Planetary Radio: Space Exploration, Astronomy and Science - Grounded: The director of the SOFIA flying observatory looks back

Episode Date: October 5, 2022

The Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) made its last flight on Sept. 30, 2022. Astronomer Margaret Meixner was onboard as the huge telescope built into a 747 aircraft ended its o...bservations of the universe. Margaret joined us earlier that day to celebrate the great successes of this unique instrument and its team. You may win a signed CD copy of “The Moons Symphony” in the new What’s Up space trivia contest! There’s more to discover at for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The End of SOFIA, this week on Planetary Radio. Welcome, I'm Matt Kaplan of the Planetary Society with more of the human adventure across our solar system and beyond. SOFIA, the great infrared telescope mounted in a 747 aircraft, made its last flight on the night of September 30, 2022. Director of Science Mission Operations Margaret Meixner joins me for a conversation about the observatory's legacy not long before she got on board for that swan song journey. You'll hear her sorrow and joy. It's a solid joy to know that the CD of the Moon Symphony is about to become available, including liner notes by yours truly. We'll have a copy for the winner of the new space trivia contest Bruce will present today. Though I'm still feeling the
Starting point is 00:01:00 symptoms, I'm very glad to announce that I've tested negative for COVID twice today. It has not been a fun 11 days of isolation, but my experience has been so much easier than many around the world. Still, it's partly why this week's show is a bit shorter than most. Be careful out there, folks. A smashing success. That's how Nancy Schaubo of the DART mission described it in last week's show. And it's the headline for the September 30 edition of the Downlink, the Planetary Society's free weekly newsletter. Take a look at the spectacular image captured by Italy's little Licea cube shortly after the impact. Wow. There's a link to many other images and more about the mission at slash downlink. Poor Artemis I. NASA had to roll it back
Starting point is 00:01:52 to the Vehicle Assembly Building ahead of Hurricane Ian. Now it seems the next launch attempt won't be until mid-November. That's also bad news for all the secondary payloads on board the Space Launch System rocket. Also in the downlink is your chance to help give official names to 20 exoplanets. For real. This is through the International Astronomical Union, after all. Details on this opportunity are also in the downlink.
Starting point is 00:02:21 There isn't much I need to say ahead of my conversation with Margaret Meixner. It's always sad to lose a great instrument of science. This is worse in at least one way than the collapse of the Great Arecibo Radio Telescope because this time it's intentional. But as we've heard many times from Planetary Society Chief Advocate Casey Dreyer, SOFIA, the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy, has long been under the eyes of NASA and others because of its expense. As you'll hear, Margaret is disappointed but accepts the decision to end operations. She notes that this leaves us with a big blind spot in our ability to understand the universe. You'll hear her mention the powerful interchangeable instruments that have enabled SOFIA to do its great work. They are
Starting point is 00:03:12 EXIS from the University of California, Davis, FPI+, and FIFI-LS from the German SOFIA Institute, FORCAST from Cornell University, GREAT from the University of Cologne in Germany, and HOC Plus from NASA JPL. SOFIA itself is an 80-20 partnership between NASA and the German Space Agency, the DLR. You'll also hear Margaret mention IPAC, that's the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center at Caltech, where anyone can explore SOFIA's data. The science mission operations that Margaret heads are a partnership between the university's Space Research Association, or USRA, and the German SOFIA Institute. It has always been based at NASA's Armstrong Flight Research Center in the Mojave Desert, not too far from Pasadena.
Starting point is 00:04:06 And it was near there that I found Margaret preparing for the final flight. Margaret, welcome to Planetary Radio for a conversation about SOFIA, that flying observatory which has given me a couple of the best experiences I've had in my professional life. Thank you so much for joining us. Well, thank you, Matt. best experiences I've had in my professional life. Thank you so much for joining us. Well, thank you, Matt. We would have continued to report on Sophia's wonderful work if it had a long life ahead of it. But of course, as you know, the end of Sophia's days as a flying observatory is almost upon us. In fact, by the time our audience hears that, it will have passed. Are you still
Starting point is 00:04:45 looking at September 30th as the last observational flight? Actually, the last observational flight will be tonight, September 28th. And I'm so delighted I'll be on it. I don't blame you. Boy, that's got to be poignant. Very special. I mean, there is so much to celebrate with this observatory but there you have to have very mixed emotions i assume oh absolutely yeah i mean when i took this position a little over two years ago we were set to revamp and greatly improve the science productivity of so few which we did and we were super excited about its success, and we were, you know, deflated with the outcome this year due to the decadal survey and then NASA and DLR's decision to conclude the SOFIA mission. It's, you know, it's a sad moment because SOFIA has worked very hard all
Starting point is 00:05:40 throughout its life, but particularly this last two years, we really ramped up. We are at peak performance in terms of flights, in terms of science publications, in terms of science community engagement. You know, I suppose if you have to end, you're ending on a high note, but still, we do, you know, we could, funding permitted, of course, probably go on for another decade. could, funding permitted, of course, probably go on for another decade. But it's, you know, it's, you know, a tough decision that NASA had to make in light of the decadal. And, you know, we accept that. But personally, I'm very, personally, I'm very sad about the moment. We can get through the sadder portion of the conversation and move on to the happy stuff a little bit later because um the observatory Sophia has been so productive and and has made such huge contributions which I
Starting point is 00:06:32 hope you'll be able to talk about a little bit I I've heard from some of your colleagues at the German Aerospace Center the DLR particularly the uh uh SophiaIA Institute, they are, I guess it's safe to say, not just sad, but probably a little bit angry. They would love to see this continue. And in fact, they also have some hope that we're not going to see the last flight of SOFIA tonight as you and I speak. Does it look like there are any prospects in that area? And do you have anything to say to the, not just the folks in Germany, but the other international partners and astronomers around the world who've relied on SOFIA? Yes.
Starting point is 00:07:19 No, I agree with the sentiment of, you know, being sad and disappointing. I agree with the sentiment of being sad and disappointing. To my knowledge, we will not be continuing under NASA and DLR. I suppose somebody else could pick it up, but I have no news on who that would be or how it would be operated, who would be operating it. Certainly, it would be a fabulous acquisition if somebody decided to latch onto it. What happens now, at least in the coming weeks and months, to the plane, the telescope, those marvelous instruments that it has used to collect all this great data, and maybe most importantly, the team? Right. Well, let me start off with the plane and the instruments. I mean, some of the instruments are owned by institutions,
Starting point is 00:08:12 and of course they get returned to those institutions, like the GREAT instrument, the heterodyne receiver instrument that belongs to the University of Cologne. Likewise, FIFI-LS belongs to the German University in Stuttgart. But some of the instruments are what we call facility instruments. That's at NASA's discretion about where they land. And I haven't heard yet of what those are. You hear things about maybe some will go to a museum, maybe some will be reused for other parts. So, I mean, I think my understanding is if there's an active use for something, that's the first priority is it can be actively reused. The XE's instrument, of course, will go back to the PI at University of California, Davis for potential reuse. University of California, Davis, for potential reuse.
Starting point is 00:09:07 And then in terms of the airplane, again, that is government property. That and the telescope, of course, is German government property. So, I mean, those things are being handled by NASA and DLR to figure out where those things are going. Now, about the team, that I can speak more directly for. We have a closeout plan that follows along what work the government needs from U.S. Array Science Mission Operations. And we've hammered out that plan, which includes You can get some of that data now, but we will be reprocessing it to make the best archive for some sets of the later sets of the data. We have a one-year time scale for that, and we have been working with our team to keep them informed throughout the process since April. We've been absolutely transparent about what we're trying to achieve and close out including input from them as much as possible and just going back and forth in terms of what's happening and giving them
Starting point is 00:10:15 plenty of notice so they can seek out other positions. Now the Sophia team is amazing. It literally is the best team I've ever had the pleasure to lead. They're incredibly dedicated. They're very smart. They're very resourceful, and they're very team-oriented. And if you've ever been on a flight, you have at least five different parties having to work in unison to execute the observations, and they do it flawlessly. I mean, this year, it's been flawless operations. And some of them, you know, Sophia is a mix of people who love astronomy and also love aircraft. And so you can imagine that where they may go, depending on what their
Starting point is 00:10:54 desires are. And we are giving them every support we can in terms of trying to identify other opportunities that might interest them. I can tell you, if you're out there reviewing any of their resumes, they're amazing, and you'd be lucky to have them on your staff. I have to think that listing this experience on their resumes or CVs has got to be pretty attractive to wherever they may end up next. And I have personal experience of how the different elements of this team work together from that flight that I and a couple of my colleagues made in 2015 and how well it was managed, how well it was put together. It was just truly, as I already said,
Starting point is 00:11:34 one of the great experiences of my professional, really my entire life, to see how they work together from the cockpit back to the telescope itself to deliver the science that SOFIA was capable of. It was very, very impressive. Yes, it is. Are we going to be seeing good science come out of SOFIA data for a long time to come? Oh, yes, most certainly. I mean, the last flight is tonight. We're the Hawk Plus instruments on the flight, it's been one of our most groundbreaking instruments because it's able to measure magnetic fields in nearby star formation regions as well as nearby galaxies. And we have not only the individual investigative programs,
Starting point is 00:12:20 but we have a number of legacy programs where PIs get a larger chunk of time. They do a very comprehensive survey, and that data goes into the archive available immediately for anybody to use. But then they also work on maybe some higher-level data products that they can deliver back to the archive and analysis tools. So all those things we hope really enrich the archive. And the archive is going to be available for the foreseeable future. It's at one of NASA's, the Infrared Science Archive. And I'm expecting to see SOFIA papers 20 years from now, because someone goes back, looks at something,
Starting point is 00:13:00 analyzes it, and comes up with a new discovery. But yeah, we do have some science events coming out. We have something on active galactic nuclei, signatures for active galactic nuclei, and that will be active in October. That is a discussion. All of our science presentations and many workshops talk about SOFIA data, but they talk about the multi-wavelength nature of astronomy
Starting point is 00:13:25 and so how it's used in conjunction with other observatories, optical and UV and X-ray and radio. And of course, the niche that SOFIA is providing is this wavelength range in the far infrared where most of the radiation from cosmic ecosystems come out. And so it is a very key area of diagnostics. And I'm excited about that workshop. And we have a number of other workshops that have happened over the past two years in this very important effort we've had with science outreach and communication to show people what the SOFIA data can do for them. Margaret, do you have any idea how many papers have been published that have been based on, at least in part, SOFIA data? Indeed, I do. I'm going to give you a round number around 300. Wow, that's impressive. So we really started taking lots of science data in 2014.
Starting point is 00:14:21 I hate to ask scientists, leaders of projects this question, but you probably expect it. I hate to ask scientists, leaders of projects, this question, but you probably expect it. I wonder if there are any greatest hits that you'd like to call attention to. I don't want to offend anybody who isn't included, but maybe just a selection of results that indicate the breadth, the spectrum of work that Sophia has been able to achieve. Sure. I've been rehearsing a lot of that this past year because we've been putting together senior review reports and bulletins and stuff. So I'll hit a few of them. Maybe I'll hit one for each instrument. So for forecasts, probably the best known result worldwide
Starting point is 00:15:03 is the water on the sunlit surface of the moon that came out in, I think it was October, 2020 and a super exciting result. There was known to be water in the polar ice caps where it was cold, but, you know, looking at the sunlit surface was sort of a bold move. And the team that did that, it was very impressive, exciting. And we actually awarded them a legacy program to map water at different samples across the whole surface of the moon to better understand this. And we finished most of it, but not all of it, a couple weeks ago when we finished the forecast series. And super exciting. And I think another paper came out showing a result of that and showing how it changes. Before you go on, I just want to say that that result
Starting point is 00:15:52 caused a lot of excitement among my colleagues at the Planetary Society. The fact that there might be water locked up right out there in the bright sun on the moon, at least during the daytime. Yes. Pretty exciting result. It's very exciting. You're not clear what it means. And that's what the legacy program is hopefully going to elucidate. And again, because it's a legacy program, that data goes immediately to the archive. And the team is going to make a better improved, I think they have plans for making an improved archive of their traces of water on the sunlit surface.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Let me pick the great instrument. This is the German instrument, the heterodyne receiver. It's had a number of fabulous results, but one that really stands out is the detection, the first ever detection of helium hydride. So the wavelength range SOFIA covers uniquely covers hydrides. Their strongest transitions are in the far infrared. And so it's the ideal wavelength to look for them. And helium hydride is a molecule that thought to be key very early in the universe, because of course, the universe started off as hydrogen and helium, and then we built from there. And helium hydride
Starting point is 00:17:05 was thought to be the first molecule. They found it in a planetary nebula. It just had just the right conditions that they could detect it. And that was a very exciting first, because it gives you insight into the chemical reaction rates that create it. And that helps put constraints on, you know, theoretical modeling of what happens early on in the universe. So that was, you know, a big impact that GRADE did. I just want to make the comment now about what this indicates about the hole that SOFIA has filled, which I've heard about from several other scientists, that the lack of SOFIA is going to leave us without a lot of ability to examine some of these wavelengths, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:17:52 It is. You know, one of the reasons I became director is I thought this, SOFIA is the only working foreign fruit observatory in the world at the moment, and it's important to make it as scientifically productive as possible. And like I said, I believe we did that. But when it goes away, when it takes its last flight tonight, the astronomy community won't have an observatory to apply to with projects in mind. The fortunate thing is the decadal recommended that NASA invest in this wavelength range with potentially a probe. It might be an X-ray or far infrared probe and a next generation great observatory down the road. So it is realized to be important in that process, but we will have a time gap for sure. We will have a time gap. It just occurred to me that there may be people thinking out there, well, the JWST,
Starting point is 00:18:44 the James Webb Space Telescope, that's an infrared telescope, but it's not designed for the far infrared, is it? 600 microns. And the bulk, as I mentioned, the bulk of the radiation of cosmic ecosystems comes out in the far infrared, you know, ranging from 28 to 500 microns. It's directly probing the interstellar medium. And when you look at spectral energy distributions of galaxies, there's two bumps. There's the optical UV, which is where the stars are coming out. And then there's the far infrared, the mid-infrared, because that's where the interstellar medium is radiating a lot of its bulk radiation. Because of dust, dust absorbs the stellar radiation and re-emits it in the infrared. I interrupted your greatest hits there, so please. Oh, right, right. Yes, greatest hits. So Hawk Plus is the
Starting point is 00:19:46 newest instrument, and I can tell you in the most recent cycle, it was the most popular instrument to apply for. And it does something revolutionary. You can do photometry at the far infrared, but what it has added that we didn't have with other observatories like Herschel was a polarimeter to measure magnetic fields. Astronomy is very data-driven, and you need data to guide the field. You know, magnetic fields are always thought, well, you know, they're important, but because you don't have data on them, you don't really know how important they are. You don't really know what their contributions are. And a Hockplus really has revolutionized that because people could apply for and start to study the magnetic fields as traced by the dust. And again, because the far infrared covers that peak of the spectral energy distribution, it's a very sensitive wavelength to make these magnetic field measurements.
Starting point is 00:20:40 And you can peer all the way down to where the star is actually forming. and you can peer all the way down to where the star is actually forming. And so one of the cool results that came out was on the Serpent's Cloud, where they show how the direction of the magnetic field changes with the column density and extinction. The Planck mission showed us that really far away from dense clouds, the interstellar medium kind of follows along the lines of the magnetic field you know there's this wispiness but then you get down to becomes denser the magnetic field is perpendicular to the structure you see the filament and it sort of almost prevents it looks like it maybe prevents it from collapsing into stars but then when you get to super high densities, and this needed the angular resolution that Hawk Plus offered, as well as the sensitivity to look deep into the cloud, you find at really high extinctions or column densities, the magnetic field reorients itself and actually helps feed the gas to form the stars and the clusters.
Starting point is 00:21:43 And so that was really exciting. People may have predicted it, but here you have the Hawk Plus evidence showing what is happening. And we commissioned two legacy programs, one's by Fushara Pillai, who's doing something called Simplify, and Ian Stevens doing something called Field Maps,
Starting point is 00:22:03 where they're actually mapping these filaments in the magnetic fields. And so that's a super exciting result. Let's see, going on to FIFI-LS, for me, I love the Magellanic Clouds. And we started what we called a pilot legacy program to map, led by Sue Madden matter where they're mapping a large portion of the south molecular ridge and it's the first time that's one thing that we're going to miss with sophia it's very efficient at mapping large regions with spectral lines compared to the prior observatories and it just has mapped a really large region and c plus and like the c plus line the carbon line it's one of the brightest lines that you can see in the
Starting point is 00:22:48 universe. It can contain about a 2% of the galaxy's radiation because it's a dominant cooling line of the interstellar medium. Super bright. Again, nearby universe, you can only see this in the far infrared. And so Sophia has done a lot of work with FIFI-LS and GRAIT to map out and understand the context of this key cooling line. People use the ALMA telescopes, measure it at high redshift, because it's really bright. You can see it. But with SOFIA, you can actually understand where it comes from. Does it trace star formation? How does it trace the column density of
Starting point is 00:23:25 gas? There's a lot of utilities. It's a workhorse line in the far-infrared wavelength range, and so we'll miss seeing that for a bit. XSEES. So XSEES is a very high spectral resolution in the mid-infrared. So it covers the same wavelength range as JVST-MIRI, but extremely high spectral resolution. You can really pull out all the lines. And there's been a lot of remarkable work done on water lines, other sort of prebiotic molecules around forming stars, where they've been able to measure the content of prebiotics, like acetylene and things like that, and water, interior and disks where planets are forming around massive stars. And then being able to divulge that and do spectral line surveys
Starting point is 00:24:17 has been, I think, a really landmark area for SOFIA. So I think I've covered all the instruments with something each. I think they're all spectacular and special. I'm sad to see that we won't get to use them anymore after today. Certainly presents a lot of evidence and just a fraction of what SOFIA has been able to accomplish that tells us about the value of this observatory there's something else that i'm thinking of that has been of value i think and i saw evidence of this on the flight that i made with my my colleagues in 2015. we weren't the only people along for the ride there were i believe three teachers i think they were high school science teachers who were participating on behalf of their classes back at their schools. It was kind of the culmination of a long line of study that they had been conducting.
Starting point is 00:25:11 Talk a little bit about this program and how it represents the outreach that you've been able to accomplish through SOFIA. Right. Well, I have to say that that's done by another organization with SOFIA, I have to say that that's done by another organization with SOFIA, but I have certainly witnessed it like you did. Very valuable type of outreach, unique in the realm of NASA, because, you know, we can't send teachers up to touch Hubble. You know, it's a robotic mission for off in space. And only if you're a highly trained astronaut can you go repair it. But, you know, with SOFIA, we land every day and take off every day. And that enables us not only to, you know, fix and repair instruments and stuff, but it allows us to take new people on. And the teacher program is phenomenal.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Phenomenal. I had teachers come up to me at the AAS saying, we are so sad that SOFIA is going away because it was such a inspirational opportunity. And, you know, these teachers do come on board. You know, they've done some prep work. They teach their classes about it. It really pulls in through the teachers the excitement of doing science, of working in STEM. It's a very exciting opportunity and I loved talking to the teachers that have been on board. As I said, I saw direct evidence of this as well and just in the enthusiasm of these teachers, they obviously felt as fortunate as we did to be on board, Sophia, for that flight. You said you're going to be on that flight tonight, the last flight, as far as
Starting point is 00:26:45 we know, with Sophia conducting observations. What will be the target this evening? Oh, right, right. Well, I can tell you when we do a flight series, we always do the most important targets first. So just to tell you about the flight series of this Hawk Plus run, the primary target, which had already been accomplished, that was to finish the mapping of the magnetic field in the galactic center. Oh, great. So that was super exciting. On this last flight, we continue to map magnetic fields in different objects. We are looking at these legacy program, legacy programs one is the one i mentioned with the filaments so we're looking at two filaments from the simplify program where we're mapping the
Starting point is 00:27:31 magnetic fields in the in a star formation star forming filament and the other one is for a galaxy it's a starburst galaxy ngc 253 and that's for another legacy program called SALSA, led by Enrique Lopez Rodriguez, and he is mapping the magnetic fields in a number of iconic nearby galaxies and just showing a whole new light as to what's happening in these galaxies. So that's what's happening. We're mapping magnetic fields in the universe tonight. Margaret, clear skies tonight on that last flight of SOFIA. Please convey a message from Bill Nye and all of us at the Planetary Society
Starting point is 00:28:12 and probably everybody listening to this as well, thanking and congratulating everybody on board and everybody on the ground who has contributed to all of these successes that you've given us a taste of with Sophia. And best of continued success to all of you as we watch the data continue to flow. Thank you. Thank you so much, Matt. And we really appreciate all the fan support the Planetary Society has had for us over the years. Keep your eyes open for Sophia results. They will still continue to come out and they will still continue to inspire. Margaret Meixner is Director of Science Mission Operations for SOFIA. I'll be right back with Bruce. First, though, an encore visit with
Starting point is 00:28:56 John Delancey, the actor many of you know as Star Trek's Q. Star Trek has always represented the hope for a better future. I don't think you can have that without pushing boundaries. And in the case of space, that is all that we're doing, is pushing those boundaries and finding out more. Always finding out more. And I think it's really important as a human being, as a society, to be able to do something like that. And this is where we do it. 200, 300 years ago, we did it on sailing ships across the ocean.
Starting point is 00:29:32 Space is important to me because it's kind of a metaphor for risk-taking, tremendous rewards, possible rewards, possible rewards, being more expansive in one's thinking, and opening oneself up to the infinite possibilities. Probably the biggest thing that differentiates Star Trek from almost everything else is the community in which you enter. Well, the Planetary Society is that type of a community. If you share, like me, the need to expand into infinite possibilities, as my character does in Star Trek, and as I have said to Picard on more than one occasion, then certainly joining the Planetary Society is a good way to go. Join the Planetary Society.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Time for What's Up on Planetary Society. the chief scientist. I was still Bruce Betts. Yeah. Yeah. Hi, Matt. And we, what'd we do in 2015? We went with our good friend, Merck Boyan, our video guy from the Planetary Society, our ace video guy. And we rode on that plane, just as I mentioned during the interview with Margaret a few minutes ago. Man, it was a great experience. You and Mark tried to get in some sleep. I was just too popped up to sleep. I just enjoyed being there the whole time. It was great. I don't remember trying to get in sleep. We filmed some random space fact videos. Did you think we were sleeping? Now, who was that in the seat then? No, I think you tried toward the end of the flight. I mean,
Starting point is 00:31:21 it was all night, so it's understandable. Oh, right, when we were headed back at dawn. And we're going to link to those random space fact videos. There's another video that Mark made just generally about the experience. And then, of course, the show, the Planetary Radio episode that came out of that experience as well. What a great adventure. It was, and a very impressive facility. So if you were up there above the clouds with a big telescope, what would you be looking at right now?
Starting point is 00:31:49 Well, being a planetary guy, I would look at planets. And I would look in the evening, and I would check out over in the east, moving towards the south, at least for those of us in the northern hemisphere. at least for those of us in the northern hemisphere. Bright, super, very bright Jupiter hanging out in the sky, and to its upper right, again, upper, even right, Saturn, Saturn, moving the sky towards the west, and you'll see a yellowish object that's Saturn. You have any trouble finding these, which you shouldn't for Jupiter, because it's brighter than the brightest star.
Starting point is 00:32:37 The moon is hanging out between them or near them, moving from Saturn on the 5th of October to Jupiter on the 8th of October. Coming up a couple hours later in the mid-evening, mid to late evening, is Mars looking very bright. Mars brightening for the next couple months. You can watch it over the next two months. Brightened by about a factor of three, but it's already very, very bright as Earth and Mars approach each other in their orbits, as they do every 26 months. If you have a good view to the eastern horizon and are up before dawn for some reason, like you had an 80-pound dog jump on top of you, not that that ever happens to me, but it does, you can check out Mercury, but very low to the horizon, gets about its highest on the 8th, and then heads back down, being that sneaky little bugger that it is. For 20 years now, I've thought about the astronomers out there who say, why isn't he giving us right ascension and declination instead of upper right? Well, because not many people know what those are. Yeah, my general
Starting point is 00:33:40 philosophy, right or wrong, as you've probably noticed, is easy things to look for described in an easy, albeit somewhat vague way. And since I only tend to talk about bright objects, you don't need the R and deck, as we say in the know. Basically, right ascension and declination, for those who don't know, are sky coordinates that astronomers use. It's like latitude and longitude on the Earth to identify where you're looking in the sky. Thank you. I should have asked you that probably in the first year of the show, but better late than never. Well, keep thinking of these questions for the next few weeks. We'll address them. Will do. Meantime, let us move on to this week in space history. I remember. 1967, Apollo 7, the first crewed Apollo mission to space, flew.
Starting point is 00:34:35 Launched this week in 1968. Crewed isn't people on it, not because it was a crewed version of Apollo. They got in a little trouble, but that wasn't necessarily for being crude. Anyway, that's a whole other story. But I will throw in a bonus random space fact before we get to the real one, because I've used it before, which is Wally Schirra, who is the commander of that mission, is the only astronaut to fly in Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo. Love it. He was a fun guy, too.
Starting point is 00:35:02 Fun guy, not to be confused with the mushroom. On to... Oh, if only people could see your mouth working. It was... Anyway, Matt, you may have wondered, how heavy is that telescope that they carry in an airplane? I have. Well, the installation weight of the Sophia Airborne Observatories Telescope was the equivalent of more than a dozen DeLorean cars.
Starting point is 00:35:37 I decided to put in something everyone has an intuitive feel for. Yeah, sure. That's great. Did they include the time machine portions? What was it called? I forget what the device was called. We'll get it. The flux capacitor? That's it, of course. The flux capacitor. Yeah, this doesn't count when they're like time displacements. This is just your standard run of the mill DeLorean. I guess no DeLorean is standard run of the mill. And no Mr. Fusion
Starting point is 00:36:05 built into the hood? No, they knock on to the future. Anyway, that's about 17 tons for those of you who don't have a good feel for DeLoreans, but do have, for some reason, a good feel for what 17 tons really means. Really impressively heavy flying in an airplane. Trying to come up with a good rhyme. 17 tons and what do you get? A telescope that flies inside of a jet. There, there, I did it. There, there it is. Wow, we witnessed it in real time. Nice. Wow, that stands alone. I'm moving on to the trivia contest. I asked you, what is the approximate diameter of the crater that Deep Impact made when it impacted Comet Temple 1? How did we do, Matt?
Starting point is 00:36:56 Really well. It was great to hear from everybody. Still getting those great messages from everybody about my plans. Thank you for that, everyone. I am so far behind in responding, but it is my plan, my intent to respond to everybody who had something nice to say. One of those nice things said came from Gene Lewin in Washington. He also sent this poem. When all the dust had settled, Temple One had a big dent. A crater now existed from an impactor we had sent. It left quite a divot 150 meters wide and opened up this comet so we could see what was inside. Oh, very nice. Divot! 150 meters? 150 meters as determined from later
Starting point is 00:37:43 spacecraft flyby of what the Stardust follow-on mission. Yeah, which we've heard from a whole bunch of people, because you did mention that. It was Stardust repurposed as next, right? Which is pretty amazing that they were able to take a spacecraft that flew through the tail of a comet and repurpose it to take a quick look at this. It's amazing. I do have to correct you on an incredible subtlety. It did not fly through the tail. It flew through the coma. Ah, thank you very much. Yeah, so much closer actually to the body of the comet. Yeah, good. We have a winner,
Starting point is 00:38:18 Daniel Huckabee. He is a past winner, but it has been well over three years since Daniel Huckabee in Nevada picked up a win here. He said, greetings, Matt and Bruce. Interesting tidbit, diameter of the crater left by deep impact, a little bit larger than the height of the Great Pyramid of Giza, which is 430 feet tall. He says, P.S., we're going to miss you, Matt. Thank you, Daniel. I'm going to miss you, too. But Daniel, you get this prize to help you stop worrying about that. It's the medallion that the Planetary Society created in 1989 to commemorate the Voyager missions, Neptune and Counter. We will put one of those in the mail to you soon. Daniel, and oh, who wants one there? Which of the dogs wants a medallion?
Starting point is 00:39:06 That's Gracie. Gracie desperately wants a medallion. She loves them. All right. Well, they're dog treats, right? Medallion brand dog treats. No, I'm afraid not. Sorry, never mind.
Starting point is 00:39:17 They're not dog treats. Yeah, she's quiet now. I got more. Mel Powell, funny guy in California, he tried to get Ray Paletta, our colleague Ray, to tell him on Twitter how tall you and I are. And then he was going to lay the two of us and some clones in a crater to say how long, how big the crater was across. But she didn't answer. So anyway, he may have to amend his answer.
Starting point is 00:39:44 I'm not sure that's part of the official information She has but I'm taller. That's all the matters quite a bit Set upon Corsi a track goal in New York. He said it's approximately 1 trillionth of Earth's aphelion aphelion Which is a man aphelion, aphelion? Aphelion. Aphelion, thank you.
Starting point is 00:40:05 152,100,000 kilometers or 150 meters. That's the one trillionth. Aphelion, help us out here. Wow, that is a really obscure, wonderful unit. Not aphelion so much, but comparing it to the size of a crater. Very impressive, I guess. Aphelion is in an elliptical orbit, as they are. Apelion is the farthest point from the sun, and perihelion is the closest point to
Starting point is 00:40:32 the sun. Earth is mostly circular, but it is not completely circular, so it has apelion and perihelion. Thank you. Chris Mills, maybe they should have named that copper impactor, the one that Deep Impact slammed into the comet. Maybe they should have named it Matt, because I have made, he says, a Deep Impact. Wow, okay, I'm kind of vaporized. Thank you, Chris. And finally, from our poet laureate dave fairchild in kansas comet temple got a snack and found it had a crater it was size 500 feet we found out somewhat later nasa stardust took a pick which helps us to deduce it's just about the same as 85 to 90 br Bruce. Yeah, no, that works. I mean, I'm like 1.8 meters,
Starting point is 00:41:28 something like that. Six feet tall in the morning. Well, thank you, Dave. Thank you, everybody. We're ready to go on, and boy, we have a great prize. Okay, well, I've got a great question. Name the solar system
Starting point is 00:41:44 body and the category of geologic feature that are officially named after abandoned cities. So we're looking for a planetary body like a planet asteroid and a category of geologic features like, you know, mountain, but we're looking for the proper Latin term. And we're looking for that for ones that are officially named after abandoned cities.
Starting point is 00:42:11 Go to slash radio contest. Wow. I hope one of them, one of these features is Turupon. Turupon, an abandoned city on the Silk Route that I actually went to once many years ago. But that's another story. crowd that i actually went to once many years ago but that's another story you have until the 12th of october wednesday october 12th at 8 a.m pacific time to get us this answer and here's the prize the moon's symphony by composer amanda lee falconberg conducted of course by amir and also it is absolutely gorgeous the bbc has just come out with an article praising it in
Starting point is 00:42:46 its classical music magazine. It's from Signum Classics. I highly recommend it. Seven movements, each inspired by a different moon of our solar system. And boy, did I have a good time watching it being recorded by the London Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Marin Alsop. I think we're done. Wow, very cool. Thank you for listening. And everybody, go out there, look up in the night sky, and think about what Matt's head looks like when it, no. Think about, ooh, ooh, think about Matt's, no.
Starting point is 00:43:21 Hey, just think about Matt. Thank you, and good night. Okay, that's enough. You can stop now. He's Bruce Betts, the chief scientist of the Planetary Society, who joins us plotfully every week here on What's Up. Planetary Radio is produced by the Planetary Society in Pasadena, California, and is made possible by its members who never want to see the end of our quest. Help them help science and space exploration at slash join. Marco Verde and Ray Poletta, our associate producers,
Starting point is 00:43:53 Josh Doyle composed our theme, which is arranged and performed by Peter Schlosser. Ad Astra.

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