Planetary Radio: Space Exploration, Astronomy and Science - Long Live Cassini!

Episode Date: September 20, 2017

Join us at JPL and Caltech on the bittersweet morning the Cassini spacecraft plunged into Saturn.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit for privacy i...nformation.See for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Long Live Cassini, this week on Planetary Radio. Welcome, I'm Matt Kaplan of the Planetary Society with more of the human adventure across our solar system and beyond. I was with hundreds of Cassini team members before dawn on Friday, September 15th. You'll join them and me as we waited for the fiery end of a great voyage of exploration. Then we'll race over to the Jet Propulsion Lab to hear from the leaders of that voyage and others. Not a lot of science this time. We will instead celebrate the human spirit and the quest for knowledge. We begin with the Planetary Society's CEO, Bill Nye the Science Guy.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Bill, welcome back. It's been a while since we've had you on the show. I am so glad you can be here to help us celebrate the late great Cassini. Oh man, so it launched the same year I joined the Board of Directors of the Planetary Society. Wow. Well now it took seven years to get to Saturn. And then after it did, it was just one extraordinary discovery after another, including jets, apparently jets of water at Enceladus, an ocean at Enceladus, this crazy hexagonal North Pole weather, stable weather system. North Pole weather, stable weather system. The data will be analyzed for, people have said it, for decades to come. Many PhD theses will be written as a result of this mission. And it gets into another thing, Matt, I talk about all the time. You know, what are you guys going to do with all this information?
Starting point is 00:01:40 We don't know. That's why we gathered all this information. And so who knows what will be learned about weather, about gravity, about the nature of ring formation around planets, about the probability of certain organic compounds being produced naturally or not. Who knows what will come of this. What do you mean a hexagon at the North Pole? Yes. Since I was in astronomy school years ago, people wondered why more planets don't have rings. Saturn has rings. Uranus has rings. Jupiter has a ring. Why doesn't everybody have rings? And maybe out there, when we explore more exoplanets, we'll find more rings.
Starting point is 00:02:16 These are the kind of things we'll discover, Matt, as we go through these data. And Matt, the cost of this mission is tiny for each taxpayer, for each person around the world. It's a tiny cost for this extraordinary inspirational stuff. Space exploration brings out the best in us, Matthew. I'm telling you. You can tell me anytime. Thank you, Bill. Thank you, Matt.
Starting point is 00:02:38 That's Bill Nye. He's the CEO of the Planetary Society. It was a difficult choice. Should I be at JPL for the last moments of the Cassini spacecraft as it plunges into Saturn's atmosphere? Or should I go to nearby Caltech, where hundreds of Cassini team members, their families, and friends were gathering? I decided to head for the Caltech campus, and I'm glad I did. By the time I arrived at 4 a.m., the party on the huge grass-covered Beckman
Starting point is 00:03:18 Mall had been underway for hours. There was less than an hour to go before the light speed delayed evidence of Cassini's loss would reach Earth. Small clusters of people stood in front of huge video monitors carrying the live feed from JPL. Here and there, more solitary men and women sat alone looking up at the screens. It wasn't long before I started running into people I know. Big surprise, long before I started running into people I know. Big surprise. Two guys that I was attempting to watch an eclipse with in Carbondale. Well, Mike, you left for better skies, but you were with us the night before for Planetary Radio Live. Mike Kentrinakis and Tom Economou, who is on the Cassini team, right? What was your role with Cassini, Tom? I am a co-investigator on the Cassini dust analyzer. We have an instrument that detects the size, measures the size and the density of the dust on the rings and on the rings of satellites.
Starting point is 00:04:32 So we have a lot of data throughout all these years sent back. Is the dust analyzer still in use? Will it be as Cassini makes its plunge into the atmosphere? We have data until the end of the spacecraft. Mike, I thought you were just an eclipse chaser, not a spacecraft chaser. Oh, a spacecraft chaser. That's a good one. Okay. Yes, no, this is a very exciting event, and I'm an amateur astronomer. So all my life I've just loved studying the planets and the stars. And knowing Cassini for the 20 years that it's been out in space
Starting point is 00:05:05 and that it's coming to an end, having an invite here by Tom Economo, a good friend and fellow eclipse chaser around the world with me, I was very excited to be able to join here in Caltech and see this. So no regrets about getting up this early? No, this is actually very interesting that we're all here at 3 o'clock in the morning pretending like the sun is not out, like it were an eclipse or something, going too early in the morning.
Starting point is 00:05:30 We could not resist seeing the last moment of our beloved spacecraft for so many years. Thank you, gentlemen, and thanks again for being part of that great night at Southern Illinois University Planetary Radio Live. Thank you, Matt. That was a wonderful show that you had there. Yeah, we have a chance to do it again in a few more years. I'll see you in 2024.
Starting point is 00:05:54 We're looking forward to that, yes. All right, guys, we'll get ready for the big moment here when we lose the signal. I moved closer to one of the big screens as the end of the mission approached. signal. I moved closer to one of the big screens as the end of the mission approached. With others, I watched two displays of the radio bands Cassini was using to communicate with the deep space network, all in real time as it sped toward its doom. A spike in the middle of each display represented the signal coming from the spacecraft. When that spike disappeared, we would know that Cassini was no longer able to fight the buffeting of Saturn's atmosphere as it strained to keep its big radio dish pointed at
Starting point is 00:06:31 our pale blue dot. A few seconds more, and the mighty probe that had spent two decades in space would be torn apart and vaporized. Here's what I heard in the last moments as I stood with a small clutch of nervously joking team members. I'm just starting to see the thrusters fire more and more. Stay on target. Stay on target. Radio signal still holding. 30 seconds. Radio signal still holding. 30 seconds. It's going to be really embarrassing if the signal stays on like a minute too late. That would be great. It would be over-engineered. It's still there.
Starting point is 00:07:24 There's a spike in the middle. It's still there. So that's the signal strength of the radio signal, so the fact that it's narrow is all the power in one little band, which is why it's almost one little band. Yeah, so when that peak will just drop, basically, when we lose lock. Uh-oh. Huh. There's still something there. Oh, now it's gone.
Starting point is 00:07:55 So, I wonder if... There we go. Oh, it's popped back. Yeah, it's probably tumbling, yeah. That'll be interesting to see a plot of afterwards. Oh, well, that's that. End of a 27-year adventure. The signal from the spacecraft has gone out of hand.
Starting point is 00:08:22 Within the next 45 seconds, so will be the spacecraft. spacecraft is gone and in the next 45 seconds, so will be the spacecraft. I hope you're all as deeply proud of this amazing accomplishment. Congratulations to you all. This has been an incredible mission, an incredible spacecraft, and you're all an incredible team. I'm going to call this the end of mission. Project Manager, off the net. I'm Ralph Lorenz. I worked on the Huygens probe in ESA in 1990 in the Netherlands. I then did a PhD at the University of Kent,
Starting point is 00:09:22 building some Huygens instrumentation. I worked on the radar instrument. So my entire career, 27 years, has been spent on Cassini. Four institutions, three different countries. It's been an amazing adventure. A trooper right to the end. Didn't it last a bit longer than was predicted? Well, it looked like the telemetry dropped out and then maybe just popped back for a
Starting point is 00:09:46 moment. Maybe the spacecraft was tumbling. But yeah, it was sending data right to the end. It's going to be very exciting to see what it learned about the composition of Saturn's atmosphere. Take us back to the Huygens probe, the history-making work that it did. Well, the Huygens probe gave us that in situ look. It was there. The ground truth, a lot of what we've learned from Cassini and its remote sensing has really been sort of validated and laid out by what Huygens measured there and then.
Starting point is 00:10:19 It was able to see Titan much closer. It's fun just looking back at the, I was there in Germany at the Huygens encounter, and we were watching a very similar plot of radio signal strength. And there was that little spike of radio energy, just the frequency it was supposed to appear, told us that after this long journey that Huygens had come out of its heat shield and the parachute was out and it was transmitting. We knew the mission hadn't been lost without trace like Beagle 2 had a year before.
Starting point is 00:10:50 So it's kind of poignant just seeing the same kind of plot of radio data as Cassini met its final end. And if you don't mind becoming a little philosophical for a moment or two about the collaboration, the partnership that was represented by the work that the people at JPL, NASA, did with the people at ESA, the Italian Space Agency, to make this mission the success it has been for the last 20 years. Well, that's one of the great triumphs of Cassini-Huygens, is that it has been this international collaboration that has drawn on the best qualities of all the participants. I think there was a time in the early 90s where the Cassini mission was under threat, budget-wise,
Starting point is 00:11:37 and I think it was only because of the international dimension that the mission was really preserved against that threat. I myself am a product of this international collaboration. I'm British. I worked in the Netherlands and the UK and in the US. And it's been really amazing to be part of this sort of big international family. So now what? As someone said, this mission is really far from over. Well, the data are going to keep us busy for decades to come, I'm sure. It's been very, very productive.
Starting point is 00:12:10 But it's also laid the groundwork for future exploration. We've seen how amazing a place Titan is with its seas and sand dunes, an active hydrological cycle. We've seen the plumes of Enceladus. So those are two destinations in particular that we want to go back to. Some of us have been involved in mission proposals, things to fly through the plumes of Enceladus and study them more closely with more advanced instrumentation than Cassini has, or to go back to Titan with perhaps a boat. We actually have a proposal in for a quadcopter lander, you know, using Titan's low gravity and thick atmosphere to land softly and then take off and land somewhere else. So there's a lot of possibilities for the
Starting point is 00:12:50 future. It takes a long time for these things to happen, as Cassini has shown us, but, you know, there's a lot of possibilities in the future. Few people seemed interested in leaving the mall when the spacecraft went silent. For many of them, this event marked the end of years, even decades of research, engineering support, and all the other tasks it had taken to make Cassini such a success. Moving away from the big monitors, I saw the leader of the Europa Clipper mission now preparing to build that spacecraft
Starting point is 00:13:20 that will fly low over Jupiter's moon Europa, tasting the geysers that may carry signs of life in the ocean that hides deep below that world's thick ice. But Bob Pappalardo's focus had been Cassini before he moved to this new mission. I wouldn't miss this for the world. I was the project scientist for the Cassini Equinox mission for two years. It was during that time that we proposed to NASA a finale to the Cassini mission that consisted of orbiting Saturn and flying between the planet and the rings. And NASA loved it and said, yeah, let's do it.
Starting point is 00:14:07 To see it come to fruition has been just incredible. The Cassini-Graham finale has been scientifically so rich. The data, the analysis is just starting to trickle out, but there are hints of just incredible information there. just starting to trickle out, but there are hints of just incredible information there. And we don't even yet know the wonders that have been returned by Cassini, that data that has just arrived on Earth. That's right. There's data that was broadcast back in real time this evening,
Starting point is 00:14:45 and you might notice some of the individual scientists gathering together around computers here at the event because they're seeing what that data looks like for the first time together. Linda Spilker was your deputy, right, who moved up then to succeed you. That's correct. Linda has been with the mission since the beginning. I came in for a brief time and then went off to work full-time on Europa, getting that mission going. And so you represent not only this mission's legacy, but the future because of the Europa Clipper mission. And what it has told us about the Saturnian system informed your work to take us to Europa and sniff the plumes there. Cassini's informed us both scientifically and in terms of figuring out how to best do the Europa mission. scientifically we see the incredible information coming back from the moons of Saturn from Enceladus we're learning so much about how icy satellites work and that's giving us a new perspective
Starting point is 00:15:57 on Europa and the moons of Jupiter so we just get a little hint from Saturn of the rich science that will certainly come from Europa. But also, remember we used to be planning an orbiter around Europa, but what we learned from Cassini's
Starting point is 00:16:20 exploration of Titan is that making many, many flybys can tell us about the world globally can give us an incredibly rich amount of information as Cassini did with Titan and of course Cassini is limited in how low it can go because of the atmosphere of Titan something like a thousand kilometers above the surface is as low as it can go. But at Europa, like Cassini can do at Enceladus, we can skim the deck as low as 25 kilometers from the surface, which is what we'll do on many of the Europa flybys. And like many people, I can't wait. And as mission builds on mission,
Starting point is 00:17:03 would you like to see something like the Europa Clipper mission at Enceladus? There have been several concepts for how to explore Enceladus in the future. Some have talked about a combined Enceladus-Titan mission. Some have talked about could we do some sort of sample return from Enceladus. Some have talked about collecting samples and analyzing them in situ at Enceladus. So we'll see what the right next mission architecture is. But, yeah, I sure want to get back there in my lifetime. Current status, just a quick update on where you are with the Clipper mission.
Starting point is 00:17:43 We are in Phase B, Mission Development. We're just entering what they call PDR season, Preliminary Design Review. So for each of the instruments and for each of the subsystems of the spacecraft, there will be a review. We've started those. They'll continue way into the middle, actually until the end, nearly the be a review. We've started those and they'll continue way into the middle, actually till the end, nearly the end of 2018, when we have a preliminary design review then for the entire mission. Things are going really well. We're racing along. I'm very pleased at how well the science looks and the mission looks for Europa.
Starting point is 00:18:30 Thank you, Bob. Best of luck with that mission that so many of us are looking forward to, and congratulations on the milestone achieved here this morning. Thank you. It's a bittersweet occasion. Time was short if I was to reach JPL a few minutes before a 6.30 a.m. media briefing, but I could not resist saying hello to one more person standing under the still dark skies at Caltech. You never know who you'll meet at Caltech at 5 o'clock in the morning. Ellen Stofan, you're part of the team. Yeah, I've been with the Cassini Radar since about 2001 or 2002, which for me seems like a
Starting point is 00:19:07 significant portion of my life, but I've been on it for so much less than so many of the team. I wasn't sure I was making the right decision, whether to go to JPL, where my colleague Emily is, or to come here. I'm really glad I came here. You know, all the instrument teams are here, and you know, we're all like family because we've been together for so long, meetings, ups, downs, working on papers together. And so it's really special to me. It's like a huge family reunion here. A team member, but you also, maybe not anymore,
Starting point is 00:19:38 but you can bring sort of the NASA headquarters view of this as well. It's a triumph. Yeah, you know, as the now former chief scientist, when you look across what NASA accomplishes from earth science, studying the sun, studying the universe, you know, obviously for me, the study of the solar system is amazing. And Cassini has been really the crown jewel for NASA. For one thing, just looking this morning as they've gone through all the old images of Saturn that we've taken over the last, you know, 14 years, it's aesthetically beautiful. I mean, to me, there's something magical about the Saturn system, that it really is the most
Starting point is 00:20:15 beautiful place in the solar system. And we need to go back. We do need to go back. So about five years ago, I proposed to send a boat to one of the seas at the North Pole of one of Saturn's moons. This just came up with Ralph Laurence. I'm sure it did. You know, we really would like to go back. Titan is an amazing world. You know, it's got these seas of liquid hydrocarbons. It's a fascinating place, sort of a push on what are the limits to life in the solar system.
Starting point is 00:20:42 And then, of course, there's Enceladus, you know, spitting out its oceans, waiting for us to come sample them and figure out if there could be life. All we have to do is go. All we have to do is go back. We know what to measure. We know where to go. We know how to do it. We just need to go. You told me just before we, when I asked you to do this, you would just stop crying. Oh, yeah, but now I'm going to start again. You know, it's a huge part of your life. Thank you, Ellen. Thanks. When we return, you'll hear highlights from the JPL media briefing that followed the end of the Cassini mission, including a few words from project scientist Linda Spilker. And we'll visit with the longtime head of NASA's Planetary Science Division, Jim Green,
Starting point is 00:21:27 and retired astronaut and NASA Associate Administrator, John Grunsfeld. This is Planetary Radio. Hey, Planetary Radio listeners. The Planetary Society now has an official online store. We've teamed up with Chop Shop, known for their space mission posters, to bring you space-inspired art and merchandise.
Starting point is 00:21:46 You can find exclusive Planetary Society t-shirts, posters, and more. Visit to learn more. That's Our LightSail 2 solar sail mission is almost ready to fly, but we need your help in these last months before launch. I'm LightSail Program Manager Bruce Betts with an invitation to become part of our revolutionary CubeSat project. Your donation will help secure a $50,000 matching gift
Starting point is 00:22:20 from a generous member of the Planetary Society. You can learn more at slash lightsail. That's slash lightsail. With your help, we'll soon be sailing on the light of the sun. Welcome back to Planetary Radio. I'm Matt Kaplan, back with more coverage of the end of the Cassini mission on Friday, September 15th. I arrived at JPL and found a choice parking spot.
Starting point is 00:22:45 With my press pass hanging around my neck, I entered von Karman Auditorium, where, as a reporter from my college radio station, I had witnessed the landing of Viking 1 on Mars. That was 41 years ago. The old auditorium has probably hosted more planetary science mission press conferences than any other structure on Earth.
Starting point is 00:23:06 This morning, the room was once again packed with TV cameras, reporters, tapping on laptops, bright lights, and more than a few people in purple Cassini shirts. We'll have a link to the entire briefing on this week's show page, but here are the opening statements from Cassini Program Manager Earl Mays, Cassini Spacecraft Operations Manager Julie Webster, and our old friend, the Cassini Project Scientist Linda Spilker. By the way, these three leaders of the mission were our guests for the live celebration of Cassini
Starting point is 00:23:36 we held at Caltech on Monday night, September 18th. You'll hear portions of that event on next week's show. Here is Earl Mays. There are times in this world when things just line up, when everything is just about perfect. A child's laugh, a desert sunset, and this morning. It just couldn't have been better. And if you think about that moment where we've been waiting for this entire seven years, everything clicked out just right. And then we can step back and say the same thing about the Cassini mission. A superb machine in an amazing place doing everything we could
Starting point is 00:24:17 possibly do to reveal the mysteries and secrets of our solar system. This morning, a lone explorer, a machine made by humankind, finished its mission 900 million miles away. The nearest observer wouldn't even know until 84 minutes later that Cassini was gone. To the very end, the spacecraft did everything we asked. That ground system support was superb, and we believe we got every last second of data. It's already back in Arizona, and I think the analysts are already working on it. So
Starting point is 00:24:53 we have indeed accomplished exactly what we set out to do, complete this mission with a Saturn probe. Maybe just a little bit about the legacy of this mission. We've built the blocks, both scientifically and engineering-wise, for the next set of missions. Europa will capitalize upon our engineering expertise and techniques, and the instruments that we have developed for Cassini, 30 years later almost, will be that much better and more sophisticated and tuned for the environment that we're in. The scientific and engineering collaboration, I think, will be a hallmark for future missions. The fact that Cassini presented a unique set of challenges to the science and engineers. Of course, there's that everlasting tension between science goals and engineering conservatism.
Starting point is 00:25:47 But also, this put the scientists in contention with each other and with the engineers. And the mix of this as an experiment in sociology was an astonishing success. And I believe that future missions are also going to learn how to cooperate and how to get the very best of their systems, with Cassini leaving the example. We've been able to repurpose the spacecraft in all sorts of unique ways, and as you just saw a little while ago, we turned it into an atmospheric probe. So every piece of it's been used for the benefit of exploration.
Starting point is 00:26:25 I've got to thank the many thousands of people. We had three space agencies, 17 member nations contributing to the launch of the hardware of the mission, hundreds of contractors, thousands of individuals in science and engineering.
Starting point is 00:26:41 We have to reach back, all the way back to the early 80s, for the folks that did those thankless cost exercises over and over again, all the way up to now, the people that sent the very final commands. Thank you, and the gratitude, I believe, of the world should be bestowed upon you for the accomplishments of this mission. We also need to thank our many millions of fans. The heartwarming buzz that we've gotten from social media, for the accomplishments of this mission. We also need to thank our many millions of fans. The heartwarming buzz that we've gotten from social media,
Starting point is 00:27:12 from the educational region throughout the world, the media, the more traditional media as well, has just been great. Telling the Cassini story, inspiring the next set of explorers, is just absolutely as important to us as the scientific results we've found. So thank you very much for that. The Cassini mission ended this morning, high over the clouds of Saturn. The spacecraft is gone. Thanks and farewell, faithful explorer. But the legacy of Cassini has just begun.
Starting point is 00:27:43 The effect that Cassini has and will have on the future of planetary exploration will go on for decades. Thank you, and long live Cassini. Thank you. I almost have no words. I was supposed to give the chronology. I've been on this mission since it was built. I'm one of the people, one of the privileged few that actually sat inside this spacecraft before it was put together. before it was put together.
Starting point is 00:28:30 My last image was inside of the parts and the wiring as we went in. We've had 13 years at Saturn, but 20 years of an incredible spacecraft that was designed by people, and I can't emphasize this enough, that had 30 years of experience when they designed it. They took all the lessons learned from the Voyagers and the Galileos and the Magellans and Mars Observer and built a perfect spacecraft right to the last in. The whole electronic system of the spacecraft
Starting point is 00:29:03 ran at room temperature. That's an amazing accomplishment, and that speaks to all the individual engineers that built the spacecraft to last, the mission planning team and the navigation team that designed the trajectory to get the best bang for the buck with the scientists. And I remember the mission planners going back and forth with the scientists. You know, there was like seven different trajectories chosen at this point, and I think the goal was to make all scientists equally unhappy.
Starting point is 00:29:35 That's right. And the goal for our team, my team, and the navigation team was to make it last. And I think you saw this morning that we did. We got actually almost 30 seconds longer than we predicted. It didn't seem like it to me because it was in the flash of an eye. All night long, the minutes seemed like a long time, and then all of a sudden it was over. Cassini as a spacecraft could have gone on a long time,
Starting point is 00:30:03 but it accomplished its mission at Saturn. We did everything that the scientists asked us to do, and we're really over. During that time, we traveled 4.9 billion miles. We did 292.5, 293 orbits, all unique orbits around Saturn, shaped by the navigation team and by the spacecraft team, by the nav saying, point here and go change your speed this way, the spacecraft performing it flawlessly. We did 360 burns.
Starting point is 00:30:38 We planned 472 maneuvers. We executed 360, a little more than half of those on the main engine, the last 21 weeks since April. I was a lot more nervous in April when we dove through the first time. I could barely speak. I could barely breathe when we were waiting for that signal to say that we got through inside the rings. And this last time, I have no words because it did
Starting point is 00:31:07 exactly what it said it was supposed to do. Even better. Even better. Even better. As it always did. As it always did. Cassini will have questions for the scientists that will keep them up at night. Well, I no longer have a spacecraft that will keep me up at night. And I think after a few days, I think I'm going to really miss that. And don't ask me tomorrow if I'm ready to build another one, but you can ask me next month. 20 years of test labs and flight hardware and support hardware and a team of 150 people to disperse and break down,
Starting point is 00:31:53 but right to the end, it did everything. A lot of the team is in here right now, and I want to thank again the navigation and the spacecraft team, the real-time operations that also worked the thankless hours that were the ones that called me in the middle of the night. It's just, it went perfect. And I really thought I was going to be more sad about the spacecraft, but you can't, I'm not. The spacecraft did everything we asked it to do, everything, right to the very end. That's all you can do for anybody. That's all you
Starting point is 00:32:25 want for any human, let alone a robot. Did any of you have tears today? Earl started it. He did. He did have tears. I think we messed it up a little bit, I must admit. It was a very emotional moment. It's perfect. I played the Moody Blues, My Wildest Dreams, coming in and out of the lab the last few days,
Starting point is 00:32:53 so I'd blast it in the car going home, and I'd blast it coming back in. This has truly been beyond my wildest dreams. Well, for me, this has been an incredible journey with Cassini that spanned 30 years. I was with the mission from when it was just an idea after the Voyager flybys, and now to see it through to the end is truly amazing and to share that with my family, my personal family and my Cassini family, what a wonderful experience. When I look back over the Cassini mission, I see a mission that was running a 13-year
Starting point is 00:33:36 marathon of scientific discovery and this last orbit was just the last lap and so we stood in celebration of successfully completing the race. And I know I stood there with a mixture of applause and tears because it felt so much like losing a friend, a spacecraft I'd gotten to know so well. And yet in looking ahead, you know, both an end and a beginning, there's so much left, so much incredible science left to figure out and understand, decades worth, science that will span a generation. When I think about Cassini going in, I know that there's a piece of me there
Starting point is 00:34:17 in heart and soul, because I know we signed our signatures on a list of sheets. Those sheets were scanned in and put on a CD, and that CD is on board Cassini. So a little piece of me went into Saturn's atmosphere along with Cassini. So what an incredible ride, and just lasting for so long. I want to step back just a little bit, if we could go to the first slide, please. This is an image put together by our visual and infrared mapping spectrometer team. They did a spectacular job turning around this data set that just came down last night. And this is a view in the infrared at five microns. You can see the heat energy coming out of Saturn.
Starting point is 00:35:03 And this is the place where Cassini took its final plunge. And if we go to the next graphic, see the little air ellipse there? That's where we think Cassini went in to the atmosphere of Saturn. So what an incredible ride. And to get that, that was the very last set of VIMS images that came back from Cassini. And so here it is turned around very quickly for you to see. If we go on to the next set, we had our last downlink of images. And I'll just look at this and you can share what we saw for our final set of images and
Starting point is 00:35:37 data. Saturn, Enceladus setting behind Saturn. How beautiful. Part of the mosaic of Saturn and the rings in color, our last look at this incredible system. Tightened, you can see the lakes and seas at the North Pole and the haze at the limb. An even better view of the lakes.
Starting point is 00:36:01 There's Daphnis creating its wake along the edge of the Keeler Gap and the beautiful structure in the rings. Another view looking out across the rings, the bright B ring, the dark Cassini Division snuggled next to it. Views that we're going to miss for a long time to come. That little tiny propeller, that little object just above the dark gap, a large set of ring particles together trying to force open a gap. And here's Cassini's final image. So what an incredible, incredible, wonderful set of data.
Starting point is 00:36:43 And as we went into the atmosphere, we had eight of our science instruments on, including the ion and neutral mass spectrometer. We had the magnetometer. We were collecting gravity data there to answer questions about Saturn itself. But in particular, trying to understand as we probed deeper into the atmosphere the hydrogen to helium ratio. You can't measure helium unless you're directly measuring.
Starting point is 00:37:06 You can infer it, you can model it, but to be there and directly measure and sample, that was absolutely amazing. And so that team is hard at work right now, looking at their data and trying to assess what they saw in those very final moments. And I'm sure they'll be very happy that Julie was able to get the spacecraft to survive those extra seconds as we plunged on in. And then, of course, the longer
Starting point is 00:37:31 term analysis, as I said, that will go on for years. And I just want to thank everyone as well, in particular the international science team. A lot of them are down at Caltech. We had too many to try and fit all at JPL. And so they're down, and they've been celebrating. And I've heard having a great time from the reports I've heard. And also to thank the public, as Earl said, who have come along with us. And when I think about Cassini, I think Cassini's final gift to humanity was the fact that we knew the day, the hour, the minute, and now the second of the plunge. And so we could gather together with the scientists, the engineers, with the public, with our own families. You can think of us as a giant worldwide Cassini family and share this
Starting point is 00:38:20 final moment of the plunge and have that memory to add to our Cassini scrapbooks. And if I had one thing I could say to Cassini, I'd say goodbye, Cassini. Thanks for the ringside seat at Saturn. And as Thomas said, we'll be back. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Earl Mays, Julie Webster, and Linda Spilker of the Cassini Mission. A little bonus before we go on. My colleague Emily Lakdawalla was in the throng of reporters that morning at JPL. She was the only one who got to ask two questions. So Emily Lakdawalla with a follow-up. What does it mean that you had the signal for 30 seconds longer?
Starting point is 00:38:59 Is that just the usual overperformance of the DSN in locking on the spacecraft, or does it mean that the spacecraft was able to fight the atmosphere for longer? I think it's a little bit of everything. The spacecraft, I think it did come in a little bit later than we thought. That just didn't delay the demise. It just delayed the start of it. But I thought the DSN has just been phenomenal. They've been tuned in as well as you could. And the spacecraft, you know, all of our modeling is,
Starting point is 00:39:27 we don't have any real world experience with this. And so to be within 13 seconds of our predict is, for us, that's a whole one. Up on the stage in von Karman Auditorium was a man who looked as happy as anyone in the room. He had a right to be pleased. Most of Cassini's time at Saturn has happened during his tenure as NASA's head of planetary sciences. Jim Green, a great day for planetary science? Absolutely, Matt. You know, it's a beginning in addition to what we think of as an ending
Starting point is 00:39:58 with the loss of a spacecraft. But in reality, we have so many more things that we want to do. It really leaves us a legacy of fabulous data to continue to interrogate, find new and exciting things in it. And then also what we know already that has come out allows us to plan for future missions. And when something like this happens, this kind of glorious success, I assume it makes it easier to go to Capitol Hill and tell people how valuable this is. Yeah, it does in the sense that we want to bring everyone along with all our missions. You know, but we're still following what's in the planetary decadal. We still are marching to an important drum that the planetary community has all put together for us.
Starting point is 00:40:45 I've been called a decadal zealot before, and I'm just happy with that because that really keeps us all together. What we're discovering now and what we're discussing now really is going to largely feed into the next planetary decadal. That will make this next decade that begins in 2023 for planetary, that's when the start of the next decadal. That will make this next decade that begins in 2023 for planetary, that's when the start of the next decadal is, is going to be remarkably exciting. I can just guarantee it. You don't want to preempt that next decadal study. But what else do we need to do in the outer solar system? Well, even in this decadal, there's two major planets that we really have only flown by,
Starting point is 00:41:27 and that's Uranus and Neptune. Now, we call them ice giants because their composition is significantly different than Saturn and Jupiter, which we call gas giants. They also have an array of fabulous moons, some of which we've gotten a glimpse of with the Voyagers, and are already really excited about them, you know, like Triton, you know, which is pretty spectacular. In fact, Triton is probably a Kuiper belt object. And I believe it's even bigger than Pluto. So if it was orbiting the sun, it'd be another dwarf planet, I guess. But indeed, we've already started making some studies of that.
Starting point is 00:42:02 We just completed with a science definition team, what are some of the things that we could do out at Uranus and Neptune. And we've come to a realization after tens of thousands of orbit trajectories and analysis that they do that there's a window for which we could actually create two identical spacecraft and with the right gravity assists launch them at the end of the next decade, and go one to Uranus and one to Neptune and knock them both off. Wow. Pretty spectacular. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:42:35 We got a quick update from Bob Pappalardo a couple hours ago at Caltech about Europa Clipper. Also moving along well from your end of that project? Oh, yeah. Europa Clipper is doing great. Yeah, I'm really, really proud of the team. You know, Planetary is, once again, I think pioneering another approach to larger missions. We want them. We want them to be highly capable. We want them to be strategically aligned. Are you talking about flagship missions? I'm talking about flagship missions. Another name for those are strategic.
Starting point is 00:43:09 And typically they're the most expensive ones we do. For us to be able to really do the agenda that's in the decadal and look forward to a rather comprehensive program well into the future, we're developing them under a cost-constrained environment. We from headquarters are putting this constraint on our mission, on our teams, and we're making trades all over the place to be able to keep our missions at a particular cost. And that's important for us because if we can contain our costs, and we're getting better at this. It's remarkable in the last 10 years that I've been at headquarters,
Starting point is 00:43:48 it's remarkable about what we've been able to do in terms of maintaining costs. We then can do more missions, and that's, to me, one of the really critical aspects about what we're trying to do. We talked about this on the last of the monthly version of our show that we do, the Space Policy Edition, about this report that came out recently about flagship missions. And it talked about this progress that is being made in estimating and controlling costs, which I guess is what you're talking about. Yeah. You know, when you, I don't know how many people out there actually have had their kitchen done, but I can guarantee that, you know, you get your initial estimate and that's not
Starting point is 00:44:25 really what you end up paying for. And yet how many kitchens have been done in the United States? What are we talking about? So, you know, in space and planetary science, when we do one of a kind missions going to remarkable locations, you know, and we do the best job of estimating what it costs, it's really hard. It is just really hard to do. But we have to take everything into account. Now, there is a lesson learned to me that came out of this mission right away that we've just got to implement, and that is we need bigger thrusters because if we had a bigger thruster on Cassini, it would have lasted longer into the atmosphere.
Starting point is 00:45:00 I think I'm three minutes instead of a minute and a half. There was a mention of New Frontiers proposals. Is there room in the outer solar system for those less expensive spacecraft, New Frontiers Discovery? Well, you know, indeed, in the New Frontiers list is a Saturn probe, you know, getting into the atmosphere and much deeper. So, you know, when Cassini went through the rings, everyone says, okay, there's not much there. But the plasma wave instrument indicated that it really got hit by about six or seven particles. So when you think about the size of Cassini and the fact that the rings are pretty small, height-wise, and getting hit by six or seven particles, it's raining out there.
Starting point is 00:45:43 It's not, you know, it's not the latest hurricane you have, but that material is falling out of the rings. That's adding to the composition of Saturn. And then the composition of the rings, as we can get it, is really coming from the top of this atmospheric measurement. Here's the composition of the rings added to Saturn's atmosphere. So that's going to tell us perhaps where the origin of the rings comes from. It's that kind of science that's really exciting. So Saturn probe, fabulous. We wanted to do that. That was always on the list. But we've also added Enceladus and Titan. And those are new, really new objects that Cassini's
Starting point is 00:46:22 really proved in the Saturn environment that we just absolutely have to go back to. Now, we may not be able to execute those under that cost cap, but, you know, scientists are going to give it a try. Well, we'll see. All the new Frontiers proposals are currently under evaluation. I can't remember. Have you been running planetary science during the entire time that Cassini has been at Saturn?
Starting point is 00:46:46 Not quite. Not quite. Almost. Yeah. So this is I'm going into my 12th year now. Cassini, you know, always had a special place in my heart because when I went to Goddard Space Flight Center, I was working really hard to get on a Cassini team, you know, proposal team. I didn't end up on a proposal that made it. You know, others beat us out. So if I'd have won, I'd have been a member of the team and I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing either. Well, some people would probably say they're glad you didn't win because they want you doing what you're doing. Some people. There might be other opinions, but yes, I would hope so. Any place else you would have rather been today?
Starting point is 00:47:27 Oh, no. Wild horses can drag me away. Are you kidding? I mean, I would love also to have been down to the mall at Caltech, because that's where a lot of our scientists were. You know, I can't be in two places at once, but both I'm sure had the excitement here was electric, and I'm sure that's what was going on down in Caltech. It sure was. It was terrific. I'll end where we started. Great day for planetary science.
Starting point is 00:47:51 Really a great day for science. Absolutely. And more to come. Thanks, Jim. My pleasure. Jim Green of NASA. A few feet from Jim was one of his former NASA colleagues. We last talked with John Grunsfeld when he was still NASA's associate administrator
Starting point is 00:48:07 heading its science mission directorate. Like Ellen Stofan, John had also served as the agency's chief scientist. And he rode the space shuttle into low-Earth orbit on five missions. You were in charge of the science mission directorate at NASA during a good piece of this mission that we just witnessed the end of. I can certainly understand why you're here, but how does it feel? Actually, it's really gratifying. The Cassini mission was, we can say that now, so incredible from start to finish.
Starting point is 00:48:41 And it's a great example of what I think NASA science does best, which is to come up with something extraordinarily challenging, aspirational, where we are going somewhere that we don't know the answers. We are going into an environment where we don't know what we'll encounter. And Cassini, of course, had strong science rationale, strong science requirements. But here we are now looking back at really decades of incredible science and incredible discoveries. And so when I start getting a little bit sad that the Cassini spacecraft is no longer, that it's now part of Saturn, I only have to think about the incredible plumes on Enceladus or the lakes on Titan or the incredible images that we've gotten of Saturn.
Starting point is 00:49:31 And I start getting goosebumps, as I am right now, that this has been an extraordinary ride and will continue because of the science. For so many of us, Saturn has a special place in our hearts because as wonderful as the rest of the solar system is, as wonderful as our universe is, our Hubble's universe, when you're a kid and you're looking in a backyard telescope, Saturn is really the object that jumps out at you as, wow, we live in an incredible universe. For so many of us, it has inspired us to go on to do science,
Starting point is 00:50:06 to do astronomy, to do astrophysics, to become astronauts. And also, Saturn is unique in that of the gas giants, Jupiter and Saturn, Jupiter's radiation environment is so hazardous, I don't think people will ever go there. Ever is a strong word, but Saturn is a place we could actually go someday and explore as human beings and so cassini has given us our first taste of that of course all of the science all of the energy engineering and cassini is a human effort and who knows humans may someday go
Starting point is 00:50:40 and sail over the rings and wonder at their incredible beauty. A little choked up about that. As somebody who's been out there, you'd like to see humans out there, not far. Well, once we develop rocket engines, fusion drives, where we can physically go out and explore the solar system as we do low Earth orbit, I think Saturn will be a desirable place to go. We have to go back to the why. And the why is really the wonder. Are we alone in the universe? To me, that's the grand question. And in order to answer that question, we will probably need to go and visit Europa. That's why we started the Europa Clipper. We will need to go and visit Enceladus. We will probably need to go and visit Europa. That's why we started the Europa Clipper. We will need to go and visit Enceladus.
Starting point is 00:51:26 We will need to build telescopes that can look at planets around other stars. And all of these missions are, by any definition, large strategic missions, flagships, and will be expensive. But if that's what it takes to answer that question and many more, it's worth it. answer that question and many more, it's worth it. And let's not forget that going to the outer planets is certainly the best way to get the most detailed information. But we will, in a little over a year, launch the James Webb Space Telescope. And it is so capable to observe Saturn, Saturn's moons, Neptune, Uranus, even diminutive Pluto, and of course Jupiter's moons, that it's almost like having a mission going to those planets.
Starting point is 00:52:10 And I think we are going to be startled at how useful that is for learning more about these enigmatic worlds. This mission, obviously, its legacy is shared by thousands of people. You are certainly part of that group. Is there any place else you would have wanted to be today? No, as your listeners know, I'm retired from NASA now, and so I came here on a personal trip. I really wanted to be here, to be part of this, because we love Cassini, long live Cassini. Thank you, John. Glad you made it. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:52:46 John Grunsfeld, astronaut and former NASA Associate Administrator. My thanks to all of the guests you've heard on this week's show and to NASA and JPL. And my congratulations to the 5,000 men and women of the Cassini team for a job well done. More next week as we throw a party for Cassini. Time for, we'll call it the Cassini grand finale edition of What's Up. On the Skype line is the Director of Science and Technology, Bruce Betts. Welcome, Bruce. Thank you. I thought we might start with this little haiku from regular listener Martin Hajoski. Cassini Huygens, gone but never forgotten.
Starting point is 00:53:30 You've inspired us all. Nice. Yeah, very true. And we just heard all these wonderfully emotional comments from people who were part of the mission or supported the mission in some way. I will miss it. I'm sure you will, too. I will miss it. I'm sure you will too. I will. It's truly one of the most amazing planetary spacecraft ever and accomplished so much and did it so well. And
Starting point is 00:53:50 there'll be lots more, as I'm sure people have been saying, there'll be lots more science coming from it for many years to come. Tell us, what's up in the night sky? Not Cassini. Well, in the pre-dawn, there's a fun thing going to be happening. We've got in the pre-dawn east, Venus is super bright, hard to miss, but Mars is to its lower left. But Mars will keep getting closer and closer to Venus over the next couple weeks, and they will be very close together on October 5th, making for a lovely conjunction of things hanging out together in the sky. making for a lovely conjunction of things hanging out together in the sky. Just after sunset, you can still catch Jupiter low in the west,
Starting point is 00:54:30 and above it to its upper left is Saturn. Above it to its upper right is the very bright star Arcturus, so also kind of a fun thing going on. We move on to this week in space history. It was 2014 that MAVEN and India's Mars Orbiter mission got to Mars. 2003, this week, there was another grand finale, in that case Galileo slamming itself into Jupiter at the end of its very successful mission. Yeah, interesting. A little coincidence there. We move on to World of Random Space Fact.
Starting point is 00:55:06 Sounded kind of aged in honor of the longevity of Cassini, no doubt. Yeah, that's what I meant. But speaking of Cassini, the Cassini spacecraft hit Saturn's atmosphere going more than 34 times the speed of a high-velocity rifle bullet. Wow. That's fast. Yeah. it. Wow. That's fast. Yeah. So in the trivia contest, I asked you how long or high is the longest dimension of the Cassini spacecraft, not counting booms, but just the main spacecraft structure before deployments. How'd we do? We got our usual good response from the listeners.
Starting point is 00:55:39 selected Clarence Roberts' entry. Clarence is, I believe, a first-time winner if he's got this. He's out of Galt, Georgia, G-A-L-T. He says Cassini was 22 feet tall, not counting the booms. That is correct, about 6.8 meters. Really big for a planetary spacecraft. Yeah, often compared to a school bus. I think a smaller school bus, but definitely big. A 30-seat school bus.
Starting point is 00:56:10 Clarence, congratulations. You are getting that brand-new Chop Shop Design planetary radio T-shirt, a 200-point astronomy account. That's the worldwide network of telescopes, nonprofit network operated out of Australia. And a great American eclipse commemorative shot glass. Remember the eclipse was so long ago. Yes, I will remember that for a while.
Starting point is 00:56:35 So, you know, we love it when we get, when you ask for a measure and we get it in interesting units. Mark Smith in San Diego, my town, said, how about a stack of 4,415 pennies? Mark Schindler, Honolulu, Hawaii, 3.9 smootes. They are real. Look it up. Craig Balog in Woodbridge, New Jersey, who we hear from frequently, he says, if the boom that extends the magnetometer were included, that structure is 13 meters, 42 feet long. However, that is dwarfed by the 12 kilometers or seven and a half miles of cabling that links the instruments, computers, and mechanical devices. Not bad. Not bad at all. Finally, this, Mel Powell. Remember what you were able to tell me the anniversary a couple of weeks ago, the Trek anniversary? Mel says 22 feet. That's exactly the same length as the Star Trek Enterprise shuttlecraft Galileo. Yes, for real. 22 feet. Happy Star Trek anniversary, Matt. So thank you, everybody. And we're ready to move on. Osiris-Rex is about to do an Earth flyby
Starting point is 00:57:47 on September 22nd and by the way we have 440,000 names collected by the Planetary Society will be flying by people who wanted to send their names out to space so wave to those as they go by. But here's the actual question when Osiris-R, on its way to the near-Earth asteroid Bennu, flies by Earth for a gravity assist on September 22, 2017, over what continent is it at closest approach to Earth? Go to slash radio contest. You have until the 27th. That would be September 27th at 8 a.m. Pacific time to enter this one. And I know, I said we were going to start offering the artwork, but in honor of Cassini and the fact that I was able to purloin a few things while I was at JPL, how about a nice Cassini grand finale
Starting point is 00:58:40 package? Stickers and the official grand finale pin from the Cossini mission, along with a 200-point account, and not the Planetary Radio t-shirt this time. Got a request from Chop Shop to give away the really cool Planetary Society shirt,
Starting point is 00:59:00 which is sort of a Venn diagram of Mars and Earth, and the Planetary Society lives at their intersection. It is a beautiful shirt. You can see it at And we're done. All right, everybody go out there, look up at the night sky and think about Matt purloining things.
Starting point is 00:59:18 Thank you and good night. Don't make fun of me. I got one for you too. Think nice thoughts about Matt purloining things. That's Bruce Betts, the Director of Science and Technology for the Planetary Society, who joins us every week here for What's Up. Planetary Radio is produced by the Planetary Society in Pasadena, California, and is made possible by its awestruck members.
Starting point is 00:59:44 Daniel Gunn is our associate producer. Josh Doyle composed our theme, which was arranged and performed by Peter Schlosser. I'm Matt Kaplan. Clear skies!

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