Pints With Aquinas - Getting Canceled w/ Laura Horn

Episode Date: April 13, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 G'day everybody, thanks for tuning in to today's episode. I wanted to invite you to consider becoming an annual supporter of us over at When you become an annual supporter, we send you our pints with Aquinas Beerstein for free. We just ask that you pay shipping. And then you'll also get access to our quarterly newspapers, The Jill. You get a bunch of other free things in return as well, but you know, I'm not going to go over them all now. Go check us out. Matt frad dot locals dot com. Thank you. It's quite the water bottle. I know it's a you know what? What is it? Women and water bottles for Jiu Jitsu. Why did he buy a pink one? You know what? I think he bought it for me, which is super thoughtful. But yeah, but now every time he takes it to Jiu Jitsu, it's like even it's dented more gay. Yeah, I think you know what though? Yeah, nevermind.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Yeah, it definitely is dented. That was probably like one of those rageful moments as a parent where it's like it's either the water bottle or my kid's head and you're like, it's the water bottle. I'm going to ruin this water bottle. I had a good day today. Yeah, Matt didn't get it in the head. But why are we all drowning in tumblers? Tumblers? Yeah, what is it? Everybody. But it's just tumblers everywhere. The microplastics? Well, what do you use that? Why we have it? Is that what you mean? Like people don't like that? But in this sort of size of a coffee cup? Yeah, you're drowning in tumblers? They're everywhere. I feel like we should restart this. No, we're not restarting. This is as good as it gets.
Starting point is 00:01:25 On and off. No. No. Um, and not finding lids. Like if the U.S. ever changes its currency to mismatch lids on Tumblers. Yes. I know. We're in it.
Starting point is 00:01:37 We beat China. I'm moving out of stupid middle. Yes. How's it going? It's going really well. Yeah. Happy to be here. Thanks for having me. What's it like being It's going really well. Yeah. Happy to be here. Thanks for having me.
Starting point is 00:01:46 What's it like being referred to as Laura as Trent Horn's wife? You know what? It's the best, but also I really don't want to embarrass him. And you will. I know. I'm sorry, Trent. I love you. We have five minutes in.
Starting point is 00:01:58 We have three more hours. It'll get worse. I'm sorry about the things that I said half hour from now. Oh my gosh. Totally. Yeah. But no, he's such a great husband and father. And yeah, it's a good life. It's a good life.
Starting point is 00:02:09 Yeah, what's it like being Cameron Fred's husband? Yeah, good. I wasn't expecting that question. So I don't know how to respond. But I guess like, well, here's, I'm gonna put it back on you. What's it like developing an online presence, you know, when your husband already has one? Yeah, I didn't plan on it.
Starting point is 00:02:28 I really created the channel for like just my sisters, kind of as like a- Your friends, is that what you mean? Well, do you wanna know why I created the channel? Okay, so people assume that I created the channel to like respond to you saying that women aren't funny, which we're not gonna talk about. No, we are gonna talk about it.
Starting point is 00:02:40 Okay. Pull on. Stay tuned. But yeah, but I didn't. I'm good friends with you. I've been good friends with the frats for like 10 years and, you know, give you the bin for the doubt that you're non-misogynist. But then Jen Fullweiler did this response saying basically that like all podcast bros
Starting point is 00:02:55 are like secretly gay and that's why they're uncomfortable with like women. I didn't listen to it. You didn't listen to it? No, people told me that she made that response. Okay. Yeah. I mean, I said accurately that there aren't funny female stand up comics. I think it was just in jest that she was saying it, but it was like angry jest, you know, and I didn't want to, I don't want to start a war. response to what she had said in like a funny way, if that makes sense, that's purpose. But I tried speaking in front of the camera and it was super hard. It's definitely not my talent, which you will learn.
Starting point is 00:03:32 But yeah, not my strength. And then I tried doing that and it was really hard and I couldn't do it. And Trent was yelling downstairs like, you just have to talk for like five minutes and I couldn't even talk for like five minutes about it. So then I was like, what if we made a skit about it? And I created like this online, like fake personality and trolled her, like as a joke and like my user name. Yeah, in the skit.
Starting point is 00:03:55 And my username would be Trent Horn's main lover. And then I was like, no, that gives away who I am. And I delete the I from main and the O from lover. So then it's Trent Horn's man lover. Get it? Cause like he was gay. Anyway, and I laugh for days, but then the moment had passed and I didn't do it. But anyway, but then I was like, no, I don't want to see that sketch. I know. Totally.
Starting point is 00:04:15 If you want to start building a local subscription feed, stop putting that stuff up on there for your supporters. I want to see that. Yeah. I'd make at least $10 a month. Thanks for your support. I appreciate it. But yeah, so that was like the main. And then I noticed like my Catholic videos
Starting point is 00:04:29 were doing more well. And I was like, oh, there's a need here, probably. Like this huge online community of people that, you know, have like these inside jokes among them and stuff. And I'm like, I think I'm just gonna lean into that. But I realized they're annoying for a lot of people and I get it. Like.
Starting point is 00:04:42 Oh no, they're not. They're excellent. Good, that was a test. That's what I wanted to do. So yeah. Yeah. I'm gonna be fishing a lot of people and I get it. Like, oh, no, they're not. They're excellent. Good. That was a test. That's what I want to do. I'm going to be fishing a lot today for confidence. How's my chin zit? What chin zit? Exactly. You're too quick. I can't keep up with you. But no, it is so important that we understand what our strengths are. I think I said to you yesterday, like the reason I don't do debates is because I'm not good at them. Yeah. And I'm not a public speaker.
Starting point is 00:05:05 And I like that you realize like clicking record and sitting in front of a camera and talking like, I don't feel comfortable with this. And there are a lot of people who do that already. Like it's, it's being done. Like nobody needs another woman or man talking who has nothing unique about them. Like I don't have anything else to offer. Like people are already doing like this, I stay at home and motherhood is important. And you know what I mean? Like people don't mean-
Starting point is 00:05:30 My child's a playroom. So you'll feel terrible about yourself for the rest of the day. Totally. Here's how we organize all their saints snacks that I made. While looking gorgeous. Totally.
Starting point is 00:05:39 I'm 10 years younger than you. What a witch. Yes. Yes. Yeah. But yeah, I'm not a public speaker. People ask me to public speak. I get shaky. But one thing I can speak on though is pro-life issues. I feel like equipped to do that. But and humor is very intimate. So a humor is very intimate. And so you kind of have to like get to know someone before you know like what they'll like. Like Val
Starting point is 00:06:04 Staples called me the other day and she's like, I had no idea you were funny. And so you kind of have to like get to know someone before you know, like what they'll like. Like Val Staples called me the other day and she's like, I had no idea you were funny. And I was like, that's cause I'm not going to call myself Laura the horror in front of you. Like when I first get to know you, like I will, when I warm up to someone or if I know that that's the type of humor that they like, but like if I just meet someone on the street, I'm not going to be super obnoxious. I'm going to post that online But when I said that I don't know of any funny female stand-up comics, yeah, which I still stand by but I'm open being proven wrong That's why I Know we're gonna do it
Starting point is 00:06:37 But I don't know if you remember the first thing I said is obviously women are funny and I said your name Oh, thank you very much. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah, cuz I watched that clip like a crazy person Okay, so I'm gonna ask you I'm gonna drag you through the mug mud on this yeah How to begin it's like it's like when did what? Real quick, can you pull that down just a touch? Yeah. Covering your whole face. Yeah. Oh, people wouldn't want that. It's kind of like when did you stop beating your wife kind of question?
Starting point is 00:07:14 But like, do you think it is the case that women typically aren't great at stand up? Yeah. Well, I think I think humans aren't typically great at stand up to be clear. Yeah, but I think men are obviously superior. Stand up is super hard. I'm interested in why that's the case. Even like Amy Poehler, you dropped her name when you said that. She's very funny.
Starting point is 00:07:29 Yeah, she is very funny, but she said she tried stand up and it didn't work for her. Mindy Kaling said the same thing. I think it requires a level. I think Jen Folwether is funny. And I think Taylor Tomlinson is funny. The hard part is you have to, like it's okay.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Stand up goes quickly into dirty jokes and it's okay, standup goes quickly into dirty jokes and it's like really unbecoming when women do those jokes. And like when a man does it, it's like, no, you shouldn't, you know, but when a woman does it, it's a little gross. And so like when I see a thumbnail of people like on Comedy Central and it's all like jokes
Starting point is 00:08:00 using disgusting words, I'm like, that's not funny. So, but I do think standup comedy requires a level of risk taking that men are probably just better at. Like they have to date, they have to throw themselves out there. They have to take risks throughout the day. I had someone come over the other day and give me like a talk that she was practicing
Starting point is 00:08:18 for her parish on evangelization. And she was like, you know, I just go out there and I just like, I'll just take a risk. And like the lady at Costco, I'll just ask her like, can I get your number? Like, can we be friends? And she's like, and I'll never hear from her again. And she's like, it's just so hard to evangelize cause you have to get shot down so much. And Trent was like, men are used to that cause we have to do that to date.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Like we have to like pursue this and comedy is so much trailing air. He's obsessed with Brett Cooper from the Daily Wire. With Brett Cooper? Oh, are you now? Yeah, she's good looking. That's not, none of the, okay. He has like, I've seen at least 20 false accounts where he writes to her. None of this is true.
Starting point is 00:08:54 None of this happens. It's all true. I don't know if you know this, but there was a Sheila who she was a standup comic. She's a psychologist and she wrote an article defending me. I know I saw that. And I think it's like if you actually accept the premise that women standups typically aren't funny and then you want to know why. Like you might not accept it and if you don't accept it then fair enough.
Starting point is 00:09:20 It's subjective thing and I'm wrong. But if you agree with it then it's like, okay, then why is that the case? And I thought she made some really good arguments. Like she said, you can even blame it on the patriarchy. Like you could even be a feminist and accept that claim. And you could just say something like, well, men aren't used to women being assertive. And so when they see and we have to be typically assertive from the stage, it's uncomfortable. And people are are just like not just men, but men and women raised in this terrible patriarchal society Don't know how to respond to that. And so they're kind of a little confused
Starting point is 00:09:52 Yeah, and also I'm so glad this is live I'm so glad this is live. If it wasn't, you'd be like, I need you to edit these 1000 things out. But this is the gold. This is the gold. I do think there are some. Yeah, I think, I think in general it's, it's all about risk and men just are better at taking risks due to their nature, you know? And it's just like one of those things that kind of you can't say without. I will say though, you asked an open ended question in that clip. So I kind of think it was overblown. I do think there are some misogynists,
Starting point is 00:10:27 if I'm being honest in the conservative Catholic community, I don't think you're one of them. I think you answered, you asked an open ended question and you're open to be proven wrong. And you just feel you haven't been proved wrong yet. You know the problem. The problem was when my social media guy. Oh, the thumbnail?
Starting point is 00:10:43 Did he get fired? I was on August hiatus. And so Neil titled the clip Women Aren't Funny and released it. I wasn't around. I was just gone all August. I didn't talk about it. And then my social media guy tweeted it. He just tweeted Women Aren't Funny with a link. And so it's like, if you saw Women Aren't Funny on a YouTube thumbnail, you might be like, all right, clickbait. He's trying to say something interesting, maybe, or maybe you don't think that. But on Twitter, the trash heap, like you cannot just tweet women. I'm funny, first of all, because it's not true.
Starting point is 00:11:12 And yeah, yeah, that's what I do feel like men need to be more funny to get women. Like if Trent was a woman and was it funny? He might not get in person, but he's a man and he's super funny. And so like it is an attractive feature about him. Women don't need that. If a man is like creepy, but hot, women run away. Yes. If a woman is creepy and hot, men are like,
Starting point is 00:11:37 I'm still them. Totally, yeah. Right, I love you. I love you. Yeah, like the fact that she's funny doesn't help me. But I do know so many funny women, but they're also stay at home moms. So it's not like they can venture out into like the like, see, I would you also have to have a career. And most people I know don't have a career. And the women who do have a career are generally more crass and don't live the same
Starting point is 00:11:57 values. So that could be it, too. Like you don't see. Yeah. You know, so I think you and my wife are similar in that you're both very kind of risk takers and bold I think you're to correct me if I'm wrong or rephrase I'm about to say Maybe more sense sensitive to kind of criticism. My wife is like a stone wall. Oh my gosh I know but but I think you need that vulnerability to be funny like being sensitive to it You need to be I think because when you go up on stage like if you if you're not putting yourself out there You're being vulnerable. Then you're not putting yourself out there, and you're not being vulnerable,
Starting point is 00:12:25 then you're not gonna be that funny. It's, you know that feeling where you've shared too much and you feel terrible. Oh yeah, like right now. Every day I feel that, yeah. I think you kind of need that sensitivity as a comedian. Yeah, that is very true. Yeah, it takes like a level of-
Starting point is 00:12:39 Maybe it's specific types of comedy. Like I don't think Jerry Seinfeld is being vulnerable necessarily, but like our boy, James McCann, who did some videos. He's super funny. He's so funny. But I know from talking to him, like after an event,
Starting point is 00:12:51 ooh, like it's just. Yeah, it is. That feeling of I've just shared a lot of myself. And if you don't think I'm funny, like this is my job and now I'm crushed. For sure, right? I am dead inside. I do think also men have more real life experience
Starting point is 00:13:04 that women don't have, because we go at least like the Women that we do know like you go into having a marriage and a family and so it's kind of less to talk about like That's why I think a lot of women just talk about like how's your vocation and how's your heart because that's like what we know You know and men who are stand-up comics they have just like more I guess you could say like real white Real life experience. I don't know. I'm making a fool of myself and you just made me lose all 11,000 of my subscribers. Dang it, Matt. It's amazing you have 11,000 subscribers.
Starting point is 00:13:31 What I'm gonna do is every time you make a self-effacing joke, I'm not gonna go along with you. It's gonna create this more awkwardness. Okay, good. I'm here for it. I think you're terrific and you're very good at what you do. As you just mentioned, I love it when things are awkward. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:42 And not sensitive at all. What is that style I mean it's almost like YouTube has brought out this style of comedy I don't remember seeing it. Oh, it's so good quick clips back and forth Yeah, you'll have two different people speaking to each other, but they're the same person and they play different roles Yeah, I don't know who started it, but do dad is really good. I really like do dad and Trey Kennedy. Maybe I don't know Yeah, he's like this huge Christian community of people doing it right now that I really appreciate I've noticed is that people they begin as Christian comedians Yeah, and then they get really popular and Christianity drops for sure. Maybe that's okay. Yeah, they go more mainstream
Starting point is 00:14:18 Yeah kind of thing. I know it is a bummer. But yeah Mr. Beast was like that. Mr. Beast was an out and out Christian in the beginning. He had a scripture verse in his. Oh, when I was like 13, he still does good work. He heals the blind. No, he definitely does. But if you ask him today, you're a Christian, he'll say no.
Starting point is 00:14:34 What? That's so sad. I guess that's an argument against wealth. Like the more you have, the less you need Christ. I don't know. So what's your favorite video that you've done? Oh, none of them. They're all horrible.
Starting point is 00:14:43 You don't think that? Good, that was another test. No, I'm just kidding. What is your favorite video that you've done? Oh, none of them. They're all horrible. You don't think that? Good. That was another test. No, I'm just kidding. What is my favorite video? Probably my M&M one. How could I beat that one? That was a music video and it was so good. But yeah, yeah, most of them are improv in the beginning. And so I don't script them.
Starting point is 00:15:00 And now I've started to script them more just because of the back and forth. But I still don't script script them and it drives Trent crazy He'll be like I have an hour during lunch to come home and film like what should we talk about? He's like I can't help you What should I title it I have other things But that's good that's when you're at your best though Yeah, but that's good. That's when you're at your best though. When you're just, I know. Yeah. And humor is unexpected. And so I'm like, no, I just want to do something unexpected, you know? Um, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:31 And humor also I would say is probably objective, like art, but then some people still like shitty art. You know what I mean? Like there is a really good type of humor and it should be appreciated by the masses just like art, but some people will still buy modern garbage, you know? Like, and that's kind of how I view it. Like it's not for everyone, but I like things that are unexpected. You know, that's when I think things are funny. Well, it's kind of like, I think one of the reasons people enjoy listening to conversations,
Starting point is 00:15:55 by the way, he's going to get up and touch cameras and things and it doesn't mean anything wrong. I think one of the reasons people like conversations is that they are unscripted and more raw. Now thousands of people can hear. And if we were worried about trying to come off as like really scripted, we might say things more accurately, but it would be stale. Trent is so accurate. How does he do it?
Starting point is 00:16:16 He thinks, oh, jeez, could you stop? Stop doing that please. What I do is whenever we film, I've got like a pile of hundred dollar bills and whenever he screws up I just Oh but Trent is so scripted like but he's not scripted. He's just good He thinks before he speaks and I do not which is a problem Everything that I say is what's going on in my head. Just say there's nothing there that I'm not saying. But he's one step ahead.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Yeah, Trent, I think must think in like triple speed. And as he's so articulate, yeah. That's how my oldest is, but he doesn't, he thinks in triple speed, but he's also an extrovert eight year old. So it's really the worst of both worlds, but he's so cute. But he just he's like Trent. He could sell you anything like. Yeah, he's very logical.
Starting point is 00:17:10 He can talk us out of timeouts. And it's like, wait, no, I have the authority. You go back to your room. How did you convince me? Totally another dent in the bottle. You should see our black one. It's a problem. That's like, I have super strength.
Starting point is 00:17:32 The rage of a mother can turn a water bottle into ashes. It's funny because we, you kind of made, I say you made fun, but you were talking about like those women who like, let's just be real, you know, just be honest. But often I think what pissed Cameron off is often like that wasn't actually real. They're like, I didn't sleep. I didn't sweep my floor today. Totally. You know?
Starting point is 00:17:50 And my wife's like, you bitch. I raised my voice a little bit at Mary Katherine. It was horrible. It's like, okay, well I dented my water bottle on my floor and yeah, that's really true. It's like, I don't know. You do have to put your best, maybe those, I assume those women actually are those holy, that holy.
Starting point is 00:18:08 Like I've met them in real life. It's just probably not what the masses are experiencing. And I think part of it is if you have your junk that together that you can have a YouTube channel and homeschool your eight children and have a clean house, you're already of a temperament that most women aren't. You know what I mean? Like you already probably are more patient
Starting point is 00:18:30 than the rest of us. So, I mean, that's not bad. Like that's something for us to go up towards, and I appreciate the work that they're doing, but it's definitely like, I'm like, okay, but how do I deal with my anger? Tell me really, if I should scream to a pillow, I don't know. I'm out of pillows.
Starting point is 00:18:50 Totally. Do you remember the movie? It's a Wonderful Life. Totally. And I forget the fellas, the protagonist. Yeah. Oh my gosh, Jim, whatever in real life. No, Jimmy Stewart in real life.
Starting point is 00:19:00 Yeah. Yeah. Is that him? He's Marty and his house. That was the reason I brought the reason I bring him up is remember the rage he had towards his family. Yeah. Yeah. Is it him? His money and his house. That was the reason I brought the reason I bring him up is remember the rage he had towards his family. Yeah, totally. And how honest that was.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Yeah, I watched that. Mike. OK, that's me. That was a hidden camera. It was a real rage. Fun fact. But I've been that guy and I felt deep shame. Yeah, let's talk about your rage.
Starting point is 00:19:21 OK, we've talked about my stuff. Let's talk about your rage. And I've repented of it. There's something like freeing and seeing that. Yeah. You know what movie is the opposite of that? Is that stupid show that all the women watch us? It's about life. It's about us. This is us. This is that it.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Yeah, I've heard of people that like it. I can't watch it. Please don't watch it. OK, good. Thank you for that. You saved me from 30 minutes of wasted time. I appreciate it. Because every this is kind of 30 minutes. Is there a line between like, because when you share your struggles, people feel less alone. People feel less alone. They become braver. So like, I feel like what you do and just being acknowledging like struggling with anger and the way my wife does as well. It's so liberating to people. So like, oh,
Starting point is 00:20:03 thank God. Nice. Yeah. But like, is there a line? Yeah. Like, okay. Where is that? Like, and then I just drop off. I guess you are called too far. And that's all. But I think people, that's why people have invited me to be on their podcasts and such. And generally I say, no, I'm friends with you, but like to talk about motherhood. Well, one, I, I homeschool. And that's like a full-time job in and of itself. And I like to treat it as
Starting point is 00:20:28 such. Um, but also because I haven't made it yet. Like, I don't think people, even this is all anecdotal advice. Like I don't think anybody should be influenced by anybody who hasn't made it yet. You know what I mean? Like, I don't think exactly like, like I think it would be like listening to someone who struggled with porn, who wasn't out of that yet. You know what I mean? Like I struggled with porn and I'm one week clean. Overweight personal trainer. Totally exactly. And so it's like, don't,
Starting point is 00:20:53 don't listen to anybody online and be influenced by them. The holiest people I know are not on online. You know what I mean? Even, even you interview really holy people, you know, and like, that's why I think it's unique to Pints is you let people see the really good that are out there that don't have their own channel, you know, which I think is really beautiful. So myself excluded, but yeah, so that's all.
Starting point is 00:21:21 But yeah, so as far as influence goes, influencing goes, I'd say, take it with a grain of salt. Were you shocked at how quickly your channel grew? No, I don't think it's growing that quickly. Oh really? I have very high expectations. Ask Trent.
Starting point is 00:21:33 Totally. I have very high expectations. That's why I married the guy, you spray guy. But yeah, what I learned is it's really hard to get a subscriber and it's really hard to get a view. like I was really Excited when I would get 20 views at the beginning. They were all Elizabeth Evans. Thank you Yeah, and myself but um, but yeah, it's it's hard computers refresh Just gotta get 30 seconds to count as a view in fact, I was a little bit disappointed that nobody here in Steubenville recognized me. But seriously, totally. How can you say that? I mean, your videos do better
Starting point is 00:22:11 than trends. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, that's very kind. No, it's also just true, isn't it? No, it's doing really well. You put up a video the other day. It's got like 20,000 views. That's very kind of you. Thank you. But um, but no, I don't have any other forms of social media. I feel like YouTube is the only type of social media that I would ever probably want to be on. Um, just cause it's a cesspool, but not YouTube. The other ones. It's so funny. I posted you going live on my Instagram and someone made a joke and I'm just now thinking this is probably a joke that gets made on every single video you've ever done. It's the following. Her husband
Starting point is 00:22:46 should start a YouTube channel. He seems really smart. I'll tell him. Yeah. No, his channel is way more useful. Just go there. But no, it's been fun. It's been a fun hobby. At first it almost ruined our marriage. That's nice. But okay, so Trent would tell me things. Right, I'm here for it. But yeah, Trent would tell me things that aren't funny. And then I would cry. Like he's like, that's not funny. That doesn't fly. And it was like, he doesn't think I'm funny.
Starting point is 00:23:11 You don't love me. Do you think he was right? But he's very melancholic. Oh, absolutely. Like, and then, but some things I'll insist on. Like I'm like, no, I insist on that. And then that being included. Totally unstable.
Starting point is 00:23:24 Sorry, Trent, why does Trent look more Jewish than Benji Bure? You know, neck up or neck down. I'm just kidding. What are we talking about? The beautiful thing is that whatever I say will be outdone by this woman. Trent's father is Jewish, right? Trent's father is Jewish. Yes. And our kids have the Jew curls and they are so cute. Are you allowed to say Jew curls? Trent's father is Jewish, right? Trent's father is Jewish, yes.
Starting point is 00:23:45 And our kids have the Jew curls and they are so cute. Are you allowed to say Jew curls? I don't know. I feel like I'm allowed to say Jew curls if my kids are Jewish. Oh, totally. I am here for it. So, yeah, but Trent can't grow the beard though. If you could just exercise that part of our interview.
Starting point is 00:23:58 No, you want him to grow a beard? I think no. I want him to do whatever he is most comfortable with. He grew a beard and I liked it. It would be like if I couldn't grow long hair and he kept commenting that he wanted long hair. Like, you know what I mean? It just makes you feel bad about yourself. He doesn't grow a good, he makes him uncomfortable and he doesn't like a beard. So I'm like, eh, you do whatever you want.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Did he try to do one during COVID? He did during COVID. Like every man? And I found it so, it was really like the depression beard. Everybody's like, I'm going to give this a go. And I'm like, you do. Did he try to do one during COVID? He did during COVID. Like every man? And I found it so, it was really like the depression beard. Everybody's like, I'm going to give this a go. And I'm like, you are so depressed. Are you okay? It just looked bad and the bags under their eyes.
Starting point is 00:24:32 But yeah, it was sad. But yeah, that's up to him. Whatever he wants, whatever you think. So are you trying to hit a certain amount of videos every week? I wanted to do one a week. At first when I started, I wanted to do three a week. And that was way too ambitious.
Starting point is 00:24:46 Could you imagine? Oh my gosh. That would actually ruin your memory. Way too much. Then I tried to like, should I just have Trent ask me questions, like short questions, like he asked me what about modesty?
Starting point is 00:24:55 And I'm like, That was great. What you had to say was actually really insightful. Thank you. That was very kind. Thank you. And then, but I felt like maybe that wasn't the right way to go with it. Like people enjoy the skits more.
Starting point is 00:25:05 So I'm like, oh, OK, whatever. Then I'll just do this. But they'll be harder. So I try to do one every one to three weeks. And I know three is on the long end. But they take a long time. It takes them like five hours of editing or eight hours. But here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:25:16 I mean, people appreciate channels when they put out good content. It's not about, here's a crap load of content. It's like, if I get something one every three weeks and it's excellent. Yeah, that's fair. So people would probably appreciate your channel if you did less. Yeah, I think so. Of this. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:25:35 I have looked at the analytics. That's not true. I want to tell people too that we're trying to like boost our videos right now because we don't pay for advertising on points with Aquinas So if you comment under this video, we're gonna respond to everybody within the first hour after Yeah, the goal is if we just try to get a bunch of comments that are like Nat YouTube will think it's more interesting I am gonna need your log to delete all the mean comments Thank you that is so happy only the not funny ones I delete mean comments if they're not like just independently funny. Okay, that's fair. Like you have to be funny if you're going to be mean. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:10 I respect that. Like at least think of something creative. What's like a serious question? Like what do you feel like the Lord is doing in your life through this? I mean through the criticism, through the praise. Are you? Oh, that's very kind. Well, right now it's just a hobby. But I do think there's a fine line in social media of things taking you outside of your primary role so that's definitely something to look out for. I always said I do it for a year like in sanguine years that's like eight years so I'm
Starting point is 00:26:35 like okay I'll give you a year which means a decade of my life that's what it feels like but honestly it'll probably go past a year but I'll do it when I run out of ideas you you know, so should be never. James McCann, who we were posting videos, such a cool dude. I wrote to him like, Hey, I would love to pay you to like, give me one every week. Yeah. And he wrote back and said, he wrote back and said, I'm more of an English office guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:59 Do it when you can do it. His point was like, I don't want to like jump the shark. It's good stuff. For sure. And so it sounds like that's shark. It's good stuff. For sure. And so it sounds like that's what you're saying as well. Yeah, exactly. And I don't know. Ideas just come as they may. I just pray to the Lord for ideas and then they just come. And then I asked Trent, do you think this is funny? And he's like, no,
Starting point is 00:27:16 you're a failure. And I'm like, I know. Also I love you. I want to talk about criticism and receiving it and dealing with it. But I should say, I think that Taylor Marshall didn't. His response was a thousand percent. I did not expect that. And he knew it was a roast. Some people who love Taylor Marshall watch that video and they're like, we love Taylor Marshall too. Or some other woman the other day was like, stop worshiping Taylor Marshall. And I was like, you did not understand that at all. Oh, funny. I'm like, okay, this could work out in my favor if people don't understand this. Mason- But whether Taylor Marshall was offended by that video you did or not, the correct
Starting point is 00:27:55 response is to thank the person who did it. Because it just takes out all of the awkwardness and it shows that you're the higher man if it was an intentional word or whether it was an excellent response. Jess- was, he did excellent. It was an excellent response. Seth Dillon did this thing on Binch Bureau Sunday special and he's like, if it's funny, who cares? Like if you like things have gotten worse since people have stopped like kind of insulting each other like that, like way worse.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Our community is not enough shame. Exactly. Yeah. More shame. Thank you. Stephanie Gordon. In fact, what am I doing here? I can't be working.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Well, you went there. I'm not gonna get there. Totally, good call. Whatever. But no, he did a really good job responding to that. But like, how have you, it's funny, because whenever I talk to Trent, if he doesn't understand me, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:28:40 just remember, I'm male Laura, right? So like her and I are very similar in how we handle crap. Matt just walked out of of this and he says that he's just really overwhelmed and he's going to quit everything. What should I do? I'm like, he's not calm down. He'll be right back and he'll apologize and you just act like it never happened. Oh, water under the bridge. But Trent is yeah, he's more melancholic. He lets it stew. He is very patient. But I'm, I'm melancholic, choleric.
Starting point is 00:29:07 Yeah. Oh, the worst combination. I'm so sorry. Oh my gosh. You're so torn. I feel like melancholists and cholerics want the same thing, but for different reasons. So like melancholic's wanted for the safety of justice, sake of justice. And cholerics want it like more out of to be right and that's not a bad thing you know if it's based in truth but like it can become a bad thing like but i know a lot of really good we need cholerics they like rule the world at this point you know like your wife is a choleric like some of my best friends are cholerics they are the people who like have everybody over and they're not overwhelmed by that. And they like plan all the co-ops like we need them. But like, it's intimidating. How, so how have you handled criticism on YouTube and what's your response to it being?
Starting point is 00:29:56 Well, I cry a lot and it causes intense anxiety and now I'm on Xanax. So just kidding. Which part are you kidding about? Oh, I'm not on Xanax, if it helps. Yeah, as evidenced by my manic behavior in this. So. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha. Trent wishes, how have I handled criticism?
Starting point is 00:30:14 Well, I agree with a lot of the criticism, you know, if they're like, this is hard to listen to. I'm like, I get it, it was harder for me. If you think it's hard, try being in this brain, it's so hard. Let's this brain. It's so hard. Let's do this. What's your worst comment that you've received about yourself? And I'll share mine. Oh, probably that I, the ones that say that I bring shame to Trent because I realize what I, I know. Yeah. It's so hard. The nice thing is Trent would gladly give them the middle finger.
Starting point is 00:30:39 Oh, totally. Oh my gosh. Yeah. Trent does love me. It's very, it's very nice. I'll talk about that in a second because he really does. It's actually,, Trent does love me. It's very it's very I'll talk about that in a second Because he really does it's actually i'll do it now. It's annoying Um, we were at uh, the uh, so i'm gonna give Trent some compliments here. No, you can't get out of this negative comment thing. What's your We'll get back to the negative comments But we were speaking at the like, uh apologetics defending the faith conference and he and he's literally showing photos of you I know to all of our speakers like here. Here's my wifey Laura
Starting point is 00:31:05 She's just like beautiful She's a Russian mail-order bride that I taught to speak English I bought her for 10 pesos in Mexico, but he does speak very highly of you While the feeling is mutual so yeah, um, but where was I going? Oh, but I realize his job is So quick, I cannot keep up. I just, I need to. The gift of ADD. It's a blessing and a curse like Monk would say. But he, what was it? Oh, but I realized his job is so important that I don't ever want to bring shame on him. You know? So I'm like, he reaches so many more people
Starting point is 00:31:46 and mine is just to like bring levity to the conversation and to unite people through it. Like, and to realize our ridiculousness in some things, and like a lot of the videos that I make are making fun of literally me. And like people will try to guess like, oh, the Catholic couple is so and so. And I'm like, nope, it's me on Trends podcast like go watch it. I sound awful on Trent's podcast
Starting point is 00:32:09 So but yeah, okay. What's your most negative comment? It was one under Trent did a Interview about is Matt Fred the Catholic Joe Rogan Yeah, which by the way, I'm not saying and I never tried to say that separate that you ordered Joe Rogan's chair Yeah, you shared with me. No Except for that you ordered Joe Rogan's cheers. I did, yeah. You already shared with me. No creep. Yeah, I begged him to come on my show.
Starting point is 00:32:26 Still hasn't replied. There was something like, Matt has the IQ of a something. And all of his books are like, control copy, control paste. Yeah, that was me. That was my comment. Oh, okay. Well, it was very hurtful. I was hoping you would think it was money.
Starting point is 00:32:42 I'm just kidding. But it is funny that people feel the. Yeah. Imagine if we gave a talk, you know, let's say we're on campus and we did this interview live. If someone thought, you know, you talk too much, right, interrupted too much, they probably wouldn't come up and say for sure. Or if they did, they would cushion it.
Starting point is 00:32:59 And I love you. I think you did a great job. Do you mind if I give you some advice? That's what they would do. Yeah. But here it's just here's all of my evil spewing out of my fingers. Yes, because I haven't dealt with my own stuff. I think you did a great job. Do you mind if I give you some advice? That's what they would do. But here it's just, here's all of my evil spewing out of my fingertips, because I haven't dealt with my own stuff, I think.
Starting point is 00:33:08 Yes. They almost have like a behind your back type attitude, but we can read those comments. Like we see, you don't read the comments, do you? I don't, no. You don't? No, sometimes I'll... He reads the comments.
Starting point is 00:33:21 That's what that laugh is about. Well, I saw a bunch of responses that you gave yesterday, but so they came from me, but you were posting them. No, they came from me. Yeah. So YouTube is really weird. It's not a podcast topic. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:35 Yeah. No, thanks for realizing that. Before it was too late. We're 10 minutes into the story. Damn it it Thursday. No, I try not to, but occasionally, like, if I have an interview with Jason Everett, right, and we released this clip about the dark history of transgenderism, I just thought it was such an excellent clip. And so occasionally I wonder what people think, what's the general thought on this. But if I'm affected by a comment, I just make the
Starting point is 00:34:04 decision. So I almost never read comments. That's such a good attitude to have. Neither does Trent. Here's the difference. You put out a video every two or three weeks. Yeah. I put two or three out a day. Yeah, it must be nice. So I actually can't keep up. Wow. Now I feel less important, actually. You can only do one every three weeks. I was super excited about this.
Starting point is 00:34:21 So I can't keep up with the comments, you know, it's not even worth trying. Like, I just had so much money, I can't keep up with the comments, you know, it's not even worth. Yeah, like I just had so much money. I can't even count it. People are like, give you money. And I'm like, I don't have time for your money. My suitcases are buckling open because I can't stuff the cash in. But it was also different, right? If I interview you and a clip goes live about whatever,
Starting point is 00:34:42 that's something that's perhaps more about you than me because the clips are usually based on what my guests are saying. Whereas you've put all this effort into this comedy thing you're releasing. So you have been doing this a long time. Like I feel like you care less as time goes on, which is probably a bad thing and a good thing. Like probably mostly a good thing, you know? So but I think sometimes people care less and then they go into like dark territory, you know? Like they become someone who they weren't when they first started. Trent wanted me to do a video that was like if Laura started like in 2007 or whatever. And by the end, it was just like me being
Starting point is 00:35:11 insane, like selling like crazy vitamins and stuff like that. And like not like, well, my personal fear is that I become a talking, like a mouthpiece from my commenters. Do you see how sometimes this happens? Like it gets in your head? No, what I mean is this, like maybe I'll start a channel where I say certain things and then maybe I say something negative about Pope Francis and people love that crap. Oh, totally. Oh my gosh. And then you gotta keep fishing and then you just start being the mouthpiece for these people following you as opposed to saying what you think and trying to work through things that
Starting point is 00:35:40 you're not sure about. Well, I told you this. Can I talk about this about Dennis Prager? Like that I, can I talk about it? I don't know what you're gonna say, but go for it. I created a video, I made a video and recorded a video responding of Dennis Prager and I didn't publish it. Yeah, the porn stuff. Yeah, and it was just him and his wife, like talking back and forth,
Starting point is 00:35:56 like a fireside chat between him and his wife. That would be excellent. And it was super good, but it came off antisemitic and I didn't wanna post it because I didn't, well, he's Jewish. Why did you have to bring that into it? You always have to bring it in. It's always funny.
Starting point is 00:36:12 But I was like, I don't want to give this a platform if it does turn into that dark world of antisemitism. I'm like, nope, not even giving it a thing. It's real. I know when Trent is Jewish. So I'm like, no, I can't do that. So yeah, but I just didn't want to come off. But I'm surprised.
Starting point is 00:36:29 Like, why? How come? Why not do a video where Dennis talks to his wife, but you're not racist? Like, how? Why not do that? Well, you know, I always go too far. I get that. How many times has Trent been filming? And he's like damn it Laura. And also I'm so bad with accents that it just came off like overly Jewish to the point where
Starting point is 00:36:51 I sounded like a New Yorker instead. Yeah. Like it was he called me the other day because he's gonna be on my show. Can you do your impression of him? Yeah. No, he doesn't give me yours. Yeah. He said that. I don't know if it's true. No my impression of Dennis Oh then do it so he called me the other day because I he wanted to come he I forget how he came on my show I think a friend of his who listens to my show asked him to oh So he's doing me a favor by coming on the show and then he said all this stuff about porn I'm like, yeah, I can't have you on my show and not bring this stuff I'd be a little scandal. I also don't want to take your generosity. Yeah, they're like corner you He does so much good to that your generosity and then like corner you.
Starting point is 00:37:25 He does so much good too, that that's hard. Like. So I, so I, so he gave me a call, Matt. But he's larger than life, right? He's a big absolute, look Matt, I am an open book. I don't know if I can do it or not, but no, anything is fine with me, Matt. And he's like, I said, well, can we have a cigar?
Starting point is 00:37:42 That was perfect. Can we have a cigar together? It's so good, isn't it? He should have done my video. Isn't that great? I was like, no. I'm a Jew. It was like, okay.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Damn it Matthew, that is not what I need you to do. I told like three people in town, your impression was great. They were like, no, it's not. I was like, I'm gonna get him to do it on stream just so I can have a record. You're welcome. I'm gonna lead with a Jew joke with Dennis.
Starting point is 00:38:02 Oh, I feel like that's a good and horrible idea. And then I'm gonna ask him if he's got Christian jokes. Oh really, that also could go either way., if you wanna watch the entire live stream with me and Dennis Pragan next week, it won't be public on YouTube because we don't know how it'll go to be real clear. And that's why we're doing it on Locals.
Starting point is 00:38:21, if you wanna subscribe over there, you can watch it. But it's gonna be late at night because he's coming from the West Coast, so it's 9 p.m We're starting those 9 p.m. On Thursday. We live wait. Are we doing live? It'll be live to locals. Okay, so if you want to watch that hear my jujoke to Dennis Breger Hear me talk about why maybe porn is an excellent He never said porn is excellent to be clear, but it is true. I think one of the cool things of comedy, and maybe how this video of yours that you were going to do about the Prager's, Dennis, would have been different to Trance is comedy really just drops your defenses, doesn't it?
Starting point is 00:38:57 Oh my gosh, yes, absolutely. People are so willing to receive all sorts of horrible things said to them. Like Chris Rock's awful, loose and set up routine that conservatives were clapping for. Yeah, because he said abortion is murder, but he doesn't seem to be apologetic for that. Yeah, that's fair. Yeah. Louis CK did something about that, too. Like he's like abortion, killing babies and like people clap for him. I'm like, but he's not pro life. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:39:21 Like he's being intellectually honest, but he's not changing his mind on it, which is almost worse. Jonathan Van, exactly. Jonathan Van Maron the other day was on my show. He was like, you cannot simultaneously think something is a punchline and that something is so serious it needs to be eradicated. Yeah, that's fair.
Starting point is 00:39:34 That's a good point. Yeah, that's fair. Yeah, maybe that's why I'm like, yeah, there are some things that are worth joking for and some things that you don't touch. Like I don't think I'll ever make fun of any videos, like making fun of the pro-life movement because I'm like, no, don't go there, you know, so
Starting point is 00:39:46 Yeah, that's a good point. Like they take enough crap and all of them are heroes Pm you're gonna make it man. It's gonna be nine to midnight. I probably won't make it I love nothing enough to stay up to 9 p.m The highest math of the year. I know. Yeah. Like if he even, nevermind, we won't even go. And like my retainers in is done. That is so funny.
Starting point is 00:40:17 Yeah, I am an old man. I hit about 8pm and I just start fighting. Yeah. Do you think it's Steubenville making more of an oldie? I think so. It's the air, the pollution, the heroin, most especially. That's what I'm all my teeth are fake now. So that's cool.
Starting point is 00:40:32 The scabs on my face are a new thing, too. That's not funny at all. Although it would have been. Yeah. What if I did that? Like, what if I was this committed that I just started putting on scabs and gradually I think it's either all in like risk taking. Are you in or are you out? I wouldn't be a good stand up comic.
Starting point is 00:40:51 Be funny or have a clean face. You have to choose. Some people are funny when they are speakers, but they don't pitch themselves as comedians. I think that's Trent. Trent is super funny when he is a speaker. Yeah, Trent is, Trent is funny, but I think it's Trent. Trent is super funny when he is a speaker. Yeah, Trent is funny. But I think it's because your expectations are a lot lower. Yeah, but he's very clever. That was thanks. I wasn't about Trent. Here's what I meant. If I come into an auditorium expecting to laugh,
Starting point is 00:41:22 that's fair. And then I'm frustrated when I don't. But if I come in to learn something about the Catholic Church and oh, yeah, he's also funny. That's a good point. That's why I don't like even my channel to be labeled as comedy because I'm like the key to happiness is low expectations. That's right. Like don't even learn that. And she has never disappointed. Actually, she still is. So she just has to lower the totally. They're not low enough. But yeah, that's true. But he is very clever. I found She never, actually she still is. So she just has to lower the more. Totally. They're not low enough, but yeah, that's true. But he is very clever.
Starting point is 00:41:48 I found also you have to be very smart to be funny and to be actually funny. And Trent is so smart. You okay? Yes. Are you okay? Did you throw up? No. Is it the stupid bowl water?
Starting point is 00:41:59 It's fine. The water's not fine. It's not, please don't. David, hi. Dave Matthews tested it. It's, it The water's not fun. It's not, please don't. David Haas. Dave Matthews tested it. It is perfectly drinkable. It is great.
Starting point is 00:42:10 What's your opinion of Steubenville now that you're here? Oh my gosh. Well, I came here in the most sanguine way fashionable. I came here for one semester in 2009 and then I ran out of money. And so I, and I also met Trent. Oh, yeah. No, I met and, and I also met Trent. Oh, yeah. No, I met Trent, um, like doing pro-life work.
Starting point is 00:42:29 And so I thought maybe I would be in a relationship with him sometime in the near future. And then my grandfather was dying. So I left Steubenville to go be with him as he died. And then I thought maybe I would marry Trent. So I was like, okay, I need a usable degree. And, um, in New Mexico, they offer a nursing degree for free if you get in. And so I just went that route and that's how I became a nurse. But here I studied political science, but, um,
Starting point is 00:42:50 I will say Steubenville has really improved over the past. You know, I don't know how long ago, like 15 years ago. Yeah, it's so beautiful. I was telling you, it almost reminds me of Portland, like before it was taken over by homeless people. Like it's just so beautiful and like a vibrant. I didn't see any like sketchy things, which was very surprising to me. A lot of condemned buildings, but yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:13 And you're like, we're the only people on this floor. Like that's so sad. Yeah, I guess it is. I like it. Trent could rent out space for a dollar. He really could. You think? We'll pay him. We just need warm bodies in rooms. But no, it's really beautiful. I feel like there's a real revival For a dollar he really you think yeah, we'll pay him
Starting point is 00:43:28 No, it's really beautiful I feel like there's a real revival and everyone is so nice Look at the hotel room the inn that was they were so kind to me like talk to me as I checked out and got him Frank talked to me for a while I know I'm making you praise Steubenville in retribution for you making fun of Steubenville. Okay. I'm trying to think of a way to say this, like the Shia with potholes and meth. Totally. But now I already said the SH word and so I can't say it again. Cause but yeah, I always tell- That was the second time you said that. I'm sorry, can you just dump that?
Starting point is 00:44:05 Just dump it. He's actually dipping the net. But yeah, but no, it is a beautiful place, full of charm, so, but yeah. You didn't come in the winter. Yeah, that's fair. But I lived here during the winter, and honestly, I felt like the winter wasn't as extreme
Starting point is 00:44:18 as people make it out to be. But maybe, I also didn't have kids. I feel like when you have children, it changes your standard, because you can't go outside as much when you have children like it's just so much more of a burden to live somewhere cold when you have kids Whereas like when you're single you're like, I'll put on my cute jacket But if you have kids you have to put their jackets in car seats It's like forget about it all the kids and bring them in with it. Yeah
Starting point is 00:44:38 Like I never go outside in Dallas you get like one day of snow and it is perfect But even Dallas is cold How did Trent propose to you? Trent proposed to me because hang on when when we were was he dating you when I met him in California? Yeah and I you were proposed you were engaged yeah and I stayed with you guys yeah you guys were like want to do New Year's and we're like sure that's right and we come over and everybody went to bed by 10 and And I'm like, OK, it was fun. Has Cameron told you what it was like meeting you and then understanding Trent? How she thought it, I was going to be like some brunette that had no sense of humor.
Starting point is 00:45:16 She says Laura, Laura is to Trent, what the church is to Christ. She makes him intelligible. Oh, that's so sweet. Except for I bring shame on him. That's what she means. No, that's what she means. Like she said, and we're just going to go there, right? We're going to go too far with Matt Fred.
Starting point is 00:45:30 She'd be like, I didn't want to breastfeed around him. He was kind of awkward. And then she met you. To which I would be like, oh good. Oh good. Now I can just whip out my breasts in front of this train horn. Since I've met his wife. Great.
Starting point is 00:45:43 Wipe out my breasts. I can, go ahead and do that for her. Without my breasts? I can't use anything from this episode for clips. I'm sorry. Yeah, that's a good point. It's not like, oh no, please, without your breasts, that's why I'm here. God, they're not as good as you think they are, okay, Gavin? Is it awkward for men, can we talk about that? Is it awkward for men when women breastfeed in public?
Starting point is 00:46:04 Here's my honest answer. I love it when women breastfeed around me because I think breastfeeding is beautiful and I love that a woman trusts me and those in that vicinity to do that. That's a beautiful way to view it. I really do. I'm just honored. I'm humbled. It's beautiful. Breastfeeding is beautiful. That's a beautiful way to view it. This is what you view with these trad women. That's why I love trad women. They're like my favorite kinds of women. Wear a veil, but totally fine breastfeeding. They wear their veil, boobs out,
Starting point is 00:46:29 breastfeeding two kids at once. I love it. This is what breasts exist for. And, and- But I don't know, because- No, you don't think they do exist for that? Women, but human breasts, sorry, this is very awkward. This is why the augmentation surgery is such a problem.
Starting point is 00:46:44 I'm sorry. We are gonna get into breast implants in just a second. This can be a whole clip on breasts. It's gonna be our Title it breast And then the world will fall apart over my head again. Thank you women are funny But I think there are two oh so's my understanding that human breasts are like bigger than other mammalian species to promote face to face bonding. And so it's not like, I think it also serves a dual purpose. So I do think you have to be a little bit like, I think there's a difference in that like there's a difference between like my child needs to eat and like, you know, like
Starting point is 00:47:23 they won't take a cover and they're still young and like, I'm going to do this because my kid needs to eat and like, you know, like they won't take a cover and they're still young. And like, I'm going to do this because my kid needs to eat. I do think like some awareness, there are two different, you know, like intentions. Like some awareness that all men might not be comfortable with that, I think is fine. You know, like trying to use a cover if possible, I don't think is a bad idea, you know?
Starting point is 00:47:43 But I mean, if your child doesn't take a cover they don't take a cover you know but um but I do think to say that breasts are only for that breastfeeding might not be accurate yeah no I think that's good you're correct I know this I don't know why I know this but humans are one of only two species on earth where both sexes are sex selective and they know that because of how much bigger breasts are. Oh really? Sex selective? Yeah, how do you know that Thursday? What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:48:10 So most species pick, the females are the only ones picking the mate and humans are one of the only species that males are also selective. Yeah. Oh wow. That's cool. So maybe that's in some way, like even though it sounded like a kind of like empowering thing to say like breasts exist for this and in our culture, we think something else, which I still think is true, right?
Starting point is 00:48:30 It's like porn has lied to us about what sex is, what breasts are, what penises are all this. Um, but at the same time, we don't want to go to the other extreme and say, no, they are just for feeding. Yeah. So I don't know. I don't think other cultures are like offended by, maybe that's just cause they don't have like,
Starting point is 00:48:47 I don't know why that reason is, but like if you go to Honduras, like nobody has issues with women breastfeeding in public or you know, other cultures. So I don't know why Americans are more uncomfortable with that, but then they're not uncomfortable with pornography. Yeah, I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:49:02 It's just like such a distortion. All right, my wife's here. We're here to talk about breasts. So, okay. Just in time. uncomfortable with pornography. Yeah. I don't know what it's just like. My wife's here. We're here to talk about breasts. Cameron looks so beautiful. It's a little intimidating. So here we go. We are going to do some readjusting here in the studio to let my wife come in. Just like this? Nice, thank you.
Starting point is 00:49:27 Good job, baby. How are you? You look lovely. You're so pretty! You need to stop that! I said that every day I invite you to come on and then cancel just so you put on makeup. You bastard! No, that's true.
Starting point is 00:49:41 If you didn't invite me on, I would not have makeup on. No, you don't need it. It was a joke. No, all women need makeup. I need makeup. I only put makeup on when I think I may do a podcast. I put makeup on to check the mail. Like if you saw... Oh, yeah, I do.
Starting point is 00:49:55 I am very uncomfortable with myself without makeup. My poor mailman. We don't know if... We don't even know if you've got mics on yet, do we? Is her mic on? It's okay. She's loud enough. She doesn't need a mic. Don't give her the mic!
Starting point is 00:50:06 Please God! Yeah, so I used to always wear makeup and then I stopped when my daughters were noticing my makeup. So I did it for like Lent one year, I gave up makeup. Because I was like, I want them to know they're beautiful and they don't have to wear makeup. Where I was taught, you have to wear makeup where I was taught you have to wear makeup. You're beautiful. If you wear the right, sorry. Yeah, that's fine. Yeah. And you listen, if this sounds horrible,
Starting point is 00:50:34 we'll send one of these women away. Bring it down. So we're talking about breasts. Okay. So I want to talk about, and let me just sort of set this up and then get your responses Yeah, it's a lot more comfortable if I have women talk about this and if I talk about it, but I I Feel like it's seriously problematic that many Christian women don't think it's seriously problematic to have boob jobs. Yes There's a distinction that needs to be made between like, you know that things that's it's okay to get a boob job? I'm not gonna say their names.
Starting point is 00:51:07 Oh, but there are multiple people. Prove it. No, I'm just kidding. Oh, really? I did an episode. Just let me- Yeah, I guess so. Let me unspool this, okay? I'm gonna have to do that repeatedly
Starting point is 00:51:14 or else I'm not gonna finish the sentence. Yeah. Okay, camera's mic's live. Obviously there's the distinction that has to be made between plastic surgery and then cosmetic surgery. So if somebody has to have a boob reduction because they have back aches, that's one thing. Obviously, I fully understand that.
Starting point is 00:51:33 But I think it's sad that we live in a society where women think it's okay and their husbands may be encouraging them to like stick silicone in their ass or their, I don't know what they do with the lips. The lips look weird. Don't do that with your lips. You've got to look ugly eventually. Just look ugly and normal. Don't look ugly and weird.
Starting point is 00:51:49 Ugly and weird is way worse than ugly and normal. But here's the thing. I feel like with boob jobs, there's a difference between getting a boob job and how many times can I say boob? Boop, boop, boop. A lot. A lot it turns out.
Starting point is 00:51:59 We're gonna have a little counter. He's gonna go one, two, three, boop. To look normal and to like look abnormal. Like I don't think the church has a teaching on it. So I think there can be- It would seem to me they would fall onto the sin of vanity. Yeah, yeah, but like I know women who were born without like breast tissue.
Starting point is 00:52:17 Like you don't think that would be more- But you haven't listened. Sorry, that was really insulting. There's the distinction I just made between cosmetic and plastic, right? But that would still be plastic surgery. Yes, it would be That's what I'm saying to look normal versus abnormal and that's fine. Yep So yeah, but my problem with boob jobs is that women who get boob jobs like to show their boobs a lot. Yes
Starting point is 00:52:43 $5,000 but like there's a woman who we know who has a boob job. And it is so distracting. And, but then she wore like a Let's Go Brandon shirt. And I'm like, I'll allow it. Cause she's conservative. And let me say this too. And then I really want you two to discuss this. Cause you have more insights than I do.
Starting point is 00:53:02 I think it's fair to point out, like I don't know what it's like to point out, like, I don't know what it's like to be a woman in this pornified society where you feel expect, you know, that you should look a certain way. I don't know what it's like to feel that way and then have children and then have your body changed. Like, so it's not, I'm really not trying to shame anybody who's watching right now who has done any of this sort of like cosmetic surgery. But I do think we need to talk about it. And without it's kind of like abortion, right, like you can condemn abortion
Starting point is 00:53:28 knowing that someone's watching who had an abortion and you want to say, I love you. I love you. You're OK. I want to give you a hug. Yeah. But to clarify, it's not the same thing. Like it's like to some people, I was the analogy I was making was not that the sin is
Starting point is 00:53:41 on the same level. I understand. Thank you for clarifying. I appreciate that. But so do you think it's always immoral then? Is that your argument? If it's done for cosmetic reasons. Yeah. I think, yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:52 It's an imprudence or misuse of funds. Yeah, I think it's vain. I think it's. But then what would you say to a girl that had cancer, breast cancer? But he's saying that's not cosmetic. This would be the third time I would have to respond to this. This is why I try to, what I always get in trouble
Starting point is 00:54:07 is people don't listen to what I'm saying with the women are funny thing. I'm like, go listen to the first thing I said. So it's like, like plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery, we have to make the distinction. Both are under the umbrella of plastic surgery. One is for the sake of making your body look the way it should and the other is to enhance it.
Starting point is 00:54:21 It's normal. And I knew you felt that way. I just wanted you to say it again. Yes. Because this is uncomfortable. Let's lean in on this knew you felt that way. I just wanted you to say it again. Yes. Because just- Ooh, this is uncomfortable. Let's lean in on this. No, what she means is people are gonna be very critical.
Starting point is 00:54:30 They're not gonna hear it. Very critical and not hear it. And so that's why I want to hear where you're coming from. Let us know in the comment section what you think about lip jobs and boob jobs and fat lips. Here's the thing. I would get surgery on my face if they had a surgery for acne.
Starting point is 00:54:41 Like I would. Is that vain? Well, it might be, but I don't think- But acne's also a disease. But I think it's okay. Okay. It's the same thing, like if you were born and your ears were like unusually pointed out-
Starting point is 00:54:51 To look normal versus act normal. To have corrective surgery. Yeah, that's true. I'm okay with that. I think that, so I struggle with a lot of acne stuff and I feel like I had- One up and me on acne. I'm not trying to one up you. But I trying to want to, but I have more pimples.
Starting point is 00:55:08 Let's take off our makeup right now. I did Accutane so that ruined my gut. Yeah. Is that right? I think it's horrible things ruined my gut, but Accutane's one of them. Super suicidal. Yeah. For suicidal thoughts and then yeah, they won't even put kids on it.
Starting point is 00:55:22 Yeah. They won't even anymore now, but back in the day, I was put on it. They do put kids on it now. They recommended it for me. Yeah, they did. And I was like, no, I'm not that into it. You're like, I'm actually medical and I've read the side effects. Yeah, that was the answer I was looking for.
Starting point is 00:55:36 Thank you. It took you that long. Is it makeup or do you just not have it anymore? I wear so much makeup. People are like, that woman looks fake. And I'm like, power to her. But I don't wear that much makeup. But also like, that woman looks fake. And I'm like, power to her. But I don't wear that much makeup. But also I've paid a lot of money to go the holistic route
Starting point is 00:55:49 to try and cure my acne. Cause it means something's wrong. Not cause I care what I look about necessarily. Do you need her to move over a touch this way? Is it not working? I don't know what that means. Camera waiting? The weight of the brain. Cause there's more people on the side. So I don't know what that means camera waiting Do you want me to move closer? Okay, but back to the boob job thing that you're talking about so I did an episode like let's put it all in one Yeah, so I put it all in one but I labeled mine boob job in particular but all cosmetic surgery and I was like Please don't do this because you like I feel like what happens is they think they're going to fix something and then they will feel better about themselves and all it does is
Starting point is 00:56:31 make them feel worse about themselves maybe they feel better for a little bit but then it's like okay I'm only beautiful because I have these big lips or because I had my face you know lifted yeah or I'm only beautiful because of these big boobs and then other people are like you have great boobs and you're like see everybody loves my. It actually makes you more insecure about who you are. Because people are only seeing. Oh, yeah. And then she just left. She left. I think she became a Christian a year ago, and she's now having all of like her boob job, her butt job, her lips. Everything's being taken out.
Starting point is 00:57:12 She's like going back and God bless her. I mean, being public about that, I hope that that'll be a. But you see, it's worse than whack-a-mole. Like when you notice that you're getting older and you try to take care of something. Yeah, it looks worse. It just it just kind of looks a bit awkward and but like I know people who have like saggy Eyelids and they take them up, you know, like Small thing like when does it cross the line into like that doesn't look like that's why I go to like the abnormal versus normal
Starting point is 00:57:39 Also, the church doesn't have like a specific teaching on this Oh shut up Trent So this is all I get it Trent Horn I'm saving your show Matt Crane. Here are my four points as to why. Can I ask a question? Yes. So.
Starting point is 00:57:48 No. Did you get a boob job Thursday? We forgive you. No, but on the eyelid thing, I want to hear your question, but one second, my grandmother had that surgery and my mom will probably need it. My dad will probably need it and I'll eventually need it. And it's not because I think my eyelids look fat. It's because you can't see.
Starting point is 00:57:56 It's because you can't see. Like they eventually come back and they're like, oh, I'm going to have a boob job. I'm going to have a boob job. I'm going to have a boob job. I'm going to have a boob job. I'm going to have a boob job. I'm going to have a boob job. I'm going to have a boob job.
Starting point is 00:58:04 I'm going to have a boob job. I'm going to have a boob job. I'm going to have a boob job. I'm going to have a boob job. I'm going to have a boob job. grandmother had that surgery and my mom will probably need it. My dad will probably need it and I'll eventually need it. And it's not because I think my eyelids look fat. It's because you can't see. Like they eventually come down like this. And like you found it. Like cosmetic. And I understand your point. Like where is that line?
Starting point is 00:58:13 Yeah. Fair enough. Okay. Thursday. What was your question? So it seems to me, cause I hear people say this a lot that, though the church doesn't have a specific teaching on this, but if all of the constituent parts of something are taught on, then it would still be a moral, right? Cause the church didn't have a specific teaching on this. Yeah. But if all of the constituent parts of something are taught on,
Starting point is 00:58:25 then it would still be immoral, right? Because the church didn't have an explicit teaching on contraception till, you know, 50 to 60 years after it was taught explicitly. But all the concept, like the constituent parts of contraception were still condemned. Right. So we would still have to have said in like the 1930s that contraception was immoral. And let me make my, let me make my claim more modest. Even if I accept that it's permissible, I'm not even, what if I just say,
Starting point is 00:58:51 here's some good reasons not to do something that's permissible. Yeah, I think that's perfect. I just don't. I think since I am scrupulous, I'm very, uh, like sensitive to the fact of someone saying like, this is immoral when the church allowed might allow dispute, but I think you can deduce by things like prudence, goodness with your money, vanity, that it would fall under those categories. You know what I mean? Let's let's let's change from this conversation about plastic surgery into something that's really underlies it. And that is like, how are you guys and how am I dealing with getting older? Oh, it's awful. Tell me about it. I feel like I've aged a lot with children,
Starting point is 00:59:24 but that's good. Just lean into it. Like when you meet. Don't go to the I don't want you to go too quickly to the it's all good. I want us to stay in the. Yeah, I want you to stay in your rock. Yeah, no, I want to sit in the. He loves me sitting in the rock. I want us to sit in that for a while because it's a real thing that people have to deal
Starting point is 00:59:42 with like getting older and you look worse. Yeah. And there's I don't know if you've hit this period. Better. It's very cruel. That's why I tell everyone to marry nerds, because men get better looking and you get worse looking. And it's just like marry someone if you're not like attracted to them right away or something. I wouldn't know I was attracted to Trent right away. Okay, people. But like you might fall into that. Like people become more attractive as they grow on you, you know? So I don't, I, I feel like men get better looking as they get older. Like, yeah, that's kind of fair.
Starting point is 01:00:16 How are y'all dealing with getting older then? Oh, well, not well. What about you? Yeah, a lot of makeup's good. I feel like I got old really quick and really unnaturally. So I was what, 35 when I had a miscarriage and then I went septic with it and I was in the ICU. Half the hair on my head fell out. I think I had one, maybe two white hairs prior to that and then it all came back white. So over half the hair on my head was white all of a sudden.
Starting point is 01:00:47 So it was literally like, well, it wasn't an overnight thing, but like the month stay in the hospital, like half my hair fell out. And I, thank God I had really thick hair before. So I didn't go bald. Otherwise I would have gone bald, but I lost half the hair. And I just looked sick and frail and I had to use a walker. And I remember a grandpa like walking by me
Starting point is 01:01:05 and he's like, you'll eventually get it sweetie. I'm like, oh, like he is so much older than me but it's moving so much better. And yet you still have the confidence of 10,000 men. Yeah, you really do. I can beat that old man on this walker any day. I have more gray hair than you, you bastard. I have more gray hair than you, you're bald.
Starting point is 01:01:24 My line and the camera knows this is I was at CrossFit one day. This is about two than you, you're bald. My line in the camera knows this is, I was at CrossFit one day. This is about two years ago, three years ago. You did CrossFit? I used to, yeah. Oh, nice. Yeah, I really enjoyed it. If you've got a good community, it's nice.
Starting point is 01:01:34 Yeah. I won't do it here because I show up, it's only women. Really? Oh, that is awkward. I need men, I can't do it with just women. So this lady said to me, or this man said, I forget it, many women say, how old are you? And I said, 37 and he went 57. 57? No, no, 37. And he said, Oh, he's gonna say you look, you're good for 57. Oh, okay. Like I am actually getting older, you know, and I'm getting white in the beard. I said to a friend, he's like, when did you get gray? I don't have any gray. He's like, dude, look. And I'm like, oh yeah, because I have blonde hair. It's hard to see.
Starting point is 01:02:05 And then you just feel yourself getting older. You're like, OK, this is it. This is where we're starting to get. Now, I'm sure there are people much older than us watching this being like, shit. Oh, for sure. But it's all relative. It is all relative.
Starting point is 01:02:14 It's weird to feel new. And it's weird not being able to undo stuff that goes wrong with your body. Before, I used to be able to diet and lose weight. And now, you can't do that. Weight is a lot harder to lose. It's weird that your body stops Like before I used to be able to diet and lose weight and now like that you can't do that. Weight is a lot harder to lose. Like it's weird that like your body stops regenerating. I'm like, oh, this is new. Um, but it's good. It's like the scars of motherhood. I have to remember, I can believe something in my head and not feel it in my heart and
Starting point is 01:02:37 still know that it's right. I'm like, okay. Like, yeah, it's like church teaching that you don't necessarily agree with, but you're like, it's not like I'm still going to submit to it. You know, like everybody gets old. It's beautiful when they do. And but I think it's so important that we accept our age. I know that's an obvious statement that everybody would agree with. But like you only have to I was watching you to the other day. It was like an MPR music thing.
Starting point is 01:03:00 And I was like, I haven't seen these guys for. And I'm just looking at these two very old men. Yeah. And I just it looked weird. Or Madonna. Yeah. I'm not even saying he should stop. But it's just sometimes you watch people and you get the sense like, oh, and what breaks my heart is when people have a schtick to be known by. Like Bono has the glasses and some people have the hat.
Starting point is 01:03:22 Yeah. And you're like, oh,, like stop, go off into the sunset. This is looking increasingly more painful. But when men and women accept their age, it looks, it can be a beautiful thing. But I think there's a difference between you accepting your thing and you telling others. And I know you're not saying that, but I think sometimes people, because I'll say that like I'm accepting, but if you're like, but you wear makeup and you dye your hair. And I'm like, yes. I feel like that's taking care of yourself. I do do those things.
Starting point is 01:03:48 And I do them because I'm like, well, and they're like, well, you should go gray naturally. And I was like, I would have, but I didn't because I was in my mid thirties and all of a sudden half my hair was gray. And so it's like one of those things where it's like, okay, yes, like I'm okay with aging, but I'm still going to take pride in my appearance
Starting point is 01:04:05 and try to look nice and put on makeup. Because I'm coming on the show. But you're gonna look nice as a 42 year old, right? And I'm gonna try to look like a 40 year old. Like I don't wanna try to look like. You've been trying to look like a 40 year old for a while. And you're still not, you're 39, just to clarify. People used to, great, you look great for 57.
Starting point is 01:04:21 Thank you. People used to say how young me and Trent looked, and now nobody says that anymore. And I'm like, those bastards, to quote a good friend, Matt Fred. But yeah, it's sad when people don't, or they used to be like, these three kids can't be yours. And now people are like, do you have anybody older?
Starting point is 01:04:38 I know. Really? Do you have any kids that aren't older? But I think I naturally look young, and I speak young. You do. Also, I sound like a 12 year old, which I'm very aware of. I think you and Trent both look very young.
Starting point is 01:04:49 We do. Trent looks less young now. Or even yesterday, Avila was like, is Kiara here? Trent looks less young. She heard you and she thought it was Kiara. He does look less young. But he should press into that. I mean, it is.
Starting point is 01:04:58 Oh, he looks so good. And now he's doing Jiu Jitsu, he looks like a man. It is amazing. Do you remember that first debate that he did when we were all living in San Diego? I know, his oversized suit, he's so cute. He looked like a home school kid at the Latin Mass. He did, he looked like a 12 year old
Starting point is 01:05:12 getting up there against an adult. I know, and he destroyed the adult. When people meet him, they're like, you have to be kidding me. That if never, now with YouTube, everybody's probably seen his face. But before, when it was just radio, they're like, are you Trent Horn's assistant?
Starting point is 01:05:27 Where is Trent Horn? But his voice is also very deep, so he sounds manly. But yeah, I think he has aged beautifully and it's super unfair. And when I die of diet, good, that was, I was fishing again, thank you, that was what I was looking for. You do, you look amazing.
Starting point is 01:05:42 I feel like you haven't changed at all since last time we hung out. No, I have wrinkles now. You look the same. But I have laugh wrinkles. Oh, I have, me too. But Trent has an anger wrinkle. Oh.
Starting point is 01:05:51 He's like, that's the only wrinkle he has. From his scorn. James Mottman, Father Casey, just watch him. Just, yeah, new Pauly. You're all responsible for his wrinkle. No, laugh wrinkles are good to have. They are good. It adds character and it's like, I enjoy life.
Starting point is 01:06:09 So yes, I have a lot of wrinkles. You know what must be very difficult, I imagine, is for women who have not gotten married and don't have kids and their bodies are getting older. Like how do you know that's going to be a real cross? Yeah, it is really nice being within the context of marriage. But at the same time, I think our bodies age that much more quickly because we do have children and we are married. Let me tell you, my grandmother is she's my step grandmother and she she married my grandfather. She was never able to have children and she looks great and she's ninety nine and she has all her real teeth and all her real hair.
Starting point is 01:06:42 And how many kids did you have? Wow. She was not able to have any children naturally herself, but then she raised all the kids. I think a vast like 98% of it is genetics. Yeah, you think so? Sometimes you meet this gorgeous woman with a nine kids. Yeah. How did you... I know, how did she win that lottery?
Starting point is 01:06:57 I know, yeah, that's why Trent always says look at the mom. And then, so that's nice, you can look at the mom, checking out your mom right now, seeing if I can marry you. That's good advice from Trent Horn there. Look at the mom. That's fair. But it's interesting. Do you think looks are more important for a woman? Yes, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:07:13 I don't even know why I asked that. Say that again. What are you asking me? Do you think looks are more important as a woman? Like a woman is more concerned about them than a man is? Yeah, like it's more important for a woman to be beautiful than a man to be beautiful. Maybe. I wouldn't know what it's like to be a woman, believe it or not.
Starting point is 01:07:28 But I also think that there is more of a more pressure on men these days to look a certain way that they may not have been 20, 30 years ago. I think that's bad. I think it's kind of gross that a man cares for himself that much. But I still don't think it's as much as a woman for the way she looks. Yeah. So even. This is why I have such respect for women who go on Instagram and don't have makeup. Like Drew Barrymore, like whatever you think about her. For some reason I went down a rabbit hole and went to her Instagram page. Yeah, she's so lovely
Starting point is 01:07:49 I mean, she's I love that she posts photos of herself just like without makeup I mean she takes nice it takes courage the age where everyone feels the need to call you something bad. Yeah, yeah Yeah, that's fair. But make it make so have you ever heard of the fallacy of the beard? Yeah, like it when does become a beard? Yes. Yes. I've heard of it. Just because you can't say when X begins, it doesn't mean you can't say what X is. Yeah. So this may not be a beard. But if I keep growing it in three months, it may be. But just because you don't know when it started doesn't mean you can't say what a beard is. And I think likewise, maybe I don't know when or whether makeup is an example of vanity. But I
Starting point is 01:08:22 can say something about boob jobs under certain circumstances. Right. And bum jobs. And right. Yeah, I just think we need women speaking against that with love for their fellow sisters. Yes. And I think that what's interesting on it is I think that you assume that most of the other people that are practicing Christians are on the same page as you and they're not. So like I did this episode saying, why you shouldn't get a boob job or whatever. And this girl, something in her title, it was like, I don't know the exact name, but it was like trad mom or something.
Starting point is 01:08:52 So like she's a Latin mass goer, traditional Catholic, and she completely disagreed with me and was like, Cameron, you're wrong. Like absolutely, it's totally fine for women to get boobs jobs after. I think in that community, there is like some expectation to serve your husband. And I think if they think it is like this serves your husband, then it's fine morally.
Starting point is 01:09:11 And I'm not even saying morally. I just think I don't think it's a great idea. Yeah, I don't either. I'm not even touching. And that was my thing. I'm like, this is a moral or I don't agree with that. I think your husband should like whatever. You're in the dark 50 percent of the time anyway.
Starting point is 01:09:24 But my whole thing is like, OK, if if so, when we when we got married, I think your husband should like whatever you're in the dark 50% of the time anyways When we got married I was rather large in doubt and I am not Me and my wedding dress and just my point is like I'm a small-built person And I used to have I remember actually I we had it okay, so there we go That's right feels when you do But I None said something mean she saw a picture of us when we got married and she was like oh You were such a beautiful bride. Too bad that you were immodest. You had to dress like a whore.
Starting point is 01:10:09 Well, most wedding dresses are immodest. Right, so here's the thing. So my secretary at the time, I was a youth minister, my secretary, God bless you, Janet Haffernick. I don't think you watched the show, but if you do, you're wonderful and amazing. I love you.
Starting point is 01:10:20 So she is Raegum Christy. She has not died. Three years ago. I'm just kidding. You weren't invited to the Peterup. So she is Ragham Christie. She has not died three years ago. You weren't invited to the funeral. No, she is Ragham Christie, daily mask over, always wears a skirt, always like very proper, beautiful, extremely feminine. And I remember getting upset when I got my wedding dress and I was like,
Starting point is 01:10:38 oh, my goodness, because they put a size 10 or 12. I don't know what size it is. It's a bigger size that you try on. So and then they pin it to make you fit. Go easy with the next description. Just no need to get super graphic. Anywho, no, the dress just looked different when they ordered it in my size. It looked different and I was nervous about it. And Janet was so lovely. And she's like, Cameron, you are going to be a beautiful bride. You're going to look amazing and wonderful. Like,
Starting point is 01:11:03 I'm sorry, the Lord blessed you with a good figure and you can wear like a burlap sack and I would still notice your figure, you know? And I just thought it was very sweet of her and I was like, okay, okay, this is fine. And I do think I had a beautiful wedding dress. If I got married now, yes, I would have tried to find something kind of different.
Starting point is 01:11:19 We would do so much different. Yeah, we wouldn't. It was a beautiful, more charismatic mask. What if it just got super awkward and you're like, we would do so much different. Like I wouldn't have married this schmuck and I'm like, wow, okay. I would go down to that red guy. Way differently. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:34 How have your opinions on motherhood and being a wife and modesty and all those topics that we probably talked about when you're single, how have they changed, developed, grown? How's your heart? Yeah, I think you get more credibility as you have children and you're married. So your opinions change a lot. I think the main one that sticks out probably, I don't know if you want to talk about or not, is like, I think I used to be more pro or more open to women working and now I'm not. Yeah. So break that open for us. I'd love to hear how. Well, that's it.
Starting point is 01:12:09 There's nothing beneath the surface. Ding! Broken. I agree. I'm with you on that too. All right. So tell me why. So like if Trent, when you guys were dating and he's like, I really need you to stay home and look after me and the kids, you would have felt how. Well, I think, well, I think a lot of careers that women go into used to be vocations. Like nursing and teaching used to be a vocation.
Starting point is 01:12:31 And now it's filled by lay people and they treat it as a vocation. And so like oftentimes women in those professions are trying to serve two things. And some women can do it successfully, but some women have certain temperaments like myself can only serve one master, you know, like. And so, yeah, if Trent would have told me that, I think I don't think he would have told me that at the beginning.
Starting point is 01:12:52 I don't think he thought that either. Maybe he's changed a little. Oh, he's changed a ton. And I think it's because we've seen the fruit in our marriage of me staying at home. So what was it like when you worked as a young wife? Yeah. And then why did you quit? And what's been the difference?
Starting point is 01:13:04 Well, I think you can work as a young wife and then why did you quit and what's been the difference? Well, I think you can work as a young wife if you don't have children, but someone has to watch that child or those children. And so our marriage was falling apart, to be honest, when I was working. And people at work, they see the best side of you. And I'm not saying that it's a, a moral sin to work as, as a woman, but I'm saying there, there needs to be a serious reason to justify it.
Starting point is 01:13:33 Even just to talk about it from your own perspective would be helpful. We don't have to make claims on anybody else, but for you. No, it was not great for our family. What were you seeing in your marriage where you're like, I need to quit this job. And you went to school for nursing. So you invested a big part of your life.
Starting point is 01:13:45 You wanna be vulnerable? I saw it. I hear it. Well, okay. So I got super close to a male coworker and I share this testimony in our, we used to do like a marriage encounter weekend and I shared this testimony and I got too close to him.
Starting point is 01:13:59 And you start, I wouldn't say developing feelings and Trent knows all this stuff, but I think that's how affairs happen. They happen very slowly. It's not like you just have an affair with someone. You get to know them, you're attracted to their temperament. They see the best side of you. And Trent was very uncomfortable with it.
Starting point is 01:14:16 And I was like, well, we're just friends, but he's not a jealous person at all. So he was like, I'm just asking that you don't do anything that you wouldn't be uncomfortable with me doing with a woman. Like you have that same standard. Like if I was like talking to a coworker often and joking around with that person and they were, you know, like getting to know you, would you be, would you be comfortable with me doing that? And I was like, absolutely not.
Starting point is 01:14:37 I would burn her house down. I would handle that. She'd be gone. But yeah. So I was like, okay. So I did have to set like a standard, like I can't talk to you one on one anymore. And it's so hard because you don't want to, like when you do that, you assume, you're kind of making an assumption about the other person that they're attracted to you. So it comes off very awkward.
Starting point is 01:14:58 Like, I can't talk to you anymore. And they're like, you're just my friend and I'm not into you that way. You know what I mean? And so, but yeah, so you're like, well, I misread this. And so, but, but I didn't misread it. And so, but I think things happen slowly within the workforce that are, and not everybody for sure, but I think it's, I, I'm someone who is like, vulnerable to, to that, to like, like someone's personality or, you know,
Starting point is 01:15:26 so I have to be on guard for that. No, like, I don't know if you feel this way, but for me, the most attractive trait in a woman is if she likes me. She could be a 65 year old obese woman, but if she's into me, that's the most attractive thing. Because I hate you. Yeah, and I'm sure-
Starting point is 01:15:40 That's so exotic too, he's the same. For me, that's not the case. Guys into me, I'm like, oh gosh, get over me, please. Go away. I'm glad you're into me, but just like other people. You know what I mean? Are you like that? I'm like, oh.
Starting point is 01:15:52 No, I love to be adored. Sorry, I'm losing it. What did you say? I love to be adored. It's the best. So was that, yeah, anyway, keep going. So that is just one thing that was like chipping away. Trent was staying at home and he, he's great at it,
Starting point is 01:16:05 but it's not his role. It's not where he finds strength. He has a mega brain and to be watching a kid all day is soup for brains, you know? So he was really, I think, struggling with that. And then he was so patient. And I told this story on Lila Rose's show. She's like, when did you really like, what's the best moment of your marriage? And it was when I came out of working and like, he had waited for me. And it was the best moment of our marriage. Like now we can, and that's really I feel like when we became a family,
Starting point is 01:16:28 not like everybody juggling and trying to eat dinner and like, and also I was like, well I work and I stay at home. So why can't you do the duties that I do? You know, like why aren't you making the bed? I also work. You know what I mean? And it just was so disordered for our family. Not that it's like that for everybody else, but, um, I think it's that way for way more people than we would think. Yeah. But unfortunately I think in a society where you've created this two income trap, um, you know, where it's, it's really hard. It's,
Starting point is 01:16:57 it's a luxury to stay home and I don't. So how did you make the decision to quit? And then what was that like? Well, I had Thomas, which was nice. So then once I had a second baby, it was, it would be, it kind of like gave me an out to leave, which was nice. Um, so, but at first I had plans of going back and then I kind of had to die of it. Like it reminded me of the office when he was like, I took a shit on my boss's car. I'm so sorry. I keep saying that word, but really I said much worse.
Starting point is 01:17:26 So, but yeah, that's what I had to die to it. People ask me all the time when you go back to nursing and I'm like, I can't even go down that road. Like my temperament cannot have long-term goals without me always like worshiping that as like the end goal. You know what I mean? It's been beautiful to see Christian women reclaiming the beauty of being a wife and a mother, which has just been crapped on by our society.
Starting point is 01:17:49 If you're just staying at home, you're wasting your life. And it's Chesterton's excellent quote. What is it again? Here we go. Feminism is mixed up with the idea that a woman is free when she serves her employer, but a slave when she serves her husband. Yeah. I also like the other one where it says, like you you you could be one thing to a lot of people and we like look look favor favorably
Starting point is 01:18:11 upon that like that's wonderful but for you to be everything to one person or a few people your husband and children a few people like we look down upon that. I have so many stories and you taught them everything. Yeah. Are you seeing like in circles of women, are you seeing them waking up to this fact as well? All of my friends stay at home. Most of my friends stay at home. I have a few working moms and a lot of moms who don't want to be working, which is sad. But like they, they just haven't found their out yet, which is hard.
Starting point is 01:18:36 And my heart goes out for them. But a lot of moms, but my thing is if it naturally falls on the woman, I feel like, cause women are just more nurturing, but by nature, but like the women I know who do work the dad stay at home and they just make it work He has a job from that. He works from home and stuff. My main concern is a child care of that child I think it should be raised by their parents and So but Melanie Pritchard who is I think we can all agree the most competent woman in the entire world the most competent woman in the entire world. So you can even one up her. I won't even try to one up her in anything.
Starting point is 01:19:06 She is so amazing. Actually, just as a quick anecdote, Melanie, for those who don't know, is my assistant. Wait, so she works for you? So Melanie works? Yeah, just from home. I know, I just thought that was funny. As she homeschools, because she's competent.
Starting point is 01:19:18 Exactly, but she's just terrific. And one of my kids said to me, Dad, if mom dies, will you marry Melanie? Absolutely. Absolutely. I don't think her husband would. But she's just terrific, you know, and one of my kids said to me dad if mum dies, will you marry Melanie? Absolutely? First I'll kill Doug, her actual husband. Doug is the nicest person you will ever meet so you will have no issue. Yeah, you know No issue killing him? I love Doug
Starting point is 01:19:40 But yeah, she though she died after her second child. Yep, she actually did. And she had to be like- People think you have misspoke. No, my assistant died at that point. Yeah, no, she died. She had to be like, she wrote a book on it. And so, but then I remember coming to her and I was discerning going back to work when I was on my postpartum leave.
Starting point is 01:19:55 And she's like, I learned dying that you are irreplaceable in only one role. And she's like, just raise your kids. She's like, when I died, all I wanted to do was raise my kids. And she's like just raise your kids. She's like when I died all I wanted to do was raise my kids and she's like a Steubenville speaker and like she could have it all you know what I mean and she chose to raise her kids and now they're wonderful children and I'm like that's so beautiful but how much more of a legacy you'll create if you like successfully raise these children.
Starting point is 01:20:20 I'm asking how is it that your opinions have changed on this like what happened is it a gradual kind of awakening? Yeah, I think it's a gradual waking up coming out of the fog of feminism Seeing what is the case? I would ever call myself a feminist at the beginning, but I yeah, but I think now in that You know more conservative. It is like Ideologies that permeate culture. It's like a fog It's like at one point in my life the idea of like that sex outside of marriage is evil was unthinkable. There was a time in my life where I thought if people want to commit sodomy like that, the idea that that would be wrong is unthinkable.
Starting point is 01:20:54 Like there were so many things that I was just so foggy about. And it's not always a quick light switch. It's sometimes you just gradually emerging from it and your opinions crystallize. Yeah, I think there is a gradual immersion. And then I also think there's so for me, I definitely was very I am woman hear me roar like for sure. And really, you disagree with me, I will punch you in the face. Yes, I definitely have more of a bigger personality and more pro woman and I can do anything you can do and I can do it better. And let me show you that you do it in a feminine way.
Starting point is 01:21:28 I do now. But I think I don't think that used to be the case ever since I've met you. You've been beautiful like that feminine but powerful but feminine. Okay. No, that's powerful. I mean competent. Okay. So here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:21:39 They used to call our yes. Joan of Arc. They used to call our wrestling team the girly girls and not because we were good wrestling team. Captain. Thank you she was on the wrestling team. Just in case. Captain, thank you very much. Oh my gosh, living in the past when I got mirrored out of huge boobs when I was the captain of the wrestling team.
Starting point is 01:21:54 When it comes to me, that's what I'm talking about. I'm going to start having a Pintz bingo card over here and the wrestling team is going to be the center square because I think you say it in every single episode. No, no, no, but there's a reason. Let's do that, let's come up with a bingo card. But there's a reason to bring it up because our wrestling team, they called, no, they called the girly girls.
Starting point is 01:22:14 And I think it was because we had girls that were cheerleaders, we had girls that were, they did all these different things, but we also were like, we also like to look feminine and nice and we did our makeup and our hair, not right before we went on the mat, but like afterwards we go hang out. And some of the other girls did not at all.
Starting point is 01:22:29 And like, sometimes you would get, your opponent would come up and be like, dude, I thought we weren't allowed to wrestle the guys. Oh no, she's a chick, cool, okay. And so like, we just were more girly girls anyhow, but I wouldn't have considered myself a girly girl. But I think embracing that feminine, and I think when we got married
Starting point is 01:22:45 I never thought my mom mainly stayed at home. Like I was mainly raised by my mom at home She would get these little side jobs, but she was always there No, but she was always there and so I knew that I wanted to be a primary, obviously. I wanted to mainly take care of my children. I wanted both of us to take care of the kids, but we weren't in the spot financially. So it was like, I'm fine working. And I worked in ministry, so it was different.
Starting point is 01:23:16 So my kids came with me. It was very flexible. It was very flexible. They did everything with me. I've never had, I think Catholic answers was like a few months. Exactly, like your job involved writing a talk on modesty to give to these beautiful young women And I can bring my children with me, which is very different to working at a dentist's office
Starting point is 01:23:30 No, no, I mean like that little bit that I worked at the front desk. Oh sure. No, I know I know you were about you were just switching into that topic, but I was just emphasizing the most most the things my kids I moved to America Catholic answers hired me, but I still work. I couldn't work in the beginning So what they did is they you say you know You go for it. Well, they hired Cameron to be the receptionist to Catholic Answers and paid her the wage I was going to be getting Tim Staples is like you're the highest paid secretary we've ever had Probably should not have said that what What? Breaking glass ceilings?
Starting point is 01:24:06 No, the highest fraud. What about boobs? Damn it! No, no, no, but you weren't employed. Just like that, Trent lost his job. All my answers were sued. No, but they employed me. I worked. You were not working for them. Matt stayed at home with the kids during that time.
Starting point is 01:24:22 It was a separate position. I had my own position. Until they got me my green card. Yeah. But I think they also normally got college students or interns. I think my position was normally interns and I was actually like a paid person. And I got paid that because I'm so good. Yeah. I remember you telling your story about you jumping on that giant bouncy ball. I know because I was pregnant. I was pregnant. You brought up Stephanie Gordon earlier. I haven't read her books and so I don't want to vouch for everything she said, but the times I've heard her speak, she's a prophet. I love her.
Starting point is 01:24:50 And I'll say one thing. She said two things. I'm like, oh my God, this, she, from me at a distance, she seems to me to be someone who's very competent and very feminine and submissive. Like that's why I don't like this idea that in order to be a submissive wife, it means you have to kill your personality and be weak. I don't want a weak wife. Valerie Staples?
Starting point is 01:25:10 I want someone I can contend with. Like I want someone who's competent. So does your husband. Why wouldn't you want that? But do you think Stephanie Gordon feels comfortable standing up to Tim Gordon? You don't have to answer that on here. I don't know. I don't know their marriage, but let me just, here's the point I want to say about Steph
Starting point is 01:25:23 that she brought up and I thought, gee, this was really excellent. I'm glad she's saying this. I very rarely listen to them, but occasionally I'll click on a video or something. And she was saying like, you go to a men's conference and the man up on stage is saying, um, what the hell are you doing? Yeah. Like get your shit together, be a man, love your wife. You're sucking at it right now. Now, men receive praise and things like that differently. So women might just all cry. I don't know how women receive it, but you go to a woman's conference and very often it feels like I'm not saying all the time, oh my God, hey ladies, like you just need to be more understood. You're beautiful. And her point was like, okay, yeah, sure. All that's true.
Starting point is 01:26:00 But also like step it up and be a better wife that you are right now. Here's the thing, Trent, I told you the story, but I'll repeat it. Trent said a better wife than you are right now. Here's the thing, Trent, I told you this story, but I'll repeat it. Trent said the other day, he was like, cause him and I were talking about this. And he was like, when was the last time you went to a woman's conference and you heard a woman speak like that?
Starting point is 01:26:14 And we both were like, we can only think of one person. That's Stephanie Gordon actually. So gotta give it to her for at least, you know. Like another thing that she said that totally changed my mind was when somebody says happy wife, happy life, her eyes roll back into her head and her neck falls off of her head. Because all that says is my wife is a petulant child who I have to keep happy in order for
Starting point is 01:26:33 our marriage to be good. She's great. Again, I haven't read her books, but the few things I've heard I've really, really liked. But speak to that a bit. Where are the women who are up on stage telling you women, be a better wife, be better at loving your husband. So I think Kimberly does it. Kimberly Hawn, I think does it.
Starting point is 01:26:48 And I see like her, I don't know their ins and outs of their marriage, but she is a more Kimberly. Kimberly is a strong woman who has her own opinions on things. She runs her household very well, you know, but she's not afraid to say like, you need to do this. You need to do that for your husband. You need it. So I think she also would do that. I just don't know that she's spoken out to it that much.
Starting point is 01:27:16 I do think women are more sensitive. Can I say that? And I do think women are more sensitive. I don't know who you're talking to. If you may make them cry. If Trent talked to me, how I talked to him, we'd be divorced. Let's just throw that out there right now. If I was like, Trent, you need to clean up this kitchen. Please clean up the kitchen. You leave it a mess every night.
Starting point is 01:27:33 Then I'd go back and apologize and be like, I'm sorry. If he told me that, I would be in tears for three days. We wouldn't talk. You'd be like, that's the way you talk to me. It's not about the kitchen. It's about the way you talk to me. It's how you remind me of my dad. Let's talk about it. So in a big women's conference, the point is you can communicate that truth.
Starting point is 01:27:50 But in a way that's not to be more gentle. And I don't even think it's like that they think women are incompetent. I think it's just our nature and they probably know that. Like here we are. But I still think misogynistic. But like, well, it's kind of maybe maybe we're kind of talking to women as we thought they were 20 years ago and we haven't moved on. I disagree. Yeah. I think you can be a lot more direct with women. I think this is why people love listening to you. I think you could be direct and not mean like there's a difference between. And sometimes, yes, I do come off a little too aggressive or like intimidating.
Starting point is 01:28:26 I know I've had multiple women that are like, at first I was really intimidated by you, but now, but I feel like that's happening less and less. I think girls, women are just tougher now because of the society in which we are, we have to be. Right? And like, if we want to be women, we fight for that. We're like, no, no, no, I am a woman. Cause there's all these men dressing up like women and mocking you.
Starting point is 01:28:45 She is not a woman. Yeah. Like I would, like I can't physically beat him in my sport. You probably could kick Dylan Mulvaney's ass. I'm pretty sure. But I would be so, I don't even know who that is because I don't keep up with all this stuff. What? Never.
Starting point is 01:28:58 Where have you been? Don't worry about it. I know. I don't. Anywho. It's a dude who hates, it seems to, sorry, let me rephrase it. Hate women. It's a dude who mocks women. I know it is so insulting to what it means. I'm like, he is not anything. Yeah, it's the equivalent of blackface. He
Starting point is 01:29:10 just he mocks women. Yeah. So I'm okay with that. Like, it's like you're not allowed to. And I think I think the majority I'm thinking of just like my main followers and my main people that I'm interacting with and even college students like like they're stronger women because I think you have to be like like if something's mean said to them, I don't think they're as likely to cry. Like there's a part on the inside that's like, Oh, that really hurt. But that's only people very close to you. That's not the rest of the people.
Starting point is 01:29:37 So Trent is like your best friend and you're you have this amazing intimate relationship. So yes, he can say something and it'll pierce your heart. But if Matt or Thursday said the same thing to you, you'd be like, well, no, like I don't think. And so I think as we're talking to other women, I think, do you know me? Do you know me at all? I would go take a Xanax that I don't even have prescribed for me. I'm just kidding. I don't take Xanax. Sorry, what do you want to? Laura, can you move just a touch that way or not? Totally. Yeah, just cause you're blocking that.
Starting point is 01:30:10 No, you're fine like that. Okay. Finish the point and then I want to go to a break. Then we come back. We've got a ton of questions from our local supporters and super chatters, but yeah. Yeah, I think they'll also talk, speak to the most beautiful aspects of what it be,
Starting point is 01:30:21 what it is to be a man or a woman. So like men, it's like you shine when you're a fighter or a provider. And so it's like step up and women shine when they're like nurturers or beautiful mothers. Masculine strength. Here's what masculinity looks like, strength in the service of others.
Starting point is 01:30:36 That's best of us. What's femininity? The fem babies. No, I'm just kidding. No, but that's part of it. Can I see it? Being maternal is very feminine. Yeah, being maternal,
Starting point is 01:30:44 I think I became way more maternal through, I mean, kidding. No, but that's part of it. I see it being my maternal. Yeah, very maternal I think I became way more maternal through I mean obviously this makes sense But I became softer getting married and I became so much softer and way more maternal through having children But you don't have to you don't have to have children to be maternal. That's not what I'm saying I agree. I'm saying I think women are more naturally nurturing like the nurture, the heart of the home. I think that's got to be it. So if masculinity is strength in the service of others, whatever femininity is, it's got to have to do with nurturing. I think it also has to do with dying to ourselves.
Starting point is 01:31:13 So I think we die to ourselves and like childbirth is very much a part of this and nurturing though, through nurturing, we die to ourselves. And we also say, this is my body given up for you. It's love of you, my spouse, as well as love of our children that we've had that my body's been ripped apart You know broken bleeding Yeah, I think a big part of it is what feminism did is it extinguished the sexes it said we're all equal now Yeah, and I think we're now coming out of that fog and so so we're really I think we're seeing the fruit of it with transgender. We're seeing that. That's true. We're right. You're right. We're seeing the fruit of it in transgenderism. But those of us who won't
Starting point is 01:31:52 go along with that program are coming out of the fog and are now trying to reclaim what masculinity is and what femininity is. And we should expect it to look awkward until we figure that out again, because we didn't know. No one taught it to us. So you might have a man who thinks, well, if I have a beard or, you know, if I look a certain way or if I smoke so many cigars and you might have a woman who thinks that she needs to be wearing the apron 24 7, like we're going to see awkward characters of what we used to think of as masculinity until we until we get it. And I think that's OK.
Starting point is 01:32:20 So I love kind of giving people that room to look awkward, like the guys who go to Latin mass with their pocket watches, like that's cool, that's beautiful, do it. Like you're trying to reclaim something that was never given to you. Of course it's going to look weird, but it's exciting to see. But also I feel like though, if you don't do that,
Starting point is 01:32:36 that doesn't make you a member of the opposite sex. Like I feel like sometimes people don't feel like men. I feel like sometimes like Trent, until he did Jiu Jitsu, was not into sports. He never watched football. He was a reader. You know what I mean? But he was just his family. I know he was just his family.
Starting point is 01:32:52 But I'm agreeing with you. This is my point that we are grasping for that which was never explained or passed on to us. And it's that grasping may look like, well, if I don't watch sports, I'm not a man. Like it's going to be awkward and superficial in some areas as we figure out. No, no, no, no, no. You don't have to like lower your voice an octave on YouTube to sound like to be a real man.
Starting point is 01:33:13 Like as a woman, you don't have to whatever, get a job. Like no, we can reclaim authentic masculinity and femininity, not just the accidents of it. And I think that's why we're seeing so many young couples, like so many young couples that are engaged and the, and they don't have a huge income. Like we have a tutor that works for us. She's amazing and wonderful. Her husband, I think sells-
Starting point is 01:33:31 She pours all hell. Right? They kind of are, but like she's still, her plan is to stay at home and raise her kids and she'll make some money by homeschooling my kids too because she's better at it than me. But I think, and there's so many in Steuben But I think there's so many in student mill, especially there's so many young couples where it's like
Starting point is 01:33:47 the wife, like when they get married, she's not even trying to get a job. Like she's like, well, I mean, sure, if they need another barista at the coffee shop, I'll do it or sure. I'll do this. But as soon as we have kids, I'm staying home or, you know, and I think that they see and I feel
Starting point is 01:34:00 like we had to like grow. I think here's the next layer of fog a lot of women are going to move through. And that's this realization that it's enough to stay home for your husband and house, even if you don't have kids. Yeah, that's fair. That's beautiful. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:14 Yeah. To serve your husband. But yeah, I mean, but I did stay at home for a little while while my nursing license didn't transfer and I think it's good for certain temperaments. I get bored and when there's less to do, I do less. Whereas Trent, when there's less to do, he does more. Like his mind works and he's, and I think it's spiritually dangerous for me
Starting point is 01:34:30 to not have a ton to do. And not that I fill my life with busyness, but I'm saying like, I don't think it's wrong. Nothing is, I don't think the stats have changed for, BingeBird did a whole show on this the other day. And I don't think the stats have changed from non-married women working since the fall of like, you know, since the revolution,
Starting point is 01:34:47 the stats have changed for married women with children working. And so like, or I'm sorry, I don't think the stats have changed for married women without children working. I think what has changed is married women with children working. And so, yeah, so I don't think it's necessarily,
Starting point is 01:35:04 like I think my temperament would fall. I agree. I would not do well if we didn't have the kids. I think it's beautiful if kids could be a stay-at-home wife. But yeah, or maybe- There's also a difference, so I think, to saying like, okay, we got no kids. And so like, you work an hour at the coffee shop and then you lead a Bible study. Like you're doing this. Yeah, that's beautiful. That's different. Like I have a full time job and career. But I think I, I had a full time job and career when Trent and I were married and we were
Starting point is 01:35:31 infertile and it also almost destroyed our marriage. Like, so I think it almost would have been more beneficial for me not to have worked during that time and then, you know, step back. But yeah, our marriage isn't flimsy. I don't want to give that off. I mean, I'm just speaking hyperbolically. The other day, my eight year old used the word hyperbolically. I'm speaking hyperbolically. I got a story about your son before we go. Yes. And someone was like, wow, that's a big word. And I was like, yeah, that's because I yell, I'm going to kill you. And then I have to explain what hyperbolic. She's just being hyperbolic. So I was sitting down with Matthew and I, I was, I was, yeah, I was, that's right. Not me. I was sitting down with Matthew and I was, I was, yeah, I was not me. I was
Starting point is 01:36:07 sitting down with your eight year old son and I was asking him about dinosaurs because I thought he had the brain of a child. And I made the mistake of saying like my favorite as a kid was a diplodocus. And he went a diplodocus? And I went, damn it! He was five, yeah, he was five. Was he five? Yeah, he was five at the time. All right, let's take a break. We're gonna come back. We're gonna take some questions.
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Starting point is 01:37:25 What if you could give your money to a Catholic company that sold everything Catholic and in so doing not only support that Catholic company, but support Catholic artisans and craftsmen as well. I've got a bunch of stuff that they just sent me. We have a chrysom scented bee wax candle, which Thursday think smells delightful. We even have chrysom lotion cream, that rosary bracelets, they have kids books, they have the what is this? This is like a Mary doll for your children, rosaries, kids books, all sorts of stuff. Go to everything right now. And when you use the promo code PINCE, you'll get 15% off. So go support an excellent Catholic company, as well as, as I say,
Starting point is 01:38:10 excellent Catholic small businessmen and craftsmen. to to to if All right, we're back. So as we set up these cameras again, as my beautiful bride has left, do you remember the first time you met Cameron? Yes, well, when I met Cameron? Yeah, when I stayed at your house. Is that when you came in? She was wonderfully neurotic.
Starting point is 01:40:12 That's how I would describe her. Yeah, I kind of regret saying that just now. So I would like to use that dumb button. She was able to do so much, not neurotic. That's the word wrong word, like wonderfully hyper. Yeah. You have those people where you're just like drawn to them immediately from the first time you meet them. And you're like, I kind of felt that way that without Lady Cindy, they came
Starting point is 01:40:32 to your house. Like, you know, right away you're like, I could say anything in front of you and you would think I'm funny and love me. Totally. And yeah, so that's, that's how I felt about Cameron. And she was like, want to help me paint my room? I'm like, sure. That's amazing. You know, when Cameron first met a fellow called Dave Matthews, yeah, we walk, she walked. She's not going to leave until she hears the story. The Catholic Dave Matthews is way called the musician.
Starting point is 01:40:54 Dave Matthews. He was walking to buy a house on Fourth Street. And Dave Matthews swore she was a meth head. It's like I've seen it like this. Like, she's got to be high. It's like, no, just excited. Just loves life. Jesus Christ. Cameron to be high. No, just excited. Just loves life.
Starting point is 01:41:05 Oh, Jesus Christ. Cameron doesn't take offense at any of that. That's what I love about that. She's like classic Dave calling me a meth head. It looks like there's a lot more room behind Laura than me. Goodbye. Good man. Look at Thursday, working on the spot like this, crushing it.
Starting point is 01:41:22 You just can't find good work like that. No, it's a compliment. It wasn't a back end and compliment. I'm actually so grateful for you. It is hard to find good work. Oh, my gosh. Like Thursday, working on this one, you like, screw you, you bastard. Like, dude, I actually meant it.
Starting point is 01:41:36 I meant it. All right. Well, we have lots of questions coming in. Let's see. Oh, I'll hate me. Laura, this is Enoch. Oh, yo. Oh, Enoch. Oh, yo Oh Yes, everybody. We're on rumble right now. We're streaming on rumble the to 813 people watching on YouTube and 100 people watching on rumble
Starting point is 01:41:54 Thank you. Not enough feel free to go over to rumble and ask his questions there. You're more Rumble our rumbles URL is super easy. So I'm just gonna read it real quick rumble comm Oh, okay pints with Aquinas slash live if you go to that URL Rumble's URL is super easy, so I'm just gonna read it real quick. Oh, okay. Slash pints with Aquinas. Mm-hmm. Slash live.
Starting point is 01:42:08 If you go to that URL. That was easy. And ask a question. Laura. That was easy. Says Enoch, now that the rap battle between us is over, we should do a song together. Ha ha, but I feel like you're serious. Ha ha ha.
Starting point is 01:42:21 Wals. Ha ha ha. I'm in it. You know what? I'm actually very good with rhymes. Me and my son used to go on long walks together and I would make up songs about gorillas and T-Rexes. Me and my son. I take them on long four to six mile walks every single day and to entertain them, you have to like just create rhymes. And that's how I got really good at rhyming. It's actually very hard. And humor, I feel like is the same way. It follows like a certain cadence. Like
Starting point is 01:42:43 you have to land correctly. And so yeah, so that's how I became good at rhyming. It's actually skill. And how did it take you to write that little rap about Taylor Marshall? It probably took, I don't know, maybe like an hour or two, not very long, but yeah, I mean, it's just a few lines, but to record it and everything. I mean, it took a few days because you have to record your fit. And then I had to memorize it, which was harder because my brain is mush Anglican aesthetics. Thanks for the super chat says if your child became a Protestant and married a Protestant,
Starting point is 01:43:11 would you attend that wedding? Would you not consider their spouse your child in law? Oh, that's hard. Well, I think I would get spiritual direction from a priest who I really, really trust as to how to handle that Okay, ask me more about the jobs would Carlos Fernando says would trend Carlos says would Trent be down for a wrestling match judo versus jiu-jitsu Trent has the confidence of 10,000 men. He is like Cameron as a man. Yes, he did. He did a sprawl, not a sprawl. He did like a boxing match with his coworker Edgar. And I thought he was going to get destroyed because Edgar's really tall and like pretty big and
Starting point is 01:43:59 he held his own. I was so proud of him. I was so attracted. Like when he said he was doing it with Edgar, I'm like, are you you sure but yeah, he wants to roll with everybody. It's a little much though Joseph-feely says Laura when did you know you and Trent were a match and any advice for Catholics trying to find a spouse today? Matt, when do we get Cameron back on? Yeah, I knew Trent and I were match get Cameron back on next week. Yeah. Yeah. Um, I knew Trent and I were matched. Uh, I don't think that there was like a particular moment. Trent is really kind to his parents and I knew that that was some,
Starting point is 01:44:34 like a quality that I wanted to man. He's like a natural servant. And he didn't have the greatest childhood, but he's still really nice to his mom and dad. And so I felt like that was a quality that I definitely loved. Trent was not nice to me when we first met. He was like, help with the attraction. Right. Well, you're nice to me when we first met. He was like, not. Did that help with the attraction? Right. Well, he claims you have to be a little mean to women. And I think I think he might have changed his view on that.
Starting point is 01:44:52 But I think he thinks you have to be a little bit unique. Like, for instance, I had men pursue me who I didn't even know were pursuing me. Like they'd call me and I'd ignore it and then text him back. But like they never like I thought we were just friends. And then but Trent was like, you don't answer my phone calls and that upsets me and I'm like, okay. And then I answered his phone calls like he was very forward. And so I think that that was I was and then I just married him and now I have this little handcuff of a ring. That's what that oh but advice I'd say meet someone in service like that's where you really get to see them shine so yeah it's funny like all the advice I would give to someone for
Starting point is 01:45:28 how to choose a good spouse wasn't the advice I was interested in receiving yeah that's fair someone once said to me like would she be a good mother to your children yeah well she was but if she wasn't I would have looked past it you know like ask people who know both of you like if she's a good woman yeah and like what do they think of her? But again, when you're just like in love, it's hard to listen to. You're like, they're wrong.
Starting point is 01:45:50 We love each other. You don't understand me. Yeah. But there you go. Oh, we have black, the black, that black Catholic chick. Oh, I love her. She's a great channel. What is her name?
Starting point is 01:45:58 Roxy. Roxy. I was like, Robbie is wrong. Roxy. She's so feminine. She's such a beautiful woman. She's a great channel. Um, what, what is her name? I Roxy. I was, I was like, Robbie is wrong. She's so feminine. She's such a beautiful woman. So look at that. She's got all that.
Starting point is 01:46:13 Oh, she is so nice. She's so kind. And she doesn't say the S H word. Can we talk about the irony real quick of you Constantly telling me when we're off camera like you actually need to find a wife But then trying to set me up with people that I have no chance with No, you just have to be funny and attractive and yeah, you have a chance Second one reminds me of dumb and dumber when she's like, what are the chances? He's like, what are the chances? And she's like, one in a million.
Starting point is 01:46:47 He's like, so you're so there's an optimist for you. All right. Paul says, it says anonymous. Well, why would he say, he writes the comment and then he says, keep it anonymous. This is on you. All right, I'll go to another question
Starting point is 01:47:08 and at some point I'll read his. Clint says, if cosmetic surgeries are sinful due to vanity, why would makeup not fall into the same category? Isn't vanity, vanity? Oh, obviously. Or are you going to go back to the beard argument, not knowing where the line is? I think I would.
Starting point is 01:47:25 Like I'm open to the argument that makeup is vain and it shouldn't be used. That's fair, depending on like the expense and what it does to your thing. Like I would say to enhance rather than to replace. Okay. Like is where the line is strong. Enhance, so what's the difference then?
Starting point is 01:47:39 Like beautiful makeup enhances, it doesn't cover who you actually are. Like when you look at a woman and you don't even know who she is, cause she has so much makeup on, I'd say that that replaces her real face. I heard a woman say to me, if you really want to get to know a woman, go swimming with her on the first date. I look like a naked chihuahua.
Starting point is 01:47:54 Not like I wouldn't be naked. I mean, a chihuahua. This isn't how you swim? Here's a good question. Oh, okay. You guys are so holy. Did you have to go bathing in the scouts? Haven't you heard of the theology of the body?
Starting point is 01:48:10 It's okay now. John Paul II was cool with it. I don't know. Jay Stenit says, Laura, can you give me some recommendations on keeping my house clean with four small children? I really try, but sometimes all I can do at the end of the day is sit on my couch,
Starting point is 01:48:24 cry and drink wine because I'm so overwhelmed. That it will end. It is a season. Yeah. I like to clean. So that's a gift, but I just clean in sections. I clean like a little bit of time. Like I have certain days to do certain things. Also, our kids now are in Jiu-Jitsu. So they're gone for two hours at night. And that really helps. I only have a toddler and I let him watch TV. If it's that overwhelming to you that you're crying, just let him watch a show like and just clean up during the day when you have the most energy. I forget what it was like to have four small children, but I know for me, if, if the house is a mess, like if my wife says to me, okay, today I'm just going to get like the suitcase unpacked and the kitchen clean. Like cool. Yeah. Like I, it actually helps me. It helps me
Starting point is 01:49:04 to know that because if I come home in the house as I'm a wreck I know that she's doing the two things because she's got all these other things on Trent is a Trent fairy It's very nice. I call him a Trent fairy and when he's out of town, it really sucks I'm like my Trent fairy didn't come I go to bed and he stays up late and he'll like he's very he's very melancholic And I feel like melancholic like things organized, but they're weirdly disorganized. Like he knows where everything is, but none of it makes sense. But my advice to this woman would be to really sit down and talk with your husband about this. And have him help you?
Starting point is 01:49:32 Because if she's this overwhelmed, it might be because she feels like she's not living up to somebody's expectations. It might be her mother's, it might be her friends, it might be her own, but it might have to do with her husband. And so to be able to talk through this with him and say like, this is how I feel. Yeah, I love you. This is what I'm capable of doing. Yeah. What can I do? Yeah. You think?
Starting point is 01:49:50 Yeah. Yeah. Like maybe who does she feel judged by? Or maybe she just hates the mess. Mess sucks to live in. That's a great point. I remember a friend saying to me, I had to decide if I wanted a clean house. Yeah. Or if I wanted to be happy. Yeah. I had to decide if I wanted a clean house or if I wanted to be happy. Yeah, I had to make the decision.
Starting point is 01:50:06 And so I started parroting that advice, thinking it was obviously brilliant. Yeah. And then a friend retorted, but what if you can't be happy? Without a clean house? Yeah. And I'm like, oh, that's good. That's fair. It's true. Yeah. Messy bed, messy head. You feel bad when things are messy. Like your office is kind of messy right now. I kind of want to dust it. Pretty unhappy. Do you have woman abilities? No, it's beautiful. No, everything looks great. I'm serious. I'm actually looking
Starting point is 01:50:29 for a woman to make this. No, your studio looks fantastic. No, your studio is amazing. The doctor said I'm artistic. He's funny. All right. Landon says, is there anything, it's a question for both of you, is there anything in particular you all would recommend young Catholic guys look for in a woman, aside from the obvious? Boob jobs, I think he means. Being Catholic, follow Kelly Cho's teaching. Yeah. Now for me, I mean, this again is that objective advice that I'm not sure I would have been open to.
Starting point is 01:51:01 But to the people I respect, look at her and go, wow, she's, she's amazing. Cause that's really important. Trent also says if she's nice to her father, like he's like, watch her around her dad. Cause that's how she'll treat you. And so, but I don't know why he married me. I'm super mean to my dad and he's a great guy. I must have been really pretty. Kyle Wiginton says when people first get married, they do all the generic sweet stuff like flowers, chocolate, etc. But what are some things your spouse does now that you appreciate far more than those things? I think your needs change. Like at
Starting point is 01:51:35 first you needed like the romance getting laid every night. But yeah, no, your needs change. Like at first it's like romancing and then it turns into like, I need help with kids or I need some time alone. Trent walks in while you're in the middle of the kids and your hands you flourish like, what am I gonna do with this? What am I gonna do with this?
Starting point is 01:51:54 Am I gonna find a vase? Damn it, Trent. It's great, it's way more work than me for me. Is there something in particular that Trent does? You're like, ah, I feel so loved by that. And have you communicated that to him? Me? When I feel, well, I used to not be acts of service and now I'm totally acts of service. Like that's how I love. Because I didn't used to need the service. And now I'm like, oh,
Starting point is 01:52:14 when you serve me, it is fantastic. So yeah, just your needs changed. When he takes the kids out, it's really kind for me. It, you know, he takes them to Jiu-Jitsu. It's as nice. And then I have the youngest at home with me. But yeah, or he'll try to just like lighten my load. Like he'll take the kids to the co-op one day a week or two days a week. And that's really kind. I think a good question to ask your spouse is what is something I can do that when I do it, you'll know it's me loving you. Oh, that's beautiful. Do you know what I mean? Yeah. Cause sometimes you're doing all these things like, do you even want me to do this? But it's like, if my wife would say to me like, when you do this thing, I know you're doing all these things like, do you even want me to do this? Like, but it's like, if my wife would say to me like, when you do this thing, I know
Starting point is 01:52:45 you're trying to love me. It's like, sweet, I can do that. Yes. Yeah. That's a good question. What would Trent say? Like what's something you do that I do? Hmm.
Starting point is 01:52:54 That's something I do. Next question. We have more super chats. Oh, we have more super chats. Anything else though, other than, you know, no, that's it. All right. Good. Next question. else though other than you know no that's it all right good next question ty
Starting point is 01:53:12 tyler winkowski thanks for the super chat says all of these cool people in stream and chat will there ever be a points with aquinas conference i would totally drive us to the north east pa for that we've got a couple of conferences we did one last year scott hong gave a talk we did one this year it's not really a conference but we had had, we hosted that debate. Oh, thanks for the invite. Yeah. Super insulting. We totally had a conference. There's one above that. Is it? Do you want to read it?
Starting point is 01:53:33 Laura is jujitsu Alex real? Yeah. Is Alex from jujitsu real? No, she was not. It was a joke, but no, but he does have to roll with some women. Sometimes my rule on this is that it's okay for him to be assigned to a woman It's not okay for him to like ask to roll with a woman The reason why I'm okay with it is the woman's name is Myrna
Starting point is 01:53:50 I doubt she watches the show and I'm like, I'll allow it her name's He's gotta go we're gonna fight that night Me and Trent, both. Who cares? No, I wouldn't find Brittany. She does jujitsu. Landon Raffert says, my mom and I love watching Laura's videos together. Laura, would Trent beat Taylor Marshall in jujitsu if given the chance to roll with him? This is definitely going to be a clip.
Starting point is 01:54:24 That would make for a super entertaining match. Matt could commentate. My answer to this is Trent would beat anyone who challenged him. That is just on the line. He's a one straight white belt and he would beat it. That's the face that I have in my husband. No, why would you say that? Trent is so manly. Taylor's a blue belt, but has he been practicing for a long time? Cause I saw his blue belt. He's got at least five years.
Starting point is 01:54:50 He was talking about it in 2018 during C&T. Oh, he's still doing it. Okay, nevermind. Blue belts beat white belts. It's good for you to say that Trent would win. I would still go. Yeah, no, if they did Jiu-Jitsu of the mind, Trent would totally kick his ass.
Starting point is 01:55:04 Obviously, he would kick anybody's ass in Jujitsu of the Mind, your bastard husband. So jealous, he's so terrific. Cosman Patrilla says, how do you keep yourself disconnected from the internet, especially considering the rising fame of you and your husband? Oh, that's very kind. Do you struggle in any way with limiting that and the power it has over your life? Quick anecdote before you answer that, we often watch Laura Horne in the Frat Household when appropriate, not always.
Starting point is 01:55:26 And so yesterday when my eight year old, Peter walked out of the house, he looked at me and went, she's so famous. Little kids love me. It's great. Anyway, so what would you say? Yeah, nevermind. My handle was little kid lover,
Starting point is 01:55:40 just like the office. Okay, let's just get straight to the, how do you the how do you get yourself disconnected from the internet? I don't have internet on my phone. I disconnected from my phone and that's really helped. I need to so I just have the laptop. I do while I'm traveling but I don't ever travel this first trip I've taken in five
Starting point is 01:55:57 years so really that's not an issue. But I have my laptop that I use for homeschooling and then I don't have any other form of social media and that's really helped. Good for you. Did you at one point and then delete it? I did, yeah. I had Facebook. It makes you a crazy person.
Starting point is 01:56:10 It does. How did you have that Twitter account that I saw when you were on the Taylor Marshall web? Oh, Trent created a bunch of social media accounts when I first created my YouTube channel and he's like, here, you can do this. And I logged onto Instagram once and I was like, I am not made for this. He created all the social media for me. And then so I still had that account, I just had to log into it, it hadn't been deleted
Starting point is 01:56:28 yet. But I will say Instagram was like insta-Bolemia. It's like oh my goodness this is not good for the, it's like a dark road to go down. And the algorithm is so intense, it's like do you know? And I'm like, I do know. Like they just know who you know. How do they know? I don't know. Just a shout out to people. If they want to go over to rumble and watch us there, I'll answer your questions.
Starting point is 01:56:53 But there's so many questions coming in on YouTube. I can't get to them. Yeah. But we have more here from our gorgeous local supporters, who are the most important people anyway. When will we get more diss tracks from Montana Swanson? What's a diss track? A diss track, maybe like my Eminem video. Here's the thing. I feel like I wanna create rap battles every month.
Starting point is 01:57:14 And Trent says, wait on the rap battles. I feel like, like the first thing. Easy. And like, we could do this. And he's like, calm down, Chihuahua, naked Chihuahua. Put some clothes on and take some Xanax. Take a few laps. I did it so bad for our chapters guys.
Starting point is 01:57:35 I'm really sorry. M.L. Wilson says has Trent's influence on Matt towards the finer things in life, i.e. nerdier things, been a corrupting or liberating influence. P.S. Love your skits. That's so liberating. It's good for your brain. He's talking about me? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:50 Influence on me? Like how you became more nerdy because of Trent. It was Trent and Jimmy Akin who turned me onto comic books back in 2012. They're so interesting. Thanks, Trent. They were until the Woke Brigade took them over. Trent only buys new ones, I mean old ones though.
Starting point is 01:58:03 Like he only honors the old ones. I have an idea of starting a, um, selling a comic book store here and calling it like non-work comics or something. Wow. You are really revitalizing Steubenville. You can buy bill comic books, beer, cigars. Erin says, how do I flirt without losing sincerity or horrendously embarrassing myself? A male or a female? Beautiful question. It's a girl. Erin. I do feel like women have to be a little flirty
Starting point is 01:58:28 to be receptive to a man's, like you do definitely have to be flirty. Yeah, which I've had conversations with women and they're like, I don't want to flirt. And then I'm like, then you're dead. Men don't have like a gauge to know if they're being successful. If they're not or not.
Starting point is 01:58:44 Yeah, it's very confusing for us. Yeah. I would say act the same towards men as you do towards women. Like if, like, try to that's anyway, I feel like I have a naturally flirtatious personality, but it's not on purpose. Like I'm the same with Cameron as I am with you. And sometimes that might come off as flirty to other men. But if they see me around women, then they don't, you know what I mean? Then, then like men might feel appreciated and loved, but that if you're not, I don't know if I'm answering this correctly. What do you think, Matt?
Starting point is 01:59:13 I think a woman needs to show that she's attractive. Yeah. And men aren't stupid, I don't think. So they will catch on. Yeah. Matthew McCloskey says, who was your comedic inspiration? Who was your favorite comedian? If you have one. Oh, that's so funny. I'd say probably Connor O'Brien. I really like Connor O'Brien. I think he's really, he's so funny and yeah, he's creative and he's, he's not dirty. You guys on the nightly talk show things. Oh, all garbage. They don't hold a candle to him. I know, all garbage. And I think, though, Colin O'Brien didn't really super politicize things that I know of.
Starting point is 01:59:54 Like, when I listen to his podcast, he never talks about really anything woke or anything like that. And he can take a total dud and make it funny. And the dud is still a dud, but he's hilarious. And so, I don't know, he's just creative and he throws it all out there and I really respect him for that. So I'd say he's probably my favorite comedian or Paul Rudd, cause he's good looking and he looks like Trent.
Starting point is 02:00:11 Sorry, dump that, dump the good looking. No, that's definitely the oxytocin talking. Trent looks nothing like Paul Rudd. It's important to me that you know this. Paul Rudd is far more attractive than your husband. You're dead to me, I'm out. I suppose you wish. This is where you walk out. What about YouTubers? Were they YouTubers?
Starting point is 02:00:29 YouTubers? I do like the funny skits. Like I like Trey Kennedy. I really like John Crist. I liked before, you know, the scandal situation. Are you waiting for that? Are you waiting for your first scandal to break? You can go to hiding for a year and then gently come back? Totally! And I'm like, I am so sorry. I said that thing about George Soros and Whitney Houston. I'd like to apologize. Matthew Cantrell says, hi Laura, thank you for your skits. They are hilarious and so refreshing amidst the chaos of our time. Are there any skits you have wanted to do, but are too far even for too far with Laura Horne? Yeah, there have been skits that I have dumped.
Starting point is 02:01:11 Yeah, that have come, there have been skits that I have recorded and been like, no, that's probably too far. Or things that are overly sexual that trends like no. Like for instance, like just parts of skits. Like for my Easter one, I wanted to do a guy that thought abstinence meant abstinence. And like, so that, you know what I mean? And,
Starting point is 02:01:30 but then I was like, no, it's, it's Easter for the love of goodness. Totally. But yeah, so there have been parts of videos or videos that I have not published. So is it usually Trent who puts the kibosh on it or you or you both think I'm always like, is this a good idea? But he's like my moral code and he'll yeah. Like what's something that's really cool about Trent is if I had his IQ, his ability to like crank out books while in his sleep, I would be a pretentious asshole. Yeah. He's so humble. But the fact that he's willing to participate in these little skits, pretend to be the baby like that. What a guy.
Starting point is 02:02:08 I know, he is really a guy. I think it's because he knows, like, I don't know though, but he really, I think you and I were talking about this yesterday, the smart, the genuinely smarter you get, the more you realize you don't know. And I think that's the camp Trent is in. Like Trent is so overwhelmed by the stuff he doesn't know. And I'm like, just chill out.
Starting point is 02:02:26 Like we make room for the rest of us. Slow down so we can always catch up. Okay, we've got a couple of questions over on Rumble. So thank you for those who watch our shows on Rumble. We are over on Rumble so that when YouTube cancels us, we'll be over there and on Locals. So let's see, Jimmy Hoak says, what do you think of men and women being friends?
Starting point is 02:02:45 I think in general, it is probably not a good idea to be friends. Like very good. I have men who are friends and friends with you, but I'm not friends with you outside of the context of Cameron. You know, if you and Cameron were separated, I don't think that I would be friends with you. You know what I mean? But if you were a widow, I think we would continue our friendship, but I never hang out with you alone. So I don't think it's it. It also also is just, there's a difference between married people being friends and unmarried people being friends. I think it's fine for men and women to be friends if they're unmarried because you can pursue a relationship, but you can't pursue a relationship if you're married.
Starting point is 02:03:14 Yeah. Would be my quick answer to that. Joseph Feely says Laura, any dodge or dodged bullets before meeting Trent? Any dodged bullets? Oh yeah, totally. I went to Franciscan to get over a breakup actually. That was my purpose for going to Franciscan. And yeah, right?
Starting point is 02:03:30 That was a bust. Everybody's pre-fees. By bad. But no, I didn't go to date other people. I went like to find healing from that breakup. But no, I dated Trent when I was 19 and I lied and said that I was 20 cause he said he would never date a teenager. And then I realized by my next birthday, I would Trent when I was 19 and I lied and said that I was 20 because he said he would never date a teenager and
Starting point is 02:03:49 Then I realized by my next birthday. I would not be 21. That's cool So I pulled him aside and I was like I have something to tell you he was like here it goes She's gonna break up with me and I was like, I'm only 19 It just came out that I was 20 and I'm sorry and I take responsibility for that He's like I thought you were gonna dump me and I'm totally fine with you being 19. That's nice. So this is a good question, right? How do you strike a balance between joking and actually taking it too far?
Starting point is 02:04:13 What I like about that question is comedy has to go too far for it to be comedy. It has to push the boundaries. It has to, but where's the line between too far and like, okay, that's too far. Yeah, I don't know know I read people in the room Like I don't yeah, which is really hard about the online space because you can't read anyone My thing is I think if I laugh at it, then I post it, you know, like I'm so glad that was one of the things
Starting point is 02:04:36 I said to you when you were saying this YouTube channel is I'm like your YouTube channel will be so successful If you're actually the Laura Horn that I know if you're actually the Laura Horn that I know. Like be that. And you did and I'm so glad. Oh, thank you. Yeah, keep going. I've had to tame it in. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:04:49 Oh man, that means a lot, dad. I think, damn it, I mean that, oh God. Glad to have you. Joe Ward says, best advice for raising, I'm sorry I keep saying damn it. I shouldn't say that. I know, I'm sorry, bring that out people. It's the best.
Starting point is 02:05:01 It's just so much funnier than dang it, Laura Horn. It just has that sort of edge. But I'll stop. Joe Ward says, best advice for raising young kids. We have a two year old boy and a two month old girl. Turns out things get way harder when you have more than one. Yeah, they do. I think zero to one is the hardest. Yeah. But then yeah, but then having multiple is like, each kid is exponential in my opinion. But those are still really young. But we read a book called teaching self government and it was really, really good. And it it's horrifically written horrifically.
Starting point is 02:05:32 But if you can distill the information from it, it's really good. And it goes over like certain skills to teach children. Watching this video. I'm like, thank you. Oh, come on. No, that's unheard. Like it's so bad that I'm like, that's on you. Fix your book. Like if you want to self publish and not get it edited, that is horrible.
Starting point is 02:05:53 But it's such good information. And yeah, taking an instruction, accepting a no answer, getting a consequence and dropping the subject. So those are like the main things that we work on with kids. And we have family meetings with each of our children and that's been really successful. How does it go? Each of your children, what does that mean?
Starting point is 02:06:10 Each of our children, yeah. Every Sunday afternoon, we bring in our kids one by one and we ask them what's exciting in the week and what goals they wanna work on and then we give them one thing to work on. Oh my gosh. Yeah, it's really been beneficial to our family. And Trent and I have a family meeting.
Starting point is 02:06:22 We followed it, it's part of self-government. It's meant to be like your family is the government. Like it functions like a government. And so like you have a tyrannical government. Right. And I am the dictator. But no, it's like, you know, you have you have rules, you have instructions, you have a like a family mission statement and yeah, and then you have meetings. But I found my kids love them because they get attention and they are attention horse. They love it. They're like, we love meetings. I like that. That's very interesting. Exciting. And it gives each kid attention.
Starting point is 02:06:57 Yeah, because I've heard of family meetings. Yeah, we do. We do. We don't really do family meetings and they turn into dysfunction. And oftentimes they're done like in haste and out of passion, like family meeting. And it's like, it ends up more trauma than gift. And so, but no, we meet with each child individually and it's been really a gift to our marriage. I think we might implement that.
Starting point is 02:07:16 Because you know what? That doesn't sound like something that's exhausting. It is not. Sometimes people give advice. It's refreshing. And throughout the whole week, you can be like, here's what you were working on, remember? And then also we have a goal at the end of the week
Starting point is 02:07:28 that I write it all down and then we check back in to see if they've met it. It'll be like an ice cream from Brahms or something. And then, but my kids are really goal-driven. Like Matthew, my oldest sells candy for 10 cents and he saves all his candy from each holiday and he goes around the neighborhood and sells it for 10 cents. And he's so cute that people just
Starting point is 02:07:45 Give him five dollars and people are like, what are you trying to raise money for? He's like nothing All right, let's see here that This one's so long Hi Matt and Laura I'm wondering if you could talk about the sermon of Korea and motherhood and how to balance the two. My husband and I have been married a year and do not have children as we are waiting until I complete my graduate degree in speech and language pathology. I know my vacation is to motherhood as a married woman, but am
Starting point is 02:08:17 I wrong to put off having children until I complete my degree? Is it selfish to put my career first by choosing to work rather than to stay home homeschool? I obviously know my husband and children will always take priority, but I feel like I have a gift of academic knowledge that I can use to contribute to the therapeutic profession. In Catholic circles, it feels like I'm failing at the whole womanhood wife thing since we are using NFP to prevent pregnancy so I can achieve my degree and enter the therapeutic field. I had a TLM priest in confession actually tell me that our marriage should not have happened since we were planning to use NFP during the first years of marriage. Wow. Married young at 22. First of all, I just want to say this is a beautiful question.
Starting point is 02:09:01 I know I said it's long. I didn't mean to be offensive. Sometimes they're long and rambling. You're like, there's no point. This could have been one sentence. But this is actually really beautiful. What are your thoughts on balancing primary vocation of wife, mother with these talents God has given me? I think you should have a super, super, super good spiritual director
Starting point is 02:09:17 because I don't have any spiritual authority over you. But yeah, I think that- But you could apply that to yourself, right? That's fair. I don't think it's wrong to finish a degree. And I know that won't be a popular answer within the conservative Catholic community, but I finished my degree in nursing,
Starting point is 02:09:33 but we also weren't married, but I didn't want to. And Trent pushed me to, he would not propose until he knew that I could finish nursing school. And I was very offended by that, but he's like, I have a degree in theology. and I think you will always probably regret not finishing it. And I'm very glad that I have a degree now. But, um, but yeah, so I think, I think it's, if it's for a serious reason, that's something for you to discern. Um, so yeah, I don't know. What would your answer be on that? Yeah, these are difficult questions because we don't know. What would your answer be on that?
Starting point is 02:10:05 Yeah, these are difficult questions because we don't know all of the ins and outs of this person's life. Yeah. And without having a holistic understanding of where they're at, it's difficult to give a specific answer. The first thing I thought of was completing your degree and using NFP to avoid pregnancy. And that's your reason. Doesn't sound like a good enough reason to avoid pregnancy.
Starting point is 02:10:23 Really? That's fair. I would also say though, not to make a decision based on the judgment of others. Like I know women who feel very judged by others, but they have very, very good reasons for having to use NFP and it's a heartbreak for them. But they have very, very good reasons. But I think that that's, I think it's freeing to also be told maybe you shouldn't be using NFP. Like when people give you permission to be a mother
Starting point is 02:10:45 and just lean into that and give up your career. My sister did that and she dropped out of college and she loves it. And she's like, maybe I'll go back. Maybe I won't. I will say a speech and language pathologist is kind of like a nurse and that you'll also feel really bad if you don't become one of those, like, like don't rest your identity and being in the medical field. Like that's not your vocation. And so if it will be tempting for you to work afterwards, if you feel called to
Starting point is 02:11:09 homeschool, then maybe you should drop out of that field. OK, let's see here. Random thought sitting here pondering, what would a change my mind be like if Trent Horn sat down with Steven Crowder? I don't know what Steven Crowder would ask Trent because they probably agree. Well, it would look like Trent just taking him apart. I don't really love Steven Crowder anymore after the whole Daily Wire fiasco. Yeah, that really changed my opinion of him because I actually love Daily Wire.
Starting point is 02:11:40 What? You don't love Daily Wire? No, I did the actual math on the contract. We have different opinions on it. We have different opinions on it. Okay. I disagree with him? No, I did the actual math on the contract. We have different opinions on this. We have different opinions on this. Okay, sorry. I disagree with him. No, I'm with you. I think it was super low blow to go after the Daily Wire
Starting point is 02:11:52 who did so much good. Like they're doing so much good. But yeah, especially for like the trans movement, the anti-trans movement and everything. I'm like, but the fact that he didn't go to them first and recorded the conversation, I feel like shows all that. Yeah, but I'm glad he's doing what he's doing. I find that's fair. That's the thing. Yeah. Fine. Common ground with people. MFP Tondo says, is it not a luxury for a mother to stay at home with her kids. Sometimes evil things happen and she needs to work to support her family. But caring for kids home is the highest of priorities. Totally. Yeah, no, I absolutely agree with that. I think it's a shame that we live in a society. But I think part of that came from women going back to work unnecessarily. And
Starting point is 02:12:35 I think also like this is going to sound snobby, but I think people can make it on a lot less than they think they can. Like maybe you'll have to move. Like that's hard. Stoop and veal. Like maybe you'll have to move like that's hard to do and will yeah or yeah like If if but I understand like not all men can make it in their feels and that's a shame But I do think we're stuck in a double income trap, but I do think part of that is our increased standard of living and that's rough Clint Collins says how long are these meetings that you have with your kids each Sunday? Do you set a timer? I feel like my kids would want to drag them on because they're also attention. That's fair.
Starting point is 02:13:09 Seekers, they're attention seekers. Yes, exactly. Our meetings are generally 10 to 15 minutes with each kid. In the book, she does set a timer. I think she limits it to 30 minutes with each child, which sounds long to me. to me. But, um, but yeah, luckily we only have two that require meetings right now, which is nice, but I love this idea. Yeah. It's really good. Sometimes you get parenting advice. You're like, okay, that's terrific. You're psycho. Like, but this won't actually work in a real functioning flesh and blood. And it's nice to Trent and I sit down beforehand and we say it's
Starting point is 02:13:42 real quick. It's like five minutes because our kids are But we are like, okay Let's go over the schedule for the week and we write down everything One another has and then we say what are the goals for each kid and do you have anything to share? And that's it and it's like five minutes. I love it. Yeah, it's really good I know your kids are a lot younger than mine. So maybe you will experience this later Maybe you won't maybe you have and that is that parenthood for me has been like this slow death to my idolizations. Yes. I had so many so much advice till I have kids. Yeah. And now it's like I'm eating my own crap.
Starting point is 02:14:14 And then you have kids, right? And you stop. And I realize what a bad person I am. But then it just changes. We don't learn our lesson. We have kids and now we have so much advice to people who have teenagers. So true. That is so true. For me, it's just been this slow cleansing death of my idols. Yeah. You know, like my kids are going to be like, whatever, learning this or reading this. They'll never be doing this.
Starting point is 02:14:37 And then it's like, OK, well, here's what I can do. I can, like, destroy my relationship with my child. Yeah. Or I can or I can condescend into their interests. Like the father condescended into our world and redeem it and meet people there, you know? Yeah. Motherhood makes you really realize what a great person you are
Starting point is 02:14:56 and what an awful person you are. Like it brings out both. Like I didn't realize that I had that love in my heart, but I also didn't realize that I had that rage in my heart. Me too. I thought I was pretty good. I did not know that I had a temper until I had children. And then I'm like, oh, I need to work on that. No, I'm the same. I'm exactly the same. I used to love like pottering about bookstores, reading little excerpts from the saints with my latte and my wife and nodding
Starting point is 02:15:21 sagely. And then my children came along and they're like 800 books every hour if I will just read them, if I'll just submit to it, but I wouldn't, I'd try to control it. And man, it was hard. Good. This is your therapy session. That'll be $900. Yeah. But things have gotten so much better the more I've let go of things. So for example, I think one of the reasons a lot of parents don't pray the rosary is because it's exhausting. Yeah, it is. You end up less holy by the end a lot of parents don't pray the rosary is because it's exhausting Yeah, it is you end up less holy by the end a lot of times unless you do it how I do it
Starting point is 02:15:49 You just don't care. Just don't care. Yeah. Oh, that's such a good. What I mean is this my co-workers go pray the rosary Yeah, we all sit down. I sit on my recliner And then I start yeah exactly and I start Now if maybe I should but I that's the thing. It's these, I should be, that stuff cripples you. Yeah, it does. And then what you do is you pray in a way that looks like a saint for three and a half days, and then you lose it.
Starting point is 02:16:13 That's fair. So pray as you can, not as you think you should perhaps. And so, but we saw the rosary and Peter got up and I hear him walking up the stairs and my daughter's like eating yogurt and my son's coloring and it's beautiful. Yeah. But what it does is the rosary is like the fireplace and the kids are just drawn to it.
Starting point is 02:16:29 Gathered around their in and out. And I don't care what they do. Like if they want to go to bed, go to bed. I don't care. You don't have to finish the rosary with me. I'm not saying that this is advice everybody should take, but what I'm saying is I think it's better to be consistent in something, even if it's not perfect, than to try to be perfect and then just start shouting at your children in the rosary.
Starting point is 02:16:45 Yeah. Also then they don't hate it. Like they, yeah, it doesn't bring fear to them. It brings comfort. That's nice. Maybe I should have that. Cause I'm like, well, our eight year old should be able to sit through the rosary, you know, like start over, you know, but no, so, but it's hard. It's, it's can be a monotonous prayer. A lot of pressure on us. You know? Yeah. I just assumed that the Scott Hans kids would levitate when they prayed the rosary. Totally. One of them's kneeling in glass. And then I look at that and I see what we're doing. I'm so angry that I can't be like that.
Starting point is 02:17:15 Yeah. There's a lot of self-hatred in that. I think. Yeah. Why can't I be like that? You should hate yourself. I'm just kidding. Why do I say that? I don't know. We're getting too close to the heart. So how do you guys praise the family? Like what's working? What has worked? Trent is very private in his prayer life, which is hard. So I think that's been hard for him to like publicly pray with a family, but he's an excellent spiritual leader. So I don't mean to say anything extra. He's just very internal. And so like he prays quietly
Starting point is 02:17:42 for us a lot. Like Psy Kelet tells a story like, um, before the pro life shows they're really rough on him. And like, so Psy Kelet went into the chapel to pray beforehand and Trent was already there. Like, so, but like, I never know if Trent is praying or, I mean, he leads us publicly, but we try to go to mass two days a week and we try to say the daily rosary. And we always say morning offering together. And then he prays with them at night before bed
Starting point is 02:18:05 But we're also just like living it like Liturgically like oh today is Easter and it's still a season So eat your heart out and candy like making them love it, you know what I mean? So like that can be a prayer too. So we did a land once where my wife and I gave up It was actually when we were living in San Diego. We gave up alcohol for Lent, but then for Easter We committed to a bottle of wine a day. Oh my gosh. It was pretty great. And then we had another baby. And he was seriously handicapped because my wife's an alcoholic. His eyes were far apart. We keep going from like, oh, that's beautiful. Oh God, these
Starting point is 02:18:41 people should be not giving microphones. Hallelujah says, how many times has Laura been asked about what it is like to be married to Corey from boy meets world? He looks exactly like Corey from boy meets world. His brother's name is Corey and he looks exactly like Corey from boy meets world, even more so than Trent. Yeah, he is. Yeah, it's the best. I'm married to a famous person, so that's great. But he's like obsessed with Topanga. Do you know who Topanga is? Danielle, whatever her name is. Look up Topanga. Spell it right or else it'll be weird. Did you mean? Nope.
Starting point is 02:19:13 So how do you spell it? I don't know. I assume T.O.P.A.N.G.A. Oh, that's definitely not it. Never mind. Covenant eyes blocked this search. Topanga, California. He's like a city. No, actor. Boy Meets World. You gotta Google it. Topanga, California. He's like a city in California. Boy Meets World. You gotta Google it, Boy Meets World.
Starting point is 02:19:28 He's obsessed with her. Boy Meets World Topanga, okay. Yes, I don't get it. Who's obsessed with who? Trent loves Topanga. It was like his first love, Topanga. Oh my God, she's beautiful. Oh, shame on you.
Starting point is 02:19:40 Yeah, she's beautiful. I'm looking at the adults, not the child. No, she is, yeah, she's beautiful. But I was like, okay. And he's like, no, that's when I knew that I was a man when I liked her. I knew I wasn't gay. Can I tell you a gorgeous story about little Matt Fradd? Yeah. Little Matt Fradd fell in love with a cartoon character girl. He just I loved her so much. And this is back in the days of VHS. So I recorded a video. Yeah. I don't know how young I was. I must've been quite young. And I took the video down to the shed and broke it open with a hammer because I
Starting point is 02:20:10 wanted her. Oh my gosh. I was 16 years old. Let me tell you a story. So I took a hammer and I took it directly to my kneecaps. Mine. I love that story. That is so sweet. Like the innocence of it. Any suggestion? I'm not sharing anything more into it with you guys. Any suggestions on discerning with my husband, whether I should leave my job and stay at home as a home, say I'm up. I've been thinking about this for a while, but I'm afraid it'll bring financial stress. Massive thanks to the question on rumble. Yeah. Oh,
Starting point is 02:20:49 it will bring financial stress. What was it like for you? Like, okay, bring out a financial stress. Many things. Yeah, of course. Nurses make a lot of money, but you know, nurses will say they're underpaid, but I, I thought it was a good living, you know, a good secondary living. So they're EWTN offers a 30 day novena to St. Joseph, and it is beautiful. And it will send you the answer that you need. Yeah, it's how we've discerned every time we've moved
Starting point is 02:21:15 or made a major life change, and it is really fantastic. So yeah, that's on EWTN. And then also, I read a book called The Millionaire Next Door door and it's on the habits of millionaires and they actually, I think it's like 97% of millionaires. The whole point of the book is that like millionaires that you meet are just like average people next door that have a million dollars in assets cause they're
Starting point is 02:21:37 really good with their money, but they live frugally, but most of them are like plumbers or you know, um, like they're just like average people that are in their fifties that have accumulated small habits of good monetary policy. And I think it was like 97% of them had wives that stayed at home and they all reported that their wives were more frugal than they were. So like they told a story in the book that, yeah, but that's good. They told a story in the book that like a man came home and he's like, I made $8 million on my investment.
Starting point is 02:22:05 And she's like, that's great. And continued to clip coupons. Like that's how their wives are. So I would say oftentimes like we blew money on all kinds of stuff when I worked. Like we'd eat out all the time and we had a cleaning lady and we, and now like you'd really have to kind of scale that in
Starting point is 02:22:19 and discern and you eat at home more. And so your lifestyle definitely changes, but I understand that it's a luxury to stay at home and it's not possible for everyone. So that would be my answer. So we have a super chat from Michael Lora, who says, Peter, Paul, Mary, Catherine, Mary Catherine had me crying laughing. Oh, thank you for crying. Getting the attention of Catholic kids always turns,
Starting point is 02:22:41 always turns into a unintentional litany. Totally. Pray for us while you're at it. always turns into a unintentional litany. Totally. Pray for us while you're at it. What are some videos you're thinking of doing? Oh, I can't tell you. It's a secret. I'll think about it.
Starting point is 02:22:54 I'm just kidding. It is beautiful to create something that just helps people laugh. Like this is, I mean, Catholic lo-fi doesn't help people laugh. But the reason I created that channel was just to try to create a space that was free from politics, ecclesial or national. Is that your channel on porn, the name of it? No, it's Catholic Lofi. Oh, Catholic Lofi, is that the other one?
Starting point is 02:23:13 It's a music channel I have. Oh, the music channel you have? Oh, I'm sorry, I'll go and subscribe right now, jeez. I'm like, that's not your furniture. I know you have many chairs. Everybody needs to know this. Everybody needs to know. Dump button Thursday and dump button.
Starting point is 02:23:24 I don't have one of those, Laura. You beat a dump button. I just released a 10 hour sleep song. What? That's amazing. Here, I'm gonna show it to you. People should go check it out. Go subscribe to Catholic Lofi, because actually this-
Starting point is 02:23:36 That is so creepy and amazing. Why is it creepy? To listen to you for 10 hours while I sleep? No, it's not me. Oh, that makes way more sense. Yeah, look. So this is what it looks like. All right? And here's the 10 hour sleep song. No, it's not me. Oh, that makes way more sense. Yeah, look. So this is what it looks like. All right.
Starting point is 02:23:46 And here's the 10 hour sleep song. Oh, that's beautiful. Look at him. Oh, darn it. I just closed it. Shh. I was afraid that- Who's that handsome bloke?
Starting point is 02:23:56 But it's this video of this guy sleeping for 10 hours. The cartoon, but it's beautiful. I love it so much. That's the time of the coin, F. Yeah. That there was, no, that was just a friar, Franceskin friar. Oh, that's so beautiful. I love it so much. Yeah. That there was no, that was a friar, Franceskin friar. Oh, that's so beautiful. But I want to let people know that this Thursday
Starting point is 02:24:09 I can reapply for monetization on YouTube for this channel. Cause they say- You lost monetization? Immediately. Yeah. Yeah. It's a long story. Not on pints. Not on pints.
Starting point is 02:24:19 Oh, okay. Come on. That is so beautiful. Do you want to sleep though? Yeah, absolutely. For many reasons. The reason I created this sleep song is because most sleep songs you listen to, you can't, I can't trust them. I feel like at some point something loud is going to happen or some adverts going to come in. So this is 10 hours of relaxing sleep music with rain and Gregorian chant.
Starting point is 02:24:40 It's so beautiful. Are you taking on a halo? Is that your end game? Well, actually they, they, they pay to use my stuff on that. Oh, win, win, win. Yeah. So, but I'm going to start a new app. It's going to be called Halo H E L L O. Hello. It's going to be me waving at Halo and yeah. Do you use Halo?
Starting point is 02:24:58 I do use Halo and I love Halo. I thought it was like a more under the radar app. Like not many people knew about it. And it turns out It's a big deal advertising him. Did you see Seamus's ad for hollow? Yes, that was so Oh, that's fantastic. Yeah, just a giant. Yeah angel screaming at you Feel like everyone wants a piece of Mark Wahlberg. Is that the case? Not my type I'm into the Jews
Starting point is 02:25:44 But they but I feel like Halo is always like, and Mark Wahlberg. You know, Halo's got a lot of money. Oh, like a lot of money. Oh, good for them. They deserve it. I know they do. Absolutely they do. And so they keep that.
Starting point is 02:25:57 What I just did then reminds me of something. I'm not going to say her name, but it's a very, it's a, it's a close family member. It's Cameron. And I know, no, no, definitely not. Definitely Cameron. From Australia. And this person like, I think is like a closet racist. And he is how I know. Check this out. I'll be like, you know, that, that kid, mom is Asian. Oh, I just said mom. Let's, let's finish it. Let's finish it.
Starting point is 02:26:20 You're on. There's where we push the button. This is where we need the button, I say. No, but I'll say, Mom, you know that kid, John, the Asian kid? And she's like, but that's OK. What's OK? He's Asian. I know that. Why? It's OK. That is. He's like that. But it's like that with anything, like, you know that kid, John, in the wheelchair?
Starting point is 02:26:41 That's OK. I know that. I'm... Why? Do you know that kid John in the wheelchair? That's okay. I know that. I'm, why? Do you know that? Are you saying this for me or for you? Who is this for that you're saying that's okay? Yes, exactly. So yes, everyone wants a piece of, yep.
Starting point is 02:26:56 Have you seen the Tom Sager a bit about his dad and gay people? Nope. Because it's almost the exact same thing. It's like, if you're gay, that's okay. It's fine. What was it gonna say? Hello, yeah. Hello, good. It's like, if you're gay, that's okay. It's fine. It's not okay.
Starting point is 02:27:06 What was it going to say? Hello, yeah, hello. Good. It's good. slash Matt Fratt. Subscribe over there so they like me more. So hello. My gosh, Thursday.
Starting point is 02:27:14 I'm so lost. What was it going to say? Can I ask you a question? Do you ever go to Steubenville campus? Yeah. You do? How do you love it? Do you want your kids to go there? Yes, I do. Oh, that's fantastic. I actually really like it. I'll tell you why. I just went to the Tridham
Starting point is 02:27:29 and I went there Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and we went to the vigil. The vigil was so beautiful and so reverent and there's like four hours. It was like a four hour mass, very long. Yeah. And afterwards there was a huge party at the J.C. Williams. Trent and I have gone to that together. Yeah. Balloon drop, band, donuts, coffee. And what's beautiful about it is like taking my kids to a place where you've got like hundreds of normal, good looking college students who love the Lord. They are too good looking. A little bit. Like when I went there, I was like, hmm.
Starting point is 02:27:59 And they're like, I'm Haley with an eye. I'm the little flower. And I'm like, of course you are. Like the households. When did you go there? I went there in 2009. Oh, I'm the little flower. And I'm like, of course you are. Like the households. When did you go there? I went there in 2009. Oh, I thought you meant like this morning to pray. No, no, they wouldn't recruit me.
Starting point is 02:28:11 Are you kidding me? I'm an old lady with laugh wrinkles. But yeah, it was a little into it. Cause I'm used to like New Mexico. I went to NMSU beforehand and then I transferred in to Franciscan. No, it's a good, I think it's a really good college. They're getting these new professors in who I'm meeting and they're really well
Starting point is 02:28:28 published and they're brilliant and they're well rounded. And I see the spirit doing something else on campus though. It's like, there's this, there's this movement towards traditional piety that you can either get on board with or fight, but why fight it? Like it's like it began very charismatic, you know? Yeah, you got some of these people who want to hang on to that and so they'll keep trying to restart their little community It's like dude, sometimes things are there for a season and that's okay. So it's not charismatic anymore as No, definitely not. Do they still have the Fops?
Starting point is 02:28:57 They do and those are very charismatic, but you'll go to mass on campus It'll be packed with like women with veils and everyone's kneeling to receive Eucharist and things like that. And no one's telling them to, but the Franciscans are like, they're all good about it. No one's telling them, don't be kneeling or don't be failing. No, they are all very supportive of it. So the kids are normal. I had one student say, it's easy to be, it's easier to be holy here. Like you can party and be a whatever, but it's actually the peer pressure is in the other direction. It was a yeah. True story. I came from a liberal diocese and they mandated that everybody stood during the the the the. Oh, the concentration. Yeah, the concentration. Oh my gosh. Hello. So so I didn't know that you were supposed to kneel because that's
Starting point is 02:29:41 how I grew up and I never traveled until I went to Franciscan and I stood like some wanker and I was. Yeah. And there you go. Shout out. And I was the only one. And I'm like, I am never getting a boyfriend here. They're seeing this liberal woman stand. And yeah, I wasn't after boyfriend. I was speaking hyperbolically. But but yeah, but it was yeah, it's definitely like the first time that I was like, I'm exposed
Starting point is 02:30:05 to truth. And I told my spiritual director that because I could afford one semester. That's why I went for one semester and then the rest would have had to been on debt. And then I told my spiritual director that like, I feel like this is the first time hearing truth. And he's like, Laura, truth is up to you to find like, it might be easier to seek out there, but it's really up to you in the long term to find that. And then so I decided not to take out debt. And here's what's cool about, I actually had Father Dave,
Starting point is 02:30:27 who's the president of Franciscan on the show. Oh, cool. And he made it very clear that they will in no way, shape or form bend the knee to woke ideology. Oh, wow. I had him on and I was planning on pressing him here. Yeah. I'm like, what are you gonna do? Yeah. Like someone who's,
Starting point is 02:30:40 I didn't want to be a jerk about it, but I needed to push him. And so, but I didn't need to. I'd push him and he'd go, whoa, way farther than I like thought was okay. He's like, no, we're going to be sued. Absolutely. Bring it on. Oh, really? That's fantastic. Like, I thought he was going to do that thing where they over-emphasize
Starting point is 02:30:54 like the compassion for the students, which he did, but not nearly as much as he just kicked woke him in the balls for like three hours on my show. It's unreal. And he's the president of Franciscan. Have mercy on the man. for like three hours on my phone. It's unreal. And he's the president of Franciscan. Enough, have mercy on the man. Enough of that.
Starting point is 02:31:06 No, he's good, yeah. And they've got a big statement coming out soon that's their official guidelines. Why would they be sued? They're a private school. I don't know. Oh, okay, yeah. To be determined.
Starting point is 02:31:17 Well, I don't know. I mean, if the woke stuff becomes, if it's a human right that I recognize you as a male, if you decide to identify as one. Yeah, or like discrimination. Private schools can still get a large percentage of federal funding. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 02:31:27 Yeah, that's fair federal loans. That's why Christendom doesn't take federal loans. So they don't take, they only take, I'm pretty sure they only take private loans. I don't know if that's still the case or not, but they don't take federal money. So. Yeah, so they're good. I, yeah.
Starting point is 02:31:40 Oh, that's fantastic. You want to send your kids to college? I don't care what they do. Okay, that's a good attitude. I really don't. I want my kids to have beautiful human childhoods. Yeah. Oh, that's beautiful. Like the kids right now, like my wife had to leave because she's taking them to the co-op. Yeah, they do.
Starting point is 02:31:54 Like waltzing and like they read poetry. They live like kids from the 1950s. I don't know if you saw that. I walked down the other day. My daughter, she's like cross stitching these things. Yes. It's beautiful. And they're so normal. So refreshing. Peter comes in yesterday and he's just covered in mud. And I'm like, oh, to be a boy again.
Starting point is 02:32:10 Like, you don't see that anymore. Myself included. Pretty neurotic about a clean floor. But yeah, but maybe I should just embrace the mess. But that's good. It's good. Good things are happening. I I've gone from like we're all going to hell in a hand basket to like, of course we are, but what I see emerging out of the ashes already is like so hopeful. I'm kind of excited.
Starting point is 02:32:30 Yeah, I am nervous as balls to go through that. I think as the mom, I'm like, I don't want to see it. I write to a cloistered friend that I have and I'm like, how do I prepare for this? And she's basically like, we've been living this life for a long time and you're going to be okay. What I find as my kids grow older, is they're so much better than I was.
Starting point is 02:32:52 Yes. Oh my gosh. They are so much better. Your kids are better than you. That's what I mean. That's your point. That's what I'm emphasizing. My kids are better than me is what I mean. But yeah, I'm sure you guys have like
Starting point is 02:33:03 no screen policies and stuff. We don't have it. We don't have a TV. We have we have a dumb TV in the basement that smells like mold and cats. No, we don't have a cat. We have a selection of DVDs. You can watch The Little House in the Prairie. Go for it. For sure. Oh, and they think it's like so magical. They kind of do. Yeah. Oh, that's fantastic. So I know. But like there's so many people around here. And this of gets to your question. The question about the Triduum is just to
Starting point is 02:33:27 see how normal people are. Like I was out on the front deck last night with Father Jason, we were having a drink of wine and a cigar and my son comes out and he chats with us and I just see how normal, you know, like there's a stereotype that Hollywood wanted to push that Christians are like these weird inbred losers? Sometimes they are. Not losers, but I mean like there is definitely like a weird side sometimes. There's weird sections of every community. But those people would be weird if they were Catholic or not, maybe. I like to think like people are like, oh, homeschoolers are weird. And I'm like, no, those kids would like, you knew weird people also in public schools. Like they were just in public schools. Yeah, for sure. So
Starting point is 02:34:04 yeah, DBW, don't be schools. Yeah for sure. So yeah, DBW don't be weird trans dating advice So yeah, just don't have good dating advice. Not really, but yeah, no he has like the rule of three I think it's like fire water and Something like that, but he provides the three for you, but no he was very good at pursuing me I'm sorry. You have to go back to'm today I sweat water like he thinks you should like bring those three things in on date. No take notes for Roxy. Okay, but Roxy I know you're watching our range differences What is I don't understand the analogy. I.
Starting point is 02:34:47 Oh, like he took me to a pond and had candles. Oh water, fire. And like include those three things. Yes. I thought this was like Avatar. Ready to fire a water. Yes. But no, he's, he's a good dater.
Starting point is 02:35:02 I don't know what his dating advice would be, but. Some of my favorite dates after we got married and had no money at all was we'd go to Costco and like eat snacks. Nice. That's still what we do. Oh, what a good life. It was really beautiful. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:35:14 Now you own the town of Stupendale. Now I own Stupendale. People don't know that yet. The partial owner of Costco. Nelson's owned Stupendale. Oh, that's true. They let me think. Awesome.
Starting point is 02:35:22 Well, what else? I don't know. Is it done? No, we can keep going. the partial owner of Costco. They let me think. Awesome. Well, what else? I don't know. Is it done? No, we can keep going. When does it end? We can stop whenever you want. Okay. I don't know. Is this going to be a nice break from your kids? Yes. Actually, can I just stay here and not move? If you guys could leave and just shut the door. I missed my flight. Put on that music and let me take a quick nap. I slept until 7 30. When do you usually get up? That is like noon for a mother.
Starting point is 02:35:47 I usually get up around five and no, let me clarify that. My kids get up around five, but they have to stay in the room until seven. So yeah, that's the rule. Do you guys have a rule? If it becomes a problem, we do, but so it's not usually like, here's the rule. It's more like if kids are getting up stupid early, is's all right. Then we make the rule for the next week or something. For sure. Family meetings. Yeah, that'll, that'll be happening. But our kids are a lot older than yours. Like Peter Fradd, what a boy. He's eight. He's eight. So he'll get up and he'll go downstairs with the little lizards that he just stole from Florida. What
Starting point is 02:36:20 a good man. And he'll just like play with them and he's got bees. he like feeds the bees who bring like a jar of honey and like watch the very creative Yeah, he was just playing like a song on the piano for us. It's incredible. Did you think so really? Yeah, I'm so glad you said that I felt the same way He'll just make up a song and I'm like, oh my gosh, I gotta sleep to this What's hard is I don't know like kids like that I don't know if they would necessarily even excel in public school Like it's like I'm so grateful that he's home-schooled So he can have all of those experiences that are so important to his brain development, you know
Starting point is 02:36:51 I was public schooled. I don't mean to dash it bash it. But I mean, I do mean to bash I think public school is horrible. Well that maybe that's going to the question You asked earlier about like to all my kids go to college and I began by saying like I don't care Like I I just want them to have normal human childhoods want my kids to go to college. And I began by saying like, I don't care. Like I, I just want them to have normal human childhoods, just a beautiful little life. And then to be well rounded children who love our Lord. Trent makes the argument he doesn't want our kids to go to college.
Starting point is 02:37:15 But then I read the book, the case against education, and it made me want to send our kids to college actually more so because it, it made the case that college was for signaling and that it was necessary to get a successful job. And as much as I would be like, stick it to the system, don't do it. It's hard to do that with your own child. I don't want them to go to a private college, if I'm being honest. I don't think we can afford it.
Starting point is 02:37:35 And unless we can afford it, I don't want them to have monstrous amounts of debt. But but I think trade schools are equally good. Joseph, the worker, St. Joseph the worker. St. Joseph, nice fit right in. Put in a little reference from Trenty. The reason I want my kids, the reason I would like my kids to go to Franciscan if they want to is honestly not for the education.
Starting point is 02:37:57 Yeah, that's fair. Not for the academic education. But I think that's where we got here with higher education is that it's all about the experience. And unfortunately now that experience means a lot different, but I do think college kind of needs to get back to what is it prepare you for. And I think forming the mind and the soul are also really important things, but I do think you need a usable skill when you leave college and lesbian dance
Starting point is 02:38:18 theory. Oh, for sure. My gosh. Dance all day. But yeah. So I think trade schools will be probably what we're interested. Also they're incredibly affordable, but I know if you live in Steubenville, I think you get a 50% discount, which is nice. So substantial. Yeah, that is a reason to move to Steubenville because that's a lot cheaper. Good friends in your area. Oh yeah. It's what on fire in Dallas. What on fire is in Dallas. Yeah. Trent has collaborated with them.
Starting point is 02:38:43 The problem with Dallas is that it has a culture of driving and it's like everything is very sprawl, which I'm sure you experienced also in Georgia. It's far and you really, it's hard to become really good friends with people, but I have a few very good friends and it's been really good. The homeschooling community there is stellar. And the school choice is great and the economy is great. And the homes are great. Like Franciscan, this is like my dream life, walking and seeing people.
Starting point is 02:39:11 I think my husband is very introverted and I don't know if you're introverted also. I'd be way more introverted than your husband. Really? And you don't mind it? Like people walking in and out of your home. Oh, that's a big conversation. Yeah, nevermind.
Starting point is 02:39:23 First, let me make, first let me make the argument that I think I'm more, I think I'm definitely more introverted than Trent. I absolutely think you're more introverted than Trent. Trent goes into his own mind and he's able to escape there where I think you're much more sensually aware of things going on. Like you hear the noises and Trent does not.
Starting point is 02:39:41 Trent is able to just retreat into a small raccoon of a man and it's a talent and sometimes a problem. Are you listening? Yeah, no, it's been tough. I think like you want to say like people who just show up at your house all the time. We do have people who do that. You want to be real, but you also want to be a jerk. Like you don't want to let your hey, it's me just being real be like you justification for you being rude to people. Yeah. But at the same time, like there has to be a jerk. Like you don't want to let your hey, it's me just being real be like you justification for you being rude to people. Yeah. But at the same time, like there has to be some understanding that, you know, sometimes my wife and I are in the middle of an argument and you just
Starting point is 02:40:13 walked in and we're glad you're here, but like you have to be okay with that. And vice versa. When I go to their house, maybe the kid and the parent are having words or something. Yeah. So there has to be, and that takes, that takes time to like, I think you guys are also incredibly good at not dropping what you're doing when other people around, like doing what you're doing when, like when I would go over to Cameron's house, she would just like have me fold her laundry. Like she's not going to put away the laundry if I'm coming over. And I think also that's what I think it's a good thing. Yeah. I think it makes me able to bond. It's, it's hard because other people don't invite you over very often when the expectations are so high. And she's like, you probably felt more welcomed, way more because you're now contributing her panties. I folded them. Yeah. Because now you're contributing to the family. Best friends. Totally. Whereas you would feel awkward if she like stuffed it away and like, hey, let me make you some tea.
Starting point is 02:41:02 Totally. That's how I am. But that's how I grew up with. And you're having to die with that. Because with three kids, you never really have a clean home. Like how clean you would feel awkward if she like stuffed it away and like, Hey, let me make you some tea. But that's how I grew up with. And you're having to die with that. Cause with three kids, you never really have a clean home. Like how clean you would want it. None of it is, it's never all the way clean, you know? So you just kind of have to die to that and just invite the people over with anyway. And they're going to mess it up anyway. So I was you clean before they came. But, um, what five YouTube channels do you watch?
Starting point is 02:41:21 Oh, yours. Okay. Trent. Okay. In that order. Suck it. I love you. What? I said in that order. Suck it. Pints. Trent.
Starting point is 02:41:32 I watch pints. I watch Trent. I watch Benchburel because I love Benchburel and I yeah, let's see what else. I like Dude Dad. I'm a follower of Dude Dad and Dude Dad. Yeah, he's pretty funny. He does some skits. Okay.
Starting point is 02:41:44 Let's see. And that's all you can look at my history. Don, he's pretty funny. He does some skits. Um, let's see. And that's all you can look at my history. Don't look at my history. Do you watch? Um, why does it just say the Jews? I look like a caveman when I type it's like why poop float? I'm just kidding. I don't Google that. I know that cause I'm a nurse. Are there some comedians that you watch for inspiration? Not for inspiration as much. No, my sister is very funny and I like to talk to her when I'm in a bad mood. Yes, she's very smart. She's like a neuroscientist who now stays home and she's very humble. You would never know it. And she's just a beautiful woman. But so she's really funny. Hang on. Your sister isn't you're a scientist and your dad is a
Starting point is 02:42:23 rocket scientist. Yes, a family of smart ones. And then I got the dad. But yeah, they're both incredibly humble. They're all humble. But yeah, I like Conan O'Brien, like I said, but it's hard to find things that are like consistently funny. You'll find clips here or there to like get you out of a bad mood, but it's hard to find people that are consistently funny because they feel like they always jumped the shark. Like the show jumped the shark with this episode. Right here. You see it today. Update on my King of the Hill obsession. Did you watch King of the Hill? Did it get dirty? I just started watching it two weeks ago. Oh, three weeks ago. It's not that the first
Starting point is 02:42:58 season was so fantastic. It was the best I've ever seen. And then they just just started getting a little boring. For sure. It felt like the idea for a show drove the characters as opposed to being faithful to what the characters would do Yeah, like the office. So there was a you like the office. So there was an episode where you know, Hank Hill goes paintballing It's like that's like there's no way like a 50 year old man Who sits around drinking beer with his friends and fixing cars ever lower himself to that? So after that I started getting disappointed. Like who are you? Some of the darker shows that Trent likes to watch are like Rick and Morty and that's pretty dark. Like you have to, I know totally.
Starting point is 02:43:34 Is there anything that Trent enjoys that you would think you really shouldn't enjoy this? Yeah, I think he's less sensitive to things that I am for sure. Things get stuck in my head and they don't get stuck in his head. Even he though has stopped watching some like, what are they called? I call them cartoons, but Trent calls them animated films, but he's like, that's too dirty. I stopped watching. I think he's become more sensitive since he's a father for sure. But I think also everybody has to be aware of what sins they struggle with and like that's not something that gets stuck in his head. I hadn't met you yet,
Starting point is 02:44:07 but Trent had just started at Catholic Answers and the two of us were at my house watching a DC cartoon and we were eating chicken wings on the carpet, not off the carpet, but like sitting on the carpet. And my wife walks past, you boys want me to get you an apple juice? Yes. Trent would love an apple juice. He still does drink milk. I should never ask. You should just do it.
Starting point is 02:44:27 Well, he's like, we're out of milk. Trent's drunk. I'm gonna get his milk. Jason Everett does that. Really? Milk is delightful. If you drink it, is that an adult? No, not the kind of milk he drinks.
Starting point is 02:44:35 Like if you, if we go out and we'll have a beer, he'll have a glass of milk, like a Rosa. What? I respect the heck out of that. No, the amount of chemicals and hormones that are in that milk. We drink organic, like Trader Joe's milk. I have heard from someone, if you're gonna buy one thing organic, make it milk.
Starting point is 02:44:51 And that kind of grossed me out a little bit. So now we bring, buy organic milk because I don't know. The nice thing about drinking cow milk is that the calves suffer. They take them away from the mother. Like, you know. The cow's milk, the calves suffer. That's good. I feel better about myself now.
Starting point is 02:45:05 It's like a running joke of me hating animals. Do you? I don't have animals either. I don't care about animals at all. Oh, you had a dog. Here's what I said to someone the other night. Let me tell you what I said the other night. You're gonna love this story.
Starting point is 02:45:14 I'm not gonna say where it was. I'm not gonna say what city I'm in. I'm not gonna say anything. It was Cameron. But my mom, no just joking, this dog snapped at my son and I looked at him and I went I don't care if this ruins my friendship if he does it again I'm gonna break. This dog snapped at my son. And I looked at him and I went, I don't care if this ruins my friendship. If he does it again, I'm gonna break his legs and kill him. That's amazing.
Starting point is 02:45:30 And I said it and I wasn't joking. I'm like, I don't care. I will like destroy your dog and bury it. This is the most excited I've ever been. There was a lull. There was like eight of us sitting around. It was on Halloween. It doesn't matter when there was this lull
Starting point is 02:45:40 in the conversation. Yeah. Like I will absolutely kill your dog. Trent is like that too. And I would love to shoot it in the face. We have dog spray. He's gone over to our neighbor's house that lets dogs just conversation. Yeah. I will absolutely kill your dog. Trent is like that too. And I would love to shoot it in the face. We have dog spray. No concern. He's gone over to our neighbor's house
Starting point is 02:45:47 that lets dogs just roam. Here's my problem. I have no problem with animals. I have the way with people treat animals. Yes. It's not the animal's fault. No, it's you. You stupid idiot.
Starting point is 02:45:55 Having a dog that would snap at children and then you justify it. Well, I don't really like it when people have their dog. It's because of what the kid was wearing. Anyway, I know. What was she wearing? Exactly.
Starting point is 02:46:03 I don't really love it when people have them out. Have you seen the piss fingers? I was off leash and jumped. I like took my dog out to go to the bathroom. Yeah. I got home from the party Easter night and he had to, my neighbor let his dog out off leash and he was in my yard and then he like got closer and closer to my dog and I was like, okay, they're just going to sniff each other. And then he like abruptly went and like jumped on my dog and I kicked him.
Starting point is 02:46:24 Nice. And then the guy looked at and like jumped on my dog and I kicked him nice And then the guy looked at me like I had done something wrong Like my dog is on a leash your dog approached mine Yeah, and he like like obviously I'm gonna kick your animal He's the aggressor like I would have kicked mine if he jumped on your dog You know what's crazy is you take more crap over what you say about dogs than you do about like what you say about like women And feminist and stuff like stuff like not funny love their Was taking my dog for a walk in a boat ramp it was this big Catholic camp and this dog
Starting point is 02:46:58 Rushed over and latched onto my dog's now you're kidding me and here's what I was so proud of I started punching that dog Repeat in the face. I cut up all my knuckles I felt like such a man but then this stupid family was justifying why it was okay that this shitty dog was nice I know stop it my horrible person read this read this have you seen this on my channel yet adopt don't shop meanwhile on dog Is it bad news? Is it bad news? Is it bad news? Is it bad news? Is it bad news? Is it bad news? Is it bad news? Is it bad news?
Starting point is 02:47:28 Is it bad news? Is it bad news? Is it bad news? Is it bad news? Is it bad news? Is it bad news? Is it bad news? Is it bad news?
Starting point is 02:47:36 Is it bad news? Is it bad news? Is it bad news? Is it bad news? Is it bad news? Is it bad news? Is it bad news? Is it bad news?
Starting point is 02:47:44 Is it bad news? Is it bad news? Is it bad news? Is it bad news? Is it bad news? and an orchard extinct fruits. That's the best ever with a picture of a horrifically ugly dog. And then people will say things like, I would adopt it. I'm like, well, good, adopt it. Who said two am I right? My dog has podism. Another proud moment was my son went to Disney World last week and they went through an African safari, just my wife and him. With Africans, that's okay.
Starting point is 02:48:04 Just kidding. That's okay, man. And my sonari, just my wife and him. With Africans, that's okay. I'm just kidding. That's okay, man. And my son said, that's what dad shot. Loudly, so that everyone on the bus heard it. So proud. But it was in Florida, so nobody cared. So if it was in California, he'd get like, do you have two dads?
Starting point is 02:48:20 It's okay if you shot it. If you have one dad. Is Texas becoming more New York and California? I think it's kind of like Ohio. Here's the thing, if you see like a Tesla driving into Austin, you have reason to worry. If you see like a minivan driving into Fort Worth, I feel like it's okay.
Starting point is 02:48:35 So many people are fleeing. That's what's been hard about living in Texas, honestly. They hate Californians and with good reason, but it is hard because not all of us are liberal, but they hate that they're putting up their like housing prices and you know everything. So I understand, but it is hard. Like not everybody, not everybody. What?
Starting point is 02:48:54 Sorry. Kyle Whittington just said in the live chat that he would adopt his fingers and immediately put him down. Good. That's merciful. Sorry. That's merciful. Sorry. That's merciful. John says, no question, I just want to let you know
Starting point is 02:49:08 that the first YouTube channel I watched after my XS90 challenge was Too Far With Laura Horne. Thank you, that is a great honor. Thank you. Felix says, Sorry for your wasted time. Do you think that it's too extreme to raise kids with little to no popular cultural influence?
Starting point is 02:49:23 I'm wondering because when they go out into the world, they'll see it anyway. Yeah. Trenton, I have like a bearing views on this. My thing is this, it's not that hard to catch up on popular culture. Like, you know, if you want to raise your kids, popular culture is really crappy right now. And it's not even memorable. Like I can't even name a show that kids watch right now. Like Bluey, I don't know, but I don't know. And so no, show them old classic stuff and like old good, like we show our kids like the old Batman series and stuff like that counts. But, um, yeah, but no, I don't think that that's bad because the modern kids are weird. We do see that like in, even in like, I love Jiu-Jitsu because it's like a conservative community, like of
Starting point is 02:50:04 just people who want to fight, but even then like their kids are onJitsu because it's like a conservative community, like of just people who want to fight. But even then, like their kids are on their phones and it's very weird to see people acting like adults who aren't adults. I'm like, who, what are you doing? Will that gets to the next question. Anthony Skinner says, how often does Trent speak about Jiu-Jitsu and how annoying is it? All the time and very, no no it's very manly but i i trent likes to have like
Starting point is 02:50:26 a an artisan test like an autism test like and see like if you like change your face throughout the conversation if someone notices it's horrible he'll do that with you dump this conversation dump that and there's like what do you mean see if i'm paying attention or like if anybody's paying attention but i will talk and then he will go yes and i will do this to him to see if I'm paying attention or like if anybody's paying attention, but I will talk and then he will go. Yes. And I will do this to him to see if he's paying attention with how bored. No, it's so awful. I can't. It's too far. See it. Become a local supporter too far. But no, I'll have, I'll do this during jujitsu and he will not care at all. He'll just keep chatting. Like it doesn't even matter. He does not care. But no, it's so good. He has a hobby now. Like I'm so happy for him. I'm so freaking
Starting point is 02:51:09 happy. But it's mainly and it's wholesome and he works from home. So he doesn't see very many people. So it's nice. He's like in the office and now he like goes. How long is the drive to the jujitsu? Oh, it's, it's short. We live like five minutes away from everything. Yeah. Texas is really nice. It's like feels like you're in the country, but it's like a self-functioning city. Like everything you have, everything you would need. Yeah. We, uh, we were going to jujitsu, but it was at six in the morning. You quit, right? No, that's too early. It was a 15 minute drive. It just felt too long. That's too much. You quit, right? Tap, tap. Yeah. So So now someone asked the question who would win Matt Fradd or Trent Horn Roll too much
Starting point is 02:51:59 Like I don't want to roll with you and he's like so you're saying there's a chance want to roll with you and he's like so you're saying there's a chance. He said no. It is so funny. But I think also people, smart people also really like jujitsu because it's like a puzzle but with your body. Like you get to, it's like an algorithm. It's like what do I do if he does this? You know, it's, it's definitely skill. We, we have spoken way more about jujitsu than I thought we would have and I'm here for it Okay, well look what else was two minutes two hours and 51 minutes That's what we've been chatting for we would never in our history ever speak to three hours This is the best experience of my life. And I'm not speaking hyperbolically.
Starting point is 02:52:44 Well, I've had a few better experiences, I've had better, but. But no, this is so fantastic. Thank you for allowing me the honor of being on your show, Matt Fred. Yes, this is good. Do you have a goal for your channel or are you just? No, I'm just kind of winging it.
Starting point is 02:52:58 But I do, I do want things to become higher quality, but I don't know how to do that because Trent edits everything. So, and he doesn't have the time. So I'll be like, this is what I want. And he's like, calm down. I have an hour to get back. But then I'm like, are you committed or not? Do you love me? Totally. You love more me or you're going to have to choose. Do you want my job or your job or my job? So do you find yourself like watching Catholic people and then going, I
Starting point is 02:53:22 need my husband to refute this guy. Does that happen? Yeah, all the time. Is that how he gets his ideas? Luckily he does. People send him ideas, which is nice, but he's on the internet way more than I am. Like I'm on the internet a lot, but on like useless stuff, but he is definitely in the depths of that culture more so than I, I don't have the patience to listen to someone who I disagree with for that long, but he listens to like the entire video and then wants to respond. One of the first times I was chatting with Trent was when he just got
Starting point is 02:53:46 hired at Catholic Answers and he said that we were talking about William Lane Craig. Yeah. Oh, he's the best. Yeah. He's probably, you know, jiu jitsu, William Lane Craig, the things he talks about. Yes. Um, but he's, I remember him saying, yeah, like I think I'm gonna do some debates, throw my hat in the ring. And when he said that, I'm like, okay, like, do some debates, throw my hat in the ring. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 02:54:04 You're somehow on the same level. And I'm like, okay, like, calm down. Oh my gosh. You're somehow on the same level. And I'm like, no, he definitely is. Like he's definitely on the same level. You think Trent is on the same level as William and Craig? No, he's not as brilliant as William and Craig, but there's no reason he won't be. There's no reason he won't be. Yeah, that's fair. He's also older and yeah, he's definitely... Yeah. And this is, this is the mistake I think a lot of us had when we were kids.
Starting point is 02:54:21 We thought like, well, the reason they're smarter is they're older and now you're older and you're encountering 15 year olds. Like you're No, he's put their work in. And you're encountering 15 year olds like oh no they're way smarter than me. Totally. Yeah. Because it's just a gift or a... Yeah, he's always been smart. He used to just like read during... And it's nice, I'm sure you comfort yourself with this, that he said his parents would just put on cartoons for him.
Starting point is 02:54:36 I am so comforted. And Trennulf turned out alright. I know. Yeah, the other day he's like I'm worried our kids are behind. He's like they're playing Super Nintendo and they can't even beat it yet. It's like by their age, I could turn on the television, go play outside. Our kids don't play outside enough, but yeah, that's good. You know, and they're always by me. I'm like, you're like a puppy. You're like piss fingers. They're excellent children.
Starting point is 02:55:06 Well, thank you, Matt me on. Anything else Thursday? My dog is cute. You have a dog? I still haven't seen this dog. Well now I feel bad. Oh, you already told the story about your dog. Not from a shelter he got it from. Craigslist.
Starting point is 02:55:20 Wow. That's like the depths of the internet. Do you want to meet him? You can come meet him before I take you to the airport. Craigslist in to Benville. No Craig's listed Indianapolis from from oh, thank God. Okay I'll show my dog to anybody. I love him so much I've had him since I was in fifth grade You know in Australia we say Craig Craig like no no you say Craig in Australia. We say Craig. In Australia, we say Craig. Okay. Craig. Instead of Craig.
Starting point is 02:55:46 So when I heard of Craig's List, I didn't know what word you were using. What is Craig? What do you say? Craig. Craig. Craig. Craig's List. That makes more sense. Craig's List. Actually. The other thing you do is you say A-A-R-O-N, the same as E-R-I-N. Yeah. We say Aaron and Aaron. Y'all say Aaron. That makes way more sense. Actually, I say A-A-Ron. A-A-Ron.
Starting point is 02:56:11 I know, that's what I was about to say. All right, guys, thank you very much. We're gonna put Laura's YouTube channel directly beneath this video. Click it, subscribe to it. Oh, you should have done that at the beginning. Yeah, I really should have. You jerk, you're after the subscribers for yourself.
Starting point is 02:56:27 I will be the king of the internet. And then Laura Bone flying here from Dallas. Naked Chewawa. All right. I'm gonna click the finish button. What are we gonna call this episode? I'm gonna click the finish button.

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