PBD Podcast - Florida is a Purple State | PBD Podcast | EP 11

Episode Date: September 15, 2020

On this episode, Patrick sits down with Tom Zenner and Adam Sosnick to discuss Delta's Frequent Flyer program, Nvidia's purchase of ARM, Trumps rally in Nevada, and Bloomberg's 100 Million endorsement... of Joe Biden, plus much more...  The Patrick BetDavid Show Podcast Episode 11. Watch the Podcast on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/Lp8D5b-prpM Text: PODCAST to 310.340.1132 to get added to the distribution list   The BetDavid Podcast is a podcast that discusses, current events, trending topics, and politics as they relate to life and business. Stay tuned for new episodes and guest appearances.   Connect with Patrick on social media:     Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/patrickbetdavid/    Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/patrickbetdavid  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PatrickBetDavid.Valuetainment   Follow the guests in this episode:  Tom Zenner: https://bit.ly/3jJ93CN  Adam Sosnick: https://bit.ly/2PqllTj     To reach the Valuetainment team you can email: info@valuetainment.com     About the host:  Patrick is a successful startup entrepreneur, CEO of PHP Agency, Inc., emerging author, and Creator of Valuetainment on Youtube. As a natural critical thinker, Patrick takes complex leadership, management, and entrepreneurial ideas and converts them into simple life lessons for today and tomorrow’s entrepreneurs.   Patrick is passionate about shaping the next generation of leaders by teaching thought-provoking perspectives on entrepreneurship and disrupting the traditional approach to a career. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We are officially live with Tom Zener, Adam Soss, this time around we have Kai on as well. Kai want you to say something so people can hear you. What's up in the building? Okay, so we got Kai and lots of enthusiasm obviously. And then we got Sam and Luis as well. We can hear them as well. Can you say a few words Sam? Why are you panicking?
Starting point is 00:00:18 What happened? Say something Sam. How are you guys doing? Everything good? All right. I love how we took the headphones off the top. Yeah. No.
Starting point is 00:00:32 OK. All right. Well, glad to be with you this morning. We got a lot of topics to cover today. I have, first we got to cover the Netflix. This movie that came out of Pernikute's with Netflix that's creating a lot of havoc. Tick-tock, where apparently Microsoft was supposed to be winning its no longer Microsoft. Oracle came out of
Starting point is 00:00:53 nowhere. We're getting worse than this. Echo, echo, echo, echo, echo, echo. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's what I would. It's already been fixed or not. Okay, let us know if the Echo has been fixed or not. If the Echo has been fixed, just let us know if the echo has been fixed. Bad echo, they're still hearing an echo, just let us know if there's no echo. That's better. It's a big like 10 second delay too. So. All right, let's see, it's fine now. Okay, thank you. Awesome. Result. Sounds good. Okay. All right, so we got a lot of things to talk about today tick tock cuties Netflix Amazon hiring 100,000 new people Apple's iPhone launch whether it's gonna happen or not Opic is weaker at 60 delta uses frequent flyer mile program to raise six and a half billion dollars
Starting point is 00:01:36 What a way to raise money? NVIDIA soft bank deal 40 billion dollar acquisition from Of arm and then two sheriff's shot point blank execution style in California. Compton I believe there's some controversy. There's seven states where you can start early voting. Bloomberg committing $100 million just in Florida to help Biden win it all. And then some fires in LA Beverly Hills Republicans, I don't know if you saw the fires in LA, it's pretty intense. What's going on there?
Starting point is 00:02:11 Trump's rally speech in Nevada, Buffett campaigned for Obama and Clinton, but hasn't donated or spoken out for Biden and no one knows why and then Brady lost Rogan for our debate. A bunch of other things. Singapore's not destination. Why? And then Navit Afghari executed in Iran, which will cover that as well. But I think we start off with Bloomberg's $100 million. Ah, deciding to help his brother Joe Biden win the state of Florida town.
Starting point is 00:02:36 What are your thoughts about that? Okay, here's what this reminds me of. Did you watch the last season of Curb Your Enthusiasm, Larry David show on HBO? So Larry David, he goes and mochaokajou's a character, okay? He reappearing character, so Mokajou has a coffee shop. Larry David goes in there, the coffee's cold, the scone is too hard, the table's wobbly, he's upset about it, so he opens a store right next to it
Starting point is 00:03:00 and calls it his spite store, opens a coffee shop right next to it to put it out of business. I think this is all like 500% personal with Bloomberg, all right? He's writing this check. It'll probably be a person of fourth Trump. Yes, the hatred towards Trump. He's hatred towards Trump. This is all something happened with these guys
Starting point is 00:03:16 when he was the mayor, because think of the amount of money, the fortune that he is gonna spend on his losing primary campaign, and then if this 100 million doesn't help him out, it's a spite store on the political side of things and it's 100% personal with it. What do you think about that, Adam?
Starting point is 00:03:31 Well, obviously he doesn't like Trump. I mean, obviously, I mean, that's, I'm a thing Bloomberg. Obviously, yeah. I mean, you're spending a hundred million dollars. I'm saying, it's the only reason it's personal. Oh, okay. No, I mean, there's obviously more to it. You know, I'm going gonna give you an answer.
Starting point is 00:03:45 You're probably not expecting out of a young Adam's house over here. Let's hear it. Well, most, you know, from Miami, Florida boy, lived everywhere in Florida. Florida is literally the most important state when it comes to elections. Agree your disagree.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Yes, purple, yes. It's purple. It has the most electoral college vote. Al Gore Bush, Councilor C. Forda. Al Gore Bush, Bingo Bayes, Balech, Chad. Yes. It's purple. It has the most electoral college vote. Al Gore Bush, Consulate Florida. Yes, always. Yes, always. Chad's always. You got North Florida, more GOP.
Starting point is 00:04:11 You got South Florida, more Democratic. You got the Cubans. You got old people. You got Haitians. You got blacks. It is the most important state. So that's why we're going to single out this state. But here's my thoughts on this.
Starting point is 00:04:22 I actually hate seeing stories like this. Whether it's on the left or whether it's on the right. Bloomberg donates $100 million. George Soros donates, you know, a billion dollars. The Koch brothers donate. It's just a pay for play thing, these super PACs, these one thing for sure, is if you're a billionaire, you could just buy your elections.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Hey, Bloomberg wants to give a hundred million dollars of Florida cool the coke brothers want to give you know 50 billion dollars to Nebraska cool. Yeah, it's just so excessive and all these billionaires So your heartbroken I'm heartbroken unless the by-nines of what I'm the what's he gonna spend it on TV commercials? I guess I mean it says it right here. He's gonna use it What's he gonna spend it on TV commercials? I guess that's worth a million. I mean, it says it right here. He's gonna use it for two reasons. Number one, to obviously prop up Biden,
Starting point is 00:05:08 but number two, to make Trump spend more of his campaign chest. So, you know, it's like literally prop him up. Yeah, he's gonna, I mean, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna,
Starting point is 00:05:21 he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna spend $100 million, which first of all, $100 million is nothing to a guy worth $65 billion. That's like you having $65,000 and giving $100 to a person running for office. That's like you having $650,000, you're giving $1,000.
Starting point is 00:05:34 To him, it's not a big deal. And then let's look at how much money this guy spent on his own campaign. Okay, he spent losing campaign. Do you know how much money spent? Do you know the number? 900 million? 900 million dollars he spent on his own campaign. And he got 58 delegates.
Starting point is 00:05:50 And he lasted less than barely a hundred days. I was gonna say, not even a couple of months. But this the point I'm trying to make to, if I'm even gonna ask you a crazier question. Okay, say he spent $64 billion. Okay, in the state of Florida, say Bloomberg hates Trump so much, he gives his $65 billion to help Biden get elected. Do you think Biden's still going to
Starting point is 00:06:13 get elected if he gives him $65 billion? No, there's no guarantee. What I'm trying to say to you is the following, as much as money matters, as much as money matters, as much as you can go out there and say, well, it's about this and it's about that and it's about this, America voted Obama. When Obama was coming up, Hillary had all the money, not Obama, okay? When he was coming up, Hillary had the money. He didn't have the money. When Trump was coming up, Jeb Bush had all the money. Jeb Bush, they won had $140 million. Trump had nothing, right? Trump just had a social media presence. This is more than just giving money.
Starting point is 00:06:45 I think what's starting to happen today is money matters, don't give me wrong. You need the super PACs, you need the money, 100%. But if you are not coming out, just yesterday, Trump did a rally in Nevada, right? And just yesterday, look at what Trump's doing. So yesterday, Trump is in Nevada, does a rally, does it give us a talk?
Starting point is 00:07:03 I don't think if it's yes, maybe it was a day before that when he came to talk, two days ago, he gives a talk in Nevada, does a rally, does a gift is a talk, I don't think if it's yes, maybe it was a day before that when he came to talk two days ago, he gives a talk in Nevada on fire this guy. Lit up, right? Getting up there, talking people, hollering, there's 80,000 people. When I was watching it when it was alive, I was in the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:07:20 I'm being serious with you. I get out of the bathroom, I said, babe, look how many people watching. I said, there's 80,000 people watching Trump in their bathroom stall right now. Listen to this guy speak. From anywhere, I said, when Hillary and Trump are running, here's what was happened.
Starting point is 00:07:34 If you remember this, Hillary's running against Trump. Every day you turn on Facebook, Trump will somewhere doing a rally. Every day you turn on Facebook, you didn't see Hillary Clinton do rallies. No matter how much money you spend, if Biden's strategy is to lock him up, don't have him come out, don't anybody see him,
Starting point is 00:07:50 no one's gonna get any opinions, any of that stuff's not gonna take place. I don't get how much Bloomberg spends, nothing's gonna happen. You know, why do you think Bloomberg is such a lightweight and so unsuccessful nationally? I mean, he was, I mean, the media company he built is unbelievable when you look at Bloomberg
Starting point is 00:08:03 and what that value is of that company. And they shouldn't be built. He was such a great mayor. Yeah. I mean, you would almost think that he would transfer over and be an outstanding president, but he's such a lightweight. Well, I mean, what is it with him nationally? People just don't identify with him? Different strokes for different folks.
Starting point is 00:08:17 You have a Jewish billionaire who, you know, made his money in New York City. He's going to resonate in New York. He's not going to resonate in- Oh, God. He did a good job. I just thought he could do a better job in these primaries and you would look at him and have a little more respect for him. But he's kind of a putt when you think about him.
Starting point is 00:08:32 Why, I give you a perfect idea there. It's a very good question. You point out by the way, very good question. We're not prepared for this. That's a very good question. I will tell you this. So you know how you decide to go away and come back and reappear in the media.
Starting point is 00:08:45 Okay. Like reinvent yourself. Yeah, not even reinvent. You kind of like when you have the money sometimes you're getting all the attention all this other stuff. You get to a point where you don't want any attention, right? Because sometimes you don't want attention because you don't want your personal life to be talked about.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Yeah, put your target on your back. Like how many times you see Jordan doing an interview? Honestly, how often do you see Michael Jordan doing interviews? Not even as a owner. He doesn't do it. What was the most common thing when Jordan was in Chicago and they would ask him about his personal life? What would Michael say to the interview?
Starting point is 00:09:10 Like people like you, what would he say? He would deflect. AA, you probably won't even ask him that question because you know it's pretty much hard. But if you did, it was a code in Chicago. You don't ask him, Michael, about his personal life. But if you did, Michael Point Plank will look at you and he would say, you know, I'm here to talk about basketball. My personal life said it out. I don't want to talk about it. But my basketball life, whatever questions you did, Michael Point Plank will look at you and he would say, you know, I'm here to talk about basketball.
Starting point is 00:09:25 My personal life said it. I don't want to talk about it. But my basketball life, whatever questions you got, we can talk about it. So he deflected. Why? Some of these guys just don't want your personal life to be advertised, right? So Bloomberg is so big in New York, he's the mayor, all this other stuff. Then maybe his marriage didn't work out.
Starting point is 00:09:41 He's a single guy. He's got the money. He's got girlfriends on the side. I don't want publicity. Then he decides to go out and get on social media, which I'll tell you how many followers he has on social media. And this stuff matters today. It didn't matter 40 years ago, but it matters today.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Watch this. Bloomberg on Instagram has 468,000 followers. Let me say this one more time, Adam. Bloomberg on Instagram has 468,000 followers. that is less than many 12-year-olds that are putting cat videos on Instagram. He's not even in his room. And he's running for office. In his last video he posted this morning got 2,583 views in two hours that would 19 comments
Starting point is 00:10:18 and this guy's worth $65 billion. What this tells you for this, for right here is the big screen. He is not fit for the big screen. His fit for the boardroom. It's a very big difference. Today's presidential to win. You got to belong here. He doesn't belong there. Not Bloomberg. That's my opinion. I wonder how many of those posts he does on his own. Do you think he that's the beauty of Trump and some of these other people here? You can that Bloomberg and he's Twitter and it's a real message that's getting out. Yeah, I mean, look, like you said, something must have happened in New York. And, you know, would you be surprised that Trump is Bloomberg off? I mean, how long is the list of people
Starting point is 00:10:54 that Trump has pissed off? Can we add just Bloomberg to that list? It's not like it's a big deal. And it depends how thin your skin is because at some point Trump's going to say something about you. So, do you hold a grudge? Yeah. You take it that personally?
Starting point is 00:11:03 Yeah, he's not cool with that. So apparently that that's not something he's comfortable with. But we'll see what's going to happen with that $100 million. So Apple apparently is not launching for the first time ever. Apple will be doing their event today at 10 o'clock, okay, Pacific Standard Time, which is one o'clock Eastern Standard Time. But rumor has it. They're launching a new iPad. They're launching a new watch. They're launching all this other stuff. But rumor has it. They are not launching a new iPhone.
Starting point is 00:11:32 iPhone has reportedly been delayed till October due to COVID-19. Do you think that's an accurate rumor? And if it is, do you think that's a good strategy to delay the phone launch to October? Well, my first reaction is good as Apple is with marketing, with PR, maybe they have a surprise that they've kept under wraps and maybe they'll have a huge announcement
Starting point is 00:11:52 about two new phones today. Nothing would surprise me. I guess logically it seems COVID, in China where they make the phones might have some sort of impact on production, but Apple's also the type of company that I don't think they use too many things as excuses, and they're gonna find a way to use this publicity stunt
Starting point is 00:12:09 today to make some sort of big announcement. I can't believe they'd be, you know, kind of go quiet or not have it something big to say. Adam. Just as a consumer, what's the difference if they bring out a new phone in September or October? Let me ask you this. Are you a die-hard Apple fan?
Starting point is 00:12:24 No, that's the problem. Yeah. To a diehard Apple fan. I have Apple, yeah. It's not the problem. Am I like, oh my god, the new phone? Like no. Well, you know, to the diehard Apple fan,
Starting point is 00:12:33 September is like December 24. You know, what Christmas means to you is what September means to Santa. Sure. Yeah, they want to go line up outside the stores, even though the stores are closed. That's the point. But every time that I see, I mean the I remember just being in the mall yeah
Starting point is 00:12:47 literally last year and lines out the door and Apple and I and I you know me I'm in a pretty inquisitive person. I'll go you're gonna say go ahead I was gonna ask while you're saying this I want to ask the audience a question let me ask you how many of you the moment through new iPhone comes out you go out there and buy it and how many of you are watching this right now? Be honest, I tell you myself, my answer, I'll tell you right after you tell yours, how many of you, the moment iPhone 12 comes out, you're gonna go buy it, comment below, go ahead Adam. Yeah, that was actually my point,
Starting point is 00:13:15 is that there was lines out the door. And I'm not a die hard, really, anything. Like, I remember just asking people online, like, hey guys, what's going on here? Dude, it's a new iPhone 11, it's coming out. I'm like, why do you have to go opening day? Man, I just love Apple. I'm like, you can't wait a day or two?
Starting point is 00:13:35 No, man, I gotta have it. Okay, what I wanted to ask that person was like, how in debt are you? What's your debt situation? What's your money situation? But don't you wanna ask everybody that question. It's like, why do you, like, dude, you don't need to run out and get the new phone.
Starting point is 00:13:49 The day it comes out, like. Well, that's the beauty of that brand, right? I guess the biggest question is, how often do you really need a new phone? Do you need it every single time it comes out? Can you use a phone for a year or two? Like, well, that's the bigger question. First of all, you're talking about a trillion dollar company.
Starting point is 00:14:05 This trillion dollar company is number one selling product as what? The iPhone, the smartphone. And this trillion dollar company historically, when you go back to the 80s and 90s, you know what they were known for? Selling expensive computers. If you owned Apple, you were rich. It was not the 486 or 386. If you remember the old 386 and a 486, Apple was
Starting point is 00:14:26 $2,900, $3,500, and the other computers were $1800. Here's the other part when I think about this data here with, by the way, just so you know, most people here are saying no, no way. When I say most people, Kai, would you agree 90% of people are saying no? 90% of people are saying they don't go line up to buy the iPhone. Well good. I'm happy to hear that. Android. Android. It's an older thing though because people used to do it back in the day. Like if we ask how many have ever gone to line up and that's a different quote but that's a different question. But then the question becomes they're still selling though. Like they are still selling.
Starting point is 00:15:01 Yeah because now people can order online back in the day. You didn't order like you couldn't order online. You didn't make sense. Either you line up right away or you get it in four months. Well maybe the better question is how many of you guys are going to order it regardless whether it's face to face or online you're going to order. Here's a couple of things. There's two ways to look into this the way I see this. Number one, you know Apple has a surprise up there sleep because it's historically been
Starting point is 00:15:24 known as the surprise like you were seeing earlier. But the surprise was more a Steve Jobs thing, not a Tim Cook thing. So I don't think Tim Cook is a surprise guys, as much as Steve Jobs was. The other part was, when my book was coming out with Simon and Schuster,
Starting point is 00:15:37 Simon and Schuster had an emergency call with me in June, I believe. I don't know when it was. It was a June guy that we had that call. That a call with me in June and they said, Patrick, I don't think we can launch the book on June 18th. I said, why is that? Printers. We just can't print the books the way we did. So we can print, but we're only going to be able to print 5,000. And our first batch was supposed to be 25,000, 35,000. So maybe Apple is having a hard time being able to produce the phones because if all of a sudden they got a million orders,
Starting point is 00:16:05 how the hell are we gonna make this up? Logistically and shipping them. Could be. These diehard Apple fans are like diehard comic book fans or something, they expect something on that date. And everybody thinks of Apple as the most innovative company in the world. So I think they'd miss a big opportunity today
Starting point is 00:16:19 if they came out flat and didn't have something that they had to say, I use Apple, I love Apple. I don't care about the new phone. It's just another thing I'd have to learn. Which one model do you have? I think it's a 10, 10X or something. I don't even know. I got the 6S, it's great.
Starting point is 00:16:30 You're gonna start now. It's the Apple flip phone. A 10, 10, I think. What is this, is this an 11? Is this the 11, so I've been to, so the question is this, Pat. Yes. Are you basically alluding to the day it comes out,
Starting point is 00:16:41 Pat's got to get the new screen. The day it comes out on buying one. You're getting one. Absolutely. The day comes out on buying an iPhone. All right. Now, why is this? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:48 I support the brand. That's it. I don't care what the product is. I support the brand. Now, would the, would the, let's take you back a little bit. Would the young, hustler, entrepreneur, 23 year old Pat. Absolutely not.
Starting point is 00:17:01 Okay. Absolutely. Tell me why not. One, he would, he didn't have money. He didn't have money. You didn't have money. That's number one. Number two, all I needed was a phone and a texting method for me to drive whatever I need
Starting point is 00:17:10 to whoever it is. Today, we have multiple media stuff that we do and I need whatever that's going to be the fastest to be able to allow me to do other things because I got so many different things. So every time the processor gets faster, I'm banking on a new processor. It's a little bit more technical with my answer. Here's my point. Yeah. 41 year old stud, CEO, entrepreneur. Sure. Worth millions. Go get the new Apple. No question. The 23 year old, 23 year old out there watching this,
Starting point is 00:17:40 who has student loan debt and is struggling to make income, or maybe you're just, you know, a normal person. Or even if you're doing well, I'm not just relegating just people who are not doing well, you don't have to run out and get the new iPhone. If you're not a social media content creator, CEO, take a couple months, take a year. Right what your old phone is and what's the right thing to do.
Starting point is 00:18:02 It's with Apple, it's never what the right thing to do is. It's what the cult like following right thing to do. With Apple, it's never what the right thing to do is. It's what the cult-like follow is going to do. Cult, well, it's emotional with Apple, and that's the connection that's very emotional. For me, it's all function. If I'm on a non-Apple device, I'm wasting 50% of my time, because it's just slower. I don't know how to use it.
Starting point is 00:18:19 It's frustrating. So for me, it's pure function. Were you a Blackberry guy? Yeah, I did. I used to like the Blackberry. Just because you could send emails and text and you know, if you're a communicator, yes. I remember one time I got to say you started about Blackberry.
Starting point is 00:18:30 So remember next to Blackberry? Yeah. The walkie-talkie Blackberry. Oh yeah, I could start. So one day at the Chinese theater, Exorcist comes out to movie. I don't know if you guys remember the Exorcist to movie. Like the original way back?
Starting point is 00:18:39 You don't remember when they brought it back in LA? Oh yeah, the Chinese theater. So the original Exorcist was like in 1980. Yeah, 1980. So I go Yeah, yeah, they said they brought it back. Original excerpts was like in 1980. Yeah, 1980. So I go to my dad, I said, that there's this movie coming. I call the excerpts. What do you think about it? My dad says, don't screw on watching this movie.
Starting point is 00:18:53 I said, why is that? He's telling you, don't go watch this movie. I said, that, my dad never says, don't go watch a movie. But he so happens to tell me, don't go watch this movie. Exorcist. I said, what's up with the excerpts? I said, well, back in the exor, said, well, back in the early 80s, I went to UK to do a certain training for Max Factor, because my dad's
Starting point is 00:19:11 a chemist, so he makes makeup. So he's, I went to a UK for a Max Factor training. He says, one day I'm staying at the hotel. And I said, look, let me go watch a movie. I asked a front desk, I said, look, what's a good movie to watch? They said, there's a new movie that came out and far say they call it Jangir. It's the name of it. So he says, you know, excerpts just came out. So he's just okay. No problem. So he goes across the street, across the park to watch his movies. He says, I go to the theater. He said, no one's in the theater on by myself watching excerpts. He says, I sit there, watch this excerpt. I'm like, what the hell did I do watching this movie? So he says, on my way back to the hotel, I had to cross the street of a park.
Starting point is 00:19:47 He said, I see this park, the only way I can get to the hotel is I got to want to do the park. He said, Pat, I start running. I run in. All of a sudden, I see this couple that are making out. They see me. I thought it was the exorcist ice cream. They scream, so it's finally I get to the hotel.
Starting point is 00:20:01 Long story short, I go straight to the bar. He says, give me two shots of double tequila. He says, I take two shots. I went upstairs. I left the lights on to go to sleep. All I thought about was the hotel. Long story short, I go straight to the bar. I say, give me two shots of double tequila. As I take two shots, I win upstairs. I left the lights on to go to sleep. All I thought about was the movie. So now this story comes back to me. So friend of mine says, you know, we're gonna go watch the excerpts.
Starting point is 00:20:17 There's two parts of the story. So I go and I, yeah. You didn't listen to your dad. No, of course not. Of course not. So I go watch it first when my friend Fernando Lasso lives in Ecuador right now, shout out to Fernando Lasso. One of my groomsman by the way.
Starting point is 00:20:29 Fernando. Fernando Lasso, Conejo. Conejo means rabbit, right? That's what his nickname was. Conejo. So I go watch this with our body Conejo. And Conejo says, before we watch the excerses, we have to listen to this recording. I said, what's this recording?
Starting point is 00:20:44 This is a die-hard guy Fernando Lazo. He says this is how when I was in Ecuador going to school this is how people who worshiped the devil this is the kind of music they listen. I said, but I turned this crap off. He says, no, but just tongue out crazy it is. I don't need to listen to this stuff. He puts it in for 15 seconds. I listen to it. They're reading the Bible backwards. That's our creepy distinguish. I said, what is the matter reading the Bible backwards. That's how creepy this thing is. And so what is the matter with you? Says, we have to get on the movie before we watch this movie.
Starting point is 00:21:09 We have to get on the movie before I said, you are absolutely crazy. So we go sit in and watch the movie. It's myself a guy in Mauricio and Fernando Lasso. So we watch it. We leave. First of all, the movie was out of control terrible. But one of my friends, meaning he's scared. No, no, no, scary.
Starting point is 00:21:24 So my friend, Saul Lopez, goes to watch the movie. And I know he's going to go. And I ask all my friends, what he's scared. No, no, no, scary. So my friend, Saul Lopez goes to watch the movie. And I know he's gonna go, and I ask all my friends, what time is he going to the movie? So I go into the movie theater, just to see him. I know where he's, he has no club right there. I grab the next Milwaukee talk. I see where he's sitting, I say,
Starting point is 00:21:39 Saul Lopez. Let me tell you what happened with Saul. Saul jumped up. So low, man. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Four of us slept at my sister's apartment on the floor because I wanted to see that. So if you're listening to this and watching this, you know I'm telling the truth. You know I'm telling the truth, but that's the exercise story. I don't know how to help, we got to the exercise story. Well, because you couldn't have done that on an iPhone, right? You need that Blackberry device to scare someone. I mean, if I had an iPhone, I would have seen the reviews
Starting point is 00:22:19 and I would have never seen the exercise, but it is what it is. Oh, that's the whole thing with the Blackberry. The walkie talkie deal. Yeah, exactly. Which was pretty cool. I'm getting a little sign here with the blackberry. The walkie talkie deal. Yeah, exactly. Which was pretty cool. I'm getting a little sign here with the exercises and your dad's over the exercises.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Isn't your phone ring the one? So that's so crazy. You say that, man. Well, last night, my son finally made me change it. He finally found it. Ironically enough. Ironically, so we haven't even spoken about it. Can you send me a text right now?
Starting point is 00:22:43 This is what I had to change it to, because my son said that I can't stand listening to that thing scares me Tico Tico doesn't like scary stuff One two Freddy's coming for you. That's my ringtone, but now it's changed. It's classic Then we're up lifting the animals House of the rising sun house of the rising sun change so he was he was so whoo. Why'd you select that? I'm a crazy fan of house of the rising sun. So he was a little disturbed. Why'd you select that? I'm a crazy fan of House of the rising sun.
Starting point is 00:23:07 And you know, don't let me be misunderstood the animals. I mean, they were legit. By the way, a lot of great movies have played that song, The House of the Rising Sun. There is a house. And now they call such a great song. Yes. OK, thank God this isn't a karaoke show.
Starting point is 00:23:25 Okay. Of all of all time, yeah, I mean, Phil, of all days of all times last night your son Tiko said enough enough with the Yeah, Mario. I got a text from Mario Tiko sitting right next to me. We're having a conversation He says daddy. You got to change that ringtone. It's too scary. I changed it yesterday because for the longest then we had Nightmare on Home Street. Anyways, by the way, we got to give a shout out to Freddie Krueger. I mean, he's got to get it. He has scared a living crap out of many kids.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Do you remember the first time you watched Nightmare on Home? Well, yes. And I think movies were 10 times more scary in the 80s. I mean, they just were, I mean, they just, I don't know why. Is it because you were kids or is it because they were scary? I think because we lived in where I grew up in a in a rural environment So after you see the movie it's all dark and cornfields and stuff And you think Freddie Krueger and children of the corner are actually there and there was fewer distractions
Starting point is 00:24:14 You can't get on your cell phone and on social media and distract yourself right after that movie or calm yourself down So I don't know but they were freaky back then although I hate scary movies in general. I don't even watch them. Hey, them all. I almost want to tell a story about Nightmare on Elm Street, but I don't want to tell it. It's that bad, but maybe I should tell this story. You got to. It's a pretty bad story, by the way.
Starting point is 00:24:35 Was that, okay, let me tell this story. Was it rabbit? No, this is a crazy story. Let me ask the audience, did you want to hear another story from Brad? I should almost not tell this story. Guys, do you want to hear this story from Brad? I don't know, maybe we can. I should almost not tell this story. Guys, do you want to hear this story? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:24:46 Maybe we can come back. We'll come back to it. I don't know. I think we're on topic right now. I think this is the time. Let me tell you this story. So here's what happened. Okay, it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:24:54 I mean, people didn't know. I don't want to tell it. I don't, okay, I'll tell it. Okay, let me, let me, let me tell you what happens. The only thing I'm thinking about is people are going to say, what the hell is this guy do here? So, so if I go to a hotel room I want to go to sleep okay there's nothing worse than a neighbor that's blasting music at two o'clock in the morning okay so I'm on a business trip and there's these two
Starting point is 00:25:15 people you know that are next to me blasting their music and when I go on business trip I room up with Mario Mario and I get a room together I always have a room at when I go on trips right. So I notice they're not stopping it. They're not stopping it. They're not stopping it. I said look we call downstairs. We say hey our neighbors are playing music. They call them. They slow down. They blast it again. I said no problem. I have the solution. I turn off the music. You know what I do. I get the soundtrack song of Nightmare on Elm Street. Our doors are attached. I put the phone under the music. You know what I do? I get the soundtrack song of Nightmare on Elm Street. Our doors are attached. I put the phone under the door. You know the doors are attached. Of course. And it goes, one, two, Freddy's coming forward. And then the sound of a girl comes out.
Starting point is 00:25:58 I see you. I see you. I'm coming inside your door. Do you want to play with me? You want to play with me? You see that one up, don't you? So next thing you know,'m coming inside your door. Do you want to play with me? You want to play with me? You see that one up, told you. So next thing you know, you see these girls screaming. They totally start. They come outside. They're knocking on everybody's door. Everybody's door.
Starting point is 00:26:15 They're knocking on someone's in here. You know what they did? They left. And we want to see. She's cared on that. Very simple. Can we murder them? Thank you.
Starting point is 00:26:24 Thanks to Nightmare on Elm Street and Freddie Krueger. He was saying you told this story, Pat. If I have told this story, we were frank in that overshadow what they were playing too. No question about it. Yeah. Okay. So let's get into a couple of other things. My guy, JJ goes, what the hell is Pat on about right now?
Starting point is 00:26:40 You got to let me go. That's on a twisty little vibe, guys. Just roll. But there's a lot of stories. There's a lot of stories that you do not know about the sky here. So I'd wish one to want to get into two share of shot point blank execution style in California disturbing new video shows a 31 year old deputy tending to her partner who's 24 years old as she hides them both from behind a column after man fires a gun at
Starting point is 00:27:02 the 2.LA County share of deputy sitting in their patrol cruiser Saturday night in Compton reward money now $175,000 Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti on Sunday condemn protesters for reported the yelling death to police outside the hospital where two Los Angeles County Sheriff Police Department deputies are being treated and in critical condition after being shot Have you seen the video by the way way? Yeah. Have you seen the video? If you got the video for people if they've not seen it, this is the visual. Okay, just so you know, so they're in their car. This person that's walking up originally, they had no plans of doing anything. He's about to walk by. Then all of a sudden he pulls out his gun and he starts shooting. Okay. And the, and the windows open or no? I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:27:49 This angle, it looks like it's open, but it may not be open. The, the cop that they, that he, that the person shot at got a 26 year old kid. She's 24 years old. She's hospitalized, not in good conditions. Trump said, if either one of them dies, if either one of these cops dies, he says this person's gonna be getting the death penalty. And for that to be taken place, then the local sheriff in LA came out and said, hey, LeBron, since you really, lives really matter to you, why don't you match $175,000 of donation that we got? To LeBron, this was just said last night.
Starting point is 00:28:22 So what are your thoughts? You're in LA right now, What are your thoughts about this? So disturbing on multiple levels. This is sick, it's unbelievable, it's very unsettling. But I think almost as bad as the fact that these protesters get into the hospital, here's a quote, according to the sheriff's department, the protesters were blocking the entrance
Starting point is 00:28:38 and exit of the hospital emergency room. And one of them was yelling, we hope they die. I mean, here's the scary thing for me. This is so organized, right? For protesters to be on the spot to A, know where the hospital is, to get down there, to be in front of the hospital, to have these types of chance,
Starting point is 00:28:54 there's a big thing brewing here that's quite scary. Lebron's probably not gonna do anything. I doubt if he's gonna match that. Probably would have done it right away. Did you hear that the Black Lives Matters blocked his, blocked the, the Lakers bus yesterday and there was something going on in Florida as well. So LeBron seems to be in the, in the crosshairs of both sides trying to get his attention. But look, I hope that, I mean, there's not much else to say.
Starting point is 00:29:17 Trump even took heat for saying that. How can that be a controversial statement to say that these guys need to be brought to justice immediately and have a death penalty, you know, attach to the, justice immediately and have a death penalty, you know, to attach to the sentence. But you know what's my biggest challenge with LeBron. By the way, I've been in U.S. since November 20, 1990. What's special about November 20, 1990 is that's the year where the finals were lakers against the bulls. So I watch Michael make that shot over Sam Perkins where he goes up and he switches for no reason and comes up left-handed saying, Sam Perkins where he goes up and he switches for no reason and comes up left-handed
Starting point is 00:29:45 saying Sam Perkins was trying to block my shot as if Sam Perkins with a six inch vertical leapkin block Michael's shot right who was high most of the time by the way I see Sam Perkins playing I guess he's got a good left-handed shot by the way the three pointer used to hit him Sam Perkins ball but but I've been a Laker fan for 29 30 years now. It's the first you I'm not rooting for the Lakers. You know why? Here's why. To me, Michael, if there was a political issue, he would say I'm giving a million dollars to a black university or a black college,
Starting point is 00:30:14 and I'm giving a million dollars to a charity of a police department or sheriff. And he would talk about how the cops protected him so well throughout his career, right? There's nothing that's unifying about LeBron James. The only thing unifying LeBron James is anybody that agrees with him, that's it. You have to be a BLM supporter for him to unify.
Starting point is 00:30:34 If you're not, you won't hear anything from him. Big difference when a guy that's the face of the league is treating the politics that were just purely one sided. And Ephesians, it's not my responsibility, it's not on me. You're the face of the league. You call yourself the king. The king dictates what direction the NBA goes. 100%.
Starting point is 00:30:53 And everything good and bad that's going on with today's NBA is because of the king, because you are the king. So, I would love for him to come out. I'd love to be wrong. I'd love to be wrong. But I highly doubt he's going to come out and support the situation. You know, Michael had the great quote. He goes, Republicans buy shoes too.
Starting point is 00:31:07 So he, you know, had business interests at the forefront of most everything he did as well. Michael was very savvy, very smart. That's why he stayed neutral. But so does LeBron. LeBron's media company is doing very, very well. I mean, he's spring kill. Yeah, they've come.
Starting point is 00:31:21 They're going to kill it, Bob. They've come, yes, they've come to Hollywood and they've been very, very successful. So you would think somebody like that would maybe want to travel the line a little bit more because personally, I look at LeBron as a social activist that also plays basketball. Not the other way around. No, I look at his basketball as being secondary. I agree with you. And it's so sad because they're going to walk to the finals probably, and they'll probably
Starting point is 00:31:46 win it all. I mean, the thing that's going to, I don't want to get all sports on you, but I mean, they're free-throw shootings horrendous, right? So that could cost them down the road. But he has a chance to seize this mantle of being the only guy to win three championships with three different teams and lead them all the way, and he's going to blow it, because he's offending more people than he's generating excitement from. But the thing I will give him credit for, I don't think he really cares.
Starting point is 00:32:06 Doesn't seem like it. Yeah, I don't think he knows what he cares. Yeah, I mean, he's dropping F-bombs on social media the whole thing. Not that he knows what he's doing. I don't think he knows what he's doing. I think he knows who he wants to be and he could care less if he's losing half the audience or not. Hey Pat, one more thing.
Starting point is 00:32:22 Do you have a problem with that though? I don't have a- If you know who you are and you know what you wanna be and you stand for something, what's wrong with that? Yeah, for me, I get it. I like people that are willing to, like for example, do you remember when the Jesse Smolett thing that took place?
Starting point is 00:32:34 Jesse Smolett, I remember when. Yeah, do you remember when that took place? Of course. Do you remember the first time they asked Trump about it with Trump said? No. Do you remember what Trump said? Well, to the tune that he didn't believe it or something.
Starting point is 00:32:43 No, not at all. He believed it at first, we're gonna first be. No, that at all. He believed that at first. No, we're going to find that. Oh, that's right. He said, we got to catch him. This is not fair. That we got to, you know, justice needs to be served. He defended Jesse Smollett. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:53 And there's no way in the world he would support Jesse Smollett. Right after finding out the story. His immediate reaction is to do what? Support. He's not like that. So no matter how much people say that Trump is divisive, Trump is not as divisive as it'll burn his device. Hey, I'll say one more thing.
Starting point is 00:33:09 I think this NBA bubble is putting these guys in a very weird environment. You listen to Doc Rivers' comments. I mean, Doc, stick to basketball right now. No one really is looking for you to become a political activist. And that's all he seems to be doing as well now. But I think you're in a hotel room.
Starting point is 00:33:24 Maybe your wife's there, but not your kids, some of your family. Your normal routine is out the window. You have 18 to 20 hours of downtime a day. All you have is your phone and social media. I think that's adding a little fuel to it and it's gonna go another month too if they make the finals. Are you telling these NBA players
Starting point is 00:33:40 they should shut up and dribble? I'm not saying that at all. I think that what's going on. I'm saying the bubble is affecting them and I think they're having more time To not be around normal society where you might have a little bit more open mind about things So you're well everyone's dealing with some sort of you know, COVID bubble right now They're literally dealing with the bubble. What I think everything is so amplified right now And I mean my biggest problem like just for me
Starting point is 00:34:03 Okay, so if you don't if you don't find what happened to the police officers, fucking disgusting, then you're on the wrong side of the equation here, ladies and gentlemen. Like, that is disgusting. So the people that, for whatever reason, support that, you're hurting your cause here, gentlemen, or ladies and gentlemen. Well, let's see if LeBron's tweeted about it. I haven't even checked. I mean, if he has tweeted about it and saying something, I hope.
Starting point is 00:34:25 Especially it's his town. It's his city. Nope, not one tweet. Not one tweet about it. He should. Not one tweet about it. So the biggest problem, I'm just gonna say one thing. The problem these days is everything is so polarized.
Starting point is 00:34:39 It's this or that. Your BLM or your Black Lives Matter or your blue lives matter. Your red or your blue. Your Magga or your BLM or your Black Lives Matter or your Blue Lives Matter, your Red or your Blue, your MAGA or your BLM. It's, why can't we all just be a little bit of just America? A few comments here to respond for both of you guys, which you've said. One, I don't mind athletes being, uh,
Starting point is 00:34:56 sharing their opinions if it's sincere. Like, for example, Cap, he nailed and he says, here's what this is. Well, there was a lot of, you know, a hypocrisy behind his movement that what he did moms, you know white. He's half white and you know Then he wears the pig socks while he's playing in Miami I mean look now your plane would fire you're talking about people that escaped Castro so you know But Ali when Ali did it Ali also got along with everybody on both sides
Starting point is 00:35:24 Ali was still likable when him and, you know, they were going out of it with a couple different people. I don't have, I don't, he was actually, you would be, his biggest enemy when they would do interviews. He would, he would always stand up, but at the same time, he was partying with everybody. You know, Ali was good with everybody. Ali wasn't just one-sided guy when you read the stories about it. If you go to his museum in Kentucky, Louisville, if you've never been highly recommend it,
Starting point is 00:35:47 we're doing an event that actually, Saipalah's and Vargas's and Delvis and Kahindi and my missing Mace and they're doing an event there in January, which I'm looking forward to going to because I love the Ali Museum. This is what I will say about this part of you. This whole message is not about LeBron, it's not about Doc Rover, it's about these two shares. My concern is the following, here's my biggest concern. Yesterday we're having a meeting here, okay. And one of my sales reps asked me a question and says, what do you say when the person says this, okay?
Starting point is 00:36:19 And I said, what do you mean? So what do you say if the person says this and they say, if you don't do this, I won't do this? I said, the reason why this person is saying this is because they feel comfortable being able to say that to you. What I mean by that. You know how you sit with somebody on somebody says shut up, you know, and you don't like it. You know how people say shut up. You know it's not like a bad thing to say.
Starting point is 00:36:40 They're just like shut up. I had a girl I worked with. We're good till today. She's won the best right now what we do with the business. She had a tendency of saying this very quickly to everybody. And so one day she said it to me, I said, can I whisper something to you just you and I she said yes. I said, have I ever told you to shut up? She said never. I said, please don't say to me either. I don't like the terminology shut up. Just don't say it to me. She says, I'm so sorry. I said, no, you don't have to apologize.
Starting point is 00:37:05 It's very normal. I actually don't think you have anything negative to say about it. But moving forward, I'm not going to say shut up. You don't need to say shut up. Let's have that mutual respect for one another. She said, OK, so the next time we're seeing something, she's like, oh, no, I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 00:37:19 I said, no, just the fact that you caught yourself, guess what? I respect the fact that you're respecting me. Let me tell you what's going on here, what the bigger concern is. People are thinking it's okay to shoot cops right now. And that's a byproduct of politics. People in California think it's okay to shoot cops right now.
Starting point is 00:37:34 So as much as Garcetti is coming out and saying this stuff, you are indirectly making people think that they are doing something good to go after cops, because it's a way of getting their 15 seconds of fame and they're gonna be talked about and oh my gosh BLM's gonna say, oh phenomenal, let's go defund the police, all this other stuff. You have to be very careful what you recognize for.
Starting point is 00:37:58 If you tell your kid, kid, great job, there's this book that was on parenting. He said the author of this book says, whatever you recognize your kids for and give attention for, they're going to keep doing it. Meaning, if the kid is sick, you only hug your kids and tell them you love them when they're sick, they're going to keep telling them they're sick. You got to hug and kiss your kids when they're doing okay. You got to do good to them when nothing's going on. But if you recognize them and you laugh at them saying a stupid joke to somebody and you think it's funny using bad words
Starting point is 00:38:26 They're gonna keep doing it because it's a form of recognition California is indirectly Promoting these types of behavior and it starts with no some and it starts with Garcetti and all that stuff needs to be stopped by the way shout out to no some because no some dissent the tweet out and One of the things I like about when no some did the last 24 hours. You guys know how I am about Newsom. If he does stuff, I'll call him up, but I've got to give him respect as well. And I know some of the people that are watching the same path. I cannot believe you're going to say this about Newsom. Let me tell you what at least he did. And whether you say it's good or not, here's what he did do yesterday. He got up there and he says, a 31-year-old mother
Starting point is 00:39:01 and a 24-year-old are fighting for their lives because this cowardly horrific act, the perpetrator must be quickly brought to justice, praying for a full recovery for the deputies, and then she has the name and his wife and him are praying and are keeping their loved ones and their thoughts. Listen, and he did that immediately. Respect. Good, respect. I'm giving Newsom respect. He's the governor, he should. Yes, he should. I know you're giving him respect. But what I'm saying is, in and on top of that, let me tell you what he did yesterday. The fires are going on in California. Yeah. Trump flies into meat with him. He doesn't say it pulling off a publicity stunt. I will never meet with him if he comes in.
Starting point is 00:39:35 He says, no, let's sit down. Newsom said right here, while Trump said right here, and Trump was being briefed on what's going on to California and Trump was listening to everybody and Newsom's sitting here. Now think about how uncomfortable he is. His ex-wife is dating his son. Now let me say this one more time. Governor Newsom's ex-wife is dating his son and he still has the audacity to sit right next to Trump.
Starting point is 00:39:59 I respect, I know what his positions are. I know where he's at with this, but I respect the fact that he's willing to do this. You cannot, by the way, I hope he's realizing, you cannot go out there and say, you cannot show up to church, oh, but you can go out there and protest, you cannot do that.
Starting point is 00:40:14 This hypocrisy needs to stop at the top because these guys are thinking it's okay. And I hope this is the last shooting towards sheriffs and cops, but unfortunately, if I'm a betting man in Vegas, I'm telling you, I don't think it's the last time. Well, especially not next two months. And when you consider in Chicago, did you see that story where 363 gangs have formed a coalition
Starting point is 00:40:31 to say that they would shoot cops on site if they were armed and stuff. So the rhetoric is so dangerous. I will say that too. I think Newsom is open-minded when it comes to things like that. And I don't think he hates Trump as much as maybe people think he does because he's actually praised Trump in the past, at least he has the open mind to sit next to him and have this discussion. I don't think Trump hates California.
Starting point is 00:40:54 That's the impression out there, too. He has a house in Beverly Hills. He loves California. I think he loves Hollywood. He loves aspects of it. So he wants to help. Now, the funniest visual of their two meeting was Gavin Newsom had a mask on and Trump didn't, right?
Starting point is 00:41:06 I mean, that just kind of summed up the differences right there. Yeah. Let me ask you two Californians a question. If California was a stock, right? With everything that's going on right now, the homeless issue with Newsom, you all employ the year, the fires fires the craziness to shootings are you buying california you selling california long-term i'll go first
Starting point is 00:41:29 easy buying it's a blue chip stock like i'd be and we're lucky would preach about coke or McDonald's or something like that it's gonna have maybe a downturn right now it's gonna be rough but you can't recreate the the natural resources that state has the weather the climate the palm trees the coastline so i'm'm buying, definitely buying. I'm buying.
Starting point is 00:41:46 I'm actually surprised because you've been, I love California. I mean, I know you for a few months. Every time you've heard, I have fucking California, it sucks, it's burning down. Well, no, no, no, no, no. I'm buying though. I am seeing what's going on there,
Starting point is 00:41:57 and I'm very disturbed by it. And I'm hurt by it, and it's very disappointing. It's a downward trend, but I love it. I'm buying, buying. You're buying California. I'm buying. What's a UPBD? I don't. I'm buying. You're buying California. I'm buying. What's a UPPD? I don't think I'm buying for the next few years.
Starting point is 00:42:09 I'm shorting right now and then I'm buying in the next few years. That's what I'm doing. Like a airline stock almost. Yeah, and you know, for me, it's a couple of things that you have to realize. Number one is, you know, the reason why I'm banking on America, still buying for America is because the person running America still is someone that's advancing what America was founded on. California, unfortunately, is going a different direction. You know, I have a moral and secret that I'm in California right now.
Starting point is 00:42:37 I said, how are things in California? I said, she says, fires and pass it in our terrible, our kitty, all this other stuff. Then I said, how about about homelessness their reaction was like this Oh pat they're everywhere So we're not real quick everybody if you're in California or if you're yeah, you know around the country Would you buy California stock right now? Are you selling California stock while Pat tells the story chime in So they're saying it's everywhere homelessness is everywhere in California right now. We'll see what's gonna happen again.
Starting point is 00:43:05 Long term, blue chip, yeah, Silicon Valley, but don't forget, man, people move. You gotta realize, people move. If you don't make the climate good for a certain community, they move, look what's happened with Hollywood. Did you ever think people were gonna do auditions in Austin and Atlanta?
Starting point is 00:43:23 Did you think a Tyler Perry who's now officially a black billionaire? That's what he's, he's one of the, you know, he came out, there was some statistic that came out. But by the way, I'm a diehard Tyler Perry fan. I think Tyler Perry is a solid guy what he's doing. But I don't think California is gonna have that big of an argument if they keep going the way they're going right. I hope I'm wrong, you know, I hope I'm wrong and I hope Tom, you are right, but we'll see what's gonna happen. We got 50, 50 with the city California. We got the city California.
Starting point is 00:43:48 Yeah. California needs a correction by the five. Let's talk about the five. How about we talk about the five? Okay. So here's what happened about it. Sure thing. 36 people have that in California because of fire.
Starting point is 00:43:59 Okay, 36 people. The number right now in the state of California is 4.6 million acres in California is on fire right now. If you can bring up the video, 4.6 million acres. That's a lot of acres by the way. You buy a house, it's an acre, you're sitting on a nice lot. 4.6 million acres. And specifically, if you go to San Francisco's orange sky, okay, just type in on YouTube San Francisco, orange sky go to YouTube, sky, fire, go to videos. Yeah, that's what it looks like. Go to videos because the videos kind of gives you go to the one that's two minutes and twenty nine seconds go back go back one go to the sky news one
Starting point is 00:44:45 Yeah, right there. That one right there. What's this? The skyline of San Francisco looking more like an image from Mars the orange glow from wild fires Just a million miles away Time to see the city's landmarks that that's bad blocking out the sun The middle of the day felt like dusk and it is unnerving I was wondering what time it was and then I lookedk and it is unnerving. I was wondering what time it was and then I looked outside and looked like doomsday. I mean you could tell something is horribly going wrong and as far as
Starting point is 00:45:14 going to work and breathing in all this this pollution is definitely not a good word. It feels like the end of the world. It's pretty scary. Look at it. Look what she says. She's a diehard California. I'm a lifelong Californian and it makes me weak. Can I sell? To my poor state. And those fires continue to rage across the Western United States, driven on by strong dry winds, burning more of California this year than ever before. Watch this. It's about to get the next part of the morning intense. An unprecedented number of fires destroying some whole communities.
Starting point is 00:45:53 It is displayed with which these fires spread that's especially alarming. The people who lived in this neighborhood had barely any time to escape. Cher is coming through going. Level 3, get out. Wow. Get out. And, uh, yeah, grab some papers. Grab some papers and stuff. I'm going through and this is it. This is what I've got.
Starting point is 00:46:20 Hard felt, man. Sarm didn't make it out. Deaths have been confirmed in a number of states. And officials say that number will go up. Watch what this is. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm, I'm, I'm be the greatest lost in human lives and property due to wildfire and our state. I can you stop a video. Thank you. So you know these fires that's going on with California for somebody that is from California. Tom, what do you got to say about it? Devastating. It's so heartbreaking. It's unbelievable. Those are human lives. Those fires move so fast. There's nothing you can do. What are you going to do? Get a couple tankers in the air. You can't stop them. Uh, you know, I live in Southern California in Manhattan Beach. Uh, you look
Starting point is 00:47:03 at the weather forecast. No clouds, sunny, it's dark. I mean, it's not as bad as San Francisco, but it's everywhere. I've got a lot of experience with wildfires, though the Wolsey Fire Malibu a few years ago. My daughter went to Pepper, she just graduated from Pepper Dines. She had a run for her life to get out of that.
Starting point is 00:47:18 I think came over to Canyon unbelievable. And I live in Manhattan Beach, which is about 27 miles away from Malibu. I could see flames when you look towards Malibu. That's how intense these fires are but this is unbelievable The thing that's really upsetting is a lot of people want to make this only a climate issue Right, but a lot of these fires are man-made their arsonists that are starting these fires one guy was arrested for starting seven of them in Oregon and these things are Going out there. Yes or like these maniacs are going out there and starting these fires.
Starting point is 00:47:47 So when you see that woman that was talking and crying, I mean, your life is, they come through those small towns so fast and then they'll encompass the city where there's no exits. There was one town where they had an airlift everybody out there last week. So it's unbelievable. We just see the headlines and we see the smoke and we see the skyline with the orange hue. But man, it's really, really bad. I think the question is, is it climate change or is it fires? Like, does this have to do with the climate or does this have to do with California's not being responsible and figuring out a way to solve this or stop the pandemic?
Starting point is 00:48:20 Why can't it be both? Why can't it be both? So if you think it is climate change and it's not what I said, I think it be both? Why can't it be both? So answer, so if you think it is climate change, and it's not what I said, I think it's both. I think climate change, things are getting hotter, you know? I think that is a factor, but arsonists, there's, my question, I don't have a major point, because I don't, I'm being in Florida,
Starting point is 00:48:40 the worst thing that happens is a freaking hurricane, maybe in September, California is insane with these fires. It's crazy. My question is this, the entrepreneur spirit in California is crazy. Silicon Valley, crazy billionaires, tech companies, things are happening in the cloud, the software. Why can't they figure this out? Why can't something be done here?
Starting point is 00:49:00 Forget about another social media app. Forget about another frickin freaking cloud computing app. Figure out these fucking fires or you won't have a state anymore, California. You know, the climate does have something to do with it. When it doesn't rain, everything's a tip of box. So any spot on the ocean, you're on the coast. But once you get it, plus the land is so expansive,
Starting point is 00:49:21 and then you got the trees, which is the kindling too. It's maybe worse in Oregon, So it's the whole West Coast. I don't know if you can put everything in California right now. It's not just California, Oregon, Washington state I want to say. Why don't you put a bonus together? Why don't you put a incentive together for the first person that does this? We're going to be giving XYZ on the state of California. Why don't you put an incentive program?
Starting point is 00:49:44 So the one thing I do like, I like the fact that Trump flew out and had the meeting with Governor Newsom the state of California. Why don't you put an incentive program? So the one thing I do like, I like the fact that Trump flew out and had the meeting with Governor Newsom and everybody in California won. It shows leadership from Trump's standpoint too. It shows that Newsom, I mean, what choice does he have to say no to meet with him, but he was willing to meet with him.
Starting point is 00:49:57 But now I'd like to see that meeting take place with Musk. I'd like to see that meeting take place with the guys from Google, Caltech. I'd like to see that take place with Peter Thiel. I'd like to see that meeting take place with the guys from Google, Caltech. I'd like to see that take place with Peter Thiel. I'd like to see that take place with Caltech. I'd love to see that with Jack Dorsey. I'd love to see a Twitter campaign coming out. I'd like to see a massive incentive being creative for some audience.
Starting point is 00:50:16 Microsoft and Seattle, everything on the West Coast. I'd like to see somebody come out with an incentive. What kind of an incentive could you do? Everything is incentive driven. How can you not give the incentive to solve this? Who's gonna fix this, Pat? Is the government gonna fix this? No.
Starting point is 00:50:28 Or entrepreneurs gonna fix this? No, it's gonna be, but the entrepreneur must have an incentive. There needs to be a massive incentive. A financial incentive? That's what entrepreneurs are driven by. It's either recognition or incentive. Either make them be in the history books, we're doing something. Like, how do charities raise money?
Starting point is 00:50:44 Your name's gonna be on this wall. You know your name is going to be on this wall you know your name is going to be on the same yeah give them a legacy or give them money give them one of those two things that's what entrepreneurs are giving them a percentage of what the state doesn't spend on trying to put these fires yeah yeah it's on and here's the scary thing every year gets worse you know 2016 2017 this is happening and then we had all those rains in 2016 and 2017 where you think of this is done and then we had all those rains in 2016 and 2017 Where do you think of this is done? Yeah, right? We're not having to deal with this anymore and it gets worse every year You think these lands burn and they can burn again, but that's how big California is there's always more land to char
Starting point is 00:51:14 But by the way, where is Pelosi based out of San Francisco? What has she sent about the front line? She's like holding a hose Haven't you seen her she's driving a helicopter. Air drops. She's all over this. Yeah, she's all over this. Her hair looks great. Your hair does look great. So very impressive for it. So there's homelessness problem going on in California. Yeah, and now we got fired.
Starting point is 00:51:34 Now we got cops being shot. President Trump has gone to emergency meeting in California. I mean, just what a wonderful job that state is doing. Just a great job. But they're going to win a championship. They're going to win a championship. No parade though. We can't even. L.A. will win a championship. They got to win a championship. No parade though. We can't even.
Starting point is 00:51:46 L.A. will win a championship this year. Got the Dodgers too, by the way. L.A. will win a. So you as a Miami Heat fan, you're saying zero chance. I'm saying I'm saying. No, I'm saying all the Miami friends that he has, I want you to unfollow him. If you're true Miami Heat fan and you love Adam,
Starting point is 00:52:01 I cannot. He just took a shot at the heat. I'm saying all your buddies you party with our friend. They're right. You're going to get text right now just so you love Adam. I cannot be just took a shot at the heat. I'm saying all your buddies you party with our friend that right. You're gonna get text right now just so you know that. All his buddies are screwed. I'm rooting for the club. The history is about to text you right now. Okay, but you did I said LA will win a championship this year. That's right. Could be the clippers. Meaning it could be the
Starting point is 00:52:17 clippers if they can get by the nuggets, but let's not get to sports here. We're gonna lose half our audience right here. Okay, if you're okay. By the okay, we're at 1.9 thousand Viewers we'd love to hit 2000. I think we've only hit that one. Oh, yeah press thumbs up if you're watching us and join us Press thumbs up so gets picked up and share the podcast as you're watching this some guy goes on following Adam right now Okay, so let's talk about something weird here and something uncomfortable here But something that needs to be addressed because it's been all over TV cuties with Netflix.
Starting point is 00:52:49 Okay, cuties with Netflix, new movie that came out. If you've seen this movie, Kai, if you wanna put up the poster with Netflix, the two that we have, the original poster is that one on the right. And Netflix. This is the original. That's the original one.
Starting point is 00:53:04 What does Netflix make it? This, also the original is this. And Netflix. No, this is the original. That's the original one. What is Netflix make it? This. Also, the original is this. So Netflix makes this. So Netflix goes with one, the provocative one. But this is the one that the original one, movie that came out, did well in the Sundance. It did very well.
Starting point is 00:53:18 And then comes to Netflix. And here's what happens. The trailer has nearly 12 million views. OK, by the way, if you can change the picture, I don't want it to stay up for too long. The trailer has 12 million views. Okay, by the way, if you can change the picture, I don't want it to stay up for too long. The trailer has 12 million views. It has 47,000 likes. Two million dislikes.
Starting point is 00:53:34 Let me say this one more time. The trailer has 12 million views. Go to the trailer on YouTube just to see the stats as the most latest updated stats, QDs. So the trailer has, you were right, yeah, QDs. Oh, there, okay, so what number is it? Okay, 12.1 million views. It's got 48,000 likes, 1.9 million dislikes.
Starting point is 00:53:57 By the way, even that song that that girl sang, remember a few years ago that girl had that one song, hey, Friday, Friday, and they say it's the worst song in history of songs. poor girl got so many this like it was the most hated video of the year on YouTube do you remember that song? Sam works out to it no no no no let's stay on this topic we'll come back to Friday I know Adam really wants to listen to it okay I never heard yeah it's a where's it at 1.2 million to 3.8 million most hated video of the year his
Starting point is 00:54:26 She was likeable though. I'd like to remember this girl can make people hate Friday Friday The most hold back to the video go back to the video 12 million light 12 million views 47,000 likes 48,000 likes 1.9 million dislikes and 598,700 signatures calling for people to cancel their Netflix subscription and light of QT's being added to its library of combat. By the way, good friend, Mahosega Itaan. Okay, he's one of our co-founders. He sits on his one-defield advisory board members. He cancels his Netflix.
Starting point is 00:54:53 Netflix lost $9 billion. In France, where the film was released in theaters on August 19, QT's did not steer much controversy. The movie won a direct and award-for- for Sundance Institute in February. They call to remove the film. Calls to remove the film have been amplified by supporters of a conspiracy theory that top Democrats and celebrities are behind a global child trafficking ring. It's currently trending number seven on Netflix.
Starting point is 00:55:20 And then my film is a mirror of today's society. A mirror is sometimes difficult to look onto and accept, but still so true. We can't blame our children for what we value in our society. Thoughts on the movie, Tom's enter as a parent. Yep, okay, has a parent within 11-year-old? Boy, but not girl. These kids are 11. I have a 14-year-old daughter.
Starting point is 00:55:40 I think any movie that sexually exploits children in any way is bad is evil I will say this I wasn't offended by this as much as I thought I would be we talked about it a lot You hear a lot about it. I didn't watch the movie yet, but I did a lot the trailer I watched a little bit of the movie. I watched the interview with the director. I thought I would be appalled I'm upset, but I'm not appalled. I think 11 the the thing that really bothers me is I don't see that. I mean, I live in LA. I don't see 11 year old girls. My son is 11 years old. I'm around these kids. I don't see them at that age doing that. I think the director had a unique upbringing in Senegal or wherever she was born and raised a very, very, you know, Muslim background. Her mother did not
Starting point is 00:56:22 look like she was, you know, supporting her in any way. So this is highly personal telling her story. Um, I think a lot of those, uh, a lot, this is organized. I think against Netflix right now. Now, I'm a prude, you know, and I'm Christian. I would be the one person that would be really sick and by this. And I'm not happy about it. I'm not as fended as I would.
Starting point is 00:56:41 I thought I would be, but I just think the age of 11 to even paint that picture that these kids are sexual at that age is disgusting. Well, let me ask you this question. You just brought up a good point. Kai, can you pull up to see, what is it? Is it a PG-13 movie? Is it a movie that Tico could watch? You know, because we have filters on Netflix
Starting point is 00:57:00 where my kids can go watch movies that they want. Is it allowed on them to watch it or is it at least a what do they have it as Q the rotten tomatoes 90% what does that mean? Would me surprise that rotten tomatoes gives it 90% 5% like this movie 1.3% rating just see what it's is it a TV M M mature audience. It is a mature audience Okay, go up. What does a mature audience mean by the way like what age? I mean that means type in TV M a see what TV just type in TV M a what it means? I'm assuming 16 TV M a what does it mean? I think there's a space what does it okay for editionary the TV
Starting point is 00:57:42 of space, there's okay, a free dictionary. The TV program is intended to be viewed. Okay, fine. So they have it for mature under 70. So it's a movie for adults. They want parents to see it, not necessarily kids to see it. That's actually very good to know that's out there. Adam, what are your thoughts about it? Yeah, obviously I don't have kids, but all my friends do.
Starting point is 00:58:03 I have a different opinion. Obviously, it's disgusting. I mean, this, sexualizing 11-year-olds is not anything that anyone would support. It's not mainstream. But I did a little research on this. This is, it served its purpose. What do I mean by that?
Starting point is 00:58:24 This is a shock-jock, like Alex Jones saying, I believe something crazy and I'm just gonna run with it and I'm just gonna serve her. She did this for a reason. I'm just gonna read a few things. This movie is supposed to make people feel uncomfortable. It shines the light on this issue. She says, you have to watch the movie to judge you.
Starting point is 00:58:43 So what, my film is a mirror of today's society, a mirror sometimes difficult to look into and accept, but still true. We can't play in our children for what we value in our society. So what's my point? She made this to make people feel uncomfortable. She made this to us to speak about. She made this to stir controversy. Yeah. Because if it didn't, now there's the problem. If people did not speak up about this, if people were not appalled by this,
Starting point is 00:59:09 if people were like, yeah, yeah, it was a good movie, and didn't say shit, then we'd have a problem. The fact that so many people have a problem with it is a good sign. I mean, that's a good way of spinning it, okay, to say that. I get what, what, what. This isn't me spinning it.
Starting point is 00:59:23 I'm not saying you, I'm saying, that's a good way of spinning it, to to say I made it so people would get pissed off about it. Fine. Okay. I understand like and culture writes certain books with certain copies and Bill Marr asks and culture, do you just write stuff to piss people off? Yes. That's your business model. She was asked the same question on the view. She was one of the first people that said Bill Marr asked her, who's the person that can win the presidency? She says, today, Donald Trump, everybody started laughing. She was the first major pun that type of name that went out there and said that.
Starting point is 00:59:53 So I think it's a good spin on what you said. If that's her business model, fine. That is a business model you can do today. My concern is a little bit different of a concern. Here's what my concern is. So remember earlier we talked about in one of the episodes, Adam, you would remember this, where in politics, Tom brought the sub-Tom Ellsworths brought it up to me.
Starting point is 01:00:11 He said, 44% of Democrats are going to vote Democrat. You can't do nothing about it. They just go down the ballot, done. 42% of Republicans are going to vote down the ballot. You can't do nothing about it. 4% of libertarians and dependents green, they're going to go down the ballot. They can't do nothing about it.
Starting point is 01:00:24 That's 90%. You got 10%. You got 10% left. That is the one that's going to determine. And if it's 60, 40, it's going to be a tie. It's what he was saying, right? Okay. So there's a group of people that watch this video and watch this movie and they say, they're fricking disgusting. This is terrible. There's some people that are going to watch the movie and they're going to say, wow, very educational. I liked it. Good perspective. I took a lot of people in France. Yeah. There's going people that are going to watch the movie and they're gonna say wow very educational I liked it good perspective. I took a lot of like people in France. Yeah There's gonna be a group of people that watching are gonna say there's gonna be a group of people that are not gonna watch it I don't say there's no way in the world. I would spend my time watching a movie like this right me right would I don't want
Starting point is 01:00:55 I watch the movie by the way Kai watch it last night for be it to be really yeah Kai watch it on 1.5 to get Perspective on it, but here's the problem to get a perspective on it, but here's the problem. There's 10% of people that are going to watch it that could potentially influence them to be thinking about something. And let me explain to what I mean by 10% of people that can be influenced something. So you watch the show cops. If you watch the show cops, how do you watch the show cops?
Starting point is 01:01:21 You watch it in show cops. You're trying to figure out what you can do to skirt the cops. No, not you. When you watch the show cops, what do you say? You watch it in show. You're trying to figure out what you can do to skirt the cops. Not you, when you watch a show cops, what do you say? You watch a show cop for entertainment. You can be the same. You watch the chases. But if I'm a criminal, you know how I watch a show cops? I'm like, okay, got it.
Starting point is 01:01:34 That was good. In the NFL. Yeah, like guys who went to prison, friends of mine who've gone to prison, have a lot of friends that have gone to prison have come out. Obviously, I have interviewed a lot of people that have spent a lot of time in prison. You know what they tell you?
Starting point is 01:01:43 Prison was a training camp to learn how to commit other types of crimes. You go to jail, you only sold weed, or you sold a couple of things, but I went in, I learned how to do this, this is the greatest thing. This is the greatest thing. This is the greatest thing.
Starting point is 01:01:56 As much as she may have good intentions, there's certain, like, okay, think about it this way. Is there a visual in your life as a kid growing up that you wish you never had? Yeah. You don't need to say it, but is there a visual you had as a kid that you wish you never had?
Starting point is 01:02:12 Do you have one? Yeah, I'm not asking what it is. Do you have one, though? It could be a father slapping your mom into face. You wish you never had that, okay? It could be a sibling getting smashed on the floor and somebody hit them with the knee. It could be something sexual.
Starting point is 01:02:30 It could be something you saw that you wish you never saw. We're never going to talk about it as adults. We keep it in our minds. That visual messed with you the rest of your life and you're 41 years old. You wish you never had that. I'm not 41. You're 40 years old.
Starting point is 01:02:44 You're 39 about to be 40, right? 39 about to be 40. Sure. There are certain visuals were better off not having. This is one of the world is a better place whether you watch us or not. We don't need to have certain visuals being people's minds.
Starting point is 01:02:56 That's the only thing I'm saying about making movies like that. Well, then who is the villain? Is it Netflix or is it the director? And I'll tell you that I think if I had to choose, that's art. That's what art is to do. So I'm not going to it the director? And I'll tell you that I think if I had to choose, that's art, that's what artists do. So I'm not gonna blame the director. Okay, someone had to pay to blaming the distributors. Well, I mean, if there's blame to go out,
Starting point is 01:03:13 and I think the rage right now is kind of focused on Netflix, and I think if you look at the poster, I mean, they sex those kids up to a ridiculous degree that, again, I have kids that age, I don't see that. If that was a 14 year old, it would make more sense, but not at the age of 11. We just cracked 2000. We appreciate you guys.
Starting point is 01:03:32 Your comments, we're seeing them. Give a thumbs up. You know, it's hurt Netflix, hasn't it? I mean, $9 billion. You know, they lost $9 billion, but does that bother them? I don't think so. Because there are worth how many hundreds of them? I don't think that that's anything are worth how many hundreds of them.
Starting point is 01:03:45 I don't think that that's anything to Netflix. So if you ask me, Hastings is sitting up there and just gonna say, well, this thing's gonna pass us by, we're gonna be all right. Here's my next follow-up question for you guys. I ask you if you were gonna buy California stock. What are you doing with Netflix stock?
Starting point is 01:03:57 You're buying? You're not gonna wait. Netflix is not going to wait. You know what, if I had to be between Hulu and Netflix, I'd be Hulu. I like Hulu better. I could live without Netflix easily, I think. I could had between Hulu and Netflix, I'd pick Hulu. I like Hulu better. I could live without Netflix easily I think I could live without Hulu. No because it has live TV
Starting point is 01:04:10 That's how we get live TV great marketing. You got a cool. Interesting and I think They do better commercials if you ask me They me a little bit of Agent these classes. Yeah, I love the marketing that they have over there. So we'll see. We'll see what's going to happen there. Let's see what we want to hit up next. You know what? Let's hit up Navi Afghari. Okay, why don't we hit this up?
Starting point is 01:04:34 Because I think, I don't know if you guys have fallen on the story or not, but I want to hit this up. And Kai, I don't know if you have the video or not. If you don't, it's all good. It's totally fine. If you can just pull up the picture so we can talk about what happened here. So, and if you can go to my Twitter profile as well, just to show what happened.
Starting point is 01:04:52 So, for those of you that don't know, for those of you that don't know, Naveet Afghari, is a wrestler in Iran, a national champion. If you can pull up his picture so we know what he looks like, he's a national champion in you can pull up his picture so we know what he looks like. He's a national champion in Iran, wrestler. Two years ago he decides to protest against what was going on in Iran with 200 other people and his two brothers. So he goes out there and he protests and you know the economy in Iran is not doing very well. It's challenging times. Of course there's a sanctions that the U.S. has put.
Starting point is 01:05:24 So these guys are having a hard time. And he goes up against the prime minister, says, we need to do something in Iran because this is not going the right direction. Long story short, he ends up getting arrested because he is a national champion. He's a figurehead. People know who he is. He gets arrested. They take him in. They go and they put oil in his, not oil alcohol in his nose for him to admit that he killed somebody. So eventually to stop from being tortured, he says, what, fine, I did it. Okay. They announced just two weeks ago, they're going to execute this guy.
Starting point is 01:05:59 Iran announced that they're going to execute him and kill him, right? There's three brothers. They decide to execute him, but the world's like, maybe they're not going to do it. He's going to get 74 whiplashes and then get executed. His other brother is going to get 74 whiplashes and go to jail for 52 years, or 54 years. His other brother is going to get 74 lashes on his back and go to jail for 27 years. Okay. This is what the charges were against these three brothers for simply protesting.
Starting point is 01:06:29 Right? I go on Twitter, if you can post my Twitter tweet that I put up and here's what I said on Twitter. I made a video about it, go up, go up, go up, go up, go up, go up. Little bit higher, you're almost there, you're almost there right there. So I go up and I said, positive, positive. and I said, those who live in a country with human rights rarely think about it and those who don't can't stop thinking about it. Iran hasn't valued human rights for over 40 years. If you agree with this,
Starting point is 01:06:55 please retweet and tag Olympics. Let's save the life of Navi Dafchari. My message here was directed to the Olympics. The reason why was directed to the Olympics was because Olympics can do something about this to say, if you do and move forward with this execution, guess what, we are going to cancel Iran competing in the Olympics. So I announced this, then if you go up there to a CNN article to see what the Olympics said, just type in naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naft, naftft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft naft If you can make it a little bit smaller, so I can read it to the audience right there. So the International Olympic Committee said it was shocked by the announcement.
Starting point is 01:07:48 In letters Thomas Bach, the IOC president, had made direct personal appeals to the Supreme Leader, and to the President of Iran this week, and asked for mercy for Navid Afghare, while respecting the sovereignty of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the statement said, it is deeply upsetting that the pleas of athletes from around the world and all Iran, the statement said. It is deeply upsetting that the pleas of athletes from around the world and all the behind-the-scenes work of the IOC together with the NRC of Iran, United World Wrestling and National Iran Wrestling Federation did not achieve our goal.
Starting point is 01:08:16 Fine, so you went and you pleaded. So I said, tag olympics, we tag olympics on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, maybe 10,000 times. I said, okay. So, they make this statement. They reached out to Iran. Iran doesn't listen to what the Olympics say.
Starting point is 01:08:31 They screw you. We're going to execute them even though you like this or not. Mother comes out. If you watch a mother's speech, you will be heartbroken if you listen to what the mother says. Now, here's a couple of stats for people that are watching this. Iran is a number two country for people that are watching this. Iran is a number two country in the world for executions. Last year was 253 people were executed.
Starting point is 01:08:51 This is not the death penalty, by the way. This is execution. There's a big difference between execution and death penalty. Execution is what you call a German type of execution. And death penalty is a different kind of death penalty. You go up there, you do, obviously there's a form of execution, but you go through execution. Out of the 253 people that were executed,
Starting point is 01:09:13 13 of them were live in person. Let me say this one more time. In Iran, 253 people were executed. 13 of them were live. People came and saw a person being executed. We're laying the streets. In the street, it's a statement. If you do this, this is what's gonna happen to you.
Starting point is 01:09:31 They're the number two country in the world in execution. Number one, China? You know who's the number one country in the world? South Korea? China's number one. China's number one, Iran's number two. So then I said, okay, let me pull up the list of what countries have been banned from the Olympics.
Starting point is 01:09:44 Kai, can you pull up the history of countries that have been banned from the Olympics. Can you pull up the history of countries that have been banned from the Olympics? This is the list that we have. Olympic countries banned from the Olympics. The banning of the Russian athletes, team Rio Olympics, not the first time a team where country has been banned from participate. Now the Olympics, here's a timeline of countries that have been banned. 1920, Antwerp. Five countries were banned due to the environment.
Starting point is 01:10:01 The First World War, Austria, Bulgaria, Turkey, and Hungary and Germany. Fine. Paris in 1924, the band of Germany, following World War II, makes sense through the Austria, Bulgaria, Turkey, Hungary were allowed to compete. 1948, London, Germany, and Japan were barred for their participation in the Second World War. Fine. So Germany and Japan were barred.
Starting point is 01:10:19 1964, Tokyo. South Africa was banned by the IOC for taking part due to its oppressive, how do you pronounce that word, appetite, regime, which say that it's a part that is what like, you know, it's segregation. It's another way. Blacks and whites, the whole segregation. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:10:38 So they were very famous in South Africa. And by the way, that happened. You're after year after year after year. So 64, 68, 72. This goes on with South Africa. You can keep going lower and lower. So South Africa has been banned. By the way, 1968, North Korea competed again
Starting point is 01:10:54 as second GNNF in 1966, which meant they were suspended by the IOC cause in the nation to miss 1968 Olympics as well. So 1968 Mexico, North Korea couldn't compete. 1978, 1972 Munich, South Africa, 1968 Olympics as well. So 1968 Mexico, North Korea couldn't compete. 1978 1972 Munich South Africa as well as Zimbabwe was banned from participant as other African countries threatened pull out if Rhodes took part. Okay, 1976 Montreal South Africa South Africa South Africa
Starting point is 01:11:19 2000 Sydney Afghanistan was banned from the Olympics due to discrimination against woman under Taliban rule as well as its Provision of sports of any kind and any have obviously 2016 many Russian competitors were banned following revelations of state Sponsored open goal athletes, okay, right? Okay. See all this stuff, right? Okay. So let's come to today. Okay, Olympics you pleaded for an athlete to Not be executed and Iran didn't listen Now what are you gonna do? Are you now gonna say, fine, you are banned
Starting point is 01:11:48 from the next Olympics? So now when you say that, some people say, well that's not fair because you are making people's dreams not become a reality in Iran that are trained so hard to become a Olympic winner. Here's one thing you have to realize. I have an agent that works for us. His name is Mortiza Alborzi, okay? Phenomenal guy. I met this guy when I was 23
Starting point is 01:12:07 years old. He's a sweetheart of a guy. He's doing very well for himself and in our company right now. Mortezza Alborzi out of LA. He's a eight or a nine degree black belt. Can you type in Mortezza Alborzi black belt? Mortezza Alborzi black belt. Mortezza. Spell it for us too, Kai. Yeah, the a you got it actually perfect so far He smells better far see than English by the way, so alborzy a l B. O. R. right there came up, right? And Mortez alborzy black belt. Yeah, okay perfect press that and then go to images Okay, this guy's been all over the place when it comes on to martial arts, okay? Right here right there You know you had it right?
Starting point is 01:12:42 Just go on that magazine that says masters. Go on the magazine that says masters. If you go back, that's him. Alborzi, okay. Eight degree, nine degree black belt. He wasn't jailing Iran. He's been one of the top Olympic trainers and not judges, but somebody that trained the Iranian team
Starting point is 01:12:59 for the longest time, right? He escaped. He came to America. He trained here. He trained a lot of students here. Tens of thousands of students in Beverly Hills have taken his classes. This kid, this man has built so many young boys that became leaders. Moral the story is this. If the Olympics are so serious about this movement, why don't you ban Iran and China, the next
Starting point is 01:13:22 Olympics that we have? Why don't we do that? Okay, well I'll ask you this question because you're from there. Sure. Wanting the regime in Iran right now, look at a ban from the IOC, similar to a public execution. Like, they don't give a damn about promoting sports in Iran.
Starting point is 01:13:36 They just want to suppress their people. Stay in power. So that would almost strengthen them a little bit to say, we're still going to do what we do and execute people if we perceive that you commit these crimes, they might embrace that because they don't really care. Oh, I don't think that's how this works though. Let me tell you how this works.
Starting point is 01:13:54 Tom, how much longer are you going to tolerate California mistreating you? At what level? A couple months. No, but at what levels is a breaking point for you? I mean, by the way, I'm not not this has got nothing to do with our relationship. Right. And whatever's asking you, whatever the answer is, it's out there. All right, it exists.
Starting point is 01:14:10 Okay, but could California push you to a breaking point of you saying you're leaving? Yes. Okay. I guess anything's possible. Did that happen to me? Could they push me out? Mm-hmm. He left Colombia.
Starting point is 01:14:21 His family left Mexico. Right. I mean, how come we have 40 million immigrants in the US? How come people are living in other countries? I think Iran thinks there are people want to do anything about it, and they have to understand this whole sanction that Trump put on Iran. Why did he put the sanctions on Iran? What? Starring things out of Arabia? Okay. Why else did he put the sanctions on Iran? Because it's evil, maybe. As a method method of saying hey, and then he supported the revolution of the people wanting to protest against Iran, right?
Starting point is 01:14:50 To for what for maybe a fall of an empire in Iran that is not believing in human rights not taking care of its people They're claiming what they're doing the people are afraid they're oppressed I mean you're trying to get people to have some kind of a freedom Yeah, this would be a certain statement that's being made to say, look, we don't support, you know, execution, we don't support what you're doing because you're doing that luck. Forget about an Olympics. But I agree with you. I think that's what they should do, but would it have any effect on the leadership in
Starting point is 01:15:15 Iran? I don't think so. Couldn't there be a coup? Isn't there this country where that could actually happen? I couldn't see it happening really in North Korea in some of these other places, but don't they have the ability there to cover, I mean, with the support of the US, with the support of Saudi Arabia, to flip this eventually, or is it too difficult?
Starting point is 01:15:33 To flip what? The leadership that I ran, to get rid of these. Of course you could do it. I mean, of course you could do it. It's not, how is it done? How is it done? It's painful, and it's going to cost a lot of people's lives. And it's going to be a lot of young lives.
Starting point is 01:15:46 This is why it's not the younger generation that doesn't want to revolution. It's the older generation that's telling their kids, be careful. Don't go out there. Don't put which I fully support every parent would tell their kids that. But the opposition, you know, when you look at, when you talk to a lot of, when you meet a lot of Persians, you'll hear a lot of people say things like this in LA. They'll say, you know, I don't know why it is, man, when I meet Persians, man, Persians are such good business people.
Starting point is 01:16:10 They're always making money. It's not that they're making such good money. It's the fact that the business people of Iran left Iran to come over here. It's not that they are the business people of Iran left Iran. It's not that all Persian people are business people. Do you understand what I mean? I'm saying, I'm fortunate to meet money here. It's that they left Iran to come over here. The business people that left Iran to what I mean? I'm not sure. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 01:16:25 Yeah, it's that they left Iran to come over here. The business people that left Iran to go. It's a filtering process that you have. The capitalists left. Yeah, look, I got kids, man. I'd love to one day take my kids to Iran. And quite frankly, two years ago, I was going to go on a trip to Iran with a few friends and not publicize it just to go to Iran because I missed my country.
Starting point is 01:16:41 I was born and I wanted to go to the streets. I was raised all the other stuff. But for me to go to Iran today would not be the smartest move to make to go to Iran today I miss my country, I was born and I wanted to go to the streets, I was raised all the other stuff. But for me to go to Iran today would not be the smartest move to make, to go to Iran today. No chance you would go to Iran. They'd be waiting for you. They would be waiting for somebody to make out. I would love to set an example with a guy like you.
Starting point is 01:16:54 They would love nothing more than that. But I would love one day to go there with a group of friends and say, hey, here's what it looks like. It's a beautiful country, man. It's a history of it, it's so beautiful to go to it. But you know, heartbroken when I saw that Navidad Fkari was executed, son, believe it.
Starting point is 01:17:09 How about his brother's in jail, the rest of the life? Iranians would love to see a coup. A big part. 50%? No, it's a big of that. It's a big bigger than 50%. No, but here's the thing. At the only reason why that number could change is what
Starting point is 01:17:26 question, at what cost, 100% 95% would love to see a coup, but at what cost? Then the cost is only 20% or 10% or 5% would like to see a coup with the cost. I don't know if this makes sense or not. It's like, you know, in some way I'm saying like, what percentage of the world would like to be a millionaire? Well, everybody. Of course. But what percentage is willing to work 80 hours a week for 10 years?
Starting point is 01:17:52 Well, not a big percentage. So it's at what cost am I willing to get to? Do we have any case examples of coups initiated by the people? Obviously, we can't look at Iraq. The US came in there and invaded them, right? We can't look at Libya, you know type of thing What coos have been successful over the last 50? Well, I mean a revolution flipped Iran 40 years ago so since that the perfect example they have to playbook for it in Iran Kai you were you trying to say something?
Starting point is 01:18:20 We can't hear you the mic Eastern European block had revolutions when they broke off from Russia. Yeah, or the U hear you. He's the mic. A lot of the Eastern European block had revolutions when they broke up from Russia, you're saying. Or the USS. Hey Pat, were you surprised? Are you surprised spring is another one popping out? Sure, it was in 10. It's good point. Just recent 10 years.
Starting point is 01:18:34 Oh yeah, look at Libya. I mean, look at these countries. Kudafi, were you surprised they actually went through it with the execution? To me personally, I was a little bit surprised. Well, here's, did you see what Trump tweeted? Yes, it about Iran. Type in Trump tweets and go to see what he said about Iran.
Starting point is 01:18:48 He said, middle the night by the way. I don't know if you saw that or not. Did you guys see that or no? Have you seen what Trump tweeted? Uh-huh. OK, so this is two days after the execution. Go up a little bit to make sure it's not that, OK, you're good.
Starting point is 01:18:58 It's not that one. Keep going, keep going, keep going. This is what Trump just said about Iran. OK, right there, right there, right there, right there. Click on that one right there. Okay, click on it so we can read the whole thing just yet. According to press reports, Iran may be planning an assassination or other attack against the United States in retaliation for the killing of terrorists leaders Soleimani, which was carried out for his planning a future attack murdering US troops and the death and suffering caused over so many years. Any attack by Iran in any form against the United States will be met with an attack on Iran that will be 1000 times
Starting point is 01:19:29 greater in magnitude. Okay, that happens two days after the execution of Navidad Fadi. So you asked the question, were you surprised because you were surprised. I'm not surprised. Adam asked the question yesterday, which was a very good question. You said something about, you know, don't you think Iran is trying to make a statement to say, hey, man, you keep bullying us and publicize us. We're going to show you in a different way. Trump tweeted, please do not execute this man. Okay,
Starting point is 01:19:59 thanks Trump. So you're saying Trump tweeted, please do not execute and they did. So I'm just saying they're not going to listen to Trump. Guys, I'm seven years old looking outside my window. Fourth grade and fourth floor in Iran on Chiavone Hojette. And I'm seeing thousands of people marching down the street, But it's peeling the skin off your back. So it's leaving a trail of blood and they're screaming Marik Badam Rikaw death upon America The messaging of what the media says to the Iranian people about America if you live in Iran America is the worst most evil empire in the world if you live in Iran It's their method of preventing their citizens to leave to come to Iran. Come to US. All propaganda, all propaganda. All propaganda. North Korea, North Korea, all the way around.
Starting point is 01:20:49 If you had a Michael Jackson shirt on in the 80s, you would have coolest cat on campus. In Iran, if you had a Michael Jackson shirt on, that was like, if you were a Calvin clan or a Tommy Hill figure shirt, you'd have coolest cat on campus. If you got a Tommy Hill figure. So, yes, I think majority of you are wrong would like to see it. I just don't know if it's gonna happen. I'll say this, they didn't listen to Trump's plea.
Starting point is 01:21:10 He bayed, I mean, hey, please, he was very respectful in that tweet where he asked them not to execute the wrestler. I don't think they're gonna look at that as bluster. I think they believe, I mean, after four years, he pretty much backs up what he says. So right, I mean, a lot of times people think of what Trump's doing, you know, a maniac with tweets or whatnot, but if they did something,
Starting point is 01:21:28 don't you believe that a thousand times might be accurate as far as what the retaliation would be? I mean, don't you think the Iranian leadership might hate Trump, but don't think, you think they respect him a little bit that that might be true, and they better, do you think he's kept them under a thumb a little bit out of fear? Yeah, so my, myesstimation is the following
Starting point is 01:21:46 When they retaliated after Soleimani was killed. Do you remember what Iran did? Do you remember what they attacked? They attacked a Military base that was empty right? Okay, if you remember that they attacked an empty military base to say Look what we did if you come after Soleimani, right? And then they said we're not gonna attack. But the guy in Iranian, the military, I think it's a foreign minister, I don't know which one it is. By the way, can you talk to Iran foreign minister?
Starting point is 01:22:15 Guys, a genius, if you've never seen this guy's interview, this is a strategist, this is not a lightweight guy. If you're talking about who I am. If it's go to images, to see, go to images. Javitsa reef. Go to images. Yes. This guy's legit. Yeah. This guy is a he is if you've ever seen any of his interviews. He's not a lightweight. Okay. He's not a lightweight. Yeah. Who's my favorite guy on CNN that I was like I love this guy. CNN your for reads a car. Yes. He does a show every Sunday. Brainiac.
Starting point is 01:22:47 Brainiac. This guy comes on the show quite often. And Iranian foreign minister comes on the show quite often. If you did not know all the issues that United States has with Iran, he is very convincing. He's very convincing. He's very convincing. Very convincing. He did an interview on CNN.
Starting point is 01:23:03 He's very convincing. And he is very convincing. Very convincing. He did an interview on CNN. He's very convincing. And he is very strategic. So my, my, my, my, my guests is the following. If they do attack, do you think Trump is dead series about the counter attack to Iran? Yes, yes, I do. I do. Do you think he's dead series about how ugly it's going to be for Iran? Yes or no? Frankly, yes, I do. Do you do you do you say yes? He is known for his bluster. However, with Iran, I think he's paying very close attention to them. If Iran attacks a military base and one soldier dies, do you think Trump will retaliate?
Starting point is 01:23:34 I agree. Do you think the exchange will be one soldier for one soldier? No, do you think it's gonna be a thousand soldiers? I think he will make a point. Perfect. Yeah. I think they won't do anything until there's a different president. That's a little softer and easier going to be able to make an attack like that. That's what I think. Iran. Yeah. I because look what did Iran do? Did they Jimmy Carter was no longer president? What did they do? Did they Reagan became a president? What did they do? What did they do? Back off. I'm sure. They released the prisoners. You don't remember to release the prisoners and Reagan
Starting point is 01:24:03 gave the speech, given credit to Carter and Same thing but what Iran realizes? Carter's not gonna attack us. I've been affected that. Yeah, I've been affected that. Argo. Carter won attack us, but Reagan will so you know, there is a part of a Trump and Reagan that they have some similarities, but where is they around on the Nuclear proliferation at this point? With everything that happened with the Iran nuclear deal and Obama giving him a boatload of cash and then Trump pulling out,
Starting point is 01:24:28 and then they said that they're gonna start the nuclear proliferation again, where are they with that? They got this one country, I don't know if you've heard of called China, that's given them $400 billion. And China just doubled their nuclear powers that they had in China, they doubled it, not a little bit, they doubled it.
Starting point is 01:24:45 They're spending money into it. And if they'll be fending North Korea and they'll be fending Iran, it tells you China's allies are. Yes. And it also, you know, the new access of you. Well, and then the dynamic of the US supporting Saudi Arabia, like we are, you know, troops, financial support,
Starting point is 01:25:00 right there to keep Iran in line. So far, so good. Yeah, I, I don't know. I, I, I, again, I'd love to see nothing more than to see Iran be free again. And maybe I'll be doing some interviews on that topic here pretty soon. But let's talk about, let's talk about Singapore, a, a new flight that came out that's Adam's type of flight. Okay. Singapore Airlines came out with a no destination flight, meaning a no destination flight to nowhere. Can you pull that up guys so everybody can see this thing? So these flights will take off and land at the same destination and will stay in air for around two hours. Singapore Airlines
Starting point is 01:25:42 plan comes after a survey by Singapore Air Charter showed 75% of 308 participants were willing to buy tickets on these types of flights according to the Straits Times report. So, so by the way, this is not a joke. This is not an onion story. This is not a bumble. What is that? Other bumble? Yeah, this is this is a real story. You know why they're doing it? Why are they doing it? They got to keep their status. Right? They're like 4,000 miles short of keeping that gold status for the next year. That's what it is No, I don't think there's any reason Adam tell us your thoughts
Starting point is 01:26:11 Adam's excited about this. Yeah, so You get on the plane You do the whole alright everyone instructions you put on the seat belt the face mask that comes down You take off you do with the turbulence, you fly around in the sky for a little bit, you land in three hours. There's one reason you go on this flight. Why is that?
Starting point is 01:26:31 You know, you join the mile high club. That's what it is. If I'm with my girl and I'm like, hey baby, we want to go on a little day trip, well I don't know, we're on COVID, we got lockdown, what else we got going on, mile high club. Who's, do you disagree? I mean, why ask?
Starting point is 01:26:44 What if the girlfriend said I'm already in the club? I've been on the club too, but we gotta do this together. So, those bathrooms, unfortunately, are very small. No, they're very, but that's, what are you gonna do? Sit there, who's going on this flight and being like, yeah, I'll pay for the middle seat,
Starting point is 01:26:57 I'll just sit here. I'll tell you what, I bet you could serve us. Singapore Airlines, good service. Telling you something's going on on the same. So, you're saying it's like a mile high orgy going on I don't know about all that but I'm saying you're taking it to hold this is how bored people are these days is they're gonna Get off like I know from my side. Have you guys used Singapore Airlines? No, have you? It's the treatment. It's another really yes
Starting point is 01:27:22 Yes, wow I'm telling you wow How they treat by the way this is Sam from Columbia who used to travel lab with Pablo Escobar's cousin and He's been all over Singapore. He used to go to Singapore. There it is Sheek J says spot on soy boy. Yeah, what's that sheek J with a beautiful picture of himself. No, that's Trump Yeah, he's like you you got a lot of things great So that's Singapore I want to know how many people in the audience, by the way, we're at 2,100 now, much respect to our value-tainers on the PBD show.
Starting point is 01:27:51 How many people out there are going to get on a flight, pay your couple hundred bucks, fly around in the air for three hours, and just return back to where you started. How many people out there are getting on this flight? Please charge him. Give a little feedback. What did they charge you for this flight? Yeah, I know where you started. How many people out there are getting on this flight? Please, please, charging for a little feedback. What did they charge you for this flight? Yeah, I know where they are.
Starting point is 01:28:08 What's their going rate? 100 bucks, 200 bucks, 300 bucks? Okay, so I don't know what they charge. By the way, I have a new demographic for you to promote your book to. Tell me. Flight attendance. They have nothing to do on planes right now.
Starting point is 01:28:21 In the US. We should make an ad for you. Just flight attendance. Just flight, all I do when I'm flying back and forth from California is, you know, you see the fly, they don't do anything. They're in the back of the plane reading books. That's all they do.
Starting point is 01:28:33 Are the flights still full when you come in here or no? Kind of, you know, the weird thing is is there's no business travelers. And if you flown, you know, everybody knows this, you're just used to business travelers, right? Being 80% of a flight. And it's zero percent of the flight right now. So it's a different dynamic.
Starting point is 01:28:46 The whole flying experience is a little bit different right now, but I have noticed that the flight attendants don't have to do squat. They do nothing. There's no service. So they don't have to do anything. But they're reading books. They're always in the back reading a book. Well, I think flight attendants probably read more romance novels
Starting point is 01:29:01 than books like your next five movies. Yeah, but they might be more 50 shades of great type of a market. But if you work for an airline, when do you want to be thinking of your next five moves? I think it's a good question. I mean, there's no question about it. I fully agree with you on that. I'm getting a lot of nope, nope, nope.
Starting point is 01:29:13 No one's flying, no one's flying. No one's flying. All right. So sing a four on this. Guys, if you're watching this, you're enjoying it. Press the thumbs up button and subscribe to the channel and click on the alerts. So you're notified the next time we come out with our
Starting point is 01:29:25 follow-up podcast. Love you to Eli Peretz. So again, no one on this channel has more nickname soyboy followers, fans than you with your nickname soyboy. But let's talk about Warren Buffett. How about Warren Buffett? Okay. Buffett campaigned for Obama in Clinton, but he hasn't donated or spoken out for Biden and no one knows why. Buffett is now a long-time Democrat. The CEO hosted a high dollar fundraiser for President Obama's reelection campaign in 2011,
Starting point is 01:29:57 served as his unofficial economic advisor ahead of the 2016 election. Buffett spoke at a campaign rally for her Secretary Hillary Clinton. The Wall Street Journal floated the theory that Buffett spoke at a campaign rally for her secretary Hillary Clinton. The Wall Street Journal floated the theory that Buffett's silence could be due to his dislike of the virtual event format favored by Biden campaign. Buffett's personal fortune has declined $7.3 billion in the past year. Business insider previously reported more in dollar terms than anyone else on the Forbes
Starting point is 01:30:22 100 of the richest American. So why is Buffett not campaigning for a while? It's obvious. Why is that? The guy is going broke man. It's tough. He can't even afford, yeah, he can't. He's struggling financially.
Starting point is 01:30:33 He's struggling financially. He can't afford to even make an $18 donation. You know what? It's tough. He's lost $7 billion this year. It's tough. I think maybe it's so stressful that he needs to go on a flight on Singapore Hey, I got another theory
Starting point is 01:30:47 He's 90-year-old 90 years old. Maybe doesn't know there's an election You and your age-bashing No, I'm only doing it with Bob I'm messing he's right behind Pat on the wall So any any reason or no any reason or no buffets on the wall But it's got a way better So but do you do you read into it at all that's Morgan Freeman? No, that's MLK.
Starting point is 01:31:25 Oh, okay. All right. Do you read into it at all? At all, like Buffett is not campaigning. I think we're reaching. I know. You think so. I think we are reaching here.
Starting point is 01:31:33 You can't decide. I think we are completely reaching right here. I think this is a right thing. You want Buffett's, I will tell you one thing. If you remember when Buffett went out there in campaign, lot of people during go bummer were like wow if Buffett is saying this Maybe we got to just go for the reelection It was very powerful when Buffett came out because everybody sits there and looks at the Michael Jordan investment during our era to be who? Buffett so if the richest guy who's an investor, not the richest guy in
Starting point is 01:32:05 the world, but richest investor out there is supporting a democratic candidate. Why can't I? So this holds, so I think it's a very strict, I actually think, I actually think a Buffett endorsement is worth more than Ellen DeGeneres, then LeBron James, then any of the celebrities all combined. Yeah. I think Buffett is worth more of an endorsement than all the Hollywood left celebrities combined. Yeah, okay, that's what I did.
Starting point is 01:32:31 We're gonna build it. Hey, I think so. I think he's conflicted realistically. I really do, because who's his best friend? Bill Gates, or one of his really good friends? Bill Gates isn't gonna waffle. He's gonna be supporting a Democrat. Maybe Buffett looks at the evidence.
Starting point is 01:32:41 He looks at the tax plans, and he knows the better choice is to go with Trump, but he supported the Democrat candidate for so many years. He's friends with Bill Gates and some of the others that he can't come out and say anything. That's a possibility. I don't. Listen, the guy has called for higher taxes on himself. I don't think he necessarily cares.
Starting point is 01:32:59 I think we're reading into this situation. I think, and I'll go back to what I've said before. You know why Biden may win this election? You said 15% chance. I'm giving it a 50% chance, maybe 49% at this point. It's not because people are excited about Biden. Straight up. Nobody I know is like Biden, bro.
Starting point is 01:33:21 He's the man. You gotta see how he snips women and how he falls asleep in public. You gotta check this. No. This is a, this is a either your four trump or your gensch trump. And the reality is this. 42% of the country is four trump. 46% of the country is against trump.
Starting point is 01:33:38 Four percent are voting for Joe Jorgensen and 10% are still confused and then they're not sure what they're doing. That's all this is. So like Charles Foucault said I'm moving to Iran if Biden wins Good luck see let's talk about that. Let's talk about that going there. Obviously. Let's let's hope that that guy's joking But if he's not good luck in Iran, buddy You really like defending as if he's been serious you You think that guy's serious about the whole thing? No, but everything is so polarized. No, but listen man, half of Hollywood said if Trump gets elected,
Starting point is 01:34:08 they're moving to Canada, they're still in Hollywood. I mean it's like the biggest thing. I swear to God if they do this, but there are a few that say, I swear to God if they do this, I'm moving out of a state of California or New York. $336 billion of wealth left New York and they never thought it was gonna happen. Okay, that's a lot of money to have left.
Starting point is 01:34:24 So, you know, again, 39.6 percent capital gains. Kramer was doing a story yesterday. I don't know if you saw Kramer yesterday. So, I felt Kramer. No, not Jim Kramer. Jim Kramer is doing the Mad Money CNBC. And he says, well, you know, there's a, some people are saying that the Biden tax plan is a little bit aggressive. And then he says, and he's
Starting point is 01:34:46 trying to prevent himself from saying it, then in a middle of the sentence, it's just, it's chronically aggressive. So he just kind of goes, meaning he can't even, he uses credibility because he can't stand Trump. So he didn't want to say, but even he knows Jim Kramer cannot say Jim Kramer, by the way, data came back. This is from Wall Street Journal Biden's budget to result. Can you type this up? Type in Wall Street Journal, but Biden's budget. They have to see this Wall Street Journal Biden's budget. There you go By the right there right there a day ago. Look at that article. Click on that one right there I hope you can close the top. Can you close it right there? Biden's budget Biden budget to result in highest spending in decades that he finds his proposal with total
Starting point is 01:35:28 5.4 trillion dollars in new spending over the next 10 years. That's a lot of money. 5.4 trillion dollars of spending over the next 10 years. It's a lot of money. So that leads me to what happened yesterday. Can you go up to the Tim Kennedy tweet with Donald Trump before we get into the story? Just type in Tim Kennedy Trump. Here we go. But the one where he puts on my podcast, okay, right there. Click on that one, okay. So Tim Kennedy tweets out on my podcast with Joe Rogan He offered to moderate a debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump It would be four hours with a no-life audience just to two candidates cameras and their vision of how to move this country forward Who wants this he tweets this out?
Starting point is 01:36:18 It gets 44,000 retweets 234,000 likes and Donald Trump tweets Retweets it and what does Donald Trump say? Donald Trump says if you can go to his Twitter account, go to Donald Trump's Twitter account, just all you have to do is click on Donald Trump right there, buddy. Donald Trump right there where it says Donald Trump. Kai on the tweet it says Donald Trump. Okay, go up. Keep going up. Keep going up. Keep going up. Keep going up.
Starting point is 01:36:46 He's visual. Keep going up. Donald Trump retweets and says, I do. Meaning he would do it. Keep going up to you. Find a sort of viewers can see it. Donald Trump says I was. He's in.
Starting point is 01:36:56 So he's in. So four-hour debate between Trump and Biden on the Rogan show. Can you see it? Would Biden agree to it? Would Trump agree to it? And if it did happen, is that the direction media is going towards? Biden never, his handlers would never let him do that.
Starting point is 01:37:14 Trump in a heartbeat would do it. I say do it as a paper view. And then have Bruce Buffer involved and then give the money to the winning side. I mean, let's score this thing, treat it like a sporting event. Trump would definitely do it. That's his venue. That's where he shines. Four hours, he'd love
Starting point is 01:37:29 that. I think he would love that. So, so kind, maybe just go on Twitter, go on Google and try to find it and bring you back up while you're going down the pictures here. So, Adam, what would you say to this? Rogan, Trump Biden, debate on Rogan with four hours. Yeah, Biden's, you know, still has no clue who Joe Rogan is. So he's probably Googling him right now and being, oh, I don't even know this guy. But 90, I did a poll on my social media on South Talks money, and I said, would you want to see this debate?
Starting point is 01:37:58 Would you want to see this? Most polls I do are, you know, 60, 40, you know, this that sometimes they're 80, 20, do you know the results on this poll? a guess 85% 85% okay 90 everybody would want to see a 94% hell yeah that was the options hell yeah or maybe the people out there want to see the debate yeah from Joe Rogan with Donald Trump and sleepy Joe Biden they want that debate I'd like to hear our audience weigh in on that. Would you want to see Joe Rogan host the debate
Starting point is 01:38:31 between the Maga Man, Donald Trump? What do you think about it? What do you think about it? Do you want to see it? I think anything that gets more eyeballs on debates is a good thing. I think anything that makes uninteresting, boring debates, watchable and palatable, a good thing.
Starting point is 01:38:50 More people involved in politics is a good thing. My first priority is good TV. That would be incredible TV. Rating, you could not watch that. It'd be amazing, it'd be unbelievable. I mean, look, these debates with the same moderators, Anderson Cooper, somebody from PBS, you know, no one wants to see that.
Starting point is 01:39:10 Everything's packaged. Joe Rogan would have them on their heels just because these not is learned in the political issues as much as some of these other debate moderators. Go on YouTube, type in Joe Rogan. Go on YouTube, type in Joe Rogan on YouTube, Kai. YouTube first we're getting a lot of hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah hi we really have to work on this it's basic stuff yes yes type in Joe Rogan and install filters at the top and go to views our audience would love to see this so watch it Rogan it's not done right. It's coming up.
Starting point is 01:39:45 Okay. Go to a day ago. Perfect. Okay. There we go. Okay. Watch this. Joe Rogan's most viewed podcasts is what Elon Musk, 37 million views.
Starting point is 01:39:55 When he smoked that most expensive, I will tell you, if Rogan is able to pull off Trump and Biden, I'm telling you right now, that's a 50 million plus view debate that'll take place. And that's why it'll never happen. It's exactly why it'll never happen. Because the part that we keep going back to about these things is the following. When you're an agent and you have a manager, the manager's job or the agent's job
Starting point is 01:40:22 or the guy that's the corner man is to protect who. the fighter, the talent, whoever it is, the candidate, right? Right. How well does Biden look on TV? Horrible. How does he do on TV? He, uh, stutters. He's bad.
Starting point is 01:40:39 He's pretty bad. There's no way in the world his marketing manager is gonna allow this debate to be taken place and by the way Trump tweeted it like this you haven't heard anything from Biden. There's no way Biden would do it never not a million years However, here's a couple things to be thinking about Number one How do politics transition like go back 200 years ago when you read about politics? What were people doing 200 years ago to campaign debates? They would have open format debates Lincoln Douglas the famous debate yeah town hall okay then big-time newspapers then after these papers was radio then it was TV with Kennedy Nixon when Kennedy
Starting point is 01:41:13 crushed Nixon because Nixon didn't shave and he had a four o'clock shave maybe it's time to go into podcast debates maybe it's time that American people want to go like yesterday I'm on the phone with one of the top schools on South Florida, okay? I'm talking to this lady. It's actually a very good story. I'm talking to this lady and I'm asking her question She tells me about the private school's about $30,000 $30,000 per year per kid whether it's kindergarten or senior by the way and she says I said so tell me about the philosophy of the school. She says what do you mean? I said faith-based How do you feel about this? She said what do you mean? I said faith-based. How do you feel about this?
Starting point is 01:41:46 She said, well, we're definitely not a faith-based, but we have a psychologist on campus that if your kids need to have some issues and they're having a challenge in times, our psychologists are willing to sit down and talk to your kids. I'm like, great, so psychologists are gonna teach my kids character. That's okay, no problem.
Starting point is 01:41:58 I said, how does your school feel about capitalism? She says, you must be a Trump supporter. I said, no, I'm a capitalism supporter. I'm a diehard capitalism supporter. She says, well, what we do in our school is we will teach socialism and we will teach capitalism. And then we will let the kids decide which one they think is better. I said, wait, what? She says, yes, I'm like, okay. Then she continues as she's explaining all this other stuff. She says, I says I said you know someone goes must be American Must be what must be oh, that's also good school in Florida by the way
Starting point is 01:42:30 So so then then I asked the question she says watch this then I asked the question There's two schools at a hardcore like the one is by Chris why is American So then I someone hit it on the nose Someone hit it on the two point two keep that Watch this, still. So then I asked the question and I said, so what are your thoughts? Just why do I have three kids going over here?
Starting point is 01:42:51 So what do you think about the school and the philosophy's under school? She says, I said, because on your Instagram account, your school just so you know follows NPR, follows CNN, follows UNICEF, follows the World Health Organization, follows everybody on the left, but it doesn't follow anybody on the right. She says who says that? I said your Instagram account
Starting point is 01:43:09 So I go on their Instagram account and I show a tour she says I can promise your owners don't know this I said, what do you mean your owners don't know this? She says Patrick? I'm telling you our owners don't have a clue about this About the fact that they by the way that's crazy They just changed it all from yesterday to today. Well, that's activism. Okay. So she said,
Starting point is 01:43:29 where did they change it to? Anyway, so I go and I look at a lot of this stuff. So I said, why is it? So I'm telling you, we probably didn't even know about this. That's our marketing department that does this. So then she says to me, she says, Patrick, says, I don't watch Fox, I don't watch CNN. The only thing my husband and I consume moving forward
Starting point is 01:43:44 is our podcast. We don't consume any news anymore. It's all podcasts. I said, who do you follow? Then she gives me your names. I follow Mark Levin. I said, okay, good. I follow Stasel.
Starting point is 01:43:52 I follow Dan Bungino. Dan Bungino is a stud. You know who that guy is. So she says, but I don't follow any of the podcasts. Anything. And in the middle of it, she snaps. She says, oh my gosh, your Patrick, my David. I swear to God, my husband and I follow your stuff. I think she showed me the subscribership.
Starting point is 01:44:09 The point she made to me yesterday was what? She said, we don't watch TV. We simply listen to podcasts because podcasts are easier way for me to get the news. How many more people in America no longer turn into the news and TV? This is why debate may need to be on podcast and I hope it happens. I can support that statement so much. You know, I considered myself such a media savvy, TV savvy individual. I worked in television for 15 years on the news.
Starting point is 01:44:35 I thought that was the most important thing. I really did. And whenever somebody said, I don't watch TV, I thought they were idiots. I thought they were either lying or idiots. I turn on, I've cut the cord basically. All right, So I've got apps, but if I go to direct TV, I find that to be archaic. I find that technology to be so old, you know, where you can't go past the commercials or do things like that or rewind or anything like that. I only watch the apps and get my news and things like that. So I think the transition is real, is happening. That's all Obama won. I mean, he focused on social media.
Starting point is 01:45:07 And then Trump did the exact same thing and beat Hillary by focusing on social media. This is where people are getting information as podcasts right now. Here's the other thing about your story. The scariest thing about your story was her admitting that they teach socialism. Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 01:45:21 I love the fact that she was at least honest to her. Oh, crap. I can't believe, I, because I always wonder, where do these kids that love Bernie Sanders come from? I mean, if you truly understand what communism is all about, how are these kids that are supporting him and so passionate about it? Where do they come from?
Starting point is 01:45:36 But she just said it, they're being taught in schools what socialism is. I'm actually surprised they're learning one of the other. I never learned about capitalism or socialism in high school. Is that even a, is that even a, in a civics class? Maybe you weren't paying attention, maybe. Maybe I was a... Maybe you weren't paying attention. I don't know. What class did they teach that in? The Cicc. The economics government. I never took an economics class in high school. High school has economics. 10th grade. I took economics in 10th grade and, and believe me, I didn't do well in it,
Starting point is 01:46:03 but I took an interest in it. But I took an interest in it. I took a merit in his... I took economics in 10th grade and believe me, I didn't do well in it, but I took it in 10th grade. I took a marriage in his time. I took it in my heart. She might be listening. Yeah, she might be listening. That's a good point. But you know what, the fact that she was honest, I said, you know, just the fact that you're being that honest with me, I'm willing to come and take
Starting point is 01:46:15 a tour of the school because I'm looking at like seven eight schools, and that's one the schools we're looking at. But I said, look, if a family, if you go in a public school, I had this conversation the other day upstays with the 70 people that were here. Here's what I said to them. I said, I said, so many parents are not involved
Starting point is 01:46:30 in the day-to-day stuff of the kids. They're just not. You let your kids go to school and you have no control of what the teacher's gonna be teaching your kids. We keep talking about the stuff, right? So you gotta be a little bit more involved in what the school is teaching.
Starting point is 01:46:41 If you are not teaching capitalism, I said, what programs do you guys have for entrepreneurship? She starts smiling. I said, I don't know. I didn't tell a joke. I'm actually being dead series. What programs do you have about entrepreneurship? And as she shows me, we have an elective. I said, I'm not spending $30,000, $30,000. I don't want to elect them. You know what else is crazy about that? Do the math. I mean, you almost have to be a sales person if you're in that role of the lady you were talking to yesterday because you have two kids that's 35 times two times what eight or ten. That's a lot of money compounded. I mean, how much would be a school?
Starting point is 01:47:10 I mean, the wrong answers to you. One is a seven figure mistake for that school. Maybe more because you're donating the same amount every year. You're kind of donating money as well to the school. If you're a booster, hey, you do this, you do that. So I don't know. Look, it's just, all I can say is it's deeply concerning to know that these schools that are private schools are not focused on teaching capitalism and the people that can afford to pay that kind of money
Starting point is 01:47:31 are capitalist most of all. So anyway, so let's talk about what happened in Beverly Hills. Kai, do you want to pull up the video? So apparently Beverly Hills has, is becoming a hub for conservative rallies. Go up a little bit, go up a little bit with the article to read the main point of the article. How did Beverly Hills become a hub for conservative rallies? So they're going out their protesting in Beverly Hills 90210 Road Day or Drive, and this is what just happened a couple of days ago.
Starting point is 01:47:59 Go down and click on that video. There you go, click on the video. And you can make it a little bigger. There you go. Make a bigger and hit the audio so we can hear it Kai. Watch this. Listen to that. This is Beverly Hills. to the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the It looks like the Jerry Springer show. Wow, yeah, that's you're talking about Peberley Hills.
Starting point is 01:48:50 I know. One of most expensive real estate. Look at this. One in contrast, the American flag, dropping the American flag. Well, they got weapons too. two. Where's Taggart from Beverly Hills Cop when you need him? You should've been in there breaking that up. You know, it makes sense that they're doing those protests there because it's, you know,
Starting point is 01:49:19 you get the backdrop. They're doing it right on Santa Monica Boulevard, right by the iconic, you know, fountains in the Beverly Hills sign. And so you're going to get attention, you're going to get a iconic, you know, fountains and the Beverly Hills sign And so you're gonna get attention you're gonna get a cameras You're gonna get the the dissecting opinion to it and it's gonna be like that every single week They have these every single Sunday. It's been a come part of Beverly Hills You don't even go to Beverly Hills anymore. It's got to be killing business You know business is horrible to start with in Beverly Hills
Starting point is 01:49:40 But why would you want to go down to a restaurant one of the nice hotels or have brunch or anything when that's going on? Because it's gonna, it's a melee every single week down there. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Joe Biden's America. There it is, right there. Oh, no, we're still, Trump's still the president right now. That's what's, okay, we're still in Trump territory. This is scary.
Starting point is 01:49:59 My friend had a gun pulled. This is how divided the country is right now, is that you can't even just go have a peaceful rally. We're going to fist fight because you want to show you. Can I give a dark twist to this? I'm gonna give you a dark twist You're the Freddie Krueger. You're the exercise. Let's give the well. I'm gonna give you crazy twisted it and tell me what you think about this Which side has more money Republicans or Democrats? You need the party no no no the voters which side has more money Well, the Democrats are more people so volume they might I'll say Republicans. I'll take a guess
Starting point is 01:50:31 Okay, well, maybe let me ask the question a different way. Okay, which sides unemployment is higher? Democrat left Which side unless that's a trick question. I'm gonna say the Democrats which side has more people unemployed? Democrats are Republicans I don't know you really say I don't know Which side unless that's a trick question. I'm gonna say the Democrats. Which side has more people unemployed? Democrats are Republicans. I don't know. You really say I don't know. I don't know. Can you actually pull that number up? You actually say you don't know. I don't know. You say you don't know which side has more Democrats? Unemployed. Okay. Which side would like to raise taxes and tax the rich people? The left or the right? The left.
Starting point is 01:51:05 Okay, which side historically in the last few elections has is willing to protest and riot and loot and get pretty ugly about it? Which side? Which side? Left or the right? Both. You're gonna say evenly?
Starting point is 01:51:23 I'll say both sides, right? No, no, you got to say which ones more than the other. The left. Okay, fair enough. And this is coming from somebody that is a liberal. You're not a left. You're a liberal. You're a center left. You are not a moderate. Moderate left. No question about it. I will absolutely agree with that. I'm with you all the time. For all my friends out there. Now, you're a fricking socialist. You're not a fucking Bernie Sanders. Far from her. You wouldn't have the million dollars that you have. If you didn't have the money that you have today,
Starting point is 01:51:47 if you were. So Adam's a very independent worker. He comes in here, not the first, but he's the last to me. That's what you can take, because he is in my every time. But here's the part. The part that makes me think is the following. There are those that don't have to lose. There are those that don't know how to lose.
Starting point is 01:52:03 Okay, what do I mean by this? Those who know how to lose, those that don't know how to lose. Okay, what do I mean by this? Those who know how to lose, it's a very difficult thing to learn. To learn how to lose. When you lose, you gotta go out there and say, I lost. It's very annoying, it's public, it's humiliating. No one likes it. No matter who you are, it's painful. You have to go home to your kids, you have to go home to your wife, to your spouse, and
Starting point is 01:52:24 all the haters that you were trying to prove wrong, they're all going to come out of them. This is their opportunity. You're going to come out and say, I told you so. I knew he was going to fail. I knew he was a loser. You have to put up with that. And that noise is going to last a few months.
Starting point is 01:52:38 Till the next time you go run in sports, you have one shot every 12 months. He doesn't have it. Lebron, you ask him, give him a dollar and ask for change, he'll give you three quarters back, right? He won't give you four quarters because he couldn't win back in the days. You remember that line? Yeah, okay. So he came to the heat. Till they came to the heat and then Duane weighed a belt of mod, right? So you go and you go and hear these stories and then here's what you think about. When Obama was a president,
Starting point is 01:53:04 how many riots did you see? How many? A lot of riots. If somebody was to write wouldn't be the opposition, how come we don't have a lot of riots? Record-breaking deport. We had more people getting deported than ever before. You know, Reagan gave three million people amnesty.
Starting point is 01:53:22 Obama said he's going to give amnesty. Never happened. So many Mexicans and Latinos love Reagan because they got amnesty from Reagan. What happened with Obama? Never got it. How come there was no protesting in rights? Do you think our country was as divisive as it was now?
Starting point is 01:53:36 No, not more. You think it was more divided in 2008? Let me ask you a question. How do you know we're divided? Who's telling you we're divided? I mean, I'm just looking at what I see. I'm just saying images. The point is you think it's divided because what the damn TV's telling you that we are divided. Who the hell is the TV? You're saying the media is as high as it is. Of course, if you and I went out to dinner with 50 Democrats, 50 Republicans, whoever it is with our friends, we gonna have a good dinner we're gonna have a great time or you go to a
Starting point is 01:54:07 sporting event that's a matter in the stands i'm in chicago i took what i'm a chic i love going to chicago because in chicago at a bar i like going to chicago bar at eleven o'clock twelve o'clock you can have a drink have a great conversation have debate about sports because they love debating their sports and they love it debate in politics and you'll have the greatest debate, heated debate. And you leave Huck in a guy. That bears.
Starting point is 01:54:29 In Chicago, you leave Huck in a guy, oh my gosh, John, I feel like I'm known for years. You give a hug and you leave. Screw you, screw you. You go. But the way the media is painting it out to be. So the reason why I'm giving this point is because you said something. You said America, welcome to Biden's America. Oh no, it's still Trump's America.
Starting point is 01:54:50 They have to paint that during Trump, there's so much division that it's because of Trump and people buy it. How come we didn't have this kind of division on the Obama side because the media is controlled on one side and the right doesn't riot the way the left riots and that's a fact. What do you like? I've been a registered independent for God knows how long now and that's a fact to see that you don't see that much protesting rioting on the right.
Starting point is 01:55:19 Know where near as you see it on the right as you see it on the left. So they have to paint the picture as look what a terrible job Trump is doing today. And unfortunately, that's gonna work with certain people. That's gonna work with a few people. Maybe that'll flip a few people. But come November 3rd, I don't know what's gonna happen. I don't think this strategy is gonna be as effective as they think it is.
Starting point is 01:55:38 In the streets of Beverly Hills, we're just gonna be taking place. I don't know about that. You think it's 90% media? 100% media? 50% media? No, I don't think it's 90% media. I don't think it's 90% media. No, I don't think it's 90% media. I don't think it's 90% media. I don't think it's 90% media. I think the majority of it is the media. I think the majority of it is somebody in someone's ears.
Starting point is 01:55:49 Anytime I had an employee that all of a sudden turned against me. Like, let's just say, I don't, Tom and I, I'm not in Tom's ear every other minute. But somebody who doesn't like me constantly calls Tom and bashes me behind closers on a call to Tom. I don't know this. So, I'm not going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm going to say that I'm not in Tom's year every other minute, but somebody who doesn't like me constantly calls Tom and bashes me behind closers on a call to Tom. I don't know this. So Tom talks to this guy for three hours and I talk to Tom for 15 minutes. If Tom comes to me, Tom's influence a little bit. Whether he likes it or not, because Tom's not on the PVD news network.
Starting point is 01:56:19 He's on somebody else's news network. I don't know if you understand what I just said right there. If you're on the call with somebody, and you could, this way, I say the most important appointment of the days of which appointment. I've said this for the last 15 years. The first appointment of the last appointment of the day.
Starting point is 01:56:32 Last appointment of the day. Most important appointment of the day. That's like they always say, who's the last person in Trump's era? Who's the last person in the week? Most important appointment of the days of last appointment of the day. If you don't win the wife, you don't win the person.
Starting point is 01:56:42 It's the last appointment of the day. So I think the media, unfortunately, for most American people, is the last apartment of the day. So I think the media, unfortunately, for most American people, it's the last apartment of the day. And I'm gonna say it's more than 90% because you can say I'm not gonna watch the news and you can make that conscious effort to tune it out. Don't watch the shows at night, don't watch the newscast, but you're getting it everywhere.
Starting point is 01:56:57 It's not 59. Right? You're getting it from your vanity fair updates, your people magazine updates, your daily show updates, you're watching comedians on the talk shows at night on the comedian on the Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy Fallon and everything. It's the same thing. So it's this subliminal message that just pounds you all day long
Starting point is 01:57:13 about how divided we are. Well, I got a conference call right now, 10 o'clock. No one came to warm me. So we got a 10 o'clock. We got a rapid. Yes. I haven't by the way, it's the biggest podcast we've ever done. It's the biggest live we've ever had on this channel.
Starting point is 01:57:23 Folks, it looks like you enjoyed this one. You appreciate you guys work. We got to, come and join in. Just click that, click that thumbs up button, subscribe to the channel, click to the alert button. By the way, I don't know yet if I'm gonna be doing a podcast this Thursday because I may have some travel plans, but we will let you know come Wednesday.
Starting point is 01:57:40 If it is gonna be going live and you're subscribing to the channel, you will see it if not, you won't see it and we'll come back again next week But either way we had a blast with you today if you're loving this format Give us a subscribe button give us an alert button and put a thumbs up on the podcast today Gentlemen great job today. We had a good time. This was great. Take everybody. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye guys. Thank you

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