Planetary Radio: Space Exploration, Astronomy and Science - Perseverance Perseveres: A Mars rover update from Ken Farley

Episode Date: May 11, 2022

Perseverance, the Mars 2020 rover, has begun an exciting new phase of its mission. Project scientist Ken Farley tells us why the ancient river delta it has entered is so enticing and intriguing. Ken a...lso salutes Ingenuity, the Mars Helicopter, as we look forward to the day when samples of the Red Planet are sent to Earth. What role did the Wright brothers, those pioneers of powered flight, contribute to the Apollo and space shuttle programs? Bruce Betts has the answer in What’s Up. Discover more at for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Perseverance perseveres with rover project scientist Ken Farley, this week on Planetary Radio. Welcome, I'm Matt Kaplan of the Planetary Society with more of the human adventure across our solar system and beyond. Perseverance, the Mars 2020 rover, has entered an exciting new phase as it explores an ancient river delta on the red planet. If we're going to find evidence of past life, this could be the perfect place to look. That's according to the leader of the mission's science effort. I'll explore this and other topics with Ken. Bruce Betts reminds us that a total lunar eclipse arrives soon for many of us on planet Earth. He'll have the details when we reach this week's What's Up. You'll also get the chance to win a great new book about all eclipses that includes
Starting point is 00:00:58 solar eclipse viewing glasses, two pairs. I'm about to start an interesting couple of weeks. First up will be my return to the Humans to Mars Summit from Explore Mars. You still have time to join some of the Mars community's biggest stars in Washington, D.C., Tuesday through Thursday, May 17 to 19. I'll be co-hosting the webcast and moderating a couple of great sessions on the H2M stage. Check out the details at Then there's my upcoming return to London. We're now taking reservations to join us for Planetary Radio Live on the evening of Monday, May 23rd.
Starting point is 00:01:42 I'll be at Imperial College London with Amanda Lee Falkenberg, composer of the Moon's Symphony. On stage with Amanda and me will be artist and ISS astronaut Nicole Stott, Cassini Project scientist Linda Spilker, you know her, planetary scientist, volcanologist and author Ashley Davies, and Imperial Professor Mark Sefton, a member of the Europa Clipper science team. You'll find a link on this week's show page at slash radio, but you can also go directly to Eventbrite. Plug in London as the location and search for Planetary Radio Live. We'll pop right up. I hope to see you for this first PlanRad Live since the pandemic began. We'll talk about the glorious intersection of art and science
Starting point is 00:02:32 represented so well by the Moon Symphony. I can hardly wait. Did you catch last week's visit to the Jet Propulsion Lab and the Psyche spacecraft? This probe that will head for the metal asteroid of the same name has now arrived at the Kennedy Space Center for its launch in August. You can learn more when you read the May 6 edition of The Downlink, our free weekly newsletter. You'll also read about China's plans for its own asteroid deflection test,
Starting point is 00:03:03 much like NASA's DART mission. I'm okay with another space power taking planetary defense seriously. And up at the top of the downlink is the spectacular image of the parachute and back shell that help get Perseverance safely down to the surface of Mars. Ken Farley and I will talk about this snapshot, grabbed by Ingenuity, the Mars helicopter. You'll always find the downlink at slash what else? Downlink.
Starting point is 00:03:31 Ken Farley is the W.M. Keck Foundation Professor of Geochemistry at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, California. He directs the Noble Gas Lab at Caltech, where they use a lot of very cool equipment to investigate geochemistry and what the lab calls Martian geochronology, figuring out the age and history of red planet rocks and soil. There's just one problem. They don't have any Martian rocks or soil to test directly. And that, of course, is why Ken is one of the many Earth-bound scientists who would give their right arm for even a few grams of Mars. It's that quest that keeps Ken at the nearby Jet Propulsion Lab and away from his own lab more than he'd probably like. As project scientist for Perseverance, he leads the worldwide science team and works with the engineers. They get the rover to the most promising sites in Jezero Crater,
Starting point is 00:04:31 where it collects samples of the material that will someday return to labs like, well, his own. It's a big job, which is one reason I was so grateful for the chance to talk a few days ago. Ken Farley, welcome to Planetary Radio. You know, this is your first Planetary Radio interview. You've been heard on the show many times as part of bits and pieces of press briefings that we've covered, and a lot of your team has been on the show, including your deputy project scientist, but it is an honor to get you on, so thank you for joining us. Yeah, thank you for having me.
Starting point is 00:05:06 Let's start with the health of the rover. How's it holding up? Very well. We have no serious issues with the rover itself, and the science instruments are performing very, very well. Thank goodness. That is the best possible news, of course, other than maybe the great science that you're doing. I read that what you call campaign number two began on April 18th, the 415th Sol or Martian day since you landed. And you're calling this new campaign the Delta Front. Tell us about it. We completed the first about year on Mars exploring the crater floor, and then we began a
Starting point is 00:05:48 long drive to get us to the main target that brought us to Jezero Crater, which was the delta, the geologic feature that tells us there was once a lake in this crater. We've now arrived at that feature and are starting to explore the sedimentary rocks that were once deposited in the lake or in rivers that were filling the lake. Absolutely fantastic. You've already, well, how many samples have been collected to date? We've collected four samples, four different rocks, and we've taken pairs of each one of those.
Starting point is 00:06:19 So we filled eight sample tubes with rocks. So that is impressive in itself, of course, but I mean, is there greater excitement about this new region because of the characteristics that it has, this delta? Definitely. As I said, this delta, it was produced about three and a half billion years ago when Mars was very different to today, in a period when there was flowing liquid water on the surface. And because one of the central goals of the Mars 2020 mission is to look for the possibility of ancient life on Mars in this very distant time period, this is a very good place to look. A lake is, of course, a very habitable place. The rocks that we found on the crater floor turned out to all be igneous rocks.
Starting point is 00:07:07 They are not the kind of place where you go to look for life. But rocks that were deposited in a lake, very habitable. How long do you expect this campaign will last, and how much Martian territory do you think you'll cover in that time? This campaign will be very different from what we've been doing, which involved a fair bit of driving across long distances. Instead, here, we will spend about the next maybe six or eight months in a quite restricted area. And that's because the Delta has a very steep, almost a cliff at the base, which we call the Delta Front. very steep, almost a cliff at the base, which we call the Delta Front. And that's wonderful for exploration because the layers of the sedimentary rocks are exposed in this cliff. So we will spend
Starting point is 00:07:52 this campaign exploring the layers that are outcropping in the Delta Front. Does this mean that it's a little bit more difficult for the rover to get around? I mean, what was involved in laying out your path through this part of the delta? Yeah, there were some interesting challenges that were new to us. In this area, the geologic targets are between sand ripples. It makes it a challenge for us to get to exactly where we want to go. The ripples are relatively small, and so far so good, we are able to navigate through them. But that's really one of the first things that we do is we lay out the route that the rover can go and decide where the best science can be done. Fortunately, this forms a cliff in most places along the delta front. In the area we are right
Starting point is 00:08:43 now, it's almost like a valley cuts down through it. And so we can drive up a relatively shallow grade, allowing the rover to have access. Where is the rover right now? I mean, I know you give names to all the different areas you drive through and the features that surround the rover. We are in the middle of what we call the Cannery Passage loop that is just at the base of the Delta. So we are now taking images of the Delta front, and we will, within the next few days, be driving for the first time on the Delta. I saw that term, Cannery Passage, and I got to ask, is that a tribute to one of my favorite books, John Steinbeck's Cannery Row? Not exactly. Too bad.
Starting point is 00:09:30 The way we assign names, it's a very interesting way that we assign names. At specific areas on the crater floor, we would use target names that are taken from names that occur in national parks and preserves around the world. And the area that we're in right now from which Cannery Passage was drawn is from the Katmai National Park. So Katmai is in Alaska. And I don't know what Cannery Passage is, but it must be a geographic feature in coastal Alaska. And I bet it looks somewhat different from where Perseverance is right now. Are you seeing, are you and the other members of the science team, is there a lot of exciting stuff that you're driving through? Yeah, the rocks of the Delta Front, they have lots and lots of fascinating details. The layers are exposed so beautifully
Starting point is 00:10:32 that we've just been acquiring an enormous number of images so far to figure out what the story is that the Delta will tell us about how this lake filled. It might have expanded, it might have contracted, it might have had rivers flowing into it at one point. So far, we're just trying to figure out what the images are telling us. And then in the coming days and weeks, we'll start using our instruments that we need the rover to be up close with the rock to start seeing what the rocks will tell us. And I expect that we will acquire samples quite soon. Let's talk about that.
Starting point is 00:11:14 You've been very judicious about where and when to collect samples. Can you say something about what is the process for deciding to use one of those precious tubes? We started really going back years. As soon as we had selected the landing site, we started thinking about what is the proper diversity of rocks, the number of rocks, different kinds of rocks that we would want to collect in this area. We called that the notional cache. And now that we're on the surface, we are using that as a guide to figure out where we should be sampling and to some extent also where we're driving. The challenge is that it's easy to say in the abstract, yes, I want to collect a rock that was once a mud at the bottom of the lake. That sounds great. You got a rock in front of you. Is that a mud that was once on the bottom of the lake? And so this is why we have to use our instruments on the rover to actually look closely at these rocks and figure out if they fit the bill. About those instruments, you've got seven of them, all told. One of them,
Starting point is 00:12:17 that great demonstration of how we might make oxygen for people and rockets someday on Mars, MOXIE. But it's obvious that the science that is coming from those, while they're helping you to select sample sites, there is a great deal of science being done that already has been delivered back to Earth in the form of data. Can you say something about what we're learning? The most surprising thing we've learned is that the rocks on the floor of the crater, so essentially downhill from the delta, we had expected, at least most of us had expected, that those rocks would be rocks that were deposited in the lake, and they're not. They are igneous rocks.
Starting point is 00:13:01 That took us quite a while to determine and then to really get our heads around, but what does this mean? It's quite puzzling. I have to say, we still haven't quite figured out how all of that works. Undoubtedly, there were sedimentary rocks present, for example, where we landed, that have eroded away. And this is one of the most interesting stories that when you try to understand the way Mars works, you have to recognize that we are looking at billions of years of geologic history, such that that lake was present three and a half billion years ago, and those rocks would have been deposited then. But they've had an enormous amount of time to erode away. It's very unearth-like. It seems also that we're hearing once again a lesson we hear all the time on this show, and that is that even a planet that we are coming to know, well, we know it so much better now than
Starting point is 00:13:54 we did 40, 50, even 20 years ago, Mars is still full of surprises. Yeah, absolutely. And we have very detailed orbital images that led us to believe a number of things about this landing site. And then when you get down on the ground, some of those hypotheses are confirmed and others are refuted. And then there are things you just can't possibly have known from any data collected before. For example, these rocks on the crater floor, from any data collected before. For example, these rocks on the crater floor, they're igneous, but they have also interacted with water. Maybe groundwater isn't really clear what the source of the water was, but those rocks were sitting in water for some significant amount of time. And that's really interesting from the point of view of looking for potentially
Starting point is 00:14:40 habitable environments where ancient Martian microorganisms might have been able to live. habitable environments where ancient Martian microorganisms might have been able to live. You probably know that we at the Planetary Society have a special connection to Mastcam-Z and its principal investigator, Jim Bell. Are you as blown away by its performance as we are? Yeah, the images that ZCAM is producing are really spectacular. ZCAM is producing are really spectacular. I would say every month or so I send an email to Jim and say, fantastic mosaic that you all just brought down. The ZCAM images, they're science tools, obviously. We use them all the time to do science.
Starting point is 00:15:24 But they're also, they're literally the first thing I look at when we start getting data down at the beginning of the day. First thing I look at because they just make me feel like I'm there. And that's, for me, that's the excitement of it. Like, wow, we are here. You know, the human presence is up there on Mars. And how. I was at Arizona State University not too long ago and visiting with Jim and some other folks. not too long ago, and visiting with Jim and some other folks, but I also got to see the meeting that his group there leads,
Starting point is 00:15:51 I guess, every day or almost every day, deciding what to do with those mighty cameras on top of the mast. And it just, it said a lot to me about how this mission is spread, not just across the United States among scientists here, but the international nature of this mission as well, and the hundreds if not thousands of people who are contributing to it. It's a huge team, and it's a fascinating human endeavor in the sense that many of us have never met each other. That would be different if it were not for the pandemic. But most of the operations among the science team, they're done remotely. And I have not met the lion's share of these team members. It's kind of weird that you
Starting point is 00:16:36 recognize people's voices better than you recognize their face. I also have to mention those microphones that are telling us what Mars sounds like for the very first time, something that has been near and dear to the Planetary Society for decades, as you probably know. Is that sound, is it enabling real science as the rover rolls across the planet? Yes, it's doing a few things that are, I think, partly, they're just interesting to hear the sounds of the rover crunching across the ground. That's another aspect of, yeah, it's like you're being there. You can hear those sounds. And you can hear the sound of the wind. It's kind of a lonesome sound to me. But there's also really interesting information content that's coming out of that that I at least had not been anticipating.
Starting point is 00:17:32 For example, there have been studies done to determine the speed of sound in the Martian environment using Ingenuity, the helicopter, as a sound source. So that's pretty interesting. And the other thing which is really fascinating is you can get high-frequency information on the wind from the microphone. It's at frequencies that are too high to be measured with the wind sensors on the weather instrument called META. So it's very interesting to see all that play out. I am very glad that you mentioned Ingenuity, that cute little whirly bird that Perseverance carried to the Red Planet, and that, you know, the rover still supports, still enables it to communicate with us. I'm especially thinking of those images that were released yesterday, as you and I speak,
Starting point is 00:18:21 of the back shell and the parachute that helped get you down to the surface. I wrote to your colleague, JPL Chief Engineer Rob Manning, about them yesterday. He said to say hi, and he added, yes, it's very cool and weird to see our once pristine white back shell now toasted, squished, and dusty, sitting on another planet awaiting future archaeologists. sitting on another planet awaiting future archaeologists. I mean, were you surprised to see Ingenuity become not just a little test of technology, but a real contributor to your overall mission? Yes, this was completely unexpected.
Starting point is 00:18:57 And just to remind everybody that Ingenuity was a technology demonstration. It was meant to do five or six flights and declare victory. It did that. And then we realized, hey, this helicopter is showing no indication of not being able to survive for the long term. And so now, essentially a year later, we continue to have Ingenuity with us. It was an interesting challenge to have Ingenuity keep up with us when we drove. We just completed a five-kilometer drive in just about one month. It was hard for Ingenuity to keep up with us, but Ingenuity was able to take a shortcut across an area that the rover could not drive. And now, as you saw from those images, Ingenuity is doing work for us, characterizing the landscape and also the entry, descend, and landing hardware.
Starting point is 00:19:50 Absolutely amazing. There's one more tribute just to the engineering of the rover that I have to make, and it's also something we've talked about in the past. I've had people describe Perseverance to me as a robot with another robot inside it. And I'm talking about that absolutely amazing mechanical system inside for handling your samples. And, of course, it takes up a lot of the room that, you know, on Curiosity is filled up with robotic laboratories. But I just, I mean, do you, you've been with this for so long now, I wonder, do you still sometimes just marvel at what this machine is capable of doing? Yeah, absolutely. And I have to say, as I live through the development phase, it's one thing to see it on paper or hear the engineers talk about it.
Starting point is 00:20:39 And then I saw the first video taken in the test bed, you know, several years ago, and I thought, wow, what have we done? This thing is so complicated, and it must work. It is mission critical. Our central objective of collecting samples demands that this thing work. We've had some interesting challenges. We got some pebbles jammed in the mechanism about three or four months ago. We got them out. Hopefully, we will continue to
Starting point is 00:21:06 be successful in keeping it going. So what comes after this current Delta front campaign? We will complete the prime mission in a little over a year and a half. And then, presuming we get extended, the idea is we will continue towards the rim of the crater where we will cross an area that we call the marginal units. It is possible those are lakeshore deposits or even rocks that were deposited directly in the lake, carbonate rocks deposited in the lake. And then the current plan is we will then drive up the crater rim. It's almost a kilometer high, but we will drive up the rim and explore the area surrounding the crater called Nellie Planum. Geologically, completely different than where we've been. A lot of excitement to come. I was looking at
Starting point is 00:21:55 your Caltech website not long ago, your personal site, and I recommend listeners take a look. We'll put the link on this week's show page at slash radio. How do you find time to lead the Perseverance science team and continue your own research? Well, I asked that myself. Seriously, it is all about working with the right people, both on the rover mission and in my own laboratory. One of the things that is really interesting as a professor who has spent, until recently, my entire career working with a small number of people, joining the Perseverance team, which at its peak probably had more than a thousand people working on it, is to just trust everybody to do their job. And that's been really rewarding to me to play a part in these
Starting point is 00:22:45 really big teams with people you can trust. So that's my way of coping with too much to do, work with the people that make it happen. You know, I love that photo of hundreds of Rover team members that was taken outside at JPL not too long ago, I guess, and it sure gives you a feel for what it takes to pull off something like this. I think it's really easy to forget that. What that drives home for me is how exclusively complicated this piece of hardware is. It's just a marvel, and people, individuals built this marvel, you know, bit by bit. It's just incredible. I got just one more for you.
Starting point is 00:23:29 Are you still running those ultra-distance foot races? I have had to put that aside. That's one of the things that went when I got fully engaged in this mission. I just did not have time. If you want to run 100 miles, you need to train a lot, and I was just not able to keep up with that. So here's where I'm going with this, 100 miles. Do you think we'll ever have robots with that kind of ability on Mars or elsewhere
Starting point is 00:23:56 to find their way as quickly as a human can down here on Earth? I don't know about as quickly, but I have no doubt we will be able to cover on Mars long distances. And part of the reason for that is the computer revolution is coming. You know, we're using on Perseverance, we're using a very old processor because it's flight qualified. But when the revolution that allowed autonomous driving on Earth to happen, when that comes to space exploration, that's going to be huge. And isn't Perseverance doing some autonomous driving now? I mean, you say,
Starting point is 00:24:34 we need you to go over there, and it kind of finds its way? Well, more than kind of. It really does find its way. We put on board specifically for this purpose a dedicated processor for doing image processing, and that has allowed us to drive up to about 300 meters in a single saw. It is still necessary for us to have ground in the loop to do a lot of the things that we do, but the autonomy that's facilitated by a really fast processor. If you can start taking ground out of the loop, meaning all the people back at JPL and around the world
Starting point is 00:25:12 that are making this mission happen, when you can let the rover or whatever the spacecraft is make its own decisions, that'll really speed everything up. We sure have come a long way from Little Sojourner, haven't we? Yeah, absolutely. Ken, you come a long way from Little Sojourner, haven't we? Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Ken, you have a lot of us out here, certainly everybody listening to this show, who will be following along as you, your team, and that rover continue to explore and pick up bits of Mars for later return to Earth. Cannot wait to get those samples back into big labs down here on our home planet. Best of continued success as the exploration continues.
Starting point is 00:25:52 We'll be following. Yeah, thank you very much, and thanks for having me on. A quick break now for a message from someone my brother and sister Star Trek fans know well. I'll be right back for more fun with Bruce Batts, including the new space trivia contest. Ladies and gentlemen, here is John Delancey, also known to many of us as Q. Star Trek has always represented the hope for a better future. I don't think you can have that without pushing boundaries. And in the case of space, that is all that we're doing is pushing those boundaries and finding out more always finding out more and I think
Starting point is 00:26:31 it's really important as a human being as a society to be able to do something like that and this is where we do it 200 300 years ago we did it on sailing ships across the ocean space is important to me because it's kind of a metaphor for risk-taking, tremendous rewards, possible rewards, being more expansive in one's thinking and opening oneself up to the infinite possibilities. Probably the biggest thing that differentiates Star Trek from almost everything else is the community in which you enter. Well, the Planetary Society is that type of a community. If you share, like me, the need to expand into infinite possibilities,
Starting point is 00:27:20 as my character does in Star Trek, and as I have said to Picard on more than one occasion, then certainly joining the Planetary Society is a good way to go. Join the Planetary Society. It's time for What's Up on Planetary Radio. Bruce Betts is the chief scientist of the Planetary Society. He is with us yet again. And we've got the lunar eclipse, total lunar eclipse. Turns out, once in a while, that crazy moon passes through the Earth's shadow.
Starting point is 00:27:54 And it's going right through the middle of the Earth's shadow this time. So it'll be a nice long period of totality. That'll be the night of May 15th or 16th. It is visible from North America and portions of Western Europe and Western Africa. You can check out it beginning at 227 UTC on May 16th. That's Pacific time, 727 PM on May 15th. Does the moon ever say, I'm being followed by an Earth shadow? Earth shadow, Earth shadow? Probably not.
Starting point is 00:28:30 Thinking. I have not personally heard it say that. In space, no one can hear you sing bad renditions of Cat Stevens. That's my favorite thing. That's my second favorite thing about space. All right, let us... By the way, Totality starts at 3.29 UTC on the 16th, 8.29 PM on the 15th for Pacific time.
Starting point is 00:28:55 And Totality lasts about an hour and a half and should get nice and dark as it goes through the middle of the Earth's shadow, being followed by an Earth's shadow. If you're up in the pre-dawn, check out Super Bright Venus, low in the east, and above it, bright Jupiter, and above that, reddish Mars and yellowish Saturn. This week in space history, 1973, Skylab was launched, starting the series of Skylab first U.S. space station missions. On to random space fact. I can't place that. I don't know what
Starting point is 00:29:29 Cat Stevens song that was, but go ahead. Oh my God. The Wright Flyer. You may have heard of it. First powered flight, 1903. I don't know where they're getting all the pieces from it, but pieces have flown on various missions, and it's intriguing the missions that pieces of the Wright Flyer have flown on. Neil Armstrong took some on Apollo 11 to the surface and moon and back. And I didn't realize this one that in 1986, it was on the unfortunate Challenger that blew up. They were taking it to space. What's more amazing is they recovered it. They recovered the wooden fabric and a note from Orville Wright,
Starting point is 00:30:15 and those are on display at a North Carolina Museum of History. Oh, my. That just floors me. Wow. In happier, happier, happier news, a small piece of the wing fabric is attached to a cable underneath the solar panel of the helicopter. Ingenuity, flying around on Mars. First powered flight on Mars is flying part of the first powered flight on Earth. I didn't know that either. How cool.
Starting point is 00:30:40 Listen, I hope they can find little bits and pieces that they can take along with them right up to the point we reach Proxima Centauri. So that's fantastic. Thank you. The right fire at the Smithsonian will just be like a framework. Because they will have taken all the pieces and flown them elsewhere. I asked you, what was the last spacecraft to do a Venus flyby? Orbiters don't count. How'd we do, Matt? Oh, man, did you throw people off here. And I think it's just because so many references online probably haven't been updated. We got BepiColombo from a lot of people.
Starting point is 00:31:28 got BepiColombo from a lot of people. BepiColombo, that ESA probe headed to Mercury. It passed by Venus last in August of 2021, apparently. But that's not the most recent, was it? No, it wasn't. It was the Matt Kaplan. No, what did we find out, Matt? You're close. You're close. Here's the answer from Dave Fairchild, our poet laureate in Kansas. If you are a solar craft, then Venus is your gravity, helping you improve the way you reach the sun more agilely. Parker is a solar probe. And that's how NASA gets it done, passing by our neighbor in October 2021. Hey, sorry, everybody. There were a huge number of you who came up with BepiColombo, but I think even more who got it right with Parker Solar Probe. And one of those was Keith Landa. Keith, congratulations. You were chosen by Keith in Connecticut,
Starting point is 00:32:46 Congratulations. You were chosen by Keith in Connecticut, actually a part of Connecticut that I know very, very well. He indeed said Parker Solar Probe on the 3rd of October 2020. I'ms, Why Robots Are the Future of Exploration, by Don Goldsmith and Martin Rees, the UK's Astronomer Royal, who, of course, we talked to just a couple of weeks ago on the show. The book is from Belknap Press, which is an imprint of the Harvard University Press. Elijah Marshall in Australia, You know, he says, I should stop entering the trivia contest. The rabbit holes are getting out of hand. Seriously. Interesting, but way too deep. They're just right, Elijah. Just keep it up. Or Eli. Sorry. I think he prefers to go by Eli. Alan Mosley was a little bit off. He said, most recent Venus flyby. Was it the Tesla off. He said, most recent Venus flyby, was it the Tesla Roadster, the electric car? I'm sorry, Alan. No, no. The Tesla's last flyby was, as it happens, of Proxima Centauri. So I'm sorry,
Starting point is 00:33:39 not eligible in this particular contest. Mel Powell, our funny guy in California, Venus has got to be getting annoyed by now. Parker Solar Probe has made five flybys so far, and it's not done yet. If something buzzes my head five times, I go for the swatter. That would be unfortunate. Joe Caliputre in New Jersey. Getting so close to the sun, will the Parker get baked like a roll? Get it? Parker House Roll?
Starting point is 00:34:06 No, I don't get it. Parker House Rolls. Those delicious, light, fluffy, white bread. Never mind. All right. Finally, one other poem from a poet we've never heard from before. Gregory Vanderslice in Quebec, Canada. Leaving our globe doesn't sound like much fun unless you were a probe sent to visit the sun. Then you would surely not protest being the answer to this week's contest. Nice. We can move on. I like this one. Why is there a depiction, a depiction of a snake on the Perseverance rover? Go to slash radio contest. I certainly do not know this one. Maybe you do, or maybe you can find out. If
Starting point is 00:34:46 so, enter the contest. And guess what? You have extra time because I'm going to be out of town first at that Humans to Mars summit that I mentioned up front. And then in London, as I also mentioned up front. So I've got that Planetary Radio Live show. So if you're going to be in the area of London. Don't abandon me. I know. I'm sorry. I'll be back. I promise.
Starting point is 00:35:10 May 23rd is that show in London at Imperial College London where we'll celebrate the Moon Symphony. And, you know, we have that link because reservations are necessary. We've got the link on this week's show page at slash radio. Love to see you. But because of that, we're going to delay the contest deadline to May 25. And I know a lot of you don't get to hear the show
Starting point is 00:35:37 in the first week after we publish it. So you got a shot this time. That's May 25, Wednesday at 8 a.m. Pacific time. And if you get it in correctly and are chosen by, we have a copy of a brand new book from our friend Jeff Bennett, Jeffrey Bennett of Big Kid Science. He has a beautiful new hardcover book that includes solar glasses because the book is called Totality, an Eclipse Guide in Rhyme and Science. So I guess it's in honor of the lunar eclipse, Bruce, that you told us about, but you can get ready for the next big total solar eclipse if you have a chance to reach
Starting point is 00:36:18 it, like that one that's a little less than two years away now in North America. It's a great book, and this is a signed copy from Jeff Bennett. So that can be yours. Two pairs of eclipse glasses, actually. One. Nice. Yeah, it's a cool book. It's really well done. Anyway, once again, Totality and Eclipse Guide in Rhyme and Science from Big Kid Science. All right, everybody, go out there, look up at the night sky and think about if Matt had a British accent, what type of British accent would he have? From what region? Go to slash radio contest. No, thank you and good night. And if I ever lose my mouth. Stop with the cat Stevens. Don't you ever like a dog Stevens at least?
Starting point is 00:37:06 That irritated person is the chief scientist of the Planetary Society, Bruce Betts, who joins us every week here on What's Up. Planetary Radio is produced by the Planetary Society in Pasadena, California, and is made possible by its persevering members. Help them and us out at slash join. Mark Hilverda and Ray Paletta are our associate producers. Josh Doyle composed our theme, which is arranged and performed by Peter Schlosser at Astro.

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