Planetary Radio: Space Exploration, Astronomy and Science - New Jet Propulsion Lab Director Laurie Leshin

Episode Date: July 27, 2022

She is only the tenth director of JPL, and the first woman to hold the position. It’s a homecoming for Laurie Leshin who got her PhD at Caltech, the operator of JPL on behalf of NASA. Laurie talks a...bout her priorities for the lab, and how excited she is about the missions already underway and those to come. Planetary Society chief advocate Casey Dreier analyzes Russia’s announcement that it will withdraw from the International Space Station. Casey also shares his love of “Contact.” The classic science fiction film based on Carl Sagan’s novel has just celebrated its 25th anniversary. Bruce Betts will join us for another tour of the night sky and more in What’s Up. There’s more to discover at for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Meet Lori Leshin, the new director of JPL, this week on Planetary Radio. Welcome. I'm Matt Kaplan of the Planetary Society with more of the human adventure across our solar system and beyond. Lori Leshin took over as leader of the Jet Propulsion Lab in May. She invited me to her office on the vast campus of the NASA Center that is operated by her alma mater, Caltech. You'll hear our very enjoyable conversation in a few minutes. We've also got a great bonus to share. I'd invited our own Casey Dreyer to tell us about his insightful and inspiring essay marking the 25th anniversary of the film Contact. We had that conversation, but only after Casey helped me explore the announcement by Russia that it will withdraw from the International Space Station after 2024. All that
Starting point is 00:01:01 and a visit to burger heaven with Planetary Society Chief Scientist Bruce Betts in this week's What's Up. You've never seen Jupiter like this, not unless you've already caught the infrared images of our solar system's giant captured by the JWST. There it is in two different wavelengths at the top of the July 22 edition of The Down Lake, the Planetary Society's free weekly newsletter. Below it is a real stunner. It's a full-globe photo of Mars taken by the United Arab Emirates Hope spacecraft in February. Kudos to Jason Major for processing it from the UAE's data. We learned that NASA has decided to delay the launch of the Viper rover to the moon.
Starting point is 00:01:50 Viper, that's Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover. And the Ingenuity helicopter on Mars is expected to rise through that thin air once again in August. Engineers and scientists expect dust storms to subside by then, allowing the tiny whirlybird to fully charge its batteries. Also at slash downlink is an item about my upcoming retirement as host of this show and a link to where we are inviting applications. Casey Dreyer is the Planetary Society's chief advocate and senior space policy advisor. Casey, welcome back. You know, my intent was that we would merely talk about this piece that you have written for the Planetary Society website, which I believe is one of the best and
Starting point is 00:02:40 really most beautifully written pieces I have ever seen on our website. We will come back to that in moments. But it was only moments ago, anyway, that I learned about this news, which is bound to be big news, about the ISS and Russia's involvement. You want to give us a quick recap? Well, Borisov, the new head of Roscosmos, met with Putin and stated that the Roscosmos or Russia will intend to separate from the ISS partnership after 2024. This caused quite a bit of attention and obviously, I'd say honest confusion, particularly for
Starting point is 00:03:17 people just following the news or watching space. And really, after looking at this closely, after parsing through the language, it's not that different than what has been said before by the previous head of Roscosmos, Rogozin, who was just recently demoted. And I think the best way to interpret these types of headlines and these types of statements is to look beyond the words to actions. As of yet, right, and I'll emphasize yet, we have not seen any concrete actions by Russia that shows immediate or even near-term desire to depart the ISS partnership. This was such an interesting story, just the same. It's not surprising it's getting the attention that it is. So your conclusion, hopefully it turns out to be the case, is reassuring. There are some other interesting little pieces to this story. And a good part of my source for this is the New York Times piece, which I do recommend by our friend Kenneth Chang
Starting point is 00:04:19 and another reporter whose name I forget, but he is the New York Times reporter from Russia. It's an excellent piece. They quote an analyst as saying that really, you know, as we hear about Russia becoming more involved with China, Russia really doesn't have that much to offer to China in the establishment and maintenance of their space station. Is that what you've learned as well? Yes, that seems to be the case. And not only do they not have much to offer, it's not even clear if they can access China's space station based on the orbits that China placed its station into. One of the entire purposes and motivations behind the Chinese space program right now,
Starting point is 00:04:58 recall, is it's like most space programs, it's a symbolic statement of technological capability, of organizational might, of resource capability. And it makes sense that China, I mean, once it was really closed off from US cooperation, it benefits from its own independent space program, right? So it's not seeking partnerships beyond those that it can use as a kind of a symbolic partnership, regional soft power demonstration, right? And that's what we're seeing it move forward, just like the ISS is as a function of US and Russian still cooperative soft power. You can't just jump from one space station partnership to the other. There's a lot of complexity. And what I said to
Starting point is 00:05:45 another reporter earlier today, particularly with Russia's situation is really limited in terms of the options they have in general, whether they want to do their own or partner with another station. The NACA module, which just launched last year, was over 20 year development process for Russia and still had major, major glitches that really threatened the station when it was attached, right? You don't go down to the space station store and buy a module, right? And swipe a credit card. Not yet. Not yet.
Starting point is 00:06:14 It takes a lot of time, effort and money, none of which we've seen Roscosmos begin to apply to this program. So again, that's why I look past this. And the other key word here, they say it's after 2024 that they intend to pull up. Well, there's a lot of years that technically fall after 2024, right? That is a good statement too, is that there may be some uncertainty in the ongoing partnership. They may wait until they have existing hardware flying separately. But again, nothing that we've seen yet indicate any immediate change in this relationship. And I also will emphasize, US and Russia just 10 days ago signed a partnership to launch each other's astronauts
Starting point is 00:06:57 to the ISS. So what does the action say versus what the rhetoric says? I always say rhetoric is cheap, right? Rhetoric is free. People can spout words like I do frequently, you know, ad nauseum. It doesn't cost you anything. Actions, how you spend money and resources, that tells you something. That's policy in action. So we have not yet seen policy enacted from these statements. So stay tuned.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Back to the original topic we had in mind, some words you spewed on July 21st and spewed rather well, rather well. It's your article at, faith, doubt, and contact. On its 25th anniversary, contact remains as relevant and unique as ever. It is clear that this film has meant a lot to you for the last quarter century. It really has. I mean, it was surprising to me that it's been that long since it came out. I think it's a very underrated film and deserves a higher place in whatever we consider a film canon, not just as a sci-fi film, but as just a beautiful piece of cinema. It takes such a thoughtful, respectful, caring approach to just
Starting point is 00:08:13 a fundamental aspects of human existence, this word numinous that comes from Carl Sagan's book, that you just so rarely see in cinema to begin with, and then mixed with this very unique situation that came out of, which is Robert Zemeckis, who directed it, was fresh off of winning a ton of Oscars and making a ton of money off of Forrest Gump, and could basically do whatever he wanted and chose to do contact. So he could pull the resources, level of movie stardom in that film that really, again, just has not been replicated effectively since. You could maybe argue Interstellar was about as close as we've come since that, but just doesn't have that kind of thoughtful panache that Contact does.
Starting point is 00:08:58 Just to recap, for anybody who has not seen it, well, first of all, watch it. Watch it as soon as you can. If you listen to this show, you are very likely to love this movie. It's the story that centers on one scientist, a SETI researcher, who is lucky enough to be part of a team that makes first contact. And it turns out that what is transmitted to us are instructions for making a vast machine, an extremely expensive and ambitious machine, and nobody knows what it will do once it's turned on. Then a little trip that she gets to take because of that machine.
Starting point is 00:09:35 What's interesting to me is you open this piece by saying the most exciting moment in contact isn't Ellie's trip through space-time, nor the, well, I don't want to give too much away, but you say something far too rare in cinema, a moment of discovery. And then you connect this with the thrill, the PB&J, as Bill says, the passion, beauty, and joy of science, which you apparently think this captured pretty well. It did. captured pretty well. It did. And that moment when the signal is first detected, and how do they make the acquisition of knowledge thrilling, right? And that whole scene is just a masterclass in framing, editing, composition, but also just it captures that, the promise of something new. The closest thing I could think of is when in a superhero movie, when our
Starting point is 00:10:25 protagonist discovers their powers for the first time, but instead of an inward kind of ego driven discovery, right about what an individual can do. This is an outward fundamentally world changing discovery that re characterizes a global understanding of its role in the cosmos. Those moments of discovery can be rare, but even the promise of something new is so transformative and hits a deep-seated, almost spiritual aspect of human existence. And this is what that movie just does so well, right? And it's exactly right, that joyousness, the thrill, the opening of boundaries that we didn't even know were there, suddenly falling down. Carl Sagan actually published a series of, as a book, but it was based on a series of lectures called The
Starting point is 00:11:19 Varieties of Scientific Experience, which is a play on the varieties of religious experience by William James. And, you know, he kind of touches on these same themes. And that those series of lectures are very much in my head watching and reading. I also reread the book Contact, which a lot of people, myself included, really enjoy it. And there's deeper levels of it than available in the movie. But that was a theme recurrent through my mind as I was revisiting Contact 25 years later. And I think that's the key to unlocking Sagan and Andruyan,
Starting point is 00:11:53 who we should credit here as co-writing the original screenplay and was a constant, not just muse, but co-writer and partner of Sagan throughout his years. Absolutely. And thank you, Anne, if you happen to hear this. Anne will be back with us not too long from now, in about a month,
Starting point is 00:12:09 to help celebrate the 45th anniversary of the launch of the Voyager mission. I would compare this movie in interesting ways to the much more recently released
Starting point is 00:12:21 Don't Look Up, because there is that wonderful moment at the beginning of that movie when a grad student realizes that she has discovered a new comet no one has ever seen before. And everyone, all of her colleagues celebrate with her, and there's this wonderful elation. And then they plot the course of this comet, and they realize that we have a serious problem. Let me say something about that, because that's an interesting comparison. And I enjoyed Don't Look Up, but at its core,
Starting point is 00:12:49 it's a cynical movie, right? And what makes Contact so rare as a film, and this is, again, I think the core of understanding it too, in terms of what I use as the term, faith permeates this film, not in terms of just motivation of nearly every individual and organization is faith in some way, secular or divine. But there's also, and I think this quote you're going to have me read, this is the core of it too,
Starting point is 00:13:16 is that it's an expression of Sagan's faith in humanity and our ability to rise up to meet a challenge, but also to say that there is maybe something out there that we're not alone. And that not only are we not alone, there is almost like a family waiting to embrace us with open arms into this adulthood of civilizations. And that is a beautiful idea that is, again, the definition of faith, right? The presence of something unsupported by evidence, but a deep-seated conviction or understanding of something you want to be true. Well said. Don't look up. Cynical? My goodness, I'll have to read that stuff in the movie. No, let's close with this one paragraph. The whole piece is beautiful. We just won't take the time to read it. Go to and read it for yourself. So this fourth paragraph, do you have it in front of you?
Starting point is 00:14:19 I do. Go for it. Go for it. Contact the book is Sagan's personal act of devotion, a statement of his faith for the cosmos as of yet beyond our comprehension. His conviction is that seeking the numinous, the feeling of being in the presence of the divine, is the common thread of human experience. His grand unified theory uniting the sacred and the secular.
Starting point is 00:14:44 Hearing a voice from the sky, whether a mathematical message or as revelation, triggers the same emotional structures in our brains. And perhaps through this common experience, our species can find some sense of common purpose and elevated cause. Well done, Casey. Thank you so much. I look forward to talking again. Well, next week when you will welcome my recent guest, Lori Garver, to continue the discussion generated largely by her recent book, Escaping Gravity. I'll be there for that. Space Policy Advisor for the Planetary Society and our Chief Advocate. And Space Policy Edition, first Friday in August, is when you can expect to hear that conversation with Lori Garber.
Starting point is 00:15:32 There isn't much I need to say to introduce Lori Leshin. We talk about the long road that led her to leadership of JPL in the great conversation you're about to hear. Lori was first heard here 19 long years ago. Back then, she was principal investigator for a proposed mission called Sample Collection for Investigation of Mars, or SCIM. We've got a link on this week's episode page at slash radio, along with other great resources. SCIM was not chosen by NASA, but the agency seems to have recognized a great scientist and leader in LORI.
Starting point is 00:16:09 By the way, she'll mention a mission called SWOT, that's S-W-O-T, or Surface Water and Ocean Topography, an Earth science spacecraft that is a collaboration between NASA and the French space agency, CNES. Lori Leshin, thank you for welcoming us into your office. Welcome home. Thank you so much. I'm thrilled to be back in Southern California. We are happy to have you. Full disclosure, you are a former member of the Planetary Society Board of Directors.
Starting point is 00:16:40 I think you are also on our advisory council. We're very proud to have you back as a neighbor, as I said. Bill Nye sends his regards and looks forward to saying hello. Oh, please say hello back to him for me. I miss him. I'm looking forward to seeing him. Your longtime colleague, Jim Green, was my guest last week on the show talking about a number of things. He sends his regards and high praise. He said he regrets that he won't be able to work for you or with you again in one of those positions because he worked for you at Goddard. I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:17:17 Yeah, he did. He worked for me at Goddard when I went there in 2005. He was running our data systems. You saw last week, I'm sure, he's an extraordinary communicator. And his enthusiasm for space science is really boundless. And so it's great to see him having had so much success running planetary science and then being the chief scientist of NASA. So proud of him. And he's staying busy.
Starting point is 00:17:40 As I noted in my introduction, you are the first woman to lead the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. You know, I hope that when the second person takes that chair over there behind us that, you know, it won't even be necessary. It won't even occur to people to point out that it's a woman in the job. But for now, it's kind of a big deal. Yeah, thank you. I mean, it's a huge honor, of course. It took 86 years, so yes, it's time. And not only am I the first woman, but my colleague, fabulous colleague up here, Leslie Livesey, who's one of our associate directors, was really the first woman in leadership, in the senior leadership of JPL. And she's only been in her role a couple of years. So it really is time. And it's wonderful to get to be a part of a change here. I mean, I guess I should say you're not the first woman to lead a NASA center.
Starting point is 00:18:33 Nope. But JPL does have a different kind of status. Can you remind us of how JPL differs from the other centers? Sure. So JPL is NASA's only federally funded research and development center, FFRDC, as we lovingly call it, which means that while we are in some ways very much like a NASA center and other ways we're very much not. Our property, our buildings and such are NASA owned, but our employees are employees of Caltech who operates JPL for NASA. And that gives us a little bit of extra special ability to kind of have a little bit of independence, but also really be honest brokers between NASA and the broader space community and do some things a little bit differently, which is always good, I think, within the agency. And in taking this job, didn't you also become a vice president down the block at Caltech?
Starting point is 00:19:27 Yes, I am also a vice president of Caltech and also a professor at Caltech in my old department where I got my PhD. I'm a professor of geochemistry and planetary science now at Caltech, which is a thrill. If I have it right, you're only the 10th director in that 80-something years here at JPL. Yes, I think that's right. 20th director in that 80-something years here at JPL. Yes, I think that's right. You're following these legendary figures, Bruce Murray, Ed Stone. Yeah. Do you ever think about that?
Starting point is 00:19:53 I mean, occupying this office? All the time. Also, it turns out I happen to be living in Bruce Murray's old house at the moment. Oh, I know that house. Yes. That's a wonderful home. It's a wonderful house, yes. And I spoke to
Starting point is 00:20:06 Ed Stone right before I started. I'm a huge longtime fan of his. Charles Elachi was one of my mentors and someone who I respect incredibly deeply. And Mike Watkins is a great person. And so look, I stand on the shoulders of giants here. I also stand on the shoulders of the women who came before me at JPL. I'm right now reading, and I would recommend to all of your listeners, if they haven't read Rise of the Rocket Girls, which is really women computers at JPL who were working right alongside the engineers building the first rockets here and blowing lots of things up in this beautiful Arroyo back in the day. And I feel like I stand on their shoulders too. And I'll recommend a book, Lindy Elkins Tanton's new book as well, Portrait of the Young Scientist. Portrait of a Woman as a... I'm trying to get it right too, Portrait of the Young Scientist. Portrait of a Woman as a Young Woman.
Starting point is 00:21:07 I'm trying to get it right, too. Portrait of the Scientist as a Young Woman. Scientist as a Young Woman, that's it. Yes, I'm in the middle of that one, too. I'm the kind of person that has three books going at once. Excellent. And that is a good one, and Lindy's wonderful. Have you seen the great photo of you? It's 10 years old now.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Oh, no. No, it looks great. of you, it's 10 years old now. Oh, no. No, it looks great. You and others celebrating when Curiosity made it safely down to the surface of Mars. It's one of my favorite pictures ever. That was taken about two
Starting point is 00:21:34 minutes after we landed on Mars, which was 10 years ago, the night of August 5th here in California. August 5th is my birthday. And so it was on my birthday and it was just the best possible experience to see. We landed successfully. Those first blurry grainy images came down. I call them the pictures only a mother could love because they were actually taken through the lens cap of
Starting point is 00:21:59 the camera, right? They flew these transparent lens covers so that rightfully, because a lot of dust was kicked up, but they took a picture immediately. But sure enough, I'm looking at it right they they flew these transparent lens covers so that rightfully because a lot of dust was kicked up but they took a picture immediately but sure enough i'm looking at it i can't see anything and and half the science team's like oh no there's mount sharp but you're crazy that is not but sure enough the next day when we opened the lens covers there it was and uh and you know it was like 10 30 at night when when we landed on Mars. And you would think, as I tell this story a lot, you would think it's like, okay, great, let's go out and celebrate. Well, no, you can't do that. You've got this, I say it's like having a new baby on Mars, right?
Starting point is 00:22:33 You've got to make sure it's okay, that it's healthy and that it can figure out its surroundings and that it's going to, you know, survive the first night and all of that. So we immediately ran across the street to the Science Ops Center and started working and worked all night that night and all night, a lot of nights. So it was a thrilling, thrilling time. I love to talk about what we were doing that night at the Planetary Society down the street of the Pasadena Convention Center. You're right. So we were celebrating for you. I mean, really jumping up and down. It was such a wonderful, wonderful conclusion, which, you know, to a mission that is continuing today. Still going strong and still making amazing discoveries, you know, still sampling the rocks and soil of Mars and analyzing them and finding all kinds of fabulous new things.
Starting point is 00:23:22 So curiosity is going strong. And perseverance is right behind doing amazing work as well. Forgot to put on my perseverance and ingenuity tie today, but it's a warm day anyway. Aren't you still a co-investigator on two of the key miniaturized laboratories or experiments on curiosity? I am. I'm a co-eye on the alpha particle x-ray spectrometer, which is on the end of the arm,
Starting point is 00:23:44 which can give us sort of bulk chemistry of the rocks that we put our arm on. And then also on the SAM instrument, which creatively stands for sample analysis at Mars. The experiments I did for my PhD thesis in a basement lab at Caltech were taking up pieces of meteorites and heating them up and extracting water and other volatiles and analyzing them. And that's basically the same experiment that Sam does on Mars with rocks we've drilled into or soil we've scooped. And so it's taking that same experiment to Mars. And we built that instrument in-house at Goddard when I was at Goddard in the mid-2000s. And it was great to be able to be a part of actually seeing that instrument come to life. We took my whole giant lab at Caltech, basically, and miniaturized it down into something the size of a microwave oven. So incredible. I think of SAM as a real miracle of the sort that was included on the Viking landers way ahead of
Starting point is 00:24:47 its time. Exactly right. We had to invent all kinds of crazy stuff like little valves, little vacuum valves and all kinds of, and it's still working 10 years later. And I can tell you from, again, having worked in the earth-based equivalent of these labs, you know, you're constantly tinkering with stuff and making it work right. And the fact that this thing is still going strong 10 years later is truly something. Absolutely. These that we've mentioned, these are just a handful of the engineering and science miracles people hear at JPL and the other centers that you work with that, you know, they create on a regular basis. I mean, I'm awestruck every time I come here. I wonder if you have that same sense still once you're at the top of the pyramid.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Absolutely. You have to deal with a lot of challenges when you're in a job like this. And for me, the thing that keeps you going through those challenges is the inspiration that I get from the science that we're doing every single day, but also the people who are doing that science, who are so committed and dedicated. And, you know, I talk a lot about how, and I can tell later if you want a story about when we were installing a camera on the Hubble Space Telescope and how I, you know, how I saw people crying, right? Like it was this, people think science is the passionless
Starting point is 00:26:06 pursuit of knowledge and it's nothing of the sort. So wrong. It's the passionate pursuit of knowledge. And we do that every single day here, not just on Mars, but around most planets in the solar system, across the universe, through fabulous telescopes like James Webb, and also looking back at our own planet earth to try and understand how it's changing and what the impact of that is on people's lives. I'm thinking about those previous directors that you mentioned, every one of them a scientist or an engineer, basically scientists and engineers, who, you know, I know some of them told me that they wished they had time to do the kind of science they had done before they took on this job.
Starting point is 00:26:47 You've got to be facing the same kind of conflict. Do you ever wish you could just disappear from this upper floor and head down into a lab? Well, I've only been here two months, so I don't have that wish yet. So before I came here, I was president of a wonderful place called Worcester Polytechnic Institute, WPI, in Worcester, Massachusetts, which is Robert Goddard's alma mater, by the way. So in the history of rocketry, it features prominently. They didn't have a geology department or people doing space science. They had aeronautical engineering, aerospace engineering, but they really didn't have people who do what I do. Whereas here at JPL and at Caltech, I have tons of scientific colleagues.
Starting point is 00:27:26 So it's actually probably, I hope, going to be easier for me to do a little bit of research while I'm here. I don't have hugely high expectations. But again, with the faculty appointment at Caltech, I do hope to be sharing some students and postdocs with colleagues and pursuing some science and maybe even jumping back into curiosity and maybe even perseverance. Who knows? Good luck with that. Thank you. What are your priorities? I mean, every new director brings their own approach to the job and that trickles down. I mean, what do you have in mind? Yeah. Well, it's a big agenda right now. And so, and I'm still learning a lot. I will not claim to have all the information I need to answer that question really, really definitively, and I want to take the time to really understand the place.
Starting point is 00:28:14 I mean, I knew the place well before I've worked with JPL for decades, but being here and really embedding in the culture and the organization is something that takes a little time, and I want to take the time to do that, And I want to hear from lots of our team. We're going to engage almost everybody on the lab as many as we can in talking about our future. But as I look at the landscape, you know, there's kind of four big things. So one is about our missions, making sure that we are delivering on those missions. And people are probably aware we had a recent challenge with Psyche,
Starting point is 00:28:45 a mission to an asteroid. So we clearly have some work to do to make sure we're able to deliver. Some of that's COVID related, recovering from that. But probably there's some other things too that we need to learn from and change. So we're really committed to that. And making sure missions like Europa Clipper and Mars Sample Return and the upcoming Earth Science missions like SWAT and mass change and others that are coming are successful. And we have astrophysics missions too. We're building the next, the coronagraph on the Roman space telescope. So those are all really, really important and smaller missions as well. So making sure the missions are working, that's great. Then we need
Starting point is 00:29:20 to be also looking beyond that and thinking about what is the future hold for JPL kind of beyond the current set of missions. And to do that, we need to be seeding technology for the future. We need to be understanding what capabilities we can barely glimpse right now that we need to develop. And so we are able to do a lot of that work here. And I want to make sure that we're really aligning our investments with where we think the science is going and make sure we're really driving the state of the art always. And then the third one is about the broader STEM and space ecosystems. So the space ecosystem specifically is really changing. It's changed a lot in the last decade, right?
Starting point is 00:29:58 All these new entrants, all of this great launch capability that we didn't have 10 years ago, large and small, all of this, you know, new commercial activity. How does JPL continue to be essential in that ecosystem? How do we need to think differently about how we're partnering, who we're playing with and how, right? And so that's number three. And then number four is really around our colleagues and culture here, making sure that we are, that people see JPL as a great place to work, where that it's a place where everyone can thrive, where people from all backgrounds can do well and succeed, and really making sure we're embracing diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility, all of those things,
Starting point is 00:30:36 and just making it a fantastic place to make your career. So that's a short list, but you know. It's an impressive list. We've got a lot to do, and I'm excited to be diving into it. My conversation with new JPL director Lori Leshin continues in half a minute. There's so much going on in the world of space science and exploration, and we're here to share it with you. Hi, I'm Sarah, Digital Community Manager for the Planetary Society. Are you looking for a place to get more space?
Starting point is 00:31:04 community manager for the Planetary Society. Are you looking for a place to get more space? Catch the latest space exploration news, pretty planetary pictures, and Planetary Society publications on our social media channels. You can find the Planetary Society on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook. Make sure you like and subscribe so you never miss the next exciting update from the world of planetary science. There are probably people listening to us now who may not realize, I mean, you know, when they think of JPL, they see those huge successes lately. They see the movie The Martian. And by the way, there are people working for you who wonder when that beautiful building is going to be constructed on campus. Oh, yeah, it's nice, right? Yeah, great. But they may not be aware that there have been challenging times for JPL. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:31:48 Times when the lab, there were even questions about its survival, at least in the form that it has now. Yeah. My assumption is, my perception is, the times are pretty good right now. But I guess that's also something that has to be in the back of your mind. Always. I mean, JPL provides a really essential capability for the nation, for NASA certainly, but for the nation. And part of my job is to make sure that we continue to do that. But we have faced challenges. I mean, look, one of my first deep interactions with JPL was I was standing out in front of the building we're sitting in right
Starting point is 00:32:26 now live on CNN when Mars Polar Lander crashed. It was not a fun day. And it was an incredible learning experience for me as a very young scientist to be in that position. And it's when I got my first real exposure to speaking to lots and lots of media. And also my first real introduction to NASA and how it worked and how it responded when things went wrong. We do the same thing today. When something goes wrong, we learn from it. We incorporate those lessons and we move forward. And so I've been involved in that. Curiosity.
Starting point is 00:33:00 Curiosity was an incredible success. But what lots of people don't remember is Curiosity didn't make its original launch date. It had to slip a whole Mars launch cycle. It slipped over two years. Much better decision to hold off on launching and be really successful than to launch too soon and not. So again, back to the Psyche decision that we just had to make. thing. We weren't quite ready. We couldn't quite say with confidence that mission success was assured. And so we raised our hand and said, we're not going to get there. We want to understand why. Let's learn from this. Let's address the issues. And let's get this science a little bit later, I hope. But hopefully just science delayed, not science denied. Absolutely. And good precedence for that. I mean, rising like a phoenix from the ashes, right? Speaking of Mars polar lander. Yeah. And, you know, I mean, you could say the same about JWST, right? All the challenges that the Webb telescope faced, you know, when you see those
Starting point is 00:33:56 extraordinary jaw dropping images, you kind of forget about that, right? The important thing is that it worked and it worked perfectly and it's going to be an extraordinary contributor to science for decades to come. You just barely touched on there about how things are changing in the space sector, not just the many new launch choices that are available nowadays and frequently much cheaper, but also sending stuff places. I mean, how companies are getting farther and frequently much cheaper. But also sending stuff places. I mean, how companies are getting farther and farther out there. NASA's commercial lunar payload program, of course. Just this morning, we learned about a company that has plans in the next few years
Starting point is 00:34:39 to put a lander on Mars, you know, as a commercial payload. Things are changing. Yeah, absolutely. And I think it's great. I mean, when I spent time at NASA more than a decade ago, my last job was at NASA headquarters working in the exploration program, which is the future human spaceflight program. And one of the big things we did was we started the commercial crew program, right? We selected SpaceX and Boeing to be able to provide these commercial services to get astronauts to and from the ISS. And it took a while, and it was fits and starts, and it was painful. But now SpaceX is doing it, Boeing is about to be doing it, and it's changing the landscape.
Starting point is 00:35:17 And you know what that lets NASA do is focus on what's beyond. NASA shouldn't be doing the same things over and over and certainly shouldn't be doing the things that the commercial sector can do well. Again, we're a long way from saying they can do it well and reliably. I mean, CLPS is a great idea. I strongly support it. It has had zero landers actually go yet. So we got to get there, right? And sometimes those things almost certainly aren't going to go as planned, but you've got to stay the course and keep in it for the long haul. And JPL's job is not only to help those companies succeed, but then to be always looking to the horizon at what comes next. And I'll just note, Lori Garver was on the show again a few weeks ago as well, talking about her great new book.
Starting point is 00:35:59 Yes, Escaping Gravity. Yes. Yep. Visionary woman. This is such a busy place and a huge place. I'm looking out of your windows here at just a piece of this campus. The biggest projects always get the most attention. You've mentioned a few.
Starting point is 00:36:17 But I wonder if you want to say something about some of the smaller, less splashy efforts, which there are so many of. Oh, my gosh. Yeah. There's my gosh. Yeah. There's a lot going on. Well, first of all, there's a ton of just amazing research and science happening and people developing new capabilities. There's a whole team developing a life detection capability that you could send to a place like Europa or Enceladus. You know, they were just up in Mono Lake a couple of weeks ago testing it to great success, I think. I'm still waiting for all the data, but there's always sort of that cutting edge research that's taking place
Starting point is 00:36:49 in developing new technology. We also are, we fly a variety of sizes of things from, you know, whole giant spacecraft to single instruments. We have an instrument, I think literally within the next couple of days being taken out of the trunk of the Dragon capsule and attached to the space station because it was just launched last week on the latest cargo resupply mission to the space station. And it's a downward-looking earth science instrument looking at mineral dust, which has a very strong but not well-quantified contribution to either warming or cooling or both of the atmosphere.
Starting point is 00:37:26 contribution to either warming or cooling or both of the atmosphere. And so studying the role of aerosols from mineral dust is what that instrument's going to do. We've got small lunar missions getting ready to go, a couple of those, things that'll peer into the permanently shadowed regions from above and help us understand what's going on there. Small astrophysics missions too. So we do things of all sizes here. And I think it's one of the exciting things, right? A young engineer can get some real sort of frontline hands-on experience on one of these small missions that maybe they wouldn't get on something big like Mars Sample Return, where they're going to be surrounded by hundreds and hundreds of others. So it's great for us to have a strong balance of work here on the lab. And we have more work now than we've ever had.
Starting point is 00:38:07 And it's a great, you know, everyone's saying, oh, my gosh, we're so busy, we're so busy. Well, this is a good problem to have, folks. Oh, yeah. But we've still got to make sure that we're giving everything the attention it needs. And so that's something we're really focusing on. I got another one for you. Next week, I'm going to be talking to a couple of your researchers about their new cloud spotting on Mars citizen science project. Oh, cool. And, you know, I think it's like a two-week-old project.
Starting point is 00:38:33 They've already got 2,000 people involved with it. That allows me to go back to the importance of informing and involving the regular folks out there who pay for all of this work. I mean, how much of a priority is that? Absolutely. So actually, I just did my first town hall meeting here at JPL. I had like 4,000 JPLers between online and in person listening in. Yeah, it's been great. And I talked about sort of our North Star and sort of first priority is advancing science and benefiting humanity with our missions and our technology and our research.
Starting point is 00:39:10 But the thing right after that was about inspiring everyone, right? Engaging everyone in our quest so that space just helps you think bigger. It helps you think beyond yourself. And it gives hope. I mean, I wasn't at JPL when Perseverance landed. I wasn't, the former director had not yet stepped down. So there wasn't even a twinkle in my eye at the moment. But stepping outside and looking up at the sky in the middle of the pandemic when Perseverance landed, I mean, it inspired me. And I know it inspired people everywhere. It inspired the President of the United States. I mean, it's just a great thing to see how we can connect with the very best of people. And that's something I think we need right now. Bill Nye, when he's not talking about the PB&J, the passion, beauty, and joy of space, he likes to say space brings out the best in us.
Starting point is 00:39:58 It does. I agree with him. Bill's always right. Well, I work for him, so I have to say that. Earth science. I got that press release last week as we speak about that instrument that's been installed on the ISS. We don't get to talk about it as much as some of us might like on this show because we tend to look away from this planet. But you do have a lot going on with earth science. But you do have a lot going on with earth science. And there are those elements of those missions that are going further out, right, which also contribute to earth science.
Starting point is 00:40:35 I mean, learning about what happened on Mars and what happened on Venus, right? Sure. Absolutely. I mean, this is the fun part, right? We've been exploring Mars almost continuously for 25 years. We're about to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Mars Pathfinder. It's hard to believe, along with the 10th anniversary of Curiosity, and then upcoming sample return, and lots of orbiters and other missions in between. Venus has been neglected, sadly, and that's about to change because NASA is sending two missions. There's an international
Starting point is 00:41:01 mission as well getting ready to go to Venus, and so we're getting back to Venus. And I think the contrast between our two neighbors, right, is shocking and exciting and really worthy of a lot more study and understanding. And we're going to see Venus in a whole new light. Over the next decade, Venus will have a different place in our psyche than it does now. So I'm excited about that. And those things do help us understand our own planet, but there's no substitute for really applying the very best scientific tools we have to understanding the Earth and to doing it over timescales that actually help us watch the changes happening
Starting point is 00:41:40 so that we can sort of model and predict to the future and understand them at a very fundamental level much better than we do. And we've got lots happening on that front right now between EMET launching, between SWAT, which is about to launch in around the end of November, beginning of December, which is a surface water mission. We've got lots of exciting upcoming things. We've even got a mission actually for the first time ever, we are doing a mission that's entirely philanthropically funded, so no NASA money, to look at methane plumes. So methane sort of pollution and carbon plume
Starting point is 00:42:18 mapper it's called. And so we're working on that and we're working on it with private sector companies and others. So it's a really exciting new partnership taking advantage of all of the new interests that we have in space exploration and also in protecting our home planet. We can't end this conversation without at least saying a few more words about those big splashy missions. Absolutely. Perseverance, just as we speak, picked up yet another sample from Jezero Crater. You mentioned just in passing that one that we're all very excited about that's headed out to Jupiter in a few years, Europa Clipper. Yeah. There's so much to say.
Starting point is 00:42:57 So, first of all, Perseverance did just take two more core samples of a location that's finally... So Perseverance has been full of wonderful scientific surprises, right? It landed in Jezero Crater near the delta that it went to see, but not right on it. And so it turns out that as it started sampling, it was finding these igneous rocks, volcanic type rocks, which I love. I'm sort of a fan of igneous rocks. And they have like water overprinting on them. So they're not sort of pure. But we weren't expecting that. Super exciting. So we stashed those.
Starting point is 00:43:28 But the real goal for this whole thing is to get to this delta and start sampling the sediment that we think should be there. And we just did that for the first time. So these latest cores, you can look at the, and all these pictures are online. Anybody can go on. If you Google, you know, perseverance raw images, you will get to the page where every single day, the pictures that we see can be the pictures that you see. You can find the ones that grind this rock and sort of give you a nice smooth surface
Starting point is 00:43:54 to look at. And you can see clearly rounded grains. It's a sedimentary rock with really interesting cement. And that can be crumbly, so it can be hard to sample, but they found a good one and they were able to do. So they stashed a couple of cores of that, and now they're moving on to even more interesting looking stuff. So with a little play to Star Wars, these are the rocks we're looking for. And that's what we came for. And we're excited to have some of those in our backpack to bring home now. I suspect you are one of the hundreds, if not thousands, of scientists who just cannot wait to get your hands on those samples. I've literally, it's one of the things that really drew me to come to JPL at this time.
Starting point is 00:44:36 I've literally been working to advocate for and try to fly versions of Mars sample return for about 25 years. So the fact that we're finally here. But in the meantime, you did mention Europa Clipper, and I don't want to pass over that one because that's going to happen even sooner. So just a little more than two years from now, we'll launch our next mission to the outer solar system.
Starting point is 00:44:55 It's a Jupiter orbiter, but it's one that's designed to do many, many, many close flybys of Europa, the fabulous moon of Jupiter, which we think has an ocean beneath its icy shell. And we are going to characterize and understand that ocean in incredible detail with this mission. And there will be a JWST-like moment for that mission when we get to Jupiter and we really start to see close up what Europa has in store for us.
Starting point is 00:45:21 It's going to be thrilling. And that spacecraft is coming together as we speak right here on the lab. It's in its, you know, the last phase of when you do one of these missions, you spend a ton of time thinking about what science you want to do. And then you do a bunch of designing, designing, designing, and then you build all the pieces. And the last bit of it is putting everything together, testing it as an integrated system.
Starting point is 00:45:42 And that's where we are with Europa Clipper now. So it's really the home stretch in getting us back out to Jupiter. We're excited to do it. And it's going to launch on a Falcon Heavy in a couple of years. So that'll be a good show. And can't wait. I've seen a Falcon Heavy take off with our light sail, among other payloads. It's pretty thrilling. I haven't seen one yet in person. You want to be there. Yes. You definitely want to be there. I also think of how Europa Clipper, in so many ways, is standing on the shoulders of giants itself. Yes.
Starting point is 00:46:13 Cassini. Cassini. Which told us. Which is Voyager and Galileo, our other Jupiter orbiter mission, and now Juno we have out there too, which is a smaller mission, but still fantastic. I mean, Clipper is huge a smaller mission, but still fantastic. I mean, Clipper is huge just for scale for folks listening. I mean, if you stood it on its side and the solar panels, it's a solar powered mission,
Starting point is 00:46:36 if you can believe it, out of Jupiter, five times further from the sun. So as a result, the solar panels will go from the toe to the crown of the Statue of Liberty. It's big. It's big. It's big. We check in with Scott Bolton every now and then. Oh, good. Get an update on Juno. Juno's spectacular. As we wrap up here, and switching gears somewhat, as we love to say in my business, do you have
Starting point is 00:46:56 a message for young people who might be listening to this, who dream of working at this place, at the Jet Propulsion Lab? I do, which is come on down. We've got not only our public tours happening again, which is great, so you can come visit us. Lots of schools do. We have 500 interns here this summer. So as a college student and occasionally even as high school students,
Starting point is 00:47:20 you can have a possibility of coming to work here. And if you think you might want to, that's a great way to have access. I myself got the bug when I as a summer intern at NASA when I was 19 years old, not here at JPL, but in Houston. It's just a great thing to do and keep at it. There are lots of different ways you can participate in the space program too. You don't necessarily have to be a scientist or an engineer. We have lots of fabulous folks with all sorts of different backgrounds helping us explore the solar system and beyond. So please study hard and come join us. Yeah, I was just thinking, after all, Jim Green was a diver at Marshall Space Flight Center. Have you ever been here, by the way, for Open House, that crazy event?
Starting point is 00:48:03 I don't know when those are going to start up again. We hope to have an open house in 2023, next year. So yeah, we're excited. Everyone is excited to get that started again. We love it. We love showing off what we do. We love inspiring people in person, and we look forward to being able to do that. But in the meantime, folks can take a tour online. You can go to our website, and you can take a virtual tour of JPL. And there's really a lot there, a lot of great content, if anybody's out there looking for fun things to do with your kids. We will put up a link to that offer of a tour on this week's episode page,
Starting point is 00:48:36 slash radio. Thank you, Lori. I mean, I hope to be back here again long before that 2023 open house that I recommend very highly. Maybe when we celebrate the 45th anniversary of the Voyager mission's launch, which is, as we speak, only about a month away. That's true. Can you believe that? It's so inspiring to think that in that mission now, the light time is 18 hours from Earth. When we send a signal, it takes 18 hours to get to Voyager.
Starting point is 00:49:08 Talk about a deep space adventure. Thanks again, Lori. And enjoy your tenure here at the Jet Propulsion Lab. Thanks. Thanks for having me. Lori Leshin is the new director of the Jet Propulsion Lab near Pasadena, California. Time again for What's Up on Planetary Radio. I'm with the chief scientist of the Planetary Society.
Starting point is 00:49:30 That is Dr. Bruce Betts, who I forgot to tell Lori Leshin, you were her classmate at Caltech. I apologize. Well, hopefully she remembers. Well, I don't know now, but maybe, you know. Although she's reached, you know, such pinnacles of success, and I work with you. Come on, you're the chief scientist. I'm the chief scientist.
Starting point is 00:49:56 Now, Laurie and I were in the same class in Caltech in the Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences. I hope you enjoyed the conversation. I really did. Why, sure. I'm sure I will. I like space. I like JPL. And I like Lori. So tell us about the night sky, damn it.
Starting point is 00:50:16 I did it. I insulted you enough that you swore heavily at me. I'm sorry, everyone. Night sky. We have four nicely visible planets, Venus low down on the horizon in the pre-dawn, and you can go across the sky, but they're really spread out. So if you're looking in the pre-dawn, you can look up above Venus and see reddish Mars, which is getting brighter as Mars and Earth come closer in their orbits.
Starting point is 00:50:47 Farther up is Jupiter, bright, and then farther across is yellow Saturn, but they're really spread out. So Saturn, you can, there's now a minor party going to a major party in the evening with these planets as well. Saturn's coming up in the early evening. Of course, things rise in the east because, you know, Earth rotation. And so you'll find Saturn in the east in the early evening and then Jupiter a little couple hours later and Mars a couple hours after that. So after the middle of the night. But we have a special guest appearance, not visible unless you have good eyesight in a dark site, but quite visible with binoculars, which is Uranus. And Uranus is always hanging out out there. But you can actually check it out kind of easily with Mars from July 30th to August 3rd.
Starting point is 00:51:34 It's relatively close to Mars. And so if you get binoculars, hold them steady, find Mars. You can check out the little blue dot that's Uranus. Or if you've got a telescope, that works too. So use a finder chart online if you need it, but you can also look for the blue dot. Let's go on to this week in space history. It was 1971 that Apollo 15 landed on the moon, and they did great science. And of course, they were the first to be humans driving around in a dune buggy on another world. Zoom, zoom. Zoom, zoom, zoom. You ready?
Starting point is 00:52:12 Yeah. Random Space Fact! Oh, I'm glad you warned me. You looked a little too sedate. So, have you heard of this place called JPL? It's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. A lot of people know this, and I'm sure you know this, but I thought it was time to share with the world why PRETEL is a place that focuses on space exploration named the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. It's because it evolved from a group under Caltech professor Theodore von Karman, famous for all sorts of stuff, who did rocket research, including developing, and this I had forgotten, developing jet-assisted takeoff for aircraft. So you strap rockets to the
Starting point is 00:52:58 side of aircraft and help them take off on a short runway. The name Jet Propulsion Laboratory first appeared in a proposal to the U.S. Army in, I believe, 1943 during World War II, proposing to do rocket stuff. The Army took over their efforts and the rest is history, sort of, once they joined NASA right as NASA started as a federally funded research center. It really is a fascinating story, the origin of JPL. And, you know, the closest Laurie came was mentioning that we're in this gulch that people used to blow things up in, which was absolutely true. So maybe something that we'll save for another episode of the show, go even deeper into the history of that NASA center operated by Caltech. We move on to the trivia contest. I have
Starting point is 00:53:46 the ever insightful question for you. Generally speaking, what goal does the James Webb Space Telescope heat shield share with the packaging of the now retired, sadly, McDonald's McDLT burger? How'd we do, Matt? Could people deal with my craziness? Oh yeah, they did. And we had, they had so much fun with this and I'll get to our winner in just a moment, but I do want to mention, you know, our deadline for this contest was the day that I made my big announcement. And since then, maybe we'll cover some of this in future shows, but thank you folks, everybody who has been writing and saying the most wonderful things to me about my decision to back off from the host chair of this show in November. Not till late November. So we have till then.
Starting point is 00:54:35 But thank you. I do want to at least acknowledge those here. And I am trying to reply to everybody who says anything about this in a note. But anyway, before all that became common knowledge, we got this entry from Jonathan Gorback, who I think might be a first-time entry, is definitely a first-time winner out of Virginia. Congratulations, Jonathan. Here is his response. A box and a shield made of tears, more alike than at first it appears. One side is kept hot, the other is not, and they'll both last for hundreds of years. Please explain.
Starting point is 00:55:16 Yeah, when they decided to retire the McDLT, I grabbed like 20 of them. I still have 10 left. Bring one out every year. They're still good. I mean, the hot Bring one out every year. They're still good. I mean, the hot side is not hot anymore. So the answer, in a nutshell, in lacking the clever poetry, is the whole point of both was to keep the hot side hot and the cold side cold.
Starting point is 00:55:44 So McDLT, they put the burger on one side and the lettuce and tomato on the other side of packaging and sold it as, hey, keep the hot side hot and the cold side cold. And that's exactly slightly differently what the JWST heat shield does, having one side always facing the sun. And they keep the detectors on the telescope nice and cold on the far side. So there you go. Jonathan won a copy of your book solar system reference for teens which is available all over the place now and it's a it's a really fine book so Jonathan congratulations here are some of the other responses that we got from Kevin Karen also in Virginia hi Matt and. Thanks for the opportunity to answer a trivia question,
Starting point is 00:56:26 my first, that combines my love of learning about the cosmos with the incessant soundtrack of 80s commercials in my headspace. Oh, well, it was perfect because there's some fabulous commercials for the McDLT. Starring Jason Alexander, better known as Costanza from Seinfeld. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:47 Cormac Smith in Florida. I made so many of these during my early career. Oh, a professional. Oh, gosh. Michael Rowe in North Carolina, who's been listening since 2006. When I was doing consulting work in the early 90s to create a system to measure the amount of recycling done by a factory, I had the opportunity to see the styrofoam containers being made. Really cool to see the sheets of extruded plastic being molded. And guess what? All of those that you saw, Michael, are still in some landfill somewhere, I'm sure, and will be found several thousand years hence by archaeologists.
Starting point is 00:57:27 Hey, I kept like a hundred of those, and I've been using them for special packaging. Got some plutonium in one of them, it's fine. Ian Jackson, didn't they stop selling it because some regular customers started to get stomachs measuring about 1.75 earth radii? Maybe. Andrew Payette in Pennsylvania, maybe McDonald's should have just cooled the vegetables with
Starting point is 00:57:55 liquid helium instead. Well, that would be cold. In response to that, Stephen Porter in California, I don't think Bruce would have such fond memories of McDLTs if the lettuce tomato were anywhere near the cold side temperature of the JWST. Ouch. Yeah, under 50 kelvins, that is correct. Burton Caldwell in New York, I bet the JWST team wishes it had been as easy as a styrofoam two-part container.
Starting point is 00:58:29 Yes, but they have a much greater sense of accomplishment now. Finally, this from our poet laureate, Dave Fairchild in Kansas. McDonald's created the McDLT and wanted to serve it in sections, so half would be hot and the other stay cold till the pieces made final connections. The James Webb was given a five-layered sheet, a heat shield for the machine. It's crafted of Kapton, a far better thing than McDonald's pre-packaged styrene. Thank you, everybody. And yeah, keep them coming, folks. We got a new one coming up right now. And yeah, keep them coming, folks. We got a new one coming up right now.
Starting point is 00:59:05 JPL. We return one last time to JPL. Name the locations, all the locations at JPL, to be clear, at the JPL main campus that are on the list of National Historic Landmarks. Go to slash radio contest. Apparently you didn't know either. I hadn't. Who knew? Fasc. Apparently you didn't know either. I didn't. Who knew? Fascinating.
Starting point is 00:59:26 Absolutely fascinating. All right. Well, I look forward to hearing the answer to this one. And we'll get those answers by the 3rd. That would be August 3rd, Wednesday at 8 a.m. Pacific time. And here's what somebody is going to win. It's a copy of a great new book called The Red Planet, A Natural History of Mars by Simon Morden, a researcher, planetary scientist,
Starting point is 00:59:54 who is a great science communicator. It is a beautifully written book. Here's a quote about it written with a poet's flourish. This is your comprehensive guide to humanity's future home. Well, I don't know if I want to live there, but I'd like to visit. Anyway, it's a very fine book, and it will go to the winner of this contest that Bruce has just challenged us with. All right, everybody, go out there, look up in the night sky, and think about all I can think about is the McDLT. Think about McDLTs.
Starting point is 01:00:27 Thank you. Good night. You still have one or two in the freezer? I'll be right over. You stay away from those. Planetary Radio is produced by the Planetary Society in Pasadena, California, and is made possible by its members, many of whom work down the road at JPL. Learn how to help propel us at slash join.
Starting point is 01:00:49 Marco Verda and Ray Paletta are our associate producers. Josh Doyle composed our theme, which is arranged and performed by Peter Schlosser. Ad Astra.

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