Planetary Radio: Space Exploration, Astronomy and Science - Apollo 13 astronaut Fred Haise

Episode Date: April 13, 2022

“Never panic early” is both Fred Haise’s motto and the title of his new memoir. Join us for a wonderful hour of stories about the Moon mission that almost didn’t make it home, ...along with Fred’s memories of the early days of the space shuttle, the International Space Station and much more. You’ll also have the chance to win a copy of his book when Bruce Betts arrives for What’s Up. Discover more at for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Apollo 13 astronaut Fred Hayes, this week on Planetary Radio. I'm Matt Kaplan of the Planetary Society. Okay, Houston, we've had a problem here. This is Houston, say again, please. Houston, we've had a problem. That's how it started. It would become the greatest rescue in the history of space travel, NASA's successful failure.
Starting point is 00:00:31 We'll hear about Apollo 13 from the inside as we talk for nearly an hour with Fred Hayes. Fred will share many other stories, including his early work on the space shuttle and what would become the International Space Station. They are documented in his new and excellent memoir, Never Panic Early, An Apollo 13 Astronaut's Journey, written with Bill Moore. You'll get the chance to win a copy of Fred's book when we welcome Bruce Betts for this week's What's Up. The Humans to Mars Summit returns to Washington, D.C. on May 17th.
Starting point is 00:01:07 This three-day conference from our friends at Explore Mars will host an amazing collection of Martians, including NASA Administrator Bill Nelson, the Director of NASA's Planetary Science Division, Lori Glaze, Inspiration4 astronaut Cyan Proctor, astronaut and artist Nicole Stott, and many other people you've heard on Planetary Radio. I'll be there co-hosting the webcast with Beth Mund of Casual Space and moderating a couple of panels.
Starting point is 00:01:37 I'd love to see you at the summit. You can check out the entire lineup and register at slash summit. Here's a reminder that there's a new edition of the Downlink, the Planetary Society's weekly newsletter every Friday. You'll find it at slash downlink. There's a link to our really wonderful light sale documentary in the April 8th posting, along with a story about a French company called Gamma that wants to build its own light sails. They credit the Planetary Society's successful light
Starting point is 00:02:12 sale, too, for their effort and hope to build on our design. Godspeed, Gamma. Fred Hayes will turn 89 in November of this year. He's lucky to have made it past 36. That's how old he was when he, Commander Jim Lovell, and Jack Swigert set out for the moon on the third attempt to land there. Fred had helped develop the lunar module that he would pilot. Of course, they never touched down on the moon, but that lunar module nicknamed Aquarius would save their lives. The mission is only one of the many adventures Fred has experienced and documented in his new book. We talked online a few days ago. By the way, you'll hear a technical hiccup that I decided to leave in the interview for reasons that should become obvious when you hear it.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Fred Hayes, it is a tremendous honor to be able to talk to you today on Planetary Radio. Thank you so much for joining us on the show. You're very welcome. I like your hat. Oh, so do I. Thank you, my Planetary Society cap. We'll get you one of those if you want one.
Starting point is 00:03:19 We're a bunch of space fans like you are. And I am a big fan of your new book, Never Panic Early, An Apollo 13 Astronaut's Journey. That title, Never Panic Early, it pops up over and over and over in the book. What did you mean by that title? Well, it's like you have problems of some kind that come up. It doesn't have to be in an airplane or even in space. As you saw in the book, it could be all at once a family emergency. Somebody suddenly has an accident or whatever. You should never do anything drastic too soon. You really need to stop and
Starting point is 00:03:58 survey the situation. In the case of an aircraft, a spacecraft, look at all the systems, look at the meters and try to figure out better what really went wrong. So when you take action, you take the right action to not make the problem worse, but really work at solving the problem at hand. I suspect that's going to come up again, not just when we talk about your Apollo mission, but also some of the other events that have happened in your life. Let's start at the beginning, though, because the book begins way back there. You were a pretty cute kid growing up there in Biloxi, Mississippi. Yeah, it was a small town, 14,000 people at the time, and quiet. It was kind of a town, you know, you were pretty free to run around, a child run around anywhere I was pretty loose
Starting point is 00:04:45 during the day that if I wasn't at school to go anywhere I later I had a bicycle and it's small enough I could cover the whole place with a bicycle school grounds were our playgrounds we didn't have many city playgrounds and the only rule I had was approaching dusk which was normally approaching the supper time dinner time I had to be home. So that was about the only rule I had. Not bad. Sounds like a pretty good childhood for a future astronaut. You were inspired by none other than Buck Rogers. Well, I wasn't inspired to go in space. I just enjoyed that serial. There was a Saturday cereal at the Buck Theater in Biloxi that showed a cowboy show, and then on we showed a Looney Tunes cartoon, and then had the cereal, and one of them was
Starting point is 00:05:34 Buck Rogers and his Space Adventures, where he would run into trouble. And as I said in the book, he'd hop in his rocket and literally push one button and be off and away to escape. And I later found that it wasn't as simple as pushing one button. He never had to limp back home either in his spaceship, I think. I'm going to skip way forward. You talked about your early military experience becoming a, and how sorry you were that you missed the Korean War, that you weren't able to fight along with a lot of the other people that you worked with. Well, you know, we were trained. I was in a fighter squadron and fighter attack. And so you were trained to execute missions that would deliver bombs or rockets or strafe or whatever.
Starting point is 00:06:23 And I had all that training and never got to use it. And I felt even guilty more so during the Vietnam War when many of my friends who were in the reserve unit where we got called in 1961 stayed on and ended up in Vietnam. And of course, in combat. And I never really got to serve in combat where you might be shot at or shoot at somebody else. So I felt guilty. His friends were there. In fact, they had one friend who was shot down twice up in North Korea,
Starting point is 00:06:56 rescued twice, picked him up. That's kind of the feeling I had that I missed out and should have gone like my friends went. In my book, you more than made up for it, but I understand. How did landing on an aircraft carrier compare with preparing to land on the moon? Well, I didn't get to land on the moon, but I assume the commander's landing had high adrenaline flow because they all had to take over manually and move to find a decent place to put it down,
Starting point is 00:07:26 away from either small craters or rocks that were not visible from up high. Carrier was the same way. It required a lot of precision. You had to operate at a slow speed near the stall to come aboard. There was really a precise setup to get to the point where you cut the throttles and slammed onto the deck. So I had the same way. You had a lot of adrenaline going as you were coming around on final that gets set up and execute that landing. You know who's really especially going to love this book? Other pilots. Pilots like, hello, my computer screen just went blank. I don't know what
Starting point is 00:08:08 happened there. I'm here. I'm still here. Yeah, I've never seen that happen before. Houston, we have a problem. Yeah, I'd say never panic early, right? I don't know what happened there. And I've lost the waveform display on my machine. There's that hiccup I warned you about, and here's how we recovered from it. Fred Hayes, guy who made it through Apollo 13, we just had a technical difficulty here, but there you are. So that motto of yours, what is it again?
Starting point is 00:08:38 Never panic early. How appropriate. Well, let me get back to the question that I was just about to ask you, I'd actually started to ask you. The group of people in my mind who are especially going to enjoy this book are pilots, like one of my dear brothers. I mean, were there any planes of that era that you didn't fly? I guess you have to classify planes like different families. You know, you had transports and bombers, the big aircraft that were handling qualities-wise, I call it, how you flew them when you had the stick in your hand. They tended to be heavier on the controls.
Starting point is 00:09:19 They weren't as maneuverable on purpose, actually, the way they were designed. maneuverable on purpose actually the way they were designed whereas fighters were CRISPR had high wanted to have higher maneuverability tight turns of high roll rates and fairly low stick forces a stick and rudder both again by design but took the families I'm the favorite airplane fighter I flew, just because it was so natural, was the F-86 Sabrejet. It was before the era of all the computer and the software algorithms
Starting point is 00:09:53 that are in most modern-day fighters that, virtually, the bare airframe aircraft probably is unflyable, and the computer and the algorithms in there by the flight control designer have made it seem to fly well, whereas probably if the computers weren't there, you couldn't even fly it. It would be uncontrollable. But the 86, without much augmentation, was just nice.
Starting point is 00:10:18 You felt at home, and that aircraft almost immediately trimmed well, could do, you know, do things you wanted it to do to hold an attitude in the bank, hold an airspeed, hold an altitude. It was good. Even some of the fighter type things of holding a gun sight or pipper on the target steady, those sort of things. It was a great, great fighter. Sounds like it was fun, actually, fun to fly. fighter. Sounds like it was fun, actually, fun to fly. You either have the most amazing memory of anyone I've met, or you've kept copies of all of your flight logs, because the details that you provide throughout this book are so amazing. It's like reading a flight log in many cases. Well, I had a lot of background information. For instance, the part where I discussed being at Grumman testing lunar modules when they finished manufacturing and we were getting them ready to ship to the Kennedy to go launch.
Starting point is 00:11:14 I actually kept a daily diary during that period for a year. And I also had written memos. Ed Mitchell, who later landed on the moon on Apollo 14, and I were doing that work. And they balloted a system engineer. We wrote regular memos to Jim McDivitt, who was going to command the very first limb on Apollo 9 in lunar orbit. And we did formal memos to him monthly, roughly, to keep him advised on how his limb was going, because that was our marching orders, to make sure I got a good limb to fly. Similarly, I wrote a lot of handwritten notes when I was in the program office
Starting point is 00:11:50 working for the program director for the Orbiter space shuttle for four years. And then during the approach and landing test, I wrote 31 crew notes, I called them. You know, I had that kind of information to rely, use and rely on to write some of the narrative. The details that you go into, I think, are one of the things that make this book so special. And it really is going to be a great fun for anybody who's a fan, not just of the Apollo program or who followed your mission, Apollo 13, but really across the board. I'm also thinking of all the great characters in the book, because you knew so many of these great pilots and astronauts. We
Starting point is 00:12:30 can't go through all of them, but just to provide a couple of examples, you spent a good deal of time with a guy that I met only once, Chuck Yeager, of course, the first human being to break the sound barrier. Yeah, Chuck, it happened that when I went to the Aerospace Research Pilot School called ARPS, or A-R-P-S at Edwards Air Force Base, it turned out for a year, Chuck was the commandant. He was head of the school. I did get to fly with Chuck one time, I describe in the book. But, you know, I saw him almost every day, you know, just going down the hallways or something or passing by seeing him in his office. But I didn't have, you know, a regular
Starting point is 00:13:12 steady work scope that was going on in the school that Chuck was involved with. He was kind of the big boss. After his accident, he had an accident in the F-104 with a rocket motor attached where he ended up in a spin and had to eject. In fact, I was flying that day, shooting practice like X-15 approaches with a 104 to the LA lake bed at Rogers. And I saw that flash of fire over to the west and I called it out. I called crash, crash, crash to the Edwards Tower. At the time, I didn't realize that was the airplane that Chuck had been in. And later with my boss, Joe Walker, who set altitude record in the X-15, we visited Chuck in the hospital where he had been burned in his neck area from some of the hot coals that came out of the ejection seat motor after he ejected. You had your own experience with some burns after a mishap with an airplane years later. I just want to mention one other person.
Starting point is 00:14:13 There are so many we could pick, but I'm thinking of Bruce McCandless, first person to do an untethered spacewalk, which you mention in the book. But you had an adventure with him in the jungles of Panama. Can you tell us about that? Yeah, Bruce. Well, first of all, the way those exercises were set up, be it in the jungle or we had desert also, they organized you to be in a crew of three, just like we would in the capsule, as if you had done an abort and landed in a desert or landed in the jungle and put you out there, just the three of you.
Starting point is 00:14:48 And they put us in different areas among our original 19 who were going through this exercise in Panama. And I inherited Bruce and the car for this almost a week to live in the jungle. And Bruce, it turned out, was an avid, really, as I call him, almost a professional bird watcher. And of course, he loved things of nature of all sorts. And Bruce kept wandering off, hunting for things. Unfortunately for him and for us, most of the food we might have captured lived in the overhead in the jungle there was a thick blanket of overhead and we could hear things chirping up there and so a lot of the animals really lived upstairs where we couldn't get at them but he was out hunting and foraging to what he might find that would
Starting point is 00:15:36 be of interest and as it got near dark well of course we got. Would Bruce find his way back? Because there were no street signs. But so we ended up just blowing a whistle. We had a whistle in our survival gear every 10 minutes or so and thought that sound would give Bruce a clue of direction to get back home for the night. of the night. That's fascinating. And of course, you all made it back safely, thank goodness. I'm going to jump forward now to what everybody's been waiting for. What were you doing when you heard that loud bang on the way to the moon? At the time I was in the lunar module, we had just completed a TV show that was scheduled. And we had pulled out some of the things in storage to talk about. It was kind of like a show and tell. I was busily trying to put stuff back away that I had pulled out when this bang happened. Jim was, I think, just transposing back to the command module when this happened through the tunnel. So Jack was alone in the command module and the only one on communication at the time.
Starting point is 00:16:46 And he made the first call at Houston. We've had a problem here. Jim got back up and they had not answered. And I think it was because the high gain antenna got hit when that panel went off and it broke communication for a little bit. And Jim repeated the call. and Jim repeated the call, very quickly I left the LM and floated back up to my right couch position, again, to survey what was going on. And you knew something was seriously wrong.
Starting point is 00:17:19 I mean, you didn't, I guess you didn't really realize how bad it was at first, but things went downhill pretty quickly, right? Right. We knew the bang obviously was abnormal. Vehicle actually shook quite a bit with the vibration and started trying to move from the thrust that had been imparted from the panel of a quarter of the spacecraft blowing off the service module. And the thrusters, the 100-pound thrusters were firing to hold attitude. When I got to the panel, it was confusing looking at the caution warning lights. There were about six or seven on. Very quickly surveying what was in front of me in the right
Starting point is 00:17:59 couch was the cryogenics, fuel cells, some of the environmental system and all the power for the systems it was apparent from the readings on several meters that we had lost oxygen tank two now that is in itself was not life-threatening because tank one looked intact as it turned out somehow and we never really knew it it developed this very slowly and was what would eventually go down and lose all its oxygen too but we didn't know it so it was not night threatening but i was just sick to my stomach with disappointment because i knew immediately a loss of one of the two tanks men on the board and we would not even go in the lunar orbit, much less land. So I'd done a lot of training through two previous missions to go to fly and didn't. And here was my big chance, and it went away in an instant.
Starting point is 00:18:57 You'd prepared for so many things in that extensive training, years of training that you and the other Apollo astronauts got. But really, this was something special, right? I mean, this led to all that amazing, ingenious improvisation that, thank God, was able to get you guys home. Right. The failures were obviously considered throughout the design phase. obviously considered throughout the design phase, reliability engineering kind of headed it with written reports called failure mean effects analysis on all the failures you can consider happening, valves open, failed open, failed close, or electric shorts. And explosions were considered primarily thinking about rocket engines, which obviously have a high opportunity maybe to do that.
Starting point is 00:19:48 And the manifestation, always, they wrote of the failure. And early in the design, that often changed the design or added redundancy or added instrumentation to the vehicle. But in the case of explosions, the answer was you're going to lose the vehicle and you're going to lose the crew. So that was the answer. So here we had an explosion that gave mission control and people on the ground a big problem because they didn't lose the crew. We were still there breathing and had the unusual situation of losing the mothership, the command and service module, because when the oxygen ran out of tank one, obviously we had to shut it down. Jack Swigert actually did that.
Starting point is 00:20:30 We left him to power up the LM and to preserve the three small entry batteries that were to get you through entry. So this was obviously nothing we had ever planned for in any of the simulations that we had done for this particular failure. We got to remind people that nobody knew how badly the service module was damaged until you were nearly back at Earth and were able to separate back off from it. And you saw that that panel blown to smithereens, basically. I mean, how did that feel at that moment, when you saw just how bad it was? It was a shock, really, to see that much damage, where literally one quarter of the large panel,
Starting point is 00:21:19 one quarter of the spacecraft, the service module, had come off. And we could see within the area left, charred, torn thermal blankets, some cables loose. It was obvious that it hit the high-gain antenna. And it even looked like there was a sort of a discoloration on the SPS engine belt. Maybe as it swung, the panel swung to the round as it peeled off and maybe hit that even. That was the main engine. That's the main engine on the service module, yeah. So it was really surprising that we hadn't even felt more dynamics at the time with what we saw. You know, you say in the book that something over 25 years after the accident,
Starting point is 00:22:05 you listened again to the recording of your communications with mission control and that you could hear a change in the tone from your astronaut colleagues, the capsule communicators. I don't know if you noticed it at the time while you were on board, while you were still in the middle of the mission, but they must have been pretty worried about you guys. Yeah, actually, what I listened to years later was the inter loops. The astronaut Capcom is on the air to ground loop.
Starting point is 00:22:36 But within mission control, there is a support room off to the side, even outside of mission control with the supporting experts for the various 28 people in mission control. And that loop is private. It doesn't ever go public. So I managed to get those and listen to the chatting back and forth with the various disciplines when they were trying to shut the vehicle down because the mothership was never supposed to be shut down. So there was no procedure on how to shut the vehicle down because the mothership was never supposed to be shut down. So there was no procedure on how to shut it down. So they had to kind of ad lib that part of it.
Starting point is 00:23:12 And I was it was remarkable to me that they were sort of professionally arguing back and forth on what steps to take and what order. They didn't want to damage anything that was in their minds because they they were already thinking we're going to get this thing powered back up later i didn't know quite yet when that was going to be but we don't we want to preserve its integrity so we can do that so they had not given up the ship although when they got to a point in the troubleshooting earlier the first hour really they were troubleshootinghooting and having us do different things on board to try to stop the leak in tank one. When they had run out of ideas on that was when I saw I heard a different change in some of the voices discussing. At that point, they knew they had run out of ideas and were, I guess, deflated because they knew they had lost the battle to stop the leak and they were going to have to
Starting point is 00:24:10 shut down the command module. I wonder if it wasn't a little bit of a blessing that this happened on the way to the moon so that you and Mission Control had days to figure things out rather than on the way back when you maybe't have maybe wouldn't have had that opportunity. Of course, at least you would have walked on the moon by then if all had gone well. So there's a downside, too. But it really seems like it was they needed that time to make sure you were going to be able to get back. Well, mainly we needed a limb. Yeah. able to get back well mainly we needed a limb uh yeah if we had landed on the moon first of all in
Starting point is 00:24:47 rendezvous and that happened uh we could have not gotten out of lunar orbit with just the little ascent engine and what fuel was left and of course a little acid engine couldn't have maybe made covered the time even if the sps engine somehow we got of lunar orbit, if we were out of lunar orbit, then the ascent stage that was left may have been not sufficient for the time remaining to get back to entry. It was that dear lunar module that was able to get you home. One of my favorite photos in the book maybe is unexpected, certainly was unexpected for me. It was a card with a bunch of your hand-printed arithmetic. What were you up to? Well, after the very first maneuver we did,
Starting point is 00:25:34 which Jim executed using the descent engine, wasn't a very long burn, was to get us back on that path to loop around the moon. To get us, sort of now we're in nice coasting flight and at least had a path the way home jim asked me to compute consumables electric how much electric power how much water that would get us home because we knew it but at that time it was going to be a much longer longer mission than we ended up with because of the later maneuver we did it cut some time off. And I did not compute
Starting point is 00:26:05 oxygen because we had lots of oxygen. We had two full backpacks we were going to use on EVAs, an emergency bottle on each. That was probably a one-day supply in themselves. So, but the water and the power for the six batteries in the LEM, I computed the water more for cooling equipment with the hot, the cold plates under electronics and not for drinking particularly. And I had as making it barely with power and I ran out of water based on curves I had of the water usage for a given amperage level, power level.
Starting point is 00:26:46 But at any rate, this little card you're talking about was actually for a different purpose. It was what we call a burn card or a maneuver card where you log the stuff you're going to do for next use of the engine through the computer. And at the bottom, it had a blank area that I used to do all this hand scratching with plain old grocery store arithmetic. I use that card, incidentally, if I that I used to do all this hand scratching with plain old grocery store arithmetic. I use that card, incidentally, if I can use it to do a PowerPoint when I talk to children in school to make them aware of that arithmetic does really come in handy sometimes. It's plain old arithmetic, and that's because we didn't have a calculator on board,
Starting point is 00:27:22 so I did all this by hand. I love that that's being used as a little demonstration for kids or has been ever since. I have always been fascinated by the solutions that you and the people on the ground came up with. You know, using whatever was available, cellophane, a pair of socks, that was new to me, using whatever was available, cellophane, a pair of socks, that was new to me, duct tape, of course, all of this stuff that came together through a lot of ingenious, I mean, really genius activity. I mean, I bet you won't disagree. No, that was kind of one of the things I complained about when I got to talk to Ron Howard after they had the private showing was that he had not showed a big enough cast.
Starting point is 00:28:10 And a few people I had in mind particularly that played big roles were not in the movie. And of course, he explained quickly that if you have only two hours or a little over, you can only develop so many characters. So you have to pick and choose who would make the best character on media. And because there was a larger group, even phone consulting, probably back to the manufacturers that actually designed and built the vehicles
Starting point is 00:28:37 and beyond mission control. And mission control itself had four teams on each mission. So there were four flight directors supporting every mission. They picked Gene Kranz's white team as the preferred one to show in the movie. So there were NASA engineers, and they had a separate room in a different building from Mission Control right next door, Bill and 45, where there was the MER, the Mission Evaluation Room, where there's a host of program office, some program office people, as well as engineers that, as I said, could communicate back to those prime contractors who had built the vehicles and also communicated with subcontractors who had some of the key systems knowledge they needed. The Murr was an interesting place.
Starting point is 00:29:31 There was a double doors going in and they had a sign over the door that said, God is welcome. All others bring data. It's terrific. You know, you made me think of some other people who helped out who weren't anywhere near mission control. We have a lot of listeners in Canada. Could you say something about what happened? The people at the University of Toronto who also helped to get you home. Right.
Starting point is 00:29:54 One problem to address was separating the lunar module as we got close to entry, actually. as we got close to entry, actually. And the normal way you would do that, you would release the latches and use the small 100-pound thrusters on the service module, which was the one that blew up, and use those thrusters to back away to make that clearance. Well, of course, the service module, we'd already separated at the time,
Starting point is 00:30:22 so we just had the upper half of the limb left and so you couldn't use that normal method and an alternate scheme was to pressurize the tunnel in the tunnel area between the hatches of the two vehicles and then the explosively uh separate the in the tunnel to separate the vehicles and let that extra pressure kind of give the push to the lunar module for separation. And the concern was what pressure to use to not cause a leak in one of the hatches. Obviously, not the hatch we were in on the command module without being suited. And one of the Grumman people in research heard about the problem, and he called his friends, his colleagues at the University of Toronto, who were shock dynamic experts that could tackle that kind of problem and got the information to them. of theirs at the University of California, who similarly was a shock dynamics type discipline.
Starting point is 00:31:31 And they both went to work, and neither had obviously ever been involved in the space program per se, particularly not Apollo. And they voluntarily produced data. And I met with the group. One had passed away years later. One was on travel, but I met with four of the six that had worked on it at the University of Toronto, and they showed me the curves, the data they still had of their analysis at a dinner I had with the people. And that was the way it was.
Starting point is 00:31:55 I mean, there was probably some more stories that I've never uncovered of people even outside the program that volunteered knowledge or help consulting in some way to provide data. NASA, of course, had done their own analysis, and I'm not sure which of the three, how they were used to give us what pressure to use in the tunnel. Here's a line from the chapter that tells this story. It was clear that they, Mission Control and all of these other people back on the ground, had not given up on getting us back to Earth. Did you ever doubt it? Well, yes, I doubt it, and I'm sure they doubted it. You know, you work as hard as you can to work
Starting point is 00:32:36 problems at hand that are, call it open items, to come to some conclusion and develop the procedures, to come to some conclusion and develop the procedures. But there was no assurance along the way for solving these things. But I think the spirit was there that we were going to solve them no matter what. And, of course, they lost a lot of sleep. Many people on the ground, I think, got less than I got in flight, trying to struggle to get these things worked out and tested. In some cases, actually did live testing like the lithium cartridge fix.
Starting point is 00:33:19 There was a chamber in Building 7 at Johnson that had a chamber with a LEM environmental system. And they actually put the cartridge fix in there and impregnated it with abundance of CO2 and ran it to make sure that it would get rid of the CO2. So things were done that way before we ever got the procedures to implement. Right on this point, you know, your computer, your other electronics that you had available to you, even though they were the best available back then, they were crazy primitive compared to what we have now. I mean, my little watch has a lot more power than your computer. You say something very interesting, though, about this. And here's that sentence from the book.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Even with all of the increased computing memory and the advent of artificial intelligence over the years since, I think only a human mind could have come up with some of the ideas that got us home. Yeah, certainly it was. It was ad-libbing, as you said earlier, to make use of what was known to be on board. And actually, it was available, a listing by compartment on board, what was there to be available to use. Although even beyond that, like to create the mailbox for the lithium hydroxide removal, they actually used backs of checklists that form a stiff plenum chamber to hook up to the intake hose of the limb to be able to do that extraction. So they went beyond what we call it normal storage was in the vehicle. So it all worked. Thank God you come back to this tremendous celebration. The whole world was celebrating. Sadly, you weren't in great shape. You were kind of under
Starting point is 00:35:07 the weather. Could you describe what happened? Well, I developed a urinary tract. In spite of all the effort we do with white suits and trying to keep the vehicles clean through all the testing and getting it ready for launch, they're still open air. They're exposed to air. And of course, right now where we're sitting, there's probably some germs sitting up floating around. And of course, there were some in the capsule. And they got into my urinary tract and I developed this UTI, a urinary tract infection, and had chills and fever for about a day and a half on the way back in. Sorry you had to spend that time miserable when everybody else was celebrating. I imagine you still had room to have some relief
Starting point is 00:35:52 and feel pretty happy about how things happened. Oh, absolutely, although it's still in the back of my mind. I was most happy about the way when I saw some of the media reports after Splashdown how it had been received. Because, you know, these missions cost considerable money. And this was NASA's first, in our minds, at least at the time, failure. We had not accomplished what we planned to do, to land on the moon at this Faramaro area. And we worried there might be a very negative connotation to that in the general public, and even to a point of maybe causing the demise in the program in some way. So I was elated
Starting point is 00:36:32 to see that it was not looked that way. It was looked at what it was, a great people in problem and a great challenge overcome by a team that worked diligently to have a successful ending, at least what counted, to a splashdown in our survival. Anyone you can walk away from, right? Right, exactly. I was just a kid still for Apollo 13, but I was one of those who was never left the television or except to go to school, I guess. I was jumping for joy when you guys splashed down that day. Fred Haves has many more stories to share when we return in less than a minute. Greetings all, Bill Nye here. Missions of discovery are underway right now thanks to the Planetary Society,
Starting point is 00:37:21 the world's largest independent space advocacy organization. And now is the time to join our space advocacy network to keep NASA's planetary science going strong. Help us fight for missions that matter. First, visit slash take action to make your donations. Right now, your gift will be doubled thanks to a generous member. U.S. residents can also sign the petition asking your representatives to support space science and exploration. With your backing, we'll keep advocating for space. Please go to slash take action today.
Starting point is 00:37:56 Thank you. I'm going to go forward, though, now a few years to the approach and landing tests of the space shuttle and that very first test article, the one given the name Enterprise. And I'm thinking of that first captive flight when Enterprise stayed on the back of the 747, followed by the first free flight when it was released above Edwards, what had become Edwards Air Force Base, formerly Rogers. I was there. I was standing on the lake bed, crazy close to where you guys took off and landed. We reporters were so close and so focused on you guys. We didn't notice the T-38 chase plane that flew right over our heads, knocked us down into the dirt. But man,
Starting point is 00:38:40 that was one of the greatest days of my life when we saw you coming back, floating back down to the dry lake bed. Let me tell you, it was a great experience. It was a great day for me as well. I had worked in a different way for four years. I went into what you want to call a pseudo program management. I left the astronaut office and went to the orbiter project office and worked, as I said, four years during that design development of Shuttle, most of the time, obviously, on Enterprise and Columbia through the preliminary design review on Columbia and through the critical design review on
Starting point is 00:39:17 Enterprise. And then it was obviously great to be chosen as one of the two crews to fly the vehicle through the test flights, which frankly was really back to my love before with NASA as a test pilot. It was an aircraft test program, really, and proved the combination of the aerodynamic qualities of the vehicle. But probably the biggest challenge we had was getting the four computers to work in unison. It was a new system that involved four computers voting each other. And we almost gave up on it.
Starting point is 00:39:53 In fact, at a point we said, we're not going to make schedule flying and maybe go to single string, go to one single string primary, one single string backup system. But finally, one of the IBM later releases, I think I wrote in the book, B23 was the one that all at once stabilized and we never had problems thereafter keeping the computers together. But that was a big, big challenge, just getting that part of the system running right. Flying that orbiter back down to the lake bed, that had to be about
Starting point is 00:40:25 as different as could be from flying an F-86 fighter. Not the handling qualities. It was kind of like a medium airliner in terms of its crispness of the controls. And it handled, it was tighter in terms of handling qualities and handling qualities quality than we'd seen in any of the simulations. So it flew very well. As a glider, it was the equivalent initially with the tail cone on. It was a pretty good glider, much better than, say, the F-86 or the later tail cone off orbiter. So we, in fact, first flight was over five minutes uh long on that glide down to the lake bed so and handling qualities near the ground uh in the one bugaboo
Starting point is 00:41:14 you're worried about is ground effect uh as you get near the ground whether it's suck you into the ground for a harder than landing planned or a balloon you which in our case is bad because no engines to preserve speed that's bleeding off or even go do a go-around. So that turned out to be just about perfect, a nice cushioning, and you could almost let go of the controls and it would land. So it was a beautiful flying machine as it turned out. Were you ever sorry that they didn't keep that concept from the early designs for the shuttle orbiter that added a couple of turbo jets that would have allowed you to have more control and maybe, I guess, even to come back around and give it a second try? Right. That was there in the design initially.
Starting point is 00:42:02 We also had abort rockets. You could go off the pad. They were also deleted. But wait, we could not afford to wait. But we also found out through the later studies and the simulations, we had a footprint good enough coming out of blackout that we would always be able to be within glide distance of the field. That was one of the concerns, that we'd come out of blackout
Starting point is 00:42:23 where we didn't have navigation, and the first time we'd get it, we'd find we're too far away from a field to get to, to land. And that the jet engines, of course, would be a help there to get you where you could make the approach and landing. But we got confidence in the navigation we had on board that that would not be required. And of course, they were a weight penalty, serious weight penalty to have the jet engines. When I was back at Edwards for the first landing of Columbia, one of the greatest things I ever saw, and it's a photo that's hanging on the wall in my office, is Shuttle Enterprise, that test article that you flew, is Shuttle Enterprise, that test article that you flew, surrounded by people, just regular citizens,
Starting point is 00:43:15 the people who paid for it. Because of that, it's just a treasure to me. I think it represents how the American public and others embrace that program and to a large degree still embrace space travel, space exploration. No, it was a versatile vehicle that we really, we don't have that capability in anything we have today to not just carry things up and launch them, but to retrieve satellites who have done that, or as we've gone, we've gone back up a couple of times to repair a space telescope and make it do the wondrous things and sightings it's done, as well as upgrade it. The second flight went up and replaced some of the avionics to make it even better. So we don't have anything quite yet to look on the horizons, at least reality, that can do those kind of missions. Pretty spectacular spacecraft.
Starting point is 00:44:09 You know, I'm only sorry that our time is limited because I could spend another half hour talking to you about your experiences with the shuttle and probably another hour with Apollo 13. But I got a few other questions I want to try and get to. You left NASA after 20 years. You realized it'd be several more years before you'd have a chance to fly a shuttle orbiter and went to Grumman. It was before it became Northrop Grumman, of course. And they kept you real busy as a vice president, didn't they? Yeah, I spent four years at New York where Grumman Corporate was, as you say, running space programs. Some of it was kind of new to me. I was always involved in programs that already existed
Starting point is 00:44:47 or even operations of things. And a big part of my job was new business. And that's a practice where companies do studies, some on their own, but some coupled with minor contracts with the customer to really, if you want to call it, do the groundwork to invent the program and make it happen, which also includes, as you get a little further into it, some lobbying with Congress to help NASA through their budget cycles to make that program become a reality where you now get to actually do the finished design and build it. One of the things, for instance, we sold for the shuttle was the manipulator foot restraint. This is the thing on the end of the RMS arm that you see astronauts perched on to do work on satellites, that kind of thing. Actually had a simulator. Several astronauts, we had come to Grumman and try it out,
Starting point is 00:45:46 where we could replicate the dynamics on the arm for what work they were doing. So they could see how much jiggling or dynamics, they would incur as they're using tools to do some tasks while perched on this simulator. We did studies though for things like, I mentioned one that would someday maybe happen, but very dramatic and good for the green folks, was a solar-powered satellite. Oh, yeah. That's where you'd launch. And, of course, the big drawback was to have the boost capability.
Starting point is 00:46:18 But to build this large array of solar power, the one we're looking at at the time in the study was like the size of Manhattan. That would be a gerosynchronous orbit and be providing, you know, 24 hours a day, solar powered, beamed down by a microwave or infrared to a station in the ocean and then cabled back to land. Of course, that's a lot of mass to put up there, and it would take, again, a cheap boost capability to even begin to make it economical. But of course, once in place, you had a lot of free power. We actually looked at the study. It was interesting. Rather than pre-build the beam structure the solar cells would be mounted on for that size object, the system trade was you would build it up there. In other words, you'd build a beam-making machine that would go up and bring raw material up. And so you'd build the whole thing on orbit. Who knows if that'll ever come to pass, for real.
Starting point is 00:47:27 I think there have been some almost attempts at that just on a test basis up on the International Space Station. And who knows, maybe we will still see a solar power station someday, especially as it costs less and less to get a pound or a kilogram up there above the Earth. as it costs less and less to get a pound or a kilogram up there above the Earth. You were also there, weren't you, in the early troubled days of what was then known as Space Station Freedom? I mean, am I right to call them troubled? Well, the trouble was financial. For years, I ran a system engineering integration contract for Grumman on the ISS, not the ISS, but Space Station Freedom, it was known as at that time. And every year it was a fight for NASA, which we supported in any
Starting point is 00:48:15 way we could to get through the congressional committees and through the budget cycle to keep us going. We never could make the breakthrough during my time there to get the step up in funding. You can play with design, and we restructured the vehicle on paper a couple of times during my period to try to take things out to make it, quote, cheaper, but to actually make the bigger step from what we call phase B to phase C, where you really think about building it, takes a peek up in the funding. And we kind of never could get traction to make that step. So we did a lot of paper studies and not studies, but changes in the design during that period of four years. that period of four years. It wasn't until the Russians joined the program later that the funding was pretty much by the program plan to get it built. It was tough because of the morale with
Starting point is 00:49:14 that very publicized problem in the newspapers that our workers could see. I was doing a lot of work, mainly as a morale officer in my spare time, trying to retain the engineers I had acquired in nationwide recruiting to build up the engineers I had in Washington to have them stay on the job because they had them worried about, is the program going to survive? One year, if one vote had changed in the House of Representatives, there would be no space station today. Things like that that were highly publicized in the Washington Post and most of the other periodicals where I had people at integration offices
Starting point is 00:49:57 at four NASA centers. Same way, a smaller workforce, but I had people there that support the integration. And they felt the same way as this program really going to last. But it worked. Do you ever go outside now and wait and watch that little point of light pass overhead? I hope that you take some pride in knowing that you and your team laid the groundwork for that space station where people have now been living for well over 20 years. Yes, I am proud and I'm amazed in some ways that we managed to get the interface documents for how this thing all came together correct
Starting point is 00:50:39 from a standpoint of not just a mechanical mating of all the parts, but all the throughput of data lines, plumbing, cooling air, that sort of stuff that all meshed and fit together. One thing I really worried about that you'd get the next part up, next module, and it wouldn't fit. And the shuttle couldn't hang around very long to make that happen. So I was happy that that was accomplished, which is a big part and concern and challenge to make sure that never happened. Definitely getting us ready to go back to the moon and on to Mars someday.
Starting point is 00:51:21 I got just a couple of other questions, but there's one little sidelight I have to mention. Because I think it was during this period in your corporate career when you gave a tour to a certain science fiction author, a guy who was on this show many times before we lost him, the great Ray Bradbury. And how did you interact with him? Ray was gracefully replied to my request for him to be our chief speaker at the large banquet affair we had for an annual event called the Space Congress in Cocoa Beach. It was a three-day event, and I happened to be that year the chairman. Got it all ready to go, and I needed various events. I needed speakers, and I thought of Ray as a great guy for the banquet event. As an aside from that, I got to take him, and I wanted to, to take him on a tour of the real space stuff out at Kennedy Space Center, which was Shuttle. And so I took
Starting point is 00:52:20 him through the processing facilities, particularly the OPF, which is the hangar that shuttle was being reworked in, and of course the launch pad. And there was a vehicle underway getting ready for the next launch in the OPF. And he went in, and of course, if you've seen flown orbiters, they show some of the battle-weary signs on the fuselage of their last flight. It's a real spacecraft. He got underneath and looked up and scanned this vehicle, and actually tears came to his eyes. Because he had written, of course, about even more marvelous vehicles that went to Mars and wherever. But this is the first time he had really seen a real, real spacecraft, that one that had flown in space.
Starting point is 00:53:08 And of course, it was just, to him, I guess, this was a big, big day. I know the feeling. Tomorrow, as we speak, I'm going to be back underneath Shuttle Endeavor, that orbiter, for Yuri's night at the California Science Center. Will already have happened by the time people hear this. Every time I walk into that room and just overhead out of reach, you can see those burned tiles on the bottom of that craft that carried humans into orbit above our Earth. It is almost overwhelming. I mean, it brings tears to my eyes as well. My colleagues at the Planetary Society are going to be very pleased to learn that you end the book
Starting point is 00:53:51 with your concern for defending our planet from asteroids. It's something we talk about a lot on this show, including with your old friend and fellow Apollo astronaut, Rusty Schweikert. I guess I need to thank you for that. Rusty, I've obviously worked on that theme a lot longer than my thoughts about it. It's one of these things that's real, but it's kind of like I ask people in general, and of course, U.S. government and the governments in general say, well, it's probably not going to happen on my watch. It'll be beyond my time, and I'm not going to do anything serious to worry about it. But I think we've gotten to know things better, including our visits. I'm amazed at the missions that have been flown with some very lengthy rendezvous, years, in fact, to get to a comet or a large meteorite and shoot pictures of it.
Starting point is 00:54:46 Or even we've landed a couple. I guess we've got one that's coming back with samples. Very soon. Okay. But that's just amazing that we've got that knowledge base. And we have, I guess, near it is a mission on the way that's going to go up and nudge a small satellite around the bigger asteroid yes to look at the physics and the dynamics of that nudge to better appreciate how we might attack it when we have to if we have to for a much bigger one where we would send something
Starting point is 00:55:19 up to do a similar thing to make it avoid hitting earth scary The scary thing is those interlopers. We've had an interloper come through that is from somewhere else. We don't even know where it came from. I guess some of the alien folks, thinkers, thought it may have been an alien passing through our solar system.
Starting point is 00:55:39 Those things are bad because we may not get much time to know they're coming. Most of the larger ones, at least, meteorites, asteroids, we track. We understand that and know when we might be threatened, could know when we might be threatened. But these antelopes, we may not get much warning that they're heading in to our solar system. So it would be nice to have a capability, and to me it's an international problem to worry about, not just the U.S., to think of having not just one capability for defense,
Starting point is 00:56:16 but you need to have several because the first one you send may be a failure. And so you'd like to have a backup, at least, to make a second attempt at these things. Have had some small ones, I have near misses, even lately. We sure have. Thank you for that. I got just one more question for you. Forgive me if I am off base here. When I was talking to you about that tour you gave to Ray Bradbury, and my own reaction when I walk up to the space shuttle Endeavor and stand beneath it. You took off your glasses, you wiped your eyes a little bit. I don't know, maybe it's just allergies, but I wonder if you were feeling what I did. Because you say in
Starting point is 00:56:55 the book that you were usually a no-nonsense, just-the-facts kind of guy, and yet there was one view from Odyssey, your command module, that really took your breath away. I'm guessing it was one of those emotional moments. I say, matter of fact, to me, to me, the mission I flew in space was just an extension of my airplane experience. You know, you needed a altimeter that read a little higher and you had some different systems in it for life support, and you used rocket engines versus air-powered jet engines. But to me, it was just another piece of machinery that was meant to go a little further. So I didn't see anything mystical particularly about it. Some people had a religious connotation from their missions, I did not feel that.
Starting point is 00:57:49 But what about that view of Earth? Well, the views were all incredible. I mean, even from Earth orbit, of course, highest I'd been in an airplane was approaching 90,000 feet on 104 Zoom flights, going around in orbit and looking at the large land masses and water and features from even 100 miles we were at for a couple of revolutions, but particularly looking at the Earth shrinking as you went away to a small ball. And of course, the contrasting view as you briefly looped around the moon, including a good view of the backside. We were at about 130 miles, a little over, versus the 60 most people were in orbit at.
Starting point is 00:58:33 So looking so contrastingly, so different from our beautiful Earth. Yeah, those were all, I'll call it certainly unusual and impressive things to be looking at. Fred Hayes, thank you very much. I just wonder, is there anything else that you would want to add for the audience to hear that we may not have gotten to? No, I don't think so. Just at the end of the book, I really talked to three challenges. Hope people read and think about. at the end of the book, I really talked to three challenges, hope people will read and think about.
Starting point is 00:59:11 They, uh, they're all things that, uh, for future generations need to consider and hopefully, uh, do some, uh, proactive rather than reactive, uh, responses to. That book that he's talking about is Never Panic Early, an Apollo 13 astronaut's journey from Smithsonian Books. And you had assistance in writing this from Bill Moore, who has also been heard on this program, great aerospace historian and writer. Do you want to say anything nice about Bill? Yeah, Bill, I actually met, I think it was probably 22 years ago, because I have a picture of him and my granddaughter, Dakota, who at the time was probably five years old. She's going to 28. Quite a while ago, I was at an event where I was inducted into the Oklahoma Aviation Hall of Fame.
Starting point is 00:59:58 And I met Bill then, and we're co-graduates of the University of Oklahoma. And we're co-graduates of the University of Oklahoma. So we've kept in touch over the years for various other events because he's been involved in several museums. He's on boards of directors of a couple right now. And I've been involved 15 years on the board of Infinity Science Center and worked from day one to help it raise the money to get it built. It did not exist. We had to build it and then raise money for exhibits, where it's a fully operational museum in Mississippi, close to where I grew up and close to Stennis Space Center. Infinity Science Center, one of the many, many topics we simply don't have time to discuss
Starting point is 01:00:42 in this conversation, but they are in the book, Never Panic Early. Again, Fred Hayes, thank you so much for the book, for spending time with us, but most especially for your many, many decades of service. All right. And I'm glad we survived that one panic early event. We did indeed. Houston, you can stand down. Okay. Time for What's Up on Planetary Radio. Welcome back, everybody, and welcome to you, Bruce Batts, Chief Scientist of the Planetary Society. I am glad you're here. I just want to say up front, because I'm not going to get to write to everybody, but thank you to all of you who sent me birthday wishes last week.
Starting point is 01:01:26 Because, yes, indeed, it was my birthday. And I'm very grateful. Thank you. I had a nice time. Happy birthday, Matt. You know, to celebrate, I was able to buy just a whole bunch of new cool video games. You're going to give those to me? Let's say for your birthday, I bought a bunch of stuff for me.
Starting point is 01:01:47 That's interesting because we got this message from Ben Owens in Australia. He was one of my well-wishers. He said he sent my gift of $1,000 to you, Bruce, so you could give it to me at my surprise party. Shall we just go on? Surprise! I think you should tell us what's up in the night sky. The pre-dawn planet party has gotten so cool.
Starting point is 01:02:14 It really is worth checking out. Jupiter joining Venus, so the brightest planet in the sky, brightest natural object in the night sky besides the moon is Venus. And the second brightest is Jupiter. Jupiter is coming up and joining Venus over the next couple weeks and will be low in the eastern sky in the pre-dawn.
Starting point is 01:02:39 Jupiter and Venus both extremely bright. Venus much brighter. They will be closer than the width of a full moon on April 30th. But it doesn't stop there. There's this whole lineup going from the horizon to the upper right of Jupiter, Venus, reddish Mars, and yellowish Saturn, both of which are much dimmer than the other two. So check that out. April 30th, partial solar eclipse, if you're in the right place, if you happen to be in the southeastern Pacific Ocean or southern South America, April 30th, partial solar eclipse. On to this week in space history. It was 1972
Starting point is 01:03:17 that Apollo 16 was launched, taking humans successfully to and from the moon once again. In 1981, the landing of the first ever shuttle mission to space, STS-1, landed this week in 1981. And I was there, as I mentioned to Fred Hayes just a few minutes ago. I was standing just off the dry lake bed covering that. And boy, what a wonderful celebration that was. And I enjoyed that you just dropped the name Fred Hayes. All right, let us move on to Random Space Fact. Wow, operatic. Features. I love naming of features in the solar system for some odd reason. Features on the binary asteroid system Didymos and Dimorphos, which you may be familiar with or you certainly will be in a few months, will be named after percussion musical instruments.
Starting point is 01:04:16 We'll get our first close-up look at the system shortly before the DART mission impacts Dimorphos this fall as the first test of asteroid deflection. And when those features are seen, they will be named after percussion musical instruments. I can only guess because it's one thing hitting another. That makes sense now that you mentioned it. All right, we go on to the trivia contest. And we played Planetary Radio Math Games once again. I ask you, what is mission numbers of the following added together? So the mission numbers added together, the first Apollo to orbit the moon, plus the only space shuttle to land at White Sands, New Mexico, plus the first Mars orbiter. How'd we do, Matt?
Starting point is 01:04:59 Here's the answer from our poet laureate, Dave Fairchild in Kansas. Apollo 8 was pretty great. It orbited the moon. Then shuttle STS-3 came down at White Sands Dunes. The Mariner was number nine. It circled Mars around and adding them gives 20 because it's math the whole way down. That is correct because it's our 20th year, Matt. Oh, I see what you're getting at there. This is the 20th year of planetary radio. Yes, you're right. We did have several people who said that the first Mars orbiter was the Soviet Union's
Starting point is 01:05:38 Mars 2. It was not, even though it launched first. Here's what part of the response we got from Kent Murley in Washington. Mariner 9 launched from Cape Canaveral 11 days and two days after the Soviets launched two heavier orbiters that included Mars landers. Less mass helped Mariner 9 enter Mars orbit sooner. But I looked it up. It was only a couple of weeks before Mars 2 from the Soviet
Starting point is 01:06:06 Union arrived. So sorry, folks. But yeah, most of you did get it right, knew that it was Mariner 9 that got there first. One of those, I think, was Isaac Mitchell in New York, who is 11 and loves space. And Isaac, we're glad of that. I'm sorry to say, though, Isaac, did not make you the winner this time, but keep at it, Isaac. Here's our winner. It's Al Jansen, another first-time winner. He's in Minnesota. He says he loves the show, and he has won himself that 20-by-36-inch Mars Science screen poster from Chop Shop featuring curiosity, perseverance, and that cute little whirlybird ingenuity on the red planet. And those, of course, from, where the Planetary Society has all of its merchandise in our own little sub store there as well. Congratulations, Al. Congratulations. And we are ready to get a new quiz from you. It's time once again to play Where in the Solar System? Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. And here's my birthday present to you, Matt. Where in the solar system is there a mountain named Kaplan? So give me the object, the planet,
Starting point is 01:07:20 moon, whatever it is. Give me the object on which there is a mountain named Kaplan. Go to planetary in our solar system. Go to slash radio contest to get your entry in by. Well, first of all, why did I not know this? Second, you need to get that to us by Wednesday. That'd be Wednesday, April 20th at 8 a.m. Pacific time. Why did you not know the answer? Why did you not know I was going to ask the question? Well, both. But why did I not know that there's a mountain that somebody very kindly, clearly named after yours truly? That's not part of the question, just to be clear.
Starting point is 01:08:02 Here's your prize. If you make it through this one, past, it is the book that we were talking to Fred Hayes about, his brand new book, Never Panic Early, an Apollo 13 astronaut's journey that he wrote with the great Bill Moore. And it is from Smithsonian Books. It can be yours. Enjoy. We did get one question, Bruce, about prizes,
Starting point is 01:08:24 or a suggestion from John Ferguson in Illinois, who said rubber asteroids are great and we will give away some more before too long. But when are you going to offer a light sail kite that was built by a staff of the Planetary Society and flown successfully. It hangs in an office at TPS headquarters, so I don't think so. We also have a quarter-scale model of light sail in the Smithsonian Futures exhibit right now that looks like a kite, but it's not. So, sorry, but if you'd like to build a light sail kite and send us pictures, we'll be happy. Brilliant. Brilliant suggestion.
Starting point is 01:09:09 We might even throw in a rubber asteroid if you actually build a light sail kite. So you can write to us at the same place, Planetary Radio at We're done. Alright everybody, go out there, look up the night sky and think about what would you make a kite look like
Starting point is 01:09:25 for fun thank you and good night yeah i would make a kite look like well there's a mountain somewhere in the solar system named kaplan that's what i would make it look like i'd make it look like your face well face it everybody he's Bruce Betts, the chief scientist of the Planetary Society who joins us every week here for What's Up Kind of cheeky, aren't you? Planetary Radio is produced by the Planetary Society in
Starting point is 01:09:56 Pasadena, California and is made possible by its members who dream big It's a dream you can share at slash join. Mark Hilverda and Ray Paletta, our associate producers, Josh Doyle composed our theme, which is arranged and performed by Peter Schlosser. Ad Astra.

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