Pod Save America - “Pod Lang Syne.”

Episode Date: December 27, 2018

In a special New Year’s episode, Jon, Jon, Tommy, Dan, Erin Ryan, DeRay Mckesson, Ana Marie Cox, Ira Madison, and Louis Virtel discuss their resolutions for 2019.  ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to Pod Save America. I'm Jon Favreau. I'm Jon Lovett. I'm Tommy Vitor. Hope you're all enjoying your holidays right now. We have decided that for our last episode of the year, we're going to talk about our New Year's resolutions. We are. And not just us. You're going to hear from us in the next couple minutes. But then we asked a bunch of the extended Crooked family to give us their resolutions too.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Ira Madison, George Papadopoulos. Louis Verdell. Maria Butina. Yeah, she's resolved to spy more. Is that possible? James Comey will be here. Yeah, he's going to get taller. He said he wants to be taller in 2019.
Starting point is 00:01:03 And more righteous. So how should we start this? Does anyone want to start with some resolutions? Sure Tommy, you want to start or Lovett, do you want to start? Why don't you guys do a standoff? I'll go first Kick it off, buddy
Starting point is 00:01:16 Kick it off, Lovett Alright, I have some Here we go Alright, so Listen My diet's a disaster again. Are we doing a food section? I'm just going to say this one quick because it is the one I make every year.
Starting point is 00:01:30 The only time I've successfully reigned in my diet is when HBO was hanging over my head like a sword of Damocles. And I just can't live like this anymore. I can't have so many Snickers ice cream bars. And you know what? You have Snickers ice cream bars. And you know what? You have Snickers ice cream bars? Ronan. Those were my favorite treat as a kid. Ronan bought a box of five, ate one, and left town.
Starting point is 00:01:51 John. What kind of monster? John. I love Snickers ice cream bars. I want to credit you for having Snickers ice cream bars. I wrote down, I want to eat worse, smarter. Okay? If I'm home alone in my house, I will have five peanut butter spoons without
Starting point is 00:02:07 thinking twice about it. That is a thoroughly disgusting habit. We're all being quite a bunch of Charlottes right now. That is like eating an entire chocolate. I don't get what that means. That's like eating a whole cake. It's okay to have a Snickers ice cream bar. It's okay to have a snickers ice cream bar it's okay to have wings for lunch along with your sandwich if it was an accidental order like i just did i ate a whole pizza for lunch i guess i want to eat out less and like postmates less because and and emily's always trying to convince me to do this she's like we can we can buy groceries. We can cook. There'll be fresher foods. It'll be great. And I'm always just like lazy and say, oh, it's easier to postmates.
Starting point is 00:02:49 I think that can't be great. The one I want to talk you into is firing up that coffee maker. Dude. What? I've been doing it this week. Come on. Because I was finally shamed enough when we were at the Hanukkah celebration last weekend. Everyone was making fun of me for my Dunkin' Donuts coffees and sandwiches every morning.
Starting point is 00:03:04 You just said the Hanukkah celebration. Like, I was making fun of me for my Dunkin' Donuts coffees and sandwiches every morning. You just said the Hanukkah celebration. Like, I don't know how you made that sound so not Jewish. I know. I don't know what else. It was the first Hanukkah thing that I've been to. The Hanukkah celebration? You sound like Mike fucking Pence. So I was at the Hanukkah celebration with Mother.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Wait, this is a big deal. Did you get like a filter and like grounds? I got some K-cups and I've just been making i've been making coffee every morning this oh so you have a cake you guys have a k-cup machine we do and i just wasn't even using that oh boy okay well and i'm using steps and i'm using buckle up for the responses to using those k-cup things oh no is that a prize that fucking problematic problematic tweet it john let him know what you think about the k-Cups. Can I tell you a related one to what you're saying?
Starting point is 00:03:49 I want to go to the gym less. You don't need to go to the gym. Tommy's not going to uphold the resolution. You don't know. You don't need to go to the gym. People out there are throwing their phones at the volcanoes. I'm not giving you the standard shit. This is like in 08 when they asked all the candidates, what's your greatest weakness.
Starting point is 00:04:05 Yeah, John Edwards was like, I help women cross the street too much. No, that's the opposite. I'm doing literally the opposite of that, which is most New Year's resolutions are like, I would like to read more books. I want to go to the gym less. You don't have to go to the gym
Starting point is 00:04:16 if you don't eat the five handfuls of trail mix every time you walk into the Crooked Media kitchen. Tommy, I so appreciate that. It's a discipline. In that spirit, I resolve this year to start smoking. I really want to read more.
Starting point is 00:04:29 I want to write more. That's perfect. Neither of us are going to do that. No, I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I feel like I can keep mine a little easier. That's the beauty here. Yeah, going to the gym. That's when you can knock off in January and then the gyms are crowded with the people who made the opposite resolution.
Starting point is 00:04:48 Let's see. I plan to either keep up with Slack more or remove myself from Slack. But the only way out is through. Either way. Here's how our company goes. Tell us. We're sitting in our office, and we'll all be on Slack because that's how we all communicate in this company. And we'll say something like, oh, can you believe that story about George Papadopoulos?
Starting point is 00:05:10 And Lovett's like, what? What are you talking about? We're like, it's on Slack. He's like, when was it on Slack? Like, two hours ago. We've been all talking about it for two hours in this company. Maybe I was ideating. I resolve to not use that word again.
Starting point is 00:05:23 I was busy ideating. So you want to use Slack more or not at all? Yeah, it's one or the other. The current lukewarm Slack use that I'm offering is terrible. How's your resolution about your desk or what's happened with your desk? Do you want to tell everyone what's happened with your desk? Can we lay the context yet? John and I sit together in a in a room
Starting point is 00:05:45 we have three desks we have a little couch we have a speakerphone lovett's desk has gotten so covered in shit that it's no longer usable uh now he has resolved to sit on the couch and now two-thirds of the couch and chairs are also covered in backpacks the other day he sorted his mail on the couch that happened i think he's trying to push us out of the office he's now he now he now resides in like 60 of the office um look uh so my desk was messy during the period of time in which we were traveling touring doing the hbo show my desk is now clean and yet i can't bring myself to go back there i'm a couch man i'm gonna go back to the desk i'm gonna go back to the desk but i'm going to go back to the desk. But I've loved the couch lifestyle. First of all, I can see all the way down the office from one end all the way to the other.
Starting point is 00:06:29 I can see the whole empire. Spatial politics are an issue. I can see the whole thing. And so I like that. But I hear you. I hear you. Another resolution I have here, it says, I will delete Facebook, Twitter, email, and text. The only way to reach me will be to call me.
Starting point is 00:06:44 Whoa. That's not going to happen. will be to call me whoa that's not gonna happen not gonna happen but it is the dream it is the dream that's like uh jack going to burma for a while you know that's just cutting it all off well so my my is on slack oh jack we all talked about it um my big resolution sort of has to do with social media i i'm not going to resolve to not use twitter i am going to resolve to use twitter differently because it has become i think it has broken my brain it has permanently altered my brain chemistry i am an angrier person when i use it i am more cynical when i use it
Starting point is 00:07:19 there's too much nastiness on there there's's too much anger on there. And I think most importantly, Twitter, as people who do politics for a living, as we all do, Twitter just does not accurately represent what most people in the country think about, how they feel, how they act, how they speak. And it is sort of warping our perception of what politics is by just following the same fucking people and the same fucking fights all the time. Can I respond to your resolution? Yeah. That ain't it, chief.
Starting point is 00:07:52 Exactly. There's also, as I just demonstrated, a terrible, broken, boring, redundant lexicon on Twitter that just makes everyone in every conversation dumber. Your Twitter jokes aren't funny after people have used them the first thousand times. You told me this in private. I think that's right. Like, and I don't know. I'm taking suggestions on how to use it differently. Like, already over the last couple of weeks,
Starting point is 00:08:15 like, I'm not getting in Twitter fights anymore. I don't want to do that. I'm trying to stay out of my mentions more. Both of you have peeled back very well, I think. Yeah. I'm proud of you. I want to get out of the mentions more. I want to have my tone be a little bit better on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:08:29 I want to try to have my Twitter tone match my real-life tone, how I would talk to people in real life. I don't go up to strangers on the street and start screaming at them about Medicare for All. I don't do that. I throw red roses at people. Maybe you should fucking start. do that i throw roses at people i would like maybe you should fucking start i would like to have debates with people in real life when i don't agree with them i sit and have a debate or i like we get into it but i don't do what i do on twitter half the time i think that i think two things
Starting point is 00:08:58 about twitter i think one of the biggest problems of twitter is the illusion that you're actually, um, that it's actually important to keep up with the stories and, uh, information that spreads on Twitter in real time as if the world is changing so quickly and, and, and so much information that is important is being sort of released in real time that if you don't keep up with it, you'll fall behind. You'll lose the thread. You won't know what's important important anymore the world doesn't change as fast as twitter wants you to think it does it just doesn't like big big little a lot of little things happen that we forget about if we went through some of the things we have tweeted about in the past year we wouldn't have retained them nor should we have because they weren't that important and so to me like it is
Starting point is 00:09:39 the illusion that there's something happening when there's nothing happening or when something important is happening when actually something small is happening. No, and that's the addictive quality to it, too. And that's my problem is, like, I don't go on there for the Twitter mobs and the flame wars and all that bullshit. I go on there because I need to be updated on the news every 10 seconds. And the question is, why do I need that update all the time? And I don't think that I do.
Starting point is 00:10:03 You definitely don't. No one does. Because here's the thing. If your worldview was so soft and fragile that it was malleable based on these tiny little developments every single day, that there was information that you needed to learn to adjust your perspective, adjust your expectations, you'd be a ridiculous person. You'd be a ridiculous, useless person. People, for some reason, one of the worst things about being a public figure, I think, is being asked to comment on silly stuff all the time. It would drive us crazy when we were
Starting point is 00:10:34 Barack Obama's spokespeople. But people on Twitter take that thing over for themselves. They force themselves to comment on shit all the time for no reason like tommy vitor's statement on the american flag being removed from the scene in first man the buzz aldrin stories like what are we doing here what a waste of time and the reason i say i want to learn how to use it differently is because there are plenty of good parts about twitter like you get all kinds of information you wouldn't get otherwise you hear from all kinds of experts and really smart people and fields that you wouldn't encounter those people on a daily basis. So that's fascinating. We, some of the best parts of being here at Crooked Media have been people who went out to Canvas, who tweeted us and tweet pictures.
Starting point is 00:11:16 And we're voting for the first time. We're registering people for the first time. That part's wonderful. I want to keep up with that part. But I can't. I can't with all the. And it's just like the twitter mobs and the pylons of people and it's like there's some people and it's
Starting point is 00:11:30 fortunately it's not us but there's some people who just all day long all that happens is they get attacked by people they're just out there and sometimes they trigger it and sometimes other people and i'm just watching it i'm like wait no one has anything better to do than fucking like dunk on i'm not even gonna start yeah we all have the same person in mind we all need to stage an intervention for some friends but no and a whole bunch of other people it's just like you have better things to do than pick one random personality on twitter and just go after them all the time well it's this feeling of like it's this toxic thing our brains are not meant to have so many people in our faces all the time tens of thousands hundreds of thousands of human beings who get to who who are basically standing in front of you for five seconds at a time being like
Starting point is 00:12:14 i think aoc is dumb fuck and then that person's gone you're like no no wait wait wait wait you know you didn't say that about these republicans you know climate change is coming also trump has a crime. Also, there's something cultural that you should know. Also, imagine if, imagine if every tweet was read one at a time out loud to your face as they were going by,
Starting point is 00:12:32 you'd fucking, you'd have to, you'd have to like, it's a river out of humanity. It's a river. Did you see that New York times headline? Yeah. Well,
Starting point is 00:12:40 that's a waste of time. There was bad. That's the other part is you lose sort of perspective and proportionality of like what stories are important since there's like a leveling aspect of time. My hand there was bad. That's the other part is you lose sort of perspective and proportionality of like what stories are important since there's like a leveling aspect
Starting point is 00:12:49 of Twitter so that every story that comes by your feed seems like it's the same but they're not the same. Some are far more important than other stories. Yeah, I mean,
Starting point is 00:12:57 that's why, you know, Trump is the perfect embodiment of the Twitter idea. He learns everything from it and he'll say things like, I'm going to fire Robert Mueller. I'm going to do trade sanctions. Megyn Kelly sucks.
Starting point is 00:13:10 All on the same level. All equal footing. I love Jesse Waters' new book. Yeah, all one level. You know, there was, I've talked to you guys about this. Check out Dan Bongino's podcast. Right.
Starting point is 00:13:19 I saw this movie called The Exterminating Angel, which is an old film about a group of fancy people at a dinner party who discover they can't leave the party and they slowly go insane. And it really stuck with me. It's a great movie. But it really stuck with me as an analogy for Twitter because all it took to make this group of fancy people lose their minds, rip apart the walls, attack each other, kill a fucking goat was not being able to leave. Spoiler. You know, all the, all the talk about algorithms, all the talk about monopoly, all the talk about the abuses of these companies, their failure to
Starting point is 00:13:56 treat their customers well, their failure to treat our privacy well, all of it's valid. But the greatest trick they ever pulled was convincing us we couldn't leave because the second we thought we couldn't leave we turned into fucking animals I Also wrote down read more tweet less on my list. Yeah So as I try to tweet less and spend less time on Twitter, I want to read more I want to write more I want to play piano more like I have other skills in life that I want to actually do Maybe watch some movies. Yeah, we're gonna get you to to see some fucking movies because your blind spots on film are extraordinary. Can I do some
Starting point is 00:14:30 self-deprecation on this front? Please, sure. I want to watch more great stuff and I'm going to list some shows that I haven't finished the series of. Atlanta, The Sopranos, Mad Men, Dear White People, The Americans, Friday Night Lights, Insecure, Better Call Saul, That's So white people the americans friday night lights insecure better call saul that's so raven why deny yourself why deny yourself this joy and like watch fucking the great british baking show every night when you fall asleep a great show it's nice to fall asleep to but i could i could stand to expand my world i'm very jealous of you tomm, that you have a lot of those shows left to watch. Though Atlanta's on my list, too. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:15:08 Season one is amazing. I need to watch that again. As we're going to use our phones less and tweet less and not use our phones in meetings, something the three of us have talked about earlier, I'm going to read the first few from the AFI 100. You two say if you've seen it. Oh, cool. Ready?
Starting point is 00:15:22 Citizen Kane. Yes. Nope. Yes. Casablanca. No. Nope. Yes yes yes gone with the wind no yes lawrence of arabia no no larry no larry the wizard of oz yes yes the graduate yep yes on the waterfront no no yes never even heard of that it's the one with the rabbits right on the waterfront that's water ship down i don't know what you're talking about schindler's list yeah of course all right
Starting point is 00:15:51 honestly that was a defensive task i'm you're not pro holocaust if you haven't seen schindler's list everybody calm the fuck down get johnny bds over here what's the next one uh singing in the rain no yes is it mary poppins it's a wonderful life yes no you've never seen it's a wonderful i've never seen it it looks i i i got it you know schmaltzy for you it's schmaltzy it's schmaltzy although i recently watched uh mr smith goes to washington and i enjoyed it uh sunset boulevard no come on that's how i'm the gay one because i've seen sunset boulevard all right we made it through 12 i'd like to see that's more than i thought sometimes it's hard to find better than i thought i gotta dig in have you seen star wars yes but robert gibbs tried to
Starting point is 00:16:34 fire john because he hadn't seen like caddy shack and all these sort of animal house for the comedy sort of cultural have you guys seen all about eve no oh you gotta watch all about eve and i hadn't seen chinatown and then barack obama made me go home and watch that that's oh my god well that is a humble brag for all fucking time that's a cool i hadn't seen chinatown till barack obama made me watch it yeah you know i i never i hadn't seen uh psycho and then the pope had me watch it I know. What? Three years of her speeches. That was funny. Along Lovett's last joke, one of the things I wrote down was I want to be more blunt.
Starting point is 00:17:18 I think there's a delta between what we text each other and what we say into these microphones. I want to shrink that gap as much as possible, especially because we're going to be talking about the Democratic Party. And it does us no good to pull punches. Well, I'll tell you what, uh, the be on Twitter less is going to help with that. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:17:31 it is. It's actually essential, essential to it. I wrote, be more honest about my criticism of Democrats. And then I said, I'll start right now. My threshold, uh,
Starting point is 00:17:38 but it's not necessary. It's necessary, but not sufficient is for any Senator who wants to be president is to make sure they don't sound like a fucking Senator. And right yikes that's my good one that's my first i'm gonna dipping my toe in i think you're right um on the flip side of the be blunt and say what we think about democrats for the uh primary trim your sails no i think about something that love it you wrote this when we were i think talking about the mission of this company at the very beginning. There was a phrase where you said we should be patient with our allies.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Yes. Which I think is a really great phrase. And I do think like we should all disagree and we should have debates and we should be honest about what we think. for being patient and not always questioning the motivations of, at the very least, people who share our goals, values, beliefs in a broad way. Debate policies, not motives. Yeah. And character too. Like, I think that we, like, this is going to be a very fine line in the next year is that there's going to be some serious fights and debates on policy among all these Democrats running. We should have those debates and we shouldn't shy from them. But at the same time, like we, we have to remember that we all share the same broad goal here. And we can't get to the point where someone has been so attacked
Starting point is 00:18:55 or, you know, by, by other people in the primary that we end up with a nominee who's been, you know, got the shit kicked out of that person by 15 other Democrats. And then Trump uses all those attacks in the general and we're nowhere good. So not good. Yeah, I would say one other thing I want to do, speaking of just being on Twitter less and being in that kind of soup less is not lose the forest for the trees. And, you know, as much as we want to cover what's going on this week, what's going on today and sort of keeping people up to date with everything that's going on. I also want to remember the kind of longer term trends that I care about, whether they're economic or cultural. And some of the hardest things I think to talk about
Starting point is 00:19:32 are the kind of ever present atmospheric realities that are hard to understand and hard to change. And so for one of them that I'm going to try to do more of is I want to talk about authenticity less, and I want to talk about integrity more because I think we actually are using them interchangeably. It's something I've talked about it before, but I even still use it as a shorthand. And so I'm going to start pointing it out
Starting point is 00:19:55 when I see more and more, like when I see this idea of authenticity as this thing we're supposed to be striving towards, I want to talk more about why I think that's wrong and why I think it's been part of the problem in our politics. Cool. Anyone else got one? I want to follow a sports team in an almost psychotic manner.
Starting point is 00:20:16 I love all things Boston sports, the Red Sox, the Celtics, the Patriots. I haven't really watched a lot of Bruins games since I was 12, but they're good. But I have to admit that I really only watched regular season Patriots I haven't really watched a lot of Bruins games since I was 12 but they're good but I have to admit that I really only watched regular season Patriots games and I don't want to hear
Starting point is 00:20:30 your bullshit about how they cheat they're a fantastic franchise John love it so I want to pick a new team I didn't have to say a word
Starting point is 00:20:36 it could be a you said it last night I'd love to leave it I heard it it could be a Premier League team it could be an MLS soccer team
Starting point is 00:20:42 go with the Rams here go with the Rams well it's week 14 so it'll be tough. But it'll be fun. Just watch them day in, day out. Know the players, know the ins and outs. Get a little crazy. Get a little crazy.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Be that kind of guy. Cool. One last one. Sure. Please. I want to be a bit more grateful in 2019. I was thinking about that. I had that one, too.
Starting point is 00:21:04 And I want to do it. I want thinking about, I was going to, I had that one too. And I, I want to do it. I want to stop having to remind myself to do it. That I, I guess like, you know, when I'm frustrated by small things, which happens a lot because, you know,
Starting point is 00:21:14 we have this company now and it's incredibly exciting, but there's a lot of moving pieces. There's a lot of people. There's a lot of things that have to go right. And people, things go wrong. Sometimes things don't go the way you expect. Things are hard.
Starting point is 00:21:24 And I, sometimes I think get frustrated. We all get get frustrated but i want to remember in those moments that there's always going to be that when a thousand things go right and and a dozen go wrong that's good that's really good yeah i just want to remember this is the calm before the storm laughter is the best medicine so don't get your knickers in a twist and i want to use fewer cliches oh boy my god what a oh wow we walked down a very long pier to get to the end of that one it's like a love it or leave it episode i also think i want to spend more time with and communicating with friends and family because like i think because of our job and because we're so into fucking politics all the time that takes up so much mind share and then
Starting point is 00:22:12 we're tired at the end of the week and you like don't have anything to do and you just want to like read a little bit more and then go like i need to just fucking get out and talk to all the people in my life a little bit more you hear that that, Andy? A lot of love coming your way. Hey, Andy, I'd like you to meet someone you might like. It's your brother, John. Meet someone you know well for the first time. Does this mean he's going to text us on the weekends too? Enough of you two.
Starting point is 00:22:40 John wants to get rid of us. That's what he's trying to say. I want to get out of the office more. I think sometimes we get trapped in here. The great thing about going on tour is you get out, you meet people, like Demetrius, like folks we met along the way
Starting point is 00:22:53 who have just changed the way we think about things, opened your eyes to different issues. But sometimes your work rhythm turns into a rut and you come in and you tweet and you record and you leave and I want to do that less. Anything else? Any parting words?
Starting point is 00:23:07 No. More cliches for you, Tommy? That's all I got, I think. I think you guys will enjoy hearing from Aaron, from Louis, from Ira, from others TBD that we haven't recorded yet at this time. We're asking now. We're asking everybody. So, yeah. So, here's everyone else at Crooked.
Starting point is 00:23:24 And Happy New year, everyone. Happy new year. Happy new year. Okay. We have Pod Save America host Dan Pfeiffer here. Dan, we wanted to get you into this. What is your new year's resolution? for here. Dan, we wanted to get you into this. What is your New Year's resolution? I am going to try. And in the spirit of New Year's resolutions, it's going to be very hard to accomplish, but I want to use my phone less. I updated my software a few months ago, and now Apple sends me every Sunday my screen time, my daily screen time average.
Starting point is 00:24:02 That's hard to look at, isn't it? It is a hard hit because it's a lot of hours, and it doesn't even count, obviously, the hours I'm on my laptop. And when it first started, it was when we were traveling for HBO. So it's like, well, I'm traveling all the time. I'm in airports, I'm on planes, so it makes sense. But in the month of December where I have not been traveling and I've been home, it's just as bad. And so I think I need to carve out non-phone time, right? Which just doesn't mean like pay less attention to the news, although that would be potentially an ancillary benefit, but just have some time where I am not looking at my phone,
Starting point is 00:24:37 I am away from it. I could be maybe enjoying, you know, talking to humans or watching a program or something, but just where I'm not like constantly flipping back between like Twitter, the ESPN app, you know, Instagram or whatever else. I'm just like present in the moment without my phone, like putting it in a drawer somewhere for some period of time a day. So that is my goal. That is a fantastic resolution. I notice it particularly when I'm like walking around outside and I'm like staring at my phone. I'm like, you know what? You're outside. You live in Los Angeles.
Starting point is 00:25:07 Look around. Things are nice. See you that unless you are walking your dog, you're in Los Angeles. So you are driving. So you should be looking at your phone anyway. Well, that, that, yeah, that's bad too. I'm outside. I'm waiting for my valet to bring my car.
Starting point is 00:25:22 Yeah. I have a very walkable neighborhood here in LA. But no, and you realize you're like, what am I doing with my head and my fucking phone all the time? So, yeah, no, that's a great resolution. I would like to try that, too. I don't know how successful I'll be. But, you know, you can measure it. Like, now that Apple sends us that data, you can measure it on the little, the bars can go a little bit lower than they are right now.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Because right now they're pretty scary. Yeah, it's really, it's bad. There are only so many hours in a day, and I'm spending a lot of them on my phone all right well um well thanks for sharing that and you know go talk to some humans yeah that's that's my goal okay i'm here with anna marie cox host of with friends like These. Hi, Anna. Hello. So this is our New Year's resolution special. We're asking everyone. We did our New Year's resolutions. We're asking everyone else in the Crooked family.
Starting point is 00:26:14 So do you have some resolutions you want to share? Sure. So every year I vow to drink more water. Oh, that's a good one. That has been one for like 10 years. How have you done with that resolution? I think I finally determined what that means. Because I used to just be like, I'll just drink more water.
Starting point is 00:26:36 And now I actually try to do this. So I'm getting older and all my body does not respond as quickly and easily to things as each in the past. So I've discovered like actually drinking the 64 ounces of water you're supposed to drink every day. I feel like this is like, are we a wellness podcast now? We are. I didn't plan on talking about this. This is Michelle Obama. I did not plan on talking about this.
Starting point is 00:26:56 But it's very helpful when you're hydrated. Being hydrated is a good thing. So that was not going to be like a serious thing I talked about. So I'm going to try to drink more water. The other thing, though, is, wow, maybe it sort of ties in. I hate the idea of resolutions. I feel like they're oppressive. Goal setting, for me, can be very...
Starting point is 00:27:19 I had a therapist that made me stop doing to-do lists because she basically said it's just a weapon you use to beat yourself up oh interesting so resolutions can be that way too so i have started thinking more about intentions i like that i like intentions because i think intentions kind of for one thing it's not a pass fail situation right like if a resolution you break a resolution like then you're like oh well fuck it right i might as well not do the thing i might as well not drink water i have failed yeah exactly one of the reasons i used to say drink more water is because it's like well more you know like you can always drink more um uh you can't fail at drinking more water that's right um but usually the way that resolutions are formed or formatted formulated you there's some failure like potential right you either
Starting point is 00:28:07 check the box or you don't check the box intentions you can sustain yeah and intentions also i think even just the way the word it kind of forces you to think about well why am i doing this what is the thing i'm trying to accomplish here like if you want to lose weight well why though like what's my what why though? Like what's my, what's the bigger reason? What's the bigger reason? Cause I've just seen in my life, the things that I stick with are the things that I'm doing for, to, to get closer to a value that I believe in. Basically that's it. That's smart. Like things I actually follow through with in my life are things that are a part of the journey that I want to be on. So even the drinking water thing, like I only actually started following through on that when I decided I actually wanted to take care of my body.
Starting point is 00:28:58 Like when that was just sort of a theoretical, I guess it's good to drink more water. Like I didn't do it. But now that it's connected to a larger goal, a larger value. I actually do it. That's really cool. That makes sense. My big one that I did was
Starting point is 00:29:13 I want to figure out how to use Twitter differently. I have a Twitter one too if you want to hear it. Yeah, so my thing, I want to hear it then because I was like, I don't want to cut off Twitter because I know that that is the resolution style thing where it's like, it's just not going to happen. I'm going to feel bad. But I want to cut off Twitter because I know that that is the resolution style thing where it's like, it's just not going to happen. I'm going to feel I'm going to feel bad. But I want to use it better because there's a larger feeling that I'm trying to get at, which is it has made me feel a little like angrier and more distracted.
Starting point is 00:29:37 And I want to use it better so that it makes me feel informed and like I have good conversations with people and, you know, that kind of stuff. So this one might might might hit a little close to home for you. Okay. I have an intention to actually read everything I retweet. That is great. That is a good one. To not just look at the headline or the picture. Yeah, I mean, I've done that.
Starting point is 00:30:10 I've done that a couple of times. And also not because there's a dark side to it, which there is, but because I don't want to, I just, what am I doing? I'm being irresponsible. And I'm also letting myself off the hook for not being informed. I'm contributing to a culture of headline reading and picture looking. And it's not even like to make sure that the facts are correct, right? It's a larger thing.
Starting point is 00:30:36 Like last night when the story, we're recording this obviously a couple weeks before New Year's, but last night the story broke about that seven-year-old girl who died um from guatemala when she crossed the border and i had been out i jumped on twitter i saw everyone tweeting about it and my first instinct was to just retweet it but i was like i don't want to just like retweet into the outrage here like i want to read this story like i know what happened because i've seen twitter but i want to read a couple of Washington Post reporters wrote this story. I want to know all the details. I want to see what happened.
Starting point is 00:31:07 I read the story. And that's what everyone should do. It's what everyone should do. And also, I think it helps you do an important processing of what's actually happening today. Like you are, this is not to get too real about this, but that's a way of honoring and respecting the lives of the people that were impacted by that death is to not just retweet it, but to kind of, I'm not saying people who just retweeted it don't care or don't honor them, but to sit with that story for a minute and really feel the feelings that come
Starting point is 00:31:40 with reading about such a tragedy rather than just hitting retweet and be like, well, I've taken care of that. Right. You know, I think Twitter kind of encourages a way of looking at the world where we don't have to process things. Just like, oh, that's just general badness, right? Because it's leveling. And everything that comes across the feed seems like it's the same level of importance.
Starting point is 00:32:04 And it is not. And everything that comes across the feed seems like it's the same level of importance. And it is not. And I actually talked about this on my show a few times. And I'll mention it just in the context of Twitter intentions. Which is that I want to be more thoughtful about who I retweet as well. Okay. Friend of my pod, Anil Dash, has a policy of not retweeting white men.
Starting point is 00:32:25 Interesting. And I've had times where I've tried that. And I would just encourage everyone to think about it for an hour. Because what you soon realize is that it's hard. Because the majority of journalists, politicians politicians sports figures like whoever it is like that's there's just a lot of white dudes yeah having opinions out there and sometimes they're good opinions sometimes they're it's not it's not because like i just want to censor them it's more like why is this just the default identity that is being amplified. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:06 So if you kind of force yourself to just, who am I retweeting and why? Like, is this the best voice for this issue? Right. That's very smart. I mean, I also, I think in general. As a white guy, I'm sure you have some feelings. As a white guy, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Please retweet me all the time. No, I think it's in general i think more factually based stories tweets over opinion in general yeah and yeah you know especially white guy opinion because that we all know but even then like actually so anil what he does is not even just opinions no that seems like it's beyond yeah it's like when I'm retweeting this news story, even though it's not like, it doesn't seem germane to the story that the person that wrote it is a white guy. Right.
Starting point is 00:33:55 Is this really the best story? Is this really the best voice? Or is it just the first one I came across? Right. You know. And oftentimes, I'm sure it's the first one that people came across. Yeah. So it's just, I mean, I think being more thoughtful about the use of the platform. And the other thing I would say about Twitter, that's also, I'm really just glad you mentioned
Starting point is 00:34:12 it because I have been thinking about it as well. The intention that I will bring is when I go to check it, I want to ask myself, is this important right now yes is it important that i check twitter right now or could it wait perhaps the biggest one i've made a rule for myself now that when i wake up i have to read a few news stories before i start scrolling like i cannot wake up and start scrolling is the first thing that I do because then you're just off to the right, then you're off on a tangent somewhere.
Starting point is 00:34:48 I woke up this morning, I started, someone was tweeting something, I was like following, I wasn't participating but I was following some argument on Twitter. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:34:54 what the fuck am I following this argument for? This isn't the central issue of today. You know what's real good for that? Newspaper. What is that?
Starting point is 00:35:05 It's a thing. It's printed on this stuff. Is that bigger than my phone? This stuff that I have waving next to the microphone. It has paper. She found some paper. Found some paper. I dug it out of an archive.
Starting point is 00:35:17 I actually thought about, for a while, I was downloading stories to my Kindle to read first thing in the morning because I had the same idea that I shouldn't just like get on and start scrolling. Yeah. And I actually think I'm going to do a daily subscription to a newspaper for the new year. And that has double, it's many different benefits. One of which we take the dog on a walk in the morning to get the paper. Oh, okay. Get me, you know, like get us both out yeah earlier probably than
Starting point is 00:35:45 i want to does your dog what time my dog sleeps in it's awesome but then it's like but then he has but then it's like very urgent mine that we leave yeah mine sleep i'm the first one up okay of of me emily and leo i'm the first one up and And then when Leo sees that I'm up and stirring, he'll climb up. And take your place? Lie next to me. Oh. Cuddle for a little bit. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 00:36:09 Emily is usually the last one up. Oh. But then at some point quick, he'll jump off the bed and just stare at me. And that's like, I got to go. Yeah. When they're up there. That's the thing about dogs. I wasn't prepared for this.
Starting point is 00:36:19 It doesn't get us up early. But when he wants to be up, you better. Yep. They'll be scratching, you better. Yep. They'll be scratching at the door, running around, tossing his head. Any other last minute resolutions? Intentions. Intentions. I mean, I got so many.
Starting point is 00:36:39 I got to load. Oh, I'll be serious again. To always give myself another chance. That is a fantastic intention. To never think it's the last chance to do anything. Like, I always have another chance. Yeah. That is a wonderful life intention.
Starting point is 00:37:02 Thank you, John. Thank you, Anna. And Happy New Year. Happy New Year. I am here with two-thirds of the greatest show
Starting point is 00:37:20 on audio, on your phone, on turf. Take that, The Daily. Take that, Barbaro. Take that, P.T. Barnum. Yeah. We're show people.
Starting point is 00:37:29 Fuck you, Oprah. Actually, I'm so sorry. We love Oprah here. I'm so sorry. Louis Vertel, Ira Madison III, Cara Brown could not be here, but you guys know them, the Keep It Crew. They're in studio, and we're talking about New Year's resolutions, things we want to do to improve our own lives,
Starting point is 00:37:46 to make the lives of people around us better, but really the former. Very good. What do you got? That was poetic. You were like Burl Ives and Rudolph, just narrating the way. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:37:58 Well, a couple things. One, this is something people don't really know about me. I actually do not like to travel. I like living where I live, getting the iced coffee I get, getting the breakfast burrito I get, and going home and that's my life because I am addicted to comfort. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:38:14 You're so much fun to travel with. I guess I have gone to Mexico City with you. Are you being sarcastic? Okay. Mexico City was a journey, Louis. Alright. So I vow to actually want to travel more because i am in under i've just not visited anywhere and i am now in my 30s ashamed of it what if a listener
Starting point is 00:38:34 wants to be your companion what kind of countries are you thinking about like sex companion i didn't say that i said it wait that normal english phrase sex companion okay um i would desperately love to go to australia and also by the way am i allowed to say this in the new year we will probably be touring with keep it a little bit and i hope to enjoy these places via that experience please tour with keep it so i have always wanted to go to australia but i'd rather someone else pay for me to go we can make that that happen. Thank you. Oh my God. Crooked knows Australia. Crikey.
Starting point is 00:39:11 Australia is waiting for me to launch that accent. That's my New Year's resolution in 2019. I'm going to debut my Australian accent. You just gave him this idea. I am sorry to mention any countries around him ever. Carmen Sandin fucked off. Not clever. just gave him this idea i am sorry to mention any countries around him ever carmen sanding fucked off not not clever just fuck you what is my new year's resolution i i don't know i think i've had i think i've had a very good year you have had a good year um who knew that appearing on love to leave it would let me scam you on the, giving me
Starting point is 00:39:47 a podcast and brought Karen Lewis along. And honestly, we're more popular than all of you. We know. I watched the numbers. I watched the numbers. So I don't know. Next year. I just, I want to keep having fun with my friends.
Starting point is 00:40:02 I want to hear more. Keep it. That would be nice. The next year. I agree. I want to hear more Keep It. That would be nice. In the next year. I agree. I want to give everyone all the Keep It they want. Let's go daily. Why not?
Starting point is 00:40:12 Have you thought about it? 14 times a day. Yeah. Seven minute shows. Yeah, we'll take down the New York Times. Is that how long the daily is? I don't know. I don't listen to it.
Starting point is 00:40:21 Tommy, you talk about serious things. Who can listen to that? Not my friends. See, that's what I'm saying. I listen to people. Tommy, you talk about serious things. Who can listen to that? Not my friends. See, that's what I'm saying. I listen to Pod Save the World. Oh, thank you. I find it enjoyable. It's a good.
Starting point is 00:40:32 Because I'm always like, who are these people? We all need both. Who are these names? What I like about Keep It so much is that you guys make me laugh and you talk about Kanye being crazy or doing whatever fun thing. But it always ties into something bigger. There's always a point you're trying to make about the world, about Trump, about society, about culture. And like, I, I learned something. I would like to resolve to not talk about Kanye or Justin Timberlake or the people that terrorized us this year, next year.
Starting point is 00:41:02 Yeah. What else is there to say say some people are like infinitely good for jokes like you know unfortunately if lena dunham re-enters the news like that's another page of material i've got another scroll i've written so uh uh but kanye i mean man how many times can i talk about him being the only rapper who cries when you beat him at a board game i mean is that true i just doesn't he seem like someone who like like, fuck Monopoly? I bought it. Yeah. I was in. Yeah. You're not allowed to tell him.
Starting point is 00:41:27 That's right. What do you think Kara's resolution is if she were here? She hates New Year's. She does? Why? Just because it's an amateur hour and everyone treats it like a big show. She literally called it amateur hour. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:41 In our Christmas episode, she literally said, keep it to New Year's. The best New Year's I ever had in my life. That's why she's not here. That's why she's not here. Tommy said, said, keep it to New Year's. The best New Year's I ever had in my life. That's why she's not here. That's why she's not here. Tommy said, let's record something about New Year's. And she was like, I will be right there. And then she ran and Charlie's Angels just rolled into the elevator. A front handspring right out the window.
Starting point is 00:41:58 I do think the best New Year's I have are when I don't plan something and I have low, low, low expectations. Like one year I went to Atlantic City thinking this is rock bottom and we had a blast. Rock bottom also sounds like a restaurant you could go to in Atlantic City. Washington, D.C. There's one called Rock Bottom, I believe. Oh, yeah. Sounds like a Sebastian spinoff musical. Yes, precisely.
Starting point is 00:42:21 Actually, my best New Year's was last year in Chicago. I usually hang out with my very good friend, Andy, who is lovely and also a friend of Iris. He also happens to be a glorious mess. What, you? I was there. I know. I just said it, sweetie.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Yes, you're friends with him. No, you said I'm friends with him, but you didn't tell people that I was there. Okay. Well, you were a featured player in this night. Not like a star. Moving on. I wasanda woodward heather locklear and melrose place i was special guest star okay well i mean all guest starring roles must come to an end and yours hers never did she guest starred for seven years that's true uh uh uh but uh we just walked around went party to party and then in chicago they do this thing la people don't understand this like stay up past two so we went and did that and i was just i i looked like
Starting point is 00:43:11 the mask from scream by the end of the night i just was like a monster making out with other monsters and by 7 a.m i just i was like judy garland on the last day of her life just like a woman who was going to split in half oh my god uh well as you're listening to this now i am spending new years in buenos aires you were get this you know where i'm spending income come from you're just traveling all the time you're in france starting riots there we know you did it you're in the uk you're in buenos aires what do you what the hell well listen by time Lovett finds out that I'm funneling money from Lovett or Leaveit, I'll be halfway across the globe. Yeah. I'll be in Tokyo for New Year's.
Starting point is 00:43:54 What? Mm-hmm. I'm going to be in LA. Oh. No, that's good for you. Stay here. Stay here. Quote young adult, you're good here.
Starting point is 00:44:04 I have a dog. Oh, you have a dog oh you have a dog oh oh that's not why i'm lame though i mean the dog's cooler than i am did i know you had a dog you met her i have met her ira came over the first love it or leave it we hosted a party in my house afterwards we rented our rental and you came over and i think all the dogs oh no you know what pundit was there that night jumping on your lap. You've met my dog at this office. Yes. What a star fucker.
Starting point is 00:44:28 You know, your dog isn't really out there like Pundit and Leah. No, she respects her privacy. She needs it. She craves it. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:39 Is your other resolution to do this boutique workouty thing in LA that we were talking about previously? Oh yes. Is that a non-resolution? No, I want to. I have come to enjoy working out due to, I guess, being brainwashed by the city. But I hate cardio and I want to add an element of that that makes that entertaining. And I think this boutique gym that we are speaking about will do that for me. One time I worked out next to wait for it aaron shock friend of keep it yes but also abrio day really oh was she scouting for more husbands or whatever that was she was killing it on the treadmill she did a great job practicing for her tour yeah right
Starting point is 00:45:18 yeah get yourself out there hundreds were going uh i will not be joining that boutique a little yeah because your trainer doesn't make you run blah blah blah i love my trainer he's very nice and i go you don't text him back i go to a small boutique gym in la i like we're saying boutique shitty trendy expensive thing that we force ourselves to do well you know what acquainted with the fact that i hate the word boutique yeah go ahead i'll mention the name of that gym when they start advertising on TV. That's right.
Starting point is 00:45:51 Well, that's all I got for resolutions. This has been fun. This is, look, I'm about to go into a one-hour conversation with a former
Starting point is 00:45:57 U.S. Ambassador to Israel whom I love, but we're going to talk about things that make me sad. Well, you tell Barbara Streisand I said hi. I will. It's a good place to end it. And tell her how she can get jacked. Happy New Year's, Barbara.
Starting point is 00:46:17 I am thrilled to be here with Erin Gloria Ryan. You're not thrilled. I am thrilled. Look at my thrilled face. It looks like a pale... Normal face. Pale face. With Erin Gloria Ryan. You're not thrilled. I'm thrilled. Look at my thrilled face. Okay. It looks like a pale. Just a normal face. Pale face. With Erin Gloria Ryan, host of Hysteria, friend of the pod, one of the greatest people on the planet.
Starting point is 00:46:35 Oh, come on. I'm definitely the greatest. What day is it? It's early December. It's Wednesday, December 12th, because I have to fly out in like three hours. You're going to New York. I am. It's going to be cool.
Starting point is 00:46:46 It's going to be cold. I don't have a jacket. You're wearing, oh, that's very light. Well, no, this is like made of tissue paper. It's very light and chic. Yeah, so I'm going to, I have like a kind of jacket, so I'm going to just wear 15 layers
Starting point is 00:46:57 and hope that by the time I, because I left all my jackets there when I moved here, so I have to get one. It's real dumb. Anyway. I'm wearing a sweater I bought in 2010, so we all have our problems.
Starting point is 00:47:06 We have been talking to the great Crooked Media hosts about New Year's resolutions and things we want to do better in the new year. Silly, serious, whatever you got. Okay. So you're asking me what I, what's my New Year's resolution? So right now I'm in the middle of trying to write something
Starting point is 00:47:23 and I realized that I have a process that I go through every time I try to write anything, literally anything, is that I reach a point of writer's block and I decide during that moment that I'm the dumbest and least funny person in the world and I'll never have another good idea ever. ever. And my goal in 2019 is to not get into the like freak out I'm the worst writer ever mode every single time that I have writer's block. I was actually thinking the other day I reference the Muppets
Starting point is 00:47:56 like too much but there's so many like life lessons you can take from the Muppets. There used to be a character on Sesame Street named Don Music. Do you remember Don Music? He was a creative type. He was a composer. And Don Music was always presented in context where he was trying to compose a song.
Starting point is 00:48:12 And he was reaching a point where he didn't have the right lyric in the composition. And he would give up and bang his head on the piano and say, I'll never get it, never. And it was supposed to teach children that being overly emotional about minor hang ups is silly. It looks silly. So I need to don music less. That's good. That's my plan. That's a really good resolution because, you know, I was not a speechwriter.
Starting point is 00:48:34 I was a press hack, which meant that it perfectly matched my ADD, which I just, you know, took a million calls and emails from reporters and managed them as fast as I could. And I loved it because it was like I didn't have to focus on one thing. Jon Favreau, when he was doing the head speech writer work would always reach a point where like 1130 a night, he'd be texting his friends. Like, I can't do this anymore. I'm not, you know, like that existential moment. And I didn't really understand it until I tried to do some screenwriting. Uh, holy shit. Isn't it the worst thing ever? Nobody should do it it's like i mean that's what's giving me problems i have so much respect for you guys who who can sit and be in front of a computer or look at a blank page for god's sake for like eight hours in a day and just focus
Starting point is 00:49:17 and write and grind it out and edit like i don't i don't know that i'm constitutionally designed for that kind of work it's really weird it It's a weird thing that human ancestors never had to develop. They never had to learn how to come up with a totally fake story that works on multiple levels and then resolve the story within 22 minutes, which is like writing a comedy script. That's what that is. And right now I'm working on something where if I change it's kind of like
Starting point is 00:49:46 a Jenga thing you know it's like if I move one piece then the whole thing could fall down and then it just it's super frustrating and strange
Starting point is 00:49:54 and for people listening I mean you've like you've sold shows you've worked in on Always Sunny as a writer which is like one of the most
Starting point is 00:50:01 successful great shows of recent history it well that's not because of me they brought me on on season 13 but like that's a like one of the most successful, great shows of recent history. Well, that's not because of me. They brought me on in season 13. But like that's a badass show that people like for 13 seasons. Yeah, it's a fun show to write for,
Starting point is 00:50:16 but to the credit of the people that I work with, it's such a machine. Like you get in and they know exactly what all the characters are, what they do. It's so much more difficult to write something where you're like, I'm making this up whole cloth. Like I came up with with a new world and this is what these people do within the world or i'm like coming up with new motivations for people and it's like i was trying i was telling another screenwriter recently that it's like trying to come up with a lie and then telling yourself the lie and trying to vet it as though you don't want to be lied to and then going back
Starting point is 00:50:44 and you have to like have a conversation with yourself. And it's so crazy making. Were you always good at this when you were in high school and in college? Could you sit quietly and write forever? I was never good at it. I'm literally not good at anything. I was never good. I was good at like making sarcastic comments in high school.
Starting point is 00:51:00 And then I was good at not going to class in college. And then I was good at not knowing what I wanted to do in my 20s and then I got hired as a blogger and then I was good at blogging and then I was good at, I never wanted to do this. I don't know what I'm doing. I was good at not focusing,
Starting point is 00:51:16 not getting the grade at the time I needed it, not going to practice or class completely sober. Wait, didn't you play lacrosse or something? I did. That's so predictable. to practice or class completely sober. Wait, didn't you play lacrosse or something? I did. I did. That's so predictable. It's like a fun sport played by a lot of terrible people who give it a bad name. It's so interesting how it is a Native American sport, right?
Starting point is 00:51:35 Yeah. That is now the least Native American thing I can imagine. The douchiest reputation. Yeah. Although fast growing. Look, I'm not here to defend or support the lax community. This turned into a roast. I'm frustrated with my screenplay, so I'm just going to roast Tommy.
Starting point is 00:51:52 I'm twirling a lanyard over here telling you about my whatever. That's a great New Year's resolution. There's a little bit of self-care involved in all of these. I mean, there's two kinds of resolutions, I guess. It's like, you're going to go to the gym, you piece of shit. Just you're, you know, if it kills you. And this one's a nice one. You're being nice to yourself.
Starting point is 00:52:11 I have to, well, because it's one of those things where, like, it doesn't help anything to be hard on yourself. Yeah. All it does is give you an outlet. And if you're your own punching bag, then you end up worse for the wear at the other end of it. That is a very hard lesson for me to learn because I've been a self-loather for as long as I've known myself. I feel like I need it to an extent. What else are you supposed to do at Sunday night between 9 p.m. and midnight when you
Starting point is 00:52:34 fall asleep? Hate yourself. Yeah. You were like, you were such a dick to your swim coach in sixth grade. I cannot believe you did that. Oh, man. Like in 2017, this is another story for another time. But in 2017, I went to Nepal for like six weeks. Yeah, that's so cool. The pictures are that. Oh, man. Like in 2017, this is another story for another time. But in 2017, I went to Nepal for like six weeks.
Starting point is 00:52:47 Yeah, that's so cool. The pictures are amazing. Oh, thanks. It was the way that I told my mother I was alive. I just would upload a photo to Instagram. She was like, good, she's not dead. But when I was there, I was alone a lot. And you think when you're hiking that you're going to like learn all these lessons about life.
Starting point is 00:53:00 And I just spent a lot of time being like, I'm such a fucking asshole. Like dealing with all this. Like I was paying these like karma bills in my head where it's like, man, I was mean to that friend I had when I was 23 and then never hung out with again. It was just like, yeah. Beating yourself up doesn't equalize out anything. You're not atoning to anyone. You're spending your energy on something that is ultimately just going to make you less equipped to handle life. Like if you just, it's good to
Starting point is 00:53:25 be self-aware. It's good to be aware of your shortcomings and it's good to want to become better. But sitting there beating up on yourself doesn't make you better. Like if you saw your friend doing that to themselves, you would stop them. And I think like an important thing to remember is like, you should treat yourself like how you want your friends to treat themselves. And that I'm going to try to do that a little bit more. That's good. Not only will you stop them, you'll be like, you're being annoying. Yeah, you're making me want to be your stupid piece of shit.
Starting point is 00:53:51 You're making me not want to be your friend. Well, you stupid pieces of shit. That is one fantastic resolution. No, that is your words, not mine. You guys are all wonderful. I love you guys so much. I love them. They're the best.
Starting point is 00:54:04 They love you too. Oh, thanks. too oh thank you yeah fly safe happy new year happy new year almost i don't remember in a couple weeks i think kevin says it's your stupid idea all right and when we come back more talking yay On the line is DeRay McKesson, the host of Pod Save the People. DeRay, how you doing? I'm good, I'm good. I can't believe that it's already almost 2019. It's sort of wild. It is wild. Last year feels like a blur, but I know a lot of stuff happened. Midterms were good. What else?
Starting point is 00:54:46 I don't really remember. You know, I did a panel recently with some of the Parkland students, and they were like, this has been a really wild nine months. And I was like, was that really just nine months ago? Oh, my God. That is. Like, isn't that wild? Like, she said that, and I was like, wow, only nine months?
Starting point is 00:55:06 Like, this feels like the world is is moving so quickly, you know? So quickly. And for those guys, it's a percentage of your total life. I mean, they're what, 18, 19? That's right, man. Well, what we've been doing, we've been talking to some folks here at Crooked Media, some of the folks hosting great shows like Pod Save the People about New Year's resolutions. Do you have any this year? Anything you want to share with the audience? i think they're like they're two big resolutions
Starting point is 00:55:29 one is like i am just trying to be more like fit and healthy i went to a soul cycle club have you been a soul cycle oh yeah it it hurt me it's hard hard i nearly fainted i tried to take a two-hour nap the first time i did i was like oh i'll spin like you know i know a lot of people that have sort of done it i went and was like are you do you seriously stand up this much i like don't know how and i honestly would were you able to do it in rhythm no i was so out of rhythm i looked like an idiot no and like thankfully i got a bike that was like not in the front but i would tell me i literally would have walked out if not for the peer pressure of having to walk in front of everybody. I'm happy I did it.
Starting point is 00:56:07 I'm going to the gym now. I have a trainer. So that's one of my resolutions for sure because I just need to do that better. Yeah, I hear you. And the second is when we think about the work, I'm always mindful, especially around mass incarceration and the police, is a lot of the outcomes haven't changed at all. With the police, it's like as many people got killed in 18 as they did in 17 16 15 and 14 like literally no change so i think about what i want to do in 2019 is like double down on like the structural
Starting point is 00:56:34 things like they're not often sexy and people like programs because programs sort of you can touch and feel a program you know you can touch and feel an after-school program you can touch and feel feeding the homeless like Like, and programs are important. They have a role to play in this space. I'm interested in like either how we use programs to scale to be like system-wide or how we fundamentally just change systems and structures. Like that's like my laser focus for 2019. So I'm going to try and laser in on that like a little bit more than I have been in 2018.
Starting point is 00:57:02 Can I ask you a question? I've asked you this offline, but never on the air. I mean, I think, you know, like I grew up in, you know, like a privileged environment in New England. Like for me, the reality I saw during Ferguson in particular was incredibly jarring and eye-opening. And I think awakened me to a systemic problem with police violence that I was just not nearly aware of enough. Do you think that stories like Ferguson are still getting out
Starting point is 00:57:35 sufficiently and people are seeing that unchanged statistic that you talked about earlier? Or do we need to do more work on that front? Yeah, it's interesting. I think that people are, people know the stories. I don't think they know what to do about it, right? So more people have seen videos or like have the language to talk about it. I think people don't think about like police union contracts or laws as like sites of change. So like, you know, I know you've heard me say it before,
Starting point is 00:57:58 like California has a law that literally says that any investigation of an officer that lasts more than a year can never result in discipline, regardless of the outcome. That is crazy. That's wild. You know in maryland there's a law that says that you can file an anonymous complaint against an officer for everything except brutality you're like well okay that's sort of wild wow and in cleveland cleveland uh the police union contract literally says that they destroy police officer disciplining records every two years so like i think that people just don't i think that like
Starting point is 00:58:25 there's a lot of focus on the awareness that there is an issue i think people don't know what the structural things look like and i think we have to do a better job of helping people realize that like oh no the system can change like it doesn't have to work like this the things that you think are the solutions are just not as sexy you know so like training is interesting but like i don't know what training you go to not to shoot a nine-year-old. That's not a training issue. You know, that's like something else. And like, or unconscious bias. It's like, yeah, unconscious bias is important. We should train people. But like some of this bias is really conscious, you know? And like calling everything unconscious is letting people off the hook. So I'm going to double down on the structural stuff
Starting point is 00:59:00 in 2019. That's great. That's great. And do you think you'll double down on sort of helping people understand exactly that leap you're talking about, like the awareness and the next step? Is that going to be a focus on Pots Save the People? Yeah, yeah. And helping people see the connections. You know, on Pots Save the People already, we do the connections, right? So what are all the things that you didn't even think about? But helping people. So we just had an interview about abortion and like i just had no clue about the number of states that only have one abortion clinic or like you know you can sign up to be an escort for instance and like escort women into abortion clinics and like just the strategies that the the other side is using to clamp down on like access to abortion and things like that like
Starting point is 00:59:42 how do we help tell the structural stories at scale so people can listen and be like, okay, I get that. I get the problem. Now here's how we fight. Like that's what I want to be my work in 2019. I just also want to say, I think that's one of the things that pod save the people does so well because you guys often do, you know, a news that, you know, wasn't necessarily like the front page of the New York Times section where you guys bring together all these stories that are critically important, but maybe didn't get heard by your audience.
Starting point is 01:00:10 And then you always make that leap of like how the listener can get involved and do more and actually stop some of these, you know, structural problems or horrible incidents that are happening. So that's why I think it's just an invaluable show that everybody should listen to. Yeah, I appreciate it. I that everybody should listen to. Yeah. I appreciate it. I think they should listen to. And I know they are.
Starting point is 01:00:29 I know they are. Dre, happy new year, man. Thank you so much for, for sharing that with us and, you know, look forward to talking more.
Starting point is 01:00:37 Cool. Thanks so much. I'll talk to you later. I think, I believe this song plays at the end of It's a Wonderful Life, right? Yeah. This arrangement really reminds me of The Shining. That just took it down. Wait, which part of The Shining?
Starting point is 01:01:05 When he's in the bar, When he's in the bar. Tanya's nodding. Yeah, when they're pulling back. I have not seen the shining. You've not seen the shining? It's so scary. I don't like scary movies. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:01:16 You know what? Maybe we'll get you a sandbox little shovel you can play with while Tommy and I watch the fucking shining. Happy New Year. Tommy hates scary movies. I do. But that was a good one. It's a psychological thriller. I feel like that's also
Starting point is 01:01:31 one of those old ones. I feel like I've seen every scene from The Shining because it's such a cultural... Yeah, but when you see them in order, boy. That's the key. Leave it in.
Starting point is 01:01:45 The kindness yet for auld lang syne. © BF-WATCH TV 2021

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