Planetary Radio: Space Exploration, Astronomy and Science - The DART asteroid impact mission begins, with Nancy Chabot

Episode Date: November 17, 2021

DART coordination lead Nancy Chabot and the rest of the Double Asteroid Redirection Test team will see their spacecraft rocket toward asteroids Didymos and Dimorphos in a few days. She returns to Plan...etary Radio with a preview of the mission and its difficult challenge. Planetary Society editor Rae Paoletta takes us on a brief tour of the solar system’s volcanoes, and a special guest joins Bruce Betts and Mat Kaplan for What’s Up. There’s more to explore at for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 DART departs for a date with destiny, this week on Planetary Radio. Too much alliteration? Welcome, I'm Matt Kaplan of the Planetary Society, with more of the human adventure across our solar system and beyond. The launch window for the Double Asteroid Redirection Test Mission opens shortly after 1 a.m. Eastern Time on November 24th. Like all planetary science missions, it has been a long time coming and is the work of many. Unlike any previous mission, it will attempt to change the course of a small asteroid by slamming into it at 6.6 kilometers per second, or 15,000 miles per hour.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Demonstrating this capability might change the course of future history. DART Coordination Lead Nancy Schiavo is back to prepare us for this journey. Jupiter's moon Io is impacted by asteroids, but you can rarely see the craters they leave. That's because it is constantly being resurfaced by volcanoes. And that's just one of the solar system's volcanic worlds that my colleague, Ray Paletta, has written about. She'll join me in a couple of minutes. Down the line, Bruce Betts and I will introduce you to the Planetary Society member who outbid the competition in our recent auction. His dubious reward? Joining Bruce and me on this week's What's Up. Turns out he's a bit of an
Starting point is 00:01:32 aerospace pioneer. One of those ionic volcanoes can be seen blowing its top at the top of the November 12 down lake, the Planetary Society's free weekly newsletter. Below it are these headlines. The Crew-2 astronauts return to Earth on November 9th. Crew-3 headed to the International Space Station the very next day. NASA has admitted that a 2024 return to the moon by humans is not going to happen. They're now aiming for 2025 at the earliest. I've since heard that it could be two or three years later. Step lightly on those eggshell worlds. A new study describes some exoplanets as having ultra-thin crusts and no plate tectonics. Researchers believe they would not be likely places to find life, and really, who'd want to spend their life walking on eggshells?
Starting point is 00:02:29 You'll always find the latest edition of The Downlink at slash downlink. And if you really want to stay up to the minute, check out our social media channels. Ray Paletta is an editor for the Planetary Society. Ray, who doesn't love, I mean, unless you're from Pompeii or Herculaneum, who doesn't love a great volcanic eruption, right? Oh, you absolutely have to love them. I mean, they're just amazing. I'm going to start where you ended with this November 11, 2021 piece,
Starting point is 00:03:00 which is titled Mind-Blowing Pictures of the Solar System's Most Volcanic Worlds. It is a great collection of these fiery mountains all over the solar system. You started with our own planet, which, you know, you point out, no apologies needed. We're a planet in space. We have volcanoes. Exactly. I mean, I think that we have to give Earth a little bit of credit, right? I mean, we are kind of in a way the ultimate volcano world. I mean, sure, we're not Io,
Starting point is 00:03:29 or we're not a world with cryovolcanoes, exactly. But we do have some of the most impressive ones in the solar system. We've got about 1,300, 1,350 potentially active volcanoes on Earth right now. I mean, we've got to give ourselves a little bit of credit there. Absolutely. Let's look elsewhere. And I'm going to start with this terrific infographic that was developed by our colleague at the Society, Merck Boyan, Volcanoes of Our Solar System. It's gorgeous to look at, and it's been getting lots of attention. But really what stands out for me is just how far ahead of every other volcano is Olympus Mons, at least in terms of height, if not activity. It's just a monster. I mean, it is super impressive to think that this is
Starting point is 00:04:11 out there. I mean, I had definitely had a little bit of a mini existential crisis when Merck showed this to me at first. I was like, what? How can anything be that large? It's not that tall, is it? Well, yeah, actually it is up there on the red planet. You cannot talk volcanoes in our solar system without going to Io, which is, I mean, come on, it's the volcano planet. It is the volcano planet. In fact, even NASA has said that it's the most volcanic body in our solar system. There's just so much going on here. In fact, I think there's more than 400 active volcanoes right now on Io or something. It's amazing. And it's a relatively small world. I've joked in the past that I would hate to be
Starting point is 00:04:55 a cartographer specializing in Io because the surface is constantly changing because of all the activity up there. But it's certainly not alone. You go through a number of other worlds, Venus, where I guess we know there are volcanoes, but we're not, still not quite sure whether they're active. What are the chances we're going to learn soon? So isn't that amazing to think about? This one's really interesting. People that follow my work know that I am a huge Venus fan, by the way. So I hope I'm not like giving away too much here. But I think it's really cool that we're gonna get three Venus missions relatively soon. We're gonna get Veritas, Envision, DaVinci Plus. And I think that all three of those are going to
Starting point is 00:05:36 give us some sort of insight into the volcanic activity on Venus. We've never actually seen it directly, directly imaging them, but I think that people are pretty confident that the activity is ongoing there. You also got Europa, you've got Enceladus, can't leave those out. But I want to turn to the one that's the farthest out, at least in this collection, and that's Triton, where there are more of these so-called ice volcanoes or cryovolcanoes. It seems like a contradiction in terms. Yes, absolutely. It's funny. I think this is the one that I've gotten the most questions about. I even spoke about this with my mom, hopefully. Hi, mom, if you're
Starting point is 00:06:16 listening to this, because she was so fascinated with Triton. And I think this one is super cool, no pun intended, because it's kind of like this icy world and we really don't know that much about it. To me, I feel like, you know, after I wrote this piece, I said to Jason, Jason Davis, the editor, by the way, my editorial director, he and I were speaking. I was like, you know, I think that the article kind of unintentionally advocates for more missions to the outer planets and the outer worlds. And I personally would love to see a planets and the outer worlds. And I personally would love to see a Neptune and Uranus mission in my lifetime. Hey, anybody who listens to this show knows that we are entirely intentional about wanting more missions to those outer worlds, Uranus and Neptune. I'll just close with this. You didn't do this entirely on your own. You talked
Starting point is 00:07:03 to some terrific researchers to get a lot of what you've shared with us. I spoke to some really incredible scientists who have done so much awesome work on some of these worlds. I mean, Julie Rathbun, Paul Byrne, Caitlin Ahrens, just phenomenal. Please follow them. They are super, super smart. just phenomenal. Please follow them. They are super, super smart. Ray, thank you so much. Hey, Ray's mom, she did a good job, didn't she? As usual. Ray Paletta is who we've been talking to. She is my colleague, editor for the Planetary Society. You can read her piece at Just look for it among the articles. It's dated November 11. Once again, mind-blowing pictures of the solar system's most volcanic worlds. Ray, if you ever visit one, don't get too close.
Starting point is 00:07:53 I'll be sure to exercise caution. No need to write. Ray and I both know that Io is a moon, not a planet. Really, move away from the keyboard. We last talked with Nancy Schaubo in the Defenders of Earth panel discussion that highlighted the 2021 Planetary Defense Conference. She was joined in that May 12 episode by many other planetary defense all-stars, including our own Bruce Betts and NASA's Kelly Fast, Program Manager for the Planetary Defense Coordination Office. Allie Fast, Program Manager for the Planetary Defense Coordination Office. That office at the agency's headquarters has oversight of the Double Asteroid Redirection Test mission. You may have heard Casey Dreyer talking to Lindley Johnson, head of the PDCO,
Starting point is 00:08:41 in the November 21 Planetary Radio Space Policy Edition. The list of institutions that are contributing to DART is long and impressive. They are led by the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab, where Nancy is also Planetary Chief Scientist and runs the Meteorite Lab. Nancy, it is always a pleasure to talk to you on Planetary Radio or anywhere else. Welcome back to the show. Great. I'm happy to be here again. I always like coming. I want to proudly tell you first off that I passed APL's Planetary Defender test just this morning, got my certificate and badges. And so I think congratulations are also due to me. You want to talk about that, this program that is offered for people to get involved in the mission? Yeah, well, congratulations on becoming a planetary defender. We're very happy
Starting point is 00:09:29 to have as many planetary defenders as we can get around the world. So yeah, it's a neat little quiz. You can go onto the DART website and take the quiz right there, and you have to answer a few questions. And after that, there's a cool badge that you can put on your social media accounts and share with your family and friends. There's actually a certificate you can print out that'll have your name and the date that you passed on it. I've taken the test multiple times myself and I've passed as well. I'm sure you aced it. I did the same and I'd have been very embarrassed in front of my colleagues if I hadn't, since planetary defense is a pretty important priority for all of us at the Planetary Society, which, of course, is why we continue to be so excited about DART. It must be just almost overwhelmingly exciting for you and the whole team at APL and elsewhere.
Starting point is 00:10:22 What is the current status of the spacecraft? Are you go for launch from Vandenberg Air Force Base? It is a really exciting time for our full team. And it's just a, you know, it's a privilege to be here talking on behalf of the team, which is international and around the world. A lot of people have worked to make this first planetary defense asteroid deflection mission happen. It's been a long time in the coming and yeah, go for launch. The launch period opens on November 23rd Pacific time. And so we are on track and ready for that launch. There are a lot of us who plan to be up and, and watching that,
Starting point is 00:11:00 that launch along with you, where are you going to be? I'll be out in California at Vandenberg Space Force Base, watching it there. From the trajectory, it does sound like if the weather cooperates, that along the southern coast of California, people will be able to look up into the skies and see it as well. So we'll have more details on that as it gets closer, I'm sure. Well, that's a gift that everybody in Southern California can thank you for. Those contrails or
Starting point is 00:11:29 the exhaust from those rockets taking off from Vandenberg often put on quite a show over down even as far south as San Diego, where I am. For those, that handful of listeners in the audience for this show who may not have heard of it, could you give us the thumbnail description of the mission, what you're setting out to do? Sure. The Double Asteroid Redirection Test Mission, DART for short, is a NASA mission that is focused on planetary defense. And in particular, it's going to demonstrate how you might deflect an asteroid in the future if you needed to, to keep it from hitting the earth. This is just a test. That's what the T in DART stands for. These asteroids are not a threat to the earth, but this makes it a perfect system in order to go crash the spacecraft into this asteroid, give it a small nudge.
Starting point is 00:12:22 It's just about deflection, not disruption. We're not trying to destroy this asteroid, give it a small nudge. It's just about deflection, not disruption. We're not trying to destroy this asteroid, just give it a small nudge that adds up to a big change in its position in time. And this is what you would do if you wanted to avoid asteroid and Earth being on a collision course in the future, potentially. And that D for double is a pretty significant part of the name of this mission as well, because we're going to use, you said it's a system, right? Yeah, the double asteroid is really enabling for this DART mission. There's two asteroids. There's the larger asteroid Didymos, and it has a small moon asteroid Dimorphos that goes around it every 11 hours and 55 minutes. It was discovered from telescopes here on the Earth, and telescopes
Starting point is 00:13:01 on the Earth have been looking at it for decades. And so we know a lot about how this system works. And what this allows us to do is we know the system ahead of time, the DART spacecraft will come speeding in really fast, 15,000 miles per hour and run into Dvoros, the smaller moon. And it's just going to change how it goes around the larger asteroid by about 1%. And then we'll use the telescopes here on the Earth to figure out how much we deflected this asteroid again. 15,000 miles per hour, which I happen to know is about 6.6 kilometers or 4.1 miles per second. I know that because it was Bruce Bett's random space fact in last week's episode of Planetary Radio. Tell us about DART's one and only instrument and its heritage as well, because I think it's a part of how you've been able
Starting point is 00:13:49 to pull off this mission relatively cheaply. Yeah, there's one camera on board the main DART spacecraft. It's called Draco. And it is based on the design of the LORRI instrument that took spectacular images of Pluto and Arrokoth on the New Horizons mission. And so using that same similar camera telescope design is what we're using here for DART. I was actually surprised to see how many other technologies, some of them new technologies,
Starting point is 00:14:19 are along for the ride on DART from its engine to its solar panels. Can you talk a little bit about some of those? Yeah, I can talk a lot about the new technologies on there because there are quite a few of them. Some of the most obvious ones might be the rollout solar arrays. So these arrays, when they are launched, are rolled up sort of like rolls of tinfoil, and they're really lightweight material. And then they're going to roll out in space, and they're going to extend quite a distance, 18 meters tip to tip. And so this is really kind of a new technology that's been demonstrated on the space station.
Starting point is 00:14:54 But this will be the first spacecraft to use those rollout solar arrays. We also have the NEX-C ion propulsion engine, which is a more powerful ion engine that has been flown on other NASA missions. So we're just using this to demonstrate its in-flight capabilities, but it could be very enabling for future missions. But I'd have to say that our number one technology for DART is SmartNav. Which is how you're going to pull off this, I don't know, how would you describe it? It seems like sort of hitting a golf ball with a BB or something like that. Yeah. So the spacecraft is going really fast and it's actually targeting a small asteroid. The asteroid is only 160 meters in diameter,
Starting point is 00:15:38 less than two football fields. So one hour ahead of time, you are 15,000 miles away from something that's the size that's smaller than two football fields. And you have to make sure that your spacecraft goes and hits that smaller object. The other complication is this double asteroid system. There's the two asteroids. And actually, you can't resolve the difference even using Draco, this amazing telescope that's based off the ones that took pictures of Pluto and things like that.
Starting point is 00:16:04 this amazing telescope that's based off the ones that took pictures of Pluto and things like that, even using that great camera that we have, you can't actually tell the difference in those images between Didymos and Dimorphos until the last hour of the mission. So before that, they're in the same pixel. And so in the last hour, you have to ensure that the spacecraft going very fast hits this 160 meter Dimorphos asteroid, and that's all done on board. You can't have humans in the loop because of this small timeframe and what you're talking about. So the images will get taken by Draco. They'll be interpreted on board by the smart nav system and the algorithms, and those will be used to control the thruster firing of the spacecraft to ensure that you impact into Dimorphos and not didymos or miss altogether.
Starting point is 00:16:46 One of the other challenges with this is we don't actually know what demorphos looks like. We've never seen it before. And we know asteroids have all sorts of weird shapes. So we've been doing extensive testing. The DART team has done extensive testing using all sorts of different asteroid shapes and sizes and how things might be illuminated, using all sorts of different asteroid shapes and sizes and how things might be illuminated, because this is an imager, a visible imager that's going to be used in order to do this interpretation. And all of that is feeding into SmartNav being able to target a small asteroid. And targeting small asteroids is something that you would want to do if you were doing a planetary defense mission to protect the Earth in the future. So this makes me wonder if you and the
Starting point is 00:17:25 team are taking into account what we have learned from just recent asteroid missions like, you know, Hayabusa 2, OSIRIS-REx. Have they had any effect on your planning and the programming that's going in so that DART can handle this on its own? Hayabusa 2 and OSIRIS-REx, every mission that goes to asteroids tells us new information about these bodies, which is incredibly useful for science, understanding how the solar system formed, how it evolved, what it was like billions of years ago,
Starting point is 00:17:56 but it's also really relevant to the present and the future for planetary defense, protecting the Earth from these objects going forward. Those information that we've gotten from those two missions have been incredibly valuable. I wouldn't say that they have changed anything about our plan for DART, but definitely we will be taking the knowledge that we gained from DART and putting it in the context of all of these asteroids, because this is really just the first step. DART is just the start of planetary defense, and how you would apply this to asteroids in the future will be exciting work to go.
Starting point is 00:18:29 Casey Dreyer, my colleague, our chief advocate, senior space policy advisor, you know, he does the monthly space policy edition of Planetary Radio with me. And his guest on the November show was Lindley Johnson, who you know well, And his guest on the November show was Lindley Johnson, who you know well, NASA's planetary defense officer, leader of the Planetary Defense Coordination Office, which is overseeing the DART mission at NASA headquarters, I believe. I don't think you'll be surprised to hear that Lindley speaks glowingly and with great anticipation about the DART mission and about the pioneering role that this mission is going to fulfill if all goes well. I mean, really, while we have touched asteroids before and we even slammed into a comet once years ago with deep impact, this is really the first time we're doing something like this, isn't it? It really is. I mean, DART is a pioneering planetary defense mission, a mission focused on planetary defense objectives. Like you said, it's the first one that's being launched out
Starting point is 00:19:32 of NASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office, which was only stood up in 2016. And so it really is setting the stage for things to come forward. We're really happy to have Leachia Cube on here, the CubeSat contributed by the Italian Space Agency. And we're really happy to have Leachia Cube on here, the CubeSat contributed by the Italian Space Agency. And we're really happy to have ESA's HERA mission that's going to follow up on DART and get there in 2026. Also a dedicated planetary defense mission in many ways to see the crater made by DART in Dimorphos and to get the mass of Dimorphos. And I think this all underlines that DART really is just the start, that DART really is pioneering the way for these future planetary defense missions and investigations to
Starting point is 00:20:12 go so that if we needed to prevent asteroids from hitting the Earth in the future, that we might have the capability to do that. I'm so glad that you mentioned that little CubeSat, that DART is going to carry along on its journey from the Italian Space Agency. Can you talk about how it's going to be a witness to this cosmic impact? Yeah, Licea Cube is an incredibly capable small little CubeSat on its own. And so it will get kicked off of the main DART spacecraft about 10 days in advance of DART's collision with the asteroid. And that'll give it enough time to get out of the way so that it also won't collide with the asteroid. It will get spectacular images of DART's collision,
Starting point is 00:20:55 and then it'll make its closest flyby of Dimorphos roughly three minutes after DART's collision and get really great images of the ejecta and how that's formed. We think there's likely going to be too much ejecta to really see the surface and see the crater that DART created at the time, but we'll see what those images show. And then LeachioQ will just keep on its path. And those images will actually take a little while to get back down. They'll take a few weeks after DART's collision before we'll have all of those. But it really is a great addition. And I think all of this just underlines that planetary defense is a global concern. And so international
Starting point is 00:21:31 cooperation for this international issue is key. So we're really happy to be collaborating with the Italian Space Agency and having the European Space Agency following on with HERA and all of this moving forward into a world where there are future planetary defense missions and we continue to advance these capabilities. Something that just occurred to me, I remember when we were looking forward to getting those images from that long ago impact or deep impact, you couldn't really see that much because the explosion made such a big flash and all kinds of ejecta. Is that one of the reasons this little CubeSat is going to delay its imaging? Or are there other reasons for that? I mean,
Starting point is 00:22:12 I'm sure people have thought about how Deep Impact did its job. Yeah, being able to measure the ejecta and what the ejecta looks like is one of the main goals for Leachia Cube. And you want to give that a little time to evolve in order to see how the ejecta has come out from the DART impact. And all of that was taken into account with the timing of its flyby. Though you won't be able to see the surface, seeing the ejecta is very important. This is what gives the asteroid the extra push, right? This momentum enhancement factor that we talk about so much.
Starting point is 00:22:50 The DART spacecraft will come in and it will impart its momentum and be destroyed when it hits the asteroid. But we really suspect that the amount of ejecta that's created is going to be substantial and it's going to be sort of like a little jet that pushes in the opposite direction and even deflects the asteroid even more. How much that is, is one of the main reasons to do this real test on a real asteroid of a relevant size. Isaac Newton would be so proud. We do have a lot still to learn about space rocks, don't we? And I mean, that's in spite of other missions that are underway and getting underway. I'm thinking of Lucy and Psyche. And just a couple of weeks ago, we were talking with Sarah Alomiri of the United Arab Emirates about the very ambitious asteroid mission that they're
Starting point is 00:23:30 taking on. You've got to be happy to see all this. And I believe I'm right. We have a lot to learn, don't we? We do have a lot to learn. And it is really exciting. I think all of us in the field of planetary science and in planetary defense encourage as many missions as possible to try to investigate these really unique objects. A lot of times, I think sometimes we do it a disservice by just referring to them all as asteroids or small bodies because they're all so different. They tell you very different things about the formation of the solar system, the evolution of the solar system, and they have different implications for planetary defense as well, depending on their size, their composition, how they're put together. And all of these are important factors. So going to this wide range
Starting point is 00:24:15 of diversity is a treasure trove for science, but it's also really important to get a handle on the extremes that you might be dealing with for planetary defense. Do you think we're going to have to smack into some more asteroids in the future as we, you know, learn how to keep them from smacking into Earth? I do think that future asteroid mitigation missions will be necessary. DART is all about deflection, giving a small nudge, not disruption, not destroying it and that's one capability and given the dart results we might want to follow up with getting better at asteroid deflection through a kinetic impact or this event that happens that's a one-time thing and is very energetic there's other ways for planetary defense that people are considering as
Starting point is 00:25:01 well more of these slow push methods if you, which are not just this one event that happens, but where you work to move the asteroid slowly over long periods of time through using ion beams, for example, to focus on the surface or a gravity tractor where you kind of just hover near it and the force of gravity acts. All of these, though, share one thing that makes planetary that unites planetary defense and any mitigation capability. And that is find the asteroids early. This is really the key for planetary defense. So sometimes it can seem a little glamorous to talk about deflecting asteroids or these other ways that you might mitigate them. But really underpinning planetary defense is finding the asteroids, identifying them, characterizing them, tracking them, giving yourself as much warning time as possible. All of the mitigation techniques are
Starting point is 00:25:49 better served with that warning time. So are you looking forward to the launch of NEO Surveyor, that infrared space telescope that we've all been talking about for so long? I am very much looking forward to the launch of NEO Surveyor. I could not be more pleased. I think that's on track for 2026 and just waiting for it to get up there. That's been a huge priority for planetary defense for a very long time, many, many years. And so it's great to see NASA funding that mission and having it on track to be doing what it needs to do in 2026. A space-based telescope is the best way in order to identify the asteroids that might be a threat to the Earth. When Nancy Schaubo and I return, we'll talk more about DART and some of the other missions of
Starting point is 00:26:36 Discovery she is working on. From missions arriving at Mars to new frontiers in human spaceflight, 2021 has been an exciting year for space science and exploration. Hi, I'm Sarah, Digital Community Manager for the Planetary Society. What were your favorite moments? You can cast your vote right now at slash best of 2021 and help choose the year's best space images, mission milestones, memes, and more. That's slash best of 2021. Thanks. When was your last trip to Antarctica? My last trip to Antarctica was in 2005. Oh, it's been a while.
Starting point is 00:27:17 A while ago. Yeah. Kind of feels like a different lifetime almost. But yeah, before I got the job here at the Applied Physics Lab, I was going to Antarctica pretty frequently. Isn't that because of your interest in these rocks that fall from space? Although in this case, the little ones that you can find on the ice up there are down there. I like to say that Earth getting hit by things is not all bad. I love meteorites. They are free sample returns from, they're free samples from space,
Starting point is 00:27:47 rocks from space that you can hold in your hand. And they just come to us naturally. And all we have to do is go and pick them up and find them. And the capabilities that we have of studying meteorites in the lab down to literally the atomic scale now these days to learn about our solar system. There's actually meteorites contain pieces that predate our solar system. There's actually meteorites contain pieces that predate our solar system. They're from other star systems. So literally by studying
Starting point is 00:28:10 meteorites, we're learning about our solar system and beyond. We're learning how they went from these primitive materials to evolved materials that had cores and mantles and crust and volcanism and all of these processes. So I could talk all day about how valuable meteorites are and how these things hitting the earth are actually quite beneficial and not a concern. I am with you. I am looking at the box that contains, sitting in a little bed of red sand from the Sahara, the iron meteorite that was given to me by a friend ages ago who found it out there in the middle of the desert. So I have even more reason to be looking forward to the Psyche mission. You are, in fact, a fellow of the, I hope I pronounce this correctly, the Meteoritical Society.
Starting point is 00:28:54 And I saw that you were named its vice president. Now, that was in 2020. Are you still in that position? I am. So I started that in January of 2020. I will be vice president for 2020 and 2021. And then I will become president in 2022 and 2023, past president for two years after that. For me, this is a great honor to be serving in this position. International brings together scientists and collectors from around the world who work on meteorites. And it's been kind of like family. It's one of the first conferences I went to in grad school when I started working in this field when I first got into planetary science. And
Starting point is 00:29:35 it's been a lot of the colleagues that I've been down to Antarctica with when I've gone five different times and who our paths continue to cross as we do our science to this day. And so it's really just a privilege to be serving into a leadership position for this great society. You are sure staying busy. Tell us about Megane, which I think you helped me before we started to record to pronounce that correctly. You're listed as the deputy PI for one of the instruments that
Starting point is 00:30:06 will be on that Mars Moon Explorer, Mars Moon Exploration, MMX mission that Japan is preparing right now. Yeah, the Martian Moon Exploration mission from the Japanese Space Agency is an exciting mission because it's dedicated to studying the Martian moons, Phobos and Deimos. Other missions have tried to be dedicated to studying these Martian moons, but haven't ever succeeded in the past. And so it's going to be very exciting to have missions dedicated to that. So Megane is the Mars moon exploration and gamma rays and neutrons instrument. It's a gamma ray and neutrons spectrometer. It's being built at ATL. There's a similar one that's going on Psyche, for example,
Starting point is 00:30:49 on the Psyche Mission 2 instrument. What it does is it determines the composition of these moons. We don't know how these moons formed, which is kind of a really cool question just in itself. Like these are the only other inner solar system moons besides our own, and we literally don't know how they formed. But the theories predict very different compositions, whether they're captured asteroids or whether they're pieces of Mars that were blasted off the surface.
Starting point is 00:31:13 So getting the composition is going to be key for distinguishing between these different theories. But I should add that that MMX mission is bringing back a sample of Phobos too. So that's going to be really exciting. So we'll have the global context from Vegane, the gamma ray and neutron spectrometer that we're building, but that'll really provide the context for the sample that comes back to these earth laboratories. And everything I was so excited talking about with meteorites is the same thing that you get to do with these samples when they come back and bring them into laboratories around the world to get the best possible information now. but then also in the future.
Starting point is 00:31:46 I mean, Apollo samples remain heavily studied by the scientific community as analysis and laboratory techniques advance over the years. You can go back to these samples and continue to get new information about them. So I'm just delighted to be contributing to the MMX mission. Are you one of those who is hoping that maybe one or two of those rocks that MMX might collect and that you might point Magani at before they're collected might have come up from the surface of Mars itself? In other words, we'd have Mars sample returned years before we get a mission to accomplish that down to the surface? Yeah, probably rock size is the wrong
Starting point is 00:32:26 way to think about it. I think that samples from Mars that people predict might be there might be smaller on the grain size. And the samples that MMX is bringing back is kind of not like multiple rocks. You should sort of think of it as the Hayabusa 2 sort of sample sizes. But we do think that because Earth laboratories can look at things on a grain by grain scale, and even smaller, that there very likely are pieces of Mars in those samples on the Martian moons. And so we're looking forward to seeing that that scale will be much too small for Megane. So what Megane would see instead is going to be a mixture. And so it'd look maybe like there was an asteroid material and
Starting point is 00:33:06 some bulk Mars material and what those would look like when it was a mixture, but we won't be able to resolve different components like that. You'll need the sample to do that. But the global context from the whole moon for the composition versus just the composition of your much, much smaller sample from just a given site on the moon will bring the whole system together and let us understand how these moons came to be. Very much looking forward to that mission and to ESA and JAXA's BepiColombo mission that is already out there, of course, on its way to Mercury, a planet that you studied as part of the messenger team some years ago. What's your role for BepiColombo? On BepiColombo. I'm also really happy to be an interdisciplinary scientist. So I'm on the
Starting point is 00:33:49 science team. My focus is a lot on the polar regions and particularly on the ice deposits that are found both near Mercury's North and South Poles within these permanently shadowed regions, these craters that never see direct sunlight, where we've seen evidence of ice. Messenger was the first mission I got the opportunity to work on. And I have such fond memories of that spacecraft and how long it lasted and the team and everything that we accomplished together creating the first global map of this planet and seeing things that had never seen before. Messenger's orbit was really elliptical. So it passed close to the North and far from the South Pole. And so I've really been, a lot of us, not just me, really want to see the South Pole
Starting point is 00:34:33 in much, much more detail. And BepiColombo is in an orbit that's going to enable that. And actually the largest crater on the whole planet of Mercury with the largest amount of ice in it is Chow Meng Fu. And it's like right at the South Pole. planet of Mercury with the largest amount of ice than it is, Chao Meng Fu, and it's like right at the South Pole. And I cannot wait to see BepiColombo measurements of this crater. Can't help but think of the comparison to our own moon and the ice that we've discovered at the poles there for the same reason, those permanently shadowed areas. Sounds like you
Starting point is 00:35:00 expect to see something pretty similar. Actually, on Mercury, there is a lot more ice than on the moon. It's actually super interesting that way. And we even know from Arecibo actually did a lot of great radar measurements of both poles and just very strong signals of these extensive water ice deposits. And then messenger data supported that. water ice deposits, and then messenger data supported that. But the amount of ice, water ice that you have at Mercury's poles, it's substantially more than we're seeing at the moon. Now, the parts of the moon are still significant and still potentially very useful, especially for human exploration. But why moon and Mercury have such different inventories of water ice is really an interesting question of itself.
Starting point is 00:35:51 You know, I wasn't thinking of bringing up Arecibo, but since you have brought up its amazing radar, well, what were its amazing radar capabilities. And of course, it had this wonderful role in characterizing asteroids as well, using that powerful radar. I wonder if you are lamenting its loss and hoping that we can find a replacement. Yeah, the whole community is lamenting its loss and mourning its loss. The contributions that it made to science were incredible. The contributions that it made to our community were incredible. And everybody is still very much reeling from this loss. incredible. And everybody is still very much reeling from this loss. I do think, especially for planetary defense, that planetary radar has a very important role to play in order for understanding the orbits of these objects. And so I do think that it makes sense to consider going
Starting point is 00:36:37 forward ways that we might be able to regain these capabilities. I am not a planetary radar expert, so I will not try to claim that I understand the best course of action forward, but we do have a huge gap in our knowledge and capabilities that would be great to fill. Here, here. I got just one more for you, and it's about a relatively new title that you've gained. I mentioned it at the top of the show when I was introducing you. New to me anyway, although you said it's a couple of years old now, Planetary Chief Scientist for the Applied Physics Lab. What does that job entail? Planetary science at APL has really grown in the last 20 years. I mean, NEAR sort of set the stage
Starting point is 00:37:20 for planetary science at APL, the first mission to rendezvous with an asteroid, and then followed on with MESSENGER and New Horizons to Pluto and these missions that we've talked about. So as planetary chief scientist, it's great to be at this position where we get to sort of see what we're doing now and see what we should be doing in the future. So it's sort of a future-looking position in a lot of ways to try to guide and position so that we can continue to make these contributions, which push the field of planetary science forward using our capabilities at APL to enable that. I bet that it also allows you to work with a lot of young scientists, young engineers, as you once were yourself, and help them toward the careers, the promise that
Starting point is 00:38:08 lies ahead of them. That is one of the really rewarding things about being in this chief scientist position is being able to mentor earlier career scientists that we have at APL and outside of APL and sort of continue everything that we've built so far into these future generations. These missions take lifetimes, literally sometimes, to see them from an idea and a spark in order to full implementation. And so building up the community at APL and outside of APL is very important for all of us. And I know I feel very proud to be part of the planetary science community internationally, as well as like funded by NASA. And it's great to see everybody so devoted to
Starting point is 00:38:52 continuing all of the things that we have to explore in our solar system. Nancy, I think I can safely say on behalf of myself and all of us at the Planetary Society and everybody listening to this show. We cannot wait to see that rocket climb into the sky and put DART on its way and how much we look forward to that big bang, that somewhat smaller big bang that you hope to generate out there at the asteroid. Best of success with the DART mission. Oh, well, thank you so much. The whole team is looking forward to it, and we're looking forward to sharing it with the world. Time for a rather special edition of What's Up on Planetary Radio. We are, as always,
Starting point is 00:39:38 joined by the Chief Scientist of the Planetary Society. That's Bruce Betts. Welcome back. Thanks. Good to be back. But we are also joined by a special guest. Arnie Grote is here with us in the session. Welcome, Arnie. Oh, it's great to be here, Matt, and especially with Bruce, because I once took a class with him, well, not with him, from him, when he was associate professor and he taught astronomy 101 and I audited that course you know I didn't have to take the test but being a past physicist and engineer I was happy not to do that. I'm curious did you catch the very best of the lectures that Bruce would
Starting point is 00:40:21 give each semester the one that I was also on? Yeah, those were, they were fun things, you know, and I wouldn't say they were best, but they were good entertainment as well as getting a lot of facts in them. Good answer. Good answer. Yeah, well, maybe I won't ever have Matt on again if I teach it again. Anyway, people can still watch the archives of those at slash Betts Class, B-E-T-T-S. Thanks for taking the class, Arnie, and thanks for being here with us today. Where are you? It looks like you're at home.
Starting point is 00:40:53 Well, I'm at home, and I live in Connecticut, and I'm in my basement. You know, that's where my office is. I'm in a multi-generation family. I got my two daughters and three grandsons and son-in-law with me, as well as my wife. So we enjoy a togetherness. I was in Connecticut only, what is it now, about three weeks ago at my sister-in-law's house up in rural Connecticut. And man, are you fortunate to live in a beautiful place. You were also very fortunate. You were telling us before we started recording, you have written on the fabled Vomit Comet, the original one. University. Back in the late 70s, you know, I was working in castings and solidification,
Starting point is 00:41:48 single crystals, and Marshall Space Flight Center was interested in that. I made samples for them. Later on, they invited me to join them for a week of flights on the Vomit Comet or the KC-135, which is out of, you know, Ellington Air Force Base, which is right next to the Johnson Space Flight Center. And so I did flights that day. One of the days they were doing a video with a bullfrog from Louisiana because they had teachers from Louisiana flying. And Brewster Shaw, one of the astronauts, was filming with them.
Starting point is 00:42:27 So it was a fun weekend to get your ups and downs. Bruce, we have a connection to Purdue, don't we? We have a very strong connection to Purdue. Dave Spencer, who is a professor there, was. He's now at JPL as our project manager. And Justin Mansell got his PhD, partially working with LightSail 2 data, and is still providing critical work as a visiting professor there at Purdue. So LightSail 2, heavily influenced and affected by the strong Purdue situation.
Starting point is 00:42:57 And we have one of our two currently operating ground station tracking stations for LightSail 2. Is it Purdue? Oh, I remember watching the deployment and the unfolding online and seeing Bruce there and the Purdue people. So that was a fun thing. Arnie, we should say, while it's delightful to have you here, regardless of why you're here, the why is pretty significant as well. You have the winning bid in the recent auction that the Planetary Society conducted. I'm sure this was the grand
Starting point is 00:43:30 prize, getting to spend these few minutes during What's Up with Bruce and me. So thank you for your support. You're welcome. My pleasure. I enjoy the Planetary Society. And, of course, the chance to meet Bruce after all these years. Wow. Because I always watched his random space facts. Sorry to disappoint you in person, but oh well. You can redeem yourself, Bruce, by telling us about the night sky. I'll try, Matt. Nice segue, by the way. We've got a almost total lunar eclipse
Starting point is 00:44:09 occurring this Thursday and Friday night, November 18th and 19th. It is over 97% total. So there's a little sliver of the moon not in the Earth's shadow. It's sort of centered over the mid-Pacific, so visible in North Americaica but also in japan australia new zealand we'll see parts of it uh so it's a good time and we'll hear in a moment
Starting point is 00:44:33 about the oddity of being such a almost total eclipse oh i was just saying i was hoping i can wake up i normally do between uh three and five am. so I can watch it out here on the east coast at that time. And it's not cloudy. Yeah, clear skies. So I should say the greatest eclipse is at 903 UTC on the 19th. That's 103 Pacific Standard Time, 403 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, and that's when it'll be most in eclipse. We've also still got bright planets hanging out in the south and the west in the early evening, going from low down on the horizon. We've got Venus looking super bright, Saturn looking kind of yellowish, Jupiter looking bright to their upper left. Beautiful, beautiful view. We move on to this week in space history. It was 1969 that Apollo 12, the second batch of humans, landed on the moon.
Starting point is 00:45:33 And it was 1970 this week that the Soviets landed Lunokhod 1, the first wheeled vehicle successfully roving on the moon, robotically operated in this case. Well, Bruce, can you share any random space facts with us today? Something I would like to hear? Well, I can certainly share a random space fact, and it ties to this eclipse. Because it's almost total, and because the moon is near apogee, so moving the slowest, it has the strange achievement of being the, within a thousand year period, the longest partial eclipse that will exist. And the umbral phase, the dark shadow phase will be the longest partial umbral eclipse of this century. So that'll be the penumbral eclipse, the whole partial shadow, the whole thing, six hours and two minutes, the umbral phase, which is easier to see by far,
Starting point is 00:46:32 three and a half hours, roughly. And that's the odd ditty about this week's solar eclipse. Let's try that again. Lunar eclipse. Sorry. Arnie, you've got to be happy with that one. Well, I was happy. Lots of matters. Let's go on to the contest. We asked you, who was the only chimpanzee to orbit the Earth? How'd we do, Matt? First, Arnie, do you want to take a guess?
Starting point is 00:46:59 Do you have any idea? Well, I know Ham was the first one, but I'm trying to think. I should know because I read some of these things about it, but things go out of my head, you know, too many facts. So who was the first deer? I'm not going to tell you. I'm going to let Dave Fairchild, our poet laureate in Kansas, tell you. Ham became the hominid that first flew up on high. Enos followed after with two orbits in the sky. 18 kilograms in weight, he clocked in lots of hours training for his Atlas flight from NASA's launching towers.
Starting point is 00:47:33 That is correct. Enos was indeed the first chimp to orbit the Earth, although Ham was the first suborbital chimp. Enos was the only orbital chimp. And the third hominid to orbit the Earth. Which we also heard from a lot of people who entered this contest, that the first hominids were not chimps. They were human types, Yuri Gagarin and German Titov. Our winner, and I'm very glad to announce this because he's a longtime listener, first-time winner is Michael Muller. Michael, who is in the same region I'm in, the San Diego
Starting point is 00:48:14 area of California. And he also, some time ago, contributed what I thought was a pretty entertaining caricature of yours, truly. Didn't help him win, obviously, because he's been waiting a long time. But congratulations, Michael. He indeed said that it's Enos who was that first chimp to go into orbit. Michael, we're going to be sending you, I got it wrong when I announced this two weeks ago, it's not a Blue Shift Aerospace t-shirt. It's a Blue Shift Aerospace coffee mug. And after all, don't we all have enough T-shirts, but you never have enough coffee mugs. Right, Bruce?
Starting point is 00:48:51 Sure, Matt. Also, their mission patch from their successful flight of their very green rocket that they launched on the coast of Maine in New England. And a patch for the company itself, Blue Shift Aerospace. Fresh Maine rockets is one of their slogans. Edwin King in the UK said that all this happened on November 29th, 1961. Enos was supposed to fly three orbits, but there was a malfunction of a machine designed to give him electric shocks. And that, among other problems, is why the mission was ended after two orbits. It also sets up reading this poem from Gene Lewin in the state of Washington.
Starting point is 00:49:38 To pave the way for mortal man, Enos sat in place aboard the Mercury Atlas V, now part of the space race. A simulated crewman was trained to act as one, shockingly orbiting our Earth twice, surely glad when it was done. It's true. I checked it out. They actually had a device that was supposed to give him shocks, but it was giving him too many shocks. Oh, gosh. And that was one reason. Yeah. Isn't that swell? Old humans. Jason Gillette in Ohio agrees with you. He says, I always have a hard time considering the non-humans we sent into space. They suffered a lot of stress or didn't make it back.
Starting point is 00:50:15 He says he's glad to hear about Enos, though. Courtney Katz in Pennsylvania, she learned about Enos from Mary Roach's book, Hacking for Mars, which, of course, we talked to Mary about in one of the most fun episodes of Planetary Radio ever. And finally, back to Ohio for our last contribution today from Jerry Robinette. He says, how is Enos the spaceship never become a Saturday morning cartoon? I would totally binge on that. And he adds, keep up the good work. And so Arnie, I guess he's talking to you. Bruce, do you have a new one for
Starting point is 00:50:50 us? Yes, oddly enough, I do this time. DART headed off to the binary asteroid system with the larger asteroid being Didymos. What telescope discovered Didymos? What telescope was used to discover Didymos? Go to slash radio contest. You have until Wednesday, November 24, the day before Thanksgiving here in the United States, at 8 a.m. Pacific time on that day to get us this answer and win yourself a Planetary Society kick asteroid, rubber asteroid. I believe we're done. Arnie, thank you for joining us.
Starting point is 00:51:30 You're welcome. It was my pleasure. Once again, thank you for your support. Bruce, take us out. All right. First, thank you, Arnie. We really appreciate your support. And everybody else, go out there, look up at the night sky,
Starting point is 00:51:42 and think about what a caricature of Matt would look like and what you would emphasize. Thank you and good night. They may not have to look farther than this week's show page at slash radio because we'll try and upload it there. That was Bruce Betts, the Chief Scientist of the Planetary
Starting point is 00:52:00 Society, joined by Arnie Grote, scientist, engineer, and supporter of the Planetary Society. Thank you both, guys. Planetary Radio is produced by the Planetary Society in Pasadena, California, and is made possible by its members who are helping us make a deep impact. You can help change the course of history at slash join. Mark Hilverda and Jason Davis are our associate producers.
Starting point is 00:52:28 Josh Doyle composed our theme, which is arranged and performed by Peter Schlosser. Ad Astra.

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