Planetary Radio: Space Exploration, Astronomy and Science - BONUS: Introducing Science Rules! with Bill Nye

Episode Date: May 17, 2019

Host Mat Kaplan has a special announcement to share about Planetary Society CEO Bill Nye.  The Science Guy is on a mission to change the world— one phone call at a time. On his new podcast, Science... Rules!, he tackles the curliest questions on just about anything in the universe. Perhaps you’ve wondered: Should I stop eating cheeseburgers to combat climate change? How often should I really be washing my pillowcase? Can I harvest energy from all those static-electricity shocks I get in the winter? Science Rules! Is out NOW - find it in your favorite podcast app. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit for privacy information.See for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, everybody. Hey, this is not a regular episode of Planetary Radio or even the Space Policy Edition. It's really just a chance to mention something very special that our boss has just begun. That, of course, is Bill Nye, the CEO of the Planetary Society and the science guy. Bill has a brand new podcast called Science Rules. You've been hearing him off and on on Planetary Radio for many, many years now. Well, now he's off doing this. It is not a Planetary Society production, but we are pretty thrilled about it. We love pretty much everything the boss does. I really encourage you to take a listen. It sounds like it's going to be outstanding. We've
Starting point is 00:00:38 got a little sample of it, a little promo in just a second. Again, it's called Science Rules from the Science Guy. He's going to be taking calls from listeners, and he and his friend and co-author, Corey Powell, Corey S. Powell, science writer, editor, are going to be answering these questions along with other guests. And some of these questions, you know, they're ones that we might address here on Planetary Radio, like how do you go about putting colonies on Mars? But most of them, I suspect, are going to be things you would never hear on Planetary Radio, like will I ever be able to upload my brain to a computer? Or should we stop eating cheeseburgers to combat climate change? And here's a great one. I get asked this now and then by friends. How does air conditioning work? Or for that matter,
Starting point is 00:01:24 a refrigerator. It amazes people. If you know how they work, ask a friend why it doesn't get colder when the refrigerator door is left open. And then you can explain to them the wonders of thermodynamics. Bill wants to explain how science rules everything in the universe. And you're going to have to listen to the podcast, I'm afraid, to find out what people are asking him. I'm hoping I can ask a question now and then. The first episode, as I said, is now out. It is absolutely free, so you can check it out after you hear this little preview if you feel like it. Just search for Science Rules with Bill Nye in
Starting point is 00:01:58 your favorite podcast app. The same ones that you listen to Planetary Radio on, unless you hear us on But, you know, we're talking Stitcher, Apple Podcasts, all the usual suspects. So anyway, thanks for listening. Here is that very brief preview. And I look forward to talking to you again soon with another episode of Planetary Radio at Astra. Hello, is this Mr. Nye? Yes, yes it is where are you calling from i'm calling live from new york welcome to science rules where we talk about all the ways in which science rules our universe after all science rules everything including kites kelvins kumquats, plywood, plumbing, plumage, whiskers, wallabies, and waterfalls.
Starting point is 00:02:47 Let's get into it. You have some great questions, so I'll take your phone calls. I just want to know if it's real. Is there any science behind it? What is the best way to offset my hobby environmentally? How will we go about putting colonies on Mars? Can I somehow make myself become a morning person? We'll do our best to answer your questions. I'm joined by Corey S. Powell. Who are you?
Starting point is 00:03:07 I'm a science writer and editor. I'm also your friend, and I'm here to make this podcast with you. Oh, yes, of course. But don't worry, people. It won't be just us. We'll have experts on here, too. They're expert and very smart. My mission is to elevate scientists to be like rock stars.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Our lived experiences, those things matter. We can't reduce ourselves down to a string of letters. Did you like it, by the way, this answer? I liked it. I loved it. And I don't want to put words in Larry's mouth, but I'm also imagining that when he goes into space, he wants it to blow up. I hadn't considered that, but I mean...
Starting point is 00:03:44 Remember, we're here to help you make sense of this universe, because wherever you are in the universe, science rules. Science Rules is available now. Subscribe in Stitcher, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen.

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