PBD Podcast - Tom Ellsworth (Biz Doc) | PBD Podcast | EP 79

Episode Date: July 29, 2021

During episode 79 of the PBD Podcast, Patrick Bet-David, Tom Ellsworth, and Gerard Michaels to talk about topics such as shortages across all industries, Janet Yellen, Inflation and much more!  W...atch the full podcast: https://youtu.be/KHJdqy7yas8 --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We're officially arrived episode number 7921 away from 100 folks. If you haven't yet subscribed to the channel, please do so. Once we reach 100,000 subs, we may be going to three times a week. So give us that thumbs up and subscribe to the channel. Today we have time. Elz worked with us and Gerard Michaels is back. And we got a lot of things to talk about. Good morning, Pity.
Starting point is 00:00:22 The video got a lot of messages about Trump and Obama getting together. We'll have some updates on that, but we got a lot of other things to talk about. Tell me why don't you give everybody an update on the message you got from American Airlines on gas fuel shortage. What's that all about?
Starting point is 00:00:37 Yeah, so I think everybody that has a freaking flyer number, whether you're on Delta American Airlines, you know Delta American Airlines apparently sent out this way. Sam, notice is saying, hey, there's some fuel shortages. Please bear with us. We may cancel a few flights here and there. Instead of four flights a day, maybe three,
Starting point is 00:00:52 and expect the end of summer and back to school, things tightening up in terms of prices going up, and please bear with us. I, that is not a customer service message. It seemed like a warning that the airlines are preparing for a rough fall. That's what it sounded like. Airlines are looking for a rough fall.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Fuel shortage, yesterday I'm talking to a guy that runs a, and a fair price, I say. He runs a, what do you call it? He builds homes. So what do you call when you're, general contract? General contract, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:24 But you know how you come and see the model homes, and then he builds the model home for you, would it? Oh, he builds home. So what do you call when you're general contractor? General contractor, yeah, but you know how you come and see the model homes and then he builds the model home for you with it. Oh, he's a developer. Yeah, he's a developer. So I said, so how's business? He calls me, says, you know what, I'm so pissed off right now. So what do you pissed off about?
Starting point is 00:01:35 He says, my main guy, my main GC that I've been using for the last 10 years, every time we do a deal together, the property is up, the house is up within six months. Today, I'm talking to him. He says, he can't do it for me for 12 months. I said, so what are you doing? He said, I got an option number two and an option. He says, I called everybody in town.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Everybody says 12 months. There's nothing I can do about it. I said, you have no leverage today. I said, so what's your game plan? He said, I'm calling the guy, the GC, to tell him. Typically, whatever you were charging me, I'm willing to charge. I'm willing to pay 20% more for you to do it in six months, because his guy is saying there is shortage.
Starting point is 00:02:11 So he's calling the clients to say, look, if you want this thing to be built up, I can do it. But if you want it in six months, you got to pay that 20%. So it's a very interesting time right now. It's not just shortage of fuel. There's shortage in a lot of things today. Oh, absolutely. As a matter of fact. There's shortage in a lot of things today. Well, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:02:25 As a matter of fact, PHP, your other business is doing fantastic. So what are you doing? You're expanding your headquarters. And you're doing the remodel. And you're doing the remodel. And you know that I see that in Dallas right in the middle of it. And the contractor said the same thing. And it's situational.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Concrete and drywall, apparently you're near impossible to get in Dallas right now. Concrete and drywall. Not near impossible. Can you raise the audio a little bit? Still a little low for me. Folks, is your, is my audio low just tell me if it is or not? I'm curious, but go ahead. Yeah, and what he's saying is situational and he was saying the things that need shipping, like there are some lights and some other thing for the ceiling, we're not ordering custom lights, you know, but he says, look, I can't get things in. I'm trying to get things shipped. He said, there's a trucker shortage, which was the similar thing that I saw last night. Network news, talking about that the trucking
Starting point is 00:03:13 shortages transporting fuel, because it fuel, remember, it takes up a lot of space. It's heavy. You have a lot of rail, a lot of tank. He said, they can't get it. So we said, shipping, concrete, drywall, in Dallas, and it's affecting the completion date. Remember, this is supposed to be done mid-summer. Now it's not going to be done. The new office is going to happen. Well, see what's going to happen. There's been a construction for people out there that don't know. The way that it affects prices is normally the valuation that we all give is two parts, parts one part labor. So somebody is going to be more expensive on labor because there's not enough of it that
Starting point is 00:03:43 they're going to do something 12 months out. And parts are already more expensive. So you're doubling down on the labor cost actually in that regard because in construction we don't charge by time. I'm not a $20 an hour employee or whatever, right? It's if the parts of this are $10,000, then I charge $5,000. It's $15,000 project. That's how you come up with your evaluations. Two parts, parts, one part labor.
Starting point is 00:04:08 So if the parts are already more expensive, the labor's already charging more. So if the parts cost me 12 grand, I'm not still charging five, I'm charging six now. So that $15,000 project is an $18,000 project. And now if you're kicking another 20% on top of that, that $15,000 project just became what? 5 18,000 just off the bat right there. So that's $3,000 right now off of the same exact project in that hype of thing.
Starting point is 00:04:34 And by the way, so folks, I don't know if you saw this or not, with Jenny D'Ellen. I mean, I you saw what Jenny D'Ellen said. Kai, do you have the Powell story? I think I want to read both of these stories simultaneously because, what was Yellen's prior job? What was her job before her current job? She was chairman of the Fed, right? Chairman the Fed, right?
Starting point is 00:04:50 So here's what happened with Yellen, and then we'll go into what Powell said. If you want to go to page seven, page seven, Janet, Yellen. She also got a million dollars from Melvin Capital, by the way, to make sure that GME didn't bankrupt them, but that's a whole different thing. So let me read this story.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Where is check? Classic assaulting piece. We have a page seven or six. Let me see. Janet, the Ellen says page seven, but I don't see it on page seven. Where is Janet, the Ellen story, Kai? Oh, let me see here. I don't see it on seven.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Six. Okay, but it's on seven on the paper just so you know that kind. Is it on page nine with bad haircuts? There we go. Okay, six. So Janet Yellen, to take extraordinary measures to prevent US from dead default. This is a newsweek story. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen says she will take extraordinary measures to prevent
Starting point is 00:05:40 the US from a default on a national debt unless Congress acts to suspend or increase the debt limit she warned congressional leaders in a letter Friday. In a letter to House, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Yellen Poelomaker, is on notice that the Treasury Department will end the end at the end of July. Suspend the sale of bonds, the avenue by which the U.S. finances its debt obligations for two years. The debt limits have been suspended. Currently, the debt bound by the limits is $20.4 trillion.
Starting point is 00:06:07 The debt default has never been permitted by the government. White House Secretary Jen Psaki told reporters Friday saying the possibility would be a catastrophic event. Yellen said a default would cause irreplaceable harm to the U.S. economy and the livelihoods of all Americans. Tom, what's your thoughts on this? This is a cut and paste headline that every three years shows up and they need just raise the ceiling. And they sit there and they debate it and then nobody wants to be the first
Starting point is 00:06:31 person to the floor of the Congress. Remember, Congress is the purse, Senate is the approval. And nobody wants to be the one that raises it. You remember this? So I think this is, this is right on time, every three years, they have to act responsible, and they're telling, they're freaking out average Americans saying default, oh my gosh, what's going on here? And then they're just gonna take a stroke of the pen
Starting point is 00:06:55 and they're gonna raise the ceiling. We could go back and Google this three years ago and you'll find similar headlines. And nobody once then, Mitch McConnell didn't wanna be the guy that authorized it because he didn't wanna get pinned. you raise the debt you raise the debt because there's always an election coming when Nixon took us off the gold standard Tommy had one famous quote and it's we're all Ken Zians now
Starting point is 00:07:13 we're all Ken Zians now dude what what what what what what what what what what it's a hell holbert quote from the original Wall Street movie we're all I haven't seen things this bad since that bastard Nixon took us off the gold standard you remember that we're all Ken Zians, man. So dude, this is, this is paid like the fiat currency that we're working off of right now. It's so, it's so disappointing, man, because what, what, what did we just get for the stimulus to bail out?
Starting point is 00:07:36 How much money does it cost to run our country right now? They can't run it on five trillion. They can't run it on eight trillion, but it's okay. Let's raise the death limit cost if we give them ten trillion dollars of our money guys They'll get it. They'll nail it at ten trillion. I'm sure they'll be responsible on this next batch of stimulus QE 55 whatever it is quantitative easing forever. They took all the money They shut us down They took all our money and they gave it to all their buddies and now they're saying, I don't know what happened, all the money guys, we're gonna default, you gotta give us some more of your money
Starting point is 00:08:08 Otherwise, it's gotta be catastrophic. Man, oh man, I gotta tell you man, we are entering the Sherwood forest phase of the American economy. We are just getting ripped off by the people that are supposed to be selling. Can you pull up the power story? Pull up the power story because these two go together. So here's Powell. Fets Powell feels heat from all sides as inflation spikes. Both the Fed and Biden administration have paid rapid price increasing or being stoked by temporary factors. What was the comment that he made?
Starting point is 00:08:37 So this is political. We're using the word spikes. Powell warned lawmakers on Wednesday that inflation is likely to remain high for months before cooling down in the wake of hotter than expected price increases in May and June but he reassured them that the central bank was on top of it okay guys I just want to make sure don't worry about it he's on top of it everything's gonna be all right he's reassuring the rest of us so how bad right now we got 5.4 percent what number do you think it'll peak at?
Starting point is 00:09:07 I believe that we have a 10 to 15% inflation year in progress. A 10 to 15%. So damn straight because you got to announce 10 to 15%. No, hell no, it's just like labor statistics. They're going to be manipulated. But I believe it's there. You can't find me anybody with common sense. And you know what? I don't care what level of education you have. Don't underestimate the man on the street. The average American educated or not, you know, like college educated, whatever it is, they understand it. They see what's going on. Rents are going up because they're tied to housing prices. Housing is going up because it's tied new housing. It's just going to walk around the supermarket, huh? The new walk around the supermarket.
Starting point is 00:09:45 No, hey, let's go to the two necessary parts of the supermarket, right? Let's go back to produce and let's go back to dairy. So look at a gallon of milk and go look at what's happening there. I'm shocked that the news media and politicians, and that was Politico that actually used the word spike with inflation and a headline. You know how careful they've been on headlines all year. They're starting to see it. I think the average person on the street,
Starting point is 00:10:13 and good good, American Airlines and Delta send you email saying, hey, there's a fuel shortage. Shortage means prices go up. And we pay a little bit more on the PHP office renovation. These are just examples that we can talk about around at the table. You go down to Starbucks and you conduct a survey with the more on the PHP office renovation. These are just examples that we can talk about around at the table. You go down to Starbucks and you conduct a survey with the man on the street.
Starting point is 00:10:29 You know what you're gonna have? You're gonna have people to tell you, oh, when I just went to buy a car, I can't even get a car. Oh, the lease was gonna be this, this is gonna be this. The average American is seeing it and feeling it, even though the headlines have been trying to make sure that Americans don't get too freaked out about it.
Starting point is 00:10:44 So, I think we're at 10 to 15% right, effing now. Pat, we have a lot of like younger viewers that are just getting started, right? So how would you explain inflation to them? How would you explain inflation to the 18, 19, 20 year old kid? How would you explain it to them in a way that they can tangibly, you know, understand what's going on without it coming off as some like esoteric, scary, you know, economic what's going on without it coming off as some like esoteric, scary, you know, economic term.
Starting point is 00:11:08 All right? Like there's a guy he's just starting his career wants to be an entrepreneur, he's getting in the sales. You're talking about high school, what age kids you're talking about? Well, let's say the bottom age of the of the entertainment demographic. The people that are just getting into starting to dip their toes in politics, economics, they're starting to think about these things. They're starting to to be curious about the world at large.
Starting point is 00:11:26 How would you explain inflation? We talk about it a lot, but I don't really think people understand the gravity of the situation. How would you explain inflation to them? You know, it's very interesting. My youngest broker, who every now and then, is on the case studies. Oh, she grew up? Thank you very much. So she's going into fifth grade.
Starting point is 00:11:42 And I gave her a simple example like this. I said, you know that soda machine that I hate the citrus school and now it's got 20 ounce sodas in there, all that caffeine to sure. Yeah, what if you walk by it one day, it's a dollar? The next day you walk by it's a dollar 25, right? What is your allowance per week? She says, well, $10, but I have to do this and this and this and this. I said, that's right. And what if I just tell you that I'm only gonna keep paying you $10? Yet you walk by the soda machine, now it's $7.25. Brook, that's inflation.
Starting point is 00:12:10 What I pay you per week, now take a look at everything. Think of it as gas we put in the car, all these things. That's inflation, Brook. Those prices go up and yet you still make $10 a week. You're a little allowance. But she has to do things. I don't just hand it out. And now we're entering, you entering you know there's the basic
Starting point is 00:12:26 libertarians are starting to throw the term death spiral out where we're entering a situation where the federal government is advocating for higher taxes wages are stagnant and you have inflation and they're pumping dollars in that the american consumer immediately spends and send straight to the bottom line people say how's the stock market up the Countries is so bad because we pumped a bunch of money into the consumers pocket They spend it on things and it lands on the bottom line and it's supporting the stock market There's actually somebody here who lived through inflation right Vanessa you you were in in Venezuela, right? Yeah, it's not fun run away inflation. What what was it like what you were you there? I left on
Starting point is 00:13:07 22 not fun. Run away in Flation. What was it like? What you were you there? I left on 2012. So that was before? Travis was still alive, but my mind was like I feel like she sensed it somehow. She's like you're out of here and then a few years later he ran downhill. Yes, it was already happening in the inflation. That's when it started and then it got really bad. Yeah. And then they had the turn off electricity sometimes and then turn off water and then Chavez got sick and then he died, right? Yes, correct. So this was at the beginning of it your mom saw it coming and got you out. Yes. This was so people that don't understand the price of bread was just to use American terms. It was like one dollar and the next day was two dollars a week later it was
Starting point is 00:13:41 ten dollars and then it was a thousand dollars a week later, it was $10 and then it was $1,000 a month later. I mean, like a bread could be like a million dollars now. For a loaf of bread. Wait, what'd you say? A bread, a loaf of bread compared to your dollars currency can be a million dollars. A loaf of bread is a million dollars in Venezuela. Do you know the conversion? US one dollar Venezuela?
Starting point is 00:14:00 It goes up so fast that I stop. Wow. That's that's that's that's society. That's the end of society. Why would anybody ever play by society's rules at that point? Then it just becomes survival of the fittest. You go back to you know, feudal warlords. But the biggest the biggest thing work where I'm happy about is the following. Let me tell you what I'm happy about and not happy about. But I'm glad it's predictable. Anything that's unpredictable is quite scary. Things that are predictable to me, you actually pulled it up. I don't even know what number that is.
Starting point is 00:14:33 Dear God. Oh my God. 398 billion dollars to buy. Yeah, that's why I can't get you to do more. 400 billion dollars is one dollar. Yeah, that's the worst. 400 million bolivar to one. And any of us in the United States,
Starting point is 00:14:48 you remember when the peso was crazy? Yeah, $100 billion. You would take $10 in the United States, you would go down to Tijuana, and you were given like 200,000 pesos, remember? And gum was like 50,000. But let me say this part. The part that gives me confidence to follow it.
Starting point is 00:15:03 If I do something wrong, there should be repercussions to it. So the best thing is that inflation is happening for the American people to realize. The next time you say yes to just printing money for the hell of it, know that this is the consequences. You just have to know. If you say yes to this, this is what's coming. So maybe a temporary relief or whatever, maybe, but you have to face this year right now with the inflation that, and by the way, you know who inflation benefits?
Starting point is 00:15:30 Who wins from inflation? The poor, the middle class of the rich. Who wins from inflation? The rich, although always win. And by the way, who causes inflation? The wealthy. Who causes inflation? The government responding to the policies that the rich want.
Starting point is 00:15:44 Yeah, so it's the government. Why should they not always want it, but the government causes inflation government the government responding to the policies that the rich want yeah so it's it's it's the why should they don't always want it but the government causes inflation so you said the rich the wealthy cause inflation or the government causes inflation i don't think that there's a distinction between the two anymore so you think the rich are the government i don't think i think that i call it the ive league cabal it's there's a very very clear there's a very to me, a very clear group of particularly Ivy League educated people, they all come from the same schools, they all go into the same groups, and they want a global government and they want a global economy. I don't think anything that's happening right now has caught any of these people by surprise. The, I agree.
Starting point is 00:16:23 There's two things that you have to understand from my time in politics. There, you have two people, two sides, they come together. You have the greedy and the crazy, the crazy and the greedy. That's it. You have the people who are ideologues, who will do anything, they will give up their time on the weekends to stand up on a post office
Starting point is 00:16:40 to hand out literature. They're prostalatized. And they don't have a spreadsheet. This is their religion. This is their religion, okay. They don't have a spreadsheet. This is their religion. This is their religion. Okay. And then you have the greedy. And they're just ambitious.
Starting point is 00:16:49 And this is just a way for them to get what they want. And they understand anybody who's in the private sector and trying to compete. They're suckers. Why don't I just make the rules for me? Right. I always trust the greedy. More than I trust the crazy. Because you can predict that.
Starting point is 00:17:01 I can predict them. And I trust they want what's best for them. This is when people talked about Donald Trump was going to burn things to the ground. And I didn't vote for Trump the first time. I didn't think he would because all this guy cares about is his legacy. This is a guy who puts his name in 40-foot gold letters on every building that he owns. You think he was going to let things go down? Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:17:22 You think he was going to let himself go down in history that way? No way. I trusted his ambition. I trusted his greed. Okay. What I don't trust is the crazy. And I think that's what we have now. People who want to see the thing burn to the ground because something new and noble will come from its ashes. We need to hollow this system out because it's not working for everybody. It's only working for 95% of us. So we got to burn it to the ground, go through 10 years of horror, and then something new and noble will emerge. That's where I think we're at, and that's what bothers me.
Starting point is 00:17:52 You saw the whole new mask mandate that masks are coming back? Yeah, which one? So first of all, DOJ is now allowing the government to mandate vaccine if they chose to. So that's one that was on Tuesday. Two, now CDC is saying that indoor, not only whether you're vaccinated or not vaccinated,
Starting point is 00:18:14 you're required to wear masks. They're going back at it again. I got a box. Because they found out yesterday that even vaccinated or unvaccinated people might be curing viral load, you know, and they were talking about the naysal probably. Just in case you wanted to ask them, I got them here for you and I got baby mass.
Starting point is 00:18:29 And you've got, hang on Pat, you have N95. You have medical masks. So I would have more respect for this mandate if it was medical masks. You have to have it N95. Oh, you wait, are you telling me this isn't a hazmat suit? Wait, I thought this was a magic force field that protected me from everything.
Starting point is 00:18:48 They're so funny. What happened? You're so funny. But what do you think about the mask being back? What do you think about the mask being back? Well, yesterday there were several municipalities in states, oh Nevada. Nevada came and said, hey, we're masks, you know what I said?
Starting point is 00:19:00 5 p.m. on the 30th, coming up the end of this week, they even said, because remember, between now and the 30th, apparently, you're safe. So we're going to wait till the 30th as of the 30th, we have masks come back. So I've never, I'm there with with CDC and everybody that says, if it, there is no dispute that if it's not an N95, the effectiveness of a mask is really, if it's not an N95, it's not an N95 that the viruses come through, it's out there. So number one, I,
Starting point is 00:19:28 number one, I think they're that the mask thing is kind of a fear mongering because it really doesn't make a huge difference. The beautiful way for the globalist to literally muzzle the disobedient, isn't it? Anonymize everything. And I, and I am, well, if you want to move from max to vaccine, real quick for a second.
Starting point is 00:19:48 So yesterday, my mom has some teeth surgery. She's 84 years old. She had a terrible problem with the tooth. They got to put on a post. They had to knock her out to do it. So I go there, drop her off. She's an hour, two hours on anesthesia. She comes out of it, a little punch drunk.
Starting point is 00:20:02 I took care of her for five hours. And her doctor says to me, it says, oh, you're vaccinated, okay, babbs, you're vaccinated, great, blah, blah, blah. And we have to talking. And he said, well, the J&J booster shot, remember the saying J&J. And he says, why is it? And he says, well, it turns out that the, he says, you can go look this up, Tom. J&J was like one third of the potency of Moderna, which is why people were complaining about Moderna. The people that got the Moderna, sometimes said, you had a higher percent of those people
Starting point is 00:20:32 going, oh my gosh, over three days, I thought maybe I got COVID from this vaccination. And then they would get their second Moderna and get the heavy feeling again. Well, apparently, listen to this doctor, the J and J shot was one third of the uh... potency of the margarine shot
Starting point is 00:20:50 so one third of the you know that all the dynamic goes in order to cause your system to respond make antibodies which is why jnj needs to have a booster and by the way then you go into the seasonal effect what do we do every august united states will tell me the science on this is unsettled uh... you tell me this is no experimental and by the way we get flu shots every year we get flu shots every year
Starting point is 00:21:13 because member you know winters upside down in australia so by the time we get around august uptenber well it could be a pretty good flu season here united states at her mic right keep going and so i so that's why feel i feel that this that there is so much that's good flu season here in the United States. I turned it to my call. Right? Keep going. And so, that's how I feel.
Starting point is 00:21:27 I feel that there is so much that's unresolved here. So now you're going to tell me that I can go to work as long as I'm vaccinated, but what if I did get the J&J and I'm really not as resistant and now I can propagate it? That is not the same as you getting the Moderna if you are less likely can propagate it. That is not the same as you getting the Moderna if you are less likely to propagate it. So being vaccinated is an unequal statement by scientific definition, right? Because I could be more contaminant than you
Starting point is 00:21:56 based on which vaccination I got with barely a year of research. And the doctor also said that you got to take the vaccine every year. It's kind of like a flu shot. Take your flu shot. Correct. So but here's the part. Clearly you're a research. And the doctor also said that you got to take the vaccine every year. It's kind of like a flu shot. Take your flu shot. Correct.
Starting point is 00:22:06 But here's the part. Here's the part that DOJ is saying that the government can mandate government employees taking vaccines. When I was in the army, I had no choice. Here's how they broke it down to me. You are government property. You work for the government. If the government wants to give you shots,
Starting point is 00:22:21 they can give it to you. And even in 1997, they said, look, they're going to give us all this stuff that they tested first on military folks. We're like test dummies, right? And you would go through this row. I was talking to you about it last night. You would walk and there'd be two guys, like 11 people, 5 and 5. It was 5 and 6.
Starting point is 00:22:42 I remember 11 shots. And it's arrogance. You go, pss, pss, pss, pss, pss, pss, right near your shoulder. One, one, one, one, one, one, one, you get 11 shots right here, and if you moved, it cuts you. I mean, it's like legit stuff, if you move.
Starting point is 00:22:54 So they can go and do non-stop shots, and it's not a big deal when they're doing it, right? And soldiers are kind of coming through. They tell you, there could be potentially side effects. There could be long-term ramifications to it. We don't know what's going to happen to you, but you have to do it. This is what I'm doing. But you're going to be a property and you could die next year attacking somebody.
Starting point is 00:23:10 So we're not really worried about. I wish you knew what it was that lets you function on three hours of sleep. I would take that shot tomorrow. Whatever they gave you. It's those vaccines shots after you took it. You just inspired 18 people to take the vaccine to be able to go on three hours of sleep. It's a 50-year time release speed. Hey, if you choose to work for the government, if you choose to work for the government,
Starting point is 00:23:31 hey, there's a part of it that's you're a government property, military. Now, some of the other government employees that can fight it, what becomes interesting is yesterday, I'm watching Cuomo, Chris Cuomo, right? And I'm sitting and watching him, I'm watching Don, and I'm seeing what they're saying they're saying the denied monster. Yeah, I'm watching Chris and and we're going back and forth I think you were there sitting we're watching Cuomo. Yeah, and you see person after person after person You saw Barclay yesterday. I don't know if you saw what Barclay said yesterday about the vaccine Barclay said What was the words he used he said what what did he say? You'd be terrible it would be terrible he said if you haven't taken the back here the only
Starting point is 00:24:09 people who are not vaccinated the only people who are not vaccinated are just assholes okay that's what barkley said and then uh... uh... you you saw the policy going uh... at macarthe talking about that he's an absolute more on the chicken she's getting a car, right? Then you saw Herardo, Heraldo, Heraldo, on I think it was the five where he got up there and he says,
Starting point is 00:24:34 if you don't take the vaccine, you're an absolute idiot. If you don't take it, why aren't you taking it, et cetera, et cetera, right? So now the next thing is, let's figure out ways to divide people even more. Before it was Trump against everybody else, then before that it was whoever, January 6th, in Selection, which is all over TV right now, then it's now the Vax against the Unvax.
Starting point is 00:24:58 And if you're on Vax right now, you're absolute menace to society. It's another way of trying to divide. So here's what my idea was. Yesterday, I presented my idea, right? Kai, if you haven't seen it, I don't know if you've seen it or not, Kai, let's play the clip. Play the clip of what I think would be one way to help Unified American.
Starting point is 00:25:17 I want to get your thoughts. And I also want to kind of give you an idea what's been happening since then, what kind of messages I started getting with this. Kai, if you can raise the of volume see what the volumes at and then go ahead and press play but I'm deeply concerned what I divided America is today and I think there are only two people that can help us unify America would one of them be a former
Starting point is 00:25:38 president Barack Obama and the other being yes former president Donald J. Trump and this is why I'm putting $5 million of my own money, $2.5 million to President Obama, $2.5 million to President Trump, to create to do a long form interview, to discuss ideas with only one thing in mind, to help unify America. Having said that, President Obama, President Trump, let me address why I think you ought to consider doing this.
Starting point is 00:26:03 Number one, I think if we were to look at America as a left wing and a right wing, I think the voice of the left wing today is still President Trump, let me address why I think you ought to consider doing this. Number one, I think if we were to look at America as a left wing and a right wing, I think the voice of the left wing today is still President Obama and the voice of the right wing today is still President Donald J. Trump. But when I think about the two of you, I think about two people who both love America. They have different ideas, but I think both of you love America. And I also see today, whenever C.A. husband and wife that are about to go through a divorce, we see signs of a divorce. You see it six months before, 12 months before, eight months before, and you try to do whatever you can to save that marriage. But you kind of see it's coming. I think the world, if they're
Starting point is 00:26:34 watching us, China, Iran, Russia, it's seen a great divorce could potentially happen with the United States of America. And what can we do to save that marriage? Obviously, they would love to see us get a divorce. But I think a man, both of you admire Abraham Lincoln once said the following, we are not enemies, but friends, we must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection.
Starting point is 00:26:59 The mystic cords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be by the better angels of our nature. I don't know if you'll agree with this or not, but I think the world thinks the two of your enemies. And it doesn't make any sense to have two presidents of the greatest nation in the world to be enemies. What do you think would happen if the two of you sat down together? How would China, Iran, or Russia react to that? Why does this matter to me? See, I have four kids. I just had my last kid two weeks ago. Brooklyn, Ivy, Bed David, and I'm in the hospital looking at this baby saying to myself,
Starting point is 00:27:26 your daddy's dreams became a reality because of this great country called America with the flag behind me. But are your dreams going to become a reality? Is this the same thing as it was 42 years ago, 22 years ago? I don't know. I'm going to do my part. I can't run for office, but I'm going to do whatever I can to unite this great nation here. So, if you're watching this, and if you agree to this, I will love to schedule the time. And folks, if you're watching this and you wanna see this become a reality, share with everybody you know.
Starting point is 00:27:52 I don't know. But if you're watching this, I'm curious. I'm watching the commentary right now. Put a thumbs up if you'd like to see this. Not what you believe this could happen or not. Put a thumbs up if you'd like to see this. Put a thumbs down if you don't want to see this. At all, you don't think it would do anything to help
Starting point is 00:28:06 reunite America, Gerard. Your reaction to some like this, if it were to happen. Well, first of all, you're welcome for the usage of my backyard there. No, no, no, no, no. You've got to tell you. I gotta tell you.
Starting point is 00:28:19 Beautiful home, I appreciate that. It's fine, you know, we had the cabana open for you. What do I think, I think, a discussion, not a debate, an actual discussion between these two folks on how we got to where we are, and really just focused on solutions of how we can get forward past this, would be the greatest thing to ever happen in the history of American media.
Starting point is 00:28:45 I cannot think of any time in my life that two opposing factions sat down and one took accountability for how we got here because they both have a hand in where the nation is right now and then proposed solutions going forward. You know, it's like getting two gang leaders to the table. The only thing that I could kind of think of was back in the day when I was young, and this is something a lot of people aren't going to know about, but it's part of my Irish heritage, so we were aware of it. So when Clinton got the crown and the IRA to sit down together and say, look, we got to stop blowing things up in Belfast. We got to stop putting bombs in garbage cans
Starting point is 00:29:22 in London. Right. And that had a whole ulcerer question. That had a massive effect on the world. The EU doesn't exist today without first that domino of falling, right? So I think anytime there can be a datant anytime that there can be communication between two warring factions and make no mistake about it. The left and the right, the politicians in DC
Starting point is 00:29:44 are at war with one another, make no mistake about it. The left and the right, the politicians in DC are at war with one another, make no mistake about it. Anytime that they can sit down and talk and walk us all back from the brink, I think it's a necessary thing. And are you really gonna put five million off of this? For real? For real? For real, for real.
Starting point is 00:29:59 That's not a gimmick, like 100%. A hundred percent, five million bucks. Why would I say it then I do it? Dude, that's awesome. I hope I, you know, yeah, I hope that they I hope that they are man enough to do it I hope that they are man enough to sit down their beliefs and say this isn't about me. This is about us And I hope I hope it gets to them and I hope that they see this and I hope that their first reaction is like no way And then I hope the people out there and the value tanners because you guys hit up my DMs and I know how persuasive you can be. I hope you guys are blasting these people. I hope you're blasting their camps. I hope you find out who their campaign managers are because that's the truth.
Starting point is 00:30:36 If you want to talk to these people you find out who their campaign managers are and you blast them with this and you the squeaky wheel gets away. Who wants to see this happen? Who doesn't want to see this happen? That's the real question. I mean, if you think about like if you look at the messaging and when this went out yesterday, I got a lot of calls from people saying, you know, I shared this with my group and everybody said, you know, I had people saying, why the hell would Obama ever sit across a, you know, comment like Trump and then there were people that said, why the hell would Trump ever sit down with somebody that says conniving I mean, it's like on both sides. There are some people that cannot get that division out of their minds to see this thing take place, but who do you not think wants to see this happen? Who do you think wants to see this happen? I look
Starting point is 00:31:21 We're a government as you pointed out of Look, we're a government, as you pointed out, of identity, right? And identity politics is the tool of the left at the moment. They run on identity, whereas the tool of the right is still running on ideas, but ideas and then identities are close second and creates a division. So I don't think Pelosi wants to see this. Pelosi's been spending, they would have to change. So Pelosi doesn't want to see it because they've spent so much time generating so much momentum taking advantage of all the unrest and all the various forms of the last 14
Starting point is 00:31:56 months. I don't think she wants to see this because she would have to, she would have to concede certain points. So I don't think the left is going to want to see this because they would have to concede certain points. So I don't think the left is going to want to see this because they would have to concede points and they are the volatile side of the argument in terms of the incendiary part of it, whereas the right tends to be the reactive part of it.
Starting point is 00:32:17 They're usually reacting to the incendiary. They're sends on both sides, but I don't think that the hard left leadership wants to see the uh... i don't know if i can even say his name it iraims with uh... c sing uh... team would not like to see this happen is he spent a lot more than five million dollars to rip this country in half
Starting point is 00:32:39 and he's always got it they've almost got it we we what what what let me let me ask the question differently. I got a guy yesterday, I'm trying to get his seat. He messaged me right now, it's former Rob Texan him, to get him on here. But here's, look at it from a different standpoint.
Starting point is 00:32:56 Look at it from a different standpoint. Here's a question. Say it happens. Let's just say it happens. Let's say we have the meeting set up and Trump and Obama are sitting right across from one another long form interview sit down, okay? Now when I first Announced this and we were talking about remember on this was this was a
Starting point is 00:33:15 A few days before fourth of July when I said I want to do this you're like pad This is crazy, you know, this is and we went I don't know to what time it was midnight when we were processing this together We've known about doing this for how long now since one o'clock in the morning One o'clock in the morning. This is a week before 4th of July So go whatever today's date is go to then that's about five weeks and it happened off the cuff. We were at the kitchen You know just having a conversation. I said I'd like to see this take place, right? But say this takes place and they're sendinger together. My only reason why I think this, first thing you said, Pat, you think this could take place?
Starting point is 00:33:48 I said, I think this could take place. But I said, there's only one person that wouldn't want this to happen. And you said, who wouldn't want this to happen? I said, Oprah Winfrey. Because then why wouldn't you want, why wouldn't you? Because the first thing's gonna be,
Starting point is 00:34:00 if Oprah and Scamp gets a hold of this, they send it to her, she goes to ABC and says, let me do this interview, why would I let somebody else do the interview? I think a long form interview and a format like this to sit down and have the right questions to be asked to hear both of them go at it. If that were to take place,
Starting point is 00:34:16 how do you think the world's gonna react? What do you think positively it's gonna do to America if it actually did take place? And how will it do anything, any negative impact on who? So how will the world react? What positive impact will it have? And what negative impact will it have? To me, first of all, it would be cathartic.
Starting point is 00:34:34 Like I'm done with debates. These canned questions and the sound bites, I'm done. It's not an actual debate. A sit down conversation where they actually could call each other, you know, see each other as equals, see each other not, you know, not necessarily as adversaries, but two wings of the same bird. Look, we talk about it on this podcast all the time. I just want to live in the same reality with people I disagree. I don't need to agree with everybody.
Starting point is 00:34:57 I just want to live in the same reality that they live in. There's people when I was up in New York, I'm like, dude, we don't live in the same reality. When there's people who look at Bill de Blasio, the mayor of New York, telling us the voluntary phase of this vaccination is over. And people will be like, okay, good, that's a good thing. And I'm like, what, we're not living in the same reality. That the government just said that they're going to come to your door, kick the door down, and shove something that you don't want inside your body.
Starting point is 00:35:21 I mean, what, what's the difference between consent and what's the difference between, you know, and not? It's consent. What's the difference? I'm not gonna use the R word and get this thing, but I'm saying that's it. The difference between sex and something else is just consent. That's all it is.
Starting point is 00:35:34 So now these guys are gonna take your body. They think they own you. The government does not own me. The government does not own me. It's all in this topic. Tell me about this topic though. Who, who, Tom, who, who, how would the world react to it if this were to actually happen? Well, this happened in my lifetime. Yeah. And you would have been very, very, very, very,
Starting point is 00:35:55 very small. But one of the gentlemen's probably one of the nicest and most, uh, integrist people ever to be in the White House, but he was a very ineffective leader in president, which is Jimmy Carter. Jimmy Carter got the Camp David Peace Accord pulled off, and the world watched in shock as he took Manachan Bagan and N. Westardot, I believe it was, to Camp David and got them to agree on things and agree to peace.
Starting point is 00:36:24 And there are many people, including me, I am not part of politics, but everything I've read, it cost on more his life. He was assassinated later. But they, a world watched in absolute shock and awe in a good way as the two sides came together. And if Kai can find the pictures of a Camp David piece
Starting point is 00:36:45 of cord going back there before it was right before 1980, it's happened before in our lifetime where two avowed enemies got together and the world was shocked and inspired. There they are. Look at that picture. They were actually laughing. There was relationship. Look at there. You can't fake that. That was not modern-day faked images, Pat. Those images there are men who now have some semblance of a relationship as a result.
Starting point is 00:37:15 And it started as a sit-down, brokered by Jimmy Carter, who was in middle of breaking the U.S. economy, another story, brokered by Jimmy Carter to get these two two folks together so what do you think would happen if i think you'd have this kind you're you're not on a camp david stage and you know bell piece prize and all this stuff but i think that if you truly got it together there would be a percent of people that look at it like this and would be
Starting point is 00:37:42 really inspired by pat look at the far left, the first picture, look at them there with Jimmy Carter, Handos Hart, lower left, okay? Before, now look at, yeah, which two guys don't look like they want to be there. And then look at the other picture. I believe we can make progress on this. And I think we've seen it right here in our lifetime when you get sides together and you can have some sort of a dialogue and move it forward, something can happen.
Starting point is 00:38:11 There'll be parts of this country that don't want it to happen, G, that want to undermine it all. But I think it would be a moment that I think would be strong. What would you hope to get out of it? I mean, what would you hope to get out of it? What would you ask them? How could it? I mean, what would you hope to get out of it? What would you ask them?
Starting point is 00:38:25 How could you get them off of their talking points? How could you, they're so entrenched in their talking points, how would they just not take the money and use it to further messaging that's already out there all over the place? Somebody asked me a question, they said, you know, why don't you give the $2.5 million to charity? I said, I don't, the money can go anywhere
Starting point is 00:38:43 that wants to go if they want to give it a charity, if they want to keep it, matter of fact, I'm gonna keep raising money to see if this money needs to get higher for us to be able to make this happen. Whether it's somebody said, why don't you announce that anybody that matches your five million, they're actually in the room when the interview takes place.
Starting point is 00:38:59 So if somebody wants to match five million, what if we get 10 people that put up five million? Now we got 50 million dollars. Now we're raising some money. What if people are donating the $1,000, $2,000, $5,000 to be able to make this thing happen and eventually we get the attention? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:39:12 We're announcing $100 million. You might be able to afford $100 million. Yeah, if we get to $50 million a pop, do I get a painting? If we get to a point where we're raising that kind of money to get the attention of it, you want to give it to charity? What do you want to to give it to president Obama? You want to give it to Illinois to help some kids out? Great. Hey president Trump. You want to help some of the guys that don't do what you want to do with it yours charity? Whatever maybe here's here's what I do believe here's what I do believe I believe this is gonna happen I
Starting point is 00:39:41 Fully believe this is gonna happen fully believe this is gonna happen I fully believe this is going to happen. Fully, believe this is going to happen. The only thing with this on whether it's going to happen or not is whether people want to see an Oprah Winfrey duty interview or if people want to see a podcast duty interview. That's the real difference. I'm going to go raise the money. I'm going to have that money being brought up. I've sat in a lot of different conversations in my life where people who didn't want to talk to each other.
Starting point is 00:40:08 And I've always seen 99% of issues that you have will be resolved when you face off with each other. Because at the end of the day, even the person you can't stand the most, if you spend a few hours with them and you talk, you'll eventually realize we have a lot more in common than we actually think, in common. If you actually think about how many things
Starting point is 00:40:31 Barack Obama and Donald Trump differ in, how many think you think it is? How many thinks is it? Say stuff that they fully disagree with. Is it a thousand things? Is it a hundred things? Is it 50 things? It's probably nuance within those things. But what I'm saying to you is how many things you Is it a hundred things? Is it fifty things? It's probably nuance within
Starting point is 00:40:45 those things. But what I'm saying to you is how many things you think it is? Is it family? You think neither one of them value family? You think neither one of them value the ability to communicate a message? You think neither one of them value the ability to work hard? You think Obama became a two-term president by not working as tail-off the campaign, you think Trump became who he is, city, but not wanting to go out and work his tail off to make money. What values do they, there's hundreds that are on the same page with. The idea becomes, let's identify what the two of you guys agree with. What are the areas that you disagree with, and how do we get here, and what are both
Starting point is 00:41:23 of you willing to commit to, you chose to go into public service. Nobody encouraged you to go into it. You chose to go into public service. What do we need to do to bring this thing together? Because at this point in the game, it's no longer about, you know, whether America's gonna be the greatest country in the world forever.
Starting point is 00:41:40 That's not what it's looking like right now. You got countries like China that are catching up. You got countries from many different places that are not intimidated or of America, like they once used to be. I think if they sit down together and they go from one state where we're talking and asking some questions about how we got here
Starting point is 00:41:56 and then it gets to a point where I just pause and I say, can you guys just talk the two of you and we're gonna watch? What questions do you have for each other? I think there's gotta be an approach where they talk to one another and then we ask the questions and we're gonna watch. What questions do you have for each other? I think there's gotta be an approach where they talk to one another and then we ask the questions and see where that goes. But I can tell you by the time it's over with,
Starting point is 00:42:11 if it's done properly, the world's gonna look at it and say, this is not good because if it becomes dem against the world, this is not a good thing if it becomes dem against the world. Could that happen? Could it not happen? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:42:23 But all I'm, when a lot of people say, it's a terrible idea. One guy said, it's a narcissistic idea. I have no idea how this is a narcissistic idea to come up with this. You know, when you think about an idea, I got people that said, I don't know why nobody else thought about this before.
Starting point is 00:42:36 I don't know why nobody else has announced this before. The reality of it is, if we can unite, is America worth uniting? The answer is what? Of course. If it's not, then you give me your alternative. If somebody says terrible idea, what's your idea? What do you suggest doing?
Starting point is 00:42:54 Somebody said we should put all the media heads on a yacht, send them out there, and sink to ship. You have somebody on Twitter that said, people are making some of the most random comments about how to go out there to help reunite America. And a situation like this, if you don't think this is a great idea, I'd like to see other people propose their ideas.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Here's another example, Harry Truman said it, right? You've been to the capital, I have enormous, enormous statues, a statutory hall of the capital. Well, apparently once upon a time, those were all right above the Senate building and they noticed cracks in the ceiling. And they told Harry Truman says, yeah, we can't do something at the Senate today because they're up there moving all the statues around because those
Starting point is 00:43:30 are worried that all these statues are going to come through the ceiling. And he said, don't move the statues. Some day those statues may do a great service to the American people. It's kind of put them all on a yacht and sink it right uh... i you know you know i i i'm with pat right you know this is the classic example of america is a family in a car pat where do you want to go for dinner i don't know where do you want to go i don't care
Starting point is 00:43:56 well if somebody make a decision real go hungry and i think it's if they don't like this idea and you don't want to do it this way how do we want to do it because we we we got to come together and and we have to get a unifying force. And you know it's really funny, the further and further and further that you usually push citizens apart, you usually have an anti-government fracture. You usually will have a fracture on both sides.
Starting point is 00:44:21 The farther and farther you push people apart, and the most dangerous thing for a politician is one thing. It says, a suddenly unified populace. And it's dangerous for power. I'm not talking about death, I mean, you over throw the government or coups. It's dangerous for shifts of power because you get things like the Great Depression, you get things that happen. And the most dangerous thing for politics status quo is a unified populace spurred by a crisis. All right. So like when they all, regardless of your liberal or conservative,
Starting point is 00:44:58 are trying to figure out how to pay 10 bucks for gallon of milk. Exactly. Yeah, when they have nothing to eat, so they eat the top. I get it, but I would love nothing more than to see this. I would love, love, love, love to see this, but let's be real.
Starting point is 00:45:12 If I'm working in Obama's camp, why am I ever, if he's like, all right, what do you guys think I should do this? Now, he's thinking I should sit at that table because I'm gonna talk circles around this guy. He probably saw the debates and was like, I would have destroyed this dude in the debate. He would let, he wants the smoke.
Starting point is 00:45:25 Obama wants the smoke. Every single person in his camp is going, dude, what do you benefit from this? You don't have any office to run for. Trump is still up for re-election. Trump, this makes all the sense in the world. If I'm an old bomb is camp, I'm like, what is this fight for?
Starting point is 00:45:39 You got, you gain nothing by doing this. You can gain nothing, you can just lose everything. Why would you even sit at that table? What's's the he doesn't need the money Pat right? He has all the Fingers hang on hang on three years from now to inflation pack of Salem's could be two and up million bucks. I could use the lose change It was there was okay a little Elvis, but it was it was it was 50 50 there. You should have led with it Let me know I think there's more I think there's more Idealist inside obama
Starting point is 00:46:06 then react what's the pitch i don't think the money's the pitch to obama what's the pitch uh... i think obama still uh... appreciates and once relevance it's gotta be bigger than i don't think that's what it is i think obama i think i think what you said is one i think to obama uh... you know it's you think relevance in legacy matters
Starting point is 00:46:28 i think he may be the coolest cat we've had as a president uh... i've ever seen minus ragan remember what i said i didn't say a uh... policies you ever seen obama loses mind have Have you ever seen Obama flip out smooth? Hey, maybe maybe four times five times the entire eight years. I don't think I've ever seen him. I don't think I've ever seen Obama angry where he snaps
Starting point is 00:46:57 in a way where some of these other guys have snapped. I don't think I've ever seen any any time that take place. Obama doesn't if Obama wants to do whatever Obama wants to do. Obama's gonna Obama's out of point right now. Young guy he's still got a lot of living to do. He's gonna stay relevant. He can do whatever he wants to do. People are gonna want to participate. Huge chance.
Starting point is 00:47:16 Yeah, so it's not even 60. Yeah, I don't think he's sitting there worried about it. If he's gonna get another project. This is simply got to come from a point of, okay, I've done what I've done, but can you imagine? Because think about it this way. The whole story of Lawrence Miller, the book, Barbarians to Beuricraz, that every society goes through a few different phases. You got the profit, you got the barbarian, bar profit in this setting would be who the founding fathers barbarians would be who
Starting point is 00:47:48 the industrial revolution the soldiers that went out there and they fought for freedom that's okay that's not him link in the restaurant builders and the explorer you put rock of feller jp morgan chase car negis that's the building the explorer then he got the uh... administrators administrators are who the lawyers let's put some laws together, right? It starts with Eisenhower. Right. So then you got, so that's taxes, 1913, right? 1906. That's when S.E.C. you know, you got all that other stuff that comes in 1913 taxes.
Starting point is 00:48:15 That's federal income tax starts at the end of world war one. So, so then after that, you have the bureaucrats and aristocrats. That's the last phase. And you know what happens when you get the bureaucrats and aristocrats. Then comes the fall. We are at the bureaucrats and aristocrats. That's the last phase. And you know what happens when you get the bureaucrats and aristocrats? Then comes the fall. We are at the bureaucrats and aristocrats phase. Here's a part. If Obama, if President Obama wants to be known as the synergist, synergist that brought it together, if Obama wants to be known as the synergist, there will, there will only be one in this area. There be known as this synergist. There will only be one in this area. There won't be six synergists. If you want to be a synergist where you bring it together,
Starting point is 00:48:52 you have a level that you go to that you're in a league of your own. That's all there is to it. So his legacy is one of division. There's no way that he can take it. A lot of people will say that, but a lot of people will say that about Trump as well. You can't just say it on one set. A lot of people will say that, let me see on both sides. They're mirror opposites. That what I'm trying to say is both of them will be able to say, look, set aside the money. I don't even care what you do with the money.
Starting point is 00:49:12 I want you to give it to the following charity here, but, you know, et cetera, et cetera. Great. Maybe they'll even contact me and they'll say, if you get to $200 million, we'll do it. I'll go raise the money. I don't have a problem with the money. Whatever the number is, we'll go raise the money if they want to happen. And maybe we'll even do this that it's official we're doing and we're gonna give the money to whoever the charity may be.
Starting point is 00:49:30 We'll pull that off. That is not a challenge to do. But a synergist is a permanent legacy that will be talked about for hundreds and hundreds of years. That is a very, very unique place to be. Bring it to the lowest level. Bring it to the lowest level. Bring it to the lowest level. Let's go to the lowest, lowest level. Okay. People are texting me right
Starting point is 00:49:49 now saying, Pat, I will put a half a million dollars right now. I'll put a quarter a million dollars right now. These are friends of mine that are business people. I'll put a hundred thousand dollars right now for that interview. Okay. So that's individual chats. What's happening here? I'm who's putting money on us. I don't know what's going on here. Let me go back to my point here, Tom. So, so to go back to this thing, synergist. The one on the synergist. Yeah, so, okay, go back to your family.
Starting point is 00:50:10 Go, go, go back to your family. Go to your family and think about the two relatives that nobody could have brought them together. Who are the two relatives? No, you don't need to say the names, but you know exactly what I'm talking about. Oh yeah. Every family has them.
Starting point is 00:50:25 Here's a question. Did they ever come together? It took a death. Who brought them together? The death of my grandmother. Okay, it took a death of a grandmother. It took a death. Okay, so the death could be what?
Starting point is 00:50:37 The fall of an empire. Oh yeah. Okay. So do you remember yours? You don't need to say who it is, but did that ever happen to your family? Yeah, it was my parents getting married and they both have told me what happened and who was there? It was amazing and so the marriage brought them together the wedding itself brought them together But then at the reception no bad words were spoken, but they went their ways
Starting point is 00:50:56 So my mom and dad said they'll never be in the same room together once they got a divorce from July 15 They were in the same pew in the front row together for 60 minutes for the wedding and everybody was shocked. And afterwards, they were very polite, but they left. So, so my, so joy. Two-year point. So, July 15th, 89, we escaped Iran. That was the last time my mom and dad went to the same
Starting point is 00:51:15 room together. When they got a divorce, my mom said, I'll never be in the same room as your dad might. That's it, they'll never be in the same room with your mom. I said, great, no problem. I'm getting married. So, they're calling me, so we haven't got an invitation.
Starting point is 00:51:24 I said, it's because you're not invited yet. They said, what do you mean we're not invited? I said, you think the first time you're going to meet each other, am I wedding? You think? It's a one-room wedding. Yeah. So I said, you think you got to say, the only way
Starting point is 00:51:34 you're invited to the wedding is if you guys are willing to sit on and have a conversation to get a mom and that came together, at my house, they spent three hours together after 20 years of not being the same room. And then I said, are you guys able to do this? We can. Then we did. My wedding pictures right now, every time I look at the, what do you call it?
Starting point is 00:51:51 The family wedding pictures? You see the picture there? It's so, every time I watch it, I crack up. Because nobody knows the politics behind it to me. I look at my dad's face and my mom's face. It's only two faces I look at when I look at that picture right. There's classic. The point is this, in every family, someone unites,
Starting point is 00:52:08 I call it the Doug mentality, the fuse unify glue, the fuse unify glue, the fuse unify glue. You have to diffuse the issues that we have today in order to unify and be the glue. Glue brings people together. The media is a complete opposite. It's divide, divide, divide.
Starting point is 00:52:30 That's all they do. Whatever they can do to impose conflicts against each other is divide, divide, divide. We wanna diffuse, we wanna unify, we wanna be glue. If these guys were to come together, it wouldn't be for the money. I agree. If they have a number that they want us to raise and make this happen. We'll go out there make it happen
Starting point is 00:52:47 I don't even want this thing to be some people calling me they said you're probably gonna go sell this on paper view You're gonna go sell this to ABC. You're gonna go sell this to this That's what I don't want to do matter fact I'll even do it in a way to not even monetize this for people to realize this needs to happen This is not about a monetization type of a stuff This is we need to have this thing to become a reality. If you want this thing to happen, let's go out there and do it. I want to see this happen because I'd like to look back and say,
Starting point is 00:53:10 okay, look, in reality, who has more experience when it comes down to the stuff that happens at the US government? Us, Trump or Obama. Oh my god, Trump or Obama? Trump and Obama, okay, great. Well, let's come on down. Let's sit down. Here's how I see it.
Starting point is 00:53:25 When I processed this, the reason I haven't announced it for the last five weeks, what's a week before 4th of July? July, you'd say June 28th. So June 28th to today is what, exactly four weeks, right? It was a Saturday or Sunday. Sunday. We had a gathering for, I don't know what it was about. Matter of fact, no, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:53:39 It was a week before Brooklyn was born. It was like July, June 20th or something. Baby shower at the house. I don't even remember what the date was for that. Yeah. Was a mid-June. It's got to be six weeks ago. Anyway, you had to leave it as before that because I was still in Dallas and you called me, Tom, what do you think of this and this and this? That's right. That's right. And I said, let's process this. I love the idea. See you next week. It was in your old place in Boca. Yeah. You had to hold team over there and then
Starting point is 00:54:03 things were kind of settling down and you know, we were like, dude, you're about to have your fourth kid, man. You were like, man, you had to hold team over there and then things were kind of settling down and you know we were like dude you're about to have your fourth kid man you were like man you had like this moment of like reservation like I hope that she has the same country that my other kids are growing up and and that's and that's when I was like well okay yeah it's these are 10s times for sure man and you were like okay what can I do I'm gonna bring I'm gonna bring Obama and Trump together and and we were like, okay. How you gonna do that? No, no, no, I'm gonna do it. All right.
Starting point is 00:54:29 All right. I thought about it, and here's what I thought about. So if this happens, China's gonna have a few steps back to take. Okay. Number two, you know what I'd like to see happen with this. First, we do the discourse, the civil discourse for them to go back and forth. I think neither one of them is scared of the other one. I know. I think like to see happen with this. First we do the discourse, the civil discourse for them to go back and forth.
Starting point is 00:54:45 I think neither one of them is scared of the other one. I think Obama's up for it, and I think Trump is definitely up for it. I think neither one of them is sinned or saying, I will never, I think it's more, the only reason this thing would happen to talk circles around Trump is the time. I think the only people that will not make this happen
Starting point is 00:55:01 is the people around them, it's the only people. I think Trump wants to do it. I think Obama would love to do it. And I think you know what I'm most excited about this? Here's what I'm most excited about this. This is what would make my day, if this were to happen. Say they come down, they have a conversation together. Okay. Here's my favorite part. Afterwards is for them to go and spend a couple hours just by themselves with nobody being around. Just talk. No one to be around.
Starting point is 00:55:27 I got a playground. Nope, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, times you got to talk by yourself to the person that's your enemy and just sit down and say whatever the hell you want to say that's not on camera. What do you want to tell them? Talk to each other. I see that being way, way, way less likely than the actual. Well, hang on. I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't see it less likely. Let me, let me, let me, let me interrupt. Go back and look what happened to Camp David Pussacords.
Starting point is 00:56:01 They took a break and without their handlers, they were all gonna take a break and just go amongst themselves. Carter over here, Megan over here, set out over here. But Megan and Sedot took a walk through the woods, it's not really woods, it's paths, at Camp David together without their handlers and without the media. And they say that there were breakthrough elements
Starting point is 00:56:22 on that walk and it was away from the cameras. Pat, I don't know if you've been studying this or everything, but what you're saying, history shows it's correct. History shows it right. A little time together, one on one, would facilitate, and it happened. I don't think that it wouldn't.
Starting point is 00:56:36 I do this thing. I can't see the handlers letting it happen. I can't see the teams letting it happen. We live in a time, guys. Build back better is everywhere. But a year before they broke it, they're gonna build it back better. They're the teams letting it out. We live in a time, guys. Build back better is everywhere. But a year before they broke it. They're gonna build it back better. They're the ones that broke it.
Starting point is 00:56:49 But they're the ones that would do it. They're the ones that would do it. If there's any two people that would do it, there's a two of them. Like, you know, it's like, it's like go play around a golf with no bad, just secret service outside, but nobody can hear your conversations.
Starting point is 00:57:02 Go spend a couple hours together. What is the world do if they see these two guys golf in 18 holes, nine holes? They've experienced something only 40 other people on Earth have ever experienced. That's it, that's it. 43 other experts, right? That's it, right?
Starting point is 00:57:15 So yeah, so absolutely. But at this point, again, this is the part. Does Obama think for himself or is he afraid of what other people tell him what to do? Does Obama, you think Obama's gonna be be the person that's going to say, hey, don't say that Obama. And Obama's like, okay, I'm not going to say it. I think there are elements in that, yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:32 I don't know. I disagree. I think Obama knows where he's all about. I think he's all about. As far as, as far as, maybe some things that will not work in the campaign, I agree. Don't wear this tie. Wear this, you know, that kind of stuff, of course, is gonna look okay,
Starting point is 00:57:45 you're the expert in this area. You think someone's gonna be able to say, hey, don't say that policy or this or that, or you know, okay, I'm so sorry, I'm not gonna do that. I don't, I think he's gonna do what he's gonna do. And I think Trump's gonna do what Trump's gonna do, heck, we know when it was President, nobody could tell him what to do.
Starting point is 00:57:58 Some of the stuff he would do, you're like, that was not a good way. You think Obama, if Obama was completely autonomous, he would have extended the bush tax cuts i don't think so if obama was autonomous with the autonomous with the extended the bush tax cuts but that was that was a part of his message he felt a solution was to raise taxes he felt that was the solution that we don't care that we extended the bush tax
Starting point is 00:58:23 that's i'm not so what i'm saying solution. I don't, okay. That's so he extended the Bush tax. Cause that's, I'm not, so what I'm saying is I don't, I don't know if, I, I, I see Barack Obama, I see Donald Trump less this way, but I see Barack Obama more as the, the front man of a team than as a, an individual driving force. I don't know. I see differently.
Starting point is 00:58:43 I see, I see he's at a phase of his life. Did you see his interview with Letterman? Did you see his interview when he did with Letterman? Have you seen some of the stuff that he's done after presidency? I've seen all this work. And he looks like a kind of guy that just wants to have his fun and live his life.
Starting point is 00:58:57 And you see him with Bruce Springston right now. They got their podcast going on that they're doing what they're doing. In other words, in another way, even if Obama did something like this, imagine what it's going to do to everything else. I mean, imagine how this drives everything else he's currently working on. Maybe he wants to show a new version of himself.
Starting point is 00:59:14 Sometimes the biggest part about, you know, we talked about this, I was given a talk last week in Dallas. There was like a thousand guys at this event called Eight percentation. I was kind of telling you about this. And at the top, I talked about two topics. And I gave the story of Jane Elliott that Tom shared with me, the story of the third grade teacher.
Starting point is 00:59:31 And we talked about propaganda and gaslighting. One of the things I talked about is I said, if you're not too careful, like in high school, in junior high school, what was Gerard's reputation? What did 50 other kids think of Gerard? Gerard was who? In junior high school, what was Gerard's reputation? What did 50 other kids think of Gerard? Gerard was who? In junior high school. Junior high school.
Starting point is 00:59:49 Eight great. Who was Gerard? A little chubby kid got bullied and was good at sports, but pretty shy. Okay, there he goes. Let's stay there. What did kids say about Tom Ellsworth and Eight Great? Three things.
Starting point is 01:00:01 What? You joke too much. You talk too much, but you're a smart guy, and I want to be work with you on the projects. Okay, perfect. Go to senior year. What did they say about Tom L's work? What did they say about Gerard and senior? I do the man. Really? Seriously? Yeah. Okay. So you went from eight grade, shy kid, chubby, decent athlete, but you know football freshman year changed everything. But senior year, he's the man. Three spot. Senior year. Senior year, who were you?
Starting point is 01:00:25 Senior year. People knew I was really smart. I still joked a little too much. I still talked a little too much. But people said, you're going to do something. OK, now go to 30 years old. What was your reputation at 30 years old? Matter of fact, just go to 25.
Starting point is 01:00:39 You graduated from college. What are you doing at 25? What was your reputation at 25? It was my last year in the minor leagues. It was probably somebody that was hanging on to a dream too long. Probably somebody was staying at the party too long. Okay, so that's 25. Were you fun to party with?
Starting point is 01:00:54 Did you have the reputation? Probably too much, yeah. Okay, Tom, 25. What was Tom's reputation? I was, so that was my 25 years old was my second job. It was at LA Cellular and I had gotten promoted twice because I just got it done.
Starting point is 01:01:13 And I think the reputation without any ego in it was, he gets it done. Okay, so here's what I'm going to with this. Today, what's Tom's reputation today? What's Gerard's reputation today? Go to your reputation today, right? Whatever it may be, you don't have to say, just think time's reputation today? What's Gerard's reputation today? Go to your reputation today, right? Whatever it may be, you don't have to say, just think about it, right?
Starting point is 01:01:29 Here's the point I'm trying to make to you. How many times have you recreated your reputation and your identity? How many times? Many, many times. And by the way, some are currently going through maybe trying to recreate their identity. Some of us may be going through recreating our identity right now.
Starting point is 01:01:46 Nobody knows about it. We want to be known as, hey, this is what I've been known for the last five years. I'm going to work on XYZ, right? I don't know. I think Obama may be wanting to recreate his identity to come out and say, hey, you know, this is my position now. I know a lot of you guys have put me in this box as I'm this person. And some of you guys have put me in the boxes I'm this person, but I kind of want to recreate my identity. This is who I really am at this phase of
Starting point is 01:02:08 my life based on the experiences I've had. That's what I foresee. If this were to happen, it would be because I'm not who any of you guys think I am. There's a part of me of who I am that you think I am. Yes, that is who I am. But there's a part of me you know nothing about. I am at this phase of my life and I want to be known for that that that and a synergist to me I don't think the book power versus force you ever read the book power versus force by David show God can you pull up power versus force chart? Pull up power versus force chart. Yeah, the rainbow the rainbow triangle Yeah, if you pull up power versus forces a chart go to images
Starting point is 01:02:43 So this is what he talks about in this book. It's a powerful book, by the way. I read this 20 years ago. If you can make it bigger so everybody can see it. Okay, there you go. Lowest level of where to be is shame. Okay, this is a level of consciousness. It goes from shame to guilt, to apathy, to grief,
Starting point is 01:02:59 to fear, to desire, to anger, to pride. First level of consciousness, where you're actually becoming a leader and living a bit of a freer life is courage. Then it's neutrality. Neutrality is you can entertain opposing conversations. Then you're willing to have a conversation. You're willing to be open to it.
Starting point is 01:03:17 Then you're acceptance of people. I accept the fact that you're different, Demi. I accept the fact that we have differences. Then it's reason. You have the ability to reason. Let's reason an issue together. Then it goes to love, joy, peace, and enlightenment, right? A synergist is love and above.
Starting point is 01:03:33 A synergist is love and above. You want to be a synergist? Let's make this happen. You want to be a synergist. Let's make this happen. I think in this year, if you look at Trump or Obama, you'd probably put Trump in what level? What level would you put Trump? What level would you put Trump?
Starting point is 01:03:45 What level would you put Obama if you put it there? Trump somewhere between pride and courage. Okay, Obama. Acceptance and reason. Mm, courage. Yeah, and I'd put them in the same place. So both in the same place. Okay, maybe somebody say Lord, but the point is,
Starting point is 01:04:06 if you want to get to the next level, where your legacy say, this guy reunited America, I think that's a long time. I don't think you would take a lot of courage for him to sit down with you or Trump. I think that's something that he would welcome. He would want to do. The courage is standing up to his team.
Starting point is 01:04:24 That's going to tell him there's nothing in this for you. They're more importantly, Barack, there's nothing in this for us. There's nothing in this for our network. He has to love America more than DNC. He has to love America more than he loves a DNC. Oh, I don't know if he does. I don't think he has to question. He has to love America more than he loves Democratic. I don't know if there's a Democrat that I know right now that loves America more than they love the Democratic Party. Yeah. Bansion would be America more than he loves Democratic. I don't know if there's a Democrat that I know right now. That loves America more than they love the Democratic Party. Yeah. Bansion would be America more than Democratic Party.
Starting point is 01:04:49 Okay. I don't know, but yeah, Joe Bansion would be a guy that loves America more than the Democratic. And I think there's a few others as well, by the way. But if Obama's at a point right now that it's more America than a Democratic party, you would do the sit-down. I'm just saying, if it is, if it's really America more than your party, you would do the sit down. If it's really more America than the Republican party, Trump would do the sit down. I think Trump doesn't sit down, no problem.
Starting point is 01:05:13 No problem. He does it, no problem. No problem. But it's advantageous, in fairness, it's more than a double advantageous for him to do it. Do you think it helps him more? You think it helps trump more if this becomes a reality? I don't think I don't see this as a debate. I don't I see this I see this as a You try to facilitate solutions. Yeah, I almost want to bring them together
Starting point is 01:05:36 I ask literally three four five questions and then they go go for that's that's my only outcome is not even to ask any Quest not like so tell me it's okay Boom boom boom then I say, what questions do you have for one another? You know, we have a few different issues to go through. I think these are the things I, America would like to know. What are your thoughts on these three different issues? I'd be curious to know if you guys have questions
Starting point is 01:05:55 for each other. How do we get here? And a President Obama asked Trump questions, President Trump asked Obama a question. We just sit there and listen. And it can go 90 minutes where no one's saying anything, but they're talking to each other That's what I think the world wants to see. This is not like a
Starting point is 01:06:09 Moderator so tell me you got two minutes for an answer. No, this is not that. This is what's really on your mind Yeah, what what how do you think we got here? What part of it do you think is on your side? What part of you things on their side? To your point you know who really would probably be the most pissed off is the extremes like the crazy Maga right and the far left the far right would hate it they would hate this they would hate it yeah yeah broney would hate it which which is why was see all the more because I don't think they love America I think they're kind of on the Marxist side of things sorry but well that's the whole buildback better thing than I was talking about before this the global thing right the
Starting point is 01:06:42 buildback better things were quantifiably, quantifiably better than they've ever been before. Humans had more access to nutrients. We were safer than people were living longer. Humanity three years ago had never reached the levels that we reached. We basically have recreational in 80 years. We went from horse and buggy to recreational space flights. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:07:07 I'm like, we're killing it as a species, but we're being presented with this idea that that, you know, London Bridge is falling down. We have to build back better. This thing was, the system wasn't working. Dude, it's Marxist BS. You can't sell revolution in times of prosperity. So they have to present this image
Starting point is 01:07:25 that that things were crumbling and they weren't. Things were going great. Do we have the phone ready from calling somebody? I got somebody here that just wants to make a commitment and a good-sized commitment to make this happen. Let me know once. You can put in your phone too, if you want. Let me know if we're...
Starting point is 01:07:44 Don't forget to plug in the phone. It's plugged in just so you guys know right. You can walk in your phone too, if you want. Let me know if we're... Don't forget to plug in the phone. It's plugged in just so you guys know right now. It's about... Hang on once. I'll got to state my name. Give me one second. Okay, so I'm going to call them up. This is Aaron.
Starting point is 01:07:54 Aaron is the... This number is using Robo-killer to screen their calls. No problem. Kai, can you pull up a red con gem? I'll put it up to your call and I'll try to connect it. Red con gem is a big gem here. Aaron, this is Patrick Beddavid. He is the CEO and founder of Redcon Jim Redcon Jim is a big Jim here Aaron. This is Patrick bed David He is the CEO and founder of Redcon one. It's not just the Jim. It's also supplement company
Starting point is 01:08:11 That they do extremely well all our guys here go to their gym and user supplements and Aaron is known in the bodybuilding world that is himself Aaron. How are you? Aaron can you can you hear us? How are you doing, buddy? How are you feeling? Good. Good. How are you? I'm very good. I'm very good. Thanks for taking this call. I know you, uh, message me yesterday and you commented yesterday and we went back and forth and I said, are you willing to say that on the podcast and you agreed? So if you don't mind telling the viewer,
Starting point is 01:08:47 what was your reaction when you saw that? Do you think it's a good idea and if yes, why? Yeah, so both me and my wife saw it and she commented to me, check this out. And I think it's a fantastic idea and something needs to happen to save this country. And I feel like why not you? Why not these two guys get together and start hatching it out?
Starting point is 01:09:09 They're two obviously very well respected people from each individual party. And I thought it was a great idea. And I said, hey, man, how can I help? Can I throw in some money and make it sweet enough to put the pot before we get these guys together? Aaron, if you don't mind, if the audience doesn't know you we have your picture up right now on uh... the podcast do you mind sharing with folks what it is you do yourself what it is you and your
Starting point is 01:09:32 wife do sure well i'm the uh... the founder of red con one which is the fastest growing sports supplement company in the world we're sold in ninety countries uh... worldwide uh... walmart united states military uh... by the job tnc etc so uh... world. We're sold in 90 countries worldwide, Walmart, United States military, Biden, Chav, TNC, etc. So we do that and then we also run the Red Cullen Foundation, which gives back to military families in need. And very patriotic brands, me and my wife are both very patriotic. Terri Elf, my wife helps run the foundation and we try to do things to
Starting point is 01:10:02 help give back. And we've been very fortunate in this life to be able to do that. And, you know, it was great spending time with your wife and your son, I believe, that was on my daughter's birthday. This was what, two months ago, I think maybe 20 half months ago, something like that, whatever May was, so two months ago, and spent time with the family, so go ahead.
Starting point is 01:10:26 Don, I wish I would have been up in there at the party. I didn't even know I didn't even know it collapsed to the fact. And Jerry also, it was a great party and eight and my son loves your daughter. So very cool. Last night my daughter comes and my wife sends me videos and my wife's record and my daughter, she sent me private videos about this guy, she met in school. And she says the name and my daughter starts turning red.
Starting point is 01:10:50 And she says, I met this guy and we like him and I like him and he likes me and I come on last time. And I'm like, so, Senna, tell me about this guy you met and I give the guy's name. And she starts turning red and she runs away. She don't want to talk about him. Anyway, she's already flirting with guys. It concerns me a big time long term, but it is what it is. So, Aaron, you saying that? Are you comfortable sharing with the audience? How much you're willing to support this cause if it were to become a reality? I'm going to put up half a million dollars of our
Starting point is 01:11:19 money to help make it happen. And I thought if there are more people out there like me, businessmen who are patriotic, love our country, and think this is a good idea, which I think a lot of people will, I think it's a, hopefully I'm the first person to do this out of many people that will be willing to put up money and help make it happen. Well, brother, I appreciate you for doing that. There's nothing like having other people that love this country as much as
Starting point is 01:11:46 we do, and the fact that you're not just saying it, but you're doing it says a lot about what you and your wife are willing to do to reunite this country, and definitely appreciate you doing that. And folks, if you're listening, this is Aaron Singerman, CEO and founder of RedCon. Aaron, maybe we'll have you on... to speak about this as this thing gets uh... deeper and deeper into this possibly happening you have no Patrick i'm just down the road were were based in balker not to far from you all good i appreciate i definitely will i'll take you right afterwards
Starting point is 01:12:17 uh... uh... that's what that's what i've been trying to get you to the gym do not gotta tell you no joke i've had for but by the way for full disclosure i am not a fan of uh... protein, I am not a fan of a protein bars. I'm not a fan of these things. I've had all of them and I eat it because I'm forced to eat it or protein drinks. I drink this drinks because I'm forced to drink them. Your stuff tastes amazing.
Starting point is 01:12:38 And I'm being dead serious, guys. Your stuff that you sent tastes amazing. I got 30 employees here, 35 employees at the Vietamia media. I don't know how many of them go to your gym, but that's all they talk about when they go to your, they swear by RedCon. And I'm gonna take this on camera, on podcasts. I'm gonna come stop by your gym today's what,
Starting point is 01:12:55 today's Thursday, I'm gonna come stop by your gym within the next 24 hours. I'll come to your place and check out your gym next 24 hours. Let me know and I'll be sure to be there to roll out the red carpet. The gym is a passion project. So it's for fun for us, and you'll see,
Starting point is 01:13:09 you'll get the feeling. Brother, I'm looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to it. I am looking forward to it. I'm going to text you, I'm looking forward to it. We'll go together. Thanks, buddy. Appreciate you, Eric.
Starting point is 01:13:17 Take care. Bye-bye, bye-bye. Half a million dollars, OK? First half a million dollars we got right there. So now it's no longer five million. It's five million, five point, five million. And I got another one here, Alfred, I am calling you here. And by the way, anybody that's listening to this,
Starting point is 01:13:33 here's what I'm gonna do. Anybody that's listening to this, whatever you decide to donate on Super Chat today, a hundred percent of what you give on Super Chat today, a hundred percent of it, whatever you give, five dollars, ten10, $100, $1,000, whatever it is, I'm going to use 100% of it, and we're going to create it. What do you call a barometer that tracks it, and we can obviously start to go for me. Charity, we need to create a thermometer to see how much we're raising for this,
Starting point is 01:14:01 and we'll keep a track of it until it finally becomes a reality, and this thing creates momentum. And so whatever you give on Super Chat today is gonna go to this NFYI. If it doesn't end up becoming a reality, we will figure out a way to give it away to a scholarship or a charity and we'll make that announcement exactly the dollar run that we raised.
Starting point is 01:14:17 But let me call the next person, Alfred. I am calling you next. Alfred himself runs a, let's see if we can get a hold of Alfred. Alfred, if you're listening, I am calling you next Alfred himself runs a Let's see if we can get a hold of Alfred Alfred if you're listening. I am calling you buddy I am ready to make a donation of 400 billion boulevards So buck is what How much did 400 boulevards it hey PBD, I just picked up my phone and I posted this on LinkedIn and my socials and I just did a quick check there.
Starting point is 01:14:49 I was checking the stats. Right now I'm running this morning. It's on fire and it's running 25 to 1, 25 to 2 on the likes dislike. I'm people that wanna see this happen. That's correct, 25 to 2. How are you? How are you? How are you? What's up? How are you doing buddy? Good, good. How are you three? Show? How you doing, buddy?
Starting point is 01:15:06 I'm doing very good. I'm doing very good. So where you are right now, it's 7.25 California time. Alfred, can you tell everybody what business you're in and what she do? Man, 20, 21 years of transportation transportation to the platform for transportation How many loads you guys do per month how many loads you guys do per month how many branches do you have how many employees do you have Give us optics or else I'm gonna tell everybody how big you guys are because I think people need to know You know, we pretty much move approximately uh... thousand trucks a day a day uh... a day yes someone on there
Starting point is 01:15:48 and uh... we have about maybe three to four thousand south guys are on the the world moving for eight years that three to four thousand sales guys are on the world okay uh... top line revenue shy of a half a billion dollars out for it what do you think about this idea of getting president Trump and President Obama sit together? Man, when I heard it was unbelievable. Honestly, I can't even believe you even thought about that.
Starting point is 01:16:12 I think obviously, you know, you and I being immigrants come into this country understanding the values and how amazing this country is and definitely want to be part of the solution no question about it uh... and i i even touched you i said maybe uh... before the first thing is to get into wise together maybe that might be the first uh... shot getting these two guys together uh... money might be more relevant to them
Starting point is 01:16:42 than them but obviously if you can get those two big boys together that can definitely make a lot of change. Are you willing to support it? Are you willing to support and throw a couple of dollars of a couple of dollars towards this project? Of course, that takes you to that. I said, look, I'll put a hundred grand. No question about it. If you can get this done, I'm more willing to be able to do it. We've got another hundred thousand dollars. So now we're at $5.6 million. The numbers have changed. So I'll wait $100,000 towards this becoming a reality. Brother, appreciate you. I
Starting point is 01:17:14 am I miss you and I can't wait when I'm in LA for us to go to Rafi's place together. And I know we're talking right now about figuring something out. Yeah, for sure, man, for sure. I'll put you on Tom Arty, and I'll be doing this bodybeat. You got it, man, you got it. Take care, you sell it to everybody. My man, I will, bye bye, bye bye, bye. So we're at 5.6 million now, okay? And you got $600,000 in the last four minutes of race, okay?
Starting point is 01:17:38 Just wanna let you know, we haven't even started yet, right? So we're at 5.6 million dollars. That's a lot of bolivars. It's just a couple of the text messages that got through the clutter that got to you Imagine everything else, but I'll contribute. I get paid this Friday, so I'll get with you then Tell your boss to pay you a little bit more. You know what? Seriously ask for a razor something by the way We got a we got a bunch of people just all of a sudden started. Let me see here
Starting point is 01:17:59 Myron Hyman $20 myron Hyman another $5 he threw $25 into a thank you and highman $20, myron, highman another $5. He threw $25 into a thank you, Sarfania $20, Jorge Lopez $25, Arsenal, Fan $5, my small contribution to getting these two galites in the same room together. We'll appreciate you, everything helps. D&D furniture, $5, he says $1,000, but it only says $5, so you may want to update that.
Starting point is 01:18:21 Alex H, $20, here's a little one, I appreciate that. Supreme Ceyon gave another 20. I love this country and I love this podcast. Thank you Tercentash go America 25 bucks. Darryl Hamill make it happen PBD 50 bucks. Thank you Darryl. Willie figure roll another $50 Kevin Fisher $10 just Jen $25. Make it happen Cooper Lobo 10 bucks. Gen 25 dollars make it happen Cooper Lobo 10 bucks Guots Vin Krippick $100. I will have to see that interview happen as well home of the free 10 bucks from Hugo Monos it would be very I mean seriously if this were to ever happen
Starting point is 01:19:01 I mean, I think the spirit in America would go to hold it from level Media would media lose their minds? Oh, yeah. With the folks in media lose their minds if this were to happen. Good, even better. I think they would lose their minds if something like this were to happen. So folks, again, if you want to
Starting point is 01:19:15 D&D furniture, just give another $100, Jordan Becker just give another $50. If some of you are listening and you want them, you know people that may want to contribute out a higher number. The next phase right now is asking Elon Musk to match $50 million going after Bezos to see if he'd want to put up $10 million going after folks like that. So if you've seen the video, it's on my Twitter, I've pinned it all the way at the top.
Starting point is 01:19:38 If any one of you guys want to go talk to the congressman, media, other billionaires, people you may know, people you may know people you may do business with friends family anyone if you know anybody to get us in front of we are barely I announced this yesterday so you have to know that this campaign is probably going to go on for some time now to talk about this to see how much money whether it's McKenzie Bayzo's whether it's a Bayzo's himself whether it's Buffett whether it's any of these guys Lindell we're talking to Mike. You might.
Starting point is 01:20:05 You might. You might. You might. So if anybody wants to see this happen, let's go make this a reality and get these two gentlemen in there to help them synergize and unify America. But if you do want to make a bigger contribution, message us directly. Send me a message if it's more than if you're willing to match a $50,000 $100,000 $10,000 $1 million $5 million contact us directly I would love to have you make the announcement on the
Starting point is 01:20:32 podcast with the rest of us here. Okay. Thoughts 600,000 dollars in a few minutes. I can't believe you just raised $100,000 a minute live on the air. There you go. And that's just the beginning, Tom. I think this shows you the end of current that what Americans want is things to come together. Americans want things to come together. And as much as they fight and as much as we bicker, remember we're only one morning on 9-11
Starting point is 01:20:59 from coming together and demonstrating just how unified we really are. But do we really fight and bigger that much time or does the media tell us that things? Like this is what I'm talking about. Like the world that the media tells me exists every night, it's not the world I wake up in every morning. No, it's in my lifetime.
Starting point is 01:21:26 We're only one moment on one morning, like September 11th, from coming together. Yeah, I guess, but I mean, look, just look at this room. You know, you've got, you've got David, you got Vanessa, you got Kai. Kai, it's Norway, Vanessa, Venezuela. Tom, you're from California, New Jersey, Iran, and then California.
Starting point is 01:21:44 David, Columbia. Soviet Russia, was it? Columbia. Columbia, okay. The Soviet Russia, what the hell? It's not a communist. The, uh, the whole idea in this office, you come to this office, you walk through nothing but, and it's organic diversity.
Starting point is 01:22:03 It's not forced diversity. Pat didn't hire any of these people to fit into a box. There's no diversity, inclusivity, objective here, and this is the most diverse environment I've ever worked in. So, and these are people from different walks of life that have different views, and we sit, and we have fun in this office.
Starting point is 01:22:20 We joke with each other every day. We even hang out at this is probably the most together office I've ever been in a creative environment. We played volleyball together last night. Kai lost to me and Mickey by the way. Kai and Paul took it out. I lose. He's from Norway 22 years old. Golly. He lost yesterday. I mean, it was like, my text was blowing up last time with the fact that Kai lost. Dude, and so what I'm saying, I guess the, and I'm sorry I'm rambling here, but the point I'm trying to make is that if the environment CNN told me was reality, this office couldn't exist the way that it exists.
Starting point is 01:22:50 Yeah, it just couldn't. And sorry. And that's just the beginning, by the way. That's just the beginning of what we plan on doing here. Go ahead Tom. Except Adam. We got to make, we got to make a fence around Adam. I love the soy man mafia. I love Adam. I love the guy. By the way, FYI, did you guys hear about what happened with YouTube? We can move on with the story going to the different story. We gotta make a fence around Adam. I love the soy man mafia. I love Adam. I love the guy. By the way, FYI, did you guys hear about what happened with YouTube? We can move on with the story going to the different story. Do you guys hear about the fact that YouTube is a proven juggernaut that rivals Netflix
Starting point is 01:23:14 in the streaming views? Let me give you some stats on this. So Google parent company Alphabet delivered another monster earnings report Tuesday. One of the brightest bits came from YouTube, which booked a whopping, ready, $7 billion in advertising revenue last quarter. Quarterly revenue is on par with Netflix, and it's growing at a faster rate. Alphabet said YouTube booked $7 billion in ad revenue last quarter.
Starting point is 01:23:35 That's 83% from a year ago compared to, compared that to Netflix, a $7.3 billion in revenue, booked in the same period. Netflix's revenue grew 19.4% from a year ago. Probably that's, Kai, is that not interesting to know that YouTube grew by 83% versus Netflix is 19%. That's wild. That's pretty wild to think.
Starting point is 01:23:56 Well, YouTube television, viewers, grown facet and ever before, the company said 120 million people watch YouTube on TV last month, up from 100 million per month, last year, up from 100 million a month, from last year's 20% YouTube's TikTok rival is also grown. Short-term video is the dominant trend on social media today with TikTok's leading on charge. YouTube has its own short-form video service,
Starting point is 01:24:21 YouTube shorts designed to compete with TikTok. AlphaBet didn't disclose how many people are using YouTube shorts, but said view and metrics jump from 6.5 billion views per day in March to 15 billion views a day in end of last quarter. So YouTube beating Netflix, Tom, are you surprised by this? No, we kind of talked about a little bit about this. We were talking about Disney Plus like about a month and a half ago here on podcast. So remember, COVID year spurred everything.
Starting point is 01:24:45 And the Disney Plus launch happened at the, you know, orgasmic, perfect launch point for Disney Plus. For everybody was in the house, and everybody wanted to watch TV. And Disney Plus was with Hulu, was a great over-the-top service. Well, I think what's also happening is, you got to remember,
Starting point is 01:25:02 we're talking about the YouTube viewership that's web online ad supported over the last course of the last year So it doesn't surprise me and I'm really seeing you know yet ABC NBC CBS And I that was the original big three before the consolidations and CW in a way and Fox remember all that Well, I think what you have right now you've got the Disney monolith, you have YouTube, because remember, as YouTube television, as well as YouTube online, et cetera. And then you've got TikTok. And I think what's interesting about TikTok, what we kind of jumped over,
Starting point is 01:25:34 and I don't know if you guys covered this one out, TikTok is only the second company ever to have three billion downloads, right? Facebook was number one, TikTok was number two, my understanding. And so I think the plates are shifting and what we're seeing is a big three emerge
Starting point is 01:25:51 in both streaming and entertainment, Disney plus and Hulu, and then YouTube with YouTube TV, and then you've got, you know, snaps not really doing its thing, you have Facebook Instagram, waiting in the lobby to go into Congress, sir. And then TikTok. That's what I think is going on.
Starting point is 01:26:08 We're seeing big three emerging, like we've seen in other industries. I think, well, look, there's two different sides of this. There's two different things at play. All right, there is the idea of a model, right? You have the two different models. You have the subscription versus the freemium model. But then you also have restriction of speech
Starting point is 01:26:28 and curation versus choice, right? Like if you go on Netflix, especially over the last two, three years, it's been remarkably, look, it's basically social engineering, right? I mean, the amount of what we talk about all the time, and I know I'm sounding like Johnny Wright wing again, but it's just, this mean the amount of what we talk about a little time, and I know I'm sounding like Johnny Wright wing again, but it's just this is the truth of it. Like
Starting point is 01:26:46 everything has a left wing progressive messaging, so it turns people off. If I go to a Netflix original, I just immediately think, okay, it's going to be orange, it's a new black, it's going to be this, it's going to be that, it's going to have the same messaging. I'm not interested in it. I, I, what are they selling me? What, what concept are they selling? It's kind of the same thing with Disney+. On YouTube, I have the choice then. I can watch what they suggest, but I have the choice to search for anything that I want. I'm on YouTube all the time.
Starting point is 01:27:14 I find myself on TikTok all the time now as well. That algorithm gets to know you pretty, pretty well. You're finding something, in our industry, it's really interesting because, you know, we're in the content creation industry. How do you create an environment where people are willing to pay for content when they've grown their entire life being entertained for free?
Starting point is 01:27:36 And also, how do you present them with content when they themselves have chosen the content that they want their whole life? This is how iTunes changed the game and this is how YouTube is defeating Netflix. Long term who wins, Netflix or YouTube? I think free choice wins, man. The ability to choose exactly what you wanna watch,
Starting point is 01:27:55 when you wanna watch and to be able to watch it for free, it's an unbeatable, I don't think. You think long term Netflix or YouTube wins. Folks, if you're watching this, long term who wins, Netflix or YouTube. I think you're asking. Well, we're talking about two different things. We're talking about long form creation Netflix or YouTube wins. Folks, if you're watching this, long-term who wins? Netflix or YouTube? Well, we're talking about two different things. We're talking about long-form creation and episodicle
Starting point is 01:28:08 that Netflix does, which takes longer to build millions and millions and millions of dollars per new show concept, versus... Independently ran channels where people are creating their own content. Correct. Yeah, so who wins long-term? YouTube. YouTube on that platform wins long-term, and I think they are going to
Starting point is 01:28:25 find out pretty quick that they need to allow the conservative voice a little bit more latitude and I think they're going to learn that thanks to the Facebook hearings that are coming up. You think so because right now they're probably sitting there saying our strategies working we're up 83% you don't know what you're talking about. 19%. No, no, no, Netflix is up 19%. YouTube is up 83%. You think YouTube is saying, Tom, our strategy is working well. Everybody was talking about Netflix a year ago. We're whooping their ass.
Starting point is 01:28:50 They're at 19. We're doing 4x what they're doing and more. So yes, we're going to stick to our stuff. The strategy is working well and you're absolutely correct. But let's rewind a bit. Make sure everybody hears what I just said. Facebook is heading into hearings, right? They're coming.
Starting point is 01:29:04 You've got all the new people that are chairing FTC and you hear the statements are making even yesterday. Those people are not happy with Facebook and the targeting and Facebook is trying to pander to the Americans by writing a foil board with an American flag wall John Denver music plays. Right, so I think right now are YouTube's sales executives thinking, no, exactly what you're saying, Pat, you're right.
Starting point is 01:29:30 But are they strategically thinking, we better keep our eye on this government thing? Because if Facebook gets moved on this, then they're going to move us, too. We've actually seen this play out, guys. But long term, it's an open field. Even if they censor it later, it's an open field. Netflix is a CD.
Starting point is 01:29:45 You might have one show that you really want on Netflix. You want to watch House and Cars, so you get Netflix. Same way when I wanted to listen to Rough Riders Anthem, I had to buy, it's Dark and Hell's Hot. I had to buy DMX's whole CD, right? That's Netflix. You got to buy the platform to get that one show, where I see YouTube as iTunes. I could just pick the one thing that I like and then I'll go to something else.
Starting point is 01:30:05 So we saw this play out. iTunes destroyed the CD industry. There's no CDs anymore. You don't need to buy a whole lot of it anymore. I think that's a great metaphor. That's where we're at. We see it's a great metaphor. You know, so long time.
Starting point is 01:30:18 Although every time, every now and then, Netflix does something good like drive to survive. So, so, so, so, so, so, it's also question, don't worry. You're a question of course. And it's unscripted. So, so, so, so, so question, question for you. Question of course. And it's unscripted. Tom, who, who is less likely to have a competitor take market share away from them?
Starting point is 01:30:32 Okay. Facebook, YouTube or Twitter, who is least likely to have a direct competitor and take market share away from them. I'm talking a good amount of market share. YouTube. Least likely. I think so. Least likely.
Starting point is 01:30:48 Because the amount of server space you would have to have to compete is like remarkable. You'd have to, like, kind of like competing against a bottling company, like Pepsi or Coke. Yeah. Okay, so who's second least likely? Do you agree with them by the way,
Starting point is 01:30:58 YouTube being number one? Yes. Okay, who's your second? Least likely. Facebook or Twitter? Facebook. Facebook is second, so Twitter's easier to go up against than Facebook or YouTube put it this way Facebook tried to compete with YouTube twice they had Facebook watch and they had a IG TV They tried to roll out not one but two different IPs just to try to match
Starting point is 01:31:21 YouTube and They they failed You agree with them every you agree with them try to match YouTube and they they they felt. You agree with them every you agree with them. Yes, I do. And they would he in the middle of the argument, you can add to that is they were also the first one with the big bank going out to pay creators.
Starting point is 01:31:35 Mm hmm. Well, Facebook tried to Facebook. That's talking about Facebook. Yeah, had the big bank there like three X in the CPMs. They were literally. We're gonna spend a half a billion dollars, five million at a time on a hundred different shows. Remember that?
Starting point is 01:31:48 And they went over to WME and WME happily took the money. I think the model in the future is, it's so funny man, I was talking to Phil about this last night. I'm like, he was talking about Jake Paul and I'm like, this is the future. This is not an anomaly. It's you get an X amount of people doing prank videos, then you become a music artist,
Starting point is 01:32:09 and you get an X amount of people doing that, and then you do a podcast, you get an X amount of people doing that, you look up, you've got a couple million followers, you can do whatever you want. I'm gonna be a boxer. No, you're not. Well, there's four million people willing to watch me
Starting point is 01:32:19 that says I can box. Jake, buddy, come, let's have a fight. Get a marketplace first. Talking about Jake Paul, there's what Jake Paul just said yesterday. I don't know if you got a saw that or not. Jake Paul said claims he and his brother Logan Paul will run for president when they turn 35 years old after YouTube inboxing careers. This is a son story. Jake 24 years old Logan 26 years old will run for president 2032. During an interview with overtime Jake was asked who would be more
Starting point is 01:32:45 likely to become a US president out of himself or LA, Laker superstar LeBron James. And even though he admitted the basketball would be more likely to be voted into the White House, he then announced his intention to run for president when he turned 35 years old. So since I'm running for president, but I'm not even 35 yet.
Starting point is 01:33:02 My brother and I would run for president twenty thirty two that's what were eligible we're still figuring this thing out i might be president he might be president i think we're gonna flip a coin and see who gets to be the president versus who's vp by the way i've been saying this for a while that i think the pauls one of them's going to be the president i think more likely uh... uh... i i don't want to have enough audacity to do it
Starting point is 01:33:23 uh... but i think eventually one of these guys is gonna be the president. Can you see a president Paul, you know, why not? Why not, Tom, can you see that happening? The value of followership influence for Paul to become a president. When is a celebrity ever like made it to I can major political office?
Starting point is 01:33:48 Well, actually accept that the wrestler that became governor of Minnesota, that's right. Oh, yeah, and Schwarzenegger became governor of California. Oh crap, it could happen. How about the actor who became a president to two-term, and then the other guy who had a show for 15 years of Francis that became a president? So is it inevitable that one of these guys going to be a president? There you go again. I always felt that I was destined to lead this country. That's more Reagan than the other one was Obama, by the way. The other one was kind of like Elvis Presley when I was thinking about it. For Obama, I got
Starting point is 01:34:24 a smoke-a-pack of salons and get the rough voice. Oh really? So did he smoke salon or no? Dude Obama secretly. No, no, not Obama. Reagan was Reagan a smoker. I don't know if Reagan was a smoker early on. He was in all the celebrity. Everybody was smoking cigarettes back in the days. Man, you know, dude, like this is this is one of those things. Like we're a democratic republic. I get it. But Man, you know, dude, like, this is one of those things. Like, we're a Democratic Republic. I get it, but man, oh man, man. Like, there's something sometimes where I'm just like, we kind of should just go back to like,
Starting point is 01:34:53 a council of elders. Like, let's just have a council of elders. Let's get like a couple of, a couple of oligarchs together and hope we get the right ones, man, because like, look, give him a podcast. Let's go for it, man. Like, this one of the one of the the great things about our government is that they they force us to believe that they actually doing something this entire all of
Starting point is 01:35:14 Congress can be done like Tinder we can all have we can all have votes on our phone every day and just write swipe or left swipe and we can do all their jobs from our phone, man. So, who knows, dude? Who knows? Look, do you think Jake and Logan Paul would be good presidents? I bet you they'd probably be better than people would think because, again, they're so ego-centric and they're so legacy-dependent, they would probably get really good people around them to implement some things. I don't I would I would love to see that campaign though I have to be honest I don't know if I want to live in a world where Jake Paul is my president but I definitely want to live in a world where Jake Paul is running for president for sure how does it look like is it troll county non-stop
Starting point is 01:36:00 non-stop troll county he just he'd knock you out you know what did that kind of an environment or he steals somebody's tie in the middle of the bait and runs around the the auditorium like that would be classic that would be classic if that would take place man we'd be he'd be the first president with face tattoos so there's that is it is it neck tattoos or face tattoos a little bit of us is it I'm as picture kind of I don't know for you. He's got face tattoos I don't know if you could be a trappery mix of that song Hail to the chief
Starting point is 01:36:44 Yo, this is Snoop Dogg. I'm out here for my mom. There he is. I don't see face tattoos. I see neck tattoos. I don't see face tattoos. He still has a 15 years to work on that. He's got time.
Starting point is 01:36:55 He's got time to get a face tattoo. I don't know. You know, those nipples, presidential. Are they? That is that is that is. That's president. Although there's the foreign policy hand grenade right there. Look at Paul face tattoos. That's how you That's a
Starting point is 01:37:17 Hail to the He does not face tattoos. That's gotta be that's a head tattoo. I guess more than oh, I've seen that before Yeah, I've seen that before. Yeah, I've seen that before. Okay, well that counts. Okay. All right, so he'd be the first to do that. He'd be the first to do that, that were to take place. Let's see, what next story do we go to here out of all these things that we have?
Starting point is 01:37:35 Okay, China, let's talk about China, what happened with China. Go to page seven with China. So our, this is a, China expanding its nuclear capability scientists say, BBC's story, a China expanding its nuclear capability scientists say BBC story China is expanding its capacity to store and launch nuclear missiles You are assigned to say satellite images from jing jing jing province in the west of the count countries suggest that it's building a nuclear missile So a silo field it is the second new silo field reported to be under construction western China last two months the site could house About 110 silos, which are underground facilities,
Starting point is 01:38:07 used for storing and launching missiles in 2020. China had a nuclear stockpile of more than 200 warheads and was aiming to at least double this amount. The Pentagon says the US has approximately 3,800 warheads and in a propaganda video, China threatens to nuke Japan after Japan vows to defend Taiwan in a now deleted propaganda video, China threatens to nuke Japan after Japan vows to defend Taiwan. In a now deleted propaganda video, China threatens to nuke Japan,
Starting point is 01:38:30 following comments made by Japanese leaders, vowing to defend Taiwan from Chinese invasion, the nearly six-minute video, which was posted to the Chinese Communist Party, sanctioned, channel, jiguah, featured images and videos of Chinese war machines, such as tanks and fighter jets edited into pictures of a devastated 1940s Japan fall on the
Starting point is 01:38:49 World War II US nuclear strikes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki the video references Japan's the Freedom World War II before promising full-scale war against the only country to have ever been nuked the video also said there will be no peace talks. Tom how much do you love China? What? Well, first of all, whenever you talk about China, you have to talk about Russia, because China and Russia are now really intertwined
Starting point is 01:39:17 and Russia has leaned over that way. I mean, China just had a meeting with the Taliban leaders of Afghanistan yesterday. I don't know if you saw that or not. Did you see that? The video? I mean, they've been supplying weapons to over 20 years. No, I don't know if you saw that or not. Did you see that, the video? I mean, they've been supplying weapons to over 20 years, why would I be talking about that? The time that you actually see that or not.
Starting point is 01:39:29 I did not see that video. The foreign minister of China yesterday met with the Afghani Taliban leader yesterday. There you go. Well, here's what's going on here. People need to understand that Taiwan is a global semiconductor and market share play. If China takes Taiwan, what they do, if you go take a look at global supply chain management, that just kicks them up a whole nother notch because Taiwan punches above its weight
Starting point is 01:40:10 at an astronomical level in the global supply chain as a manufacturing partner, especially in semi. So if they take Taiwan, they now, just which they believe going back to Chiang Kai Sec and sending them on the exile and all those things that happened, this is a market share and a legacy ownership. So part of them is, hey, this is legacy ownership. This is our land, this is our province, this is our place.
Starting point is 01:40:45 I mean, let's, let's, it's kind of like a West Berlin thing. Let's take down the wall. This is ours all the way. But the other side of it, they think the long game economically, this is a play for market share and control over the west of manufacturing. Listen, all I will say about this, all right, they're on YouTube right now. If you will say about this, all right, they're on YouTube right now.
Starting point is 01:41:06 If you're listening to this, all right, after this is done, look up my life, my China, I am a Communist Party member. Just go into your bar after this is over and check Chinese Communist Party member and watch those videos. And you tell me if that is the future that you want
Starting point is 01:41:27 That's all that's all I can say all I can say everything Tom said is is great everything that we talk about here is fine Guys you have to understand what is going on on a global scale You have to understand who is pulling the strings who is pulling the levers You have to understand who's easing Jinping is and what his goals are. All right, and part of what we are looking for in the future, if you don't understand what we talked about on Tuesday when we're talking about a social score, if you don't understand, all right,
Starting point is 01:41:56 and you want an actual human element that goes beyond the politics and the economics and the high level concepts that we talk about here, and you just want to see for yourself what loss of anonymity looks like, what loss of agency looks like. Search Chinese Communist Party member and watch those videos. That's all I'll say. Let's see what happened.
Starting point is 01:42:21 You want to get Adam in here to promote his new podcast? If we can get Adam, Adam Adam come on in here Adam's been hiding back there the entire time It's a great day to have a good day folks enjoy your weekend. Thank you very tanner. Yes Adam tell us what is happening Adam. Tell us about your Sure of course But first I'll put your mask on next time you come in here Adam. Where's your mask? Where's your mask and let's it in the left it in the car pat how we all doing great show. Hey, I got to tell you Tom the S.O. The David camp David Accords with
Starting point is 01:42:57 Jimmy Carter and That was good stuff great reference. How you feeling? How you feeling man? Man, I feel great I did my morning workout. You know what I do. I feel weird to be on the right. Curling counts. Wow. Weird to be here. You're standing slowly, but surely I've been going, I don't know if you, if you hear what he just said, if he feels like I heard it loud and clear,
Starting point is 01:43:15 I heard it loud and clear. Slowly, but surely I started far left. Now I'm like creeping on to the right side. Look at me. Tell us not to podcast. We got five. But you work out the show standing front of the today show, curling at me. Tell us not to podcast. We got five minutes. What's going on? But you're working out the show. What's going on? Standing front of the today show, curling your cat.
Starting point is 01:43:28 Yes, thank you. And you're underweighting. I don't know if Shark-Hi has an image that we're going to, so this afternoon we're launching something that I'm very proud of called the Sawascast with your boy Sawas right here. So thank you. Very happy. Very happy to be doing this.
Starting point is 01:43:41 So basically, I started on this endeavor. I met Pat in probably 2012. We were working out in the gym. I wasn't calling cats at the time, almost nine years ago. And we just started up a conversation, a little dialogue. In a little dialogue.
Starting point is 01:43:57 Tom, let me get in here. And we just started talking, and we were in the same industry insurance Finance and they were just two dudes in in the gym working out at this conference called Nalba And I had just started in the industry a few years you had just started PHP a few years We were like the only 30 somethings in this what I call MP a male pal and stale crowd no fence and It was just a boring industry. And I'm in something called life settlements, and I had a breakthrough career in that industry,
Starting point is 01:44:29 made some money, you've obviously been crazy successful in industry. And I said, oh wow, this is how money works. This is how investments works. This is how life insurance works. This is how premium finance works. This is how estate planning works. They don't teach you this shit in school. And I was just like Gerard over there. I was a stand-up comedian. I was
Starting point is 01:44:48 a nightlife guy in Miami. I was a substitute teacher. I had a whole, it's sort of the jack-of-all trades. And I got a job as a cold-caller in the financial world for my firm that I'm still with. And it basically sort of peeled back the curtain of how money works and how finance works. And I started my show, so I was talking some money in probably 2016 when I had some built up some wealth and had some extra time. And it's fast forward. Now I'm on value payment. Couldn't be any happier. And I actually kind of approached this idea to you back in Dallas and pack you up buddy
Starting point is 01:45:24 buddies. slow down buddy You know like start doing some videos I said all right cool. I'll keep doing the videos keep doing the videos But ultimately I realized what my biggest gift is is just being able to really talk to anybody and relate with anybody I used to sleep on my buddy's couches and fast forward 10 years at NBA players crashing on my couch So wherever you're at in life, I've been there. And really the point of the sauce cast is I can talk to people like live, interact, and just be myself.
Starting point is 01:45:53 Not scripted, not, you know, cut, edit, whatever. Let's go back. No B-roll, just. Oh, so you're stopping talking. Now, hold show you've been doing this entire time. So that's stopping with you and the scripted five minutes. We'll still do some of that, but this is the main, this is the main, how long is this show gonna be?
Starting point is 01:46:09 It's gonna be an hour live podcast. Every Thursday, 4 p.m. after the bell. And we're gonna have, it's all personal finance related. So this is in politics. There is a full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full or PM or standard time after a bill. Yep. Okay. And what should people expect of this podcast? People you should expect to get smarter with money. Okay. You're going to learn tips, techniques to build wealth. You're going to figure out strategies how to get out of debt.
Starting point is 01:46:35 Save that money. And I call in their time. You or no 100%. Okay. So you're going to take in call. We're going to take on calls. We're going to have Q and A. And we're going to have today. Today.
Starting point is 01:46:43 Yes. Okay. So today folks. Kai, can we put the link below episode one today Episode one biz doc bump bump. Would you be a future guest on the show? We had a great time. I would love to do it Interviews great. You brought my favorite bearing and crackers. Yes. I'll bring more beer and crackers put the put the link below for sauce Sauce cast at 4 p.m. every Thursday, Eastern Standard Time with Adam Saustink, and you can call in, link below, go, it's not even subscribe to it because it's just it's valid. It's valid.
Starting point is 01:47:15 You've been on the same channel. Yeah, back to my account. The same channel the biz doc is doing his case studies on. I love this idea. I love this idea. It's like, squawk on the street after the bell, but with attitude for personal finance. Yes, personal finance. And look, is that a good summer?
Starting point is 01:47:27 Thank you, I appreciate that. There's gonna be a lot of attainment going on too. There's gonna be value obviously. That's the attitude part. I attainment, but we're gonna have fun. We're gonna talk about, you know, maybe. Lots of banter. The way I sort of look at it is it's like,
Starting point is 01:47:40 if Dave Ramsey and Howard Stern had a love child, and that would be, that would be, that would be, that would be, that would be, that would be, that would be, personal finance, but we're gonna have some fun. I love it. Pat, maybe, maybe you'd be at guest one of these days. We'll see, like tables will turn. I actually think this is gonna do great.
Starting point is 01:47:58 I think people gonna be able to call in and see the different side of you and just kinda talking to you about money, how you went from being a comedian in Denver Colorado trying to figure out a way where they can do that. You're broke. You don't have any money to do anything to be in a cash millionaire. I think people need to learn nowadays how to be a cash millionaire. And you can definitely share with them some tips on how to do so.
Starting point is 01:48:18 Folks, today, every Thursday, 4 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, one hour, sauce cast, go click. What is that button you click to be alerted when the live goes up, Kai? What is it? The bell. The bell. The bell. The bell. Thank you David. Yeah, the bell today, Thursday, 4 p.m. Adam, happy for you looking for the same that show. And I'd like to say one last thing. Tell us. I loved what you did with your video with a bomb of Trump. I know we've been talking about that for a few
Starting point is 01:48:44 weeks. And respect. I personally would like to with your video, with Obama Trump. I know we've been talking about that for a few weeks. And respect, I personally would like to donate $10,000 to your cause to make that happen. You're being serious. I'm being very serious. Adam giving $10,000. This is what happens. Oh, when you save that money, you can donate it to good
Starting point is 01:48:58 thousands. Thousands. So we're officially at what, $5.6 million, $10,000. I would love to put up 5 million or what Aaron Singer made it, 500,000, but I'm gonna stay in my life. 10,000 is 10,000, man, that's good. Good for you for doing that, I love that.
Starting point is 01:49:12 That's just a Saturday night in South Beach, I'm just gonna stay in South Beach. There it is, bottle service at the VIP, right? You heard it here, Adam's got a 10K on it. And go make sure you do not miss sauce cast today. 4 PM Eastern Standard Time. With that being said, are we doing it again next Tuesday same time? Yes sir, same time.
Starting point is 01:49:30 There's the same way next Tuesday 9 a.m. back here on the pbd podcast, but today 4 p.m. with saucecass on value tim in economics. Have a great weekend everybody. Good to see you pbd. Glad to be here. Bye bye bye, bye, bye, bye.

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