Pints With Aquinas - Ben Shapiro, Calvin Robinson, and Pride Month

Episode Date: May 23, 2023

Month of the Sacred Heart Merch: Shapiro Interview: Calvin Videos: Discord Server For Supporters Only:  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Matt, yeah, I hear that uh, the june's coming up what's going on there? Okay, so you might not know this But june is the month in which catholics dedicate To venerating the sacred heart of jesus and that's it That's all you're allowed to do in june you're not allowed to celebrate anything else You might be looking around and thinking gee everybody's celebrating god's covenant with noah That's not what they're doing And so we want to take back
Starting point is 00:00:25 this month for the Sacred Heart, which is why we've put together this really beautiful t-shirt says Reclaim the Month. It's a way to show that we stand in opposition against the sexual debauchery that's being pushed on us and promoted in our society. And instead we want to turn to Jesus Christ. And it's a great conversation starter starter So please click the link in the description below and pick up a t-shirt today. I miss you and I'm so sorry Were you a fan of bling when I was two? Oh dude, I love blink. Yeah. Yeah, dude blink is really good I know I shouldn't like them probably because you're young for a much. No I know I shouldn't like them probably because you're young for a much. No Maybe but like blink also has that vibe that guys like me like where it's not rap But it's still not like we're at a limb biscuit. Do you ever listen to no, I've never listened to limp biscuit
Starting point is 00:01:16 It's a good name though welcome to the stream Everybody welcome to the stream. My name is Matt. Fradd. This over here is Thursday Welcome to the stream. My name is Matt Fred. This over here is Thursday And we're here to do a little streamy we me just a chatty-waddy about stuffy wuffy. I'll stop that now. Yeah All right, man, you know what? I'm gonna do real quick while you talk. No I'm gonna check something because I bet that the thing is happened Oh the thing the thing we've been waiting for so we just wanted to jump on here and chat about a couple of things that have been happening the last week. Did an interview with Ben Shapiro, which I think just went live.
Starting point is 00:01:51 I know just went live. I don't know about an hour ago. Yeah. Let's see. How many views does it have? Cause if we ever had views this, ah, this 13,000 views in 58 minutes. Could you imagine if we ever publish something that did that? Well, we had 11,000 unique viewers on the Calvin Robinson thing
Starting point is 00:02:08 in like three hours. Did we? Yeah. Take that, Ben Shapiro. Anyway. So we're gonna talk about that. I wanna talk about our time with Calvin, just cause he's a really wonderful fellow.
Starting point is 00:02:16 I loved him so much. I know. Calvin, I know you're watching this. And if this makes you uncomfortable, I still don't care. What else are we going to talk about? Oh, yeah, we did it. Pride Month. Pride Month. Yep. Get ready.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Get ready to be force fed rainbows. Not with only six colors. Yeah. People have been very insistent that we notice that in the comments. Yeah, it's very important to them. Yeah. As well as upset about our new shirts. Yeah, people have been upset about that. Yeah. If well as upset about our new shirts. Yeah, people have been upset about that. Yeah. If somebody in the live chat who's Catholic, who's upset for a prude reason about the shirts, please tell us what it is. Yeah. Well, where should we
Starting point is 00:02:55 start? We should probably start with this Ben Shapiro interview. So here's how it went down. First of all, I'm super grateful to Ben and the Daily Wire for having me on for 20 minutes. I was told it would be a seven minute interview, but it must have been going so well or so poorly. I don't know that he allowed it to go for 20 minutes. All right, let's back up. So I had Prager on. Really glad I had Prager on now that I was so close to canceling him.
Starting point is 00:03:17 I don't think people knew that that was the thing that you almost canceling. Well it's not like he would have been bothered. It's not like he would have lost sleep over it. I'm gonna cancel you. Sorry, who is this Australian weirdo? Yeah, but it went well. He came on and then Shapiro did a response, then Candice did a response, then I did a response to Ben.
Starting point is 00:03:39 And then instead of Ben doing a response to my response, of his response, to my response, to his response, to my response, to his response, to my response, to his response. He decided to have me on the show. Now I was in Ukraine at the time. Well, you know, the reason the reason is because if you do so many responses, the network forms a neural net and the response itself becomes sentient and then it starts responding to response. That's terrific. Yes, I was in Ukraine at the time and I forget who asked me. I guess his assistant who's listening to Pines of the Koinas, was up, reached out to my assistant and asked if I could be on the show. And I'm not going to lie, there was a sense of relief that I couldn't
Starting point is 00:04:15 do it. That's true. I can confirm that because you were like, they asked me and I was like, that's great. And you went, I'm not going to do it. And I went, oh, and you were like, I'm kind of happy that I'm not going to do it. Yeah, not out oh, and you were like, I'm kind of happy that I'm going to do it. Yeah. Not out of any modesty. I honestly, I think it was a prideful thing. I was just, I didn't want to, I didn't want to look like an idiot. And I didn't want to do a poor job representing the church's teachings on last and pornography. That was honestly, I was just like, you know what? I've seen people walk into situations like this, eyes wide open and get shellacked. And then I wasn't sure, I'm going to say I wasn't sure that Shapiro wasn't going to come
Starting point is 00:04:49 after me hard given how the Prager thing went down and given that they're buds. I wasn't sure. And me intellectually sparring with Ben Shapiro would be like Thursday fighting Joe Rogan. It's just, or me for that matter. It's not going to happen. It's not going to go well for me. So that's why I was reluctant. And then I was flying out of Poland and I just took that plane trip to really pray
Starting point is 00:05:14 and discern Lord is, is this something I should do? So I decided yes. And then we set up the time and you know, it is so beautiful. I want to say a huge thanks to my local supporters because they are way more integral to this show than they probably realize. First of all, they're the ones who told me to have Prageron when I was hesitating. And then when I was praying about whether to go on Shapiro's show, I asked them, you know, and then they asked them to pray for me.
Starting point is 00:05:39 I don't know if you know this, but there are I don't know how many people on my locals decided they were going to a 40 hour fast for my interview with Shapira. If that's you, you are so kind and I don't know how to respond to your generosity except with just dumb founded embarrassment. Like I feel so moved. So then I just went through all the debating talking points in my head, not knowing what side he would come down on. And I'm not really good in.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Conf Conf, what do you say, kind of adversarial situations? I'm not like Trent Horn, who's just a master. Why are you making that face? I'm afraid these cables I'm trying to pull up for this microphone are going to fall out. So I woke up at five thirty in the morning, just going over talking points and trying to think through last. It was really actually one of the great things that came out of this chat with Shapiro Is it forced me to think a ton more than I have lately on pornography and sexual desire and lust and things like that? So yeah work over 530 had a sauna worked out and then went and had a cigar to undo any of the working out
Starting point is 00:06:38 I just did and Actually, what cigar were you smoking that there were calories to undo your workout? Oh fair enough I dip it totally in sugar before I oh so like a swisher you had a swisher sweet Yeah, that's what a swisher sweet is now. I would never banana Do you have a banana flavored swisher sweet is that a thing? Yes. Oh man. That's that's terrible speaking of pride month Yeah, I thought you're gonna laugh at that I can never tell what you're gonna laugh at. That's what makes this so fun. So the problem, and I think people could figure this out.
Starting point is 00:07:09 I'm surprised you haven't yet. The problem is like I'm also producing. So sometimes I'm not listening. I'm sorry, Matt, that I'm not hanging on all of your incredible... It's like I'm trying to listen to everything you're saying, but sometimes it's like, oh, I need to check this thing about the live stream that I'm running currently. And so then I miss the joke. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Nah, yeah, Nah. Yeah. Yeah. Nah. Gotcha. Gotcha. My
Starting point is 00:07:28 Gar lounge and I texted sister Miriam James who I call mother Miriam because whether she wants to be or not She's my spiritual mother mother if you're watching I love you and we just prayed together It was beautiful and one thing she said to me was and it just let she said Matt You don't need to perform and my shoulders dropped and I just received some peace from the Lord there. So I went to adoration came back and did the interview. Now what people might not realize some people said that I looked awkward in the interview. I look awkward all the time first of all so that's my excuse don't nod. Secondly we had a monitor on the table and then I turned the monitor completely around.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Yeah, so I had it set up so he could see Ben, right? Didn't want to. But then he was worried that he wouldn't look into the camera. That's right. No, it wasn't just that. The result was that you made incredibly intense, very like autistic levels of eye contact the whole time It was like 20 minutes of Autistic levels of eye contact dude you need to start a shirt company and whenever you say a great line like that make a t-shirt
Starting point is 00:08:40 That's great. Also, you know you could just never mind. I was just never mind. I'll tell you that later. All right. Anyway, so the reason for the autistic levels of eye contact was I had turned the monitor around and was just looking into the camera. And so consequently, speaking of autism, because I think I think they say that one thing that might contribute to autism is like a something goes on with our mirror neurons so that we can't respond. We can't empathize with somebody as we're talking to them. We can't sense their awkwardness or their jubilation. That guy, what I'm hearing is you're literally less human than a monkey. Ah, that is not at all what I said and not funny. Pay cut. Stop laughing. It's not funny. Damn it. So. So what did I say? I said, oh, yeah. So
Starting point is 00:09:36 I couldn't respond to his responses. So some people like, like at times, like when I made that Jewish Pharisee comment, apparently he kind kind of like do you remember he kind of laughed a bit as he responded But I didn't see him smoking so I'm just deadpan talking about Pharisaical Jews It's such a good time anyway Hey, by the way, if anybody's watching who is not subscribed, we are 205 subscribers away from 350,000. Anyway, so we're okay. So go over to Shapiro's show, watch the interview and comment on it.
Starting point is 00:10:24 And no one is allowed to say autistic level of eye contact. Yeah. All right. No one's allowed to say that because that would be rude. The joke. All right. I apologize to the people in the comments who are actually offended. No you don't.
Starting point is 00:10:39 I spent too much time on the internet as a teenager and now I say things like that because the people who I normally talk to on the internet would have died. You know, we have, um, there are things that you say over a beer that to say them publicly courts controversy, but if that same person was having a beer with you, they would give you the benefit of the doubt and realize that you obviously don't hate autistic people. Yeah, no, it's never mind. So anyway, good. I'm glad we got off into that tangent. Thanks for that.
Starting point is 00:11:09 I just made us wow, you know, it's people. So Ben Shapiro and that was terrific. And I think they were pretty happy with the show. The they suggested we might do something longer in the future, maybe in person. So we'll see if that happens. So that was great. Next on the docket,
Starting point is 00:11:25 I talked about Calvin Robinson's speech that he gave at Oxford Union. I did this about a month ago and y'all said it was terrific. And I said, should I have him come in? And y'all said, uh-huh. So thanks to our local supporters, I was able to get him to come here and it was wonderful having him, wasn't it? He was so cool. That was just a very, you talk about how cool he is. He's so cool. He was very holy to everybody who got upset about him being a heretic clearly is, um, I think that's the peak level of a letter of the law over spirit of the law is while
Starting point is 00:11:59 he is letter of the law, you know, probably engaged in some level of heresy and I'm not going to lie about it but so like act like he's not a holy person that we couldn't learn something from seems to be just ridiculous uh you and after getting to spend a lot of time with him i would feel comfortable saying that i would he is wrestling with things that you and i could not like you and I have like if anybody who has some level of sympathy should be sympathizing with those things I think he's a very holy man who's trying very genuinely to the Lord's will no he's he was terrific um that that meme I sent you this morning that
Starting point is 00:12:40 book meme yeah you sent it to me and Calvin could you put it up on the screen soon yeah let me find it yeah cuz calvin could you put it up on the screen soon uh yeah let me find it yeah because that was really funny no it was terrific to have him in and um i really wanted the episode to revolve around what we agreed on obviously we could do a discussion about what we disagreed on but i was trying to frame it around that line from peter craift when a maniac is at the door feuding brothers reconcile and so that's why we didn't spend a lot of time on our differences. Now it was cool.
Starting point is 00:13:08 I mean, after he went home completely jet lagged to the hotel here, my wife and I took him out for Mexican and we chatted more. And then the next morning him and I had a cigar for breakfast. And we chatted more about our differences and things like that there. And it was beautiful. But I emailed him before he came on the show and I said, I just want you to know to know like I'm not going to corner you with a bunch of questions that's not the point of this interview and so I'm glad we stuck to that I thought it was really fun and then the next day we did a bonus live stream which people said was better than the first one I think it's because we
Starting point is 00:13:36 just didn't care also it's because I got to know him a lot better it's funny when you meet people for the first time and they sit across from you You're kind of getting to know them as you interview them But to go out to Mexican with him go get a cigar. I took him up on campus We prayed in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel up on campus and things like that Yeah, it's like once you get to know somebody you just feel a lot more freer to chat and so I think that's why it was So good You've got to tell you got to tell I'll tell the story about what happened or should you tell the story about what happened when he left from the airport, even though this
Starting point is 00:14:07 was a private thing, I think it bespeaks his virtue. Yeah. So I drive, this is like a, I drive all the guests to and from the airport, permitting we don't have another interview conflict. And then I drive them around most of the week or most of the time that they're here. It's just part of the job and I get to talk to him and interact with him and have, you know, get to know him. But when I dropped Calvin off at the airport and did the normal thing I do where I say,
Starting point is 00:14:35 Hey, thanks for coming out. Really appreciate you coming on the show. Had a great time chatting with you. Yada, yada, yada. And then I go to shake his hand like I always do. And he goes Hey, thanks for you so much. Thank you so much for and he used the British word for driving me around that I don't know what it is
Starting point is 00:14:53 Give me lift if you know wheeling me around or something like that. Whatever they say whatever they said And then he puts $50 in my hand and then before I can object he goes no No, that's for you and he walks away the guy and it's not even like the English pound is double the U S dollars at once was. Yeah. God bless him. What a guy. So that was fantastic. So thank you everybody who watched the show. If you haven't watched the show yet, it's an MP3 it's it's up. Uh, it's up on YouTube and stuff like that as well. Here we go. I've got the. Oh good. So Matt sent this picture. This image sort of sums up how
Starting point is 00:15:28 the comments section ran for certain Catholics I think. Oh hold on. Just fixating on the fact that he was not yet a Catholic. Yeah but it wasn't, hold on. Hold on everybody. Hold your bloody horses. Hold them slack is like hold them. Hey, this is a nice time to tell people that we just started a Discord server. And by we, I mean you. Yeah. And I feel bad. And Matt McCloskey. Yeah, me and Matt McCloskey. I feel bad because right now I just opened it to make sure to give Matt a
Starting point is 00:15:59 permission he needed. Oh, and there are over 100 tickets open for verification. What does that mean? So this is the part we said we were going to. Oh, here we go. I got the image now. Oh, here's the image. It's really, really funny. Read it out loud for me. Um, how to tell your friends they are technically heretics, a guide to dying alone. That sort of sums up a lot of the comments I think we got on YouTube and Instagram. Well, you know what's really funny about join us.
Starting point is 00:16:27 They couldn't join those faithful Anglicans who are fighting for what the church has always taught about sexuality. They had to go technically you know, it's like you're a bit of a jerk as well. Did you notice this? Because Penguin
Starting point is 00:16:41 Books has like the genre of whatever the book, the classic they're publishing is yeah And it says it's poetry Okay, which is hilarious to me All right. So anyway, that's funny now We have started a discord server and it's just for our local supporters You're gonna support us on locals to get access to this
Starting point is 00:16:58 But what I Thursday started explaining discord to me before we went live and I said wait wait Why don't you do it on air and he went this is gonna crash and burn so sum it up really quick basically technically technically you're a heretic um so basically we have it set up to where before people can access the server they have to open a ticket and send us a screenshot of the support tab from from Locals so that we can prove that you're supporter so that the link can't just be sent around who's affirming these things Who's affirming what thing like? Who's clicking yes or whatever right now me good Matt? So glad not me
Starting point is 00:17:40 I hope no because I would not have I would have just let anybody in if the options were Confirmed me Matt Kyle Paul and Haley. Wow. God bless them. Are they beautiful? Yeah. Anyway, discord is what is it? Some kind of place where people talk and stuff. It's a it's a chat app that allows you to have multiple rooms and voice chats and everything. So I think we're going to set up a room where people can ask questions like orally, right?
Starting point is 00:18:07 Vocally so that we can then play them. So yeah, we'll have a, well, we'll talk about that later. All right, good. That is not at all what Matt and I heard you say. So there's that. We heard you say it would be like, we'd have like a call-in thing where people could call in live.
Starting point is 00:18:21 All right. Where we could rip off Catholic answers. Oh, I don't want to do that. Okay. All right. Hey, so I want to let people know that we have t-shirts for June month, because you are about to be force-fed so many six-colored rainbows, you won't know what to do with yourself. And so, since June is the month in which the Catholic Church offers special veneration and promotion of the sacred heart of Jesus, we wanted to create a t-shirt that promoted that. So let me know when you have one of these bad boys up on screen. They say, reclaim the month. They look really great.
Starting point is 00:18:58 It's to that side of you. See it there? Do they see it? Yeah. Am I pointing at it? Very large. No, your hands behind it. Oh. What about now? Yeah, you're looking at it. Wow! It's beautiful! So, we have them in black, ink, and white ink on dark shirts and navy blue. We have a lot of different options, so click the link below and represent in the month of June. We'd really appreciate it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:25 So did you see this sort of stuff that they're pumping out through Target and everywhere else? You made me look it up. And I and I'm having a hard time forgiving. I'm going to look it up as well. All right. So what should I type in? Tarja. Oh, OK.
Starting point is 00:19:42 There it is. Pride party supplies and decorations. All right, so just want to offer the usual caveats because I think it is important to do that. The church does not condemn people. The church condemns behaviors. Somebody with same sex attraction or gender dysphoria is not somebody who is necessarily a sinner. They could be some awesome brave saint actually. It's when we choose to engage in sinful activities like allowing somebody to butcher our body or to participate in sodomitic acts or same sex acts or when heterosexual people like myself or others may choose to engage in sins such as self abuse or pornography or adultery or what have you.
Starting point is 00:20:27 These things are also sins and an insane to somebody like masturbation is a sin. Like I think I said on Shapiro show at least pornography is a sin. I think I said that to say that is not to condemn people who view pornography per se. Rather it's a call for them to renounce this behaviour that is beneath their dignity, that is actually degrading them, and to live a life of sexual purity in which they can actually be more free to be themselves, even though our culture is telling them the opposite. So none of this is in any way, shape or form a condemnation on any of you beautiful people who have same-sex attraction or gender dysphoria.
Starting point is 00:21:05 I know many folks, one guy in particular who I've mentioned just because I've had him on the show before is Dan Mattson, who wrote that book, Why I Don't Call Myself Gay. That guy is a champ and he's one of the manliest dudes I've ever met. He's solid and cheerful and good and virtuous. And whenever I talk to him, he's, what are you smiling about? I'm reading chat. He's promoting, yeah, he's promoting chastity and veneration to say St. Raphael. And just to me, just like he's just, he is exactly who he seems to be publicly. Like who he is publicly, he is privately. So praise God.
Starting point is 00:21:38 And yet these are sins that are grave, that send souls to hell. And so we can't make bones about it. And nor can we under any circumstances engage in pride parades or any sort of celebration. Like if you're at a work and there's some sort of pride celebration, like you shouldn't be attending this. You shouldn't be celebrating sexual debauchery.
Starting point is 00:22:03 That's what is being promoted in Pride Month, that sends souls to hell. That's what it is. And to say anything less is, I think, to sort of make a mockery of what the Christian faith teaches about human sexuality, sexual acts, and grave sins. So there you are. It's amazing how many people are going to be offended by that, though. Even Catholics. This bothers me tremendously. It's like Catholics have this are going to be offended by that though. Even Catholics, this bothers me tremendously. It's like Catholics have this idea that they just have to bend over and apologize continually rather than state what the church teaches.
Starting point is 00:22:35 I think it was Edith Stein who said, where there is love, there is kindness, and where there is kindness, there is love, or something to that effect. In other words, if you have love without kindness, you don't have love. If you have kindness without love, you don't have kindness. So we do want to speak with charity and, and, and, and that sort of thing with, with folks, but we can't ever get away from saying what is the truth. All right. Go on. Tell me where you smile. Somebody in chat is volunteering to be my wife. Okay. Another left turn,
Starting point is 00:23:05 but I prefer that one to the autistic comment. I gotta be honest. I apologize for that. I really do. Screw you. There is no forgiveness. You're just going to have to be pushed to the fringes of society and poked repeatedly with a large stick named Nigel.
Starting point is 00:23:17 I don't know why he's named Nigel, but he is. And there you are. I am really sorry about that. Oh yeah. Good rainbow dinner that. Oh, yeah good rainbow dinner plates Oh, do you I'm proud of you the pride the pride? She is queers like this is revolting look at the family stuff. That's what's on screen right now They've got they've got this shirt. Look at this. Look at this. All right clicking it. It's the yellow one. That's in Spanish It's in Spanish. It says being proud, which I think means very proud.
Starting point is 00:23:48 I don't know. I speak American. So much proud. Good, proud, proud, good. I don't know. Pride. Good. Yeah. This is shameful. This is disgusting and shameful. And you should feel disgusted by it. I think that's another thing that we've been sort of brainwashed into thinking that, okay, like even if it's okay that technically as a Catholic you're allowed to maybe disagree with this, yet you should find it beautiful. No, it's ugly. It's really ugly. And you should feel a kind of, I think, like tremendous love for the person that you're encountering. But if there's a dude dressed up like a woman, that should make you disgusted. And that disgust is, I think, called for.
Starting point is 00:24:31 So I think we've got to get more vocal about condemning this stuff. So I hope you like the T-shirts we put out, because that could be a nice counter to this. Yeah, yeah, sorry. Progress Pride Muff. So what's the yellow? Is this a different one? I don't understand. I don't care to understand it quite honestly. So many ways to be human is what one of the pins says. No, it's not. Two ways. Man and woman. That's it. Where's the link to the Discord server? The link is on locals currently. I will post it in the description, but if you are not a local subscriber, you will not be getting in.
Starting point is 00:25:13 If you want to do, yeah, if you want to do a better job at understanding the trans stuff, there would honestly be two things I would point you to. The first would be Matt Walsh's What is a Woman? That was an excellent documentary. The second would be my almost three hour chat with Jason Everett on. That was unbelievable. Honestly, that went way deeper than Matt Walsh's documentary. It wasn't meant to go.
Starting point is 00:25:37 It's so deep in that documentary, of course. But I would recommend watching those two things and you'll be set to jet. But we've got to stop apologizing for denouncing sin All right, that's all I gotta say We're very awkward at these little solo streams because we don't do them daily Nor do we have a team of 15 people in the next room. That is what happened when I went to daily wire As in can't Candice was doing her show and I went to the next room. There's literally 15 about that.
Starting point is 00:26:07 I'd say maybe more. I didn't count them. 15 people in this dark room just figuring things out. Sounds like a lot of sounds like a lot of overhead. I don't that or you need more people to work with you because this is maybe you're just that good and yeah 15 people. That did seem like a bit of overhead but. Hey, they also have a larger operation than us.
Starting point is 00:26:27 Don't they have moving cameras too, in her studio? Isn't there like a camera on a dolly? Because one of her shots looked like a moving dolly shot. So her studio is directly by the backstage studio. It's always weird when you see a studio in person after having seen it on screen. It's usually smaller than you think it is. But yeah, yeah, yeah. All right. Let's see. Any questions, any comments? Yeah, we got some chat. All right. All right. All right. We got some chats. I'd buy a shirt. No, not reading that one. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:02 shirt. No, not reading that one. OK. Way to catch yourself. Oh, this is the best. I haven't seen the interview yet, but I'm happy to hear about your success. Keep up the good work. Cassie just said, I just watched the Ben Shapiro, the Ben Shapiro and God bless you, you both. God bless you both. You were so well spoken and clear. That's very kind of you
Starting point is 00:27:26 Thank you so much Should start a pints with Aquinas brewery How much would I have to give the fellas here to check you know who about to open this brewery to change it from? What were they cool Ambrose Ambrose brewing company to pie? I don't think there's no amount of money Davis worked so hard on that thing What about a pints with Aquinas beer, oh you could definitely I mean you wouldn't even have to I think you could just yeah amount of money. Davis worked so hard on that thing. What about a pint with a kind of beer? Oh, you could definitely. I mean, you wouldn't even have to. I think you could just. Yeah, he would do that in a heartbeat, obviously.
Starting point is 00:27:57 This person gave us $10 for no reason except they're fabulous people. Yeah. Thursday is that good. Sometimes I'm blown away by how fast he finds stuff. I thought he was AI. Oh, is this the same woman who wants to marry you? What's your name? I cannot pronounce that. Oh no, that's not the same woman. Ejuma.
Starting point is 00:28:12 That's not the same woman. Josiah said, Pius the Conest, have you heard about the Syro-Malakbar Catholic Church? Yes. And I know everyone who's part of the Syro-Malakbar Catholic Church is very proud to be part of that church. And I'm proud to have you as a brother or a sister. You said recently we aren't called to be nice, but we are called to be gentle and kind. What is the difference? I would say that niceness is indifferent to someone's sort of well-being, you know, like you can be nice to somebody as they go to hell.
Starting point is 00:28:51 I think kindness is going to require a sort of gentleness with the person, but also it's going to involve truth. I would say that would be the difference. Whereas niceness doesn't have to involve truth, kindness always does. Oh, we got another chat. Where did I put my phone? I would say that would be the difference. Whereas niceness doesn't have to involve truth. Kindness always does. Oh, we got another chat. Where did I put my phone? Oh, I ate it. I got really hungry.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Wow. All right. That's cool. Um, so I reckon there's three things that we can do this, uh, pride month. The first thing is we should pray. The second thing we should do is perform penance. And the third thing we should do is proselytize. And I'm going to explain this. First we should pray. We could take this month that has been given to us by our woke secularist culture
Starting point is 00:29:41 as an opportunity to pray for anybody who has same sex attraction or who is engaged in same sex relationships or who has had their body mutilated. Maybe their parents promoted it. Maybe they thought it was a good idea. Maybe they're struggling with a great deal of regret. There's a lot of amazing brave folks right now I've heard, especially on Reddit, who are regretting the fact that they were quote unquote transitioned and are now speaking out about it. God bless those people. So we can pray for them. I mean if you pray the rosary every night and your family or a few whatever you do, you could offer that rosary for everybody in the LGBTQ
Starting point is 00:30:19 whatever. I was gonna say community. Apparently it's not a community but people who are struggling with these vices. That would be a beautiful thing. Especially if people like me, I have kids that tend to be really based for some reason, and I have to keep reminding them that we have to be gentle and loving and forgiving of people, and we shouldn't mock people for anything that they struggle with, just like we wouldn't want to be mocked for the sins that we struggle with. But that could be one way that you pray. The second thing we do is perform penance. Our
Starting point is 00:30:50 lady at Fatima talked about the importance of offering sacrifices for sinners. And so, one of the things she told the little children, and here let's see, I think I've got a little thing here. This comes from one of the apparitions of Our Lady. Quote, sacrifice yourselves for sinners and say many times, especially when you make a sacrifice, oh Jesus, this is for love of thee, for the conversion of sinners, and in reparation for the sins committed
Starting point is 00:31:20 against the Immaculate Heart of Mary. So this can be a mouth to not put sugar in your coffee and offer that as a sacrifice, to walk up the stairs instead of taking the elevator and offer that as a sacrifice. When the car breaks down or you get a flat tire or the babies crying in the middle of the night or what have you, offer that as a sacrifice to people in our society who are struggling with these sins and are being brainwashed by leftist and sometimes rightist media. People like Donald Trump who would have no problem with trans issues for some part. I mean, he seems to draw the line, but I think honestly that has more to do with
Starting point is 00:31:57 his base wanting to condemn it more than he does. But point is this error comes from both the left and the right. And we as Catholics should denounce it wherever it comes from, pray for those who are struggling with these sins, offer penances. The third thing we should do is actually proselytize. Now that word has gotten a dirty name of late, and it's probably because when it's used, people think of it in reference to tribalism or something. Like, we just want you part of our team and it's not with interest for you or your wellbeing. But the word proselytization or to proselytize comes from a Greek word that means to bring over to one side. And I've said this, we've talked about this a lot on Pints with Aquinas. It started, I think, when Michael Knowles was on the show. How do we give people an off-ramp? If they're engaged in serious sin, if they feel like they're part of a
Starting point is 00:32:49 community, how do we invite them to be part of a community that wants their good more than they do, and that wants to celebrate them as God created them? And so that means proselytizing. So I think we absolutely should be proselytizing. And that means speaking out against Pride Month that doesn't have the well-being of people who are LGBTQ whatever in mind. And we should seek to argue convincingly and persuasively about sexual morality, I think. Any final thoughts on that? So prayer, penance and proselytization. No, I think those are all good ideas. Somebody asked a question and I think they're trolling, but I want you to answer it anyway, because it's a decent question. What if someone, the question was phrased, what if someone isn't struggling, but they just are who they are?
Starting point is 00:33:40 That's a really good question, right? Because, well, first of all, I want to talk about a different sin, which I do know is different and the experience is different. All right. Sometimes when people say, I struggle with pornography, they're using struggle as a synonym for give into or to allow. Like, I struggle with pornography and you want to ask, do you actually struggle against that temptation or whenever it surfaces, do you just give into it? Because to struggle with pornography is actually a good thing because the alternative is just to give in. If you are tempted to any sin, then struggling with it in one way or another is the way to
Starting point is 00:34:18 go. And so I would say that someone with same sex attraction may say to me, I don't struggle with same-sex attraction. I experience same-sex attraction and I don't engage. Okay, fine. That's beautiful. Beautiful in the sense that you're not engaging in those sins. But I would say that whenever a temptation rears itself, you have a few options.
Starting point is 00:34:40 You can do nothing about it. You can indulge it. You can struggle against it. But even if you do nothing with it, you can indulge it, you can struggle against it, but even if you do nothing with it, I would say that's a form of struggle. It's a form of resisting by, say, offering it to the Lord. So I guess I'd want to know what they mean by it. I understand that people sometimes identify as a lesbian or gay or these sorts of things. I don't think you should do that because if someone said to me, look, I'm gay, you know, I would say, no, I think you should do that because if someone said to me look, I'm I'm gay, you know, I would I would say no I think you're I think who you are is a beloved son of God who?
Starting point is 00:35:13 experiences same-sex attraction and You know, I might say I am I am a beloved son of God who struggles with X or struggles with Y I've said it before there is not an either or here It's funny that Target and these other places who are saying there are many ways to be human seem to be saying like, we're all in this together, but actually it's them who are making the divide. Christians say we're all sons and daughters of God and all of us experience temptation to sin and temptation to sin that is sexual in nature. And it doesn't make you special,
Starting point is 00:35:42 doesn't make you, I mean, you might have a temptation that I don't have. And so you might be growing in a virtue that I don't because I may not struggle with a particular sin, but yeah, we're all in this together. There's no them and us. It's just, it's just us. I also think that if you're not struggling and you have a sinful inclination and you're not struggling with it, then you are in that itself is a sin because you're, excuse me, you're allowing your conscience to be malformed. What do you mean? So let's say I struggle with same sex attraction and then I don't really, you just don't care. You just are, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:36:18 And you're not, sorry, the questions seem to be, if you're, if you're not engaging in it, that would seem to me to be the definition of struggling against it because you're moving against your inclination, right? Because you're struggling against it, like we're all called to do. Yeah, I mean, what I should probably do is have someone with same-sex attraction on the show so that they can explain this much better than I am. Or if you're someone who's same-sex attraction and you're a Catholic, you could help me out here. Don't pretend to be able to explain this much better than I am. Or if you're someone who's same-sex attraction and you're a Catholic, you could help me out here. Don't pretend to be able to explain this perfectly.
Starting point is 00:36:47 If somebody, if the question is something like, okay, are you saying that I need to be struggling at all times because I have this thing? I understand the objection there. And that's why I would appreciate if somebody decided to say, I don't struggle with same-sex attraction, I experience it. Fair enough. Okay. That's cool. But I guess what I would say is when a temptation makes itself evident to you or I, when it forces itself upon us, as it were, and I know what that's like, those don't know what that's like, because we're human and you know what that's like, at that point, what do I do? I think the two options we have is to give in to or to struggle. And you might say, well, why not wait it out and not have this violent language of struggle? And I would say, well, there are different ways to struggle. And
Starting point is 00:37:29 to wait it out is a way of struggling against it. I want to let people know too that Hello just put my 10 hour sleep story, not sleep story, that would be a really long story, my 10 hour sleep song on their app. So slash Matt. If you go over there right now and sign up, you'll get three months for free. You can try it out. slash Matt. Um, but you can go to Catholic lo-fi as well. We just uploaded recently a 10 hour sleep song. So I think you'd really like that. Check it out. I love it. I actually listened to it the other night. I was having trouble going to sleep and I listened to my own sleep song. It was great. We got, hmm, muted myself. We got more chats if you want to look at them. Hey, but I just want to say, sorry to cut you off there, but real quick, Catholic holocism, I think someone once
Starting point is 00:38:16 accidentally blocked him and then we were too lazy to unblock him. The second part is 100% the case. Oh, okay. Well, I didn't block him someone must have no no. Yeah, not the accidentally Which I just was like I don't want to go through all the blocks Yeah, yeah So I was in the back end the other day and I happened upon those people that we had blocked and then he was there I'm like, oh I'm blocked. So that was easy. So it's great to have you back I bet this guy is he's techs texting is texting really gently He doesn't accidentally make fun of autistic people or something so as to be blocked.
Starting point is 00:38:46 I apologize, okay? It just came out. I'll tell you this. Brett Cooper will be getting a video of this. Do it. She's autistic, actually. Okay. She's not really, and I'm just joking.
Starting point is 00:38:57 You're assuming that I'm not. No, I'm not. Do you struggle with... Okay, let's change the subject quickly. I dislike the language that says, that's not very Catholic Christian of you. How to navigate. Am I right in my disapproval? Yeah, I guess I'd need to know the context. Like if I said to you, I refuse to pray to Mary.
Starting point is 00:39:20 And you said that's not very Catholic of you. That seems completely appropriate. Haley was trolling a troll and somebody told her. Somebody said she was not very Catholic of you. That seems completely appropriate. Haley was trolling a troll. And somebody called her. Trolling a troll. Somebody said she was not being very Christian. Somebody complained about the way she was moderating. And she said, I will refer you to complaint to HR.
Starting point is 00:39:34 They will be back to you in six to eight weeks. This fella might be Irish. Says, if I'm Methodist and my wife is Catholic, should be raised the kids as Catholic or Methodist. 100% Catholic. And in fact, your wife who is Catholic has a duty to raise them Catholic. Yep. Let's see, Andrew says, I'm a youth worker with my parish and I just bought Matt's book. Looking forward to bringing some of the material along with JP2 to our students.
Starting point is 00:40:03 Not sure what book you mean. I presume it's the porn myth. So that's awesome. This fella says, much love, Matt Maronite Catholic from South Africa. Lovely to have you. Thank you for being here. Somebody in the comments said,
Starting point is 00:40:18 you should embrace your sexuality and live a joyful life. And you shouldn't be like us miserable people. Who us? Yeah. Yeah. This seems to be a false dilemma. We could be miserable people and it could also be wrong to embrace in. And it also seems to be a false understanding of what joy is. Joy is only found in the Lord. The Lord is only found in virtue. Another t-shirt idea.
Starting point is 00:40:49 Man, so many comments we have supers to do we go for it yeah somebody investment joy gave us $20 and said I'll get out on the super chats we appreciate that that's so kind you guys should save your super chats and just go buy a sacred heart shirt honestly guilty when they do this because our responses are so pathetic compared to the generosity. We're so bad at this. Have you tried the new Belgium Voodoo Ranger Juice Force IPA? If so, what are your thoughts? I haven't. Have you? No, I don't drink IPAs. IPAs have the highest level of phytoestrogen of any beer. And so this confirms my worldview about people who drink IPAs and what they're like because they literally act like estrogen in your body. So wow. The woman's beer. Somebody donated. That was John
Starting point is 00:41:35 Mott who John I'm sorry. I love you John. That was John. John I'm sorry. I actually know John. I am on one today. It's bad. Anyone else you want to insult? Uh, yeah, but I won't. You asked if I wanted to, not if I would. I gotta see where Ben Shapiro's thing is at right now. What was it last time? 10,000 views? When we last looked? 13. Let's see, click in that. Somebody asked if you would do a Divine Mercy lo-fi for June.
Starting point is 00:42:07 Oh, that's a lovely idea. That was eat some seaweed. All right. OK, but how would we do that? Because my first thought was to have the sacred heart of Jesus gently pulsating with the crown of thorns and the flames going. But would that be weird? No, that'd be cool. Okay. I'm trying to find negative comments under my video with Shapiro to read.
Starting point is 00:42:34 Harlow Mango TV, thank you for the super chat. That question is really weird and makes me a little uncomfortable so I'm not going to ask it. Okay. I mean I'll ask it if you want to it just makes me uncomfortable. Well where is it? Maybe I can see if it's worth it. It's in the super chat tab like if you go to the live streaming tab of the back end. This person says Chris says getting a shirt please work on a bike accident shirt asap. That is funny. That would be really funny you should have somebody draw you like getting..., nailed.
Starting point is 00:43:06 Yeah, Matt, it's been said that Jeffrey always just the thing. Yeah. Matt, it's been said that Jeffrey Dahmer converted to Christianity before he died. Church of Christ, though, do you think he saved? Uh, I don't have an opinion on this. I think that people who aren't Catholic can be saved, though I think it's God's will that all Christians be Catholic and all people be Catholic. But we're actually told explicitly by the church not to make judgments on the eternal
Starting point is 00:43:35 state of people's souls, so we can just pray for him. Okay, Chris says, Matt, it was an honor meeting you at the wedding this weekend. I got my med school offer from EVMS and our ultrasound showed a happy healthy baby praise be to God indeed yeah it's nice to meet you too Chris thank you so much it is so wild now that these live streams get over a thousand people viewing oh that's a great idea what somebody said we should make a shirt with the guy in the painting that you take pictures with all the guests with.
Starting point is 00:44:06 Yeah. I don't know anything about the painting you're referring to, but sure. That'd be really funny. It would be. We should. And then refuse to explain it. Exactly. Yep.
Starting point is 00:44:17 I wonder though, I mean, how would we do that? We would have to do an AI. Could we do an AI generated version of that? Of? That person? Of that guy? Yeah. Yeah, we could do it. And then could be, but then would it be copyrighted?
Starting point is 00:44:30 Probably not. We could talk to the graphic design guy we used to. All right, we'll look into it. Somebody asked if Jordan Peterson is ever coming on the show. So, all right, bit of inside baseball here. All right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:46 We had Jordan Peterson come into town about a year ago and I was able to secure twenty thousand dollars to get him on the show. Isn't that ridiculous? Through the help of people. Yeah. They said, here, here's 20 grand. Let's get him on the show. So I reached out to his people and never heard back.
Starting point is 00:45:09 So that's, that's the boring story. But I think that when you're Jordan Peterson, trying to get my thumbs in the shot, having somebody offer you $20,000 to be on the show is like somebody offering you $5.50 to come to the show. You're like, I mean, no, thank you though. I'm busy. Yeah. Yeah. But I, yeah, anyway. So no, there's no plans on having on the show. When are we at 450,000? So everybody Thursday. 350,000? Yeah. He slacked me the other day on Friday and said we're almost at 350,000. We're going to do it today. We're at 349,834. Subscribe. If you're watching right now and you haven't subscribed, click subscribe. Please click subscribe. It's gonna happen today. So hey, subscribe. If you're watching right now and you haven't subscribed, click subscribe. Please click subscribe.
Starting point is 00:45:46 It would make Matt and I feel very good. When am I getting you that plaque? Oh yeah, also. What was the? So I joined it when we had just under 300,000. Yeah. So Matt has agreed that when we get to 400,000 subscribers, Matt will buy me a YouTube 100,000 plaque.
Starting point is 00:46:02 Cause you can buy extras of your plaque. And they're not cheap, are they? I have no idea I'm happy to get you one. I'm excited. But when we get to 400,000 subscribers, I get a plaque So Thursday wants a plaque really bad It will make those they want to plaque really bad really bad And then you should start your own podcast and just have it in the background and just scratch out pints of the quietest Put it in the background of my streaming setup at home
Starting point is 00:46:25 Put it in the background of my streaming setup at home. Okay, so I want to respond to this. MB says, when Jordan Peterson comes on your show, will you grill him or let him talk nonsense like many other people did? First of all, I'm not sure I would agree with your assessment that Jordan Peterson talks nonsense. I think he has a lot of insightful things to say. But I think we should respect where people are on their journey. I think we have a much shorter attention span in this Internet age than is warranted for
Starting point is 00:46:52 someone to go through a full on conversion. It's like we hear about somebody on YouTube and we're like, oh wow, this person has great things to say. And then three months later we give up on them because why aren't they Catholic yet? And fair enough, if your desire is for him to become Catholic because you want what's best for him, I think that's great. But I mean, can you imagine how many people are just trying to bring him over to their side just so they can say that we own him? That's going to be a weird situation as well. That's why I didn't kind of appreciate what people were saying when Ben interviewed me, like that I should somehow use that 20 minute interview
Starting point is 00:47:26 interviewed me like that I should somehow use that 20 minute interview as a way to awkwardly insert a call for him to become Christian. But you also kind of did, but not in like a like upfront, like a abrasive, weird way. Right. That's what I'm talking about. Like that's what it sounds like. You literally, you caught, like you were talking about Ferris Akele whitewash tombs. I don't know if that made it in by the way, Matt and I haven't watched all the way through what was published but in when Matt interviewed him when went during the interview Matt brought up the Jesus calling the Pharisees whitewash tombs and was talking about how Christ's call to us is one to
Starting point is 00:48:02 To not just be like not just have a beautiful exterior, but also a beautiful interior in the virtuous life. That's right. He's like, well, as a parasite of a Jew. As a parasite of a Jew. Yep. That was good to have him on. It was good.
Starting point is 00:48:19 It was, I'm honored. It was really kind of him to not just have me on his show, but to let me speak. Somebody asked, do you have, Amy asked, do you have any advice or recommendations for someone curious about Catholicism? Yeah, I would recommend Trent Horn's book, Why We're Catholic, as a starting point. He has another book on Catholicism with Ignatius Press that's more scholarly, I would say, but his book, Why We're Catholic, is a very nice introduction to people who are investigating the claims of the Catholic Church. I'm pretty sure he has an audible as well. That'd probably
Starting point is 00:48:48 be the first place I would point people to. Honestly, I think his book, Why Wear Catholic, is the new Rome Suite Home. Because Rome Suite Home is excellent and it's responsible for bringing many people into the Catholic Church. Riegel Me, actually. Mason O'Brien Really? Riegel Well, inadvertently, my parents read it. Well, my dad read it. And that's part of the reason he decided to become Catholic. That story, that book was anointed.
Starting point is 00:49:09 Yeah. Yeah. And so I became Catholic when my dad did. But he so Trent said to me before he wrote this book, he's like, how what book would you recommend to somebody who like just wants like once of overview of Catholicism, why they should be Catholic. And I said Rome, sweet home, which is fair enough if you're coming from like a Protestant, maybe a fundamentalist background, like a solo scriptural background. I'm not saying that's the same as fundamentalist, but, but I couldn't think of anything else. Um, so that's why he wrote that book so it could kind of fill that gap. It's a great book. Um, somebody in chat just said that
Starting point is 00:49:38 Ben announced the birth of his newest baby. Praise the Lord. So that's, that's great. That's wonderful. We did know that that was happening today. Yeah. So we're happy to hear that it went well. Here's another thing that was really cool is his assistant said to me that Monday his wife would be being induced, which is today, and they thought that the conversation went so well they made it his podcast for the day, which I was so honored by. So they put it up as the MP3 today, you know, every day as a podcast.
Starting point is 00:50:03 Well, today he didn't have one, so they just uploaded that. So what a what an honor. I'm so grateful for that. And I pray that it does good despite my inadequacies, that it would help people come to a deeper understanding of good Christian sexual morality. We need that in the conservative movement desperately, I think. We have two things real quick.
Starting point is 00:50:21 We have a super chat with no note from Bruce. Thank you. We appreciate from Bruce. Thank you. We appreciate your donation. Thank you. And then Josiah Jacob asked, how do you evangelize your friends, especially if you don't see them often because of distance or whatever? I have a thought on this. Do you have a thought?
Starting point is 00:50:37 You go for it. I think that if you have friends you don't see often, you should focus on the ones you do. Yeah, I think you should focus on the people in your immediate community that you interact with daily. And that's not to say that other people you don't see daily are not important. It's just that you have an obligation mainly to the people around you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:58 The other thing is trying to evangelize someone at a distance could get awkward because I think the one thing you don't want people to feel like when you're evangelizing is that- You lean back forward a bit for me. Oh, like here? Yep. Is that they're a project and you're trying to kind of work on them or fix something about them. You don't want to do that. And you certainly don't want to cut- yeah, it can get awkward. And I think all you've got to do to understand what I mean is to put the shoe on the other foot. If you had a friend who was Protestant and they stayed in touch with you, primarily to evangelize you,
Starting point is 00:51:27 and whenever you spoke, that's all they were interested in talking about, you would feel like a project. So I think we wanna take a holistic interest in the people that we're engaging with, whether they're here or abroad. But I think Thursday's right. I think it is a much more human experience
Starting point is 00:51:39 to engage with people in our community than to have some chat with somebody on the internet, even if it is a friend, although I'm not discounting that or saying you shouldn't be doing that um yeah yeah yeah yeah i think that's what i'd say yep sorry i'm looking for chats and questions no no, no need to be sorry. Let's just embrace the silence. I know we need to be more comfortable with it. I am interviewing Mother Natalia and Father Michael O'Loughlin this week.
Starting point is 00:52:15 Yeah, I'm shifting. So this week will be Mother Natalia and Father Michael O'Loughlin. We've already had that episode recorded. It's pre-recorded. You're leaving tomorrow? I leave on Friday, actually. Oh, Friday. Yeah. Okay. Okay well that interview will be coming out tomorrow and then next week we will be having an interview with Dr. Matthew
Starting point is 00:52:32 Bruninger and his friend whose name escapes me who run a therapy or like group counseling. Oh sure. I don't know what the kind of program they put up they put together with but Matt Bruninger and other therapists So we're gonna have that coming up. So we'll have that interview coming out on next Tuesday We've also already interviewed both of them. They were great episodes. They were lovely. Yeah, so the only way you're gonna get that is to subscribe That's not the only way but we'd like you to subscribe so we feel better. So you don't miss them Best way to talk to a co-worker Dylan lock the door behind them as they walk into the lunchroom.
Starting point is 00:53:08 Cannot endorse that strategy. Dylan gave $5 and said... Best way to talk to a coworker about Catholicism. My one coworker loves God and I would like to inform her about the church. How to bring it up? Well, since your coworker loves God, that must mean that she has shown you in some way that she loved God, otherwise you wouldn't know it.
Starting point is 00:53:31 And maybe you know that because of things she reads or conversations she's had with other people or conversations she's had with you. So I would just allow her to talk about that. Ask her why she loves God, ask her questions. Do you think this God has revealed himself? And I think and not in a kind of condescending kind of way, but just like a gentle gentle approach way. All right, I think we should go now. Yeah, thank you so much for being here, everybody. It really does mean a great deal. A couple of things before you go.
Starting point is 00:54:06 Number one, please leave a comment under Ben Shapiro's episode of Me and Him Today and share it with friends and on social media so that it reaches more people. Second, we have an excellent Sacred Heart of Jesus t-shirt that says Reclaim the Month. They are very beautiful shirts, I think. So click a link and please buy a T-shirt today to get ready for Pride Month. And thirdly, subscribe and like. Sorry, before you go, just ask a great question. All right. Let me say one more thing and then you can ask it if that's okay. And then, you
Starting point is 00:54:39 know, please support us on locals. I know it sounds like, it might sound like I'm playing the victim in saying that I don't know how long we'll be on YouTube. Like I'm trying to drum up support by saying that. And that might be part of what I'm doing. But I also think it is a real possibility that we'll get banned in the near future. Or if not a real possibility, at least we'll have our money taken away or something like that. And so one way you could help us is by following us on Locals. You don't even have to support us on Locals if you don't want to.
Starting point is 00:55:13 We do post free content there frequently. So you might think of Locals as a different form of social media, like Twitter or Facebook. You have to sign up to their platform to engage with people on that platform. There are things that we put up that are just for our local supporters, like this Discord server and other things that we do. But even if you just start following us over there, that will ensure that if we do one day get banned by YouTube, we would start posting all of these videos. Instead of on YouTube, we would post them to locals. And I'm friendly with people who are the heads of locals. And these guys are really, really, really serious about
Starting point is 00:55:46 free speech. I've even sent them some of my more provocative videos. Even if they don't agree with them, they would say things like, hey, that was really well said. I'm a big fan of Locals. If you're not over there,, please sign up. Follow us over there. Most weekdays, I do a bonus podcast. It's a chill, laid back coffee chat that I have with my local supporters. And you actually don't have to be paying money to watch those chats either. So there's things that you get that I think you'll appreciate even without supporting us financially. So, If you do currently give to me on Patreon, I'm really grateful.
Starting point is 00:56:25 And we try hard to post things over there as well. But I would invite you to cancel over there and support us on locals instead. Locals is a great free speech platform. It's it's way better than Patreon, frankly. Lorenzo, what a guy. Thanks, man. Appreciate it. He says thank you, Matt.
Starting point is 00:56:44 Oh, did you? Sorry. I want to ask. Oh, sorry. Let me. Appreciate it. He says thank you Matt. Oh, did you sorry? I want to ask You are an inspiration in many many aspects, thank you keep up the good job greetings from the old world Sicily Italy bless you brother Thank you kindly. All right. Sorry. What was your Holocysm asked if you could pick three non-living and Uncanonized people who died within the last hundred years to interview. See, that means I need to look up when C.S. Lewis died. He died. Yeah, you're good. All right. So like, you know, C.S. Lewis. Oh, yeah. OK. Oh, my gosh. Of course.
Starting point is 00:57:18 C.S. Lewis, obviously Tolkien and probably Chesterton. Yeah, I was going to say those were the three I was thinking of. What do you think? Yeah, I can't think of anybody else. How amazing would that be? Imagine if we could bring him back from the dead and put him around this table. That video would get even more than Shapiro's video is currently getting, I'd say. Yeah, we'd be world famous. I mean, that's what it's all about.
Starting point is 00:57:40 It is what I'm going for, personally. Full Machine's another good pick, but I... Full Machine, yeah. Full machine is another good pick. Full machine, yeah. Full machine is another good pick. Yeah, there are a lot of good ones. Hitler? I mean, technically that counts. That's in. You could, if you wanted to pick him. Hey, Hitler. So, few questions. Also, did you see my episode with Ben Shapiro? Thoughts? I saw. Okay, we should go.
Starting point is 00:58:07 We should go and then continue this discussion. Alright, God bless Ruan. Thanks so much for being here.

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