And in the book of opposites is ethical monotheism yeah So that was the last time I actually said ethical monotheism well to the to the to the to the type of
Starting point is 00:06:12 girls that like big words that could have really gone in the right direction yeah well apparently she did not yeah apparently she did not yeah she probably thought as one woman did another one this was a middle-aged woman I wasn't trying to pick her up, but I was flying to a speech. I think it was Kentucky actually. And she said, oh, what brings you to Louisville? And I go and giving a speech, and she says, oh, oh, on what?
Starting point is 00:06:33 And I said monotheism, because I dropped the ethical. And she goes, oh, let me tell you about my rheumatism. So it was not a success or bringer answer. tell you about my rheumatism. So it was it was not a success or pray or answer. Yeah. Did you play it up? Because one time I'm telling this girl at a club in a Nashville, Tennessee.
Starting point is 00:06:55 And she says, so you know, what nationality are you? I said, I'm a Syrian. She said, Oh, you're Sicilian. I said, honestly, moving forward, I'm sick of explaining what the Syrians are. I said, you're right. I am Sicilian. I said honestly moving forward. I'm sick of explaining what Assyrians are I said you're right. I am Sicilian. It's a lot easier. So it's I should I became Vinnie. I'm a doctor. Tell me about your room You're right. I should have followed your Patterson of play the game anyway. So here's what I want to do with the limited time that we got here today I got a few topics. I want to go through with you one Kanye, with what happened with them. I'm obviously it's nothing that's relevant today,
Starting point is 00:07:25 but I want to know how you viewed what he said, some of the criticism that he had, and what caused him to lose his brand, the billions of dollars, Tate, an aspect of Tate, I want to talk to you about. There was, I don't know if you saw, and this one guy, it's just a regular guy named Joe, he was driving his Corvette,
Starting point is 00:07:43 he was backing up into his garage, and they found some declassified documents in his garage. We're going to talk about this guy named Joe, if you're following his story or not, he had a pretty important job. And then a couple of other things that we have is around fatherlessness stat. So I would like to start off with... By the way, I have no thoughts on the tape issue. I'll tell you in advance. I, uh, it's actually not a tape con question. Oh, okay. It's not a tape question. It is just let me explain why, because just that people have a better sense. I don't find, um, the people who are in the news for two
Starting point is 00:08:21 weeks. Interesting. I have never followed the most popular issue of the day, almost never. Not on my 40 years of broadcasting. I'm the big picture guy. People get caught up. For example, Harry and Megan, I've devoted about 10 minutes to them and and all of all 10 negative. I thought you watched the whole documentary and you followed it all. Unimpressed with that couple.
Starting point is 00:08:52 To bad mouth your family, forget whether they're the royals. Just to go to the world to bad mouth your family, I mean, who doesn't have issues with family, but to use them as some sort of prop to make an impression and make and sell a vast number of books, these are, they strike me as just empty children. I feel bad for the royal family. I mean, you know, to be honest, his brother has class. I love class. I love dignity. It's like one brother has dignity and one brother has no dignity.
Starting point is 00:09:31 Anyway, I got that out of my system. And by the way, just out of curiosity, how much of that is on him of them in Berserna family, how much of them is on the wife? You know, you know, the whole thing that's unknowable, but you know, if it's to the extent that it's arm the wife doesn't speak much for his strength as a man. I agree.
Starting point is 00:09:54 One of the definitions of masculinity is to be not intimidated by women. That's a, I hold that to be a defining. That doesn't mean God forbid you mistreat women. One has nothing to do with the other. And I mean God forbid you, but, but to be intimidated by women means you're not masculine. How did you learn that? That's a great question. How did I learn that?
Starting point is 00:10:23 Well, no, no, I learn. I learned my my experience back back here. I feel funny, but back to me and my brain I I'm an observer of the human condition one of the aims I had I had so many aims and well as a kid one of them was to understand life If you if you had to give one word to say what I do, I explain. I try to explain life to people. I try to explain why America is in the terrible position that it is today, the freest country in the world, half of whose citizens don't value free speech, the most important freedom of all.
Starting point is 00:11:04 I always ask why. And people use terms like masculine and I value masculinity and femininity and I believe there are only two sexes. No, no, no, I take that back. I know there are only two sexes. I fell into a trap saying I believe there are only two sexes. We got you. I got me. So you're he, he, him? I am. But it wasn't assigned.
Starting point is 00:11:31 It was assigned to me by nature, by biology, and by God. In whatever order you wish to choose. Then let me go back to something. You said, you know, we'll get into this stats here in a minute. And Rob, I know I got to do the spawn. I'll do the sponsorship in about five minutes. But you said something earlier, you said, ever since I was a kid, I wanted to fight evil. You can stay on that link.
Starting point is 00:11:52 So I can remember it. You said, ever since I was a kid, I wanted to fight evil. As well as you said, right? Right. Okay, so, you know, evil, if you're 15, you know, that's a few decades ago. How different was evil than it is today? So evil then is what year? That's what year were you 50? So I was, it was the late 60s. Okay, so late 60s. What was evil in the late 60s and what have you seen? The evolution of evil from then to today? Evil is fairly consistent. Communism is evil, Nazism is evil, Islamism is not Islam,
Starting point is 00:12:29 Islamism is evil, where you deliberately hurt other human beings is evil. I've never found that a complex subject. And if people are not clear that the three things I mentioned are evil, there is something wrong with their moral compass. It's broken. I mean, if you can't acknowledge how evil, but the truth is the ignorance, I'll tell you, there's only one difference to answer your question between then and now. You say to a kid in high school Auschwitz or Goulog, he doesn't know what the hell you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:13:11 That's really, that border is on evil. Not to teach young people about the greatest evils, just of the last century, and to a great extent of all of history, Goulog and Auschwitz, it is a crime. They know preferred pronouns. They're taught to be basically idiots. That's what, look, non-impressive people are teaching people to be non-impressive.
Starting point is 00:13:40 That is the state of American education in one sentence. Non-impressive people are teaching people to be non-impressive. Yes. So you're saying evil's been evil for the last, however many. Since humans. Well, let me ask you this. Maybe I want to get a little bit extract a little bit more at you on this topic.
Starting point is 00:13:56 So you know how like this new Chagy BT comes out. Oh my god, look what it's doing. People are using it as customer service, but it's only 1.0. Wait till 2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.0, or iOS. I don't know what version we're on right now. 16 or 15, 8. The new operating system is 16.0.
Starting point is 00:14:12 It's better than what it was at 8.0, 3.0. Is the evil 49.0 today has it evolved into even stronger ways to divide, to manipulate, to pin parents against kids, husbands against wives, men against women, has it evolved to be stronger today or has the strength been the same forever? Men have gotten weaker. There are relatively new phenomena.
Starting point is 00:14:40 The general evil is the same evil as it's always been. What the Chinese Communist Party and the North Korean Communist Party does to its people. What Putin is doing in Ukraine, I mean these are evils. Totalitarianism is a modern evil. Unique mass communication and mass police and mass technology to have totalitarianism, but otherwise, but what is new in America is for, I'll give you a relatively new evil. The vast number of adult children who do not speak to parents because they differ with the parents conservatism.
Starting point is 00:15:29 conservatism. This is new. It was unheard of in the past that you stop talking to your parent because of how they voted. And I consider that evil. That's what I mean, new evil. That's a new evil. What else is new evil? Well, in America, this is not a new evil in the world, but in America, the suppression of free speech. The amount of censorship is brand new. America, Woodrow Wilson flirted with it, but outside of the Woodrow Wilson era, we have never had a suppression of free speech. That was the one thing every American agreed with. 45% of young Americans, according to Pew, which I tend to trust, say the following.
Starting point is 00:16:12 I believe in free speech except for hate speech. And they don't realize because they've not been taught to think logically. They don't realize that that's an oxymoron. It's a self-contradictory statement. If you don't believe in free speech for hate speech, you don't realize that that's an oxymoron. It's a self-contradictory statement. If you don't believe in free speech for hate speech, you don't believe in free speech. What do you believe in free speech for? Only speech you agree with. Everything else is hate speech. This is what the left has taught them. And the left has never, from Vladimir Lenin to Columbia University, the left has never allowed dissent. And there's a reason, if there's dissent, there's no left.
Starting point is 00:16:50 If there's dissent, there's no left. Correct. They cannot, that's why they shut down conservative speakers. Four years of left-wing indoctrination at the average university is not enough. They know one conservative eloquent speaker in an hour and a half can undo four years of the lies that they're told of America
Starting point is 00:17:12 being systemically racist of their not of there being more than two sexes, et cetera. That's why they don't want us on their campus. Conservatives never gave a damn if the liberal came to a campus. They invited them. Jerry Falwell invited Ted Kennedy to Liberty University. I am a conservative.
Starting point is 00:17:37 I ache to have. I have offered money to any left-wing New York Times columnist, which means any one of the 99% who were left-wing, to debate, I've offered $10,000 plus any money that they would raise for admission. And they could pick the venue, they could pick the moderator, and I would still do it. They don't do it. They don't debate. They smear about a six herb. Sexist and tolerance in xenophobic homophobic islamophobic racist bigoted. I had to make an acronym because it's a lot of terms.
Starting point is 00:18:12 What was that again, that acronym? Sexist, six herb. S-I-X-H-I-R-B. Break it down again. Sexist, intolerant, xenophobic, homophobic, islamophobic racist bigoted. Name calling. That's all they do because they can't debate.
Starting point is 00:18:29 They can't stand up and tell you there are more than two sexes. Are there more than two sexes in kangaroos in penguins? But all of a sudden you reach the human species and there are more than two sexes. 56 if you sign up for Facebook. 56, we're living up for Facebook, 56, we're living in the age of the absurd, of the total absurd. And by the way, I have a reason for that, secularism. The post, today, or Christian world,
Starting point is 00:18:55 produces only idiocy. No religious person says there are more than two sexes. The only people who say there are more than two sexes. The only people who say men give birth are secular. Secularism produces morons. Not every secular person is a moron, of course not. But every secular institution is moronic, and the most secular institution is the university, and that's where all the moronic ideas originate.
Starting point is 00:19:23 How did they keep making so much advancement? How are, you know, concepts that literally make no sense create this kind of momentum? There was an answer given by G.K. Chester Tinner, at least attributed to him late 19th century, early 20th century, British thinker. When people stop believing in God, they don't believe in nothing.
Starting point is 00:19:48 They believe in anything. That's the answer to your question. People don't, even secular conservatives don't agree with me. They think secularism is a blessing. It's only a blessing in government. It is not a blessing in society. Separation of church and state, you're referring to.
Starting point is 00:20:08 Basically, yeah. Let me do this before we get into this topic about fatherlessness homes, folks. If you've been following the sponsorships lately, we have teamed up with Goldco. This took a couple of years for us to decide to do this with what's going on today in the economy, being the fact that it's strange times, I'm talking to my Morgan Stanley guys or my golden sex guys
Starting point is 00:20:29 Both sides no matter who you talk to are not too confident about what's gonna happen in 2023 I myself for years have always had physical gold stored in different places just too hedge This is not 50% of your portfolio, or 25% of your portfolio, but a small percentage of your portfolio that you ought to consider having some golden, the company that we decided to team up with is Gold Code, they've been a six time, ink 5000 winner, 2022 company of the year,
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Starting point is 00:21:23 So here's a question for you for Fatherlessness stats. I saw this the other day and I speak on this a lot and I think a part of What's going on today with the momentum of Tate and with the momentum of you know what you've been speaking about with Prager University on the role Family nucleus you're seeing this being talked about everywhere. I see the stat and I wanna know how we got here and how we need to fix this. Okay, so here are the stats.
Starting point is 00:21:50 The US has the highest rate of children living in single parent households of any nation. About 80% of single parent homes are led by single mothers. At a rate of 20%, 23% of children living with one parent and no other adult. The United States is three times the world average of 7%. So 23% is US. 7% is world average.
Starting point is 00:22:15 China's 3% India's 4%. Okay? Where a mom isn't there or that isn't there. Even for children with a father president in the home, the average school age boy only spends about 30 minutes per week in 101 conversations with his father for comparison, the same boy on average will spend about 44 hours per week watch in television, playing video games,
Starting point is 00:22:36 and surfing the internet. 90% of all homelessness and runaway children, 63% of teen suicide, 85% of children and teens with behavioral disorders come from fatherless homes. Fatherlessness likewise has a direct link to teen pregnancy and sexual activity. Roughly 70% of teenage pregnancies come from women raised in fatherless homes.
Starting point is 00:22:59 And these times, these same women have significantly higher abortion rates. Then women raised by both a father and a mother. On the whole, fatherless kids are 20 times more likely to be incarcerated and 11 times more likely to exhibit violent behavior than children of two parent households. If a man and a wife, this one's one of the most interesting stats. If a man and a wife raise a child, they're less likely to end up in jail, but they have the same chance as children raised by just their fathers.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Let me read that one more time. If a man and a wife raise a child, they're less likely to end up in jail, but they have the same chances as children raised by just only their fathers. Girls with no fathers have low self-esteem, and obviously this ties to crime, mental issues, economy, suicide rates, all these other things. One, how did we get here, okay, was this intentional to want to break the family nucleus
Starting point is 00:23:56 where this is not a leader's bulletin we want to be winning again. Like this is not something to be bragging about. We're a very competitive nation. We want to be the best at innovation. We want to be the best in this and that. This is not a to be bragging about. We're a very competitive nation. We want to be the best at innovation. We want to be the best in this and that. This is not a place to brag about. How do we get here and then is, what's the solution?
Starting point is 00:24:13 One of the ways we got here was the feminist movement. One of its models was a woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle. Very famous phrase from early feminism in the 60s, 70s. Men are essentially regarded as useless. We need their sperm. And other than that, we really don't need men. Kids don't need men.
Starting point is 00:24:39 I cite in something I wrote, a New York Times survey of experts, quote unquote, which usually means foolish people who know one thing. And the whole heading was our father's necessary. It was actually a big column in the New York Times. And repeatedly that fathers are not necessary. Again, the secular intellectual is generally a stupid person. Fathers are essential.
Starting point is 00:25:08 Everything you read proves it. And yet we live in a world that denies the obvious. That's a good phrase for the modern age, the denial of the obvious. Girls without fathers in their lives are far more promiscuous and you may say, so what? And the answer to the so what is, well there is a what. The what is, they get more depressed. They get angrier. They're less, they're less happy. And I am, I've written a book on happiness because I consider happiness to be an extremely
Starting point is 00:25:47 important part of life, the happy make the world better, the unhappy make it worse. Happiness is a moral issue, not just an emotional issue. How did we get here? We got here once again thanks to secularism. Religious homes are far more likely to have a father in them. People are not willing to acknowledge that the roots of Western civilization, which are called Judeo-Christian, when you abolish the roots of a civilization, the trees fall down. I don't know why that shouldn't be obvious.
Starting point is 00:26:21 What are we going to supplant it with? And we have supplanted it with, with again, foolish ideas. Men are not necessary. Women don't need them, and children don't need them. And so the men got the message. And now what do we have? Seven million able-bodied men, young able-bodied men who have taken themselves out of the workplace. This is a tragedy for society, it is a tragedy for men, and it's a tragedy for women looking for a good man to marry. It's also part of the another secular idiocy of the left, and that is that you don't need to marry. And that is that you don't need to marry. This is an old fashioned idea that people should marry.
Starting point is 00:27:08 Three generations of women starting with the baby boomers of which I am a member were taught. Yeah, you want to get married, get married. But young woman, the thing that will bring you the greatest joy and happiness and fulfillment is career, which is one of the greatest lies in the world of lies. It's really as much a lie as men give birth. But when you hear something enough, you start to believe it. Oh, I don't really need marriage. I'll be great with a career.
Starting point is 00:27:42 I've written over a thousand columns. They're all on the internet. Twenty years, about 50 a year. And only one of them I didn't write. All I did was transcribe a call to my radio show. And I have a male female hour every week, and I discuss this issue. Tell me if you pursued career and not marriage, has it worked out for you? 50-year-old woman who is a CEO makes a good living. She has three degrees from universities, and essentially almost in tears, spoke eloquently about how being a CEO doesn't quite compensate for going home to an empty home when she sees friends with a husband and children. And everybody knows marriages have issues and children are issues, but the purpose of life is not to avoid issues.
Starting point is 00:28:41 It's to embrace the fullness of life. And I'll just say point blank, because nobody tells people things they don't want to hear. Everybody wants to be loved. I have no such aim. And you don't grow up if you don't get married. This is a message to men. This is a message to women. You can be very successful.
Starting point is 00:29:04 You don't grow up. Okay? You can be a wonderful human being, good volunteer services, you can, you know, you can adopt the stray puppies and do all sorts of things. You every married person, including people who married and had a lousy marriage in divorced, will acknowledge they grew up when they got married. And then you grow up exponentially when you have children and you're married, but people don't want to grow up. The left is Peter Pan. The left is the embracing of immaturity.
Starting point is 00:29:36 And you have the most professors are immature people. And they help develop immature young people. It is a catastrophe. They don't hear from people like me. Obviously they do. I mean, I, let me make this. They don't hear from people like me meaning that we're not their professors.
Starting point is 00:29:56 We try to go around it with Prager You, with lectures, with books, and not just me thank God. There are other wonderful people giving good messages. But we're censored. I mean, Ben Shapiro went to Berkeley and they had $600,000 in security. There's no security for the most radical leftist speaker. They don't need one bodyguard. Why do conservatives need $600,000 of security? Do people not put two and two together?
Starting point is 00:30:27 The damage the left does, all it does is destroy. The American Medical Association has announced that the sex of a child should not be on a birth certificate because we don't know it until they choose it. This is the American Medical Association. Can you pull this up? Yes, pull it up. The American Medical Association? This is the American Medical Association. Can you pull this up? Yes, pull it up. The American Medical?
Starting point is 00:30:47 Yes, the American, see, this is the thing. People don't know the damage the left does. To everything it touches, art, music, education, children, male, female relations, and medicine. It has corrupted the medical field. The American Society of American Academy of Pediatrics or pediatricians, whatever the full name is, they've come out for affirmative care to give miners hormone blockers. I mean, that is evil.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Yes, that's a new evil. You asked for a new evil. You asked for a new evil. What we're doing to kids now in the name of trans, of transgender is pure evil. You know, Dennis, you talked about happiness and the book you're referencing for people who are listening, he was referencing his book, Happiness is a serious problem, which if you haven't read it, read it. He's not on a book tour.
Starting point is 00:31:40 This was written many, many years ago, but the truths that are in there about finding purpose and the things that you do and that the pursuit of happiness is not the pursuit of joy. You know, joy is deeper in your heart. Happiness is, hey, my team won today. It was a pretty good day. And if all you're searching for is those moments of happiness, that's not joy. It's the deeper joy about service and what you do in purpose and life. And thank you for writing that book. Thank you. Chuck Colson, the late Chuck Colson wrote, how now shall we live?
Starting point is 00:32:10 Wonderful book you're probably familiar with. And he was talking about the steps out. What do you think are some of the steps out? Because you're very eloquently. It's out of. What you're talking about here. What initial steps out, you know, as a society, as people, or as a country, you talk about the left very eloquently. What are our initial steps?
Starting point is 00:32:32 Oh, I'll give you a terrific first step to know that you have to fight your nature. You can't develop as a human being. You can't even be a happy human being if you don't fight your nature. That's the number one issue in life. Unpacked that. Okay, first of all, human nature is not basically good. Only the naive who have lived a spoiled life
Starting point is 00:32:59 believe the nonsense that human nature is basically good. I don't say human nature is basically evil. I'm saying it's not basically good. Number two, your own nature. There are two natures we have. We all have human nature and we all have our own natures. You have to battle both. My father told me all of my childhood, I'm lazy. I didn't like hearing it. Thank God he said it to me. My father, my father criticized me way more than he praised me and I'm a better man for that fact. Much better. There's no comparison. And because I, that's not the role, the role of a parent in the,
Starting point is 00:33:42 the world of the, of the stupid in which we live is to give kids self-esteem. So you give them trophies for playing, not trophies for winning, trophies for playing. That's damaging to children. You don't think you have to achieve in order to get a reward from society. Well you do, kid, you have to achieve. If you didn't win, you don't get a trophy and to fish you. So the first thing people call my show, and they go, Dennis, you were a father figure to me.
Starting point is 00:34:15 I'm having a kid, give me a piece of advice, and I always have the same. Give them, teach them selfcontrol, not self-esteem. You get self-esteem from self-control. Self-control is the root to self-esteem. It is the root to happiness. It is the root to a productive. It is the root, the only root to a good life.
Starting point is 00:34:41 Your words carry a lot of weight. So I wanna unpack what you just said right there where your father gave you by the way the same thing You're your lazy your lazy your lazy does the one thing my dad can't kept telling me when I was a kid So it's very common to what my dad told me as a kid I read this book called the genius in all of us 15 years ago 14 years ago and Maybe 10 years ago In the statistics showed in there It said there in the three different classes of parents,
Starting point is 00:35:07 lower class, middle class, upper class. Okay, so lower middle upper, lower class from the day the kid is born to 18, they get negative affirmations, means nose and rejection, 600,000 times more than positive. means nose and rejection, 600,000 times more than positive, lower class. Milo was a hundred thousand more negative affirmation, okay, than positive.
Starting point is 00:35:33 And the upper class parents to their kids was a hundred thousand more than criticism. Makes sense? That's what this book is talking about. So the more you achieved the more you were criticized. Is that what you're talking about? No, the parents of the upper class parents, the way they spoke to their kids is what she did was wrong, but I believe you can improve this, that, that, that versus the lower class
Starting point is 00:35:55 parents would say, you're an idiot, you're a moron. Why'd you do that? So, hey, my father was right. I was lazy. Calling a kid an idiot a moron is not helpful. That's what I mean. You can't overcome being an idiot or a moron. I mean, that's the parent is an idiot and a moron. I agree. Yes. So I'm not advocating that. I know you're not. I'm advocating the opposite, though, of what we're doing. Oh, you're terrific. Oh, my God, you made a bowel movement. I got to
Starting point is 00:36:22 get you a prize. That is the most beautiful poop I have ever seen in my life or if America's favorite word, it was an awesome poop. Oh my God. I mean, so it never ends. Like the constant praise. It doesn't mean anything or you become a narcissist, you expect that praise. There's gotta be a balance.
Starting point is 00:36:41 Parents should be real. You did a good job, good. I commend your good job. You did should be real. You did a good job, good. I commend you a good job. You did a bad job, you did a bad job. My wife, who I think she was a single mom, and she sort of is an outlier because she raised two wonderful boys. And I'm saying it because she's my wife.
Starting point is 00:37:04 It's just a fact you met met what she's a lawyer. Well, she is a lawyer, but she doesn't practice. Yeah. Anyway, so she told her kids his follows, and I hope I get it right. And she's listening right now. So I'm sure she's a little worried, but basically, if you do something wrong, if you're guilty and the police pick you up, don't waste your one phone call on me. That was a very direct statement to kids. You use drugs that night, you don't sleep in my house. That's good stuff.
Starting point is 00:37:44 I asked on my radio show. My radio show has been my human laboratory, because I not only talked two millions, I talked with tens of thousands, with, that's an amazing thing to say. And I've learned an immense amount. So I often just ask questions. If you didn't use drugs in high school, why didn't you? And I had no idea what the answers would be. For sure, what a great question.
Starting point is 00:38:11 Isn't it? What a great question. So, right. So here was the answer. Overwhelmingly, they all said the same thing. Men and women, my mother would kill me. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:38:22 Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Specifically the mother. Yes, isn't that interesting? Yeah. Mother would kill me. Specifically the mother. The S is in that interesting thing. Mother would kill. Yes, my mother would kill not the father. Well, the the assumption in a two parent home is if you get by your mother, your father will torture you. You know, I don't know what's worse than killing you. But you know, she's the first line of defense. He will just remember you. You know, what's I kill you? He'll just remember you. I don't know, but, but you know, she's the first line of defense. People just remember you, you know, what's I kill you, he'll just remember you. I don't know, but yes, she's the first line of defense.
Starting point is 00:38:49 Yeah. Well, yesterday I was playing football with my nephew. Right, I don't have kids and working on it, but I take an active role in my nephew's life. And he's the only child. And I've seen that he's sort of been coddled a little bit. And it's kind of my job as the uncle to be like tough enough kid. And every time I said every time you catch the ball, we have to catch it, throw it back
Starting point is 00:39:13 in four, ten times. If you, you know, then we move on to the next lesson. And every time he dropped it, it was like, excuse, oh, it's slippery outside. Oh, the sun's in my eye. Oh, it's muddy. Whatever it is, I'm like, listen, if the ball hits your hand, you got to catch a kid. That's the bottom line here, right? I played football.
Starting point is 00:39:27 That's my thing. At the hits your hand, you got to catch it. My question to you is this, I said, once you were done with this, you'll get a reward for actually doing well. If you don't do good today, you get nothing. So he's negotiating well. Can I get this? Can I get that?
Starting point is 00:39:43 You talked about the trophy culture and everybody gets something. If for the young parents out there are raising kids, how should, what, give me some case examples, like if they screw up, how should you address it? And if they do well, how should you address it? So it depends what the screw up means. If the screw up is a moral screw up, which is the only ones I am really concerned with, then they need to be punished. There's another message in addition to the, you have to control it, you have to fight your
Starting point is 00:40:15 nature, most important message of all. But I had another message to my kids, which is almost unheard of for a Jewish upper middle-class parent. It's almost unheard of. But I said to my kids repeatedly, I don't care about your grades, which is almost unheard of. I mean, I know. Among my peers, they found it almost unbelievable that I did this. All I care about is your character. Okay, so I don't care about your grades. All I care about is your character.
Starting point is 00:40:54 And I think I have two good kids. One went through a very difficult time. He, one of my kids is biological. One of my kids is adopted adopted from the day of birth. He was born to a meth addict mother. I did not know that at the time. And that, that, that, that played havoc in his early life as it turns out.
Starting point is 00:41:14 He's terrific today. He's married. He wants to make a family. He's, he's, he, I thank God for him. My older son was, was never older son was never a difficult issue. And, but that was my message to them. Character is all that matters to me. And if I heard that they cheated on a test
Starting point is 00:41:36 or that they were gratuitously mean to a kid or whatever character flaw, then I came down on them. If they didn't get good grades, I didn't care, I didn't care if they went to college, I didn't care what college they went to. I, most colleges are despicable places today, despicable. They teach sick doctrines, babies teach babies
Starting point is 00:42:03 at our universities. If I hear you are a professor of gender studies, I assume you're a fool. If I hear you're an epidemiologist, I assume you're a fool. Do you know what epidemiologists did to the world with the lockdowns? Do you know the damage they did to kids? Epidemiologists telling public health officials,
Starting point is 00:42:18 telling people to keep schools closed for two years when kids had essentially no danger from COVID. Do you know the damage that the so-called experts that the kids, why are parents angry at these people? Why do they still believe in quote unquote experts? Sweden closed down nothing. It has the lowest excess death rate of the last two years on Earth.
Starting point is 00:42:42 No kid got COVID and they kept the schools open until the age of 16. Sweden shamed the rest of the world in staying open. Thank God for Sweden. It was our litmus test. People, it is very hard. It's hard for me. I went to Columbia University graduate school and me. I went to Columbia University graduate school and I remember if you're a professor of history, I almost shook because I thought, wow, what a meeting someone who has mastered such a great discipline of history or professor of English or whatever. But now if I hear you a professor, I assume you're a fool. Not all professors are fool. I just make that assumption.
Starting point is 00:43:26 Wow. Guilty by association, Alma. No, not by association, by title, by profession. It's not because they're associating with other fools. Do you know that, I think her name is Amy Wax, a professor at University of Pennsylvania Law School, Ivy League Law School. She wrote a column with another professor saying, you know what middle class bourgeois values
Starting point is 00:43:47 are great values? Basically, it follows that you graduate high school, you get a job, you get married, and then have children after you get married. Those are the four things, and you'll be a winner in this society. Basically, if you just do those four things. Just for writing that,
Starting point is 00:44:06 250 law professors at University of Pennsylvania asked the university to not allow her to teach the introductory course she was teaching. She's been ostracized by fellow lawyers because all she affirmed was middle class values, which they call now, of course, white supremacist values, which, of course, is an insult to non-whites. Oh, I see. Only whites should graduate high school, get a job, get married, and then have children. Blacks should not do that. The only systemic racism in America is from the left. They believe in separate graduations for blacks, separate dormitories for blacks.
Starting point is 00:44:42 They believe that it is wrong to be race blind, they believe race tells me something about you. So I have a great question if race is important. What do you know about a person if you know he or she is black? Name me one thing you know about that person. After all, it's supposedly a very important aspect, the most important aspect according to the morons who teach at colleges. You know nothing, nothing, you know nothing if you know someone is white, you know nothing
Starting point is 00:45:10 if someone is anything. It means nothing. MLK yesterday. Yes, MLK, exactly. Skin color is less important than shoe color. If your shoes don't match your outfit, especially for a woman, it matters. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:29 But your skin color doesn't mean a damn thing. How do you judge character, though? Like back to your question about your, the point you made about your kids, about how character matters more than their grades. We had the conversation with Neil deGrasse Tyson a week ago about how you measure success grades and what it was like how you can Bounce back from failure, you know your ability to associate with people in your class a multitude of reasons of how you can predict success
Starting point is 00:45:55 Right the predictors of success, but Character you know moral fiber. How do you like if you're raising one of your kids? How do you grade that? It's easy to say, oh, you got a 1600 under SATs, you get a 4.0. Great kid. You know, you were president of your class. These are athletes. You can actually tangibly assess. Well, there are many ways. There are many ways. So not in order of importance, but the first one that comes to my mind is, are they truth tellers? comes to my mind, are they truth tellers? Lying is the mother of evil. All evil emanates from lies. That's why I'm so afraid of the left, because truth is not a left-wing value. It's a liberal value, and it is a conservative value, but it's not a left-wing value. So
Starting point is 00:46:40 do they lie? That's a big one. Another one is, I watch how they behave. How do they treat a stranger? Do they try to make people who enter their life feel good? Are they warm to the stranger, to somebody who comes to the house? If they meet an autistic kid, do they spend a little time trying to talk to that kid? I mean, there are so many indicators in the course of the day, whether you're a narcissist, do they only talk about themselves? Do they ask questions about people that they meet? It's, your question actually is something I should write a piece on.
Starting point is 00:47:28 I thank you for that because I have sort of, I'm deeply involved in music. So I always think in terms of music, I conduct orchestras as an avocation. And I don't have perfect pitch. Perfect pitch means that if you hear a C sharp, you know it's C sharp. You either have it or you're known, it's a gift. I have sort of a gift, and I don't take credit for it. It is a gift. I don't know how smart people are immediately,
Starting point is 00:48:00 because I don't give a damn how smart they are. But I do know I'm a pretty good measure of a person's decency. There are little things that I see in people in interactions, and I don't always have clues, but I often do. But if you don't have the gift, it has to be written out. So I'm gonna do that. But watching, for example, I always tell the example, if you're on a
Starting point is 00:48:35 date, don't watch how the date treats you. They're gonna treat you fine, because they want something. Watch how they treat the waiter. That to me is really important. How do you treat your boss is not an indication. How you treat the janitor is an indication. When I see people where I work at my radio station in Los Angeles. When I see people talk to the janitor, so how's your day, Jose? How's your day, Joe? Whatever it is that they even know their name. That's a big sign to me.
Starting point is 00:49:19 So there are indications and another biggie. You can't be a good person if you're not grateful. One of the reasons I loathe the left is because the left teaches you to be ungrateful. In gratitude is the deepest component of leftism. The most obvious is they're not grateful to be American. Is in gratitude an entitled the same thing? Is it of the similar meeting?
Starting point is 00:49:46 They're very related. Cousins. Yes. Cousins, that's right. Every grateful person is a good person. Every ungrateful person is a bad person. It is the golden root to decency. So you should teach your child to be grateful.
Starting point is 00:50:08 That's why saying thank you was so critical. And by the way, talking about human nature, if human nature were good, how many times would you have to tell your kids say thank you? Five. But how many times is it the average parents say thank you? Ten thousand? Why didn't they get it on the third time if they're basically good? Five, but how many times is it the average parents say, say thank you 10,000? Why didn't they get it on the third time if they're basically good?
Starting point is 00:50:30 How much of the character is nature versus nurture, meaning like my mother, Jewish mother, she's like, ah, I don't care what you do. You just better be the best at it. And you better treat the Janet of the same as the CEO. These are things I've heard my entire life. Like Tom has two daughters, very well-behaved girls. Pat's got four kids, mostly well-behaved,
Starting point is 00:50:49 but the one thing I will say is he's taught them do not lie, for sure, right? Read your books, do not lie, reward mechanisms. How much is nature versus nurture? Like you're parenting and you're up for it. Right, so with the nature versus nurture, I have a a funny answer
Starting point is 00:51:08 nature is 100% and nurture is 100% It's all the above is there they're so They're so they're both so critical You can't control nature though. You can control nurture well. You can control nature. How do you do that? By fighting it, I was lazy. So what did I do? I decided, I figured a way around it. I can't change the fact that I rather play than work.
Starting point is 00:51:36 It's just the fact, okay, I know that. So get every kid though, right? Every kid. Well, but I'm not a kid anymore, at least chronologically. I still am a kid, but not chronologically. So what did I do? I took on so many obligations. I had no choice.
Starting point is 00:51:51 Right? I mean, I'm on your show. I had to get up at 3.30 Pacific time to get here for this show. That's not my favorite time to awaken. But I took the obligation to be on your show. I couldn't call you going, you know, I'm really a Patrick, I really feel bad. I'm still on California time.
Starting point is 00:52:11 Yeah, exactly. So I'm given the fact that I rather play than work. So I took on so many projects. You know, so rather work them play, you mean? No, I'd rather play them. Oh, you would rather play them. Yes, of course, yes. So what I did was I took on all these obligations.
Starting point is 00:52:30 I have no choice. So you'll get a kick out of this. So the biggest project of my life, aside from Prager You and the Radio and the Column and all that, the biggest is this five volume commentary on the Torah, the first five books of the Bible. It's called the rational Bible. It's the best-selling commentary on the Bible in America today, I am proud to say, because if you don't know,
Starting point is 00:52:52 if you do know the insights of the Bible, you will be a happier and better human being. These are life-changing books. If people look up the rational Bible, three volumes of the five are out, Genesis Exodus, Deuteronomy, and I have no problem pushing it. Nobody writes Bible commentaries to get, to get rich. Okay, let's be honest. Okay. So, especially the latest Deuteronomy. Okay. I mean,
Starting point is 00:53:17 you know, oh my God, a guy's going to make a fortune. He wrote a Deuteronomy commentary. economy commentary. But if you read the Amazon reviews, it does change lives. And I get these insights from them, from these books, and I try to share them in the writing of this. So why did I mention this, aside from that, I wanted to mention it. So when the Deuteronomy was the last one, I'm not going in order. It's the fifth of the five books. So I got the copy of Deuteronomy in the mail two years ago, and it came out last just a few months ago. And I got it in the mail, and I look at it. Now, most people would think with all that work and you see, and that's beautifully printed, by the way, the publisher did a gorgeous job.
Starting point is 00:54:10 And I look at it, you would think I would think, wow, that is really proud of myself or something like that, right? I give you my word of honor. This, the only reaction I had was I looked at it, and I said, when did I write that? I just couldn't believe I had the time. That the marvel to me was not the book
Starting point is 00:54:36 and all of the wonderful things of seeing your own book. It was, wow, when did I write that? I just, powerful, man. But and the answer is I had no choice The the publisher expects a book from me So that's so when you of course you can fight your nature That's that's exactly of course otherwise we're doomed such a simple concept for anybody to Apply especially if you have a reputation
Starting point is 00:55:07 of being lazy, keep a busy calendar and commitments that you have to come through because you don't want to let people down. That's right. Get busy. That's exactly right. You got it. Well, you always get it. That's why I love talking to you.
Starting point is 00:55:23 To your credit, and I'm interviewed a lot. You really listen. A lot of people who interview, they have a list of questions, and it's clear to me, I could say in the middle, you know, I pooped really well yesterday, and they would then have their own questions. No, no, no, no, they would do what they know. That implied that they listened.
Starting point is 00:55:43 They know amazing Dennis would be at least they listened. My point is they go to the next question. All right. So what's the key to success? They just kind of go to the next one. But Dennis, let's go to this other topic with the last 30 minutes that we have together and those sews outside as well, you guys got a drive.
Starting point is 00:56:00 The declassified documents that I've been found, classified documents I've been found, okay, with Joe Biden. And it's so interesting with the more and more we're learning, more things are coming out, the timing of trumps, the timing of his, they knew about it right before midterms, but they held it back till now. What are your thoughts about what's going on here?
Starting point is 00:56:22 There's a lot of people, I listen to Dan Bange, you know yesterday, Dan Bange, you know saying, there's no way in the world the Biden administration is gonna find documents like this and say, let's turn it in because we have to be honest. He says, you have to be a fool to believe they gave it up to the lawyers.
Starting point is 00:56:39 He says, the only way the story is true is somebody on the inside either set them up or knew was there and found it because they are trying to do something to him. Now, whether that's true or not, I don't know. What do you think about what's going on with these class by documents? I don't have better insights than others into a lot of this political stuff. I have, my insights are the big picture. The big picture is that, and I say this, I really,
Starting point is 00:57:11 I have to suppress tears because I so love this country. But I love truth more than I love the country. And the truth is, we are as corrupt as a third world banana, Republican Republican in Central America This is a corrupt country the left has made it corrupt. I know people say Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump It is their way of masking the truth of the corruption 51 heads of Intelligence agencies signed a letter a few weeks before the 2020 election
Starting point is 00:57:47 saying that the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation They all lied every single one in other words the entire intelligence apparatus of America is as corrupt as it is in Guatemala or Brazil or Iran corrupt as it is in Guatemala or Brazil or Iran. Not as evil necessarily. They don't kill as many people as the Iranians, but there is corrupt. They lie on behalf of the left, just like provd the lie on behalf of the Communist Party and the Soviet Union, we, the media lie on behalf of the left and the Democratic Party in the United States. I mean, that most Americans don't know
Starting point is 00:58:31 the level of corruption is only because it's censored. How many Americans, every conservative American who listens to anything, like talk radio or reads any conservative new source, knows that 51 heads of intelligence signed a lying letter to enable Biden to win. But I don't think 2% of Americans liberal or left Americans liberal or left know that the 51 signed that letter. So anything is possible with regard to why this is now coming out. But what will be interesting is that they want to prosecute Donald Trump for it. Well, they prosecute Joe Biden for it.
Starting point is 00:59:18 And by the way, maybe they will, in which case, maybe the most the various scenario is, they just want to get rid of the guy because they know he can't win the next election and they don't want him to run. I don't know. I'm not even saying that. All I want to know is will all of the condemnations of Donald Trump for unclassified documents at Mar-a-Lago be leveled at Joe Biden for unclassified documents in his garage? That's the, or excuse me, not unclassified, classified documents in his garage. Look how many Americans know the truth about so much. If you don't know how many people are dying, see, this is a classic example of the left.
Starting point is 01:00:00 If you point out how many young people are dying like athletes, just dropping that on the field, and I see reports like this regularly, I mean regularly like at least every week. And this is just what we know of. And then you say, well, shouldn't we just investigate whether the vaccine has been beneficial or harmful to young people, young meaning under 50? That's a pretty large young group. Shouldn't we just investigate? Oh, you're an anti-vaxxer. Well, my children are completely vaccinated.
Starting point is 01:00:33 By the way, I'm not sure that I would now do that. They're talking about lying and what the left is done to medicine. That, you know that in California, now, as of last week, in California, a doctor who says things that the AMA or the California Medical Association differ with can lose his or her license to practice medicine. Doctors are not free in California to speak out on medical issues.
Starting point is 01:01:01 If Pfizer, that's really what it means. If Pfizer doesn't agree with them. I mean, the level of corruption, masking kids at two years of age, first of all, I think you're a native, you mask yourself at 52 years of age, but that is beside the point. By the two-year-old, we have hurt children and the children's hospitals that allow surgeons to remove healthy girls' breasts if they say their boys. The latest story was just what was it yesterday I reported, where was it outside of San Diego? In the girls locker room, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, children association. You got it. You guys are fast. Seventy-year-old scolded for crying over transgender women's penis at YMCA. Look, she's she scolded. This 17-year-old is scolded. This is the girl speaking. Yes, this is the girl speaking. That's exactly right.
Starting point is 01:02:19 But that's a feeling. Seventy-year-old was changing after swimming one day last month at the San T Y M C A when she spotted a naked trans woman in the changing rooms. So here's the story you get it. This is the sick world we're living in. If you show your penis to young girls, you are arrested, but if you show your penis to young girls and say you're a female, you're rewarded. And protected. Clown world. Protected, rewarded, and the girl who objects is the one who's punished.
Starting point is 01:02:52 So let me ask you're intolerant. That's right. Let me ask this question. So to me, logically, that can't make sense to anybody, logically. So then as how much of this creating momentum has to do that the 1% are so much louder than the other 99% who are just saying it's not a big deal. Let it go. Well, what you have is the usual phenomenon. Cowardist is the
Starting point is 01:03:20 human norm. Again, human nature is not basically good. Most people, including our nature is to be a coward. I've had to fight that and I'm not, I'm not a coward that I can say categorically. But you have to fight it. The natural inclination in life is to be afraid, afraid of being disliked, afraid of being ostracized, afraid of being fired, afraid of being shut down, afraid of whatever it is. That's one of another reason why the only answer to all of this is the Judeo-Christian code which says, you fear God, you don't fear man. The only out and not fearing human beings is essentially fearing God. only out in not fearing human beings is essentially fearing God. It's a basic biblical principle. But that's what it is. People are afraid to... Why do the girls at the University of Pennsylvania swim team? Why did they continue to compete when this guy who said he's a girl went from
Starting point is 01:04:26 male swimming where he was a nothing to female swimming where he was a champion. He deprived all these girls of winning races because he said he was a girl. And every one of the girls had to go along with this knowing they were being cheated by a man who says he's a woman. They were cheated. The guy's a cheat or the woman's a cheat. Call him or whatever you want. Is a cheat.
Starting point is 01:04:53 And the New York Times supports cheating. The New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, they are morally awful vehicles for lying to the public. And so here is the question Why did the girls compete if every girl on the team said we're not racing It would have ended this fraud of having men compete in women's sports But they won't they're afraid because if they do that the University of Pennsylvania threatened them The they you know, the University of Pennsylvania threatened them. We will come down. They may have been evicted from the university, but they wouldn't have kicked out a whole team. But the girls understandably were afraid. They'll be called transphobes.
Starting point is 01:05:35 You don't want to be called a transphob. Of course not. New York Times will call you a transphob. If the girls decided not to race the New York Times, that sick editorial page of the New York Times would have said they're transphobic girls. Which label right now is the biggest career ending label one can get? There's a lot of racist, homophobic, transphobic. By the way, Trevor notices in an interesting, there's a word for for Jew hatred anti-Semitism. There's a word for Muslim hatred Islam a phob why isn't there a word for Christian hatred because the left makes up our vocabulary The most hated group the most hated religious group on earth today are Christians
Starting point is 01:06:17 They're certainly the most killed and I'm a Jew saying this There's no word for no body hates Christians There's no word for nobody hates Christians. If you show a picture of Muhammad, a painting of Muhammad, not a cartoon, a Muslim painting of Muhammad just done in Hamlin University, look that one up, H-A-M-L-I-N-E, the art professor who taught the course said, I'm telling you in advance, I'm putting up an ancient rendition of Muhammad. If you are offended by it, you may not wanna watch.
Starting point is 01:06:48 And she was kicked out of Hamlin University. She's an art professor. She showed the peace. Or Charlie had a film. But yeah, that was, they were murdered. Yes. So yeah, there it is, Hamlin University is fired over medieval painting done by Muslims.
Starting point is 01:07:03 You can't show a Muslim painting of a man for the pictures so we can see what the picture is. Yeah, there it is. Well, this is because thou shalt not create any caricature painting or image of. Yeah, but that's not in the Quran. That's that's some Muslims believe that later Muslims. They obviously medieval Muslims didn't believe that.
Starting point is 01:07:23 They did make paintings of Muhammad. But anyway, you could have a crucifix, the reason I raised it, there is a famous quote-unquote artwork, Piss Christ, which put that one up, that toward the American museums. To Jarv urine with this. The guy put a crucifix in his own urine and it went all around the country Nobody's afraid of Christians the book of Mormon. It's a whole thing on Broadway. Nobody's afraid of Mormons Of course that they're afraid of Muslims because cowardice is a central tentative of leftism back to Pat's question of what Which is the worst label to have? Is there
Starting point is 01:08:05 one that's worse than the anti-Semitic with Kanye? That's obviously not. They're all tied for first. However they can dismiss you, they'll just use the term. I don't know why. I don't know why. It's to be racist though. Well, you were labeled a racist or a big idiot. You were done. Right. But every white is racist. So therefore, there's no such thing as racism. As soon as you say every, you have ended the issue. Try it. It's, but by the way, it's such a joke.
Starting point is 01:08:37 Here I am. I'm, I'm your, I'm the, uh, DEI head at your university, diversity, equity and inclusion. And I'm telling you, every white is racist. So obviously they're speaking autobiographically. Are they not? Hello, I'm a racist and you should trust me. I don't quite follow that. Anyway, it's just, that's another great lie.
Starting point is 01:09:02 For the record, I don't have a racist bone in my body. I don't give a damn about your color. Simple as that. But that is now called racist. Did you know, look up that? University of California, a list of microaggressions. If you say colorblind, you're a racist. Colorblind is a racist. Yes. If you say there is only one race, the human race, that is considered racist by the University of California. You were how old when MLK was just colorblind as the Bible. So I would have been, why was that? 68?
Starting point is 01:09:36 Yeah. So I would have been 19 years old. Yeah. Yeah. Everything, I assumed I was when you were going through a major situation in your life. You're in college, you're learning, you're seeing. Well, no, all these assassinations were, I understand what was happening to my beloved
Starting point is 01:09:53 America. I have to admit, it was this concerning, obviously. Prior to 1968, when MLK was shot in Bobby Kennedy, was at the worst year that you can remember is it even worse now the worst year was twenty twenty with covid lockdowns not just the lockdown the riots worse than nineteen over a lie the uh... uh... george floyd was not killed because he was black it's just a lie it's another left wing lie
Starting point is 01:10:22 if it's not a lie then i i i must retire from public life. But if it is a lie, the New York Times should go out of business. One of us is lying to the public. Either he was killed because he's black or he wasn't killed because he's black. However, I have big evidence and that is that the attorney general of Minnesota, whose name eludes me for a moment, but he is a big, he's a black and he's a man of the left, and he did not charge Derek Chauvin with racism.
Starting point is 01:10:52 This was not a hate crime because he had zero evidence that it had anything to do with George Floyd being black. The entire year of riots and protests was based on a lie. Keith Ellison, that would have been... Keith Ellison, that's correct. Keith Ellison. That's right. And listen, this is two years ago, two and a half years ago, so we've spoken about this God knows how many times. What was the outcome? You know, the whole saying never missed the opportunity of a crisis who said that, Rahman, you're somebody, you're right. So it was to use that crisis to eliminate a man, is that kind of what it was, to use that crisis to get rid of a guy.
Starting point is 01:11:34 But it was also to use that crisis to undo American history. Donald Trump was absolutely right in predicting, you know, they're going after the Confederates today, they're going to go after George Washington and Abraham Lincoln tomorrow. That's exactly what happened. The erasure of America's noble history. By the way, you shouldn't, I don't know if we should even erase the ignoble history. Peter Stivocent, the Dutchman who ruled or governed New York before it became New York, it was New Amsterdam first. Every Jew who knows history, knows he was an anti-Semite. I would not be for the removal of a Peter Stivocent sculpture.
Starting point is 01:12:24 I listened to Wagner Ropper. Wagner hated Jews. Wagner was a crack pot anti-Semite, but he wrote gorgeous music. I listened to Wagner. I mean, once you start, it never ends, and it doesn't end. That is exactly the point. What is it? There's a famous statement of Soviet dissidents. In the Soviet Union, the future is known. It is the past that is always changing. That's what's happening in America. The past is always changing. According to the New York Times,
Starting point is 01:12:55 we were founded in 1619. I mean, it's up there with men give birth. But 2020 was so sad to me because I realized the ease with which you can brainwash a civilization. I always thought my field of study was communism at the Russian Institute of Columbia University. But spent a lot of time in communist countries. I always thought that you can only brainwash a population in a tyranny. And this was a revelation to me. You only brainwash a population in a tyranny. And this was a revelation to me.
Starting point is 01:13:27 You can brainwash a population in a free country. Dennis, as a Jew yourself, when you saw what was going on with Kanye and the things he was saying and boom, Adidas and his marriage and everything you listen to, his comments about Hitler on Alex Jones. And now he's been kind of low key for the last six weeks which I think is a great idea, the fact. Whoever he listened to, good for him to kind of take in a break and apparently low key got married to somebody
Starting point is 01:13:55 that no one knows about it was done in a very low key way. Now I don't know if this is true or not, it's just what the media is saying. How did you, how did you process what he was saying about Jews? Were you upset? Were you frustrated? Were you saying, well partially he's right about this? Well, he's not right about this.
Starting point is 01:14:11 I can't believe he said that. What feelings did you get when he was saying what he was saying? Well, I don't work on feelings as much. I try to think through rationally. Like I wrote a book on anti-Semitism. I have fought it all of my life. The book is called Why the Jews. And there's every population has a percentage
Starting point is 01:14:36 of people who hate Jews. There are a whole host of reasons why people might hate Jews. And as I point out in my book, and then the piece I wrote on Kanye West, well, my columns, non-Jews need to know something. Anti-Semitism destroys societies. I'm not saying it because I'm a Jew. I'm saying it because it's true. No society has survived the anti-Semitism. Spain was one of the greatest world powers than it had the Spanish
Starting point is 01:15:11 Inquisition and the Spanish expulsion of the Jews in 1492. Have you heard from Spain in the last 500 years? It went downhill, the speed was speed of a skier after it kicked out its Jews. Germany was the most vibrant culture in Europe before Hitler, the most vibrant in the arts and in philosophy and science. And then they had the Holocaust. What do you hear from Germany, Volkswagen. I mean, what the economy is, can people even name a living German? Not to mention what was done to Germany as a result of Hitler being in power. The Germans, the losses in Germany,
Starting point is 01:15:58 the rape of German women by Soviet soldiers, it is, you're an idiot if you're an Anju and you don't fight anti-Semitism. I don't even care if people like Jews. I care if people hate Jews. You don't like Jews, don't like Jews, fine. Everybody has a pet group that they may not like. The Germans didn't like the polls, the polls didn't like the Russians, the Russians don't like the Ukrainians. Everybody dislikes his neighbor. The British didn't like
Starting point is 01:16:29 the Irish, the Irish didn't like the British. It doesn't mean a damn thing. Jokes I used to hear, they were called Polish jokes. When I went to England, the exact same jokes, but it was the Irish, the exact same joke. That was so funny about it. So I don't, it's this like or don't like and hate. They're a very, very, very different thing. If a man can say Hitler was a good man, he is a sick poop. He's a sick puppy. I mean, there's just, there's something very scary about such a human being. And by the way, if you have to be a Jew to be offended by that, if somebody said Stalin was a good person, I would think the person is a sick puppy too. And it wasn't Jews who Stalin
Starting point is 01:17:18 went after mostly. He killed six million, five million Ukrainians deliberately, plus 30 million Russians in general. But didn't how many Americans died fighting Hitler? Isn't that an insult to all the Americans who died in World War II? Oh, Hitler, oh, really? So these Americans died in vain. If Hitler was a good guy, then your grandparents who died or fought, they, they died in vain. They fought in vain. They got blinded or shell-shocked in vain. But people don't have, they don't have either courage or a moral compass to distinguish between good and bad. So you don't like Jews, you don't like Jews fine. I'm not asking you. As I said, I'm repeating myself, forgive me. But hating Jews is very bad thing. Then what's the difference between a Jew saying there are still people who aid Jews versus a black
Starting point is 01:18:13 person on the left saying there are still people who hate blacks? Yes, there are people who hate blacks. That's correct. But so there were people who hate every group. Therefore what? The question is how many? What percentage of whites in America hate blacks? It's tiny. The percentage is tiny, okay? What was Larry Elder who, you know,
Starting point is 01:18:41 he could reel off these statistics. If you woke him up at 3 a.m., he's gifted in that way. I'm not gifted in that way to know statistics by heart, but he shows how many whites voted for Obama. And, you know, that, what was it? The percentage of whites who voted for Obama was smaller than the percentage of whites who voted for some white candidate.
Starting point is 01:19:04 I don't remember what it was. This is the least racist multi-ethnic country on the face of the earth in the history of the world. Here's a statistic, no kid at Harvard knows. Okay, at Harvard, I'm picking the crem de la crem. And that is that, and that is that, ask a kid at Harvard, how many, how many slaves, how many black slaves were brought to the United States in the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, and then ask them,
Starting point is 01:19:33 how many blacks came to the United States voluntarily in the last 50 years? The first one is 360,000, the second number is 3 million. Are they stupid, by the way? If America is systemically racist, every black who moves here is an idiot. You can't have it both ways.
Starting point is 01:19:52 And as I always say, any Jews moved to Germany in the 1930s? Not one. Right? Because that was systemically racist. Blacks moved to the United States because it's the best country on earth for a black to live, period, and they they know it only the left it denies it. What was the number yet 360 and 3 million?
Starting point is 01:20:10 360,000 versus 3 million that's correct and you know I take a risk with any one of these numbers because if it's wrong I lose my reputation but I've been broadcasting 40 years and truth is my number one goal. Those are the data. And you know where I got the data on the three million from, William Sapphire and the New York Times in the 1980s. That's the amazing thing. That's where I got it. Last thing here, a couple minutes.
Starting point is 01:20:38 So, Holocaust, you got slavery, okay. We're not comparing two different tragedies. So that's not what we're gonna be doing. We're not sending you into which is the worst, which is this. I'm not doing that. I would. By the way, I believe in gradations of evil.
Starting point is 01:20:53 Slavery is despicable and evil, but in the final analysis, you could at least live. In the final analysis, the Jews were in slaves. Jews would have given their right arm to be slaves. They were exterminated, there is a difference, and people need to know that. I do make moral distinctions. If we don't, we lose our humanity.
Starting point is 01:21:16 That's not the question I was going through. My question wasn't that. My question was going to be, why after such a dramatic event that happened to Jews, okay, with the intentions of wanting to eliminate every single Jew on the face of the planet, right? This is what Hitler's vision was, right? Why is it years later, after a crisis like that, what values and principles helped Jews pretty much on Hollywood, Do well in business.
Starting point is 01:21:45 Do well in life. Oh, I'll tell you, I have the answer for it. They didn't see themselves as victims. It is the most paralyzing thing in black life, what the left is doing to blacks. The left hates you blacks. Just, no, they don't hate you. They have contempt for you.
Starting point is 01:21:59 Telling you you're a victim is paralyzing. Jews did not walk around thinking they're victims even after the Holocaust. Why not? Because they knew it is completely self-destructed. Jews did not walk around thinking their victims even after the Holocaust. Why not? Because they knew it is completely self destructed. How did they know? I don't know. It's a great, well, maybe because of the Jewish tradition,
Starting point is 01:22:13 as always been, we take responsibility for our own suffering. So why wouldn't the media try to target the Jews to make them feel victims? How come they didn't succeed with Jews? The media doesn't have contempt for Jews as contempt for Blacks. Why not? Why not?
Starting point is 01:22:27 Because the left has contempt for Blacks because they use them. They don't use Jews. Why? Why can't they use Jews? If they can use any Jews, they would do it. So why can't they use Jews? Well, well, Jews are, I mean, Jews are disproportionately
Starting point is 01:22:38 on the left. I mean, there's no way around it. So in effect, there's no need to keep them. They already have. In a sense, yes, I got you. I got you. Interesting. I'm sorry to say. Well, I don't want to, I don't want to hold you up. It's so, let me, let me, so first of all, I love being with you, which is why I woke up. God knows when to get here. I really do. It's a joy to be with you. And number two, I do want to just tell people if they are not familiar with my work, I do a weekly thing for Prager You
Starting point is 01:23:08 called the Fireside Chat. It's a podcast every week at PragerYou.com. And among my books is the rational Bible. If you are convinced there is no God and religion is nonsense, it is written for you. There are three volumes. Pick anyone you like. We're going to put the link to all of it below.
Starting point is 01:23:31 We're going to continue with the podcast. Again, Hank tied. We're going to go another 30 minutes because I don't have my Zoom till 11 o'clock. But Dennis, appreciate you for coming out. This was fantastic. As usual, every time you come and you speak, you give a complete different perspective. And this was fantastic. Thank you so much. Yes, anytime. Anytime. So if you want to you speak, you give a complete different perspective. And this was fantastic. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 01:23:47 Yes, anytime, anytime. So if you want to walk out, you can walk out. We're going to, all right, very good. We're going to continue to gang tie everybody. Dennis Pregor, just leave in the podcast. Let's hear that. Thank you, Joe. Thank you, really.
Starting point is 01:23:57 Thank you, seeing you in person. I've got to make that list that you think you're going to be about. Terrick, all right. I look forward to reading that book. Let's continue, guys. I've had the privilege of speaking then as multiple times over the last 13 years,
Starting point is 01:24:10 every time this man speaks, you just get a complete different perspective. As soon as you're still listening to this, we love you, you're awesome, have a great day. I wish I could see you, but maybe next time. So let's get into it. Let's get into some of these other things. With you, when you heard about Tom, with you as well, when you heard about the classified documents, if you
Starting point is 01:24:30 want to just move over here, when you heard about the classified documents with Joe Biden, how much of this with Dan Bungino's argument about saying the fact that there's no way, and here's a perspective, when I kind of put it into context, like think about your part of Biden's camp, okay? And you find classified documents. What do you do? Imagine if your Reagan's camp, Clinton's camp,
Starting point is 01:24:59 Bush's camp, Trump's camp, any camp, what did they do? Just assume what they're gonna be doing. Wouldn't they say, hey, Mr. President, you guys have classified documents here? Can you please take these to the office or put in the safe? It's not the place for it. You understand what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:25:15 Which is kind of like, can we just take this back to the White House and not leave it here? It's just a very basic conversation. Like if someone found it back in the day. Yeah, like can you see the visual, the car backs up and your own campus, oh, oh, Mr. Biden, President Biden, you have that, and no, we have to report us to FBI or, you know, it's a very confusing thing to see that happen. So what are your thoughts about what's going on with the documents?
Starting point is 01:25:40 Well, look, you know, I'm not a conspiracy theorist, you know, but I just look at who speaking, what are they saying? And I interpret it. And right now there is what you would call friendly fire coming in. Number one, any rational advisor to the president, your personal attorney, whoever it is that notice this, or the people that were working with you at the Penn Biden Institute, where you clean out the office, and they're like, hey, in that closet there, was there some reference documents in here that maybe need to go back somewhere? Because you've got some documents in
Starting point is 01:26:14 here that appear to be government stamped. Why are they still here? I mean, someone would have cleaned out the office, because it apparently hasn't been there in four years. And there's stuff there. So the number of people that could have given a good comment to the president is significant. There's probably a dozen or more people that had direct knowledge that could have said, hey, maybe we should call somebody get these things picked up. Number one, but number two, look at where this is coming from. This is coming from, I mean Omar was on a talk show and she brought it up and the talk show host tried to go with the talking point and defend Biden and she goes, no, no, this
Starting point is 01:26:56 is a significant thing. I think it's, I think there's opportunist friendly fire coming in that doesn't want Biden to be the candidate. You know, you know, it's crazy For me the same thing with Harry when I said why would you write a book trash in your family and Yours later you're gonna have this backfire on you and your kids are gonna write something about you When you do this to the opposing side you're gonna see Months after what they did to Trump first time ever for that to happen to Trump, it happens to you now. Uh, uh, it backfires.
Starting point is 01:27:29 Now Garland has to keep the same standards or else his scene as what? His scene as they're targeting a candidate to eliminate a candidate, which that's definitely not going to be good. Look on into 2024. Well, wouldn't you think they would be saying, Hey, nothing to see here, nothing to see here. Merrick just chilled, nothing to see here. That's usually, that's usually the playbook.
Starting point is 01:27:48 But they're not. Yeah. But they're not. Look at the, look at the Democrats that are out there that said, Merrick Garland has no choice. And they were saying this before Merrick Garland says, hey, I'm thinking about it. It's been going on, it's been going on for a week, you know, that the number of people is escalating.
Starting point is 01:28:05 So you just asked yourself a question, why are so many friends of Biden or Shimei, why are so many people that are on the team, that Democrat team? Why are they coming out and saying, how does it? Yeah, I think one thing, if you go back and revisit that interview that Biden did with, I think it was 60 minutes at the time, it's like, how could you be this irresponsible? And that just kind of keep playing in my head. It's like, all right, Joe, do you wanna answer that exact same question to yourself there, chief?
Starting point is 01:28:38 So we'll see what happens here. I mean, one thing I will say is that, whether it's Trump, whether it's Biden, I don't think anyone's going to have any legal ramifications from this video playing right now. You know, Trump has the, the, he's able to kind of duck and cover under the fact that he was president at the time. Biden is the current president. I know although this did happen as VP, but I think Tom brings up a good point Democrats are looking for a soft landing to be like Joe. Thanks for your service buddy
Starting point is 01:29:10 You know the whole reason the whole premise of why Joe Biden became elected president whether you agree with him or disagree with him was the fact that he at least was had a decent moral compass Hey, he's just you know good old Joe We don't know that but that's right. That's exactly marketability. Right, he's just, you know, good old Joe. He's not a different. We don't know that, but that's right. That's exactly marketability. Right. He's not Trump. Basically, he's the anti-Trump. He's been in Washington forever. He's a good guy. He's a trust Joe, but slowly, but surely, you know, the larger the lens, the deeper the lens of being in the oval office, you
Starting point is 01:29:41 realize, what's all this stuff you're you're Korean going on? What's this hunter-b, laptop thing going on? What are all these things that you actually did that you were accusing Trump of? Uh-oh, not so fast here. So I think Tom is right there. I think there is a sort of a loud and proud faction at this point. Since they got through midterms, it wasn't a red wave. They're like, hey, Uncle Joe, thanks so much for everything.
Starting point is 01:30:05 You got the orange man out of there. You did a great job. You're going to be a one-term president, just like Jimmy Carter. Time to hit the road. P.S. You're 85 years old at this point. Mentally, thanks for your service. Let's move on to 2024.
Starting point is 01:30:19 So you know if this happens, so here's a question. Who will be the first female president? If there was a bet in Las Vegas, which I don't know if there is or not, let's search it to see if there is. I'm sure. Who will be the first female president? Do you think it's going to be a, meaning a Kamala Harris where he gets ousted
Starting point is 01:30:43 before finishing his term, or you think they're gonna let him finish his term before Kamala become in the... Even if they try to impeach him, just just go down. Let's go down that road. Because you said this is gonna be the year of investigation. Sure. We started off the year with investigations.
Starting point is 01:30:58 Wala, keep in mind, the Dems own the Senate. So even if the House tries to impeach him like they did with Trump multiple times Ukraine this that the other Russia The Senate is not gonna vote to impeach Biden. That's not gonna happen or it's not gonna The House might raise it, but the Senate's not gonna pass it and I think it's 60 Yeah 63 or 60 some number like that. Yeah, percent. They're not gonna get it. Senate out of 100, not even 50.
Starting point is 01:31:27 You're saying no, no, it's not 50. It's not correct. Yeah, no, correct. Well, when you put a Supreme Court judge on, I think it's 51%. I think it's 60% of the Senate has to vote for the impeachment. Back to your original question, I, God forbid it, and you know,
Starting point is 01:31:44 barring anything out of nowhere, I don't see Kamala Harris like, what's more, what's more likely to happen? Let me just ask this question, is it more likely for him to resign? Is it more likely for him to finish his term, okay? And then say, yeah, I'm not gonna run, I'm gonna step aside, or is it more likely for him to continue his term
Starting point is 01:32:02 and run for 2024? What is more likely at a those three things? I think the least likely of those three things is him to continuous term and run for 2024. What is more likely at a those three things? I think the least likely of those three things is him to step aside. It's just like resign. Yeah, I don't see him resign. This isn't a resignable offense. Oh, great.
Starting point is 01:32:14 So you grew with me, thanks. I don't know. I think it's too early to tell, that wasn't a joke. I think it's too early to tell whether he's gonna run for 2024 or not. He says he will, but is this the type of incident that will pierce the armor so much to the fact that he won't even want to run? I doubt it. Once you've been in politics this long, it's very hard to be like, all right, Joe, just give it up,
Starting point is 01:32:39 buddy. I think even on the clearly on the right they want Joe out of there But even on the left. There's such a yearning for a younger more attractive candidate and look I'm no fan of Gavin Newsom, but he seems to be Being groomed to be that next spot. So I don't I don't Although remember Gavin Pelosi and Biden Gavin Pelosi, okay, Gavin c m byden got together and then gavin made public statements with polo c and he said i will not primary i will not run against joe biden i'm not going to primary this president and that was just but six weeks ago and when is gavin do some ever not like
Starting point is 01:33:19 right supposedly gosh you know what right? I need to rethink this. Yeah. But I think the least likely thing is that they pull the rug to the point that Kamala is president. I think that's the least likely thing. I agree. I think the most likely thing is you said Pierce the Vale. I think that's a good way to put it. There's a veil with a sitting president and you pierce the veil so somebody can get behind there and say look No politician has ever said I'm retiring from the highest office in the land
Starting point is 01:33:51 You are yeah, that was my next question when once the what's the last time that had come to president did not actually run not win I'm not saying that when did they not run? I? Was that time that happened? I believe it's Lyndon Johnson at the height of the Vietnam war where he said I will not seek and I will not pursue my party's nomination for president. So it was LBJ after he took over after JFK after he wanted to get a letter. Yeah, because he served two terms at that point. JFK's he serves termed sure point of half. Correct. He served the half. Then he was reelected in 64 and then 68 I believe it was LBJ that said I will not seek and I will not pursue the nomination
Starting point is 01:34:31 Hmm. It was a famous Like almost trembling a speech he gave on television. He looked bad. What do you think? What do you you as far as the question you asked about odds? Kamala running female president Biden is that what you're kind of predicting? You know, they ask Dream on Green the other day, hey, what do you think with your chance of being a golden state warrior long term? He says, no, it's inevitable. My days are numbered. It's someone who's going to be here for you.
Starting point is 01:34:58 He says, I understand the business of this game. He says, I understand there's business with the NBA. And my time is coming. And I'm probably going to be playing elsewhere. This doesn't mean I would like to be a career golden state warrior, but I don't think it's going to be happening. I think I'm going to be going to a different place and then he explained the poll story. He says, one day I will tell the real story that nobody knows about. The only thing you guys know is me punching them. But anyway, so that's a different story. The writings on the wall, right?
Starting point is 01:35:25 Okay, you know, yesterday I watched Brady play. It was very hard to watch the game. It wasn't easy to watch the game. Because, you know, everybody was, who's a Brady guy was rooting for a win. He did not look at, don't get me wrong. If you didn't watch the game and you just go look at the stat sheet, you know, 39 for 57, I don't watch the game and you just go look at the stat sheet, you know, 39 for 57,
Starting point is 01:35:46 I don't know the exact numbers, it could be 37 for 59, 352 yards, two touchdowns, one interception. It was not a good game. It was a good game. It was not a good game. The extra point guy missing it four times. That was the bigger story because that's, you know, which was. Is anyone ever done that by the way?
Starting point is 01:36:01 19 30, whenever the first season of the NFL was, 32 or 39 hasn't happened since then. But you watch and you're like, okay, is this guy gonna come back? Is he gonna come back or is he gonna go take his 360 plus million dollar contract that he got and just go do TV, right? Cause he can come back next year, you mean? Is he gonna come back next year?
Starting point is 01:36:20 I don't know if it's a good idea for him to come back. Who's he gonna listen to? His wife definitely didn't work out cost him his marriage. His best friends, I don't know if it's a good idea for him to come back. Who's he going to listen to? His wife definitely didn't work out cost him his marriage. His best friends, I don't know. In the camp, he's got a lot of good people in the camp, but a guy like that is someone can, someone really tell him to stop. Yes, now to compare Brady and Joe Biden is like the worst example to use on what you can do there. But there is timing to step in a way. And in the world of politics, whether you like the sky, I don't like the sky,
Starting point is 01:36:51 I don't agree with this policies, I don't think he's a leader. But if you're competing in the NBA, you're competing to win a what? Championship. And then if you're competing in the NBA, you're competing to win a championship. And in the finals, you become a what?
Starting point is 01:37:04 Finals MVP, right? What is considered a finals MVP in politics? Being the president. He's become finals MVP. There's only 46 finals MVP in the politics. He's one of them, okay? He's probably the worst finals MVP, maybe one of the worst finals MVP.
Starting point is 01:37:21 Top 10 candidates. Yeah, for worst finals MVP, right? But the moral of the story is, guess what, out of 113 billion people who have ever lived in the world, out of 330 million people living in America today, you are one of 330 million people that became, you know, you're four, five of whatever living right now
Starting point is 01:37:40 that became one of the finals MVP become the president. Someone needs to sit down and say, look, you need to step away. I would like it to not be through the manipulative games for this person to step away. Makes sense? Because sometimes you think you're bigger than the game. You no longer take counsel from anybody.
Starting point is 01:37:55 And in time, the person we had lunch with yesterday was given a very, very, very interesting perspective. One of the most influential people in politics the last 50 years, I'm sure you would agree with that. Incredible. He gave very good insight. This whole thing right now is on one person. And you know who it is?
Starting point is 01:38:13 Jill Biden. And Joe, Joe. It's all on her. She needs to kind of sit down and say, babe. It's all on her. It's on her, not Joe. It's on Jill to say, Joe, go announce immediately,
Starting point is 01:38:25 you're not running in 2024 and you're stepping away, okay? Because the last way you wanna, I guarantee you if you went out there and said that, 90% of these issues would go away. I'm telling you right now, I'm convinced if you was to go out there and say, I am not running in 2024, you would see very quickly this disappearing go away. And that's a better way to leave
Starting point is 01:38:46 than no, I'm going to run, they can't do nothing. Now they're going to keep finding shit on you. If you've been in politics for 48 years, you have so much dirt on you and they got a list of it. I'm willing to believe there's somebody behind closed doors that they have one job. You know what their job is? They have a file on 1800 people in politics ever and every single dirt on them just waiting to see when to use that dirt. And they have a number eight dirt, they have a number four dirt,
Starting point is 01:39:14 and they have a number one dirt. This is not Joe's top 10 dirt. If they wanna use this number one, it will not be career ending. It will be legacy ending with a last name Biden. People will, the name Joe will go from being the most common name that kids give their names to Joe going on a name drought for two decades. Okay. If they pull up that number one thing.
Starting point is 01:39:35 You're saying that there might be more hidden. There's that. There might be. There is more. If that is the case, why didn't they use that already? Or why didn't they use it yet? They don't need to use it yet. They don't need to use, no, why didn't they use a lot of things on JFK You know, they why didn't they use a lot of things on
Starting point is 01:39:51 Depart what which Trump was the most annoying person for the left Is because he didn't give a shit because he would own the dirt. Yeah, like you know how he's talking about I asked and I said what's the worst label you can give somebody nowadays that's career ending? Yes, what Trump says about the labels. I don't give a shit. That's that is power though. That is power. Every one of these guys gives a shit.
Starting point is 01:40:13 He does not give a shit. He doesn't sit there and say, you know, it's not gonna be, yeah, go ahead, yeah, no problem. Oh, yeah, how about you? How about this? How about Cricket Hill? How about that? The way he was a counter-punchy,
Starting point is 01:40:25 he ruined politics. He ruined these people who had been gaming politics for years. He ruined them, the swamp. This guy, Jill is in charge right now. Jill needs to make a decision to talk to her husband and Jill needs to come out on the next two, four, eight weeks and say, hey, after long conversations with my wife and after a visit with the doctor, the doctors ask me, it is not a good idea for me to go another four years. There are plenty of other great candidates in America like Newsom like this.
Starting point is 01:40:56 He needs to give that message, written in the following way, looking down out a piece of paper where he is edifying and indirectly, you know, endorsing the next four, five, six, eight different candidates. And then he's going to say, I will do my part. Just the greatest honor of my life. I will finish this term and we will support the next Democratic candidate to become the president. That's what I foresee happening.
Starting point is 01:41:18 Anyways, it may not happen, but that's what I get your opinion on something, Pat. So you're familiar with juxtaposition, right? Yeah. So like, so here's my question. If Trump runs again, obviously, which he's already declared, don't you think he's rooting for Biden to run against him? Meaning that there's nothing speaking of juxtaposition. The last thing that Trump wants is a young fresh Gavin Newsom, just like the last thing a Biden wants is a young fresh Gavin Newsom, just like the last thing a Biden wants is a young fresh Ron DeSantis.
Starting point is 01:41:48 Like what would be more alarming and shocking than 82 year old Joe Biden up on stage debating young fresh energetic Ron DeSantis. Polarity and duality and juxtaposition would be crazy. Same thing with even a Trump and Our friend Newsom like don't the two of them kind of want each other. I have my thoughts, but I'll let Tom address it I don't think Joe Biden would want that. I don't think Donald Trump would care Because if you're a winner and you believe in yourself, you're like Whoever gets in the ring I'm coming and you believe in yourself, you're like, whoever gets in the ring, I'm coming. And I think that is what you see in Donald Trump. But Donald Trump hasn't won anything since 2016.
Starting point is 01:42:34 Yeah, but here's a question for you. Here's a question. When Brady lost the Super Bowl to Philly, did he stop being a winner? He didn't win for seven eight years. You know, the longest drought Brady had, because under Westwalk, a West played with him for seven years, they You know, the longest drought Brady had. Because under West Walker, West played with them for seven years.
Starting point is 01:42:46 They never won a Super Bowl. Ever. Never, never, West Walker never won a Super Bowl. You know what the bellicic called West Walker? One time in the conversation with them. You know who Wally Pipp is? Wally Pipp was at the time the greatest New York Yankees first baseman, and then he missed one game one time
Starting point is 01:43:04 because of a headache. You know who replaced them? For two thousand two hundred games. Lou Gehrig. Lou Gehrig, okay. Anyways, so, so, so meaning West, West Walker was replaced by Edelman and it was game over. It's a very epic scene everybody has to see when
Starting point is 01:43:18 Bella Chick pulls up to, what's his name and says, hey, do you know who Wally Pippas? No, he says you may want to look up a Wally Pippas. Wally Pipp means to game one time, Lou Gehrig took it over, and he says, it looks like we just had a Wally Pipp moment right now. He whispers it to West Walker, but go on back to it. I want you to think about this.
Starting point is 01:43:35 Think about the three most painful events you had in your life. You don't need to say publicly, just think about it. Okay. How quickly did you recover from it? That's the question. Okay. Think about the most painful humiliating moment of your life and how quickly you recovered from it. Now, if you're emotionally there and you're thinking about that moment, the day they're raiding MarlaGo Trump is golfing. I want you to actually think about this. So imagine you get a call. Hey, Mr. Sosnick, they're raiding your place.
Starting point is 01:44:14 Yeah, okay, what do you mean? I call the lawyer, call this, call that. Okay, I'd for once again, actually emotionally go there. The average person when that happens, cancel the game. I got to go. He's like, nah, let's finish the game. He loves golf. It's not about he loves golf. This isn't about he loves golf. You could love basketball. You could be playing a pickup game. You know, he could be playing badminton, right? He's saying he's on phase. It could be anything.
Starting point is 01:44:49 It's the fact that the average person overreact and he just moves on and he plays this game and there isn't any game that you're gonna play worse and then golf because it's Small little stress levels the balls gonna travel one way or another. This is why you know guys who are dealing with the kind of personal issues They were dealing with and winning tournaments You sit there and you're like how the hell can you do that at the levels that you do? So the point to your question is I don't care. He I don't think he cares who he faces. I think he thinks he can beat anybody.
Starting point is 01:45:27 I didn't tell you who's going to. I said, that's his mindset. He thinks he can beat anybody. He thinks he is the guy to beat and to be even a little bit more specific about it. He thinks somebody else has his job right now that doesn't deserve to have his job. In his mind, that's what he thinks. He thinks this is his job. He has to finish this term and he took that four years away from him to make America great again. Whether the populist believes that or not, that's what he thinks. That's what I'm convinced he thinks. When you meet people like that, it takes very few people to understand who their person is.
Starting point is 01:46:08 One of the greatest quotes of all time that I have in my, one of my vision boards, if a lion could speak, the world could not understand them. You can't understand a lion. The average person is impossible to understand a lion. It's not possible to understand why would Jordan be the way he was? Why would a guy who was constantly wanting to win and wants that to be the way?
Starting point is 01:46:32 Why is Brady? Why is Brady still playing? Can you imagine this year he goes through a divorce right after his divorce, he goes on a three-one streak. What would the average person do that goes through a divorce? Tom Brady has taken time off for personal reasons. The average player would do that. Didn't happen with Brady. And he finished the season.
Starting point is 01:46:50 Love him or hate him. This is probably the most dramatic year in his personal life. Not career, you know, the flake gate, all this other stuff. Personal life. Do you have finished the season? I'm curious about ending. Do you I finished the season. There are people like that in Trump's and that camp that he likes these types of things. He doesn't hide from it. And I know it's not a lot of people wanna say because right now what's most popular is, trash and trash and trash and trash.
Starting point is 01:47:18 By the way, the other part with this whole thing that's going on right now with Biden and Trump, they're trying to eliminate two people. Okay. So if you eliminate two, take these two out, take, take Biden and Trump out of the equation who becomes president. You have probably let's play this game. So again, take by eliminate Biden and Trump who's president. The most likely to in terms of um current playing field would be
Starting point is 01:47:46 nuisance and de-santis however if people keep forgetting about michelle obama okay so now let me get the other one take Biden out leave Trump in who becomes president let me ask the question one more time. Take Biden out. Trump is able to run. They don't do anything to Trump. But Biden is saying he's not going to run. Who becomes president?
Starting point is 01:48:12 Oh, I think Trump would beat Newsom, but he would not beat Michelle Obama. Okay. So let's take Trump out. That kind of handicap it. Let's take Trump out. Biden runs. Trump is not running. Who becomes president?
Starting point is 01:48:24 The same. The same. Wow. Like that. Yes. candy cap it let's take trump out oba of biden runs trump is not running who becomes president this is wow like that yes i think there's just such a yearning in this country for if you're seventy five and older thank you for your service while peace out kai i think there's such a yearning
Starting point is 01:48:38 whether in the left you're in the right there's such a uh... a major advocacy on the left and especially on the right, to get Biden the hell out of there, and the same rules apply to Trump. And that's why I think there's this, like Gavin Newsom has done nothing in his career. He's ruining California.
Starting point is 01:48:55 Why the hell is he at the top of this list? To run for the Democratic nominee. It's because he looks the part, and they're just grooming someone to take the place of Biden. For all we know about the Santas, he's done a way better job than Gavin Newsom, but there's such a yearning in the country to be like, that's the new guy. And whether Trump wants to step out of the way or not remains to be seen, but I'll always revisit that people want the 75 octogenarians out of there. And Dessantis has his flaws.
Starting point is 01:49:26 I'm saying if Biden is pushed or he pushes and he's the candidate and Dessantis, you know, gets the nomination, I think Dessantis can be Biden, but Dessantis himself is not a perfect candidate. Dessantis would mop the floor with Joe Biden, mop the floor. And sadly, but true, I think Gavin Newsom would actually beat Donald Trump. Oh, Gavin Newsom beats Donald Trump. I think so. Yes.
Starting point is 01:49:55 When you go to Miami this weekend, go with security. Okay. I'll do my best. You just said that because again, I'm not a fan of News. I'm not a fan of newsom in the least. I just know how these, have you seen democratic operations work? Have you seen a couple months ago when Michelle Obama had a hard time endorsing Joe Biden? A lot of people have had the problem.
Starting point is 01:50:15 But did you see that or no? What, what, I didn't see that. You haven't seen it. So if you, if you type, go to YouTube and just type in Michelle Obama on Biden, just type in Michelle Obama on Biden, it's a short. She was kind of cornered by the question and how she kind of,
Starting point is 01:50:28 oh, is that threat? It was kind of, no, no, just go to YouTube. Just go on YouTube, yeah. And then just type in Michelle Obama on Biden. It's 16 seconds. Michelle Obama on Biden. He's hard to defend.
Starting point is 01:50:41 It's like stumbles. Yeah, the first one right there. Watch that and press the audience everybody can hear One time you hope that president Biden will run again in 2024. You know I I I I will have to see How many hours was that by the way? I think I heard a gig it in there You know what's my biggest thing with that. I mean Michelle Obama your husband was a two-term president
Starting point is 01:51:14 You've been in politics your entire life pretty much you mean to tell me your publicist didn't give you a list of possible questions They're gonna ask for you to answer the way you did that's the number one. Oh, you mean what do you think they can ask? I think I think you need they're gonna ask? Right, you're thinking. Yeah, I think you need to have a canary. Well, you know, I've known Joe for a long time. He was a great vice president. I think he's doing a great job. I'd look forward to endorsing him.
Starting point is 01:51:35 You have a canary response. Your canary response should not be, I'll get, get, get, oh. I think he's done great with his country. I think he's done this. He's done his best. Yeah, I think that was a canned response. Yeah, he's like, can I just circling back to our
Starting point is 01:51:49 group of guest? 30 seconds. Circling back, or a guest Dennis Prager. There's something about him that's just very unique. He's very calm presence. I think he's very good for you. You think so? Okay.
Starting point is 01:52:01 If you know his background, he is, you're more him than you know. Thank you. Meaning, not in a way, I'm not sitting here saying, you're as well read and as wise and you were the guy at 14 years old that you were gonna fight evil, and I say that. I just think there's a lot you can pick up from this guy. This would be a person that,
Starting point is 01:52:21 if you're gonna study anybody's content, this guy would be one of guys that you're listening to. I agree. Well, I've been studying Dennis for years. I, and I thank you for putting me, uh, me and Dennis Prager. I was like, I get that. Don't get too cocky, man. I meant it in a different way. Yeah. But my question to is, what is it about him that resonates with you? So listen, for me, you have to know a great conversation to me is what
Starting point is 01:52:42 porn is to a 16 year old kid to a two boy. That's what it is I just love great conversation. I had right there. Yeah to me when whenever I'm having a very high high high level conversation I'm having a great time. There's nothing like there's something very unique about a very good Conversation and you have that every single time with Dennis Prager anyways Gang I'm on the road this week. We're traveling all over the place. He'll be doing stuff. I got nothing going on out of the on the road again.
Starting point is 01:53:09 I think Rob, are we doing podcasts next week or no? We are. Is it two times next week or just once next week? I believe next Tuesday we have Brett Weinstein and then Thursday we have a home team podcast with Mike Baker. Oh, really? Brett Weinstein's going to be on. Yes, next Tuesday. That's right, so that's the date.
Starting point is 01:53:25 Fantastic. Yeah, we've been talking here and I, so I'm looking forward to that. Anyways, gang, have a great week, a great weekend, and we'll do this again next Tuesday. Take care, everybody. Bye-bye.

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