Pendejo Time - Grizzly Vs Skoal

Episode Date: April 22, 2021

Civil War 2. Pick a side soldier or face the wall. Support the Show....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome. Welcome back. And we're back. And we're back, dude. We were just... We kind of... It wasn't super important, but we were talking about the merits of pouches versus actual dip versus the new and improved Zen nicotine salt. I won't say improved. I'll just say probably less likely to give you mouth cancer. Improved in the way also that it doesn't stain your teeth. Yeah, I was gonna say. It probably makes your gums recede a little bit. What did you dip when you
Starting point is 00:00:30 did, like, when you, like, if you're gonna go by Grizzly when you're green. Okay, Grizzly. So I did, I was a skull man, but like, I switched to the candle. I was like, oh, whoa. Yeah, it explains a lot. That explains a lot. Well, you made a skull man, you start thinking about what his kids are, you know, what they're like.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Probably, you know, fucking around in little tutus and shit. But, I mean, you know, that's just, we don't talk about stuff like that. I mean, you know, you say it around the barbecue table, but you never know who's the skull man amongst you. Yeah, anyway, yeah, so skull. But I would buy the camel snus, which, like,, anyway, yeah. So Skull. But I would buy the Camel Snus, which like... You mean the stuff that they like? Because they still have that,
Starting point is 00:01:11 this tobacco, the real fine ground tobacco you snort. Yeah, no. No, it's... So it's... I think it's... So I want to...
Starting point is 00:01:18 I would love to find that shit because I like snorting anything. I'll snort fucking baby powder if I have to for whatever reason I would need to. But... I don't think you should. I probably have in my life. I probably haveort fucking baby powder if I have to for whatever reason I would need to. I don't think you should. But I probably have in my life.
Starting point is 00:01:27 I probably have. I mean, you know, who knows. You almost certainly have. I've always wanted to find it. No, no, I get it. You have. Yes, that it's been like baby powder and like ground up Adderall and like 1%, like a numbing agent from like the deep web. It's got like dehyd dehydrated venom energy.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like if somebody let rain evaporate for an hour and a half and then cut it up with baby Tylenol. And it was like, hey, Jake, this is fire shit, dude. It's gold bond powder and like citrulline. Yeah, gold bond powder, half an adderall, citrulline, and then like baby aspirin. And like taurine. Yeah, Jacob. I don't know the last time I said this.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Yeah, man, it's pretty good. It's called a pump fuel. Yeah, dude, I've been getting it across the border, like super uncut, like rainbow fish scale shit. It's 85 a G. You know I wouldn't fuck you over. So it's three in the morning at this Chili's, so are you going to buy it or are you not going to? I'm like, yeah, of course. Let me hit that fucking pure Colombian snow.
Starting point is 00:02:40 No. I like the chew that you put In the side of your mouth But it's like That's one of those Like red manage it Yeah That's one of those things You do in your immediate
Starting point is 00:02:51 Like I think I already have Cancer from this Like within like 10 seconds You're like This is just This just feels like
Starting point is 00:02:59 Getting cancer Whenever I would hang out With my like Hipster Like Like People that smoke Lucky strikes But like I would hang out With them But hipster like like like people that smoke lucky strikes
Starting point is 00:03:05 but like i would hang out with but didn't like fight in world war ii yeah they didn't like yeah they didn't like storm the beaches of normandy or get raped in vietnam so it's they're just guys or whatever but uh i'd be like hey can i get a cigarette and like they would hand me one and i would smoke it and like i smoked a pack and a half of campbell turkish rolls a day but when i hit one lucky strike i was like yeah dude i'm getting cancer like next week yeah like it was just a mental thing there's no it's just a mental thing but it was like yeah no i'm getting cancer like tomorrow there's just no way that's how american spirits are for me i just spirits but yeah yeah which ones did you like? I smoked the...
Starting point is 00:03:46 If I could find them, I smoked the... Not the light blue, but they weren't mint. They were like the darker... The turquoise? I know the ones you're talking about. It's like a darker blue than the... Yeah, it's a darker blue if I could find them. But that was rare.
Starting point is 00:04:00 They'd have to have the full line of spirits. I had a co-worker who was into those. But I never... He was one of those guys who was always almost out. So I would never... Or had a very... The point where you feel bad asking, like the six to five random... Not even that, but he would have them allotted for...
Starting point is 00:04:21 He was going to have one at this time. Wow. And one of this. And I wasn't going to throw off his schedule. Because he was was gonna have to get a new pack like an hour early then and you know yeah yeah like i so so it was those but 80 of the time i could only find the normal light blue ones yeah but i've only tried the light blues and the the blacks but the we've talked about the on here i like those, but they're harsh and they take like 22 minutes to smoke.
Starting point is 00:04:48 I mean, spirits in general are long cigarettes to smoke, but the Periques, specifically the Black Pack, I mean, Jesus Christ. Those are... I didn't know... This was when I was like 18. I didn't know what the different colors meant
Starting point is 00:05:03 at all. And so i got the black pack because i'd heard that's like what real cigarette smokers were into or whatever and then i had like two and then just threw the pack away because i was so mad it was all it took me like 14 minutes i'm not kidding i would get in trouble at work like i worked in a that was one of the restaurant jobs i had so like taking smoke breaks wasn't out of the question you just like tell your manager like hey man i'm gonna go burn one i'll be back and like just give me like three because you're you go out there you would do like two big drags of like you know a camel or a marble or something you flick it and you're supposed to be back in like
Starting point is 00:05:42 two minutes but i would when i smoke spirits i to be back in like two minutes. But when I smoke spirits, I would be out in the back trying to like kill the sick, but it was just like the cup that runneth over. Like it would, I wouldn't even get to the manager would come outside and be like, Hey dude, are you out here like jacking off? Like,
Starting point is 00:05:57 are you out here fucking something or what? And I'm like, no, I'm smoking. And he's like, uh, so I need you to like, uh,
Starting point is 00:06:03 you've been gone like 11 minutes. And I'm like, I've taken like three like – you've been gone like 11 minutes. And I'm like, dude, I've taken like three drags off. I've taken like three drags off this dude. Yeah. But he would be like, yeah, so anyway, like I'm not really asking you at this point. I'm just saying like you have to come back here and like cook food and like take it to people or else like you just have to go home. Yeah. And it wasn't like I was back there doing heroin.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Yeah. Like I was just – Which it's a restaurant. So they were like – you went back there and there were two other guys who actually were and he was mad yeah yeah you don't know dead serious yeah i mean i'm i'm actually outside but those two guys are in the walk-in nodding off but i'm just trying to trying to get through one quarter of one way through a cigarette and it's taking me like nine minutes on the better end on the lower end to do so yeah it was uh there's a lot of like old guys who have always gone with like marlboro 27s yeah or like marlboro
Starting point is 00:06:55 lights yeah like dad cigarettes yeah it's funny um like whenever i worked lumberyard that was like what everybody had yeah so like anytime he bumped one it was going to be that and then i ended up just buying those because like i didn't want to throw it off you know yeah yeah yeah but but um like you'd see some old guy like he would be like stressed out like everything was going wrong that day and he would like light one to like you know take some steam off and then he would take it down in like two drags he would smoke it in like 15 seconds and then that was you know it's like if you're working it's kind of like it's yeah you don't you don't want to light one like right after you know but would, he would just sort of like, look at the, the butt of it.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Like, all right, well, I guess that's all I got. There was a, one of the foreman at the, at the plastics plant I worked at in Houston. He would like,
Starting point is 00:07:55 if he saw like a square outline in your jeans, he'd be like, that better not be cigarettes. And you better not be smoking them all side. He was a friend. He was like a guy that my dad knew and he was like yeah fuck that motherfucker and I never understood what that meant until like
Starting point is 00:08:09 one day so like we had a we had a bunch of connexes sitting next to the warehouse and like I said my dad had worked with this guy before but he was just my foreman and anyway like one all these connexes held bolts and nuts that we would that like somebody
Starting point is 00:08:29 me or somebody else would take in mass in a forklift to the unit that would go to something but they were just connexes full of bolts and nuts you know like carbon just whatever the tempered you know there's millions and millions of them well one of them always smelled like like just straight like hot piss and like cigarette smoke and and he was always bitching about it like he was like if i catch whoever sick motherfuckers in there pissing in there because there's a fucking shitter about maybe 10 yards to your fucking right whoever's in there smoking in there you're fucked you ain't even getting rid up and if you're pissing in there and i catch you it was him dude it's him i walk over the connex one time so like uh i was working on a forklift and it was a slow day i and i got i fixed the forklift it was
Starting point is 00:09:15 like a something i had to change the oil the guy just ran it down it was something bullshit but anyway i go over to the to the i worked with the warehouse but also in the unit but if there was nothing to fix in the unit i would go to the warehouse for him. Like, Hey man, do y'all need help? Like counting material or something. And he was just like, yeah, go to the, over to the bolt connexes and see if, if anything's like ready to be shipped out of the unit, you can just take it to the forklift and drive it out.
Starting point is 00:09:38 And so I go to one of these bolt connexes and it's this, it's this guy, John. He's, I, I know he's in all the way in the back there i'm like what's up john and he's like i like i heard the piss and said at the same time but it didn't register he's in there pissing and there's like smoke i can still see right around the corner i was like i saw john's he had i knew it was him because the foreman's had a different colored hard hat they were they had white color we had blue and he was the only one that would be in there so i knew it was john but i didn't register what he was doing i said hey what's up john smelled the cigarette smoke heard him pissing and he like he's like yeah yeah what are you doing
Starting point is 00:10:14 are you jack you pulling on it are you fucking around i bet you ain't even working and i'm like what are you doing back here john and he was like i need you to fuck off out of here right quick like he was talking he was like i don't remember what he said exactly but it was something along the lines of like what you did you ain't even working you are you jacking off he was just trying to get me out of the bowl connects and uh and like i'm texting my dad and uh i'm like hey where you at and he's like i'm you know i'm next door or whatever i'm like i was like all right i'm gonna take the work truck out and i drove over to the unit next to us my dad was at and i was like you say you work with this guy and he was like yeah that motherfucker's he's fucked up he i mean he don't do nothing he's and i was like so he's been complaining about
Starting point is 00:10:58 somebody pissing in the bolt connex for like six weeks every morning at 5 30 he's like if i catch you pissing it's over you're cut and i just caught it he's the one that's been pissing in it my dad's like he was like yeah that dude don't do nothing except bitch and then do the thing he's not supposed to he's like a grown man he's like 60 years old he was like he was like what'd he do and i was like well he said if he he's like somebody's been smoking and pissing in the bolt con. And my dad's like, was he smoking in there? And I was like, yeah, I go in there to get some bolts, drop them out into the unit. And he's got his fucking pecker out.
Starting point is 00:11:31 He's smoking a Marlboro light. And he's like, you're in here jerking off, boy. What the fuck you doing? Like, he's not even, he's not doing anything, dude. He starts laughing. Like, he was like, he was like, hey man, you should bring it up in a safety meeting saying you know who it is. And you're, you're only willing to talk to the foreman you don't want to cop to nobody so
Starting point is 00:11:47 i i went i was i did it like three weeks i was right before i like put my two weeks and it was like oh man if even if i get like fired or laid off it was like we were at a safety meeting i was like hey can i talk to you guys and i was like man i've been seeing a lot of violations around the yard and i don't want the site supervisor seeing them and they're like all right well thanks for coming to us you know what's going on i was like well i saw somebody that works in the warehouse and one of the bolt contacts is taking a piss right next to where we stack bolts and it's just unsanitary and they were smoking in there too fucking one of the john the guy that was doing it was one of the foremen i was talking to and i like
Starting point is 00:12:20 i got this stupid smile on my face and he's like he like looks at me real real sharp but he's like we'll look into it all right you get out there though you you get to work but i really i was just kind of laughing at him he knew what was up obviously but i was like yeah there's somebody just dropping stinky ass pisses and just keeps burning cigarettes and bulk contacts it's unsafe it's gross too i don't like working in there i didn't give a fuck really like i had to work in there no matter what like it's my job but he was like yeah i mean that's fucked up but we'll get somebody on it but you get your lazy fucking gay ass out there you fucking retard you get back to work i don't pay you to sit around and complain motherfucker you need to get
Starting point is 00:12:56 it like it's i'm like anyway nothing ever came of it i didn't really tell on anybody i just like i told the one guy and then another foreman about it who like form was like yeah that whoever's doing that that's gross as fuck man i don't know why nobody would even it was like a younger black dude and he was like i don't know why anybody would do that that's gross man your hands are in there you're in there counting bolts all day and i'm like yeah whoever does that should probably like rethink what they're doing it's like my foreman's like literally three feet from me like taking notes and i'm like if you're out there pissing on a bunch of bolts man you should probably like you got something going on at home like like you know you got to talk to somebody
Starting point is 00:13:32 like i don't know man it was it was fucked up but so was he like going like on the bolts or was there just like a corner dude there would be piss like it would be an all-day thing so like i worked 12 13 hour shifts six seven days a week and i what i imagine is he like my running theory is is that he didn't do it to fuck with anybody i think he was probably in there doing something and he just got hit with a piss and he's old and maybe the the the port-a-potty was because the port-a-potties were always stuff with dudes there was always a line. So he's like, fuck it. I'm just going to piss in the bulk context.
Starting point is 00:14:08 But like he like, dude, you'd go back there at like three. Like I would finish my work like around three or four. Everything slows down. So I fixed like whatever, like fix the AC on the crane. I fixed forklift. You know, I'm back out in the warehouse. I'm like picking up pieces of metal and taking them into the yard into the unit. And I would go. It would be like 3 p.m and there would be like a puddle of piss in the corner that
Starting point is 00:14:28 was clearly more than one load of piss like it would be it would be drying and like it but but because it's it's hot but it's shaded so it's not evaporating it's just cooking in the sun so it's clearly like four or five day like not days worth but like a good day's worth of piss but it would be in the corner like and there would be buckets next to it and the buckets would be in it and that would have bolts in them so it's like you weren't touching the guy's piss but you were breathing in like evaporated like stop like steam room piss like it smelled like a fucking gym steam room in there with tobacco smoke with with cigarette smoke that doesn't sound too bad yeah i bet you're pretty
Starting point is 00:15:06 used to that yeah yeah i am you know oh i was i was gonna tell you i'm sorry i was texting you i don't know where he heard this and my dad calls me today and you know i talked to my dad maybe maybe a few times a week or whatever and he calls me today and he just goes we're bullshitting we're talking shit he's asking what i'm doing and i'm like i'm working and out of nowhere for no reason in it like not called for he just goes you need to cut it like that like and i was like and i was like he starts laughing and i'm like what's that and he's like i heard it somewhere i'm like what's that and he's like I heard it somewhere
Starting point is 00:15:46 I've been saying it all day in like like an accent kind of like Cheech I've been going you need to cut it all day it's real funny to me
Starting point is 00:15:53 and the only place I know that song from is the OT Genesis and Young Dolph song so yeah so I'm like as I was texting
Starting point is 00:16:02 I knew you'd get a kick out of it so like he hasn't responded to me that I've seen, but I texted my brother. I was like, were you listening to Young Dolph in the car? Like, did you hang out with my dad, like, over the weekend? Because there's nowhere else. He, like, we're literally, he's like, you working? And I'm like, yeah, but I'm really stressed out, man.
Starting point is 00:16:18 I've been burning myself out. He's like, man, you need to stop that shit. You need to cut it. Anyway, are you going to be in town for the weekend? And I'm like, what did you just say? And he's like, you need to stop that shit you need to cut it anyway are you gonna be in town for the weekend and i'm like what did you just say like he's like you need to cut it and he was laughing but he's saying in an accent that's not from the song but i it might be my dad's own mind so i'm like i'm thinking maybe when my dad my little he's doing some like indian accent yeah like he heard the song yeah so like he heard the song but he started saying it to himself in his house or whatever.
Starting point is 00:16:48 And he was like, you need to cut it. And you know, like, you need to cut it. Like, over time, that evolved into like, you need to cut it. You know, like that. And I'm asking him, he's like, man, I heard it somewhere. I can't even remember where I fucking heard it, but it's making me laugh all goddamn day. It's funny if you say like cheats like this, you go,
Starting point is 00:17:06 you need to cut it. Like, so I texted my brother. I like, I texted him like shortly before we started. So I don't know if he's replied yet, but like, I know my brother knows that song.
Starting point is 00:17:18 Cause I showed him that. So I showed him a young Dolph. So I'm like, I'm thinking maybe like in the car, cause my brother, my little brother, my dad like smoke weed and hang out a lot. So I'm like I'm thinking maybe like in the car because my little brother and my dad like smoke weed and hang out a lot so I'm like maybe they were in my dad's car
Starting point is 00:17:30 smoking and my dad was my brother was just playing music off his I need to know where he heard it from and I need him to remember and recall because it's gonna bother me otherwise I really like the there's there's like a small chance that he didn't hear it anywhere.
Starting point is 00:17:45 And I. Yeah, that's exactly what I was about to say. I was like, there's a small chance that that phrase in that accent with those words in that order naturally occurred to him to be funny. Like he watched, he watched Cheech and Chong like the movie three weeks ago and has been trying to recall a scene. So, but he's just not wording it right and it's just you need to cut it like that's just what it is i can't i don't i don't know i'm i like it dude i was texting you about it because it was like i didn't hold on one second i didn't know like when he said that again it wasn't like he just opened the phone and said it that would have been really funny with like no prompt but it was like like the way you'd be like yeah man whatever
Starting point is 00:18:33 the fuck so what you been up to he was just like yeah you need to cut it so like so i didn't know like what like how to i pried a bit i was like hey what'd you hear that at he's like i don't know but anyway i hope you're right but i also hope i'm right because both scenarios are funnier for different reasons they're both equally funny but for very different reasons like i hope it's just something like you said that he just misremembered from cheech and chong from 30 years ago yeah or i hope he was listening to young dolph but he just interpreted in interpreted it in like a Tex Mex Cholo accent. Like, that's how he heard the song. Oti Yenesis.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Oti Yenesis. One of those bands are my regular, regular. Man, there's this Mexican rapper, Oti Yenesis, him and young Dolphino, they've been making... Young Dolph? Or El Dolph, he's been making it for me.
Starting point is 00:19:33 You need to cut it. Your price is way too high. Your price is... It's too high. It's too high. I don't want want to pay will you take a little bit i almost delved into like williamsburg yeah i like that i like that neither of us are very good we're not approximating at the exit and like like we're just getting closer and it should be like for us like the locale based we should be able to do
Starting point is 00:20:06 it offhand yeah not even and like different dialects too but instead of like instead of like doing like a burrito oh man it's not i have better luck doing my dad doing it, which is like doing my dad's, you need to cut it. That is what I can do. Anything past that, I feel like I'm entering a problematic zone, and so I fuck it up. Yeah, you wouldn't want to do that. No, I wouldn't. You wouldn't.
Starting point is 00:20:42 I wouldn't want to be problematic on the internet. you wouldn't yeah i wouldn't want to be problematic on the internet dude i posted about it but uh i've been noticing like so we're like coming up on five months on this thing and like the episodes that like the few that we've done were at the end you know we stop recording and we say our goodbyes and i was like i feel good about that one like we were awake we were energetic or whatever like those end up being fine no one really comments on them so i'm assuming no news is good news but the ones were where we've been like like over the course of the last few months we've been like god damn dude that episode fucking suck those are the ones that guys dm me about like two hours after i released them which means they just got done listening to it and they're messaging me and
Starting point is 00:21:21 they're like hey i was gonna kill myself and then like throw my dog out the window but you uh this one really got me through it and the whole time i'm like what kind of rapper do you like and you're like i don't know uh tallad quelly and then you're like have you ever thought about like little unicorns and i'm like yeah like like the ones where we're just dialing it in about like hip-hop and like insanity yeah those are the ones people we're just dialing it in about like hip hop and like insanity. Yeah. Those are the ones that guys DM. When people like those, I would assume. That's what I'm saying. Guys DM about those and they're like, dude, today's episode kept me from drinking myself I haven't been on the computer much lately.
Starting point is 00:21:55 I've been, you could say I've been in the zone. By that, I don't mean anything by that. By that, I mean, I just haven't been really I just uh just been looking at the wall just trying to you know take it one day at a time yeah sorry man I thought you you started off casually like yeah i've just kind of been offline and you're like but i've been like i've been struggling dude like snub those i've been thumbing the hammer back and listening to a lot of metallica like drinking a lot like a handily yeah yeah i kind of put the clip in and pull it out and i i you know i chamber one and i throw the gun in the wall it's always a back and forth with me though you know yeah yeah man actually i haven't i've been kind of staying off my phone lately because you know i've given up
Starting point is 00:22:52 i've just been like i had to like oh by the way bro i'm not banned i just deactivated i just like you know like you get busy like with things that matter. Like you just, you kind of start thinking about like what to put on your tombstone. You start thinking about like what you're going to say, like in the letter, like on the way out. Like, you know, you kind of just see like what's important. You start thinking about like, well, you know, the rope might not break the neck. The gun definitely does it, but it's messy. Pills hurt. I feel, I hear pill, you read about how bad pills hurt.
Starting point is 00:23:24 They hurt your stomach. I mean you rot yeah like a lot you know sometimes you just gotta kind of unplug you know you you delete your social media and all the you know contacts off your phone you quit your job you just start giving away your possessions yeah and you know you just you know you hope nobody finds it you know yeah you so you delete your twitter delete your facebook you just you do a full digital wipe right you buy a fucking vpn you get an old thinkpad from 2002 you start googling how to make bomb packs and bomb vests you know stuff like that like some guys you know they get into woodworking or crypto they get really into fucking crossfit like what happened with me is you know, they get into woodworking or crypto. They get really into fucking CrossFit. Like what happened with me is, you know, I had first it started with deactivating the Twitter. And then it was just like I had to say goodbye to my friends and family on Facebook.
Starting point is 00:24:11 I had to get rid of the LinkedIn. I mean, fuck it. You know, I'm not finding a job. I've been applying to jobs. I can't find a fucking job. So what the fuck, right? And then, you know, it kind of snowballs, man. Like you were telling me how you started running and now you're lifting every day.
Starting point is 00:24:23 You run every couple weeks it snowballs, right? so like with you and when they're running and lifting like for me it was leading twitter and now like i live in a mud hole like right off i-22 going into oregon and i've been building like loads of bombs it's like a hobby i'm into now you know some guys get into fish tanks like they get sober they get into fish tanks they get into like like i don't know fucking like rifles and shit you know, fucking, like, rifles and shit. You know, the rifle guys on Twitter. Ha ha ha. Those guys are funny. I've been getting into making C4 bombs.
Starting point is 00:24:53 I've been getting into making sort of, like, vests and stuff. Pipe bombs, nails. Hey, we've got our first ever, you know how I told you I had a special segment ready? Mm-hmm. I'm gonna open an envelope from the credit union live on camera. From your credit union?
Starting point is 00:25:12 Yeah. I hope so. What did you apply for? I didn't. Just the monthly expenditure. Oh, yeah, the new segment for the credit union. Oh, monthly expenditure. Oh, your actual statement.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Your printed statement. It says... You know, I actually haven't put anything in my savings account since like February. I just have everything in my checkings for the most part. What's the checking looking like, player? $4,200. Let's see. Let's hear $3,800.
Starting point is 00:26:02 I'm trying to... I don't know how to look at these. What did we... I got confused. I didn't really save up a whole lot at all. That's okay, though. You know what? We'll try again next time.
Starting point is 00:26:22 What? I have a savings account for the first time in my life at 27 and any amount of savings I hear about is good to me so I'm sure you're doing fine no I'm actually I'm doing okay but it's because I don't really have like yeah I just have like
Starting point is 00:26:37 your normal shit yeah do you pay on your car or is it paid off it's paid off well my my parents like got it for me in high school. It was like my first car. Just sort of like a little dependable car. But it hasn't broken down or anything.
Starting point is 00:26:58 I drove my Crown Victoria. That was my will to me. I drove my Crown Victoria until I couldn't drive anymore. Yeah, I've put like almost 90,000 miles on line. It's, I mean, it's, the mileage is higher than that, but I've put, but I mean, it's in my name or whatever, but. I mean, it's a Toyota. Yeah, I mean, those motherfuckers will run to the butter. Yeah, I got to get my oil changed. I was going to yesterday, but I. Yeah, I gotta get my oil changed. I was going to yesterday, but I...
Starting point is 00:27:25 Yeah, I'm due again. I got a sprinkler repaired this weekend. And I went to Lowe's because I needed to get... Oh, you were telling me about this? No, I went back to Lowe's. I went back to Lowe's to get my supplies. I might have told you about this.
Starting point is 00:27:44 But anyway, I got to get... This is one of those segments where I know not one person, including me, cares. But I'm choosing to drag this out. Yeah, yeah. So I go to Lowe's. I got to get, like, 15 heads and, like, 21 nozzles or whatever, but they're all like specialty, not specialty,
Starting point is 00:28:09 but like, um, the range is different on, it's, it's all the same heads. Uh, but the nozzles are different cause I've got like, uh,
Starting point is 00:28:18 different, different distances and, um, different like, uh, rotations. Okay. I see what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Yeah. But yeah, they didn't have everything I needed. So I got a custom order it like have them like they didn't have everything I needed on the shelves, but I know they have them in the store, but they don't. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:38 Like on the online store, they can get them. Yeah. Yeah. Well, they probably have them in the lows, honestly, but they don't have them all on the
Starting point is 00:28:45 shelves like that you can see and that's my story i like that when i would go to home depot uh the people at lows this is just my experience maybe it's a franchise thing i don't know people at lows are helpful almost to a fault kind of the way best buy people are where it's like hey man what are you looking for and i'm like i'm just here to buy like uh i have a hole in my wall i just need to buy like a mesh screen some like spackle paste blah blah blah they're like yeah i'll they'll give me the whole thing people at home depot like you could die like on the floor in the middle of like where they have like the the expensive shit to where where everyone's at like like the the the outdoor seating area where you build the home theater when
Starting point is 00:29:37 you got the money you're retired you could die there and it would take 40 minutes for someone to come up to you and be like hey are you good like they just don't i've wandered around home depot looking for baseboards and i went to the baseboard area like where you'd find like just run-of-the-mill fucking just they have them pre-made you know i'm talking about like pre-made shit this is when i was doing like home remodeling you can buy like 200 feet of them or whatever for so you know so much amount of money um but i was looking for a specific type and i remember like looking around and i saw a guy in the smock and i was like hey and he like looked at me it's not that he didn't hear me he looked at me and then he just like walked away which respect like well i've worked retail before like
Starting point is 00:30:24 sorry man i'm thinking about jacking off or going home like i'm getting help better go home first yeah guys at lowe's are like hey what are you here for and i'm like i'm here for something fucking specific and minuscule that who the fuck knows where it's at in this like 250 000 square foot warehouse oh yeah it's right there what else do you need do you want to be a rewards member do you want a hand job do you want to have sex like people alone like i want like i go to best buy i went to best buy to get another cable for this microphone i'm using now didn't want anything else some guy was like hey are you here for a tv deal and i'm like. But you're very sweet about it
Starting point is 00:31:05 and you're kind of jacked, man. So, I mean, you're looking good, dude. How the fuck do I get it? Like, I'll hear your spiel, man. Like, you look, or like, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:11 hey, hey lady, like, you know. Yeah. What's up? Yeah. No, they're nice at Best Buy. I get a lot of electronic stuff from Best Buy
Starting point is 00:31:21 even though it's like 20% more than getting it from like you know. Just buying it off of Amazon or some shit. Or like Newegg or whatever. Yeah. It depends. But like, I got a couple like, I got some of my
Starting point is 00:31:36 PC accessories from Best Buy. Not the main PC parts, but just like. Random shit. Yeah, just different stuff. But most usually... And this is really in the past couple years, I think. Employees at places don't tend to ask me if I need help.
Starting point is 00:32:00 And that's not because I generally have a particularly commanding presence or whatever. I tend to like – in places I'll walk like I know exactly where I'm going sometimes. And half the time I have – I don't even know like where the story is. I'll just walk confidently. You just have direction with your steps. Yeah. I'll just walk confidently. You just have direction with your steps. Yeah, I'll just walk confidently to an aisle, look at it like, yep, this is not what I need, and then I'll walk somewhere else. That is not me.
Starting point is 00:32:35 I like, I'm stubborn and I hate to ask for help, but when I go to a place that has the thing I need and I don't know where to look I will wander around like Lowe's was different because I actually did not know I mean I knew what I was looking for but I didn't know exactly where to find it but like in the times I've been to like places like Best Buy for example like I was saying earlier people will be like you need help and I'm I absolutely desperately need it but I'm like no no no no i'm gonna look around for about 45 i could ask you where the usbc input cables are and i could get an answer from you right away but what i'm gonna
Starting point is 00:33:14 do is i'm gonna look around the gaming controller area like i need to be here and contemplate buying a new one even though i don't need one and And then I'm going to go look at it. I'm going to get to it, and I will find it. I don't need you budding into my life. This is my process here. Yeah, I think the last time I asked an employee where something was, I was very happy in the end because they didn't have any of it, and so I knew I was very happy in the end because they didn't have any of it, and so I knew I was right.
Starting point is 00:33:46 I was just looking for a webcam, and I somehow, Best Buy did not have a single one because it had just been Black Friday. I went to Academy to get a new mouthpiece because when I had my shit stolen in my car when you were there. Yeah, because I broke it in half. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, you broke it in half, like, hard. Like, you were just just you were rock solid yeah on fucking stone mode and you're like i'm breaking it yeah it's full neanderthal and i was there to buy a new i had had a shitty one that wasn't so that most you did taekwondo
Starting point is 00:34:17 i don't know if you had to get a boil and bite mouthpiece so you boil it you bite it yeah it's to your teeth so i had a shitty one that wasn't that it was just a one size fits all like really tight i didn't like it so i wanted to get a bull and bite one they're only like eight bucks but i'm walking around academy and i was genuinely looking for like the fight zone which is normally straight into the left but it wasn't in this case and so i'm looking around and i wind up in the gun section and I was just looking at the pistols there and they had the nine mil of this nine millimeter. I've been looking for by Janik. It's like a TPSF and nine.
Starting point is 00:34:53 I don't know. It was a bad-ass. Now it's the nine mil specifically that I've been wanting to buy for myself. And I guess the guy saw me looking at it and he's like, uh, you're looking at this Taurus, which was under it. And I said, I'm not looking at the Taurus's like uh looking at this torus which was under it and i said i'm not looking at the torus why would i buy that i want the janik and he was like all right well that could be yours today uh house just passed a bill that said you don't need a permit to carry anymore hopefully
Starting point is 00:35:20 it goes through all the way and we can just you can just walk out of here and wear it out you can have it in your pocket and i was like i didn't want to talk politics in that moment i just saw a gun i've been looking for it's been i have not seen it on gun trader in a minute i have the money i wanted to buy it and i was like so this i could walk out of here with this now now and he's like I mean yeah kinda I mean kinda you just you know blah blah blah like you know I was like do you have nine he went through the whole he went through his whole spiel I don't know the whole thing he was talking about
Starting point is 00:35:55 obviously I could not walk out of there I mean it's Texas I could it's Academy though so it's different but like they're there's just shit don't you have to wait like three days it's some like i i literally because like on texas gun trader or like some of the gun shows you can walk out of there with a fucking assault rifle if you want it's not a big deal but academy the guy like immediately he was
Starting point is 00:36:16 going hard sell and i was like i might buy this and then he backtracked and was like well i think maybe i need to see like a driver's license like it became too complicated for me in that moment but anyway the point i'm trying to make is i was like do you guys uh everybody's out of nine mil ammo and i don't want to buy it online because it's super fucking expensive and i was and if i could get it for a reasonable price here i'd pick it up he's like oh hell we haven't had nine mil five six months and i was like you tried to sell me this nine millimeter pistol right now you were very hard on it you knew i wanted it i might have even bought it and then i was like yeah i'm ready to buy it and then you were like
Starting point is 00:36:54 we don't got niama for it and you gotta like do stuff and i have to like it was clear i don't think he wanted to do anything that day he he sold me. I was ready to buy it. But he was like, yeah, I mean, I'd have to get a pen. I'd have to find, I'd have to get me something to write with. And you'd have to pull your ID out. And I'd have to find out if you were like a raper or something. And it just, the computer is nine feet to my left. And I'm here now in this moment
Starting point is 00:37:26 and i'd have to like turn it on and i'd have to like ask you questions and so it's a nice gun i i think maybe you should come back maybe like when i quit like when i'm no longer because i mean i was gonna sell it to you but then i remembered i'd have to like do stuff do they get commission on those i do that's a good question i don't because i know that like we were talking about best buy i i know that like in the tv zone those guys do get commissioned like on the high dollar shit like they absolutely do but i don't know if like the gun people at academy do it was a dude they had it at like 380 bucks it was a used janet and then and then once i was
Starting point is 00:38:05 looking at in that model were like 500 i was absolutely like gonna just pull the trigger on it no pun intended but like he just when i was like yeah i'm interested in this pistol he just like kind of fell apart yeah and it made me not want to buy it anymore like i i started thinking maybe something's wrong with it is that why it's marked so because it's like a higher model janet or whatever the one that I wanted. And I couldn't find anywhere normally or whatever. And he just fell apart on the closing end of the sale. He was like, yeah, well, you know, I mean, you can't find 9mm nowhere.
Starting point is 00:38:39 You know, and, you know, I'd have to, you know, if you don'tL. Like, man, you know, you're going to have it in your car. You know, he's probably maybe 20 years old. And I really am. I should be more familiar with the laws, but I'm really not. I was like, I'm willing to give you $400 now and walk out here with this pistol. And he's like, yeah, I mean, you know. Oh, shit. There's all sorts of things in this world.
Starting point is 00:39:04 You can buy $400. You can buy $400. You can buy, you know, you can go to Taco Bell and get 800 bean burritos. It's too free one right now. You could buy probably like maybe 187 condoms with it. Maybe you could buy candy, you know. He literally, obviously he wasn't saying that, but I was like, dude, anyway, I didn't end up getting it, but I wanted it really bad. Yeah, I'll find it somewhere else, I guess, where a guy wants to actually sell me the motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:39:38 Yeah, I'm going to start getting you to buy me some under your name. That would, dude, we would not get in trouble at all. Especially because I announced it. Yeah. We would 100% not get visited by ATF or anything like that. No. It's okay if you're friends. Being in Texas, I know you're kidding, but I'm like, I don't even know if that's not true. I don't know if there's a clause that's like, eh.
Starting point is 00:40:09 I know you can just buy a gun out of a guy's trunk, but is it really that easy? In Texas, you just need a bill of sale, I'm pretty sure. It's like buying a trailer. Yeah. I mean, the gun is to be like rightfully owned and everything obviously like with the papers
Starting point is 00:40:28 there has to be it's not like a trade of hands that's yeah yeah it can't just be like yeah well I bought a stolen gun but like I didn't steal it
Starting point is 00:40:36 you know yeah I drove my car drunk but it ain't my car I mean it's somebody it's somebody it's my brothers it's my brother's.
Starting point is 00:40:45 It's Murphy's Law, man. Makes no sense. The cop's like, dude, honestly, you got me. Old Uncle Murphy. Old Uncle, goddamn. I mean, I pulled over a lot of motherfuckers. Not everybody invokes the righteous old Uncle Murph on my ass. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:00 I know you killed nine women on the way here, but you got me. I mean, oh, boy. I've been getting back into asthma lately. It's rid of my thing now. I had it as a kid, and then they told me I would grow out of it. Yeah, like autism. I think that's what they just tell fat kids. Like, when you're heaving and hoeing on the playground and you can't play dodgeball like I was when I was a little kid and I was fat.
Starting point is 00:41:34 Yeah. I think maybe to, like, you know, because I'm, like, a younger millennial, older, whatever the fuck. So, like, there was that push to be, like. I think it's safe to say you're a quirky zoomer I could probably yeah I'm like a I'm like a men zoomer you know like I zoom and men are like oh you know that was the worst thing I ever said
Starting point is 00:41:55 I should probably kill myself dude you suck but uh but there's not as many as that one that won't be named trans tender that sucked man yeah that was bad yeah we almost ended i almost ended the whole you were so you brought it up three times like like one i said at the very beginning in the middle you were like
Starting point is 00:42:25 god i can't stop at the end you were like fuck you dude uh whether the worst was it was like a three minute class it was like a three minute setup too yeah no it was like a story i told or something yeah yeah i remember them tell me i had it when i was a kid and then i would grow out of it Yeah, no, it was like a story I told or something. Yeah, I remember them telling me that when I was a kid and then I would grow out of it. And I think that was them just being like, you can't do the monkey bars and you can't play tetherball because you are 4'2 and 110 pounds. So, I mean, you know, you... That's how the Latinas be built. Am I right?
Starting point is 00:43:10 Even you backed off that one toward the end. I said, that's right. Yeah. Man, I'm so tired. Yeah, I'm tired. I posted on Twitter, we saw i got a i got a gas station delta 8 cartridge and i think it's just heroin that they vaporized or something i was fucked up dude i was lit and i've had delta 8 and cbd and it you know i don't smoke weed so it kind of like
Starting point is 00:43:39 got me a little something but i hit this little jewel looking thing it was like ten dollars at the gas station the guy was like yeah it's like weed and i was like enough for me all right that's fine and i ripped it a bunch of times in the car and i was having like a panic and i was like nodding off and i was like is it i was like this is not even like spice or k2 like this is like vegetable glycerin and like fentany analog. I'm fucked up, dude. It felt like we kind of, but I just felt like I took a 10 Xanax. I was fucked up.
Starting point is 00:44:11 Then I paid for it, so I'm going to smoke the whole goddamn thing. There was a moment there where I was like, yeah, I feel like I brained. I felt, this is healthy. This was good for me. Whatever it is, it's definitely... Makes you live longer yeah
Starting point is 00:44:26 i uh i had an energy drink today called science those are pretty i like science man it was like it was pretty good but like like you drink something called like rain you're like okay well you know I'm here for the party it's regal you know zions is like
Starting point is 00:44:55 it's like if you found an energy drink with a blank can and somebody and you had one word somebody held a gun to your head and was like what's the name of this this is like uh science science i uh there was one uh it was called uh i think dude so like there's the venom gas station ones but i think that like the gas station by my house and when i lived lived in South Austin was like buying some off of like Alibaba because it was called Entune.
Starting point is 00:45:33 N-Tune, like the normal spelling, and it was silver and black and it had like a souped up car on the front. And like the ingredients were all faded out. Like they looked like old cans, but they were like 80 cents. Like they weren't even like a 99 cent. It was so dirt cheap and it was 16 ounces. So I'd buy it before I go to work and it would yak me the fuck up. I'm pretty sure I was just buying like Topo Chico with like methadrone in it or something. Because it was like I never went to any other gas station and saw it
Starting point is 00:46:05 and then when i would ask is like hey do you have you guys have any in tune in stock the stripes would be like do we have any what but it was just this shitty gas station like i would buy it there i would go to work and it would keep me up but it was like the ingredients was like for neurotropic focus and power brewed in fucking dubai like yeah just like it was like a tea soda type it tasted like kombucha and like sprite it was a fucked up taste but it yacked me the fuck up more than any energy drink i'm pretty sure i was just drinking something illegal like a hundred percent it was like it's some something they like tried to get the FDA to approve, and then the FDA just said no. Absolutely not. And so they were like, well, how about we just still sell it?
Starting point is 00:46:54 Yeah, yeah. We said not FDA approved, not for human consumption. How about we still sell it? That's how the guy at the gas station was with this with this like delta 8 pin i was like because i've bought the i've bought the delta 8 like like weed before and it's just like cb it's just weed it's like cbd weed but it's not like there's no thc in it and i and he was like yo don't buy the pre-rolls buy the buy the cartridge and i was like i don't want to you know i've tried them before they don't work and he's like that
Starting point is 00:47:25 one to your left called space cake does and it had like a alien on it and it was like eating dessert and i was like yeah that looks like something i could spend 10 bucks on like it's a whole gram like whatever and i was like yeah i'll take your word for it and like i said i got in the car and i hit it and like delta eight is supposed to be like half the strength of weed. So it gets you kind of high. I had a problem when I was hitting, like I was in the car. I couldn't park the car. I couldn't park it.
Starting point is 00:47:53 And it's got a QR code that you can pull your phone up on and look at like the research behind it, like how they make it. But like anybody can make a landing page, go to any QR code. Like, I'm not kidding, dude, I hit this fucking thing and I felt like I was like, they make it but like anybody can make a landing page go to ndqr code like i'm not kidding dude i
Starting point is 00:48:05 hit this fucking thing and i felt like i was like i felt like i smoked opium in like 1842 in like a cave in china so i was so fucked up i was like yeah i'm i can't even breathe and like i told my girlfriend who smokes weed and she was like babe stop smoking gas station pens and i was like no why would i ever like why like why would i she's like let me hit it and she was like babe stop smoking gas station pens and i was like no why would i she's like let me hit it and she hit it and she'd like you know you know she did her thing she went and played with a dog on the floor for like an hour and a half but for me i'm like yeah this feels like heroin and like lsd and like fake weed from 2009 and you follow the qr code and it's like this was made in a lab and you're like, I guess it's cool. It was made in a lab.
Starting point is 00:48:47 That's what happens when I drink too much root beer. Yeah, because you're a totally sober guy, right? Yeah, that's my thing. Man, it's fun. I have some crazy stories of just, you know. I went to bed at 8pm the other day, bro. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:12 Dude, gaming is like not as fun as it should be my buddy like you're just like like actually focused on it and like ben avery from like ben ben like like tim dylan's guy ben he was telling me like he'd been sober like five years we had this group chat with our friend cameron and they went to high school together but but Cameron's my best friend and they're both sober Cam's like three years and he's like five and Cam's like uh Cam recently like picked up weed again but he was always even when he was like a druggie like me was an anti-weed guy like we just did coke and like pills and shit and uh Ben literally drinks soda and like smokes cigars and like does push-ups and has panic attacks. That's what he does.
Starting point is 00:49:47 But anyway, Cameron's like, dude, man, I'm telling you, Ben, you don't have to drink a beer. You don't got to do coke. You don't got to eat a Vicodin. If you just smoke a bunch of weed and freak out for like an hour and you can survive that hour, video games rock. He's like, dude, you just got to cry and think you're the worst guy alive for like an
Starting point is 00:50:05 hour maybe two tops you gotta really freak out i mean and i'm saying you gotta smoke you gotta face a whole blunt we're all like why would we do that and he's like look man i didn't even like weed when i was a drug addict and now that i'm sober i still don't like it but if you smoke a whole blunt to yourself and then you play fucking outlast or you play fucking like you know star wars what a battlefront dude i'm telling you man it takes like two to three tries and you're crying the whole time but at the end you're like wow gaming rocks again and like me and ben are like no dude i think we're fine like he's like no y'all are missing out like weeds where it's at you just gotta freak out and like and cry not to try to jack off for like two hours and then it's really cool i'm like
Starting point is 00:50:47 no dude if i'm gonna do drugs again i'm gonna do cocaine i'm gonna do oxycontin like i'm not gonna smoke weed and have a panic attack and try to play video games actually it's pretty much what i just did but yeah yeah he's exactly what you just described. Yeah, what I described earlier. You're like, yeah, he's stupid. Well, it was fake. What I did, I had this lab creation, and then I started a dogfighting. I tried to podcast that I've been doing for four months. How many episodes do we have now? Dude, I just did a count, man.
Starting point is 00:51:21 This will be the 41st. That's not any type of milestone. Well, I was did a count, man. This will be the 41st. That's not any type of milestone. Well, I was thinking about 50. I feel like we're more prolific than most of them, maybe. Or maybe people just start off doing them once a week. I don't think we started off with any sort of following. So obviously we had a leg up, I guess like in between the two of us.
Starting point is 00:51:47 Well, I guess, but I like, Oh, I'll see people doing their like hundredth episode. And I'm like, I feel like this podcast has been around for like two years, but I know it hasn't,
Starting point is 00:51:58 but it's like, I don't know. We've been doing it four and a half months. This, uh, May 8th will be five. And like, I count the episodes because I'm like,
Starting point is 00:52:11 oh, when are we going to get to the 50th? Because that's like, I guess we should do something like try to make it good or something. Try to make it a good episode or whatever. But, no, like we're coming up on 50 and I'm, yeah, I'm like, I I'm telling like I talk to people who have like big money podcasts or whatever that I'm friends with and they're like yeah dude you can
Starting point is 00:52:34 make like 90k a year and I'm like don't say that and they're like no you're doing really good four months in man dude by the end of the year you could make five billion dollars a day or you know they're gassing me up too much to where I'm like, look, man, I need you to tell me this is going to fall apart. Because if you start talking to me like I'm going to make any real money, and if you start saying people are going to listen to this, I'm going to freak out and then I'm going to tell Thomas I have AIDS. Or you're going to be like, yeah, I have to go back to work for the rest of my life. I mean, if you did, it wouldn't really change a whole lot for me. No.
Starting point is 00:53:11 We would text each other pictures of our buttholes and shit and be like. Not that I wouldn't care. Yeah. Wouldn't really. All right. So do you still want to record on Monday? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey, man, I know you're probably having an episode right
Starting point is 00:53:25 now but uh are we doing the primo on monday like here's a picture of my ball sack by the way it's like uh it's like i understand that i pushed us back because i was eating soup and it took a long time for it to cool off but you need to quit pushing us back just because all you've got is, you know, one of the worst diseases of all time. Hey, Jake, I know you call it. You're calling in because you have the HIV virus that causes AIDS. But like you really are slacking right now. And this is a two way street. So I know you have AIDS and you're dying.
Starting point is 00:53:59 But like you need to come on the premium drill set he would do a juggling act. So, like, we need to get it together. Yeah, I'm kind of, like, you'll talk to me, like, while I'm looking at my phone. That's like, I don't care. Yeah, no, I know. I know when you're looking at your phone, because I'll be like, hey, do you like fucking cannolis? And you'll be like, have you ever thought about space at all? And I'm like, what?
Starting point is 00:54:28 You're talking about an Italian dessert. I've never had cannolis, but... You know, is that a problem? Just because I'm not Italian, you think I'm not as good as you? You look Italian. I don't. Yeah, you do. You look like an Italian guy do you look like an italian guy you're like five four you're like 400 pounds i'm down to 350 actually i that text message you sent me
Starting point is 00:54:56 so i think me and thomas are both sub 200 for the first time in years uh no i was for like i was for like two hours because I got really dehydrated. Okay, so you're back plus 200? Probably. I was at 196 for a little bit. Like April morning? I probably walk around at like right at 200. 201, 202.
Starting point is 00:55:25 Yeah. That's comfortable for me, yeah. But, like, even, like, December, I was walking around, like, 212. Yeah, I was probably, like, 215 November, 216. Yeah. And then, like, a year ago, actually similar, similar probably to i think 215 last year around this time because i my weight didn't really like it'll fluctuate but it would usually be like between 208 and 212 for a long time. And now it's just because I'm working
Starting point is 00:56:06 a lot. It's hard to eat, dude. It's hard to eat when you work out outside. And also, at my old landscaping job, my boss would always buy us lunch, but it would always be fast food. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:21 So that was automatically getting an extra 3000 calories a day yeah yeah and now like a dirty 3000 too yeah and now I'll like pack my lunch and I'll have like a sandwich and an apple and like
Starting point is 00:56:37 fruit snacks and pretzels and I'm like I think this is what a lunch is that's what a lunch is for a fifth grader. Yeah. I should be packing like a rotisserie chicken. Yeah, I remember like working outside, I would just burn like 3,000, 4,000 calories
Starting point is 00:56:57 just like working 12 hours a day, like just in the heat, you know. And then like have like one taco from the taco guy. Cause if I eat too, I would be too tired to work through the rest of the day. And then like, I went from two 65. That's how I went from like, people were like, how'd you, I went from like two 65 to two 30. That was one of my heaviest.
Starting point is 00:57:16 Um, Oh, I just lose the weight. And I'm like, Oh, I work outside all day and I eat one taco per day. And then like I have half a Mickey's and then then i go to bed like that's pretty much it yeah i lost i started losing weight in the first place just because i was working night shifts yeah and so i lost like 20 pounds from that and then i was like wait, this feels like way better. Yeah. Even though I wasn't even like, particularly healthy.
Starting point is 00:57:47 It wasn't a healthy cut, or whatever, yeah. No, I mean, it was healthier than, what I had been doing, because I'd also like sobered up and stuff,
Starting point is 00:57:54 but, I was like, ah, well, you know, we might as well, keep going, whatever.
Starting point is 00:58:00 Yeah. Now, you know, IFBB Pro, um, Yeah. yeah now you know ifbb pro um yeah so what do you squat like 950 yeah something like that right now i could not do a regular squat i don't think i think my knees would blow out dude i'm not kidding no it's just because of my foot but no i'm just saying in general like when i when i do do squats i'm like when you do do my knees when i do yeah when i do do squat when
Starting point is 00:58:29 i go to the squat where i could pop a fucking turd out um like i will do what i think is a heavy weight for to squat for me and then i will feel like the end like where my acl is will just be like tight and i'm like hmm I could put another 20 on here. That could be fine. The trick is to not know where your ACL is. Yeah, that's the hot ground. Anytime I have knee problems, what you do is you just... Keep crushing them.
Starting point is 00:59:01 You just add weight you know that's it's like uh you know uh you have to destroy the muscle to build it back stronger for me i've i've destroyed 95 of the cartilage in my body and i'm letting you said you said well she's spitting on it riding it and she like whenever whenever the muscles give out she can't do that no more it's kind of yeah yeah yeah um the only cartilage you need is in your is in uh is in your nose and your ears. You don't need tendons really, I guess. Those are fake. Folks, one thing I like to do
Starting point is 00:59:52 sometimes before the show, it's my little prep, is I'll spend all day clearing poison ivy off fences, which I'm pretty allergic to. Then I'll get an asthma attack from it, and then the next day I'll wake up just covered in hives, but it's sort of one of my little routines nowadays. Dude, I was literally in the middle of the best story I'd ever told. Dude
Starting point is 01:00:25 I was literally in the middle of the best story I'd ever told And what did you do You pulled me out of the car and you punched me in the face And his name His name was Justice And he rolled in the tower And he had something nice to say
Starting point is 01:00:45 I uh I think what I'm gonna do What I'm gonna do next when I hit my next weight goal Which is 170 Yeah Is I think I'm gonna start an Instagram page Called like You know
Starting point is 01:01:03 The modern Psycho I think I'm going to start an Instagram page called, like, you know, the modern psycho. Where are you trying to hit? 170. Are you transitioning or something? What's 170? Okay. Like, a legitimate answer or, like, a fake one? Which one do you want?
Starting point is 01:01:19 Are you fighting again? I want to compete, yeah. And I don't want... Dude, night that are at my weight like 190 like even if i got to 180 those guys are like you know like six percent body fat guys who probably walk around at 220 no they're like yeah i'm here guys like me yeah guys i'm probably like 75 body fat i'm trying to think about what a guy like that,
Starting point is 01:01:47 like what that would look like on you. Those guys exist, but I'm like, what that would look like on you, and it's very, like, you're just swole up in red behind the camera, and you're like, what's up? Yeah, I'm taking a listen. I tried to play Destiny today,
Starting point is 01:02:04 and I had a heart attack trying to turn the no i like the idea of being like five nine 165 75 body fat he's like you're beyond skinny fat it's like you're not even my belly's hanging down to my knees. But it's like it only weighs like 10 pounds. You're just so malnourished that it's just all fat. Just an impossible amount of skin hanging around. I'm like one of those guys who loses a bunch of weight.
Starting point is 01:02:39 Yeah, you were 500 pounds and you're like, yeah, I'm 5'9". And those measurements, 5'9", 165 should be pretty pretty athletic but i just get that way from like like dead skin just looking at the computer for too long yeah yeah like you're on tinder and you're like some girls like you're just you're talking hot sexy and you're like yeah i'm 6'1 160 and the girl you know maybe she works out she does the math in her head she's like god this guy's got to be jacked like at most nine percent body fat like he's got to be fucking just adonis yeah girls you're like yeah but yeah maybe some percentage yeah and you're like i'm i'm 6'1 i'm i'm 170 like with clothes on but i'm just i'm just right now i'm i'm real lean you know and then you know she shows up and you're just like you literally
Starting point is 01:03:32 look like a jellyfish and like basketball shorts and like an old t-shirt and you're like hey what's up yeah i'm just imagining like if uh like it'd be like if rick ross went on hunger strike like dj collins like yeah i'm trying to get down to 190 but i'm gonna do it in two months if you just tuned in jake is coughing up a storm yeah if you
Starting point is 01:04:04 just tuned in i have uh up a storm yeah if you just tuned in I have uh most people like to tune in about an hour and four minutes an hour and five minutes into the fucking show most people love to go to the I'm gonna catch the goodbyes I'm gonna catch the hey check out the pre
Starting point is 01:04:20 hey by the way if you're listening to this you should check out pandejo dot com slash patreon time uh or something like that check out the hey by the way if you're listening to this you should check out slash patreon time or something like that one of those
Starting point is 01:04:29 slash pendejo time because this is the freebie and so if you listen to this believe it or not
Starting point is 01:04:37 you're getting this one on the slide dude yeah it's on the house it's on the house you're getting
Starting point is 01:04:44 content like this for free. But we're not that generous. No. You go to the Patreon and that's where we're just fucking cranking out. You want the good ones. Well, you got them. You want some slightly worse ones. You pay five bucks a month like 253 other guys do.
Starting point is 01:05:03 Actually, probably 15 of those. Are also paying. And that's what we're going to call. You can make that 16. Yeah. It'd be a 16. That's the age that, by the way, that's the age that Thomas really likes. By the way, that's the end of the episode
Starting point is 01:05:26 Thomas loves Yeah because That age 15 to 16 I just want to learn How to dance No he loves those Age of women
Starting point is 01:05:32 I learned how to Salson At that age Alright y'all thanks

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