Pints With Aquinas - What's Your *MOST OFFENSIVE* Opinion? w/ John Henry Spann

Episode Date: July 6, 2024

John Henry Spann is a Catholic husband and a father to five children, who he lives with on his farm in the southern Appalachians. He has worked in secondary education at all levels from football coach... to principal. He is passionate about authentic, Catholic education, and is currently the Dean of Academics, at an orthodox Catholic K-12 hybrid school north of Atlanta, GA He frequently speaks at colleges and retreats, as well as education conferences on topics ranging from Catholic masculinity to maintaining identity and mission. He has appeared on various radio shows and podcasts covering a variety of topics related to the faith, apologetics, and the restoration of Western Civilization. Join our Locals community: John Henry's podcast: Book John Henry to speak at your event: Show Sponsors: Hallow: Strive21: Exodus90:  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Say when we're live and we're live. I said do you love me and she said no, but I sure Cool there's this joke that Seinfeld tells in one of the Seinfeld episodes where his girlfriend's saying like this there's truth in every joke He's like, you know, what about the guy who? Saved up all his money and went to Bavaria for this Bavaria cream pie and when he gets there they say We don't have any Bavarian cream pies he says I'll just take a coffee. That's not true, man. I want to know what the start of that joke was. I like how that's the second time Seinfeld's come up too in the past like 15 minutes. Have you shown off like to your people your Seinfeld memorabilia? That is the Superman from Jerry's apartment in
Starting point is 00:00:42 Seinfeld. I was saying this is the geek shoulder mount. It's cool. Do you have your stuff back, by the way? Your actual shoulder mounts? No, end of this month. Might look great. Yes, they do. It's really cool.
Starting point is 00:00:53 They really do. And my wife doesn't hate him. She was actually, because originally I was gonna move some, like one to my office and all this, but she said, no, actually, I really want that spring back up there by the bathroom. It's kind of cute. That's when you knew you married the right one, huh?
Starting point is 00:01:04 That's it, man. That is it. Yeah, so where would you get him taxidermed and were you nervous that they'd look terrible? Yeah, they're not I'm probably not gonna use the same guy again because there's just some little things, you know Like I've got a guy in Maryland who's done a bunch of deer for me and it's museum quality like down to he'll put like Little like droplets on the hairs around the mouth. Wow. Right. It looks like it's been breathing. And these were good, but when you pay whatever, you know, it's a thousand dollars a pop or whatever, you kind of want something that looks like it'll be hanging in the museum.
Starting point is 00:01:36 You wouldn't notice it unless I was standing there and said, yeah, but look right at the board and look right over there. Well, I was lucky because I wrote to Jared who set up our hunt and he Told me that the best place in the country is not far from me It's like four hours from here that he always sends you drive him down. Yeah. Cool. Yep, and They said I'll be done by the end of summer. I'm sure they get really annoyed when people write Hey, just checking on my animals, but it's just what I've done two years. Yeah, it's a long process Yeah, yeah, is that just standard the people who go and hunt figure if it's not a little a shoulder mount
Starting point is 00:02:10 It's like yes six months to a year, right? There wasn't here that right it was the process of getting the animals and all the USDA what night USDA the Cities certificate whatever for to make sure that there is no microbe whatever we're not introducing any invasive species or whatever With them, but they're cool. They look great I've got you haven't been in my new house Have you know yeah, it's I've got a room. That's just Wall to wall floor to ceiling bookshelf, right? It's great animals and a chessboard and a will to be
Starting point is 00:02:42 Did you end up doing the thing where you said we're gonna have like one cup and one plate per kid? No, I really want to do that. I want to do that. It's such I Don't understand my my go-to now is I just buy a bunch of paper plates when I go to the store So you just throw them all away, but it's from little house little house on the prairie They had I think there's one one of the books It's Christmas time and one of the girls gets another cup and she's so excited because she had to share her cup with her sister for all those years and that was the inspiration Hi, I'd like to get there one day Yeah, I would like that too. We were in Austria recently and we went to a secondhand store and cameras
Starting point is 00:03:17 Yeah, we're just getting each of the kids a cup and I said unless we throw all the other cups away or give them All away this won't work. And it didn't work. I'm always right. I just am disgusted by my opulence all the time. And it's been a while since I've been on. I think it's been about a year ago. And the last time I was on, I was not disgusted by my opulence,
Starting point is 00:03:39 even though I was still living beyond the kings of Babylon. But we were living in that hovel. I told you about my hovel. Did I tell you? still living beyond the kings of Babylon, right? But we were living in that hovel. I told you about my hovel. Did I tell you? No, we lived in a tenement housing hovel for two years while we were building our new house. And about-
Starting point is 00:03:55 What made it a hovel? Just the holes and the vermin. And it had two bedrooms, one bathroom, like six and a half foot ceilings, and it was falling apart. But it was a mile from where I was building my real house that humans should live in. And one night I heard a noise in the kitchen,
Starting point is 00:04:17 and I walked into the kitchen. And I grew up in an old house, and every now and then there'd be a mouse in the house or something. We didn't have mice mice we had rats like In this hovel? In my hovel on my sink and it sees me and it runs up under it And so I went to my bedroom where my wife who had a baby like a couple weeks before Was asleep with a baby like in a little bassinet and I wake her up because I don't live in
Starting point is 00:04:41 I'm not the kind of person who lives in houses with rats, right? I don't think I'm too good to live in a house with a rat, but I'm just Ontologically not a person who does that right and so I wake her up and I'm like we're going we're going to holiday in we got to go and She said no We're not because I just got the baby to sleep and we're going to bed And so we ended up the next day we went and stayed at the cabin where we've gone hunting before And we stayed there for a month or so and got you try to hunt the rats
Starting point is 00:05:08 That night I couldn't sleep like I'm not sure I wouldn't either They weren't my they were rats they were like small dog size. That's an exaggeration But they were yeah, they were the size of my foot. Yeah, I mean with the tail and everything You know I get it and I know how big they were Yeah, I mean with the tail and everything I get it and I know how big they were Because I stayed up all night with a pellet rifle and a cupcake that I set as bait and I popped one of them Oh, that's great. I did we're you sitting in the dock in a corner on your chair Yeah, if you there was like I had a really good line of sight from two rooms away And but I can only see the cupcake and like six inches and then I'll show you the video later
Starting point is 00:05:45 It's disgusting like I'm pacing around my house I'm picturing is it lady the tramp and the baby gets bitten by the rat in the bassinet That's all I'm picturing right as if they're these like malicious entities. Yeah, right. Yeah and Conspiring together to kill your choice picture from outside my house looking in of a rat on the windowsill over the sink in my hovel and It's just both it felt so dirty and gross and wrong so anyway I moved we moved everybody out and the rental company came in and plugged a bunch of holes and that is all that stuff
Starting point is 00:06:20 Remember that time you mean Andrew puttish killed that mouse together in my house Yeah, there's a first animal you killed that was by zebra Yeah, yeah on minecraft. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yeah No, we it became like an hour-long expedition. We got it. Didn't we get it? We stomped it the mouse Yeah, we got a we got a broom handle. We eventually got a hold on I don't know how much YouTube allows you to even talk about killing mice, but That is so funny I would have loved it if you put like war paint on sat in the corner.
Starting point is 00:06:48 If someone was to look in the house, they would only see you visible from here down because of the light coming in from the window. But up here, you're kind of ominous and ready to. I'll show you. I'll show you the pictures. I took trophy pictures with all the rats that I killed. I want to. What would happen if you took that to a taxidermist and went shoulder mounted, please. And please don't screw this up. I kind of okay.
Starting point is 00:07:08 Can I tell this to I'm okay. I'm okay with the world here in this. We have barncats. We've always had barncats. And I'm not a cat guy, but I really like these cats. They're outside. You know, we get them as kittens. We keep them in a shed for a few weeks so they get used to where food is and they just
Starting point is 00:07:24 roam but they're friendly. My kids pick them up and play with them and I like these cats and we had Another cat sort of just a feral cat come out of the woods and kill one of my cats like it was coming around we heard the noises and then we had a dead cat and I Decided that that was gonna be like my old personterst in life was gonna be get to get revenge for my dead cat It was an awful nasty feral whatever I shot it. I've got your own out it you what I've got your own out Oh, yeah, it's not like on a plaque or anything, but I have a very good sort of a bookshelf in my house It's got like a little duck on it and your coyote skull and a jackal you probably think the will to be says what I'm most
Starting point is 00:08:03 proud of Check out this cat. Yeah, ooh on it and a coyote skull and a jackal skull. You probably think the wildebeest is what I'm most proud of. Check out this cat. Ooh, can you pass me a torch? I don't have a torch, unfortunately, but I do have matches. You always smoke faster than me, so I thought I'd give you a jet.
Starting point is 00:08:16 It was kind of subtle. Yeah, thanks. Yeah. Yeah, these are funny. Doing live streams and chats are funny because I wonder if we'll ever get to the point in today's show where we're talking just the way we would talk if there weren't cameras probably no. Yeah, there's always. I don't think that's like I don't think that's fake. I think it's just prudence. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Yeah, I am, and I think it's better. I think it would be better if our personal conversations were more like this. Right, if, yeah, I do. Maybe not in regards to subject matter, because there's absolutely stuff that I'll talk to you about in private that I shouldn't be talking about on the air. But it's good for me to talk to you about it in private. But, like, I'm gonna be a lot more careful with my language.
Starting point is 00:08:59 I'm not gonna allow myself to go down, you know, a joke that I wouldn't tell on airs and one I shouldn't be telling anyway. What's funny about this down, you know, as a joke that I wouldn't tell on airs one I shouldn't be telling anyway. What's funny about this is, I mean, how many people sit down and chat, turn their phone off, look each other in the eye, and talk for three hours. How do people get to do that with Jordan Peterson?
Starting point is 00:09:16 Like, imagine any other situation where it's like, could we talk, actually, I'm sorry, could you stop checking in, could you turn your phone off, and just, let's sit here for three hours and talk.. So a big thank you, a public thank you now, because I got to come up and hang out with the whole Peterson crew and meet Jordan and everything. Oh, I'd love you to tell people how that went down because I was up here getting things ready and you got to meet him as he arrived. Oh yeah, totally. Yeah. So it's a, you know, it's a production, right? He's a big deal. But like. Believe it or not, when I come,
Starting point is 00:09:45 I just pull up in my wife's minivan and then we go get gyros. By the way, can I give a pitch to Yorgos right now? This episode of, this segment of Pints with Aquinas is brought to you by Yorgos, gyro, and potato. Can't say that legally. Can't legally say that. Which is a place I made up
Starting point is 00:10:01 and is not in downtown student-ville and is fantastic. It is fantastic. Yeah. it's fantastic He's not not you should say not sponsor not a sponsor We don't care if you go there don't we don't want you to go there more for us if it existed, but anyway alright, so He shows up he comes down with his security detail And here's how you know they're legit right because you're expecting after like two hours of us trying to figure out like where's gonna park and everything yeah he just pulls up right in front of the building and security detail they come out and they're they're terrifying because
Starting point is 00:10:34 they're not terrifying right they're not giant you're you're picturing six eight you know Arnold Schwarzenegger looking guys you can rip your arms off and you got like some five foot nine guy named like Dave Right in a baseball cap. It looks real friendly and personal and that's so much scarier, right? Right, cuz he has a job for a reason because you know, it's not that Jordan Peterson can't afford the big guys Yeah, he's got the guy who can yeah kill you with a q-tip kind of guy Yeah, and and there was a cool there was a British guy and who was a driver He was a bigger dude, but he was cool British. And I'm just, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:11:08 throw some, sling some mud across. No, but yeah, there's definitely, I'm sure it's the same with Americans, I just see it less. There's like two brands of British people. There's like, like James Bond, like cool and collected and whatever. George Farmer.
Starting point is 00:11:24 Like George Farmer. There you go. Very good. And then there's... Hello! What are they saying? Can you say puff? Is that like a bad word? Like poof-ter?
Starting point is 00:11:32 I don't know. I was watching a show the other day. They kept referring to like one of those old British mob shows. Oh, I don't know. They're just the... just the effeminate whatever. They look like the well-to-do, hoity-toity kind of... Oh, okay. But I think it's yeah like
Starting point is 00:11:45 What's that English show that everybody watched that my old everyone's wives watched don't maddie? Yeah, like that one Sony that show But yeah, I assume like all those guys are Yeah, I so yeah, he's cool, and then I like the bit where he Because you went down there with our manager Melanie right and I just What did you say he just ignored her and went right to you? Okay? So that's what I one thing that I thought was so so neat about him and I I think He was in private Not jovial, but very warm if that makes sense Peterson. Yeah. Yeah, it seems like he's not making this big outward expression of hey
Starting point is 00:12:23 Right at all. He's very kind. I'm normal. I'm nice. He gets out of the cars in the back seat of the car and Melanie's there and I'm there and he sort of stops and he looks at Melanie and he looks at me and he looks back at Melanie and then He turns visibly away from Melanie shakes my hand like puts his arm on my shoulder with this It was like thank you. Thanks for having me Kind of thing. He was such a nice guy. It was really cool. I liked it. I like how you put that. Cause you imagine a celebrity is probably tired of being mischaracterized or
Starting point is 00:12:53 people saying he's actually not that nice. And so you could see celebrities overcompensating. Hey there. And just being fake. I agree. He wasn't like that at all. He was just very kind and normal. Yeah, it was cool. I, I just, and then I hung out and helped them park the car while Melanie Melanie took him up and his guy posted Up outside the door, which I also thought was cool. He's like I don't not hanging out with you I'm gonna sit outside this door stare at my phone
Starting point is 00:13:13 We didn't know how many people were gonna come cuz Tammy was supposed to come right so supposed to be Tammy him And so we we got like 800 chairs in that next room just in case We all were worried about it being overcrowded and weird But yeah, it was fun and then I got to it being over crowded and weird, but it was fun. And then I got to sit right over there and hang out with Father Boniface. All right, so Thursday, if you can throw up this photo of- We don't have to do that.
Starting point is 00:13:32 We can not do that. Can we? Do you not want to? No, I'm the- I can't tell you. I don't want to publicly shame you on our podcast. And then later you're like, man, I specifically said I don't want to do it and you pushed me.
Starting point is 00:13:42 I've never been accused of being hyper photogenic in my life and I'll apologize to Melanie alright if she hears this because Melanie was very much like we're doing a group photo We're not all pastrain Jordan for photos, and so I waited Until he was signing all and she was distracted like hey do you mind hey Thursday? And it wasn't he was super kind I want to say that too I'm sure you've talked about this before but he would have I feel like he would have hung out afterwards for 45 minutes right forever He was just he was signing stuff and anything else guys are you like I don't know it was really neat because my
Starting point is 00:14:16 Expectations for everybody when it's up Thursday And you got it. Oh, yeah, here's the kid and throw it up on this screen, so Okay, don't worry yeah I'll throw it up. So you they're looking at it right now great perfect So like angles and lighting Was excited I think I think George Jordan was probably more excited than I was in the picture. Can I see it? Do you have it up there?
Starting point is 00:14:47 But, you know, are you zooming in for them or is that just for me? No, for you because they can see it already. Um, he's not a big smiler in general, alright, in private. And it also looks like my head is twice the size of his. Now you know how I feel, but mine actually is twice it. I uh. It looks like you've pressed for a while. It looks like a Make-A-Wish Foundation kind of situation.
Starting point is 00:15:13 That's what I, that's the vibe I get. This was not the vibe the entire time. Jordan Peterson was much, much warmer. He was thrilled to be with me. You can see the two of you going, hey, hey, let's take a photo. And's very thrilled to be with the two of you. Hey, hey, let's take a photo. And he goes deadpan for the photo. I'm like, why would you do that?
Starting point is 00:15:31 Is that a thing he does? Is he not smiling pictures normally? I don't know. I never smiles in pictures. Maybe Eminem, Marshall Mathers from Detroit. You know, maybe the same kind of thing. I would think that if you're taking a thousand photos with people after a show you've probably learned how just to do a regular phase On my shoulder yeah, yeah as we're friends
Starting point is 00:15:56 Around him I think Maybe between various Yeah, I mean if you're taking photos of people after a show for hours, you're not smiling for all of them. It's exhausting to have to smile for that long. Jordan Peterson, like smiling. I want to see the like smiles and
Starting point is 00:16:13 there you go. That's him smiling. Now, that's that's a grimace. He was grimacing. He always does. He always makes a face. He's making when he's with me. But what was funny is you and I were getting coffee the next morning when you first said you look like a Make-A-Wish Foundation kid photo next to him and you were
Starting point is 00:16:29 saying how this is going to bring the conservative world together. Well, I just love the idea. I don't know how it snowballed from there, but I love the idea of the news cycle, like your whole thing, people ignoring the fact that he's on your show and like a a couple days later, just Michael Knowles all of a sudden is like, all right, let's just, I just wanna, I want no context, pull this up. Really?
Starting point is 00:16:53 And just a regular series. So. Right. To get Jordan Beason, that's how it started. You were saying, Jordan Beason, post this image just to mock you? Look at this guy. And then you've got Ben Shapiro on a show, doing like a short, like a Saturday kind of
Starting point is 00:17:16 thing. And then like, hey, listen, Candice, listen, I really just wanted to get us back together one last time because if there's one thing we can agree on, I mean, come on, we're going to take a break from the Hamas stuff. Come on. Yeah. She retweets Ben Shapiro. You unite the conservative movement. It's not my best. It's not my best picture. Well, here's what's really funny. I thought is Thursday, you're gonna find this funny. I took a photo. I was on Ben Shapiro show recently in Florida. It comes out soon and
Starting point is 00:17:45 man the hate For comments, right? We're insane But someone wrote Matt that's a snipers dream and I write to you Mike Look how anti-semitic this comment is and you're like, yeah, that's awful. And then your wife looks at the photo And your forehead is like the size of a landing strip in that particular yeah yeah it was not it'd be really easy to shoot you in that hand. It's about my head being so gigantic. I thought they were doing it because you I mean in the context of all the other comments saying someone wants to take down Minjibiru wasn't that right over the top but I just love he's making fun of my hair. I'm excited.
Starting point is 00:18:29 Not to be that guy, but we're friends and I don't listen to a whole lot of your stuff because we have conversations a lot. I'm subscribed though, yeah. Good, thank you. But I'm really excited about the Ben Shapiro one. Yeah. From our conversation in the sauna this morning.
Starting point is 00:18:45 Like I'm super pumped about that. He was great. So I've been to daily wire in Nashville and it's a huge production. I've never been to a gigantic Hollywood set, but this feels like it and a lot of security completely unmarked from the outside. You'd have no idea there was daily. Why there's not a single daily wire sign anywhere. So I went to Florida to be on Shapiro show and it's just him in Florida because of his Jewish community.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Right. And yeah, so it's a simple setup, but still security guy leads you in. I went into the green room to wait, wait to the show to start. I need a green room. That's what I need. That'd be cool. Yeah. That's when people
Starting point is 00:19:23 we have a pigeon that got trapped in one of our rooms and just crapped. That would be cool. Yeah, that's when people... We have a pigeon that got trapped in one of our rooms and just crapped everywhere. Did it die eventually? No, someone, Kyle, grabbed it and took it out. Yeah. But that's where I should just put people. A dead bird in the corner. It's like an upturned milk crate. You can wait in here for Mr.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Fred. Can I not wait out here on the couch? No, he preferred it. It's just hot and stuffy. You just shut the door. I got a bed in there. I have a bed in there. Like weird stains on a mattress in the corner. Can you at least leave the door cracked? No.
Starting point is 00:20:18 Sorry. The windows are nailed shut. You'll be fine. The windows are nailed shut. You'll be fine. No, but I do think that's really cool. This is a... Well, I was just thinking about Ben Shapiro, and I was thinking about a lot of the Ben Shapiro hate and all this. And it's... First of all, I don't get it, but we were saying this morning in the sauna we spent just All the sudden it does feel and I don't know what this says about our culture right or the Western
Starting point is 00:21:02 But I I Feel lame all the sudden it used be like, I felt like all of my opinions were these sort of like radical, tough, counter-cultural. Like to the right, whatever, sort of these hyper-traditionalist or whatever. And now I feel like all my views are like middle of the road, nobody cares. You know, nobody's interested. And I'll even say stuff to like kids in the classroom,
Starting point is 00:21:19 like, oh, they're gonna get a, I'm gonna get some like oohs and ahs about this one. And everybody's like, yeah, no, that makes sense, Mr. Spann. Like I wanna to be cool I want to be on the edge but I don't want to like just fake it right I don't want to just take some radical women should be allowed to drive yeah some stupid ridiculous view just to be cool. I don't know what that is. He sometimes does this but good luck reading it. J.H. please sit still Matt please stop banging the table. And then he drew a heart. He gives both hearts.
Starting point is 00:21:45 All right, I'm sorry. That's nice. Two love hearts. All right, you sit still. I'll stop banging the table. No, I know what you mean. It feels like both on the left and the right, your opinions have to be increasingly aggressive just to have a place at the table.
Starting point is 00:21:58 And if they're not, or if you try to moderate your side in any way, you're called all sorts of names here. I'm going to move this fan so I'm gonna blow that smoke away. Go for it. Yeah, I this is something that I bring up a lot I'm sure I've talked about on your show before but what's really neat to me with young people right with Gen Z or Gen Alpha Whatever whoever comes after them is that
Starting point is 00:22:21 Because the sort of- Just too loud about the pigeon yeah young people maybe there's still a pigeon in there it's just wounded and hungry so can't move sure if you want if you want to put it on guys guys Mr. Fred's not ready. We can't hear you. Stop knocking. Lock from the outside. There's a pigeon in here. Why do I do, I always do an American accent when I take up other people because I'm surrounded by them. Anyway, I was just saying like it's neat to be living in a time
Starting point is 00:23:02 where the the cultural means like the left one Totally and completely the culture they won Hollywood they won policy they won everything right? Yeah, and I just love the fact that now These young people who had this real desire to rebel right there The pride flag is being waved by their overweight 47 year old math teacher right in that beautiful my hell. Yes It's just cool. just think it's neat. It is really cool. I'm super heartened, like I feel really good.
Starting point is 00:23:29 I'm really optimistic about the next, I don't know, 50 years. I feel like it's gonna be moving in a better and better direction. I am too, I just don't want Christianity to be a reaction against the left. You know, so I don't know about you, but my encounter with Christ was this personal one where I became aware of my sinfulness, had my sins forgiven, knew that there was purpose to life.
Starting point is 00:23:48 I wanted to then study the scriptures, like love people, bring them to Christ, things like that. My fear is that there's going to be young men and women who just become Christian because it's based or something, but they don't actually have that personal heart relationship with Christ. They don't read the scriptures and things like that. I feel like that's- Is he bouncy? What?
Starting point is 00:24:07 I just did what I said you'd get mocked for online. I'm trying to moderate and be like the, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's kind of gay. It's not gay. What I'm saying isn't gay. No, I think Viktor Orban, right? The Hungarian guy, President of Hungary. He gave some great thing about how, I don't remember if he wrote it or whatever, so I heard that this guy said this thing, about how our culture is going to be Christian and if you're just going along
Starting point is 00:24:39 to get along in public, that's fine, but that's what we're doing. So, like, get on the train. I think that's super cool. I think that, like that like if people are just if they're doing it for the wrong reasons, okay, like yeah cultural Catholic Better than I can whatever the hell like I'm glad that my children and everyone I know is children are rebelling Towards conservatism like they want to get married. They want to have kids. I agree with that I just don't want Christ to be forgotten and you're like I just don't want Christ to be forgotten and you're like I'm just saying it's better than right. It's a better. It's a better situation. It's funny because You always try to sort of self-assess. How am I doing as a parent, right?
Starting point is 00:25:23 But you know I rebelled as a kid in in the same way that everyone else rebelled in Australia and probably America, right? Like towards F tradition and to whatever sleep around and all that stupid stuff. Well, everyone else was also rebelling in the exact same way. We all like had a very branded rebellion. It was so gross. It was. But my point is just that, um, if I was raising my kids back in the eighties and nineties, I wonder if they would have just went down that road. Even if I was parenting in the same way I'm parenting them now. if they would have just went down that road, even if I was parenting in the same way I'm parenting them now. And it just so happens that kids are lucky with the culture. Exactly. Kids are born into an epoch and they gravitate one way or the other.
Starting point is 00:25:54 May have less to do with me and my wife that I would like to think. My, my, my issue is not that I rebelled. It's just how I rebelled, how lame it was. Right? All these like desperate attempts to be badass were just like warmed over, cliched, whatever. Right? And you gave me the quote forever ago. It's the Russian guy who says that we Russians may be wicked, but at least we are interesting. Americans are so boring, even your sins are boring. Yeah, even your sins are boring. And my sins were so boring. Yeah. You know how boring masturbation is it's Cuz I sometimes say your sins are the least interesting thing about you, right? Unless you do it on camera
Starting point is 00:26:35 Or unless you're trying to like rob a bank or lead a coup like I have been no those are pretty interesting But if you're just like Masturbating right? Yeah, that is kind of. Back in the day, people went to hell for being a part of a Viking crew that raided some monastery and burned it to the ground and killed all the monks. Evil, still cool, like interesting, right? Evil, it can be evil and cool.
Starting point is 00:26:58 And now we're gonna have people going to hell because they're masturbating to their iPhone while their wife is asleep, Oh, right. Right. And I'm not saying the other one's like worth it at the end, but I'm saying it's interesting. It's cool. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Someone reading at your funeral like the eulogy. Way cooler that you were a Viking who destroyed a monastery than Jeff was super into touching himself.
Starting point is 00:27:23 I don't think that's what they do at eulogies. I don't think that's part of it. than Jeff was super into touching him Nobody was passionate, you know, and that's important you got any really into something. All right, here's the pigeon video So this is okay. I need to give me I don't know what's behind this door Just so everybody knows real quick before you play it When I was living in Austria, I would come back for one week or ten days and I would record 800 interviews and so I ended up sleeping in my office. We're probably going to see my bed. I don't know if they're so going to regret. Just play it.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Go ahead. Anyway, I've been you got in. That's the point. You're also going to see Jordan Peterson. Picture Jordan Peterson. There it is. Look at him. Picture Jordan Peterson. Yeah, see it there it is. Look at him just hanging out. Now, the problem was he got in
Starting point is 00:28:09 in a different room, so there's no opening in that room. I like how you're opening just a little bit. And I know you're doing it to get out there. Looks kind of like to stay safe. It was to stay safe. Yeah. That poor bird.
Starting point is 00:28:23 I'm actually pro pigeon. I'm a big, I really like the pigeons. I've decided I'm pro whatever your pro I find that when you tell me something's cool all of a sudden. I'm saying it's cool I'm very easily in for ladies and gentlemen at home pigeons. That's where it's at badass look at bird Yeah, they're probably still can't see it, but now I remember you once said pigeons were cool now. That's my line great You have way too much influence on me. I'm embarrassed. Speaking of how much influence you have on me, I wanted to share this. This was really funny. I love that.
Starting point is 00:28:52 I'll let you, I'll let you explain this in a minute, but you once told me that of course you don't let the people at Costco check your receipt. You want to explain why and I'll tell you my story. Great. So and everybody, pretty much everybody disagrees with us. Right. And I get, I get all the arguments and I don't care what the arguments are. I don't care if there's a logical position. It's my position. And I feel really strongly about it. I don't because you don't hate the Jews.
Starting point is 00:29:15 You have to find more radical opinions in niche areas to be cool. Really? Yeah. Yeah. I'm a big fan of the Jews, not a big fan of Costco. And and I, I'm a big fan of the Jews, not a big fan of Costco. And I think it's disordered in the highest magnitude that I have to let somebody check my bag, my buggy, right, my cart, after I've already paid for the stuff, because I own it. And I get it. It's a club. Those are all the stupid argue. Nobody cares. Nobody cares, right?
Starting point is 00:29:42 I own the things in this cart. They are my things. And you can't look at them. I don't shop very often, I don't go shopping very often at all, but I refuse to let them do it. In the same way, I can't be like, hey man, I wonder if you got any stolen crap in your car. I can't like pull you over on the side of the road and dig through your car, because you own the car, right?
Starting point is 00:29:59 And so once they're in the basket, and I've paid for them, they're mine, nobody can look at it, and I don't care if the sweet old guy who retired after a long illustrious successful career and raising all of his children just wants to see people so he's a greeter at Costco and he checks receipts screw that guy he can't I'm bigger than him I'm faster than him and I go through the door and I say thank you or no thank you no thank you as well I'll walk quickly down the parking lot so here's another example of you influencing me so you told me that like that is brilliant I
Starting point is 00:30:22 guess I'm gonna have to do this so my first attempt was at Walmart and Oh, it's easy. Well, it's the easiest one to do it. I know so good Walmart then Costco So we're gonna go up so I hope fast and I've just you know fresh off this conversation with you But unfortunately, I was super awkward about wasn't cool. Like it was like no, thank you. This is my stuff in sales Like I'm sit no no look And I'm trying to regurgitate some of your arguments. Like she cares. Like I wouldn't ask you if I could look at, I, and I just left awkwardly, but I was still proud of myself cause I did it. She didn't, she didn't,
Starting point is 00:30:51 she didn't look. And the second time I was with my wife at Costco and we have a whole trolley full of stuff and there's people in line. That's the other thing that's awkward. It's not like I'm walking through and there's no one ahead of me. There's like 10 carts ahead of me. Like in line wait, like following the rules waiting to be checked out. And I said to Cameron, okay, follow me. There's like 10 carts ahead of me. Like in line, wait, like following the rules, waiting to be checked out. And I said to Cameron, okay, follow me.
Starting point is 00:31:07 Don't say a thing. Don't speak to the lady. We are going to go out straight through. And if she says something, just let me respond. She's like, I'm okay. I just pushed right ahead. It's a beautiful thing. I got to Costco.
Starting point is 00:31:20 Excuse me, sir. Excuse me. And I, no, no, you can't look at it. Sorry, it's my stuff. That's the way to handle it. And I'm saying to my wife, keep walking, keep walking, keep sir, excuse me. And I, nope, no, you can't look at it, sorry, it's my stuff. And I'm saying to my wife, keep walking, keep walking, keep walking, keep walking. I think someone may have followed us for a little bit. But then we got the, Karen left.
Starting point is 00:31:32 I think the worst thing that can happen is they revoke your membership, right? Like what, because it's not illegal to walk out of Costco. I can do that wherever the hell I want. I'm gonna do that after the show. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's a good point. And I, so okay, I have such this like natural contrarian
Starting point is 00:31:51 streak in general. This is like a problem, like I get that. I am making people's lives actively harder for no reason. Other than some distorted sense of, I don't wanna do this cause you said I have to do this. And it's really frustrating. Like it's been a problem for a lot of my, my, my, it drives my wife crazy because she's much more of a rule follower
Starting point is 00:32:09 than I am. But I think most people when COVID happened, I was actually like early on that, like two weeks to slow the spread. I thought this is great. I have a staycation. We just work around our little farm. We watched Contagion together. And then literally 48 hours later, the next time I saw your face was on YouTube, like looking sick. I think I've got a case of COVID. After watching Gwyneth Paltrow's face be peeled off because she's the patient zero. But anyway, and then the day that Governor Brian Kim, right, the governor of Georgia announced that we were closed, like nobody needs to go anywhere.
Starting point is 00:32:44 We're closing down the state only necessary essential whatever I literally like well candy I was like well gotta go kind of the store today I'm gonna go do all these things today, but I don't even want to do yeah I killed a really big turkey that day too. That's pretty great Yeah, another thing that I like I've never I've never I don't think this is something I'll follow you in just because it's such a hassle is that you don't allow people to x-ray you at airports? I've never once been through the body scanner Tell me how that works and what's it like when you go with your wife? Well, you you've been with Evan you've been with me through
Starting point is 00:33:17 That's funny. I guess we have yeah, we've been to Africa together and all I want but I'm fine with metal detector Whatever that's fine. Yeah, but I won't do the body scanner because I think that's weird. It feels like I it's an invasion of privacy I saw a thing early on when they came out and the I think the article it was like a WAPO article or something And it said yes, we can see your body. Yes. We're laughing at you and that just Me so I don't let my wife do it either I You just go up there and you say hey, I'm not going in that and they say it Actually, you just say sir. It's just whatever waves and whatever said no, it's not about that
Starting point is 00:33:52 I just I'm not gonna go in that and I give you a pat down like some guys she has his thumb in your waistband Goes up moves over Back and forth, it's uncomfortable, but he's uncomfortable too. Do you know how to punish people for doing that? By liking it way too much. Oh That's good. Oh, oh, thank you make check that again. Sure. Yeah, are you sure there's nothing there? No, I was uh Yeah, I also just hate TSA with like a passion and if anybody is like a follower supporter of your show
Starting point is 00:34:33 Yeah, like every single one of them yeah, I've never What you have to do I'm saying you specifically I just it is the definition of sort of the gross petty tyrant Whatever I've never had a good experience I think it's just it's so and it's so unnecessary right like I feel like Nevermind, I can't say I think I know you're gonna say should I say maybe I don't know here's what you're gonna say on Minecraft It would be in Minecraft. Thank you in Minecraft It would be better to have several planes falling from the sky
Starting point is 00:35:06 and the rest of Americans not having to do this. That would be worth it, that's what you were gonna say. That's not what I was gonna say, that's pretty messed up, man. Um. I'm gonna take more of a middle-run approach. Yeah. Oh.
Starting point is 00:35:18 No, I'm just, I think it's, they've made the attempts to get through the materials, the bombs or whatever. I think it's super easy and nothing they do prevents you from doing that. I got a feeling there's no way you were gonna say that. No, I definitely didn't want to say that I wanted Skyliners crashing to the ground. So I don't have to get patted down by some overweight 47-year-old who's never felt a woman's love. Right? That's not what I was gonna say.
Starting point is 00:35:46 I just, I do hate the TSA though. I really hate it Do you have another way to go through other listen I want the rest of the show to be you going through a list of things You don't do that other than people to I Don't know I don't know. I've got a, I have a real, I have a real thing for like types of people who are allowed to have certain jobs. I'm not going to go through all of them, but we've talked about that. There's one we can all agree on. And if you don't agree on this, right, that's, it's a personal flaw. Everyone who works at a sushi restaurant
Starting point is 00:36:18 should be Asian. I don't care if they're Japanese, right? Right. They can be Vietnamese. They can be from Lagos, where they're not Lagos as in Nigeria I need everybody to know that what he's sharing with you is the absolutely least offensive The other words would say if the cameras weren't on and yeah like obviously I've had many a dining experience ruined because it was the incorrect racial makeup of That type of thing. Filipino's okay? Yes, yeah, yeah. It's just the ambiance thing.
Starting point is 00:36:47 But in the same strain, right? If I go to like- No, to show you, to show you that I'm equal. If I go to a barbecue place, right? It needs to be an overweight white guy or overweight black guy. Barbecue, right? I would be very upset if there were a bunch of
Starting point is 00:37:04 Mongolians working it. Come on, that's too safe. And we all agree on that. Everyone agrees. They do. I think that's common sense. You want common sense laws in this country? Those are the kind of things we need to be pushing for. That reminds me of Brian Regan's line. He's like, you know who I I feel sorry for Arab Americans who legitimately want to get into Have some pamphlets on crop dust So one thing that just Make it a little more serious
Starting point is 00:37:40 That when you we were talking about what we wanted the show to be about I don't want to be serious This reminds me of you've watched Jiminy Glick You know that fat guy in the suit Jiminy Glick do you want to show that photo of Jiminy Glick? He's to I'm so excited to show you videos Jiminy Glick I don't know he's an interviewer who wears a fat suit I forget Martin Shaw. I think is it Martin Shaw is that his name? I really like Martin short. Yeah, so he dresses up like a People we are gonna that's all we're gonna do for the rest of the day There's like about 20 or 30 episodes of this. I can't wait to show you Jiminy Glick
Starting point is 00:38:15 Yeah, so anyway, he's interviewing people but as soon as they kind of get serious he gets bored and changes the subject the subject of this. I have seen. You're so flirty. I have seen Martin Short as that guy. So I do want to do a pitch real quick. Not a sponsor of the show. But the reason I'm in Steubenville right now and the reason that I'm able to do this
Starting point is 00:38:35 is because my bride and my brood are over at Catholic Family Land, which everybody should go to. I completely agree. Everybody should go to. It is so hokey and campy and cheesy and all the best most beautiful wonderful ways ever. And once you you gotta embrace that you gotta show up and it's almost like the uh it's kind of like when Mormons come to your door. Okay. Right and at first
Starting point is 00:38:57 you're like oh my you're just this like you're a cartoon character of a person right nobody's actually like this nobody's actually this and then if you invite them in, they just are really that friendly and wonderful. I'm a big, I really like the Mormons. And they're wrong about everything theologically, but I like the Mormons a lot. The community and all like family values and all that. But that's how it is at Catholic FamiliLand. You get there and you're at a place called Catholic FamiliLand. And there's not one rollercoaster. And everybody knows the songs, right? And they're all all like clapping and what and it's all these things that just Put off all those cheesy alarm bells in our brain, but I think that happens because we're just cynical and yes
Starting point is 00:39:33 I agree, and it's really this wholesome beautiful good thing. So we love it as a fourth year that we've gone and It's right the road. It's like 20 minutes from here. Yeah, it's great amazing Yeah, there's hundreds of families who go this holy mass in the rosary every day the kids do kind of Bible Stuff camp whatever they call it and it's a catechism because it's from little guys Right. Yeah, it's all the way from like little bitties all the way up through like college kids who have a blast one of the girls Who's there is for the family who's a friend of ours who got us started going there to begin with their daughter is she just graduated high school and She loves it. She gets so excited about it every year
Starting point is 00:40:08 My kids are so pumped and I've got like a middle schooler who's starting to act like a middle school He's super excited and super into it I just what do you mean by I think I know you mean but campy and cheesy in all the right ways Because what would campy and cheesy mean in all the wrong ways? so When I say when I talk about like cheesiness and campiness, um, yeah, I think, I think these are just synonyms for like inauthentic, right? Like I'm, I'm a, I'm a don't do drugs PSA from the 1980s kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:40:40 Um, and maybe they're speaking down to the people a little bit and he's sort of putting on this mask that's fake you know yeah and that's not what it is right the fact there's authentic is what makes it not cheesy I think I don't know that's my kind of spitball definition I've had this thought for a while that sarcasm and cynicism go together yes sure because I remember when I was in Uganda meeting these wonderful people and preaching there and that was just so beautiful and there was no sarcasm Like it didn't exist. I don't even think they knew how to do it And also there was a lot of things that americans would consider as cheesy, right?
Starting point is 00:41:13 But I think that is because uh, maybe just the way they prayed and the way the songs that they used and Yeah, just things like that. Yeah, and and I legitimately would find them cheesy, right? But there's something kind of beautiful that they don't I wonder even if there's Places in the world where they don't have words like campy and cheesy and cringy sure It's not because things can't be that it's just when things are so innocent It sort of rubs us the wrong way because we're so jaded and so our mutual friend Mike Berlander right great great great I feel like he's come up every better than I'm ever gonna be Right great great great such a great guy like he's come up every better than I'm ever gonna be
Starting point is 00:41:50 He was he was talking about he I don't know if they did if they did a mission trip to Haiti or some I don't know what it was But he was talking about all these all the Americans talking about how beautiful it was that these you know these impoverished communities in Haiti They had one really nice set of clothes a nice suit and I and they wore that to mass Oh, isn't that great and the same people who will look at you like you're some sort of a pretentious jerk if you wear a nice outfit to mass. Right. And he's like, that's really infantilizing these people and saying like, we're above that. We're above having to. Right. I liked that a lot. Yeah. Brian Holdsworth had a video where he made the case for dressing well for mass. And I thought the way he made it was an excellent argument
Starting point is 00:42:25 He said you probably have a nicer set of clothes at your house Might not be the nicest might not be as nice as you would like But you probably have a suit or a suit jacket or nicer pants. Why do you have those? Well, then the answer is obvious special occasions. Okay. Now what is holy mass? Yeah Yeah, I uh, I don't, I don't, I also, I'm, I'm also guilty. I'm trying to like work this out in my head right now because I, 100% if I see a guy in a three piece suit and tie, he looks really sharp at mass. My immediate reaction is, Oh, who are you trying to impress? Right? I think it is. I think in modesty, we think of immodesty and we usually think of a woman wearing too little, but immodesty
Starting point is 00:43:04 can be just doing something that's out of keeping with everybody else in a way that makes everybody else feel awkward. So if you went to a soup kitchen and wore a three-piece suit, that seems to me immodest. If you go to a wedding and you're wearing maybe something that's a little too niche, like a straw hat and I don't know, maybe you've got a monocle something that you know it's like okay that's now that makes everyone else feel uncomfortable so maybe there would be a setting where that would be appropriate is that because it draws the attention to you I think so as opposed to what the attention should be drawn to yeah I think so I was having this
Starting point is 00:43:39 chat with Jacob mom recently and I was saying when I was a kid if you had a tattoo like you probably wouldn't be hired or You were told at least to cover it up and please if you're a man get your earring out and that's good And I'd like to see more of that But there's something to be said okay now what if you live in a society where everyone has a tattoo right? Well, okay now. I'm not making other people feel as uncomfortable as they would if they didn't have tattoos So maybe there's an argument for why it should now be allowed to be seen or something. I'm anti-tattoo. Yeah, let's talk about that.
Starting point is 00:44:07 I mean, I'm not actually anti-tattoo. I have the exact opinion as you. I'm just so bored by tattoos. If nobody had tattoos, and you had a tattoo, I would think it was really cool. Like the old school guy, you'd have only the sailors because they were somewhere in Polynesia and got some cool whatever. It was super cool. But now that you just paid 80 bucks at the tattoo parlor up the road and everybody's got them I just think it's
Starting point is 00:44:27 uninteresting it is no I say that the people without tattoos are the new people with tattoos right so like you're cool if I'm not having them and I'm someone who has one yeah so I feel like I can talk about this I got the I did the Marian consecration I think it was in 2008 and I got it in Ireland. But no, I agree. I keep seeing these women and I think you would be beautiful, but you've kind of ruined that part of your body. Why would you do that? And it's the same thing with men. And again, like I got fellows on the show who've got tattoos everywhere and I love them and they probably have an argument for why it's okay. And like you, I'm not saying it's intrinsically
Starting point is 00:45:01 wrong. There's a moral issue. Unless you're putting some satanic thing or sexual thing on your body Obviously then it would be but I think we I would like and I say this knowing I'm gonna maybe offend people I love I Would like to bring back a bit of it's kind of gay to get a tattoo You shouldn't it's sort of ugly and you shouldn't do that I don't think I don't think the vast majority of people are doing it for this reason, but I do I feel like it's It was born out of this rebellious, cool thing,
Starting point is 00:45:28 like look at me, look at how, and that's totally been defeated now. That's right. Like, Father Mike Schmidt has a tattoo. Exactly, now you're just part of the, there's a line from Jack Johnson, you remember him back in the early aughts? Is he a country singer?
Starting point is 00:45:41 No, no, he's a sort of rhythm Hawaii blues kind of oh yeah He did the music for the curious George movie. He's got this one line He says a great movie by teeny bopping disco Queen She barely understands her dreams of belly button rings and all those kind of things symbolic of change But the thing that is strange is that the change has occurred and now she's just a part of the herd That was I'm almost as impressed by your ability to wrap it off as is that good? Yeah, yeah. It's like this was meant to set you apart as somehow. But now everyone's doing it and you just kind of. Right.
Starting point is 00:46:16 Yeah. Like everybody else. I want to talk about what we were talking about in the car earlier. Yeah, I forget what that was. On the way to not sponsor of Yorgos, Gyro and Potato. You were in line for confession yesterday. Yeah. And there was a guy. Oh. And. I wish you hadn't set it up that way because what if he watches it? Maybe it's good for him. Yeah well no but none of this is an insult to anybody. And can I tell that story? Yeah go for it. There was a guy who kept making a lot of noise. Right he Like hacking sort of coffin noise and super off-putting, right? Yeah. And then I shared...
Starting point is 00:46:49 Let me lay it out. So I'm in a very small church going to confession and there was an individual who was blowing their nose extraordinarily loud, like sniffing in, not not blowing like sucking it back in very loud. Mm-hmm, and I had to confess Wanting to punch him right in confession Which is ironic given that the sins I was confessing were way worse than actually making that sound right? So Lord help me to see my own sin and not to you know judge my brother But but I think our point was yeah, like just like we need to tell our kids Please don't act like that. We should have friends that like you will not find a wife if you keep, if you think this is acceptable. Be one thing if you are 80, but you're like a
Starting point is 00:47:30 25 year old man doing this around other women. You said we know we said that too. I think there, I think it does have to do with your station in life in a certain way, right? If you're 80 years old, like you know, you burp in public or whatever, nobody cares. You earned it. You get to do that, right? You, you found a spouse, you had, you raised children, you burp in public or whatever, nobody cares, right? You earned it. You get to do that, right? You, you found a spouse, you had, you've raised children, you want to be a little like off-putting. That's fine. That's okay now. But I see a lot, a lot, a lot, young, single Catholic men, it's usually men, I think I'm just much more sensitive, right, to men, who, their, their lack of, uh, what's the word, social IQ and how they, not, not necessarily how they act at that too, but how they present themselves and
Starting point is 00:48:09 You really do you want to grab these guys and say like hey man listen Let's just the hairs not coming back you 28 stop doing the comb over You gotta you gotta start washing your clothes better that beard looks terrible You should shave that thing off like do these things to be presentable because a lot of these guys I think are really really good dudes who are trying to be good people who want to be fathers and husbands and all these you know beautiful things but are Making everybody like not give them a second chance in anything not just romantically but also like I don't want to be friends with some guy doesn't look like he takes care of himself and That's an old like it's almost an impossible that like cuz I I don't want
Starting point is 00:48:45 To go talk to that guy, right? I can think of a couple of people who in circles that I run in that same boat And I don't want to say hey man like you're embarrassing girls don't like it. I said my kid That's one of the greatest gifts my mom ever gave me big shout out. Love you mama Was every time I was when I was an obnoxious, you know, tween and teenager, she would on a regular basis be like, stop talking to that voice, or stop doing that thing, nobody likes it. Yeah, you look weird, you're being weird.
Starting point is 00:49:13 I think that's okay. I think like the self-love has gone way too far, right? Don't just follow the you do you thing, right? You're looking weird, you're off-putting. Yeah, it's gonna be normal person I'm gonna do this thing where I come in and try to moderate what we're saying and you're gonna get yeah But here we go But you don't want to shame you kid like you don't want to correct them and embarrass them in front of other people Like I think that's no not in public. No, I totally wanna kind of pull them aside and be like hey, don't do that
Starting point is 00:49:41 It's off-putting. Yeah, yeah, please stop doing that Hey, don't do that. It's off-putting. Yep. Yeah. Please stop doing that. Something else with kid stuff. I had a dad who was sharing this with me not too long ago. Thought it was really interesting. We were talking about young girls, you know, it's beach season, right? And how immodest bathing suits are or whatever. And he has beautiful, poised, modest daughters, right? And so I was asking him like, I got all these daughters, right? How do you whatever?
Starting point is 00:50:06 And he said, start them with modesty. Don't let your two year old go to the beach. I mean, and he said two year old, right? In like the two piece, whatever. And then wear the little booty shorts, shorts, shorts around the house because she's two and there's no right. But set that standard really early. And then he said
Starting point is 00:50:25 Don't let your daughters leave the house and something you wouldn't let your wife leave the house out I thought that made so much sense, right? Obviously Yeah, I feel like we shy away from so many conversations because it's uncomfortable and awkward I think that's a huge disservice. I know I do that like yeah Yeah It's because if you're letting your children, even with like eight or nine, dress in a way that you would never let them dress
Starting point is 00:50:49 if they were 15, then it's gonna be kind of a whiplash to your kid as their body starts to develop, and now it's inappropriate. Yeah, I agree. Well, and I feel like it shows us- Shorts have become so short. Oh, they're awful.
Starting point is 00:51:01 First of all, I don't think any man should be wearing short shorts on an airplane. I don't think that's a controversial statement. I'm OK with shorts. I want to hear your thoughts on young on short shorts on men in general. OK, so well, I'm OK if you wear short shorts at a gym or if you're playing a sport, I'm OK with all this.
Starting point is 00:51:21 Or if you're going to the sauna. But please, if you're going to sit on an airplane your Quads should be covered right there was a fella next to me on the airplane and he had his legs crossed and I could almost see His underwear and this is unacceptable Why because it's disgusting to see that's fair. Okay, the legs. I'm also not okay with overweight women wearing short shorts They should be told by their parents stop doing that because they sit down It doesn't look like they're even wearing anything and the crop tops too Like obviously, you know, I think crop tops are more or less immodest if you're wearing them in public always
Starting point is 00:51:55 I'm trying to think of a situation where that would be but if your body is disgusting Yes, right like what why are you even doing you've got if you've got a great body, still don't wear it. I understand why you're doing it though, if you've got a great body. Yeah. It's bizarre. And you sometimes see men and their guts is actually hanging under their shirt. Like you can see their guts hanging out. Right.
Starting point is 00:52:17 You should feel a kind of healthy level of shame for that. Tuck an undershirt in so the world doesn't have to see that. That's the Seinfeld thing, too You remember they're on the subway and there's the overweight naked guy So we're reading the newspaper and he's like who'd got on some clothes. He says, um, why I'm comfortable with my body and Jerry says That's the thing you shouldn't be But yeah, cuz we are see I was seeing a lot more of this than we did in the 90s and 80s. I think and once I feel like such an old man That's how poor and we're allowed to complain about the world. Now. We're all when I go to the beach
Starting point is 00:52:54 It's really uncomfortable. I feel really uncomfortable Yeah, cuz you have all you have all these girls once again some of them really young girls prancing around Worse than a whore, right and Right, and I spend my whole time worried about being seen as creepy, right? Because parading in front of me constantly are all these girls who are wearing almost nothing, right? And the worst thing I think you can be labeled as as a man is creepy.
Starting point is 00:53:18 Like it's worse than any other thing, like scary, dangerous, whatever. But creepy is like the kiss of death. I would rather be called pretty much anything but creepy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm going to the beach for the, I would like to see you. Sorry, I'll get back to that, but I want to see women calling other women onto this in a way that's, I keep having this conversation, men's conferences.
Starting point is 00:53:38 You've got a man at the front telling you, you suck as a dad and you need to be better. Right. I want to see women at women's conferences telling women, you're not a good enough wife. You need to be better. The problem isn't that you're not understood. The problem is that you suck and need to be better. But I just don't know if women like to be called that. I suffer from that too. A lot of the talks I give are boys only talks. I really prefer the guys only talks. But I was giving a talk at UGA a couple months ago and I opened it
Starting point is 00:54:02 with that. I just want to air my biases., guys, I will stand up in front of a group of guys and say like, you are not a man, you think you are, you're a grown boy, and you're never gonna be a man unless you do this, and I really just beat him up. Because I like that. I like getting beat up like that, sort of bearing my problems to me. And the girls, it's like, and ladies,
Starting point is 00:54:23 you've been done wrong by the world, I'm so, so sorry. Right, and you're princesses of heaven and whatever. But that's doing them a disservice, it really is. Because I do naturally blame society's problems on men, but I don't think that's true. And I think that kind of infantilizes women. It almost like takes their agency away. I'm not doing that on purpose obviously,
Starting point is 00:54:40 but that's sort of the thought is that, you're having this stuff done to you by these big mean guys and you can't do anything about it, which is a lie, they can't. Stephanie Gordon has this line, when you say happy wife, happy life, she says her eyes roll back into her head, but she falls over.
Starting point is 00:54:54 But the problem is it's so demeaning. You're saying women are petulant children and you need to keep them satisfied so they won't make your life hell. Do you know how insulting that is to women? I was really, for the first time in a long time, Mother's Day Mass this year, or no, Father's Day Mass this year,
Starting point is 00:55:10 was the homily was not some version of this boomerist happy wife, happy life. Remember the two most important words a man can say, yes dear. And I was so happy to have a solid homily that did not, that actually addressed fatherhood and masculinity. Good, what did he, how actually addressed like fatherhood and masculinity.
Starting point is 00:55:25 I don't remember. I just remember those guys. That's really inspiring. Yeah. But yeah, I think that if you're a woman watching this right now, let us know what you think below. Like, you know, we're obviously disadvantaged
Starting point is 00:55:37 in what sense of tell us in the comment section where we can find women who will say those things to women. I teach a theology of the body class and I, you know, I bring in a girl, probably a woman, probably once a month or so, um, to do like a breakout with the girls. And sometimes I'll bring in a woman to do a breakout with the boys, right? So they can hear a woman's perspective. The girls can talk about things that would not be comfortable to talk about
Starting point is 00:55:59 with me in the room. And, um, I've got a, I've got a gal who does a really good job of, uh, oh wow. Do we have, you can do it, put it in the room and I've got a I've got a gal who does a really good job of Here we go. Wow Do we have a key into it put in the live chat? We look at the live chat right now So have any thoughts throw them in the pigeon that crapped angry birds. I don't know why why are you putting this? Or Pam is saying it's demeaning. I Don't remember I just remember that it was good is the Realest quote I've ever heard about Probably a priest
Starting point is 00:56:30 Let's see would they be talking this way if Natalie lady was there who's that Natalie? Oh? Mother Natalia. Yes 100% we would mother Natalia is cool and would agree with us Cami cross says great movie movie. OK, whatever. No, it's OK. Yeah. Yeah. But the thing is, I think even with men, if you've got a man encouraging you to be better in a way that sounds like yelling, you still
Starting point is 00:57:00 need to believe that he loves you. Like the reason people love Jordan Peterson is he actually believes that you have what it takes to be better than you currently are He's not just up the front berating you right? He's not just insulting you if someone insults you. I'm not inspired I want I want you like as a friend to believe that I can be better than I am and then tell me to suck It up because if I don't believe that I have what it takes and you tell me to be better than that. I Just become discouraged. But if you assure me somehow in your speech that you actually can be better and you need to get your stuff together.
Starting point is 00:57:30 So I imagine what I'm saying is I imagine with women, they need to believe that as well. Yeah, yeah. My school is called St. John Bosco and it's heavily inspired by St. John Bosco. And one thing we talk about a whole lot, right, is this Bosconian pedagogy of love deposits versus withdrawals, because you're gonna make
Starting point is 00:57:47 the withdrawals. And it's the same with your kids, right? Is I have to, my son has to know, like, I love him and I'm so proud of him, I'm glad he's my kid. And I gotta constantly be making those love deposits because I gotta make big withdrawals sometimes. I told you this the other day, I had to really chew my kid out about something.
Starting point is 00:58:04 And I think that if I wasn't purposefully, because it doesn't come as natural to me as I wish it did, purposefully affirming and building up and all of these things, if I weren't doing that on a regular basis, then all it is is just beating your kid down further and further and further. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:20 Yeah, and that's with all relationships too. I think it's with friendships and work colleagues. You have people who work for you, right? Yeah. Yeah. And that's with all relationships too. I think it's with with friendships and I mean like work colleagues Yeah, people who work for you, right? Yeah, I gotta I gotta know that you give a crap about me. Yeah. Yeah Do you think as you're getting older because I do that. I'm increasingly not understanding the dynamics of dating today When people ask me advice on dating he Thursday just said yes I When people ask me advice on dating he first I just said yes I Give answers that I think probably would have made sense 15 20 years ago, but today people look at me like you don't understand anything
Starting point is 00:58:52 So now when people say like what's your advice on like meeting a woman? I I don't I don't know Do you agree with that or are you more in touch with it because you work with high school students? I talk yeah I do a lot of I work a lot with high school and college age and then young men, young married guys and everything. And I don't know if I, I might understand it better than you who's removed from all of that, but it's still bizarre.
Starting point is 00:59:20 Once again, I feel like I'm 87 years old when I feel like I caught the last chopper out of NAMM Right because I married my wife before right before all the apps and all the everything the whole game changed No, it's a very I mean that was 2011, right? So yeah, it's smart phone to come out a couple years before I didn't have one until five years or something after I got married But there was it was still like no you go places and you talk to the girls, right? And it was all talking. It was not the texting thing.
Starting point is 00:59:49 Obviously, I mean, I don't need to go down that rabbit hole about how bad all the apps are. I think most of them suck. But I think you have to allow them into the conversation. I know a lot of people have really wholly good marriages and they've met through, they evolved because you have to. I'm still, I don't know, I'm still a big believer
Starting point is 01:00:06 in go do the things you would like your future spouse to be doing, right? Like go to the mission trip and go to the young adult, whatever thing and try to have real meaningful human conversations. But I've moved past just crapping on all the digital stuff. I think that's wrong, right? That's the way we are now, so we gotta live with it.
Starting point is 01:00:25 But are people dating in your high school? Yeah, they have some. Yeah, there's definitely some of that. It is a, it's a very unique school. I've talked about it before, right? Like, special friends is like a real designation. And what that means is, hey listen, I like you, you like me, we're not allowed to date.
Starting point is 01:00:42 So we're gonna go to the dances together and we're gonna sit together at lunch and we'll go out with groups of people and all that It's really beautiful. It's kind of kind of old-school I've got a I have a little radio show And I'm sure we can throw down the show notes, but yeah, I've got a girl coming on next week And she they have like a real-life courting, like not holding hands kind of thing. And they're engaged now. And it's the most, it's this really beautiful,
Starting point is 01:01:10 holy thing that once again seems super cheesy and hokey. And like, oh, you think you're better than me? Yeah, kind of. Like I do kind of think that they're better than the way I dated. I think there should be a natural progression in relationships. Like a physical affection towards marriage.
Starting point is 01:01:24 To me, it is actually, I don't know. I'd have to think about it more, but my first instinct is to say that seems unhealthy to be in a relationship where we date, we get engaged, and we're still refusing to hold hands. It feels like there should be this gradual progression of physical intimacy that's appropriate until marriage. Well, that's my biggest argument against high school dating. It has nothing to do with, you know, your brain not being fully formed or anything school dating it has nothing to do with you know You're brain not being fully formed or anything what it really has to do with is now you're gonna you're sort of Increasing in emotional and physical intimacy and eventually you get to a spot where you can't increase anymore unless you're falling into serious sin Right, and I'm not just talking about physical chassis
Starting point is 01:01:59 I mean emotional chastity too, and if you start if John and Susie start dating 10th grade of high school Realistically they're not gonna be married for another what? Six years of they do it pretty darn early. Yeah, right. Yeah, and so they should probably hold off One of the reasons I like talking to my kids, especially my older kids who are super cool about Yeah, you should get married like when you get married a couple years probably you could be married I like talking about it that way because I want them to Yeah, I do. I mean I want them to discern and all of that obviously But I do want them to I don't want them to think that you know
Starting point is 01:02:35 30s the only time I'm allowed to even begin to think about being married I think we put way too much emphasis actually in being prepped for marriage Thursdays is if I may, I can I point something about modern dating that gets sure in the 90s, 54% of U.S. adults were overweight. They're 74. Yeah. Is that it? People are less attractive than they were in the 90s.
Starting point is 01:03:04 OK, I think that's probably true of both men and women. Yeah, I just, people are less attractive now. People are less attractive now. And they were in the 90s, okay, cool. I think that's probably true of both men and women. Yeah. Obviously. Yeah, oh, I'm sure. I was talking to Seamus from Freedom Tunes recently and he said something that just stuck in my mind. He said, when men, because you do meet young men who look like they hate women,
Starting point is 01:03:20 like the way they speak about women, he said, when a man hates women, it's because he hasn't dated any. And when a woman hates a man, it's because she's dated too many. Oh. Something like that. I like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:31 Well, what I was saying a second ago, to tie into you talking to your kids about this all the time about marriage or older kids, I feel like we over prepare as a society, right? And also in a way with the church too, I feel like because we have these artificial constraints that are put on us because we live in this fake world where everything's fake, right?
Starting point is 01:03:50 Where you have a son who's like 17 years old, right? If it were 150 years ago, he's about time, about time to, you're gonna be doing your own thing. You're gonna give him the back 40 over there so he can start farming and he should start thinking about it. I'm gonna get married soon and start having kids. But we have these artificial constraints of, oh, you can't get married until you graduate from college,
Starting point is 01:04:12 you can't get married until you're financially independent or like any of that matters at all. When my wife and I got married, I was making $26,000 a year as a firefighter. She didn't have a job. And she moved out of her dad's house. She spent the night before a wedding in her dad's house where she had lived her whole life and then the next day in mine. And I moved back in with my parents until the day we got married. It was really cool. It's almost like the lack of forethought
Starting point is 01:04:38 was better. How old were you when you got married? 21. Yeah. Yeah. Because I've said this before. I mean, you're the one who first put me onto this, this idea of get married before you're ready and have more kids than you can afford and then live in a bubble. All of that stuff has to be qualified.
Starting point is 01:04:51 You know, we're not saying be irresponsible, you know. Yeah. But I think what we're doing is we're bending the stick back the other way so it can be straight again. I think we just take all of these things that have clearly been true and have worked for 12,000 years since the agricultural revolution, and then we just throw them all out the window 60 years ago or whatever, and then we're like, why is everyone miserable? Well, here's a question though.
Starting point is 01:05:13 I mean, yeah, sure, if we were living when your son's working on the back 40, as you put it, then maybe it is appropriate, like you need to be married, but what about today when we've made things such that this isn't the case for 17 year olds I mean, is that an argument for why actually now you should be waiting until I hear that but I still think that it's I think we're fighting against tried and true human nature of Millennia right and we're trying to say like we're acting like we need to now adjust to this world
Starting point is 01:05:43 And I feel like the world needs to adjust to us world and I feel like the world needs to adjust to us I'm big into the world needs to adjust to nature right back to nature Yeah, I'm big into the whole parallel systems thing you know this idea that we're gonna live we live in this world, right? There's nothing we can do about that right is All the problems that we have as a society it is still better From at least from a physical standpoint probably from a psychological standpoint and well Maybe not psychological, but to live in 21st century United States of America,
Starting point is 01:06:08 got a lot of problems with this country, it's still the best game in town, right? And I feel like, sorry, I feel like, yeah, we have this broken society and these young people that, all people of all ages, these families, that we're stuck in it, we're stuck in this society and we can't get out of it practically, right?
Starting point is 01:06:30 But we don't have to totally immerse ourselves in it, right? You can have a community that uses the real banking system, right? But you've got this sort of insular bubble, and I like that word because people use it as a pejorative and I wanna take it back, because bubble just means community. You can have this system that runs in it
Starting point is 01:06:46 but isn't like only dips in with the necessary parts to exist in society. So don't try to be Amish is what I'm saying, right? Don't totally separate from society, that's not practical. But only dip in when you have to and don't try to, this we are the world crap is such garbage. We are the world?
Starting point is 01:07:03 Yeah, this idea that we're supposed to be global people and this idea that we're all interconnected and you're not supposed to be, you're not supposed to be. Find your people, find a couple dozen families or whatever and be in community. That's what we've been doing. I've told you, we literally live on a compound on the side of a mountain in North Georgia
Starting point is 01:07:18 with four other families, three other families. It's the best thing in the world. What do you say to a family who are like, I love that idea, it's impractical, I actually do live in the suburbs, I'd rather not, but I have to. Are you telling me I'm screwed? I don't think that's true. Yes.
Starting point is 01:07:31 And he's trying to soften that, he's gay, damn. No, I don't think locality, I don't think physical location has as much to do with it. We did it in North Atlanta, when you and I lived there. We would unfortunately have to drive 20 minutes to each other's house. That's too far. But we made it work.
Starting point is 01:07:48 And I didn't feel the need to throw my kids to the wolves of everyone else. Right? I'm not, no, I won't soften this at all. I think travel sports and schools, 100% for travel sports, 99% for schools, are death traps for our children, and all they do is they build a community for your kid around people who don't give a damn about anything that you as a parent have been trying to inculcate
Starting point is 01:08:17 in your kids since they were born. Like if you're trying to do it right, if you're trying to raise good kids, I think the worst thing you can do is have them shipped off to whatever the thing is for the majority of their waking hours and then you don't have any steak. Your kids should see, your kids are gonna be
Starting point is 01:08:29 the sum total of the five people that spend the most time around. Two of those should be you and your spouse, right? Obviously, obviously, I think. And even really great kids, even kids who are really great families, right? Who, you know, they're homeschooling their kids and they're going to daily mass,
Starting point is 01:08:46 and they're doing all these really good, beautiful things. At the end of the day, there's still this desire to keep up with the Joneses, and we feel like, well, my kid has to go, he really likes soccer. So we're gonna do all the soccer, we're gonna go join the club soccer, and we're gonna be traveling all over the place. In his life, he's gonna have this big community
Starting point is 01:09:00 of peers in the soccer world, and they don't care about anything that we care about as a family. I think that's a really big danger, actually. Yeah, and you can see how pernicious it is, because it comes from a good place. The parent sees that their child has a passion, they understand that their child becoming fit and healthy and playing a sport is probably better
Starting point is 01:09:21 than them just playing video games or something like that, so they invest all in on that, but then they're not around their family, I guess. I don't know. I think every time I've ever been on the show, I've talked about this book, but everybody needs to buy a copy of Out of the Ashes by Anthony S. Wong.
Starting point is 01:09:35 Yeah. Have you read that book? Yes. It's fantastic. And he gets into all of that. Like we're, all of our kids are pigeonholed into these things that take up so much of their time, like sports again, for an example, right,
Starting point is 01:09:46 when really they oughta just be playing whatever is going on in the dirt field down the road. And I get how impractical that is for so many people. I understand that my position is, it's really convenient. I live close to these other families. We've got all this space where the kids can run and play and all of that. But I feel like we don't need to
Starting point is 01:10:05 take this sort of defeatist attitude of, well, I'm just going to try really, really hard to say this and do, but we're still going to do all the things. We're still going to be so, we're going to be in the world in all these ways and try to fight it. I don't think it's possible. I don't think you can do that. Yeah. I know for me that, or I think other Catholic families, if they move, their question should be probably, is there a good homeschooling community there? Because a good homeschooling community means a lot of things it means probably a great Parish somewhere it means Children who probably don't have phones or a lot of access to technology and so that way your child doesn't have to feel like the Freak I think what it really means is that there's families who?
Starting point is 01:10:46 Have got like skin in the game right right, who are bought in, right? Families who are saying this is weird and countercultural, mom's gonna have to stay at home so that we can make this homeschool thing work, we're gonna have to do all of these things that normal people, what normal people don't do, and I think that's bigger than all the other things, right? Like the good parish, obviously that's fantastic. And a good homeschooling curriculum is fantastic. But really it's saying like, Hey, you're just as weird and countercultural as I am. We should be friends. Our kids should be friends. And then we build this community around us. And yeah, you got to be, I think you have to really embrace the weirdness like a hundred percent.
Starting point is 01:11:22 I got a thought that I've been ruminating on that I haven't shared with you that I want to share with you now Okay, so the kids talk about simping, you know this word means Someone I just looked it up so I could get it right Thursday You can yell out if I'm wrong someone who obsesses over another person and goes to great lengths to please them Even if their feelings are not reciprocated, right? I've only heard it referred to to refer to boys yeah right simping for some girl like he's such a stamp he's always over there trying to get attention with the girls yeah
Starting point is 01:11:54 from a what due to sexual attraction kind of over affection all right so here's the thought a lot of husbands fall into the trap of simping over their wives, simping for their wives. And what I mean is this, um, when we were children, we were dependent on our mother's body for comfort, breast milk and to be regulated. And then what happens is we don't grow up and we're still trying to regulate ourselves with the woman's body. that might be through pornography sure right but even if one has broken the habit of pornography a man who is meant to lead his household and lead his wife.
Starting point is 01:12:35 Can fall into the trap of being overly affectionate towards his wife because he's afraid of not having sex. Okay so he comes off as a he's super kind to his wife is always really kind of like, but it's really because he's enslaved. Does that make sense? I'm not saying well, because I haven't thought it through that well, but I think there's something to it that like my primary responsibility and your primary responsibility is to lead our wife and our children to heaven. And that means making tough decisions. Sometimes it's going to mean putting our foot down or making tough decisions that
Starting point is 01:13:04 maybe our wives don't like immediately. And that means making tough decisions. Sometimes it's going to mean putting our foot down or making tough decisions that maybe our wives don't like immediately. But when the man is so afraid of upsetting his wife, let she make his life hell, either because she's erratic or just because she won't be as affectionate to him, then he bends over backwards and kind of negates his responsibility as father and husband for the sake of just not wanting sex to be denied him or something. Yeah. And that's a fine line, right? Because what I know you're not saying is you should be some a-hole lording your authority over your wife.
Starting point is 01:13:39 No, that is what I am saying. I'm just joking. No, I'm actually saying I want an actual ball and chain around her foot. Yeah, no, you heard me right. I'm not going to apologize for it. That's where the manosphere will be in three years from now on YouTube. There will be men saying, no, I'm actually saying she should be chained to the, to the bed. That is what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:13:58 And anything less than that is gay. Of course that's not what I'm saying. And so I, I, I struggle with this, right? Because my wife and I have a very traditional sort of division of labor, right? I do the outside stuff, I go to work, I do farm things, I do all of that, I make money, and then she stays at home and takes care of all the domestic stuff.
Starting point is 01:14:18 And I honestly, and I'm not just saying this for like Catholic traditionalist points, I do not understand how households operate outside of that. And I'm not judging, some people have to do that. I understand for financial reasons, sometimes you have to have mom and dad work. I just don't understand how a household runs because I've been spoiled, right?
Starting point is 01:14:33 It's always been like that in my household. But when this baby was born, we had a long period where we didn't have any children. We had some miscarriages and some of that in there. And then we had this baby, and it made me have to sort of reassess our whole dynamic and how the household runs, right? And so now Angie makes the dinner,
Starting point is 01:14:56 and Angie used to make the dinner and do the dishes and all that stuff. Now Angie makes the dinner, and then I organize my little platoon of my older kids, and we clean the kitchen and clean the dishes and do all the things. Cause you're a good husband Yeah, and so I maybe I just don't even understand how I would define And maybe you can't whether a husband is like sipping for his wife unless you're inside the guy's head, right? Yeah. Yeah
Starting point is 01:15:17 No, that's right. I don't think you can look at it from the outside and say that well Let me try to think of an example, right? Like suppose I Don't know, suppose you're doing something on behalf of the family that is actually good, but it's maybe a little initially frustrating with your wife. And so you forsake the thing that you know is actually what's best for her and your children for the sake of keeping the peace, quote unquote, because you're afraid of disrupting this. I think it's all, I think that that issue is all just a symptom of us as men being afraid to be the
Starting point is 01:15:48 heads of our household. Right? Symptom? Nice. Hey-o. And that's something that I see. I was talking to somebody at Catholic Family Land the other day about this, about how many families I see on a regular basis and everything, you know, just sort of the circles I run in and the places that I go and people I talk to, where you have a really strong, on fire, overbearing mother, right?
Starting point is 01:16:12 Not, maybe I shouldn't say overbearing, but one who is good, all about the faith and strong in the faith, and then a dad who's lukewarm or doesn't, or apathetic about the faith. And so you see this mother trying to be the spiritual head of the house, and's a it's a kiss of death Right. That's not how it runs Ontologically speaking right by the nature of a father
Starting point is 01:16:32 He is the head of his household if he's bad at it. His wife can't become the head of the household you just have a disordered household, right and When you say that it sounds so much like some manosphere, whatever thing. Um, and I refuse to temper that with like, well, I'm the head, but my wife is the neck. She tells me which way to do. No, that's not true. I am the head of my household and, and that's rightly ordered. And my wife would say that happily if she were here right now. And it's hard. It would be a lot easier to not do that.
Starting point is 01:17:05 I mean, I can see the appeal of being like the sitcom dad from the 90s who's the bumbling idiot and his wife is really the one who takes care of everything. But we can't do that, not because of pride, but out of a sense of love for our spouse and our children and our family, right? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:24 You know, like we live in a day and age where Yeah, yeah. You know, like we live in a day and age where marriage and gender roles, sex, sexual roles, whatever you say, is such a debated topic. It's almost like it's, it's, it's, I feel like we have to almost treat the advice from both sides with a level of distrust. So because you've got people on one side who say, we don't actually know what women are, and marriage can mean two men,
Starting point is 01:17:50 and sex can mean like masturbation. So we live in a society that doesn't know what men are, women are, sex is, marriage is. So their advice coming from what we would say more as the left, we don't wanna listen to. But then I also notice advice that I'm getting from the right that I really don't wanna to listen to I was listening to a podcast recently There was talking about the evils of feminism where the man actually said that he refuses to change his children's diaper
Starting point is 01:18:12 That's his wife's job, right? I think that sounds like a deep insecurity you have Mm-hmm, and you know you should just do your duty and you should of course like what you said You'd rally the troops and you clean the kitchen because you love your wife and you do what's best for her So I almost want to kind of go back to okay. What what were people saying before this became a contested issue? Let's look at what their advice is and that's why I put a lot of stock in people like st John Chris systems commentary on Ephesians 5 and things like this because things weren't insane then like I Funny story of when I came to your house once and your wife was away And you asked me to run your dishwasher
Starting point is 01:18:46 Because you know I didn't ask you to run the dishwasher You said this is washers though. We should do the dishes. I was like great Do you know how to do it? And I said I don't know how to do is what you said and What I still have no idea. Yeah, and the reason that's okay Right is because you hunt and butcher your own animals and feed your wife and children with them. Right. It would not be OK for me to be like that. What I mean is this. If you're a fella insisting that women have these traditional gender roles, but you are just like a red pill streamer. And your job is just to get more local supporters and Patreon supporters like.
Starting point is 01:19:23 And your job is just to get more local supporters and patreon supporters like There's nothing wrong with with being a streamer But to sit there not know how to use a hammer and insist that women act like they did back in the 40s while you don't I don't like that Yeah, but but but but that's I was okay with you being like that because you actually do fit into these stereotypical male. I'm just a big believer you know, and I'm sure this comes up all the time, but the whole Chesterton fence thing, and if, I guess, sort of a more simplified version of that is, if everybody did it 150 years ago, we should probably still do it. Not always, right?
Starting point is 01:19:58 Racism. I was literally about to say, slavery's bad. Right, okay. But there was probably a good reason, because we did 150 years ago We probably did 150 years before that and we probably had a thousand years before that so on and so forth, right? And so we really need to think about the why before we start throwing stuff out Chesterton's gate or wall idea sure is if you're gonna tear down a wall or a gate, you should know what's there for Yeah I'm a big I'm a big fan of my bride though what I've had this analogy that keeps coming back to me
Starting point is 01:20:26 It's this idea that marriage is like Birkenstock's I said that to a friend. He's like only lesbians wear them I know that is not I was about to say none no longer get vocations The way I'm a big Birkenstock fan, but Kyra not a big Ursuline fan though Yeah, Kyra practice will tell you like they're not necessarily good for you You know like why like, if you're standing incorrectly, then the Birkenstock will just mold to your disordered way of standing and it'll just right so I think marriage is kind of like that when my wife and I got married There were disorders that each of us brought into the marriage and marriage to make it work
Starting point is 01:21:00 You know, you just you were you it's like you learn to live in a dysfunctional way I would say when we got married I had more of these feminine sins I had some of them and she had some kind of masculine sins Yeah, what I mean is this like I grew up I think there was a lot of kind of passive aggression in my family and I tended to bring that in and I would sulk a Little which is very unattractive. It's always unattractive. It's especially unattractive on a man little, which is very unattractive. It's always unattractive. It's especially unattractive on a man. My wife was raised in a family where when there was chaos, she made everyone okay. So she sought to make things such that people would be okay again. So now we come into this
Starting point is 01:21:35 marriage where I've got this kind of traditionally kind of feminine sin and she's got this kind of masculine sin and we just made it work for so long. Mm hmm. So she just kept trying to make me OK. Sure. Which is, which in the short term might work like the Birkenstock. Right. But eventually, as we started to receive healing in therapy or from our Lord, we realized,
Starting point is 01:21:57 OK, this is the reason you're doing this is because I'm doing this. The reason I'm doing this is because you're doing this. And we had to kind of almost violently change some of the ways that we acted. And I found that the more masculine I acted, the softer she would become. So when I would step up and like be attentive to her and fight for her and take care of things for her, she had the freedom to sort of relax into that more feminine posture that I find so attractive. And that she was only able to do that when she saw me rise to the occasion. That feminine posture that is sort of naturally
Starting point is 01:22:29 inculcated in her, right? But has been sort of nurtured out of her, right? And I'm glad you brought the distinction between masculine and feminine sense. Yeah. That's something I talk a lot about. Do you? I've been thinking about this, I don't think we've talked about it.
Starting point is 01:22:41 Yeah, there is, I think it was my, was it my spiritual director? I was talking, I had this great conversation about it a couple of months ago, and I've just been thinking about it a lot. And I don't remember his exact, the exact words he used, but basically he said, if it is a man committing feminine sins,
Starting point is 01:22:58 it's equally sinful, but it's also disordered, right? It's like doubly disordered. Yes. All sin is disordered, it's doubly disordered, right? If it is, and the example that, I think the easiest example is the sin of promiscuity, right? It is a immoral, awful thing for a man to go out and sleep with a bunch of girls, right?
Starting point is 01:23:17 That's bad for his soul, right? It's gonna do terrible things to him, make it harder for him to be a husband and a father one day. But when a woman does it, right? It's doubly disordered because it's a masculine sin because women are not innately, they don't want to go out and have lots of sex with lots of strange people.
Starting point is 01:23:35 It is unfortunately a part of our masculine nature, disordered part, right? But it's there with that's wrong, right? To go do that thing, right? There's a deep biological impulse that we have to do that that they don't and so when they're giving themselves over to it It's doubly is done with us And I think what we've done even in church circles have tried to say to women like you know What we'll say right as Catholics like we are somehow we justify when a man does it but it's horrible when a woman does it
Starting point is 01:24:00 And that's that that's true But no no it is actually more shameful right for the woman to it because it's doubly right disordered and the masculine equivalent I use would be this like suppose and you tell me what you think suppose you went to work where you work at a high school and there's a woman there who continually gets overwhelmed in meetings and runs off and kind of cries in the bathroom yeah grow up, learn how to not do that, that's inappropriate. If a man is doing that, that's doubly disgusting. That's what we're talking about.
Starting point is 01:24:30 And that pisses a lot of people off saying that. I was talking to my theology kids, and I was talking about emotional control and how I'm called to a level of emotional control my wife isn't called to. And the example that I gave is also a crying example. We got a call right now and we found out that my wife's mother died and my wife breaks down in tears
Starting point is 01:24:48 and needs to go be by herself for a while, I would keep the kids away if she said, I just can't right now, I don't wanna be. And if she was gonna spend hours sobbing in the bedroom, okay, that's okay, sweetie. You can do that, you can take that time, right? And if the same thing were to happen to me, exact same thing, I love my mom, oh my gosh,
Starting point is 01:25:06 I would boohoo, but I would do it privately, and the face I would present to my children would be, this is really, this is awful guys, we can come together, we're gonna say some prayers, and I have more of this public facing role, right, as a result of my masculinity. And it would be doubly disordered, it would be more disordered for me to go and hide gossip is the one that I talked to boys about a lot
Starting point is 01:25:28 Gossip, I think is predominantly a feminine sin and a lot of boys gossip and it's extra gross, right? What a boy doesn't how do you how do we not fall into the trap though of you? Is it your mother dies? How do you not fall into the trap of basically teaching your children by being in control that it's never okay to cry and never okay to be upset if someone close to you dies? Because that's not what you're saying. You're not saying it's inappropriate. Men don't cry.
Starting point is 01:25:55 I would cry. I would absolutely cry. And I would do that by myself, not in front of my children later. Because I'm called to a higher level of emotional control by virtue of my masculinity and my role as a husband and father. Yeah, yeah, I think I'm thinking of my own family. Like I was blessed to have beautiful parents, you know, their own sins like all of us.
Starting point is 01:26:12 They're not perfect like all of us. But yeah, if my if my father broke down for a significant period of time, I would feel chaos in a way that I wouldn't feel if my mother did that. I've seen my mother cry a lot. I've never seen my dad cry. And my dad's not some chest beating monster. You've met my father, right? He's a good man. He's a solid man, but he's not Gaston from Beauty and the Beast, right? And yeah, it would really, right now,
Starting point is 01:26:38 as a grown man with children, if my dad were to come to me balling his eyes out, I would not know what to do. My dad would start short-circuiting up here. Yeah. So I think the point we're making is, as children, we kind of look to our dad to be that steady, stabilizing force within the family
Starting point is 01:26:54 that if he breaks apart, we all feel the, we all kind of get swept into that chaos. And I'm trying to think of it on the, oh, okay. So on the other side too, right? If one of my kids gets in bad trouble while I'm at work, because they only go to school two days a week, it's a hybrid kind of deal, right? Then we do the, my wife will do the
Starting point is 01:27:13 wait till your dad gets home kind of thing. Like go to your room, stay in her room, two days gets home. And if Angie was out at the store, and I said wait till your mom gets home, right? That doesn't say anything good about you or your wife. It's sort of like when people say he married up, no one ever says, and I joke about it sometimes, but yes, she married up. Right.
Starting point is 01:27:35 If you say that and mean it, that's an insult to both the man. Right. I want to talk about men crying for a minute. Can we do that? I need to write these down because every year, one of the things that I give to my kids, I say, all right guys, there's seven reasons when it's okay for a man to cry.
Starting point is 01:27:53 And I make up seven reasons. Some of them are always the same, right? The Grand Canyon. Some of them are obvious, right? You have an immediate family member obvious, right? You have an immediate family member die, right? Oh, I'm sorry, no, first of all, I say that, then I say actually there's no reason when a man can cry ever.
Starting point is 01:28:13 Men can ever cry, but men can weep, right? Jesus wept, Odysseus wept, men can weep, right? And there's a difference because at least in my mind, crying involves more of this, it's not just tears coming out of your eyes, it's like a hysterical whatever, but a controlled sob by a man or weeping I think is totally appropriate and can be can be masculine some sorry so here they are I'm gonna make up seven more right now. I need to kind of preface this
Starting point is 01:28:35 I don't need to change anything you're gonna say is I cry frequently I'm moved frequently by beautiful things and find myself tearing up So go one of the seven things? All right. Immediate family member dies. Okay. Um, you're, uh, immediate. I want to make that, I want to stress that. Immediate. Nobody cares that cousin Joe's not around anymore. You're fine. You don't need, yeah. Um, immediate family member dies. Um, you are, uh, you are listening to sad country music
Starting point is 01:29:05 written between like 78 and 99, 98. I'll give it 20 of your period. In the car by yourself. That's okay, that's the second one. Dog in a movie dies, number three. Dog in a book dies, that's number four. Your dog dies, right, that's number five. The last time that I, that a human being saw me cry was when my dog died and I went to
Starting point is 01:29:26 the gas station. It was the last day I had the dog in the passenger seat of my car. I took the day off work. I'm, I love a dog. Like I'm serious about, you've heard me speak very affectionately. Is this Georgia or? Yeah. And you remember that dog?
Starting point is 01:29:38 Oh, she was the best. She was the best. Took the day off work. She had a stomach cancer. She couldn't eat. She was starving to death. She was so skinny and we had the vet coming over that day because I pay extra So somebody comes to my house to get my dog the shot and then leaves
Starting point is 01:29:50 So the dog will come like get my bed and get all comfortable and be like that was we I cuz I just don't want him Scared I'm a sucker for a dog. But anyway, I went to this gas station I got some empanadas me and my dog were going on. We're walking around just having the last day we're going to spots that we like once again, I'm a sucker for a dog and just having the last day, we're going to spots that we like. Once again, I'm a sucker for a dog. And we got in the car and I started eating an empanada and this dog who had not wanted food, it had been weeks of me feeding her tiny little bits
Starting point is 01:30:13 of moistens, whatever, just so she hasn't, she was skin and bones. And she started sniffing and she ate some of the empanada. I was like, oh yeah, so I went back in and they were out of empanadas. And I said to the lady, the sweet old gas station lady, like, do you have back in and they were out of empanadas and I said to the lady the sweet old gas station Lady like do you have any in the back? I know this sounds weird, but like my my dog hasn't been eating I'm trying not to say what and she and I somehow I said, you know
Starting point is 01:30:35 I'm putting her down later today and she really wants it and the woman goes in the back brings out a tray of empanadas It's okay if I tear up during its story I don't know what is that part of the seven? No, no. Okay, hold it together Matthew, hold it together. Keep going. And says, these are all of them in the back, just take them all. Oh! And I... Arrrgh! Bro, like I kind of like ran like out with tears.
Starting point is 01:30:54 So anyway, that's number five. Number six is if you are on... Did she enjoy the empanadas? Did the dog? Yeah, she ate like two empanadas, that's really cool. Alright, number six. Number six is you are on, like, you're on the slopes of Mount Doom and you're about to throw the one true ring into the fires which forged it.
Starting point is 01:31:10 That'll never happen dad. Then you've never got an excuse to do it. Next. Then it's allowed. And number seven, first receiving of any sacrament the first time and only the first time. Did you not cry when you got your first child when you held you for I cried did I? Stutter like that on the list You didn't know no, I didn't cry was really yeah, I cry quite a lot. I don't I don't cry I get I get moist
Starting point is 01:31:42 How many times am I allowed to have my eyes get moist? 37 total. Okay. Yeah, I'm getting I'm opening it up and I'm gonna make I'm gonna make you commit to this 37 go. No, no, no, I have no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 01:31:59 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no I meant you are allowed after this conversation to only have 37 more times No, but what I'm asking you is when is it appropriate for your eyes to get there's definitely more here more than seven yeah, there's more than seven and How it's defined is you can have up to? One tear inside close to the tear ducts and it'll work its way all the way over here
Starting point is 01:32:23 Yeah, right one can go down, but has to dry before it falls off. And that counts as not crying? That counts as tearing up. That's tearing up, yeah. Tearing up, yeah, because then I'm like saying the word moist. And that actually expands the decades of country music that you're listening to in your truck by yourself
Starting point is 01:32:34 that you're allowed to do that, yeah. All right, so we're not gonna talk about the only acceptable reasons for your eyes to tear up. Not all 37, no. No, but I do, and I say that jokingly, obviously, but also, here's the last one. There is one time when it's okay, there's somebody's gonna clip this,
Starting point is 01:32:53 I know they're gonna clip this. Thursday, probably. There's one time when it's okay, one of my kids at school will, to kiss another man, here's what it is. Um, yeah, no, no, there is, there is, let me clarify. First of all. You're French and gay.
Starting point is 01:33:05 No, never on the lips, never on the lips. You're allowed one forehead kiss if, and this all has to, it's not like any part of this, it all has to happen. You're on the battlefield, all right? You're on, it has to be an active battlefield. If the battle's over, don't look out, right? You're on the battlefield, battles raging around you, right?
Starting point is 01:33:24 Your friend is mortally wounded, right count. You're on the battlefield, battle's raging around you. Your friend is mortally wounded. He's laying on the ground, you come over, you're healthy. If you're mortally wounded too, they don't touch each other. Just stoically make awkward eye contact a couple times and just accept it. And he is reminiscing about being back home
Starting point is 01:33:43 and he asks, he has to ask Is it gonna be okay? You can lean over and kiss him on the head and tell him no Then it's okay one Yeah, and it can't make any noise. There's gonna be no audible sound What about the smacking of the lips? More of a press right it's more of like a like a press on the forehead okay, and it looks something What made you want to look up oh my
Starting point is 01:34:13 Yeah, you know it now could you send them you either need to be You need to could you text that to me Thursday You need to could you text that to me Thursday Just everybody knows I don't know what airdrop is oh, here's the guy on the plane I took a photo of the way. I sent me the photo. Yeah, I saw isn't that inappropriate because it's disgusting first of all I want to get really clear before we read this that I'm 90% sure Thomas Aquinas is gonna say exactly what I just said But if he doesn't he was also wrong just so you know it's not Thomas Aquinas who said any of this someone made it up Someone came up with a super article, and it's good Thomas Aquinas who said any of this someone made it up Someone came up with a super article, and it's good. Is it gay to kiss the homies good night?
Starting point is 01:34:53 It's like all the object. Oh, yeah, we're gonna read it great Open my phone all right. Do you know how it I turned it off? Can you can you text it to me? Oh there it is except except except I'm so excited to read this. I don't actually think I've ever read it. I've never heard of it. I thought Thomas actually. I need you to text it to me because I don't know how to use computers. Yeah, if you want to come in here and help me open up this thing that'd be great entitled is kissing I think is gay to kiss the homies good night. Yeah, there's objections and responses so stick around people you're gonna want to hear this
Starting point is 01:35:35 Locals calm when you become an annual supporter over a mat fred dot locals calm we will send you a beer stein You just have to pay shipping. Please support us mat fred dot locals calm After ten years the handle broke off of mine Send you a beer stein. You just have to pay shipping. Please support us. Matt Fradd dot locals dot com. After 10 years the handle broke off a month. You got not to send you another one. Text me text me an address and I'll. Yeah. Because the fellow who ships them out is from Georgia.
Starting point is 01:35:54 So we just got an address. I've been living in my house since Thanksgiving. We just got an address. Oh, is he going to the men kissing each other? Now where was I? I was in Italy recently. I went to a CC and the fella who?
Starting point is 01:36:07 Rent us the Airbnb definitely kiss me on both cheeks when he met me. I think that's different Is that okay? Yeah, if you're southern European the rules don't apply. It's okay. If you're uncomfortable How much did you enjoy it on a scale from one to ten I work with a lot of Hispanics at my school a lot of our a lot of our teachers one of our one of my bosses is Hispanic, and I love the on both cheeks. It's really fun I've totally given myself over to it. I All right, so here we go we're gonna read it is Now I haven't read this Thursday, so how inappropriate is it?
Starting point is 01:36:43 Why does it mention the Jews? Damn it Thursday. All right. So I'll make sure we wait. You let me know when it's up on screen. Is it to what should we do? Should we do? Is it gay to kiss the homies by Thomas Aquinas? So there's two objections.
Starting point is 01:37:00 So here's the first objection. It seems that kissing the homies is indeed gay as the contemporary meaning in kissing revolves around romantic affection as The people of the world is largely under the influence of society which advertises this meaning of kissing as the church is truly against homosexuality thus kissing with the homies is indeed gay objection to as Kissing is a bad act when done under homosexuality or general adultery, the negative consequences of damnation occur. As it was written in the scriptures, Judas
Starting point is 01:37:33 the betrayer kissed our Lord, which resulted in the suffering of the passion. Thus kissing the homies is not only gay, but a negative act. Said Contra. On the contrary, the Gospel writes quote, for every creature of God is good and nothing is to be rejected, which is to be received with thanksgiving. Thus a kiss by anyone cannot be rejected and is not inherently gay nor bad. I answer that by the way, just for the 18th time, this is not Thomas and Clarence, just in case people think, I wonder what the translation for homies is in Latin. I answer that, there is not one sole way that a kiss is meant to be taken. As a handshake may have different meanings, so does a kiss, even unto men.
Starting point is 01:38:19 Further, a kiss by any fellow child of God may be received in love and truth, not romance. Alright, so here's the response to the first one, saying that in our society it basically represents a homosexual act or something. As stated in my response, the meaning of a kiss is given in multiple forms. Therefore, if a homie kisses a fellow with the meaning of love and not romance is given, love and not romance is given and the receiver of the kiss understands this and acts not in romance then the kissing of the homies is not gay reply to objection to the passion of our lord was a necessity of our salvation and nothing of our acts may change this i i'm positive i can write a better article no offense to whoever wrote this i'm going to do it i'm kind of into it actually as well as the kiss of betrayal however the results of kiss that leads to sin shall result in the loss of grace from
Starting point is 01:39:09 our Lord and thus a loss of salvation has stayed. And yeah, I like, I like what you said better than everything I just read. Thanks. Yeah, it's true. Yeah. Once again, with exceptions for Southern Europeans, because I don't know, they can't help it. You know what I, I think this is probably another thing I've adopted from you. But as an Australian Living in Europe for the last five months. I'm shocked at how Europeans think it's acceptable to trash America I will bother to be way more is that Americans are okay with it like I'll trash America all night long I'm super comfortable doing that with another with other Americans. That's my ex. Oh, yes. Never with somebody. No, it's like family Yeah, exactly. You're gonna complain about your mother, you don't do it publicly.
Starting point is 01:39:48 But I don't, it's like a joke. It's kind of like the bumbling idiot dad and his beautiful intelligent wife from all those sitcoms, right? It's like this joke that you're the big dumb American and then you just take it. Yeah, I guess we kind of are. Yo, I know what you mean. It's really gross. I really hate it. I wonder if there's something in this about the strong person feeling shamed for being strong.
Starting point is 01:40:12 And so feeling kind of embarrassed about his power and strength. Like maybe this is why men are like, yeah, like make fun of us. We're not gonna make fun of women. And why America being the big dog, at least for the next couple of years maybe, or 15
Starting point is 01:40:25 minutes, is comfortable allowing people to kind of mock them because they feel, I don't know, like embarrassed for being more powerful than them? I think it's the whole, it's the same thing with the white guilt and the things like that. We have started to pretend like it's a gross thing that Europeans conquered and colonized the entire world even the fact that the word Colonization is seen as a like a bad term which it's obviously not right I I think that the the residents of studentville, Ohio are really happy that there's no longer, you know, Iroquois Ritualistic, you know torture of their prisoners and raids in the night and all that
Starting point is 01:41:02 I just I'd refuse to go along with any of that Colonialism is good. It's okay, right we Hear I go trying to moderate you to say that isn't to say that abuses don't take place in good things sort of like the crusades What I'm saying is that? There was a Speaker yesterday Catholic family land who's uh? He wrote a book called the glory of the crusades and he gave a really cool talk on church history and the councils Yeah, do you think part of the problem with Catholics today is we want to go back to the glory days of the 13th?
Starting point is 01:41:41 I do 14th century, but but that time has passed Yeah, and so what we're back at the patristic period where we have to kind of evangelize a pagan culture glory days of the 13th, 14th century, but that time has passed. Yeah. And so what we're back at the patristic period where we have to kind of evangelize a pagan culture. Well, I see myself as like the 40 year old guy at the high school party wearing his old varsity jacket, right? Talking about how he won playoffs in like 94, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:59 When I, cause I, but we're so drawn to it because it was that time that we were on top, baby. There was nobody. Yeah. We were the big dogs for a little while there. Yeah. I got into a, I got into an argument with a Greek Orthodox priest at a Greek Fest very publicly. Like I literally yelled from the where I was moving the car. Cause he No. Because he was talking about the Fourth Crusade, so I asked the difference between the Orthodox and the Catholics, and he just crapped on,
Starting point is 01:42:31 he was crapping on Catholics, obviously. He was a convert, he was actually a super cool, really nice guy, he was this Baptist preacher, and he became an Orthodox priest, right? And he was crapping on the Catholics, kind of like the Austrian cab driver, somebody might make fun of the Americans, and I yelled like, they were all excommunicated, you're mischaracterizing the one... Anyway,
Starting point is 01:42:50 that's all. Hey, why are you yelling? Are you in a conversation with him? He's giving a presentation at this Greek fest. Oh, I see, I see. And these little Protestants in Georgia are asking questions, and one of them was the difference between the Catholics and the Orthodox. And yeah, it's the only time in my life I've ever been called a heretic. It was not by the Greek guy, it was by the Russian Orthodox priest who was also at the Greek Fest for some reason.
Starting point is 01:43:10 Yeah. You gotta respect that. Here's my take, and I wish it were stronger. I think I really like the Eastern, I really like the Orthodox. I think they're super cool. Yeah, it's not offensive at all. No, I know.
Starting point is 01:43:27 But I like them more than they like us, I think. I feel like Catholics like them I think they're super cool. Yeah, it's not offensive at all. No, I know. And, but I like them more than they like us, I think. I feel like Catholics like them more than they like Catholics. You heard my theory on this, right? That it's always the underdog who hates the bigger one. So I've got a bunch of examples. New Zealanders hate Australians. Australians think Australians think Australians think New Zealanders are cute, but cool. We love your country. It's actually really beautiful. Canadians hate Americans. Americans didn't even know Canada existed. Yeah, I thought that was a state. The Irish and the English, of course, they were subjected for 800 years, it's a bit different. But it's the same thing, so we're like, hey, we love you, Orthodox, like, we hate you!
Starting point is 01:43:58 Because they're smaller than us. I think all of our major differences don't matter. There. Now there's some great there's some weird immaculate conception stuff, right? Yeah, they believe that she was without sin. They just don't like how we specify it. Right. And I think it's all just this lame Greek Latin divide from a thousand years ago. And we should get over it. Yeah. I feel strongly, though, about we had this conversation probably a year ago. And it's like the Orthodox won't let us agree with them.
Starting point is 01:44:25 We think this. Yeah, yeah, I agree. No, you don't. You don't understand. But it was the, we were talking about, we weren't like sitting down having a discussion on ecumenism, but you were saying at this point, right, with the cultural war, as long as you like on the, do you believe, do you love Jesus, right? We stopped there, yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:44 And I, and I said, I feel that way with the Orthodox. I don't feel that way with the Protestants I'm once again not attacking individual Protestants, but Mostly I don't feel that way with the presence because I feel like it's all their fault But I feel like in this situation we're in right now is their fault right the whole like Luther's whole philosophy or your your own arbiter of truth and the Holy Spirit gets to speak to you privately and you're your own little pope that hyper that led to this hyper individualism that became where we are today right you know it's interesting just like Catholics are becoming increasingly traditional I feel like there's a big subset of Protestants where that's happening as well where they all the good ones are now called Catholics well it's not all the ones, all the all the ones who are really being traditional.
Starting point is 01:45:26 What I mean is there's a lot of Protestants who are beginning to and have for decades now been pushing back against the Hillsong type church. Yeah. And are reintroducing more liturgical aspects into their liturgies. Right. And so what I what that makes me wonder is, OK, this may not this isn't, I don't think, just a Catholic thing returning to a tradition. There's something deeper that's happening where like there's tectonic shifts that are taking
Starting point is 01:45:49 place such that all sorts of groups are trying to reconnect with their tradition and are becoming more traditional. I suspect that's true. Conservatives in America are doing that. I imagine Muslims are trying to do that. That's probably a bad thing. But Catholics are doing that. Protestants are doing that. The Orthodox are trying to reclaim whatever heritage may have been lost, although it seems like they've done a better job of maintaining it than Catholics. But that's interesting to me.
Starting point is 01:46:13 Like, it's not just Catholics that are doing this. It feels like, at least in the West, the only kind of country and countries I've lived in and visited, there seems to be this desire to return to something prior. I hope so. I don't, and once again running, you're running different circles. I just see, at least where I am in North Georgia, it seems like the mega church, whatever, they're
Starting point is 01:46:35 doing better and better and better all the time. I would love, I would love like old school Protestantism, like those Catholics are idolatrous. No, we have plenty are idolatrous. We have plenty of them. Yeah. Well, you'll see that sometimes online. And, you know, I think that's despicable and not true, but at the same time, like, good for you. Like, good way to have a fire burning. This goes back to, I think, to what I was saying earlier about male and female relations, like in such a, it's such a difficult time to discuss this. So you see kind of hyper errors on both sides.
Starting point is 01:47:05 And I wonder if something like that's also true today in every kind of group. We talk about this all the time, but I just feel like any fire and burning, I'm excited about. And I'll really, you know, I'm sure I brought this up before, but the most negative feedback I've ever gotten in my life
Starting point is 01:47:24 was the first time, second time, something I was on here when I, you know exactly what I'm going to say, when I said I would rather my son grow up and join ISIS than have him grow up and just be like some lame guy who really cares about college football and has a really nice lawn and doesn't have any sense of identity or stand for anything. And what I meant to be clear is that fire is a really good thing that I can that I can work with right that that we can work the Lord can work with right even if it's totally misdirected even if that
Starting point is 01:47:57 fire is going in the absolute wrong direction and this guy agrees with me from a long time ago he said be either hot or cold because the lukewarm I'll speak for my mouth I think you're gonna say the worst because you began by saying the worst insult. I think you I just think the most negative feedback I've ever received Speaking of like sometimes like negative YouTube comments are really creative. So mine was someone making fun of my gigantic head saying When I realized from you're about to say. When I realized from you that it wasn't an anti-Semitic comment about Shapiro, it was a comment about my giant forehead.
Starting point is 01:48:33 I actually laughed. I thought it was great. Like I actually appreciate the effort put into an insult and the best insult you've received. So, I don't read comments, so you can say mean things. But I did read a comment once, the only one that ever got me. I can take accusations of all the worst phobias and ists and all that, that's fine.
Starting point is 01:48:56 The worst one ever was, this is a direct quote, Spam looks like he's one hand sandwich away from a heart attack. And that cut deep, man. Last time you were here you said that guy's been living rent free in my head for years. Who looks like we did when we got married, right? But still. And I made the mistake of telling my kids at school that.
Starting point is 01:49:22 And you know, it's a funny thing. And now I get ham sandwich jokes probably once a week from some random kid at school. Yeah. Has someone ever brought you one? No. Like on Wonder White bread? Push it. I've eaten so many freaking ham sandwiches since then
Starting point is 01:49:40 and I've had zero heart attacks. What? Oh, sorry. All right. There will be in the clip. Just like that Peterson picture. Giant red faced thumb with a beard. Thursday, can we take a break?
Starting point is 01:50:00 Let's take a break. All right, cool. And then come back with more coffee and more cigars. Don't go anywhere. Thanks for being here, everybody. I want to tell you about Halo, which is the number one downloaded prayer app in the world. It's outstanding. slash Matt Fradd. Sign up over there right now and you will get the first three months for free. That's like a lot of time. You can decide whether it's useful to you or not, whether it's helpful. If you don't like it, you can always quit. slash Matt Fradd.
Starting point is 01:50:26 I use it, my family uses it. It's fantastic. There are over 10,000 audio guided prayers, meditations, and music, including Mylofi. Hello has been downloaded over 15 million times in 150 different countries. It helps you pray, helps you meditate, helps you sleep better. It helps you build a daily routine and a habit of prayer. There's honestly so much excellent stuff on this app that it's difficult to get through it all.
Starting point is 01:50:50 Just go check it out. slash Matt Fradd. The link is in the description below. It even has an entire section for kids. So if you're a parent, you could play little Bible stories for them at night. It'll help them pray. Fantastic.
Starting point is 01:51:02 slash slash. Matt. you you you you you You Any sinner is capable of being a great sinner. The secret therefore of character development is the realization of this power that there is in each and every one of us. This might be the reason that I've got no close friends. You want the baby. Oh, we're back. Oh, we're back on that, great. It was good, go, hello. Is that the one that you just did?
Starting point is 01:54:37 Yep. I, I've never used hello. I've heard that I ought to. My dad likes hello hello super into that Yeah, I tend to be a purist and I think if you're gonna pray try to pray with a book right up But there is something really great. It's so great. If you've got an iPhone hello is fantastic, right? I want to talk about something. All right, I Don't remember and then just so you know, we have 8,000 questions from our local supporters
Starting point is 01:55:05 We can do that too. Wow. I want to talk about you're talking about America or Western world like religions going back to their roots I think it is disgusting that there are American flags behind the altar at every Catholic church in the country I think that's gross and I think we should get rid of it Yeah, yeah, it's funny the country. I think that's gross and I think we should get rid of it. Yeah, that's all I gotta say. It's funny, the older we're getting, the less offensive I find you, and therefore the more annoyed I imagine you're getting.
Starting point is 01:55:32 Because it's like, of course, like I'm like, of course that's the case. All right, fine. I think- Of course another one. I think we should- I'm gonna shut this door. We should burn all, no. No, I just think, cause that was born out of, well, is it Dagger John? Do you know about Dagger John? No. He was the, I think Archb was born out of a well is a dagger John you know about dagger John
Starting point is 01:55:46 No, he was the I think Archbishop of New York, okay, and this was there all these anti-catholic whatever's going on up there and The the American flags were in response to like demonstrate how we're hey guys we like America, too We're not loyal to the Vatican which I'm obviously more loyal to my Catholic faith in my country. I was born in yeah, once again I'm crapping on America a lot. I like America America's great glad to live here But that shouldn't be the end all be all of my right essence, but anyway, he he's called dagger John because he would write Bitch up whatever his name John and then a cross but the cross always looked like a dagger Okay, and he wrote a letter. I think I'm telling the story right,
Starting point is 01:56:25 to the mayor of New York, Moscow had been burned down by Russian troops before Napoleon got there, not too long before that, and he said, if you don't do something to him and his attacks on Catholics, I will turn New York into a second Moscow. He said, I will have the Catholics burn this city to the ground. I think that's kinda cool.
Starting point is 01:56:43 I wish we still had that, talking about good old days. Yeah, I'm trying to rehash something we've already talked about, and that's that as the right becomes increasingly right and the left becomes increasingly left, maybe the only sensible position is to have to say something within the middle, which is gonna frustrate you
Starting point is 01:56:58 because you've spent the last 30-something years taking the contrary position. I don't wanna play this game because it'd be a very bad idea, but we were talking this morning in the sauna about the opening question that I like to ask people, right? Which is what's your most offensive opinion? And what I really mean is what's the most offensive thing you're willing to say publicly to me, a stranger, right?
Starting point is 01:57:15 And it opens up some really good conversations and really good. But I'm now trying to think of like what my most moderate opinion is. Oh, that's good. What's my least Embarrassing for you. Yeah, and sharing your most offensive opinion. I got I got nothing so far. Yeah. Oh I have I'm kind of for Pretty liberal immigration policies if we didn't live in a welfare state. That's fairly moderate, right?
Starting point is 01:57:43 I don't know that just sounds like Ben Shapiro I would have no, but I guess that's what you mean. I probably got it from Ben Shapiro Yeah, like I'm kind of okay with that. I wouldn't be okay with that if we were Europe right because the immigrants to Europe are Mostly Muslims from Africa in the Middle East and they're totally divorced Culturally and like even morally in a lot of ways from the Europeans, but our immigrants are like Predominantly hispanics, so that's fine. We just speak a different language. We're culturally very similar our understanding of what is true The same truth in most moderate like what does that mean most moderate opinion I? Guess like a deeply held opinion that you have that's not
Starting point is 01:58:26 Offensive which makes it such a boring That's why leading with what you're not a lot of tablecloths Was it you who came up with that I think we've done this on the show before but it is so fun What is the best worst superpower that was your idea? You're funny. I love that game. I won't tell them I told Thursday I had Jacob here recently the your best one about saving someone who just died if you do That is the most funniest thing.
Starting point is 01:59:05 But I wonder if AI can help me. With best bad superpowers? The best worst superpowers. That all started, we were out in a lake with you and Jerry Creed. That's right! That's where it came from. That was like the brainchild of the best worst superpowers. Tell them the fish one.
Starting point is 01:59:20 Do you remember that? That was the funniest. You can speak to one individual fish, but you don't know which one. which one or no you speak to one individual fish, but he doesn't like you Yeah, so to be clear the best worst superpower We're not doing with the best superpower not doing with the worst superpower of all the worst superpowers one could have what would be the Best out of those bad ones you can speak in so one might be The one I heard from Michael Gormley is you can fly but only as fast as you can run and it wears you out the same Mm-hmm. That's terrific. Yeah, that's a really great word super you can speak and understand any language only while you're in a
Starting point is 01:59:52 Right that means the best worst Superpower now, obviously, it's not gonna understand this but I'm just curious. Are you you're asking AI right now? Yeah The ability to talk to animals. Oh my goodness, this is incredible, dude. It actually got what I meant. Well, tell me. I'm gonna read them. All right. The ability to talk to animals,
Starting point is 02:00:12 but they only talk about mundane things. You can understand and communicate with animals where they only discuss trivial topics like the weather or their food preference, offering no useful, insightful information. How is chat GBT this good? It's terrifying, dude. It really is. Invisibility, but only when no useful insightful information. How is chat GBT this terrifying? Invisibility, but only when no one is looking you can become invisible. But the moment someone looks in your direction
Starting point is 02:00:31 You become visible again. That's very funny. Okay super speed, but only in reverse You can move incredibly fast, but only when going backwards All right flight, but only three inches off the ground. You have the power to fly, but you can only hover a few inches above the ground. Yep. Alright, the ability to... Okay, I can do a better one than this, but the ability to read minds, but only the minds of people speaking a language you don't understand.
Starting point is 02:00:59 Here's a better one. The ability to read minds, but only when they're thinking something negative about you. Yeah, that can be useful. Give me more, but make them offensive. Great. Certainly, but let's ensure we stay with respectful and considerate boundaries while exploring. All right. Oh, and the first thing I said was mind reading, but only when people are thinking bad things about you. That's funny. Super strength, but only when you're naked.
Starting point is 02:01:24 Oh, that'd be great. thinking bad things about you. It's funny. Super strength, but only when you're naked. Oh, that'd be great. You have incredible strength, but it only activates when you are completely unclothed. Yeah, I get that. The ability to get is giving you a short description of a description,
Starting point is 02:01:35 but the description is exactly the same as the title. Stupid Jad, GBT. The ability to teleport, but only to places you strongly dislike. I dig it. I was a. Are you a comic book guy look at this cheese manipulation Create shape and manipulate cheese It's humorous and very specific, but not very practical. What's balloon mimic mimic tree mimicry
Starting point is 02:02:01 Turning into a balloon. It's yeah yeah it's hard to imagine generation you can produce a bad smell a somnia inducement preventing people from smelling things oh no and nose yeah I thought it was it is I mean I said that wrong monarchy inducement the ability to invoke a presence or strength of government over a large radius. All right, I am right here. Shape-shifting, but only into people you despise. That seems like one of the best superpowers actually.
Starting point is 02:02:32 Yeah it does, because then you can embarrass the public. You can just become whoever you wanted and do ridiculous things. Do you think that's what happened in the Trump-Biden debate? Ew, X-ray vision, but it only works on bathroom stalls. Did we do debate parties? Yeah, we did debate party.
Starting point is 02:02:45 You and I went and saw the first Biden Trump debate back in 2020, where Trump talked way too much. I like, I really enjoyed the debate. Did you watch it? Yeah. I think I texted you and said, I'm embarrassed about how excited I am to watch this. I fell asleep before it started because I'm 80 years old and I'm going to bed at like 8 45 every day. But I woke up and this is the first thing I did,
Starting point is 02:03:05 was watch the debate. Do you watch the whole thing? Yeah, I don't. Thoughts? I feel like what I'm supposed to say is, I feel really bad for Biden, whatever, whatever. If I'm talking from a feel, from a feeling perspective, right, I loved it, it felt so good.
Starting point is 02:03:19 I loved watching all of it, I loved, but I understand, right, because I'm capable of abstract thought, that he's a human being, and it's super sad, but I understand, right? Cause I'm capable of abstract thought that he's a human being and it's super sad, but it just felt like the best. It was the best thing ever. I loved every second of it. And I, I'm sure this is a stealing from Michael Knowles or somebody, but I held my nose and I voted for the guy twice. Well, can you shift to the right to touch?
Starting point is 02:03:43 Is that good? Too far? Good. And then lean in. Lean in. Oh yeah. All right here we go. I would after after two Trump elections where I was like oh my gosh fine yes I'm gonna vote for this guy I would walk across glass right to vote for Donald Trump this time with a smile on my face and I don't like that we were talking about this wasn't on air right this was before the show. Yeah you used a different analogy than working on yeah But I would I Hate how much I like the guy like I'm embarrassed by how much I like the guy I
Starting point is 02:04:15 Often have said on this show that you and I were once up in your cabin in North Georgia And we were looking for a movie to watch I think we watched 20 minutes of Evil Dead, that horror movie, and then some amount of time with idiocracy. Oh, we should watch tremors. Have you seen? I thought you didn't like tremors. I thought tremors was one of like 18,000 movies that I've watched 40 minutes of with you. And you've just been like, I don't want to do this anymore. Can we just watch the first five minutes of the Ricky Gervais special and turn it off. Did we watch, did we watch Evil Dead 3 together with Chester? In here?
Starting point is 02:04:48 Yeah. Do we finish it? Army of the Dead. Army of Darkness? Yeah, Army of the Dark. Did we watch the whole thing? I fell asleep. I don't remember.
Starting point is 02:04:56 See? So you can't keep putting stuff on me. It used to be much more pronounced. It used to be you would always fall asleep every single time. Everybody would leave and you'd be like, hey, let's just like go watch a movie. It'll be great. We'll just go have some bourbon in the basement and watch a movie. And then you will like audibly snoring.
Starting point is 02:05:09 Yeah. In no time. But I see I'm slightly older than you. So now you understand. I don't think we ever talked about this. This is good. The power to control weather, but only to create minor inconveniences. You can control the weather, but only to cause small annoyances like light drizzle, strong winds that mess up hair.
Starting point is 02:05:30 I would, I don't know, I think a comic of these superpowers would be super creative with, right? I think that's one of the big fun things about it is coming up with how you would actually use these for what? I want to make a book of these listen the ability to make People fall in love with you, but only when you're extremely sick This one's not good, but I'm gonna read it the power to become incredibly attractive, but only to mosquitoes Yeah, nice try the ability to heal any wound, but it causes you intense pain. That's not good. People receive like surgeries. Right. What's the super hearing? But only when people are gossiping about you, the ability to find any lost item that belongs to someone else.

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