Planetary Radio: Space Exploration, Astronomy and Science - Defenders of Earth on Planetary Radio

Episode Date: May 12, 2021

The 2021 Planetary Defense Conference brought together the leading scientists, policymakers and other experts who are working to protect our planet from near-Earth objects (NEOs). The Planetary Societ...y welcomed six of these heroes to a special virtual gathering in late April. You’ll hear their progress reports on this week’s show. One is our own Bruce Betts! He’ll stick around for a NEO-packed edition of What’s Up.  Discover more at for privacy information.See for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Six Heroes of Planetary Defense, this week on Planetary Radio. Welcome, I'm Matt Kaplan of the Planetary Society, with more of the human adventure across our solar system and beyond. Are we making progress toward avoiding the fate of the dinosaurs? That was the theme when I welcomed an international group of experts for the only public event at this year's Planetary Defense Conference. You'll hear their very encouraging reports on today's show, and we'll talk about what's ahead, including the first mission to test asteroid deflection. One of those experts is our own Bruce Betts. He'll stay with us for a Planetary Defense-Centered edition of What's Up, including the return of the rubber
Starting point is 00:00:48 asteroid of doom. I'm very grateful to everyone who took a moment to rate and review Planetary Radio in Apple Podcasts. I'm even more grateful to all of you who subscribed. No worries if you haven't gotten around to it. The cosmos and I are patient. Even giant planets have reason to worry about asteroid and comet impacts. Take a look at what comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 did to Jupiter in 1994. Ouch!
Starting point is 00:01:20 You'll find the image at the top of the May 7 edition of The Downlink. Great space headlines, too, though Mars Helicopter Ingenuity has now completed a fifth flight across the red planet. I hope you'll join us for next week's show when I'll welcome back Ingenuity Project Manager Mimi Ong. And there's much more than news at slash downlink. Our friends at Explore Mars have scheduled the very first Mars Innovation Forum for May 25-27, and they've lined up a terrific collection of Red Planet All-Stars for this virtual event. I'll be moderating a session called Building and Creating on Mars, but I look forward to hearing all the great conversations. You can check it out and register at The four-day 2021 Planetary Defense Conference ended on April 30th. Like so many other regular gatherings this year, participants had to meet online.
Starting point is 00:02:15 This limitation doesn't seem to have limited the impressive agenda or the presentations by scores of leaders from around the world. or the presentations by scores of leaders from around the world. As you'll hear, it once again included a carefully designed exercise, a simulation of an encounter with an asteroid that was as exciting as any movie and far more instructive. The Planetary Society was once again a primary sponsor of the PDC. What you're about to hear is almost all of the hour we were given to share the excitement in a live webinar. Each of our six outstanding panelists had a great story to tell.
Starting point is 00:02:58 You'll hear them introduced as we go forward, so I'll stop wasting your time and take you directly to Thursday, April 29th, and the program we called Earthlings vs. Asteroids. What's the score? Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, wherever you are around our beautiful planet. I'm Matt Kaplan of the Planetary Society, where I host our public radio series and podcast, Planetary Radio. We come to you today as part of the International Astronautical Academy's 2021 Planetary Defense Conference. It is the seventh biannual gathering of experts and policymakers from all over our pale blue dot. We'll hear from six of these passionate defenders of Earth. Think of this as a status report. By the end of the hour, we hope
Starting point is 00:03:41 you'll have a better feel for what's being done to make sure that humanity doesn't go the end of the hour, we hope you'll have a better feel for what's being done to make sure that humanity doesn't go the way of the dinosaurs. Kelly Fast is the Program Manager for Near-Earth Object Observations Programs in NASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office, where she works with the Planetary Defense Officer at NASA, Lindley Johnson. Welcome, Kelly. Hi, Matt. Thank you. officer at NASA, Lindley Johnson. Welcome, Kelly. Hi, Matt. Thank you. What is the first order of business if we want to learn how to defend our planet from big rocks that might come our way? Well, the first order of business for planetary defense is to find the near-Earth asteroids and the near-Earth objects, any asteroids or comets that come into Earth's neighborhood and to figure
Starting point is 00:04:23 out where they've been and where they're going to be in the future. If we don't know that something could pose an impact threat, then we can't take all of these other steps that you're going to hear about today also. So the first order of business is to find them. No doubt. Like our other panelists, you have some slides that we're going to zip through, beginning with this impressive collection of telescopes. Do they begin to give us an idea of what's being done at NASA to find the NEOs that we don't know about yet? Oh, absolutely. This is the bread and butter of planetary defense, just surveying the skies, looking for that moving point of light against the stars. And so these telescopes
Starting point is 00:05:05 provided by a number of institutions that are funded through NASA's program are doing this every night, surveying the skies, looking for objects or looking for natural objects that might not already be in the catalog. And these telescopes are provided by the University of Hawaii with the Pan-STARRS survey and the University of Arizona with Catalina Sky Survey. They're the kind of the most productive of the surveys being funded by NASA right now, producing most of the discoveries, but also complementing them are the Atlas telescopes from the University of Hawaii. Also, nice interagency coordination here with the U.S. Space Force on their space surveillance telescope and pulling asteroids out of the images that they take at night. Finally, even repurposing a telescope that was developed for another purpose. NEOWISE is the repurposed WISE space telescope
Starting point is 00:05:57 that is now full-time surveying for asteroids. It wasn't designed to do that, but it's kind of a good pathfinder on the way to how to do this properly from space. And it's producing a lot of characterization information, size information about asteroids in the catalog. And then there are also many other observatories funded by the program involved in following up these discoveries and trying to make sure there's enough information to calculate the orbits to know where these objects are going to be in the future. Congress gave NASA a goal to find 90% of the near-Earth asteroids that are 140 meters and larger in size. Now, we want to find all of them that our telescopes can detect, but this is a size range that would really pose a regional threat should an object of that size impact Earth.
Starting point is 00:06:45 So it's kind of a good benchmark to go after. And the folks who do all the modeling are able to estimate that there's probably about 25,000 of those objects out there. We're only about 40% of the way through, but still plugging away every night. At the current discovery rate, it is going to take more than 30 years to complete the survey, every night. At the current discovery rate, it is going to take more than 30 years to complete the survey. But there are efforts to look at next generation telescopes to speed this up. But again, those telescopes I just showed you, they're just plugging away every night. This pathfinding that I mentioned, like from the NEOWISE telescope, and also from a number of studies done with the
Starting point is 00:07:22 community, including with the National Academy of Sciences, all of them point toward the need to put a telescope in space and that it should have infrared capability in order to be able to yield size information and also to get these discoveries of asteroids that might be very dark in color and harder to pick up from telescopes on the ground that are looking in the optical and what our eyes can see and something might be very large but it's very dark in color it might be very faint and ultimately to speed up to speed up those discoveries of 140 meters and larger near-earth asteroids and also any asteroids that are picked up by the survey add those to
Starting point is 00:08:03 the catalog and then be able to retire risk from them and hopefully not, but if there is something that poses an impact threat to Earth, to discover it many, many years ahead of time, decades ahead of time. Right now in the Planetary Defense Conference, we are dealing with an asteroid scenario of a fictional asteroid that was discovered only six months prior to impact and wrestling with those issues. We don't want to find ourselves in that type of a scenario. And so there are many reasons for then looking at what is the best way to speed up the survey and to make sure that we have lots of time. And so this is what NASA is working on.
Starting point is 00:08:48 And we're going to hear more about that exercise from Paul Chodas, who is the evil genius out to destroy the Earth simulated fashion in that exercise. We're also going to hear about work that is being done all over the planet from some of our other panelists. But what about worldwide collaborative efforts to track and characterize NEOs? Right. Our planetary defense officer likes to say that planetary defense is a team sport, and it does take a worldwide effort. There actually is that underway. The UN recommended a collaboration, the International Asteroid Warning Network. This is a collaboration of observatories and independent astronomers and space institutes and orbit calculators worldwide to bring their capabilities to bear on this near-Earth asteroid
Starting point is 00:09:35 planetary defense issue. And so there's a lot of contribution from these different institutions and observatories in terms of following up the discoveries of asteroids, getting more observations to be able to determine their orbits, determine where they're going to be in the future, doing modeling of what the population might be or what impact effects might be. All of that coming together as part of an international collaboration, everybody working with their own institutions,
Starting point is 00:10:04 everybody doing what they're already doing, but getting these communication channels in place so that if there ever is any sort of impact threat that needs to be addressed, that will be in place. And this group, the International Asteroid Warning Network, also conducts its own coordinated observation campaigns, sometimes treating them as planetary defense exercises, their own little scenarios, in order to exercise these capabilities and these communication channels. And in fact, with the asteroid Apophis,
Starting point is 00:10:35 there was a recent observing campaign that's just wrapping up with Apophis, where astronomers around the world were observing it to try to characterize it at this last opportunity before its 2029 close approach. So a very good collaboration. Speaking of international efforts, Gerhard Droschagen chairs the Space Mission Planning Advisory Group, formerly of the European Space Agency. Gerhard now joins us from the University of Oldenburg.
Starting point is 00:11:02 Welcome, Gerhard. We heard it's important to find objects that could pose a threat to Earth. But then it's the next question. What could you do? And of course, one idea is to just move them out of the way to prevent a potential collision with Earth. And that's why this international group you mentioned, Space Mission Planning Advisory Group, has been established because any impact risk is global and it needs an international effort to try to do
Starting point is 00:11:32 something. And this group gets together and discusses what can be done with a space mission if the object is real big and real threatening to avoid an impact. We've learned that not all asteroids are alike. We've visited several now. That is correct. I mean, it's also realized, and we get this information from the colleagues who find the objects and characterize them, that each object seems to be different. They have different sizes, obviously, from very small to real big kilometer sizes.
Starting point is 00:12:03 They can have, and also they can have different shapes. And in addition, what is not so obvious to be recognized, they can have very different composition. So it turns out that those three here, which have all been visited by spacecraft, Itokawa on the left, it's about 500 meters in size, and then you have Ryugu and Bennu. And these are all rubble piles. So they are not solid rocks. They are really composed of different pieces of small rocks and dust. And if you want to deflect an object with whatever method, then you need to
Starting point is 00:12:40 know what is it made of. And there's a whole range of different proposals what one could do to deflect such an object and therefore it's very important to know what they are made of and it helps i mean those three objects that you can see here were visited by a spacecraft but this was for scientific reasons just to understand what they are made of and not it was not the idea to test any deflection methods. Some samples were returned from those objects and we learned about them. And this is very important if eventually one of these objects comes close and we have to think about deflecting it in reality. Fairly soon now, not too many years from now, we will finally be making a close-up visit to
Starting point is 00:13:23 one of those most dangerous kinds of asteroids, those iron nickel or nickel iron asteroids. That's in an upcoming mission. You know, we've heard, speaking of visiting asteroids, from Kelly about observing NEOs, near-Earth objects from a distance, whether it's from our surface surface or powerful space telescopes, should we also be prepared to send fast spacecraft to examine threatening NEOs from up close, maybe in flybys? Yes, that is certainly something which is highly desirable. First of all, by such fast missions, which could be done by a very small spacecraft, they are very powerful these days, you can learn about them and you can get some
Starting point is 00:14:05 information on the size normally you see a bit a dot of light but you don't know is it a very bright object or not too big if you see how bright is the dot of light or is it a dark object and it could be much much larger and if you want really to deflect it you have to know what is its real size. So it is very useful to perhaps send a small spacecraft to better characterize it. It might also help to get the real orbit. And if those people like Kelly tell us, oh, it could hit Earth, normally you don't know for sure. So if you fly there, it could help get better information on the orbit. Of course, you might also obtain this from ground-based telescopes and radar, but it might help to fly there. I think it's something that could be done fairly easily.
Starting point is 00:14:55 And I'm sure in the future, several of these missions will be realized. Several are in planning and we can learn a lot. And this could be done on a very short notice if a new interesting object or dangerous object is being discovered. Tell us about HERA. Well, I guess we hear more about these missions, the DART HERA mission. But it's already one good example of an international cooperation because DART will be built by NASA. It's being built right now and it should test if you just hit the object could you push it away and how much could you push it away and can you hit it the way you like. And then ESA is building the HERA spacecraft
Starting point is 00:15:34 that comes a little bit later and that will characterize what has happened. Then you can see how big is the crater and what was really the composition of this object. If you just bang it very fast you do not know this that will really help to test and see the effect such an impact had i mean by the way such a what we call a kinetic impact that is the idea you hit it as fast as you can with a spacecraft as big as you can and give it a little push in any case the spacecraft will be much much smaller than the object will be but if you do it soon enough then you can push the object away with times that it will miss us you don't want to destroy it you don't want to change the orbit
Starting point is 00:16:18 completely but and we want to test the effects and this can be done by this hero spacecraft which comes after the impact event to see what really has happened. You have to think carefully what can be done and when do you do it and also to calculate how much push is needed in order to deflect such objects. Perhaps one little comparison, if you have two cars on a road crossing, you want to avoid them to collide. And you don't have to move the roads, which would be the orbits of these objects. You just have to make sure that the two cars are not there at the same time. And the best way we talk about asteroids is either to push one of the objects forward or to slow it down.
Starting point is 00:17:02 You cannot really do this with Earth because Earth is much too big. But such an object, if you push it a little bit, that it crosses this road, it passes the road crossing a bit sooner or a bit later than the other object, and you avoid a collision. And that is the main mechanism. And it shows it's not so easy if you look at the objects and the massive scale they have. So far, it's been asteroids, asteroids, asteroids. What about a comet, a sneaky comet that we might not get as much of a chance to track for very long before it heads our way? Yes, you're right. I mean, comets are a real risk. Fortunately, there are far less comets which could hit Earth than there are asteroids,
Starting point is 00:17:43 which we can find easily but if a real big comet several kilometers in size that tend to be very big and we only discover it on a very short notice becomes it comes from way out from a far distant location and you can only see it when it starts to devolve a tail and so it's really a difficult thing I would say this is the next step we have to deal with. First, we try to deal with the more dangerous and more numerous asteroids. But comets are a real threat. But right now, it's difficult to deal with them. But we will work with them. Thanks, Gerhard. Let's go now to Paul Chodas. Paul is manager of the Near Earth Object Program
Starting point is 00:18:26 Office. He's based at the Jet Propulsion Lab, very close to where I am right now at Planetary Society Headquarters. Thanks for joining us, Paul. Thanks for having me. You're very welcome. Glad you're here. Let's go to your first slide. How many NEOs are we keeping track of? There are increasing numbers, 25,000 and more, and these are the real orbits of some of them. We're finding about 2,500 of these NEOs every year now. So the observatories that Kelly showed at the beginning are very productive. But the question then is,
Starting point is 00:19:04 But the question then is, do any of these pose a threat? So the group I work in, CNEOS at JPL, is charged with the idea of figuring out what the orbits are of these asteroids and whether or not they have a chance of impacting the Earth. So we do an impact assessment on each one of these. That's an award-winning NASA acronym, you know, CNEOS, the Center for NEO Studies. Here is the CNEOS website, which I think you're hoping lots of people will visit. Yes, we are kind of like the central repository of the orbit information for NASA's program. We do the calculations of the orbits. We have lots of tables and data on our website. You can go to our website and get predictions of where things will be. Close approaches, yes. Asteroids become observable when they get near the Earth. And so we often see them coming in from the night side. And many of
Starting point is 00:19:59 them are very small, but some of them will be making close approaches so we keep track of all the close approaches and update this continually so we often see news items I know on my phone I see news items about you know upcoming close approach and NASA warns that about a close approach now these asteroids are not heading for the earth I mean sorry they're not heading for an impact they're going to come close but the asteroids on our close approach list, very few of them have any chance of impacting the Earth. So that's one thing that makes our site worth checking. We have 9,600 that are larger than 140 meters and about 900 that are larger than one kilometer in size. So you see the discovery rate with NASA's funding of all of these telescopes
Starting point is 00:20:45 has just been growing exponentially. So the good news there, right, for the most dangerous of these, the ones that are bigger than a kilometer, that red line down at the bottom, pretty flat nowadays. That's a success story, isn't it? It sure is. We think we found about 95% of the population of the large ones, larger than one kilometer in size. And those are the ones that could result in a global catastrophe if they should hit. So we have kind of retired that risk. Essentially, there are only a few left. And the odds that any of those will hit the Earth in the next 100 years are extremely thin. We'll keep looking for all of these asteroids, of course, but the larger ones
Starting point is 00:21:25 are pretty well taken care of. And now we're focusing on the orange line and getting to the 140 meter in size. And as Kelly said, our goal is to find 90% of that population. Great goal. Then the question is, what type of event would occur if an asteroid of that size should hit the Earth? So the little ones produce bolides or superbolides, really bright meteors. But as you go to larger and larger sizes, you have airbursts, you'll get local devastation, and then in the orange region, you start getting regional to continental to a little below global size damage.
Starting point is 00:22:01 And then the green area is the larger ones that I said earlier that we have already found 95% of. Bolides happen about once a year. The five meter objects are pretty common. But the number of NEOs goes down as you go to larger and larger sizes. So for example, a chelyabinth size object is a super bolide or a major airburst somewhere in that area, which is basically 100 years between impacts of that size. And as you go to the orange area, regional scale devastation, the 140 meter sizes, then we're talking about thousands, tens of thousands of years on average between the impacts. Now, that doesn't mean it can't happen next year or in the next decade, but the odds are against it. For those of the audience who are interested in learning how to deflect an asteroid, we've loaded
Starting point is 00:22:52 a realistic simulation onto our website. These are hypothetical asteroids that are headed for the Earth. And you are given the opportunity of having your own launch vehicle and you specify when you'd like to deflect this asteroid in terms of years before impact and you say when you want to launch your deflector and this is an example of a kinetic impactor defense mechanism and you can actually test the real physics on simulated asteroids and as you devise your missions you can move that green dot, the current trajectory of the asteroid, you can move it so that it will miss the Earth. Your personal opportunity to save the Earth. For those of us who are old enough to remember the name, the game Asteroids, this is a pretty significant upgrade, I would say. Just really
Starting point is 00:23:39 one more thing that you have to tell us about. Even though the Planetary Defense Conference is virtual this year, it still has my favorite part of the conference every year. It is the Planetary Defense Conference exercise, which, as I said, you are sort of the mastermind of. Tell us a little bit, just a little bit about this. Yeah, I've been nicknamed the threat master in previous years. I devise a hypothetical case with a certain specified warning. In this case, we had six months between the time the asteroid was discovered and the time when it could hit. And we go through the question of what would we know when? And then we kind of inform the decision makers of what the uncertainty levels are.
Starting point is 00:24:24 So there's a lot of talk about probabilities of this and regions of possible impact and this example is from our exercise where the region of possible impact covers Central Europe in this case. So then we would present this image to decision makers and they would consider well what would we do, is mitigation possible, are space missions possible, and what about the disaster well, what would we do? Is mitigation possible? Are space missions possible? And what about the disaster management? How would you handle this situation? Now, in this case, it was many months before impacts, but the uncertainties are very difficult to deal with in decision making. And as the impact got closer and closer, this region shrank, of course, but then,
Starting point is 00:25:01 of course, there's less time to react. I cannot tell you how much fun to be in the room when this happens face-to-face and listen to people who, even though they know it's an exercise and they're reminded on every slide that goes up on the big screen, how tense, how anxious the audience or the participants become as this takes place. I can't wait for the next one of these, hopefully face-to-face in a couple of years. Thank you, Paul. Much more of our public event at the 2021 Planetary Defense Conference is ahead, including great questions we took from the online audience and a report on the upcoming DART, our Double Asteroid Redirection Test Mission. Where did we come from?
Starting point is 00:25:43 Are we alone in the cosmos? These are the questions at the core of our existence and the secrets of the universe are out there waiting to be discovered but to find them we have to go into space. We have to explore. This endeavor unites us. Space exploration truly brings out the best in us. Encouraging people from all walks of life to work together to achieve a common goal. To know the cosmos and our place within it. This is why the Planetary Society exists. Our mission is to give you the power to advance space science and exploration.
Starting point is 00:26:26 With your support, we sponsor innovative space technologies, inspire curious minds, and advocate for our future in space. We are the Planetary Society. Join us. We are now honored to welcome Masaki Fujimoto Masaaki is Deputy Director General of the Japanese Space Agency's Institute of Space and Astronautical Science. He has joined us from Japan where Masaaki, I believe it is just past midnight. Thank you for staying up so late to join us. My pleasure. Thank you. us. My pleasure. Thank you. Congratulations on the recent magnificent success of Hayabusa 2, JAXA's second spacecraft to return pristine asteroid material to eager scientists on Earth. Where were you when that sample return capsule streaked through the sky on just the 5th of December last year? Yes, I was in Umerah where the capsule landed.
Starting point is 00:27:26 But even though I was in the place where the capsule landed, I was staring into my PC screen when you guys were enjoying the fireball running across the sky. Well, I've only seen the video, but it's pretty impressive. But you were there when the capsule was found in the desert and that precious sample was carried back to a lab? Yes, I was in the headquarters of the operation team. I didn't witness everything, but I was involved in all the procedures. And after landing, it took only 57 hours before we brought the sample back to our curation facility. And then a few days later, we opened up the capsule to find 5.4 grams of samples,
Starting point is 00:28:14 50 times more than the minimum requirement. So it was a big success. I'm really proud to be a part of the team. As you should be, you and the entire team. And as you know, we've covered this on Planetary Radio as well. Those samples, I don't know if they're being distributed yet, but eventually those are going to go to labs all over the world, aren't they? Yes, yes. So now we're performing the initial curation until June this year. And then for one year, we will perform the
Starting point is 00:28:43 initial analysis, like a preliminary examination, so that we can create a catalog. Scientists all over the world will understand the science potential of the samples. And then starting next summer, we will be distributing the sample to all the scientists interested in analyzing the samples. So they will submit the proposal to us, and then there will be an AO process, and selected scientists will have the opportunity. And I know how closely you're cooperating and collaborating with the OSIRIS-REx team,
Starting point is 00:29:18 which I believe is returning its sample from Bennu in 2023, if I remember correctly. Hayabusa2, of course, your spacecraft was delivering wonderful science long before that sample capsule made at home. Can you briefly recap, highlight the work that the spacecraft was doing when it was up close and personal with Ryugu? Yes. So it was performing a close proximity operation for one and a half year.
Starting point is 00:29:46 And during that one and a half year, well, first of all, when we got to Ryugu, we were so shocked by its unfriendly surface. It's a sample return mission, so we have to land on the surface. But when we got there, everywhere on the surface is so rough. So we needed to change the way we land on the surface. So we developed a new way of landing on the surface and getting the samples. We eventually managed to invent it and made touchdown twice. And the second touchdown was after the impact experiment, which excavated subsurface materials to the surface. We will deploy an impactor and let it reform itself into a bullet and hit the surface and make the artificial crater. So this is the closest relevance that this mission has to the planetary defense team, I think.
Starting point is 00:30:35 After deploying the impactor, the main spacecraft itself will evacuate because you don't want to hit the debris from the impact experiment to be a spacecraft in a dangerous situation. So instead of the main spacecraft, we deployed a small detached camera and what we are witnessing here is the crater formation process under the microgravity and we are learning a lot from the about the crater formation mechanism and also this impact experiments enable the surface material to come up on the surface from which we grab the samples. Just amazing footage. As stunning as these pictures we're now seeing of a helicopter flying on Mars, this is just amazing to see a human-made crater forming on asteroid Ryugu. Since this was an impact, what it makes me think of, of course,
Starting point is 00:31:26 is the role of planetary defense in the Hayabusa 2 mission. Was this a major component of the mission? Well, it's yes and no. We do lead some part of the asteroid exploration program of humanity, in a sense. Playing some role in planetary defense is almost a duty. So this impact experiment has some flavor of it. But what we also learned from the exploration of Ryugu is what's the best way to characterize
Starting point is 00:31:55 the surface physical condition of a small body. And from my experience at Ryugu, we learned that thermal infrared camera is one of the best instruments to characterize the surface condition. And that's why we are participating in ESA's HERA mission, which was described in the previous talk. We are providing a thermal infrared camera so that the HERA mission will image the surface after the impact experiment by the US component. And then our camera should be one of the key instruments to characterize what the impact experiment by the US component. And then our camera should be one of the key instruments
Starting point is 00:32:25 to characterize what the impact experiment was like as a whole. Something else to look forward to in the HERA mission coming up along with everything else that is going to be happening in the next few years. One of the biggest things that will be happening is the DART mission, which we've already mentioned. Nancy Chabot is coordination lead for the Double Asteroid Redirection Test, DART, at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab.
Starting point is 00:32:53 So as we've talked about, DART is a NASA mission to demonstrate this kinetic impactor technology. And what that means is pretty simply, we're going to launch a spacecraft and we're going to target a small asteroid and slam the spacecraft into it. And what this is going to do is it's going to give that asteroid that little nudge that we talked about already, just sort of adds up to a change in the asteroid's future path and deflect it. So this is as a mission to demonstrate this kinetic impactor technology to deflect an asteroid. DART stands for the Double Asteroid Redirection Test. The T is for test. Very important.
Starting point is 00:33:31 This is just a test. It's the first step. This is not an asteroid that's a threat to hit the Earth or on a path to hit the Earth. We're taking this first test step in order to do this technology. Before I go too much further, I really wanna say too that DART is a team. So I'm really happy to be here today and talk about DART and share DART, but we have hundreds of people at work at APL
Starting point is 00:33:51 on this right now. We also have our partner institutions, which bring the other, we have scientists around the world who are participating in to make this mission a reality and this success. So it really does take this international collaboration and hundreds of people working to make a mission like this on a path to do this first test. What I want to say
Starting point is 00:34:10 too, is that this is really the ideal target to do this first test is this Dynamos system. So the double asteroid redirection test goes to a double asteroid system. And that's what you're seeing here. So there's the big asteroid Dynamos, and then Dimorphos, the smaller asteroid, goes around Dynamos every 11 hours and 55 minutes, like clockwork. And we know this because telescopes on the Earth have been observing it for years. And so we know this very precisely from all of these measurements that have been done by the Earth-based telescopes. And so what's going to happen is the DART spacecraft's going to come screaming in, actually, 6.6 kilometers per second, 15,000 miles per hour, slam into Dimorphos. A few days before that, Lycia Cube, which is the light Italian cube set for imaging of asteroids contributed by the Italian Space Agency, will get kicked off.
Starting point is 00:34:59 And Lycia Cube will get some spectacular images of this impact event from DART. And then it'll make a closest approach by the asteroid about three minutes later and then just continue speeding on its way. But now Lechia Cube is long gone. The DART spacecraft is definitely fully destroyed. So how are we going to know how much we deflected this asteroid? And that's when the Earth-based telescopes come back in to play this really key role and because this is a binary asteroid system uh they can measure what that period is now and we think we're going to change it by about 10 minutes so maybe more like 11 hours and 45 minutes but we don't know actually that's why we need to do this test on a real asteroid out in space and then hera like we heard about is going to come by
Starting point is 00:35:40 in 2026 and have all this great characterization to really bring together and we can gather the most information possible about this kinetic impactor technology experiment. So exciting to think that we are actually nearing the point where we will, for the first time, see if we have the capability to deflect an asteroid. And I really just want to say that going back to this team theory, it's been a challenging year in lots of ways, but yet this work has continued and procedures on top of procedures. And it really is a testament to how much people believe in this project and how dedicated everybody is. Some of the things that will happen is the rollout solar arrays are going to get put onto it. The Draco camera, which is going to be used to help target the asteroid, is going to get put onto this in the next few months. And this is all to prepare the mission to be ready to do this kinetic impactor
Starting point is 00:36:29 technology demonstration, ready to launch in November of this year. So it's not very far off. SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Vandenberg in California. And we're really excited to be on track for that. Fantastic. Thank you, Nancy. You know our last panelist is my partner in the What's Up segment of Planetary Radio for over 18 years now. He is the chief scientist for the Planetary Society and the program manager for our LightSail 2 CubeSat that is still up there catching some rays. Welcome, Bruce Betts. Thank you, Matt. Good to see you as usual. Tell us about the big announcement that you made on behalf of the Planetary Society this week, using the PDC as
Starting point is 00:37:12 the background. We've announced another round of our Gene Shoemaker Near-Earth Object Ramp Program, which funds astronomers, amateur and professional, around the world. You can see a display of where we've funded over the last 24 years. And we fund them to upgrade their observatories in whether it be a new camera or re-illuminizing a mirror or making them more robotically controlled so they can get more data. And although now most of the professional surveys, as Kelly noted, discover most of the near-Earth objects, there's still a need for lots of observations from lots of places for follow-up observations that give position on the sky so that people like Paul Chodas can calculate orbits and figure out whether it's going to hit Earth.
Starting point is 00:38:05 And then also characterization of these over time and observing them, things like light curves, brightness with time, so you can figure out their spin rate or whether one asteroid is actually two, like DART will go explore a binary system. And also what they're made of, things that you'll need to know if you are going to have to deflect them at some point. So we have just announced an open call for proposals. They're due at the end of July. And you can find out more at slash NEO grants. Also something brand new from the Planetary Society.
Starting point is 00:38:44 What are the new STEP grants? Yeah, we just started a new grants program, open international call for proposals, pre-proposals due May 26th, called STEP, Science and Technology Empowered by the Public, because we are a member organization. These things only happen because of members and donors to our program. And now we're able to offer some larger grants through a competitive process across all sorts of space exploration and technology areas. But one of our three core enterprises is planetary defense, defending from asteroids. So hopefully we'll get some things that don't fit into the Shoemaker-Neo grants. We'll find out that we've got some good proposals to the new STEP grants program. You and our other colleagues at the Society, we got to have a good time coming up with this acronym. We don't usually get to have the fun everybody else does coming up with clever acronyms like the rest of you on the panel.
Starting point is 00:39:43 I make acronyms for everything, but they get rejected periodically. True. Yeah, rightfully so. There's so much more that the society does, plug, plug, in ways to help us improve the understanding of and the support for planetary defense. We've got a lot of free resources on our website that you can find at slash defense, having to do with planetary defense. We have everything from frequently asked questions, things about Apophis, the asteroid being a close flyby in 2029, general frequently asked questions. There's an online asteroid defense class that I teach you in just over an hour's time, give you a basic introduction
Starting point is 00:40:27 to asteroid defense and the types of things that our amazing panel work on. And we've also got infographics, posters, and then a budgetary analysis for the U.S. program over time from our political advocacy guru, Casey Dreyer. And other great videos. Those of you who joined us before the start of the hour, you might have been treated to that series of dinosaur videos that Bruce produced with our staff, Mark Boyan, our great video producer. Absolutely entertaining. And those are all available on the website as well. I'll just add that the Planetary Society is proud to be a primary sponsor of the Planetary Defense Conference, something that we are really quite proud of. I was just going to say this amazing
Starting point is 00:41:16 conference brings together experts from around the world in all aspects of asteroid threat every two years. And we're just proud to be a part of it. And Hal, we made it. Thank you, panelists. You've done an admirable job of presenting what each of you could have, we could have used the entire hour to present. From Misty West, who asked us on Facebook, and this is a great question,
Starting point is 00:41:38 does the launch of all the Starlink and other microsatellites, all those big constellations of satellites that are now being launched, have an impact on the surveys for asteroids that Kelly told us about. And I don't know, Kelly, do you want to take that first? But any of you are welcome to jump in. Sure, I can say a few words. The surveys already deal with satellites that pass through their fields of view and leave streaks in their images. So it's something that they've been dealing with already. It will get worse with the increase in satellites.
Starting point is 00:42:10 And it is more of a problem toward pre-dawn and sunset, those times of day when the sun really lights them up relative to the sky. So it's something that they're already used to dealing with and continuing to deal with, better looking at, okay, how to deal with that larger volume. So it will affect them, but it's not shutting anything down yet. So no worries there. Of course, we do have other astronomers who have expressed a good deal of concern about what may happen when these thousands upon thousands of new satellites start circling our
Starting point is 00:42:46 planet. Does anybody else want to jump in on this? Well, let me jump in just by saying that we have an advantage over the astronomers who observe galaxies and that sort of thing. Asteroids move so that we have the opportunity if they go behind a satellite and the streak of a satellite floppers one image of the asteroid, we may get it another time. So I think it will kind of degrade the efficiency perhaps if there are tens of thousands of satellites, but I think that surveys will still be able to find asteroids. That's reassuring. Hot Pop Robot, love that, who asked us on YouTube, did the impact by Hayabusa on Ryugu,
Starting point is 00:43:29 were we able to tell if it may have changed its orbit in a measurable way, even if only a tiny bit? Masaki, that's probably one for you. Well, first of all, the size of the crater is like 20 meter diameter, and the crater is like 20 meter diameter and the depth is like three meter so it's really a tiny uh impact experiment and i don't think uh there's a way well the amount was really small if this was any you know deflection effect and i don't think we have any way of measuring the delta created by the impact so no no short answer is no i'm going to to speak for Isaac Newton here. And Nancy, I'll ask you, why do we have more confidence looking at the laws of motion that DART will generate a possibly detectable change in that motion? So one of the reasons that DART is using this double asteroid system is because we're not
Starting point is 00:44:21 changing the asteroid necessarily as much around the sun as we are changing the small moon asteroid that goes around the main asteroid. And that's really what's going to make it more measurable and using the things here on Earth that we'll be able to bring this in and have a deflection that the Earth-based telescopes can very easily measure. And I should mention that that's happening in late September of 2022. And that time is chosen because the asteroid and the Earth are actually minimize their distance. And so the telescopes are going to on the Earth are going to be able to get really high precision data to really nail down what this deflection is because of that time. And that's why 2022 for this system is the time to do this first test.
Starting point is 00:45:00 Let me add a little math here. The projectile velocity makes a big difference. And DART will be screaming into that little moon and transferring a lot of its momentum and the mass of the spacecraft as well. Whereas with Ryugu, it was relatively, it was a little bit less velocity and certainly a smaller projectile. So less deflection. Dean Sherman, who on YouTube asked us, if in the future we establish bases on the moon and Mars, could we also use those to track NEOs? And I'll add to that, would there be substantial value in using those other vantage points? Kelly? Well, certainly it'd be great to take advantage of any vantage points, but again, groups that have been assembled to study, you know, how to best do this have pointed to space telescopes as being the way to go. And it's something that you can actually do now. We've launched space telescopes. And so if we want to keep going on the survey, we need to go with the technology we have now, launch the space telescope, the NEO surveyor that we need now to keep racking up the discoveries. However, as these other technologies come into being, like the ability to have telescopes on the moon, then absolutely those should be added, just like we have telescopes distributed around the earth. So there's no reason why not, but there's technological challenges to overcome. And so it's something that would be further down the road than the capabilities that we have right now at NASA with our ability to launch space telescopes. Anybody else see value in putting telescopes up on our nearest neighbor or on the red planet?
Starting point is 00:46:53 Ask a bunch of astronomers if we want more telescopes, I think. So yeah, people love telescopes. But Kelly's right, the space-based surveyor is really what we need for the asteroid issue, and we need that as soon as possible. Another endorsement. Kelly, let me stop there and ask you, what is the current status of that spacecraft, which is, as you know, all of us at the Planetary Society have been looking forward to along with you for years. Right. Currently, the NEO Surveyor is going through development. It's being developed toward later this summer. It's key decision point B, which will take it further through developing the design of this space-based telescope. And so it's the sort of thing that is continuing as funding allows at NASA to keep that development going. So here is a question from S McNeil on YouTube, who asked, which asteroid is forecasted to come closest in the next century? And how close is it forecasted to come, and how large is it? I think the name of that asteroid has already come up, hasn't it, Paul? Yes, I think you're referring to Apophis, which will approach closer than the satellites
Starting point is 00:47:59 on Friday the 13th of 2029, April, April, Friday the 13th. Because of the work that you and others are able to do now, how do we know that you're not off by a degree, a minute, a second, and that it really is going to come between us and the geosynchronous satellites? I have a recent story, and that is what we were able to predict the occultation of Apophis. And we heard a little bit about this during the Planetary Defense Conference. We know the orbit of Apophis so accurately that we can predict the shadow of that a star, the starlight, would cast on the Earth and deploy observers to watch the shadow and see when Apophis occulted that star. And so our knowledge of the location of Apophis is down to, you know, within hundreds of meters. And this is typical of an asteroid that is really well observed by optical astronomers and by radar, so that we know the orbit of Apophis really, really accurately, and we
Starting point is 00:49:04 can predict the close approach in 2029 with superb accuracy. Now, a better question is what might happen if it goes through a keyhole and it could possibly come back and hit later? The recent radar measurements of Apophis have enabled us to even eliminate that possibility. even eliminate that possibility. So asteroid Apophis is now completely removed from our risk of asteroids that could hit the Earth over the next hundred years because we know its orbit so accurately. That makes me think of another question, and it brings up the tragic, terrible loss of the Great Dish at Arecibo in Puerto Rico, which of course was also capable of doing radar examinations of asteroids and other objects in the solar system. For any of you, how big of a loss is that dish and should we be looking to replace it? Well, it is a huge loss to the program. NASA was funding the radar
Starting point is 00:50:01 that was done at Arecibo, which is an NSF facility and had its other astronomical and atmospheric missions there. It was the most sensitive radar system on the planet. We still have the Goldstone solar system radar, which is very capable, and it has the steerability that Arecibo didn't have, but it doesn't have the sensitivity. And so it was able to help kick Apophis off the risk list, which was fantastic. But there are still limitations on the sensitivity. And so it is something that is lacking. And it's the sort of thing that
Starting point is 00:50:36 hopefully in the future, maybe in coordination with other agencies to look at possibilities for to look at possibilities for, you know, what capabilities might be available in the future across the government for that sort of capability. Gerhard, you may be the best person to ask about this, although Masaki, maybe you're aware of something. With Apophis, that close pass, still several years away, is there discussion of sending up a spacecraft to observe it more closely than even though it'll be coming so close to Earth to get, you know, really close within 10s or 100s of meters? Yes, obviously, that is a very good opportunity to visit an asteroid, which is known to be something like 300 meters or slightly larger. The orbit is very well known as we heard it will pass within a certain distance and this is known up to a few tens of meters the separation from earth.
Starting point is 00:51:31 So it's a unique opportunity to learn about the composition also to test the spacecraft the capabilities and visit it because we have plenty of time for a planning and several activities are planned to send a spacecraft, just a reconnaissance spacecraft to Apophis when it makes this very close approach on Friday the 13th in 2029. It will also be visible from the ground and I guess everything, including radar,
Starting point is 00:51:58 and I hope a new radar facility will be available, will be put in place. And also certainly spacecraft are planned to be sent there to get as much information as possible because it will come close and it should not be too difficult to reach it of course we try to avoid impacts with earth but this is for our group if the object is big if a serious damage is expected but objects, as we saw from one of the charts from Paul, hit Earth all the time. So very small ones are just meteors or fireballs, but also objects can get bigger, some meter size, but they can be observed in space, by optical telescopes
Starting point is 00:52:37 or by radar. And of course, one aim is to find some that do eventually hit Earth, and you do not even try to deflect them that could be harmless but you see them coming you can predict where will they impact you can estimate what is a composition and study the effects and so far this has happened four times that astronomers planetary defense experts managed to see an object coming that hit Earth afterwards. They were all just in the meter class. No damage was done. In a few cases, meteorites were recovered on the ground. And it's a very good test case to see them coming and see what happens. Are our predictions right? Another great development. Masaki, would you and your colleagues at JAXA like to see a mission to Apophis in 2029 or thereabouts?
Starting point is 00:53:26 I just want to mention that HABSA-2 is on its second mission. It's now in the extended mission phase, and it will make a close flyby of one of the near-Earth asteroids. And it will rendezvous with another near-Earth asteroid in 2031. And both of them are potentially Hadar's asteroids. So HAPSAT-2 mission now has more planetary defense flavor than before. So it's not apophysis itself, but HAPSAT-2 is still working
Starting point is 00:53:56 to contribute to the planetary defense. I wonder if maybe you could also say something about the MMX mission, which is in a sense an asteroid encounter mission, even though it's going to the moons of Mars. True. The science theme is about bringing who brought the water to Earth, which was born dry. Hypsotope is pursuing that. By analyzing samples from Ryugu, we will try to answer that question.
Starting point is 00:54:23 But, you know, one sample is not enough. So we will get more samples from Phobos, one of the Martian moons, and we will address the same question, analyzing the samples brought back from Phobos. But at the same time, we may find some Martian samples that's been sitting on the surface of Phobos for a long time. samples that's been sitting on the surface of Phobos for a long time. So bringing sample background Phobos may enable us to bring some Martian samples at the same time. In that sense, this MMF mission is our first Martian Mars exploration program for JAXA. It's not just a small-body mission anymore, so it has a Martian exploration flavor for JAXA. Bruce, does Apophis seem to present a nice
Starting point is 00:55:06 opportunity for public outreach about planetary defense? Why, yes, it does, Matt. I'm glad you mentioned that. Yeah, we've got an asteroid that's coming by that's big, 300 meters-ish, but not scheduled to hit, but actually will be visible by a good portion of the planet, including Europe. And it'll just be a dot passing in the sky, but I think it'll be a great opportunity to raise awareness of the asteroid threat, awareness of the work that people like those on our panel and at the conference are doing, and to hopefully move us towards greater safety in the future from asteroid impact. I don't really expect any of you to have an answer for it. It's from Mel Powell, who I happen to know is a wise guy who listens to Planetary Radio.
Starting point is 00:55:54 He asked us on Facebook, can we purchase Planetary Society Apophis protection helmets in case Paul Chodas is off by a degree or so? Yes, Mel, we'll get right on that and add that to our store very soon, won't we, Bruce? Oh, yes. Yes, we will. Paul, here's one. Maybe you could explain a term you use. Nikki Hyman on Facebook asked, what is a keyhole? What is that keyhole you referred to in this context? Great question. It's kind of like a gateway near the Earth so that if an asteroid comes in and misses the Earth, if it goes through this little gateway, and sometimes it's less than a kilometer in size, sometimes it, tens of meters in size. But we can calculate that the asteroid goes through the little gateway. The Earth's gravity will bend the asteroid's orbit, of course,
Starting point is 00:56:50 and then it will go into another different orbit around the Sun. But by our calculations, it could possibly hit. So when we take a look at the math and we run that backwards, we can figure out the size of the gateway that would lead to a possible impact years later. So that we call a keyhole. Here's our last question, folks. It comes from Jay Harkey on YouTube. Are there any resources available
Starting point is 00:57:16 to educate amateur astronomers about how to collect the necessary information on NEOs? Maybe become part of that tracking that Bruce talked about that we fund through the Shoemaker NEO grant program. Maybe also an idea of the equipment that might be required to become a serious observer of asteroids and NEOs. I think probably any of you could begin to address this, but Bruce, let's start with you. I'm not sure there's a one-stop shop. I will point out the groups that do this. Some are individuals, some are groups of amateur astronomers, some are professionals. They have been doing this for a while and have very pretty darn advanced setups, not just pulling out your six-inch telescope in the backyard. So my suggestion would
Starting point is 00:58:07 be to check out some of the observatories. You can find the Shoemaker-Neo grant winners and look around for what they've got online and at least get an idea of what type of facilities they have from our website and reports on those at slash NEO grants, one word. Anybody else who wants to jump in on this, please do. And maybe also to say something about the importance of the contribution of amateurs. Kelly, did I see your hand? Yes, I was just going to comment. Well, first of all, since you mentioned the important contribution of amateurs, there are some who have some, it's hard to even call them amateur facilities because they're very substantial and with very good capabilities and actually contribute follow-up observations of asteroids to the Minor Planet Center. Some of
Starting point is 00:58:55 them are members of the International Asteroid Warning Network, so it's fantastic. I was also going to mention kind of at the other end of the spectrum, if you don't want to go out and buy equipment and you just want to put your toe in the water, there are a lot of citizen science opportunities, both in asteroids and in other areas. And NASA has pages on citizen science. There's citizen science funded by NASA. The program that I manage funds the International Astronomical Search Collaboration, which allows school groups to do citizen science with images that come from the surveys funded by NASA, trying to find maybe things that were missed in the processing. And so there are ways to get involved or just reaching out to your local
Starting point is 00:59:38 astronomy club or museums once they open up, just to at least, again, dip your toe in the water and find out a little more. And then, of course, you mentioned Bruce's websites there on the Planetary Society website. That and other areas are fantastic for education on how to learn about this just to see how far you want to go. There are some good resources that you can get. Eyes on the Solar System comes to mind at JPL. On the JPL website, you can put yourself near an asteroid or on the orbit of an asteroid, all virtually, of course. That's a good way to learn about the dynamics of asteroids.
Starting point is 01:00:18 And our website, I'll have to plug it one more time, as I often do. The CENIOS group provides the complete list of all the close approaches. You can investigate what the next close approaches are, and it's a great source for all the stats on NEOs. Thank you, panelists. And much more importantly, for everything that you are doing and will be doing in the future to help prepare humanity to defend this beautiful planet that we all share.
Starting point is 01:00:49 We also want to thank all of you out there who joined us for this public event today. We will, I hope, see you in two years at the eighth Planetary Defense Conference. Thanks again and have a great day. Want to see our great panelists, their slides and videos? Drop by slash live for the complete event. But not just yet, because Bruce and What's Up are moments away. Time again for What's Up on Planetary Radio, fresh from the Planetary Defense Conference,
Starting point is 01:01:21 where they saved the Earth, I believe. The chief scientist of the Planetary Society, Bruce Batts. Congratulations. Well, it was an exercise. Things could have worked out better. But the real Earth is fine and has good views of the night sky. So I got a lot to say. So I'm just going to skip to that if you don't mind. But I'm so curious because Paul Chodas didn't tell us the end of the exercise.
Starting point is 01:01:44 Was Central Europe wiped out? I can neither confirm nor deny the wiping out of Central Europe. It was an exercise. It was a very, very challenging exercise, as Paul probably discussed with you. He was truly devious, but it got people thinking about those really complex things where you don't have enough time. The real bottom line is you need the observation so you have the time because if you don't have the time, you just are so limited in what you can do other than evacuate.
Starting point is 01:02:15 It's hard to evacuate all of Central Europe. See, I'm glad you didn't go straight to the sky, but now we're ready to go up there. Okay, we got planets. We got all the visible naked eye planets are visible, although Venus is really tough. It's super bright, but it's very low in the west shortly after sunset. Mercury is above it, not as bright, but a little higher up for the next few weeks. And they are coming closer together. Venus will get higher and easier to see. Mercury will get lower. They will be a half degree apart on May 28th. That's about the width of the full
Starting point is 01:02:50 moon. Speaking of the moon, it will be hanging out near Venus and on the 12th, though again, very tough to see, and that's right after this comes out. The 13th hanging out with Mercury, the 15th with Mars. Mars is up in the southwest looking reddish in Gemini. And then in the pre-dawn, we've got Jupiter and Saturn, very easy to see now in the east, southeast, and the moon will hang out with Saturn on the 31st, Jupiter on the 1st. But wait, don't order yet. The best is yet to come. I've got a total lunar eclipse I've arranged for you. Actually, I won't claim arranging it because half the world will be mad at me for skipping them. Total lunar eclipse, May 26th, thanks to International Dateline.
Starting point is 01:03:37 It's May 26th, wherever you are. Centered basically on the Pacific Ocean. So if you're in Eastern Asia, Australia, New Zealand, you'll be able to see it starting in the evening of the 26th. And if you're in the Eastern Pacific, as we are, Matt, you'll be able to see it in the pre-dawn skies. And if you're very far off that center, you won't be able to see it. It's a short totality this time. It's about 15 minutes only of totality. The moon is just passing through off-center in the shadow of the Earth. And so it's a short totality. You can find out more at the NASA Eclipse page or does a nice job of customizing it for your location, what you'll be able to see.
Starting point is 01:04:28 Man, that is busy. So will Southern California be in the path of totality? Yes, except for the most southerly part of it because of you. No, yes. California, the West Coast, we'll see it totality. By the time you're in the middle of North America, middle of the U.S., you'll be seeing it just in totality at sunrise. And if you're on the East Coast, you won't be seeing the eclipse much at all. And if you're in Europe, well, there'll be more.
Starting point is 01:05:01 There'll be others. Just be glad you survived the exercise if you're in Europe. God, just be glad this is only a test. Should this have been a real asteroid impact? Well, let's make sure there's not one. Okay? We move on to... Space fact. Man, I thought it would never end. Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma- mass as the car, the Chevy Spark. It only weighs currently 38% of a Chevy Spark since all Chevy
Starting point is 01:05:47 Sparks are on earth. The one Perseverance is in Mars gravity, but their mass is about the same. I was going to say something about the Chevy Spark, but I don't want to get in trouble with General Motors, so I won't. That's interesting. I've heard it compared to a golf cart. I guess you could compare the Spark to a golf cart as well. Yeah, it's hard to find a car that's that low a mass, but it's massive, dude. And the Spark is not. Good on you, Chevy. So much for that sponsorship. We move on rapidly to the trivia contest.
Starting point is 01:06:22 And after that comment, I think you won't be surprised when we find out who the asteroid Kaplan was not named for, but we will find out who the asteroid Kaplan was named after. How'd we do, Matt? Got a really nice response. A whole bunch of very sympathetic listeners. Thank you, everyone. We'll hear from a few of them, but first tell us, who is it named after? It is named after Cousin Samuel. Uncle Sam. Your Uncle Sam, who ironically, perhaps, is a Russian-Soviet astronomer. Samuel Aronovich Kaplan lived from 1921 to 1978.
Starting point is 01:07:05 He was a Russian astronomer and astrophysicist at Lyov University Observatory in the Ukraine and at the Radiophysical Research Institute in Nizhny Novgorod in Russia. He did a bunch of astronomy stuff with white dwarfs and solar radiation pulsars, that kind of stuff. Are we related? A lot of you wondered. I don't know. I've never had a genealogy study or DNA or anything like that. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:07:31 He probably didn't either. Maybe a descendant of his. Yeah, I'm guessing he didn't have a DNA test at that time. Okay, go ahead. Robert Johannesson in Norway discovered the same thing you did, that this Kaplan, that Kaplan, I should say, worked at the Radio Physical Research Institute, where they do research in the fields of radio, radio astronomy, radio engineering. You see where I'm going here. So radio.
Starting point is 01:08:00 It unites all the Kaplans of the world. I tell you, the apple doesn't fall far from the institute, I guess. Here's our winner. She's a first-timer. Jennifer Dobbins in the state of Florida, which is a state of mind. Jennifer, congratulations. You got it right with Samuel Aronovich Kaplan. And I believe that Jennifer has won the last copy of the new pocket
Starting point is 01:08:27 Atlas of Mars, which is that terrific little book, little pocket book. It'd have to be a big pocket, but it's still kind of pocket sized, assembled by a Henrik Hargitay. Jennifer, I bet you'll be able to get a little cutout, a little overlay of the state of Florida that you can use on these beautiful maps. I'm looking at mine of California right now that I can see right through. Also from Europlanet, the Central European Hub. And that's the last one of those that we're going to give away. You may be able to guess what we're going to give away in the new contest, but here's some other stuff first. Mark Dunning in Florida. Imagine my shock and disappointment when I learned it wasn't named after our Kaplan. I mean, sure, Samul was probably a great guy and all, but come on, Minor Planet Center, there's room for two Kaplans in our
Starting point is 01:09:18 sky. And maybe even more. From Elijah Marshall in Australia, You guys need to get in contact with the Catalina Sky Survey and get Matt and Bruce's names on asteroids. After all, Bill already has one nine six nine five Bill Nye. I didn't know the boss had an asteroid. Not surprising, I guess. Ours will be better. No, I'm kidding. We're kind of coming to that. Cameron Landers in Texas, best of luck to Bruce at the Planetary Defense Conference. He sent this before the conference, of course. They'll need it once they have to deal with the soon-to-be-discovered 2021 Matt Danger Kaplan. Perhaps he'll think twice about using his middle name.
Starting point is 01:10:04 Esan Beglu in Ontario, Canada. Now I'm wondering what Bruce's full name is. Is the asteroid 21506 Betzel named after him? Sure. The Betzels changed our name from... No, it's not. It's definitely not. Michael Kaspol in Germany.
Starting point is 01:10:28 Maybe the rubber asteroids could go by the name Matt Kaplan? Ooh, I love that. All of them or just one? From our poet laureate, Dave Fairchild in Kansas, Kaplan is an asteroid. We'll visit it someday
Starting point is 01:10:44 and make it part of what will then be called the OPA. Expanse reference for those of you who aren't immediately aware of it. It honors astrophysicist N. Samuels, his name. So when will Matt, our friendly host, receive his claim to fame? Finally, this major bit of hope from Edwin King in the UK. Hang in there, Matt. You might get an exoplanet. Ooh. Why stop there?
Starting point is 01:11:20 Let's violate all the rules and give you maybe a dwarf planet in the solar system. That'd be appropriate, wouldn't it? Or we could rename Uranus. I mean, everyone's always been uncomfortable with that in the English-speaking world. So it was supposed to be named after King George. Let's name it after King Matt. I guess if it's my planet, I guess I would be royalty there. So I think that's appropriate. And we'd be happy to send you there if we possibly can.
Starting point is 01:11:40 Yes, yes, I should have known. We're ready. You're so ready. Coming back to near-Earth asteroids, here's your task. Name all the near-Earth asteroids that spacecraft have touched. All the near-Earth asteroids that spacecraft have touched. Go to slash radio contest. Ooh, be careful with this one, everybody.
Starting point is 01:12:03 You have until the 19th. That'd be Wednesday, May 19 at 8 AM Pacific time to get us this answer. And have you guessed it? I got your near earth asteroid right here. It's made out of rubber and it could be yours. If, if picks you and you've got the right answer for this one,
Starting point is 01:12:24 keep those cards and letters coming. Robert Asteroid, Matt Kaplan, the prize on this week's Planetary Radio. Matt Danger Kaplan. I like that. I think I'm going to change my middle name. Say goodnight, Bruce. Goodnight, Bruce. Ha ha.
Starting point is 01:12:41 All right, everybody, go out there, look up in the night sky, and think about what around your house you would like to name Matt Kaplan. We used to have a dog house, which would have been appropriate. Then it would just be confusing because Matt would always be in the mat. He's Bruce Betts. He's the chief scientist of the Planetary Society, and he's always right here with us inside What's Up. Planetary Radio is produced by the Planetary Society in Pasadena, California, and is made possible by its members who are just trying to save the world.
Starting point is 01:13:16 You can become a planetary defender at slash join. Mark Hilverde is our associate producer. Josh Doyle composed our theme, which is arranged and performed by Peter Schlosser at Astra.

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