PBD Podcast - Uber and Lyft vs. California | PBD Podcast | EP 4

Episode Date: August 14, 2020

Patrick Bet-David talks with Joshua Feuerstein and Adam Sosnick about the possibility of Uber and Lyft leaving California, Fortnite's battle against Apple and the AppStore monopoly, the historic deal ...between Israel and UAE, Kamala Harris helping Joe Biden raise money, what countries are best and worst for raising kids, the NBA, Cuban, Tucker Carlson and TV ratings/viewership and how the DOJ is going after Yale for discrimination based on race in admissions process. Download the podcasts on all your favorite platforms https://bit.ly/3kF7BT1   Text: PODCAST to 310.340.1132 to get added to the distribution list   The BetDavid Podcast is a podcast that discusses, current events, trending topics and politics as they relate to life and business.  Stay tuned for new episodes and guest appearances.   Connect with Patrick on social media:     Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/patrickbetdavid/?hl=en    Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/patrickbetdavid  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PatrickBetDavid.Valuetainment   Follow the guests in this episode:  Joshua Feuerstein https://bit.ly/39WWyQw   Adam Sosnick https://bit.ly/2PqllTj     Share your thoughts with Patrick Bet-David about this first episode on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/patrickbetdavid    To reach the Valuetainment team you can email: info@valuetainment.com     About the host: Patrick is a successful startup entrepreneur, CEO of PHP Agency, Inc., emerging author and Creator of Valuetainment on Youtube. As a natural critical thinker, Patrick takes complex leadership, management and entrepreneurial ideas and converts them into simple life lessons for today and tomorrow’s entrepreneurs.   Patrick is passionate about shaping the next generation of leaders by teaching thought provoking perspectives on entrepreneurship and disrupting the traditional approach to a career. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Okay, we are back to episode is this three or I think this is episode number four that we've had so far on the podcast with Josh Fearsstein and Adam Sostling got a lot of stuff to cover today Adam How's your bladder doing buddy? I just want to do it. Okay. I just got back from the pee pee room He literally just got back from the pee peer room. Here's what we're talking about today. It's great It's by the way It's good to be back with you. I know a lot of you guys, even we have, we gotta give a shout out to the guy that started his own account. What's the name of the account?
Starting point is 00:00:28 Adam's family. Adam's family, there's an account called. Adam's family, shout out to you. If you're watching this, put a thumbs up and share this. We got some great topics we're getting into. One is gonna be Uber Lift. Wait till you hear what happened with Uber and Lift, which is not surprising, but I hope they stick to their decision. We'll talk about which companies have
Starting point is 00:00:49 the most cash, which country has the most reserves. And then an article came out, which is quite surprising on how they measured this on thousand different markers. What are the five best countries to raise a family and the five worst countries to raise a family and the big fight that's going on right now between Apple Store and fortnight which Kai you may want to get that commercial prepared in case if we want to show the commercial and And then what if I touch you can go to see and watch movies for 15 cents and then obviously we got some stuff All war going on between clay Travis and Mark Cuban over viewership NBA viewership Fox News will talk about that as well and then I got some other data And by the way, we may also pick our playoffs teams who's gonna win it and be a championship and I got a box
Starting point is 00:01:37 You in a minute once we hit about three four hundred people live I'm gonna reveal to you what's in this box and we may open that box once we crack a thousand I think our biggest live we've ever had is 815 so having said that Gentlemen, let's get right into it. So we talked about this last week Maybe even this week when we talk about Uber and Lyft They were upset about the fact that California mandates that they moved their employees from 1099 their drivers to that they moved their employees from 1099, their drivers to W2.
Starting point is 00:02:08 And you and I talked about it a little bit, and he said, what's the benefit of being W2? The benefits, all this other stuff. And I said the person that's gonna get the worst hit is who. The customer. The customers. So here's what happened. Uber and Lyft, you ready for this? Uber and Lyft might be leaving the state of California.
Starting point is 00:02:24 Okay, let me say this one more time. They might be leaving the state of California. Uber and Lyft might be leaving the state of California. Let me say this one more time. They might be leaving the state of California. Uber and Lyft have lost their bid to delay a preliminary injunction that will force the two-ride hailing app companies to reclassify drivers as employees of California. It's a very core judge in the night Thursday. The company's requested delay the order
Starting point is 00:02:38 from going into effect August 20th. As this legal challenges are taking place, Uber and Lyft are also aiming to build support for Prop 22, a measure that voters will have a chance to prove or reject in the November 20, November elections. Anyways, long story short, these guys are just saying we cannot do it. The measure says drivers must receive earnings guarantee of at least 120% minimum wage. Let me say that one more time. This says the drivers must receive earnings guarantee of at least 120% of minimum wage while on the job 30 cents per mile for expenses,
Starting point is 00:03:12 a healthcare stipend, occupational accidental insurance for on the job injuries, protection against discrimination and sexual harassment and automobile accident and liability insurance. That's what's going on right now in the state of California. So Adam, I'm going to go to, I typically would go to Josh first, but I'm going to go to you first here. So what do you think about Uber and Lyft deciding to leave California? So who takes the biggest hit now? Yeah, I mean, this is something that we obviously discussed in depth last episode. And I'm not going to say I was wrong, but I just had a different perspective than you.
Starting point is 00:03:48 Obviously, you've been a CEO, you know a lot more about having W2 employees versus 1099. I was under the assumption that more drivers would want these benefits. That was my assumption. All right, like I'm a 1099, I'm just, you know, willy-nilly doing my own thing, come and go as I please. Some of these things are actually, I would assume for a lot of drivers,
Starting point is 00:04:11 something they would want, right? More than minimum wage, 120%, 30 cents on the mile for expenses, healthcare stipend, occupational accident, these are all good things. But I didn't factor in the fact that, you know, Uber and Lyft are fighting tooth and nail against having this. And more and more drivers, I think we looked at it. It was like what, 80% of drivers are... No, it was drive full time. 12% or full time.
Starting point is 00:04:37 12% or full time. 12% or full time. 88 or not, they're part timers. Okay, so meaning they technically drive less than 40 hours. So I guess I mean, it's this is an open-ended question. Obviously, there's going to be a debate in no I mean a election in November. Yeah, but you know, I obviously you as a major capitalist, if Uber leaves California, what does lift you? Did they benefit? Did they pick up the business? Is that for sure? That's that's they might they might be. No, no, they're both leaving because it cannot. Is that for sure? Yes, they might be. No, no, they're both leaving because here's what we have to realize what's happened during
Starting point is 00:05:09 the coronavirus. Let's just even take you to a whole different place. During the coronavirus, Ubers lost 67% of their revenues. Q2 over 2. Q2 2020 to Q2 2019, Ubers done 67%. Let me unpack what 67% means. Please do. Say you're making $100,000 a year at your job, okay?
Starting point is 00:05:30 You're not making $33,000 a year. What's life look like? That's so good. Now, is that a dramatic difference in lifestyle? Of course. That's what happened to Uber. So people forget that these are companies that are trying to pay salaries, benefits,
Starting point is 00:05:44 you know, all support customer service constant advancement in technology, cyber security, fighting off people that are trying to get into your servers, trying to make the experience. I mean, there's lawsuits. Uber is probably dealing with thousands of lawsuits on a daily basis. You have to hire attorneys at 800 bucks an hour, times 100 hours, times a thousand cases. People don't think about those steps. And these companies go through. All they think about is rich people.
Starting point is 00:06:07 This is what they want to do. So the part that concerns me is the follow. Let me tell you what would upset me. So you said something. You said, you know, I was surprised that more people didn't want to go to W2. Why wouldn't you want to go to W2? Right?
Starting point is 00:06:21 I mean, there's all these benefits. OK. Adam, that's the problem with politicians. The problem with politicians is the following. The problem with politicians is they assume they know what's best for you. They assume what's best for you. So, meaning, hey, what you deserve is W2.
Starting point is 00:06:37 Dude, I don't want it. No, but that's what you deserve. I'm telling you, I don't want that. And this is a case of that happening in the state of California. You know, some of these Uber drivers just want to be left alone. They want to drive, they don't want that. And this is a case of that happening in the state of California. Some of these Uber drivers just want to be left alone. They want to drive. They don't want anybody bothered them. They want to be able to say, I don't want to do this.
Starting point is 00:06:51 I want to do eight hours a week, four hours a week. And for them to do something like this and hurt the company, when Trump first lowered the taxes. Remember when Trump lowered the taxes in? Capital gains. We went from 35 to 23% and all of these other things disappeared. We came to the state of Texas and I had that meeting
Starting point is 00:07:10 when I set the employees down. I brought everybody here and I said, for every month you've been here, you're going to get $100 bonus. And this, excuse me, I said, for every month, you've been here, you're going to get $100 bonus. If you've been here for nine months, guess what? $900.
Starting point is 00:07:24 You've been here for 11 months? 11900. You've been here for 11 months? 1100. You've been here for three months? $300. You've been here for 15 years? Boom. People are crying, they're emotional. This is so great.
Starting point is 00:07:33 I said, don't thank me. Why are you thanking me? I can't change the tax laws. Only one guy can change the tax laws. This is a guy that got elected. If you wanna thank anybody, thank him. Because he allowed me to have more money to invest into you and pass it down to you Politicians don't realize the more you hurt companies companies are only dealing with a hundred pennies in a dollar
Starting point is 00:07:56 That's the one thing people don't understand once the politicians understand that part then businesses and politicians can work together but what was What was Ronald Reagan's famous quote? The scariest thing to hear is I'm from the government and I'm here to help. He said the greatest day of the year is Independence Day, which is July 4th to July, right? He said the worst day of the year says Republicans favorite days for July, Democrats favorite days, what April 15th? So, taxes. Just want to tax, tax, tax, right? So, but by the way, even John F. Kennedy, if you go back to him, when John F. Kennedy lower taxes, everybody's like, what are you doing to lower taxes? You know what John F. Kennedy said when he
Starting point is 00:08:34 lower taxes? He says, this is your opportunity to go save money for your family. There is nothing wrong with lower taxes to take care to families. It's just California politicians today just don't get it. Josh, what do you think? I'm not going to even talk as a concern of, I'm going to talk as a capitalist. Okay, here's my issue. Anytime that you have the government step in to a situation like this, which is supposed to be a free market and begin to regulate stuff, this is why regulation kills innovation. Okay, you see it in the cancer industry, you see it in technology. The more that you regulate something, the more that you kill all of the innovation, which is really one of America's
Starting point is 00:09:18 greatest things. It's what makes us special is that we are what a land of innovators. We innovate. We create technology. We change the world through innovation. But the problem is is that when you got people particularly on the left and there's conservatives there too, and I'm going to call them out here in a second because if you go and regulate something as world shattering and world changing is Uber and Lyft model, which now employs people that are not cab drivers. It allows everyday Americans to make that little extra money that they need to driving
Starting point is 00:09:52 from here to here without buying a over-priced medallion from the government, okay? Which again, remember, that's why New York City hated Stink and going with Uber and Lyft because who was selling the medallions to the taxi drivers? created, stinkin', goin' with Uber and lift because who was selling the medallions to the taxi drivers? For a million dollars, do you realize a million bucks to buy a medallion to drive a cab? That's insane. So that million dollars, they have to now make it back
Starting point is 00:10:18 by doing what? Put in that in the cab fare, right? Absolutely insanity. But the problem is, is that when you start regulating the free market, it kills innovation. And the problem there is who is over the regulations. Pat said it earlier, politicians, but who controls politicians? Usually your competitor. So let me give you a little example. Who fought tooth and nail against Tesla? All right, I don't think people realized how much in a air, how much regulation there was on Tesla, they said Tesla is not allowed to
Starting point is 00:10:52 have dealerships. They can't have a car dealership. Who was it? The auto industry who was fighting against them? No, it was oil. It's oil. Big oil, buddy. Bro, and the second that that that Toyota started coming out with a hybrid, you started seeing all this random bull crap. Now look, we all understand the world and the realm of media, okay? So we know how it can be manipulated, we watch it happen, we hate it, we did discuss
Starting point is 00:11:16 us, but we know how to manipulate and how media is manipulated. So now you have oil and all these guys that want to launch an attack against someone. So there's media, but then they can go to the politicians and say, hey, we're big oil, and I'm talking to my conservative constituents now, we're big oil, all right? So enough with all that green, man, see, Pam, see, come on, this is red blood in America, all right? So I'm going to stick a couple dollars right back here in your pocket, but you need to make sure to vote against that Tesla and that, man, that green energy initiative. Now, look, why would we not want to make the world a better place with green technology
Starting point is 00:11:56 and green energy? Why? Okay. And dude, I got cowboy boots on. All right. I got a flipping. I'm a hundred percent on. All right. I got a flipping. I'm representing the. All right. I'm a hundred percent Texas.
Starting point is 00:12:06 All right. But if you've got an industry that's able to go in any case, so all that coming back to Uber and Lyft, who do I think is behind it? I don't know. Could the taxi industry be shoving a little something because think or could the Democrats, not to get political, but could the Democrats be saying, hey, we've tried everything to stop people from going back to work because we need to hurt this economy in order to get people to vote a certain way.
Starting point is 00:12:31 And start thinking about how many people, one out of the three of us sitting here, one out of 33% of this crew right here, ubers to work. What happens now when you start hurting the worker that doesn't even have a way to get to work? Because we know that there's not enough Caps to get people to work. I mean, I don't know it's thinking reeks of There has to be politics of all behind this because in no way logically does this make sense forget about you know Being able to reason with these guys you it doesn't seem to work in the state of California But I hope I listen I hope I pray that Uber and
Starting point is 00:13:07 Lyft stay strong and say we are leaving. I hope because if they don't, if they don't, if Uber says, okay, we'll bow down to the state of California, be ready for phone call from New York, Illinois, and other states coming around the corner. If they bow down to California, everybody else is coming out. Now do you think that, I mean, one of these companies is gonna have to make a move first. It's not like they're gonna call each other
Starting point is 00:13:36 and like let's do it together, guys. I think the Uber is gonna go first. No, no, I think they have to do it together. Boom, I think Unison, I think, competitors. And Lyft become a team at this point. Yes. But it's not only the Uber and Lyft.
Starting point is 00:13:47 It's also Door Dash Uber E. Oh, that's a good point. Yeah, I mean, all these guys have to come together. Listen, there are certain times where companies unite. And they say, look, it happens in the insurance industry, all the rule 151, it's going to index, annuities, index, universal life. You see all of these FMOs and carriers come together. Your enemies, what happened to you? annuities, index universal life. You see all of these FMOs and carriers come together.
Starting point is 00:14:05 Your enemies, what happened to you? Uber and Lyfty, to United. I mean, like you've said, a million times, my enemy's enemy is my friend, right? I mean, so we can talk about that and multiple facets here on today. So Pat, here's actually an interesting point. It's funny because when you get a common enemy
Starting point is 00:14:25 and you have people that are in the same industry, I'm seeing it now, I'm dealing with a situation It's funny because when you get a common enemy and you have people that are in the same industry, I'm seeing it now, I'm dealing with the situation in Arizona with all these charter schools. Okay, now, me back up and say this, I believe every school in America should be a charter school because then that makes you compete. Your school has to be better than the next school to get people to come there and the the money follows the student, okay?
Starting point is 00:14:46 But you're dealing right now in Arizona with all of these liberal leftists saying, no more charter schools, you shouldn't get school choice. I've got a bull crap as that. But what's interesting is you're watching all the charter schools. They're coming together and saying, I realize that we compete for students. But if we don't flip and bind together right now, we all have to come together and fight this together. You're going to start seeing it.
Starting point is 00:15:11 You're going to see competitors become in the Wednesday in color Jersey. I see you, I see Uber and left team in a, by the way, another thing that's taking place that's similar to this, slightly different because it's not against politicians, but it's against a very powerful empire is Apple against fortnight Okay, so fortnight was trying to figure out a way to not pay the 30% fee that you have to pay on Apple So for example if you buy a product often app
Starting point is 00:15:39 Apple has to keep 30% you spend a thousand dollars. Guess what? $300 is going to Apple right and the same the same goes with Google, with the Android, right? Okay. So Fort nice going back in, for some like, we kind of don't like this thing, you know, kind of sucks. And by the way, they don't know that Google last year, I think, paid $12 billion to Apple just to say, hey, we want a relationship with Apple because we know you have the apps and just so you know, Amazon spends another 10 or 12 billion dollars just given Apple money every year to allow them to use the app. So they can be on the app store.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Exactly. They just want to be on the, of course, on the app store. The gaming industry. You know how much gaming industry made Apple last year on apps alone? How many billion? How much you think it is. What do you think the number is? I mean, actually, I want you to get numbers.
Starting point is 00:16:21 Yes, sir. How much money they made on gaming? $46 billion. Wow. Wow. I was going to get number seven. Sir, how much money they made on gaming? $46 billion. Wow. I was gonna say $100 billion. I was looking for an app. All four of them. All four of them.
Starting point is 00:16:32 It's ridiculous. That's a lot of money. Now, keep this one. How much of their top line is that? 4.6%. Their top line revenue? No, their top line revenue is. It's like, no, their top line revenue,
Starting point is 00:16:42 you can pull up what their revenues is. I mean, it's a it's a fairly significant portion The apple probably has a 400 billion dollar revenue 350 billion dollar revenue, but he can pull it up right now just to see Just pull up apples revenue Just type in apple Apple 20 revenue Apple revenue. There you go Way to go Kai Six go up a little bit right there breaks it down for you Kai can you just go up just stay where you were at right there click on that guys got the hardest job
Starting point is 00:17:25 Okay, so Apple's making a lot of money. The whole point is that we make a lot of money. Let's just keep it going. Hey guys, breaking news. Apple's doing okay. Apple's gonna be okay. Kai couldn't find out what they're doing, but Apple's not going out of business. So the point is, 46 billion dollars
Starting point is 00:17:37 is coming from a gaming. Okay, so now watch what happens here. Watch what happens here. So the two companies are at war. Okay, and Apple versus who? Apple against Fortnite and who owns Fortnite? What is it? Effigate. Effigate. Yes. Yes. Okay. But but here's what happened. Apple said you trying to get the 30% to not have to pay for no Proud. You're off Apple. You're no longer going to be an Apple. Guess who follows the next day? Android. Android follows the next day. So not both Android and Apple you can no longer get Fortnite So Fortnite sees this. Yeah, what did they do? They come up with this commercial come on you show us this commercial that Fortnite just came up with
Starting point is 00:18:21 So it's the Apple commercial on the bottom right They're making fun of Apple saying you forgot who you were. We shall prevail. Apple games as the fight the App Store monopoly and retaliation Apple is blocking Fortnite from a billion devices Join the fight to stop 2020 from becoming 1984 hashtag free Fortnite which by by the way, both are genius marketing. No, that about it. By the way, the bottom right commercial is known as the greatest commercial of all time. When I was sitting down with Steve Wozniak interviewing them,
Starting point is 00:19:15 you know how much they spend on that commercial. Each day they both didn't have a lot of money. Okay, when that came out, they hadn't yet so much. Jobs and Wozniak at Wozniak at any moment, I think in 2010, I said, how much you spend on that commercial? Heak? I had Wazniak at any event I think in 2010. I said, how much you spent on that commercially? I said, I had to put up 400,000.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Jobs had to put up another 400,000 that we didn't have to do that commercial. I said, let's just do it. We did it. It became the greatest commercial of all time, to produce this commercial. Think about that. Think about the ROI on that commercial.
Starting point is 00:19:38 So now Fortnite is saying, hey Apple, you now are becoming exactly who you said you were going up again. So in this battle, Josh, I'm going to turn it over to you. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, now got a staff all it's called it's got a staff. Kite trainers. There's a lot of us have been doing it. OK, so check this out. So these guys are going at it. Fortnite St. screw you. Apple is saying, you don't want to be on our app.
Starting point is 00:20:12 No problem. Google follows Apple. Go at it. Do whatever you want to do. Who wins here? Who loses? Because Fortnite just filed a lawsuit against these guys saying there's a monopoly.
Starting point is 00:20:22 Who wins here? Personally, from the marketing standpoint, me as a marketer, from the marketing standpoint, Fortnite wins the marketing war. Okay. In my opinion. But I think we all know that Google is still a big daddy and they're gonna give them a little spanking. Now, it'll be interesting to see what happens in court. Anything can happen in court. And Pat, here's the one thing. There's a beauty of America. Okay. The beauty of America is this.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Okay. Everybody loves an underdog. And when you get a jury in there, if this is seen before a jury, I can tell you this is that Fortnite is going to paint themselves as an underdog. But let me tell you what this does for the Fortnite community as a marketer. Okay. What this does to the Fortnite community is it says, Hey, guys, we're taking this game to real life because Fortnite is about building a clan, building a tribe, building a team, and going to war with other people. To me, it's such genius
Starting point is 00:21:14 marketing because they're saying, hey, we're going to have a real world experience and you guys are all going to get to be part of this. And I think it brings the Fortnite clan together and it makes them feel unified. Like, they're cool. Yeah, dude, from a marketing perspective, like I don't play video games, I don't know Fortnite from anything, from Adam. I couldn't tell you what the top games are, NBA, 2K, whatever, whatever.
Starting point is 00:21:40 What I will say from a layman's perspective, Fortnite is the talk of the town right now. So I assume they're gonna figure out a way to We use their way through the game or downloads some nerd in their basement came up with the idea fortnight And it's probably a very rich person right nerd alert. No. Yeah, congratulations. I'm a couple here Here's my bigger question. Okay, who does the fortnight? I mean they crushed it But I mean you interview a lot of mafia type people. I mean, you're tight with, you know, so how do you correlate this 30% tax or, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:17 spiff or whoever you want to call it, this, you know, to the mafia s type thing. Is this just their business model? Is this a monopoly? What's the bigger perspective with this Apple 30% fee? Who has a better platform for app developers outside of Apple? No, who gives you a billion users with devices? Who gives it to you? Who has built a platform that big
Starting point is 00:22:41 that you can take advantage of? So for example, when somebody says, you know, well, I just, I don't know, man, you know, I can go create content for myself and I can go do all this other stuff. You can go create content for yourself, sure. But if you're coming to an audience, there's a benefit to it. So you can start from scratch or you can have an audience, right? So when you go to want to create an audience somewhere,
Starting point is 00:23:02 you're already coming into an audience. Apple's got the biggest audience. You don't have to go develop an app. They go create an app on Blackberry if you want. They won't take 30%. Go create your beautiful app. There's a fee for, for a buddy, if you're going into the biggest party that you're going to be connected with all the who's who that are going to buy your product, don't bitch about it. Do not bitch about it. Now what you could do is to follow on. Here's what I would do if I'm fortnight. I would go to Apple and I would say, look, let's work together. Can we create some tiers? If I bring this much to you, let's drop that 30 to 20,
Starting point is 00:23:38 and let's drop it to 10, and what do I need to do to just pay you, check every year instead of having to do it this way? But if Fortnite does that, now every single company is going to be doing it. But that's what Google is doing. And Google themselves want their app on Apple. Let me say that one more time. Google wants their apps on Apple. So if Google is doing it and they're an enemy, you got to do it.
Starting point is 00:23:58 These guys have to understand, this is the big boys club. Apple, like the same thing with Sono CEO that said, I don't like what they're doing. you know, they're lowering our prices. And then Amazon comes, I hope Amazon comes out and says, Sonos, you can no longer sell your stuff on Amazon. So there's a part of that that's competition and platform. And that's what Apple and Amazon have built. Let me ask you another question.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Yeah. What's, I mean, obviously, Apple, Google, Microsoft, they were all just in Congress. last week two weeks ago just getting grilled over monopoly What would stop Apple from saying all right? We were charging you 30% now it's 40% What is it what what what stopped them from saying do it? Yeah, that's what I'm saying now it's 50% but what I'm saying That was 80% they could do it. Exactly. What's stopping them? You have the choice to go build a better platform. That's what's going to end up happening.
Starting point is 00:24:50 People have to realize, seers used to be a juggernaut. Where is Seers? Where? 1962 and a half is called the Super Saving Center of the Year. 1962 and a half. OK. Is the year where K-Mart came out, Walmart came out, Target came out, Costco came out.
Starting point is 00:25:07 It's called the Super Saving Center of the year, 1962 and a half. So when they came out, five years later, how many stores you think K-Mart had, how many stores you think Walmart had? Let me ask this question one more time. 1962 and a half is called the Super Savings Year, right? Where these massive centers came up.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Five years later, how many stores you think Kmart had? How many stores you think Walmart had? Josh, what do you think? Five years later, how many did Kmart have, how many did Walmart have? Well, I'd say Kmart's 80% of that market. He's right. I'd say Kmart had more stores for sure.
Starting point is 00:25:43 Back then, it's 250. How many do you't say came or had more stores for sure back then came March had 250 how many thing Walmart had? 50 9 9 9 words came art today. Yeah, extinct out of business. Where's Walmart today blowing up? Blowing every Sunday 2.3 million and Poyers right away. But here's a point. Here's a point to you. Here's a point to you. The moment Walmart got cocky who showed up Amazon Amazon right but guess what Walmart did? you. Here's a point to you. The moment Walmart got cocky who showed up. Amazon. Amazon. Right. But guess what Walmart did? Here's what Walmart did. Which you got to give him credit. Walmart's sat there and says, listen man, we got along from these guys. Yeah, we got to go online. They did. And they did. And they did. Of course. And they're not competing. Now the number one competitor to
Starting point is 00:26:18 Amazon is who Walmart? Okay. So what's what am I saying to you here? What I'm saying to you here is when you have a partner like that strengthen the partnership However, if Apple does decide to go to 40% and 50% to bully get ready to see another platform being created because that's the beautiful thing about Capitalism when Groupon first came out. Do you remember Groupon when the first came out? The guy became a six billion dollar man on the cover of Forbes magazine and everybody was talking about this guy at 32 years old It's a genius group on's gonna be a two hundred billion dollar company. What happened afterwards? He was doing a 50 50 spiff meaning you're the restaurant. I Bring Adam in you're gonna do a 50 50 which means you're gonna give him a discount and under whatever is left
Starting point is 00:27:00 I'm gonna keep 25% you're gonna keep 25% okay I was a spiff with the customer save 50% or so but but you and I are splitting the other 50 50 You're gonna give it to me is what you're gonna give it to right? So then Something choice came out. I don't remember the next one that came out and the next one that came out and the next one came out And then with the market said market said the group on models not gonna last a long time Then there was 50 of them out there in the marketplace So at the difference here, someone is going to compete with Apple, but somebody better start early,
Starting point is 00:27:29 because at this point in the game, Apple doesn't have a monopoly when it comes on to uploading apps. Here's a little interesting fact, thanks a value-tanner, and I literally just confirmed it. This is a little bit scary. We're gonna take a wild guess at who owns the majority share
Starting point is 00:27:46 of Fortnite, China. China. China owns 40% of Fortnite through a company called Tencent. Well, Tencent, I mean, they're massive, right? They're like, so what's your point, though? Are you going somewhere with this? Or are you, because that's incredible to know that, but what,'s your point are you going somewhere with this or you? I'm sick. That's that's incredible to know that but what's what where you're going with that?
Starting point is 00:28:09 My point is this, why is it we've seen with TikTok and now with Fortnite played with what or played by who? Mostly kids, we ain't playing Fortnite all right. It's mostly Gen Z, Millennial, maybe Kai, okay? Why, like, when is America gonna realize that China is taking a huge interest in our young people, in our generations, in their data, like. By the way, let me ask the question, how many of you guys watching this right now play Fortnite?
Starting point is 00:28:39 If you play Fortnite comment below and let us know if you play Fortnite, and do me a favor, put your age right next to it. So you say, yes, I play Fortnite. I'm 42. I'm 38. I'm 22. If you can comment below to that, yeah, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, and then put mail or female because that's for Adam. Adam wants to know who to know what that point. Shout out to all our, you're not speaking to them like, hey, shout, I'm, I'm, see what we got here. Being extremely serious, shout out to all the value-tainers in the comment section that continually just put all of this incredible info in the comment section that continually just put all
Starting point is 00:29:05 of this incredible info in the feed. Yeah, it's very weird. They're engaged. But the party engaged audience. We thank you. Do you play Fortnite? You do how often? Every weekend. Every weekend. What do you like about the game? Is it pretty? My friends are out of state. Yeah. So I can connect with them and we can have fun together. Oh, that's kind of cool cool and it's a camaraderie thing. Okay. You play Fortnite How much does Fortnite cost you per month?
Starting point is 00:29:33 Fortnite doesn't cost me very much unless I see something so Fortnite is free Every every time you see updated so it's white by whatever But you do you have to buy weapons? Do you have to buy? Like they come out with different styles and if you like the style, you can purchase it. How much is a money? Like last 12 months, matter of fact, how much have you total spent on Fortnite ever? Total spent, I've bought it. I spent $50. Total ever. How about you, Kai? Oh, okay, okay, got it. I know some people have really spent that money, but
Starting point is 00:30:01 okay, watch this. Hold on. We're seeing the viewership. We got 27 year old. The average Fortnite player spends about $84 But I really say that money, but okay watch this hold on we're seeing the viewership we got the average the average fortnight player spends about $84 and 67 Since I believe a month on it a month Well the minimum purchases $10 to get the minimum amount of V bucks what they call and what do you get when you're spending this 10 12 20 bucks? So what do you get when you're spending this 10, 12, 20 bucks? Get it skins, like different layers. Skins?
Starting point is 00:30:25 Different, looks of layers. By the way, to be honest with you, the average person watching this right now that's a place for it now is about 25, 30 years old. Okay. 25, 30. 25, 30. No, this is not, I mean, one guy said his kids seven and 12 are playing it. Let me see who this was.
Starting point is 00:30:40 That's the seven. Now, I'm 25. I'm 25 and playing. Okay. Sounds good. So this is a 25 year old thing. Wow. So, so'm 25. I'm 25. 25 in plain. Okay, sounds good. So this is a 25 year old thing. Wow. So, so, but who wins here?
Starting point is 00:30:49 I mean, that's the biggest question. Who wins here? Who wins here? So if China owns these guys. Not these guys, girlfriends. I'll tell you that, man. If China owns these, well, now it is. It's the craziest thing is video games.
Starting point is 00:30:58 It's, it's becoming a way to meet people as well. Something, they are, they are definitely meeting each other in to meet people as well. Something they are definitely meeting each other in the Fortnite as well. They dress up in costumes and go to conventions as avatars. They would enjoy it. I think I mentioned Comic Con. I've been to this thing before.
Starting point is 00:31:18 I've seen all this, actually. OK, but that's a whole other world. By the way, I tell you one thing. He just said right now, he said, China owns 40% of what he call it, Fortnite. Here's an interesting stat, okay. Countries with the highest cash reserves in foreign currency reserves. You ready?
Starting point is 00:31:37 Countries with cash reserves, foreign currency reserves. So, Kai, this is saying how much cash that country has, yes? Yes. Kai, yes, okay. So watch this. Number 10 is Brazil. Number 9 is South Korea. Number 8 is India. Then it's Hong Kong. Then it's Taiwan. Then it's Saudi Arabia. Then it's Russia. Then it's Switzerland. Then it's Japan. You know who's first place? China's first place. China. By a mile. You know who's not on that list? USS on that list. I'll tell you one thing here. You got to realize, man.
Starting point is 00:32:10 The one thing that the debate can be talked to about as much as people want to talk about it, cash is as king as it can be. And USS financials don't look too good. If you had to look at which country is a better investment advisor, let me say this one more time. So, meaning which country is a better investor, not from the people standpoint, but from the government standpoint, which one's done a better job with the money of the government?
Starting point is 00:32:42 It's definitely not US. Good. It's definitely not US. It. It's definitely not US. It's disgusting. Thanks politicians. Thanks to politicians. That's the point. It's disgusting.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Thanks to politicians. China has done better with the money that they've made than anybody else has done. So when you are saying like, you know, we talked about Armenia last episode that China just put a $15 billion deal into Armenia. And then we talked about the fact that they put $150 billion into Iran is the deal that they just signed to put stuff into Iran. What do you think about what happened? Why don't you tell us about what happened with Trump yesterday with Israel and why don't
Starting point is 00:33:17 you take the lead on that topic right there? I don't know that I'm the most qualified to take the lead, but yesterday, UAE and Israel signed a historic, historic peace deal, which to me is big because obviously Israel and the Muslim world for the most part have just not gotten along for obvious reasons, but they are now the third country. And I think probably the largest actually, that have now signed a peace treaty with Israel, including air travel, commerce, and embassies in each other's country.
Starting point is 00:33:54 Which is very big for these two nations. Huge, huge. Because remember, too, is if you put an embassy, you put an embassy in their capital, right? And what's the capital now thanks to Trump? Jerusalem. Jerusalem. All right, so literally, by virtue of doing this, these Muslim countries are now conceding that Jerusalem is to realize how impossible this is. Like this is now, this is, this is a very, very, like something you will never see. Oh, this will never happen.
Starting point is 00:34:23 There's no, this is one of those things. He said, this is never going to take place. And it happened. The media silent about it, though, as far as Trump do it. Well, they have to. But Joe Biden did comment on it. I don't know if you saw what Joe Biden said about it. Joe Biden said, this is a very, very big deal of what took place.
Starting point is 00:34:37 He gave a lot of credit to what took place. But he also did say that it's because it was started during the Obama and Biden administration. Oh, my goodness. Good, yes. So yeah, that little jab. Yeah, that he had to pull it a little jab. Three points with this. Go for it.
Starting point is 00:34:49 If you don't mind. So Josh made up a good point. This is the third country. These things happen every 20, 30 years or so. I think it was 1979 Egypt was the first one, Egypt, borders, Israel. And then 1994 under Clinton, I believe, it was Jordan Jordan who also borders
Starting point is 00:35:07 Israel and then it's been since 94 now all the way to 2020 now with the UAE this I mean these things happen every 20 something years or so so I mean impossible no does it take forever is it hard to do yes it's pretty historic people obviously you know don't want to give Trump his do. I'll give him his do on this one for sure. It always goes back to your point. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Who's the common enemy here? I ran.
Starting point is 00:35:34 So I ran as would both of them. I mean, that's what I'm saying. That's the common enemy right there. So let me, let me push back just a little part on this happens every 20 to 30 years one you're right It does, but let's look at a Trump presidency, okay? And tell me after I say these two things that he does not deserve the Nobel Peace Prize Okay, he got the UAE in Israel an Islamic country and Israel to sign a peace accord. And then he, President Trump, got South Korea
Starting point is 00:36:10 and North Korea to come together. In fact, Trump with his big old pumpkin swinging between his legs did what no other pansy president would do. He walked there to the line of North Korea, no secret service agents or nothing, and he went and said, I'm gonna show you exactly how much of a man I am and he stuck out and he shook his hand with no secret service agents.
Starting point is 00:36:33 He walks over into North Korea. I mean, how is this not historic as far as a President? Does he not deserve his face on Mount Rushmore for putting together world peace unlike any president that we've had? I appreciate where you're going with this. It is a stretch beyond, especially since you threw that Rushmore thing in there. You just had to add that Rushmore in there.
Starting point is 00:36:57 I mean, I could have agreed with you Josh. I really could have, but then you threw the Rushmore thing in there. And the whole thing was a house of cars and a car falling down. But I mean, yeah, respect to Trump for doing things that past presidents haven't done. I mean, you still got crazy Kim Jong-un out there, you know, little rocket man doing this thing. I don't know if anything actually has happened other than,
Starting point is 00:37:16 you know, they've been sending love letters to each other. But yeah, he's doing some shit. I'll give you credit. Nobel Peace Prize, Mount Rushmore. I don't know about all that, but he is doing some stuff. How do you not give a man credit Nobel Peace Prize Mount Rushmore. I don't know about all that but he is doing some stuff How do you not give a man a Nobel Peace Prize? Listen listen we don't get to turn this into Nobel Prize committee I mean we get it you're a Trump fan you think he's done a good job and I'll give you respect on that
Starting point is 00:37:35 So they're gonna give one to little that little Hansel and Greta 15-year-old girl Don't be talking trash about about a little kid bro. Yeah, I You know, I don't know but Interesting little side note that we've never covered Greta the government of South Dakota the state of South Dakota has actually told the news that The Trump administration has already contacted them about getting Trump on Mount Rushmore. Stop it Dude Mount Rushmore by the way, by the way, By the way, let me bring something up when he's talking about Nobel Peace Prize.
Starting point is 00:38:07 You have to realize Obama got a Nobel Prize the next year just because for the President six months later for having done nothing. He didn't do nothing and it became he got a Nobel Peace Prize. I'm not sitting your pitch in a Nobel Prize, but the point is we've given away Nobel prizes for people to just be first African-American President,
Starting point is 00:38:24 what I'm getting, anything done in the first six months. So this is, and I'm not endorsing that he deserves a gig. He's got to do a lot of stuff in a second term to get my vote to say Nobel Prize. But the values of Nobel Prizes, not what it used to be anymore. There used to be time, if you got a Nobel Prize, it was something there. Nowadays it's not. Time magazine, it's here. Let's not forget, you know who's been a time magazine, man of the year, you know who has
Starting point is 00:38:44 been a man of the year, a time magazine, a guy named Adolf Hitler. So you gotta realize that some of these things are, but to go back to seeing what's happening over there, it's great to see that taking place because it shows a different side of him of being able to break, you know, broker deals and he's showing doing that. But at the same time, you talked about two days ago,
Starting point is 00:39:03 one of the reasons why Biden won with Kamala Harris is to raise money and they raised $26 million. In total. Double this previous one day record expected to play a key role in fundraising, especially in California, and I don't know why especially in California, but tell me what you think is going on right now. Since the announcement's been made with Kamala Harris and Biden, how do you think the audience has taken it?
Starting point is 00:39:26 What's been the argument on the right? What's been the argument on the left? And what has come out of it? Because I think they gave a speech together. There was a message that was given. But how do you think this is working us so far right now after a couple weeks? I'll just say that I'm not a political pundit. I'm not a huge Kamala Harris fan, nothing like that.
Starting point is 00:39:43 But I did do my research. And I was thinking why would Joe Biden select her And again, I said this on the last podcast. This was not breaking news. This was not a secret She was in the top two or top three for months and then obviously he went with her And I said that you know, this is a play for the base It excites the base and the number one reason everything, you know, followed the money save that money I knew that she would be a good fundraiser and lo and behold in 24 hours she raised over a million dollars an hour, not so bad. So, long story short, I think there's going to be a very close election in November. I think Trump and Pence have their work cut out for him and I think that Biden
Starting point is 00:40:20 needs to obviously step up to the plate. He brought a full on prosecutor to prosecute the case against Trump. And I think it's gonna be, it's gonna be trench warfare. I think it's gonna be a tight election. I actually like what you said there. He brought on a full blown prosecutor to prosecute the case against Trump.
Starting point is 00:40:39 The case. But let me tell you what he really did. He brought on a flippin hypocrite, the top cop that wants to run as an anti-police candidate, someone that has put people of jail for over 1500 people for marijuana violations, and then laugh about it. Laugh about it when she talks about smoke and weed to Tupac. Like, he brought on a hypocrite.
Starting point is 00:41:01 Let me tell you exactly what happened. You gotta get credit. I don't know a lot of people that know how to listen to Tupacock before two-pock came out with a suit. Exactly! That's a gift. Before two-pock what? She said she used to smoke weed and listen to two-pock when she went to use it. Call it back into 70s and 80s. I've never met anybody that can't use it. You know what that is? Give some good ass. Give some Michael G. Park stuff. It's about right there. Two-pock's coming out in 10 years, Kamala. Well, hey man, I'm a visionary. But how do you think? How do you think she gets over the things
Starting point is 00:41:29 that she said about Joe Biden? This is an honest question. Don't you think they've addressed that? No, no, she basically, but bro, how did you use your words against her? Go ahead. Trump is a master of death by a million cuts. And he's just going to sit there and cut, cut, cut, cut,
Starting point is 00:41:44 over and over. Every little's just going to sit there and cut cut cut cut over and over. Every little thing is going to be a jab because she said she believed his accusers, all right, of sexual assault accusers. And then she said the bomb. He was essentially racist. She basically called him racist. Okay, so if I've learned anything from young Joshua over here, it's that there's a big difference between the primary and the general. You've said this, right? Yes, yes. If I've learned anything from Young Joshua over here, it's that there's a big difference
Starting point is 00:42:05 between the primary and the general. You've said this, right? What you said. And if I've also learned anything from that, I could just look at everything that Mr. Slash misses. Lindsey Graham has ever said about Trump and what he's saying now, and the hypocrisy is absurd. So it means basically what I've learned
Starting point is 00:42:24 is you can say literally anything. So Adam in a primary Adam and then flip uh you know I flip the script a couple a couple of years later. You're not taking something into account though. Okay. Tell me what I'm not taking into account. Okay. We can pull up Lindsey Graham's words. Okay. No about Trump said any given said. Let me ask you this. Who did Trump pick as his vice president? Did he pick? Did he pick Lindsey Graham? I don't think it. Lindsey Graham is ever up for consideration here.
Starting point is 00:42:50 Hold on. Okay. Did he pick any one of the other 17 guys that were standing on that stage, vying for the presidency? Because it would have been smart, quote unquote, to say, okay, who's the second highest polling guy, and let me go get him. But Trump understood warfare, and he said there's no way that I'm, and let me go get him. But Trump understood warfare, and he said there's no way that I'm gonna let
Starting point is 00:43:08 any of those guys that were up there bashing me, which interestingly enough, when you got down to the end of the primaries, you saw certain guys, one of which is my very good friend, I love them dearly, I'm not talking bad about them, but Governor Mike Huckabee said, you know what, like he smart, he realized that he was not gonna get it in the polls,
Starting point is 00:43:24 all right, so he started looking and started saying, no, what I'm going to do. I'm going to start saying nice thing about Trump on stage, you know, and. He can get his daughter a job. And Sarah Huckabee Sanders ended up getting a job. All right. But he didn't pick anybody up there as the vice president because he understood if that they're going to do exactly what he's going to do to come a Harris and Joe Biden who I like to call knee pads and pee pads, all right? But I mean because one thing I've learned about politics that it's all just such bullshit. And that's why I don't try to get down into the weeds. Joe and the Republicans are hypocrites, Democrats are hypocrites. You say anything
Starting point is 00:44:02 you want during the primary and then you coalesce in the general. It's the same shit So you could be a Democrat fan. You could be a Republican fan. It's all the same No, no, no white Mike Pence was a good choice is number one white Mike. I like I said white Mike Pence I said while why why Mike Pence? Yeah, let me tell you about white Mike Pence Trump white might pants. White might on the streets of Indiana. Trump. Yeah. Trump knew that you get a guy and dude, this is one thing about about pants that I just admire. All right. He's the number two guy. All right. He plays the number two very well. The vice president. But bro, this guy shines a light on Trump. Everything that Pence accomplishes,
Starting point is 00:44:46 he literally reflects it all over to Trump and says, you don't think the two of them had a conversation, he's like, I'm gonna select you, but you basically need to S-my-D in public. And Mike said, sure, yeah, whatever you want, buddy. So I mean, it is very robotic with what Pence does for Trump. I mean, Trump could literally say anything and, but they are the exact opposite human beings.
Starting point is 00:45:08 Would you agree with that? Yes. Exactly. Opposite human beings. Yes. Which evangelical Christian anti-gay and, what's it? Not anti-gay.
Starting point is 00:45:16 He's not anti-gay. My guess is an anti-gay. Well, I mean, I must be rude. There is a huge difference between disagreeing with someone ideologically and being anti so so am I anti-Adam? I mean just on any day that ends with them why yeah, so I'm definitely not anti-Adam Do I think that you have stupid ideas? 1000 we know the same way baby, but do I love you as a person? Yes, we do get along outside this show if if some guy that was
Starting point is 00:45:47 As largest me much larger than you, That's a big bore out there. Yeah, tell me. If some other big dude came in, started picking on you and your size and started pushing you around, you think big pop over here would step up. I love it when you call me big pop,
Starting point is 00:46:00 but yeah, all right. Thank you, Josh. Okay, but flip it around. Let me ask you this, Pat. Do you think that Kamala Harris is there to shine the light on Joe Biden? Absolutely not. Or is she there to run for president?
Starting point is 00:46:12 No, she's not there to shine the light on Joe Biden. This is it. But you got to also think about not all situations are the same. So if you go back and you look at presidency, they're not all cookie cutter same exact way to get it done, et cetera, et cetera. There's different ways to get to the finish line.
Starting point is 00:46:29 And their finish line is banking on women, African-American, Kamala Harris. She's tough. She's this. She's that. And guess what? If something happens to Joe, your president's going to be Kamala Harris. So people are either going to be excited about that, or they're not going to be excited about that. But this is definitely not that Trump's going to be
Starting point is 00:46:46 the leading candidate. So just for the record, that's why I thought that Susan Rice would be a great candidate because obviously there are concerns about Biden and I'd feel a lot more comfortable with someone like Susan Rice. Well, she's going to be prosecuted by the end of the Trump president. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. Well, I would tell you this still when he when he brought up Condoleesa Rice, I think Condoleesa Rice. And by the way, you got sort of John Kasey could agree to speak at the DNC Wow John Kasey agreed to speak at the DNC This is the Republican governor of Ohio. He's not a Republican. He agreed to
Starting point is 00:47:14 He has a repulsive. He wants a Republican. He has a He has a vagina. He has a vagina. He has a vagina. Do you have any facts to prove that John Kasey has a vagina? Well, he doesn't have balls. Let me ask you a question. Does he have a WAP? Probably so, actually. Probably so. See, oh, well so. Speaking, I mean, you brought up a good point that not everyone had cut the same. Was Dick Cheney there to shine the light on George W. Bush?
Starting point is 00:47:40 Or is he even fucking calling the shots back? Well, first of all, his name was Dick Cheney. So we know where he stands. He definitely was no junk. Do not listen, Josh. I know you got your hunt hat on. Do not go hunting with Dick Cheney now, buddy. All right now. Don't mess up that beautiful face.
Starting point is 00:47:55 So it could be anybody. It could be anybody on what takes place with Canada. See, but we'll see what's going to happen there. By the way, I don't know if you guys heard or not. Orange County officially made August 24 the Kobe Bryant Day that's eight Which is a Kobe Bryant Day FYI Kai's birthday is August 24 So Kai and Kobe and Orange County and by the way Kai didn't you live in Orange County? So maybe they're making it your day, but publicly they're saying the Kobe Bryant day and I loaded at value attainment 824 is officially kind of now.
Starting point is 00:48:29 I will be turning 18 in a couple of days. 18. Can we talk about a lady named Margaret Ward? Is that okay with you? If we talk about Margaret Ward. I don't know who she is. I'm going to tell you who she is. Margaret Ward wrote an article with Business Insider talking about the top five best countries
Starting point is 00:48:45 to raise kids in and top five worst countries to raise kids in based on a Thousand markers apparently is what she came up with and you know You're gonna be surprised on who's on the top five worst list, but let's go through it Here's some of the things that scored off on the What places to raise your kids in. One is safety, homicide rate, number of school shootings per capita. The other one is cost, percentage of net income that goes towards child care cost, out of pocket health care cost.
Starting point is 00:49:15 Then it's happiness, world happiness reports survey inequality score, G-I-N-I index ranked by the World Bank. Then it's health, maternal mortality rate share of population exposed to air pollution above a World Health Organization limits. Then it's education, then it's time, meaning average hours adults work per day as collected by the OECD paid maternity leave, okay?
Starting point is 00:49:41 So these are the markers she got it based off of. Here's the top five best countries to raise kids in. Number five is Luxembourg. Number four is Finland. Number three is Sweden. Number two is Norway. Shout out to guys families. Parents at a great job. And number one is Iceland. Iceland. So you mean Adam, if you're looking to raise your family, you may want to consider Iceland. I can look at very have a top five. Florida, Iceland, my top five words. You ready top five words. Number five is Bulgaria. Number four is Turkey, okay.
Starting point is 00:50:17 Number three is Chile. Number two, you ready for this? United States is the second worst place to raise kids. According to Margaret Ward, and number one is Mexico. Mexico is the worst place to raise kids. So you got to realize when I get articles like this, and I read them, it really makes me laugh and ask if Margaret Ward's has ever lived in any other place.
Starting point is 00:50:41 And many times when you do data like this, you can choose any data you want to have something working in your favor. You can pull a data out and at the same time, if somebody's bringing data and using World Health Organization to say whatever while the credibility of World Health Organization has been shot, what do you think about somebody writing an article saying,
Starting point is 00:51:00 US is the second worst country in the world to raise kids in? This is, I mean, I don't have kids. So, like, I'm just speaking as just like, US is the second worst country in the world to raise kids in I don't have kids so like I'm just speaking as just like What do you do about kids? I do have an opinion on this tell us but Josh has 16 kids What dude what's it been like raising all those kids and tell me about it? Let me tell you why I raised my kids in America and why Margaret is the single-handedly Stupinous person on the face of the earth. I'll look, look Pat. Josh, don't get all come on. Archon, you were not to hold back.
Starting point is 00:51:29 Yes. You want to know why America is great. It's our constitution. It's our freedom. It's our people. It's our land. It's our economy. This is what makes our country great.
Starting point is 00:51:39 Let me, let me just ask Kai back here. It's Norway having to build a wall around it to keep people out? Are people trying to illegally immigrate to Norway by the millions and millions and millions? Is it called the Norway dream? Now, no offense to Norway. I'm sure we got a lot of great people there.
Starting point is 00:51:58 But people are trying to come to America because America is the hotbed of innovation. It's a place that you can chase your dream. It's the place that you can wake up every Single morning and know that you are free. It's the place that you can know that somebody try to take away your constitutional rights That you can get on the phone that you can call a policeman or even better yet that you can pull out a shotgun and blow them away This probably the problem job here's the deal This, that's probably the problem, job. Here's the deal. That last sentence is probably the problem.
Starting point is 00:52:27 You know what we're having here. If you've never, like what I gotta say, I gotta shotgun with your name on it. But if you've never lived in Mexico, if you've never lived in some of these other countries, I had the opportunity to live in Mexico for a little over 10 months. Some of the greatest times,
Starting point is 00:52:42 some of the greatest people, some of the most beautiful, wonderful humble, and an absolutely incredible food. There's nothing like a nice carnavada taco at about 2 a.m. with a nice Pepsi, okay, or Coke. How are you up to it, dude? You gotta be up at 4 a.m. What are you doing up to?
Starting point is 00:52:57 Question is this, though. Bath, bath. Yeah. My long-hot bath in the morning. People in Mexico and third world countries and other places live in constant fear of the ruling class. There is a huge disparity between the people, the bottom people and the people at the top.
Starting point is 00:53:16 There's caste systems. There's all the, like, if you want to talk about equality for all of these jackasses that constantly want to talk about there's no fairness in America. And good, like these are nothing but spoil little brats because if you want to go to another country, you're going to find that there is no equality like there is in America. This is the fairest game in the world. And we actually have a constitution that protects people. So guess what? My six beautiful kids get to get raised in a free country, have an opportunity to become entrepreneurs,
Starting point is 00:53:46 have an opportunity to choose what they do, and even choose who they marry in their life, because in other countries, guess what? You don't even choose that. In fact, over in China, okay, the horrible place, if you're even a girl, the chances of you getting slaughtered even after you're born, aborted or slaughtered after you're born, because you're born the wrong sex, like, dude, America is a beautiful place.
Starting point is 00:54:08 And the fact that she would put that on it, like, we should ship her to another country. Trump should revoke her citizenship. And honestly, people should stop reading that flip and idiot's work. Damn. Shout out to Margaret Wards. Yeah. Yeah. By the way, just so you know who she is, this is who she is. You can always tell a person within five seconds of watching
Starting point is 00:54:29 and looking at their Twitter profile. Here's the description, covering better capitalism and diversity and inclusion. These are key words in the workplace, business insider, previous today's show, CNBC World War, world policy, views are my own, right? And her last thing she retweeted was from Joe Biden. I have a great honor to announce that I've picked
Starting point is 00:54:48 Kamala Harris, and she's a retweeted a bunch of stuff about BLM, anti-trusts, anti-child care, all this stuff, not anti-child care, child care inequality, all these things. So, which means, is this her? No, this is her, that's definitely not her, it's her right here, okay? Josh, you got a shock on your name on it there, Marty.
Starting point is 00:55:05 So here's the thing. By the way, the thing that concerns me that I'm seeing a lot in journalism, and why are people looking for so many reasons to say that America sucks? Where is the pride in who you are? Like, maybe put it to you this way. People ask me a question. They say, what the hell are you?
Starting point is 00:55:24 I said, look, there's five nationalities and cultures and countries that mean a lot to me. Assyrian because my dad's assyrian. I'm a proud of Assyrian. Armenian because my mom's Armenian. Borosian. I'm a proud Armenian. So I had somebody from DC the other day
Starting point is 00:55:38 that Aram Hamparian, Shada Tune, he came and spoke about what's going on between Armenia and Azerbaijan. He talked about Armenian, and said, which, by the way, if you guys got somebody who want me to bring on from Azerbaijan, I'd love to be able to interview with that person as well, to give their perspective. But I'm Assyrian. I'm Armenian. I was born in Iran.
Starting point is 00:55:54 So if you look at the painting, who do you see in the middle of the shot? It's because emotionally, that's where I was born. Ten years. I lived in Germany for two years at a refugee camp. I had a great time in Germany. I loved Germany. To me, it was, treat them me very well and in America these five things matter to me I have a very hard to me now how they say if you sit with somebody and
Starting point is 00:56:14 You interview them, okay, and after working with somebody for a month two months three months six months twelve months If they always complain about people in the past that screwed them over There's one problem there Why are you always getting screwed over? That means I'm the next person you're gonna tell the world that screw you all I don't have that made sense or now. Of course. So if I'm dating you and you say your boyfriend sucked your boyfriend sucked Your boyfriend sucked when my wife and I dated each other. Yes, what she said about our exes And we're actually good guys. Yeah, to wish I'm like, oh cool So what's I like? Oh, he sucked, oh, he did some.
Starting point is 00:56:46 Because it's like, I'm next if that happens, right? So I hired somebody and I decided to do an investment deal. Oh, let me tell you this guy. I'm like, oh, this deal doesn't go right. He's going to go around saying this. So you got to be careful with this guy. And keep it very close because this shit, you know, it could hit the fan very, very quickly, right?
Starting point is 00:57:01 So when you are somebody that went to a university provided by America, you got your education here. You've done all this other stuff here. America's taking care of you. You can get out and write an article like this, and you say America's the second worst country in the world to raise kids. How did you become who you became in a world today
Starting point is 00:57:22 when many different countries of women cannot have a voice in an America? No one looks at it like that. I have more women working in my company, in here at the office when you look at it, what nationality you see the most. A lot of black women. How many black people you see working here? Probably 60%.
Starting point is 00:57:35 60%. Like, it's not like we sit down, we discriminate. This is America. The CEO is from Iran, my CEO is from Philippines. So I have a very, when you and I were speaking, I said, so where are you from? You said, well, I'm from, you know, your father is Jewish, right? Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:51 And you start talking about the experiences. But you still went to Israel. You still represent being a Jew. Maybe you're not as religious and all that. But you respected. There's got to be a level of that. So I love the fact that Kai defense Norway. I love the fact that Ricky Aguilar defense Michokan So I love the fact that Kai defense Norway. I love the fact that Ricky Aguilar defense mutual gun.
Starting point is 00:58:07 I love the fact that George Polau defense Cuban Puerto Rico. I love the fact when I see people that I'm working with defendhood. I love the fact that when I see people I'm working with talking about great capitalists who were African-Americans. I love the fact that there is that. I have a very, very hard time respecting people who take shots at their own country, what it was founded on.
Starting point is 00:58:29 So this kind of data that comes out, here's what happens. The real question about this kind of data that she wrote here, the article that came out yesterday, here's a question, how many people does it convert? Meaning, because somebody's going to watch, Josh used the word a couple weeks ago, which I forgot. You're probably going to remember it if you remember it, say it again because it's a very powerful word, which is kind of like selective hearing, which means you know how you kind of watch the HBO. I think we were talking about the HBO Trump interview where you said some of us are going to take what we want and only see. What is it?
Starting point is 00:59:02 Say it again? Confirmation bias. Confirmation bias us? Confirmation by us, right? Okay. So people read this article. There's a group of people that are going to say what? She's a moron. What do you mean US is one to second worst country to raise kids in? And as some people are going to read this and they're going to say what? She's right. US is the worst country. My concern is what percentage of things are going to be in the middle to say, I didn't know wow that's terrible
Starting point is 00:59:26 That's the question in the middle where someone's gonna say that how many people think I'm gonna be swayed by an article like this So that's the problem when people keep writing articles like I just looked her up on Facebook I found her personal profile you want to know a bombshell shocker here. What's that? She has no kids She's single. I mean, fairly juvenile. She's, she looks a little older in that picture than, than these. She has no kids, Pat. No kids doesn't, as far as I can see, doesn't have a boyfriend or, like, and she's writing about raising you on Facebook. He will put your shit out there. She's writing about raising
Starting point is 01:00:04 kids in America She don't even have any kids listen. I'm not trying to do it I'm not trying to go after a person like this what I'm trying to say is Dude, where are your values? What would it will you this is a country that give you the slide? What are you doing complaining about it? But if I start writing about weight loss? Then maybe you know what I'm saying, yeah You know what it reminds me of it reminds me of the guys. There was a book that I once read on You know what it reminds me of. It reminds me of the guys. It was a book that I once read on
Starting point is 01:00:29 Marriage not not men are from Mars women are from Venus. That's another one that had to do with marriage And then I read the book I said well pretty interesting So then I went and researched the author guess what came out on the author. She's been divorced six times I said who are you to talk about marriage when you've been divorced six? Oh because I'm more experienced That's just not how it works. You're experienced. I tell you. I want to know how you were married to somebody for 40 years and how to pull it off. That's what I want to know. And how many times you guys went close?
Starting point is 01:00:51 So anyways, Adam, I'm going to find a bottle of also a point. And maybe we can tie this all together. I don't have kids, so I can't really get in it like you guys. But I will say when I see United States on the worst list, it genuinely gets me flipping upset to use a Josh quote. The fact that I ran North Korea, Venezuela, Sudan, or not on this list, but United States is on this list,
Starting point is 01:01:14 makes my blood boil. But however, I will say one thing. Maybe, maybe, there are things we can get better at here. Maybe this is a- This is a dispute step, Okay, that's my point is Let's not a list. I get okay. Here's my no China. Listen. I'll rip this list up. I don't give a shit But all I'm saying is this let's maybe look at some of this stuff and say maybe we do have some Here, okay, let's talk about some happy issues here. Let's talk
Starting point is 01:01:42 Maybe this opens a door to another conversation First of all, how do you measure happiness? How do you measure happiness? Like, are you happy? I'm a happy judge. Are you happy? I'm a happy judge. Super happy.
Starting point is 01:01:53 Kyle, are you happy? Are you guys happy? How do you measure happiness? Actually, how do you measure happiness? There is a happiness quota. A quotient. I did. How do you measure it?
Starting point is 01:02:02 I'm not the happy one. How do you measure it around the world? With what do you know there's no stand you cannot measure happy? How can you measure measuring happiness? I guarantee there's something. How can you measure? I don't know I'm not trying to defend happiness. I'm just what I'm trying to say is can you measure our pollution could be better? Maybe our education could be better. Can you measure who was the number one assist leader in the NBA disease? No, it was LeBron, the Brontan. The kind of assist. The number one scorer this season. Pardon.
Starting point is 01:02:27 Who was Aida note during the, uh, uh, Orlando's bubble? Joshis Wanda. Phoenix, uh, Phoenix Booker. Who is playing against who for the eight spot in the West to see who's going to get the eight spot in the West. But, Blake, there's John Moran. Yeah, John Moran, right? So, these are stats, baby.
Starting point is 01:02:40 What I'm trying to say is this is clear. So, when you start making generalizations where you can't really measure all that happiness, bullshit, I'm sorry, man, I don't buy any of that stuff. Now let me talk about a different thing. I came from Iran. When I came to the States and I went to junior high school, I was in junior high school, and I went into the math class,
Starting point is 01:02:57 I said, what the hell is this? What the hell is this? What do you mean? It's so easy, what are you guys doing? In sixth, seventh grade, you want me to take this kind of math? This is pathetic. I've been doing this for a while. So all of a sudden for me math was like, oh this guy's a genius. It's not that I'm a genius. Math in Iran is a very high priority in a lot of different countries, but in America it's not. So that's why persons always do better negotiations
Starting point is 01:03:30 My friend my friend my friend my friend hey Hey, here's Pat 100% bro buddy buddy So so wait when you look at it. I came here and I looked at the map look how math is in US. I was in a press Okay, I was I was blown away that they were impressed by me. I'm like, listen, I'm nobody in Iran. You know, like, I'm a number of... I'm a number of toilet tubes, dude. I'm a class of 40. I'm a smart ass guy, I'm a class. But you also, I do think there's a lot of things.
Starting point is 01:03:52 So there's a point there, though. I do think there's a lot of things to improve, but that's not the same as saying. It's the second worst country to raise kids. It's totally agree. It's a bullshit. However, I don't want to... It's pathetic.
Starting point is 01:04:04 Just brush over the fact that there are things that can prove it. Don't don't comb, Mingle. You done this a couple of times, Adam. As a guy, I love dearly, man, like when he brought up, when we're comparing Kamala Harris to Pence, you bring up, you bring up what's his name? Kasek. Not Kasek. You bring up the, no, the guy that flip-flopped and changed multiple times. Lindsey Graham, you're, yeah, that's not the same as come on. So this is not the same as the message of improvement. What nation cannot improve? This is about an article written saying a US is the second worst country in the world,
Starting point is 01:04:31 which to me it's a, it's a, it's a fence. I said that that was bullshit too, but I don't wanna just gloss over the fact that no one's gonna, but no one's maybe, but who is gonna, who's gonna disagree with you on that, bro? Maybe, maybe Kai, because he's in the number two, Kai is far enough. I would never disagree with you on, nobody would disagree with you on that. He? Maybe Kai, because he's in the number two Kai would never disagree with you on that Nobody would disagree with you on that
Starting point is 01:04:48 He's an Norwegian, he's got the top of the list Bro, he came to America That's it guys, I'm moving the ice cream He came to America Wow guys, fuck all you guys He came to America By the way, again, if you're watching this, click the like button If you haven't already, if you don't like it, click the dislike button
Starting point is 01:05:03 We're okay with either one of them But whatever you do, let us know if you're enjoying this podcast. And then at the same time, I believe we are very, very close to a thousand. Wow. It's the highest live we've ever had so far. So much love to all of you guys that are finding this
Starting point is 01:05:17 podcast because it was unbeaten before, now it's on a complete separate channel. Let's talk about Mark Cuban again, instead of viewership with the NBA. Okay. So Clay Travis, who is a sports commentator, I would say he's got his own channel, he creates content.
Starting point is 01:05:33 He's doing Clay Travis, if you can click on Clay Travis's Twitter account, let's just see how many followers he's got, just to kind of create 712,000. This is a legit guy that's got a voice, people follow him out kick.com, Fox Sports Radio, 6.9 a.m. You know, he's doing stuff. Republican by sneakers, two, that of three boys. So he's obviously a Republican. And he's shameless about it. That's who I
Starting point is 01:05:56 am. He tweets yesterday. He says, head to head on Monday night on cable. Tucker Carlson's viewership, 4.5 million views. Lakers and nuggets, 1.5 million views. Head to head on Tuesday, Sean Hannity, 4.6 million views. Blazers, Maffes, Big Game, 930,000 views. Yikes, NBA. Then he says the NBA also lost in viewers ages 18 to 49 to three Fox News shows on Tuesday night, right? Now he says this because
Starting point is 01:06:29 Cuban a couple weeks ago said the fact that Fox is kicking our ass and 70 up. If you remember, there was that whole thing where he took a shot at the grass. You're beating us in the old. But he wasn't a Congrats. It's kind of like it was like a so they Cuban response. Cuban response and says, LOL. You do realize that was the day Joe Biden picked Kamala Harris Nothing makes it Fox News viewer want to get lied to more and while we are added explain why advertisers paid three times more for prime Time NBA spot over a Fox News spot and who has had advertisers boycott So then Clay Travis responds against this, Mark what's up but since you're hanging out in my mentions would you like to tweet support for Hong Kong democracy protesters?
Starting point is 01:07:11 Can them concentrations camps in China and endorse human rights for all Chinese people? Or do you want to continue to shut up and dribble for Chairman? Oh! Drop Mic right there. Not Mic. So by the way if you can pull up Cuban, because maybe Cubans responded, just go to his Twitter account. I don't know if they've had it back and forward,
Starting point is 01:07:30 because I don't want to miss it if they have had any kind of back and forth. Let's see. L.O.L. No, I think that's the last one. Go up to his account. He has go up. OK, no, no, no response yet.
Starting point is 01:07:41 Go up. No. OK, so he hasn't responded to it. He hasn't responded to it. So that's kind of where they are right now I had Kai pull up data to kind of see what this data looks like on viewerships and What people are watching and what people are not watching so here's what we have okay? Here's what we have Kai if you want to pull up the data if you have that go up Yeah, there you go. You pull it up so everybody else can see it go Go up a little bit, go up a little bit, go up a little bit. Keep going up, keep going up, keep going up.
Starting point is 01:08:08 So this is Tuesday, August 11th, OK? Tuesday, August 11th, Hannity was first place at around 4.6 million viewers. And you can see, prime time 25 to 54, and a prime time 50 plus, OK? Second is Tucker Carlson, 4.1 million. Third is Ingram Angle at 3.6 million, which I don't watch Hannity, I don't watch Ingram,
Starting point is 01:08:31 I will watch Tucker Carlson. And an NBA, the Pelicans game had 893,000, Trail Blazers game against the maps at 928. And then you can see the rest of the stuff that's down there will smith the five, which is a Fox down there will submit the five which is a fox show Wow, the five had four million people. That's a I would have never guessed five had four million people Situation with CNN then you got a couple discovery then you got Rachel Maddo at 3.37. It's a solid number as well Then you got Bravo million dollar listing and then it goes all the way down CNN Anderson Cooper 1.8 million CNN tonight 1.56
Starting point is 01:09:04 Where is Donald Lamon on the list? You see Donald Lamon our buddy here? And then it goes all the way down. CNN Anderson Cooper, 1.8 million CNN tonight, 1.56. Where is Donald Lamont on the list? Do you see Donald Lamont or buddy here? Where is Donald Lamont? Donald Lamont? Okay, I don't see him on the list. Okay. So, Shack Attack did better than Donald Lamont.
Starting point is 01:09:18 Shack Attack would do better. Shout out to number 46. But, my guy Neil Kabuto on Fox Business. I like that guy. He's a stand. Look, look. Like like look specifically at the demographics though. Mark Cuban's actually wrong. If you look here up go out go out to the end of the talk and look at the
Starting point is 01:09:33 demographics as winning at 18 to 49 they winning in male they're winning in female. They're slightly down in male by 0.6% and 0.3% which by the way I would have thought they would have crushed it in that category and then The rest of the time you're seeing what it looks not even close on what's going on However, though. Yeah, here's the rubbin at all Okay, is if you actually look at it and you think about the fact that Hannity is bringing in so many more viewers Doesn't it make that
Starting point is 01:10:05 point for seven still a much higher number than the Indian? It is, but I do think Cuban makes a point that we have to address, and here's the point. If you are getting so many more viewership, why are people boycotting you, and why are people not willing to pay the kind of money three times that they're paying for an MBA game? Why are, I have my own opinion, but I want to give it to you and see what you're going to say about that. Why their boy cutting it? So no, what he's saying here on the tweet, I'll show it to you.
Starting point is 01:10:32 He says, if that's the case, why are advertisers willing to pay three times more for prime time for MBA over spots on Fox News? Let me ask you a question. Screw advertisers, let's talk about audience. This tells you the real numbers because Fox News's audience is not boycotting them. All right. Yeah, but what he's saying is let me tell what he's saying. And I have my view. I'm trying to see what perspective you're gonna give is
Starting point is 01:11:04 Why are advertisers paying three times more to advertise and have the MBA audience and have the Fox News audience. So, meaning, for example, I'm gonna do a 30-second clip, I pay 100 grand on MBA, but I only pay 33 grand on Fox. Okay, so it goes back to actually what we were talking about advertising is a lot of people are wanting to be associated with quote unquote woke causes, all right? It's more about the woke cause that you're associating with than it is the number of eyeballs. So it's all about the woke cause that you're associating with than it is the number of eyeballs.
Starting point is 01:11:27 So it's all about perception. My response would be this is ultimately the fan base of the NBA is boycotting the NBA by not watching it. Obviously, probably because a lot of the NBA is watched by dudes that do not support the BLM movement. Guys, guys like you, guys like me, I don't know about Adam, but guys that are like, that's bull crap, don't kneel for the flag. So ultimately your ratings are going to show exactly where people at.
Starting point is 01:11:57 And for me, Fox is winning this one, 100% over the NBA, 100% their own audience is boy cutting them. Yeah, but, but, but, but I'm going a little bit deeper than that. 100% over the NBA, 100% their own audience is boy talking. Yeah, but I'm going a little bit deeper than that. So what I'm thinking about Josh is this perspective. Give me your feedback, see if you see if I'm thinking the right way here. So what I'm thinking about is a brand like Nike is afraid to advertise on Fox because people may say,
Starting point is 01:12:21 even though you're gonna get three times more viewership or four times more viewership, what are you doing advertising on Fox? So you're gonna get the media coming after you to say, even though you're going to get three times more viewership or four times more viewership, what are you doing advertising on Fox? Are you going to get the media coming after you to say Nike just signed a billion dollar advertising contract with Fox News? Let's boycott Nike. So is there a bit of a fear of companies to advertise on Fox News because if you do, you may be put in a box. Yes.
Starting point is 01:12:41 So that's what I was thinking about. Yes. So going back to the point, they're wanting to be associated with more woke causes, as I was saying. Like Nike is not going to advertise on Fox. They want to be associated with the woke cause brands want to be associated with the the woke cause and the other problem is, and Pat, you've intelligently said this on the podcast before, the problem with Republicans and conservatives, we don't boycott stuff. We're free market guys, we're like screw, we'll go,
Starting point is 01:13:10 let's talk about the Democrats, boycott the hell out of them. Yeah, but we don't boycott products. Okay, for like, is that true? Bro, Republicans are the most forgiving people in the world, and that's the problem with the left and with these companies They they're not afraid of the right. That's why they always flip inside with the left is they want to make sure they don't get on the left Bad side, but they don't care about getting on the right because in two months Republicans are gonna go back to buying your stupid product. Maybe you guys got to start boycott and buddy. Hmm. I that's that would be my argument. Yes Adam and I buddy. That's that would be my argument. Yes. Adam. I personally, I don't know if I've ever boycotted any. Have you ever boycott anything? Anything?
Starting point is 01:13:51 Have you boycotted? Yes. Of course he has. Do you watch the NFL? No. Of course you boycott the NFL. I did. Bro, I because of the kneeling. I loved the Arizona Cardinals. I well actually the Arizona Cardinals, no, no players knelt this last year. Zero. Well, not a lot of players were kneeling this past year. Wasn't that two years ago? Was a big thing? No. No, no.
Starting point is 01:14:16 No, no, no, no, no, there's still kneeling. But not as much as two years ago. No, no, but there's still kneeling. Also, little, little side note, I don't know if you saw this. We hear here in Dallas, Texas. Jerry Jones came out and said, look, we this. We hear here in Dallas, Texas. Jerry Jones came out and said, look, we need to show people grace. Yeah. But it is and has always been the rule of the Dallas Cowboys. You do not know for the flag. So it is going to be interesting.
Starting point is 01:14:37 Also, Pat, Jerry Jones coming out. He's the only NFL player to come out and say this and said, uh, we're not shutting our stadium down. There will be fans in our seats period like I mean, I think that's kind of a newsworthy topic like you like are there gonna be social distancing rules or what? Yeah, so they're assuming so they're talking about some some options But I will I like that the people that want to come to the game feel comfortable and the beautiful thing is bro Is the people that aren't comfortable are gonna do what they're gonna help drive the
Starting point is 01:15:06 ticket prices down so everyday Americans can go enjoy the America's team the Dallas Cowboys of which I think I'm officially switching your cowboy fan bro I've been well let me tell I'm surprised you haven't been all this time first of all you you may be from Phoenix you're 100% Texas you there's nothing about you that's Phoenix or I mean look look at McCowboy. You're a Texas guy, man. Look at McCowboy. I had a whole conversation with you. You're welcome for participating in the New York Times. I have a conversation with Josh the other day. I'm here to Texas and finally go. I'm just. If there is a place, this guy's got to run for Congress, it's got to be
Starting point is 01:15:40 in the state of Texas. Okay, so let's transition out and go through a couple different things. DOJ gotta be in the state of Texas. Okay, so let's transition out and go through a couple different things. DOJ found that Yale discriminated against white people, threatens to sue if it doesn't and all race-based admissions decisions. What do you know about what's going on right now with the sole topic of Yale and DOJ?
Starting point is 01:15:58 Well, I know obviously they looked into it, they found enough evidence that they were willing to come out publicly, along with just say this, I'm against race-based admissions period, especially when it kept African-Americans out of colleges. That was wrong. I'm glad that we fought it. But Yale is a big liberal school.
Starting point is 01:16:16 Huge, huge, huge liberal school. I'm saying- Hardcore. Yale is liberal, huh? Hardcore, really. Oh, yeah, hardcore. All the- I had the impression that Yale was just like this like
Starting point is 01:16:26 Conservative white guy buttoned up kind of vibe. I don't know. I've never I couldn't get into Yale if I tried Yeah, it's a liberal school. So for this is kind of weird. Where's Yale? New Hampshire? Where's Yale? John Kerry is a Yale byproduct. Yeah, John kid Edward Norton who believes in socialism is a liberal Republicans have gone for read the caria bush. That's my guy. Edward Norton believes in socialism. Edward Norton is the actor. Edward Norton is a hardcore. James Frank. I love him. Now your boycott them. Just like that. Now your boycott them. You are an Edward Norton fan. Now your boycott them. You know who wants to speak? Speak truth to power. But Ben Carson went to you. Ben Carson went to you and there's nothing about Ben Carson that's wake up Ben. Yeah, Ben Carson went to you. So sleep.
Starting point is 01:17:10 Ben Carson. He's the only guy sleeping in the Joe Biden. Have you ever read his book? Have you ever read his? Yes. I did. I read the first chapter. I fell asleep.
Starting point is 01:17:17 I said, oh, no, no, I did not read. No, it's amazing. Let me tell you this guy is a genius for what the sky did. It's he was actually did the impossible He is he actually did the impossible Unfortunately today I got to tell you if if politics and presidency was ran on the radio Ben would have a higher chance But when Ben is on TV and he looks like he's tired and he speaks the way he speaks But if it was just purely on written content, you would be most impressed about him.
Starting point is 01:17:46 He's getting high with Kamala Harris. I don't know who he's getting high with, but he is a semi-genius in his own category. Bro, bro, he actually has had a few little surprisingly good singers, like this one lady that asked him, if I'm remembering correctly, if he had enough, like wherewithal enough zine to actually Last and he's like ma'am. Have you still on your feet for 36 hours separating conjoined twins only taking a few 15-minute breaks like
Starting point is 01:18:15 Because I have like I know what it's like to focus for 36 hours there standing on my feet Other exhaustion and I like first a man to ever do this, but yeah on my feet, utter exhaustion, and I like to... First man to ever do this, but... Yeah. First guy to ever do this. And by the way, he gave a speech at the breakfast something, six, seven years ago, eight years ago where Obama was sitting to his right, and he gave this message saying, why are politicians bashing billionaires?
Starting point is 01:18:39 If you've never watched this 20-something-minute speech of Ben Carson with Obama and Michelle sitting to his right, you have to watch. That was the speech when I watch and I said this guy has legs. I just don't know if he's charismatic enough to be able to win presidency because when you got to be able to work, you got to have a message. You can't just have a bash campaign. You know I'm with her or sex campaign. It's got to be like when Obama got up he didn't just bash you know he got up and says here's what I think we can do. Here's what I'm willing to do. Can't give people hope.
Starting point is 01:19:06 Yeah, he gave people hope when he got, we campaigned and won the Reese's by became a president. So, okay, so that's that part. A couple of things we talked about cash earlier with foreign currency reserves and trying to be a number one with 3.3, 9, 9 trillion dollars yesterday, just yesterday news came just yesterday. News came out yesterday that a GOP Senator, okay, GOP Senator, who I don't really like, Martha McSally, she's a do nothing center. Here's your Arizona. Martha McSally came out and said, okay, and said,
Starting point is 01:19:38 Josh sent this text last night and said $1.6 trillion that China owes US. Josh, enlighten us a little bit more with this story. Okay, so this is actually an interesting story going all the way back to 1912. And when the American Bond Association issued a bunch of gold back bonds to basically the ROC, the Republic of China, the issue these gold back bonds, and in 1912, of course, we know later that that Republic of China would be overthrown, they would escape to Taiwan, which is still part of China, alright? In fact, China is fighting in the United Nations, making sure Taiwan's still part of us, we still own Taiwan, Taiwan's us, okay?
Starting point is 01:20:24 Now they're making one little tiny, but yet significant mistake, because according to international law, and this is the beauty, like Trump's pulled out some little gold mines going back 100 years, finding little laws he can prosecute. This, I promise, was found by the Trump administration, okay?
Starting point is 01:20:41 Goes back and says, wait a minute. So you're telling me, if Taiwan's part of China, that means that you, according to international law, have to assume all of the previous administration's debt, meaning that just the same way that when Obama gets into office, he inherits all of Bush's debt, Bush's inherited, right? Okay. Clinton's. Okay. So he said this new administration now still owes us and according with compound interest, all the bonds have maturated, obviously over a hundred
Starting point is 01:21:10 some years, it totals 1.6 trillion dollars. That's a real number by the way. That's a real number. Which means now that Trump can go back into the international court and say, uh, guys, here's a deal. Not only do we not own China, the 1.1 trillion that we're in debt to them right now, they actually owe us $500 billion. All right. Now, my question for you, Pat, being that you're the expert of all things financial in you, the economy.
Starting point is 01:21:44 And so what does this do to the stock market? If Trump's able to get this to go through, which number one, no matter what international court says, I will promise you right now, Trump says we're not paying it. Like our UOS money, I can promise you, he already, according to the head of the American Bond Association, I forget her late Kathy, something. She already said Trump told her to her face, hey, I'm like, this is getting done 100% thoughts. What's going to happen to the economy? The economy is going to blow up if that takes place. I mean, you're talking about blow up in a good way, in a very good way. You're talking about Dow going 3540. You're talking about next four
Starting point is 01:22:21 years, Dow. If what happens exactly if if we are able to get this 1.6 trillion dollars and we owe them 1.1 trillion dollars which means they owe us a half a trillion dollars of debt you know of this unpaid money that have to pay us us economy go skyrocketed to hold it from love on just if this takes place if this the peak the key word is what huge if if this takes place however here's a However, here's the challenge. However, here's the challenge. Okay. So, there was a time where both Democrats and Republicans were anti-Russia.
Starting point is 01:22:55 Okay. But even when it was anti-Russia, there was a movement in America talking about how communism is not as bad. There was a time where Bernie Sanders went and had his wedding wear. He got married and had his honeymoon in Russia. He was, he got married and had his honeymoon in Russia. And he went and interviewed everybody and came back and he says, I was there.
Starting point is 01:23:16 This communism is not as bad as people make it out to be in America. It's actually good. People are happy. They don't mind having all these other things. They like when the government's making their decisions for them. And I became a thing. And people say, oh my gosh, you know, maybe it is good and slowly. Long time ago, you used some of the guy's 78 years old. So he got married six, 50 years ago. So go back think about the 60s when he got married. Can you pull up when Sanders got married, by the way, so we can give Adam exact 100% accurate facts here. So the point is, here's the point.
Starting point is 01:23:45 Here's the point. Today, you know how you saw the article we were reading earlier talking about the fact that Halonke has been married as I say, 1964. Okay, first wife, 1964. Okay, so you know how this whole thing where, you know, we're talking about this article, lady says, you know, US is the second worst country to raise kids in.
Starting point is 01:24:06 Okay. Would you say there's a movement of people in America, Americans who say America is not the best country in the world? Do you think there's a movement of that taking place? Yes, of course. You would agree with that. And would you say most of those folks are liberal, they're not necessarily conservative.
Starting point is 01:24:20 Most people who say America is not the best country in the world are probably more on the democratic side than the other Republican side. I don't think anybody is going to dispute that part right there. Okay. If there is one thing that majority of the left and the right agree with is China. The only thing you have to realize with China is the NBA was very careful with China and Hollywood because Hollywood wants China. Because a blackbuster actor can do a $20 million deal in US but if you do it also with China it's a $45 million deal. So big difference in paid.
Starting point is 01:24:54 That's like doing two and a half movies, right? Like the rock. Like the rock whose the highest paid actor again in 2019 numbers just came out that he's the highest paid actor. It's not Samuel Jackson, career wise Samuel's the not at the top, but the rock is at the top. So if China is a topic that both the left and the right are aligned with, and this happens, and the world, for the most part,
Starting point is 01:25:14 the countries who are respected, not talking about Iran, I'm not talking about some of these guys that China's breaking, you know, doing deals with, I'm talking about countries that are respected and they have allies. If all these guys share a is breaking, you know, doing deals with, I'm talking about countries that are respecting and they have allies. If all these guys share a common enemy today, and Democrats and Republicans share an enemy today, and this gets pushed, and US gets that $1.6 trillion, and say that $1.6 trillion is just $1.1 trillion, and it just, you know, forgives our debt that we have.
Starting point is 01:25:38 Even Stephen. That stock market is going to go to the roof. Let me ask you this question. If Trump does it in the next couple of months, what does it do to his chances of re-election? Well, first of all, let's let's let's let's let me ask you a different question, whether he does it or not, what are the chances of him winning re-election?
Starting point is 01:25:59 I still believe they're higher than Joe Biden's. Give me an idea what your percentages are. I'm saying for I'm saying 80, 20 Trump. Okay, you're saying what? You're saying, I've been at 50, 50 for months now. And we have a bet going on. That's right.
Starting point is 01:26:13 And I gave you, I gave you the odds. Meaning if I lose, I give you a foul. If you lose, you give me 500 bucks. Right. I'm saying 85% with or with you. You have not unwavered. You've not wavered from that age.
Starting point is 01:26:24 No, because there is nothing inspirational about a president the people whether they like it or not listen Republicans voted for Obama because they were inspired by him. Yeah people forget about this stuff I had Republicans who were going to the convention and tears Republicans are sitting there crying saying history just took place We have a African-American. And he gave an incredible speech, inauguration. I just got to choose all over my body. You go back every one of these presidents that had a way of winning this over. There's no way this person can win this over. No way he can't win the people over. Forget if there's no politics in America. There's
Starting point is 01:26:59 no Republican. There's no Democrat. We're all the same. We're just vote. There's no parties. Say there is no parties in America. What part of him is attractive? You're not going to sit there and say, this is attractive about him. Pete Buttigieg, believe it or not, he was attractive. Bernie was more attractive with his energy. He could energize the younger people. There's nothing energetic about Biden trying to energize the younger people.
Starting point is 01:27:18 He cannot. And Kamala is not going to be able to attract the younger people because he put younger people in prison for marijuana for small little things that they did. So it's going to be very tough for this to take place. Now, going back to it, if he does, which is not going to happen, a deal like this doesn't happen quickly, selling the company takes six to 12 months. He announces it though. He announces is a different story with it happening.
Starting point is 01:27:39 If he announces it's not going to make a difference, it's just going to be another marketing tool and the left is not gonna credit it. Just like, I mean, look what he just did between, you know, what he called it, Israel. In the UAE. And UAE, you realize how tough that is since 1999. It's such a big deal. No one's talking about it.
Starting point is 01:27:56 So it's not about, then give me a few minutes. Because people want, there's so much shit going on on America right now. Like the last thing that they come in for America is like, the UAE, I think God. I think people need help in America. No, some have been lot and died. We had to hear about it every day for some of been
Starting point is 01:28:10 lot and bro. The son even a comparable analogy to the you a you right now. What what what is but any kind of compliments accomplishments that we had elacid for months on TV. Every day you have to hear about it. This is a very big deal to have some like this take place. Very, very big deal, but some like this take place very very big deal But a big deal for Israel and the Middle East big deal for closer to having peace a big deal for people
Starting point is 01:28:33 Having power in an area that's filled with conflict. I'm saying I don't think the average American really Really really really well why don't they know why aren't they though because they're concerned about their own life No because I guarantee if we ask this room What like Louise what are your thoughts on Israel and you? Establishing because set effect your life at all be honest the average doesn't affect his life at all Where does the average American get their news from from Facebook the left? No, what is the average American get their news from? If they watched TV numerically from Facebook, what did they get it from? If they watch TV, what is the average American get the news?
Starting point is 01:29:07 Well according to those stats for it can Fox News John Hatterty? No, but but what you what you don't see with those stats Can you can bring that other stats up? Here's what you don't see what we're not looking at with those stats that the stats Doesn't tell the whole story is the following. Here's what you have to look at what you have to look at with this shows Now here's what you have to look at let me go over here to kind of show you what you have to look at that What you're looking at right now is here's what you have to look at. What you have to look at with this shows. Now here's what you have to look at. Let me go over here and kind of show you what you have to look at that. What you're looking at right now is, here's what you're looking at. You're simply looking at Fox at 4.5, 4.1 million.
Starting point is 01:29:32 What you're not looking at is combining CNN plus other CNN plus CNN plus CNN plus CNN plus CNN plus CNN plus CNN plus MSNBC plus NBC plus MSNBC plus NBC plus CNN plus CNNC, plus MSNBC, plus NBC, plus MSNBC, plus NBC, plus C and then plus C and then plus MSNBC, if you combine right wing content against left wing content, who has more people watching it. Buddy, it's a monopoly. Well, two versus one.
Starting point is 01:29:58 That's the one. You got CNN and MSNBC, MSNBC, and any of the folks on the other side. You got ABC as well, you got ABC as well, you got CBS as well, you got everybody else. So Fox is big because it's capitalism. You can watch what you want to watch. Not disputing that.
Starting point is 01:30:10 What I'm saying, believe me, we're on the same page when it comes down to that. What I'm saying to you is the reason why the average person doesn't know about is because all the other media companies are not talking about it. That's why the average person doesn't know about it. I don't have a TV these days, you know, I'm really struggling to buy a TV. Times are tough. Let's get a couple of them. I wanted to grow. Are you hurt?
Starting point is 01:30:27 Hey, I heard it denied that. However, I don't watch the typical news, but I will say that if you Google, you said the average person, I didn't say the average Adam Sasniks that, you know, quality, quality guy is got great cards. Thank you. Pat, I know you got a hard stop. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 01:30:43 My 45 11 minutes. Okay. My question. My question is stop. All right, my 45, 11 minutes. Okay, hard, my question. Not a hard stop. God forbid. My question is this, all right. They've broken records today. Yes. The wonderful audience. Do they get some sort of reveal?
Starting point is 01:30:53 Well, if we get to a thousand, if we get to a thousand, which we're at 931, let me tell what I got over here. Okay, I was gonna do it later on. That's a black box right there. That's a big house box. This just came in from Simon and Schuster Which is the books the by the way if you see this right here This is not the real book from Simon and Schuster when you open this up
Starting point is 01:31:12 It's just a sleeve because we've never got it fake news everybody. This is actually let's look at believe it the media This is actually the demographic demographic cliff by Gary Dent Jr. Great book. It's just the sleeve. The real book. I've never held a copy of the book and the real copy the book is right here. If in the next 11 minutes, we crack a thousand. I'll open it up.
Starting point is 01:31:34 If not, I'm going to do a review with a live elsewhere. But so put a thumbs up, thumbs down, share it with others for us to do this. Let's finally, let's wrap it up with a topic here. We can do with that or we can go to, let me see what we can do. Let's ask the crowd what they want us to cover. If you want us to cover the biggest bounce back
Starting point is 01:31:53 of the stock market from 18,000 to 27,000, we can talk about that. We can talk about Palantir's IPO. We can talk about AMC's $0.15 that caused the stock to go up 24% or we can talk about The NBA picks which is who Adam has winning the championship with the brackets who Josh has and who I have Picking here's I think this is yeah, he has this one here. I got one you tell us which one you want us to talk about We'll touch that topic there. So what are the choices stock market stock market movie theaters movie theaters
Starting point is 01:32:26 50 NBA NBA pairs who wins this year He's got right there Trump winning the Trump wins the NBA he beat their viewership into absolute oblivion They can't even catch up with Fox News But let's talk about AMC. Let's talk about AMC. Here's let's talk about AMC. Okay, so AMC did this. AMC did this. Okay.
Starting point is 01:32:49 AMC just came out announced that movies are coming back. Okay, movies are coming back. And there's going to be 15 cent movies. Okay. Same price as opened up in 1920, which was 100 years ago. Which was during the Great Depression. By the way, what a creative method of a way of going back and saying, it's a great way to say it.
Starting point is 01:33:09 Great, right. Great. More than 600 theaters will open up by September 3rd, OK? And based on this announcement, AMC rallies 24% after announcing theaters will open August 20th, which is only 100 locations. And then September 3rd will be 600 locations. 15 cents AMC.
Starting point is 01:33:27 AMC was this close, a follow-up bankruptcy. Do you think this is going to help them make a comeback? Will they stay in business or is their model pretty much a dead model and they have to pivot fairly quickly? I'm going to tee this up for my friend Josh. Go for it. The 15 cents is peanuts. Speaking of peanuts, how do these movie theaters make all their
Starting point is 01:33:45 money? Joshua, you tell us, buddy. Thank you so much, Adam, for sent me up for that dunk. It's like Kobe and Shaq. Yes. Yes. Most people have it home, buddy. Most people don't realize that 100% of the ticket price at a movie theater does what?
Starting point is 01:34:00 It goes back to Hollywood. It goes back to the movie. It goes back to the production houses and stuff. Most people don't realize that all the theater is. Literally, all they are is an overpriced snack machine. And I want you to start thinking about some of the expensive real estate that they take up and realize they make zero money on admissions. Now, I don't know how it works with the ticket.
Starting point is 01:34:22 I don't know if Hollywood's getting screwed on that 15 cent ticket price, and this is their big screw you, or if they're having to absorb a portion of that loss or what. But all they're doing is selling snacks. They're selling snacks. I think if you watch, there's actually a viral video going around, and it actually broke my heart, because there was a theater owner, and he was counting on the big comeback for theaters was going to be Mulan. All right. And what does Disney do? Disney says we're going to take Mulan straight to streaming. All right. They already had all the ads up. They had bought all of the cardboard things.
Starting point is 01:34:59 And there's a viral video going around of this theater owner and he takes a bat and he just beats the crap out of this huge Mulan deal that's in his deal. And I think that he has a right to be upset because if Disney's saying yeah we're gonna send you Mulan we're gonna help like, dude Disney wouldn't be Disney without movie theaters. Just be real, okay. This to me is kind of biting the hand that that that that feeds you. Like movie theaters are what made Disney Disney, because people love going to the movies. But it's changed, the model has changed. I mean, trolls, you know, they came out,
Starting point is 01:35:31 a trolls world tour came out, they put $90 million into the movie, the opening box office on demand, meaning Apple TV, all that other stuff, did $100 million. And now you talked about it, that they're talking about only five blockbuster movies per year, okay.
Starting point is 01:35:49 So now the idea becomes, these guys are trying to find a way to not need theaters, right? I don't wanna go through, relying on movie theaters, I think movie theaters are gonna take a massive hit, unless the same model as the malls that we talked about online. I'm just gonna say that man.
Starting point is 01:36:05 Unless if they change like out of the experience. Like they'll be entertainment. Let's just be a movie. Let's talk about who really kill movie theaters. Okay, because it used to be on Friday night, if you wanted to get a little kissy kissy, all right? If you then you had to take the girl out to Red Lobster,
Starting point is 01:36:22 get some of those cheddar biscuits. All right, you maybe had to order something then on the higher. Take you out of that, Dallas out to Red Lobster, get some of those cheddar biscuits. All right, you maybe had to order something then on the higher. I'm gonna take you out of that, down the Texas Red Lobster, baby. Okay, and then you had to take her out to the movies, right? It was a whole experience, and then at the night, she plants one big old wet kiss right on your beautiful
Starting point is 01:36:38 Christian American lips, all right? And that's all you do, but it's very enjoyable. I'm creeped out right now. Next, links and chill, absolutely killed the American do, but it's very enjoyable. I'm creeped out right now. Next links and chill Absolutely killed the the American movie industry Because dudes realized I could buy a $15 a month subscription by my own snacks and then go over to her house and get some snacks That's capitalism right there, buddy Why do I got to do all the parade and around?
Starting point is 01:36:59 So why not die 69 tell you tell us you what do you think's gonna happen here? AMC, is this a good idea to do 15 cents to come back? Do you like the next innovative campaign? I mean, they gotta do something to get people in the doors. I mean, the last time, I don't go to the movies all that often, you know, I'll Netflix and chill it up.
Starting point is 01:37:16 But the last few times I've gone to the movies, like you're sitting in these like Cadillac type chairs, you're sitting in these ridiculous chairs, you're ordering literally steak at the movie theater, the things are changing. Like you've said, in the, that's so funny. Somebody said, don't worry Adam, you creep us out too.
Starting point is 01:37:36 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You sit in these Cadillac chairs. Yeah, I do. Drink a soda latte. But you're just like you said in the, we talked about in the malls.
Starting point is 01:37:48 Like, you can't just go to the first shopping anymore. You gotta go for entertainment, amusement, roller coasters, what have you, merry go rounds, Ferris wheels, you're not just going, you can see a freaking movie anywhere at this point. You can stream it on, basically anywhere, you know? So you gotta go to the movies for something different. And like Josh alluded to, they make all their money
Starting point is 01:38:08 on the snacks on the snack bar. Spend $17 for nachos and popcorn. Well, to wrap up the good news is the market is back. At this point, the market has come back. It hit a low of 18,000, 18,800, 186. Which was Obama's high was Trump's low. And now it's 27 something foul. 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, 18, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000, Yeah go right there 18 what 18 5 9 1 which by the way I have friends who sold 10 million dollars of their mutual funds and went cash when it hit 18 5 Okay, because they were thinking it's gonna go to six now
Starting point is 01:38:57 And we did a video about the pandemic saying what the market's gonna do within six to 12 months You called it. Yeah. You showed the patterns. And the pattern showed it's going to come back to be exactly what it was before. And that's exactly what happened. But the thing is, there's a couple of things. Morgan Stanley came out. So two companies, very interesting, by the way.
Starting point is 01:39:17 Goldman came out. Morgan Stanley came out. Goldman said the market is going to go and drop and have one of the biggest drops ever. Goldman. This is as of when? This is two weeks ago. Okay.
Starting point is 01:39:31 This was a week ago, matter of fact, not even two weeks ago. You know what Morgan said? Morgan said it's going to be one of the biggest bull markets you'll be facing for the next few years. And which one's handling your money? Well, you don't put 100% with one of them. Goldman's one of them. Gold is one of them But I worked at Morgan Stanley Dean with about Morgan's obviously bullish and
Starting point is 01:39:50 Goldman is bearish. Well, it just goes to show what What's that what's the point? Nobody knows shit about it knows what you get all these experts that Full on experts are saying one thing full on experts are saying another thing nobody knows how many people saw the coronavirus coming How many of these experts saw that come? Several people did actually behind closed doors To all of the people watching you wouldn't know why to hold it. If you want to know why to vote for Trump or look down there That's five years that's five years. So let's go back all the way to when Trump gets into office and just look at that
Starting point is 01:40:27 Perpetual climb pandemic or I like to say let's not turn this into a We can look at what Bill Clinton did we can look at what George W. Don't mess. We can Oh perfect. We can look at Let's look at all those jackasses that ran for president and then let's look at what Trump has done. You got to look at percentage. You can't just look at the chart, buddy. You got to look at percentage.
Starting point is 01:40:51 Buddy, he's grown, buddy, buddy, 100%, 100%. He's grown the stock market by about 33%. The entire stock market. I'm not showing to a propaganda. Let's just let's keep this. It's not propaganda. It's truth. It's propaganda only because you don't like what it says. My net worth has gone astronomical under
Starting point is 01:41:09 Obama and even more so over Trump. So I'm at hating on the stock market going up. I'm good. I'm just letting you know that under Clinton, the stock market has risen tremendously under Obama. Technically, I think for you, technically, I'm actually really curious. Under which president do you think your network is going to continue to grow under Biden administration or Trump? I think it's not, it's literally irrelevant. You really believe that. What?
Starting point is 01:41:34 I'm going to go out and crush it either way. So no, no, no, no. And for everyone else out there, do not rely on a president to make you well. Your screenshot point was the fact that your investments did good during Obama and your investments have done good during Trump That's what you're talking about. Not whether you're gonna make money or not Of course you're gonna make money or not if you're a worker and you have a strategy that's gonna make money Under which one do you think your investments are gonna grow more under Trump or Biden? Well, let's look at the track record
Starting point is 01:42:02 Where did my money grow under did my money grow more under Obama, or did it grow more under Trump? You got eight years against four years. Tell us. Okay. Well, my money was doing great under Trump for a while, and then what happened? Coronavirus has happened. Boom. So that's where we are now.
Starting point is 01:42:17 So no, but you still have to answer my question for. I'm going to ask you the third time. Maybe there's times to charm with you. Under which administration are your investments going to continue growing? You're saying moving forward. Will it be better under Biden? Will it be better under Trump? More than likely.
Starting point is 01:42:30 Well, have an answer for you next episode. Two nants in the can. Let me tell you. No, no, you can't do that. You got to give your answer. The viewers are what? Which one is it going to be? If it's your talking just the stock market.
Starting point is 01:42:40 If you're talking about your just investments. I've been as specific as I've been to three times I ask you the question. I don't know. You probably got to go. So, okay. So, but by the way, you know what Trump just announced this morning. He announced this morning that he's even thinking about bringing capital gains lower from 23% to 15%. Do you know what happens? Bonus is for everybody on the floor.
Starting point is 01:43:03 He's saying from 23 to 15% that's even more for those that are the job creators and everybody. I got a question from you. All these people that you were talking about who are selling. These guys are worth money, money, money, money, money. And I mean this without disrespect, what the fuck is wrong with them? Why would they sell? I mean the lessons have been learned for years and years and years. You don't sell at the bottom. You don't sell.
Starting point is 01:43:28 They were absolute panty. They were peddling in fear. It's the same thing that's worked on a lot of different people for many years. This is the same thing they must have experienced in O809. How did they not learn their lesson? Well, life changes when you're in your mid 60s versus mid-fleeves. Oh, these mid 40s? Oh, these are older people. It's older people that have 10 siblings at hours. It's a different audience from how? And what are they saying now? They're furious.
Starting point is 01:43:52 The one at this spouse is as furious that the other one recommended him or her. If they were in their 60s, they were in their 50s. They must have learned their lesson in 0809. They didn't sell them. We all have. I know I made some dumb investment decisions. Buy and hold. Buy and hold. Buy and hold.
Starting point is 01:44:07 And speaking of buy and speaking of buy and go over to Amazon right now and grab your copy of your next five moves. Maybe you're sitting right now in a basement wondering how to do something great with your life. This book right here has taken one of our interns, Paul, one of the new guys. Pat went over, destroyed the crap out of television as computer, made him stop watching porn and playing video games and said, Paul, I'm gonna help you build something out of your life and right now Paul is going through,
Starting point is 01:44:34 he's going through a boot camp of business. Let's just call it the business boot camp. We should trademark that, the business boot camp, right there, it's right here in this book, trust me. Hundreds of millions of dollars worth of information right there in It's right here in this book. Trust me, hundreds of millions of dollars worth of information right there in these pages. Go to Amazon, go check it out. Put a link below in the comments section
Starting point is 01:44:52 for people to go. So everybody has that guys. I'm gonna probably do a live on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter today to reveal the box. I haven't opened it yet. We'll probably do it sometime this afternoon. So hang tight. When is the actual book coming out?
Starting point is 01:45:03 What comes out next? What's the book coming out? Book comes out next Tuesday. That's what Tuesday Amazon and Barnes and Noble on the 18th is when the 18th. Let's do the damn go place your order if you haven't already. And by the way, when is our next episode so we can tell everybody? Are we going back to Wednesday next week? Next Wednesday 8 a.m. same time. See you there. Put a thumbs up, subscribe and click on that notification button. So every time we come out you'll wonder first to get it. We were 50 away from cracking a thout we haven't hit it yet but some tells me we're
Starting point is 01:45:33 gonna crack it next time. Have a good one everybody. Have a great weekend. Take care. Bye bye bye bye.

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