PBD Podcast - Trans Day of Visibility, Suge Knight Warns Diddy & Havana Syndrome | PBD Podcast | Ep. 389

Episode Date: April 2, 2024

Patrick Bet-David, Adam Sosnick, Tom Ellsworth, and Vincent Oshana are joined by Chris Cuomo as they discuss the Biden administration celebrating "International Transgender Visibility Day," ...Suge Knight warning Diddy that his life is in danger, and "60 Minutes" report that claims Havana Syndrome is real. MERCH: Buy two PBD Podcast or Valuetainment mugs, get a third FREE! Use promo code "pbdmugs" at checkout: https://bit.ly/3TBAMsq PBD LIVE W/ TULSI GABBARD ON APRIL 25TH: ​​Purchase tickets to PBD Podcast LIVE! w/ Tulsi Gabbard on April 25th: https://bit.ly/3VmuaRm MINNECT: Connect one-on-one with the right expert for you on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3MC9IXE Connect with Patrick Bet-David on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3OoiGIC Connect with Chris Cuomo on Minnect: https://bit.ly/4caZvfJ Connect with Adam Sosnick on Minnect: https://bit.ly/42mnnc4 Connect with Tom Ellsworth on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3UgJjmR Connect with Vincent Oshana on Minnect: https://bit.ly/47TFCXq CHOOSE YOUR ENEMIES WISELY: Purchase PBD's Book "Choose Your Enemies Wisely": https://bit.ly/41bTtGD BET-DAVID CONSULTING: Get best-in-class business advice with Bet-David Consulting: https://bit.ly/40oUafz VT.COM: Visit VT.com for the latest news and insights from the world of politics, business and entertainment: https://bit.ly/472R3Mz VALUETAINMENT UNIVERSITY: Visit Valuetainment University for the best courses online for entrepreneurs: https://bit.ly/47gKVA0 TEXT US: Text “PODCAST” to 310-340-1132 to get the latest updates in real-time! YOUR NEXT 5 MOVES: Want to be clear on your next 5 business moves? https://bit.ly/3Qzrj3m ABOUT US: Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support

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Starting point is 00:00:00 30 seconds. Did you ever think you would make it? I feel I'm so close, like it tastes sweet victory. I know this life meant for me. Yeah, why would you bet on Goliath when we got bet David? Valuetainment, giving values contagious. This world are entrepreneurs, we get no value to haters. I ain't running homie, look what I become.
Starting point is 00:00:21 I'm the one. See you. Alright, let me see if I'm on the right one or not. Am I on the right one? I am. Okay, fantastic. Episode 389. Good morning, everybody. Hope you had a fantastic April Fool's.
Starting point is 00:00:36 It was a special day yesterday. To some of us, it's a national holiday. To others, for those of you that God created you gullible, I'm thankful for you like you wouldn't even believe. I want to thank Babylon Bee for probably one of the best posts yesterday on April Fool's. They posted this yesterday saying CNN publishes real news story for April Fool's Day. I think that's a top three. I think if you go to Elon Musk's, Musk did another one that was very impressive.
Starting point is 00:01:04 He says, I'm excited to join this. Can't wait to work with Bob Iger and Kathleen Kennedy to make their content more woke, even the language. And then we had one as well that for whatever reason, we still have fans that are zooming a little bit so I can read it. After a stellar interview with Elon Musk, we are proud to announce that Don Lemon has joined Valuetainment. We have met all his modest demands. We know many of you were hoping for this announcement.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Its official future looks bright. We see his picture, Rob. Yeah, it was. Look how happy he is. Look how happy he is to come here. This was fake. So young and full of hope. By the way, even Adam thought it was real.
Starting point is 00:01:44 Well, I got the honor and privilege to actually take him out to make sure that he was. Yo, you were entertaining him. I mean, Rob. He's here, he's in the lobby. I was hanging out with Don all last night. Don is in the lobby. Showing him the ropes, showing him what's going on.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Is that what you were showing him? There he was, yeah. Is that what you were showing him? There he was, I was hanging out. I said, come to Miami, we're gonna hang out. Cuomo's gonna be here, let's have a good time. So that was. Adam, that beard is hilarious.
Starting point is 00:02:09 You look like Eminem. That's right. I shaved, I got tanned. Couldn't it be Messi's cousin right there? It could be. Things got a little messy last night. That was last night? No, Cuomo.
Starting point is 00:02:19 That was at the White House Correspondents' Dinner. Really? But anyway, so listen with April Fool's it's always great because I don't know if you guys play one time I played a biggest joke on April Fool's my insurance agents. I made a video we send it out to 30,000 insurance agents saying listen Department of Insurance came down moving forward There's this new license that we need to get that's thirty five thousand dollars by the state to store everybody's urine every time you write
Starting point is 00:02:44 a policy the Department of Insurance now the state to store everybody's urine every time you write a policy The Department of Insurance now wants you to send us a urine Sample of you every time you write a policy Vargas calls home offices There you go, we're having some fun with you and I love the fact that some of you fell for it You guys are amazing people. Did Cuomo, did you fall for this? He's your old boy, he's your homeboy. I did, I saw it.
Starting point is 00:03:09 I thought this was gonna be a great opportunity to clear some things up, Vinny was gonna do the podcast. I was gonna be the meat-nator from the sit-down, and be like, what kind of shit you doing? I thought MIA is what he's been in my life for about a year. I didn't know him when he was in Miami now.
Starting point is 00:03:22 He's just good. By the way, maybe that could be a down if you're listening. Maybe we can do something podcast who knows me, you, Chris, we can have a conversation, have some fun. Hopefully you have some levity left in you after CNN that you can have some fun and laugh as well because we definitely can do that comfortably. All right, stories for the day. Let me go through a couple stories. RFK yesterday on an interview with CNN said a few words that they were a little worried about why is he going in this direction? What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:03:49 Biden and Trump and all? You just have to see this clip. We'll show it to you. White House doubles down on Biden's trans day of visibility message. And then there was a clip, Tom, did you give that clip to Rob? We have it. Yeah, there's another clip that came out that says, I didn't know anything about it. So was this him doing it?
Starting point is 00:04:08 Did he as a Catholic man support this or was it the interns? Was it other people? Would something like this get approved without his blessing? Who knows? We'll talk about it. And then the story about the Fire Department and New York firefighters York firefighters made to remove stars and stripes honoring 9-11 heroes. This is comical and offensive to say the least, but we'll get into that as well.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Suge Knight claims Diddy's life is in danger, urges Diddy to turn himself in. Florida car chase in 2020 may be linked to Havana syndrome. Okay, and Vinny's got some some stuff to say about that. California homeowners face an insurance crisis. What will it mean for home prices in the state? Ending 6% commission for real estate could turn out to be a Venus flytrap situation. For home buyers, economists say for those of you that don't know what a Venus flytrap is, I learned yesterday as well.
Starting point is 00:05:03 It's going to be okay. We'll go through it together to see the history of this Venus flytrap is. I learned yesterday as well. It's going to be okay. We'll go through it together to see the history of this Venus flytrap. Okay, Black Rock CEO Larry Fink says 65 retirement age is too low. Here's what experts say. Israel accused of deadly strike on Iranian consulate in Syria. And then Lizzo announces she's quitting. I know Vinny was a little bit disappointed by that and she said she didn't sign up for this shit, but we'll comment on it. This California lawmaker wants to help you. Ready? Ignore your boss when they call you after hours.
Starting point is 00:05:31 So when they call you, and by the way, we may even give this guy's phone number and email out for you guys to email the hell out of him and just kind of see what we can do with him. YouTube could be worth $400 billion. That's more than Disney and Comcast combined. We should be paying more attention. New $20 minimum wage for fast food workers in California set to start Monday, yesterday. How Gen Z is becoming the two bell generation.
Starting point is 00:05:54 McKinsey is offering some staffers nine months of pay and career coaching services to leave the firm. Go. Go somewhere else. They want them to leave. And an FBI shows up to Oklahoma woman's house, questions her about social media posts. So you may wanna stick around for that story as well. Now having said that, for some of you
Starting point is 00:06:15 who saw what's going on with the marketplace right now, we've been swamped. I don't know what's going on with Cameo. Well, we got a bunch of messages coming in from people that love the tool that cameo had and love many of these tools that are out there. And the amount of traffic we're getting right now with Manect is unbelievable. Yesterday, I can't even tell you how many Manects came through yesterday for me.
Starting point is 00:06:34 Great conversations, people booking 15-minute calls. Tom is about to cross 2,000 Manects. He'll be the first person to have 2,000 paid Manects there. I know Chris is probably one of the fastest to respond on Manect. I think he's a 24-hour guy at 100% response back to answer. So if you have any questions today, if you disagree with me or agree with Tom or Vinny or Adam or Como, these are their QR codes, Ask them any question you want on Manect. There's a 95% chance you get a respond back. On Instagram you get respond backs 5%. On LinkedIn 5%.
Starting point is 00:07:12 On Twitter less than 10%. On Manect there's a 90 to a 95% chance they're going to get back to you because you're paying for them to get back to you, which means the experts, the influencers, sit there and say, if you value my time and willing to pay for it, I'll definitely make the time respond back to you while I'm in an Uber, while I'm waiting for something. No problem. In many cases, most of my mannequins are audios. In many cases, everybody's nowadays doing audio, video. There's many opportunities, but that's mannequin.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Download the app, start mannequin today. All right, let's get right into it. I think we start off with the main story of Sunday, of what happened. And that is White House doubling down on Biden's Trans Day of Visibility message, which shocked nearly, I think a little over half, 50% of the nation here because of obviously Catholics, Christians. The White House has doubled down on Honor and Transgender Day of Visibility on Easter after sparking a firestorm of criticism from conservative lawmakers.
Starting point is 00:08:07 On Sunday, White House spokesman Andrew Bates penned a statement addressing the backlash as a Christian who celebrates Easter with family. President Biden stands for bringing people together and upholding the dignity and freedoms of every American bait set. Sadly, its unsurprising politicians are seeking to divide and weaken our country with cruel, hateful and dishonest rhetoric. President Biden will never abuse his faith for political purposes or for profit. March 31st will be designated to honor the transgender movement internationally since 2009. However,
Starting point is 00:08:46 this year coincides with the celebration of Easter. Rob, if you can pull up the Instagram for the White House. Which one is this, by the way, which you have here, Rob? That was Biden being asked about it yesterday. Can you pull this up? And then Biden was asked about it yesterday. And this was his response. Go for it. Mr. President, what does Easter mean to you, sir? Sir, what does Easter mean to you? yesterday and this was his day. He called it outrageous and abhorrent. What do you say to Speaker Johnson? He's thoroughly uninformed. Uninformed how? I didn't do that.
Starting point is 00:09:30 I didn't do that. I didn't do that. I think he has a Valuetainment hat on, by the way. Does he? If he does, listen. I mean that. Dude, that was the VCL. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:09:40 I like his style. I like his style. I think on the bottom, I see it says future looks bright. That's right. Maybe not his. Yeah, I don't know about his future looking bright. I like his style. I think on the bottom I see it says future looks bright. That's right. Maybe not his. Yeah, I don't know about his future looking bright. He's got a couple more years left. But look, I mean, half the country wants this guy as a president, you know, that will most
Starting point is 00:09:54 likely be voting for this guy. 47% of it, whatever the percentage is. So here's a post. Today we sent a message to all transgender Americans. You are loved. You are heard. And you are understood. You belong.
Starting point is 00:10:07 President Biden quote, right? And then if you go to their Instagram account, Rob, the post right before this, three hours before that was Happy Easter. So let's read that one. It's just Happy Easter, okay? Nothing more, nothing less, just Happy Easter, but when it comes down to transgender, go to it. Let me read it one more time.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Okay? Just happy Easter, but when it comes down to transgender, go to it. Let me read it one more time. Okay. Today we send a message to all transgender Americans. You are loved, you are heard, you are understood, you belong President Biden. He didn't say today, the day of resurrection to all the Christians and Catholics of our country. I want to take this moment to nothing like that. What are your thoughts on this, Chris? So we know he's a devout Catholic, right?
Starting point is 00:10:43 That's what we're told. Right. The headline is, the reaction is the reality. You had an extraordinary number of people who felt that this was done the wrong way. Not to paint those people who are upset as being anti-trans. Tolerance is fine, of course, especially on Easter. It's part But clearly, he stepped on people's expectations of what the Holy Day was about. And they were upset. And as a leader, you have to meet people where you find them. And if they're upset at the way you treated this, you have to think about it. And they didn't. Instead, they said, no, you're wrong to feel that way.
Starting point is 00:11:21 We didn't do that. I had James Carville on my show. I had James Carville on my show. I had James Carville on my show. at the way you treated this. You have to think about it. And they didn't. Instead, they said, no, you're wrong to feel that way. We didn't do that. I had James Carville on my show say, those people are stupid. If that's what they think he was doing, they're stupid, which I felt was a couple more steps down the deplorables road. And I said, well, you they're stupid because they feel that this is supposed to be about them and you made it about a different group And he said yeah, that's stupid
Starting point is 00:11:47 And I think it's a very big mistake for the president to alienate people for no good reason And by the way, he didn't help the trans community You don't help a minority community by setting them up as opposition to a majority community and It was done in bad taste, it was done the wrong way, and they failed the major lesson of leadership, which is when you make a mistake, correct it. Own it and correct it. That's all he had to do here,
Starting point is 00:12:14 and it would have been very in the keeping with the season, by the way, of rebirth and renewal and getting it right, and he didn't. Is this a clip? Yeah. Rob played this clip. The highest or lowest attending on your point of view level. Chris? James, what do you think about
Starting point is 00:12:31 this? Well, honestly, I think it's profoundly stupid. As if Biden even knew it was transgender awareness day. By the way, Biden goes to Mass and Communion every week, as you well know. You couldn't find Trump inside of a church anyway. I really think this is utterly absurd. I don't think anybody in the White House was aware of this, as you point out. It's a constant day. It's a moratorium. I don't know anywhere in Trump's Bible.
Starting point is 00:12:58 You can pause it right there. You can pause it. So I don't think anybody in the White House was aware of this, and this is stupid. Perfect. Okay, so let's talk about this. We're at UFC, you and I, and we're in the back House was aware of this, and this is stupid, perfect. Okay, so let's talk about this. We're at UFC, you and I, and we're in the back with Dana White. Dana White introduces us to the, what do you call it,
Starting point is 00:13:10 to the CEO of Anheuser-Busch. Tom, I'm looking at you, right? To the CEO of Anheuser-Busch. You know what I'm talking about? Yeah, Las Vegas. And Las Vegas, I said, and this was at the thick of things. Like the announcement hasn't been made that UFC is partnering with them and dropping their
Starting point is 00:13:26 old beer company. And then I asked the guy a question. I said, let me ask you, when a marketing campaign like this happens, with somebody from your VP of marketing sending a package of Bud Light with Dillamovani on it to Dillamovani, does that go through you? Does your senior approve it? Would it go through? Who does it go through? And then it's like, well, you know, it's kind of like this.
Starting point is 00:13:51 And he didn't really fully answer. The vibe I got is that it didn't go through him. Okay? That the decision was made and maybe the buck stopped at the CMO and then they sent him that. And obviously the company lost God knows how much money. And then the other day We're with built was it Billy Bush. Yeah, we ran into Billy Bush
Starting point is 00:14:07 Who had been on the podcast talked about his book there? He talked about the family we talked to Billy Bush and Billy Bush I said so Billy we talked to the CEO of anhyzer Bush and here's what he said He said it's funny because that would have never happened back in the days every major marketing campaign would have to go through us So here's a question for everybody here and And Rob, can we run a poll on this? The poll is the following. Do you think President Biden knew this was happening? Meaning, was this some administration thing managing the Instagram account that they posted this without asking the president or do you think president knew this was going to be posted and Said on Easter a couple hours afterwards and that Easter messages. Happy Easter two words and transgender is
Starting point is 00:14:54 two four six eight ten twelve fourteen sixteen 1820 20 words versus two words me personally. I don't think he has this is going all the way back He is making zero decisions. I know yesterday we talked about him all but it was kind of like of course he does. I personally don't think he makes any decisions. What's what's really happened, let's be honest, mission accomplished from the White House, okay. These are their goals. They want to further divide Americans. Just think about it, everybody the whole day whoever I ran into was like it wasn't hey happy Easter how you doing Vinny God bless you it was can you
Starting point is 00:15:26 believe what they mission accomplished they got everybody pissed off they're taking think about it the focus away from the day was Jesus Christ came out of the tomb he was resurrected that's what the day was about okay and this goes to show you more they never mentioned Jesus they never mentioned the resurrection and it's just their way of taking God Remember when I put the question is is it by do you think it's Biden or is it White House? Why the member that they that he talked about it's them. It's not him. He's not a decide. What do you think? You know what first of all there I see three angles on this the first angle I see is is a week ago
Starting point is 00:16:03 The first lady was was speaking into the microphone about PETA and it was going to be a potato roll, not an Easter egg roll on the lawn. So it seemed like the Bidens were pretty clued in that there were different Easter traditions being invoked here. So it seemed like the president and the president knew number one. Number two, I think he absolutely knew it because this is a flag carrier moment for what they've been doing for LGBTQ XYZ ro519 All of that what that they've been doing it's a flag carrier moment
Starting point is 00:16:35 But what was very interesting to me is when he's walking there on the walk-along where the reporters were there on the clip that wasn't 20 reporters Yelling at the president. That wasn't 20 reporters yelling at the president, maybe there were four questions there. Everybody sort of was a little, the din went down, and it was a very clear voice. The president clearly turned to the voice and was answering the right question and said,
Starting point is 00:16:56 no, I didn't do that. So either he's confused or he's denying it. So on that, that kind of shocked me, because it led me to believe maybe Biden didn't know about it, but how did they not know about it? Because they've been talking about it for a week. You think nobody? Here's what I think. Before we started the show, we're dealing with a transmission issue. You asked like 11 questions. You have nothing to do with the transmission of this broadcast,
Starting point is 00:17:19 but it's your company. This is the president of the United States. The idea that something like this is going to happen and it's okay that he was Clueless is unacceptable Even if this was done without him, which I doubt okay Vinny and I talk about this I believe the president is plugged in I talked to people around him. They say they interface with him all the time They have no reason to lie to me But even if you assume he didn't know, that's worse. This was a big deal. It matters. And now he's in a hole about something that matters to Americans.
Starting point is 00:17:54 And at some point, what is a leader? What is a leader? How many times you're going to give a guy who was supposed to be in control a pass because he's not into it, but then you don't want to make his competence an issue. This was an easy situation to rectify. It should have never happened this way. And all they did was hurt. They hurt the transgender community. They hurt the faith-based community and they hurt impressions of his leadership. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:18:19 So, by the way, what a great take. Rob, I want to text you. Can you go to Twitter for me, please? Thank you, Vinny. So this guy, this guy is one thing. Okay President by we can debate the 50-50 and if you can Rob just go to yeah, there you go if you can just go to my profile and Right there. It just popped up boom
Starting point is 00:18:39 Go to the third tweet keep going down. Keep going. I keep going now. Go one more right there Is it go a little low rap not that one? To the third tweet, keep going down, keep going down, keep going down, go one more, right there. Go a little lower up, not that one, I think it's the Alex Soros one. So zoom in on Alex Soros' tweet and just focus on his. So Trans Day of Visibility honors the bravery and resilience of trans communities. Let's stand in solidarity and work to create a world where everyone feels safe and accepted, continuing our fight for the rights of all individuals.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Now this guy is a billionaire now. He's the son of George Soros. He's going to be somebody going to be dealing with for probably 60 years because he's in his late 30s and nowadays with medicine, he's going to live 50, 60 years. Can you actually go on the tweet, Rob, that he posted and go to the comments section? Go below. Let's see what people are saying. Let's see how many people agree with him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Look Soros, here's one. Keep going. Keep going. Get right with Jesus, Alex. Okay, keep going. Okay, keep going. That's an ad. So, Christ is king.
Starting point is 00:19:37 The world would be a much better place if your entire clan were to be apprehended and prosecuted. Okay, keep going. This message brought to you by an architect of a regime devoted to, look for one positive message. That's all I'm looking for. George Soros' son congratulates Muslims on their holiday,
Starting point is 00:19:52 but for Christian holiday, he congratulates transgenders. Look at that, 31024 Ramadan Kareem to all those who will begin observing tonight. God didn't make trans people celebrate tomorrow in April Fool's Day. It's more appropriate The entire Soros family are sponsoring so by the way by the way you see these posts Yeah, there is not one person that's agreeing with them So now go back to my post on what I said to him Rob
Starting point is 00:20:16 Can you go back to the top and just zoom in and this is what I said Alex you are not dumb Just look through the comments not one same person supports your tweet dumb. Just look through the comments. Not one same person supports your tweet. So you're either trying to piss off conservatives on Easter, trying to incite the next George Floyd type incident, violence, or something darker. Which is it? Right? Now this guy knows exactly what he's doing. What I want to ask is what do you think they're doing? So what is, because on one end you're like, I can't believe they said this, I can't believe that Tom's like, they're trying to get Trump to be emotional because the more emotional he is,
Starting point is 00:20:51 the less he talks about policies. It's kind of like what you said. Right, right. Exactly what I said. That's a good point. But what else do you think Alex is doing this for? What is he doing it for? You really think he woke up saying, let me congratulate the 0.01% of America America yet let me leave the 55% of America alone and like
Starting point is 00:21:09 congratulate them strategically what do you think is his outcome of that post strategically I think it's about ignoring more than it is about empowering so I think that on the left end of the political spectrum there is an exaggeration of importance of minority-based issues and sometimes that's good because minorities need attention because they're being overshadowed. But this is a case where trans awareness tolerance becomes more important than the majority aspect of the occasion. So on the left, they're more interested in motivating the trans movement than they are
Starting point is 00:21:59 giving a nod to Christians. Not that they're anti-Christian, but that their mind is on the trans issue. That's part of their agenda. Christianity is not part of their agenda. Motivating Christians, speaking to Christians, speaking to devoutly religious people is not part of their agenda. It's not their base. So their head is on their base.
Starting point is 00:22:20 This is politics, Pat, more than anything else. I don't know Alex. I wouldn't even have known he was Soros' kid. I think the Soros stuff is a little overblown, but it doesn't matter. Their agenda is to play to the base. People who are sympathetic to the trans cause, which I have no problem with, as a function of tolerance,
Starting point is 00:22:41 but they're not seeing it through your lens. Your lens is this is a Christian holiday. Why would you start anywhere else? Because you don't care about the Christian holiday. That's why you just get happy Easter. And by the way, Easter is the weakest word for the occasion. It's a pagan word that has to do with Estrus, the goddess of spring, a pagan goddess. Rebirth, renewal, resurrection, he is risen. That's what Easter is for anybody who cares. Okay? Easter is just a word. They don't focus on that. They care about the other agenda. And that's what motivates a lot of their decision-making process. Is the agenda
Starting point is 00:23:18 a noble agenda or is the agenda a strategic agenda? Depends who it is. Because on the political side, it's very strategic. Because look, think about it. They're setting these people up, trans and their allies, to be hated. You're putting them in opposition to the biggest religious holiday for Christians. How are you helping them by doing that? If you care about them, why would you do that it's like raising a jet's flag at a patriot's game yeah why would you do that and speaking of being hated this is and this is speaking as someone who's jewish i'm not celebrating easter but i know you guys were correct me if i'm wrong this is the single most holy day it is in the christian faith imagine if they started saying hey by the way today's easter yeah Yeah, but don't forget Passover's coming
Starting point is 00:24:06 Let's give a little love Passover's on its way you go. Whoa. Whoa So don't don't bring me up on this, you know what I mean? This isn't my day if the whole goal of this transgender visibility day Like it's not just transgender day Visibility it's to be seen and heard and appreciated. We see you It's to be seen and heard and appreciated. We see you This is the antithesis of helping these people Yeah, this will only make people hate you more and not want to see you you're conflicting with God Yep, and not the fan that when it comes to when it comes to Trump and politics One million percent. This is playing to the base
Starting point is 00:24:44 the most ironic thing here is Biden, correct me if I'm wrong, is Catholic and apparently goes to mass every Sunday. His base is the DEI woke agenda, females, liberals. Trump, who... Which is not the Catholic base, by the way. You could argue whether it should be, but Catholics do not align politically. They are a conservative group. No, that's my point. Biden is, but not his base. Trump, you could argue, is not the most religious guy. I think he'd prefer to be playing golf on Sunday than being in church, but his base is the evangelical base. So, you know, you talked about your question on your show, who won the weekend? Without a doubt, Trump won the weekend. Trump, as you can say, a million different things bad about the guy. He's the guy that's defending Christianity now. He won it with funeral versus fundraising.
Starting point is 00:25:38 Exactly. So, and then, you know, the thing, I mean, just to kind of give a little context here, And then, you know, the thing, I mean, just to kind of give a little context here, transgender day of visibility happens on March 31st. Nobody knew that. Easter changes every year. So if you follow any of the Jewish holidays, dude, I never know what day is what, what day is what. We know Christmas, December 25th, boom, book it, right? Every year, Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashanah, it's a different day, different week, we have no clue. Easter, technically, it's called a movable feast. So it falls on the first Sunday after the full moon,
Starting point is 00:26:15 which occurs after the spring equinox. Good luck remembering that. But same for Ash Wednesday, same for Good Friday, same for Ball Sunday. So this is just horrible, horrible timing for Biden in an election year. Last time this happened was 2013. But you know, to go back to the Soros side, the reason why the Soros comment is a little weird and I said, and I know you're kind of like, well, some people think of Soros, whatever.
Starting point is 00:26:36 You ever read his article on LA Times, the interview he did? No. What he told LA Times? Can you pull up the article I just sent you Rob? This is an interview. Go a little lower. So this is all the way at the top. This is LATimes.com.
Starting point is 00:26:46 George Soros, the God who carries around some dangerous demons. Go a little lower and I want you to go to the middle of it. Fancies. Search the word fancies. Oh right there. Right there. Right there you just had it. You just had it wherever you were at.
Starting point is 00:27:01 Oh you just moved it. Fancy. Right there. It seemed that Soros believes he was anointed by God. I fancied myself as some kind of a God, he once wrote. If truth be known, I carried some rather potent Messianic fantasies with me from my childhood, which I felt I had to control, otherwise they might get me in trouble. He continues, it is a sort of a disease when you consider yourself some kind of a God, the creator of everything. But I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.
Starting point is 00:27:30 That's the father. So this is why people are worried about Soros. This is a very strange guy. If you've never seen the documentary about this guy, highly recommend you watch it. And mind you, this is his son. What's his son's name? Alex. He's taking over the company. George Soros is older and unhealthier than Biden. Well first and foremost, let's not forget, it's election year. Everything happens, especially at this level, for a reason. What did Elon Musk say about George Soros? He hates humanity.
Starting point is 00:27:56 For somebody like that, that's pretty smart, we could all agree, he says he hates humanity. And let's think about it, guys. This is the trans visibility day. Trans falls under the umbrella of, what say Tom LGBTQ2A plus elemental people all that stuff. Look at how perfect is what they're doing. They're angering the Christians against them. So imagine now, imagine for this week how much hate that community is gonna get and what have we been seeing in the past two years Pat? How many mass shootings have these LGBTQ communities, everything is on purpose,
Starting point is 00:28:27 everything that they're doing and you nailed it, Mo. That's exactly what they're doing. You just pissed off the Christian base, which now they're gonna start talking shit and going after them. But they didn't do this though, this was done to them. To them, yeah, exactly. But going back to the point, perfect plot.
Starting point is 00:28:41 This started with Obama in 2009. Right. Okay, so this isn't but horrible time But this is but the point about this is the deceptive side the deceptive side. Yeah, you know all you had to do was wait Just to wait a few days and give love to Christians and give them their Message a nice message to them respectful about it, but you were the way you did it. It's a very obvious You're playing the game, no problem. Now, the average individual who's an independent voter,
Starting point is 00:29:09 because your vote's what matters the most, the independent, the libertarian voter who is paying very close attention, pay close attention. You're probably the only vote that matters in America today. Right's gonna vote right, left's gonna vote left. The middle, watch the gamification taking place so when events take place and there's a shooting at a trans event and something happens and then they turn that into the next George Floyd and their ceremonies and
Starting point is 00:29:35 Protesting and riots going on remember when the agitation started on Easter. Just keep that part of mind Let's go to the next story. Let's go to the next story. Next story I wanna go into was Suge Knight. Suge Knight claims Diddy's life is in danger, urges Diddy to turn himself in, okay? And I listened to this recording, I don't know if you guys did or not, he's doing 28 years in jail, just so you guys know, Suge Knight.
Starting point is 00:29:58 And Suge Knight goes all the way back in the 1995 ward ceremony when he said, if y'all wanna to be part of a you know label that the owner doesn't need to be in every single video hey the source of war comes to death throw come to death when he says that right if you want to play the clip with what should not just said on the recording Rob I think you yeah if you can play just that clip right there, go for it. Everybody been talking about the Puffy situation. Oh Rob, you can't do it.
Starting point is 00:30:28 I can't play this. Come with me. So let me just make this. Night said he prays for Diddy's kids but also blasted the mogul for giving up hip hop, giving hip hop a bad image. I'll tell you what Puffy, your life is in danger because you know the secrets. Who's involved in a secret little room you guys are participating in? The 58 year old Knight said he added, they're gonna get you if they can. Knight noted that he
Starting point is 00:30:50 turned himself in to face his charges and he thinks Diddy should do the same. Sometimes you got to face the music, that's most of the time. Knight said, Knight also insisted that Diddy would face serious trouble if he ends up in prison. you got to make a decision when you go to prison You're gonna be standing up pissing or squatting sitting down pissing Knight said before warning diddy not to use his nickname brother love in prison got to give this guy some Yeah Do you think is there any bigger enemy choose your enemies wisely than did he has with Shug night? Shug night is the diddy of death row records So we talked about this on the previous podcast in the 90s the biggest beef in America was the East Coast West Coast rap
Starting point is 00:31:35 So when Shug night is talking and giving friendly advice to diddy just be careful where you get your counsel He does not have the best intentions for diddy you got overlays on this combs issue, right? Because it's taking on a cultural component about people looking with a jaundiced eye at hip hop. It's happening more and more as this goes, and there's no direct action on combs. The first thing that bothered me about this is why is a guy who's doing 28 years for voluntary manslaughter and he didn't just turn himself in to do the right thing Okay, they had a they had him Why is he killed a guy got arrested? Myself, yeah, I don't understand why he gets a platform in prison first of all
Starting point is 00:32:16 Like if you want to punish the guy shut him up, you know what I mean? You're doing your 28 years for murder What are you saying though? I'm saying that why does he get to give press statements about what's happening with Sean Combs? The guy should be in a box thinking about what he did for the next 20 days. Would you want to interview him? Would you want to interview Shugline? Oh, of course. I'm a shameless opportunist. But I think that as a rule, I don't know why a prisoner who did something that bad is getting that kind of access to free speech But the idea of this becoming more about hip-hop this investigation Doesn't smell right from an investigative perspective and I'll tell you why Ordinarily, here's how it works. You start working bottom-up in an investigation like this. This is essentially a Rico case
Starting point is 00:33:06 Okay, this is a racketeering case That's what they're gonna do is get him for ancillary activities that were part of what they're going to say was a criminal enterprise You get the little guys they start to bubble up you now get your subpoenas out you get your information your your web of networks of contacts and Communications, which is a treasure trove these days because everybody's doing this all the time. Then you punctuate it with things that you now have an understanding where they might be and what they might mean, and you raid.
Starting point is 00:33:35 And then you indict and or arrest. That's the way it usually works. Here, we didn't hear about a lot of these things until the raid, which may have been motivated by these civil suits, which are laid out very well, by the way, especially that little rod. It reads like a novel. Then there's no action on Diddy. Diddy's waving, going to Adams' friends' restaurants. He was in Pura Vida in Miami filming with Wes Watson this weekend. Meanwhile, his sons have been arrested. There's something off about this investigation And what it smells like to me is that hip-hop is a great boogie man for the feds
Starting point is 00:34:10 Hip-hop is bad. They don't see it as what it is now, which is my kids culture Okay, my white kids living in the Hamptons live hip-hop My daughter is going a little country on me the songwriter. She's been writing some country So I don't know her Taylor's where she gets that from but I think that they're gonna be Some big surprises in this investigation of the nothing variety and it's gonna be a big problem for the feds You bust a billionaires house who's a major culture figure You put his kids in cuffs I know they thought there may be weapons in the house and that's a protocol for them
Starting point is 00:34:44 but I tell you I don't think they would have done it to Mark Cuban's kids. And I think that this is going to wind up having a nothing burger aspect. You think so? I'll tell you, I know that 90-10, anybody who's been around investigations will say, no way, they would have never raided his house if they don't have him. Look, an indictment is a probable cause standard. It's the lowest standard in our business. That's why we say you can indict a ham sandwich, right? I don't smell that they have him on the kinds of major felonies that were being teased early on except
Starting point is 00:35:16 for one component. He's got a lot of friends. No one's defending him right now. That makes me a little suspicious. Where are his friends? But it doesn't, it's not lining up right in terms of how they usually do this, Pat. I know I'm right. When Suge Knight is your biggest advocate, you got some problems. Rob, go, while you're, I wanna hear which way,
Starting point is 00:35:36 go to 50 Cent, by the way, play that clip to see where he's at. This is Miami, go ahead. Yeah. This is Wes Watson. I'm down here at Pura Vida by my pad, right into the man right here. Love.
Starting point is 00:35:48 What's up? Miami's like that. It's a movie. I'm down here at- Okay, go to 50 Cent's Instagram, but go ahead, Vinny. So Mo, what do you think about the aspect of a lot of people,
Starting point is 00:35:59 and not just online ex people making those videos, posting, but what about the aspect of, because he looks like he's happy, doesn't got a care in the world the aspect of all the cameras and all the stuff that he recorded on some Epstein level stuff that they went in and the some major players that powers that be one in just to make sure all the footage of all the shit that I had with all these elites was taken out and deleted and he flew that plane he well he wasn't on it but this jet with God knows what was on it flew to a place. Where was it?
Starting point is 00:36:29 We're a Tiga and Tiga with this and no tradition to the u.s That thing is there whatever is on that plane is gone That looks like the guy to me that knows that he's good because they're like hey listen with all the shit with all the girls that Are with all the kids stuff and all that stuff. We got to go in there. We got a raid We're gonna take out anything that we seem we deem like that can get our people in trouble and we'll get it out of here I think that that seems more feasible to me from a person with that type of attitude that just like yo what up all love if your kids are getting arrested and
Starting point is 00:36:58 you're walking scot-free like that something is definitely fishy Rob do you have that clip from 50 Cent go to the one to the right top right? Yeah, watch this Press the I go for it Right now though for real. Yeah, I need to know who fucks with me You know like just straight up like I don't have the time You know if you fuck with me let it be known because I'm going this next era And I'm lying on the ball of allies if you fuck with me let it be known because I'm going this next era and I'm lining the ball of allies if you fuck with me let it be known if you don't fuck with me be
Starting point is 00:37:27 quiet and I will take your silence as you don't fuck with me you know saying it's all love but if you fuck with me let it be known because big thing okay so so so is he saying if you're with me yes are you with me or against me okay you want my team what if you're with them publicly yes, are you with me or against me? Okay on my team Come out come on like hey, whatever's happened with Diddy I'm I thought what I want to know is not tell me one person that supported this guy that picture at this guy Tell me what's big as no caring. No one person that's come out I said anything that I got his back and that is this suspicious thing. So that what does that tell us? So my reporting
Starting point is 00:38:04 Talking to some of these people who I thought would come out, and obviously you protect them as sources. That's what the media is supposed to do ethically. And they say, look, I don't believe that he is gay, not that that's a crime, that he is a pedophile. I don't believe it. I don't like these Bieber videos I think they're misleading but but but they all have a but and it all goes to abuse of his power and what the people Around him may have been doing that he was caught up in and that's why they're staying quiet Now the problem is also that you got 50. I keep getting yelled at for not saying his name 50 Is it F I T T Chris Cuomo you say what you want What you want from New York, it's 50. All right, so 50 cents says
Starting point is 00:38:54 bad things about Biggie because about combs because it's it's competition sugar saying bad things because competition that's getting covered more Sugar saying bad things because competition that's getting covered more than the actual investigation and that's my problem with this is there's an overlay of kind of hip-hop culture going at itself and that's a distraction from the actual case and I really believe that I haven't seen any indication except that raid which was I've never seen a guy of his profile Get done as dirty as that raid was, you know, you get people say Trump got raided Trump didn't get raided. They didn't have any weapons. They didn't draw any weapons It was done by arrangement. They spoke first. That's a raid
Starting point is 00:39:33 Oh, yeah, they did to a billionaire named Sean Combs. It doesn't smell right to me. It doesn't smell If you see this clip, did you see this clip of Mike Tyson? Yeah, and him sitting there? Yeah, very weird. Can you Rob if you can you know pull up this clip of Mike Tyson and him sitting next to each other? Yeah, very weird. Rob, if you can pull up this clip. By the way, I just typed Diddy Tyson. There you go. Watch this. It's a little weird. Tyson and Diddy are next to each other in an interview. This is what the Keenan and Ivory Waynes is the host.
Starting point is 00:39:59 Look at that hand. Watch what Tyson does. He truly is about to bend. Yeah, man. Let me see. Oh, yeah. He's good. He's moving out of the way. Watch what Tyson does Yeah, but so he's still moving his ass away from it. I don't know Tyson Was on was did we talk about did he with Tyson? I don't I think he kind of just what he said I just skipped over that question. He said all up by the way, where are did he's friends? Where's usher? Where's Bieber? Where's a little Kim? Well, he's friends with Will Smith. He's friends with obviously the whole junior mafia crew Mace DJ Khaled in Miami. These are his friends. But let me ask you a question.
Starting point is 00:40:50 No, Adam. What would be not necessarily benefit? What is coming out to stick up for a guy that you at the end of the day have no idea. Why was he recording everybody? Why are there cameras in every room? That's a you. There's nothing illegal about having cameras in your home. Small little cameras in every single room is that illegal cool in your
Starting point is 00:41:06 bathroom in your bathroom in your home it's not illegal based cameras based on how you use the footage but I will tell you it's unusual to have cameras in a house as opposed to pointing outside the house yeah you know what I mean like security cameras are usually looking legal at the perimeter like when Pat you know caught me trying to steal some of the air valve covers off one of the cars, it was on the camera outside, not in my bathroom. I fully disagree, you can have cameras in the house.
Starting point is 00:41:32 You can, it's unusual. By the way, we officially know Adam has cameras in every one of these rooms. Yeah, I'm never gonna take a crap in your house. What the hell are you talking about? Hold on, hold on a second. If you have a camera in your house, in your bathroom, hold on, and somebody's in there peeing or doing drugs
Starting point is 00:41:48 or hooking up with somebody, that's legal in your own bathroom and without telling them? If you do something with it, yes, but you can have cameras in your house. If you do something with it, no, it wouldn't be legal. Correct. But in terms of wanting, you can do whatever in your house you want,
Starting point is 00:42:03 but if you then put it online or something you Here's my question. I've never seen any reality show ever So wait wait wait so recording in private spaces without consent such as changing rooms bathrooms or private homes is illegal So I love you Rob. Thank you So go on to my back go on to my point we're finding out is his house in LA, his house in Miami, his house in New York, these cameras were everywhere. And bro, we're not just talking about, you know, Cassie was there with a couple rappers. No, no, foreign dignitaries like the Prince, they're saying these type of people were at
Starting point is 00:42:38 this house. If they found out, oh, he's getting, this is happening and there's cameras in the bathroom. You know what I was doing in that bathroom? Go, go after him, get the system, get his ass, go in there and raid it. That's what I would do if I was of that caliber. That could be one of five things that you have to put on the line that could be happening right now. Yeah. Rico, sex trafficking, human trafficking, you know, retail on others, you know rape, you know guns There could be a lot of different things
Starting point is 00:43:08 It's gonna be Rico no matter what because that's the vehicle that they created to make it easier to get all the other stuff Whether they can make the case in a way where when you read the indictment Which is the best it gets for the prosecution, right? The indictment is the height of how compelling it is because you haven't really heard anything from the other side. If you don't read that and you're like, oh wow, they really have him and there are all these people that are testifying against him who are doing the activities for him, then my suspicion is right that this is, this is sniffy. Look, this is why they always get mobsters on tax. Okay. The reason they get mobsters on tax is, and that was a different day where guys basically, once in a while, Sammy the Bull and others would talk, but usually it was a conspiracy
Starting point is 00:43:51 of the quiet. Hip-hop and these new things that they're doing criminally within that sphere, they all talk. It's braggadocios at best. So racketeering influenced and corrupt organizations is just a fancy way of saying we're gonna catch you for the side activities that went into the main criminal enterprise. That's how they're gonna come at Puffy. It's a much lower bar for them to make the case. Let's go
Starting point is 00:44:14 to the next story. Let's go to the next story. Israel accused of deadly strike on Iranian consulate in Syria, BBC. So Iran's Revolutionary Guards say seven officers have been killed in an Israeli strike on the Iranian consulate building in Syria's capital Damascus. Brigadier General Mohammed Reza Zahedi, a senior commander of the elite Quds Force, and Brigadier General Mohammed Hadi Haji Rahimi, his deputy, were named amongst the dead. Iran and Syria's governments condemned the attack, which destroyed a building next door to the Iranian embassy. The Israel military said it did not comment on foreign media reports. However, it has acknowledged, carrying out hundreds of strikes in recent years on targets in Syria that it says are linked to Iran and
Starting point is 00:45:07 Allied armed groups which are armed funded and trained by the Revolutionary Guards. Okay, Chris What do you what do you what do you see with the story here? Israel did it It puts America in a weird situation There is a chance that Israel did this with the United States understanding. America has been very impotent where Iran is involved. Iran is the head of the snake. Iran is involved in about every terroristic and anti-American activity in that region and elsewhere.
Starting point is 00:45:43 Israel is sending a message that you don't tell us what to do. Now, this may not be as big a deal as I was making it last night, because I believe the United States knew that this was going to happen. And they are at least tacitly okay with it. Why? Because we don't have the political will to go after Iran right now. The American people don't want it. They're afraid. It never works out in their interest as far as they're concerned.
Starting point is 00:46:13 And I don't know that they're wrong. But this is absolutely going to ramp it up because now all of their proxies, and we're seeing it already, they got hit in Galilee. Hezbollah is launching more rockets. You have an Iraq militia that is Iran sponsored is now hitting them from the West. It's gonna ramp up. And the idea that this was going to go away, it's not gonna go away. It's only going to expand. We've gone past the tipping point of this being able to end easily. And by the way, with all this noise, the one word we're not hearing is the word that should
Starting point is 00:46:48 matter most to everyone listening to your podcast, the hostages. When do the hostages matter? Everything else matters more. Now we're in the Iran mode. Meanwhile, these people are rotting, they're being abused, they're being assaulted. Why don't they come home first? Why isn't that the first thing? Hamas, you want us to treat you fairly in any way?
Starting point is 00:47:09 Give them back now. Oh no, we'd be losing our leverage. You took them. Give them back. That should be the sole focus of the American negotiation. And it isn't. It boggles my mind. But they did this.
Starting point is 00:47:21 I think they did this with U.S. understanding, and it's going to expand the footprint of this and it's going to get uglier before it gets anything other than that. I completely agree with that. And there's you have to understand in US foreign policy how we communicate sometimes. this happened, the US approved giving F-35s to Israel along with $3.8 billion of advanced guidance bombs. Why say that publicly? We do that in the evenings without the world know about it every Tuesday. Why say it now? We're sending a message to Syria and others, hey, we are now sending advanced stuff, very advanced. This isn't F-15s, this isn't F-16s, this isn't the, you know, when you hear those numbers,
Starting point is 00:48:12 those are planes around 25 years that are still, you know, heroes of the sky. The F-35 is a very advanced aircraft that went with $3.8 billion to Israel. We're sending a message to people around there that this was a proxy hit. We knew about it. We knew it crossed the line. When you go on the other soil and you cross the sovereign lines, it's very symbolic and it brings in. Israel was acting almost as a U.S. proxy because we want Hezbollah and those who know in Syria.
Starting point is 00:48:44 Listen dudes, you know, you don't cross over here There's messages being sent to Hezbollah in many ways Don't get in and the way we're doing it is we allow Israel to cross the line Make a big hit not a rocket not a defense missing not Iron Dome landing rockets over the border Make a hit and we say oh by the way, we're sending them advanced weaponry very advanced weaponry So it's huge so so how so let me ask you guys a question though So obviously the North Korea threat is kind of there We have the China threat all the time Russia's always gonna be a threat how because now if they're bombing this guy in
Starting point is 00:49:21 Syria how much longer till they actually extend and they actually do attacks? We're not doing anything in Iran, have we? Has Israel, with Cahooto, does bomb anything in Iran yet? How close are we to that happening? Officially? Israel has made it very clear that they will hit anywhere at any time where there's an existential threat. I do not think they would hesitate to hit anything that was Iran backed specifically or owned and they would hit inside Iran. Remember, they have a very different mentality than we do. You know, there is no substitute for existential threat. We've lived at once in our lifetime. 9-11 was perceived as an
Starting point is 00:50:03 existential threat to at least the American way of life, if not to America's sovereignty, and it was nothing compared to what Israel is dealing with. And I don't have to tell you guys, you served. You know what we did in response to that situation. So Israel believes, how do we know this? The Israeli people, Netanyahu is seen as a a malefactor right now. He's a bad guy, right? He's got to go The policy is not going to change if he's gone vis-a-vis Hamas. No way the war doesn't I mean that you know, Adam Whatever you think about this tell me but I'm not saying that Netanyahu is not making it worse
Starting point is 00:50:39 But even if you get a new person in there who's a lefty, let's say They're not gonna just back out of Gaza. Nope. They're not just going to let Hamas continue to attack them. And now you've got Hezbollah doing it. They're very different than us. And we are desperate for division in this country right now. We're addicted to grievance.
Starting point is 00:50:58 They are fingers that become a fist. I don't know what would make us become a fist, to be honest. And that's sad. They're going to keep doing make us become a fist, to be honest. And that's sad. They're going to keep doing this and no one's going to tell them not to. Oh yeah, we'll pull the aid. I don't think so. Yeah. Whether it's Bibi Netanyahu, whether it's Benny Gantz, whether it's Naftali Bennett, whoever's coming in is going to keep the exact same strategy that is happening right now. Everyone's calling for the ceasefire. I get it. There's just one thing that needs to happen before the ceasefire.
Starting point is 00:51:27 The hostages. People forget about that. So in order for us to stop trying to win this war, we need to get our hostages back. And you know, I make light of this, but they're literally negotiating with terrorists. Okay, so good luck with that. Here's what I'll tell you. You know, people make the metaphor. It's like what happens if Mexico or Canada was, you know, dropping bombs, United States, what would you do? It's actually a little bit more specific like that. Israel is basically like Washington DC. And all around them, whether it's Maryland, Virginia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Jersey, Delaware, New York. There's countries that are trying to kill them. And New York, the biggest bad boy in the region is Iran. Now, PPD can speak to this for the rest of his life. He knows this more than anyone.
Starting point is 00:52:16 How do they say it? Every time. How do they say it? Sorry, my, my, my, um, farce is not what, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad,
Starting point is 00:52:29 mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, about one thing and one thing only, the preservation of your country and your people. And you'll do anything to basically keep them alive. So if it has to do with taking a preemptive attack on Iran in Syria, we've done it before with Soleimani, they'll continue to do it and they'll give zero apologies. And they, unlike America, are willing to stomach what comes with this, especially when it comes to nuclear situations.
Starting point is 00:53:05 It's more complicated now with Gaza. It's a far more complicated situation. For people to know their history, this is in Israel's DNA. And if you go back and read about a historical event that was called the raid on Entebbe, this is when Israel went and rescued a bunch of their own citizens on a hijacked aircraft, and it was very surgical and precise. Unfortunately in the world in which we live with tunnels and everything around Gaza, you cannot do it that way. And you wish it would because it ends up being the mess that it is right now.
Starting point is 00:53:39 It's horrifying. But it's in their DNA to say, I'm going to get my people back and I'm going to go take care of this PBD can I ask you a question? Yeah as someone who served in the military This is genuine genuine question, you know The the narrative around Iran and the coup force and everything is they're great at little attacks They're great at funding terrorism, you know, they're the head of the snake What war have they ever won in the last 40 years?
Starting point is 00:54:05 of the snake what war have they ever won in the last 40 years what have they actually ever done and fought for how prepared are their troops to go to war because I can guarantee you this the Israeli military if shit goes down they do this day in and day out yeah I mean listen it's like fighting a guy and you know he smiles in your face leaves and does what he does behind your back that's one way of fighting. Another guy that just, you tell him, he tells you to his face how he wants to fight you. That's another way of fighting.
Starting point is 00:54:31 It's direct. Another guy you fight, he sends four or five guys after you. That's another way to fight. Another guy, he hacks you, makes your life a living hell, makes your social security public. That's another way, that's a different country. There's many things. These guys are the ultimate proxies on how many different militaries they build to piss
Starting point is 00:54:49 people off. And at the same time, you know, you can't underestimate their size and what they have right now and their backing on who's with them. They have the right people backing them up. And unfortunately, yeah, they got the right people on their side. And that, you know, when somebody signs a 25 year, 400 billion dollar contract with you,
Starting point is 00:55:13 and that's China saying we're gonna invest 400 billion dollars in Iran for the next 25 years, you've read this story, you've seen this story, they got the right people backing them up. So you're almost feeling like protected. You know the kid that goes into a bar and is like, yeah, what's up? Like I had a sergeant, he was a small guy, 5'6", 130.
Starting point is 00:55:29 You met him before, he was on a podcast once. And every time we go to a pool hall, he'd be like, yeah, what's up? What you wanna do? And he would hustle people for money. And is he gonna do something to me? You know who's my friend? That guy right there.
Starting point is 00:55:41 Oh no. Go ahead, do something, do something. And then guys are like, and then I'm like, Felix, I'm not going to a pool hall to get into another fight. That guy right there. Oh no. Go ahead. Do something. Do something. And then guys are like, and then I'm like Felix, I'm not going to Paul to get into another fight. But I know if I'm going with Felix, he's going to hustle people because he was the best player on the- Nasty.
Starting point is 00:55:53 He was a nasty player. Yeah, really? Professional. He knows how to play. So Iran is a little bit of that and a little bit of, you know, deceptive dark way of competing and fighting. But by the way, they're also not somebody you want to I don't know It's not
Starting point is 00:56:09 Israel has to keep their reputation going the way they are They're the types that's gonna say if we're gonna do something we're gonna do what they're doing it They're keeping their war to their people. I don't think that's gonna slow down. Let's go to the next story I want to talk about real estate. So real estate ending 6% commission time I'm coming to with this could turn out to be a venus flytrap situation Rob pull up the picture venus flytrap It's very important for us to educate these people Crazy, how do you not know what a venus flytrap is?
Starting point is 00:56:40 Yeah, like what kind of I'm hungry ending 6% commission go to the turn now to be a Venus flytrap situation for home buyers and economist says okay First time I learned what a Venus flytrap was yesterday So National Association of Realtors settlement expected to take effect in mid-july pending approval aims to remove upfront display of commissions for buyers agents on multiple listing service, a move that could result in additional costs
Starting point is 00:57:10 for home buyers. According to a real estate economist, Ken Johnson, the situation resembles a Venus flytrap where buyers might find themselves at a disadvantage. Johnson cautioned that approaching listing agents directly could leave buyers ill-equipped to secure the best deal going directly to a listing agent who represents a seller in a legal sense puts the buyer at an extreme disadvantage in terms of bargaining power and market knowledge. With the proposed changes, buyers may need to cover. Their agents fee themselves, potentially adding
Starting point is 00:57:45 significant expenses to their home purchase. For instance, on a $400,000 house, paying 3% commission to a buyer's agent would translate to an additional $12,000 in cost for the buyer. Tom, what are your thoughts on this story? Well, first of all, this is economist Ken Johnson, who represents the real estate industry. So what side is he on? They didn't want the status quo to be upset. They didn't want buyers and sellers, excuse me, they didn't want people to be able to negotiate with realtors and say, hey, there's a very nice house,
Starting point is 00:58:11 why don't you do it for 4%? So there's three guys that wanna represent me, oh, okay, I'll do it 4%. That's the way this is gonna work. Somebody selling the house has the control. And what they're saying is, if buyers go direct to a listing agent, that's not the way it works. When you want to buy a house you you will have a
Starting point is 00:58:28 buyer's agent that will somebody represent you and this guy's trying to stoke fear that this law is going to create problems and everything and so he's representing the industry but that's not the way it's going to work. Somebody's gonna say hey Vinnie goes he says I'm gonna go buy that little house he goes up there no one's gonna say oh you're Vinnie goes, he says, I'm gonna go buy that little house. He goes up there. No one's gonna say, oh, you're kinda screwed, you're gonna have to be paying the fees because the guy selling it's gonna go, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:58:51 Chris is gonna say, no, no, wait a minute. If Vinnie's capable and can buy my house, I'd like to sell him the house because I'd like to have a good buyer come in, I'd like to sell my house. I don't want the listening to be here forever. And so you make a deal and they say, well, we've agreed with Adam the realtor,
Starting point is 00:59:04 he's gonna do it for 4%, we're gonna do this. This is basically, the industry is scared to death of the power that they're giving the buyers and sellers. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? This is a very good thing because people have been sitting there 6% like it or not. Is it a good thing for people like you where you're in the 1% time
Starting point is 00:59:24 because you could actually be a realtor Or is it good for the 80% of buyers? I think this is good for the buyers and sellers who are no longer Forced into a 6% arrangement they can negotiate with the best Listing agent they want find someone they like and come to agreement on the Commission. I disagree with our friend Tom here Because we're in the insurance business. We've seen what's happened with the DOL laws I'm actually shocked that our friend Tom who's been an advocate for the Department of Labor What's going on the insurance business isn't advocating for your real estate friends Tom? Here's the reality. We know if you're selling a ten million dollar house twenty million dollar house
Starting point is 01:00:03 They're gonna negotiate with you upfront Hope for you know, the 6% is gonna get split 3 and 3 that gets the trickle-down effect But to me, this is the seller trying to save 10 grand but ends up losing out on a hundred grand and In the long run so great. So I have a good friend geo. He watches the podcast all the time my realtor He says number one. You just got to be for threatright about the commissions straight up. This is how it works. This is what's going on. Let's have this conversation upfront. Number two, I'm going to bust my ass for you.
Starting point is 01:00:32 I'm going to get the best deal possible for you. My job is incredibly hard, incredibly different. I'm going to carry the brunt of paying out the out of pocket costs to market your house. And number three, if you want to go about this alone, go for it, good luck. You're not going to do the best job possible. You're going to get screwed. So are there situations that you can negotiate commissions?
Starting point is 01:00:53 Sure. But I firmly believe that salespeople in finance, in insurance, in real estate deserve their commissions. And if they don't, they're weeded out of the industry anyway. Yeah, I mean, Tom, this reminds me of the one realtor that, you know, we were introduced to from our church in LA to sell our last house, which I'm sure you remember this story with that smile on your face. So she gets introduced to represent our house.
Starting point is 01:01:19 And I watch her when people come and look at the house. And it's driving me insane at this point that this girl doesn't know how to sell this house. So finally, I told her, I got a couple people coming to look at the house today, I don't want you to come. Don't come, just stay home. So she says, what are you talking about?
Starting point is 01:01:39 Everybody wants their agent to be there. I don't want you to be there, but I'll sell for you. You don't need to come. The guy comes, okay, I sell him the house, I give the tour, everything. He makes the biggest offer, cash prize, you know, cash offer, I call her, I said, it's done, you can handle the whole thing.
Starting point is 01:01:57 I said, Vermeer, don't talk to the client, just do the paperwork, you shouldn't be talking to clients. You're not a salesperson. We sold the house. She sucked as a realtor, okay? So there are certain people who, we'll kind of go back to his point, they absolutely don't do the client, you know, the right amount of service to sell it
Starting point is 01:02:19 because they're just trying to kind of sell it and get a check for them, right? They're not thinking about that additional $100,000. It's 2.2 million or whatever the house is. They're like, oh, I'll sell them for this value. Now, some realtors that bust their ass for you, let me tell you, those guys don't get paid enough money. Some of the guys that do a good job.
Starting point is 01:02:38 But in some instances, it's actually a great idea, in some instances, I can see Tom's argument as well. Because if Tom comes to your house Vinny, okay I guarantee you within 20 minutes. This is how Tom is You just lose time. Yeah. Yeah. He does one of these things Tom mode. Yeah, this is you know for about $220,000 you put into this house You can probably increase the valuation by a couple million dollars if you did this and here's what I would do and that other
Starting point is 01:03:04 Anything he buys he makes it better. You know that saying I leave by a couple million dollars if you did this and here's what I would do and that I don't know anything he buys he makes it better You know that saying I leave you better than I found you that really is Tom Yeah, not just with people with property as well. That's a Thomas so Tom never needs a realtor Tom literally doesn't need a realtor for the average person. They need this service Come on to my house. Yeah, exactly. Tom is not the average dude. Tom comes in with paper works, case studies. This is the guy that doesn't need a realtor. Tom's father was a rocket scientist, guys.
Starting point is 01:03:33 Listen, when you go to buy your house, take Tom. What do you mean? Or take a realtor. He already did. Don't do it yourself, Vinny. I already did. You'll get screwed, but you'll get to save five grand. Chris, what are your thoughts on this story?
Starting point is 01:03:44 Listen, it's always tempting to have variability in a locked-in system, right? There is something unsatisfying about having someone tell you, this is how it works, it's 6%. And you want to play with that because you may think, like Pat does, well, one one I'm
Starting point is 01:04:05 very competent or my house sells itself and you're not even doing anything you know everybody in the market right now is dying for this you should take less so there's an appeal to that but also things in such a well-worked system as real estate tend to be the way they are because that's the way it works best. So I think you have a balancing effect here. I do wonder, you made the point, Pat, in terms of the 1%, the sophisticated people like Tom, but I do wonder if it's about, well, what type of real estate are we talking about? If there are a thousand units that are just like this one. And there's very little variability in price.
Starting point is 01:04:47 Well, then you're gonna have to work it to get this to sell. You're gonna have to put money into printing advertising. You're gonna have to work your contacts. You're gonna have to do things. But if we're trying to sell your house right now, I don't know why you'd need a realtor, right? All you have to do is just say on the show
Starting point is 01:05:02 that you wanna sell it and you'd have like 50 offers the next minute So I think it's situational And there are a lot of to Adams point there are already a lot of protections in place when it comes to real estate So I don't think it's about needing to keep the percentage locked in where it is because that's where everyone's safest I think it depends on where it is. My concern is more with the insurance It depends on where it is. My concern is more with the insurance market that you're starting to see industries take advantage of their customer base for their own profits.
Starting point is 01:05:32 We're seeing that certainly in the insurance world. We're seeing it in California now. You guys are dealing with it here in Florida. We're starting to deal with it in New York. Certain industries are looking to start exploiting their customer base because the margins aren't what they want it to be anymore. I don't know that that's true in real estate. Well, by the way, and it's not exploiting their customer base because the margins aren't what they want it to be anymore. I don't know that that's true in real estate. Well, by the way, and it's not exploiting, right?
Starting point is 01:05:49 It's more the incentive because once incentive leaves, interest leaves, right? So what is my interest of doing this? There is no incentive, so guess what? I'm outta here, I don't wanna do this anymore. So that's the problem with this. But by but by the way Tom what was it before so after this thing it was at 6% before that now they're saying now the buyer the seller can negotiate with the realtor with the realtor right there
Starting point is 01:06:15 were there were disclosures and they weren't remember this this this is not you know every hey let's just change the rules this was a a 15 year court case. It started with an arbitration, went from here to here to here. And this is a settlement that the industry had to make with America. And they removed the upfront display of commissions for buyer's agents. And so that buyers and sellers could look at it
Starting point is 01:06:40 and somebody selling a house had more control. Cause remember, right now everything comes out of the seller's hide, except the origination fees on the mortgage. A buyer comes up, they pay an origination fee or whatever fees on their loan, and that's it. Everything comes out of the seller's hide. Hey, you know, the faucet's ripping, I don't like that. Maybe, well, wait, you're gonna buy a house,
Starting point is 01:07:01 there's gonna be maintenance you have to do. Yeah, but I want you to fix this, and it gets tiki-tack. All of that just lands on the seller. And this basically said, hey, you're gonna buy a house. There's gonna be maintenance you have to do Yeah, but I want you to fix this and it gets ticky tack all that just lands on the seller and this basically said hey You know we have to disclose this differently and buyers and sellers should be able to go I almost think there's a part of it. That's already happening anyways like it's already going on like Negotiation with yeah, I'm not I'm not doing it for this price. I'm only doing it for this percentage of only should I'm not Gonna do it okay? No problem. You problem. You know, here's what I want. You can put all that stuff in. And by the way, say you over negotiate and you're like, hey, babe, we got this guy. Good. We over negotiate it. His motivation goes away. He's got cases he's going to make more money
Starting point is 01:07:38 on. So it's like you have to also manage the incentives. But I want to go to the California story here since you brought it up. California homeowners face an insurance crisis. What will it mean for home prices in the state? State farm decision to not renew 72,000 existing insurance policies in California representing 2% of its state's policies adds to the list of insurers, including all state farmers insurance, Hartford and USAA, withdrawn from the state due to increased wildfire risk, exasperating concerns over extreme weather conditions driven by climate change. The insurance industry's pullback from California is anticipated to have significant repercussions
Starting point is 01:08:21 on the real estate market, potentially leading to slowdown in demand and falling home prices with a 2023 study by CoreLogic indicating that every 10 point increase in wildfire risk results in a 1.3% decrease in home price in San Diego County. So every 10% increase in wildfire decrease 1.3%. Interesting. Rising insurance premiums with the average annual premium for single-family homes in the U.S. reaching $15.22 in 2020, according to Freddie Mack, contributes to homeowners' financial burdens, prompting some to consider moving
Starting point is 01:08:56 to other states to evade premium hikes. Chris? So subject to what Tom has to say about this, insurance rates are one of the least discussed economic impact stories in society right now. People are getting killed on insurance rates. It's becoming unaffordable for them. The default rate is going nuts, and you're seeing it across the board. Not just homeowners insurance, car insurance,
Starting point is 01:09:30 they're even letting their life insurance policies lapse, even term ones. I have an idea for those people by the way if they ever need anything but continue go ahead. So this is one of those things about where the industry has too much leverage over the politicians making the policies. There's something about insurance that's different. I'm a free market guy, I'm a capitalist guy, I believe in it, I believe in it's the central value of American society. But, but, but, when you have this much leverage over people, I don't think you get to walk away.
Starting point is 01:10:00 Because what happens to these homeowners now? What is the state gonna have to get into the insurance business? Because what are you gonna do? Well, you don't control wildfires. Oh, well, then don't live there, but that's not a reasonable I said very good point So that's my concern. This has bothered me for a while And in fact, I'll say something that I probably shouldn't. Do it. I have had this happen to me because I am a lawsuit risk, right? Not just because you're going to slip and fall in my house. The umbrella coverage is civil liability, period.
Starting point is 01:10:37 So you know, the next time Vinny and I go out and I don't like what somebody says about him, and we get into something and they say nine bones in their face are broken and they say that's my insurance. I got dropped. Nothing even happened. But the risk was assessed. And look, I was able to get other coverage. It wasn't easy and it cost me about 35% more. But they're doing this a lot now. So they are looking at their P&L and deciding, you know what? Pat's not worth it And I think the industry gets too much protection already and has too much leverage already To be able to make these capricious decisions that are just on the basis of P&L now you'd say well, that's capitalism I know but they get so many protections and they're so built into an adjunct of being the state already that I think they have a responsibility to cover people. But by
Starting point is 01:11:27 the way while you're saying that Rob pull up both articles both CNBC articles so this is one the average cost for a full car insurance went up 26% in 2020 that's a lot of money. We're talking about groceries and gas which are very real but 26% what is the average? So right there it tells you, current insurance costs have risen to $2500. In fact, according to Bankrate, the average annual premium for car insurance rose to $2500 in 2020 for up 20. So $2500 would be, it used to be $2000. So that's a $500 increase.
Starting point is 01:12:01 That's a lot of money. And then go to the other one, Rob. Go to the other one, go to the other one CNBC And this one says what homeowners insurance rates skyrocketed in these ten states here's how to lower your premium So homeowners insurance is another one. What are the ten states that it's saying that skyrocketed. Let's see that if it says it or not Does it okay there there so let's see Louisiana Holy shit. Yep Damn Rob 63% Holy shit. Yep. Damn, Rob. 63%. Nebraska 61% keep going. Colorado 49%, Arizona 40%, Utah 37%, Illinois 35%, DC 33%, Dakota 33%, Arkansas 32%, Kansas 32%. That's a lot of money.
Starting point is 01:12:37 And look, my next layer of the complaint is this. One, this is the only industry, maybe maybe the healthcare industry to a different degree, where they don't pay the whole VIG anyway, Pat, because you get all the state and federal aid into disaster areas that comes in, right? And the other thing they do, which is also in the health insurance company, they slow walk you to death. I don't know, you know, I've dealt with a lot of disaster areas, obviously, and there's a good buddy I made through a disaster in Louisiana where he was talking about he would keep contacting me and saying
Starting point is 01:13:11 They're still not coming the adjuster came because the state officials make them come but then they disappeared weeks Months no cash coming in your house has a hole in the top It's a sponge and they slow walk it and slow walk it So you need your money up front if you're late by a day they default when do they have to pay you by the way? They don't they don't you have to sue who has money in time to sue when you have no house When you're living in a hotel and everybody's going crazy and you're trying to keep your job. They leverage you So my point is at what point do you push back and say, look, I get that it's free market, I get it.
Starting point is 01:13:48 But you have so much artificial support on your side already. How do you balance the equities at some point? And that's where I think we're getting to is a tipping point. Now, nobody talks about it for two reasons. Okay, so there's one I just want to keep going. I wanna talk about this, keep going.
Starting point is 01:14:02 One is it's complicated, right? And two, the parties don't see an advantage over the other one in the issue. If I were able to say, and it's Vinny's fault, punk Vinny, this is why you vote for me, Vinny's their guy. They give money to all of us. So nobody sees it as an advantage, so they're quiet on it. And it's killing people, it's killing them.
Starting point is 01:14:23 I just typed in right now what's the speed homeowners insurance has to pay out okay and he'll pull it up here DC no set time limit makes sense Florida's 90 days okay Hawaii is 30 days Georgia's 10 days zoom in a little bit interesting that Georgia wait but what does it say? Make a payment? After accepting the claim, the insurance must make a- A payment. Not the full payment.
Starting point is 01:14:50 Not full payment. A payment. Fool me once, Cuomo. Got it. So that keep going a little lower. So California 30, 30, no set time limit. DC no set time limit. Florida 90 days.
Starting point is 01:15:02 Georgia 10 days. Do you see a difference between blue and red or it's irrelevant with the reds? Because right now the lowest one is what? Lowest one was 10 days, which is what, Georgia? That's red. But Florida's also red and that's 90 days. So it's not really a political thing.
Starting point is 01:15:17 It's just laws by difference. They go a little lower to see what a New York would be and some 15 days, Maryland, Michigan, 60 days, Minnesota, five days. Damn, okay, that makes sense. what a New York would be in some 15 days Maryland Michigan 60 days Minnesota five days damn okay that makes sense a payment yeah just the whole payment yeah I'm telling you I'm sure they found ways around it the lobbying group is huge and well-funded they give money to all the politicians you know how life insurance works life insurance is actually very fast some of them will work to like let
Starting point is 01:15:43 you say I've had, I've written their policies where their urine sample came up that when they went to the bathroom to pee, you don't go as an agent and say, let me see what you're doing. It's not like the military. So they bring it back. One of the ones they found out, because it was in the incontestability phase, the two years, that it was the brother who peed. So guess what? They just gave the premium back
Starting point is 01:16:06 No death benefit when the guy passed away, but for life insurance after two years The contest ability clause is gone you died after the two-year mark of you buying an insurance policy Say the death certificate bomb checks coming your way life insurance works very quickly I'm obviously very familiar with the two-year contestability mark. I'm in the insurance business. Very familiar with that. Here's my methodology, and then I actually have to go take a urine sample for insurance policy. Go for it.
Starting point is 01:16:32 I got to pee too. Because maybe I'm just in the insurance business, and I understand this is my methodology, it's not going to work for everyone. Certainly not going to work for people with kids. But if you're a guy like Vinny, or if you don't have kids, you don't have the responsibilities that some certain people have. It's almost like the Wizard of Oz. You see the movie, the Wizard of Oz,
Starting point is 01:16:49 he's a big scary guy. You peel back the curtain, you're like, what? This is what's going on back here? When it comes to buying a car, who doesn't want a nice car? Go look at what the insurance premiums on cars these days. Go look at what the cost of a new car is these days. Go look at what cost of a used car or leases. Ridiculous, highest of all time. House, who doesn't want a nice house? Vinny's been cost of a used car or leases, ridiculous. Highest of all time.
Starting point is 01:17:05 House, who doesn't want a nice house? Vinny's been talking about a house since the day he got here. Good luck with these insurance premiums. What they don't tell you is that when you go to buy a house, there's the big three expenses, I've talked about this before. Your taxes, your maintenance and your insurance. None of that is sexy to pay for, zero of it.
Starting point is 01:17:23 But that's what's gonna crush you. Question for you, how much do you spend on Uber every month? Less than I would for a nice car. No, no, I'm asking you, but what do you spend? Between 500 and a thousand bucks. How much is the Uber coming up here from Miami? About 40 bucks. Okay, so it's not 540.
Starting point is 01:17:40 It's also the cost of doing business. Today, I'm 95. Hang on, hang on, I'm asking a question. Hang on, so 40, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need,
Starting point is 01:17:49 I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need,
Starting point is 01:17:56 I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, go home or 50% of the time? Let's say 50. I do 60. 50% of the time, every time. Okay. So 60, how many times you're up here? Three times? About three days a week, yes. Okay. So that's times three, times four. 720 is your car. With no tip though, Pat. No tip. I'm just using them out of sticky. And then whatever you're doing there. So you're spending around thousand dollars on Uber.
Starting point is 01:18:20 Yeah. How much do you think I'm going to spend on these portions? Let me do that buddy. Relax, bro So if you take a thousand dollars a month, you're doing on uber then the argument becomes So if you're doing a thousand on uber, let's say doing 1200 you buy a brand new car right now It's probably gonna cost you the car you're gonna buy It's probably gonna be 1200 bucks or in the insurance for on the bus He's probably right and the part or the gas handle and the maintenance and maintenance and the god forbid yeah and the gas and the maintenance and all that stuff here's here's the the one caveat for a guy like you when you go on dates how do you do it listen no no i don't know my sources but hang on i'm i pay for their uber and they come to where i'm at that's done the days of
Starting point is 01:19:00 the 90s like i'll pick you up at your door at 8 p.m. That's dumb. Adam goes like But i'm actually asking you a real question because it's pre my time So if you're going on a date you simply tell her to meet you where you're going because you're the uber's picking her up When be ready at eight, the uber will be there at eight. Oh five and then i'll meet you where i'm going They're coming to my place No, but if you're going to dinner because you don't even take them to dinner, of course, they'll go to dinner Don't you tell the pimp and he took care of all that But the question Vinny but the question I got the question I got is let me let me ask you this how old your oldest Daughter 20 we're going from this
Starting point is 01:19:43 Good be careful. I know, I know. 21. Okay, so 21. So let me ask you, as a father. I'm not going out with Adam. By the way. But that's what I'm asking though. But Cuomo.
Starting point is 01:19:52 But hang on one second. Let's just say, I'm trying to see if like, this is what fathers and, so let's say your daughter says, dad, he sent an Uber to pick me up. No. Why though? What's wrong with that? He's saying Uber to pick me up. No. Why though? What's wrong with that?
Starting point is 01:20:07 He's saying that's the direction everything is going. You want the truth? Yeah. I'll give you the truth, okay? You can't handle the truth. My feeling is you have to meet me, okay? You have to see. Not the girls he's dating.
Starting point is 01:20:20 In my eyes. Who do you think I'm dating? What this means to me. Respectable, beautiful women. Okay? So, this guy comes to the house to pick up the kid. And my daughter, very strong kid, can talk to me anyway. You know how it is with your daughter.
Starting point is 01:20:36 They can say whatever they want. It doesn't matter. You just love them more. So, she has already warned me off, you know, like, put a shirt shirt on I don't want to see you walking out there with the arms I don't want to see any but the gun away This kid I come walking out. He's in like his parents car, right some fancy SUV I look into the window. I look at his eyes. I believe they're glassy. Okay, I say You come to my house. You smoking weed you come to my house, you smoking weed,
Starting point is 01:21:08 you come to my house, you think you're gonna pick up my daughter, that's all I say. He could answer the question, no I haven't been smoking. His eyes fill with tears, this kid. I say, now I got a problem. So I turn around, I walk back into the house, and she is now going the other way to say hello to him. Oh no.
Starting point is 01:21:26 I get to my wife luckily before Bella comes back in the house. I said, listen, the kids crying, but in fairness, I don't think it's my fault. I think that I said something was going on with this kid. I think, you know, maybe he was a little lit up or something, but I don't want her in the car with him. All right. And she comes in the house, lights me up, I was, you know, and she was upset. In my mind, I have to see the boy,
Starting point is 01:21:55 and I have to understand that he understands that this matters, this is not just some other, this is not just some other chick, and it matters to me. So she's not going anywhere on an Uber. And I'm not some caveman. My daughter goes wherever she wants. She's right now going on spring break with just another girlfriend.
Starting point is 01:22:15 They're going to Mexico. I wasn't in favor of it. She said she wanted to. She showed me the checklist of where they're going and it's a closed facility. She goes. I'm not some caveman dad. But I believe that women have to drive the dynamic. And if you send the message to this guy
Starting point is 01:22:33 that it's gonna go his way all the time, like this is how it is you're gonna come to him, like your Chinese food doesn't work for me. What the hell do you mean the woman has to drive the dynamic? Chinese food? As a woman, you have to know, It doesn't work. What the hell do you mean the woman has to drive the dynamic? You you as a woman you have to know, you know the expression know your worth Yeah If some suave guy like you can get me to do everything you want me to do what message is it sending you?
Starting point is 01:22:56 I'm already a fungible good to you. You got women all over you all the time I have to let you know that you have to respect me and treat me differently part of there's no disrespect Let me tell you how women operate and you know this cuz you're you're a good-looking suave, dude What was a fair point? Here's how women want to operate. Let me tell you A woman wants to hear this We're gonna go out for dinner tonight. We're going to a great time. We're going to go all over town. We're going to the best time of
Starting point is 01:23:27 your life. Be beautiful. Be ready by eight. I'll pick you up. You know what they say? I'll be ready by eight. They're never going to give you a speech. I know my worth. You going to take me out. No, but that's all fine. That doesn't happen. That's different. Yes. I'm sending an Uber to you. You come meet me at the club. I'll be in the times have changed. Make sure you grab a seat. The days have changed for you in Miami, but normally a guy goes to pick up the girl. I'm not hanging out in Topeka, Kansas. I'm talking about if you're in LA, if you're in Miami, if you're in New York.
Starting point is 01:23:54 Cuomo, you live in New York. No one has cars in New York. They're all Ubering. What are you talking about? But come get them. Yeah, well that's a real... Sure. Yeah, but the conversation in the car, the conversation in the ride, that's a that's a sure you have a conversation in the car the
Starting point is 01:24:13 Uber for me yeah, but but what and you're probably raised your daughter better than most people out there Most daughters who are 21 you think they're even telling their father they're going out on some date But think of 20 but she's 21 you think you know what just happened right here old woman is asked You think a 25 or 30 year old woman is asking that proof? What if she falls in love with the Uber driver Adam? You're thinking of a 21 year old, not a 28 year old. Tom, can we get Tom's? That's fair. Tom, what are your thoughts? We're talking about two different stages of life.
Starting point is 01:24:33 What Chris is talking about, and I have a daughter who's going to be 18 in June, and we're talking about the establishment phase. When he is setting that up with his daughter, what he is saying to her is you have value and you should accept Nothing short of certain standards for how you'll be treated and respected as a person and I've said this before and you've heard it the number one thing that I've always instilled in my daughters is Teach them the ability to reason and resist to reason with the situation and resist the things that are not good for you putting a platform of personal value and respect underneath that.
Starting point is 01:25:10 And I've always hoped that if I could just put a platform of value and respect on their heart and teach them to reason and respect with their mind, if I'm on the wrong plane tomorrow, then I've given them the tools to grow and mature in a world where not all men are noble princes Not all men are respectful people and roofies exist in college at parties And I've put them in a position to get through that so at this stage Adam We're talking about I would have been the same way
Starting point is 01:25:39 I would have gone out and said excuse me if I would have walked up politely and just knocked on the window and said Hey, once you walk inside just for a second. I want to say hello He knows how I am and I and if the guy doesn't want to get out of the car Seventeen year old girl on a date in and he doesn't want to walk up talking about teenagers until you guys deal with that nonsense Talking about grown-up stuff guys here guys. That's we were talking about you change the cap princess and by the way, oh princess. Yeah 23 plus Guys deal with your teenagers Deal with that's called grow develop and leave
Starting point is 01:26:20 talking about but I talking about what but the Villainizing of dudes out here that we're all just roofing girls I take advantage of women 99% of men are fucking great dudes and the fact that you just want to villainize man's way too high That's the way I think men are being villainized. I think men are under attack. I think being masculine is under attack I agree with you with all of that people in general are Amoral and self-interested that certainly goes for men Especially once you input sex I agree with you
Starting point is 01:26:48 But you know who needs to G check the men the other men if you're around a group of dudes And there's ten of us hey, that's what we're gonna do tonight and one guy gets out of line And he's like here's what I'm gonna do. I'm like the fuck you talking about. I'm with you The girls aren't gonna know that but I don't like PBD shaking his head saying I don't know you're gonna let your daughter jump into an uber that somebody sent her to meet him at the club You don't even know what it's doing to be over here if you need God if somebody Comes up to want to pick up the girls and send an uber. Oh Bro, it is horrible with me. I'm angry right now just Oh bro, it is horrible with me. I'm angry right now, just the thought of it.
Starting point is 01:27:25 And there's a thing, Adam, to go to your point. But by the way, let me tell you, you guys didn't, we didn't know each other when we were in our early 20s. We didn't know, we didn't party with each other. We're all like, oh family, you know, the four kids. You don't know who I was at 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. I've seen the pictures. I'm as opportunistic as any 22 year old,
Starting point is 01:27:46 so if you're naive, a fool, and an idiot, hey, and you're above 18 years old, 20, I get it, let's go to the club, let's totally get that. But the difference is if you're wanting to play to have fun versus if you wanna have a family. Those are two different stories. If you wanna play, have fun, and book, book and score and have whatever that is, game. But if you want to impress
Starting point is 01:28:11 a girl's father that's going to be your father-in-law to be with that family, knowing you're going to one day ask for her hand and that's going to be your father-in-law, possibly a father role in your life that you're going to be friends with because that man's, I'm planning on being that guy's friend. I'm planning on being sent on Brooklyn's husband's good friend and back him up and making sure I'm developing them as a leader as well and we can go to dinner together and a game and just he and I, we can enjoy each other's company. I'm looking forward to being that kind of a father-in-law. And to have that, if you're looking for that,
Starting point is 01:28:49 yeah, it's just not gonna do it for me. Now, if you're playing, do it, go for it. Do whatever you wanna do with the playing stuff. But if you're looking to build a family and you wanna impress that family that you could one day, because think about it this way. What if all of a sudden someone's daughter is going on a date and you want to impress that family that you could one day because think about it this way What if all of a sudden my you know, someone's daughter is going on a date with you and this man runs a Billion dollar company and you and him are in each other's lives for 15 years
Starting point is 01:29:18 He's now 80 years old and he's only got three girls and none of the girls want to run a company And you're the most capable son and he's sitting there saying you know what? I can't keep it in the family this guy can probably run the business because his Kids are my grandkids and one day they're gonna run it. You know what I want you there's there's I don't know Yeah, well, mr. Diamond. Yeah, if you're interested But what I'll tell you is this because we're saying the same thing It's just it has to do with one thing and that's age if you're talking teenagers college. Everything you're saying is inappropriate But here's the reality guys
Starting point is 01:29:44 Marriage used to happen in the early 20s now. It's in the late 20s for men and women So everything you're talking about marriage kids family That's not happening at 16 18 21 22. It's happening when they're out of the house They're making their own decision about the bro. Go go I'll tell you what though, and I don't want people because I'm new to the team I've watched Adam when we're out and I Love everything about you. Thank you, so it's not about you You showed up to my house to take out my daughter would be a different proposition. Yeah, I'm crying already
Starting point is 01:30:20 I gotta leave right now. Yeah, go do your thing. I know your business. And if you smelled like Vinny, forget it. I'd make you dinner first. You've been smelling Vinny all day. You wouldn't have to take my daughter out to dinner. You've been hanging out with Don Lemon a little too much. Let's do this. Let's do this. Rob, can you pull up the RFK? Go to the bathroom if you gotta go. Can you pull up the RFK clip with CNN? And I wanna get, you know him very well.
Starting point is 01:30:44 You guys have spent time, indirectly even family member at some point. So this is RFK yesterday on CNN. Go ahead and play this clip, Rob. People talk about the threat to democracy that Trump poses. Do you really think that that is, is it equal to Biden? Listen, I can make the argument that President Biden is a much worse threat to democracy. And the reason for that is President Biden is the first candidate in history, the first president in history that has used the federal agencies to censor political speech, so to
Starting point is 01:31:18 censor his opponent. I can say that because I just won a case at the Federal Court of Appeals and now before the Supreme Court. It shows that he started censoring not just me, 37 hours after he took the oath of office, he was censoring me. No president in the country has ever done that. The greatest threat in democracy
Starting point is 01:31:37 is not somebody who questions election returns, but a president of the United States who used the power of his office to force the social media companies, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, to open a portal and give access to that portal to the FBI, to the CIA, to the IRS, to CISA, to NIH, to censor his political critics. President Biden, the first president in history, he used the secret, his power over the secret service to deny secret service protection to one of his political opponents for political reasons.
Starting point is 01:32:11 He's weaponizing the federal agencies. Those are really critical threats to democracy. Donald Trump, of course, tried to overturn a free and fair election. He tried to overturn one, right? He's still fighting in court. How is that not a threat to democracy? Well, I think that is a threat to democracy. If he, him over trying to overthrow the election clearly is threat to democracy.
Starting point is 01:32:35 But the question was, who is the worst threat to democracy? And what I would say is, I'm not going to answer that question, but I can argue that President Biden is because the First Amendment, Aaron, is the most important. But Adams and Hamilton and Madison said, we put the guarantee of freedom of expression in the First Amendment because all of our other constitutional rights depend on it. If you have a government that can silence its opponent, it has license for any atrocity. So just to be clear, you're saying you could make an argument that President Biden is a that can silence its opponent, it has license for any atrocity. Wow.
Starting point is 01:33:05 So just to be clear, you're saying you could make an argument that President Biden is a worse threat to democracy than Donald Trump. That's what you just said. Absolutely, but who else has ever tried to, who else has ever tried to censor what president in history has ever tried to censor political opponents, what president has weaponized.
Starting point is 01:33:19 Here's a man whose father and his uncle got assassinated. If there's anybody that knows about this that's qualified to speak on this topic It's him Chris thoughts on this. All right, so There's a lot here. Okay One you're seeing why Bobby doesn't get invited on a lot of mainstream networks Okay, they do not want to hear anything that he's saying right now My I would have had a different conversation with him. I would have checked a couple of more points early on because he's very clever.
Starting point is 01:33:49 He's a very intelligent guy. People mistake his voice for his cogency, and they're two very different things. So Aaron, you see, is trying to distill the soundbite. Kennedy says Biden more dangerous than Trump. That's what she wanted out of it. That's the clickbait. I'm not criticizing her. I'm saying that's what it is. He is touching on something that is really, really important for Democrats to understand. Okay? The Trump is the boogeyman argument is not gonna get it done for you with independence. It's not gonna work.
Starting point is 01:34:27 I'm not saying that you're wrong to make the argument. I'm saying that people know who Trump is. He's been weighed and he's been measured. Every moment you spend not discussing policies that you will put in place and methods that you will establish with your leadership that is better than his is a moment lost. People don't like what the government did under Biden during COVID with respect to policing
Starting point is 01:35:01 what was on social media. This is the democracy issue of our generation. What you're allowed to process for yourself versus what is manipulated on social media is the issue. Even the new feature on Metta where you can turn on and turn off different types of political speech, huge problem, huge problem. We are in a censorship phase. The federal government was censoring information to social media platforms. We all know that there's always interface
Starting point is 01:35:32 between media and government. Over the years, I've had many different administrations come to me and say, be careful about this, be careful about that, be careful, and I welcome it. I welcome it I welcome it but there's a line and they went over the line because they wanted to protect they wanted to protect the government policies and they manipulated social media the social media people were stupid or gullible or transactional
Starting point is 01:36:03 whatever it was they mispronounce complicit. Or complicit. And that's what- You believe that? You think they were complicit? 100%. Okay. 100%.
Starting point is 01:36:13 Because look, you don't have to do what the government's telling you to do. Were there some subtle threats? Yeah, I believe there were. But Bobby is right about this issue. Does it make Biden a bigger danger to democracy? I think the whole thing is hyperbole. I think neither of these guys are going to destroy the democracy. Right. But, okay, that part-
Starting point is 01:36:34 Because a lot of people disagree with you on that. I know. Well, not necessarily. No, not necessarily. Not necessarily. I think the part here, the one part of the democracy, the republic, the one part of the republic that, remember, this is a republic, but I understand the democracy argument as well. The one part of it is that the argument he's making, which he's right, which he's right, okay, the guys used the DOJ against his opponent to keep him busy.
Starting point is 01:37:01 You know, that part is a precedent. So for example, you know, this whole thing about what they did to McCarthy and impeach him. You know how much I wasn't a fan of that? Kevin McCarthy. Yeah. I'm like, guys, what do you, so now you know what's going to be happening? So what happens in a company? You know, the saying goes, hire slow, fire, fast. Fully get that. So that part of it I agree with. Hire slow, fire, fast. You hire somebody and you're like, dude, this is not working out. Look bro, I've had the conversations and I let them say face to face to say, I decided
Starting point is 01:37:35 to resign and leave. You go for it. And I will never give the name. If they call me out, then I have to give the name. But till then, I'm never going to give the name. You're right. Say face, go do your thing. Totally get it.
Starting point is 01:37:44 Zero names will ever be given unless if they want me to say it, then I'll have to talk about it. Sometimes it's just like, listen bro, I don't think you like working here and I don't think it's gonna work out. We gotta move on, right? But for the most part, when you work with somebody, Tom and I, I remember Tom and I started working together one time after, you three months okay we had something that we faced what happens on now we're moving on and we moved on and we moved on and we
Starting point is 01:38:11 moved on then we had an issue then we moved on and we moved on now Tom's family to me Christmas every Christmas we're together he's pretty much a Syrian he doesn't know it he doesn't know what I'm thinking about asking him to change David because then for sure all the assets flow through you know Just like it's gonna be a different kind of a story. I'm learning to shave my back Weird as this sounds how much hair do I have on my back Tom zero you find a single hair on my back Billy boys different story, but Boy is a different story. But the point is, like this whole, let's impeach, let's impeach, let's impeach, let's impeach,
Starting point is 01:38:49 let's impeach. Bro, let him have a little bit of momentum to see what he does. What did McCarthy do? The negotiation with, you know, and Matt Gaetz and all this stuff. Okay, fine. Now this next guy, Johnson, let's farm. Now he's going, most of these guys are establishment guys you're putting as a speaker. What do you think you're getting as a Republican guy that you're putting there, right?
Starting point is 01:39:09 That's one thing on what we're doing. If there's anything that's given me a lot of trust in the system is the last three years, four years in America. I'm new to politics. I've not been in the political world my entire life. Matter of fact, I hate politics because to me every time I think about politics, my parents got divorced twice because of politics. I was a kid that wanted to come home to both my mom and dad being home together. One was a communist, one wasn't a imperialist. They divorced over politics.
Starting point is 01:39:37 I hate politics until eventually I realized taxes is politics and you want to silence me. Now I'm not gonna stop doing this because I don't like to be controlled and I have to fight for some of the guys that maybe Can't fight for it, right? But the part for me on what happened these last three years, you know what it is This system in America is a frickin sick Let me tell you bro Biden is giving his speech four weeks ago and he's trashing the Supreme Court and it's a 6-3 Supreme Court.
Starting point is 01:40:11 They're 100% united against the president. Do you know how emotional that moment should be for every single American to know that they are fighting for a freaking constitution? I would love to stand in front of them and salute the freaking Supreme Court that we got. The system we have with the Senate, with Congress, I meet up with my Goldman guy and he's saying, listen, here's the history since 1929, except for the black swan events that we have. The markets always done better, the more it's divided.
Starting point is 01:40:42 The markets done always better, the more it's divided. Meaning, you know, Senate government. Divided government. 100%. So like, the executive, as the Republican, as the Democratic Congress. And he's, we're looking at, I have the data up search, he said, look at this.
Starting point is 01:40:54 He says, crikey the way it is. Every Goldman's, every Morgan, every one of these guys want a divided administration between, you know, all this stuff, I'm like, okay. The system is built so well. However, Chris, if Trump was your father, if you were born a Trump, not a Cuomo, okay? This is purely hypothetical.
Starting point is 01:41:17 If you're born a Trump, not a Cuomo, this is not even a- Hypothetical or gone? This is not even a, this is a question we're asking here that could be if I'm born a Cuomo. Okay. Our relation, the first time he's DMing, he's saying, why would you want me on your show? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:31 You remember the first time, you know, I said, what do you mean why would I want you on your show? I respect the facts. I have two boys. My, my boys, I'd love for them to have each other's back the way you have your brother's back. I have so much respect for the way your father raised you. I don't need to know politics, right?
Starting point is 01:41:43 The rest is just conversation. What happened? Oh, your father raised you. I don't need to know politics, right? The rest is just conversation. Okay, thank you. So, but the point with what they did this time, if you were a Trump, not a Cuomo, and they did to your father, let's say Donald, they did to him what they've done the last few years just to Twitter, okay? Don't let that New York Post story go. 50 intelligence agents, oh you know, there's nothing to do with the laptop.
Starting point is 01:42:10 We all bought into it. And even Comey in 2016 in October came out and whatever the date was, 29th I think, came out and said no, those emails, she couldn't handle it better. He could have waited a week and he didn't as much as we can trash Comey you have Trump because of Comey I think so you can say whatever you want about Comey you don't have Comey you don't have Trump Hillary would have been the president and she would have probably been a two-term president by the way think about it right for sure I
Starting point is 01:42:39 forget impeachments yeah and allegations so so all I'm saying is if that was your father and they did what they did to your dad and they went after him the way they have, dude, you would be like, what the hell is the matter with you? So the RFKs, the only example I can give with RFKs, three families. It's really, think about three families.
Starting point is 01:42:58 It's the Kennedy family, it's the Cuomo family, it's the Trump family. Because that part, you can go to a case study and say, Don Jr., how do you feel? RFK, how do you feel? Chris, how do you feel? Because why could you relate to that? Father Mario Cuomo, three term brother, two term, New York governor, this is not like
Starting point is 01:43:14 the financial capital of the world. You're not a governor of that state. It's the equivalent of a president of another. You're a president of any of these bigger countries in the world. That part I agree with RFK, with what Biden has done. Well, Bobby starts with high ground in this regard. Not giving him security as a Kennedy is a risk that is not worth taking. God forbid, I had somebody ask him on my show the other night, a caller came in and said,
Starting point is 01:43:42 aren't you afraid given what happened to your father and your uncle, that they may come at you? And he said he was not afraid because he had been taught by his mother and family that there are worse things than death. Which, first of all, think about how heavy a lesson that is, that is not hypothetical as it would be for anybody else's grandmother. But given who he is, not giving him protection, look we know why they're not giving him protection. They'll say some BS about he doesn't check the right boxes that trigger it or we don't want to set a precedent that when someone doesn't have a really legit chance and he's not from a party he gets protection. Say whatever you want. This guy's special and they should have been aware of that. It's
Starting point is 01:44:22 a bad move that they should correct is the reason why the reason? No reason why that he doesn't he doesn't meet the criteria of threat profile and things like that required Or that there is no set policy of this guy of just someone getting protection because they're running There'd be too much protection needed. Whatever the rationales are they don't apply here. So that's first. Second, we are absolutely in a phase where we are prosecuting political opponents. It's happening all the time. Even the impeachment, now that's a purely political process. Okay, okay, fine. That's what it's for.
Starting point is 01:44:58 It's still being abused because we are so addicted to grievance. We're so fed on division that that's all the two parties are playing to. I agree with you about the system. I always say America sucks until you compare it to anywhere else. You know, it's easy to attack. Tell me where else you want to be. However, however, this party structure is not what it used to be. Your friend who was showing you the graph and the Black Swan events, we're in a Black Swan event where they don't believe they have to do anything anymore because they have succeeded in dividing people to the point where a Vinny and a Chris forget they have common concerns.
Starting point is 01:45:42 Vinny believes these things should be done and here's who he blames for why it was on the border Yeah, I blame different people and I want different things done, but we both care about the border They have succeeded in getting us to forget that and all Vinny thinks is that I'm a threat to him And I think he's a threat to me So they aren't doing what divided government usually does, which was compromise and create policies that balanced equities and moved us in a direction. They're doing nothing right now. America should learn from the Supreme Court example they're setting. 100%.
Starting point is 01:46:15 I'm telling you, America should learn from those guys on what they're doing. And by the way, they didn't agree. They agreed in the ruling but the Democrat whatever the liberal justices wrote opinions that were like we don't like this about it we don't like that about it totally fine but they had common concerns exactly and so do Americans every time you do a poll it's seven and a half out of ten Pat seven and a half out of ten they meet on the same issues protecting your family what kind of education are they gonna get do I have a chance for my kids to make more money? Can I be upwardly mobile how safe are we care about the same thing one time?
Starting point is 01:46:51 I was in a former company a guy named Jack Linder great man I traveled with him on the private first time I traveled on private jet it was with him and his wife's name was Linda great people and One time you know we're having a conversation about leadership I'm 26 years old and he says here's how I work he says I'm on the board he says there's many times I disagree with all the decisions that we're making and I'll tell him I disagree with you but he says the moment we walk out that door we're all on the same page and he taught me this this very vital lesson because you
Starting point is 01:47:22 know some people leave well I never agree with him him. I don't listen to him. I don't listen to him. I don't listen to him. I don't listen to him. I don't listen to him. I don't listen to him. I don't listen to him. I don't listen to him. I don't listen to him. I don't listen to him. I don't listen to him.
Starting point is 01:47:32 I don't listen to him. I don't listen to him. I don't listen to him. I don't listen to him. I don't listen to him. I don't listen to him. I don't listen to him. I don't listen to him.
Starting point is 01:47:40 I don't listen to him. I don't listen to him. I don't listen to him. I don't listen to him. I don't listen to him. I don't listen to him. I don't listen to him. I don't listen to him. I don't listen to him. It's more of a threat to democracy than Trump. And it was yet, so Trump is saying it wasn't a free and fair election. Let's at least admit right now that it was not a fair election, especially when you said Twitter, the FBI was actively there. They give everybody their clearances, Chris, to freaking stop all these stories, which
Starting point is 01:48:01 would have helped them. So, and this goes to me saying that the first amendment mandates that the government can't limit or censor speech based on its content. The Biden administration and others, they casually dismissed this arrangement as rational for somewhat to prevent misinformation. But we all know misinformation is in the eye of the beholder.
Starting point is 01:48:20 Correct? It's not up to the government to say, well, we think it's misinformation. We don't trust them at all. So at the end of the day, it's up to the governed, not the government to decide what's misinformation. The FBI has zero legal authority to stop it by using Twitter as its agent, as it violated free speech rights of the people who were censored. So going back to Trump, it's he has 100% ground to stand on. It wasn't a free and fair election when your administration With the FBI is that Twitter stopping stories and they said for a fact they did a poll
Starting point is 01:48:51 What was the poll if they found out that the hunter Biden laptop with China information with Biden with all those deals was actually public They would have voted what 60% would have gone the other way. So at the end of the day So I just want to stop. 67%. So let's all, all of us stop. That is called cheating. You cheated by making these stories not go out. The other guy won besides China and stay home, which by the way, we still don't know definitively that it came from China. I think it's still racist a little bit to say that it came from there. That is cheating. So how can you blame a guy for saying it wasn't free and fair?
Starting point is 01:49:28 It wasn't. You guys were cheating. So if we could say that he's not a threat to democracy. He just wants to be like, oh, you guys cheated. Let's at least admit, say you guys cheated and then we'll move on. Because if they cheated then with that, who knows what else they were doing? If you got caught doing that, what else were they doing? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:49:45 In a world of sound bites, you have to kind of listen careful to this. And unfortunately, that's not the way the average person listens to CNN. What RFK Jr. was saying is, I would argue that. And so what he was saying is, hey, I would argue that the guy that did all these is is more of a threat to democracy He was not waving the flag and saying Biden is a threat to the future of the republic
Starting point is 01:50:10 The Republic is gonna fall under him, but that's the sound bite that she wants. That's what the producer that's on him Tom He shouldn't have said I'm not gonna answer that question But I could make an argument that you don't have it both ways You did answer the question by saying that you chose to argue that Biden is as big or bigger a threat. That's going to be the sound bite. That's on him. So what should have you have said?
Starting point is 01:50:31 What are you saying? Either say, I'm not going to answer the question. I'll let people decide. Don't answer any of it. Well, he said, I'm not going to answer the question. But and then he said that you can't have it both ways. You just can't have it both ways. Look, on the election, you can't have it both ways. You just can't have it both ways. Look, on the election, you can't have it both ways.
Starting point is 01:50:46 You're right about the messaging argument that you make. The problem for Trump is that he tried to get people to change the vote structure. And then he had people advance theories, right, to be generous about how things had been corrupt that were not provable in any way. And the organization that he was banking on came forward and said, we don't have the proof. That's what they're worried about. That's what the lawsuit's about. I just wish that lawsuit had come first because these other lawsuits in New York make the
Starting point is 01:51:16 opposite point that you guys are talking about, which is, wow, it looks like they're out to get them. It just looks like they're out to get them with these New York lawsuits. But because at the end of the day. Can you blame Trump for going? Well, I don't trust any of them if you if you literally had the agency at Twitter, which was well That is our I don't blame him for the feeling I blame him if for what he was alleged to have done and said I don't blame him for feeling that he was getting rooked But what you do to deal with that situation has to
Starting point is 01:51:45 be legal. Well, you can't go to the FBI. You can't go to the government. They're the one screwing you over. I get the predicament. But I'm saying picking up the phone call saying find me X number of votes. Correct. You got a problem. That's why the Stormy Daniels BS New York stuff, Letitia James stuff. I think it helps them. that's why they think it helps him FBI files the Mar-a-Lago stuff. That's that's I think it helps him Yeah, that correct but and on the files I 11,000 vote really I think January 6. This is where they can have I think he baited them I think Trump is very savvy and knows that every time the government comes after him It proves his point that they're coming after him because he's trying to protect
Starting point is 01:52:24 The government comes after him it proves his point that they're coming after him because he's trying to protect Americans interests. Let me tell you one thing about RFK whether you're gonna vote for the guy or not You have to respect the man the mainstream media doesn't know how to control them They don't know how to manage them. They don't know how to handle them. That's why they don't invite him saying That's what they don't invite them and that's why I like and who do you think he's gonna hurt more? I don't want to move out. Who do you think percent Trump? He's in a really Trump vote more absolutely Why do you think? What do you mean? Why do I like is it like is it those in the those people that I kind of wish you watch you?
Starting point is 01:52:51 they're like hell with because because a Democrat is is not RFK Almost says everything Trump says but where RFK is different is what? Everything Trump says but where RFK is different is what? Abortion RFK is different and some of these social stuff Well the independent and the libertarian now has an option for those that will never vote for Trump They're gonna vote for RFK and that votes not gonna matter
Starting point is 01:53:24 Just so you know that the Democrats who hated Trump and they voted against Trump, they're still gonna vote for Biden. For sure. You know, they're gonna vote for Biden no matter what. They're like, dude, voting for Trump for them is like I had Stephen A here the other day, right? I loved it, by the way. Great discussion. Oh, by the way, one of my favorites. I really loved the conversation we had. And I asked him a question about his mom and I said, hey, your mom, she was, she lived like a conservative, but she voted a different way right left. I said okay I said if your mom was around today, how would she vote? Oh without a question conservative without a question conservative
Starting point is 01:53:55 He didn't even hesitate. He said without a question conservative, right? I Think there's gonna be some closet Trump voters this year that they won't tell anybody I think there's gonna be a lot of voters this year that they won't tell anybody. I think there's gonna be a lot of people that are still part of the camp that they hate Trump and they're gonna vote the other side no matter what. But I think RFK is gonna take and make those people who are anti-Trump like Charlamagne the God, guess what? That's us out.
Starting point is 01:54:19 Okay, those guys who have influence, RFK is gonna pick up that vote. And it's gonna help the left. It's not gonna help the right. It's gonna hurt Trump. So anyways those soundbites Whether that you agree with them disagree them. He needs stuff like that. I mean he's what his polling numbers even look at This is 538 right here. It's shocker alert still neck-and-neck Trump Biden Kennedy is gonna decide the election if he gets on enough ballots, he could be Ross Perot and then some. I will tell you, the Democrats are more angry at me for having Bobby on News Nation than they are for me saying, look, if you want to vote for Trump, vote for Trump.
Starting point is 01:55:02 He's not my guy, but you got to look at at the policies that pisses them off because they say this guy is an existential threat he's the devil yeah they're more angry about the Bobby and they just had a bunch of key state matchups and when you add in Bobby Biden's number dropped in every one of those states so that's why they're spooked and that's why the DNC just put together a team. They're saying to target third party candidates, but it's really just Bobby. And if you've noticed in the last couple of weeks,
Starting point is 01:55:35 because I know a couple of the people they hired and they're good, Bobby's starting to take hits and you're gonna start seeing more hits. It started with about Shanahan, which was a weird VP pick, especially when he told me I would have picked her even if she was broke. Come on.
Starting point is 01:55:48 But and then there's dissension within the campaign. People don't like how things are being run. Bobby's not really in control, which makes no sense. Those stories are going to be fed by the left. I don't know if it works with Bobby's audience. I think the audience that that's gonna vote for Bobby Like for example, I'm not asking you this. I'm just speculating. I think you'd vote for Bobby. I think you Just watching you and talking to the last
Starting point is 01:56:17 year or so I don't think You're excited about a Biden vote. You don't have to answer this question. I don't think you're definitely not excited about a Trump vote that's more family you can't vote for trump because it's a In my opinion in my opinion i'm not telling you it is I could vote for a republican I'm not going to vote for somebody who openly attacks my family Okay, so that's what I mean that I don't think you would vote for trump Yes, and I don't know if trump can do anything to gain your vote You said yes a couple months ago, but I don't think Trump's not attacking my family Yeah, stop making it hard for my kids. Yeah, and then I'll start assessing the policies would you though?
Starting point is 01:56:53 would you sincerely would you if let's just say let's just say if I talk to Trump and We do an event and you do the town hall. Okay, it's you and Trump doing a town hall your interview on him We'll do that our studio here will'll sell out the tickets boom you're hosting event it'll be hosted on PBT podcast let you say but it's you I'll come up and I'll say hey great to be here and then I'm out the way and you're doing the town hall the two of you guys together okay I wouldn't love that arrangement because I'd lose 50% of my intelligence as soon as you walked off the stage I think you would benefit the conversation but But okay, I'll accept it.
Starting point is 01:57:25 Okay, but let's just say we did that, right? Okay, whether you and I do it or you do it yourself, maybe we do it together. And I would say, but what do you think about this? Maybe we do it together, right? Can he do anything to get your vote? Yes. My vote?
Starting point is 01:57:37 No, let's go slow here. If the former president came out on that stage and said, that Fredo stuff bothered you, and I shouldn't have played with it, and I shouldn't have triedo stuff bothered you, and I shouldn't have played with it. And I shouldn't have tried to get you fired. And I shouldn't have celebrated what happened with your brother. And I shouldn't have baited my followers in a way that they went after your kids.
Starting point is 01:57:56 That was wrong. And you've never done that to my family. You've always treated me with respect in person. Shouldn't have done that. You give me my respect, I give you yours. Now I would take a step back because look, I mean, you know, I think most people are probably like me. Guy comes out and insults your family, makes it hard for your kids, you're never gonna vote for him. It doesn't matter if he's offering
Starting point is 01:58:15 you zero tax rate for the rest of your life. Then I would say, all right, let me look at the policies and let me see what kind of leader I think this guy can be. But I will never Give a guy a shot or a woman a shot with my vote if you openly attack my family But I said what I said on the show last time which you know was a little taken out of context by people But that's okay You should be open to voting for whoever supports your interests I don't believe that donald trump has the strategy the vision or the ambition To destroy our democracy. I don't believe he's interested in that. I don't believe he's capable of that frankly
Starting point is 01:58:54 So look at the policies you have two weak choices Look at the policies figure out what's better for your family. Go with it. Yeah, so again, so for me, finishing my thought, I think you're internally feeling more comfortable with an RFK vote than anything else. I love the disruption. Yeah. I love the disruption of the two-party system. But I also think there is a little bit of affinity with the families. I think there's also a little bit of connection there and that makes an easier vote.
Starting point is 01:59:27 Well his family's been sweating me. His family's been sweating me because they're not running. Would love to see this. The chances that Trump apologized to you publicly? Zero. You can't say zero. You can't say zero. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:59:40 Roy Cohn's school of thought, never apologize. No, no. First of all, I don't disagree with him. I'm on his side. I don't disagree with them I think what he could say is it's behind us and look, you know Like I remember one time he was on your show and he's like, you know I much prefer your father than you and he would always try to kind of get under your skin But that's kind of like what I'm okay with that But by the way, that's kind of like what that happened
Starting point is 02:00:03 Like even when we did the live podcast one guy made a comment from the back I'm not a fan of that and I'm sure you know what I'm okay with that but by the way that's kind of like what that happened like even when we did the live podcast one guy made a comment from the back I'm not a fan of that and I'm sure you know what I'm talking about you said something come sign a waiver and whatever I'm not a fan of that kind of stuff when that happens with us I don't entertain that conversation because I won't actually have the conversation right I'm not trying to disrespect I'm trying to have the conversation no I think I can see how it would be tough, but at the same time, Chris, I can also see from having conversations with you, like as much as you guys watch this here, I wish you could see how we are in the car with zero cameras, zero audio, zero nothing.
Starting point is 02:00:37 It's a hundred times more fun than what you see here, right? Our relationship, what it's like, right? And it's sincere genuine love We enjoyed right it's a and you would sit there like a lot of people come to me say the other day I'm getting ice cream with the kids and you got kind of guy comes up I'm just say you know I know people are giving you a hard time with the coma thing and all that stuff But I see what you're doing you're trying to bring America together, man I just want to say I support you and all this stuff But you know and it's these types of comments that come up Great, dude for three years people were telling me fire fire fire If I get one more Manette people would spend a hundred dollars used to tell me to fire Adam
Starting point is 02:01:13 I'm like bro save your hundred dollars on my neck with that To me tell me you want the chat right now is already Some kudos because this anecdote you're talking about Cuomo actually think that's the most of America I think because it's a business driven political podcast and it's an election year people are it's we're so divisive You put any two Americans in a room They're gonna get along more than disagree and that's the fallacy of what's going on with these two-party system And this binary it only benefits them. And that's why they keep us apart.
Starting point is 02:01:46 They hate when we talk to each other. They hate it. And we're gonna keep doing it, by the way. So that part's gonna continue. All right, let's go to the next story here. YouTube could be worth $400 billion. That's more than Disney and Comcast combined. We should be paying more attention attention says Business Insider. Now
Starting point is 02:02:06 let's see what angle they're taking with the story. Here we go. Analyst Michael Nathanson forecasts YouTube standalone valuation to reach an impressive $400 billion driven by its reported operating profits of $5.5 billion and revenue of $45 billion in December 2023 with anticipated growth stemming from subscription services like YouTube TV. Despite its significant financial clout, YouTube often eludes scrutiny in discussions in online safety by the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, contrasting starkly with other tech giants like MetaSnap and TikTok, which were grilled during a recent hearing on Big Tech and an online child sex exploitation
Starting point is 02:02:46 crisis. A comparative analysis underscores YouTube's dominance in the media landscape as its projected value surpasses the combined market cap of industry behemoths. Disney and Comcast, standing at $224 billion and $172 billion each, underscoring its pivotal role in the streaming domain and digital advertising market Tom Well, I think what people need to understand about this story and forget that it's insider Let's look at the reality of what's happened to YouTube YouTube has become Basically Comcast who had DirecTV forever made DirecTV right all
Starting point is 02:03:22 Who had DirecTV forever? I mean, DirecTV, right? All the, what, 17, 20%? And DirecTV was the home of NFL Sunday Ticket. YouTube TV is now a cable service, including live television, including DVR in the sky, and including NFL Sunday Ticket, the exclusive home of the NFL for all those games. And I'm not promoting that, I'm just saying that's just it.
Starting point is 02:03:41 That's been announced. So YouTube has all the user generated content YouTube has all the live video podcasts such as this one YouTube is operating you TV you tube TV and they are basically, you know a Cable-op there are an MSO now and on top of it, you know They've got the the streaming and over the top. So when you say, oh my gosh, it could be this value, it's really not about the value,
Starting point is 02:04:10 it's about the clout and what's happening and the changing face of how we distribute content, how people consume content, and that the wall garden is dead. And so this doesn't surprise me. I think the $400 billion is light, because YouTube is, and by the way, comparing it to Disney, Disney stock is up recently.
Starting point is 02:04:29 They have some changes. They're announcing layoffs and now doing things. But think of Disney. When you think of Disney, just say theme parks and library. And when you think of Comcast, just think of distributor. And so content, library, and distributor, and more is YouTube, and it's worth more. And it's not saddled by all of
Starting point is 02:04:46 Comcast not to get into details but Comcast is saddled by a lot of infrastructure all that cable and Hardware and everything that runs around your neighborhood and the boxes that's in everybody's house That's Comcast have to invest in that you choose investment net zero They have servers and they it's all that's necessary they don't have all the facilities everywhere so this is really talking about hey 400 billion Pat I think that's light because of where YouTube is going and what it's replacing I don't understand the economics the way Tom does makes sense to me what he's saying I think the most important aspect of YouTube is that it is a marketplace of ideas.
Starting point is 02:05:30 And I think that that is the most important commodity in media. And look, they do plenty of community guidelines stuff and they have their own internal policies. I believe as Vinnie was mentioning earlier, we have to get away from the mindset that it's okay to limit things that you don't like. We have a great mechanism for it.
Starting point is 02:05:55 It's called the law. If something is illegal, then you can't be saying it, doing it, et cetera. Short of that, let people decide. And who should want that are the people with the best ideas. Exactly. I want to hear the people who are putting out myths or disinformation or BS. Let it go. It makes it easier for me to be compelling. When you censor, you empower things. YouTube hasn't done that the way the other platforms do. And I think it's seen as more of a, ironically, safe space.
Starting point is 02:06:31 Not that you can't find freaky stuff on there that might scare you, but that you know it's up to you to decide. And I think that's the commodity, that's the precious thing, and we're losing it. So good for them. Yeah, I will tell you today, YouTube hasn't, but during COVID, the first two years, YouTube was brutal. I cannot tell you how many guys were taken down who were doing great content, couple million subscribers, channels wiped out, businesses taken down, demonetized. They were making 30 grand a month, 50 grand a month, some $100,000
Starting point is 02:06:59 a month, gone. Some of the smaller guys, they're making $8,000 a month, doing all the edits themselves, they're gone. So YouTube did some of that stuff and a lot of times people will contact me and they'll say yeah How come you're not going on all you this platform and how come you're not doing this and how come you're not going to rumble? And how come you're not going to these places? I love what Rumble's doing I think they're very necessary and I think Chris is a stud of a guy and a ham bungee and all those guys salute Love him. I think we're about to have bungee know on in a couple weeks I don't know when it is Rob is in the next couple weeks that he's gonna be on may may early may he's gonna be on I think Dan is I thought Dan was gonna be the face of Fox. Love him. I'm telling you I thought then
Starting point is 02:07:34 Bonjino was gonna replace or Riley and Tucker. I thought that guy was gonna be the guy that we're gonna get behind It's now Jesse waters. Just as gonna be on the podcast I think this Saturday if I'm not mistaken Bongino was super sweet to you at UFC. He was very kind. Yes. He said hello. He looks great by the way. Yeah, yeah Stud he's a voice and he's correct. Yeah, but the point is but the point is we need rumble to do what they're doing Twitter super necessary the fact that Elon bought it. By the way, if Elon doesn't buy Twitter, YouTube would be a bigger bully today. The reason why YouTube is not bullying is because of Elon. And if Elon doesn't buy, here's a crazy,
Starting point is 02:08:15 you know, what do you call it? Not scenario, but prediction. Yeah, prediction is if Elon doesn't buy Twitter, Rumble today's a 10 billion auto company. If Elon doesn't buy Twitter, Rumble today is a 10 billion auto company. If Elon doesn't buy Twitter, Rumble today would be a 10 billion auto company if Elon doesn't buy Twitter. So would Truth. And Truth Social would also be a 10 billion auto company today, if not higher, if Elon
Starting point is 02:08:35 doesn't buy Twitter. Elon buying Twitter eliminated a lot of other things. So for me, going back to YouTube, I think YouTube's got a great technology. Their product is a good product. If your job is in the business of converting people, you want to convert people here on YouTube. You can come here and talk about all these other things. You wonder like, you know, sometimes you're like, wow, you know, how about this? How about that? No, YouTube's got a very good platform. I love what Spotify is doing. But the fact that they're a $400 billion company, I wonder Tom, strategically, like do you sit there if you're running YouTube,
Starting point is 02:09:09 you got a $400 billion company, $45 billion in revenue, $5.4 billion in net profits, do you sit there and say, okay, what are we not in? Sports, what do we have? Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Cope America's coming up here, do we want to pay to do Copa America on YouTube? Maybe that I don't know. Do we want to do what you know? Who did the? The Miami Dolphins game against Kansas City Chiefs Amazon not Amazon. It's it's the other company's name. What is the name?
Starting point is 02:09:39 No, who took the Miami Dolphins game against Kansas City Chiefs. Peacock, right? And they paid $110 million for that. Do we do that? The music, they're already dominating all these music channels. Do we go into the movie side and do we, we already are doing it? Should we go, do we go into the, do we go into the, like I would be,
Starting point is 02:09:57 YouTube could sincerely dominate the game. Now, if Elon flips and he does some things on the video side, like on Twitter, here's what doesn can, like Tucker does it, but it's not fully there. If Elon wants to compete with the YouTube business, there's plenty of money to be made there. And I still bother, you know, there's, was it a month ago? I got in trouble and we got a strike.
Starting point is 02:10:16 I got a strike for the V word, and I'm like, I'm not gonna do it. I'm not gonna do it. I'm not gonna do it. I'm not gonna do it. I'm not gonna do it. I'm not gonna do it. I'm not gonna do it. I'm not gonna do it. I'm still bother, you know, there was a month ago, I got in trouble
Starting point is 02:10:26 and we got a strike. I got a strike for the V word about the COVID. I said, Dr. Malone said something factual, his opinion, his professional opinion. I got a strike because I said- Well, everybody knows on YouTube, that's the one thing. We're going back to your point, remember? Don't go deeper on this, Vinny.
Starting point is 02:10:43 No, no, I'm not. Don't go deeper. It's insane how still something picked up and went up. You can go back to your point. Remember, don't go deeper on this. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 02:10:50 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no This is really concerning. I get it both ways, right? I am given this odd symbolism as someone who is a vaccine proponent. I was doing the job of reporting what we were being told and asking questions as we go. You were saying earlier, we don't know. I really believe the virus came from China and we should have stayed on it. And I don't care if they wouldn't give us access. That tells me everything. I won't let you in my house. It's because I know what's in there. I start doing, I have long COVID. I see it in my blood.
Starting point is 02:11:30 I'm not happy that I see the spike protein in my blood. I didn't want to have this. To this day? I have it right now. I'm doing a long COVID protocol right now with a doctor called Robin Rose. We're gonna see if my blood work changes. Spike protein is a problem because it creates micro clotting and it can go into different organ systems. So you've got to
Starting point is 02:11:47 take care of it. All right. It's a thing. A lot of people have it. Okay. We don't know if the spike protein comes from the virus or the vaccine. You've got to ask. They've got to start getting answers. You got to do the research. They keep taking their content. So I'm the guy who's supposed to be Mr. Jab. Like, you know, I'm junior Fauci and I'm getting censored because I'm raising a question about which way it goes. This is very unhealthy for the democracy. This is very unhealthy for the democracy. You have to let people be the discerners of what information they want to take in. If you don't agree with what I'm asking as questions, answer them with better information than what is supposed to my question and you will win and they will listen to you and say, okay, it has nothing to do with that. It has to do with this. But
Starting point is 02:12:42 that will never happen. If you silence my idea because it only gives it power. And I'm worried about that. You shouldn't have to say the V word. People shouldn't send me coded messages that have like asterisks in the place of letters. They're afraid of getting flagged. Have you ever had Peter McCall or Malone on or no? No. Would you? Yes. Okay. I'm open to the conversation where you have unknown because all I know is that the places that are supposed to be getting us the answers Aren't curious enough about it because there's too much political price when you go anywhere near covid Well, let's go to the next story next story vinnie. I'm coming to you with this one here And this is florida car chase in 2020 may be linked to hivana
Starting point is 02:13:24 syndrome And this is Florida car chase in 2020 may be linked to Havana syndrome. Very, very interesting story here. And stick around because there was a whole 60 minutes done on this, which Vinny watched the whole thing. Hang on one second, let me get to the story. Here we go. So a Florida car chase in June 2020 may have ties to enigmatic Havana syndrome
Starting point is 02:13:40 with the body cam footage showing the driver reaching speeds of 110 on a Key West Highway. Upon arrest, officer discovered suspicious items in the suspect's car, including bank account notes, a walkie talkie-like device capable of erasing GPS data, and a Russian passport the suspect identified as Vitaly from St. Petersburg repeatedly professed ignorance when questioned by authorities. The incident adds complexity to the ongoing investigation into Havana Syndrome, first reported by U.S. and Canadian embassy staff in Cuba in 2016.
Starting point is 02:14:11 Despite recent NIH findings ruling out a clear cause, the mystery surrounding the condition persists, raising questions about its origins and potential connections to directed energy attacks or other factors. Vinny? So it's just kind of weird. I don't know if anybody did time did you watch the 60 minutes the Venice syndrome yeah and I've read two articles all the way through okay this guy the chef and everything okay yeah so so the guy in question well this guy's speeding he's running away from cops he's going 120 miles an hour they pull
Starting point is 02:14:40 him over if I tell you guys when you see it the spy kit like it's just a spy kit bank records from different banks his his passports his and they're like why were you going that side he goes I cannot tell you I don't even know what like clearly the guy's a freaking spy all right he has this crazy backstory he's here as a chef whatever they finally they send them back as he gets in trouble for all the spy stuff guess what Russia does puts him on the front line in the war in Ukraine, and he dies in the front I swear to God okay, so anyway and going back to this thing guys. This is direct energy laser weapons that they're claiming and it's
Starting point is 02:15:15 It's going after anybody that's you know Department of Defense all these people in government that were investigating anything with Russia This one lady in the documentary she walks by a window no and she feels like a like an attack do I got goosebumps because it's crazy that I know they have this technology beamed her in her ear her whole she has holes in her ear drums she falls on the floor her husband's like what the hell is going on and it kept happening to people in all these embassies and you know I mean and think about it now this when we talk about Russia we're so like we're a shit collusion and this is they're blowing this story off the intelligence agencies
Starting point is 02:15:50 are going that's not it's not real but just as a FYI for everybody this isn't new in the 1960s an electronics technician in the US Embassy in Moscow found that there was mysterious radiation that was being beamed directly into the embassy this kicked off some secret projects I know you guys know I like about this type of secret stuff under the CIA you guys can look this up The top secret projects were called project bizarre project mutts project big boy And they sought out to find out why US embassies were being bombarded with microwave radiation And what effects it was having on the personnel and why those personnel were having a higher cancer rate than anybody else in the world.
Starting point is 02:16:28 So think about this. We're talking about some advanced like CIA spy type stuff where they are targeting this is this is the real Russia. I know Adam thinks he's my best friend. This is real Russians. This is them using Putin. We're best friends. You know, that's why it's my homie. But think about this type of technology. real russians this is them using the leader putin putin we're best friends you're also
Starting point is 02:16:45 yeah that's why it's my homie but i think think about this type of technology so now when uh i think rob you told me this when biden mentions a couple weeks ago when he was like yeah well uh i think it was fires or somewhere he goes they had those roofs that don't get attacked this is why that whole um hawaii thing they were talking about people were seeing beams and stuff coming out of the sky Hitting things we have the technology Russia has been using this technology and it's kind of wild that all that Russian Collusion that everybody kind of brushed off and like it made it sound like okay, whatever it was all fake This is the real any I'm gonna hit you with but PBD always says me
Starting point is 02:17:20 I'm born and raised in Miami shout out to my Cuban friends when I think about Havana syndrome I think of something else. Oh, yeah me hand me raised in Miami. Shout out to my Cuban friends. When I think of Havana syndrome, I'm thinking of something else. Oh, you mean Hanate down in Miami? What's the point? The point is they are the type of attack that we're getting now. This Havana stuff is happening right now, starting the 60s, and they're going after people that are investigating anything with Russia. Like literally coming through their houses.
Starting point is 02:17:43 So what I'm saying is when other people talk about those crazy conspiracies that there's lazy freaking laser beam laser to their heads, it's actually what should we be looking out for Vinny? So if President Biden were to say, I think Havana syndrome is affecting my ongoing. Oh, would you vote? Definitely? No, you said this is a my ongoing. Oh, would you vote? Definitely. No, hey, you know said this is a real thing No
Starting point is 02:18:08 because because of his Before his before he started getting the Havana syndrome from all the stuff from all his crime bill and all I can never vote I know he's had it since then Great question, you know PBT asked you if there's anything that Trump can do to get your vote. You said it started with stop attacking my family. Hello. Vincent, at this point, is there anything Biden can do, Havana syndrome or not, to ever get your vote? Or is there anything that Trump could do to ever lose your vote? Or are you completely fixed? Let me do this at the Biden question. Let me stack some papers and absolutely effing not. Joe Biden. There's
Starting point is 02:18:45 absolute for just just off. I'll just just do one thing. The fact that him and my Orcas have a have right now as we speak a wide open border and let's just speak fact young women are getting raped, murdered, raped, raped. Well, they are. Okay, around, I, why? Because you'll get censored. Yo, yo, Mo, I don't give a damn. By the way, it's happening. It's changing the dynamic of the country. And the fact that it's not happening,
Starting point is 02:19:14 it'll never happen to anybody that's close to Biden or anybody close to Mayorkas. I can never ever do that because those, those families are being devastated by a freaking policy and then guess what Karine Jean-Pierre goes up and says yeah you know what she always does this that freaking the worst DEI hire in the history of our our country she's like you know what the Republicans if they just signed the bill
Starting point is 02:19:38 to send 60 billion to Ukraine we could have fixed the border that's her attitude her attitude is the reason the border is a problem because the bipartisan bill wasn't approved because we didn't send 60 billion to Ukraine. F that because I don't wish anything on anybody. But until that the border starts affecting those people, like until Mayorkas, Mayorkas's cousin gets raped and murdered. It's never gonna change What it's gonna affect them because it's gonna determine the election. Yes, I think it's the major domestic issue It's not the economy economy. Now it is immigration 100% if that's the main thing what are your thoughts on the story anything with Vanna syndrome? Do you have any thoughts on it?
Starting point is 02:20:20 spies have been finding Nations have been finding creative ways to kill each other's spies for a long time. And when you had the, the gentlemen, I forget which, which one it was, and I don't want to mispronounce a Russian name who was merely walking through a bar. And then he was sprayed on the back of his head and on his shoulders with polonium, which is, which is one of the byproducts of nuclear power plants is also the name of one of any's clones polonium that's right by davidov god that's right let the nandko it love doesn't kill you the
Starting point is 02:20:54 polon will oh that's him that's him tom yeah that's exactly he addressed it polonium alexander litvian nandko yeah they sprayed him and then you know he was so there have been creative ways to kill enemies and spies for a long time. Are there weapons out there that they're trying to use to interfere with diplomats? I'm sure they are. Is, you know, is this all related? Is Havana syndrome, because Havana is an isolated outpost in many ways, you know, is that a place?
Starting point is 02:21:21 Maybe. You know, whether there's smoke, there's fire. But you know, do I connect the dots and say absolutely? You know, I'd love to see more information, but I think once something happens, PBD, it's too easy to say, oh, it's that, oh, it's that, oh, it's that. I want to do two California stories here with you, Tom. New minimum wage, the $20 minimum wage for fast food workers in California is set to start Monday, which is yesterday.
Starting point is 02:21:47 And I also want to ask you that question about California. I'll get to that one as well, but let me just get to this one first. So here we go. So new $20 minimum wage, effective Monday, California will implement a groundbreaking law raising the minimum wage to fast food workers to $20, acknowledging the shift in a workforce from teenagers to adult supporting families. Ingrid Valoria, a former full-time fast food worker, expressed appreciation for the raise, noting its potential to reduce the need for multiple jobs at $20 raises.
Starting point is 02:22:14 Great. I wish this would have come sooner. However, franchise owners like Alex Johnson are grappling with the loss impact on their business. Johnson, who owns Auntie's, Aunt's, Pretzel pretzels, and cinnamon restaurants in the Bay Area, faces annual expenses of $470,000 due, damn. Of increased wages, he anticipates raising prices by five to 15% and is considering selling
Starting point is 02:22:39 or closing his business. This law is really hurting our operations hard. Tom. Well if you go back, and Chris you may remember this, where New York said fast food workers are gonna get raised. I think it was only $15 an hour and it goes back about three election cycles. No, no it goes back longer than that. It goes back like four election cycles. And do you remember what McDonald's did? McDonald's accelerated and there is a company that makes software that was in the Southwest kiosk and anybody that knows air travel you go back back back back back I think it was Southwest Airlines was the first one
Starting point is 02:23:12 with the self-serve kiosk why they were trying to be a low-cost airline so they made it easy would go in there and you would check in boom there your boarding pass with your number would pop out and so what happened in New York is the kiosk that took away jobs inside McDonald's was accelerated. So whenever you do something like this, they just think that it's permanent. But there is a, what did they say? What's that? Anyway, there's a scientific law that there's an equal and opposite reaction. Well, whenever you mess with inventors and capitalists, there's a reaction that says, okay, how do I operate a profitable business if this is now a legal constraint? And guess what happens?
Starting point is 02:23:50 That brings you chaos that actually took jobs away from teenagers and people. And when someone decides that working at the counter in McDonald's has to be a living wage job, that is a decision that is antithetical and doesn't work with the natural economics of a small fast food establishment. And so you're seeing the reaction here. And then you have a quote from a course that any good story has got two quotes in it. One from a fast food worker says, oh this couldn't happen fast enough, and one from an owner that says, oh it's the ruin of me. But what you're gonna see here, it's gonna accelerate kiosk,
Starting point is 02:24:26 it's gonna accelerate a lot of things because that's the way entrepreneurs react. And by the way, Auntie Annie's and Cinnabon are both franchises. If you don't think that they're working across the board to protect all of their franchisees outlets, you're not paying attention. Tom, it was Isaac Newton's law.
Starting point is 02:24:41 I'm a little disappointed. As a rocket scientist's son, you didn't know. Newton, come on, bro Sure. I was getting annoyed and I just didn't want to miss quote. It's all good. But by the way, you know how much $20 an hour is for an average worker just to put it in simplistic terms. That's 40 grand a year You're playing the paying the guy to work the kiosk at the Cinnabon. Yeah, I remember my first job I was in high school 15 years old you were when you were doing your Baskin Robbins Was that your first hour? Did you make a nice hog? I apologize to the ice 25. Yeah, I was making great bus Sunday
Starting point is 02:25:13 Banana split guy in all of Glendale gallery. You were the guy I was the goat. I was just people No, but tell me about your bird King super-proud racing skills PBD. Listen Burger King my cashier my boss Eddie said you talk too much you can't be cash Customers they got to come and go you talk to them too much. I'm like good. I like people He says don't go be a chef. So I was a chef with a medium shirt. It's so funny It's me I'm sure and I'm like this and everybody would see my lower back. It's like look at no back hair No back there. No, not this guy. Not this guy. Okay. All right a couple other stories before we wrap up here By the way, Dave Rubin came here Chris Dave Rubin came here. We were having a conversation. This was a day after daily wire fires candisone's right the day the day before
Starting point is 02:25:55 He comes a day before daily wire fires candisone's and they go their separate ways, right? And you know we have this conversation and and somehow some of the conversation led to who has a bigger influence in the conservative political space and he made it seem like Ben Shapiro is number one above and beyond anybody else as a conservative voice and Tucker is behind him who do you think has a bigger voice within the conservative, you know, voter, Tucker or Ben Shapiro? I think Shapiro is far down the list. Far down the list? Yeah, I think that he is more controversial than he is influential. He has gotten some things wrong that he shouldn't have over the years. I don't know that Candace's situation affects him more one way or the other.
Starting point is 02:26:48 I also just don't think that he is as charismatic or as compelling as other people. Put it this way, if I were offered to join his team or yours, I wouldn't have thought about it for a nanosecond. Why? Because he's about courting the converted and the future of independent media is about common concerns and reaching across. It's absolutely the right space. He's not in that space. And getting rid of Candace, he made it clear that he doesn't want to be in that space. So Tucker Carlson is absolutely a giant figure there. I mean, Trump's son wants him to be the vice president.
Starting point is 02:27:27 I think that's nonsense. But Tucker Carlson is clearly more influential. I think Bongino is more influential. I think Mark Levin is more influential. Why? Because they have more people who are absolutely going to vote listening to them. That's what cable is. If you're listening to cable, you vote. Okay. So, and no disrespect to Shapiro. I think it's incredible how entrepreneurial he's been. Good for him. A guy who's, you
Starting point is 02:27:59 know, not absolutely not exactly telegenic, doesn't have the best voice is not a commanding speaker. He's made himself a figure good for him more proof of Best ideas win good idea bad idea for them to fire Candace Owens And you know you've been through this before in the back end where not everybody knows the whole story is it well We don't know the whole story good move bad end those two couldn't coexist They took a certain position with the you know know, October 7th over, you know, keeping it, what are your thoughts on what happened with Ailey Weir and Candace Owens? Depends on what you want to be about.
Starting point is 02:28:32 I think for Shapiro, there, he was in a no-win situation. I mean, this is a devout Jewish man who absolutely believes in the Zionist agenda, and Candace Owens does not, and absolutely pushes the envelope in terms of how she makes arguments in that regard. Again, I know it's frustrating for people. I know it's unsatisfying. I know that we're polarized and we're stuck only seeing advantage. And if there's no advantage to me, then it must be bad. I believe in more voices, not less. Does Candace say things that she shouldn't? No. Does she say things that are easily countered?
Starting point is 02:29:16 Yes. Then have the conversation. I believe in that. I felt the same way about Ronna McDaniel. NBC lost an opportunity in that. I would love to way about Ronna McDaniel. NBC lost an opportunity in that. I would love to have Ronna on set and be like, hey, True the Vote just said that they don't have any of the proof of the affidavits that you were banking on all the time about the fake votes in Georgia.
Starting point is 02:29:36 Do you accept that? Yes, I accept it. Okay, so we can put that to bed. There aren't all these affidavits out there that say that they were fake votes. You understand that? Yes, I don't think that to bed. There aren't all these affidavits out there that say that there are fake votes. You understand that? Yes, I don't think that's true. But I do think now people who are Trumpers like her,
Starting point is 02:29:50 even though he's not crazy about her right now, but that can change any second, they've had an opportunity to listen to one of their own, say something that they can now process. That is a very valuable opportunity. NBC blew it because they want to preach to the converted. Ben Shapiro made his own decision because it affects his faith probably, but I do not believe in limiting voices. I think it's a mistake.
Starting point is 02:30:13 Got it. Interesting. I wanted to kind of get your take on this. And last but not least, let's wrap it up with this. Donald Trump Jr. says he's lobbying his father to pick a fighter like Tucker Carlson or Vivek to be his running mate. So what I want in that role, Junior says, is I want a fighter. He told New York Post, I understand what they're going to throw at us. The vicious nature of the swamp and the insanity we see on a daily basis, you need someone who can take those hits Junior said he has been pushing candidates like JD Vance and former presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy
Starting point is 02:30:52 Right-wing Fox TV host Tucker Carlson Trump jr. Filmed answering reporters questions in a video Published by New York Post said he would love to see Tucker Carlson go up against Kamala Harris. That would be fun. Do you agree with them? One, contextually, I don't think his father is taking his recommendations. I don't talk about the kids out of respect for the family, even though they're all adults. But Ramaswamy is a fighter. There's no question about that. Totally more combative than Tucker Carlson is, certainly.
Starting point is 02:31:28 But neither of them are even close to the realm of possibility. I believe the best choice for Donald Trump is Nikki Haley. I really do. And I know that that is, people on the left don't like me saying that, Trumpers don't like me saying that, but she absolutely helps him with a slice of women that he has to be worried about and it would also show his ability to reach across she would not scare people away in that party as to being competent God forbid something happens to the president it would absolutely give him an advantage over Biden, because
Starting point is 02:32:07 Biden has a VP candidate that people do not want to be president. So I thought that it made sense just from a healing component. I know he doesn't like her, but so what? He's completely transactional. I got a question. I got two questions for you. So, okay, so let's, strategy. So, announcement is made.
Starting point is 02:32:27 President Donald Trump announces his VP choice, it's Nikki Haley, okay? One, the left loses their minds. The establishment says, okay, now that we know he chose Trump, Wall Street, Jamie Dimon would consider it. Griffin is in. This guy is in. The establishment money now comes towards Trump.
Starting point is 02:32:50 Okay? That's one. Two. Donald Trump announces as Vice President Pick, it's Nikki Haley. Mega. Oh hell no! She is establishment. She is, there's no way in the world, da-da-da.
Starting point is 02:33:04 Okay. She is establishment. She is, there's no way in the world, dah, dah, dah. Okay, which is gonna be more dangerous and more coming with consequences? Is there more benefit for doing it or is it more cons for doing it? I think it's easy on the benefit side because who's not gonna vote for Trump? Who's a Trumper? Right.
Starting point is 02:33:22 He's not losing any vote. And as soon as he says, by the way, Nikki Haley. I don't like some of the things she said, but at least she had the balls to say it. And she's okay with me. I think 80% of it goes away there. And if you're a Trump or you're a Trump or and he needs help with women and independent voters. Okay, follow-up Nikki Haley who's Who's better than her, by the way?
Starting point is 02:33:45 Tulsi Gabbard. What do you think about Tulsi? I've always been very impressed by Tulsi Gabbard. How do Trumpers feel about a Democrat leaving and joining? Maybe they've already crossed that bridge with Tulsi. I would give the appraisal this way. I think Nikki Haley gives Tulsi Gabbard all she can handle in a heads-up competition. No disrespect to Tulsi Gabbard. I enjoy talking to her and I enjoy her process. Whether or not you agree is, again, a third level
Starting point is 02:34:14 concern for me. But I think Nikki Haley is absolutely can go toe-to-toe with her. Okay, so what does Nikki have that Tulsi doesn't have? Legitimacy. From what standpoint? Of all of the electability quotients. She's been in a primary. She beat an entire field. She was going toe to toe with Trump.
Starting point is 02:34:35 She showed she could raise the money. She showed she could deal with the media. I mean, she's been tested. She was a governor. Well, positions aside, yeah, a governor and an ambassador. She's been part of Trump's administration, but she's been through the crucible. Okay, so now if you're a representative, you're the campaign manager, let's just say you're selling Tulsi.
Starting point is 02:34:53 How do you sell Tulsi against Nikki? What's Tulsi's edge? Disruption. Disruption. And we're Team Trump. We're all about disruption. Who's more of a Democrat? Nikki Haley or Tulsi Gabbard? I don't even know what it means to be a Democrat anymore because they don't talk policies. I think that
Starting point is 02:35:14 Tulsi Gabbard has a lot of domestic policies that are still traditionally democratic policies Foreign policy and the origination of how to use power in government is where she differs. Nikki Haley does not really hold anything that's even close to center-left, let alone left, in terms of social policy. I think both of them are anti-reproductive rights though. I think they're both in line with the change that was made in the law. But Nikki's big, I mean, but besides the apology, like she's been talking trash about him for the whole year, what two years, a year and a half that and on top of the fact that she
Starting point is 02:35:52 is legitimately a war hawk. Every debate that we went to, it was let's bomb Russia. Let's go fight with Iran. You know what, while we're at it, just bomb the show everybody. Trump is the only one that hasn't started a war. I don't see how that would play out where somebody wants to fight. And the president shut up. You think so?
Starting point is 02:36:13 Yeah. When's the last time you heard of a vice president other than Biden saying what he said about gay marriage? Yeah, that was pretty wild. I mean, I mean, yeah. I understand why Trump would want to fight her in there. But if you just look at trying to win this election, the reason that they lost the midterms in 2022 was one issue, women's rights.
Starting point is 02:36:34 I just was at model volleyball this week, bunch of footage coming out. I asked every girl out there, what is your number one issue? Women's rights, abortion, reproductive rights. So if you're trying to move the movable middle trying to move the independence trying to move the women You need a female candidate. That's why at the top of the list if you could scroll down Rob I've said it before I've said it for the last six months. The number one person the list is still Kristi Noem. So Tulsi Gabbard's in the mix sure Nikki Haley's in the mix at least the phonics in the mix I think Vivek would be the best at whatever you put him at treasury commerce and then they Tucker's building out his network.
Starting point is 02:37:09 It's going to be a female in this day and age. Vivek Ramaswamy. Think about it. He's he's he's brown. He's down. And guess what he could do? All he has to do Brown and he's down. Guess what? All the climate, all he has to do is say, you know what? I identify as a woman. He'll be the first. He could, what? Wait, what? Are you going to laugh and tell him it's transgender visibility?
Starting point is 02:37:32 Like he could come out as a woman. Rob, don't laugh. This is serious. All right? Not on Easter. All he has to do is say, I'm a woman. I'm a woman and I'm brown and I'm down. Look at the VP right here.
Starting point is 02:37:45 Kristi Noem, four and a half. Tim Scott, five to one. Elise Stefanik, she's a beast. Eight to one. Tulsi Gabbard, beast. Vivek, beast. Nikki, sixth place. Carson's there.
Starting point is 02:37:57 Sarah Huckabee Sanders, beast. Bill O'Reilly says it must be Sanders. Really? What do you mean? He says that Sanders is the only one that checks all the boxes necessary to be his running bait. I disagree with the analysis because I think you're not getting, giving enough influence to Trump saying this is who I want. Yeah. I think that that's a very bad way.
Starting point is 02:38:20 Nobody gave two F's about who Mike Pence was in 2016. Well, did we all just slip off to Adam? Look who's the, like, I don't know if you guys just look who's number three in the Vegas odds. But nobody, nobody's really talking about that. Michelle Obama is still third. If God forbid something happens to Joseph Vinny, Vinny, this is where I'm going to just remind you to use your memory and math.
Starting point is 02:38:43 Yeah. She was nine to one about two months ago. Now. She's 14 to one Gavin was 20 to one fact that they have joe biden has that she's above more likely than rfk That's what i'm saying. She hasn't even announced it by the way. That's been the same thing for months But what you're missing what is joe biden's numbers are deadly close to trump these days. They were very Separated about a month ago. Oh, yeah, so it's a two-headed monster race at this point is Joe Biden's numbers are deadly close to Trump these days. They were very separated about a month ago. Oh yeah. So it's a two headed monster race at this point. You're Michelle Obama theory. That's why Bob is so important. Yes. That's why Bob right now,
Starting point is 02:39:16 Bobby, if it not right now, if he can get on enough state ballots and that's a big if he keeps shutting me down every time I ask him saying it's not an if it's a win, I'll definitely be on. I just don't understand how that happens. It's really hard It's one of the best best aspects of the poison political system Yeah, is what the parties do to get on the balance because they had Ross Perot do it They bury you as the Green Party. He had a ton of libertarian bomb They're real those are parties with infrastructure that work on it over the course of cycles. They contest you every set of signatures.
Starting point is 02:39:49 So you need 100,000 signatures. They'll want you to prove every one of those 100,000 people. That's very expensive in times of need. So here's what I want to do. If you're watching this, do you agree with Chris' assessment on Nikki Haley? Do you? Do you have some concerns that maybe he's not paying attention to and he's got some blind spots Why don't you manic to please ask him the question on just bring up his manic?
Starting point is 02:40:12 Send them a manic right there by the way Chris responds very quickly And he may even send you a video or an audio depending on whatever you pay for To give his perspective on Nikki Haley and maybe you give your argument and say I don't think so because of XYZ or Anything else that was discussed and if you can go to the other Manecta, Rob, with everybody else, you got Vinny, Adam, Tom, anybody else here that you want to ask a question on Manecta, download the app, start Manecting today. Last thing I want to do is, Adam, you had this model volleyball thing that was taking place by, Tim has sponsored it, right?
Starting point is 02:40:42 This last, what a lot of girls that go on dates with Uber. So you were interviewing you were interviewing what you were interviewing the top. Can you tell me which one it was? Which one is it? Which one's the one that's the time stamp? So this was on Easter, Trans Visibility Day. Yes, yes. Asking all the models, hey, which one are you celebrating today? And I've interviewed a lot of models. This was by far and away the most shocking one.
Starting point is 02:41:16 Go ahead. Okay. Well, to me. Oh, we all see them. And I am supportive. Okay. What are you celebrating this year, Easter or Trans day of visibility?
Starting point is 02:41:27 I'm celebrating both because I am both Christian and transgender. What? What do you mean you're transgender? You're transgender? Beautiful girl. What do you mean? You were born a man?
Starting point is 02:41:39 I was born a child. He was a male body, yes. And then I transitioned later on. I banged that guy! Shush. You're giving me zero dude vibes. Almost like it doesn't matter. What do trans people really look like?
Starting point is 02:41:52 There's tons of us that you don't... I like you, sweetheart. Carmen, hold on. Let's back up a second here. You were born with male body parts. Yes. Boy, this is blowing your mind. Blowing my mind.
Starting point is 02:42:02 Yeah. I see you. So walk us through your transition. Well I don't know. What do you mean? I don't know. I still have my Venus. It's not still here. Do you want to know what happened between my life? It's questionable. But can you please, can you please pause that guy?
Starting point is 02:42:19 Listen to this part. Just listen to this part right here. I've hooked up with that guy. Not everything, but. I'm not going to talk about that. Just walk us through the transition. Yeah, so I transition when I was 25 years old. I mean, I I don't know I became a model at 26 I was the first trans model at Elite Models in New York. I was photographed by Stephen Mizell twice I mean, I've done a lot of great things. Yeah, wow. So also like an advocate
Starting point is 02:42:42 I do like trans outreach I try to inspire the girls to like own who they are and like not be afraid don't hide it from anyone There's no need to trick nobody people are gonna want to fuck you regardless like that's serious. Well, let me tell you something we interviewed 100 plus models all gorgeous and Even the team the production team all the guys when she walked in there were like, oh we got a bad one We get all yeah, they are even Malik who's in, they were like, oh, we got a bad one, we got a, it was like, they were, even Malik, who's listening right now, he's like, bro, I'd still do it, I'd still do it. But you know what?
Starting point is 02:43:10 It was insane. Don't throw Malik under the bus, he's got a girlfriend. But, but. His girlfriend was there. Yeah, why are you, his girlfriend was there. But let's be honest,
Starting point is 02:43:18 at 25 years old, he decided to become a, took her 15 years. By the way, kudos, I don't know. Did she mention that when she hooks up with dude, like dude, she lets them know, like, listen, how about this? How about this? Cause I asked them a question to all the models. Would you rather date a hardcore MAGA conservative Trump guy or a progressive liberal, you know, Bernie bro and made them answer the question. She goes. Oh my boyfriend is like the biggest Trump supporter MAGA Ever she said that yeah, I go what the
Starting point is 02:43:51 It was insane, but you know I respect you know somebody's love the point is her boyfriend is but you know big you know What ethnicity is Carmen Latina? She's let the guess what shout out to? Good one comes to transgenders that I give them because look at look at what he she Look at that white guys are the laziest Trent they just put on a wig and they go Your balls are showing Jonathan like at least John look at this Look at like she fooled all of my way shout out to Tony in the back recruiting. Yeah Very key thing She said in her
Starting point is 02:44:27 Description of her process. She was 25 years. Thank you. Thank you She's 25 not 15 not 12 my experience in talking to adult transgender people Yeah, they talk about the requirement of time and of processing who you are before you decide to make any decision disagree with them I cannot disagree with that because that's a very good observation there Chris on the fact that the decision was made While he was 25 and then he wanted to be you know transition into whatever it is now But it was made when he was 25 years old Thank you for letting me share this we're discussing this and all this epic content today at four o'clock on the sauce cap. All right. Here we go gang We did three hours today
Starting point is 02:45:13 Story about what I held it because I'm a man that we covered a lot of different stories allegedly and We cover a lot of different stories and we can also put Rob put the link to Cromwell's Project podcast below as well for people that want to see more stuff Cuomo's got his own podcast as well put the link below for people to find it. Rob when is our next podcast are we doing Thursday? Okay we got Thursday podcast we'll see you guys then take care everybody bye bye bye bye

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