Pints With Aquinas - Pride Month Is Dying... And It's Glorious!

Episode Date: June 28, 2023

Support The Show On Locals (before we get the ban hammer): Show Sponsor: Buy your "Reclaim the Month" shirt (before its gone): Watch The Episode w/ Kim Zember: God Loves You.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Good day, good day. Welcome to Pints with Aquinas. My name is obviously Matt Fradd. It feels like I have to say that, but you probably know that by now. Today, we're going to be talking about the demise of Pride Month and why that's a very, very good thing. I even have several articles printed out that hopefully back up that assertion.
Starting point is 00:00:21 I want to talk about today why I think that's a really good thing. Before we do that, we already got a strike on another strike on TikTok this week. We did. Yeah, we got a strike for our last solo episode, a clip from our last solo episode where I was talking about the I knew you'd be my demise. Well, the thing you want to announce today is going to be worse than what I said.
Starting point is 00:00:45 We'll see. Where I said that you can't have any of the gay stuff without eventually having trans people coming for kids. And the audience was all very angry about that because they seemed to think that you could have some of the gay without all of the gay. So we got a strike on TikTok and then we had that four and a half hour episode with Gormley and it was so fun. I love that man so much.
Starting point is 00:01:04 It was great. And then that mysteriously got taken down by YouTube for reasons they didn't specify. We fought it. They put it back up. Those two things, given what we're going to talk about today, is a reason I want to invite you to go over and support us over at We have a bunch of things available for people over there. We have free audio books, free courses. If you become an annual supporter, you get this glorious pints with Aquinas Bierstein. And this summer, we are going to be having Father Damien Ference lead us in a mini course on Flannery O'Connor.
Starting point is 00:01:34 It's going to be a five-part video course. Father Ference actually got his PhD in Thomism and Flannery O'Connor. Somehow he melded those two worlds. So if you love Flannery O'Connor, if you wanted to get into her,, as I say, this summer, we're gonna be launching a course over there. But it's really good because it enables us to post videos that might get taken down on YouTube, and that's where we'll be posting them.
Starting point is 00:01:58 So Go support us over there as an annual supporter. But even if you don't wanna support us financially, just go follow us over there, because a lot of the stuff we post over there as an annual supporter. But even if you don't want to support us financially, just go follow us over there, because a lot of the stuff we post over there is free to view. So Matt Fratt dot locals dot com. What's happening? Don't like the lighting. Good. What about now? Oh, good. That's wonderful.
Starting point is 00:02:19 All right. So let's let's just kind of get this out of the gate. I think the pride flag and Pride Month is an abomination. I think it celebrates evil things and it shouldn't be tolerated and that Catholics who promote it really should repent of that. And it's been almost scary to see how many people have gotten so upset at me for saying things like this and even for our Reclaim the Month t-shirts, which, by the way, are only going to be available to the end of June.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Then we'll be taking them down. You can go check them out at Don't zoom past that. Make that clear. They are a limited time limited time only Put the link in the description if you don't mind. People can click it if you want to buy it today or tomorrow. Do that.
Starting point is 00:03:01 But people got pretty upset about that. I think they got upset about it because they thought we were somehow poking fun of people with same sex attraction or gender dysphoria, which of course we're not doing. And it's almost like people won't allow you to denounce something that's evil unless you spend 90% of the time trying to make people feel better by saying when we don't hate you, we're not saying anything personally about you as a person, like you're loved by God. As if people who are pushing this radical ideology are friendable or something. I think we're still under this illusion that people who are pushing this agenda would cozy up to us if we just said enough that we love you.
Starting point is 00:03:40 We just put we just personally think and I don't think I don't think we should be doing that. I think the primary meaning of Pride Month and of the Pride flag is that the behaviors and larger worldview behind them are morally acceptable, if not morally praiseworthy. And that's just not true. They're not. That runs in direct opposition to what the Catechism of the Catholic Church clearly states, and even though you just told me to take my glasses off, I need to do this to read it. Here's what it says, basing itself on sacred scripture, which presents homosexual acts as grave depravity. Tradition has always declared that homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.
Starting point is 00:04:18 They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act, the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine, effective, and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstance can they be approved. I would recommend Trent Horn's podcast, I think he did it last week or the week before, about the hypocrisy of Catholics who wanna promote Pride Month or Pride flags.
Starting point is 00:04:39 To me, there's an analogy to the Playboy bunny. I saw someone the other day wearing the Playboy bunny, and if I had got into a conversation with him, he was just a random person on the street, I would have suggested that he never wear that hat again. Because even if he personally wasn't wearing that Playboy Bunny to promote pornography and the worldview that would support pornography, that is in fact what he is doing. And so what he should do if he's a Christian man at least is take that hat, set it on fire, and never wear it again. I think the Pride flag and Pride month is similar there. So go check out Trent's episode
Starting point is 00:05:10 on that. We had an excellent episode with Kim Zember the other day, who herself has same-sex attraction, and she spoke so beautifully and compassionately about those either in that lifestyle or those struggling to be free of it. I think she threaded that needle really well. But that doesn't mean there isn't a space for people to speak more forcefully about the evil agenda that is being pushed on us. In fact, we had lunch with Kim immediately after the episode and she said that she, for the first time, got to watch Matt Walsh's What Is a Woman because they enabled it to be free on Twitter for a few days. And she said she loved it. So this idea that you can't be compassionate to those who are living a particular lifestyle while calling out the sin that it is, I think the people who are doing this, and if you
Starting point is 00:05:54 want to see it, go to my Instagram page, go to my Facebook page. Whenever I post something like this, whenever Catholics get very upset, it seems to me that they are sacrificing truth on the altar of politeness. They just want to be nice. They just want to be left alone by the culture. They want to make friends as opposed to confronting the evil for what it is. And so we've got really good reasons to think that I think even on a natural level here in the United States, maybe in your country, you'll have to let me know below in the comments. We've got really good reason to think that the tide is turning. And I've got several articles here that show this.
Starting point is 00:06:29 We mentioned this the other day, but I think it's really cool. Middle school is accused of homophobia after chanting USA, tearing down pride decorations. Now, the point isn't the USA part. Like, you can be critical of America, whatever. You can be anti-America for all I care. But the point of this was that they were tired of having this gay propaganda pushed on them such that they kind of revolted, which I think is fantastic. And I know this from talking to younger generations like my kids and their friends. These kids are sick of
Starting point is 00:07:03 being preached at. And so I think we've got really good reason to think that next June, the LGBTQ whatever stuff that's getting pushed, even from big corporations is going to die down significantly because people are sick and tired of it. So that's one example. Here's another example. This is from the New York Post. Target stock. Target stock loses $13.8 billion, sinks to lowest levels since 2020 over boycotts. Target stock has lost a whopping $13.8 billion over the past two weeks, hitting its lowest levels in nearly three years as the cheap chick discount retailer cheek cheap cheap cheap cheek. Oh thank you. Cheap chick cheap cheek discount retailer continues to face backlash over
Starting point is 00:07:53 L whatever friendly kids clothing shares of the embattled chain sank 2.2 percent at one hundred and thirty dollars and ninety three93 on Wednesday after dropping for eight straight sessions, the stock's longest losing streak since November 2018, giving the company a market capitalization of $60.4 billion. And the kind of crap they were pushing at Target, like tuck friendly bathing suits, and then they've got these other items like these are for infants that say yeah so did you i don't know if i told you this was the night before pride and a handful of tv t-shirts rather that say live laugh lesbian i promise you this i will never unless my only
Starting point is 00:08:38 other option is a is starvation i will never shop at a Target again and nor should you. I don't know if I told you this, so I did a clip on the Target thing recently and we did a clip and I was editing it, right? And you guys were mentioning that Target had some infant clothing. So I went to Target's website to get screenshots of it. And it's not there anymore. I had to go find these pictures from news articles about it because they'd taken it off the website. So they did sell these things. You cannot find them on the website
Starting point is 00:09:09 anymore. The infant stuff at least. Um, it was taken down. Um, we got a super chat. You want to do those as they come in or do you want to do them? Yeah. By the way, are you smoking and chewing tobacco? No. Why? What's that smell? It smells like a, well, I've got my Cuban from the Gormley episode sitting here. Did you light it? No, why? What's that smell? Smells like a... Well, I've got my Cuban from the Gormley episode sitting here. Did you light it? No. I was just gonna be really impressed
Starting point is 00:09:30 if you were both chewing tobacco and smoking at the same time. Also, I was gonna say, you might have a problem. I do have a problem, but I'm not, that's not why. Right, here's another article that came out. Thousands at Dodgers Stadium protest godless support of LGBTQ nuns. And this is definitely, what is this news platform thousands at Dodgers Stadium protest godless support of LGBTQ nuns. And this is definitely what is what is this news platform that promote that did this?
Starting point is 00:09:51 Daily Mail Daily Mail. I mean, okay. It says the Los Angeles Dodgers baseball team is facing a Bud Light style boycott after a controversial LG whatever salad group of drag queens, nuns to a night ceremony, engaging the Catholic community, enraging the Catholic community and sparking protests on Friday. The group, the sisters of perpetual indulgence, they need an exorcism in that place, was invited to appear before the Dodgers game against the San Francisco
Starting point is 00:10:20 Giants and receive an award for their community work. Here's the good news. The ceremony to award the Community Hero Award. How despicable is that to the quote unquote nuns was held before an almost empty stadium ahead of the game, but outside the protesters gathered. So there was a larger group outside of the stadium than was inside the group's appearance at Friday's ballgame at a time when brands such as
Starting point is 00:10:47 Bardlight and Target have faced backlash from the far right. Or just like, how about the sane? How about this is the sane normal people who don't think we should be pushing evil on people or displaying it or celebrating it or offering awards for it for stocking
Starting point is 00:11:03 items that extol equal rights. All this language has to be sifted through. You don't have a right to sin and you don't have a right to encourage other people to be sin to sin. And as a man, you don't have a right to be a woman. It's just not rights at all. Listen to this. Bud. I said this. That's great about the Dodgers. It's also great about great about Bud Light.
Starting point is 00:11:24 So here's another victory. Bud Light's parent company, Anheuser-Busch, has taken more than $26 billion with a B in market value since it unveiled transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney as a brand partner on April 1st. Where are you in this article? I'm about four, on the fourth paragraph. The reason the reason I asked if this was a what kind of periodical this was from is they refer to this fella as a Sheila. It says that she was most recently seen attending the premiere. It's a British publication.
Starting point is 00:11:58 I believe it is illegal to misgender people in New Zealand. So, listen, we might not have a job tomorrow. Thursday might be out of a job tomorrow for just speaking truth on YouTube. Well, or both of our salaries are going to reduce significantly. Right. But it's a shame. Like, as soon as we become silent on this, and this is my fear with Christian influences or whatever you call them, my fear is that if Christians are silent about this because they're afraid of having their YouTube channels taken away,
Starting point is 00:12:28 then there's going to be just a vacuum and all we're going to be hearing from is the trans propaganda people and that will just gradually accept that this is Christian and acceptable when it's not. So we have to talk about this whether or not they take our YouTube channels away. And we have to do that because of love and respect for our viewers. And also love for people who are living in this lifestyle. It's not okay for us to remain silent on this. But yeah, back to the Dodger Stadium thing. Thousands of religious activists held a prayerful procession outside Dodger Stadium, responding
Starting point is 00:13:03 to a call for a prayerful response to Dodger's godless decision to honor blasphemous Christ mocking sisters of perpetual indulgence. Protestors wore red in honor of the sacred heart and held signs as they gathered before the game. I will say props to both Bishop Robert Barron and other bishops for making some strong statements about this. It says on Monday, the team was lambasted in a statement from Archbishop Jose Gomez of Los Angeles, Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York, and the president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Archbishop Timothy
Starting point is 00:13:33 Ezebroglio of the Military Services. What do we got here? They asked Catholics to pray on Friday as an act of reparation for the blasphemies against our Lord we see in our culture today. A professional baseball team has shockingly chosen to honor a group whose lewdness and vulgarity is mocking our Lord, his mother, and consecrated women. This cannot be overstated, the Archbishop says. This is not just offensive and painful to Christians everywhere. It is blasphemy. I love that because I think too often we're like, I'm offended.
Starting point is 00:14:04 And being offended is not in vogue today because so many People who are claiming offense really have no right to be offended. This is not just about being offended This is a grave sin and it's blasphemy thoughts on that Thursday Yeah, I'm really glad they use the blasphemy language I really don't think that We can be soft on this kind of stuff when it's this extreme. I won't describe some of the things they were doing for the sake of the viewers, but they
Starting point is 00:14:36 were doing some things that are- Yeah, from the pit of hell. I mean, that's probably what parties in hell look like if they had bodies, yeah if they had if they weren't burning constantly, um Yeah, I I think it's it's it's satanic. I mean it's it's a it's it's a purposeful. Um Inversion of something sacred and that is I mean What black masses and satan is, is inversions of sacred. So it's beautiful to see people standing up about this. Look, here's another piece of good news.
Starting point is 00:15:10 Listen to this. This is from the Daily Wire. NHL says no more specialty sweaters during warmups after pride celebration backlash. And they say it's become a distraction. That's the easy word to use. It's a distraction as opposed to this is filth that has no place in civilized culture. NHL commissioner Gary Betman said Thursday that teams will no longer wear specialty sweaters during warmups such as those worn in celebration of LGBTQ pride because it's become a distraction. That just feels so weak to say that.
Starting point is 00:15:41 But fair enough. I understand why they have to say it, why they feel they have to say it. Multiple players refused. God bless them. Refused to don the sweaters celebrating the LGBTQ agenda during the season, with some citing their Christian beliefs and others fearing backlash from their home country of Russia. Um, let's see. Seven players refused to take part in Pride Night Celebrations,
Starting point is 00:16:05 an event hosted by all 32 NHL teams over the course of the season. Brothers and Florida partner teammates Eric and Mark Stahl join. Panthers? What did I say? I'm so glad that you're here because I don't know how much of this I would misread. Thank you. OK, San Jose, Shark, Goalieie James, however you say his last name, a Philadelphia Flyers defenseman, Ivan Proverov, in refusing to wear the pride sweaters because of their Christian faith.
Starting point is 00:16:32 This is beautiful to see. What was that fella? Who is that fella who came out and just totally capitulated to the mob after having said the Blue Jays pitcher? Yeah. And what was funny is they, you know, yeah, it was a shameful display. Did you see that they called up? So and I say shameful display as a coward.
Starting point is 00:16:59 I say I'm not even pretending I would make a better decision. I hope I would. I pray that I would. But this stuff needs to be called out and Likewise whenever someone stands up against the mob and that's why no matter what you think about Timothy Dolan or these other bishops They have to be praised whenever they do something like this because I'm really of the opinion that most of us just Give in to the mob Did you see what the Blue Jays ended up with? What the else they did?
Starting point is 00:17:26 Yeah, didn't they kick him out? So they caught him. Yeah. But also, so they. And then they put a trans person. So they called up a man who identifies as non-binary. OK. To be their new. Backup pitcher, I want to say.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Or backup. Maybe he's their starting pitcher backup. Maybe he's their starting catcher. No, he's their starting catcher. He's going to be their new starting catcher in there. And his stats are worse than all three of their current catchers. And they're sending their third, their back, their current backup is getting sent back down to the minor leagues so that this non-binary person can be the pitcher so that the non-binary person can be the pitcher so that the non-binary person can be on their roster. They're literally sending players with better stats away.
Starting point is 00:18:10 Oh, that story is fake? Oh. All right, feel free to look it up. But you know, sometimes I've had people say to me, and if you're a Christian, maybe you've had people say to you, okay, fair enough. Hell is, in a sense sense a choice that we make, right? God desires all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. Therefore, if hell is a choice, it's rebellion of the creature, who would possibly make that choice?
Starting point is 00:18:34 But you look at these companies, and even though they're making these, they're taking down maybe images off the website, this is an ideology that they have bought into. And it seems to me that many of these companies would rather be bankrupt than admit to reality. I think that's a good analogy to the soul who chooses to go to hell. Even though they're going to hell, they would rather be in hell than to concede what is true. So the National Review published it as without a satire label. Oh, it is a fake story. It was meant to be satire, but then when the national review published it, they didn't
Starting point is 00:19:12 put a satire label on it. But I mean, the reason you thought that was true. And the reason I thought that was true is that satire and reality are so close together these days. It's hard to discern. It's hard to tell that it's satire. Does anyone really doubt that the Dodgers would do this? I don't. The Blue Jays? The Blue Jays. Yeah, I don't doubt that a team would do it. Absolutely. They would yeah
Starting point is 00:19:30 But people were pretty upset about the NHL making this decision a group that pushes the NHL to become more inclusive for members of the whatever Community let's come up with a word right now. Can we I'm so sick of saying TV I'm pretty sure like or I just say like using it now. Blabber, blabber. I'll just say that of the blabber. And I don't mean disrespect to the people in that community. If it is a community, it's not a community. I just I'm so friggin tired of having to say these letters strung together.
Starting point is 00:19:54 Blah, blah, blah. Community. Also, the YouTube bots scan for the words and we don't want attention on us if we don't have it. All right. TV people, the GGGG community was upset with the league's decision to stop having players wear rainbow themed sweaters on the ice. Here's what they said. Today's decision means that over 95% of players who choose to wear a pride jersey to support the community will now not get an opportunity to do so.
Starting point is 00:20:22 In actuality, I'm pretty sure if these men had the courage, they would they would admit, of course, we want to wear these freaking jerseys. It would be much larger than five percent. But the point is the courage of the five percent is going to embolden the rest. Yeah. All right. What else do we have? Starbucks. Isn't this wild? Listen to this. Are we doing Guardian or? Yeah, Guardian. This is another victory, friends. Coffee giant Starbucks is caught up in a row with a labor union over claims that workers
Starting point is 00:20:51 at some of its stores in the US have been told they cannot put up pride decorations this year. The dispute comes as a right-wing backlash against many American businesses sweeps across the US with conservative activists and consumers attacking expressions of support for blah blah blah Americans. Some of the biggest corporate names in the US such as retailers Target and beer giant Anheuser-Busch have been hit by the boycotts. The Starbucks dispute erupted after a petition on, a labor organizing website, was launched in the beginning of June that claimed Starbucks managers have told workers
Starting point is 00:21:31 they cannot put up pride decorations this year. This is all really good news. People don't like being preached at. I've said it before, that the kind of woke left have become what the Christians were perceived to be back in the 60s and 70s. You're going to tell me why you're smiling in a minute. Namely, sensorial and boring and preachy and... All right, why are you laughing? Matt McCloskey in the comment in the live chat just said, LGBT is let's get beer and
Starting point is 00:22:02 tacos. Let's get beer and tacos. So honestly, this is, this is something to celebrate friends. There's a lot of bad news today. I hope that reality will win. We know that as Christians, we're victorious, cause Christ is victorious. We know how the battle ends, but even on a natural plane, it seems that the tide has turned against Pride Month and it's dying and we should absolutely celebrate that fact. Yeah, that's it.
Starting point is 00:22:33 That's all I got to say. Praise God. Feel free to put in a super chat or something and we'll try to get to your comments. But I want to let people know that we were expecting to have a lovely young woman on Kayla, I believe her name was, to discuss her journey from Mormonism to Catholicism this week. But she did the right thing. Her child was sick and so we pray for the child's recovery. But she reached out to us the morning she was supposed to fly and said how terrible she feels about it. And we're like, are you kidding? Like,
Starting point is 00:23:01 you're a mom. You just did the best thing for your child. It's wonderful, but we're going to have her on the show soon. So we look forward to that. Cool. We've got chats. And I figured out how to add them to the, put them on. So the first one is from Joe. Nevermind. The reason I'm wearing my glasses like this, like an old man is cause I know if I put them up, the light's going to reflect. Yeah. That's why I had you take them off. Yeah. All right. I can't put it on a screen because it's old but Joe says ten dollars from Joe. Thank you. Joe. We appreciate that. Oh, I see it here
Starting point is 00:23:34 I love the podcast I just wanted to say thank you for being a part of my finding of the Catholic Church or the church and Beautifully articulating why it is true. Keep doing what you're doing or the church and beautifully articulating why it is true. Keep doing what you're doing. Thank you. Praise God. I'm so happy to hear that. Got the Celt.
Starting point is 00:23:49 This person says, hey Matt, thank you for all you do. I'm a Protestant listener, but I love your discussion. I'm starting the 33 days consecration. Bless you to St. Joseph to combat an addiction that I've been fighting for years. Scott, it is so wonderful to have you. I know I say it all the time, but I love my Protestant viewers. I mean, I just, I feel no animosity to people. Whether you're like a, even if you're like a rad tread seday, like thanks for being here. If you're a
Starting point is 00:24:19 proddy, thanks for being here. If you're an atheist, thanks for being here. Peter Crave, we've got to get this line printed up on the wall. When a maniac is at the door, feuding brothers reconcile. That's so true. It's great to have you. Are you seeing this Thursday? Like we often talk about the differences in age here. And I know most of the people you hang out with are Catholics, so they probably agree with the sort of things that we're saying. But just are you able more generally to get a sense that the tide is turning among Gen Zers?
Starting point is 00:24:51 Or is it really binary? You've got people who really die for it. I think the the statistics actually suggest that the Gen Z is is more liberal, but the ones who are conservative are more extremely conservative. Because they've realized that the Gen X and the Boomers that compromised and the millennials that compromised and were effectively neo-conservatives, that was so ineffective that we lost. That's part of what caused us to lose.
Starting point is 00:25:19 Do you understand what I mean by that? We lost because of that. Because of bending over and trying to be friends with people who have no interest in being friends with us. Yeah. I mean, it's, it, the, the, these agendas only work when you compromise. And the part, the people in Gen Z who are conservative are realizing that the compromise is not possible and we should not try it, especially in the current political system.
Starting point is 00:25:56 I think we should be careful and differentiate between compromising in pedagogy and meeting people where they're at and compromising in policy and trying to create law that is used as law ought to be used, right? Like Thomas says that law is a teacher. It's meant to teach. And so when we're creating policy and we're creating law, we should be creating law and policy for the people, for the people where they are now, but not compromising with evil. So, because it becomes an ineffective teacher and it's no longer serving the purpose of law.
Starting point is 00:26:30 And if law isn't serving the purpose, then we are, then we're doing, we're not loving, right? Because we're not using, using law for its purpose, for its teleology. And so we have to, we can't compromise in policy. It's just not an option. And I think that in conservatism is seen more. And I think it's also being seen by the left because I think whether or not they acknowledge it,
Starting point is 00:26:55 they realize that the reality is what it is, right? Like they can use laws as a teaching tool for the culture. I think I mentioned this last time, but just like in order to push the homosexual lifestyle, there was a ton of sympathetic characters back in the 80s and 90s until we were all like, aww. That's happening now with the trans stuff. I said this literally this morning to you.
Starting point is 00:27:21 I know, but I said it to my wife the other day because she wanted me to watch a man called Otto. And so we started watching it. But as soon as there was this like trans character and all the it's just about be so sympathetic to him like it's happening again. I won't be a part of it. Yeah. Every time the elites need to normalize something that is not normal in a culture at the time, the way they do it is they first inject it into the fiction we consume and then they inject it into the news media We consume and so then people view it as reality and then when they see it in the real reality It's not in news media or in fiction. They're less Opposed to it. They're less shocked by it, right?
Starting point is 00:27:58 Yeah, when you see a gay couple in in public now, you're less you're less shocked by it and I think part of the reason for that is that it's been so effectively pushed in fiction and news media that people just think it's a thing that happens, but it's not. And so they've created a fake reality via these TV shows and these movies and the news. And we have to be on guard against that.
Starting point is 00:28:22 You cannot allow them to make you think things are normal that are not normal. Absolutely. I mean, that's what I, that's what porn did for me. And that's what porn does for so many. You grow up on porn as a young kid, it's normalizing something that just doesn't exist or is and is evil. And so you grow up with this thought about it's just the lies sink so deep that you really
Starting point is 00:28:42 can't tell the difference between what is true and what is fake. So we've got another chat here. Oh, I got to read this comment though. I thought this was funny. Um, Reese's Parkette says, Hey Matt, I met you on the set of Francis can prevents and presents in 2018. For some reason I said, I went to England once, but that's not Australia. So awkward.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Love what you do. You're awesome. Thanks so much. Okay. We have another do. You're awesome. Thanks so much. Okay. We have another chat here from Ross Richards. Yeah. Would love to see father Michael shields on the show. Priest from my diocese who runs a mission in Magda Magadan Eastern Siberia. Five. Wow. You're saying he lives in Eastern Siberia.
Starting point is 00:29:22 I'm open to that. Is he planning on coming to the Super Bowl anytime soon? Michael Bochamp, what a great name. Bochamp. Bochamp. Should Catholics post their opposition to Lego bot plus ideology on their personal and social media pages? I think so. I mean, I think it's a prudential call that you have to make for yourself.
Starting point is 00:29:44 But even if you just posted, here's what the Catechism of the Catholic Church says, and we can never endorse sin, whether that's pornographic sin or homosexual sin or heterosexual sin, like we can't get behind that. And that reminded me of something. Can you share what Kim Zemba said to you? And just for those joining right now, Kim was the wonderful woman. She has same sex attraction. She'd been in several homosexual relationships, but she now lives a chase life and she's in love with Jesus Christ and is proclaiming the beauty of the Catholic Church's teaching on this stuff. And remember when we walked out of the Greek restaurant and you left her? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:22 So we went to get Greek food after the show. We all had lunch together, the three of us. And she had something on the table. And I went to put something back on the counter. And I saw her walk behind me. And so I thought she picked up her stuff off the table. And then we were walking out. And she goes, wait, where's my thing? I forget what it was.
Starting point is 00:30:41 I was like, oh, it's on the table in there. Yeah, I saw it there. I just, I don't know. I didn't get it. I think it's, it's on the table in there. She goes, you knew that and you didn't pick it up. And I was like, well, I tried to tell her this. Like I thought you picked it up. I saw you behind me at the table. I figured you were picking it up. And she pops her head back out. She goes to go into this, back into the restaurant and then pops her head back out and goes, you're the reason I'm not with men. Love it. Like if you don't mind, let's put a link to Kim in the description below.
Starting point is 00:31:09 That's almost got a hundred thousand views. And for good reason, I've said it before, sometimes I'll host an interview and I think I could go just sleep for a year. Now I feel like I've done my job just to give her a beautiful story to the world. If you're somebody who experiences same sex attraction, or if you're in the lifestyle right now and you don't want to be, go check that out, because it was just so beautiful and so healing. Also, I want to say that I got into a back and forth with a fellow on my Facebook page. And I don't know why I never do this, but this guy was pretty, pretty aggressive in the past. And so I just I've ignored him.
Starting point is 00:31:43 But I posted this thing about Kim Zember. And let's see if I can find the back and so I just I've ignored him. But I posted this thing about Kim Zemba. And let's see if I can find the back and forth, because I thought it was. I don't know. Illuminating in some ways for me, I suppose. Here it is. So this fellow, I'm not going to say his name because I don't want to out him or embarrass him, but he says, why do you post about this so much? Now, given the fact that he's been really critical of the things I've posted before, I thought,
Starting point is 00:32:08 okay, well, this is a nice question, so I'll answer it. So I wrote back, because people with same sex attraction are like the rest of us, loved by God and deserve stories of hope like Kim gives. And he says, Matt Fradd, many people wouldn't see that as hope. And I want to point out for a moment, like this guy's a self-declared Catholic. Right. So he says, I also don't understand why you use same sex attraction. The Pope isn't afraid to use the word gay.
Starting point is 00:32:33 I don't think it should be controversial. If identify in Christ is your reasoning that doesn't negate any other phenomenological identities we describe ourselves with. So what I wanted to do is not get into a whole discussion with a self-proclaimed Catholic about whether we should or shouldn't use terms. I just wanted to get to the heart of the matter to see where he was at. So I said, do you agree with the church that homosexual acts are gravely sinful or not? And he says, and it's a pretty simple question.
Starting point is 00:33:01 He could say yes, or he could say no, and he could give his reasons. But he said, why is grave sin immediately what you jump to? And he goes on. And so I write back, you initiated the conversation if you want it to continue a simple question, do you agree with the church that homosexual acts are gravely sinful or not? Again really simple. No matter what he says, I'm happy to keep going back and forth with him. And he writes back, is this the Dubia?
Starting point is 00:33:27 So again, like very familiar with Catholic language. I don't know why you returned to that question. If I were to answer yes, I'm assuming you think that or anyway. So at this point, I'm like, okay, something something's up with this dude. So I went down the Facebook rabbit hole and see him kissing men and laying with men and talking about his experience at gay bars. And so I just wrapped it up and I said, you are deeply loved by God. Give the episode a watch. You might appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:33:55 And he didn't write back. And I learned a couple of things from that interaction. One, even though it's so tempting to assume the worst of people, trying to engage civilly in these back and forths is really helpful. And it's helpful because I want this guy to know his dignity. And I don't want him to be sucked down this lifestyle. And I want him to come to live in a state of grace and to be a fully committed Catholic. And if I had have just assumed something about him without realizing, OK, this guy is living a same sex, you know, he's leaving a homosexual lifestyle.
Starting point is 00:34:35 Yeah, maybe it would have turned him off if I was really aggressive with him. But I think that maybe just being gentle with him, like saying you're deeply loved by God, give the episode a watch, like he might actually watch it now. So I ask everybody out there just just offer a Hail Mary for him. In fact, I'm going to do that now, because sometimes you say that and you agree, but you never do it. Let's offer a Hail Mary for this fella. Any men or women watching like again, this is not an us and versus you. This is just all of us with our disordered sexual desires, our sexual wounding, our desire for things that are unhealthy. Like we're all in this together.
Starting point is 00:35:11 James, even though he's a comedian, has a beautiful, like really great way to say this. And I think you'll probably remember it as soon as I say it, but he's, he says that like, he makes the point that like the church's demand is not on people with same sex attraction specifically. The church's demand is for a very for the sexual act to be reserved for a very specific thing because it has a purpose and it's a demand on everyone. Right. And and it's not that gay people do something. Well, I mean, it's uniquely I mean, it's a sin that cries to heaven. Yes. Um, the, the catechism is clear about that fornication is not one of the sins that cries to heaven. Sodomy is, but, um,
Starting point is 00:35:52 by both the grave sins that send you to hell. Yes. But one is worse. One is definitely worse. Um, but James's point is that the church is not making a specific demand. It's not singling out these people to make a specific demand on them. The church is making a demand on all of us and saying that this error of that, against that standard is the worst of them. And so we are all called to this chastity in this way that the church says. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:23 So let's offer a Hail Mary for you, for your loved ones, for all of us. Maybe you're watching today and you, you know, you watch pornography. Maybe you're fornicating. Maybe you're committing adultery right now. Like all of these things we want to repent of as Christians. And I include myself as a sinner among you. What? Sorry, that was a really stupid joke. Let's not make you say it again. I didn't hear it, but let's offer a Hail Mary. Blessed Mother, we love you and we ask that you lead us to Jesus so that we can be more fully alive and actually happy. Help us to reject the false promises of the world. Um, and to know that we are not our sin, but that our, the core identity is beloved sons and daughters. Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee.
Starting point is 00:37:03 Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen. Amen. We've got more chats. Do we? All right, well we'll do more chats since these beautiful people have paid to ask them and then we'll wrap up. Giovanni. Giovanni Giovanni is our next one. You want me to read it? You have a lot of Giovanni. I see him.
Starting point is 00:37:30 Yeah, I can't say that. How do you handle truly loving everyone when you see people committing and promoting such great evil? It's difficult. It's it is a difficult thing. I mean, I just bring this back to like the sin, this and other sexual sin that a pornography, like when I would get up on stage and speak at high schools and colleges about the sin of pornography, I would actually seek to shame pornography. Like one of the things I would say is, you know, go into a strip club
Starting point is 00:37:59 and I would make this comment like paying somebody money so that she can pretend to like you. It's not exactly what you ought to be calling masculine behavior. And you say that and people laugh, right? I'm like shaming this very soft, sinful, pathetic action. But then you might say, yeah, but there are people out there right now who may have done that. It's like, all right, yeah. And if I'm addressing them personally, I'm going to be talking about the great mercy that God has for them. So I think we do want to make this distinction between the act and the people and then also
Starting point is 00:38:29 those who are promoting the act who ought to know better. And you're not I don't think everything always needs to be said all at once. So for example, there might be people who would watch Matt Walsh's documentary and criticize it because it wasn't loving enough. It's like, all right, fair enough. But that wasn't the and then you had to define love. You know, it's like, what do you mean by loving enough? Do you mean like he wasn't soft and kind and compassionate and speech enough?
Starting point is 00:38:54 That's that's a different thing to being loving. I think to being loving is to say, like, we should we should live in the real world and call out what is and what isn't, you know, delusion. and call out what is and what isn't, you know, delusion. Name says, My family is visiting Steubenville in the near future. What should we do see when we're there? I would like to move there, but my wife is on the fence about it. So I would recommend if anyone wants to visit Steubenville, that you come to one of our first Friday celebrations.
Starting point is 00:39:20 The next one will be on the 7th of July. We get several thousand people who pack the main street. We have vendors. Everyone's around. Dr. Hans. They're having a hot dog. I'm there drinking beer. Thursday's there shooting heroin. So like I'm so glad I switched to the split justice. You said that because I'm sure my face was priceless. And see, that's not me making fun of people with like, who are you just giving me a hard time because we're friends.
Starting point is 00:39:49 Can I suggest something to people who visit? Yep. You should go drive around in LaBelle and on Lawson and. Go into like the Kroger and the Walmart, because when you're living life, you're going to be in those places and you should have your expectations of a Catholic Disney world with no problems tempered very quickly. Steubenville is not yet a place people can move to
Starting point is 00:40:16 to just exist in. We are building it together. We are building it. Come and offer something. Come and help us build. Offer your strength. Don't come to like just leech off of what you think in your head is this ideal Catholic community. We don't need people to do that because we don't have an ideal Catholic community. What we need is people
Starting point is 00:40:33 with gifts and talents who are here to build up the town. Yeah. So when people visit, and I think this is a good thing, is you should go into the Walmart, you should go into the Kroger, You should drive around La Belle, the big hill where a lot of the residential is. You should drive around Lawson, um, the other residential Hill. And you should really understand where you're moving to because it is a. Very much an impoverished, a culturally impoverished city that we as a Catholic community are trying to transform for Christ and, and, you know, dignify the poor here. We're not trying to get rid of them.
Starting point is 00:41:12 We don't want to kick them out. We don't want, we're not trying to be a Catholic. Everyone's mixed together. Yeah. We're not trying to be a Catholic suburb where there's a target and a Walmart and everybody who works at the target and the Walmart is Catholic. No, we don't want that We want like Mark Barnes is opening up a grocery store soon
Starting point is 00:41:28 We want the businesses and the things eventually that you shop at to be ours Yeah, be Catholic in their very core and this supermarket we should add just so people know is going to be Selling what people around stupid bill are growing. Yes killing butch butchering yeah so if you're thinking about visiting please please go experience the not great parts of student bill so you understand what you're getting into and i think one way to do that is don't if you are discerning moving here don't just come for a weekend try to come and spend a week here no matter what that takes just just yeah take take your time. All right. Justine says, thank you, Matt, for your faith. Oh, sorry. Is it Josh?
Starting point is 00:42:09 Yeah. Graduated Franciscan 2022. I received much from this show and now being out of a year and having a job, I can give back. You are very kind, Josh. Thank you very much. Justine says and thanks for the super chat, by the way, both of you. Thank you, Matt, for your faith and wisdom. I was a Protestant and recently I attended a mass. God opened my eyes with his truth as I convert, amen. Thank you, praise God.
Starting point is 00:42:32 Blue Rose Lion says, I remember when a GA gay meant happy go lucky, you must be pushing up the years there. I don't remember that. Happy go lucky, frivolously happy. I remember when the new definition had to be explained to me and since then the old definition has been turned inside out. Yeah Yeah, yeah, fair enough Will thanks for the super chat says for strive 21. Do you recommend the Protestant or Catholic version for an Orthodox Christian? First of all love my Orthodox brothers. Lovely to have you with us
Starting point is 00:43:02 No, if you're so by the way strive 21 is a 21 day detox from porn virtual course that I created. It's quite sophisticated, really well shot. It's pretty high production value., if you're a man, you can go through this 21 day course. It's 100% free by the way, so check it out. We've had tens of thousands of men
Starting point is 00:43:21 already go through the course. And so we have a Catholic version and a Protestant version. I would say if you're a, yeah, come on, we're close enough. I know there are differences. And I know we get hung up on them, but no, I'm not going to be talking about the filioque or anything in a course designed to help people break free from pornography. So I promise you can trust it. I would do the Catholic version. Ross says father shields is in Alaska. I actually know this fella. I met him at a focus conference once upon a time.
Starting point is 00:43:44 I think his visa wasn't renewed, so he wasn't allowed to return after a surgery. I believe he spent about 20 years there though. Well, if he's ever going to visit us, you could send him to team at You could write it. He could write it. I'd be open to having him on the show. I don't know enough about him to say I would have him on. We get a lot of requests. So yeah. Joseph Clark says we skipped his. Hey Matt, when do you and Taylor Marshall, when are when you and Taylor Marshall going to sit down for interview? Love the show, brother. I don't know if that'll happen or not. So I can't give you a time. Yeah. Cool. Anything else we want to talk about? God bless you guys.
Starting point is 00:44:28 One last time. Here's what we'll do. Immediately after this, I'm going to go run a live stream over at You can watch it whether you're a financial supporter or not. I try to do streams every day. We have a podcast called Morning Coffee where I sit down with a coffee and we just chat. It's very laid back. That's one of the perks you get by becoming a supporter over at If you become an annual supporter, you also get this beer stein sent to you at the end of every month. We collect the addresses and send them out.
Starting point is 00:44:58 As I say, we're going to have a Flannery O'Connor course this summer at It's taught by an expert, Father Damien Ferentz, who has his PhD in Thomism and Flannery O'Connor course this summer at and it's taught by an expert, Father Damien Ferentz, who has his PhD in Thomism and Flannery O'Connor. And you're going to learn a lot. So we try to put out a bunch of stuff like that. Eat some seaweed. Eat some seaweed.
Starting point is 00:45:16 When Joe Rogan. It's not a question. Not a proper sentence. It is a question. When Joe Rogan. What does that mean? When Joe Rogan. When am I going to have him on?
Starting point is 00:45:24 I don't think I'm I going to have him on? I don't think I'm ever going to have him on. And I don't think I'd ever want to go on his show. I don't say that to sound better than him or like above him or anything like that. I just don't think I would be interested. Dominic Dominic. Thank you for the super chat says, hey, Matt, I wanted to know if you would be interested in responding to a YouTube named Jesse Genda, who made a four hour video criticizing what is a woman. I wouldn't be interested in that. No. So thanks for sending me $10 to say no. You're very kind. God bless you. Subscribe to the channel. Here's why you should subscribe to the channel and click
Starting point is 00:46:02 the bell button, because once we get 400,000 subscribers, I'm going to buy Thursday one of those trophies back there that say, oh, oh yes. Hello. Real quick, Matt Frad dot hello. No, wrong one. I'll start again. Hey guys, have you heard about Hello? Hello is the number one Catholic app and for good reason.
Starting point is 00:46:24 It's incredibly sophisticated, really easy to use. And it's just fantastic. Do you remember back in the day where we used to say things like it's good for a Christian something or it's good for a Catholic movie? Honestly, no longer. The Hello app is the I think it might be one of the best. It is one of the best apps I have used, Catholic or not. It has sleep stories. It has one of the best apps I have used, Catholic or not. It has sleep stories.
Starting point is 00:46:46 It has books you can listen to. You can even schedule your prayer routine on it. So for example you might say at 9am I want to pray the Rosary, at 12pm I want to pray the Angelus, at 5pm I want to do an examination of conscience. And then you'll get an alert on your phone and it'll lead you through those prayers. It's really, really, really good. Now you do have to pay monthly to use it, but if you go to slash Matt Fradd, right? Is that right? Yeah. slash Matt Fradd and sign up there, you get it for free for three months. That's a long period of time to get something for free. So you can try it out for three months. And if you don't like it, you can cancel it and you won't pay a cent. I have it on my app. I have the full version. My wife does. Sometimes we'll play
Starting point is 00:47:33 it for the kids late at night, have them listen to a Bible story. It's really, really good. Unfortunately, my Hello Ad Reads are not as good as Laura horns They're really really good. They should be paying her more but please go Matt Frank and don't use Laura's Link use my link because if you use my link They'll like me more than Laura and give me more money than Laura and that's really what it's all about Matt no. Hello H a L L oO w h a l o w dot com HTTPS colon backslash back for the question. Did you put a link below? I feel bad. We have 1500 people watching What should we talk about I Ever heard I got my hunting trophies from Africa.
Starting point is 00:48:27 Oh, you did. Those were so cool. Those were very cool. So next week I'm going to drive them to a taxidermist in Pennsylvania, four and a half hours away, one of the best in the country. It's going to take about a year to get them done. I got a water buck, I got a red hearted beast and I got a zebra and we have a zebra laying out on the floor there.
Starting point is 00:48:44 We do. Someone said, do you want to have the zebra shoulder mounted and I said no Because a zebra is basically a fancy horse and having a shoulder man of a horse Doesn't look great. I'm not opposed to it in principle, but I like the rug When they and they when they send you your trophies just in case you ever hunted and you get stuff sent to you they said you know huge box and you basically get the skull which is wrapped up and then the beautiful horns and Then that you have a ziplock bag with the things face in it Then so they gotta put it on oh, I can't wait. Yeah, I'm really looking forward to getting we should hang one of them in the new
Starting point is 00:49:24 Studio we should talk that's what we should talk about. All right. All right, everybody. Listen to me. Listen to me now. Listen to me now. Dead in the camera. Take the glasses off. This Friday, I am about to buy an entire building here in Steubenville, so that we can have a place for our pints with Aquinas studios that we're not renting from. We can create a couple of different studio spaces. We can have a place when we do retreats here in Steubenville for people. Thursday we'll have an amazing office. We joke that since it's such a gigantic building that we're buying because it's Steubenville, we'll have like this whole Google Twitter layout with like, so the cereal dispensers and ping pong tables.
Starting point is 00:50:02 Probably going to be like our desk space. It's so it's currently a yoga studio. They're they're leaving. And so the current space, it's probably going to be our desk space is like their main big open for like their big classes. We're going to have it exercised. But yes. And how great is it, by the way, that I got to kick no offense to the people who work there, but how great is it that I got to kick out a yoga studio?
Starting point is 00:50:24 So here's what happened happened I went in there one day and I took a blessed miraculous medal and I put it there because I was praying about how am I going to kick out a studio as yoga studio and that day they contacted the realtor and said that they're going to be moving out by the end of the month. So there's that. So there's this big, the big space, the big main like space for their for their stuff is. Is, you know, this open space and it's going to it would be really hard to sound proof and like make studio space, that'll probably be where our desks and stuff are. And so the joke is that it's like it looks like a big open source layout, but I'll probably be the only one who's in there every day. And so the joke is that we're going to looks like a big open source layout, but I'll probably be the only one who's in there every day.
Starting point is 00:51:05 And so the joke is that we're going to like have a chess table like ping pong and like the cereal dispenser just like go all the way. Pines of the Qantas boxing gym. Somebody asked if we've ever played Metroid. I have not. I don't know what it is. Video game. I played a game. I really like this game that's kind of like Metroid.
Starting point is 00:51:23 It's called Forgon. And I really like this game called that's kind of like Metroid. It's called Forgone and I really enjoyed Forgone. It was basically Metroid It's a Metroid like game Yeah, so I tried we got another chat Oh, do we okay? I got something to say and then keep hold on to that chat for me So I am wanted to play the new Zelda my son wanted it. He was really excited about it So I decided we would both download it and kind of play it together as we went to France. Here's the deal, man, with old men like me. Games today are really made for people who are willing to sink hundreds of hours
Starting point is 00:51:58 into a particular game. That's true. I even struggle with some of the games. And I'm not willing to do that. I just want a quick game that I can play for 20 minutes and that's and maybe do it in a week from now It's not a game like that. You are really like the battle royale shooters Like I play a lot of fortnight's the main that's right You can get it's like you get on you play a game or two It's like if you're really having a good time if you're playing really well, then you play some more
Starting point is 00:52:21 But if you're not having a good time and you're not doing well, then you just you're done. Right. Like, it's fine. You're done. And, you know, but if you get on like a long game, something like the games I've been playing recently, I was playing Atomic Heart, which I really enjoyed, but it's just the levels and everything along in Jedi Survivor. Like Jedi Fallen Order was my favorite game ever. And like, survivor, just the levels and everything takes so long. It's just like I don't want to spend Like three hours. Yeah doing some something small like when I can spend I also find that like as I've gotten older and it might just because I haven't kept up the habit of video game playing
Starting point is 00:52:58 I don't want to it's not something I want to do It's not like I don't have the time or else I would it's like no I might even if I had the time I don't want to do it like games or play a long game Yeah, play play a game for that amount of time. Yeah. Yeah, that's why I really enjoy Yeah McCloskey's in the chat talking about how good we are for tonight together We are really good when we play together to post that to locals even though it won't be that funny What that low that that fortnight video where you and I played will post that to locals.
Starting point is 00:53:27 Yeah, it's really old, but we should post it. Yeah. Justin says my brother-in-law lives down the street from Matt loves to build a community. Thank you for the super chat. And then I do the one above that or not. Oh, oh, don't read it out loud while you're deciding. Is he asking what happened to pints with the court? I think K-pop. Yeah. What happened to Teela Kila Connolly? You know, is that what you're saying? Yeah. What what happened to Pines with a Quina? What happened? Hey, yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:45 What happened to Teela Killacona? Tina Kina is always. Yeah. What happened? What's up with or what's happening? So I've had like the best of intentions to start something for Spanish speaking people. And at first, what we did is we had Pines with a Quina dubbed.
Starting point is 00:53:58 I don't know if you remember this. I maybe know this as well before your time when I lived in Atlanta, we had someone professionally dubbed the clips. OK, but everyone said it sounded so cheesy It sounded like you they were watching the days of our lives or something And so everyone who spoke Spanish was like dude, this is not good. You know what YouTube does now is you can upload tracks Audio tracks videos and like play and the same video can have multiple audio tracks for different languages.
Starting point is 00:54:26 Wow. She might get into that. So tequila conic, you know, is something we wanted to kind of start, but it just, it wasn't working and so we abandoned ship. Let's see. Wow. Alma. What's up, Alma?
Starting point is 00:54:39 She says, hi, Matt. Thanks to you and pines with Aquinas just joined late. What do you think about Bishop Strickland's apostolic visitation from the Vatican? I don't know enough about it to comment on it. My understanding is that he said that Pope Francis is undermining the deposit of faith. He said Pope Francis has a program of undermining that. That seems that I'm just going to say that that's not something as a bishop. You should be saying publicly.
Starting point is 00:55:02 Yeah, like maybe go through the proper channels or so. That just doesn't seem to me. Of course there's an investigation. If a bishop is making that claim about the Holy Father. Not to say that they're... It doesn't surprise me. Not to say that we should be clear too, because we don't want people jumping down our throats. They should also just be like, James Martin and other bishops who are allowing the gay
Starting point is 00:55:23 stuff and the pride stuff should be laicized and investigated probably harder than Strickland is. But that doesn't mean that Strickland should not be investigated for what he said. Right. Yeah. There's a lot of confusion in the church today and I think a lot of it has to do with weak leadership. Like when the trumpet blast is, what was that line from scripture? When the trumpet is hard to hear you can't?
Starting point is 00:55:49 Rally the troops for battle or something to that effect. I can try to Google that I'm gonna get with that information. You just gave me. All right. Mmm this person moises Moses Rodriguez says howdy from the Bronx What up since last dream y'all talked about people who look like Matt I'm here to let you know that Matt's YouTube profile pic looks like a certain pic of Maynard James Keenan from Tool. I'm going to type that in right now. I liked Tool's music, I got to say growing up. But when there's a song that's blasphemous, so I've never listened to him.
Starting point is 00:56:19 Dude, thanks, man. Really, really appreciate that. Thanks for saying I look like this guy. Yeah, really means a lot to me. Thanks. Yeah Amazing. All right. How old is? Oh, I found it He is 59 years old you bastard, what is the quote? first Corinthians or 18 let me find the RSV or the D
Starting point is 00:56:50 Or 18 let me find the RSV or the the we'll go with the DRA or if the trumpet give an uncertain sound who shall prepare himself for battle. So it seems to me that there is an uncertain sound like at best Pope Francis is confusing and at worst he's saying things that really are like undermining I think. Yeah I think I think we should strike the middle. I think the correct place is not the people who are saying that Francis doesn't confuse people or like hasn't said anything Has never said anything contrary to the faith and I don't want to say he has a program because there's a difference I think between saying he has a program of undermining the faith and saying he has said things that undermine the faith, right? but Yeah, I mean the idea even if you're like a hundred percent on Strickland's side Are you really surprised like he comes out and says that Pope Francis has a program for undermining the faith.
Starting point is 00:57:28 And now there's an investigation and you're confused by that. Like you can agree with Strickland and still not be surprised that this would happen. That's my opinion. All right, friends. On that note, I'm going to head off. Oh, you're not going to read them? Oh, is there another one? Yeah, there's another couple.
Starting point is 00:57:44 Oh my gosh. You people are beautiful. There's three more. I think they're all $20 too. Oh wow. Giovanni says, can you elaborate on the faith versus faith plus work disagreement between evangelicals and Catholics? Faith alone as the way to salvation just seems like nonsense to me, but I may be mistaken. Yeah, it's a topic that I would want to reflect upon more to give a more articulate answer, but obviously James says faith without works is dead. There is much in scripture that says that we'll be judged by our works. And what does this not mean? Well, it doesn't mean that when I come to faith in Christ, there are now set before
Starting point is 00:58:21 me a certain amount of good works that I have to do in order to get to heaven. That's not what it means. I mean, think of the thief on the cross, or think of somebody in their dying breath who comes to faith in Jesus Christ. It's not like there's now a bunch of works that have to be done in order for them to be saved. But I'll put it this way.
Starting point is 00:58:39 If I come to faith in Christ, and then I neglect my wife and children or if I commit grave sins. In some instances, those are certain things I'm doing. Like if I'm neglecting my children, if I might be doing bad things towards them, there are things that I should be doing that I'm not doing, for example. And so I would think of those would be, I could be justly condemned for things that I should have done that I didn't do. Yeah, we have more. Let's see, this person, Tee, bless you, she says, I cried like a baby at my convalidation
Starting point is 00:59:10 last night and I'm embarrassed because the culture here isn't very emotional. Tee, you are beautiful and I am not embarrassed by you and I fully understand why that would be an emotional moment for you. So if I were you, I would just rejoice in the Lord. This is a beautiful thing that's happened in your marriage and if I were you, I would just rejoice in the Lord. This is a beautiful thing that's happened in your marriage. And if people around you aren't sympathetic to the fact that this is emotional, that's their problem.
Starting point is 00:59:32 It's not your problem, you're wonderful. We have one from Nathan Deal. Nathan Deal says, I was inspired by your call to reclaim the month of the Sacred Heart. Can I send a handcuffed image of the Sacred Heart? How can I send it to you? You are beautiful. We should get a PO box well we do have our this place but right to team at pines for the coinist calm and should get a PO box though we
Starting point is 00:59:53 should publicly available for people want to sit because we should not give out the address in the studio okay done all right friends God bless you thanks for being here I'm gonna go to a stream over at Matt frat dot locals calm hope to see you there. Bye. God bless.

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