Pints With Aquinas - LOVE: What is it REALLY? | Fr. Gregory Pine, O.P.

Episode Date: July 6, 2024

Love can have many meaning Fr. Pine talks about the three categories that St. Thomas Aquinas uses and teaches us what they look like in our daily life. Support The Show: �...��� Fr. Pine's Book: 🖥️ Website: 🟢 Rumble: 👕 Merch: 🚫 FREE 21 Day Detox From Porn Course: 🔵 Facebook: 📸 Instagram:  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello, my name is Father Gregory Pine and I am a Dominican friar in the province of St. Joseph. I teach at the Dominican House of Studies and I work for the Thomistic Institute and this is Pines with Aquinas. When we use the word love, we use it to describe any number of things or any number of responses. So you can say for instance, I love tiramisu or I love vacation or I love my friend Dominic or I love vacation, or I love my friend Dominic, or I love the Lord Jesus Christ. And it's clear that you're using the word love there in different ways. But those ways are somehow related.
Starting point is 00:00:35 The use is, you know, partly diverse, but partly alike. So as Christians then, what are we doing when we use the word love and what are we doing when we love simply? So I think that in examining these different phenomena in our life, we can shed some light on our human experience and come to a deeper appreciation of what it means to be a Christian in the world, surrounded by good things and good people. So let's take a look at it. Here we go. Here we go. Okay, so following St. Thomas Aquinas, big surprise, it's highest realization. Love comes from without, it comes from beyond, and it testifies to us of a life which God makes, you know, possible for us, which God pours into our very hearts with an abundant
Starting point is 00:01:20 generosity. Okay, so in review, we've got love as an emotion, love as a choice, love as a relationship, and love as a gift. And like we think here of 1 Corinthians 13 and the way that St. Paul writes so beautifully of love, if I have not love, I'm a crashing gong, or you have it translated in various ways, I like tinkling cymbal because it's hilarious right I'm just I'm just empty noise loud perhaps potent perhaps but lacking symphat lacking harmony lacking the appropriate resonance right just lacking what we as human beings are ultimately made for by virtue of the divine gift so we'll talk about love in that final sense is the
Starting point is 00:02:00 very substance of Christian perfection as that greatest of virtues which draws all other virtues in its wake so that they can attain to their term, which is God Himself. Because ultimately we're not just here to be like swell folks or kind enough, we're here to partake of the divine life and to partake of the divine activity even, and it's love which empowers that and affords us a share in God's gift. Okay, so that is what I hope to share. This is Pons of the Quinus. If you haven't yet, please do subscribe to the channel, push the bell, and get sweet email updates when other things come out.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Also, I contribute to a podcast called God's Blending, and we had a sweet series on the seven virtues among which is charity, so you might check that out and enjoy in turn. And then I think that's all I want to share So hope your summer is off to a good start slash already well into it Say true things Gregor. Here we go. Yeah, no of my prayers for you Please pray for me and I'll look forward to chatting with you next time on Pines with Aquinas

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